OCR Interpretation

Arizona republican. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, December 11, 1921, Section Three, Image 30

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020558/1921-12-11/ed-1/seq-30/

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(Section Three)
IlP 7T 71 Rr r T el
knmmi firsTall stm high schooI
I .
r ; .v
Picked by Pidfle Pinney
Davit (Phoenix)
Sutherland (Win.tow)
Fryer (Masa)
Wartman Phoenix) (c)
Phelpa (Masa)
Fimbraa Tucon)
Heard (Phoenix)
Coia (Bisbea)
Guthrie (Mesa)
Pferadorf (Tucson)
Millaga (Phoenix)
Left End
Left Tackle
Left Guard
Right Guard '
Right Tackle
Right End
Left Half
Right Half
Full Back
The Arizona Republican this mor
ning presents the first Arizona All
Btar Eleven, a new departure In state
athletics. At the close of every foot
ball season mythical eleven are
ricked throughout the country to give
the school athlete credit for their
ability on tha gridiron. The players
ricked for this mythical eleven won
their place at all-star athletes
through stellar work on the field and
personal feeling; baa been entirely
Picking an all-state eleven will
thereafter be an annual even on the
part of The Arizona Republican, that
fcchool athletics may receive Increased
rubllcity, thereby adding to the play
ing Incentive that places school ath
letics above the ranks of professional
The Republican sports editor fe
buested "Pldge" Pinney to pick the
Jl-etar oleven as "Pldge" has been
closely affiliated with football for
several years and has followed the
state elevens throughout the season,
rrhapa closer than any other one
roan. While his selections may not
meet with the unanimous approval of
football fans throughout the state,
after a careful survey of the field The
X'.epubllcan is certain the team picked
by Mr. Pinney is one of the strongest
possible selections.
The Republican acknowledges the
'Valuable help given by the high
Kshool coaches of tha stats as with
out their assistance It would be
practically Impossible to pick a team.
Pinney' a selections and hla reasons
for picking the players follow:
By "Pidge' Pinney
la following out the request of
The Arizona Republican In which
they asked ma to pick an all-state
star eleven, it has placed me In an
embarrassing position since no one
man ever stepped out and selected an
all -e tar football team without leav
ing himself open to criticism and no
one man is capable of naming a per
fect team
However, Inasmuch as the gridiron
Webb Mclntyre predicts a quick
ending for Battling Scotty when the
Phoenix Mexican swaps sofas with
him at the Coliseum tomorrow night
Webb has battled his way from Can
ada to the Juarez ring and from Cali
fornia to the eastern boundary of
Missouri and he has never been
knocked out. He lost several bouts,
won a flock and earned many draws
with prominent boxers. He bad
hone, nf drawins a bis bout In Phoe
six and Is willing to make his local
debut agaip"t Scotty to show the
fans what he can do. If he loses to
fc'cotty he loses the chance to atage
l big bout and If he beats Scotty he
sill know he has oeen in a. ugnt.
Prest-O-Lite Distributors
Batteries Gas Tanks Supplies
301 North Central Avenue
Day Phone 1532 Night Phone 2124
Powles (Douglas)
Floret (Nogales)
Doyla (Phoenix)
Scruggs (Tucson)
Talbot (Phoenix)
Friend (Phoenix)
Smith (Mesa)
Rawsthorne (Tucson)
Diebold (Phoenix)
McKinney (Phoenix)
Skousen (Mesa)
situation In this state is In a great
tangle. In order to make the selection
of an all-interscholastio high school
eleven as perfect as possible, it was
necessary for me to enlist the aid of
the coaches throughout the state, by
having them name four of the most
valuable players on their respective
From the eight teams due fecog
nlzation for naming candidates on
the all-state team It gives the party
making the selection 32 players from
which to pick eleven stars. Douglas,
Nogales, Bisbee and Tucson . have
sent the names of IS players from
the Southern Arizona group, while
Mesa and Phoenix have recommend
ed 8 in Central Arizona. Prescott and
Winslow of the northern part of the
state have also submitted 8. Making
a total of 32.
