Newspaper Page Text
I'AGE EIGHT (Section Two) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. 1 ?lzi$r r FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I'l'K S.LE Ult TRADE Work stock for cotton" or what have you? Phono aim. bd l-i )H AU: or trade for leas amounrof property, 148 acres, one half in alfalfa, near Glendale: fair improvements; fenced and cross tenced. P. O. box 23. Glendale. bb WAXTKJ) 4o trade piano for auto mobile. I'hnne S3!1. bd 1-OK SALK or trade. What have you? 160 acre relinquishment, 4 miles from Cosa Grande, fine soil. Phone kill. Call at 1238 East Adams. Mrs. Wight, bra SO ACRES, coming under gravity water, clear of debt, to trade for small acreage or city property. What have you. Arkansas. Texas. Oklahoma, Miss ouri. Kansas and Minnesota land, to exchange for city or valley. O BARR & PINNICK 110 X. First Ave. It S9 ACRE improved ranch to trade for a house, a chicken ranch or a store; might take some good paper or what have you to trade? Box SSI. City. bd Z FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Studebaker 6. cheap for cash or good note. Will consider cotton or city lot. Geo. Ollney, 122 N. First Ave. Phone 1842. bd 10 ACRES, well improved, in the citrus belt, for sale or trade for city property. Bloys. 16 W. Adams. bd TO EXCHANGE for lumber enough for small house, two acres of valuable land located in oil center near Houston, Texas. Box 33K, Re publican. H KENILWORTH HOME Beautiful 6 room brick P.D. thor oughly modern in every respect, und an excellent buy at $7300; $2000 cash and good terms. Can exchange this home for 10 or 20 acres northeast. See Wheeler with Stewart Realty Co. 17 W. Adams. Phone 1997. bb SALE OR TRADE Vork horses Tor Ford car or truck. Call 1114 East Roosevelt. bb 8 FOR SALE FRUITS, PRODUCE PICK ORANGES, grapefruit and lemons from the trees. Drive out Central to Northern Ave. Turn east 14 mile to 7th St. Wilson Bland, bb FOR SALE Navel oranges, rip ened on trees, at Evergreen- Grove. Indian School road to old cross-cut canHl. First Rate to rigrt. dl LARUE cabbage plants, 50 cents jer hundreil. $4.00 per thousand. bg MOUNTAIN apples at vacant ga rage. Acre City, by the box or ton, very reasonable. If Interested. Bend address to S. W. Knouf, Phoenix, and we will call. It NANCY HALL sweet epuds. Field run 2c pound. ',i mile south Cen ter St. bridge. S. Carman. bd SELLING Eight White Leghorn liens of extra good quality: pair of f'olden Wyandottes, $5; pair Silver Wvandottes. $3: pair Silver Spangled Hamburgs, $4; R. I. Red and Barred Rock cockerels. Barr, 2034 E. Mad ison. It ALL kinds of fruit shipped to any part of United States. Remember vour friends at Christmas. Mixed l.oxes of oranges and grapefruit. 31 West Washington. 12-dr FOR SALE Oranges, $2.50. per box. nr fnur cents per pound. Corner Camelback aDd Park Roads. bb FOR RENT HOUSES FOUR ROOM bungalow In Kenil worth school district, $20. 818 West McKinlev. bd 6-ROOM brick, water, gas and Garage. Built in features; on carllne $33. 1322 Grand Ave. A. J. McFee with Heee Co. bb FOR KENT 4-room house, ."OS West Roosevelt St. $18.00. bg FOR RENT Modern 4-room brick louse with screen Bleeping porch. 03 S. Central. bg FOR RENT 3-room cottage, un furnished, near ear. Call 215R11. hm FOR SALE OU RENT 3-room bouse on desert, 7 miles from Phoe nix. Call at 1326 W. Taylor St. after f-ne o'clock. It FOR RENT Double house at 210 212 E. Grant will lease one year re sDorisible party $40.00 a month adults. A nilv 210 E. Grant St. tf FOR RENT Six-room cement block house, modern, northeast. Ap Tly Morgan's Real Estate Co. 405 E. Wash, l'hone 4778. bd fc-ROOM cement block at 413 N 7th Ave. $35 per month. Inquire .1122 E. Monroe. - bd DOUBLE house, some furniture, good proposition to responsible per manent party. 378 N. First Ave. or Phone 2SJ2. bb UNFURNISHED half house three rooms, screen porch, bath and garage, with heating stove and gas plate. $25. 6'5 S. 2nd St. bb WE HAVE two cottages of four rooms partially furnished at re duced rent. Apply C06 North 5th St. bd SIX-ROOM modern house, month. Phone. 2283. $18 per btr SIX rooms aiiii screen, double gar pe. very close in, paved street. Phone S74S. bd FOR KENT Unfurnished modern bri' k, 4 rooms, $25 per month. Phone 21 R2. bb FOR RENT Six room strictly modern brick house excellent condi tion on paved street. 302 N. 14'h St. riic':e 201 R2. bb FOR KENT Modern new bunga low north of Indian School on Tur ney Avenue; off Center St. See C. H. Evans enre Kerry hill's.' bit SIX-ROOM modern; five brick acres; country lease. bouse, Phone bb MODERN 4-room cement bunga low, 1516 W. Madison 3t., to adults; parage. Key at 1T.14. tf ON7 of the best unfurnished mod ern bungalows in the city- healthy -Hi nits. 3:0 N. Fourth Ave. tf FOR RENT UNFUR NISHED HALF HOUSE ON N. I-JFTH STREET. FOUR ROOMS. BATH AND SCREEN ROOM. $40 EACH SIDE. LSn HAVE A 5-HOOM llfU'Si:. MODERN. WEST DMS ST., AT $73 AND A -.-ROOM HOUSE NORTH FIRST STREET AT $65. ' UKRI-ERT PRINCE CO tr:. Av. ha S1C-- 1-trautftui ni h ,ove;t. 