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PAGE EIGHT THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1921 n Theaters STECK NUKES HIT IfJ IRISH COilDY One of the most charming and vari able bits of feminism to be imagined, Vilma Steck as Kathleen of Kildare. playing this week at the Elks, is a whole show in herself. Probably she has never won greater sympathy from her audience or moved them so swiftly from laughter to tears and back to laughter again, than in this comedy-drama of the invasion of New York society life, ' by a breezy little Irish girl with a gun, from Po catello, Idaho. - Del Lawrence, as the husband of the woman who thinks the welfare of her "soul" takes her lrvo the apartment of a man whose company Blue Bird Club DANCING The Crack Orchestra of the State. Ask those who were there last night A BIG ONE IS COMING Mayf ield teaches dancing has been forbidden her, is altogether J an jnieresLiiis oitm i .v . lng to be desired. Ida Mae Golze as the wife was pretty and convincing in a difficult and exacting role. This clever Phoenix young woman is re vealing a remarkable talent, none the less to be appreciated because it is a 'home product." Much praise can be given to Jay Allard for his handling of the part of "'Foror," the wayward son who is lovable in spite of, or is it because of, his waywardness. May Roberts is splendid as usual in the part of the mother, and Billy Billings ley shines as the English manservant Victor Gillard la perfect in the part of Barlow, . the suave man of the world, who makes love to his women clients because they seem to expect it and he doesn't want to disappoint them. The story of the play is ab sorbingly interesting, and the devel opment of the plot not altogether new to the stage, is fresh, breezy and entertaining from start to .finish. "BEYOFf THE LAW" AT THE PLAZA TODAY For tomorrow the management of the Plaza theater-has secured "Be yond the Law," the picture which so truly portrays the outlaw life, of the famous Dalton Brothers who terror ized the states of Oklahoma and Kansas from 1889 to 1892. This gang which was known from coast to coast for its daring was com posed of four brothers, Bob, Frank, Grant and Emmett. Not unlike many other outlaw gangs there came a day when they chose the wrong place at the wrone time. This day came in October of the year 1892, when they rode into Coffeyville, Kansas, with the intentions of robbing a bank, but their plans were foiled by the sheriff and his men, and the min ute the Dalton gang hit town a real battle was staged and, there is but one of the. Dalton gang, and that is Emmett who lived to tell the story. Emmett Dalton, the only surviving member of the gang says, "Don't try KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES-Some Shock! - By Pop Momand WHAT! J 1 - JDEe.E5 A MAW TEQ. SEE Vo msTAH mini: he NFER.NfU REVENUE ci'i r OK GOSH! iH A GONEfc- VT3 fUL OVER.! THEyVE "FOUND ."THAT niSTAkE m ny income Tax ETUR.N JJ OH- HH j YEH. YOU PAID 1. TOO nyCH om youc income TAV! A CrtECK for. the amount err i' DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Getting An Opinion By Alman STRAND 3 DAYS ONLY Direct Frem Grauman'i Theater, ' . Los Angeles Paramount Super Special Paying the Piper With Dorothy The Dancer Those who dance Pay Dixi 9 ' J 1 the Piper f , . saJf- V."" J fr:kJk tit a 'tlx 1 ' 'V I s v ' " - If, V a , I! . rSr;'t' 'fV,' "i I V' V ? ? ? - - - v i s nl r ; E ! I I I urrj. no vtii IlK-p t VOU MAKE ME TIRED' THAT5 A PCETTM DRE55 TOM, OOVOU LIKE 1 HOVM DO LIKE 1 5? J"i ,t THERE 15 NO USE fT LOOKS FINE ! THI5DRESS? THE BACK OF C0L?R IT ,,. IN ASKING Vou , I LIKE IT - GPEAT! S ' 1 VEP IS SmJ f aii o,ru-rt E THE LtMCTM ? J Tg . If r- J I LIKE THE BACK" I u! i u, livine the life of an outlaw It don't marts of trade and a Greenwich vil- pay." ' lage atmosphere. Miss Marsh, giving The management of this theater ha some of the guns and other parapher nalia on display in front of the the ater on ast Washington street which were used by the Dalton gang and invite inspection by the public This great feature will be shown to day and tomorrow. MARSH COMES E TO COLUMBIA TODAY As delightful a combination of comedy, pathos and drama as ever was filmed is "The Uttle Yaia Lady." the new special starring Mae Marsh, which will be shown at the Columbia theater