Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. Give SWIT2ER FURS, for Christmas! Stone Martens Sketched From Life. Important Showing FINE FURS At Moderate Prices "Fur Weather" is just beginning. "Sivitzer" Furs" are personally selected pelts and are g.u a ranteed perfect. We have no furs "on consignment" Every piece was made up this season, especially for this shop. Beautiful Foxes, $19.75, $25.00, $29.75 $35.00 and up to $115. One Skin Stone Martens, $39.75 and up. Two Skin Stone Martens, $69.75 and up. ' Names pouring into the suggestion box! We are selling so many of the clever dresses and coats at $16.00 that we have offered a dress and a coat for the best suggestion of a name for these garments. Put on your thinking cap. You may win! STYLE SHOP Cor. Adams at First Ave. Balke Bldg. ! 25 c I TAXI : 4 4 2 2 : Black and White Taxii i JUO w J Genuine from the ,8" '' " ' ' ' ' y WEATHER REPORT 3 2" 3 u 2 2. Stations Boston 40 46 Cloudy .00 Buffalo . ....40 40 Cloudy .00 Chicago 44 46 Clear .00 Denver 54 62 Clear .00 Flagstaff SO 44 Pt.Cldy. .00 Fresno ...58 60 Clear .00 Galveston 66 62 Clear .00 Kansas City" ... 50 66 Clear .00 Los Angeles 66 82 Clear .00! Minneapolis ....3S 42 Clear .00 1 Needles 60 70 Clear .00 New Orleans ....56 58 Clear .00 New Tork ....... 42 44 Cloudy .00 Oklahoma 48 58 Clear .00 PHOENIX 60 72 Pt-Cldy. .00 Pittsburg .........38 38 Cloudy .00 Portland 55 58 Cloudy .04 i Salt Lake City.. 3 ST 46 Clear .00 San Diego 64 SO Pt.Cldy. .00 San Francisco ..6 60 Pt.Cldy. .00 Seattle ..... 54 5 Cloudy 02 Spokane ........48 50 Cloudy .14 Tampa 60 70 Clear .04 Washington 44 48 Pt.Cldy. .00 Winnipeg . . 26 36 Clear .00 Yuma 64 .74 Pt.Cldy. .00 Local Weather Yesterday 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m. Temp., dry bulb. ....37 66 60 Temp., wet bulb. ....33 ,47 45 Humidity, per cent.. 64 3 8 29 Wind from E E SE Wind, miles ......... 4 10 4 Rainfall 0 0 0 Weather ........ . . .Clear Cldy. P.Cldy. Highest yesterday .. 72 Highest this date for 26 years... 74 Lowest yesterday 37 Lowest this date for 26 years.... 26 Total rainfall 00 Excess in temperature yesterday, 1 degree. Excess in temperature since the first of the month, 10 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since Jan. 1, 3.4 degrees. Normal precipitation Jan. 1 to date, 7.51 inches. Actual precipitation Jan. 1 to date, 3.04 inches. Excess deficiency since Jan. 1, 4.47 inches. Today Time Of unrise, 7:21 am.; sunset, 5:22 p.m.; moonset, 3:10 a.m. ROBERT Q. GRANT, o CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks for the beautiful floral offerings during the sickness and death of our daugh ter and sister, Annie Ramsey. MRS. R. V. TURNER & FAMILY. FOUND GUILTY Greer Smith yesterday was found guilty by a jury in the superior court on a charge of having committed a statutory of fense. He will be sentenced Wednes day morning, Dec. 14, by Judge Stan ford. Smith was charged with hav ing assaulted a 15-year-old girl. Auto and Gas Engine Mechanics HANSON & KARLSON 737 Grand Ave. Phone 1360 Machinists Engineers Welding and Forging CONSTABLE ICE & FUEL CO. WOOD ANO COAL Phone 1555 Fourth Ave. and Jackson St. VALLEY MACHINE WORKS Machine Work and Welding Phone 1085 306 South Seventh Avenue : W$Wi Just Receiv ed A CARLOAD OF Christmas Trees Fir trees, direct Oregon forests, ranging in size from the small table' tree to the large 15-ft. church trees. All trees sold complete on stands. Select your tree now for later delivery. -S.rizotia Seed and Floral Cok.ipany A. W. LIEFGREEN, Mgr. 28-32 South Central Phones 1389-4403 UNDELIVERED TELEGRAMS There are telegrams Bt the Western Vnion for Jno. H. Allison, Treernan Jacque, Beacher Green and Eva Smith ., PENNMANSHIP CLASS A pen manship class has been started at the Gregg Shorthand school. The class will meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 p. m. There will be a capable teacher in charsre. FLYING TO SPRINGS Rex Smith, civilian aviator, in a flight from Salt Lake City, Utah, landed in Prescott on Friday. He will con tinue his air trip today, flying to Castle Hot Springs. He is expected to arrive at Castle Hot Springs at 3 or 4 o'clock this afternoon. Aviator Smith will carry two or three pas senger from Prescott to Castle Hot Springs. , MAKE INVESTIGATION The corporation commission yesterday conducted an investigation of the Tucson Gas and Electric company for the purpose of making a revision of rates and eliminating the surcharge of 22 per cent. Ben Hill, made "ap pearance for the city and Frank E. Curely represented the company. No decision was handed down in the case. VISITING BROTHER Charles D. Brewster, a railroad man on Kansas City who has spent the better part of a lifetime with the Burlington. Is in the city visiting his brother. George Brewster. Mr. Brewster was in Phoenix last March during Pioneer Week. This time he has been visit ing a daughter in the Yosemite. He will remain here about ten days. SERVICES AT SCHOOL There will be preaching at the Garfield school -at 11 o'clock this morning and at 7 this evening. Sunday school will be held at the usual hour. It may not be widely known that the Sun day school was established there by Dr. Wilkinson a,nd others last Janu ary and since then it has grown rapidly. COTTON HEARING A telegram from Dwlght B. Heard -yesterday stated that the hearing before the senate committee on finance on the cotton schedule of the permanent tariff bill had been set for next Tues day, Dec. 13. It was for this and other matters of import to Phoenix the Salt River valley and Arizona that Mr. Heard left for Washington a week ago. TO ENTERTAIN KIDDIES The Council of Jewish Women will give a party for children of all members of the organization and all children at tending the Sabbath school next Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Woman's club. Refreshments will be served. Several surprises are In store for the little guests. The party will follow a regular meetin of the council which begins at 2:15 o'clock. All members are urged to be present as business of importance which was held over due to the omis sion of the last meeting scheduled will be taken up. BIRTHDAY PARTY Bet Ue Evalyn Jakobi entertained her little friends in honor of her fourth birthday Sat urday afternoon at her home, 380 North Central evenue. The afternoon was spent playing games on the lawn, when the little guests were in vited into the prettily decorated din ing room where refreshments were served. The following little folks enjoyed the afternoon: Ruth Berry man, Helen Linde. Edith Evans, Vir ginia Evans, Pearl Tannehill, Mar- jorie" Moyer, Loraine Stevens. Gara McQuestin. Ruth Bartram. Ruth Cof fee, .Dorothy Stammer; Fred Moyer, Bill Bartram, Bobby Moorehead Robert Kennedy, Ellis Osborn, Rich ard Coffee, Dee McLaren, Lewis Hedgpeth. Choicest of Blooms for all oceas- ions. Designers of Floral Art, j Centraiv; Gr"jZ Plant Show Rooms. 18-24 W. Van Buren Coming Events Monday, Dec. 12. Musicians' club at Woman s club, 8:15 d. m. Monday. Dec. 12. Woman's club civic education department. 2:30 d. m. Tuesday, Dec. 13. Kiwanis club luncheon at Y. M. C. A- noon. Tuesday, Dec. 13. Woman's club, education week Droaram. 2:15 d. m. Wednesday, Dec. 14. Harmony club bazaar and bridge tea at Woman's club, 10 a. m. Wednesday, Dec. 14. Country club bridge luncheon. Wednesday, Dec. 14. Country club playlet and dance. Thursday, Dec. 15. Madison Im provement club social meeting, 2 p. m. Thursday, Dec. 15. Bazaar by needle- cratt department Osborn Woman a club. Thursday, Dec. 15. Christmas dance, Madison Improvement club, 8 D. m. Thursday, Dec. 15. High school P.