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PAGE EIGHT THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1921. CHam?E0LD DEMONSTRATION AMu . China, Dec. 10. Art immense demonstration in protest ajrainst the Proposed settlement of the Shantuns question took place here yesterday. Thousands of persons marched through the streets of the city. Shops find schools were closed. Southern Pacific and Arizona Eastern R. R. Special holiday excursion xiXe. fare and a half for the round trip between all points of which the one-way fare is $25.00 or less, minimum fare $2.50, tickets on sale Decem ber 22-23-24, final return limit January 4th. OUR SPECIAL THIS WEEK Bridge Work Gold or Porcelain, Per Tooth, $7.00 All Work Guaranteed Weekly Payment . Arranged. Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. BRIDGE WORK Bridge work executed in this office save you the necessity of a partial plate. They are made up so as to give perfect satisfaction, and are really wonderful inventions for restoring one or more missing teeth. Free examinations -Owners do all operating Drs. Smathers and Nail 119 North First Avenue Over Switzer's. Sty l Shop Balke Bldg. Phone 1297 1 30 Gal. Riveted Range Boilers $13.75 24 Gal. Combination Gas Water Heater and Stand ; $28.00 18x30 Sinks $7.50 George Hageman Co. 2nd St. & Adams Phone 712 SOUTHS1DE NEWS OFFICE eSOUTHSIDE DEPT. . 18 3. Macdenald St. Ph. 341, Mesa TEMPE AGENCY Laird A Dines Drug Stare Phone 22 GILBERT AGENCY Gilbert Pharmacy Phene Mesa 1R2 CHANDLER AGENCY Gardner aV Harmer Drug Store Phone 21 GOODYEAR AGENCY J. E. Flanagan Refreshment Parlor GIN PLAY TO BE AT TEMPE WORMAL THURSDAY 1 TKMPK, Dee. 50. Mrs. Marchant, he? son. Mrs. Brin and her attractive youngr daughter have just arrived in the little town where Mrs. Marchant and Mrs. Brin were girlhood friend? together. Their greatest ambition is to have Bve and Henry married in the little church which was the set ting of their own weddinKs. But Kvc meets the doctor. Henry becomes jealous. Which one wins Eve? In order to clear up this mystery, come to see "Mamma's Affair." which will be given under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. of the Tempo Normal In the Normal auditorium Thursday evening. Meeting of Eastern Star The regular meeting of -the Tempe chapter, O. E. S., will be held Monday evening. There will be annual elec tion of officers and all members are urged to attend. Will Spend Winter in Arizona Mrs. Olin and little son are expect ed to arrive in Tempe Sunday morn ing from Mansfield, Ohio, and will be guests at the Felton home. Mrs. Olln expects to spend the winter in Arizona. Mother Dies Before Daughter Arrives Word has been received that Miss Theresa Anderson's mother died at the family home in Grand Rapids. Mich, before the former reached there. Miss Anderson, who Is an In structor In the training school, left for Grand Rapids upon receipt of a telegram telling of her mother's seri ous Illness. She was accompanied by her brother of Phoenix. , Interesting Basketball Games Two interesting basketball games were played in Mesa Friday afternoon and evening. The Tempe high school girls played the Mesa high girls in the Mesa, auditorium in the evening and were defeated, the score being 43 to 20. The Normal boys easily car ried off the honors In the game which was staged between the Normal and Mesa basketball teams, ' Dinner Big Success The chicken pie dinner which was given in the parlors of the Congrega tional church was one of the most en joyable social events of the season. The menu was pleasing and every. one sp.nt a pleasant social evening. Over $100 was cleared on the arrair, in cluding the dinner and sale of candy and recipe boxes. The women of the union take this opportunity ol mann ing the public for the generous pat- j ronage. Parent I eacners Meeting Mrs. 12. A. Stanford,. president of the Kyrene Parent-Teacher ass(jcla tion, has called a business meeting to he held In the Kyrene auauorium Tuesday evening for the members and parents of the district. Everyone interested is urged to be present, as