Newspaper Page Text
3 THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1921 PAGE NINE Aloxite and Carborundum WHEELS, STONES, GRAINS All Sizes and All Grits PRATT-GILBERT CO. JOBBERS DISTRIBUTORS jlfliMUjpii Llpi The Arizona Republican is the rec ognized want advertieina medium of Arizona. RATE 154c per word per aay, no discount for time or space; cash with order; minimum charge 2Sc. - PHONE YOUR ADS TO 4331 Ads received before 8 p. m. will be properly classified. After 8 p. m. wili appear under "Too Late to Classify" on following morning, and thereafter under proper classifica tion. Oiders by mail should be accom panied by remittance and addressed 'THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN WANT AD DEPARTMENT ' PHOENIX, ARIZONA AUCTIONS Auction Of Furniture 27 So. Fifth Ave. ' SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1:30 P. M. I have my yard full of dressers, kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, ice boxes, electric fans, beds by the dozen, cots, mattresses, 2 office desks, dining tables; S Navajo rugs, new onea, never been used, all wool warp, a fine selection of patterns and col ors, just from the reservation. Come and see them early. Owners say sell. We have the goods. Come and see. If you want to sell your goods, phone 4779. I pay cash and more than the rest, or sell on commission. ' Chickens and many other articles not listed. Phone 4779 or 4296. J. B. Guess, the Auctioneer bm NOTICE 1 1920 Oldsmobile 8, 7-passenger. In Al shape mechanically will be sold at auction to the highest bidder at 11 a. m. April 14 at Jolly's Garage 215 W. Jefferson. bk FOR SALE REAL ESTATE One-Acre Tract With nice 3-room house, 3 chicke" runs, grapes and blackberries; dei" well of soft water which supplies S different families at city rates; wil. sell or trade for anything of value; price $2600; $500 cash. . If you want a good thing call and see Smith Phoenix-Casa Grande Realty Co. 42 So. Central Ave.- - bk FOR SALE Relinuishment,' 80 acres, closest to Phoenix. Cash or qotton. ' Box 68 B, Republican. bl 2-Acre Home A real snap, right on the car line 6-room new frame, unfinished; the owner says sell: price $1500; about nn cash Live Wire Realty Co., 142 ,.:W IV Adams St.. Phono 1353. bk 40 ACRES, mile northeast of Chandler, plowed, disced, ready to plant; will sell or trade for city prop erty. Call D J Peter, Arizona Gro cery Co. Phone 4132-2964. FOR SALE Attractive lot on In dian Schqol car line; shade and wa ter; also two house tents, 12x20 and 12x14 respectively. 306 E. Flower St. R. F. r. No. 2. bk 10 ACRES NORTHWEST, A VERY COMPLETE, WELL IM PROVED POULTRY RANCH AND .-iiN IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME AT A SACRIFICE PRICE. SMALL CASH PAYMENT TO HANDLE. 20 ACRES CLOSE TO SCOTTS DALE, 2 COWo, 125 CHICKENS, fiOOD TEAM. WAOON, HARNESS, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. A MIGHTY GOOD PLACE AT AN ATTRACTIVE PRICE. TWO 40 S ONE AT $250.00 WITH FAIR IMPROVEMENTS AND EX CELLENT LOCATION. VERY AT TRACTIVE TERMS. THE OTHER 40 WITH BETTER IMPROVE MENTS AT $275.00. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. 160 ACRES OF GOOD LAND LO CATED CLOSE TO CHANDLER; $175.00 PER ACRE: $4500 CASH WILL HANDLE. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. REALTORS 303-304-305 HEARD BLDO. It CASA GRANDE DIVERSION DAM Is now under construction. A small investment there right now might lead to future independence if wisely placed. I have a few excellent bar gains in relinquishments and deeded lands. Little money necessary. Is this to be your chance? L. W. McADAMS 12 W. Adams St. Phone 1234 bd LOT ON N. CENTRAL AVE., close in, for sale or I will trade it on a house. Box ""B Republican. bm $250 AS full payment will give you clear deed to fine desert five. Call owner, 3423. tf THE best bargain ever offered in the Casa Grande valley; this must be sold at once; it' will pay you to come in and see us. Central Arizona 3 -id Co., 29 W. Adams. It itpANDY one acre chicken ranch. line; only $100 cash, balance $15 monthly. Thomas Realty Co., 20 W. Adams street. It NEW HAY CHOICE GREEN ALFALFA Immediate delivery anywhere. For Cows, Rabbits, Horses. LOW PRICES it Capital Fuel and Feed Co. 15th Ave. at Harrison Wholesale Retail I ill M Coal FOR SALE REAL ESTATE In Chandler Bave small house on good lot, close to heart of town; price $1600; will