Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN COTTON FUTURES NEW YORK. Dec 10. Cotton futures closed steady. Decem ber, 17.91c; January. 17.70c; March, 17.70c; May, 17.50c; July, 17.06c. AN INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE JOURNAL THIRTY-SECOND YEAR 36 PAGES PHOENIX, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. 36 PAGES VOL. XXXII, NO. 228 WEATHER FORECAST ARIZONA: Sunday and Mon day partly cloudy, slightly war mer central portion. NEW MEXICO. Sunday and Monday, generally fair; slightly mrmer east of mountains. .CONFERENCE ACCEPTS FOUR POWER TREATY REED ATTACKS T AS ALLIANCE TO CONTROL PACIFIC Irreconcilable Senators In dicate Unfriendly Atti- , tude Toward Treaty; Warm Fight Predicted Republican A. P. Leased Wire Washington Dec io. indica tions of opposition in the senate to ratification of the four-power . Pa cific treaty developed today shortly after the new pact was announced at the arms conference. Senator Reed, Democrat of Mis souri, an "irreconsilable" In the long Tight against the treaty of Versailles, In a statement denounced the new Understanding as "treacherous, trea sonable and damnable' and predicted there, would be a fight and a hot Other senators of the irreconcil bl group, for the most part, with held comment but, speaking privately, indicated an unfriendly attitude to ward the treaty. Senator Borah, of Idaho, leading Republican Irrecon cilable was one of those declining to comment. Republicans generally, ' however, predicted ratification by an over whelming vote and In this prediction to a grater or less extent were joined by i number of Democrats, includ ing leaders on that side of the serr ate. Many senators refused to com Init themselves, declaring they wished to study the pact. Democratic senators in a number f Instances said they did not attach the importance to the document as a peace measure that was claimed in Republican quarters and described it as -tnocuons" and as having a great similarity to the League of Nations covenant. Some. Democrats pointed to Article n which binds the signatories if their rights in the "Paclfio Islands "are " l-.reatened by the aggressive action " f any other power" to communicate with one another fully and frankly In order to arrive at on understand ing as to the most efficient measures to be taken, jointly or separately, to meet the exigencies of the particular situation." This, they said, differed but little; from Article X of the league covenant, which the Repub licans found most objectionable. Modeled After League Pact Senator Harrison of Mississippi, one of the Democratic spokesmen in the senate, in his comment said: "The best parts of the treaty are those provisions taken from the Lesgrie of Nations covenant." One of the principal effects of the treaty, both Republicans and Demo prats agreed, would be its termina tion of "the Anglo-Japanese alliance. "The real purpose of the treaty is running masked by fine phrases," Senator Reed declared. It is a verbal mbntrtrranh of Elihu Root, but not withstanding its sugar coating, it is nothing more or less than a quad ruple alliance between Great Britain, Japan, France and the United States bv which they mutually oino eacu rther to exert their joint power for the control of the Pacific and for tne maintenance of the rights of each 'in their insular possessions and insular dominions in the region ol the fa. cific Ocean. (Continued on Page 2) The Philosophy of Brother Ostrich There's something almost human about the ostrich. Rather than face the unusual, he buries his head in the sand thus exposing himself, rather recklessly, to the whims of happenstance. Isn't that just like the chap who ducks un der the sheets the minute' the furniture creaks downstairs? Lots of folks shut their eyes when they need them most. In the matter of buying something, for instance the important business of spend ing hard earned dollars. Who gets the most for his money? The man who buys blindly or the fellow who reads advertising and discovers just where he can buy what he wants at the best possible price? Who is the most economical housekeeper? The woman who buys haphazard, or the one who 'daily reads our advertising columns and puts her household purchasing on a business basis? There's no denying the great value of ad vertising to those who read it. It protects you against fraud and inferiority. It tells you what is new and good, making you a wise buyer. It saves you money by pointing out for your con sideration only the best products and the best places to buy them. Don't be an ostrich. Read the advertisements House Passes Bill For Appointment of 22 Federal Judges (Republican Associated Press Leased Wire) WASHINGTON, Dec 