-T. A. election, high school auditorium, 3:15 p. m. Friday, Dec. 16. Rotary club lunch eon. Hotel Adams. Friday, Dec. 16. Friday club at Woman s club, 10 a. m. Saturday, Dec. 17. Country club bridge tea. Saturday, Dec. .28. Chandler Prog ress carnival opens for two days. MARRIAGE LICENSE S Licenses to marry were issued yesterday to Frank Kirby, 45, and Lea Bandy, SO, both of Chandler: and Wesley Wells, 22, and' May Spain, 18, both of Thoe- nix. TO CONDUCT HEARINGS T. R. Johnson, rate expert with the corpo ration commission, will conduct a se ries of hearings in Kingman and Oat- man for the commission. GRANTED DIVORCE On grounds of cruelty. Judge Jenckes yesterday granted Pauline L. O'Grady a decree of divorce from J. M. O Grady. The decree restored her maiden name, Papline L. Rogers. CHARGE DISMISSED On motion of the county attorney. Justice Henry Sullivan yesterday dismissed a charge against Harry Bechtel of re moving mortgaged property rrom tne state without the consent of the mortgagee. CLASS ADOPTION The Modern Woodmen of America will hold a class adoption on Wednesday eve ning, Dec. 14. Members of the Phoe nix camp and visiting Neighbors are ureentlv reauested to attend. THESE ASKED TO CALL The following persons are reauested to call at the office of the American Red Cross. 616 Heard building: Mrs. Marv Alice Jones Mimlx, iiarley Rowe Stapp. Lucy Rahn Davis. John Aggers. Thomas Lyons. Grover Ross. NEED FURNITURE The Asso ciated Charities ask that furniture, such as lamp, stove, bed, mattress. etc.. be donated for the use of an ill woman who has been given the use of a small house on the desrt. They also desire furniture for the use of a voune woman with small children NEW CLEAN I IN Li riKNI ine Standard Cleaners is a new estab lishment which has been opened at 24 West Broadway, just in the rear of the Kress store. The proprietors are C. Bounds and E. Frye. They wm ao a regular cleaning and pressing bus iness. A CORRECTION Funeral serv ices for Mrs. Elinor Miller, mother of Irvine de Miller, 763 east McDowell oad. who died on Thursday afternoon, will be held Monday afternoon at the H. M. Maus chapel and not at the A. L. Moore and Son chapel as an nouneerl in vesterdav's Republican. COMMITTEE MEETING The Law Enforcement league will hold committee meeting on Tuesday eve ning. Dec. 13. in the rear of the Cen tral Methodist church. Ten delegates from each church are expected to at tend. H. II. Hughes, president. NEEDLECRAFT BAZAAR The needlecraft department of the Osborn Woman s club will hold a public Da- zaar on Wednesday, Dec. 21. at the Osborn school auditorium. The next meeting of this department will be on Thursday, Dec. 13, at the home of Mrs. Fiock on North Central ave nue. FARM BUREAU MEETING There will be a special meeting of the Washington district farm bureau on Tuesday evening. Dec. 13. in the school auditorium. The fruit com mittee has arranged to have Prof. Crider deliver a talk on Bud Selec tion, and a representative from the state entomologist's office will give a talk on destructive pests. The puo lie is cordially invited to be pros ent. H. S. Brooks will be the chair man of the meeting. CHILDREN'S PARTY Tn celebra tion of the birthday of her small daughter Mildred Welnick. Mrs. E. F. Welnick gave a children s party Sun dav at her home, 835 North Seventh avenue. Games provided pleasure for the following youngsters who en loved the affair: Gladys Block, Katherine Gass, Ruth Johnson. Nan cv Rhuait, Alice Ryan, Esther Hicks, Eva Montus. Margaret Smith. Eliza beth Landis. Leo Welnick, Jr., and Norman Welnick. ICE Office tl N. 4th St. cq Ae! Phone 5066 We write FIRE AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE E. A. MARSHALL Loans and Insurance Phone 3068 5 W. Adams SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 