take Ford or light car for equity. This is priced very low. HILL INVESTMENT CO. 33 N. First Ave. Phone 4106 It Builders TO THE MAN WHO WANTS TO BUILD Six lots, priced right, 50x140 ft. to alley. Best location in city. Just off paved street. One block to car. Cash, terms or negotiable paper. Owner 1040 E. McDowell. It 160 Acres Near Casa Grande. Good buildings, good well, Byron-Jackson pump. 20 acres alfalfa, good clean soil. Fine proposition for grapes. We have the photographs, come In and let us show you. THE GUT MILLER REALTY CO, INC. 110 N. Central Ave. Phone 4473 It Watch The Valley Grow Uncle Sam has a field glass on Con ditions, locating a starting point. She will open like she closed, In a jiffy. Buy now and win. 80 acres, close to car and school, well ' improved. $16,000, will take $4000 in city trade, $2000 cash, bal ance $o00 pe year. 60 foot business lot in heart of city of Phoenix. Improved. $10,000, will guarantee $5000 profit In one year. lots in Uneeda Acres, $475 a tract and up. $50 cash, and $15 a month, or will build to suit; like rent; city water, no city taxes. M. H. Shelton 215 West Washington tf Kenilworth Lots 60x145 3rd Ave. and Culver $1200.00 65x145 West Willetta $1250.00 70x145 West Moreland $1400.00 65x145 5th Ave. and Willetta. "(Corner) $1650.00 RAY SMITH WITH STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adams. Phone 1997. bk 10 Acres! Improved, near Capitol, ready for crop. $1,000 will This is a bargain. Must sell. plowed handle. THE GUY MILLER REALTY CO., INC 110 N. Central A-e. Phone 4478. It CHOICE 75-foot front corner lot in Chelsea at a bargain. P. O. box 1235. tf FOR SALE! 160 acres improved ranch, 12 miles from Flagstaff; rich "V. For information write to Mrs. B. England, 614 ' W. Railroad Ave., Flagstaff, Ariz. dm HAVE 65 acres Paradise-Verde land and some cash as first payment on 20 or 30 acres; give exact location and price. Box 81B, Republican. bl FOR SALE Am offering for sale on most liberal terms or exchange or good clear Income city property my cattle ranches in Yavapai coun ty. Good range, all fenced and stocked with good cattle, best wa tered range in Arizona and plenty of feed; stock in good condition. Fen HPdreth. Phoenix. Ariz. br $25 CASH BUYS Choice building lot, 50x140, near car line and city water; price only $400; $25 cash, balance $10 monthly. You can put a temporary house in rear and stop paying rent. THOMAS REALTY CO. 20 W. Adams St. It HIGH CLASS PORTLAND PLACE BUILDING LOT Large lot, 88x200, in Phoenix' most exclusive residence district; paved street close to Central avenue; beau tiful shade, nicely fenced; all ready to build. This is the prettiest home site in Phoenix. A snap at $3250; only $1700 cash, balance 2 years. Address Owner. P. O. Fox 522. It 3 FOR SALE HOUSES Xht best buy in phoenix today is -.his $15,000 home whicn we are sac rificing for $10,000 and only $2000 cash. 8-room brick and a most com olete house in arrangement and fin ih. New and verv luxurious in de- sicrn. Laree grounds, shade and Call 855fi for appointment. No agents. It CAN be sold to gcod family of Mexicans or colored people Thor oughly modern, practically new brick house with 5 large rooms; plenty of closets, built-in features, large ce ment front porch: fine shade, beauti ful lawn and roses; good garage; full sized lot; walking distance of busi ness center of city; price $4750, $750 cash, balance $35 to $50 per month: would consider lot priced right. Call at 14 West Van Buren St. it ?o Virtual with a T-nnms and bath. water, lights and gas; good location; lot 50x140 feet; price $2050, $250 cash, balance $30 per month. Call at 14 West Van Puren St. It INCOME PROPERTY Two lots and three houses, old shade; lVs blocks to car line and paved street: S20CO will handle. 