(Section Three) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. PAGE FOUR Cookies Cakes Pies and Pastries as good as tho you had baked them in your own kitchen . fr Mil lriv The Pleasure of Shopping To simplify the selection of your gifts is the real object of the Kenilworth Gift Shop. Here, grouped in a separate space, are delightful and ap propriate articles for the home. It is a pleasure to make your selections in our Kenilworth Gift Shop. Visit our Kenilworth Gift Shop and look around at your leisure. . MAKE SHOPPING A PLEASURE Thoughtful Christmas Gifts Bring Grateful Remembrances Crane's Papers show a careful selection See our new styles and ask to see Famous rench abrics The pinacle of perfection ' Give particular people An Eversharp pennil or a fountain pen. an address book or a tourist tablet. A desk set or hammered topper. A kodak or framed picture. A Gift book or an album. For the Young Folks Yolland's fine books on instructive games. Every item in our stock carefully chosen at Mffler-SierFng Co. Where Quality Count H. W. DAYKIN, Pres. 42 N. Pentral Unusual flavor and richness The distinctly fine flavor and richness of Donofrio's cakes and pastries tell you in a satisfying way that special care is taken in our bakery to produce only the best. ' Cleanliness in all things at all times, is insisted upon here the , same high baking standards that you require in your own kitchen are maintained, always. Fresh .daily, come crisp golden brown rolls and bread, possess ing that delightful taste of "home-baked" things. and our prices are no more than ordinary bake shops charge. where the quality is just a little bit better W3 116-120 West Adams Street mm play IS INTERESTING SOCIETY EVENT The "something different" sched uled this week gives interest to af fairs not to be found in the usual run of dinners, dances and bridge. Ama teur theatrica'r always have a fas cination for society, and when Us favorite members appear in the pro duction, the interest is manifold. A one-act farce that is to be presented at the Country club Wednesday even ing is not only attracting the interest of club members but the public in general, which will make up the audi ence which will witness the clever performance at the club house. The cast Is rehearsing religiously under the capable direction of Mrs. Celora Martin Stoddard. Mrs. Avery Corp stein will take the lead, while other equally well known amateurs who will take part Include Mrs. Lou Ella Archer, Mrs. Tom Dunbar. Celora Martin Stoddard, Lester Byron, R. Allyn Lewis, and W. W. Kingsbury. Other features of the evening will be a dance number by Mrs. Marvin Smith and a male quartet arranged by Donald Dunbar will also con tribute to the enjoyment, Chief Justice and Mr. Rocs Are Dinner Host Chief Justice and Mrs. Henry D. Ross were dinner hosts last evening when they entertained eight guests at their home on North Central ave nue. Country Club Bridge Luncheon Gay Affair The Country club bridge luncheon Wednesday was one of the most de lightful events of the gay week. A number of club members entertained preceding the bridge, at which Mrs. E. W. Baum captured the prize. Mrs. Baura was in the party given by Mrs. H. M. Fennemore, whose guests were Mrs. George Brockway and Mrs. A. L. Moore, Mrs. C. F. Alnsworth pre sided over a charming affair in honor of her mother, Mrs. J. Thompson Graham, her guests numbering 12. Mrs. E. J. Bennitt was another host ess, giving a cleverly arranged lunch eon in honor of Mrs. Thomas Dunbar and Mrs. Charles McArthur. Covers were laid for 12. Mrs. S. J. Bucking ham entertained a few guests, in cluding Mrs. O. P. Johnson, Mrs. Earle Nash and Mrs. M. H. McCaila. Local People Are Spending Week-End at Hot Springs Mr. and Mrs. Phil Twohy and Lee Wilson are week-ending in Castle Hot Springs. Mr., and Mrs. Arthur T. Esgat Entertain for Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Esgat e gave a charmingly arranged dinner at the Country club Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Eva Behn, whose mar riage to William Ridgely Chapline was an event of the following day. Their guests were Miss Behn and Mr. Chapline, Mr. and Mrs. Theorn Fa- pan, Mrs. H. K. Behn, Miss Edna Paulson and Lieutenant Goorge Chap line, U. S. N. Mr. Charles K. Pishon Gives Attractive Tea Mrs. Charles K. Pishon, who has contributed to the autumn's social