10 By a vote of 197 to 90 the Walsh bill for appointment of 22 additional federal district Judges was passed late today by the house and sent to the senate after an amendment which would have required federal Judges to devote all their time to judicial duties had been ruled out on a point of order. Creation of the judgeships was advocated by Chief Justice Taft, Attorney-General Daugherty and a group of federal judges and district attorneys which made a survey to determine the causes and extent of docket congestion in various districts and the means of expediting the handling of cases. Districts to which new Judges would be allotted under the bill include: Montana, Arizona, Northern California, Southern Cali fornia, Northern Texas, Middle Tennessee, and Southern Florida, one each. The bill also provides for the holding annually of a conference. Word that the house had passed the bill creating 22 additional federal district judgeships, including one in Arizona, set political gossip going last night as to p. possible appointee. The names of James R. Dunseath of Tucson and Robert C. Morrison of Prescott are two "who have been mentioned as possibilities in the awarding of the new tederal judgeship in this state. Undoubtedly there will be others who will be mentioned as likely candidates. Governor Campbell . To Attend Freight Rate Meet In Utah Republican A. P. Leased Wire SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 10. The governors of Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Arizona will meet in Salt Lake City the latter part of this month to frame a petition to be for warded to the . interstate commerce commission praying for a reduction in freight rates, according to a dis patch to the Telegram from Wash ington, where Gov. Charles R- Mabey of Utah is said to have made the announcement. . Governor Mabey left here a few days ago to attend the governors' conference at Charleston, S. C and then proceeded to the capitaL o Major Burton Asks President Harding To Mediate Strike Republican A. P. Leased Wirel KANSAS CITT. Dec. 10 Major H. B. Burton of Kansas City, Kan., to day telegraphed President Harding, stating that the packing house strike is affeetine -Public welfare and ask ing the president whether there is a possibility of arbitrating through the federal government. His action fol lowed a conference with packing house union officials. o Four Power Treaty Is Satisfactory To Italian Newspapers Republican A. P. Leased Wire ROME, Dec. 10 Announcement of the quadruple agreement at Wash ington has been received with satis faction by the Italian press. The Tribuna says: "America's signal agreement represents the guarantee that, no nation will be able to at tempt any war without the previous consent of four big nations. The United States has won a noteworthy advantage." o Lieutenant Pearson To Wed Arizona Girl Republican A. P. Leased Wire BISBEE. Ariz.. Dec. 10. A mar. riaee license has been issued to Lieut. Alexander Pearson, noted aviator, and Miss Margaret Shannon of Douglas. Ariz., according to word received from Tombstone, Ariz., today. OUTLAW S BODY IS IDENTIFIED BY SON OF WARDEN Republican A. P. Leased Wire LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Dec. 10. On a crude farm wagon in the main street of Benton, Ark., lav up to a late hour tonight the body of Tom Slaughter, escaped convict, who was slain Friday by J. C. Howard, one of the six other convicts whom the des perado had freed late Thursday after taking charge of the state prison where he was awaiting execution for murder. Throngs from neighboring towns as well as citizens of Benton sought to view the body of the slain man, who, when at liberty was feared because of his -daring escapades. When word reacher here today that the body had been found and was being brought to Benton - curious crowds began to gather to meet the posse, which ha-1 scoured the woods where it had been directed by Howard. The inquest will be held Monday. An examination of the .body revealed three bullet wounds in the top of the head, one-near the nose and several in the neck and his left hand. Positive identification of the body as Slaughter was made by Edward Dempsey, son of the warden of -the penitentiary. an4 B. C.. Rotenberry, chief of police here. The death of Slaughter came about directly. In the opinion of prison of ficials, through the tiny flaws in plans he had laid for his escape. The bandit, in the death cell of the penitentiary, had planned every de tail of his escape. He had prepared a map of every part of the prison build ings and yard: had accounted for every man within the walls; knew every detail of the duties of each of them and their hours of duty and the