214 N. 18th Ave. bk FOR SALE New four-room brick bunealow on paved street, northeast. $300 down, $50 month. Phone 3199. tf tf Wood Hay Gram gsSiWvs FOR SALE HOUSES $1500 Two acres and new 4 -room house under chicken tight fence, on 'car line; this place has been reduced $700 for quick sale. $3000 4-room furnished house, corner house, fine old shade, two good small houses also on lot. $500 down and $30 a month. Street Realty Co. B10 W. Washington bl Read This Will take two thousand dollars worth of cotton at market price, on my five-room modern house, lpcated northeast Balance on terms. B. H. Dodt Real Estate and Insurance 3 West Adams St. dg Completely Furnished BEAUTIFUL, DEEP RED TAPES TRY. BRICK, 6-ROOM BUNGA LOW, PAVED STREET. NORTH EAST. PAVEMENT PAID FOR; COMPLETELY FURNISHED IN RARE GOOD TASTE, WITH LUX URIOUS FURNISHINGS. EVEN THE PICTURES AND LINEN IN CLUDED AT SACRIFICE PRICE. THE OWNER HAS BEEN TRANS FERRED TO ANOTHER STATE BY HIS FIRM AND HAS AUTHORIZED US TO PUT A PRICE AND TERMS THAT WILL SELL IT IN A WEEK. HE IS WILLING TO LOSE $3,000 TO GET QUICK ACTION; IF YOU WANT A QUALITY HOME AND CAN GIVE A REASONABLE PAY MENT, YOU WILL GET A GENU INE BARGAIN. See Gardner, with Steward Realty Co., 17 West Adams Street. bl South Side Bargain 5 rooms and bath, half block to South Center paving; $2400; small cash payment required. M. E. Yar- borough, 122 W. Washington. It Is It Possible? Yes! 5-room concrete block, all modern, with cement porch and shade, with a 2-room cement cottage in rear. northeast; large lot, 50x150; price $3000, cash $00, balance $50 per month. Including Interest. For bar gain hunters only. Phone 4252. Bolin Realty Co., 12 W. Van Buren St. It Price $4250 Elegant Home Beautifully furnished if desired. 6 room brick-pebble dash; beautiful lot, 75x140; located among handsome homes, half block off Central ave.. near the finest school in the city Owner leaving city. COOLEY & BROWN CENTRAL ARIZ. LAND CO. 29 W. Adams Phone 1942 It $250 Cash Two-room frame house, modern near car and pavement, a good lot; $1700; $250 cash. V. M. FIKE REALTY CO. 23 E. Wash. Room No. 1 It $750 CASH BUYS Beautiful new 6-room and hath modern brick bungalow, choice loca tion; snap at $5750; $7o0 cash, bal ance $25 month. Thomas Realty Co.. 20 W. Adams St.- It $500 CASH buys 4-room and bath furnished, modern bungalow. 1222 E Moreland St., by owner. bm FOR SALE By owner, modem brick pebbledash house. Garage, con crete driveway and walks. Located northwest. Phone 5907. bm A SACRIFICE 5-room cement block. N. E.. close to scnool; garage: young- shade. $3150 $500 cash. ' V. M. FIKE REALTY CO. 23 E. Washington Room 1 bk NISW SIS-ROOM ht-if V dash, 13&3 W. Monroe. Phone 8083. tt FOR SALE: 5-room cement block nouse. modern. built-in features snaae, walks; 1318 E. Fillmore. I now have $1200 cash; make me an otter. Phone (Owner) 3292. bl rOR SALE Splendid one-horse planter (8 plates), $8; one nearly new xnomas automatic hay rake, $40. J, T. Powles. Phone 47.T3. bl $200 WILL BUY Brand new bungalow, large lot. near car line and city water: price only $1450; $200 cash, $25 monthly Thomas Realty Co., 20 W. Adams street it HOUSE FOR SALE Also display of plans, dwellings and flats. N. P. Agren, Contractor. 621 E. Willetta Street. 5-bb FOR SALE My equity in house on North 10th Ave. Box 60B, Repub lican. hp FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Orchard Cletrac tractor. Small payment down. Balance reasonable terms. Here's a tractor that has been used only a short time and should be as good as new. DULMAGE & DUNBAR, At Metropolitan Fireproof Storage Garage. Phone 4008. Central Ave. and Madison. ALFALFA hay. 2 -ton stack. S25. Barley pasture. Barber wire and posts. Thomas and Four Mile Roads. REFRIGERATORS, ice boxes dressers, tables, gas ranges, etc. See Roy, the Furniture Man. 230 W. Jefferson, rear. on HANI i A it x coucn,; new mat tress, $9; sewing machine, $12; ham mock, $4; also a gas plate, at 101 Grand Ave. CASH register; computing scales electric ..-'fee grinder; guns and pis tols: musical instruments; books (25c choice); soda fountain; traction en gine and cultivators; Otis, Munsing. Dragon underwear, Just V4 1 rice. Ford's Stores. 220 E. Waph. St. DRY mesquite wood, $4.50 our yard or $5.25 delivered anywhere. Phone 12SR5. tf IF YOU WANT good light have your reflectors replated. Photnix Plating Co., 215 E. Adams. tf FURNITURE FOR SALE Of 5 room house. Never been used by sick. 12 Barred Rock hens. Child's cart. 638 N. 11th Ave. db FERTILIZER for lawns. 4203-8554. tf 1UX12 TENT, Jackson St. cheap. 23rd and bm FOR SALE Cheap, five ooil 38x4 H tires ;also any part of 1914 fadiilac. Phone 49RS. bl FOR SALE Man s bicycle, in good :pair: $18. 101S E. Portland. bl 710 v M 12th st- FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Lumber SPECIAL DESTRUCTION OF PRICES HOLDS GOOD THIS WEEK AND MAYBE LONGER. IF THESE CARS ARE NOT SOLD THIS WEEK. LOOK! 1 Car 2x4, all lengths $35 1 Car 2x6, all lengths $35 1 Car boards, all lengths $35 1 Car planks, all lengths ........