calendar with a eerie of teas, gave a particularly attractive affair Tues day afternoon at apartment at the Powers. American beauty roses dec orated with pleasing effect. There were present Mrs. William Corpstein, Mrs. Lester Byron, Mrs. O. P. John son, Mrs. Henry Sullivan, Mrs. Avery Corpstein, Mrs. Charles R. King, Mrs. Guy Alsap, Mrs. J. Neal Harris, Miss Erile Dameron and Miss Katherine O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McQueen Are to Be Breakfast Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Donald McQueen will give a breakfast this morning at their home in Mesa. Twelve guests will be present. Mrs. J. Neal Harris Hostess At Informal Bridge Event Mrs. 3. Neal Harris gave n In formal bridge Thursday afternoon when she entertained a few guests at her country home. Those there in cluded Mrs. Charles K. Pishon, Mrs. William Corpstein, Mrs. Harold Gold berg. Mrs. Hugh S. Antrim, Jr., Mrs. Lester Byron, Mrs. O. P. Johnson, Mrs. W. H. Watklns, Mrs. Vernon ."eters and Miss Katherine O'Reilly. & ( (D IL(&it UK " Ir4 ' ' S I MISS ELEANOR LEWIS I Heath Photograph ' Miss Eleanor Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs I. Allyn Lewis, is one of the popular girls In society who does not give up her time exclusively to Its diversions. A pianist of abil ity. Miss Lew s has devoted much of her time to study and only last summer continued her musical edu cation on the coast. .Identified with the Musicians' club, she has appear ed on many of its programs and has contributed generously to many oth er programs presented in this city. Her extension work for the Musicians' club gave pleasure a year ago to the Inmates of the various local Institu tions. Miss Lewis is giving addi tional attentiot to her work this sea son, having established a class. Eugene Goldman Guest of Honor at Informal Affair Eugene Goldman, who is here from San Francisco for a few weeks, was the guest of honor at an informal affair given Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Jacobs. A dance at the American was followed by a supper at the Power apartments, where Mr. and, Mrs. Jacobs are domi ciled. Twenty guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson Dinner Hosts Saturday Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson were dinner hosts last evening at their home on West Adams street, when they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wayland and Charles O'Malley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Korriclc Entertain On Anniversary In celebration of their second wed ding aniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Korrick gave a delightful bridge Wednesday evening at their home on the McDowell road. The high scores were made by Mrs. Abe Kdrrlck and A. S. Strauss. The guests numbered thirty-five. Sen Francisco Resident Guest of Mrs. J. T. M elder Miss Lena Kphlman of San Fran cisco Is a recent arrival who will be in town a month the guest of Mrs. Joseph T. Melcser. Are Incentive for Dinner At the Adam on Monday Miss Eva Behn and William Ridge ly Chapline, whose wedding was an event of Wednesday, were the in centive for a smartly arranged dinner at the Adams Monday evening, pre sided over by Mrs. H. K. Behn. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Esgate, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Fagan and Lieutenant George Chapline, U. S. N. They later attended a dance at the American, where the party was joined by Mr. and Mrs. John D. Parks. Miss Angela Marshall. Miss Edna Paulson, Miss Mabel Fuqua. Edward Marshall, Don Pennell and Robert Phileo. San Francisco Woman To Be Joined by Husoand Here Mrs. W. F. Rudolph of San Fran cisco, who has been here for a fort night, will be Joined shortly by Mr. Rudolph, with whom she will return to the coast after the holidays. Mrs. Rudolph is at present the guest of her mother, Mrs. Imogene La Chance. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gam Leav Today to Winter on the Coast Mr. and Mrs. Krnil Gnnz are to winter in California, leaving Jiere to day for the coast. . Visitor Here Is to Leave Soon for Oakland Home The many friends she has made during her three months' stay in Phoenix will regret to learn that Miss Carmen Moore Is leaving shortly for her home In Oakland. While here Miss Moore has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. Clarence Woodbury. I 1-. . Do -vqu Know That We Do Our Own Cordian Pleating, Knife Pleating Box Pleating And have a complete Dyeing and Cleaning De partment. We have a modem equipped plant such as is not generally found in a city several times larger than Phoenix. Your garments are safe with us, fully protected by insurance. Can you afford to send them elsewhere. PHONE 4336 2 BRANCH 14 WEST ADAMS PLANT THIRD AVENUE AND MADISON Mr. E. L. Downing To Giv Luncheon At Ranch House Mr. E. L. Downing will be a host ess of the week, giving a luncheon of SO covers Tuesday at the Ranch House. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Spllsbury Hosts At Dinner At Club Mr. end Mrs. P. G. Spilebury gave a dinner of eight covers Thursday evening at the Country club, the guests remaining afterwards for the ciub bridge. m m m Mr. and Mr. Charles R. King. Hosts At Informal Supper Mr. and Mrs. Charles R King gave an informal supper Sunday evening at their apartment at the Kenilworth in honor of Lee Wilson of Seattle. . Those there beside the guest of hon ! or were Mr. and Mr. Phil Twohy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Pishon, Mrs. e. A. Rows and Miss Katherine O'Reilly. Mr. and Mr. Guy Alsap Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alsap gave one of the smartest dinner of the week when they entertained last evening at their horn on North Fifth ave nue. Cut flowers made an effective cecoration wniie greenery leni a charmlmr note to the arrangement. uover were laia ror Mr. ana Mrs. Donald Dunbar, Mr. and Mr. Celora Martin Stoddard. Mr. and Mr. Averv Corpstein. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dun- imr, Mr. biiu iuia. a. v. Auimat,v uu Eugene Goldman. Mrs. David Goldberg Return From Visit In San Franeisoe Mr. David Goldberg returned Wednesday from San Francisco, where ehe spent the paat few months with her daughter, Mrs. Sanford Moose. Mrs. C. O. Ellis To Give Tea In Honor of Visitor Mrs. C. O.- Ellis of Monte Vista road will giv an Informal tea Thursday afternoon In honor of Mrs. J. Thompson Graham, who Is leaving Sunday for her home In Pennsyl vania. Mr. O. H. Tucker of Preseott Weekend Guest of Local Woman Mm. O. H. Tucker of Preseott Is spending the weekend here the guest of Mrs. H. K. Behn. Mrs. Tucker came down from the north for the Chapline-Behn wedding which was an event of Wednesday. Mr. B. A. Ficka Giv Dinner At Residence Mrs. B. A. Firkas gave a charm Ingly arranged dinner of eight cov ers Wednesday at her home on. West Washington street. Yellow chrysan themums were used In decoration. Mr. and Mr. Harold Goldberg Established in New Horn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldberg have moved into a charming apartment at 104 East Moreland. where they will be established for the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell Return From Northern Home Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell have returned from their summer home at Flagstaff, to the delight o their many friends who have missed them great Jy during their long absence in the north. Younger Set to Have Many Yuletide Affair Members of the Junior set are look Ing forward with pleasure to the Yuletide season, when numerous de lightful affairs will be given in their honor. Boys and girl home from college for the happy vacation period will be the incentive for a number of affairs which are already being planned. Miss Ruth Baum, the pretty school girl daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Baum, is expecting guests from the coast. Miss Jane Sohultz and Miss Margaret Wall of Los Angeles visit ing her during Christmas week. Dr. and Mrs. Baum will give a danre in honor of the visitor at the 'Hotel Adam December 27. for which Invi tations will be issued shortly. Returns From School For Vacation Season Miss Helen Francis returned home yesterday from Westlake school to be here for the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Barnes Give Delightful Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Barnes of North Sixth avenue gave a bridge Friday evening. Those who enjoyed their delightful hospitality included Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Anderson, Miss Effi Irvin and Walter Young Mills Mrs. Thoma R Marshall Takes Part in Gayety Mrs. Thomas R Marshall, wife of former Vice President Marshall, re ceived a warm welcome when she attended recent Country club event. Mrs. Marshall is a favorite in local society and Its members had their first opportunity of greeting her this season Wednesday when she attend ed a luncheon given at the club by Mrs. C V. Alnsworth. 