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(, Section Two) PAGE SEVEN 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 4'g FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 4'2 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES Vx FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE8 THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. AVERY CYCLONE STALK CUTTERS No Stalks Too Tough No Field Too Rough PRATT-GILBERT CO. Jobbers Distributors FOR SALE HOUSES See This One S-Koom brick partly furnished. N. E.; lawn and shade. $3600; $750 cash baL easy. V. M. FTKE REALTY CO. 23 K. Wash. St. - bd NEW 6-room brick on Willetta; one of the very best that can be built, olid and -durable: wHl sell at $6500 lor ouick sale and take- very Email rash nayment See It at once. Kin raid. 110 N. 1st Ave. It A $700 REDACTION On a practically new house in one ft the best residential districts. Every modern convenience. - You could not replace this house for sev eral hundred dollars more than the price we have on it, $6300. Very good terms can be arranged. - If you -want a. real borne at a bargain price, this Is iV FEANKUN" D. LANE (Realtors) 12 W.Adams. Phone 1234 bd SUBURBAN HOME New -roorn house, good garage, corner lot- 75x200. on paved street and well fenced, all new and clean, ready to move Into; $2100; terms. B. M. ATWOOD 530 W. Jefferson St. Phone 4119 bd FOR SALE Five-room brick pebble-dashed house; bath, cellar, ga rage, shade, fruit trees, etc. Every thing modern. Terms. Liberal dis count for cash. 1210 E. Pierce street Phone 3119. It SACRIFICE !.mnm house, lot 50x150. chicken house and yard., small garden, good hr!e all fenced with chicken wire. tn school northeast: all for $700: about lj cash, balance to suit. ?S0 W Jefferson St. bd BEST BUY on E. Moreland new brick house. C rooms and bath, fire nlace. bookcases, convenient kitchen, in white enamel, breakfast nook and built-in cabinets, garage, chicken pen, nice corner lot: restricted neighbor hood: -nrieed to sell. See owner, 1243 R Moreland. It 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A BARGAIN Will sell for cash or trade for cot ton, hay or grain. $125 bath tub. $33. slightly damaged. Overland car No. 1 shape, 5 good tires, $350; six-hole range, never used, sells for $33, for $(i0. Lightning Delivery Co. bg USED STOVES, 325 W. Adams. bargain prices. bg r UK bALb On trade for automo bile tires, 1 fine old violin. Call be tween 5 and 7 P. m. 415 W. Jefferson bb TWO stands bees with honey. 4J3. bb FOR SALE 1 Phone 3921. Gibson mandolin bb FOR SALE A contract on phono graph; will sell at sacrifice. Call evenings. 421 W. Fillmore. bb FOR SALE a fine old violins. Call between 5 and 7 p. m. 415 W. Jef ferson St. bb WOMEN'S New Sweaters; also men's, bought at big L. A. sale, cheap; at 24 West Jeff. Fine lot men's suits, also. tf My Wife's Sore Because I bought a phonograph In stead of a Ford, so I'm going to sacri fice $35 on my nice new cabinet phonograph fnever been used) if Bold this week. Will sell for $10 cash and $10 per month. Act auick If you want it. Box 34K, Republican. It FOR SALE Bargain. One lS-ft. counter height glass show case: can be made into two 9-foot cases. Phone 6397. x tf AT FORD'S carpenters' tools, paint, cutlery, crockery, aluminum, granite. tf 300 450 400 400 AT FORD'S Cheap. All kinds of furniture and hardware. tf DRY MESQU1TE WOOD. 128rl5. Phone tf GOOD used piano sale. 805 N Second and St. organ for tf AT FORD'S Jewelry;. 3 fireproof safes; 2 steel safes. tf IF YOU WANT GOOD LIGHT, have your reflectors replated. Phoe nix Plating Co, 215 E. Adams St tf 1920 FORD COUPE ' $jj0 Hassler shock absorbers and practically new tires. . FORD TOURING OVERLAND 90 - Chummy roadster, new tires, repainted a pretty gray with white wire wheels. BUICK 4 TOURING RE J 5 TOURING Practically new tires. OVERLAND ROADSTER 1 Easy terms or we will trade your own used car. Open Sunday morning, 9 to 12 Phoenix Nash Co. 521 N. CENTRAL AVE. It AT FORD'S Immense supply cook and parlor stoves, cheap. of tf CALIFORNIA GERANIUMS, all varieties; slips, 5c: rooted, 35c and up. Sweet scented violets, 50c per dozen. 1016 North Second st. It . . Phonographs $123 Vlctrola, used 2 months, $15.90 puts a Silverola Perfect Tone in your home, balance to suit. Victor and Columbia records, 55 cents. Pay WALLPAPER, Ninth Ave. cheap. 324 North bl FERTILIZER for sale. Phone 3414. t MAN'S overcoat, size 3S; also one for boy about 13; very reasonable. 