$30 Car rough boards, lxlC $3a Car siding $45 Car shiplap $45 Car lath $8 Car Oregon pine flooring $45 Car No. l and No. 2 common S. 2 S J45 Clear finish lumber $90 Roofing. $2 to $3.75 per square. Stock window and door frames, each $3.50 big lot of cheap planks and boards -20 Re-saw lumber, xl0 $- BIG PLANING MILL RUNNING AND I MAKE 2x4. 2x6. 2x8, S.,4 $45. CAN YOU BEAT IT? SAY NO Ohlrau Lumber & Mill Co. ' 16th Avenue and Jackson Wholesale at Retail P. S. I do build houses by contract. Why Because I got everything to build them cheap I got the experi ence, too, you bet. W. OHLRAU. Builder. tf DAYTON computing scales, all types for immediate delivery, and they are sold on easy terms. 827 W. Adams St. Phone 3087. U NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. NEW AND SECOND HAND. $50 and up. Easy payments. See F. P. Weber. Ill N. 2nd. Ave. tf GOOD used piano for sale. 805 tf N. 2nd. St. FINE used piano for sale. 222 W. tf Washington St. Mr. Farmer You Need Money HERE ARE SOME OF THE QUICKEST MONEY CROPS YOU CAN PLANT: MILO MAIZE, HE GARI, FETERITA, CORN, CANE SORGHUMS, COWPEAS AND SU DAN GRASS. PLANT A GARDEN PUREST AND BEST SEEDS AT LOWEST PRICES. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 133 E. JEFF ST. tf FEDERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS FACTORY RETAIL PRICES TWO MODELS AND TWO PRICES. CASH OR VERY EASY TERMS ARIZONA ELECTRIC APPLIANCE COMPANY 325 W. ADAMS. PHOME 3S31 tf FOR SALE-Luger automatic 301 bl N. First St. PIANOS, PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS. CASH OR EAST TERMS. TUNING AND REPAIR ING. EMERSON, CHASE BROS, LINDEMAN & SONS PIANOS. DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU. CALL AND EXAMINE THE BIG DISPLAY. YOUR PHONOGRAPH OR PIANO ACCEPTED AS PART PAYMENT. 805 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 897S J.W.DAWSON tf FOR SALE 20 acres hay; start cutting Tuesday; mile north Ari zona Packing Co. Grove Byers. bk PIANO for sale, in A-l condition. 40 S. 4th Ave. bp FEMALE bloodhound, with four Red Bone and Walker pups. Mag no'ia and 18th Ave. bk SODA fountain, new, cheap and in stalled for $750. It cost $2000. 14-ft. counter, 6-ft. ell, liquid carbonator; all latest design. Ford's Stores. tf FOR SALE; Mesquite wood, $5.2i per rick delivered any where. Phone 128R5. tl STOVE wood delivered. $4.50 per rick. Phone 26J5. WHY RENT? We build better homes for less money on easy pay ments. Carl H. Johnson & Co, 128 E. Adams. Building contractors. Re alty investments. tf IT WILL pay you to see the O. K. Exchange when you want to buy or sell furniture, wagons, harness, im plements. Your dollar is worth more there. Phone 8029. 14th St. and Van Buren. - tf GOOD Singer sewing machine at sacrifice. 323 N. 2d St. bn FOR SALE Household furniture, never been used by sick; may rent house containing furniture if desired. 386 N. 4th Ave. Phone 2722. bl FOR SALE fice fixtures. Ave. -Lease of store and of Apply 13" N Cntra bl DRY mesquite wood. $5 a rick in yard or $6 delivered in Phoenix. Phone 123R2. tf FOR SALE Fumed oak furniture. 1 dining room table, 4 leather-bottom chairs, 1 rocker. 1 library table, 1 gas stove. 1 bed springs and mattress, 1 kitchen table, 1 birdseye maple dress er, 1 ice box, 1 air-tight heater. 2025 West Madison. bm FOR SALE CHEAP 3i-ineh Tro- jan vise, 1 Besly die stock, 18 inch to center, -inch die, 2'4-inch ball hammer, 4 3Vfe. 4 and BVfc inch; 1 pipe vise, 1 pipe cutter, 1 electric heater. 1029 E. Willetta St. bm BEST ALFALFA hay for 70c a bale or $23 a ton. Best oat hay 65c a bale or $21 a ton. J. M. Gipson. 401 E. Buchanan. bn WHEELER machine; $15. &- WILSON Phone 26.14. sewing bl BARBER chair for wooden Koch hydraulic Ave. sale. Good 114 N. 1st 11 FOR SALE Refrigerator, in fine condition; holds 75 lbs. 806 S. 2nd Street bl NEW steel a gas burner: Central Ave. rantre, equippeil witli a bargain, at 130 N. SAKKfiv We rarry the Herring, Hall. Marvin and Mctllnk lin ind now have a number in stock. Drop in and get our prices. 327 W. Adams bm street bm 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS PLATER AND REPRODUCING PIANOS AT LESS THAN FAC TORY ESTABLISHED PRICES YOUR OWN TERMS; USED IN STRUMENTS IN EXCHANGE. TUNING. REPAIRING. REFINISH ING. KNABE BEHR BROS.. IVERS & POND LARGEST STOCK IN ARIZONA. REDEWILL'S 222-224 W. WASHINGTON ST. PHONE 1569 ESTABLISHED 18S1 tf MARE ISLAND Furniture Shon Repairing, packing; furniture bought and sold. 906 S. First St. Phone. tf FOR SALE Used carbonator. in good shape and cheap. Phone 1498, or 2478. tf G. E. 16-INCH oscillating fan. just like new, at a bargain. 