beginning today, for three days. This unusual story. which brines Miss Marsh back to the screen after a long absence, wa's adapted to the silver sheet from Mar jorie Benton Cooke's popular novel, "The Girl Who Lived in the Woods. "The Little "Frald Lady" carries the audience through the great out doors of the far west into the busy one of her best portrayals, is seen as a young girl of many moods who has more than her share of the adven tures that ordinarily come to the in dividual. In order to show tnls tal ented actress at her best, great care was taken in the selection of story, th cast and tjje entire production in general. There Is also a Frizma natural col or picture entitled "The Poor Butter fly," and declared one of the most beautiful ever produced. A Select News reel, a Current Topics and a Ford educational weekly are other supplementing numbers. The Colum bia orchestra will give its usual mu sical program at each performance. "Guests of Hercules" This is the last day for the splendid Dicture. "Passion's riaygrouna,' which has been at the Hip for the oast two days. It is headed by Kath erine MacDonald and a capable cast and is done from the famour novel, "The Guests of Hercules whih had such a run some time ago when it was offered as the best seller of its year. It deals with the mad passion or a erirl for raminc Inherited by her from her fathers and takes the action of the tale to the famous Monte Carlo, NO ADVANCE GRAND OPENING DANCE TONIGHT AT THE m , . AMERICAN DANCE CLUB, Inc. GENE DABNEY AND HARRY POOLEY, Leasees. GENE DABNEYS BAND MEMBERSHIP 10c PHONE 1947 FOR RESERVATIONS "Plenty of Pep and Jazz. where First National sent a corps of picture makers to get the real locale for the picture. ...Tomorrow comes Wallie Reea In the greatest picture he ever made. The Valley of Giants," a story of a lumber graft fight in the great red wood forests of California. With the feature today is seen also a corking good western drama which is served under the title of "The Mor mon Trail," and takes the reviewer back to the days when the old pio neers were making history iu Ari zona. It is very timely. Ramona Vaudeville features the bill at the Ramona today again, when Miss Am perio Guillot, the clever, singer and dancer, will render a program of modern and classic numbers and put on several new dances. Her program changes every night, and if you have not heard her sin it you are missing one of the treats of the current year in rnoenix. With the vaudeville bill is seen the best little picture Fox has sent here for weeks. It is the Little wan derer, with pretty 8hirly Mason in the name part. The Ramona is cook ing up another of the delightful mu sical nichts for this cominur Friday. when there will be presented a bunch of new talent on the special event night. Crossed Line To See Sights; Ladies Given Mexican Law Lesson t Republican A. P. Leased Wire DOUGLAS, Ariz, April 13. Mem bers of a ladies orchestra, after giv- season May L Mayfield, the dancing ins a concert here Monday night, went 10 Agua rn?ia, Mexico, w etj ilik sights," and a number of them were arrested for violating a new or dinance prohibiting people from being on the streets after midnight, xney were released a. short time later, however. delight when It is offered to the pub lic. The management is getting silver loving cups daily from Los Angeles, donations from the movie stars of note, and these cups will "be given away at the Blue Bird all on one night. This event Is to take place prior to the- opening of Riverside park, which is scheduled to start its instructor at the Blue Bird' club, is on hand afternoons and evenings to start the novice off right on his way to a successful summer at the great-' est outdoor spot In Arizona, Riverside park. j itt o Federal Officers Find Dope Cache In Denver Chinatown CRepubllcan A. P. Leased Wire DENVER, Colo., April 13. Federal officers tonight confiscated opiates valued at $4,000 in a raid on the local Chinatown. Jim Lee was arrested, officers said, as he was preparing the drug for patrons. Part of the drugs were recovered from an adjoining 1 roof where it bad been thrown through a window. Tonight's raid brings the total seizures in drugs within two weeks to J8.000. Douglas Real Estate Agents Reduce Rents Ten To Fifty Per Cent Republican A. P. Leased Wire