After getting the four most val
uable players from each team, it ten
became necessary to check up on
their merits and showing made
throughout the season In the games
they have played. Experience was
the outstanding feature in my selec
tion, for the players who know the
most football are surely more cap
able of playing a better game than
the Inexperienced.
In order to play fair with tha play
era on the- various elevents, any par
tiality that may have existed between
friends I have omitted and the play
ers have been given Just credit re
gardless of publio sentiment. If a
player happened to be on a losing
team it In no way caused me to over
look his ability as to what he would
have been on a championship squad.
Coach Robinson's Wonder Team of
Phoenix contributes four players to
the mythical team. Mesa high, fur
nished three, while the remainder of
the aggregation Is composed of play
ers who starred for Tucson, Bisbee
and Winslow.
The Choice of Playara
I have selected players not only ac
cording to their value to the team
they played on this season, but also
with the thought In mind of select
ing the strongest all-stats football
squad possible.
For tha end positions Heard and
This little argument promises to be
filled with action. ' -
Toung Rivers demonstrated he car
ries a punch when he dropped Sol
dier Brown two times In their last
meeting and Dick Campbell already
holds one victory over Rivers. Camp
bell won bis last three starts via the
kayo, but the defeat handed Rivers
looked aa If the Mexican lad was lust
tired of standing on his feet. Dick
handed him a good lacing In the tirst
round and Rivers decided he had
enough in the second. That fight
started Rivers and he has been trying
to get even by kayoing his opponents
in the same manner. Rivers and
Campbell will put up as sood a scrap
That's what Prest-O-Lite bat
tery service means to you.
Not only in Phoenix is this
service available to you when
you are in need. We are but a
part of a great coast-to-coast
service that is building the fast
est growing battery business in
the world.
Consider this, and don't buy
a new battery until you have in
vestigated Prest-O-Lite service.
Left End
Davis of Phoenix are Riven first
honors, with Heard as premier end.
The ends that deserve honorable
mention are Kelley of Tucson, who
was not able to finish tha season on
account of broken shoulder. Eldred
of Tucson, Powels of Douglas, and
Smith of Mesa, are equally, as good.
As tackles Flmbres of Tucson, and
Sutherland of Winslow, both showed
worlds of strength In every depart
ment of the game. Sutherland, I have
placed In a tackle position, he hav
ing been used most of the time as
fullback for the Northern champions.
Sutherland's undaunted determina
tion and a fighting spirit that flared
when it came to tackling, was not
only fast for his weight, but tackled
fair and hit hard. He is one of the
most valuable men to the all-state
team when placed In this position.
I was tempted to plac Mores of
Nogales in the place of Fimbrea of
Tucson, but after carefully checking
up on his merits and weight found
that the one already selected could
not be overlooked. Friend and Tal
bot of Phoenix were also given con
sideration. .
Phelps, who played a tackle for
Mesa, I have shifted to guard, be
cause I believe he Is tha most dan
gerous man on the Mesa line, and
against the strongest teams always
had an opening ready frr the offen
sive play. He is a good tackier and
Is fast. Fryer, of Mesa, as the other
guard won this honor by his work In
every game whose value to the line
as the main event. If not better, as
both boys are working for the top
and there Is a difference of opinion
in their camps.
The remaining bouts boolcej for
Monday night will be elimination
trials to build up sonle new material.
It takes ring work to give the boys
experience regardless of bow oJten
they work In the gym. Witn 15 or 20
good boys working out at the Eighth
street arena every afternoon. Phoenix
should soon have a good supply of
boxers. Every fighter started as a
preliminary number and thera Is no
reason why some of the local boys
should not move up the ladder. Young
Mike and Toung Arnold are ripe for
faster company and the rest are corn
ins: alontr (rood.
The popular priced Monday card
staged under the auspices of the
American legion make it easy on the
fans and a nice comfortabla arena,
well heated and lighted, will draw
the crowd to the Coliseum if the
management continues to give good
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 10. Opinions
of spprt writers ware divided at the
ond of a last 10-rouna no-aecision
bout here tonight between Jack Perry.