327 W. Adams street. bm ONE TWO-BURNER and one three burner oil stove. Perfection. Prin cess dresser, 5 dining room chairs, 18 laying hens. 1208 E. .Garfield. bl 14-FT. AERMOTOR windmill, 60 ft. tower; cost new $350; can he bought for half price. Address 20 W. Adams street. It FOR SALE 200 pound slide top ice box. Refrigerators from $7 to $20. 1 round dining table, 1 new kitchen cabinet. 392 North 1st Ave. . It FOR SALEI New National Type writer, in traveling case, never been used, standard size, $40 dollars; call mornings, 129 West Palm l ane. bm FOR SALE One 75 lbs. refrigera tor, in first class condition. $14: one 100 lbs. ice box, $12, one two-burner Perfection oil stove. $7.50. one bi cycle, as good as new. $15. 906 S. First street. bl FOK SALE Trallei and gasoline tank $?. 1113 Woodlawn Ave tf GET your "FOR RENT and SALE" cards at Republican. "For tf SNAP Lumber, house tent fur nished, 14x16. cheap. Phone 105J11. bn FOR BALE Tent with floor and boarded up Auto Camp Grounds, East Lake Park, A. Peterson. It SECOND HAND pipe for sale. Horrall Plumbing Co., 515 W. Van Buren. br FOR SALE One practically new automatic lift drop head sewing ma chine; one second hand Singer, cheap for cash. .1153 E. Culver. bk ROLL top desk, chair, safe, type writer and set of Valley maps. See Mr. Baum with Hill Investment Co., 33 North First Ave. It CASH REGISTERS We now have several that are very cheap. Have been overhauled and are guaranteed Also several second hand computing scales that are bargains. 327 West Adams street. bm FOR SALE Airedale pups, ilan gerton Ranch, 23rd Avenue and Buckeye Road. Phone 28R4. bn COOK shack for sale. 1123 S. 3rd bl Ave. 4'a FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES Used Car Dep't. AT Barret & Pottberg, Inc. SAYS "See Arizona First 1919 SERIES STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX. 1918 SERIES STUDEBAKER TOURING. 1918 SERIES STUDEBAKER ROADSTER. 1915 SERIES STUDEBAKER ROADSTER. 1920 CLEVELAND TOURING. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING. 1917 WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING. 1916 BUICK LIGHT 6 TOURING. 1920 FORD COUPE, CHEAP. 1920 FORD SEDAN, DITTO. 125 N. FIRST ST. PHONE 4419 bk TRACTORS Rebuilt Fordsons With Plows And Harrows FOR SALE ON TERMS SATIS FACTORY TO FARMERS. EVERY ONE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. VERY LOW PRICED. ARIZONA AUTOMOBILE EXHANGE COMPANY 227 N. CENTRAL AVE. tf BARGAIN PRICES WE MEAN IT 1921 Olds 8 demonstrator touring. 1920 Studebaker sedan. 1920 Olds 6 touring. 1919 Olds 8 4 -pass. 1919 Olds 8 7-pass. 1918 Jeffery 6 roadster. 34 ton Moreland truck. CASH OR TERMS FERGUSON-KEELER CO. 301 N. CENTRAL AVE. tf OAKLAND SIX will sacrifice, $2i0. Adams. -Must be sold Palmer. 233 W bm FOR SALE Almost touring car; a bargain; at once. new Dodjre must be sold One Overland 90; mechanical order. good rubber, good Two 1920 Maxwells, first-class con dition. One Auburn Beauty Six. All go at rock-bottom prices; must sell these at once. GLENDALE GARAGE Phone 14 Glendale bn 4-90 CHEVROLET touring, good running order; $150 cash. Electric Shop. 411 N. Center. bm CHALMERS roadster. 1918 six. fine j mechanically ; must sell at once. Cor. Laurel Ave. and W. Van Rven. b1 WANTED Ford touring, must be in good shape. I got the cash. 317 N. 11th street. bb FORD COL'PE For sale. Prac tically new. Sacrifice, 634 N. 6th Ave. bn 1920 ri'ICK. light six. driven only 4400 miles; runs and looks like new. Apply 20 W. Adams. It DODGE touring for sale, cheap. Palmer 233 W. Adams. bk WILL" pay cash for one Ford car. iny shape. Box 1IS9. P. O. bk IF ITS an automobile, ste Palmer, 233 W. Adams. hk FOR SALK Ford touring- car, 191S Hjsjmoclol; or will trndo as first payment 1 n well located lot a Tod2 touring nr. Box 71 Ft. Ropub'inn. hi FOR SALE Buick i.iKht Foil! i cheap for cash. 312 N'. 14th St. Phone 23S1. Call after 5:30 p. m. bn 4'2 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES OOPERS ENE WED I OAD JL V UNNEI ;ers See Arizona First BUY NOW WHEN PRICES ARE SO LOW THAT "USED CAR DEAL ERS" FROM THE COAST ARE COMING IN TO BUY CARS. COT TON HAS STARTED MOVING. IN A VERY FEW DAYS THESE BAR GAIN PRICES WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST. Maxwell delivery $250 Maxwell touring $275 ;..