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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1921 PAGE NINE- Household1 Children LOU! st comer to BE QUEEW AT P. H. S. MAY FETE TDWIGH Louise Conner has been chosen by a lare majority to be May Queen at the May fete which will be pre sented at the Phoenix union high school this evening. Miss Conner is a popular member of the senior class of which she is treasurer. She is also on the annual staff. Previously the May queen has been chosen by and from the senior class, but it was decided to have the entire school vote this year. Much interest was shown. Work has been progressing rapid ly, and as the date of the event ar rives the school is ready to give an entertainment which will be enjoy able to all. The pageant. "The Lit tle Red Rose," written by Mrs. Or ville Brown, is to be used in the program. There will be dances by ' Jhe girls of the high school in which about 600 students will take part. Miss Margaret Mae Hurley, head of the physical training department, is directing the pageant and the dances. These have been worked up to a point of perfection. The closing scene will be the crowning of the May queen. The band will offer a short concert before the regular performance be gins. Some time ago it gave a re cital to pay expenses to Tucson dur ing university week and those who were present know what to expect in the way of music. The orchestra will furnish the rest of the music for the occasion. The high school cadet3 ard to guard and act as ushers. They will be under the command of Lieu tenants Dykes and Carpenter. The program will begin at the high school grounds at 6:30 p. m. There are no reserved seats. The price of admission is -25 cents. Ten cents will be charged for standing room in side the ropes. There will be three entrances, and tickets may be se cured at any of them. Cars can be parked free of charge on Fifth street. o In Luxemburg there is a penalty for eligible voters .who do not vote at elections. You Never Tire Of Cuticura Soap Because of its absolute purity and refreshing fragrance, it is ideal for every-day toilet pur poses. Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. - 4 . , ... ..I ....... .. - - gJ Mfh wlier. Soaptte. Ointment afcandSGe. T&lenraZne. fc, initial ID CLOTHING ASK GIFTS OF CASH TO 1 THE DESTITUTE ' Calls for charity assistance have been so heavy on the Salvation ar my for the past three months that the officers in charge are compelled to ask the kind friends of the desti tute and needy to come to their help. The fund for the Home for Home less men on First street is nearly run out and there are a number of home less men who may be turned on the street. From 40 to 50 have been fed daily and the cots are full nightly with men who have no money nor any way to get money, as work is very scarce. ......... There are scores of families resid ing in the community who depend on the Salvation army for food for their hungry children. Some of the fathers and mothers are hardTwork ing people when they can get the work to do. The army is also badly in need of cast-off clothing and shoes. Some children cannot go to school, either week days or Sundays, for lack of decent clothing. Some men are so ragged that they dislike to go be fore the public to ask for work. The army is giving to all such people, clothing for which they cannot af ford to pay, therefore, any mast-off garments for such people will be gladly received. ,It is not the middle class that needs ' the help the most, it is the destitute; and one way to help to keep down thieving, burglar ies and the revolutionary and anar chistic spirit is to help the unfortu nate and starving. There is a misundertsanding con cerning the Salvation army. It is a religious organization, and the mem bers -of the army are householders and taxpayers in the communities in which -they reside. The officers in charge .here in Phoenix, Command ant and Mrs. Westcott, are support ed by the members and adherents of their organization and the charity work which is done by those two of ficers is given gratis, and the amount exceeds any other organization. Bring cast-off clothing and shoes or food to the army or call 4153 and someone will call for the same. Any contributions of cash please . make out checks to "The Salvation Army," 226 East Jefferson street. Phoenix; Commandant and Mrs. John West cott, officers in charge. o Little Stories For Bedtime BY THORNTON W. BURGESS High School Notes I The seniors' class meeting was held first hour yesterday morning to complete plans for bringing the Uni versity of Arizona Glee club here for a benefit program. Teams will be selected to compete in selling tickets and the girls will be against the boys."" Tbre losers "will wear a black eye on the following