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THE ARIZONA REPUBIJC AN Buy Arizona Buy Home Butter and Dairy Products Products AN INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE JOURNAL THIRTY-SECOND YEAR PHOENIX, ARIZONA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1921 20 PAGES VOL. XXXII, NO. 16 20 PAGES HIKE D PTPi lira FEDERAL TTh Tt n THno FOR riAVAL MEJVSURE T.1EETS STRONG OPPOSITION IN SENATE DEBATE Little Progress Made In First Consideration of Bill Disarmament Ad- . vocates Promise Fight Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 12. The lta:f-bi!lion dollar naval appropria tion bUl was taken up today in the senate to encounter immediate opposition from disarmament advo- Shortly aft it reading the naval af fairs committee's amendments had smarted, the first rumblings of the eminent fight were heard. The first amendment slightly increasing ap propriations of the house bill were irvortr(i without discussion but when the amendment was reached to in crease the sum for recruiting by a EiH'iion dollars. Senator Borah, re ixihllran, of Idaho asked that it be passed over until the senate takes j the question- of naval personnel. Progress Frequently Blocked - This request was repeated time af ire time with the result that when te day ended practically all of the major committee increases in . the first half of the bill had been passed over. These included the appropria tions for the Key West. Fla., subma rine base. San Diega, Cal., naval hos Mtal project, Guam submarine and strove r -bases, and Sand Point, -V ashington. air station. Kan Pedro, "CL. submarine base, and the Ala uda. Cal- supply base. Senator Borah, before asking- that the Alameda project be passed over cntil later when he announced he wished to discuss them, made a point f f order authorizing the secretary to accept for naval purposes at Alame da. Los Angeles. Camp Kearney, Cal.. snd In King county. Washington. The ice president, however, over-ruled Ms contention that the provision, was general legislation. Senator King, democrat, of Utah tta ked the bill, : contending that iroTstlnaation of the 1916 building prucram was a waste of money. .VThe navy department," he de ' red, has gone into the tomb and l-g up the naval program of 1915. We haven't apparently learned any thing from the war." Savs Bill Is War-Like The senator described the bill as a war-like message from the States to the nations of the world. He read a press dispatch saying that Great Britain, because of the Amer ican naval bill, had decided to con--trai-t immediately for the building of four SS.M'fl-ton vessels of the super llood type. Many ships now In ser vice should be scrapped, he asserted, adding that the Pacific fleet was made up of obsolete "hulks." Predicting there would be a "re sistless tide' In favor of world peace ard a' universal demand that the United Slates assume the leadership la a movement. Senator King de clared that the decision of congress un naval appropriations would de mand, -whether the Vnited States is to be a peaceful or an aggressive na tion." At this moment when we are con sidering the appropriation of $."00, OOO.ftOfl of the country's money." Sen ator Borah interjected, "and the es tablishment of a policy which means billions more, there are seven sen ators in the chamber." Big Field To' Play In Annual Tennis Tourney at Bisbee Urge Government Control of , Shipping for Life of Strike (Republican Associated. Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK. May 12 Winthrop L. Marvin, secretary of the Amer ican Steamship Owners' association, announced today that the Pacific coast operators had telegraphed Secretary of Commerce Hoover and Admiral Benson of the shipping board urging them to request President Harding to declare that a national emergency existed In. the nation wide shipping slrike. The telegram recommended that the government take over the manning of vessels if the strikers refused to return to work within 48 hours. Mr. Marvin said his association had no Information as to who signed the telegram and added that no similar action was contem plated by ship owners. II. H. Raymond, president of the American Steamship Owners' as sociation, characterized a3 a malicious invention the statement of An drew Kuruseth, made yesterday in Washington, that the stand taken by the shipping board and the steamship owners in the wage dispute was part of an international plot to destroy American shipping. "The accusations," he said, "means