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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBUK 1, lyiil. FAGE THKhJK Vesta Batteries ARE BACKED WITH A TWO YEAR GUARANTEE "Costs less per month of service." You will save money and battery grief by making your next battery a "VESTA" Arizona Battery & Ignition Co. Phone 1050 9 East Van Buren Street Low operating cost ti EXIT TO BE GREATEST TW MSaRTHUR. BROTHER CtNTRAl 5r MAD1ON PHONE 432l . PHOENIX. Dodge Brothers SEDAN NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Prepara tions for the national automqblle shows in New York and Chicago which are rapidly nearfng completion, assure those who have followed them that the displays will be the biggest and most comprehensive the country has ever known. The New York event, the first half of the show, will be held in Grand Central Palace, Jan uary 7 to 14, and the Chicago event, the second half, in the Coliseum and Armory. Jan. 2S to Feb. 4. One of the outstanding features of the 1922 show will be the great values in the cars displayed. Never before has a prospective automobile pur chaser been offered the value he can now get. Ever since the war motor car manufacturers have been profit ing by the lessons learned when the plants were being used by the gov ernment. As a result, they have been able to reduce costs and at the same time show betterments in their prod ucts. Automobiles surely are improving every year; the automobile show re flects this. For the most part, how ever, the bettermen has been noticed in body designs, coach work, finish, both interior and exterior. There will be 94 car manufacturers exhibiting on the four floors of the Palace in January, as against 88 last year. This record number of exhibit ors means that there wiliabe nearly 400 different models shown to the New York motoring world. Eight new makes of cars, including two foreign ones, will be shown at New York.) These are the Bournnon- ville, Handley-Knight, Rickenbacker. Wills St. Claire, Kelsey. Itala and Vauxhall. The last two named are the foreign makes that will be on dis play. Ufce following cars will be at the New York show: Ambassador, An derson. Apperson, Auburn, Bournon ville, Buick, Cadillac, Case, Chalmers, Chandler, Chevrolet Cleveland, Cole, Columbia, Commonwealth, Crow-Elk- hart, Davis. Detroit, Electric. Dixie Flyer, Dodge Brothers, Dorris. Dort DuPont, TJurant, Earl, Elcar, Klgln, Essex, Franklin, Gardner, Grant, Handley-Knight Hanson, Hatfield, Haynes, H. C. S., Holmes, Hudson, Hupmobile, Itala, Jackson. Jordan, Kelsey, King. Kissel Kar, Kline Kar, Lafayette. Leach-Biltwell, Lexington, Liberty. Lincoln, Locomobile, McFar lan, Maibohm, Marmon, Maxwell Mercer, Milburn, Mitchell, Monroe, Moon. Nash. National, Noma, Oak land, Paige Paterson, Peerless, Pierce Arrow, Pilot, Premier, Rauch-Lang, R. & V, Knight, Reo, Rickenbacker, Roamer, Saxon. Savers , Standard, Stanley, Stearns-Knight. Stephens Moline Plow company, Stevens-Dur- yea, Studebaker, Stutz, Templar, Vauxhall, Velie. Westcott, Wills-St. Claire,. Willys-KnigTit. All of these cars will be displayed at Chicago, also with the exception of the DuPont, Kline, Ambassador, Noma, Leach-Biltwell. Hatfield, Bournonville; Esse. Rickenbacker, Kelsey, Itala, Vauxhall, Stanley. Overloads To Tune Of 50,000 Will Be Sold Next Year TOLEDO. O.. Dec. .10. (Special) That 50.000 Overland cars will be re quired by Overland dealers during 192J was the recent statement of President John N. Willys of the Over land company here. After an inspec tion of the Overland plant. President Willys further stated that his con cern could furnish employment to 1J.00O men next year. Dins EE THAT CARS ARE IL-E SIGN QUIPPED ST. LOL1S, Mo., Dec. 10 (Spe cial) The use of signaling devices on certain types of automobiles and trucks operated inthe state of Mis souri will become cbmpulsory Imme diately, according to the city attor ney of St. Louis, who today notified the police to enforce the law which was to have taken effect November 2. The types of cars affected will be closed cars, cars which have the cur tains pulled, down, thus rendering them virtually enclosed cars, and all trucks so constructed that an arm or other signal cannot be seen. A long l;st of approval signals has been sub mitted to the city attorney, who