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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TEN (Section Two) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX. SUNDAY MOKN1NU, DiMJEMBttK 11, iZL. d n b a i of the W. E. Gardner company and is well known locally. . While all makes of cars are serv iced and repaired, the shop is an au thorized Hudson and Essex service station. The manager of the parts depart ment is Elbert Monis, also an ex perienced man, especially in this par ticular line. The new force under It is officially estimated that the actual cost to the United States of scrapping th present naval building program woul be between $400,000, 000 and J300.000.000. Paul Clark Is giving exceptionally good service and many word? of praise are spoken of the shop by sat isfied car owners. AT-' BB B B B a B mm mmm mm I BBS S p i a . mmm BBHiBMi,i i mmm HAS-TIP-TOP SERVICE GREW Paul Clark, who recently took the management of the service depart ment and shop of the Metropolitan Fireproof Garage has just completed the reorganization o'f the p'ersonell and has also installed new equipment for the repair and servicing of all makes of cars. E. D. Hulbert Is the shop foreman and has a great many years of repair experience to his credit. In fact he has been repairing and overhauling automobiles since 1903. Among the positions held by Mr. Hulbert are those wherein he was foreman of the Marmon and Regal agency at Buf falo. JCew York, in 1908. and road man and foreman for the Haines and American agency in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1913. ' At the outbreak of the war he went to France where he took charge of a training school. Upon returning to the United States he opened his own shop at Hot Springs. Arkansas, coming to Phoe nix a few months ago. L J. Watson, formerly of the Bowen & Watson firm at the Wash ington Street Garage, is also with the Metropolitan shop. He was for a long time state service man in Ne vada for the Howard Automobile company, Buick distributors at San Francisco. Later he went to Port land for the same firm and from there to Los Angeles before coming to Phoenix. Three other mechanics, B. B. Rob erts, Jack Wanson and W. N. Berry are also connected with the force. Roberts was chief1 mechanic in the U. S. Marine corps for some time and has had several years of first class mechanical experience with several different makes of cars. Jack Wan son has had around eight years of experience, much of it local, espe cially with the Motor Equipment company and Batcher's garage while Berry was formerly service manager i jjjj m You might suppose that, because Willard will not make a special Ford battery, the regular Willard Battery (Ford size) would cost a lot more than others, but it doesn't. We. can show you in five minutes if youH come in. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF ARIZONA Automobile Electricians 312-14-16 North Central Avenue n W'ill!ilJVMIt)lMl()lllllhljlljtllBUijjK I ' ill Itt lit ' 'I ' .'H f T?T? i "rTrrYv rT . s . Till "WESTERN MADE FOR WESTERN TRADE" 30x3M Non Skid $10.95 Goodyear Tires are made from Arizona Long Staple Cotton. PAUL BENNETT AUTO SUPPLY CO. 326-28-30 North Central Ave. Open Evenings "More People Ride on Goodyear' Tires Than Any Other Make" HIGH EARNING POWER THE White idea has always been to build an economical truck. No detail' has ever been changed which did not definitely improve the ability of the truck to do the most work for the least money. White output grows as owners get more ex perience in judging truck values, and economy, of manufacture grows with output. Today White output is largest in the high-grade field and White prices have increased a mere fraction of the average advance in truck prices during a five-year .period. Owners of White Trucks with mileage records of 100,000 to 3p0,000 miles know that White Trucks do the most work for the least money. WHITE TRUCK SALES COMPANY 9 East Jefferson Street Phone 5918 "White Trucks Do you realize mat your motorist mends appreciate some thing for their automobile" more, possibly, than anything else you could give them. Such articles as spotlights, motometers, robes, driving gloves,' etc.,, make very appropriate and ap preciated gifts. And at Western Auto the quality of these articles