Pittsburg, and Morris Schlaifer of
Omaha. Some sport writers said
Schlaifer had a margin over Perry
while others declared Perry shaded
the Nebraska welterweight.
DULUTH, Minn, Dec 10. Jimmy
Delanev. St. Paul middleweight, won
by a technical knockout over Eddie
Rlnderle, Milwaukee, In the third
round of a scheduled 10-round go
here tonight.
Gene Gannon. Milwaukee, outpoint
ed Frankle Sullivan, Los Angeles, in
10 rounds. They are featherweights.
NILES. Mich- Deo. 10. Eddie
Welch of South Bend. Ind.. easily out'
pointed Ai Hennessy of Chicago here
last night In their 10-round bout be
fore the American legion.
OGDEN, Utah, Dee. 10. Frankle
Farren of Idaho Falls, Ida., was given
a decision over Frankle Smlthera of
Salt Lake City at the end of six
rounds here tonight. They are light
James H. Nellson, known to Doxing
fame as Bud Anderson, announces
that he has taken over the Capital
City arena. Dad Brought has not
disposed of his interest in the arena
and will continue his association with
the Sixteenth street stadium.
Anderson gained a reputation sev
eral years back as a welterweight
boxer and wrestler. He will remodel
the trainine quarters at the Capital
City arena and give instructions in
wrestling, boxing ana pnysicai cul
Mr. Neilson also plans staging some
eood bouts In the near future, the
first to be booked between Christmas
and New Years.
The shower baths and gym room
at the stadium will be entirely
changed, friving Neilson an up-to-
date training: room where he can con
dition boxers and wrestlers for their
Border Infantry
Grid Teams Meet
At Nogales Today
Republican A. P. Leased Wire
NOGALES. Ariz., Dec. 10. The
football teams representing the 24th
United States infantry, stationed at
Columbus. New Mexico, and the 23th
United States infantry, stationed at
Camp Stephen D. Little here, are
scheduled to meet here Sunday. Thl
will be the first same played between
the two regimental teams in three
years, although the regiments are old
Left Tackle
was unsurpassed. Doyle of Phoenix
also showed stellar work but his lack
of weight counted against him.
Charles Wartman of Phoenix is by
far the greatest of all centers, and his
work In this position and as captain
of the team was the making of the
wonder name for the state champions.
The only other men considered were
Clement of Bisbee, fend Scruggs of
To act as field general of this team
I have selected Captain Johnie Cole
I -
In many forms of athletic competition, all things being equal, youth will
emerge the victor. However, there are
of experience, bows to strategy and
This was demonstrated In baseball
race. The Pittsburg team, made up largely of young playera, with a veteran
iprtnkled here and there to give balance, showed the way in the National
league until late in the season. The team looked like a sure pennant win
ner. It held a 7a game lead with about 40 games to go. This seemed pro
Then came five-game series with the New York Giants, the runner-up.
The Giants were composed largely of
the series without any mental hazard.
realise that this particular series meant everything.
The Giants took five straight games. It was the turning point In the
race. The young team had been raced
the stamina to come back. The rest
A similar situation developed in the football season just closed. Tale, a
young team In the making, a team with great possibilities, met the veteran
Princeton eleven. Princeton, with Its
ored over Tale with Its seven sophomores.
The Princeton veterans were unsound. Tha terrific battle with Harvard,
which they had won. upset the team. It entered the game with Tale in
poor shape. Maqy of Princeton's star players were unable to finish. For
two period's the team went on even terms. Then youth triumphed. The
crippled Tigers couldn't go the route.
A week later Tale met Harvard', another team of veterans. The Har
vard team, however, was In tine shape. Youth he'd the margin for three
periods, a scant lead of three points.
decided the Issue. In the pinch, the
takes of Judgment, the veteran Harvard players, quick to take advantage,
made the most of them. Harvard won, 10 to 3.