Monday. The play will be given, Friday evening. May 13, in the- auditorium. Admis sion", $1.00. Next week will be known as "Sen ior week." Seniors will have a "dress up day" Friday evening will be the play, and on Saturday evening will be the Stanford "Jolly Up." All sen iors are invited to this affair, which, will be held at the Woman's club. Do not forget the may fete this evening, beginning at 6:30. Admis sion will be 25 cents. There is only a limited number of reserved seats, JOHNNY CHUCK TURNS TRAMP Johnny Chuck had turned tramp. Yes, sir; Johnny Chuck had turned tramp. It was a funny thing to do, but he had done it. He didn't know why he had done it, excepting that he had become dissatisfied and dis contented and unhappy in his old home. And then almost without thinking what he was doing he had told Jimmy Skunk that he could have the house he had worked so hard to build the summer before, and of which he had been so proud.- Then Johnny Chuck had swaggered away down the Lone Little Path without once looking back at the home he was leaving. Where was he going? Well, to tell the truth, Johnny didn't know. He was going to see the world, and per haps when he had seen the world he would build him a new house. So as long as he was in sight of Jimmy Skunk he swaggered along quite as if he was used to traveling about without any sung house to go to at night. Eut right down in his heart Johnny Chuck didn't feel half so bold as he pretended to. You see, not since when he was a little Chuck and had run away from old Mother Chuck with Peter Rabbit had he ever been very far from his own doorstep. He had always been content to grow fat and roly-poly right near his own home and listen to the tales of the great world from Jimmy Skunk and Peter Rabbit and Bobb Coony and Unc' Billy Possum, all of whom are great travellers. But now here he was actually set ting forth, and without a home to come back to. You see, he had made up his mind that no matter ' what happened he wouldn't come back af ter having given his house to Jimmy Skunk. ; When he had reached a place where he thought Jimmy Skunk couldn't see him Johnny Chuck turned and looked back. A queer lit tle feeling seemed to make a lump that filled his throat and choked him. The fact is, Johnny Chuck already began to feel homesick. But he swallowed very hard and tried to make himself think that he was having a splendid time. He stopped looking back and started on, and as he tramped along he tried to sing a song he had once heard Jimmy Skunk sing: "The world may stretch full far and wide. What matters that to me? I'll tramp it up; I'll tramp it down; For I am bold and free." It was a very brave little song, but Johnny Chuck didn't feel half so brave and bold as he tried to think he did. Already he was beginning1 to wonder where he should spend the tail the Marshhawk, who had given him such a fright and had so nearly night. Then he thought of old White caught him when he was a little fel- -.0 mm r J .9 Saturday SPECIAL Del Monte Demonstration Day The Baker & Bayless Help Yourself Grocery 506 N. Center ' ' ' We Invite the public to visit our store Saturday and sample a full line of Del Monte Canned Fruits and Vegetables and be convinced that you can always buy the best at our store. We offer you plenty of parking space that you can't get down town and offer you a new stock of merchandise as good as can be bought in Fhoenix for the money, quality considered. Country people, we invite you to visit our store and leave your orders and we will get them ready for you to pick tip as you go home. We promise you-the best service possible and will pay the highest price for your ranch eggs. An Jello, per pkg. WE OFFER YOU :.. 10c No. 2H Good Peaches, OPT (in syrup) per can.... .No. ZVt Tomatoes, per can ........... 14c No. 2 good Apricots, (in syrup) Big 20-oz. Loaf Bread Wisconsin Long Horn Cheese, per lb. Fresh Ranch Eggs (Candled) per doz. .. 24c 12c 35c 25c The Fact is, Johnny Chuck Already Began to Feel Homesick. low. The, thought made him look around hastily, and there was old Whitetail himself sailing back and forth hungrily just ahead of him. A great fear took possession of Johnny Chuck, and he made himself as flat as possible in the grass, for there was no place to hiile. He made up his mind that anyway he would fisnt. Nearer and nearer came old White tail. Finally he passed right over Johnny Chuck. Bur. he didn't offer to touch him. Indeed, it seemed to Johnny that old Whitetail actually grinned and winked at him. And right then all his feir left him. "Pooh!" said Johnny Chuck scorn fully. "Who's afraid of him?" He suddenly realized that he was no longer a helpless little Chuck who couidn't take care of himself, but big and strong, with siiarp teeth with which his old enemy had no