routine ol the prison. HAD OKLAHOMA RECORD OKLAHOMA CITT. Okla., Dec. 10. Tom Slaughter, anas Curley Stone, referred to by his Oklahoma ac quaintances as Curley. was a pioneer In the Healdton oil field, and spent some time at the beginning of the great oil rush there as a driller, ac ccrding to information on file in the criminal court of appeals at Okla homa City. His Oklahoma history centers mostly about Ragtown. one of the boom centers of the original Healdton field in Carter county. His first re corded escapade was a quarrel with the owner of a sandwich stand in Ragtown. He and his companions, the story has it, were out of employ ment and . they contracted with the sandwich man to dig a "slush" hole for him. When they had finished an argument about the pay ensued, and the sandwich man was warned t leave town. He did, but not until that night, when his stand was liften and all Ragtown was invited to partici pate in a feast "on" Curley. Several stories ore told of how Slaughter left the Healdton field, the one given most credence being that of how he took an automobile, drove it to Fort. Worth and told a garage pro prietor there to write to the owner at Rigtown and let him know where his automobile was. He was captured on his way back to the field in another automobile with a load of liquor. Pleading with the officer that he was tired, but would prove his identity when they returned to Fort Worth, he was al lowed to curl tip on the rear seat of the car while the officer drove back. Reaching Fort Worth the officer found his prisoner had left him. Coal Gas Explosion Kills Arkansas Man Republican A. P. Leased Wire RUSSELVILLE, Ark., ec. 10 One man was killed, two others probably fatally injured and three more se riously burned by a gas explosion in the Southern Anthracite Mining com pany's mine No. 2 near here today. Bandit Killed In Oklahoma Robbery Republican A. P. Leased Wire MIAMI. Okla., Dec. 10 One bandit was slain, another probably fatally wounded and a third escaped as they were leaving the Cardin State bank of Tar River. Okla, after robbing the bank of $3,000 in cash tonight. Officers armed with revolvers and sawed guns, rushed to the rear of the bank as the bandits were leaving and a gun fight ensued. The money i was recovered. WATSON OFFERS HUNDRED NAMES TO SUPPORT msr Georgia Senator Asks That 100 Former Service Men Be Brought Before Com mittee To Testify Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Names of more than 100 former service men were presented today to a Benate committee by Senator Watson, Dem ocrat of Georgia, who asked that they be brought here to testify in the in vestigation of his charges that American soldiers had been put to death in France without right of trial. There was no intimation as to how many would be summoned. Assur ance, however, was given Senator Watson that every person would be called if he believed they were pre pared to give testimony directly bear ing on the charges. Senator Wratson read extracts from many letters in which soldiers de clared they knew of numbers of il legal executions. One soldier wrote that on a transport going to France fourteen men were drowned for no apparent reason. The senator undertook to show, and indeed announced he would prove, that the war department list of eleven executions did not include all men illegally hanged or shot by order of superior officers. A picture of what seemed to be a gallows in France, on which a rope was being booked around the neck of a con demned soldier, with several officers on the platform and scores on the ground, was presented by the sena tor, who testified that It was taken by a colonel, now in the service. The officer's name was not re vealed. Senator Watson stated that he de sired to return the picture tonight, but by direction of Senator Shellds, Democrat of Tennessee, it was re tained for the record, although Mr. Shields" declared it was not worth while as evidence if the man who made it could not be found to testify. Colonel W. E. Bethel, assistant judge advocate general, from whom the committee obtained the list of the eleven legal executions, was in structed to check over the Watson list and see if any were the same. After presentation of a letter from Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt, denying he had first hand knowledge of the killing of a soldier by an officer and the subsequent transfer of the officer to another command. Senator Watson explained that use of Mr. Roosevelt's name was due to a blunder. The letter, he stated, was Written by Colonel Wil liam Hayward. federal district attor ney of New York and a former of ficer overseas. Quoting from his letter to Chair man Brandegee, the senator said it