that the shipping board is be traying the country, and that American shipping companies are pro posing to destroy their own property. Stated in this way It is easy to recognize how preposterous it is." Today was pronounced by Mr. Marvin to be the owners' best since the strike began, while B. L. Todd, for the engineers, asserted that the situation was decidedly bright for the unions. Sailings reported today included nine American ships of which one company, the United States lines, claimed to have sailed five. Among the latter was the steamer Mount Clay, a 12,000 ton former German ship,' with passengers and cargo for Hamburg. ALLEGED MURDERER OF FOUR HUSBANDS HELD AT HONOLULU DOCTOR ITS N E N 0 TO RETAIN BEER AS A MEDICINE QAZOLINE TAKES 2-Cf.N? ; DROP ON SEABOARD TODAY Republican A. P. Leased Wire SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. A reduction of two cents a gallon in the market price of gasoline and of 25 cents a barrel for fuel oil, effective tomorrow, was an nounced tonight by the Standard . Oil company of California. The field price the company will pay for all grades of .crude oil also will be reduced 25 cents a barrel. Present prices of gasoline in San Francisco are 25 cents a gal lon, wholesale, and 27 cents re tail, while fuel oil is $2 a barrel. Guerilla Warfare Threatens 4 Cities Situation Beyond Control Of Local Officers SAY NEW PARTY OFFERS REMEDY FOB ALL ILLS Republican A. P. Leased Wire BISBEE. Ariz.. May 12. With 60 p'ayers from Texas. Sonora. Mexico, and Arizona entered, the state cham pionship tennis tournament will open hre tomorrow. Among the players uo re here for the opening games ere X. A. Ferguson El Paso, border nates champion: George A. Judson. rt.oenlx. runner-up for the border championship last year: Coggins. state high school title holder: Lor raine I.eppla. of the University of Arizona, and many others who have L;gh ratings in tennis in the South-v-ft. . Entries in the tournament are di vided as follows: Douglas. 13: Bis le. 13: University of Arizona, 2: Tucson, 4; F".l Paso. 4; Morenci and iift"ii! 3. nd several each from Tlioonix. and Xacozari and Cananea, ronnra. - The entry list, according to offi rla's of the local country cluh. is the largest of any tournament ever held Ir. Aii zona. Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO, May 12. The national executive committee of the Farmer- Labor party after a three-day session made public a statement today de claring that there was no difference between the Republican and Demo cratic parties and that the only. "peaceable remedy for the workers Is to supplement the efforts of the trade unioi. farmer organizations and co operative societies ' by independent political action through the Farmer Labor party. "President Harding made his cam paign on the issue of opposition to Presdent Wilson s league or nations, United I the statement said. "He is now in the act of embroiling the United States again in the intrigues of the un principled plotters of Europe." The statement also assailed the Esch-Cummins law and declared that "the Republican administration, how ever, finds this measure not suf ficiently oppressive of labor and is about to amend it to abolish the rail road labor board." "President Harding's administra tion," the statement continued, "is said also to be about to abolish the federal trade commission which ex posed the . lawlessness of the beef trust and stimulated the popular de mand for federal control of the meat packing industry. "The courts, likewise, continue their humble service for Wall street and their stony indifference to the welfare of the workers. The United States supreme court has destroyed the protection for labor which was contained in the Clayton act, has served wealth by whitewashing the election of Senator Newberry of Michigan, and prevented the use of the Lever act to punish profiteers, al though it was liberally used to lash labor. "The United States court of appeals at Minneapolis has declared invalid North Dakota's grain grading law for the protection of farmers. The only peaceable remedy is by independent political action through the Farmer Labor party." o Theft of Diamond Leads To Arrest; May Be Held For Killing of Others, Officers Intimate Republican A. P. Leased Wire HONOLULU, May 12. Mrs. Paul Vincent Southard, also known . as Mrs. 4Lyra E. Meyer, was held by the police here today on orders from Los Angeles in connection with the death of four of her husbands, a brother-in-law, and