Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMtiEK 11, lV'Zl. (Section Two) PAGE NINE 4 R Reenforced Concrete Warehouse 48 ft. by 150 ft. Ample railroad facilities, abso lute fireproof construction with large city water supply available. Well ventilated. Watchman on property at all times. Call 5994 24 WANTED HELP, MALE AND FEMALE lOU CAN EARN 115 10 $40 weekly 5t your spare time writing Show Cards for us AT HOME: if you can read and write you can qualify. Write for FREE PARTICULARS. National Show Card School, Limited, Dept. 19, For ent 1C3H Church at.. Toronto, Canada, ltlimate business. Write for free copy WANTED Men women over 17. t93 $195 month. Hundreds govern ment positions. List free. Write to day. Franklin Institute, Dept. 11-C, P.ochester. N. Y. It MAN OR WOMAN wanted, salary $35 full time, 75c an hour spere time, tilling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. F.xpcrience unnecessary. Internation al Knitting Mills, C8, Norristown, Ta. It MAN and wife wanted for general liotel work. Call Hotel Florence. Florence, Ariz., for particulars. bl MONEY TO LOAN I BUT Past due notes, mortgages K-any amount Box 65K. Republican bk WANTED To loan $1000 first mortgage on close In property Or will buy same. Box K Republican. WANTED To borrow $900. DiS- abled ex-service man employed, ow ing to sickness in urgen need of loan. Request interview with party who has $900 in order that circumstarx-es may be explained and manner in which repayment of loan la proposed. Address Pox 5TC. Republican. bb WANTED About $4000 on 80 acres first mortgage. F-O. Box 11, Ecotts- flale. It WANTED $3000 first mortgage "on ranch property. Address Box 100H Republican. bb ARIZONA PIMA COTTON growers I nn . borrow nic.kine- mnnev on seed I rotton delivered to Howard's Gin, 7th I PL and Gbjndaie Ave. Phone 204R11, ynd can get first class ginning. It WANTED Loan $1,000 on 30 rrama grass land in Cochise county. V. A. Seofield. Phoenix, Arizona. 12bd WANTED to borruw $4000, three years first mortgage; exceptionally rood loan. Box 95H Republican. It WANBL'ED, for two or three years, $2,000 to $2,500. Will give first mort gage on 90 acres improved land near Laveea. Box Z0K, Republican. It CHATTEL iiOANS-Easy to get in Bums up to $300 at lawful rates on your furniture piano, automobile, live Btocn, implements, etc iiepay lnBiiiau monthly Installments If desired; I ample funds, just and coarteous treat- meat; strictly coniiaenuai. reopies Loan and Investment Co. 23 E. Wash ington St Phone 1296. tf LOAN WANTED I want three thousand dollar etgnt rer cent loan on new ten thousand dollar home. See Fred A. Dibble, 17 N. 1st Ave. Phone 5003. It TO LOAN $6000 on city income property, also $2500 to $5000 on high I class citv or country. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. Realtors ' 11 a N. central Ave. ' tig MON EY TO LOAN on well im proved citv property. E. E. FASCOE. 13S N. Central Ave. tf 6 PER CENT money to loan on ImDroved city residence property. C. P. Hart. Phone 2848 or 3007. tf ?6 LOST AND FOUND p We Will Pay 6 Cents lb. FOR GOOD SIZE, CLEAN. WHITE OR COLORED Cotton Rags BRING ALL YOU HAVE TO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE. tf LOST Near Buckeye road and Agua Fria, Holstein cow. Branded circle over box on left hip. Phone 4RJ3. hd LOST Long brown kid glove, down town, Saturday afternoon. Phone 2293. It LOST Angora wool scarf about Thanksgiving. Finder phone 4662. Reward . bd LOST Tuesday afternoon some where between Osborn Road and the Indian School car line, and the Tele phone Building, a lady's small sized Elgin watch with link bracelet. Finder please leave at White & Wes ley's. Reward. r LOST Eyeglasses, gold rim. In a Hese case. Return to 122 W. Wash- lngtdn St. Reward. It FOUND Gold ring, last Sunday. Owner can get It by proving prop erty and paying for this ad. P. O. box 1207. It FOUND December 8th, on south ide, sack seed grain. Owner call at 602 N. Ninth Ave., pay for this ad vertisement. It LOST Ladies' watch, Waltham movement, small diamond in back of rase. Notify Box 56,Avondale, Ariz. Reward. bd T j i;t Thnrsdnv morninar 6 months lfl Llewellvn Setter bitch. She is a bird dot white, with black and tan f-nots. Has unusually intelligent lace Just getting bad cai,e of distemper. Was wearing new fancy collar; no name on plate. Anyone having seen ,r and knows where she can be found kindly notify J. V. Scrivner. S'!-5. or 505 North Eth St. Suitable reward. hb LOST Two mare arid ash color; with II. Eamrick, Box 72, muiea, brown halters. Thos. Florence, Ariz. ' for right party this summer; easy LOST Lady's necklace, small dia- pavments Rep. pox bg mond, Thursday afternoon. Reward. yQH SALE-Beau" ShoT: pTst pnnne n.i. location in business center Phoenix. LOST Somewhere on road from Box 73H Republican. hs nfiUmh,' -r-ntt's HOTEL NAVAJO One and one "containing bath robe and several half-year lease for sale; reason, sick . i"' r article., of clothing. Call Wil- neES- ca v 3."T.!' Reward. bd -Lrrf'si;i7Ti!l Tiiursauy at'.ri-ncon 28 PERSONALS down town yccTion. Phone K047. bb " S fRAYEDFi'jni Marinette, auo.ji HAWAIIAN Steel Guitars and uku Nov lt, roan mare, white spot in Ieles make ideal Xmas gifts. Made f. ri-iicad. Ki'ider notify Mrs. C. It. of imported Koa wood. Five lessons Wilson, pox 1"4. Marinctt. ts free with eai-h guitar. Phone 516. It LOST Ford tire and rim. Black I DR. A. J. JOHNSON, Chiropodist. Canyon ro.jd. Return 11 West W.ash- 35 East Washington. St. Phone 6975. lacton fit. ;reajrd. 