Newspaper Page Text
i'AGE SIX (Section Two) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER U, 11K21. Republican A. P. Leased Wire J NEW VOKK. Dec. 10. Opinion in trading circles van rather mixed at the opening of today's brief session, t-ut the market soon turned strong to the discomfiture of shorts, who cov ered extensively before the active close. Coppers, equipments and oils were features at gains of one to three loints. Motors, shippings, rubbers, tobaccos and miscellaneous stocks of the more speculative variety followed leaders at less substantial Rains. Rails alone were sluggish, many representative Issues remaining un- j uoted. Their backwardness was at tributed to official reports disclosing in increase of idle freight cars. Sales, M.WO shares. j Sentimental factors in the day's j movement included the strength of foreign exchanges, some of which i were at maximum quotations since the signing of the armistice, and an nouncement e-f she terms of the "lour! jKwr" treaty. ! The November tonnasre report of the United States Steel corporation showing a small decrease in bookings compared with the previous month Ed weekly reviews f trade condi tions by the mercantile agencies comprised the other developments. Trading in bonds was broad, but rtanges were irregular. Liberty is sces again denoted realizing for profits, while transportations reflect ed pressure in the share list. Total s-xles. par value, J10.S75.OOO. Actual decrease of 3K 600,000 in c-loarir.g house loans and discounts was something of a surprise in view of the supposed drain on local re sources during the week. A cash less of $7,700,000 reduced excess re serves to slightly less than $10,300,000. CHICAGO BOARD CHICAGO. Dee. 10. In a heavy n.arket grain prices sagged and pro visions barely held their ground here today. At the finish wheat was tf 1 cents pet lower, corn was off S to s cents and oats were ys to cents lower. Fork and lard finished unchanged, but ribs lost two and one half points. Wheat started with a weak under tone and there was an early" break when a trade rumor of a moratorium in Germany was denied. The drop ttracted some buying, but the trade fell away and the second hour saw little variation in prices. Just be tore the close shorts covered on re ports of a stronger cash market in V4 innipeg coupled with advices that i Argentina returns indicated about a normal crop instead of the big yield that some traders had looked for. This movement was short lived and prices sagged again at the close. Corn was under pressure but re sisted fairly well because of contin ued export demand and the fact that outside markets were outbidding t.m- go in the cash market. The sellers Tainted to increased country offer ir.M and predicted increased arrivals lor next week. Oats were a bit duller than is usual for Saturday and mere' ly followed corn. - Provisions were quiet. Only a few scattered holdings were offered. WEEKLY FINANCIAL NEW YORK, Dec 10. interna tional credits assumed a commanding :osition in the financial markets this week on the buoyancy shown by al lied exetaanees. The Question ot Ger man reparations became a dominant i.-eue. authoritative advices pointing more directly to a readjustment of -:i-h navments. Official figures for the first eight months of the year showing tne enor mous increase ot French imports to rrnunr and developments in the It 'J' 1 1 1 ' ! Writ Far On FREE BOOKS Oa MUNN &.CO. Hobart Bldg.. San Francisco. Calif. Tower Building. Chicago. Illinois. Scientific Am. Bldg., Washington.D.C. Woolworth Building. New York City LIBERTY BONDS Bought For Cash Loa Angeles Stock Exchange ' Quotations 1st Liberty 3H ....... .$94.50 1st Liberty Conv. 4 ...$95.00 ' 1st Liberty Conv. 4.. $96.80 2nd Liberty 4 $94.00 2ndLiherrv Conv. 4 ..$96.40 3rd Liberyt 4Vt $97.35 4th Liberty 4i $96.92 5th Victory 4 ..