a child of one of the men she married. Paul Southard, whom she married in Los Angeles last November, told the police here she tried to get him to take out $10,000 worth of life in surance. Southard Is a petty officer on the U. S. S. Monterey, stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Insurance of which she was the beneficiary, was carried on the lives of all t ha four men whose deaths are being In vestigated. Mrs. Southard, according to the police, has agreed to return without extradition papers. Papers for ex tradition are being prepared, GOVERNOR WILL ESTABLISH ORDER AUSTIN. Tex-., May 12. If local authorities will not or cannot enforce obedience to the law at Galveston, Governor Xeff will "take such steps as seem wise to establish a govern ment on Galveston island," the gov ernor said today in a telegram to Mayor A. C. Sappington of that city. SHOT BY U. S. SENTRY JUAREZ. Mex.. May 12. Guiller- 'mo Madrid. 45 years old, is in the municipal hospital here with a bul let wound which, surgeons believe. . To Be Tried in Idaho SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, May 1 Lyda Meyer, charged with the murder of her fourth husband. Ed ward F. Meyer, at Twin Falls, Idaho, September 7, 1920, was trested at Honolulu today, according to a dis patch received by the Salt Lake Tel egram. V. H. Ormsby, deputy sher iff of Twin Falls, at present In Los Angeles, said he was awaiting ex tradition papers being prepared at Twin Falls to bring her back to Idaho for trial. The deputy sheriff also informed- the paper that Mrs. Meyer married Vincent Southard of the U. S. S. Chicago, November 20, last. Prosecuting Attorney Frank L. Stephan of Twin Falls county, Idaho, said f Mrs. Southard's matrimonial record was being investigated for the purpose of determining the causes and fixing the responsibility for the deaths of three other former hus bands, an infant child by Robert Dooley, her first husband, and Dool ey's brother, Edward-. Insurance in which Mrs. Southard was the beneficiary was carried on the lives of all five men, Stephan said, and of which she is Baid to have collected $9,500. Mrs. South ard, who is 28 years old, worked for a while as a waitress at Twin Falls after Meyer's death. Her Matrimonial Record Mrs. Southard's matrimonial his tory and tlie dates of her husbands' deaths as given out by the author ities follow: Married Robert C. Dooley. Idaho farmer, at Twin Falls, March 17, 1912. He died in Twin Falls hospital Oc tober 1, 1913, typhoid being assigned as the cause. Married William G. McIIaffie, Tw in Falls waiter, at T vin Falls, in June. 1917. He died at Hardin. Mont., October 22, 1918; death reported to nave been from influenza and diph theria. Married Harlan C. Lewis, auto mobile mechanic of Billings. Mont., at Denver, Colo.. March 10, 1919. He died at Billings on July 6, 1919; cause of death reported as gastro enteritis. Married Edward F. Meyer, foreman Blue Lakes ranch. Twin Falls coun- Plan To Clamp Down Dry Lid Finds Little Opposi tion From Wets Drys Turn Out Strong Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 12. Signs of the days when the drys were batt ling to bury John Barleycorn were re-enacted today before the house ju diciary committee, except that few friends of John's family appeared to protest against Chairman v olstead's plan to cut off, even for medicinal! purposes, the heritage of beer. " Many Drys Appear Plenty of drys were on hand and Dr. J. P. Davin of New York, who pleaded for the use of beer as medi cine, was given none too cordial treatment. In fact, he was roughly handled by Volstead, who challenged the physician's ability to "explain anything" and on another occasion declared the witness was using "a conglomeration of words that mean nothing." , Outstanding in the testimony was the statement by Oliver T. Remmers, counsel for the Anheuser-Busch com pany of St. Louis, that the firm's policy was for beer for all, or beer for none." He requested an inves tigation of "favoritism and failure" in the dry law enforcement and de clared that the firm stood four square for law enforcement, although Una! terably opposed to prohibition. Dry leaders said there were many leaks in the stocks of liquors and urged the committee to make the V olstead law airtight. Dr. Davin, however, resented the move by Mr. Volstead to "dictate to physicians" what they shall or shall not prescribe and urged the committee to await consideration of the bill by the Amer lean Medical association next