is such that you will be proud to give them to your most exacting friends. Visit our store and look over the big display to pick out just exactly what your various motorist friends and relations would like, at real money saving prices "b m b m a V " s um m m "s "s "b "a " rm "b MOTOMETERS Every car deserves and needs one, so you cannot possibly be amiss In giving your friends one of these attractive and necessary ac cessories. In stalled on the radiator cap. a motometer Is a visible indica tion of .the run ning condition of the motor. Lack of water or oil is im-medlately known biore the motor Is dimww. Wo have all model of motoratleri and our prices ar lss than you aro oaualtr asked to par. Schrader Air Gauge b" An motorists liar. t.r to too after, and all motorists have Mr troubles l( they don't keep up the pressure In thrm. Don't you think It would be mighty appropriate to rive yonr friends a rood air frame that will not only a-reatly increase thetr tire mile asre hut is a constant reminder of the donor, every time the tirs are in flated? WESTERN Al'TO prices mean a i5 savins; on the Genuine Schrader G autre Windshield Wings There are few things that would so gladden the heart of the motor ist as a set of these beau t 1 f u 1 Windshie 1 d Wings. Made of highly pol ished plate glass with beveled edges. Brackets of solid brass, and will not wings not only beautify the appearance of any car, but add a great deal to the comfort driving, by giving pro tection from the wind. Let ua show you our several styles. Aermore Horns Make a wonderful i . f Christmas gift. -JXrtwwiaa Aermore Horns Qgpwiiwirig lnstale1 on ' exhaust pipe, where they operate at no cost and produce a melo dious chime sound that can be regulated from a gentle murmur to a shrill scream. Operated by small foot pedal. Size varies with horsepower of car. but we have Just the Bize you need. Aermore Uoms are not expensive. AUTO CLOCKS In either the one-day or eight-day type? an auto clock makes a wonder- $3i95 to $12i35 CIGAR LIGHTER Easily at tached to dash; operates electri cally; used in either front CC flH or back seat iflJiUU AUTO THEFT SIGNALS A very acceptable gift. Absolutely prevents theft of car. Get our prices. MIRRORS The old standby gift for motorists. We QC-. 00 OK carry all types JJlto PJ:J FLOWER VASE For closed cars particularly, these flower vases are very . CO PR appropriate jiUd Up ASH RECEIVERS Maybe he smokes. This sanitary ash 01 AZ receiver is the ideal gift 0 I J KLAXON HORN He would be glad to receive a real warning signal. We have many types at low prices. iji DYK?S tl A PRACTICAL BOOK r s - I"' Dyke's Encyclopedia fl'i'lL For your mechanic friend or me- cnanicany incunea teuow motonsi. this complete and comprehensive treatise on the construction and re pair of the automobile would make an ideal gift. Just think, this book contains over 900 pages with 3000 illustrations, and is the most com plete work of its kind ever publish ed. Ask the salesmen about it. fij- v-' ' Tire Cover? wm RUNNING BOARD MATS Make a dandy present. See our different AEp QHp stvles HJl to OUU TIRES As a Christmas gift, a spare tire has them all beat. Might be a good idea to buy your Dwn car a Christmas present of a rour)le, too. SKID CHAINS W h y not buy him a set? They cost less at Western Auto: BUMPERS Give your friend something permanent. Bumpers will protect the recipient's car all the year around. See our big dis plav. BULLET SIDE LAMPS Certain ly! improve any car's Cfl appearance. Pair vtiuU DE; LUXE RADIATOR CAP Make a wonderful gift Solid brass, heavily CI 0C nickeled 0 liOJ to SOCKET SETS Coming in a , neat case, these sets of socket wrenches are very appropriate gifts. Any motor ir' would be "tickled to death" to re ceive a and fine te caver for chrlitmaa. Tt protects hlj nar from detorioratias effect r the ton. wind and rain. Ho realliea that bis tire d-precia!es on the car rier nearly as much as when run, II not adequately protected. Ws have all atzea and Several style. Spotlights $2,65 ffi are constructed heavily nickeled rust. Windshield Driving Gloves Why not give your motorist friend a pair of gloves this Christmas? Driving gaunt lets are particularly appreci ated. At WESTERN AUTO you can choose from a com plete assortment of gloves esneciallv designed