$99.80 A. W. COOTE Member Chicago Board of Trade Los Angeles Stock Exchange San Francisco Stock Exchange Kew York Curb Correspondent E. F. Hutton & Co. Members New Tork Stock Exchange Private Wires Coast to Coast Adams Hotel Bldg. 119 North Central Ave. Phoanix Ariz. Phona 1418 "Prompt and efficient service" H W. W. Lawhon Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Investments Logan & Bryan Private Wire Service We specialize in Liberty Loan Issues ft No. 39 South Central Ave., Commercial Hotel Bldg. AUTO STAGE UTO STAGES To Globe. Miami, Roosevelt Dam, over the Apache Trail "Jaily. To Superior. B'lorence, Ray. Sonora. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday, -caving F.ay for Phoenix, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To Tempe. Mesa, jc-urly. To Chandler every other hour. Tc Fowler, Tolleson, Cashion. vldwater, Avondale, Wagner, Litchfield, Liberty. Buckeye. Arlington and 1 ; !!rr-me tam. For further informntion phone Til or 1465. UNION STAGE' DEPOT, 11-13-15 East Jefferson Street. Irish situation also were features in the exchange situation. The ushering in of December was characterized by greater caution by stock trades. This resulted in a vis ible reduction of the inquiry for both stocks and bonds and moderate re action of quoted values. Of the more representative shares rails showed the most persistent pressure, lheir reversal was due to the heaviness of St. Paul issues, which were freely sold on rumors af fecting the company's financial status. There was no cessation, however, in the demand for new capital of ferings. In many instances, notably that of the Oregon Short Line under- iritings, subscriptions from invest ment sources were many times in excess of supply. According to reliable reports, the United States government does not contemplate long term financing as a means of offsetting maturing victory notes. Next week interest payments approximating $150,000,000 will be made on bonds and short term notes. The . money market repeated its confusing course of last week. Call loans rose to 6 per cent for the first time in a month, but loans extending into January - and February were made at as low as 4 per cent and buying of merchant; paper was more liberal. In trade circles it is understood ne gotiations for the proposed consolida tion of the leading independent steel companies are proceeding. Weeks, if not months, are expected to elapse however, before the more important details .are reduced to a worKaoie basis. . 1 v Lot CHICAGO CHICAGO. Dec. 10 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.500; compared with a week aeoiiMarket uneven; beef steers 25c migher; fat she stock mostly steady low grades weak; canners and cut ters 25c lower: bulls steady to lower; veal calves about steady; stockers and feeders strong to 2oc higher. HOGS Receipts, 6,000; mostly 25c higher than Friday's average; light lights up $7.75;- bulk 170 pound to 200 pound average, $7.157.3a; hold over liberal: shippers took about 8, 000: pigs. 23c higher. SHEEP--Receipts, 7.000; receipts today mostly to packers direct; com pared with a week ago: Fat lambs around $1 higher; fat sheep ana year lings 60 to '75 cents hhjher; . feeder lamos jdc ntgner. KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY, Dec. 10 CATTLE Receipts, 1,100. For week: Beef steers steady to 25c higher; top $8.50; fat she stock and bulls steady; veal ers $1.001.50 lower; other calves lower; canners, 50c lower; stockers and feeders strongNto 25c higher; fat calves and heifers mostly 25c lower; stock calves 25 to 60c lower. - HOGS Receipts, 1.000; fully 10c higher; mostly to shippers and yard traders; top. $7.00; for lights and handy butchers; bulk, $6.807.00; pigs. $7.10. . . . - SHEEP Receipts. 2.000. For the week: Sheep steady; lambs, 25Q50c higher; mostly 60c higher; top, $10.25. 7 DENVER 'DENVER, Dec. 1 CATTLE Re ceipts none; :eady to 25c higher. For the week: Beef steers, $5.00.25; cows and heifers, $3.505.10; calves. $5.0009.50; bulls, $2.003.00; stockers- and feeders, $4.50(u6.00. HOGS Receipts, 300; 15 to 25c higher: top. $7.00; bulk, $6.256.75. SHEEP Receipts, 3.000: steady; lambs, $8.?5ffj:10.00; ewes, $3.004.00; feeder lambs, $7.758.50. FOREIGN EXCHANGE . NEW YORK, Dec. 10 Foreign ex change strong; Great Britain demand 4.14V4; cables 4.14. France demand, 7.82; cables, 7.82. Italy demand, 4.43 '-i; cables, 4 44. Belgium demand, 7.50: caliles. 