'hn 33S3. Ask for our new LOW PRICES on Vulcanizing and Retreading. Wilky-Wartman Oil Co. 202 W. Jefferson St. Phone 1887 i 9 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR KENT Brick house, built in features 824 X. 13th Ave. South of Roosevelt, near Grand Ave. It 8 ROOM house, hardwood floors, garage, close In on X. 4th Ave. 4 room house on West Filmore; garage. $ 30. Res, phone 246S; office 1310. It NICE house, cheap; East Polk. garage. 1101 bb FOR RENT A very desir able suburban home on N. Central Ave., In Ornngewood. Seven rooms, two bath rooms and shower, furnace heat. Can be leased for one year, unfurnished. HERBERT 5. PRINCE CO. Realtors 110 N. Centra! Ave. bra FOR RENT Crick bungalow, five rooms. 737 E. Brill. bd FOR RENT New 5-room etone house, screen sleeping porch, garage. Phone 32 R3. . hi RENT lis CHEAPER IN GLENDALE We have a good modern four and five room houses, all plastered and in first class condition for $15 and up. T. I. PAUL REALTY CO., Phone 148 Glendale bb ONE-HALF HOUSE, unfurnished, $25 per month; fine location; adults desired. 114 N.: Ninth Ave. bb 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Nicely furnished three-room apartment; lights and water paid, $30. Apply 319 E. Jeffer son, bd THREE room furnished apartment. 325 E. Polk. Apply 721 N. 3rd St. bd NEW apartment well furnished. 714 E. Willetta. bg DANDY apartment 724 N. 4th St - . ' bg $12.50 and 15.00. New two-room furnished apartments. Gas, electric ity; water in kitchen. Carline. 1016 Grand Ave. It ONE of the very desirable Welch apartments for lease. Has very large living and dining room, disap pearing bed in dining room, inside sleeping room, screen room, kitchen and bath, furnace heat, janitor serv ice and garage. Just the place for particular people. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. Realtors 110 K. Central Ave. b; We Will Pay 6 Cents lb. FOR GOOD SIZE, CLEAN, W'HITE OR COLORED Cotton Rags BRING ALL YOU HAVE TO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE. . tf LIBRARY APARTMENTS NICE LY FURNISHED APARTMENTS: REASONABLE. PHONE 3512. tf NEW 3-room furnislied apartment for married couple. 532 E. Moreland. It THREE-ROOM apartment, $15 to $30. 413 E. Polk St. bg rOLK-ROOM apartment, reason able, close in. 344 N. 4th Ave. bn LOWER FLOOR completely fur nished apartment; western exposure. 141 S W Washington. bm CLEAN, attractive, every conven ience. 838 N. Sth Ave. Phone S117. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished or unfurnished, apartment 4 rooms and sleeping porch. Private bath'; to healthy people. Close in. 128 N. Ninth Avenue. bm APARTMENTS. 720 E. Adams. bm TWO and three room apartments; clean and attractive. Prices reason able. Walking distance. 325 N. 4th Ave. bd NEW APARTME?'T ver. 735 E. Cul bl ARIZONA apartments. Third St and Roosevelt. Phone 1815. tf SMALL furnished apartment, block of capitol and car line. 118 N. 18th Ave. $23 per month. bg DESIRABLE five-room apart ments in double house, furnished or unfurnished. 823 N. 3rd Ave. bb HOUSES FOR RENT furnished or unfurnished. See Johnston, 31 North First ave. tf FURNISHED apartment. Fourth Ave. 347 SMALL house lor rent. S. 4th St. Thrift, 14 tf FOR RENT Unfurnished house on N. Sixth Ave, 341. bb ONE to four room apartments, just finished, newly furnished or unfur nished; private bath. hone 4761. tf FURNISHED ROOMS, $10 per month: light housekeeping, $12 and up. 21S E. Polk. p FtKMoHED housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch. 615 N. Second St. Phone 3390. tf DANDY apartment, cheap. SC.".?. Phone 1 1 UNFURNISHED apartment, three rooms and kitchenette; basement un der bedroom. Call at 1104 E. Taylor. bb SOME two-room apartments fur nished or unfurnishea; $16 per month; water and lights furnished. SOfi East Monroe st. bb HALF of new duplex bungalow un furnished, 4 rooms, bath, screen porch and garage. 829 N. 5th Ave. Call :'.!S7. " tf MODERN 5-room apartment, un furnished. 823 "N. 3rd Ave. bk FOUR ROOM frame house for rent good shade and garage. See owner"! at 1133 E. Portland. tf - FURNISHED four-room apart ment, on car line; heat, lights, hot water, janitor .service, garage; free vacuum cleaned weekly. Phone 8543. To0 N. Fifth Ave. tf VERY desirable, furnished, thor oughly modern half house, private bath. Key at 346 N. Fourth Ave. Healthy adults. tf FURNISHED and unfurnished apartment to permanent healthy couple. 376 N. Fourth Ave. tf HO USE KEEPING apartment. N. 2nd St. Sit 1 FOR RENT High grade modern furnished apartments in The West- m'iisrr Knickerbocker, also one un 1 furnished flat in The I.mntman. For jturiiKr mTurmation l'hone l-ti. 11 I 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4-ROOM furnished apartment, free water and lights. $20 per month. Ap ply 405 E. Wash. Phone 4776. bb 11 FOR RENT FURNISHED , HOUSES HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY ToRentA Beautiful, Completely Furnished, 10-Room Residence Such as Is not ordinarily se cured on lease. - If you are really looking for ab solutely the best home that it is possible to rent In Phoenix, in vestigate this. Within five minutes walk of the Hotel Adams. It is suitably ar ranged to be converted into either AN EXCLUSIVE CLUB. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, or HIGHEST TYPE OF SMALL APARTMENT HOTEL, or to remain as a HIGH CLASS HOME. The rooms are tastefully fur nished: three are inside bedrooms with individual washbowls? There are two large porches, bathroom, shower, gas furnace, well equipped large kitchen, separate servant quarters, and fireproof garage. Owing to the class of home this represents, only responsible year ly tenants, able to produce ac ceptable references, will be con sidered. A consideration of but $200 per month rents this modern house. Don't phone 2775 unless inter ested, bd WELL furnished house, newly re- finished; close in; will rent all or part. 222 E. Pierce St. It BEAUTIFULLY furnished high class private home; married couple preferred; no sick. 102 E. Willetta. It FURNISHED 3-room cottage for rent. Close in. Apply 833 N. 2nd Ave. b $12.50 AND $15.00. New two-room furnished houses. Gas, electricity, water in kitchen. Carline. 1016 Grand Ave. It FOR RENT Comfortable furnished cottages in the hills, healthiest and prettiest spot in Arizona- Easy ride from city. Tri-weekly stage. For particulars Phone 2395. bk 6-ROOM brick, well furnished, well located on North 10th Ave. Kincaid 110 N. 1st Ave. It TWO-ROOM house $14; room $7. 1123 Grand Ave. upstairs bd FURNISHED 3-room cottage; also 6 rooms modern. 744 E. Portland, tf NEAT 2 -room furnished house; modern, cheap rent. Call today. 914 S. 1st St. It TWO-ROOM cottage and screen rjorch. large yard, electric, gas, sink, water naid. 823 S. 2nd Ave. bd ON DESERT Clean attractively furnished cottage. Water piped into house. Garage. Owner 204a W Adams. " bg FOR RENT Nicely furnished six- room house, best location, strictly modern. Phone 3743. It HALF HOUSE, 5 rooms, furnished, at 224 East Pierce st.; water paid garage. Call 710. tf CLEAN furnished cottage; 2 rooms, screen porch 1526 E. Washington Street. bd FURNISHED COTTAGE; also cottage for sale or rent. Phone 2797. bd FOR RENT Two-room and large screen porch, furnished for house keeping. Lights and water furnished $16. l.Oi E. van Buren. Phone 38(10. bb HOUSES to rent, furnished and unfurnished. Reasonable rent. Kin caid, 110 N. 1st Ave. bb HOUSEKEEPING and screen sleeping porch for convalescent. 758 E. Fillmore. It FOR RENT Five-room house with screen porch, $35. 2022 East McDowell. bh FOR KENT 5-room modern brick house and screen room, well fur ished. good neighborhood: garage 314 Willow Ave. Phone S92S. bb FOUR-ROOM modern brick house well-furnished; close in; good neigh borhood; garage; shade and lawn, 736 West Jackson. bd CLEAN 2-roomed cottage, tree wa ter: $15; electricity. 912 Grand Ave. tt SEVEN room house partly fur nished. 729 East Adams. If looking for a bargain call and see the place. See 'owner at 733 E. Adajris. FINELY furnished 9-wom house, large grounds, four bedrooms, three sleeping porches; present tenants leaving city. Owner. 1015 North Sec ond street. If ALEXANDRIA Court. Beautiful apartments. S21 Noith First Avenue. tf FOR RENT Furnished brick house at 1152 E. Jefferson St. 8 rooms and bath, newly painted and clean rent reasonable to permanent people, adults preferred. : Apply 1154 E. Jer ferson. tf FINE four room bungalow taste fully furnished $20 per month. Apply at Carrick Realty Co.. Glendale. It FOR RENT Three-room Phone S214. cottage, bd FOR RENT One furnished 3-rooni house. Modern. Clean. No 6ick. 1122 E. Roosevelt. Phone 4540. bg COSY three-room house with bath, close in. All modern. Call 359 N. th Ave. bb MY NICELY furnished 6-room house and garage located at 627 N. 4th Ave. Healthy adults only. bl; FOR RENT To adults: Apartment consisting of 3 furnished rooms pri vate bath screen sleeping and pri vate front porch. 30 per month; 'water paid. Phone 4856 for particu lars, bb MODERN well furnished D-room plastered house. Water paid. 1147 East Filmore St. bk FOR RENT Three-room fur nished cottage and sleeping porch, water inside. Central Ave., near In dian School. $17. W. Dubree. Phone S195. tf LADY employed with share 5-room apartment at $12 per mo. to healthy lady. 723 E. Polk. It FURNISHED 4-room cottage, clean, large yard. $16.50. 1X17 E. Adams. It HIGH CLASS furnished house for rent. Large rooms, four sleeping rooms, two bath rooms, furnace heat, servants' quarters in rear, garage for two cars. Will rent 4 to 6 months to desirable tenant only. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. Realtors 110 N. "entral Ave. hg FOR RENT Small house, fur nished. Call 1416 E. Adapis. Phone :i::33. - bd FOR REX 're furnished. 174: -Plain garage-house. W. Madison. bl FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Completely furnished half-house; four rooms and bath: verything new and modern. Call at 1345 Vest Monroe st. bd CAMELBACK HEIGHTS Located 200 feet above Phoenix on Camelback Mountain; 3-room bun galows completely furnished: mail, milk, ice daily; automobile service to Phoenix. P. O. Box 196. bm 6 ROOMS, hardwood floors, modern urnished house. One block of Capi tol. Owner 218 S. 11th Ave. bb FOR KENT Furnished house, six rooms and bath. 2i blocks Brill car. . No sick. 1211 E. Filmore. bb FOR R E N T U N FUR NISHED HALF HOUSE LOCATED AT 20 WEST LTNWOODST. TELE PHONE 2930 FOR APPOINT MENT. bd ROOMS AND BOARO 320 NORTH 1st Ave. Room and board, very- reasonable rates: alfo -room apartment.