for mo torists and at prices that mean your Christmas expermiiures. and get our quotations. big saving on Look over our stock Pyrene Fire Extinguishers It seems that an article that means complete safety and protection from fires regardless of their origin would make a gift lastingly appreciated by the recipient- A Pyrene is a small thing to boy. hut in case of need is invaluable. These ex tinguishers also afford a substantial reduc tion in your insurance rate. Ask the salesman to show you one. Among all accessories suitable for Christ mas gifts, the spot light prob ably stands su preme. It combines beanty . with ntiiiiy. Adding a tench of disthw-Uon to any ear. It also enables the driver to picls out street names or honss numbers and places additional drlvimr lisht on the road ahere you need It most. Come la and took over our many styles. i Auto Robes One of .the nicest and most ap preciated gifts that can possibly be given to any auto owner is a warm comfy Auto Kobe. There is possibly nothing else that will give so much comfort -to the recipient and b such a constant reminder of the donor. We have an e x cellent range of patterns to choose from now and would suggest an early, visit to our store to get that robe before the last minute rush. Our prices mean a worth- bile sav ing also. ITIRE PRICE! -fi - i mm Sj sT -BawSr ssahSMssSST mmmmmm n Even at the new, extremely low prices at WESTERN AUTO, you still get QUALITY. With us dependa bility is the first consideration. Tires bought at Western Auto simply must make good, and you can depend on getting real service from any of the several types of tires that make up tiie "line complete" of Western Auto. ra Kg v, r. Nebraska Tires are standard construe t i o n throug h o u t. Strong, heavy fabric is used with gum frlc tioning. The tough, white vacuum tread is very durable and wear re sisting. W e have distrib uted many car loads of these tires and they have certainly made good. The Western Auto Guarantee Means What It Says mm BS bB jgSClu b" fcT rm r r-9 KEBBASKA MIARIS PHARIS TORD 1NPIA I.VDI fOFD B1ZK Ouaraaleed Cnaranieed Ouaranteed . .nrenteed Oaaranleed flnaranteed -mH" 00 miles SlMXI wiles 1U.WJ0 SuuO miles 1U.CM miles Ked Xulm Heavy raoos 30x3 $ 7.65 $ 9.65 .... $13.65 $1.70 $2.35 30x3V, 8.90 10.95 $16.70 15.80 $19.55 2.10 2.80 32x3 Va 11.50 14.50 21.60 21.40 26.35 2.25 3.00 31x4 12.95 15.85 27.05 23.40 .... 2.45 3.55 32x4 15.40 18.90 27.75 25.60 33.45 2.55 3.75 33x4 15.65 19.80 28.60 2S.80 34.40 2.65 3.95 3tx4 15.95 20.60 29.33 27.20 35.35 2.85 4.05 32x4l2 19.S0 .... 31.70 .... 37.75 3.60 4.80 33x4Va 20.85 .... 32.40 .... 38.75 3.75 4.95 34x4 21.50 .... 33.15 .... 33.80 3.90 5.10 35x417a 22.40 .... 34.C5 .... 40.70 4.00 5.20 33x5 .... .... 39.44 .... 47.15 ... 6.C5 35x5 .... .... 41.30 .... 4S.E0 6.20 37x5 43.40 .... 51.20 . . . 6 35 N OTE ABOVE TIRES ARE NON-SKIDS Pharis Tires Are Just real pood tires. There Is noth- I n g freakish about them. They are well made of qual- I I y materials and the elght year records made with WESTERN AUTO are being d u p 1 1 cated every day. Inspec tion will result in conviction. a V a a B w r t? 1 FORD OWNERS ATTENTION I iT. m fiSisafffy ls' Jl B -" EW Cs3 fvv Via. 1 While we know your mind right now centers on Christmas and the procuring of gifts, you still must keep your car running. Western Auto carries the complete line of parts for Fords and all supplies, tools and accessories that you could possibly need to repair your car and keep it in the best running order. WfesternAufo Sir 141-47 Nortli Central Avenue PHOENIX, ARIZONA OTHER STORES r!rrf1o Sprlna; I Trn) I ff ti rr ir t 1 s?ipn Jhonl Suit I .n It CHy Sn M(r tiurfiiliS Kitri Iiiran an 1 taiirivc (2 "tore) San Ju Sjinfa Ans h;o Lton N h.Ih M sJl a akims T;irt 1'nrt.itnd Itoie GET THIS CATALOG FREE! Visit our store or drop us a line and secure this catalog. It contains many hundreds of useful and necessary accessories and is bound to solve to a great extent your Christmas problems for you. It also enables out-of-town customers, who are unable to drive into our stores, to derive the benefits of Western Auto aualitr merchandise, loi prices and money back guarantee. 1921 AutfoblB Suples ltvf V t a a a 1 a a 1 w . I 1 s a i a b a a 1 a a B BBBBBlBBBBBBBaBB B B BBBBBBBSBBBB a a a 9 1 a s a 1