7.60. Germany de- mani, 64v;-cables. 64. .Holland de mand 35. 9S; cables 36.01. Norway de mand, 14.60. Sweden demand. 24.20. Denmark demand, 18.95. Switzerland 19.38. Spain demand, 14.38. Greece demand, 4.17. Argentina demand, 33. 00. Brazil demand, 12.87. Montreal deband, 91 13-16. Text Book of WALL STREET Hll EDITION Cmmtmntm History of New York Stock Exchange History of the Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York History of the New York Curb How to Open sn Account and Methods of Trading The Art of Speculating for Profits Augmenting One's Income How to Secure Loans on Stocks Dictionary of Wall Street Terms and Values of Foreign Exchanges Copy Xtm upon .reQtiost McCall. Riley & Co. M efnben GoaaolMsted Stack Exehsna ol Hmw York 20 Broad St., New York TIME TABLE - NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE W. W. LAWHON Logan & Bryan Private Wire Commercial Hotel Bldg. , D American Beet Sugar 2i American Can 32 American International 41H American Locomoti-e 99 '.i Am. Smelting & Refining iShs American Tel..& Tel. Co 116 American Woolen i!1 Atchison 89 H Baldwin Locomotive 95'i Baltimore & Ohio 36 Beth. Steel (B1 S8H Canadian Pacific 120 Central Leather 30Wj Ches. & Ohio 56 Vj Chandler Motor 4i. Chicago, Mil. & St. laul 20 Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry 31"; Corn Products 93 Vz Crucible .Steel 64 Cuba Cane Sugar Ihi Erie 11 General Motors 107 Great Northern pfd 752 Great Northern Ore 31',J Haskell & Barker S1H International Paper 52J8 Int. Mer. Marine pfd. , ti6 Invincible Oil ; H'a Island Oil i Lackawanna Steel Mexican Petroleum Midvale Steel .. . Missouri Pacific New York Central N. Y., N. H. & Hartford Norfolk & Western ...... Northern Pacific , Pan American petroleum Pan American "B" Pennsylvania ........... . 45 11SH . 28 . 18 . 73?i . 13-g . 97 i . 79H . 52 4 . 4714 . 33V . 14 . 71 . 53 Pierce, Arrow . ... . . Reading Rep. Iron & Steel .., Retail Stores 52 Royal Dutch , 50 Sinclair Cons.- 21 Southern Railway 18 Southern Pacific 79 Studebaker Co 79 Texas Co. . 47 Tobacco Products 5 9', 4 United Food 10 U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel U. S. Industrial Alcohol Union Oil Delaware ... Union Pacific Vanadium Corp Virginia-Carolina Chem. Western Union Westinghouse Electric .. Willvs Overland Middle States Oil 53i . S3 . 38M . 19 127 U . 32 . 29 . 92 .4914 . 5 . 14 P -- COPPERS Compiled for The Republican by W. W. LAWHON Logan & Bryan Private Wira Commercial Hotel Bldg. . Anaconda 48 Butte & Superior 18 Calumet & Arizona 56 Vi Cerro de Pasco 35 Chile 13 Chino ." . 28 Greene-Cananea ,28 Inspiration 39 Kennecott 26 Miami 26 Nevada Cons 13 Ray Cons 15 Utah 64 Big Lodge 25 27 Calumet & Jerome 13 16 Dundee 50- 70 Goodyear Tire 11 13 Goodyear Tire preferred 26 27 Green Monster 06 12 Jerome Verde 31 38 Magma 21 23 Magma Chief 04 06 New Cornelia 16 n Rav Hercules 18 26 United Eastern 2ft 2 Verde Extension 27 28 o LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORK. Dec. 10 Liberty bonds closed: 3"s, $95.26; first 4's, $97.28 bid; second 4's, $96.78; first 4's, $97.26: second 4's. $96.82; third 4's, $97.52; fourth 4U's $97.20; Victory 3's, par; Victory 4'a, par. The Arizona Republican is the rec ognized want advertising medium of Arizona. RATE I'ic per word per day, no discount for time or space; cash with order; minimum charge 25c. PHONE YOUR ADS TO 4331 Ads received before 8 p. m. will be properly classified. After 8 p. m. will appear under Too Late to Classify" on following morning, and thereafter under proper classifica tion. Orders by mall should be accom anied by remittance and addressed THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN WANT AD DEPARTMENT PHOENIX. ARIZONA AUCTIONS Auctioneer If you have anything to sell, let me ."ell it for you. Satisfaction guaran teed. S. C. Kleck, the