1 - ,W - it BUSINESS CHANCES 28 Paying Business 1,500 cash will handle. This Is not a gold brick; guarantee $65 to $360 per month, cut of doors work; two to foui hourj per day work nec essary; publi- utility; will stand in vestigation; a real business. See Madison, 13 W. Adams St. bb FOR SALE Pool hall and barber shop. Will sell part or all; would consider lease. Phone 143J. J. sr. Vance. Mesa. dd BARGAIN if taken at once: lease and furniture six room double house terms 505 N. First Street. bd PAYING LUNCH ROOM Best location in Phoenix and a real money-maker. Price only $2300. Terms to the right party. "Would consider Overland "4" In exchange Murken. with Meyers Inv. Co. 33 N 1st Ave. Phone 4106. bb STORK ROOM for butcher shop good location. "V- East Washington Street. tf DESERT Sanitarium camp for sale at a price to yield buyer large return n investment. Box 82H Republl- can. bg RAISE BIG CAPITAL for any legit- 'QUICK FINANCING,"' showing how companies raise large capital by my easily operated method. Cunning ham, Financial specialist, 1491 Grant Bldg, Jjon Angeles. Calif. It Meat Market Located in best business part of Phoenix; $2500 takes it. Will make terms. Miller Realty Co., 823 W. Washington St. - It FOR SALE or trade Garage and service station. Box 21K, . Republi can, bg PATENTS Write for tree guide books and evidence of conception blank. Send model or sketch and de scription of Invention for our free opinion of . Its patentable nature. Highest references, prompt attention, reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans Co.. 738 Ninth, Washington, D. C. It Wanted Someone That owns a. lot to build to suit and take a ten-years lease on same, build ing to be used for clean business. This does not need to be down town property. Building needed can be built for $3500. W. D. Northern & Co. Contracting and building. It Opportunity Best payins lunchroom, and money maker: priced right. Would consider good car. Must act quick. M. F. GREEN. REALTOR Commercial Hotel Cigar Stand. Phone 3101 It MEAT MARKET We have for sale a first class mar ket. well located and doing a good business. Price, terms and lease on room are right. Investigate this if you are in the market. Grover C Miller,' with F. A. Jefferson, Realtor, 32 No. Central Ave. Phone 710. It WANT few investors with $500 or to draw 8 interest and share In big profitg building small houses, on an absolutely safe clan. Address Lot Owner. Box 99K. Republican. It OIL opportunity. Have exclusive sale of 2000 acres deeded land In Texas shallow field: big profits can be made selling this In B-acre tracts: want party with $500 cash to loin us Box 36K, Republican. It ADVERTISERS Save money, get results; 56-page rate book tells how. Mailed free. Standard Advertising Agency, 003, St. Louis. Mo. It CAPITAL desires substantial in vestments outside Europe. Address North Europe Trust Co., 116 Victoria Street, IjOndon, England. - It CASH AND CARRY Grocery bus iness; good location. Long lease, stock and fixtures will run about $5000. Will sell at Invoice. This is worth looking into. Phone 4460 Monday or call at Room 9, 122 W. Washington St. It PAYING BUSINESS We have a 12-table pool hall, soda fountain, and barber shop: is doing a good business. Now netting better than 1300 per month. The only busi ness of this kind la town of Gilbert. Go see it. Price is right. See Meyers Investment Co. 83 North 1st St. It TRANSIENT HOTEL 27 rooms of fine furniture and about 20 cots. In come about $600 per month. Owner leaving and will sell for $6000: good terms. Meyers Investment Co. 33 N. 1st Are. Phone 4106. It LITTLE BUSINESS We have the only restaurant In Gilbert for sale. Account of other business. Stock and fixtures worth three times amount asked. SEE MEYERS INV. CO. 33 North 1st Ave. It GET BUSY T am offerine: a 21-room close In transient hotel at aa awful bargain. See Monday. NUNNELEX Realtor 29 X. 1st Ave. It DO YOU KNOW That in a hundred days Mexia. Texas, has become the world's great est oil field? 5000 to 20,000 barrel gushers are coming in almost daily. Numerous companies operating in this field are making lortunes. OWENWOOD MAGAZINE contains the most fascinating complete story of the Mexia field. It has sixty-eight pages, profusely illustrated. Don t fail to read it. Price 25c a copy. The December issue souvenor number just off the press, free on request while the edition lasts. Address at once, Editor. 305. Owenwood Building, Fort Worth. Texas. It LADY wishes partner with some money and good Dusmess aumty willinc to leave Arizona for a strictly first class business. Good money for the right party. No triflers or agents Box 23K, Republican. MUST SELL near beer bar and clsrar stand on account of other busi ness. Look into this, it's a good proposition; will take Stood car a nr,rt nnvment. Box 63H. Republi Mn. hi LUNCH ROOM Soft drink, cand?, and rlcrar stand. For sale cheap. Call ot fisn w xvnshir.eton. bb A STOR that means jig returns 27 PERSONALS SPANISH TEACHER wants pu pils; private lessons, $1; rapid ad vancement. 