month. Volstead Insulted Mr. Volstead sought to establish why it was possible for-, physicians to make medical beer by nsijjg cereal beverages and alcohol. j-te.asKeu Dr. Davin several questions along' this line, none of which apparently was answered to the satisfaction of the committee . chairman, who finally blurted. Look here, you re trying to evade every question I ask. Tell us what you know, if you know so much." The witness again attempted an explanation but was interrupted by Mr. Volstead who inquired why cert eal beverages were not as good for the invalid as beer with a kick. "Ah, that's the point," replied the witness. "Near beer is just ' like near-statesmanship. It can't accom plish any noticeable result." "I don't think you know what you are talking about. returned th chairman, "nor do I think your in sults will get far with the commit tee." Several committee members evinc ed interest in the kind of diseases for which the witness said he would prescribe beer. Most of them, how ever, were said by the witness to yield s'owly to curative treatments. Some were curable only in exception al cases, he added. Dry Law Unpopular E. V. Claypool, superintendent of the Rhode Island Anti-Saloon league. declared that the Volstead law was unpopular in his state. Asked if the law was being en forced as well there as in other sec tions, he said: "Yes, the draft act also was en forced throughout the United States, but, nevertheless. Bergdoll is in Ger many and Edsel Ford did not go." Officials of the American Drug Manufacturers' associations were be fore the committee to discuss tech nical provisions of the bill. Thje as sociation was represented by -spokesmen as favoring the prohibition of beer but as objecting to some of the provisions appertaining to their lines of industry. Several expressed fear that if the prescribing of beer was permitted. drug establishments would be trans formed into mere dispensers of beer and that the change would lower the ethical standard of the business. o ALSO EFFECTIVE IN l A. LOS ANGELES, May 12. The Standard Oil company announced today that it would reduce the price of gasoline 2 cents a gallon here tomorrow, from 27 cent to 25 cents. Other companies said they probably would make simi lar reductions. -o- LABOR TO FIGR T BILL CREATING WELFARE DEP'T LOOSE TRAIL! BER6D0LL6OLD IN KITCHEN OF SLACKER'S HOME Measure Would Rob De partment of Labor of Its Functions, G o m p e r s oays in statement (Republican A. P. Leased Wire CINCINNATI, May 12 The exec utive council of the American Federa tion of Labor today entered the fight to prevent the passage of the bill before congress to create a depart ment of public welfare. President Samuel Gompers. in ac cordance with instructions from the council, telegraphed Senator Kenyon chairman of the senate committee on education, a protest against creation of the new department and asked that representatives of the federation be afforded an opportunity to appear before the committee. Hope to Retain Power - "We most, solemnly protest." said the message, "against the enactmen of -any measure that would weaken or take from the department, of la bor any functions given that depart ment or weaken the power of the de partment. Mr. Gompers, in a statement, said that the council was protesting against the "parsiminous policy o congress toward the department o labor and its attempt to starve that department out of existence." "We have been nearly .thirty years trying to establish this department," he added, 'ibut now certain interests are attempting to weaken and de stroy our cherished work. The ene mies of organized labor would like to ruin the labor deptirtment by dis membering it under the guise of cre ating a department of welfare." The executive council today com pleted its legislative hearing and made plans to oppose anti-labor leg islation in the state. The high cost of living was also discussed and the council recom mended that the system of basing wages on the cost of living be dis couraged, as the workers are entitled to more than a wage that gives them a decent living. Condemns Soviet Regime A tentative declaration on the at titude of the federation toward the soviet government of Russia was read but action was delayed until tomor row. The declaration condemns the sovi et regime in Russia and contends that the American trades union movement must not give aid or support to the Bolsheviki. The report asserted that the soviet is not representative of the people of Russia, but