Auctioneer. l."03 E. Fillmore St. Phone 3759. tf i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Lots For Sale on northeast and northwest corner of Palm Lane and Seventh street. Owner can be seen at house on the northeast corner. tf MUST sell 10, 20, 40 or HO acres uood A land, on paved road, 4 miles from Phoenix. A bargain. Geo. Slervogel. owner. R. F. IX 4. bb ACRES by owner, near city Hmits, East Portland, 4 rooms and l ath. cement basement, 60 young fruit trees, balance in pasture. $-330 ;600 cash and balance easy terms. fhonv 4092. bd FOR SALE ltfO acres line sandy loam, in citrus belt, unimproved; has bouse, well and pumping plant. Call or address 121 North 2nd Ave., Phoe nix. Ariz. bb FOR S.ILE 16t acres near Glen dale with six room modern cement block bouse; large barns, good shade, fruit orchard. Price. $250 per acre. Small cash payment, balance good terms. T. I. PAUL REALTY CO.. Phone 148 Glendale bb FOR SALE by owner, half acre, fenced and cross-fenced with six foot wire, good four-room house, ga rage, large chicken coop, excellent water. Price $1600, $400 cash, bal ance to suit. Phone 3PR4. hh Glendale City Property 2 Business lots, centrally located at bargain prires. 2 Lots in choice residential section, good house. Priced to sell, or will accept Podge car in trade; or good livestock. Se dark Cnrrick Really Co. Phone S. Glendale. lib p- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Oakland TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF CAPITOL 2 BLOCKS FROM WASHINGTON STREET CAR PAVED STREET ALL THE "WAT. LOTS 60x115 TO AN ALLEY CEMENT WALKS CURBS y GAS LIGHT VATER AND SEWERAGE. PRICES $500 FOR INSiDE AND $525 FOR CORNERS SO PER CENT CASH AND $20 MONTH. Greene & Griffin 124 NORTH FIRST AVE. TELEPHONE 1604 bd All Kinds Of Trades 10 or 20 Acres for good house In city. 40 Acres dandy land for good city property. a New Home northeast for 10 acres northeast. If you have anything for exchange come in and see us. FLICKINGER REALTY CO. 16 West Adams St. bd Beat This 2 Acres close in on' East Van Buren with a dandy nice little home and garage for only $2700; paved road. $800 can be paid only $15 per month. FLICKINGER REALTY CO. 16 West Adams St. bd THE BEST bargain in the valley. 10 acres in the citrus belt, good im provements, Paige wire fences, fine sandy loam soil. Owner miles east of Asylum road on. East Camel back. It 2 ACRES About 1 miles from Center and Adams. Nice garden soil. 5 room house, electricity, bath, fruit, shade, chicken runs, garage, storage house, pasture. Price $3750. Good terms. See Alexander or Groom, 126 N Cen ter. It 8-Acre Snap 8 Acres sandy loam soil; 3 miles northeast of Phoenix. Price $1600; $1000 cash: balance good terms. O. S. M. REALTY CO. 122 N. 1st Ave. bd Homestead Land . And Desert Filings Well located, near paved highway and with good prospect of gravity water in the near future. This don't cost much money and the possibilities are fine. JONES & CUMMINS W. R. EVA NTS 302 Heard Bldg. Phone 5970 bs TWO ACRES. 2 blocks east, 2 blocks south .of Meadowbrook, on Glendale car line. In wheat, barley and alfalfa. Chickens, turkeys and ducks. Three-room cottage, partly furnished; shade trees. Wm Berk shire. Box 937. It BEST STOCK HOG FARM in New Mexico: 110 acres, irrigated under U. S. project; all equipment; S miles hog fencing; profitable, going busi ness. Ideal climate; cholera-free dis trict; good roads, schools and neigh bors. Write owner, Francis E. Les trr. Mesilla Pnrk. N. M.. U FUli SALK 5 acres. iinproed. clean, sandy loam soil. Thomas road, second house east Asylum road, on south side. Would consider automo bile or lot as part first pnymcnt. It ASHLAND PLACE HALF MILE NORTH OF MC DOWELL FACING NORTH CEN TRAL AVENUE AND THE IN DIAN SCHOOL CAR. THE MAN WHO KNOWS WILL BUT WHERE THERE ARE CE MENT WALKS, GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, WATER AND SEWER AGE. ASHLAND PLACE HAS ALL OF THESE, WITH SHADE TREES GROWING THE LOTS ARE 60 FEET WIDE. AND YOU CAN BUT A LOT WITH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS CASH. AND TWENTY DOLLARS PER MONTH. Greene & Griffin . TEL. 1604: 124 N. 1ST AVE. bd THREE full-sized excellent build ing lots, one block from paving: $900 for three. Fnuler. 