was no surprise to him that th American Legion "composed princl pally of the officers who organized themselves in Paris to perpetuate militarism in this country, should whitewash themselves." The commander of a legion post at Westville, Oklahoma, the senator said, had sent him the name of a man readv to testify that twenty-one Americans were executed In France without trial. Another soldier wrote that more than six hundred had been illegally killed in France. "Did these men tell why the sol diers were killed?" Senator Brand gee asked. "In each case of ruthless killing,' the senator replied, "it was stated that men were shot down because they were fagged and unable to walk." ENGINEER SUPPORTS WATSON LOWELL, Mass, Dec. 10 Anthony Mello, of Lowell, a former member of the sixty-third engineers with the A. E. F said today he saw two men hanged in France and had written i letter to that effect to Senator Wat son . Mello's name was mentioned yes terday iby the senator before the senatorial committee. Mello saia he did not know whether the men he saw hanged had previously been courtmartialed. He added that he was ready to testify. Mello as serted that he and other doughboys witnessed the hangings. Chinese Demand Complete Control Of Shantung Road Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Consid erable progress was made by the Chinese and Japanese delegates when they took up today consideration of control of the Kiao-Cho Tsinan-Fu railway in Shantung, according to an official statement. China demanded complete control of the road and declared herself ready to operate it as a unified sys tem. The Japanese vere told China would make compensation for its re turn . This nasertion was made as a re sult of the contention of the Japanese that under the reparations agreement of the Versailles treaty Japan would have to reimburse Germany for the road. The Japanese declared they would require time to consider the Chinese proposals and an adjournment was taken until Monday. Ambassador Shidehara appeared for Japan for the first time since his illness. Minister Alfred Sze of China de clared after the meeting that sub stantial progress had been made and that the situation looked "very hopeful." in i World History Made In Open Session of Armament Assembly V DWIGHT B. HEARD WASHINGTON. Dec. 10 Today's open session of the arms conference was a milestone i.i world history and long step forward toward lasting peace. The dav was suDerb and the set ting "n the great hall of the confer ence most striking, with its flags of Jie participating nations' used a dec oration, while the uniforms of .the army and navy attaches added life to the formal black costumes of the delegates. The participating delegates were seated around the outside of a tabl arranged in the form of a square. with opening on tne side opposite. Secretary Hughes, who presided with great ease and dignity, was mani festly happy over the successful prog ress .of this great world conference. In the center of the great square formed by the conference table were the tables of the secretaries, official stenographers and the wonderful in terpreter. The spokesmen of all nine nations present endorsed the four power treaty to preserve peace in the Pa cific. All but two epoke in English and at the conclusion of each dele gate's remarks the interpreter with wonderful direction and dramatic feeling repeated in French when de livered in English or in English when delivered in French. Big Four Confer Just before Secretary Hughes called the conference to order on the dot of 11 o'clock the big four Bal four, Hughes, Vivlana and Kato held an animated 'and manifestly joyful conference. Lord Lee of the British delegation was ea-restly talking with young Theodore Roosevelt, whose fa ther and Lord Lee established a warm friendship in tha Spanish-American war. General Pershing of the American advisory committee, sat Just behind Secretary Hughes, while near him sat Samuel Gompers next to Charles Barrett of the Farmers' union. Vice President Coolidge and his wife looked down on the historic as semblage from the gallery where most of the house and senate were located. Mrs. Harding, looking decidedly youthful and most smartly dressed. had in her box party a number of ladies of the cabinet and conjrress, in cluding Mrs Nick Longworth; while in an upper box sat Mrs. Hughes with Lady Lee and a bevy of women from the embassies. As the momentous resolutions re garding the Independence and lnteg rity of China embodying the famous Root four pomtsr were severally presented to the delegates for action they were unanimously ratified amid tumulutous applause of the galleries and at the conclusion of this action Secretary Hughes very