important business will be discussed. express Appreciation Last Wednesday evening the people of the Baptist church endeavored to express their appreciation of the splendid work; which has been done by their pastor, tne Kev. tu. m. Lands. The prayer meeting time was devoted to speeches of appreciation, after which the doors to the rear rooms were opened, disclosing a bountiful supply of gifts which the members had brought. The Baptists had decided not to wait for Santa Claus. Thursday evening Mr. McAbee, choir director of the Baptist church, was pleasantly surprised by 13 of the young people, the occasion being hie birthday. An enjoyable hour was spent In songs and games. To Visit Grandparents Little Billy Carpenter arrived Sat urdav morning from Wickenburg and will spend some time visiting his grandparents here. Donations Will Be Appreciated Any donations made by the people for the Christmas boxes tor tne Dis abled soldiers will bo greatly appre ciated by the American legion. ThOoe wishing to make donations are requested to call or leave guts wnn Thanks Anderson at the Tempe Na tional bank. Annual Meeting The Associated Charities of Tempe will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 8 o'clock at the Odd Fellows hall." AH citizens are urged to be present. Tempe Churches Congregational Sunday school at 10 o'clock. The mens Discussion group will meet with A. B. Clark. Morning worship at ll, witn sermon by he pastor on "In That Day," a study of the forward -look of the Christian. Toung peoples meeting at 0:30. Evening service at 7:30; ser- MESA LEGION POS T PLANS GIFT1XES FOR DISABLED MEN MESA. Dec. 10 Plans for the preparation of 13 gift boxes. Mesa's quota to the disabled veterans in the htapltals of Arizona, were made at the meeting of the Mesa post of the American Legion held Friday night in the K. P. hall. About 23 members attended the business meeting, which was followed with a feed of dough nuts and coffee and a dance. Mesa's contribution to the gift box es will he filled by voluntary offer ings by the citizens of the town, it was planned. The post, in accord ance with the department's plan of providing the boxes( is sponsoring the movement locally, but feeling that everybody will appreciate an op portunity to chare' in it. Is calling for contributions to the boxes. The following articles will be con tained in the boxes which will have an approximate value of $2 each: ties, handkerchiefs, garters, sox, sil ver' pencils, diaries, books, sewing kits, soap, tooth paste. 6having cream, cigarettes, cigars, figs, dates, fruitcake, candied fruit candy, mints, etc. Anything will be acceptable. The boxes must be ready for ship ment by Dec. 18, so the committee in charge asks that the contributions be made early in the week. They may be left with K. F. Coe, committee chairman in the Salt River Valley bank, or" with the adjutant at The Republican office. Plans for a New Year's eve dance on Dec. 31 were laid and a committee was named to arrango for the affair. The dance will be held in the K. P. hall. Regular meetings nights on the first and third Friday nights in each month were also established, to be held in the K. P. hall. , Organization of a woman's auxi liary unit was considered and will be bandied by a committee of three, in conjunction with a committee of 10 women to be' selected. A legion bas ketball team is also to be organized with a committee of Gail Johnsot Jack Aubineau. Wilford Phelps and Womack in charge. Games will be scheduled locally and in other towns of the valley. - Mesa Breaks Even The girls of Mesa High school up held the honor of their school with a victory over Tempe High school girls in a game played in, the local auditorium Friday night. The battle was n)p and tuck and provided many thrills land great excitement for the large crowd of fans present. The core was 37 to 25. The local boys' HOLIDAY GIFTS WHAT IS MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN A BOX OF Arizona Oranges or Grapefruit The most delicious fruit that grows! Your gift will be most care fully selected and placed in a