DOUGLAS, Ariz., April 13. Real estate agents here today announced reductions In rent from 10 to 50 per cent in order to help miners and other workinemen whose wages have been reduced recently. Rents on some store buildings also were reduced, the cut amounting to 50 per cent in some instances. A L ELKS FAMILY-THEATER Brandon Brothers 717 Phone 717 Mat, Sat. Tomte o:i5 Vilma Steck and Del S. Lawrence , And Associate Player Present THE ROLLICKING IRISH COMEDY "KATHLEEN OF KILDARE" With Miss Steck as Kathleen, her Favorite Role MASTER PRODUCTION FAMILY PRICES AMUSEMENT BARGAINS! ' Blue Bird Club The advent of the new orchestra has been the topic of conversation in dancing circles for the past two days. Not In the history of the local danc ing colony has there been a better dance orchestra than that which is now holding forth at the Blue Bird Dancing club. If you have not been over ta the club, drop in and catch the boys serving a brand of jazz that is new even to the most ardent devotees' of the dance. The waltzes are the talk of all who have dropped in and there is a world of pep in the tuneful foxtrots. The Blue Bird management has one up its sleeve that will be hailed with SUNDAY MIDSUMMER MADNESS COMES THE HIP In KATHERINE MACDONALD a a sumptuous production "PASSION'S PLAYGROUND" ADDED "THE MORMON , TRAIL" A smart Western RAMONA VOD-VILLE "AMPERIO GUILLOT" SONGS DANCES PICTURES ALSO NO ADVANCE :taisl m PHOENIX HIGH SCHOOL Band Concert High School Auditorium FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH, 8:15 P. M. Come and Hear a Good Musical Program -with added Features. Phone ,3078 for Further Information. COLISEUM Entire New Show Tonight MILLER AND WAKEFIELD Present the Scream of Screams "A CAB ARAB IAN KNIGHT" With all your favorites and that beauty chorus. In this funny tune ful Frolic By JACK OAKLEY COME TRY TO GET IN Family Theater Brandon Bros, Mgrs. 717 Phone 717 "KATHLEEN OF KILDARE 77 a D H H Away back In dear old New York there are a lot of theatrical managers, producers and big time boosters who have been hobbled with the idea that PHOENIX can't or wont support the big ROAD SHOW HITS. So they produce the big Blue Pencil, and away go Phoenix's chances to enjoy many of the top-notch attractions. But BRANDON BROTHERS AT THE ELKS THEATER has changed that. Take it from us. PHOENIX is going to enjoy the best, the very best, right off Broadway, put on in UP-TO-THE-MINUTE Broadway style. Keep your eyes on the Brandon Bros., Del S. Lawrence, Vilma Steck and the Elks Family Theater. Put the Buzz in "BUSY WITH THE BOX OFFICE." If you want the better attractions properly produced at Family Theater Prices Call 717 Phone, get busy with the box office. Tonight and Balance of the Week "KATHLEEN OF KILDARE" FAREWELL WEEK, "CIVILIAN CLOTHES" Do you want Del S. Lawrence, Vilma Steck and the popular players with the latest stock releases to extend the season for a few more weeks? If you do it's up to you Get busy with the box office Phone 717. 5 p2 t. ... nr. VILMA STEQK America's Favorite Leading Lady hSrfcofeUMBtfehd TODAY, FRI. AND SAT. MF MAR r T4E Littie R0O A N0)L &C1MJOMBetT0t)&KE A story with interest sustained, which weaves its way from a mountain woodland through the amous Greenwich Village and back again to open country. PRIZMA In Natural Colors POOR BUTTERFLY CURRENT TOPICS COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA TODAY AT THE PLAZA EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN PHOENIX SHOULD SEE DA! IN 1 n H li TON EMMETT oevM tee iL,aw TO LEARN THE MORAI IT DOES NOT PAY 1U PLAY I 77 'I '- VrX f " r 7 ss 17 V I .HIT IN BtvtN REELS The Only Living Member of the Famous Gang of DALTON OUTLAWS who took part in that raid on two banks at one time, in the spring of 1892, at Coffeyville, Kans, where the whole gang was killed except Emmett; he was seriously wound ed and sentenced for life. He served 16 years in the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kans, and pardoned by the Governor of Kansas sfcaMiaVif J. A J BEYOND THE LAW" 'EMMETT DALTON EMMETT DALTON Personally THE HOLD-UP The above scene actually took place in Santa Rosa, N. M. The train robbers and bank hold-ups are true. Mr. Dalton says it never pays to follow the life of a w" bandit He knows. 7 r TP2 THURSDAY-FRIDAY-April 14-15 J3HALL WE REMAIN?fj