536 W. Adams. bd AT FORD'S STOKES Victrolas, Victors, violins, horns, drums, gui tars. tf AT FORD'S STORES "Reliable" gas ranges, all sizes, heavy discounts. tf ELECTRIC carpet cleaners for rent by day oi week. Potter's Electrical Shoppe. Fhone 591 a. 40 East Adams Street tf FOR SALE New double mattress, new ice chest, 25 feet hose with S nozzles, oil heater, all very cheap. 2223 'W. Adams St. bb FOR SALE, one small wood or coal range. Phone 3656. bb CATTLE FOR SALE About 50 head of 2s, 3s and 60 head of year lings; all fine Hereford steers; 150 head of dry cows, fine feeders: lio eral terms to any one .'ho can feed them. Phone or write w. J. Kings bury. Tempe. Ariz. tf LADY'S blue wool poplin suit, size 26, cost $45, good as new, $12.00. 610 South Third street. - It FOR SALE Dresser, new mat tresses, stoves of all' kinds: dandy good Winchester pump shotgun, also other guns and rifles, offered at very low prices. 629 E. Washington St. It FOX TERRIER 1117 E. McKinley. puppies for sale. bd BUNGALOW property located on corner in good residential section of town, modern in every respect, built in features, hot and cold water; trees, vines and roses. This house is built on rear of two lots leaving room on front for Improvements such as apartment house or another resi dence, making this good Investment property. This has been on the mar ket at $6500 but 43000 will buy it on quick sale. $2500 cash, balance on mortgage. 1345 E. McDowell road, corner 14th St. ' p8 FRANCO - AMERICAN Hygienic Company toilet articles, Christmas gift boxes, vanity cases, $1.00. Order now. Mrs. R. W. Sissons, 2121 West Adams. It FORCED to sell our two acre home property, six room double wall frame house, screen porches, fruit, fine old shade, beautiful roses, chicken runs and houses; close to schools, pave ments and car line; city conveni ences. Would consider automobile In first payment. Phone Owner 8378. It IN SIGHT OF COUNTRY CLUB Six lots on corner, good frame house newly painted and decorated, garage, chicken house and runs, fruit and shade, rine wen oi water. $4 000. $1500 cash. You will like this. REAKTIFT7L NEW BUNGALOW On road to be paved; . Just outside rt cHtw limits K rooms and bath, ar nns-ed lust rhrht. Price $5,000 and worth it. Terms can be arranged to it. MURKEN with Meyers Inv. Co si Nf First Ave. Phone 4106. It Foil SALE FRENCH BUNGA LOW. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. NEAR SCHOOL, ON PAVED STREET. GARAGE. LAUNDRY AND CHICKEN RUN. GOOD TERMS. A1LL CONSIDER GOOD SMALL CAR AS PART PAYMENT. CALL ii-n WF.ST MONROE. bd 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AT FORD'S Bicycles, typewriters, rh registers, add machines, kodaks. clocks. tf PIANOS, PIANOS EMERSON. LINDEMAN, CHASE BROS. PLAYER PIANOS. PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS AND PHONO GRAPHS. CASH OR TERMS. . 805 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 8978. J. W. DAWSON tf AT FORD'S STORES Oil heaters ut stoves and gas plates. tf ALMOST new cabinet phonograph with records, sewing machine and leather chairs, a bargain. 1120 Grand Ave. It Mare Island Furniture Shop Specials , One buffet, 1 practically new gas stove cabinet style, 2 duofolds, good as new: ivory dresser, library table. sectional bookcases, practically new; beds $1.50 and up. Lots of other good furniture real cheap, 822 S. Center. Phone 8133. bd FOR SALE 5 pieces Ke-wa-kee wood furniture, beautifully carved cannot be bought in furniture store, JC24 East Fillmore St. It HOOSIER kitchen cabinet, dining- room table, three-hole gas plate and oven, refrigerator and other articles. 711 N. Sixth St. tg FOR SALE Piano, cheap, as good as new. Arizona Apts. 14. it FOR SALE Setter dog, female, trained to retrieve on duck, white wing, dove and quail; easily con trolled; two years old. Phone 5069 311 W. Linwood. It ONE speedster,, body, $5; invalid chair, $5. Phone 8648. 230 S. 12th Ave. It Navajo Rugs Closing out sale genuine rugs, $7.00 up. Price no consideration; must sell. 201 Nat l Bank Ariz. Bldg. bd OAK dresser, chair, fine china closet, with plate-glass mirrors and leaded glass doors. Phone 5538. It cents and exchange records. RACEY MUSIC CO. 27 E. Adams tf SELECT a Christmas present at S25 W. Adams. Stoves and gas burn era. dk Another List Of Nash Used Car Bargains BUICK "4" touring, just like new. perfect condition, will sacrifice. Cash or terms. Second house east of Glen- dale car line, Indian school road, bg A Billion Auto Parts AT THE LEADING PARTS HOUSE Ariz. Auto Parts Co. 432-40 West Adams St. Phone 797 tf 1920 FORD touring, a bargain Morgan Garage, 1st St, and Van Bu- ren. bb FOR SALE BY OWNER Buick Light Six, excellent condition, fine appearance, champagne color finish, special top, battery nearly new, two spares, many extras; $600 cash only, H. R. Hewitt. Phone 4422. tf OLDSMOBILE "8 191S. Bargain $350. 