fancy pack. Prices f. o. b. Phoenix. ORANGES SSS? $5.25 iJUAv-o Half Boxes .... Quarter 2.00 .... $3.00 GRAPEFRUIT Whole Q Eft Boxes 0.0J Boxes $2.00 :sr. $i.5o Half Oranges and Half Grapefruit Whole Boxes Half Boxes $5.00 $2.50 WE WILL SHIP THEM FOR YOU Arizona Citrus Growers Company 831 East Jackson Street Phone 1869 pion topic," "A Lost Birthright and What Lost It." Baptist Sunday siliool at 9:43. Morning worship at 11. The pastor will preach on "The Tests of Jairus." Junior B. Y. P. U. at 3 p. m. Senior B. 1. P. U. at 6:4o: ppshera group in charge: Mayme Provence, leader; subject, "The Golden Rule' Two weeks ago the Kyrene Christian En deavor visited the Tempe B. Y. P. U. and gave the members of the two so cieties ample chance to become ac quainted. At 7:43 the pastor will preach on "Religion Gone Bankrupt. Everyone welcome. The pastor, E. M. Lands, Is now able to fill his pulpit at all services. Christian Bible school at 10 O'clock; L. C. Auston. superintendent subject for the Lord s day. God s Ownership." The Junior congrega tion meets at 11 a. m. Morning wor ship at 11 a. m., at which time the minister, , Bernard S. Davis, will preach on "Why Christians Living in Tempe Parish -Are Not Identified With the Local Congregation." Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting at 6:45; Miss Anna Finch, leader; Dwight Babcock, president. Special church night, Veunesuay, 7:30; sermon subject, "The Seven Points of Unit." Methodist A series of six sermons will be preached by the pastor on the general theme, "Christmas, or the Eirth of Christ." Sunday, Dec. 11, morning, "In the Fullness of Time." Evening, "The Generations of Jesus Christ," or "The Largest Family Tree in Existence." , Sunday, Dec. 18, morning. The Word Become Flesh." Evening. "The Verdict of the Wise Men and Others." Sunday, Dec. 25, Christmas day, morning, "Christ is Born in Bethle hem." Evening, special program of readings and music. Sunday school Christmas program. Friday. Dec. 23. The Sunday school is working for a record of ISO by Christmas. Graded classes and Jes sons for all. Special music Sunday. Epwottli league at 6:43 p. m. Sunday school official and social meeting Monday at 7:30 at the parsonage. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym pathy shown us during the fUness and death of our beloved wife and mother. B. REMINGTON. It GLENN REMINGTON. FARMERS ATTENTION! We have a complete line of re cleaned seed barley. Early Bart Club, Ponora and Turkey Red Wheats, Texas Red Oats, Common and Hairy Peruvian alfalfa. Winter Rye and Sweet Clover. Phoenix Flour Mills, Tempe branch. East Eighth street at It. R. crossing. Phone 84. It team lost to the crack quintette from the Tempe Normal, the scoring being 55 to 23. Playing on the Mesa team were Smith. Ruse. Robinson, Splls bury. Guthrie and Davis. Sephs Win Prixe Float The sophomores of Mesa High took first prize for the most comical float in the parade held Saturday after, noon as a preliminary to the "Joy night" festival etaged that night. The parade, though small, afforded a world of fun for the crowd and served well to advertise the program to come in the evening. The seniors took second prize for the most com ical float, and the sophomores girls were given honorable mention for their attractively decorated touring car. Plans for Dokies W. T. Nichols, deputy master of ceremonies for the D. O. O. K. order was In Mesa yesterday afternoon outlining the arrangements for the ceremonial to be held here Monday evening. Local Dokies are keenly interested in the celebration and promise over a half dozen candidates, while double that number are prom ised by other lodges In the valley. Final plans for the parade which is to be headed by a 15-plece band, the ceremonial in the K. P. hall at night and the banquetat midnight were laid by the local committeemen when they met Saturday afternoon. .Surplus For Welfare Work Any money raised over and above the actual" expenses of Mesa, Ford day on Dec. 17 will be donated to the Mesa AVHfare league for Its work anions the poor, the finance commit tee of the