3008 Arizona Cleaning & Dye Works 235 East Washington Street IS HELD IIP Bf Robbers Escape With $50 In Silver Overlook Watch Crew Had Stopped at End of Line After Run Two masked men entered a Capitol treet car at the end of the line, Twenty-first avenue and Adams street, at 10:50 o'clock last night, held up the conductor and motorman and cw-aped with about $50 in silver, 'errv Stevens, conductor of the car, and B. C. Baker, motorman, were the only persons aboard at the time of the holdup. They hod Just com pleted the run to the end of the line and were resting a moment before starting the trip back to the city when two men entered unseen at the rear of the car. Baker was sitting down and Stevens was bending over looking at his watch when there came sudden sharp command: "Stick up yoirr hands and don't move. The street car men touna themselves confronting a business like revolver which was kept leveled upon them while the partner in crime began to go through the pockets or the conductor. Let me take the money out of the changer," Stevenson suggested. Don t you make a move, was tne robber's retort. After taking all the cash they could find they ordered the motorman to start the car. They did not attempt to search him. They also failed to relieve Stevenson of an expensive watch and chain wliien was conspicuously displayed in his nnnof oorit nocket. Both men seemed very young ana extremely nervous," Stevenson tola police officers after the robbery. in fact, I was afraid tho oiif with the revolver would Decome aiarmea anu begin shooting at any minute." The robbers took tne money changer with them. Both were very poorlv dressed. Baker said the one with the revolver was woaring shoes through which his feet were showing A street lamp floods the end or tne Capitol car line with light and there are many houses in tne immediate viclnitv of the scene of the noiatip. Immediately alter tne roonery naa been reDOrted police scoured the neighborhood without finding any trace of the men. o HAVE D A U G H T E R Phoenix friends have been Informed of the birth of an eight-pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tovrea at No gales, airs. Tovrea formerly was Mrs. F. Z. Wright of Phoenix. Both mother and babv are doing nicely REALTORS TO MEET The Salt River Valley Realtors association will hold Its regular evening meeting at the chamber of commerce at t:39 o'clock Monday night. The exclusive multiple listing contract will be pre sented. All realtors are urged to be present. TO ADDRESS MOTHERS Mrs. L. C. Thompson, field secretary of the Florence Crittcnton Home, will address the mothers of the Osborn Woman's club Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Osborn school audi torium. All members of the clubhand women of the community are invited to attend. o American presidents who served In wnr were: George Washington. i:ev olutionary; James Monroe, Revolu tlonary: Andrew Jackson. Revolu tionary and 1812: Franklin Pierce, Mexican: William Henry Harrison. 1812; John Tyler, 1912: Zachary Tay lor. 1S12 and Mexican; Abraham Lincoln, Black Iliiwk; Andrew John son. Civil war; General Grant. Mexi can and Civil wars; Rutherford B. Hayes, Civil war; James A. Garfield. Civil war; Benjamin Harrison, Civil war; William McKinley. Civil war; Theodore Roosevelt, Spanish war. Rubber eraser. was firtt used as pencil DEMAND "From Arizona Cows" CAPITOL CAR UN 1 BANDITS 5f Bm$ Sir MARhC0PA CREAMED CfX PH0NW235 a i a OB1TUARIES D- Funeral of Dave Turner Funeral services for Dave Turner, pioneer gardener of Phoenix, who died Friday afternoon at the age of ST, will be held on Monday afternodn at 2 o'clock at the J. T. Whitney chapel. Interment will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. Florence B. Shaffer Florence B. Shaffer, 30 years old. daughter of C. G. Shaffer, died