- Phone 3461. It EXCELLENT board and rodYn tor confinement cases. 829 East Jeffer son. It Board and -Room Forty-five dollars per month. Will compete with anything in town for quality. 341 West Adams; phone 10. I LARGE NEWLY furnished room; could accommodate two; choice loca tion; reasonable rates. 516 North Center: Phone 2395. bin ROOM and board for refined gen tleman in private home. 1S00 W. Monroe. bg EXCELLENT board and room fo health seekers. $23 E. Jefferson St. Phone 275. bb 13 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, reasonable. Board Is desired. Walking distance. 361 N. 5th Ave. bd FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, or entire fiouse. Cheap. 1414 E. Jefferson St. bd FURNISHED room, private en trance, rear car line, opposite capi tol. 1717 West Jefferson. Phone 3837. It KRiGHT. sunny front room for one person, employed; connecting bath; furnace heat; use of piano; half block from Brill car; $0.00 per week. 716 North Seventh Street. It LK.MSHED rooms and garage space if desired. New management. 707 South First Ave. bn FRONT ROOM, connecting bath two blocks from postoffice, $20.00 month. 33.1 North Third ave. 1 It FOR RENT Furnished front room. adjoining bath, private entrance. Call after 12 today at 1410 W. Adams. It VKR1" desirable front bedroom, ad joining screen room and bath, suit able for two or more people. 835 N. Eth Ave. Phone 4715. bd FOR RENT Large front room, ex tra well furnished; very close In; rent reasonable. Phone 1518. 337 N. 2nd Ave. bc NICELY furnished front room and two home cooked meals a day; close In; modern conveniences. 214 E. Van Buren. Phone 1755. hi ATTRACTIVE sunny front room connecting bath. 651 N. 6th Ave Phone 8853. bd SUNNY sieepisg room; also gar- age. 706 N. 4 th St. bn FOR KENT Furnished front room cdjoining bath, private entrance, walking distance. 809 No. 4th St. Phone 439. It 7thAve.Hotel Rates Nice two-room apartments, $20 to $30: bedrooms, $1 and $15 a month; everything new and clean; hot water in all rooms. Free bath. Seventn ave. and West Washington st. It TRY HOTEL NAVAJO rooms, $3 to $5 per week. 546 W. Adams. 1 MODERN rooms, individual sleep ing porches. 600 N. Second Ave- tt FOR RENT Furnished rooms and a partments. 707 S. First Ave. tf ST- FRANCIS HOTEL 27 EAST MONROE ST. Rooms $1.00. per day and up. Spe cial rates by the wk. or month. tf FURNISHED front room. First Ave. Phone 8140. S00 PLEASANT front room, outside en trance, connecting bath, with or with out garage; rc sic; private phone. 1102 North First St. bh ROOM FOR AUNT to men, and cot in screen porch. 337 West Madison. bb LARGE FRONT bedroom with sleeping porch, adjoining bath; ga rage; gentlemen only, 803 North Sixth ave. .bm LARGE well furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. At 325 N. 4th Ave. bb SUNNY furnished room with 2 beds, adjoining sleeping porch. SOS N. Central. bb CLEAN sleeping rooms: close in; dav or week. 430 West Jefferson, bb REX ARMS HOTEL Under new management. Elegant rooms $5 and no, bb DESIRABLE room; private bath; 00 sick. 506 East Portland; rhone 5048. bb BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room with adjoining bath; in private family; excellent location; walking distance; no sick. 805 North Fifth ave. bb ROOM with refined family, with or without board. Phone R546. bd SPLENDID ROOMS at 321 W. Jef ferson bn NEATLY furnished sunny rooms. TwoMlocks from post office. 411 AV. Monroe. bd 14 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR TWO adults; 2 large rooms, private bath, kitchen, screen sleeping room; telephone, gas. electrhity; private garage: water paid: plenty of shade: paved street; rent cheap. Phone 8562. - bd NICELY furnished hoi sekeeping room with kitchenette; also desirable sleeping room. 224 E. Van Buren. bg LIGHT housekeeping; large din-ing-kitchen; sleeping room; bath: close in; furnished except lt.en; $15 mo. 922 North Second St. It THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Free' lights, water and phone. $16 per month. 816 N. 13th Ave." It TWO light housekeeping rooms completely furnished. Lights and phone included. 345 N. 6thAve. bp HOUSEKEEPING rooms, up. 702 E Jefferson. $12 anil bb TWO furnished rooms for light housekeeping. J. F. Powell. 615 S. 2nd Ave. bg HOUSEKEEPING and $20 per month. rooms. $10, $15 758 E. Filmore. tf HALL-' house, furnished, for healthy sdults. nr.9 N. Third Ave. tf HEALTHSEEKERS Furnished housekeeping cottages, $10 a month and up". Mesquite Camp. ISth street and Madison. Phone 3024. Free auto. tl IIOUSKKEEPINt Van Bureu. 3-'l W. bd 14 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CLEAN well furnished rooms. Lights and water paid. 325 N. 4th Ave. bd CLOSE IN clean front room, fitted for housekeeping: private entrance: $r per week. 40.1 E. Van Buren. bd HOUSEKEEPING rooms;- yard for car. 430 West Jefferson. bb LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. Phone 2445; 606 North Ninth st. bb THREE rooms. $ 1 9. furnished housekeeping 725 East Wash. bb 15 FCR RENT LAND Land For Rent 64 ACRES 4 Vs miles east of Phoe nix and south of Tempe road; no house; share basis. 