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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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PAGE TEN THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. PHOENIX. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. Retail Food Costs Drop In Six Cities tRepubliean A. R. Leased Wire WASHINGTON. E-c. 10 Retail cost of food decreased between October li nd November 15. In six of the r.ine principal cities from which the jeptutmcr.t of labor draws periodical reports. Houston, Texas, reported an increase of one per cent and New ark, N. J., four-tenths of one per cent. In Buffalo, N. Y, there was no change indicated. The six cities reporting decreases were: Cincinnati. 3 pe cent; In dianapolis, Ind., Milwaukee, Wis., and Portland. Maine, 2 per cent, and Chi cago and Omaha, Neb., one per cent.,ti.ll I" Si IDEAL GIFTS For Christmas! HOTPOINT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES This Christmas give something elec trical. Hotpoint Electrical Appliances are especially suitable for- Christmas Gifts this year when everyone is thinking of "useful gifts." Many of them can be used every day of the year, bringing much satisfac tion and full appreciation of the thoughtfulness of the giver. Our stock includes BOUDOIR SETS HOTPOINT IRONS CURLING IRONS ' HEATING PADS ELECTRIC HEATERS PERCOLATORS, GRILLS TOASTERS AND STOVES ' i . Something suitable. for every mem ber of the family. HEMES HIS APPROVAL OF CONFERENCE EZRA W. THAYER ' "Everything In Hardware" 124-130 East Washington Street Phone 1621 Secretary Of Commerce Approves Industrial Meeting Of State To Be Held Here Next Week Washington, D. C Nov. 28, 1921. Arizona State Industrial Conference, thoenix, Ariz. I would be glad to see the move- ment you are starting successful and I know of no better way to " make progress than to get to gether and talk the situation over. Yours- faithfully, HERBERT HOOVER. With the endorsement of Herbert Hoover, secretary of the department of commerce in the cabinet of Presi dent Harding, to the plan to hold a great industrial conference In Phoe nix discuss the various problems that confront the people of Arizona, a solution of which is vital to the welfare and progress of the state. It is expected that the meeting in this city on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 15 and will prove to be one of the most constructive and helpful ever held in Arizona. ' The conference Is to be absolutely non-partisan, a strictly business one with no political affiliations what ever and with a determined purpose to aidf and not to criticize. Invita tions have been sent to business and professional men in every part of the state and representing every location and industry. More than . 250 acceptances have been received and already it is as sured that the industrial conference will be a record gathering and is practically certain to mark an epoch in the welfare and prosperity of the state. Many of the most prominent men in Arizona of every calling will be here on those days and the program arranged includes many of the most timely and Urgent topics, a better mutual understanding of which can not fail to aid in the co-operation for the formulation of constructive state policies for the benefit and profit of all the people. The sessions of the conference will be held at the Woman's club and the Country club. mgpSIed at social affair Announcement of the marriage of Miss Constance Ebersol. an attractive member of the junior et, to Clarence Herwig, occasioned real surprise yes terday when the pews was told for the first time. The wedding was an event of Fri- Shop Early Morning .Hours are Best Shop Early ' Morning Hours are Best r-W AT WAYLAND'S ? of Qooci (Gadfe Imported from France, this fine stationery possesses the charm of something 'different.' "Satin Moire," "Roy d'Armes," "Violettes de Parme," "L'heure exquise" f our different papers with lined envelopes to mafch. Daintily packed in boxes suitable for the season. The prices range from $2.00 to $4.00. Symphony Lawn in special boxes for Christmas, $1.00 to $5.00. A high quality tvriting paper made in America. WAYLAND'S CENTRAL PHARMACY Central Avenue at Washington "from him" Accompany your Gift with a box of candy selected here pi Hfi WHITMAN'S H m gaa -te, PETITFIUS H fei fh M tin LIGGETT S M At, - v Ml IH -jo l. m hK Mi : , -- -.'was i v lit, , Ml m -tUM.iftih in I ffi " Residence of William A. Work, 524 East McDowell Road, which was sold during the week for a cash consideration of $20,000. The purchaser was Phil H. Marquard of Cleveland, Ohio. day evening, the young folk being In the group entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Galpin