240 North Second ave. bm JOHN W. GILDEA, graduate of St. Mary's College and De La Salle Normal institute, tutor in all high school and prammar grade subjects; references given. Box 62H, Repub lican. til ' I'OK SALE Hand crocheted laces, fine for Christmas gifts; reasonable prices. At rear of 2229 W. Monroe St. It MARCEL WAVING The best shampoo And the classiest hairdress PERMANENT WAVE SHOP 106 West Adams. Phone 5S7 It A MIDDLE aged healthy gentleman of some means and property, wishes to meet a middle aged healthy lady with some means. Catholic preferred. Object matrimony. Box 22K Repub lican. It DEAR FRIEND 1 want some call ing cards for Christmas. You can have them printed or engraped at The Busy Drug Store, Washington and Central at fifty cents and tin. bl $90.00 BUYS a new $125.00 model Victor Victrola. $5.00 down; $5.00 a month pays for you- phonograph. Racey Music Co. 27 E. Adams St. tf HEALTHY, cultured and well bred young woman would like to be com panion to lonely and refined lady living on ranch. Home object. Miss E. H. 601 N. Second Ave. bb SO SPECIAL NOTICES SEVEN-passenger auto for rent Country trips a specialty. Phone 59S7. It PENMANSHIP class now forming; instructions evenings commencing December 19th. Call Gregg Short hand School. 4450. It SAFETY RAZOR blades re-edged The New Way 1920 Odell machine. 31 S. First Ave. Work guarnnteed. bg DR HARRY HUGHES JR.. has opened offices in Physicians' Bldg., Room 14. tf DON'T' worry about your furnt- tuie baggage, etc Let us take care of it for you. Arizona storage and Distributing Co. Chambers Trantrer Co., 18 South CentraL Phones 1228 352S. tf FOR private instruction in Spanish and shorthand. Call E635. Satisfac tion guaranteed. 12-bg FURS ALTERED, relined and re paired. Work guaranteed. Phone EJ3. bk CENTRAL Bank and Citizens State Bank depositor We accept your deposit Certificate In full value merchandise and money. Ballsun's Clothing Store, 81 West Washington. It ARCHITECTS WM. ROBERT NORTON,, S05 N. First St. Rhone 3507 or 56R4. It Valuation Engineer. V. O. Walling Phone 1578. ford. 310 Heard Bldg. AUTO LAUNDRY CARS washed and polished. Called for and delivered. 520 W. Washing ton, tf AUTO PAINTING DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 613 S. Central Ave. Phone 4677 tf UNION AUTO PAINT SHOP HE. Jefferson 1 AUTO TIME TABLE PHOENUv-Casa Grande Stage, Tues., Thur.. Sat. Cactus Garage, 2 S. First St. tf AUTO TIRE REPAIRS ulcanizing, reasonable prices. Valley Tire Shop. 20 E. Monroe. P. 4093. tf AUTO TOPS PHOENIX AUTO TOP CO. 407 N. First St. Phone 1S46. tf AWNINGS TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE. We make everything nown that will fool rain and sun. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co., cor. 1st and Monroe Sts. Phone 1411. tf BAGGAGE AND TRANSFERS PEOPLE S TRANSFER. Phone 4i)60 S. E. Cor. 2nd Ave. nnd Wash. 1-m EXPRESSING and light hauling prices reasonable. 2008 E. Van Bu ren. lg BARBER SHOP CHARLES' Barber Shop, 26 S. 2d Ave. Hair cut 25c. Specialty chil dren's hair cutting and bobbing 25c. tf BEAUTY SHOP PERMANENTLY BANISH gray hair. Use Inecto; an experienced operator in the application in attendance at the Marinello Shop, 200 W. W ashing ton Phone 4S30. l-r FASHION Beauty Shop, 22 W Adams. Phone 3975. Mdm. Durando tf BUSINESS COLLEGE LAM SON BUSINESS COLLEG2 28 W. Washington St. Enter at any time. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Arith metic, etc. Iav or nlr.-.t classes. tf CARPET CLEANERS Y'our rugs and carpets cleaned like new; ' remaKlng, sizing ana laying done by an experu Phone tis. Works 618 S. Center. tf CARPENTERS FOR ECONOMY and eilicieney in building, finishing and repairs, call RN85. 1-1 CHIROPODIST CHIROPODY Bunions, corns, cal louses removed, painless and blood less. 50 cents each; moles, warts, etc., removed by electricity. 29-31 East Mams. Frnk Shirley. Phone tf CLEANERS Gwyn's Cleanitorium. Basement Hotel Adams. Phone 1X25. tf CHIROPRACTOR II. L. Hess N. H. Atchison Licensed Chiropractors 9-11 Central Bid;,-. rhone 5929 Office hours: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Residence Phone 2014 The Palmer System of Chlroprnctio tf KERSHAW sc 221 W. Adams. NIELfeON I'hone 4123 PAULINE chiropractor. 1 ROGKRS, zaz E. Polk. licensed Ph. 5741. tf W. H. SHAW. CHIROPRACTOR Office hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. ni. and by appointment. 35 N. 2nd Ave. Phone 4232.' Rrs., 3114. tf E. E. HEUFRlCil. lie praetor. Sf,9 N. First h rars 8 to 12. 5 to ;. :-nsed ehiro St. office tf J. L. Anderson, Iniogene Amlersoa. Office hours 9 to 5. and by 37S N. 6th Ave. Phone 5351. if COL LECTIONS SHEDD collects slow accounts; no tarv public, bus. agents: credit rat ings. Shedd's Merc. Service, Phoenix, Ariz, 212 Fleming Bidg. Phone 1SGG. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Flowers Remember that we are headquar ters for cut flowers, and floral ar rangements of all kinds: also Xmas trees. Xmas wreaths and everything in Xmas decorative material. We solicit your early orders and guar -antee satisfaction. ARIZONA SEED AND FLORAL CO. 2S-30 S. Central Ave. dk ARIZONA oranges and grapefruit shipped in special Christmas attrac tive packages at most reasonable prices. See our display. Lipon Broth ers. 49 S. 1st Ave. tf BICYCLES make a most appreciated Christmas gift. The bicycle is use ful, healthful and enjoyable. Our prices -are righL Cash or credit. KINO PROS, 110 East Adams dk C. C. Brown's Chocolate Creams dli FRUIT CAKE Get your order in i early for delicious home-made Christ- mas plum padding, fruit cake and mince meat at the Woman's Ex change. 