1017 N. list St. bd ANYONE with some cash can secure some of the finest close-in residence lots in Fhoenix. Payments on balance; restricted district: paved streets; finest location. Extra low price. Inquire of owner. Box 12 K. Republican. bk l'i ACRES, 4 blocks of Osborn' school, new bouse. blackberries. I strawberries: terms to suit buyer. ( Warren Pomeroy, Clarendon and 1 Fourth A vps. bb i CHOICE 75-FOOT CORNER in beautiful Chelsea Place. Small amount down, balance anyway you ', like. P. O. Box 1235 It 2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Glendale Ranch Bargain 10 Acres near Glendale.on road to be paved. Good house, garage, plenty of shade, bearing orchard, chicken runs. Will trade for Phoenix property or sell on good terms. See Clark. Carrick Realty . Fhone 8. Glendale. bb 10 ACRES. 20 acres, 30 acres, 40 acres, 80 acres; any size tract you want of the finest land at $160 to S200 per acre; close to town and on very easy terms. Stone & Fields. Room 7. 32 N. Centen It FIVE ACKKS CHEAP With well built five-room house, nice shade, a good well of water, 10 bearing date palms, family orchard and berries: fine strawberry and gar den soil; $1200; only $500 down and easy monthly payments. FRANKLIN D. LANE (Realtors) 12 W. Adams. Phone 1!24 bd Lots For Sale 50x140 E. Brill $ 600 50x145 W. Lynwood 830 62x145 W. Portland 1000 60x137 N. 2nd St 1100 65x145 W. Willetta 1250 81x295 Palm Lane 14i0 75x140 Near 1st St. & Willetta 1850 N. Central Ave 5500 Will give goad terms on all lots. We have many others. Kincaid. 110 N. 1st Ave. It 40-Acre Bargain 40 Acres sandy loam soil; good house, fenced and cross fenced. mile from paved road. Only $110 per acre. Good terms. O. S. M. REALTY CO. 122 North 1st Ave. bd 20 Acres With small house, mile of paved road, rood soil aiul possession at once for only $150 per acre. $1000 cash.' This was acquired on forced sale and owner wants quick action. 20 Acres About S miles from Phoenix, fine sandy loam soil, clean from Johnson and Bermuda grass; nice 4-room cottage with lots screen porch: garage. Good well soft water; chicken coops, shade; takes about $3000 to handle this and with it goes span good mules and harness, wagon and rack and other farm tools. Owner wants to leave the valley at once and you can get a bargain 20. Block & Burns 13 K. Adams St. $500 Or Less hd Cash buys a good 5 acrs improved sandy soil, 5 room home. 10 bearing date trees, which should net $1000 or more each year, price Is $1000. No monthly payments, interest semi-an nually. II. E. GROOM, 18 W. Adams It BUILDING SPECIALTIES W. Bubree Office Builders' Exchange Phones M95 and 47&0 Manufacturers sales agent for Holmes disappearing beds, built-in v.all ironing boards, white steel enameled medicine cases, steel lock ers, bins and shelving; eidewalk lights, steel folding gates, Wilson steel rolling doors, stet-1 vault doors, fireproof doors and windows, Wei- steel metal toilet enclosures, Scdg wick dumb waiters, deadening and insulating materials, iron and steel work, and many other building spe cialties. It 60 ACRES, a miles from Glendale, with modern 3-room house, barn, ga rage and heds, one almost new In ternational tractor with accompany ing disc and cultivator and border disc, fresno scraper and wagon. Im provements and implements alone worth $600. all for $9600. This makes land cost only about $o0 per acre to purchaser. Easy terms. See O. R. Hansen. Glendale. at Carrick's of fire, bd FOR SALE 40 acres, 5 miles from Glendale, with three-room house, bai-n and sheds, with riding plow. culttvator, disc and wagon. Only $6000 for everything. $1000 cash See O. R- Hansen at Carrick's, Glen dale. bd FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acre relinquishment, near Mesa. Will con sider good car. Box 29K, Republican. FOR SALE 80 acres, 4 miles