228 E. Adams. Phone 5980. bb FOR SALE Ford light delivery truck, five good tires, motor in good condition. Sec It at 1101 E. Madison or call 1651. bb FOR. SALE 1919 Hudson sedan mechanically perfect, just painted. and 5 good cord tires. Phone 1332 or 1631. tD FOR SALE Ford In good meehan leal condition, new rubber, for $12; 403 E. Van Buren. tf An Essex For $750 Here's a real good looking car. newly painted, new top, seat covers. etc., at an unusually low price for an Essex. Special terms or would take a Ford coupe or a sedan as first payment. Then we have the follow ing cars that are attractively priced: BUICK 6, LIGHT TOURING $300 1812 USED CARS AND TRUCKS HAVE BEEN SOLD IN MARICOPA COUN TY BY McARTHUR BROTHERS. HERE ARE FIVE GOOD REASONS WHY THIS NUMBER 13 SO LARGE: HUDSON. 7-PASSENGER $750 Good tires, spare tire, bumpers,, en gine tire pump, etc. A very good car. BUICK LIGHT 7-PASSENGER $900 Thoroughly gone over, now being repainted. A real bargain. Has bumpers, snubbers, large side gipsy curtains with plate glass, seat covers. etc Here's a real high grade car very much underpriced. HUDSON 7-PASS., LATE MODEL Good shape, $960. You -will appre ciate the value represented in this car. STUDEBAKER A real good buy. BIG SIX $1100 NASH 1921 With seat coYers, good top, spare tire, shock absorbers, bumpers, moto meter, etc. $1100. Special terms or will trade cotton or small cars as first payment. Its FORD TOURING $225 worth the money. ALLIS-CHALMERS TRACTOR With plow, $S50. This is a new trac tor and Is a bargain. TWIN CITY TRACTOR "At a big saving. This tractor, sold under same guarantee as a new one. It's $800 under list price. DULMAGE & DUNBAR Central and Madison. Phone 4008 bd CHEVROLET 4-90 touring, 1920 model. 134 N. Ninth Ave. It FOR SALE Crochet work for Christmas presents, at S56 N. Sixth Ave. ru FOR SALE mountain wagon, Jackson street. New- 2 Weber cheap. 2143 East bb FOR SALE BY OWNER 1921 Dodge touring car, good as new. $300 cash; run 5000 miles. Z24 E. Pierce St. It FURNISHINGS Four-room bun galow, will rent house also. Phone 3299. bk ONE three-burner Florence auto matic oil stove and oven; splendid condition. Phone 11R3. bb WHEN YOU WISH TO SELL fur niture or tools, or anything, call FORD, phone 1776. tf PIANO Good tone, cheap. Washington. 1630 E. It STEP LADDER, new banjo, bed springs and matteress; will eell cheap. 115 E. McKinley. It SAY Buy the kiddies an Ameri can Bull Terrier puppy for Christ mas. Marsh has them for sale; also female Aairedale. 2035 W. Monroe. bd BEAUTIFUL Navajo rugs, selected at reservation. Evenings after 4:30 and all day Saturday and Sunday. Gregg, 290 N. Fourth Ave. tf OAK bookcase, $4; bird cage, $1: oak high chair, $2.50; oak rocker. $3: steel bed springs and mattress, coal heater, cook stove. Phone 5930. 1012 Grand Ave. bd WANTED TYPEWRITER. BOX 7S8, PHOENIX. POST bd LIBRARY TABLE, table lamp. 50 ft. hose, canvas cot. Call at 1741 West Monroe. it COTTON PICKERS Buy your picking bags at half price from us. Tents and wagon sheets at one-half their value. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 133 East Jefferson St. Phone 4364. tf iOR SALE Genuine Navajo rugs, direct from the leservation. Call afternoons and evenings. 129 N. 4th Street. . tf DRY mesquite wood delivered; $6 per rick of not less than 32 cu. ft Phone 123R2. tf PHONE 1228 or 3528 for storage shipping and expert packing. Arizona Storage and Distributing Co. Cham bers Transfer Co. 18 South Central. It FOR SALE 35 stands bees at $3.50 per stand, including all tools and ex tractor: 8 miles west of Six Points on Christy road. bn HOME-MADE CAKES AND PIES MADE TO ORDER. PHONM 3159. bd OAK buffet, $25: oak dining table, $20; both good as new. 308 North Fifth Ave. . bb NO. 7 WETTER cook stoves direct from foundry only $12.50 at Ford's Oil beaters $3.50 up. tf FOR SALE Crocheted yokes and caps, and three canary birds. 724 N 4th St. bk NAVAJO rugs, choice lot of beauti ful new rugs, direct from Indians. Many designs, including Chief bla.ikets and a very rare rug of YeblchI dancing figures. Exceptional values. 605 North Tenth Ave. bb FOR SALE Black and white An gora wool sweater; size 36, price $8; never been worn. 811 N. Second Avs. FOR RENT OR SALE Player piano. 