115 N. Second Ave. tf FLOWERS AVhen considering flowers for the home, gift packages or decorations, know that the Grand Central Florist caters with the best and freshest of seasonable flowers ob tainable at prices most reasonable. We specialize particularly in decora tive schemes, fancy basket arrange ments, and design work suitable for all occasions. Grand Central Florist, -I. R. Sievers, Mgr. Plant showrooms. 18-24 West Van Buren. i'hone 40H0. dk ORDER your Fuller brushes for Xmas now. Phone 2653. bm MAKE your children's Christmas presents one of life long usefulness as well as one of entertainment. The Book of Knowledge leads all others as an educational work. R. W. Sis- sons, local agent. 2121W. Adams. It GIFT DEPARTMENT Black canton crepe dress, trimmed with burnt orange, acorn buttons, wide sash, $25: plainer black canton. facings of jade georgette, jado rib ton, belt, cost $22; camisoles, petti- oats of satin taffeta, teddys, night dresses, negligees, four-in-hand ties. few of hand embroidery. 31a N. 1st St. Tel. 1218. . bg DOLL and children's furniture. best quality, nothing like it In city. To appreciate our large line of toys ou must call and see them. Stan dard Furniture Co, 237 W. Wash, dk GENUINE Navajo ruga. Finest I weaves and patterns. Largest collec tion in Southwest. GRAVES INDIAN SHOP dk GIFT pencils, currying the recipi ent's name in gold, neatly and at tractively boxed and ready for pres entation. They please the kiddies. 3 for 50c, 6 for 75o, 10 for $1. Sample free on request. Miono Pencil Co., 710 E. McKinW St. dk HAVE a fine lot of Christmas gifts I Lovely penknives, books, lamps, crockery, piano, fiddles, guitars. horns, guns, aluminum ware, kodaks, clocks, furniture. No end to variety. Fords Stores. dk INDIAN craft from all tribes. Moc casins, beads, baskets, Navajo Jew elry. GRAVES INDIAN SHOP dk LEEDY MARIMBA "Xylophone" four octave: cost $490 will sacri flee. Just the tiling for the young musician. Fred D. Perry. 614 N Vb 6th Ave. NAVAJO RUGS What would be a more appropriate Christmas gift than a Navajo rug? A gift that will last for years and be highly appreciated A new large shipment Just received at surprisingly low prices. See and be convinced. N. Porter Saddle & Harness Co.. 128 S. Central. dk NOVELTY In order to make more space 'in our tea room we are clos ing out our ct.ure stock of toys and novelty gifts at greatly reduced prices. The womans Lxcnange, no N. Second Ave. ' tf OPTIC VI GOODS Eyeglass chains, reels, magnifiers, field glasses. fountain pens, gold and silver pen cils, and everything optical. MUN- SON OPTICAL CO. 15 E. Wash, dk PHONOGRAPH with a human voice. The Silverola perfect tone. $5.00 puts one in your "home for Xmas. Entire carload shipped by manufacturer, who is now living in Phoenix. Racey Music Co. 27 E. Adams. dk PIANOS, players. Baby Grands and reproducing pianos Knabe and oth- ers. Terms. Join In Jimas ciuo. Rodew ill's. 222 W. Washington. dk pigskin leather casks FOii THERMOS BOTTLES Pt. bottle reduced from M to $2.20. Qt. bottle reduced from $5.50 to $3.2o. Double case, 2 pt., red. from $7 to 4. Double case. 2 qt.. red. from $9 to $5.75 Boehraer's Drug Store. 1 Av. & Wash. dk PRACTICAL GIFTS. Eversliarp pencils, fountain pens. Crane's fine writing papers, Glcbo-Wernieive nook cases. The McNeil Company, 123-32 West Washington. dk PRETTY, dainty Xmas gifts. Peg- o-my-Heart house dresses and kimo- I nas. Place order now. 504 N. center. dk SEWING MACHINES An ideal gift of the woman who sews. Special offer $5 1st payment holds-any model machine in stock until Xmas. Phoe nix Sewing Machine Exchange. 314 E. Wash. Phone 5909. 12dk iHIRTS. Give him a shirt tailored oy Shelly Shirt Shoi-pe. Phone 2405. CORSETIERES ypirella Corsets. Nora, Suiith, Taylor. Phone 81 69. 1014 tf Nu-Bone Corsets. u!4 N. 3rd Ave. Phone 2.123. tf spirella Corsets. Mrs.' Kuhlvvilm 06 W. Madison. I'hone 1142. tf DANCING SCHOOLS Acaueniy o Dancing, Odd. Fellows hall. Mrs. Lottie Pincman, profc-5 .-.ional instructor. Ball room and fancv dancing. Class or private in- sfnoti'ins. Phone 1537 or 2072. tf DRESSMAKING SHELLY S STiLE SUOPPE Iiressmakintr. men's fehirts, kiddies jotlies. 223 W. Monroe, rhone 240.1. tt Di-etssmakini! Phono SMS. at W. Madison. Sh THE WRIGHT SHOi eeond Ave. 1'hono TioT? x. tf WF.ATllElUioLT ST LE SHOP 5iW N. 3rd St. Phono 511 Fashion ihie dresnri'.cir and ;rrintr. Si tisfan ioo cuar-intee'l. t All l.inus of lall and wiiiier elotln made. Satisfaction rui'.ran'eed. Mrs. Cloodson, 1302 N. 11th St. phuii 4M'I tf DRESSMAKING. TAILOHIXU AND ART NEEDLEWORK Hiss Smith, Room 31, Anutx Hotel. t DANCING SCHOOL W. L. KING, Dancing Master, 325 West Washington. Telephone 4S97. Private and class lessons daily. t( DETECTIVE AGENCY Earner v Bledsoe. Civil and crim inal investigations. Work strictly confidential. 202 Fleming Bldg. Ph. S13. tf DOLLS REPAIRED DOLLS REPAIRED Phone 31(09. Reasonable. hg DOG KENNELS Pedigreed Pets. phoenix Plant ralace. 1S-24 W. Van Buren. Phone 0. tf ELECTRIC LAMPS Headquarter for Mazda lamps. Electrical work and supplies. Vin son Bros and Carter. 