from Glendale, finest land, all in cultiva tion, large 5-room farm house, -large barn, garage and sheds, with one new International tractor, one plow, two cultivators, one 4 -horse disc, fine wagon, one lister. Improvements and implements alone worth $10,000. All to be had for $14,000. Only $3000 cash, easy terms. Apply O. R. Han sen. Glendale at Carrick's office. bd FINK INVESTMENT Or building lot. 75x140, including P. D. garage, sidewalk, water, paved street One block of Center. A reduction this week. Call 102 E. Willetta. It FOR SALE 40 Acres near Gilbert. Will take Phoenix city propprty as first payment of 4000 to 6000 dollars. See Rorex. S34 Hotnewood. bg FOR SALE Nine acres ot fine garden soil, well improved, near Al hambra. $500 cash, balance $50 a month. P. O. box SSS. Tempe. bg Exchange Have 12 lots to trade for equity in good house; must be worth the money. MR. DILLMAN. MR. II U LETT 130 North Central Ave.; Phone 1756 bd Some 10 Acres Good 4-room house; close to school and store; six bearing orar.y.- I trees; 4-acre blackberries, 1 acre I maiee. 1 acre sweet potatoes, 3 acres cotton; fine milch cow, two young rhorscs; good Ford delivery truck: all implements; price, $3500; good terms. MR. HL'LKTT, MR. DILLMAN 130 North Central Ave.; Phone 1756. bd 40 Acres Located near Glendale; fine soil: about 15 acres in alfalfa, balance in cotton making good strong bale to the acre. The land is clean; nothing the matter wilh it. and is a real genu ine snap, at $135 an acre. See Alcx andr or Groom. 126 North Confer. It FOR SALE I 1 A dandy chicken ranch, acre with four-room frame bungalow on paved road. A neat little house and the soil is good. Priced at S-'H'O with cash pavim-nt if $500. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. Realtors H'l N. Central Ae. l.J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A SUBURBAN HOME Rarely does one have an opportunity to buy a more beautiful little suburban home. There is two and one half acres of ground with citrus trees nicely started, also a quantity of ornamental shrublery and trees. The house has five rooms and bath with enamel finish throughout and oak floors. A good garage, well, tank and pump. Located in Orange wood this will surely appeal to any one desiring a good suburban home. The price to is as attractive as the property. HERBERT S. PRINCE Realtors 110 N. Central Avenue. It 20 ACRES 10 in alfalfa, small frame house, large shed and chicken house, 3 good horses and harness. 1 cow, about 13 tons hay, wagon, bug gy, Mollne plow and double disc Good land. Only $3000. $1300 cash. balance 2 yrs.. 7 per cent. Ray Smith. 110 N. First Ave. It $.1500 BUYS 130 ACRES of good, sandy loam soil, no alkali or Johnson grass, ideal dairy ranch or alfalfa land, under St. Johns canal. with plenty of water. Has house, barn, sheds and well. $3000 cash, I balance terms. NORDQUIST O'BARR & PI.VNICK CO. Phone 751. 110 N. First Ave. It FOR SALE HOUSES SEE THESE TODAY LARGE FRAME HOUSE MODERN LOT 100x171 ADDITIONAL LAND IF WANTED NORTHEAST CORNER OF PALM LANE AND SEVENTH STREET TERMS. A BRAND NEW SHINGI.E BUNGALOW BRICK TERRACE HARDWOOD FLOORS -v- BUILT IN FEA TURES 1911 N. SEVENTH ST TERMS. FOUR ROOJI FRAME HOUSE ON SIX LOTS GARAGE CHICKEN RUN P R 1'IT AND TENT HOUSES TERMS S. E. CORNER SHERIDAN AND EIGHTH ST. ONLY TWO BLOCKS WEST OF END OF BRILL CAR LINE. CALL AT THESE PROP ERTIES OR PHONE OWN ERS PHONES 4363 OR 5728. WILL ACCEPT CIT IZENS' STATE BANK CER TIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. It ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM HOUSE $4250 $1250 cash Well located . on paved street. Just completed, ready to occupy for the holi days. Five-room house, modern and in excellent condition. Garage wilh living quarters above, corner lot. in East Evergreen. Priced at $6000. Let us houses. show you these HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. Realtors 110 N. Central Ave. g An $S,000 six room home in best residence district which will sell to responsible party for small payment down