it ws the rule of a minority by the aid of a military dic tatorship. The Bolsheviki leaders, it was charged, are attempting to de stroy the organized labor movement throughout the world and establish a form of communist organization. The Socialist party js censored for its alleged tendency to support com munistic propaganda and agitation In this country. Unless the party takes a stand against communists and radi cal elements. It was stated the fed eration will be inclined to regard it New Jersey Judges Denied He Had Been Employed To Defend Bergdoll Probe Continued Today will necessitate the amputation of his ty, Idaho, at Pocatello. Idaho, on An right arm. Madrid tonight attempt ed to cross a railroad bridge to El Paso. Challenged by an American sentrv. the man flew toward the Mexican side. A bullet from the! soldier's rifle brought him down as he leaped from the bridge. -RAIL EARNINGS SHOW SURPLUS FOR MARCH; FIRST SINCE JANUARY Republican A. P. Leased Wire j association figures. The itnprove- May 12. -Set' mcni., Ill's nlillclIlcllL saiu, w rt uur . , , ., i principally to a marked reduction in rf It.ulway made to the -ommission. gust 10, 1920. He died at Twin Falls hospital September 7, 1920. Autop sy revealed traces of poison. In two more cases the prosecut ing attorney said Mrs. Southard fail ed to collect insurance on her hus bands' lives. The policy on McIIaf fie's life he said was allowed to lapse Meyer, the fourth husband, carried $10. 000. insurance, which was increas- ed $2,000 shortly before his death, but ; no attempt was made to collect it. j Not long after the first marraige, ; prosecuting attorney Stephan said, j the Dooley brothers jointly assumed an insurance policy on their lives for; $2,000. naming Mrs. Dooley as the j beneficiary. This was in addition to , j the $2,500 carried by the husband. j j Edward Dooly died August 9. : ! 1915, after an illness of ten days and i the insurance was paid to the stir- I , viving Dooley and his wife. On Oc- ! j tober 1, 191.1, Robert C. Dooley died ; ! and the insurance on his life was; DEPORT PROMINENT PERUVIANS LIMA, Peru. May 12. A score of persons prominent in Peruvian po litical life, including Gen. Oscar Be navides, former president of the re public, were deported from l-eru. to day on the Peruvian liner Paila, ac cording to the newspapers. General Penavides was taken into custody last week for alleged complicity in a revolutionary plot. The reported des tination of the Paita is Sy.dney, Australia. Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON. May 12. The trail for the buried gold of Grover Berg doll, draft dodger, which a house in vestigating committee is trying to pick up, ended today in the kitchen of the Bergdoll home at Philadelphia. where it was last seen by the man who had taken it there from the United States treasury. . James E. Romig. former police magistrate of Philadelphia, who came here with the slacker's mother in 1919 to get the gold and from whom the committee had hoped to learn something of its alleged burial place, declared he never set eyes on it after it had been dumped on the kitchen floor, Aged Witness Adds Sparkle The serious sessions of the commit tee were upset frequently by Romig, who is 70 years old, and is awaiting sentence on conviction of aiding Bergdoll to escape. Always in a laughing mood, Romig added a con stant touch of levity. He was called after former Judge John W. escott of Xew Jersey had reiterated that there was not a word of truth in reports that he had been employed as one of Bergdoli's law yers. Two of the judge's sons, both law yers, and two other lawyers associat ed with him, testified to the same effect. t John H. Sherburne, counsel for the committee, had not brought the Ro mig story up to the point where Berg doll slipped through a bathroom and started for Germany when the hear ing was adjourned until tomorrow. There was a roar of laughter when the witness was asked If Bergdoll had told him to go see Harry Thaw and get Thaw's advice as to the best alienists to engage in proceedings in volving his sanity. "Nothing to that, the old man an swered. "I did look around and ask people and they told me Thaw's doc tors were all right." Carried Gold in Stocking Telling of his troubles with treas ury officials who tried, he said. "to. stall him off," Romig said he first saw a part of the gold certificates which were exchanged for gold at Mrs. Bergdoli's home. The mother accompanied him to Washington. . "Where did