25 E. Adams. Phone 859. tf ELECTRICAL DEALERS ELECTRIC wiring, motor wind ing, electrical fixtures and supplies. Hoeppner Electric & Mach, Co, IS S. Center.- Tel. 799. tf FEED AND FUEL FEED and FUEL East Side wood. coal, hay and Phone 4975. 1023 E. tf gra.n yard. Madison. FUEL WoodCoal Big Stock at Reasonable Prices. FIVE POINTS WOOD & COAL CO- Phone 1778. 726 Grand Ave. tf FOR SALE Cottonwood. Ph. 1562. 1-r kindling Wood 25 cents a sack. 32 cu. ft. seasoned Cottonwood, sawed and split, $3.f0; 128 cu. ft., .$12; 32 CU. It. mesquite. $6. Phone 6422. tf Drv mcstiuita wood for sale. 2nd St. and Taylor. Price right. Phone 5770. l-r Cedar and oak wood; special prices. Phone MacDonald. 4544. lg MESQUITE WOOD Kelly's. TeL tf 125. FLOORS ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINES Old floors resurfaced; new floors laid, hand scraped. 1'hone Cramer, 4092. tf FURNITURE REPAIRING ReCinishing and Upholstering Packing by Expert Packers DORR1S-HEYM AN FURNITURE COMPANY tf FURNi TURE STORED AND PACKED Expert packing, shipping and etor age. Arizona storage and Dlstribut ing Co. Chambers Transfer Co. IS .South Central. Phones 1228 8.128. It Standard Furniture Co. 237-S3 Wash. Phone 1551. GENERAL REPAIRING Anything repaired, sharpened. The Mortorcycle Co, 37 N. 2nd SU Phone 1754. tf GUNSMITH Graphophones repaired; saws filed. W. B. Marvin, 1S6 S. First St. tf HAIR DRESSING U E SPECIALIZE in marcnlle. per manent waving, hair dyeing ana French packs and fine human hair- goods, ph. 6926. 133 N. Central. tf HATS BLOCKED AND CLEANED CALIFORNIA Hat Cleaners. 224 E. Adams. Phone S2S2. tf HEMSTITCHING THE HEMSTITCH SHOP MW LOCATION N. 1st Ave. Phone 1441. 201 tf THE WRICHT SHOP 16 N. 2ND AVE. PHONE 3379. tf Vv ,..-k for nnd ri.lvered: mall order. solicited. Mrs. J. W. Poland 331 W Washington. Phone 1249. tf HOUSE MOVING NEW . 1PM Williajns Houscmoving and Wreck inz Co. Estimates cheerfully given Room 9. 34 North Center. 173S. tl LAUNDRY UTILITY Sundry. Wet wash. rough dry ar.d finished. Phone 4245. 711 Grand Ave. tf LADIES' TAILORING FOR remodeling: McCole, 100 E Adams. Fashionable English exper ience in suits, coats, sporting, riding garments. 11 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Contract your winter lawn planting with us for satisfaction. I'hoeni Plant Talace. Fhono 40SC. 20 W Van Biirn. It MONUMENTS Better quality at lower prices. Ari zona Memorial Co.. 2250 W. Van Bu ren St Phone 5703. MILLINERY SUPPLIES. hats remodeled. 115 tf E. Roosevelt. MIMEOGRAPHING REASONABLE rates and prompt service, J. E. Caress. Phone n. 99. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS SiULER OPTICAL Co. 15 N. First Ave. Phono 4039. Lenses duplicat ed: glasses fitted. tf PAINT SUPPLIES Chicago Paint Store. Wall paper, paints, varnishes, etc. 327 W. Wash ington street. Pnone 4t94. Auto painting. tf MATHEWS PAINT CO.. 12$ S. FIRST AVE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, BP.C7SHF.S. ETC. PHONE 1259. PROMPT DE LIVERY, tf PHONOGRAPHS EXCHANCED utistaiuial allowances on old phonographs traded on new Brutis- wlcKs. Also bargains m used ma chines. Home Anpliance Co, 33 W. Adams Phone 4026. tf PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHO.S' GRAPHS repaired any style or make in our completely equipped shop. Cass Redewill Co.. 22S W Washington. tf PO RT R A IT PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTRIC Studio now located at IIS W. Wash. Xmas photos at pre war prices. i-u PHOTOGRAPHERS McCULLOCiI BRolUERS. Com mercial Phoetographers. IS N. Sec ond Ave.. Opp. Ford Hotel. Tel. I'J'iI. tf. KUNSKLMAN - HA RPK CO COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS PHONE 4252. 2U6-3U7 HEARD BLD ' tf PIANO TUNINU S. L. HAMILTON. Piano Tuner, 18th year in Phoenix. Phone 3206. tf PLASTERING Plastering by contract or other wise. Large or small jobs. Phone 7J2. . tf PRIVATE SCHOOLS PRIMARY FORENOON SCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN. 208 E. M orpin nd. Phone t SI 5 or 538. tf PRINTING Commercial work, pamphlets, book lets, handbills, etc Arizona Repub licnn Print Shop. Phong 4331. tf PUBLIC STENOGR' rHER CLEO PARIS BLUTH ARDT COMMERCIAL HOTEL LOBBY tf MRS. A. MONETTK, Stenographer, Notary Public. State Agent Llne-a- Time Machines. 703 Heard Bu'ldlng. Phone 19u5. tf HELEN S. BURNS, stenographer, otary public. 702 Heard Bldg. Tel. 5 9 2. bl RADIATORS REPAIRED Radiators repaired and rebuilt and ew cores installed. Arizona Radiator Works. 3C7 N. Central Ave. Phone 0n. tf SKIN AND SCALP SPECIALISTS AIRS, moles and warts removed by electrolysis: acne, blackheads and sallow. mottled skin positively cleared. Ph. 6926. 133 N. Central, tf SADDLE HORSES GAITED horses rented; riding taught; cattle moved cheap. New State Corrall. Phohe 1.173. l-r SADDLE HORSES. Phone 337. tf FOR RENT Saddle horses. 2nd Ave. and Van Buren. Phone 4052. tf SANITARIUMS Bethany Home Under new management Indi vidual cottages, nurse attention, tray and dining room service; plenty of fresh milk, eggs and vegetables. Mall daily. $15.00 per week, rhone 4R4. 