mind to make a closer acquaintance when there were mice and snakes to be caught without fighting. So he puffed out his chest and went on and actu ally began to enjoy himself and al most wished for a chance to show how big and-strong he was. RESEASON IT Whenever meat or vegetables are "warmed-over" they should be re seasoned. No matter how perfectly the dish was salted and peppered for the first serving, more salt and pepper will be necessary if the left-over dish is to be a success. Menu for Tomorrow BREAKFAST Orange juice, spinach with poached eggs on toast, coffee. L U N CI1E O N Cream of tomato soup, croutons, Martha's pudding, tea. DINNER Roll of mutton, riced po tatoes, dandelion greens, banana and peanut salad, fudge cake, coffee. My Own Redoes The tomatoes left after straining for soup should be saved and used for scalloped tomatoes the next day. Whenever possible wait one or two days before repeating a meat or vegetable. If put in a cool place in a covered dish the tomatoes should keep several days. Martha's Pudding One and one-half cups chopped prunes. 1 cup molasses, cup gra ham flour, Vt cup white flour. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 teaspoon soda, H tea spoon each cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and salt. 2 eggs. Beat eggs. Add molasses. Mix dry ingredients and prunes. Add miik and dry ingredients alternately to first mixture. Turn into a buttered mold and steam 2 hours. Serve with hard sauce or lemon sauce. Roll of Mutton One and one-half pounds lean mutton, J4 pound ham, 4 tablespoons bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon minced parsley, teaspoon powdered mixed herbs, Vi teaspoon grated lemon rind, 14 teaspoon minced onion, tea spoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon salt, i teaspoon pepper, 1 egg, milk. Chop meat finely. Mix with dry ingredients. Add egg, unbeaten and mix thoroughly. Add enough milk to moisten. Make into a roll. Wrap in three or four thicknesses of greased brown paper and bake in a moderate oven for 2 hours. Half an hour be fore serving remove paper, dredge the roll with flour and brown. Baste with 1 tablespoon full of butter in cup boiling water. Make a gravy in the pan in which the meat was cooked. Next Story: Adventure." "Johnny Chuck's First With the recent death of James Jones, aged negro employe in the senate office building, the where abouts of the official seal of the Con federacy, an unsolved mystery for half a century, probaaly will ever re main unknown. Serving as Jefferson Davis's servant when the Confederate chieftain was captured, Jones buried the seal before the federal authorities could obtain it. 1 !1 'S3 iij: i n 1 A. JL THROUGH A WOMAN'S EYES BY JEAN NEWTON A LONELY LIFE - There are all kinds of cnbbs, you know. The Baileys are one kind. No, it isn't that they won't speak to you unless you have two maids and a butler of a half page in Who's Who or a "Daughter of the American Rev olution" framed and hanging in your back parlor. It isn't that they are not the "I will maintain" kind. They will know any body. In fact, most, of their friends are just regular people without any distinctions. But they know a few great muck-a-mucks who invite them to dine once a year or so and give them something to talk about for the rest of the time. "The Stalks?" Mr. Bailey will , say casually to his wife "Oh, yes, dear, we must ask them up again," then casually to you, the honored friend, "he was the last ambassador to Per sia, you know." "Just the other day I ran across John Frost he said Mrs. Frost men tions us so often," then for the edi fication of the uninlated circle, "Frost was president of the Flim Flam Board down in Missouri until they got him up here to edit the Eureka Encyclopedia a very Influential fel low." "Frost asked me if we had seen the Dows lately. Remember, dear, the week we spent at their place on Long Island. Mr. Dow was lieutenant governor of Kansas." The pity of it is that they are such good people otherwise. They might be real, worthwhile friends to you. if their trying to impress you didn't scare you off before they had a chance. And that's the way they lose the people who would make them real friends. Nobody wants to be " im pressed or conferred upon. In this land of the free and home of the brave we like to know that the people who want our friendship are meeting us on even ground. And there bound to be the feeling of a lack of genuineness, a lack of sincerity in people who show such a broad strain of superficiality. Let us hope that their scant but numerous acquaintance with inter esting personages will console the Baileys in their loneliness, and that they may not find themselves without even these. For the higher up people get in this world the bigger, the more sincere and