3 jtt- -t 'V lit- JKjJ-- -v.- ( 1 - 1 r V MRS DAVID LIKNAITZ Music lovers are looking forward to the program to be presented at the Woman's club Tuesday after noon when Mrs. David Liknoitz, pi anist, will give two numbers. Mrs. Liknaltx has been heard here before and the public recognizes her a an artist who possesses temperament technique and interpretative Insight. A California girl, she received her early training on the coast, going abroad later and finishing ber stud ies In Berlin with Richard Burmels ter. On he return to America un der the management of Mr. Behymer, she appeared as soloist and also ac companist to Ellen Leach Yaw, Wen del Kopta and others. Giving up concertizlng for teaching, she found ed the Lillian Adams Piano Acad emy, and was acclaimed one of the foremost musicians on the Pacific coast. After Miss Adams" marriage to Dr. Liknaitz she retired from ac tive work giving over the academy to her musical friends. Since coming to Phoenix she ha become prom inently identified with musical cir cles ard it will be interesting to learn that she will continue her work here in teaching. Marto-Shedd Nuptials Interest Phoenicians A wedding of Interest to Phoenic ians took p ace In Stockton, Calrf., Nov. 30, when Mrs. Florence E. Shedd became the bride of S. W. Marto. Both were former residents of this city. Mr. Marto is engaged Jn busi ness In Stockton where they will make their Lome. MAIN FLOOR SHOE DEPARTMENT A Holiday Sale of Smart Winter Footwear So that our "Volume" of business on regular merchandise wilf not suffer during Christmas shopping p eriod, we announce important econ omies on STREET SHOES, OXFORDS AND PUMPS Many will be shrewd enough to see, in this event, a good chance to make some woman, man or child, a really worth while gift at a welcome saving. t Jazz" Oxfords all the rage we have them In all widths at Felt Slipper, and Juliets Here in abundance. The assortment we have gathered for holiday gifts embrace so many styles and colors, that the only problem is which to choose THE SLIPPERS RANGE IN PRICE FROM $1.39 T0 $4.00 FlorsheJm Shoes For Men Mr. Robert Wallace Craig To Have London Visitor Mrs, Fred Ponehamplon of Lon don is expejied In town Tuesday to spend the remaining winter months as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rob ert Wallace Craig. Country Club Bridge Successful Event The bridge at the Country club Thursday evening was one of the par ticularly enjoyaole events of the week. Eight table were in play and the prizes were won by Mr. A. L. "Moore and Fred Wlnshlp. : a Gifts of unusual beauty WQ'iioyr and d i s t i n c tion that JlJJp combine true artistic n merit with novelty and r;'"!;i J enduring worth. FORTY-FOUR NORTH FIRST STREET A 7 ct. - FANCY STATIONERY - A JWew knowing newest parchment of Fancy incense burners Polychrome Mirrors polychrome baskets t . . . SOFA CUSHIONS has just arrived! mary jane chocolates "The Art of the Indian shows its highest expression in the Tribes of the Southwest." This Christmas Send An Indian Basket A Gift Typical of Arizona ' Eastern friends find much pleasure in receiv ing things of Indian handiwork from their friends in the far west This Christmas send an Indian Basket a really useful gift unique and beautiful. We have large and mall baskat 'from all tribes, suitable for sawing baskets, wast baskets, I la and ornamental plaque. GRAVES INDIAN SHOP Eight W. Washington r? Vfttwtcn Our a SOT i ii if r "Sally . ' Pumps" A stylish pat tern very much in vague $6.50 this season. S6.50 A CHRISTMAS GIFT BOTH PRACTICAL AND VERY USEFUL. ALL STYLES AND SIZES. Red Cross Shoes For Women Mr. and Mr. Powell Ar Dinner Host Mr. and Mr. W. C. Powell gave an informal dinner Monday evening at their home on West Madison street. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Powell and Moman Powell. Farewell Event Given In Honor of Mrs. Mttn Mr. S. A. Metten, who leave shortly for California where she will take up her permanent residence, was the incentive for a delightful affair Wednesday evening when the Wednesday Social Circle entertained in her honor. K :TP7 jJ bjs Educator Shoes Fcr Children