12ds HYATT'S "Desert" Camp. Cactus Ariz. Sick people, the "Desert" is calling. Cottages for light housekeep ing or board, as preferred. Every convenience, electric lights,- runnin water, bath, store, daily mail, grade "A" milk, etc. 7o of those with us a reasonable length of time are great ly Improved, and jnany take up work again. Rates very reasonable. Two stages daily. See Dodge car in front of Central Pharmacy, or leave orders. Will call. Established 1914. Open all the year. Tent privileges. $3; water and bath. tf SUNNY REST Sixteenth street and Pierce. Ideal health resort, food unexcelled. Diversified menu. Reg isiered nurse. Inspection invited Phone 5960. t MOUNTAIN HEALTH RESORT Beautifully located in the desert, where rest, nutrition, food and peace of mind can be secured. Office Busy- Drug Store, Central Ave. and Wash Phone 3010. tf 'onvalescents home; 1010 E. excellen home cooking. McKlnley. Phone 4941 ' tf MONTEZUMA PI-ACE 180 E. Van Buren. A high class resort for health seekers. Individual cottages. Modern conveniences. Best of food. Pleasant Bt-nounaings. Rates reaonhli. Phone 181 J. tf Schwartz Camp. Clean, comfort able cottages; newly furnished; best location; reasonable rates. Office 31 N. 2nd Ave. tf MOUNTAIN AIR on dtaert. Ideal location, modern, sanitary; best of food. Experienced nurse. Phone 2-I'U- tf DR. H. A. HUGHES Office removed to residence, N. Central. Specialty, obstetrics. Can furnish accommodations for limited number of patients. Phone 8311. tf First class accommodations in the eourtry for tubercular patients: in dividual cottages; new and clean. Phone 374S. 12(1 SPANISH LESIONS PROF. TORRES. Spanish teacher, using Living Method. 1028 E. Polk, tf SEWING MACHINES The White Agency MACHINES rented and repaired. 314 K. WnshingU :.. Phone 5909. tf TAILORED SHIRTS SHELLY SHIRT SHoPl'E Tailored Shirts and Uniforms 223 W. Monroe. I'hone 2401 tf TRANSFER AND STORAGE BaysaKe checked to destination. Ail kinds of hauling. Fireproof storage. Liehtning Delivery Co. 42 fa. center. Phone 3094 and 4126. tf TURKISH BATHS. ELECT HIO and hot air cabinet sweats. Swedish massage. Ph. 6926. 1S1 X. Control. tf TYPEWRITERS LYMAN BENNETT All makes sold, rented and rebuilt. State agents L. C. Suiith At Bros, and Corona typewriters. 25 i N.'lst Ave. Phone 1M4. tf UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS A. L. MOOKE Auto ambulance. A- SON S rhone 500t tf A. 11. McLELLAN Undertaker nn l Funeral Director I hone 4 !!. 117 N. Central Ave. tf i A it W OOD Ac KOCKKEY 334 W. Monroe. Phone 30'.i We prepare bodies for shipment to :ny part of the world. tf ii. il. MAIS, 311 N. First Ave. Phones n"l and l.20 tf J. T. 134 AV. ADAMS WHITNEY ST. PHONE r.OTS tf D. A. PARKS Funeral Director Adam. I. O. O. F. Temple Phono 5021 tf :45 W. VETERINARIANS Dr. M. J- Seeh y, 1 ;. S.. . V. . M. Specializing in small animals and !:,irv cattle. i25 Grand Ave. Phone 2111. tf WINDOW CLEAMIN'j Eur expert cleaners, joe, reasonable rates. r.eo.t. prompt serv Pliono James, I2i. Legal Advertising NOTICE T STOCKHOLDERS t'F THE NATIONAL BANK OF ARI ZONA. PHOENIX. ARIZONA The annual n-.e't:ng of the stock holders of the National Bank of Arl-z.-r.a. will be l'.oid in its office in Phoenix, Ari'-ona. on Tuesday, Jan uarv 1"', "-2. at l' a. in. for the pui pose f fleeting a Hoard of ln- t.-i-s for tli,. eiisuim; year and to trausai t nu ll other business as may nruperlv come, before s-id meeting. "E. W. CLAYTON, Cashier. Legal -Advertising CERTIFICATE OF PROCEEDINGS AUTHORIZING THE INCREASE OF THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE FLEISCHM ANN COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA FROM FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. We. II. W. ROBINSON, President of the Fleischinann Company of Cali fornia, a corporation duly incorporat ed under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business In the City and County of San Francisco, said State, and Chairman of the meeting of the stockholders thereof. hereinafter mentioned, and JULIUS F. BEHREND, Secretary of said cor poration and of said meeting of stockholders thereof, and II. W. Rob inson, J. F. Behrend being a majority of the Directors of said the Fleisch mann Company of California, do hereby certify and declare: 1. That at a special meeting of the Directors of the Fleischmann Com pany of California duly heid on the 4th day of January. 1918. at the prin cipal place of business of said corpo ration, at which meeting a majority of the directors waa then and there present, a meeting of the stockhold ers of said The Fleisohmann Cora pany of California was called to be held on the 11th day of March. 1D1S, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the principal place of business of said corporation. the same being located in the build ing known as number 941 Mission Street, in the City and County of San trancisco. State of California, said building being the building where the Board of Directors and stock holders of said corporation usually meet, for the purpose of considering and acting: upon -a proposition to tn chease the capital stock of said The Fltlschmann Company ot California. That pursuant to said resolu tion of the Board of Directors adopt ed at said special meeting ot said Board held on 4th day of January, 1318, a notice of said special meeting was published in "THE RECORD ER," a newspaper printed and pub lished in the City and County of San rrancisco. State of California, the same being the City and County where the principal place of business of said corporation was located, and said newspaper being the newspaper designated by said Board of Directors for the publication of said notice, there being no newspaper prescribed by the By-Laws of said corporation as the newspaper in which notice of meeting of stockholders of said cor poration shall be published, that such publication was made on the follow ing days: January 5t, 12th. 19th, 26th; February Jnd. 9th, 16th. 23rd; March 2nd, 9th, the first and last dates Inclusive, being at least once a week for sixty (60) days before the day appointed for said meeting of stockholders. 