OCR Interpretation

Arizona republican. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, December 11, 1921, Section Three, Image 32

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020558/1921-12-11/ed-1/seq-32/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TWELVE

(Section Three)
Numerous Delightful Dinner
Parties Given At San Marcos
Ihl w?I?Pletin of 016 Paving on
ChanrtiBhWa5L' betwee Phoenix and
ThSSSX ,Wh'ch.wa9 consummated
B1")rt nd Pleasure of the many
Phoenix parties who go to the San
Marcos for dinner entertainments,
golf and dinner dances. Already the
increase in the traffic is most"not
able and many dinner and other
Good Judgement
Your Farm Implements
We are now prepared to make immediate de
livery of Corrugated Iron, in either the Galvan
lzd or Painted finishes, all lengths, at almost pre
war prices. This iron is an ideal building material
for all types of sheds and garages it is both
fire-proof and weather-proof.
You will be more than repaid, for
the small cost of corrugated iron shed,
by the protection it will afford your
farm and ranch implements during the
winter months. It comes in convenient
lengths, is economical and easy to
handle and you can build a substantial
shed of this material with very little
time or labor.
Come in and let our building experts
show you how economically you can
shelter your farm tools with Corru
gated Iron Their helpful advice is
free of cost or obligation.
ley Lumber Co.
Store News-
Kaffee Hag
Means Coffee with 95 per cent of
the Caffeine removed. Prevents
sleepless nights.
We grind it for you.
For Cake Making we
Cake Mixture Candy,
Red Cinnamon Drops,
Pound ,. ...
Bulk Cocoanut,
30c and ................
(Two Grades)
New Norway Mackerel
Nice Breakfast Size, 1 PCr
Each AtJl
Extra Large Fat Size, 50 C
Pop Corn
S lbs. White
Per pound .
Cod Fish
l-lb. Boxes, Boneless, Qf
Pound 0JL
Many fancy novelties in the grocery line which
make acceptable Xmas Gifts.
1-lb. wood box Assorted Figs,
Raisins and Almonds, each . utJK
(All ready for mailing by parcel post)
l-lb. package Fancy Assorted Qr
Vjiacts riuiu), caui
Sunmaid Cluster Raisins,
l-lb. packages
Assorted Nuts, chocolate covered, SI. 45
1 pound . . . .
(Roof Garden Chocolates)
What Is More 'Acceptable Than a Box of
Arizona Oranges or Grapefruit
The most delicious fruit that grows! Your gift
will be most carefully selected and placed in a
nack. Prices f. o. b. Phoenix.
-.fcA.-V i
J3UAt; .
Quarter 2.00
x grapefruit
Whole $3.50
Boxes . . ,
We Will Ship Them For You ,
Extra Fancy Belle Fleur Apples, $2.75
Box lots, at( .
xizona Grocery
parties are being arranged -for in
the near future.
Among last Sunday's dinner part
ies were one of six that included
Mrs. S. T. Butler, Miss Myrtle But
ler, Miss Verdie Butler, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Howard and T. A. Kiordan. A
second party of six included Mr. and
Mrs. W. N. Holmes of Nashville.
Tenn..' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lutgerding
and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Holmes.
A party of five was made up by
Dr. Solis Cohen, Dr. D. L. Leknaitz,
Sam Ballsum. Edward Rothman and
Herman Lewkowitz.
Also on Sunday E. I Williams of
New York was the guest at dinner
of Robt. C. Metzler. Guy P. Nevitt
and A. B. Hinkle, Jr., of Phoenix.
Mrs. Alexander B. Barrett of Hol
lywood, on Thursday entertained at
luncheon her cousins, Miss Fanny
Peck and Miss Grace Peck of Phoe
nix. Miss Nellie Andrew, VTm. A. Mc
Callum and Frank Andrew of Cin
cinnati, and Neil P. McCallum of
Phoenix were visitors at the San
Marcos on Wednesday.
Senator H. B. Wilkinson and U
J. Taylor were Phoenix visitors on
Joe Daniels and Orris Holdren re
turned from their week's trip to the
Mogollon Rim on Wednesday night.
They went by motor to Little Green
Valley, 20 miles east of Payson, and
from there by horseback to Babe
Haught's ranch, about 33 miles. From
the ranch they made various scout
ing and hunting trips through which,
Mr. Daniels states, is one of the
prettiest and most scenic pieces of
country he ever visited.
They report that they were in
high wind and snow most of the time
they were near the Rim. They found
lots of feed everywhere, and say that
the cattle are In fine condition. The
road from Payson back to the Roose
velt dam was good, but slippery from
recent wet weather. This is ta
country that Zane Grey likes so well
to hunt in and write about. Mr.