1551 W. Jackson street. Phone 5471, bk BEAUTIFUL evening gowns, worn only 1 or 2 times and never in Phoe nix. The Woman's Exchange, 115 N. Second Ave. bb GIVE an unusual gift hulled black walnuts, large, $2.50 bushel; small. $2.00. Pecans, thin shell, 22c pound. Order early. WICKHAM BERRY FARM. Salem, Nebr. It BILLIARD SUPPLIES New and second-hand tables The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, 38 S. Fourth Ave. It DRESSING table, library table, pedestal dining table. 1340 East Moreland. bd FOR SALE Two ladies' coat suits, boy's overcoat, 1 heating stove. 1525 Monroe. - bb WANTED Sewing machine; must be a bargain for cash; give full de scription and price. Box 15K, Repub lican. , bb We Will Pay 6 Cents lb. FOR GOOD SIZE. CLEAN, WHITE OR COLORED Cotton Rags BRING ALL YOU HAVE TO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE. tf COAL and wood stoves, gas range, Perfection oil heaters, dining table with chairs to match mahogany dresser, bookcase, beds and springs. 3!2 N. First Ave. bb FURNITURE lor sale; also 12 inch oscillating fan. 129 N. Fourth Ave. Glendale. bb FOR 2243. SALE Electric fan. Phone bd FOR SALE OR TRADE Two bot tom engine gang plow, 14 in., quic:i detachable chares, two extra and olters, almost new, in fine shape Want engine disc gang or trade for feed or chickens. M mile south of Thomas road on Chicago Ave., miles N. E. Phoenix. Middleton. bb FOR SALE Ford starter, good condition, cheap. See engineer utility laundry. bd FOR SALE Good used piano and organ for sale. 315 N. Second St. tf BUY your wood direct from ranch er. Dry cottonwoort. one-toot lengtns, 64 cubic feet, (half a cord), it deliv ered. Phone 3"S5. tf ARTIFICIAL EYES fitted at home, $3. Booklet free. Denver Optic. 510 Barclay. Denver. Colo. It ARIZONA SUPPLY CO. "We mean it." We sell for less. Furniture, hard vare. stoves, tools, guns, men's clothing and shoes. We buy everything from $1 to $10,000. 341-34 E. Washington. Phone 1476. tf OLIVER Typewriter- tion at $20. 327 W. Phone 3087. -good comli Adams St bg SMALL display case good for cigarettes or anything, and $15 buy: it. 327 W. Adams St. Phone 3087. bg 6-FOOT BACK wall ' case would cost you $125 new this is just as food a new. find $50 bnvs it. 327 W. Adams St. Phone 3087. bg CHUMMY four-passenger road ster, new rubber, in Al condition. 306 N. Second St. tf WILL PAY spot cash for your car; bring it over tooay. Palace Garage. W. Adams Phone 426a. tf Studebaker It you have $275 and want a car that is in Al shape throughout, get this now. 235 W Washington. bb Specials One 1921 Model Reo Speed Wagon. Capacity, 2 500 pounds. You will not find a better used truck than this. It has only been run a few thousand miles and has had excellent care. $500 down, balance easy monthly pay ments. A Rebuilt Nash Touring Car With A . New Car Guarantee! $1,000 THIS CAR HAS BEEN REBUILT BY US AND EVERY SCREW AND BOLT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, AND IF NECESSARY REPLACED. IT HAS NEW CORD TIRES. A NEW TOP. AND HAS BEEN PAINTED A BEAUTIFUL NASH BLUE. IT HAS FIVE AVIIITE WIRE WHEELS WHICH ADD TO ITS ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE. - WE TAKE A REAL PRIDE IN REBUILDING OUR NASH CARS SO THAT THEY RUN LIKE NEW. Terms if you desire, or we will trade in your own used car. Phoenix Nash Co.' 521 North Central 1 EXPERIENCE 2 DETERMINATION 3 EQUIPMENT 4 LOW PRICES 5 REPUTATION SAMPLE CARS DODGE BROTHERS TOURING Practically new, additional equipment $102 DODGE BROTHERS TOURING Used carefully for about 1 ' year; cord tires $765 DODGE BROTHERS TOURING 1919. completely overhauled, excellent value $565 DODGE BROTHERS ROADSTER 1920. A real bargain, ready for sale Tuesday $650 DODGE BROTHERS TRUCK 1920 FORD SEDAN This car has not been driven . much and looks like new. This car is as near to new as you can get and save money $385 1920, screen Commercial, cord tires: absolutely good $785 1919 FORD TOURING Consider the good condition and appearance of this car and you will agree with us Its real value $285 1920 FORD TRUCK Canopy top, first class condi tion, self starter, new finish. $385 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING This car needs some minor repairs; priced very low.... $165 1920 GARDNER TOURING Run about 5.000 miles. Looks like new. Not a dent in this car. No repairs necessary. .$610 1917 HUPMOBILE TOURING All cord tires, new batten. good top, runs good... ......$398 4'4 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Seven passenger alge, all new rubber, wire wheels, in good condition; good price if sold at once. Plaza Garage. 