3. That a like notice ot said cpe clal meeting of stockholders was also addressed by the Secretary of said corporation to each of the stockhold ers of said corporation whose names appear on said corporation's books as sufficiently addressed or identified at bis place of residence where known, and where the same was not known. then at the principal place of busi ness of said corporation, which said notices after being so addressed were mailed by said Secretary to said stockholders at least thirty (30) days before the day appointed for said meeting, ail said notices having been deposited In the United States post office In the City end County of San Francisco, State of California, poet a?e prepaid, on the 4th day of Jan uary, 1913. 4. Pursuant "to said resolution of said Board of Directors and pursuant to said notice the stockholders of said corporation met on Monday the 11th day of March. 1918, at the hour of eleven o'clock la the forenoon of said day, at the principal place of business of said corporation, to-wit, In the building known as number 941 Mission Street. In the City tnd Coun ty of San Francisco. State of Call fomia, said building being the. build ing where the board of Directors an stockholders of said corporation usu ally meet, and at said meeting the following resolution was unanimous ly adopted by the stockholders then present in person or by written proxy: RESOLVED, that the capital stock of this corporation. The Fleischman Company of California, be Increased from Five Thousand (5.000) Dollars consisting of fifty (50) shares of the par value of One Hundred (100) Dol lara each, to Three Hundred Thou sand (300,000) Dollars consisting of three thousand (3.000) shares of the par value of One Hundred (100) Dol tars each. S. We do further certify and de clare that the whole number of th subscribed and issued shares of th capital stock of said corporation wa on the dav of 'the holding of sai stockholders' meeting, and now is, fifty 5() shares; that the number of said shares of the capital stock rep resented and voting at said meetin of stockholders was fifty (j0) share: Eaid shares so represented and voting at said meeting being more than two- thirds of the entire subscribed and issued capital stock of said corpora tion: and that the amount of tock represented at said meeting was fiv thousand (5.000) Dollars of the par value thereof. 6. That all the foregoing facts ap pear ot record In the Minute Book and records of said corporation. 7. We do further certify and de clare that bv the proceedings afore said on increase of the capital stock from Five" Thousand (5.000) Dollars, now consisting of fifty (50) shares of the car value of One Hundred (100) Dollars racli. to Three Hundred Thousand (300.000) Dollars, to con sist of three thousand t3,uoo shares of the par value of one Hundred 110") Dollars each, has been made or authorized to be made; that the amount of stock represented at said meeting was fifty C-u) shares of the par value of One Hundred (100) Dol lars each, and the whole vote by n hich the increase of eaid capital stock was accomplished was fifty (5u shares, and that such increase of said capital stock by the vote of stockholders representing upwards of two-thirds of the issued "nd sub scribed capital stock of said corpora tion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands "and caused tte corporate seal of said corporation to be hereunto affixed at the City and County of San Fran cisco, State of California, this llth day of Marth. RMS. H. W. ROEINSON. President of The Pelijchmann Com pany of California. J. F. PEHREND. Secretary of The Fleischuiann Com pany ot Caiiiornia. i H. W. ROB'XSOX. ; r. n.. nf I.l.l t;d . m:i r, n Col.l- I pane of California. J. F. REIIREXD. Director of tlie I'icisctiiuaiti Coin- panv of California. iSKAhi State of California. City and County of au Franc. s-o SS. On this IPli dav of M.trch. 1S1. before me. Alite Spentt r. a Notary Public in an fur Uio s-ud City aiul Legal Advertising County ot San Francisco, State oi California, duly commissioned anc sworn, personally appeared H. W ROBINSON, known to me to be tht - President of The Fleischinann Com pany of California, the cornoratior described in the within and annexec nstrument. and the Chairman of saic special meeting of stockholders ol said corporation mentioned therein whose name is subscribed to said in strument as such Chairman, and ULIUS F. BEHREND. known to me to be the Secretary of said The Fleischmann Company of California and the Secretary of said special meeting of stockholders of said cor poration, whose name Is eubscrib I to said instrument as such Secretary. and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the said In strument as such Chairman and Sec retary, respectively, of the