Daniels says he plans to make hunt
ing trips up there a confirmed fall
Much Interest Is being taken by
the San Marcos people in Chandler's
coming "Progress Carnival" which is
to be held in Chandler December 28
and 29. Miss Belva Winn, of the
office force, has been one of the can
didates nominated for carnival queen,
.who is to be chosen by ballot. The
hotel folks are backing Miss Winn
a winner.
Horseback riding is becoming very
popular among the guests, and Guide
Bill Huggett's squadron of cavalry
is growing daily.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sartelle of St.
Louis were guests of their brother
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Will H.
Robinson, on Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sartelle, who knew the
Chandler country in pioneer days
even before the Chandler Ranch was
started, found it hard to believe that
the San Marcos wasn't some en
chanted sort of a creation evolved by
genii, so great has been the metam
orphosis from the desert over which
they had driven and hunted 30 years
Recent arrivals at the San Marcos
include: Frank L. Dunn and family
of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Patterson, Kearney, Neb.; Geo. Arch
er. Jr., New York City: Mrs. H. Har
rison and Miss Mary Bergman, Los
Angeles; J. F. McGrath, Chicago;
Jack Brace and Frank Fee. Phoenix;
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ai Marks, San Fran
cisco; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Peck,
Tempe; J. D. Pouleson and R. I
Holmquist, Los Angeles.
make arrangements for a social dance
d entertainment at the next regu
lar meeting on Wednesday, Decem
ber 21. There will be only a short
business sfssion to last not later than
30, and then the entertainment will
commence and last as long as the
crowd wants to stay, and if you will
member some of the entertainments
given last winter, you will know that
some very good times were held.
Bring your friends and neighbors and
let them enjoy some of the good
times with you. There will be danc-
g, entertainment numbers and, last
but not least, there is going to be
something to eat. Don't . forget the
time, December 21, at 8:30, and place
Odd Fellows hall. Third avenue and
Adams street.
There will be an officers' meeting
at the Moose duo on Wednesday
ght, December 14. All members are
invited to attend. The house com
mittee has had its six big armchairs
moved to the club and have a good
tove to warm up the place, so that
it makes a good place for the mem
bers to gather for a good social time
or a game of cards and a good place
to spend your leisure time. This club
is yours, and you should make use
cf it. Bring your friend with you: he.
ill be welcome at any time. The
women of Mooseheart legion held c
short meeting last Wednesday night
and have renewed their appeal to the
members of the Moose lodge to bring
their wives, mothers, sisters or
daughters and have them join them
in the great work of helping the
fctoyal Order of Moose in the great
ork at Mooseheart. Come on now,
brothers, don't fail to come to the
secretary's office and secure one of
those special application blanks and
have some friend or neighbor fill It
ut and return it before the .New
ear. so that Phoenix lodge can put
in a eood b!e class on or about New
lear s eve that will mane some oi
the supreme officers open their eyes
and know that Phoenix Lodge No.
708 is on the map. All visiting mem
bers are invited to call at and make
the Moose club their headquarters
hlle in the city. Club located at US
West Washington street.
Phoenix lodge No. 708 held a very
good live meeting last Wednesday
night. Very much important business
was transacted and a class of candi
dates ' was Initiated Into the secrets
of the order. Several new applica
tions were presented for the James
J. Davis class. Now, brothers, all to
gether with a mighty pull for the
balance of the time to secure that
new member and fulfill that pledge,
The James J. Davis testimonial cam
paign will close on January 1, 1922,
and we want to have it said of Phoe
nix lodge that we did our share, and
every member wants the same said of
himself. With the eyes of the world
focused upon Mooseheart next sum
mer, when our president, W arren G
Harding, becomes our guest at
Mooseheart, let It be said that our
order numbers one million Moose.
Make up your mind to play Santa
Claus to our kiddies at Moosehear
and have a brand-new daddy for
tbem by Christmas. Come to the sec
retary's office and get a specially
prepared application blank; then go
out to your friend, your neighbor, or
some acquaintance. First tell him
about the sick benefits and the death
benefits, then tell him of the social
features, and close your argument by
telling him of the V0d0 girls and boyi
at the city childhood who are going
out into the world prepared to win
success because their fathers were
men among men, who insured the!
future by Joining the Loyal Order of
Moose. Brother, here is a chance for
you to help along your lodge, you
order, and to render a great and dis
tinctlve service for the children of
your fellowmen, and last but not
least, to assist in making this a tru
testimonial of our appreciation to
Brother James J. Davis, our director
general, for his splendid' work in be
half of the children of America. Now,
as man to man and Moose to Moose
let's make this a Moose Christmas,
What do you say?
The entertainment committee was
instructed at the last meeting to
Delivery Company
(The Pioneer Transfer
And Storage Co.)