clearly brought out the point that later oth Arbuckle Accuser Pleads Guilty To Charge Of Bigamy Republican A. P. Leased Wire MADERA. Calif.. Dec. 10. Mrs. Bambina Maud Delmont, who swore to the San Francisco police court complaint accusing Roscoa C. (Fatty) Arbuckle of murdering Virginia Rappe, pleaded guilty to a b!gmy charge in the superior court here today, and asked probation. A deci sion on her request will be made later. The complaint Mrs. Delmont swore out was reduced to one of man slaughter by the police court and the jury which tried Arbuckle on It failed to agree. APPROVES BILL TO FUND ALLIED DEBT Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 Funding of the eleven billion dollar debt owed the United States by foreign govern ments into obligations maturing not later than June 15. 1947. and (bearing interest at not less than 5 per cent, would be authcrized under a funding bill as approved today by the sen ate finance committee. Chairman Penrose announced that these and other provisions written Into the house bill had been agreed to by Secretary Mellon and the Dem ocratic members. He added that the rewritten bill would be reported to the senate on Monday and called up Tuesday. Interest on the new obligations would be paid semi-annually and the minimum rate which would be per mitted. 5 pei cent, is the rate on the existing obligations. Under another amendment four of the five members of the commission which is to conduct the funding ne gotiations would have to be con firmed by the senate. All of the changes in the house measure, it wa explained, were in line with those proposed by Senator Simmons 5f North Carolina rankfng Democrat on the finance committee. Varts of th- house bill approved would provide that: No part of either the principal or Interest couH be cancelled. The bonds of one government could not be accepted in payment of the debts of another. The auth lrlty of the commission expires in three years and that the commission mane annual report to congress. The total owed to the United States principal and interest, by the foreign nations, is ? 11.329.251,228. SENATE COMMITTEE er nations not present will have the opportunity if they desire to Join in this action as to China. Senator Lodge Applauded Senator Lodge was then intro duced and vigorously applauded as in scholarly English he presented the draft of the four powers Pacific trea ty which, when constitutionally rati fied, will abrogate the much-discussed Anglo-Japanese treaty of 1911. He explained that the treaty is brief, simple and free from concealed meaning and embodies n domestic issues. At the conclusion of his real ly classical address endorsing the treaty on the part or tne unuea States delegation, the galleries burst into tumultuous applause. France was then called for by the presiding officer and Vivian!, a strong rugged figure, wearing a simple business suit, and regarded as tne first orator of France, responded. He received an ovation, and speaking in French, with passionate earnestness and tremendous dramatic feeling, gave an address which stirred every auditor Rnd amply Justified the repu tation of tho patriotic and eloquent i ex-Socialist The translation of this i address, which followed, was a mas- j terpicce of the interpreter's art and the crowd cheered lustilv at Vivlani a phrase, "We do not ask nor wish the United States to Interfere in Euro pean affairs." Arthur Balfour, courtly, aristo cratic, and attired in his famous Vic torian frock coat, then spoke for Great Britain. He was certainly a fine example of a stately British dip lomat. With graceful compliments to Lodge and Vivlani he explained the attitude of Great Britain and brought down the audience when he vehemently declared his profound be lief in the permanent peacful co operation of the two great English speaking nations. v Tokugawa Praises Pact Japan, In the person of the heavy and somewhat stolid looking Prince Tokugawa, then gave its endorse ment of the treaty in carefully phrased English read from manu script, taking occasion to outline the great service previously rendered the world by the Anglo-Japanese pact. The bearded representative of Italy, Senator Schanzer, added his wont of endorsement rapidly fol lowed by China, Holland. Belgium and Jortugal, and after a few m(st appropriate and impressive words from Secretary Hughes, who presided superbly, the great conference ad journed temporarily as Secretary Hughes announced that they might proceed with work which would de velop into another step towards a permanent peace. This evening from every side come congratulations of the great con structive success of the conference and the prophecy that the spirit of co-operation for peace