24 S.,lst St. bg FOR SALE 15 tubercular tested, good milk cows, mostly springers. Hoist eins and Jerseys, cheap for mostly cash. W. D. Baxter, Buckeye, Tel. 11K21 ' It FOR SALE Young Holstein cow, fresh recently. Price very reason able. 17 Roanoke Ave. Phone 5772. tf WANTED to buy a few good horses and mules. Want horses weighing from 1400 to 1700 lbs, age to 7; mules S'to 7 years, weight 100 to 1400; must be sound and well broke. In good condition. Will also buy a few good colt mules If cheap. See C. R. McMullen, 201 N. Seventh Ave. Phone 1764. tf McArthur Brothers Vsed Car Department See Stevens Phone 4321. Central and Madison It One Hupmobile Touring Car for $330 down and balance easy monthly. This car in excellent condition and fine, appearance. If you want an ex tra good Hupmobile, it will pay you to see this. One 1917 Reo Touring offered for $250; $75 down and balance easy monthly payments. This car is worth $500, but to move this quick we are offering it at this low price, It is equipped with Goodyear cords, in fine condition: new top; motor runs fine. let us show you Just what this car will do. SMITH MOTOR SALES CO., Packard and Reo Distributors 501 W. Adams St. It FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring demountable rims, shock absorbers. many extras; in A-l condition: bar gain at $380.00. 1538 West Monroe St.; phone 3135. bd ROPER'S ENE WED OAD UNNERS SEVERAL used computing scales at real bargain prices. 327 . W. Adams St. Phone 3087. rig CHECK WRITERS: Three at $3 each, one at $10. These are In good condition and worth twice the money. 327 W. Adams St. Phone 3087. bg USED 3-LB. Standard Computing candy scale, like new. a bargain at $50. 327 W. Adams St. Phone 3087. bg If you are in the market for i good used car you will make no mis take by inspecting the following: 1 Ford touring $ 150 1 Ford touring with starter..... 250 1 Ford roadster, new 450 1 Ford touring, used 4 months.. 500 1 Maxwell touring 300 1 Max woU touring, a snap 350 1 Maxwell Post-war Series.... 600 1 Maxwell late 20. refinished.... 650 1 Buick touring, new rubber.... 200 1 Buick 4 touring, late model... 2 1 Buick touring light six 500 1 Dodge roadster, 1919 4: 1 Dodgo touring, new top . 4 1 Dodge touring, practically new 750 1 Saxon touring, a good car . 1 I Oldsmobile roadster, 1920 630 1 Studebaker touring, fine shape 2 1 Paige touring, 7 pass 600 1 Oakland touring. 1920 25 1 Kissel tourster, used 4,000 mi. 1000 1 Auburn touring. 1920 1200 We also have several Used Trucks 1 Maxwell 1 ton 500 1 Nash 1 ton : 1000 1 Maxwell l'i ton, cord rubber 1200 1 Moreland 2-ton 1800 On any of the above cars selling over 500 we will accept small car in trade or as first payment. SEVERAL used cash registers at real bargain prices. 327 W. Adams St. Phone 3087. bg USED Cash Register $33. 327 W. Adams St. A bargain at Phone 30S7. bg FOR SALE Kimball Player Piano. Mahogany: bench and 39 roils. Phone 5194. 745 E. Brill St. bg R. D. ROPER MOTOR CO. 402-412 N. Center Street bb BUGGY and spring wagons and riding plow for sale cheap. 28 S. 7th St. It 4'2 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES IF lOU want to buy or sell any thing in second hand goodi It will pay you to drive out to the O. K. Ex change, 14th St. and Van Buren. Phone 8023. tf AT FORD S Guns; piano, for $150. ele ;ant Vose tf FOR SALE cheap; terms. Busy Service. Two-ton Phone 4013. trailer. Call at bd Watson Brothers Used Car Sale 1S20 Paige light six touring ....$1100 1920 Paige light six touring 1918 Paige 7-passenger 1917 Paige 7-passenger 1918 Paige 5-passenger touring. 1918 Buick touring 1919 Willys, Overland 7-pass. ... 1919 Maxwell touring Cash, trade or terms OPEN TILL NOON Watson Brothers Phone 4947. 6th Ave. 113U S30 600 700 800 500 373 New Westcott Touring Cars 50 PER CENT OFF LIST NOW SELLING AT $1550 DELIVERED TIRE, TUBE AND BUMPER 1A1KA CASH OR TERMS WOODBURY AND MARTIN 407 W. AVASHINGTON bd It OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE, ETC.. ETC, THIS OPPORTUNITY, HOWEVER. WILL BEAT A TATTOO ON THE DOOR PANELS OF YOUR CON SCIOUSNESS UNTIL THE FULL FORCE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE DAWNS UPON YOU. READ ON ! Our Used Cars Must Be Sold!! AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT, AND TO EFFECTIVELY STIMU LATE THEIR MOVEMENT AND SALE. WE ARE GOING TO GIE TO EACH AND EVERY PUR CHASER OF A USED CAR. DUR ING THE PERIOD OF THIS SALE. WHICH BEGINS SATURDAY. DEC. 10. AND TERMINATES SATUR DAY, DEC. 24, 1921: Today's Bargains 50-Gals. of Gas-50 Absolutely treen ..$ $ 920 Ford Touring 920 Ford roadster, starter 1919 Ford ton truck 1918 Ford 5-pass 917 Ford roadster 917 Ford speedster 917 Ford light delivery ... 