nt their home on Virginia avenue. The evei.t was turned into a wedding party with the appearance of Dean Scarlett of Trinity Cathedral, who read the ser vice. Until his arrival not even the guests had been advised of the plans of the clever young f lk. The bride, has made many friends during her six years residence here from Washington. An exceptionally sweet personality and keen mind, she Is a favorite with all who know her. She is active in the Girls Friendly and is a popular member of the Busi ness and Professional V oman s club. Mr. Herwig, who is in the operating department of the Arizona Eastern railroad, belongs to a pioneer family and was numbered among the first to enlist in service during the war. For the present he and his bride will make their home a. S10 North $inth avenue. WOME PRACTICE W I THEY TEACH Home economics teachers cf Hay- den are putting into practice what they teach in the school room, ac cording to Kate L.. Bear, supervisor of hom0 economics with the state de partment of vocational education, who returned yesterday from a sur vey of the Ray-Hayden district. The teachers are living in a dor mitory, said Miss Bear, and are work ing out the problems on a larger scale than they present in the school room. They are cooking three meals a day and caring for their own rooms, they reported to Miss Bear. Before her return Miss Bear In spected the work in her line being done in Florence. There the voca tional home economics students are planning a reception for their moth ers at which they will serve refresh ments prepared by themselves and exhibit clothing of their own manu facture. KEY TO MESA TO BEGVE POKEYS MULL HOME IS S S20.G0G One of the largest cash real estate sales of the past few months was con sjmmated last week when Phil H. Marquard, prominent sash and door manufacturer, lumberman and real estate operator of Cleveland. ' Ohio, purchased the residence of William A. Work. 524 East McDowell road, for $20,000. The property has a. 2i0 foot frontage. Mr. Marquard, who came to rhoc nix with two daughters and a son, has already started to build improve ments which will total about $15,000 His other eight children, now living in Cleveland, will arrive in Phoenix soon to remain here permanently. Mr. Marquard Intends to make Phoenix his home, and will probably engage in the manufacture of sash and doors in this city. The sale was made through the agency of W. X. Thorpe and Hal Prince, of the real estate firm of H. S. Prince and company. rate again went to a point at which it was possible a;ain to place these stamps on sale and promptly a rush followed to buy them. The reason was the eagerness of collectors throughout the world to obtain sets of the stamps. It was found that while a complete set of stamps could be purchased at the American post office in Shanghai for Mexican $5.71, the same sets were being sold by col lectors in New York at a rate cf gold $10 and in London at three pounds. The American postoffice in Shanghai is the only distributing otfice in the world where these stamps may be obtained and they are issued from the Shanghai office only when the exchange rate warrants their sale. VSay It With DIAMONDS" MACK GARDNER 45 North Central King of Diamonds El Temamah temple No. 65, D. O. K. K., will be presented with the key of the- city by the mayor of Mesa tomorrow when the "Dokies" of the valley journey to that city for a cere monial meeting. The Phoenix con tingent will take a band with it to head the big parade which will be held prior to the opening of the cere monial. Motor cars will leave Phoenix from K. of P. hall beginning at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon, stopping in Tempe for half an hour to arouse enthusiasm in that town with a few Dokie an tics. Continuing to Mesa, the parade will besjin at 7:30 o'clock and the ccremoniel will open at S o'clock. All members of phoenix and Ttmpe are requested to meet at their local K. of P. halls early. At a meeting in Thoenix Friday night all arrangements for the parade and ceremonial were concluded. TAKES OVER WEBER BUSINESS II STATE The Arizona branch of C. F. Web er and company, handling school, church, lodge and office furniture, has been discontinued and its busi ness taken over by O. P. Marston, who has opened an establishment over Berryhill's at First and Wash ington streets, it was announced yes terday. The Weber slogan. "Every thing for schools," will be carried out hy Mr. Marston, with the addition,' "Everything for offices." Mr. Marston is well-known here, and for four years has been the trav eling; representative of the Weber company in this territory. Formal announcement of the change was made by the Weber concern in the following letter to