has approved 22 devices so far. APPLYING IT TO GOLF Smith Do you believe that peo ple should be for ever thrusting them selves forward? Jones Oh, no! The man on the golf links was hit by a golf ball through getting too mucii :n the fore ground. London Answers. The Tire with the Wider and Thtcker Tread Here's A Strange Criticism- A man in Idaho writes us : "I think the wider and thicker tread of your tires is partly re sponsible for their wonderful mileage but you can't tell me you're not putting better rubber into this tire than you ever let on." It is true that we have always used the best materials money can buy. But the mere fact that the tread is wider, makes it wear down so , slowly that users often get the idea that the rubber is miracu lously tough, too. . WEYA Distributor for Tfl 01 IE IS The Tire with the Wider and Thicker Tread 330 West Adams St. Phone 1056 If SSIR'S PARTS STOCK REACHE TOTAL That the supply of parts and the service rendered by a car dealer piny a most important part In the value of an automobile is the assertion of E. A. Keilson, parts department man ager of the Cal Messner establish ment Neilson. has directly under his charge the entire $25,000 stock of parts for Chandler, Cleveland ami GMCs which is carried by Cal Mess ner. "The fact that a car owner can re ly on his dealer to have Jit't tire part he may require at any tiie consti tutes a great argument in favor of the purchase of the particular car, Neilson declared. "It is no unusual thing for a car owner to . require something that may indeed be simple, yet which the dealer does not have in stock. This necessitates wiring for this part and causes a delay that could have been avoided had the dealer truly represented his line in the first place. .There are, several cars marketed in Phoenix which are backed up with an ample stock of parts, and we say with pride that no lines are backed up. any stronger in this respect than our own Chandler, Cleveland and GMC. It gives a feel ing of confidence to the man who wants a car or truck to know that he can be taken care of right on the spot if anything goes wrong, and no matter how high-priced a car may be, no matter how economical or sat isfying it proves, It occasionally needs repairs, adjustments or new parts. That's where the real test comes in. Has the dealer got the necessary parts to keep the car roll ing?" Mr. Neilson states that he Is able to fill 95 per cent of all parts orders directly from stock. "If two dozen Chandler owners should come rush ing in here .and all want right front fenders t replace smashed ones, we could fix them up right now, he as serted. "The same thing Is true of all other parts motor, body and chassis. I feel that this Is some thing worth looking into by the man who wants a car or truck. It shows the confidence the dealer has in his line in the first place.". MOTORING GIFTS TO BEG T IN ON CISTISi "So widespread has been the In terest developed in motoring that, tho coming Christmas Is becoming known among members of the automobile in- austry, tne otoring public and acces sory dealers in particular, as the mo toring Christmas." says L. II. Sorey, manager of the Western Auto Supply company. "For many years the value and ap propriateness of automobile supplies had been overlooked in the prepara tion of lists for the distribution of Christmas presents. This year, however. Christmas h.n a different meaning for automobile owners, we believe. For there are thousands of new automobile owners prouu of their cars, and old owners still take pride in their machines. They all want to improve the ap pearance of their cars and as a result both friends and relations are find ing the most useful and appreciated presents are those which have to do with the motor car. "So friends ere buying for other motoring friends such gifts as ton- ncau robes, radiator ornaments, epot- ugnts, nincneon kits, windshield wings, tires, chains, thermos bottles, locks for both car and robes, rear view mirrors and, hundreds of other accessories which will be gratefully received by any car owner. one thing more. Better do vour Christmas shopping earlier than ever this year. It will give you a greater variety and a more complete stock to select from and you will receive more attention from the salesmen, who will not