will continue until the great task is accomplished. PACKERS REFUSE TO END T Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO. Dec. 10 The strike of packing house employes cannot be settled by arbitration, Arthur Meek er, vice president of Armour and company, declared tonight in a state ment outlining the situation. He declared that the packers had agreed with their employes over wages through the employe represen tation plan and that, consequently, there were no differences between the packers and their men. "The few workers who have walked out can do as they please," he said. "The great bulk of the employes arc well satisfied and have remained loyaL These are the men we are in terested in and, since there is no need for arbitration where there is no dis pute, naturally we are not seeking an arbitrator. Mr. Meeker was approached today by government agents seeking to settle the strike. They were plainly told that the packers took the atti tude that there was nothing to ar bitrate. "There Is no occasion for discuss ing arbitration between meat pack ing concerns and those few of the men who have left their Jobs," said Mr. Meeker's statement. "Our plants were able to operate at about-S'l per cent of normal during the past week and there is no indi cation that the public will be seri ously Inconvenienced. It is our ex pectation that we will be operating in normal manner within a week. "The reduced output of the past week has had little effect on the prices other than for fresh pork pro ducts which always are particularly sensitive to conditions of supply and demand. Throughout the country as a whole fresh pork prices have not advanced materially, but in Chicago and such other cities are are ordina rily supplied in large part by local packing plants there have been price changes. Obviously the best way for the public to meet this situation is to f.ivor other meat products which are less perishable. Carcass beef, for Instance, has fluctuated only l"i cents a pound, and veal, mutton, poul try, etc., have not been seriously af fecicd.' BELFAST CROWDS RIOT BELFAST. Dec. 10. Rival crowds stoned eah other vigorously tonight until they were dispersed by the po lk e. o NOTED COMPOSER DIES NEW YORK, Dec. lu. Victor Ja colji, 3S. musical comedy composer, died tonight in a hospital here. BY ARBITRATION DELEGATES FAR PACIFIC PEACE New Agreement Expected To Hasten Deci sions On All Issues Before Arms Confer ence; Anglo-Jap Alliance Scrapped; U. S. Senate Must Ratify Article I. Th high contracting parties agree as between themselves to respect their rights in relation to their tasular possessions and in t sular dominions in th .-cgion of th Pacific ocean. If there should develop between any of th high contracting par ties controversy arising out of any Pacific question and involv ing their said rights which is not satisfactorily settled by diplom acy and is likely to affect th harmonious accord new happily subsisting between them they hall invite th high contracting parties to a joint conference to which th whol subject will be referred for consideration and adjustment. Article II. If th said rights ar threatened by th aggressive action of any otherpower, th high contracting parties shall communicate with on another fully and frankly in order to arrive at an understand ing aa to th most efficient measures to be taken, jointly and aaparatey. to meet th exigencies of tha particular situation. Article III. This agreement shall remain in fore for ten years from tha time it shall tak effect and after th expiration of said period it shall continue to be in fore subject to th right of any of th high contracting parties to terminate it upon 12 months notice. Article IV. Thia agreement shall be rati fied ae soon as possible in ac cordance with th constitutional methods of th high contracting parties and shall tak effect on th deposit of ratifications which ahall tak piece at Washington, and thereupon th agreement be tween Great Britain and Japan, which was concluded at London July 13, 1911, shall terminate. Mountaineers Kill Youth In Jackson, Kentucky Jail Raid Republican A. P. Leased Wire JACKSON, Kentucky, Dec. 10. A detachment of nationr.l guardsmen from Whitesburg and Hazard ar rived here tonight en route for the Lost Creek section of Breathitt county to joifi a sheriffs posse in a search for nine men who killed one youth and probably fatally wounded two women in an attempted Jail de livery here. The guardsmen were ordered out aftcjr a band of mountaineers had at tacked the county Jail in an effort to liberate prisoners they thought in carcerated. The prisoners, three' under life sentences, had been re moved. Appearing at the Jail residence early today