San Diego Moguls
Not Pleased With
South Bend Report
Republican A. P. Leased Wire
SAN DIEGO CaL, Dec 10 Ex
pressing surprise at the telegraphic
cancellation last night of negotiations
for tha proposed Notre Dame-Centre
football contest here December 20,
the local committee in charge of ar
rangements for the game sent a tele
gram today to Notre Dame authori
ties at South Bend, led., Inquiring a
to the reason for 'heir action. A
similar nicsa.-.ge also was dispatched
to officials of Centre College at Dan
vil.'e, Kentucky.
The telegrams pointed out that call
ing off of the contest would mean a
considerable financial loss, and would
cause disappointment to many west
ern football enthusiasts.
E. B. Gould, chairman of the com
mittee, voiced the hope that the
trmgle would be straightened out. He
said he and his associates had re
garded the game as finally arranged.
Red Roberts Will
Lead Colonels In
1922 Grid Season
DANVILLE. Ky.. Dec. 10. News
that Notre Dame University had
called off negotiations with San
Diego, California, officials to'mcet the
Colonels in a post season game on
December :6, was received at the an
nual football banquet of the Centre
team last night shortly after "Red '
Roberts, star end. was unanimously
chosen captain of the 1922 team. No
comment was made on the cancella
Centre college authorities denied
report that Centre will play Texas
A. and II. at Dallas, on January 2.
The Colonels have permission to play
only one game in tho west and it lias
been stipulated by the college auth
orities that the game must be played
L -J
Left Guard
i Phoenix
Canter and Captain
' ' ?trrirtss-is ' "
Left Half
of Bisbee for quarterback. He bas
had three years' experience and his
grit together with safe catching of
punts, apeed on end runs, quick ahort
passes, snap In calling signals, tricky
manner in handling the ball, inter
ference and tackling made him loom
up above all other candidates, as. a
natural leader. Cole, waa the idol
of the Bisbee eleven, for he wai re
sponsible for keeping his team away
from defeat throughout the season
until they met Phoenix to determine
the state championship. Rawsthorne
of Tucson, and Hill of Phoenix word
timea when youth, which means lack
resourcefulness of the veteran.
last summer In the National League
experienced players. They went Into
The Pirates' youngsters seemed to
off Its feet. It lacked the poise and
of the race waa very much of a
seven seniors ln the lineup, was fav
Then it was that lack of experience
youthful Yale team mado a few mis
TUCSON, Ariz., Dee. 10. Harold
McLellan. Arizona University left
end and all-southwestern conference
selection for 1921. has established a
new record for number of points
scored individually, surpassing the
record maae by Eddie Kaw of Cor
nell by nearly forty points. During
the season McLellan has scored 125
points for the team, and failed to
kick goal from touchdown but once
during the entire season. McLellan
has also starred on defensive play
and is rated one of the greatest ends
in this section of the country.
Beside the record made by McLel
Ian, the Arizona eleven has annexed
several records as a team and has
established a new southwestern
mark for total points scored running
up a record of 434 points to oppon
ents SO during the season and post
season play. This record stands as
a fraction over a point a minute for
the Arizona eleven in actual playing
Centre, College To
Play Any Team With
University Rating
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Dec. 10. J. R,
MoKee, manager of the Centre Col
lege football team, at Danville, to
day said that Centre is ready to meet
any legitimate college or university
team which the San Diego chamber
of Commerce may neirct. in the game
'-7r a
Right Guard
Right Half
also very good but did not show the
proper leadership In running their
I had plenty of material for half
back positions with Pfersdorf of
Tucson. Uutnrla and Bkousen of
Mesa, Bledsoe and Crouch of Bisbee,
McKinney and Diebold of Phoenix,
all of whom are stars. However. I
picked Pfersdorf of Tucson et one
half, fot his ability In forward pass
ing, his form in klcMng including
drop kicks, p;,tce kicks and punting,
this being fir above high school class.
Ford Pilots To
Have Inning At
Mesa Saturday
Ford day In Mesa, to be observed
on Saturday, Dec. 17, will be featured
with half a dczen races for Fords,
varying from long distance matches
over the IS mile oop to Chandler,
Gilbert and return to Mesa, to a
Mesa. The race committee baa ar
ranged for the hlghwaya over which
the race courao will follow to be
cleared for the eventa and the road
will be left open for the jitneys to
make their maximum speed.