patrons of the company bv K N. Fricke, manager of tho Arizona branch here which has been discontinued: "We are discontinuing our Arizona branch. O. B. Marston, who has been our traveling representative in this territory during the past four years, will succeed to our business. Mr. Marston has had many experiences in this line of work and to our per sonal knowledge will be in a posi tion to give prorrfpt and efficient ser vice. It affords us great pleasure, therefore, to bespeak for him your valued patronage. "Mr. Marston will operate under comparatively small overhead ex pense and has inaugurated a sys tem whereby his cost of doing busi ness will be minimized to the extent of enabling htm to sell at much lower prices than those which have pre vailed in the past." Quebec Boy Admits Killing His Mother Republican A. P. Leased Wire WINDHOR MILLS, Que., Dec. 10 Leonard Pion, 16 years old, yesterday confessed to the police that he mur dered his mother, Mrs. Joseph Pion, by shooting her on December 2. He had been under arrest as a material witness. o World's largest salt shaft is said to be at Retsof, N. Y. BARGAIN SALES IN STAMPS The United States postal agency at Shanghai is probably the only American postoffice that ever held what may be called a bargain sale in stamps. This happened this fall and was made possible by a fluctua tion in the rate of exchange. About a year ago as a measure of convenience for the pu-Wii the Amer ican postoffice department placed on sale stamps that could be purchased in the currency of the country, based in value upon the Mexican dollar. These were the ordinary two-cent and other stamps, surcharged in black letters on their face for the two-centers the words "Shanghai 4c China." Soon after these stamps were Issued, by leason of a fluctuation in the rate of money exchange the sale You Can Get Better Dentistry For Less Money Here We can give you better dentistry for less money because the volume of our patronage enables us to charge smaller fees than any smaller practice could afford for the same high quality of work and materials. We also maintain our ov n modern laboratory where all plates, crowns, bridgework and in-lays are made and this saving is likewise reflected in our reasonable fees. All of our dental work is guaran teed, hence it is to our own interest to take sufficient time and pains with each treatment to ensure its lasting satis faction. Come in and let us examine your teeth this morning. Examination Free X'Raij Diagnosis cetter Uentistru i rcr Less JMoneu DOCTORS OlSBISON BLYTHE -SLE. WASH I NGTOSST. inone 30 Gas Administered AH Work Guaranteed SPECIAL DIVINE HEALING SERVICES This Afternoon At3P.M. PASTER FAULKNER AND OTHER MINISTER3 WILL SPEAK FIRST PENTECOSTAL MISSION Corner Second Street and Adams W,- Gifts ' 1 The Store of Unusuai Filled to the overflowing with tasty worth while gifts many of which you cannoti ind elsewhere. Hose Real Christmas Hose In Interwoven Silks. For dress and service unsurpassed. Large assortments. Gloves Fownes Dress Gloves of cape kid to suit the most fas tidious. One style of our unusu ally large glove stock. Neckwear Beautiful Imported and domestic silks made Into the latest Kour-in-Hands. Excep tional assortments. Holiday Boxes. Knit Neckwear Wonderful as sortments of the newest knits. The kind he would buy himself. Holiday Coxes. Gift Sets of Paris garters and silk hose to match. Come in tasty Christmas boxes. A nice gift. Smoking Jackets The comfort necessity for a winter night. Our stocks are very complete. Hickok Belts with Initialed buck les are the presents par excel lence. Our stocks are exception ally large. Men's Slippers of comfy felt, with the soft pad sole. A gift that will be appreciated. Collar Bags for presents are un surpassable. A man always needs one. Excellent grade leather bags In neat patterns. Shoes for the Lad In brown or black calf of the American Boy make. Kngiish or biucher lasts. $5.00 and $1.00 $3.00 $1.85 $1.00 and better $1.25 $8.00 and better $1.25 $2.75 $1.75 $6.00 Unusual Items That Are Hard to Find Elsewhere Men's Dress Hats as large as size 7?. Men's Dress Shirts as large as size 19. Men's Dress Gloves as large as size 11. Men's Smoking Jackets to size 50. Men's Belts as large as size DO. Men's Wool Shirts as large as size -0. Men's Union Suits in cotton or wool, for the tall man, or tho short man, in sizes up to 54. Men's Suits i:i -J3 lor.g stouts. Dr. Jaeger's fine wool Chest Protectors. Dr. Jaeger's fine wool Night Caps. Dr. Jaeger's fine wool Steeping Sox. Brighton one-piece outing flannel pajamas. Interwoven Hose up to size 13. E. Z. Garters. Knit Neckwear in white. Ground Gripper Shoes for mn. You'll do better at Shop By Mail Shop By Mail