the men demanded the prisoners. Oscar Allen, deputy Jailer, answered by throwing the Jail keys into a dark room and dropped when the invaders started firing. Mrs. Al len stepped in front of her husband, whom she thought wounded or dead. She was shot down, as was her sister-in-law. Miss Maggie Allen. Al bert Roberts, 21, a nephew of Jailer A. A. Allen, then started shooting. The men returned the fire, fatally wounding him. Without making an attempt to search the Jail, the band departed. Mrs. Allen is In a critical condition. Her sister-in-law is suffering from four bullet wounds. -Text. Of Four Power Treaty The Jolly Old Man With A Pack On His Back Y OU want to be sure that he brings you the right gifts. Take our tip, he'll never trip, if you pick from our Christmas Suggestions ; on the classified page, let vour eves slip, and help the old man make connections. When You re Looking for Anything Refer to The Arizona Republican's Classified Business Directory ACT TO KEEP Treaty Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, Dec 10 A new quadruple agreement to preserve tha peace in the Pacific was announced today by the United States, Great Britain, Japan and France. As a consideration of the interna tional realignment. Great Britain and Japan agreed to consign to the scrap heap tha Anglo-Japanese alliance, long viewed with apprehension in both America and Asia. Provisions o; the greement, which is in tne form of a ten year treaty, are confined to the "region of the Pacific ocean." The four powers are to respect each others island pos sessions and to meet in consultation If a dispute arises or if the rights of any of the four are threatened by any other power. The announcement was 'made by Senator Lodge at a plenary session of the arms conference and waa fol lowed by expressions of approval by tho plenipotentiaries of Gi-eat Brit ain, France; Japan, Italy. China and Belgium, tha Nether land and Por tugal. To b binding on the United States the treaty must be ratified by the senate. Open war was declared on it by some "irreconcilables" of the Ver sailles treaty fight In the senate, but Republican leaders and some Demo crats declared ratification was cer tain. ' Signatures of the representatives of the powers have not yet been af fixed and there is an intimation that they may be withheld Dntil the naval ration has been settled. The naval situation remains un changed pending word from Tokio but there is gene.-al confidence that approval of thf American 5-5-3 plan will be unanimous in the very near future. In lieu of signature, principal del egates have put their initials on of ficial copy of the treaty and Sena tor Lodge said this act was to be in terpreted as meaning that the docu ment has bee l 'approved to all in terests and purposes." Hasten Conference End The agreement is expected to has ten a decision not only on the naval ratio, but on alt o'her issues. A British statesman went so far to night as to characterie today's ses sion as "practically the break up of the conference" so far as major con siderations are concerned. One of the fiisl impulses of soaie senators was to compare and con trast the treaty with the league of nations covenant. By an official American spokes man it was pointed out that a feature of the league covenant is omitted from the four power peace agreement. In Article X of the league the mem bers agreel f "respect and preserve each other's territorial integrity," but in the new treaty the pledge is to "respect" territorial rights in tha Pa cific, i Omission ol the guarantee to "pre serve" the integrity of foreign na tions is declared by the American delegates to constitute an all-important distinction between an alliance and a compact for peaceful solution of future controversies. In presenting the treaty. Senator Lodge said it had been accepted by the L'nited States subject to a satis factory conclusion of the negotia tions proceeding over Yap, and also with reservations relative to the man dated islands south of the equator. It was explained by American spokesmen later that the attitude of the American rovemment upon the mandates has oeen in no way modi fied by the treaty. Include Chines Problem Tho conference also gave formal approval to several resolutions cn Chinese problems adopted by the Far Eastern committee of the whole. The four points o Elihu Root the dec laration on extra territoriality, and CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS PIGSKIN LEATHER CASES. FOR THERMOS HOTTLES Tt. bottle roilueed from 14 to $2.20. tjt. bottle reduced from $5.50 to $S.3. Double caso. 2 at., red. from $7 to $4.75. Double case. 2 at., red. from $9 to $;.75. Boehmer's Drug Store. Fi rs t A ve. nml Washington. 7