Ford day celebration an nounced Saturday. Rumors had gained circulation that this money would reve"rt to other channels and the committee is anxious to have it known that all of the extra cash will go to the worthy cause being -cared for by the welfare league. In line with Its plans of everything free, the Ford day celebration com mittee has arranged for free goat rides for all the kiddies. E. Ewald. who lives in Stewart addition, has the goats and the carts and the free tickets will be distributed through all of the Mesa schools during the coming week. Mesa Church Notea St. Mark's Spiscopal Church. Pep per avenue. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. 11 a. m. Subject of sermon. "The Church's Message and the Modern World." Vocal duct by Mrs. Brad itreet and Mr. Dingman entitled "Rock of Ages." Cordial invitation extented to the public. Francis Bloy, rector. Christian Church Sunday school at 1 0a, jfl. S. B. DeBart, superin tendent. Communion service at 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Lomax Ashton, president. Subject, "Points in the Pledge." Preaching sercice at 7:30 by Bernard S. Davis. Methodist Church Ray Conley Lord, pastor. S:43 a. ni:, Sunday school, Mr. Love, superintendent. Isson topic, "Paul Writes . to a Friend." philemons 18-2.0. 11 a. m," Congregational hour, sermon by the pastor. Subject. "The Glory of Walk ing." The choir under the leadership of Professor Anderson will render a special selection. Our choir is die pesing with excellent music, come and be blessed by it. A nursery is provided for all little folks, they will have the best of care. 4 p. m.. Ju nior Epworth league, Mrs. Lord, su perintendent; 6:30 p. in., senior Ep worth league. 6:30 class meeting. S. Miller, leader. 7:30 congregational hour: pastor will preach. Subject, "la Life Worth Living?" Can you give any valid reason for living? What good are you in the commu nity? What crowd would miss you should you go away for good? These are some of the questions that will be considered. The choir will favor us at this service aisot) Come ami worship with us. An evening con gregation is supposed to be difficult to maintain. However, we have no reason to complain. To all of our services everybody is invited, every member expected. First Baptist Church F. E. Hawes, pastor. Jesus said. "Search the Scrip tures." The Bible school is a good place to carry out this command. This 6ervice begins promptly at 9:43 a. m. under the direction of T. B. Croswell. assisted by earnest teach ers and helpers. Teachers meet for prayer and, conference at 11:30. Una missionary story will be given by Miss Elmira Bardcn. missionary su perintendent, at the beginning of the Bible school services. These stories provide Instruction for Wulte as well as children, and all should De on time to hear them. Morning worship and sermon. 11 a. m.. subject, "The Value of a Consecrated Life." Special mu sic wily be furnished by the choir. B. Y. P. V., 6:30. Miss Elena Parks, leader. Evening prayer meetings. 7 to 7:30. Evangelistic service, 7:30,' subject, ' An Old-fashioned Conver sion." If you do not worship else where, come with us. You will find a heartv welcome. White Cross Gospel Mission 146 West Main street. F. E. Hawes. su perintendent. Evangelistic services at 2:30 p. m.. subject, "God's Love for Wandering Sinners. All are wel come here. We believe that "Jesus saves and keeps." Paul says. "For when were were yet w ithout strength. in due time Christ died lor the un godly." Rom 5:B. Southsida Theaters Today Majestic. Mesa "A Romantic Ad venturess" starring Dorothy Dslton. western "The Honour of Ramirez starring Tom Santchi. Gilbert "The Idol Dancer" all stnr cast, comedy "Custards Last Stand. Tempe "Polly of the Storm Coun try starring Mildred Hnrria-Chaplin Comedy "Sweet By and By." Chandler Charles Ray in "An Old Fashioned Boy." Mutt and Jeff coin edy. o Machinist Mate At North Island Dies In Airplane Crash SAN DIEGO. Dec. 10. Chief Ma chinists' Mate McLean, stationed at the North Island navy air station, was instantly killed yesterday when an airplane