Probably tbo greatest interest will
attach to the race for stripped stock
Fords to be run over the loop south
from Mesa to Chandler, east from
Chandler to the Gilbert highway and
back through Gilbert to Mesa. The
course Is approximately 18 miles dis
tant, all of which is paved.
Two fourtee mile events will also
be staged over the course south from
Mesa to two miles south of the base
line, then east to Gilbert and return
north to Mesa, following the paved
highway. The first race will be for
stock Ford touring models and the
second for stock roadsters and truck
chassis. Including roadster delivery
cara and similar models.
A slow race of a block, a backward
race over a similar distance, and a
contest to aee wio can stop his car
the quickest from a pace of 20 miles
an hour without slipping the wheels
are also on the program.
All of the events carry purses with
them that aro well worth contest
ing for. Entries are being made
through the secretary of the Mesa
FOrd day celebration and Phil Isley
at the Mesa Ford garage, who Is the
chairman of the race committee.
Fourteen Drivers
Start In Frisco
Auto Race Today
Republican A. P. Leased Wire
teen automobile race drivers, most of
them prominent nationally, will com
pete In the new San Francisco speed
way at San Carlos, near here tomor
row in the 250-mile international
sweepstakes for the Golden Gate cup
and $25,UOO in cash prizes.
Tommy Milton and Roecoe Sarles,
who are leading in the race for points
toward the 1921 national champion
ship are entered. Milton has 1.970
points to date and Sarles 1,950. To
morrow's winner will be credited
with 500 points, second place 260
points, third 140 and fourth SO.
Jimmy Murphy of San Francisco,
who won the big French race, the
Grand Prix, last August, is entered.
Other drivers to compete are Ralph
de Palma. Bennie Hill, Eddie Hearne,
Jerry "Wunderlich. Harry Harts. Al
Melchoir, Art Klein, Eddie Miller.
Joe Thomas, Don Frotwell and Frank
Barney Oldfleld. veteran driver,
will appear in a one lap exhibition In
his famous old car ',999" in com
memoration of the twentieth anni
versary of his first race. This auto
mobile is said to be Henry Ford's
first car. Before the main race there
will be a 25-mi!e dealers' race, in
which several automobile firms will
enter their uxoi h cars.
Tho International Sweepstakes
event will dediepte ' the new speed
way, which has Just been comple 1.
The circumference of the new track
is one and one-quarter miles and the
stand? will accommodate 32.000 per-
i vll
- hi
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jV M 9
. ,j
'W b.: JrJBp'-f.
'i, , " s .?.
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Ms. : ; f uv f-i a
Right Tackle
Left End
He has the record this year of kick
ing 19 out of 20 goals from touch
downs, and also had wonderful abili
ty on Una bucks and running the ball.
My selection of Guthrie over
Skousen of Mesa, for the other half
back Is where I expect to ret critl
cized the most, yet Guthrie's knowl
edge of football along with bis ae
tensive playing entitles him to this
berth. Shousen like Diebold of Phoe
nix Is another wonder, and while they
have both been Individual stars In
several games played this season,
they are still young in the game, and
Republican A. P. Leased Wire
DENVER, Colo, Dee. 10 The
schedule committee of the Rocky
Mountain intercollegiate conference
tonight prepared the sports calendar
for next year anl added Brigham
Yourg university at Provo, Utah.
There are 27 football games, sched
uled for 1922. The schedule follows:
Sept- 30 Wyoming vs. Colorado
college at Colorado Springs.
Oct. 7 Wyoming vs. Colorado
School of Mines at Denver: Univer
sity of Denver vs. New Mexico at
Albuquerque: Brigham university vs.
Utah Aggies a Provo.
Oct. 14 New M-xico vs. University
of Colorado at Boulder; Colorado
Agricultural college vs Wyoming at
Laramie; Colorado School of Minea
vs. Utah Aggie, at Logan: Brigham
Young university vs. Utah at Salt
Oct. II University of Utah vs.