she carry it" he said repeating a question. "Why she had most of it in her stockings." When Grover first started to tell him about the buried gold, Romig as serted he had refused to listen. Pressed for a more explicit reason, he said It was none of his business. "Why," he was asked. "Well, it's a hard thing to tell what's in my mind," and Romig Joined in the laughter Asked about the stop-over at the Bergdoll home, in the custody of two sergeants, from whom the prisoner escaped. Romig said that the gin, about which there has been much tes timony, suddenly appeared in the pool room as if by magic. He denied he had taken It there, adding that he "would not have carried it that far." Strikers of Mingo County Field Fire Indiscriminately From Mountain sides; Prohibition Officer Killed and Two Others Seriously Wounded (Republican A. P. Lmd Wire) CHARLESTON, W. V., May 12. Governor Mor gan tonight responded to the request of county officials of Mingo county and asked the war department for federal troops to restore order insMingo county. County officials of Mingo, in requesting Governor Morgan to ask for troops, said that they were unable to cope with the situation. A statement from the governor's office tonight de clared that "the greater amount of the firing came irom tne KentucKy side," adding that reports to the state's chief executive were to the effect that two men had been killed. . INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Mav 12. Federal troons t Camp Sherman, Ohio, are being held readv to denart for Mingo county, W. Va., it was announced tonight it Fifth army corps headquarters at Fort Harrison, Ind. Situation Beyond Control WILLIAMSON, W. Va, May 12 Guerilla warfare was being waged tonight in the mountains of the strike regions of the Mingo county coal district. Beginning soon after daylight this morning shots were poured from the mountainside into ilerrimac, Rawl, Sprig and Matewan, W. V, and Mc Carr, Ky. All available state police and dep uty sheriffs centered in Williamson were rushed to the scene, but ac cording to reports, they have been unable to check the shooting. Prohibition Officer Slain Harry C. Staton, state prohibition officer and merchant at Spring, was killed, and Noah Phillips and a young man named Calvert at Merrimac were seriously wounded during the shoot ing. Rumors of other killings and woundings have been received at headquarters of the state police here. Tonight, about 20 state policemen were reported to bfc working their way over the mountains between Merrimac and Rawl, seeking to out flank their hidden foe. Today's outbreak, the worst since the Matewan battle of last May 19. in which 18 persons were killed, had all the appearance of a pre-arranged attack, according to accounts of the fighting. . The towns under fire are within seven miles of each other and lie in a narrow valley on the banks of the Tug river, which separates w est ir ginia from. Kentucky. The firing! came frbm the mountains on both j sides of the river, according to the state police. 1 Towns Terrorized They concentrated, therefore, in the mountains on the West Virginia side, while county officials here got In touch with officials of Pike coun ty. Kentucky, in an attempt to ob tain co-operation in routing the at tacker. Terror reigned in towns in the zone of firing at niehtfall and it was learned that the authorities had failed to apprehend any of the at tackers. Virtually all lights were ex tinguished tonight Vid residents kept close under cover. The state police were virtually helpless during the day as the attacking forces in the mountains were screened by foliage and boulders, while the police, in or der to attempt a direct attack, would have been obliged to cross the open valley and climb the nigged slopes in nf the hidden marksmen. oi t ne as an enemy of organized labor. The Kl3.meS FllSftl Li3.DOr Industrial Workers of the V orld re! , " l condemned as one of the organiza- I f f V YlCfYt tions which, with the communist jWOla i - a 1 o party, are attempting to destroy or-1 10 o'clock were that the firing on Sprig, Matewan and Merrimac had,, died down, but was continuing froiu'' the vicinity of McCarr. Captain Brockiis scattered his 40 men among the towns on the Went Virgiiia side and said he would do nothing fur ther until morning. o Thousands Visit Sick .Soldiers At Whipple Barracks Republican A. P. Leased Wire FRESCOTT, Ariz., May 12. Thou sands of persons today visited Whip ple barracks here in observance of "National Hospital day." The day had been proclaimed a holiday in Prescott. Flowers enough to permit a large number to be placed in every ward were sent by Phoenix women's clubs and by several hundred women living in Southern California.