ee as rushed for the next few weeks as they will be durinr the last few days pridr to Christmas." o F ORD BODY PLANT WASTES! TIM E During the past year the output of Ford touring car bodies at the River Rouge body plant has been on the Increase, t As in other parts of the organization, records have been shat tered. - During October the output reached its highest level, touring car. bodies establishing a new mark with 1.400 as the average daily output. Pro duction at this figure indicated the building of 33.000 touring car bodies for October. These bodies are of the latest design. The sedan body output continues steady at the average daily rate of 360. km 1 If ' 30x3 30x3 32x4 33x4 32x41 33x4 34x4 35x5 Even when Kellys cost more than other tires we had no difficulty in selling them. Now Kellys are better than ever, yet because of the effi ciency of the big new Kelly plant you can buy Kellys to day for the same price you will have to pay for' other tires that have always sold for less. K.S. Fabric $14.90 K. S. Cord , . .... .... $18.95 K. S. Cord .' $32.75 K.S. Cord .7 $33.75 K.S. Cord $42.40 K.S. Cord ..... $44.00 K.S. Cord $44.30 K. S. Cord $54.40 THESE ARE THE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED ON KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES Phoenix Robber Co.. DISTRIBUTORS First Street and Monroe Phoenix, Arizona GYPSIES HOW HIT TRAIL IfJ MOTORS Gypsies of a. new khJ are becom ln usual all over the United States. But. unlike the gypsies cf a former day, they do not tUl fortunes nor talk Romany but are real Americans in every sense of tho word yet, ihcy are gypsies just tho same because they live in a home on wheels, eat by tho'wayside, sleep where night over takes them and they ate as independ ent of hotels os an Xtigane. The new gypsies navel by motor In a miniature hocel fitted with be Is, cooking outfit, books, heating de vices, retrular plumbing, pantry and .;.,. . .lmn-or hnth 111 this emiinaire a man. his family Olid" euests may start out on their wan derings and as long as funds hold out the whole civilized world is theirs. Towns are setting aside camping grounds for these nomads. Thousands of them annually traverse the south west. Their trade is valuable. Each memben. of a party on an average leaves one dollar a day behind him at stores en route. At many places motor tourists are given the freedom of the municipal parks as well as wood chopped ready for use, running water and other camping needs. The movement is In full blast abroad. In Kngland it is called car avanning. The tendency there is to have a living car in the form of a trailer attached to the owner's reg ular touring car. The caravan Reo is owned by Dr. W. P. Fread of Ottawa, Illinois. He has cristened his speek wagon the "Road Home." It is shown all ready for its long ramble to the Pacific coast. Within a few days the party will be starting toward the muddy hills of Iowa. The "Road Home" carries Dr. and Mrs. Fread, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Carter and their daughter. Miss Reva Carter. There are beds for all five, and in addition, dining table, lavatory, bHffet, oil stove, clothes prees and electric lights. A Tire for Christmas! What more welcome present could a car owner desire than a tire for his car one made from Salt Jliver Valley Long Staple Cotton? That's what you give when you se lect Oldfield or Firestone. We haye them in all sizes and a wide range of prices. GIVE A LONG STAPLE TIRE AN OLDFIELD OR FIRESTONE Fines In New York Average $25 Each The traffic court in New York city, established five years ago, handles every traffic law case in the borough of Manhattan. The two magistrates, appointed by the mayor, have juris diction over nothing but traffic in fringements, and me specialists on the traffic regulations. It is unusual fur anybody to gU out of court without a fine of $-". Sometimes J 1 0 or 15 is the fine Imposed, but the rule is $25. ED RUDOLPH DISTRIBUTOR OF Oldfield and Firestone CORD AND FABRIC TIRES PHOENIX GLENDALE is? THE JOKE THAT FAILED Slie 1 t"ll your latest ,i"ke to ! mother lat niplit and she pretty near I laughed herself to ie:itli. I lo (impatiently) Well, why didn't i the? 1 '7?? on nvf way from the McCall Cotton and OH Company to the Fires! on f and Oldjield factoriey."'