Try the old reliable for
or Storage
city or country
42 S. Central Ave.
3094 Phone 4126
December promises to be the Jolll
est month of the year for Phoenix
Lodge No. 43. The barn dance given
cn the first meeting night of the
month was a success in every partic
ular. The musicians caught the spirit
of the fun and It seemed to spread to
the entire gathering, for every one
threw aside formalities and just had
good time. The old-time fiddler
brought out the old English and Vir
ginia reels and many specialties in
this line were indulged In by the
dancers. The committee, Mrs. Fred
Vess, Mrs. Henry Chambers, Mrs
Harry Diehl. Mrs. J. C. Reynolds and
Mrs. J. N. Houser, managed so that
every part of the evening's entertain
ment was carried out consistently and
everyone present was glad that they
On the second meeting of the month
occurred the election of officers and
it went with a snap and pep. The
officers were selected for their efi
ciency and experience and the mem
bers look forward to a term of prom
ise and achievement.
The night of December 17 has been
set aside for the annual roll-call ban
quet as this is the occasion for Su
preme President J. A. Batchelor's
isit to the lodge. There will be the
class initiation, a short program, the
banquet, followed by dancing and
Supreme Trustee Barnett E. Marks
will in his snappy manner act as
toastmaster: State Manager K. T.
Mabon will occupy the position he
likes best, that of seeing that every
one is recognized and made to loci
that they are one of the happy as
sembly: Brother R. H. Bloem will
have charge of the program, which
he says will be composced exclu
sively of lodge talent, and the ban
quet Is put in the hands of a com
mittee composed of Mrs. Mel vine a.
Morse, Mrs. Irene Johns, Mrs. Lulu
Davis. Mrs. Edward Trincano, Mrs.
Edward Nisbet and Mrs. Claud Scrtv
ner. These members have been on
so many committees and their pas
record for service Is so well estao
lushed that the lodge realizes that
there is a treat out of the ordinary
in store for them.
The drill team win have charge of
decorating the lodge room, and the
Juvenile Liberty Lodge No. 12 will
decorate the banquet hall, so the sur
rounding atmosphere will be in keep
ing with the festivities, and every
member is asked to come in a holiday
mood and aid in making this one of
the good times peculiar to this soci
ety. The entire evening, will be open
to members only.
4". ' ?? --vV "
F C? Vi ' t 'T
to find him, the Indians returned to
the reservation and with turpentine
washed off the offending odvestise
ment. The Yakimas believe the
hieroglyphics on the rocks to be of
divine origin.
Apple growers on the Pacific Coast
have adopted a new system of adver
tising their product. They have in
vented an electrical branding instru
ment which brands the skin of the
fruit and does not affect the quality.
NOT A GOLD BRICK Nope, it wasn't a gold brick, nor was it Irish
confettL Just the first brick for the new Knights of Columbus building in
New York- Babe Ruth handed it to Marshal Foch on the steps of St. Pat
rick's Cathedral where the marshal attended a special mass. Archbishop
Hayes is in the center of the group.
Bending Every Effort To Secure
Building Of San Carlos Project
FLORENCE. Aria, Dec . The,
San Carlos executive committee Is
determined to leave no stone un
turned to secure the building of the
San Carlos project, and -to that end
is bending every effort to secure
recognition of our project outside the
state of Arizona, The attention of
the people is called to the fact that
this project is for the betterment of
the entire state of Arizona, of all
business and commercial Interests,
and all people "who are compelled to
depend upon work of this character
for a living, and that any partisan or
political feelings or tendencies which
would not be harmonious to a suc
cessful determination of this matter
should be cast aside and all work
for the welfare of our project": and
to this end the committee is conduct
ing its campaign to secure outside
assistance irrespective of political
It is evident from President Hard
ing's message to congress that he is
In hearty accord with any movement
that has for its object the reclama
tion of the arid lands of the west.
and that it is his desire that congress
by appropriation legislation should
Provide the reclamation with funds
with which to carry on this class of
Attorney Carl R. Tisor, who for the
past month has had active charge of
the publicity campaign of the execu
tive committee. Is in receipt of letters
from Frank P. IJtchert, executive
secretary of the Republican national
committee, and Senator James E.
Watson. Republican senator of In
diana, both of whom are friends of
many years standing, and botn oi
whom were urged to support either
the Ashurst bill or any general ap
nropriation bill for the reclamation
service. Irrespective of pontics.
Mr. Litchert letter is as follows
kMr. Carl R. Tisor. Florence, Ariz.:
"Dear Carl Your letter of Novem
ber 1 is at hand, and I note what
you say about the reclamation service
In your state. I shall be glad to do
anything I can to help push tnis mat
ter along, and will look Into it to the
best of my ability.
"With best wishes. I am,
"Sincerely yours,
Senator Watson's letter is as fol
"Mr. Carl R. Tisor, Florence, Ariz.:
'Friend Carl I have your letter.