in which he was a passen ger crashed to the ground on the field. Ensign J. C. Cline, the pilot, was seriously injured. INGROWN TOE NAIL TURNS OUT ITSELF J A noted authority says that a few drops of "Outgro" upon the skin sur rounding the ingrowing nail reduces inflammation and pain and so tough ens the tender, sensitive skin under neath the toe nail, that it can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over niht. "Outp:ro" is a harmless, antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyone can buy from the drug store a tiny bottle containiiis direc-tiot.a. JUDGE 7WDHY IS TO SPEAK AT CHANDLER PROGRESS CI L CHANDLER, Dec. 10. Judge John Twphy hp consented to make an ad dress at the Chandler Progress Car nival December 28 and 29, at which time the formal , dedication of the town's new pavement laid by Twohy Brothers will be celebrated. This wUI be an epoch-making event for Chandler, as it marks the beginning of improvements that are being con templated by the pretty little south side city. The contest for the progress car nival queen is becoming exciting. So far there are contestants in the field from Phoenix, Tempe, Gilbert, Msa and Chandler. The winning candi date will receive a cash prize besides being crowned the queen of the car nival. The contest is in charge of Mrs. Joe Friedberg. Votes are one cent each and can be had from the entrants or from Mrs. Friedberg. So far the candidates are: Mrs. Tracy Smith. Phoenix; Miss Viena Curtis, Tempe Normal: Misses Jackie Stapley. Thelma Openshaw and Beu lah Standage. Mesa; Mrs. Robert Merrill of Gilbert, Mrs. Dr. James Meason of Goodyear, and Misses Dorothy Gray. Belva Winn, end Myrtle Rice, Mrs. J. D. Thorn, Jr., and Mrs, Webster J. Lewis of Chan dler. There will be plenty of free vau deville and lots of fun for everybody at the carnival. Remember the dates: December 2S and 29. Special Notice Rev. Mr. Bloy of Mesa will preach a special sermon Sunday evening at the Episcopal services on the sub ject: "What Happens at Death" Feo pie interested in the service will note that the time has been changed to 7:30 p. m. This will be the regular time during the winter months. Here on Business R. E. Lewis, manager of the Ari zona division of Blake. Moffitt and Towne. paper jobbers, was in Chan dler on business thia weeK. x Noted Railroader Here 3. S. Sartelle, . general freight and passenger agent of the Santa K with headquarters In St. Louis, ar rived here Friday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Robinson. Mrs. Sartelle, who is a sister of Mr. Rob inson, accompanied Mr. Sartelle, the party traveling In a pr.vate car. Visit Chandler Mr. John T. Vance and Mrs. Eliza Peterson of the stake board relief society are here visiting the relief aociety ward In, Chandler. tempSIe LOSES TO GILBERT GILBERT, Dec. 10. The Tempe high school played the Gilbert high school basketball team Friday after noon on the Gilbert court and was defeated by a score of 42 to 8. Gil bert has won every game it haa played thia year and expects to keep up the good work. Visits Here W. E. Eskridge of Chino Valley is making a visit with the T. H. Jonea family of Gilbert. Mr. Eskridge anticipates moving to Gilbert in the near future. Entertains Friends Billy Dublin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dublin, entertained his friends. Roger Hafford and Stanley Heder. at dinner one evening on the occasion of his birthday. Visits Friends Here Miss Nora Small of Chandler spent the week end visiting with the Misses Cecil and Eernice Barnes of Gil bert. S H AC KL ETON'S UNIQUE VOYAGE From the Living Age. The Antartic explorer. Sir Ernest Shackelton, has set sail in his little ship, the Quest, on a voyage of wan dering adventure. He will not face the perils that he braved in his earlier Antartic expeditions, but the results to science may be equally im portant. The expedition hopes to visit various little known islands in the Southern hemisphere, and to coast about Antarctic lands, some of w hich have not been visited for ninety years. Sir Ernest's ship does not contain a single