said meet ing of stockholders of said The Fleischmann Company of California. and as President and Secretary, re- pectiveiy, of said The Fleischmann Company of California; and on the same day before me personally ap peared the said II. W. Robinson and Jr. Behrend known to me to be the Directors of said The mann Company of California whse names are subscribed to tsald instru ment as such Directors, being a ma jority of the Directors of said corpo ration, and they severally acknowl edged to me that they executed the said within and annexed instrument as Directors of said Tha Fleischmann company of California, IN WITNESS WHEREfir T iv ' hereunto set my hand end affixed my official seal at my office In said City and County of San Francisco on the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEAL) ALICE SPENCER. No tarv Puhllf- In and for the City and County of oan rrancisco, state ol California, State of California, City and. County of San Francisco. SS. H. W. ROBINSON, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am and was at all the times stated in tha foregoing and annexed certificate of proceedings authorizing the increase of the capital stock of The Fleisch mann Company of California, the President of said The Fleischmann Company of California, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business in the City and County of San .Francisco, said State; that all the facts stated in me roregoing and annexed cer tificate are true. IL W. ROBINSON. Subscribed and sworn to before ?r this llth day of March, 191S. (SEAL) ALICE SPENCER, No tarv Puh'lr- in and for the City and County ol San Francisco, State of California. State of California, City and County of San Francisco, JULIUS F. BEHREND. beinsr first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am and was at ail the times stated in the foregoing and annexed certificate of proceedings authorizing the in crease of the capital stock of The tleiscbmann Company of California. the Secretary of said The Fleisch man company of California, a corpo ration organized and existing under the laws of the state of California with its principal place of business in the City and County of San Fran cisco, said State; that all the facts stated in the foregoing and annexed certificate ara true. J. F. BEHREND. Puhscribea and sworn to before mf, this llth day of March. 1913. (SEAL) ALICE SPENCER. Notary Public. In and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. State of California City and County of San Francisco, ss. I, H. . Mulcrevy, County Clerk of the City and County of San Fran cisco. State of California, hereby cer tify the following to be a full, true and correct copy of the original Certificate of increase of capital stock of The Fleishmann Company of California -now on- file in my office, and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and my official seal this 14ta day ot March. A. D. 191 R. (SEAL); H. t MULCREVY. Countv Clerk. By L. J. WELCH, Deputy County Clerk. o NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOB PROBATE OF WILL. 40E1 In the Superior Court of Maricopa County, State of Arizona. In the Matter of the Estate of FRANCES S. SAMPSON. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion for the probate of the will of Frances S. Sampson, deceased, and for the issuance of letters testamen tary to Archibald J. Sampson, has been filed in this Court, and that Monday the 13th day ot December, 1921, at 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, and the court room of Division No. 2 of said Court, at the Court House in the City of Phoenix, in the County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing said peti tion, when and where any person in terested may appear and contest the same and may show cause, if any be has. why said petition should not be granted. Dated this 7th day of December, 19 -1. CLAUDE S. BERRYMAN. (COURT SEAL) Clerk. By W. IL Linviile, Deputy Clerk. o NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids are asked for on the grading and placing of eteel culverts on the Chihuahua and Oriente Railroad fifty (50) miles in length from the Los Lamentos Mountains to Lucero. a station on the National Lines of Mexico, all in the State of Chihuahua. Mexico. All bids to be addressed to John C. Greenway. President, Cii. del FerrocarrU de Chihuahua y Ori ente. S. A, and be in the office of the Erupcion Mining Company. N,. 314 Two Republics Building, El ro Texas, on or before Monday. Decem ber 5th. 1921, at 12 o'clock rrnon. Information regarding the work can be had bv applying to Mr. T. Hicklln. Chief Ensineer. at the above address. All bids must be accompanied by la certified cnecK wr ran ($1000.00) dodars earnest money which will to returned in case of non-award of contract. The richt is resered to reject any and all bids. The time for receiving bids has heen extended to Monday. December 12, 1'j21, at 12 o'clock noon. LEGAL NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of the stock holders of ti e Phoenix- National Bank will he he'd i". its office in I'iioenix. Arizona, on Tuesdiiy. .1-m. l'. l'.-22 ?tt 3 Vb k P. M. for tl.e pur. .se of elect ing a R-iaid of Liiect" vs to servo f..r the ensi-ins year and to suc; othir business as may properly cvii.0 beiuic said meeting. E. P. HEWITT, Cashier. j j