920 Chandler Dispatch S45 920 Studebaker big-six 1045 920 Oakland six touring 695 920 Studebaker special six .... 119 1919 Stutz roadster ISjO 919 Oldsmobile 8 roadster 2S5 295 295 195 125 175 123 919 Oakland six touring 919 Chandler 4-pass. sport 450 865 1919 Buick six touring 745 1918 Jordan six touring . 43 1918 SrriDDS-Booth roadster .... 29o 1918 Buick six touring 68 1918 Overland six roadster ...... 1918 Pullman club roadster .... 395 1918 Oldsmobile eight touring .. 64 1917 Overland roadster 1j CASH, TERMS OR TRADE THINK OF IT! ENOUGH GAS TO RUN YOUR CAR ALMOST SIX MONTHS. WITHOUT COST. W K HAVE AN EXCELLENT LINE OF SMALL CARS. PROPERLY RE CONDITIONED AND HONESTLY PRICED. THIS IS YOUR Opportunity!!!!! seize it! grab 1t freeze on to it! it's yours: overland arizona co.. used car deft. FOURTH AVE. & WASHINGTON bb Special Palace Garage Dodge Roadster 423 W. ADAMS PHONE 4265 It HERE YOU ARE Dodge Rdst, Al condition 5 cord tires at a bargain. 306 N. 2nd St. It CADILLAC Touring car $300 this is some buy for the money. Morgan Garage. bd WHO wants this Ford touring Make an offer and take it away, 36 N. 2nd St. It FOR SALE Ford touring car. Will take cotton in trade. Phone 46J4. r Here is a car that has had ex ceDtnonally good care, for sale by the owner. In first class condition. Not one loose bolt or bushing or a dent in this car. Five good tires, all new tubes, front and rear bumper, spot light, shock absorbers, cut out. This Is no junk. but a real bargain. Will sacrifice for cash. Call 603 North Second street. Call anytime after Sunday. FOR pressor. SALE-cheap. -Kingston Call 4S99. air coin-bd BUICK 4, 1922 drl-en 3.000 miles, reasonable terms. W. Jefferson. model, only been perfect condition; Phone 8639. 1910 bd Stalk Cutters (International One and Two Row) Equipped with Double Edged Knives and Heavy Pressure Springs The 0. S. Stapley Co., Inc. Everything in Farm Equipment Phoenix Glendale Chandler Mesa 1919 DORT car for sale cheap. . Second Ave. 6 FOR SALE EGGS AND POULTRY FOR SALE LIVE STOCK DAY-OLD CHICKS that live:: White Leghorns. R. L Reds and Barred Rocks. J. Albert Liggett, R. ". D. 6, Phoenix. Phone Glendale. 11R12. it PUPS for sale; mother thorough bred Irish terrier. 705 E. McDowell. Phone 3S00. - It FOR SALE Four cows; three fresh and one coming fresh; all T. B. tested. Call, at Asylum Road and Missouri Ave. v hg 90 HEAD Holstein cows and heif- ers. fresh and heavy, springers; miles east of Center street on Indian School road. First house west of Chicago Ave. ' bd TWO thoroughbred Poland China boars. Phone Chesney,ranch, Glendale 154K3. oa SPAN mules. 7 and 8 yrs. old, sound. 4V4 miles east of Center St. Indian School road. First house west Chicago Ave. bd ONE cow and 2 2-year-old heif ers for sale: priced right. Call Sun day. Ray Smith. 2201 W. Madison. It IDEAL Christmas gift for the chil dren. centle Sheland pony mare. Phone 8765. fK FOR SALE 4(J0 old ewes in fine shape; bred to light wool bucks, lambing now. Price 1$ per head. Address W. T. Duke. Mesa or .11 phone 186. bg WANTED To buy 50 head of big work horses and mules; must be cheap. Phone 4032. Van Buren Cor ral. Second Ave. and Van Buren. bb TWO Kood Holstein cows: also reeistered big type Poland China brood sows. mile s.. mue east of Acre Citv. E. B. Butchie. bb FOR SALE 15 head dairy cows, reasonable, Glendale Stock Farm, tf TWO MARES 7 year old; harness and wagon, must sell. Act quick if vou want a bargain. Giordanas Ranch. Lower Buckeye road and 23rd Ave. Phone 125R11. bg YOUNG Jersey family milk cow sixteen yearline Barred Rock pullets, laving. Phone 8148. bb Wanted At Once Dressed, dry picked, fancy Turkeys ARMOUR & CO.. Third Ave. and Jackson bi BEFORE selUne your turkey, call 1061. Highest cash prices paid. 610 S. 2nd Ave. gb FOR SALE Baby Chicks: for hlKh grade white and brown leghorn baby- cmcKs iuiicneu a poultry Farm, Mesa, Ariz. it WANTED One hens. Phone 8332. to four setting 526 E. Portland. bl. FOR a lively Christmas, canaries. Hartz mountain Tillers, nireons. Blueetts and red Carneaux. H- L. Fletcher, 526 E. Portland. Phone 8332. bb A FEW good White Leghorn breeding cockerels. Coast stock. 9th Ave. and Buckeye Road. It FOUR Barred Rock pullets. months old. 15. 