$300 worm drive" track "!!!!!!."! $400 $100 down and $25 per month Maxwell roadster, 1918 $500 Maxwell touring $550 $200 down and $40 per month. Chalmers 7-pass .".$750 Maxwell lV4-ton truck $809 Maxwell post-war touring $850 $300 cash, $55 per month. USED CAR DEPARTMENT R. D. Roper Motor Company 402 N. Central Ave. 11 W. Van Buren It 1921 Paid Tax Receipt With Each Car. Sale of High Grade Cars at Appraised Value; Easy Terms. Demonstrations Cheerfully Made. Arizona Automobile Exchange Company 227 No. Central Ave. ' Phone3584 tf Automobiles For Cattle WILL TAKE MILK COWS AS ON PART OR FULL PAYMENT ANY OF MY GOOD USED CARS. SALISBURY'S CARS SATISFY 340 E. WASH. ST. bk A Billion Auto Parts AT THE LEADING PARTS HOUSE Ariz. Auto Parts Co. 432-40 West Adams St. Phone 797 tf Dodge Roadster 1917 Dodge roadster for sale cheap for cash. This car Is in first-class shape. Just been painted, new seat covers and worked all over. Must sell today. 317 Wall St. It Dodge Touring Car In fine condition. Credit company insists on having their money. can't pay. See it and make offer, West side of Central School park, Thursday morning. Car number 1275 Ask for Mac Donald. bk Ford Specials We have a light Ford truck with good tires, same size all round, shock absorbers, cutout, etc, in good com mercial condition. This is an excep tionally good bargain for $225. 1920 Ford sedan, new tires and re varnished, runs and looks like new, $675. Ford truck, demountable rims, $245 Classy Ford speedster at $265. 1920 Ford roadster, truck back, $475 McArthur Brothers Central & Madison bk A Million Auto Parts We can always supply you with what you want, vthen you want it, at a lower price. New and used parts for all make Steinberg Auto Parts Co. 421-21 N. Central Ave. Phoenix. Ari tf Will Pay Cash Want a good Dodge touring car or roadster, late model; cash for a bar gain. Wi'l consider Ford touring with l;ntcr rv"r. 3136. bk ON OUR SALES ROOM FLOOR YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TRUCK BUY IN TOWN. OLDS ONE-TON TRUCK; RUN LESS THAN 3000 MILES; PNEUMATIC CORD TIRES ALL AROUND; MUST CASH, BE SOLD THIS WEEK; TIUDE OR TERMS. PALACE GARAGE ADAMS. PHONE 4023 bm 425 W. FORDS lb to IV moUfi.-. ..j. Will trade for cotton. 719 W. Wash tf WANTED The best Ford car that $250 cash will buy. 432 E. Washing ton, hm MY 7-PASS. Paige, mechanically perfect. Diamond cord tires all roun-1. Will sell for cash or trade. What have you? Phone 4005. bk 4'2 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES For Sale Ford Coupe. $250. Anybody need ing a roadster or small car will find this is a great big bargain. New HaynM touring car. $1,000 down, balance easy payments. Essex touring car, 1920. Newly painted. Plate glass in rear. New top. Good condition mechanically. 500 cash, balance easy payments, or would accept cotton or other gilt-edge collateral. 1919 Olds 8 Chummy roadster. $200 recently spent on overhauling. 3 new tires. New battery. $850. DULMAGE & DUNBAR, At Metropolitan Fireproof Storage Garage, Central Ave. and Madison. Phlme 4008. It Pioneers West Adams street went back to pioneer days yesterday. A Bear was treed in front of the ARIZONA AUTO PARTS CO. at 432-40. Did you see it? Call and see his picture. We Are Pioneers In the auto parts business, having been one of the first to establish a parts house In Kansas City under the bin and tag system. We introduced it here, and It has been copied. We were first to put in stock of new gears here. Others followed suit. Then we added new axle shafts. This was imitated also. Others follow where we lead. Buy your guaranteed NEW and USED parts at the lowest price from THE LEADING PARTS HOUSE. Ari. Auto Parts Co. 432-40 West Adams St. Phone 797. It 1921 NEW FORD sedan. If you are going to buy a sedan, see me. Phone 8497 or 4419. bk pAKLAND ROADSTER 1919 model, good rubber and in A-l mechanical condition. 1921 taxes, license and insurance paid on it. Republican office. Mesa. Phone 341. tf FORDS! FORDS! From $150 to $300. Palmer, 233 W. Adams. bk iATfe 1918 FORD touring, winter top. Fisher starter, extras. A Peter son. Auto Camp Grounds. East Lake Park. it FOR SALE! Cheap: Hudsoj sud- er-six; call lSng. bm ONE Dodge truck. $275: 1 Ford truck, $185; one Ford roadster. See welty at 53 E. Jefferson. tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK TEAM of burros, wagon and har ness, A-l shape. 