Replying, permit me to say that I am
a thorough believer In irrigation;
bave been over most of the big 'Irri
gation districts in the country and
am profoundly convinced that land
and water should be brought together
in a government scheme whenever
and wherever possible. ,
"Ashurst and I are on friendly
terms and Cameron and I are ex
ceedingly close and I shall be very
glad to take this matter up with
either of them and discuss it when
ever either one of them sees fit to
talk to me about it. Cameron will
doubtless discuss the matter w ith me
for he talkawith me very much about
Arizona matters in general, I shall
be very glad to render any service I
can. but I must first look into the
scheme before I can determine its
"Wishing you well, I am,
"Sincerely yours,
Everyone Interested is urged to
take this matter up with congress
ional representatives outside of Ari
zona, with a view to securing a na
tion-wide interest in these projects,
and particularly the San Carlos
The needs and requirements of the
entire country are such that there is
a general trend toward co-operation
cf all interests, business, commercial
and political, to work a readjustment
of our entire country, and we are sat
isfied, as appears from the above let
ters, that all congressmen will Join
hands in any movement to attempt to
bring about this reconstruction, and
tiie providing of means for employ
ment or Idle pePl will In a great
measure brins about the desired results.
Our Arizona congressional delega
tion, we know, are all for the San
Carlos, but it is up to the people of
this state to urge upon them the
necessity of persistent efforts along
oil lines, and especially that of en
listing the support of congressmen
from the east.
Judge Overfleld attended the con
vention of the Western States Recla
mation association at Salt Lake last
week and a delegation Is now en
route to attend the Riverside conven
tion, and we will be able next week
to report their successes at these dif
ferent meetings.
Everyone is interested, so we urge
enereetlc action.
Let us acquaint the entire United
States with the necessity of our San
With the cotton hearing postponed
from Dec. 8 to 13. Gov. Thomas D.
Campbell is putting his time in
Washington to good use. , During the
delay the governor is giving his at
tention to reclamation matters. hold
In a conference yesterday with the
Joint committee on irrigation.
Hospitalization also is claiming the
governor's time and w'.tb Arizona's
representatives in congress he has
taken up many of its phases for the
benefit of the disabled war veterans.
He expects to return to Arizona
Immediately at the close of the hear
ing Tuesday arriving in Phoenix the
Utter part of the week.
An enterprising advertising artist
barely escaped serious consequences
when be undertook to m.r a big
cigaret across the sacrtj "painted
rocks" of the Yakima Indian reser
vation. Nearly a hundred braves
raced their ponies to Wapato Just as
the North Coast Limited was due
to leave, and insisted on searching
the coaches for the painter. Falling
A Better Flour!
Carefully milled from
Arizona soft wheat.
Unvarying in whiteness!
Uniformity of texture!
Unexcelled in Quality!
a better
for biscuits,
cakes and pies
M phoenix. iJ ;
&4mM Mi
Iwf Hp
50 Years of Successful Milling;
Mr. Dairyman
Are vou netting maximum results
from your cows? We can tell you
what to feed. If you are interested m
getting more milk, ask our
Dairy Supply
We are anxious to serve you.
Telephone 4364
Phoenix Seed & Feed
That Letter of a Year Ago;
Vou may not hare to look for it often,"
but when you do, it's very necessary and
wy important to the business la hand.
And your finding it readily, if Bt alL
depends . upon , yourznUcAsng
f erring. '
m j-v y
m cm wsi M
TT - I'
Th usefalneM cf correBpondesc lceens
Its age. You can't tell when it la absolutely
useless, but vou know that reference to ft
decreases gradually as It becomes older.
Obviously the best transferrins system is th&t
which retires the correspondence gradually.
For example, suppose your Upright Steel
Filing Cabinets will contain Just one year's,
correspondence; file the second year's cor
respondence in a duplicate set cr battery of
cabinets, placed back to back with, and
labeled the same as the first the third year
transfer the first year's letters from the Up
right Cabinets to Globe-Wernicke Steel Trans
fer Cases, stacked up in same formation as the
cabinets, as shown above. Then, the Upright
Cabinets or Active Files you have emptied art
ready for tie current year's correspondence.
Thereafter eca yt yon trnsfsr tt ym-o& eo
retpocdene Irorn ctbtneta to transfer eases and main,
tain In jrocr eablneti letters covtriag & current yea
and the year previous. -
In transferring, all the letters from taeli Cabinet !
are put la one transfer case, oinUblng the aunt
alphabetical arrangement. j.
Our book, THint and'HrnSaf Papers" ijJalni tils
system in detail. Ask far It it's free.
Everything fcr the Office
and School
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"Leaders for more than thirty yean1
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Wholesale and Retail
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I i

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