2821 N. Central. It FOR SALE Six-room house. screened porch, hardwood floor, mod ern In every respect Phone 2006. tf WANTED Friers and market price.. Phone 213J2. guinea bg FOR SALE First class cow anJ rabbit hay; satisfaction guaranteed; free delivery. Golden Rule Hay Mar ket. 1433 E. Van Buren. It WANTED All klnda of tat live stock. Model Meat Market. Phone 4680. S25 Ew Washington St. tf 7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE LIST yoar trades with S. 14 S. 4th St Thrift bg WILL SELL or exchange good pay ing business for small cash payment or a house and lot. Inquire of Col lins. 126 N. 1st St. h .CLEAR PROENTX INCOME PROPERTY Four good rental bouses, income tH5 per mo. Want good ranch lo cated and priced righi. Will assume. Price 19000. MURKEN, with Meyers Inv. Co, 33 N. First Ave. Phone 4106. it EIGHT ACRES CLOSE IX Northeast, splendid location, fair improvements; price 16500; mtg. $2000. Want 20 to 40 acres. Mur ken, with Meyers Inv. Co, S3 N. 1st Ave. Phone 4106. It PURE black Jersey bull. 2 years old. McDonald ranch, corner Asylum road and Missouri Ave. nl WANTED To buy less than S gallons Glenn. R . milk cow. a day. E. not O. It CHRISTMAS rabbits, also two bucks, one doe and some young stock, cheap. 609 S. Second Ave. It COW FOR SALE Fine Jersey, high tester.. iust fresh, been T. B. tested: making l'i lbs. butter per day now. Call 7R5. tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred German Police dog. 8 months old. C. E. Howard. Phone 205R4 bb FOR SALE 20 Holstein Dairy cows. One. all. Also a few Jerseys. Brown & Price. 11th Ave. and Buck eyRd. Phone 8414. 1-P CATTLE FOR SALE About 50 head of 2s, 3s and 60 head of year lings; all fine Hereford steers; 130 head of dry cows, fine feeders; lib eral terms to any one who can feed them. Phone or write W. J. Kings- burv. Temne. Aris. tf - a - PEDIGREED wire haired fox ter rier. JiO. or will trade for milk cow. Box 33K. Republican. bd AUTO SUPPLIES for all cars at a big reduction. 205 W . ashington St. tf FOR SALE 1920 Buick roadster in fine shape, 1875; can be seen at 328 N. Central. bb Studebaker Used Car Dept. Reduced Prices 1921 Ford, wire wheels 1, 463 1920 Nash sport, wire wheels.. 1083 1917 Willys-Knight . 3S3 FOR SALE -'Kissel Chummy road ster. Excellent condition. Wire wheels 2 spare. New tires ana paint, own er leaving town, must sell. What of fers. Holman. Jefferson Hotel, nd FOR SALE Overland automobile. j model 85, in good condition. Call at Tempe Garage. Tempe. Ariz. bl FOR SALE Eight cylinder road ster, perfect condition, cord tires, two extra. For quick sale $250. See owner at 709 N. First St. Phone SS1. bb 1918-1919 1919 1919 1918 1919 1918 3916 1920 191S 1920 Ford 2 Oakland 1C3 Studebaker Light Six JEFFERY 6. in perfect condition; new rubber, top and battery; going to the coast, must sell: 84.5 cash, terms or exchange. 235 W. Wash, bg Studebaker Big Six.. Dort . Dort Maxwell Paige Olds Eight . . . Dodge Sedan Paige 6-55. . . . i AMillionAutoParts Any part for any car, new or used. Steinberg Auto Parts Co. N. Central Ave. Phone 4292 tf 10S5 42 225 525 750 780 1085 and Wash bb FOR SALE Ford coupe. East Roosevelt. Call 12L'9 bd Inventory Sale The following used cars will be sold at prices ranging from $100 to $1000 below list price. . 1921 FORD ROADSTER, starter and demountable rims, run less than 700 miles. 1920 OLDS 6. 1919 OLDS 8 Pacemaker, 4-pass. 1918 OLDS 6. iron pistons. 1920 H-TON OLDS ECONOMY TUUCK. Special terms may be had on these cars. SNOW & TUFTS AUTO CO. Phone 12,"3. 305 N. Central Ave bb STUDEBAKER Special Six will accent lord Coupe as pnrt payment. Have complete extras. Ferry at 241 West Adams. bb CASH, TERMS OR TRADE OPEN SUNDAY TILL NOON M. P. Barrett, Inc. 123 N. First St. Phone 4419 It Fords 1921 FORD TOURING. 1920 FORD TOURING. 1920 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. 1919 FORD TOURING. 1919 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. 1918 FORD TOURING. 1920 OAKLAND ,6" ROADSTER. 1918 STUDEBAKER "6" TOURING. 1917 MAXWELL TOURING. FORD TON TRUCK. CASH OR TERMS. WOODBURY AND MAUTLV 401 W. WASHINGTON ST. bd CASH WAITING FOR f.AtK MODEL LIGHT CARS. 407 W. WASHINGTON ST. t WANTED-i-Fat steers, yearlings. hum calves and lambs: highest prices paid. Arcade Meat Market, Trlbolet &. Fink. 43 East Washing ton. Phone E997. tf FOR SALE Young riding horse unci saddle, cheap. Phone 113R11. tig WANTED Team good work horses or mares for cash. Ralpft G. jjasKeii. Peoria. Ariz. Phone Glendale lulR4 bb FOR SALE EGGS AND POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS from heavy laying stock. Booking orders now for soring 1922 delivery Safe arrival live, vigorous chicks guaranteed. Prices on request. Re liable since 1S98. Must Hatch Incu bator Co.. 440 Seventh street, Peta- lnma Calif. It FOR SALE Baby chicks, 3d house ice.f of iflth avenue, on Lower Buck