40 ACRES Near Glendale; no house: splendid soil; for grain or cotton: cash rent preferred. 76 ACRES South and west of Glendale; small house; good share proposition to the right party. 160 ACRES West of Glendale; good improvements; good land; cash rent. D WIGHT B. HEARD CO., Realtors Heard Bldg. bg 20 ACRES of land for rent, already plowed. Call 116J11. bn SHARE RENT 60 Acres. 4 room house. 20 alfalfa. 20 now plowed. 20 for other crops. See Goodman at Chandler. bg FOR KENT 160-acre well im proved nptutoe and grain ranch near nagstafr, Arizona. Two thousand sacks of potatoes raised this year. besides grain; $500 cash. Address W. H. Thompson, Box 1051, Flagstaff, Ariz. It WILL RENT 160 ai res at $10 per acre one-half cash, balance crop land cultivated four years under pumping plant; Higley district. Call Lewis, 307 North First street. Tele phone 1035. bg 40 AND 80 ACRE3 of good land for rent. Well improved. Bloys. 1 W. Adam. bd FOR LEASE 320 acres fine land. Improved, S miles southwest of Mesa. Telford. 98 W. Willetta. 80 ACRES Near paved road, four room house will take $10 per acre and furnish two acre feet water. Emery tu. via aker. 142 W. Washington. It FOR RENT Eighty acres, near Casa Grande, with full equipment and all buildings, part in alfalfa; will rent for five years to competent farmer. Th. von Rolf, 115 W. Monroe, phoe nix. Arisona. Tel. 6210. It 5 ACRES for rent, close in, nice 3-room house: also several furnished and unfurnished houses. Mcdonald & shelden 107 N. 2nd Ave. It IMPROVED rhone 8346. 40 acres for rent. tf FOR RENT 30 Acres. Also SO acres west of Glendale on Lateral 23, Etifiuire 2022 E. McDowell. bb FOR RENT 80 acres good J. D. Cross. 1120 W. Adams. land, tf 16 FOR RENT STORE, OFFICES FOR RENT A large store room on First Ave. Box 7511 Republican, bg 18 FOR RENT PASTURE Cattle Pasture FORTY ACRES Fine hegira and maize stalks with heavy Bermuda growth, on sotith side Thomas road between Park and Asylum road. Phone 3R11 or 1631. bd 18", WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT modern home 7 to 10 rooms $12,000 to $15,000; will trade $8,000 income property and pay csh to bal ance. Phone 1997. It BRING In your listings; 6 or good buyers have been in our office this week looking for 10 to 40 acres each. ' Stine & Fields, Room 7, 33 N Center. 1 HAVE buyer for 5 or 10 acres, north or east, not too far out. Kin caid. 110 N. 1st St. bb 19 WANTED SITUATION, MALE We Will Pay 6 Cents lb. FOR GOOD SIZE. CLEAN, WHITE OR COLORED Cotton Rags BRING ALL, YOU HAVE TO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE. WISH small set accounting books to keep by hour or month; experi ence in auditing; A-l reference. P. O. box 355. It WIDE AWAKE married man, age 29. good appearance, best of refer ences, desires steady employment. 11 years with one firm. Electrician, line man, chauffeur, motion picture oper ator; but will try anything. Came west on account of wife's health. Business education. Box 9911 Re publican, bb FOR Indian men phone Cook Bible School, f.513. Yard work, etc. 12-b 1 WANT A JOB Call 21V5. bb MARRIED man wants position on ranch as foreman. Experienced in farming and stock raising. Only moderate wages expected. Box 13K Republican. bh CARPENTER work, repairing, rea ponahle. Phono 3:ir,0. bg WELL DRILLING wanted; $1.00 per foot; ail work guaranteed. Phone 4514. 12br CARPENTER WORK; contract or day; $1.50. 3456. bg W AN TED Position by young business man as bookkeeper-account ant with good company where thre Is a chance for advancement. E. H. Dunning, Wilmot, Arkansas. bb 1 CLEAN your house and rugs sat Isfaetoriiv John King. Phone 1249 tf PAINTING tinting, chimney clean ing; all kinds housework. G. 11.. Phone 1737. tf F. W. FLETCHER, finish carpen ter and jobbing. Phone 570. bp STEADY young married man, must have job. Anything considered. Can drive auto. I hone 2229. FAINTING, kulsoiuiiiing. paper hanging. Smythe, 215 E. Folk l'hone 3520. bk A MAN, 40. healthy, wants work 2 months for room and board or small wages; references. Address Box 7"6, Tempe. A ri7. bsr "VOL'NG man wants work of anv kind. 121 N. 10th Ave. l'hone 275f. bg WANTED Position by experient ed l.o,l. k-eer.ep. KtcnnLT.'inlirr and cor- tfbpoiitlent. Ill perfect health. Give1 tne an intervi. w. Address Vox 10K Republican of rice. br 19 WANTED SITUATION MALE EX-SERVICE MEN SEEK JOBS When you want help give the firsv chance to ex-service men. A number of men who have served their coun try now are looking for position here. Phone American Legion headquarters. 4338, and we may be able to (ill your needs. tf PAINTING, paperhanging. by per- mament, responsible mechanic, rhone 4S. bl 20 WANTED SITUATION. FEMALE WANTED Position as cashier, asst. cashier, or general office work. Experienced. Box 11K Republican. 