genuine they usually get. And It is not very difficult for them to distinguish the chaff from the wheat In the people who want to know them. , i 0 AN INEXPENSIVE SUBSTITUTE. Mrs. Paster TTtus Wadds may b sttny, but ha'a good to his family. I never sea him out in his ear without his baby. Her Hoabaod That's to the piica of a horn. All ho has to do is to ptnoli tho kid and ho lets out a howL TYPEWRITING A LA JAZZ Students in the Knights of Columbus free night school in New York learn typing to jazz music, played on a phonograph. Instructors say keeping time to the music increases speed. Our big special is the' best of meat at prices you are paying for inferior grades. FRESH MEAT No. 1 Steer Pot Roast Pork Roast, lb Veal Roast, lb. i2y2c . ;.. 20c HV2C SMOKED MEATS Armour's Star Hams, lb Armour's Picnic Hams, "lb 32c 19c These are not cactus-fed but grain-fed meats. If you want the best trade with BAKER & BAYLESS 506 N. Center Free Delivery on $5.00 Order Sugar Excepted. If we please you tell others if not tell us. Fresh, meaty red-ripe tomatoes grown in Monterey gardens provide the smooth, rich sauce used in packing CALIFORNIA SARDINES Garnished with slices of lemon and crinkly leaves of crisp lettuce, and served with this sauce, these plump, unusual sardines make a tempting dish. El Carmel sardines are packed in large one-pound cans which con tain plenty for four or five persons. Try them today you'll be sur prised at their extraordinary qual ity. Your grocer sells them. ARIZONA GROCERY CO. DISTRIBUTORS FRIDAY and SATURDAY DAL Beet Sugar. JQ ffT 100-lb. sack , JJOUJ Granulated Sugar, ftl f less than 100 lbs. O 21' Bob "White Soap per bar ........... ..4y2C (5 Ear Limit) New Potatoes 4 pounds ................. Wood Eox Soda Crackers, each ..................... Jewel Compound, 8 -lb. Pail Snowdrift Shortening, 4 -lb. Pail Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can 24c 67c 99c 69c 19c Our regular prices below less than lots of so-called specials. Skinner's Macaroni, Spaghetti, etc., each Large can Tomatoes .... ..... Rainwater Crystals, Large size Sanl-Flush, each ........ ...... 2 PACKED BY THE MONTEREY CANNING COMPANY, MONTEREY, CAL. Palmolive Soap, each .... Jell-O, sKach . Milcoa Nut, p.uttcr .... . Libby's Corn, Beet ..9c 12c 23c 23c 8c J9c 28c 15c Ice Tea Elend, A Q n 'i-lb. pkg. Sambo Pancake Star Flour, 4S lbs Bass Island Grape Juice, pints ...... Blue Rose Rice, 10 lbs. 5 lbs. Blue Rosa Rice 1Q Flour, pkg. ........... J-tIV $2.23 .. 37c .. 67c 35c .. 69c 18c . 31c 23c 41c White Beans. 10 lbs Fig Nuts, per pkg. ........ ..... Citrus Soap. Powder, pkg. Tellow Cling Peaches, Large can M. J. B. Coffee, I lb Just received Kraft Macaroni and Cheese "Try a Cn" We Sell SKINLESS TKa Highast Grada Macaroni Egg Noodlas, Spaghetti and tber Macarenl Product Bon Ton Basketeria 21-23 East Adams Opposite Adams Hotel Sugar Loaf 130 North First Ave". Next to Gazette 1 "t-r'r.t BAYLESS BARGAINS For Friday and Saturday By comparing our prices with other stores, you will readily se that it will pay you to trade with us. We serve you promptly at Cash and Carry Prices. City orders amounting to $5.00 or over delivered free. Mail orders given prompt attention. tiri S &4 Fancy Creamery Butter, QQr Per lb. Q?l Ranch Butter Qo Per lb 1 QJl Cane Sugar, (PQ fTA 100 lb. Bags tPOJU Beet Sugar, . IQ QA 100-lb. Bags POOvJ Armour's Veribest Milk, 11 O large cans, per can AaVi 2 Snow Drift, Q7 f 2-lb. can I Swift's Jewell Compound, ( QA 45-lb. cans Goddard's Catsup, r large Bottle Gallon '7P0 Catsup Wesson Oil, ' COn Qt. cans Palm Olive Soap, 1 2 Bars -L Excello Cake Flour, Vanilla Flavor, the pkg Sunkist Asparagus Tips, lQiz-oz. Tins 00t Sunkist Large White Asparagus, f)f Large Tins Schilling's Coffee, 42 C 1-lb. Cans Fancy New York Cheese, 50 C the lb we sen skinner's the highest grade Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and ther Macaroni Product. FLOUR White Lilly Arizona Soft 1 AA Wheat, 24-lb. Sack tPX.Ul Wolf Premium Kansas Hard 1 OK Wheat. 24-lb. sack tPJ-.U Wolf Premium Kansas Hard CO ft A Wheat, 48-lb. sack tpfr.UU Gold Medal Minnesota's Best, 5 481 b Steele Gold Medal Minnesota's Best, jJ It is Budweiser Time. Buy it CM Q KA by the Barrel iDASJ.OU By the Dozen $2.00 BAKERY SPECIALS Sunmaid Luscious Raisin J)Q an 25 C Bayless Cream Doughnuts, O CT Per Dozen A Loaf of Bayless Milk Bread, White Raisin Health or Rye will make your dinner com plete. FRUIT & VEGETABLE DEPT. Green French Peas, O P r 3 lbs, for Fancy Summer Squash, "1 Of Per lb XUC New Potatoes, Large Red, Of 3 lbs, for . Local Stringless Beans, 15 C Texas Cucumbers, Fancy, OAn Per lb UC Fancy Black Cherries, A(r Per lb ! Our Motto We Buy the Best. Extra help to Serve vou Promptly on Saturdays. iAYLESS GROCERY AND BAKERY 1st Street and Washington y a