- Today's events were partly in cele bration of the recently announced in tention of the government to double -the capacity of the hospital, already said to be the- second largest public health service hospital in the United States. Twelve new buildings will . bo erected, making the entire Institu tion capable of caring for 150O pa tients. Whipple barracks, devoted exclu- sively to the treatment of tubercular cases, now has about 650 patients. FLASHES Republican A. P. Leaaed Wire WOULD GRANT EXTENSION -WASHINGTON, May 12. Post ponement of one year on payments due December 1, by persons on recla mation projects for partial construc tion was proposed in a bill intro duced today by Senator Borah, r-, publican, of Idaho. WILL KEEP HANDS OFF WASHINGTON, May 12. The United States will refrain from any discussion of the Silesian question before the allied supreme council should that subject be considered, it was said today. Instructions to Am bassador Harvey, it was explained, are to take an active part only in the considerations of questions in volving American interests. Mereeant David Peterson .rtod'av0 oheht! TO RECOMMENDDEBS' RELEASE n whTc'S several hundred passengers' WASHINGTON, May IZ-Attorn.y " . train found themselves when General Daugherty said today that he WASHINGTON, railroad operating income tor -"-'"'i tne ...t of operation, caused by the was J30,M4,UC5, according to a tab-i institution of economics and a re- ..iT-.i hi- the Association : din-tion bv many roads in employes." Uiaiii'il Ji-" - T..,....l ,.!,... 3' I-..- Tll.-o tw!i. Tho Tr1 j-jXe"U i l v CM llUlll iiJiir uiuicaoru iiai.n; u?4U 1 1 1 1 u i-1 1. c. 1 t'Jr,.iru iv,.,,. , jvi InU-rMate i.-omnu-rce , t!i- nionln s result, operating reve- ; ey tjaoy uvea to ie inree ot iour This represents a -- tints in .March were announced as . ....- . n,iti,.n J nK -.') rln.,1.-.. r.t i.-i , t 1. a 'Oft Of t!IC teriL.ILH- .1 u-w.i.-t- i. i. .... no unit- r the transportation act ' of 1 per cent from March, 192". and !-oftase 'f $Ti0. 000,000 from 'operating expenses as .423.477. a "v r.'i " r-'enue contemplated by ; dec-reuse of 4.8 per cent. The net op i' .,' ,!,,, a0'-ition said in a ! er'.Mng income was- an increase of tonight. J-M over -March. 1H2H. M ircli reports, fur ihe first The western district carriers came; i- I ,- ,'r. I -e r shuweil a sur- nearest e;crnin in March a return, i .te't-ii of mote than Vir.a. iiuo of is per cent, their compije.i .reports ! Operatives of the sheriff's office here icMimc-i in .laTinaiy ana oi -i.-i snow inS mi i f i j i,.- m i.nnn pei I,,! m ivi i nao . according to the: cent 1 -years old and its death was. reported ' to have been from typhoid fever. An examination of the ranch house I where Meyer and his wife lived in Twin Falls county is said to have re ' vealed a quantity of poison. Fear Attempt at Suicide TWIN FALLS. Idaho. May (Continued on page 2) 12.- ASK COURTEOUS TREATMENT FOR CORRESPONDENTS Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 12 A res olution demanding for American newspaper correspondents in Ire land the same courtesy and con sideration given British newspa per men in the United States was introduced today by Representa tive Dyer of Missouri. He charged that the Dublin correspondent of the New York World, who was "truthfully reporting conditions" was warned on May 2 by British authorities to keep out of Ireland anil that C.enernl Stric kland "rep rimanded and threatened" Amer ican newspaper m.-ti in fork the week of April 2:". ' for honestly re porting atrocities of British mil itary rtiie" in thai section. eanized labor in America. The In dustrial Workers of the World, it was charged, is one of the instru ments being employed in this coun try by the soviet regime to destroy labor and overthrow the government. Much of the data gathered by in vestigators and trade unionists in Russia, as well as official soviet doc uments, has been incorporated in the report. o SEVEN ESCAPES CAUGHT HOUSTON, Tex., May 12. Thirty three of the 40 convicts who escaped ! from the state penitentiary at Hunts ; ville today are still at large tonight although hundreds of armed officers I and citizens were scouring the coun- i try within a radius of 75 miles in an ' effort to apprehend them. Seven i