1 WILL DO laundry; 415 N. 9th St.: will guarantee my work; finish. $1.00 per dozen; rough dry, 40 cents. Phone 633 S. Og MIDDLE aged woman wants tem porary home. Will work for board. Clean and refined. Healthy, com panionable, understands children. Box 25K, Republican. It S TENOGRAPHER, experienced, ac curate, efficient, university woman. desires position. Local references. Pox jnk. Republican. It POSITION by refined woman as housekeeper In small family. Wages moderate. Box SK Republican. dp FAMILY LAUNDRY Finished $1.25 We call for. 817 N. 12th St. Phone 3336. tr REFINED Practical nurse $17 a week. Phone 370". bg DRESSMAKER by the day. Refer ence. Phone 55"0. on SITUATION by white woman, good cook, neat housekeeper. FleUbe gJve full particulars and address Box 32 K, Republican. Too dc-f to use phone. it CHRISTIAN widow will board widower with chlkl or two. 2175. bb LADY with ten-year-old girl wish es housework, where she can have good home, rather than high wages. Phone 6653. oa NURSE Tuberculosis specialty, bb Phone 6123. WHITE woman will iron, sew. cook or clean. 85 cents per hour. Phone 8160. bb LAUNDRY to do Phone 8787. by the hour, bd WANTED Housework by hour or day. Phone 2321. oa WHITE WOMAN wants cooking and some housework. 430 West Jef ferson, bb WE DO laundry, rouga dry or fin ished. Call and deliver. Phone 8618. tf FAMILY washing, rough dry, fiat Ironed. SO cxrts a dozen. Also xin Ished work. Phone 8129. tf SEWING, plain or .'ancy. 5149. Phone 12-bk WANTED Plain sewing. Adams. 1813 E. bd WANTED TO RENT I HAVE party that wants 1 to 40 acres on share crop, can finance self. See Flke. 23 K. Wash. St. bd WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished apartment or house for the winter. Answer with full partlcu lars regarding location and rent. Box 26 K. Republican. It WANTED to lease or rent grocery store and fixtures, with living rooms In connection, in residential part of Phoenix. Nortbside preferred. Box 7K Republican. bb WANTED Good clean furnished house. Phone 4 252. bd WILL RENT or lease small place. up to 10 acres with house. Close in. Price must be right. Phone 119RJ. bb WANTED Furnished cottage or apartment for couple where wire can do housework in return for rent Phone 2890. Call any day except Sunday. bl WANTED To lease on shares 160 acres dairy land. Have 20 cows now. "ME" Postoffice box 1386. Phoenix. bg 21 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED White or Colored Cotton Rags MUST BE CLEAN AND OF GOOD SIZE, AT REPUBLICAN OFFTCK tf Cotton Wanted Grades No. 1 and 2. We have an outlet for a certain amount of good cotton, premium paid. Room 206 Monlhon Blilg. bb WANTED TO BUY A boy s full rigged stock saddle: must be in good condition; state price wanted and where can be seen. Address Box 24 K Republican. 1 WANTED TYPEWRITER, POST BOX f8S. PHOENIX. bd WANTED To communicate with some one having thoroughbred male rat-terrier for service. l'hone 11R3. bb WANTED Three -disc plow. Phona S992. 213 W. tractor Monroe. - bb WANTED A second hand phono graph. Becker, 111 Goodwin St Prescott. Arix. bb WANTED Second-hand piano for cash. Box 99X, Republican. Phone 8973. tf WE buy everything second-hand. WTiat. have rou? Phone 5977. tf FL'RNIUTRE bought. Phone 8133. pot cash. tf SPOT cash for any quantity furni tore, tools, stoves, rugs, guns, rau, sical instruments, crockery, tents. trunks, men's apparel. Fords Stores. Phone 1776. "CLEAN out the closets." We wan men'.i discarded clotbtflg. any kind, and In any quantity; highest prices. Phone 1242. tf I.nDIAN motorcycle side car want ed. Give condition anJ price. Ad dr 127 N. Central Ave. bb STOCK SALESMEN Leads fur nished backed ry prominent men Bonk endorsements. Take in cotton 206 Mnnihon Bldg. bg GOVERNMENT needs railway mail clerko, $133 to $192 month. Write for free specimen questions. Coluinbu Institute. Columbus, Ohio. It WANTED Reliable man wit team and implements to handle 4 acres cotton and alfalfa. Box 2SK, Renubliol bd MEN wanted to qualify for Fire men, Brakemen, experience unneces sary. Transportation furnished Write w. Boggess. St. Louis. It WANTED Set of textiiooks of Federal Schools on magazine and newspaper illustrating and cartoon inc. state number you have, price, etc. Box 7411 Republican. bb I WANT your used goods: any part of household. Tools, anything. Spot cash. Geo. O. Phone 1776. All or guns, Ford WANT E D Jubilee incubator. 504 t eff sr.e. l'hone hj.-,. rx I WANTED Milo maize in head. ' Phono C'ashion Ranch . 4fi.H1. bg .MEN'S ued clothing. hale and shoes wanted. 407 E. Washington. rhone 1776. tf FORDSON $625.00 FACTORY 316-48 E. Adam. St. RUDOLPH Phoenix C2 WANTEO HELP. MALE BOOKKEEPERS National prominent organization of Certified Public Accountants wants to get in touch, at once, with live ambitions Phoenix men who are in earnest about getting Into advanced rcounting work pr who desire to be come C. P. A.s or income tax spe cialists; applicants must be willing to devote spare time to intensive prep- ration along specialized lines n or der to prepare for positions paying from $2500 to- $3o00. Cor.tiUenti-il personal Interview given those sup plying the following data In replying: age; experience: wnere emyiojir.i; phone number. Address Box 3iK, Re publican. It CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 13 WALL ET. PHONE 466$ CENTRAL BARBER SHOP 124 N. Central Ave. Shave 20c: Hairc-ut 35c. 12-bm LONG'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 40 Wall Street. Phone 6024 FREE ELECTRICAL BOOK Tells bow to earn $12 to $30 a day. You can learn at home and earn as you learn. Write today. Chief Engineer, 1800 Sunnyslde. Chicago. It PENMANSHIP class now forming; Instructions evenings commencing December 19th. Call Gregg Short hand School. 