and the balance on easy terms. Address Box 19K, Republican. bm FOR SALE New six-room pressed brick, completely furnished, $6000. Terms. Phone 57S1, owner. Located 773 E. Berkeley. It $250 CASH Half acre, good 4-room furnished house, electric lights, near car line, good soil. Only $1800. $25 per month. O. K. Realty Co, 232 W. Jefferson. Phone r.ns. bd YOUR HEART'S DESIRE In this magnificent home, located close to Osborn school. Owner In California and will sacrifice this $20,000 home for $13,500. For design and workmanship you seldom find its equal. Furnace heat, oak floors, tile bath, breakfast nook, sun parlor, etc. Eight elegant rooms, and child's play house outside. Garage and large lot. A real Christmas for you. MURKEN with Meyers Inv. Co., 33 N. First Ave. Phone 4106. It 5-Room Brick With 75-foot lot Located in the Bennett Addition For $6500 $1000 down: bal. $50 per month J. S. GRIFFIN "ALONE 11S North First Ave. bd New Home JUST COMPLETED located northeast in highly restricted district; has kitchen, breakfast room, dining room, living room, two bed rooms, bath, hallway; nifty built-in features, hardwood floors, pergola, sidewalks and cement driveway; lot 50 by 163: priced at $5500 with terms. See Alexander or Groom, 126 North Center. It HOME AND INCOME PROPERTY 4 Houses $sooo J.ocateJ in excellent rent ing district. Three brick and one frame, each four rooms with bath, possible monthly -income ?125 to $K.0. This is a wonderful opportunity ful some one who has $2000 to invest. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. Realtors 110 N. Central Ave. The Jackson Rooms ' V iJ gyuj mm i r; t 724 West Jackson Rates Per Week $2.50 to $7.00 Strictly Modern Rooms New Building and Furniture P. S. Now don't think for a minute that you can come here and say, "I'll take a front- room." Nothing doing all taken. But here, if you can afford to make yourself a treat for Christmas, take en of the room in rear, $2.50 and $3.50 per week. Why, we rented a room yesterday to men who traveled thousands of miles to get a room here clear from Chicago. No room for ladie here. Men only in other words, no Ouke'a Mixtura around her. FOR SALE HOUSES Below Normalcy CAN BE -BOUGHT WITH YOUR RENT MONEY. BARGAINS THAT WILL READ ILY SELL AGAIN. , $9502 LOTS ON THE COR NER. WITH- SMALL HOUSE LOTS ARE ALL CHICKEN FENCED $250 CASH. AND $20 PER MONTH. $12503 LOT!) W r T H 4 ROOM HOUSE SHADE TREES AND FRUIT TREES $300 CASH $20 PER MONTH SO CITY TAXES. $4,(00 NEW MODERN BRICK PEBBLE DASHED BUNGA LOW CEMENT PORCH, STEPS AND WALKS BIG LOT EASTERN FRONT AGE $".00 CASH $50. PER MONTH. $7,500 KENILWORTH JUST FINISHED MODERN IN ALL DETAILS URGE ROOMS ATTRACTIVE TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY PAVED STREET. $8,000 KENILWORTH MOD ERN AND CP-TO-D ATE HOME 2 INSIDE BED ROOMS SCREEN SLEEP ING PORCH BREAK FAST P"OM SOLAR HEATER GARAGE WEST LYNWOOD. $3.500 COMMODIOUS UP-TO-. DATE BRICK HOUSE WITH TWO FRONT ENTRANCES 2 GARAGES ONE HAS SLEEPING QUARTERS ABOVE PAVED STREET WALK UK G DISTANCE. $8,500 NEW, AND ONE OFTHE BEAUTY HOMES OF WEST PORTLAND STREET THE INTERIOR HAS & LARGE ROOMS AND IS FINISHED THROUGHOUT IN HARD WOOD MODERN GA RAGE EASY TERMS. LAS TALMAS-NEW BUN GALOW 1P-TO-DATE IN ALL RETAILS IN CLUDING GARAGE BIG . LOT HOME- BUILDERS' ! TERMS AND THE PRICK IS OF TODAY'S COST OF CONSTRUCTION. ASHLAND PLACE NEW BUNGALOW WITH GA RAGE HOME BUILD ERS' TERMS THE PRICE IS FOR TODAY'S COST OF CONSTRUCTION. Greene & Griffin TEL. 1604 124 N. ISt AVE. bd $50 Down puts you in possession of a three room house northeast on car line; balance $20-$25 per month. Why pay rent? Own your home. See HARPER at 110 N. First Ave. It Snap New four rocm brick with large pergola; all modern; good location; owner must ell; located northeast: price. $3.0u0; $0 cash. Ray Smith 110 N. First Ave. phone 751. bd Conditions Improving Now is the time to buy. You will say in a short lime why did I not take advantage of the times and make my self independent? Buy a home in East Evergreen on McDow ell road right. Have a home in Ken ilworth and all parts of the city. You will never gtt the chance again at such prices Get busy and let us show von. FLICKINGER REALTY CO.. 16 W. Adams St. 1 bd $400 Down Buys new six room house on one-half acre clos to car Prie, $2,610; or will rent for $2... JACOBS & SHEDD ! IS W. Adams bd ; Ft ili . SALE Four-room modern j house on l'H'O block. E. Taylor street, j at price that will surprise you: ca.