on Saturday morning at the family hornet Third treet and Indianola avenue. She is survived by her fa ther, two brothers and two sisters, all living here. Funeral arrange ments will be announced later. o 9 " : Born 13 GILLAM To Mr. -and Mrs. Dayton Gillam of 2141 West Jefferson street, on Dec. 5, at the Deaconess hospital, an eight and one-half pound girl. Following a caesarian operation, the mother and child are doing nicely. The little one has been named De loris Lillian Gillam. Mr. and Mrs. Gillam came to Fhoenlx from Pitts burg, Pa. o TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 40 Acres miles S. W. of Glendale on the paved road. With 4-room house. Garage, Granary and good well. At 187.50 Per Acre Terms: 1-3 cash S. GRIFFIN "ALONE 118 North First Ave. It Why Pay Rent? 3 rooms and bath, completely fur nished, garage, young shade. Price 31650; $250 cash; terms. See Gi'l. C. A. DAGLET CO. Phone 3S9T. 30 W. Van Buren St bd Rooming House 39 Rooms, well furnished brick house. Close in. Lease or sale. See Putney, 13 N. 1st Ave. Room 105. Phone 1310. Phone Res. 2468. It FIVE Bronze turkey hens and one torn. Thoroughbred New Zealand rabbits. 9th and Indian School road. bd UNFURNISHED apartment, nice location, walking distance;- reason able rent to adults. 820 North 1st Avenue. bg FOR SALE ported stock. Avenue. Canaries from ira 35. 703 Montezuma bp THREE chairs, one table, one san itary couch, one combination baby chair all IS. SO. One small camp gasoline stove, IT. 1339 E. McKin ley. It V1CTROLA Record cabinet and 7 records. $35 cash, takes all 916 N 4th St. It Do your doors WORK.? Do the windows STICK? Do the. locks WORK? Competent mechanics Phone 66n. It FOR SALE or Exchange: Will trade In, late, model Chevrolet tour ing car In fine shape, for Income property and assume balance. Phone 2498. It FOR SALH Grand Bargain: 340 Pairs Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes for 3650.00. This is 3300 under replacement cost. Act quick. Phone 2498. It CLOSE IN TWO-ROOM Furnished Apartment. Private entrance, con necting bath; clean. Lights paid Healthy adult. 129 S. 3rd Ave. It o ACRES, good soil, close, in, neat 3 -room house; $250 a year; 370 cash bal. $20 per mo.; or will shave some for all cash. O. K. Realty Co., 232 W. Jefferson. It CANARIES For the Holidays Fancy Canary Singers. 711 East Culver Street. Phone &7S4. dk FOR THE HOLIDAYS Fancy Canary Singer. 711 East Culver street. Phone S7S4. tf TRertisa mSchoU ApjAvwat orRoneJi) KrEvvy Ret TmuS and our foot expert knows exactly what each case needs to make foot trouble only a memory. If you have corns, cal looses, bunions, enlarged joints. ingrowing nails, ten der feet, weak feet or ankles, or any other foot trouble, be sure to come in at your earliest convenience Examination and AJvic free "Watch Your Feet Shirley & Shirley Phone 1704 29-31 E. Adams St. z PLASTIC WATERPROOF PORTLAND CEMENT IN SEA-WATER WORK THIS CEMENT SHOULD BE SPECI FIED, at it resists the action of sea water, which may weaken the concrete and steel reenforcement where ordinary cement is used. FOR SALE by Building Material Dealers EVERYWHERE MONOLITH PORTLAND CEDENT CO. 60S-13 Hibernian Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone 15089 MONOLITH Portland Cement MONOLITH Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement HEREST-hERI L .'ARE HELO LEGAL That warrants of a school district to a teacher, bearing the treasurer's endorsement of "no funds" and call ing for interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent from the date of en dorsement, may be issued was stated in an opinion handed down by the supreme court yesterday in a test case which had been hurried through the superior court of this county. Judge Stanford's decision that such warrants are allowable was sus tained. The case