have been recaptured. Posses closed in on four others just before mid- night. i o WRONGFULLY ACCUSED CHICAGO. May 12. The discovery ' that William Sutherland Bacon, the first man named on the first "slack 1 er (list" released at Fort Sheridan. ! had in reality been a lieut ena m-eol-; onel and commander of the chemical : warfare, has practically stopped fur i ther publication of the list in the lo ; . a! pr ss. Three Chicago newspapers j announced today that until greater accuracy is obtained in the lists, puli 1 lication would be refrained from. Of U. S. Railroads Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 12. During a Ion? cross-examination before the interstate commerce committee today. Julius Kruttschnitt. chairman of the board of the Southern Pacific, held firmly to the views he had given in direct testimony as to the causes of the financial plightof the railroads. Expenditures for labor, fixed par tially or wholly by government action, are to high and must be reduced, he reiterated in reply to questions. Present revenues affected by recent rate advances are justifiable, he add ed, and must be sustained. Arguments and inquiries by sena tors designed to bring out the views of the witness as to whether lower freight rates might bring the roads more business and Increase profits out of smaller tolls, met not the slightest encouragement. In reply to the suggestion of Senator Townsend of Michigan that railroads might gain popular favor by dealing with rate reductions and wage reductions at the same time, the witness retorted that the railroads are almost in the death throes. Senator Poindexter. Washington, said many complaints were being voiced because of the slowness of ac-ti-n of the railroad labor board in deciding complaints and Mr. Krutt schnitt agreed that this was a dif ferent factor. tney reani i.-v ! a,; . o. M.-ri;nn "Bullets were peppering cm n n . - - . - - Debs." ao- e mountains. he said. A orm n p d pvinJ . 10-year sen- ,d children creamed and c . d in j the Atlant.Bpenitenti.ry for would writo personally the recom- th an terror while virtuauj -e., ,-- i f th .,-,. i.w. h. ger fell to the floors of the co.i. nes ; jt b) .me befr for protection. 1 don t know hr' recommendations would be comolete er any shots were aimed at lne because of the facts to be taken into train." j consideration. 200 in Attacking Party ! Capt. J. Ii.'Urocku?. commander of j B(J WAGE CUT PLANNED the state police for this district, who, uNioNTOWN, Pa., May 12. No returned to Williamson tonight, said j tices of a w,ge cut of from 25 to 35 that the shooting had been genera; i pep cent effectjve May 16 and af from Williamson to McCarr, Ky.. a ; tect:na 25.000 workers in the Con- distance of about 15 miles, lie esti- , neEvje reqion, was posted today mated that no less tnan -uu men imu made up the attacking parties. B" lets fairly rained from the mountain side as, he said, some of the at tackers were using automatic rifles. These were met by four or five ma chine guns which the state police had stationed in the valley. So heavy was the firing from the Kentucky side that the state police replied and just before nightfall, ac cording to reports, rr'i hidden ner.r McCarr shouted to their friends across the river that one of then number had been killed. It was also reported to headefuar- bv the H. C. Frick coke company, subsidiary of the United States Steel corporation. ters here that tne suite . ... y . - it was stated, sent into the mountains to out.i..nk; '. the attackers had returned totncyai they sougnt nain. LYNCH UNKNOWN NEGRO LITTLE ROCK, Ark May 12. An unidentified negro was lynched at McGenee, last night for alleged par ticioation in an attempted attack on J. P. Sims, a railroad blacksmith, and a young white woman while they were riding in an automobile along a country road, according to advices received tonight. Sims re ported three negroes stopped his car and demanded he leave the young woman. He, opened fire and the trio lev the men slipped away. ra n men w ere ai res, e police at Sprig and brought If -i nicht. Captain Brockn were being held in th killing of Staten Reports from the figlitin d by si.u tney til-ection Willi ...lay. area a EOMB INJURES 14 DUBLIN. May 12. Fourteen civ ilians were injured, some seriously, by the explosion of a bomb thrown at a lorry loaded with auxiliaries to night. The explosion created a pan ic and pedestrians fled from the street. It is said auxiliaries refrain ed from firing on the attackers.