eve road. D OUR POULTRY DEPARTMENT can fix vou uo with the finest lay ing hens money can buy. We have Leghorns, Rocks and Reds in any quantities. Let our poultry expert advise jou on your poultry troubles. Plioenlx Seed and Feed Co., Phone l.t.t E. Jefferson St. tf FOR SALE Late 1921 Ford tour ing car, in perfect condition, 3H-in. tires, one spare: Hasel shock absorb ers: car just nicely broken In. Must sell tomorrow. It Interested, call in foreeon Monday. O. T. Haw kins. 131 North Ninth Ave. It 1920 FORD touring, ill Al condition, good rubber. This is not junk, but a good buy for some one. 106 N. 2nd St.. before noon. It 15 FORD Just think, you can drive this car away for $62.50, balance In 6 or 8 months: new tire, motor Al: don't miss it. 306 N. 2nd St. It FORD touring car, good condition, self starter. Hassler shock absorbers, demountable rims, tire rack, one ex tra tire, speedometer. See cr at 7th Ave. and Harrison at rily corral. be WII.LYS-KNIGIIT. less than halt the price of a new one: practically fis pood. 12S K. A dims St. U 1'OK SALE Chevrolet. f"ur-mn 1919 model. Al condition S2C". cash or terms. Apply 505 N. 1st S' i.v price Sunday It , FOR SALE 500 Pullets. 4.13. White Leghorn bb ARK YOUR CHICKENS SICK WITH ROUP? Ask for a bottle of B-K. A sure cure for roup and chicken pox. A perfect sterilizer and disinfectant for poultry or home use. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. PHONE 4St4 133 E JFFF. ST. tf Cotton To exchange. 40-acre ranch, well improved. Price $200 per acre. Will take cotton at 40c per pound. Look this up, fine proposition. RUGGLES A SMITH 213 W. Washington St. bd For Exchange Haynes Chummy roadster: will trade as first payment on small or medium priced house. See FRED A DIBBLE 17 N. First Ave. Phone E00J bd CATTLE ranch, near Flagstaff; 150 acres deeded: U. S. lease under fence; large open range; 600 good whfteface cattle. Owner will trade for valley ranch and assume mortgage. See Harper at 110 N. 1st Ave. bd WANT a high class car and some cash as first payment on 40-room hotel with dining room In connection. This hotel is always full and paying better than fiaO per mo. Shown by appointment only. Murken. with Meyers Investment Co., Phone 4106. bb WANT to trade for well improved ranch of from 80 to 160 acres. Must be good. Box 91H, Republican. Phone 421. tr FOR TRADE Equity of $2125. bal ance at $35 per month, in 6 -room P. D. house, lot 70x200 ft. Want smaller property. Monday and Tuesday. 73 J E. Portland St Phone 8390. od SWELL LITTLE BUNGALOW Near North Central and car line; large lot, 5-rooro. modern brick, ga rage, chicken house and runs; price $5000. Take a good light car and a little cash. Murken, with Meyers Inv. Co, 33 N. 1st Ave. Phone 4106. It $SO0O INCOME PROPERTY Consisting of four houses, four rooms and bath each, three brick, one frame, partly furnished. Want mod ern home 7 to 10 rooms up to $15,000: pay difference in. cash. Might take ranch property. SEE WHEELER WITH STEWART REALTY CO. 17 W. Adams. Phone 1997 It FOR. EXCHANGE We have 40 acres red sandy loam soil. Owner wants city property. Price $225 per acre. Mortgage $3750. Owner will assume. MEYERS INV. CO. 33 N. First Ave. It THOROUGHBRED Rhode l--l.ind Red eces for hatch. ng; $1.50 fter set ting. Phone 3S3S mornines. bd POULTRY TINWARE We have a liberal supply of water founts and mash feeders at extreme W low prices. They save feed. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 133 E. JEFFERSON; PHONE 4364. tf FOR EXCHANGE San Diego city. 12-room residence on car line, lots 70x100 and 60x140, corner on car line; want Arizona land, improved or un improved. Owner. 265 22nd street, San Diego. Calif. It WILL TRADE girl's bicycle, cam era, want typewriter, chickens, range. What have you? Route 7, 13th St. and Osborne road. It LEITS EGG MAKER Makes slow starting hens produce r 4 large lots of esres Start your liens laying, i "a Tit :." PHOENIX SEED AND KEEK to. 133 E. JEFFERSON: PHONE tf WE WANT all your fat Iiimik. We Alwavs pnv more W'ela'.k's Market rhone 4109. 129-31 N. 1st Ave. l! WE HAVE several good homes in Mesa; pome fine Phoenix property for trade; lands in Casa Grande Valley to exchange at $1 per acre and up. Bring in your trades, no matter what or where it is. STINE & FIELDS 32 N. Center It AT SANTA ROSA. CALIFORNIA Good sK-room house, hardwood floors, strictly modern, good shade walnut trees, pnc .." to a acres ti-'ar Fhoeniv improved; will assume some. NORfiiit'IST O'BARR-PINM' K REALTY CO. T.l. 71. 11" N. 1t Ave. r WANT to Lo! lov (.ar. 9ill Republican. sroo'l