529 S. 7th Ave. bm FOR SALE Toggenburg billy goat. 737 E. Jackson St. bm FOR SALE Five fine milch cows. Call mornings, 2429 N. 3rd St. bm FINE seven-gallon family cow tuberculin tested, just fresh. Phone 204 J4. Glendale Road, miles east of Center. Green House. ds OR SALE Hoistein-Jersey cow; fresh in a couple of days. 1310 E. Adams, in rear. bl FOR SALE 12 grade Holstein cows, l bull and 12 calves. Prices right. S. G. Curtis, Casa Grande. Ariz. Box 311. Route 1. bl HOGS, all sizes, cheap; also high grade Holstein cow and reg. bulls. M. W. Turley. Tempe. Ariz. Phone 110 . bp TWO good milch cows for sale. bk Phone 27R4. A FEW fresh sows and pigs for sale. H. U. Armstrong, l mile north and 1H west of Tolleson. bk FOR SALIS Good Jersey cow. Phone 8721, or -call 1479 E. Pierce. bk FOR SALE Real dairy cows, milk ing heavy. Jerry Lee, South 7th Ave. Mansell's old p'ace. br FOR SALE First class Jersey cow, now giving six gallons a aay; also some Holsteins. Louis Killeen. Three miles on Yuma road, mile south. bl IF YOU have fat hogs or cattle for sale try Carman. Phone U7J4. Will call. dn WANTED Veal calves, hogs and fat cattle. Standard Market. 113 W. Monroe. Phone 4226. tf HAY. grain and feed yard. 325 S. th Ave. Phone 4799. Billy Wolfe. tf Pron. WANTED All kinds of fat live stock. ' Model Meat Market. Phone 46S0. 325 E. Washington St. tf WANTED Fat hogs, veal calves, cattle and sheep. We will come and get them. Calif. Meat Market. 129 N. 1st Av Phone 4457 tf FOR SALE EGGS, POULTRY BUFF Leghorn Phone 3117. setting eggs, bp FOR SALE 10 young laying hens: phone 251b. bk FOR SALE BABY CHICKS For April and May we quote special prices on White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rock chicks in large quantities. Mitchell Poultry Farm, Phone 266, Mesa. The only electric and the larg est hatchery in Arizona. tf BROWN 2046. O. phoenix. Leghorn chicks. M. Henson, R. Phone No. 3. tf FOR SALE While Leghorn baby chicks and 50 laying hens. Phone 48J3. Kv'er Ranch. bm WHITE Wyandotte male birds, $1.50; eggs $1.25. Lyman. R. D. No. 2. Phone 8304. bl FOR SALE Fancy Black Minor cas. 7 hens 1 cock, 1 cockerel. 1622 E. Portland St. ' bg DAY OLD chicks that live. White Leghorns. Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds; pre-war prices. J. Albert Liggett, R. 6. Phoenix. Phone Glendale 111R12 at my expense. tf BABY' chicks, white ies?horns, R. I. reds and barred rocks from Arizona's most up-to-date hatchery. New Buckeye Hatchers, stronger and bet ter chicks. Over 2,000 ready every five days. Phone 205J3. Wolf's Poul trv firm . It BRoWX Leghorn chicks, ready Apr!' 1:"th and 18th. Phone 2046. O M Henson, R. 3. bk st-Piiu; your fryers, 2nd Ave. Cal tf 1061 510 S. Pl'R;-- BRED Unite L gliorn taby chicks, rxtra laying stiain C. D. Fow'-e.- Phono 3-.J4. tf PURE-BP ED Barred Rock egirs for hatnhine $1 for 15. 711 E. Culver. Phone 8 S4. 5-m WE BAY' YOU the best price for chickens. F'lione 8029. bm BARRED ROCK and R. I. Red chicks, ready loth. J. Albert Ligtt. R. 6, Phoenix. Phone Glendale 111R12 at mv expense. Chicks delivered to your house. tf FF.K1) VOI R CHICKS the right kinds of feed and they de velop into the best chickens. We have stnrtir.e feed, chick grains, de volopitiK grains mashes, shell. j grit and charcoal Expert advice for j the asking. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 133 E. JEI''F. ST. tf 6 FOR SALE EGGS, POULTRY DRY mesquite wood. $4.jO our viird or $5.25 delivered anywhere. Phone HEN hatched chicks with or with out mother. Phone 114rt4. b MILK curds for chicks and grow ing hens. Substitute for meat. 3 pound. Hassayampa Crear-ery. hi TURKEY EGGS Turkeys will be worth a fortune Ifclf rr Put yovr egpi fvom us. PHOENiA efcJiL Jki::' i ' '- 133 E. JEFF. SI. . : bOR SALE hen an-l iu jou;:f--chicks. $3.75. Doners Ran-r., 17th S'. and Henhaw Road. 1- KEEP THEIR DRINKi.V WATER CLEAN by using galvanized watering vessels Feed In real feed troughs and sav. half the food. Anything in poultry tinware. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO 133 E. JEFF. ST tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE AUTOMOBILE WANTED I want a new or nenriv now ontn I have a beauUful new brick 6-room bungalow, modern and close to jcar line, north of town, rhniio fflT.oti Will accept good car as first paymentl im. nave your Address owner P. O. Box 522. it What Have You? Lets trade. We hav t s D. houses on paved street,, built-in features, cement porch, walks and sidewalks; good shade. 1 house price $4200; 1 house at $4500. Will take $500 as first payment or will take car on either, baL payable as rent, $50 per month inc. interest. TejaAS CITT realty 33 W. Monroe St. Tel. 175 It Trade for 80 Acres If you have a house and lot cleiir. or small acreage, and want an SO we can make an excellent trade: around $250 per acre. ANOTHER 80 Well located, close to Glendiie don't require any cash If you hav,; me security; $282.50. Let us ta!k it over. LIVE WIRE REALTY Phone 1353. 142 West Adorn bk FOR SALE OR TRADE Tea m mules and harness, wagon, mower, rake and harrow. - Phone 4510 for particulars. bm WANTED To trade old style Ford roadster for new style Ford road ster and pay difference in cash.No dealers. J. H. Ford, 146 W. Adams street. bk WILL exchange first class income business and residence property, clear, for good valley land. Box 73B. Republican. br WILL trade Ford car and . cash for lot pr will sell good home and take one or two lots a little cash as first payment: phone 6750. bn WANTED TO TRADE 80. acres of Paradise valley deeded land for good home near or in Phoenix; also 40 acres to trade for filling station in Phoenix. Phone 4943. bm FOR SALE or exchange My equity in 20-acre farm north of Phoe nix, for cattle. Box 59B Republican. . bp WANTED Ford ton truck for cash or will trade player piano. Phone Z3S4. bm FOR SALE OR TRADE Baling outfit, Fordson tractor, everything ready to go to work. $950. Will con- sider small house or lot or what have you. O. K. Exchange. 14th St. and Van Buren. fcn FOR RENT HOUSES TWO-ROOM house for rent: sick. 1150 E. Van Buren. bp FOUR-ROOM unfurnished half house. 904 N. 8th St. ncAauAAoLhi summer rates on 6-room brick, close to Five Points: cool and clean; will lease. Phone 5615. bi FOR RENT Half brick house. 1510 E. Washington street, on car line, bm UNFURNISHED house, modern, up to date, rooms and bath; sum mer rates. Apply 2101 W. Jackson. br FOR RENT Half house screen porch. 407 N. lnth St. and bl HALF house for rent, unfurnished. 4 rooms, bath and screen porch; lo cated northeast. Phone 3099, or loca tion 13th St. and Homewood Road. bm NEW 8-ROOM B46 W. Adams.' HOUSE. Apply bl FOR RENT Unfurnished six room P. D. house at 1333 E. Willetta. See owner at 1702 E. Van Buren. Phone 4207. bp HOUSES TO RENT Furnished and unfurnished; reasonable rent. Phone 8556 for appointment. tf UNFURNISHED one-half double house; new and modern. 701 E. Wil letta; bk FIVE-ROOM house at 1145 East Brill, unfurnished, all modern, $40 per month. Five-room house at 1135 E. Mc Dowell, modern, garage, $50 per month. Phone 4129. tf FOUR rooms and bath, unfurnish ed; 710 N. 7th. Ave. hk FOR RENT One large seven-room adobe house unfurnished or will rent 2 rooms separately. Apply 1122 E. Monroe . ik SLX-ROOM unfurnished houso; good shade, screened sleeping rooms. IS 06 North 11th St. br ELEGANT new 6-room brick, close In. paved 6treet, old ivory and white enamel finish; fine shade. Phone 803. tf 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS BEAUTIFULLY furnished apart ment for married couple: no sick, high class. 102 E. Willetta bl FOR RENT Furnished apartment with private bath; brick house, shade, near capitol; garage if desired. Call 1811 W. Jefferson: phone 2341. bn FOR RENT Nicely iurnished 3 room apartment, including screen sleeping porch; free water, 'isht and phone. 711 E. Polk. Phone "307. ONE of the most up to date apart ments in the city for rent; No. 7 East Garfield. W. M. Davis. tf PIERCE APARTMENTS. Jfll 5T 1ST ST. Well furnished, modern apartments, close in and reasonable dg NICELY furnished 4-room apart ment, close in. 324 N. Fourth Ave br- COMPLETELY furnished 3 room apartment nicely located, close t" town, everything new. 357 N. 2n 1 , Ave. UNFURNISHED five-room sp:ir ment for rent with g.irage. At 13- W. Adams. Call 13"0 W. Adams or phone 273' for particulars. 1 ' VERY desirable furnished, also mm unfurnished half house. Each all built in effects, oak floors. et Everything first class. Good shad. Healihv adults. Inquire, 'wner, t N. 4lll Ave