University of Colorado at Boulder;
Colorado Agricultural college va. Wy
oming at Laramie: Colorado School
of Minea vs. Utah Aggies at Logan;
Brigham Young university vs. Utah
at Salt Lake.
Oct. 21 University of Utah rs the
University of Colorado at Boulder;
Colorado college vs. Colorado Aggies
at Fort Collins.
Oct, 25 Utah vs. Wyoming at Lar
amie. Oct. IS Denver vs. Colorado col
lege at Denver: Utah Aggies vs. Col
orado Aggies at Fort Collins.
Nov. 4 Colorado Aggies vs. Colo
rado at Boulder; Colorado college vs.
Utah at Salt Lake.
Nov. 11 Coloraao college vs. Colo
rado university at Colorado Springs;
Colorado Mines vs. Denver at Den
ver.. Wyoming vs. Utah Aggies at
Nov. 14 Wyoming vs. Brigham
Young at Provo.
Nov. IS Colorado college va. Den
ver at Denver; Colorado Mines vs.
Colorado Aggies at Fort Collins.
Nov. 25 Colorado Mines vs. Colo
rado at Denver; Brigham Young vs.
Colorado Aggies at Fort Collins.
Nov. 30 Colorado Aggies vs. Den
ver at Denver; Colorado Mines vs.
Colorado college at Colorado Springs;
Utah Aggies vs. Utah at Salt Lake;
Brigham Young vs. Wyoming at Lar
amie. Foreign Sporting
Goods Giving U. S.
Hard Competition
Republican A. P. Leased Wire
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. British
and German sporting goods manufac
turers are forging ahead of American
concerns in making tennis, associa
tion football and cricket supplies,
according to a survey of foreign mar
kets for athletic equipments issued
tonight by the commerce department.
"The lower rate of exchange pre
vailing in their favor. tho depart
ment said, "lias an immediate result
in promoting the sale of their athletic
goods. However, Atnerican para
phernalia is recognized of being of
superior workmanship."
In Italy, the department continued
the German articles are making head
way against the Italian, English and
French competitors, while American
sporting goods are practically un-
I -toj, i
i r . . c . i,
Right End
will be more experienced next year.
Early in the season I predicted that
Diebold, would be a second Gllleland
and I still stand by this, even though '
I might be wrong, but It is only fair
to give the lad a chance by waiting
until next season and then see what
he can produce. If I were to choose
any of the Phoenix backs for this
position It would bs McKinney, who
without well deserved praise went
through the season playing the most
consistent gams of any player oa the
Coyote team.
The fullback position la tha easiest
one for me to pick. Millage of Phoe
nix, I regard as ona of the greatest
all around players in tha state. It
waa he whose Una plunging gained
yard after yard for the champlona.
It was also he who on defense made
it almost Impossible for the opposing
team to gain yards through the Coe- v
ote'o line. As a tackier be is a sur.
bet. If the truth were known the
secret of Boblnson'a wonder team
Ilea in the combination of Wartman's -direct
pass from center to Millaga.
then the husky fullback's keen eye
and ability to toss the ball like a
bullet to hla two never falling tar
gets Davis and Heard, no matter
what the distance might be, and tha
manner in which Robinson bad
drilled hla ends to complete the for
ward passes which gained for Phoe
nix, the honor of having the greatest
football scoring machine ever known
to the local Institution. Harris of
Douglas, and Potter of Bisbee. are
also due honorable mention but ra;d
not compare with the Coyote atar.
BUTTE, Mont, Deo. 10. Procnoten
here are endeavoring to arrange a
game between Notre Dame and Gon
saga University football teams la
Butte January 3.
, thoughtful, sensi
ble gift for everyone.
For grown-ups, it
brings independence of
hot, crowded street
cars a wealth of
healthful enjoyment
and outdoor pleasure.
For children, it brings
the best of childhood
sport, a sure, certain
way of building health
and strength and good
times all the time. We
have models for men
and women, girh and
boys. Come in and let
n? show them to you.
110 East Adams
football rlvaiA.
in San Diego
I to be played Dec-cm Litj Z'r

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