4430. It FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN. begin ners $150. later $250 monthly. Write Railway, Box 4K. Republican. It WANTED Wide awake man with Ford car. Phone 607L 24 W. Broad way. bd MEN wauled for United States mail service. Permanent. Easy to get in now. Correspondence course unnecessary. Writ IS. s. Bishop, box 391. JoDlin. Mo. It WANTED Conductors, brakemen firemen, boilermakera. machinists and office men desiring foreign employ ment to investigate Cuba. Central America. South America and the Is lands, through our booklet containing the correct names of 25 railroads in those countries, thte proper official to communicate with, and their post of tice addresses. Price one dollar. Not an employment agency. State occu pation and address all communica tions to Directory of Foreign Ry. Of ficials. 127 Montgomery St, Room 06. San Francisco. It AUTO Men wanted In Los An reles. Fine, mild weather now, lust like summer. Big oemana tor ig nition experts and mechanics. Learn the trade this winter. Practical ex nerience under expert instructors, Onlv short time required. Low tui tion. Tools tree. Earn room ana while learning. Our big page illustrated catalog win an about splendid opportunities in mis business. Explains how you learn 60 quickly. Tells life stories or men io to 60 who have made good with Na tional training. Send for your copy of this free book today. No obliga lion. A better job and more pay guaranteed In auto work. v rue J. A. Roaenkranx. 83S So. Figueroa, Los Aneele. Calif. AV ANTED Young man to work in Btnrp nrefer one wishing to learn suto electric. Box 1 SK Republican, bb MAN with selling ability and nleaninsr personality, owner of car. to travel the state. One with know ledge of accounting preferred. Per manent position. Do not answer un less can qualify. Full particulars nr. Ttemibliran Box 17K. bb WANTED Two wide-awake solici tors, men or women. Good workers hould earn $50 to $100 per week Tnnli- thl morning 27 E. Adams. b haircut J5c shave lie friecond St. and Monroe. tf HAIR CUT. 23c. electric clippers; shave 15c Moved to 19 East Van Buren. tf PHOENIX EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 111 S First St- Phone 4988. tf RELIABLE employment office. 227 R. Center. Phone 42f3. 1-n LIVE WIRE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY S Cactus Way. Phone 6093 tf IF 'OU WISH to employ a penter or carpenters. Phone car 594 SUCCEED Be an Automotive Electrical Specialist Learn starting, lhrhtine. ignition, generator, arma ture, mas-neto work: battery build Ing. repairing. Greatest school. Free booklet. Johnson's Automotive Elec trlcal School. Eept. F, 729 Broad wav. Denver. L. 23 WANTED HELP. FEMALE LADIES, wavo jour own hair, or work for others. Instructions 'and outfit, $5. Salespeople wanted every where. Chicago Permanent Wave Co.. 715 Baltimore Bldg.. Chicago. It LADY with selling ability and pleasing personality, well educated, possessing car. to travel the state, selling to schools. Splendid oppor tunity for right person. Address with full particulars regarding self. Care Republican Box 16K. bb PENMANSHIP class now forming; instructions evening commencing December 19th. Call Gregg Short hand School. 4450. It HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS employment, phone 5sS3. wishing bd EXPERIENCED waitresses at once; $3.00; eight hours. Live Wire Employment Agency. It WANTED An experienced teoond maid; none other need apply; small family: good wages to experienced. Call 790 in momingjJ bd GIRL to assist in care of child. Phone S04. WOMEN wanted to work from home selling a beautiful line of neces sities, hosiery, underwear, etc., plain novelties and fancy merchandise. Write for catalog. Cunning Company. S20 West Seventh. Los Angeles. It WILL GIVE high school g.rl good home and smill wages in exchange for housework Apply before 8:30 a.m. or after 6 0 p.m. Mrs. F. B. Thomas, 33o N. SiNth Ave. tf WANTED Business woman to share clean, attractive and economi cal apartment. References. Box 31K Republican. It FIVE capable women to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, fast Sell ing line. $10 to $75 a week. Railroad fare paid. Also city sales manacers. Orla S. Goodrich. Dept. 101ZZ, Oma ha. Nebr. 1 WANTED White girl for ceiienil l-oue ork ; no washing- Mrs. B. Matley, Tempe. tf TRACTOR SOLD ON TERMS Grand Avenue Glendale ZV2 WANTED AGENT3 AND SALESMEN SELL something everybody must have (read this line over again and note we said MUST). It is unique, U. S. protected article, a positive ne-l cissity because of government ruling.; vim jeany repeal, exclusively owned and controlled by us. If you are an order taker you should make $20 to day; if you are an ambitious salesman you will clear upward of ,au per oay. Most desirable connec tion with FUTURE for those who qualify. Jerome Laadt, Pres. 8 So. Dearborn St.. Chicago. It MAN with car to sell and deliver our merchandise In Phoenix and eur toundlng territory. Bond and refer ence. No capital required: experi ence unnecessary. Grand Union Tea Co.. 112 W. 4th St.. Pueblo, rolo I,r- ONLY ONE SALE a dl. moan. $200 per month! Five sales. $1000 per monthl! Marvelous new adding ma chine. Retails $15. Work equals $300 inacnme. Aaas. subtracts, multiplies, divides, automatically. SDeedv. ac curate, durable, handsome. Five year guarantee. Just in time for Inventory and income tax. Tremendous de mand. Amazing profits. Write quick for liberal trial offer- and protected territory. Dept . Lightning Calcu lator Co.. Grand Rapids. Mich. It COTTON GOODS S A L E K M K N WANTED. To sell to department end dry goods stores in Arix N. Mex.. North Tex. on a liberal commission basis as a side line to other kindred linee. A. B., 520 Presbyterian Build ing. N. Y. City. Jt AGENTS 90c an hour to adver tise and distribute samples to con sumer: Write quick for territory and particulars. Albert Mills. Gen. Mgr.. 47S2 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. - It AGENTS $3.50 an hour. 2 niece constellator with ( genuine Wm. Rog- trs nickel silver teaspoons free. Fast est seller in our sixteen years ex perience. Thomas Mfg. Co. House. 2501. Davton. Ohio. it SALESMEN Distributors sell sim plex Stop Signals to dealers and car owners. Does not work on batterv. Retails $2.50. Big "commissions. Territory given. Sutherland, 1456 Urst National Bk. Bldg.. Crlcago. It SPECIAUY salesmen: From XiioOii to $12,000 per year is what our men are making. If you have ability, are rot afraid to work, willing to make all sized towns in your territory and can stand prosperity, you can do the same ana tnere is a peramnent place for you In the organization of an old established highly rated companv. References. Address Dept. A. L. 60 Baltimore Bldg.. Chicago. n- LARGE shirt manufacturer waul 1 agents to sell complete line of shirts " direct to wearer. Exclusive patterns. Big values. Free samples. Madison Mills. 503 Broadway. New York. it SALESMEN Exceptional opportu nity for few salesmen who write at once. Live roea now earning $10 to $100 per day. Mcdeery Calendar Factory. Washington. Iowa. It SALESMAN for your city and ad jacent territory by the largest manu facturer on the Pacific Coast adver tising calendars. 4 A most complete line of over one hundred subjects. We want a man capable of calling on the largest and best trade. Start De cember 26th for next season. Lucra tive compensation paid weekly. State age. business reference and sates ex rerience. V. S. Walsh, 660 Mission St, San Francisco. Established 1900. It AGENTS Gold leaf letters easily applied. Best and cheapest manu factured. Sample free. The Oakland Sign Mfg. Co, 10 Cameron street. Detroit. Mich. bb LIVE SALESMAN with car can earn $75.00 to $100.00 a week. Call 17 East Adams. - tf THOUSANDS of men in Arizona would be glad to overcome the to bacco habit. Learn of the fast sales and large profits selling CACTAR ENE, a money-back guaranteed to bacco corrective. , Write toda-r for particulars. Address CACTARENE. Box 11SS. Phoenix. Arix. It THE BLANCH ARD COMPANY, Aurora. Ill, now assigning 1922 terri tories, has Arizona open for a side line man to begin Dec. 27th. We wan a man able to handle this line In connection with a non-competing line. Our line is a direct advertising service for bankers, manufacturers, merchants. A splendid opportunity is offered, for our line is second to none in this field. Write fully, giv In gexperienee, references, etc. C. F. l'rantner. Fields Salesmanager. It SALESMAN Excellent opKrtunity to connect with one of the oldest and best known houses in the calendar and advertising specialty Industry. Exclusive territory contracts now be ing arranged for 1922. New line of exclusive and copyrighted designs In calendars, fans and blotters ready IWcember 15th, also leather goods and complete line of specialties n various materials. Write for proposition, giving reference and record of sales experience. Also state territory pre ferred. 'Merchants Publishing Co.. Kalamazoo. Mich. It CHEWING GUM Sell to stores, profitable business built up quickly. Spearmint and popular flavors in novel packages. Write today. Hel met Co.. Cincinnati. O It SALES AGENTS can make $1 to $15 a day selling Cresco Newleatlier Utility Bags and Waterproof Aprons. Improved Mfg. Co, Dept. 195, Ash land. Ohio. it EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS Sensational new- TALCO kettle corn popper. Name territory wanted. High class. Big money for right man. Tal 1 ot Mfg. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. It AGENTS Wonderful eeller. 96c profit every dollar sales. Deliver on spot. License unnecessary. Sample free. MISSION. Factory 8, 2)19 W. Pico. T,n Aneel.s. Calif. It AGENTS make $72 a week by sell ing 4 average fresro Raincoats a day. Outfit free. No delivering. Improved M ig. Co.. Dept. 1S6. Ashland. O. U P E A K L NKCKI.AC ES at importers ' prices. Representatives wanted. Bef goods. You make $2 to $ 10 every sale. IMPERIAL PEARL CO, 3S1 Bush St.. San Fran'iveo. Cal. It MAKE $'.ou.uu to $500.00 per nionli! distributing Speedohnc; easy, perma nent work; exclusive f iritory: auto mobile free Write for puruenlar-. s;'i;i:r ti.fNF c . Dept. n, ii'.ia. 1.