was brought In an In junction suit by L. W. Coggins against the trustees of school dimrict No. 1. County Superintendent Jones and County Treasurer Wright. The controversy grew out of the effect and meaning of Chapter 10 of the session laws of the last legisla ture which expressly provides that the thing sought to be enjoined may be done. The plaintiff rested upon the sta tutory provision that "no warrant shall be drawn by the county school superintendent unless the money Is In the proper fund, to pay it:" It was the theory of the lpwer court that the legal effect of Chapter 10 of the ses sion laws was to repeal Uje forego ing provision. The court also over huled the contention of the plalrrtift that Chapter 10 Is void because Sec tion 1 of the chapter merely presumes that there Is a law authorizing the drawing of warrants by the county school superintendent upon a fund in which there is no money and that the chapter does not purport to effect the repeal of the prior law. Also there was overruled the contention of the plaintiff -that the act Is void because it does not provide a fixed rate of interest or authorize any bord or other authority to fix a rate. All these views of the lower court are sustained and the constitution ality of Chapter 10 is upheld. E TO START OEC. 23 Plans for one of the biggest rodeos ever held in central Arizona, to be held at Bucket Dec. 23. 14 and 25, were announced yesterday by Lee Robinson and Arthur Bloat, the pro moters. Many prizes will be awarded. Every variety vf western sport will be Included In the rodeo program, with a big barbacue the opening day. There will be bulldogging, bronchoo busting, wild steer riding, trick and fancy riding, wild cow milking con tests, calf roping, goat roping, team yearling ticing daily horse races, and all the other cowboy events. One of the features of the rodeo will be the appearance of Bonnie Gray of Los Angeles, champion wom an wild steer rider and trick rider, and Ed Wright, also of Los Angeles. a cowboy clowr. who is well known in the Southwest wild In the foothills of the mountains of certain parts of Washington state, according' to. accounts of Oiette Indians. ' In summer they follow the water courses down to the lowlands, treeing hunters when they come in sight. The Indians say the meat of these cattle tastes of cedar and is not fit to eat. Nursery Stock' Headquarters for western grown trees, shrubs and roses. Write for catalog. Denver Nursery and Orchard Co, 4226 Zuni Street, Denver, Colorado. Satisfaction or your money refunded. Phoenix Seed & Feed Company 133 E. Jefferson St. Phone 4364 dim WARRANTS RODEO AT BUCKEY 1 i Hollyday Gifts! . ' Appropriate remem brances for men. Down to date in price and up to date in style. Finest quality Silk Knitted Cravats, Ital ian Grenadines and French Squares. Exclusive designs. What's better than "aix.order on us for an all AvdoHisnd tailored suit? Gift order forms ready now. HcDougall & Cassou . Washington Street Many long-haired cattle are living White females outnumbered white males In 1920 In Masschusetts, Rhode Island. New York and District of Columbia. SPECIALISTS , In Examination of Eye and tTttln ef correct Glasses ) NORTHRUP OPTICA!: CO, . " 9 East Adams Street Phone 6090 for Appointment - PLUMBING HONEST. WORK. FAIR PRICES Send me your work for quick and efficient service O.E. BELLAS 620 North First St, Phone 2375 The WHITE $5.00 DOWN BUYS The WHITE Sewing Machine ON OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER This offer holds good until Christmas The $5 payment holds the White fo you until time of delivery, with easy payments thereafter of 5 PER MONTH , The White is the Universal School Machine It meets all tests. THE WHITE AGENCY Phoenix Sewing Machine Exchange 314 East Washington Street Phone 5909 Jl J I I l :1 .- f