-n or terms. Mrs. Evans, owner, 12I0 E. Van P.tirn. bb NEW MODERN five room brick. Hardwood floors. AH built in features $TTi0 rafch. Balance like rent. See Owner 1241 E. Moreland. ,l1 as -f ' ' FOR SALE HOUSES That Beautiful Home At the Corner of FIRST STREET AND WILLETTA Is Now For Sale For Only-?10,500-Only THIS IS A SACIRFICE ' New; seven large rooms; brick pebble dash: extra higb ceilings and roof; adaptable to hot weath er; old Ivory woodwork; bard- wood floors: fine fireplace; Pull man breakfast alcove: laundry trays; plenty of - porches; ga rage; up to the minute In every modern convenience; paved streef; on corner lot, . , ' SIZE OF LOT. 75x140 DwightB. Heard Co REALTORS Telephone 1631 Heard Building bg $6500 Buys a strictly modern brick peb ble dash residence' in Kenilworth. Can make good terms. This ia a real bargain. See JL FRED A DIBBLE IT 17 N. First Ave. Phone 503 tK BY OWNER Will sacrifice beau tiful new six-room house, close in on S. Central Ave. Price $1100. cash $750. balance to suit. Phone SSR4. bb APARTMENT HOUSE One of the finest apartment bouses In the city, price $25,000. $7500 cash; will take city residence or small acre age for part of cash payment, bal ance to suit. Property now paying about $300 per month. See Wheeler, with Stewart Realty Co, 17 West Adams S. Phone 1997. bb BY OWNER New 4-room house, northeast; small payment down, bal ance like rent. Phnns !153. bd rOR bALb Three-room house and garage; easily moved. See sign, lateral 16 and Yuma road. bt FOR SALE By owner. Modern brick bungalow south of Roosevelt near Grand Ave. Ehail. Apply 824 N. 13th Ave. It "THE BEST BUY IN CHELSEA' House modern iu every respect, 75 ft. frontage beautiful lawn and flowers 3 inside bedrooms screens furnace and garage. Fine place built and occupied by owner. The price and terms are right. JONES EVANTS EARLY Phone 5S70. 3ttJ Hoard Fid g. It SACRIFICE SALE New brick house, 7 rooms, modern 1n every way,, new furniture. Best offer accepted. 3008 N. Third St. It FOR SALE New brick modern four-room cottage with bath and built-in features, at & sacrifice. Call ISIS W. Jackson St. hg A BARGAIN Owner must sell, 4 -room house and bath, chicken run, lawn, fenced, roses, ar.d trellis, one block from Grand Ave. car, $1650: $500 cash, bal. terms. 1111 W. Roosevelt St. It FOR SALE WATCH PHOENLK GROW SOME GREAT BARGAINS 9-room bouse, 100-ft. lot paved road, floor laid in tile and maple; $10,000; $1000 cash, $75 month. I5-ft. business lot, close to ' citv i ball; $6500; $1500 cash; will take j some in trade. 4-room house and lot and $1000 note thrown in for $1000. ,i acre. 4 new houses at Acre City, $1750; $250 cash ar.d $20 month. 80 acres. 3-room house, fine shade, close in; $4500; $1000 cash. M. H. SH ELTON 215 West Wash. tf SAVE RENT, belter homes fur less if we build them. Monthly in stallments. Free plans. 10 years in Phoenix. Carl H. Johnson & Co. Contractors. Central and Madison, tf FOR SALE $1300 co,uuy in $26oO hous and lot on East Washington St. for $600 cash. Box 45B. Republican. V FOR SALK New brick, four rooms, screen porch, bath and built-in fea tures. Buy from owner and save money. Phone 5750 and let me show von. bb $250 Cash And $25 per month including in terest, makes all payments on a modern 4-room plastered house uh modern kitchen, bath and etc.: his good garages, also on paved St ; lot worth around $lu00. Owner leav ing Tuesday. H. E. GROOM. IS W. Adams. . , A Glendale Home Good house and lot in Glendale; bearing fruit orchard, good location. Will trade for smail acreaee w sell on good terms. i'i Ciark. Carrick Realty PUone S. GR-n.Ijl.