sailor. The expedition is made up of scientific men and ex plorers of long experience, and in cludes several master mariners, who feel themselves competent to sail their vessel for themselves. The Quest is equipped as no ex ploring vessel ever equipped as no ex fore. Her bridge is covered with triplex glass, with two clear vision screens, to which a special beating a pa rat us is attached in order that the outlook may never be obscured. Two seta of wireless apparatus, one with a range of 130 miles and the other much more powerful, will keep the expedition in constant touch with civilization throughout ita voyage. A wireless telephone will allow parties landed from the vessel to re main always under the control of their commander. Neatly stowed away in the smallest possible place. the Quest carries a little seaplane with which an aviator will make hasty reconnaissance where neces sary. The base of the expedition will be at Cape Town. Stores will be deposit ed there, and will be picked up by tne Quest on her way back from the ice fields. On her way to New Zealand, on the latter part of the voyage, which will reach a total of thirty thousand miles, soundings will be made to discover the limits of the continental shelf. Equipped as it is , and commanded by an explorer of world wide fame, the voyage of the Quest will probably go down in the history of exploration as one of high significance. LUCK Antonio Trelles, poor boy left Spain in poverty. He went to Havana, start ed as a bell-hop , because a news- t caDer vender, then took up begging and crew old with a fortune. A "bank failed. He lost 130.000. Then another barrtc failure separated him from $25,000. He had 110,000 j left, and kept it in his tat. Some one stole the hat while he slept in a cathedral doorway. That waa too much. Antonio died. Whv doea hard luck, seem to pes ter certain folks continually and dodge others? o Standing at sea level, the horizon is only three milea distant. Our Christmas Stocks Are Attractively Arranged To Aid Your Shopping Lists SUGGESTIONS Knitted Goods Angora Scarfs Vanity Cases -Hand Bags A large assortment of Xmas Handkerchiefs wjth splendid selec tions Embroidery Sets, composed of Luncheon Sets, Towels. Pillowa, Dresser Scarfs, etc. Silk Underwear Fancy Hosiery And Many More Articles Fancy Belts Toys The Busy Corner Tempe Mill and Fifth Phone 38 I Want To Sell These 6 Cars of LU Before New Year's Day 1 car lx3 clear O. P. ceiling. 1 car xl2 No. 1 common white pine boards. 1 car 2x3 and 2x4 short lengths. 1 car clear 1x8 redwood rustic. 1 car4x4-4x6-3xl2 and 3x10. lcar 1x12 cull boards. I will sell these six cars to dealers or the public at $5.00 to $10.00 a thousand less than they can be replaced for today.. 1 . I want to build a new shed where this lumber is stacked. . A few months ago I advertised four carloads when I built my shed on Jefferson street and they sold in ten days. , These six cars should go as quick. This advertisement will not appear again. Favor your neighbor by handing it to him. H. H. SHOW 600 East Washington Telephone 3002 ROOFING Let me build your roof. I will do it right. Ten years in the roofing business. New roofs laid or old ones repaired. No job too large. No job too small. Will contract your job or the labor and you furnish the material. J. B. Lofgreen 1229 East Washington Phone 8181 Dyed Her Wrap, Skirt, Sweater, and Draperies Every "Diamond Dyes" package tells how to dye or tint any worn, fudtd garment or drapery a new rich color that will not streak, spot, fade or run. Perfect home dyeing" is guar anteed with Diamond lHes even if you have never dyed before. Just tell your ilruwist whether the material you wish to dye is wool, silk, or wl:-tlie: 't is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. For fifty-one years millions of women have been usin "Diamond I'V'.'s" io add years of wear to their old, shabby waist, skirts, dresses, coats. s cat:r;?. ftocIn mi3, draperies, bajiuius. everythins! ARIZONA SroseI FIRST QUALITY PASTRY FIOUR SomiintsT Floor iFffD Co. PHOENIX 4 CL-E.SDALE, amiowa. it y" Hon ; ARIZONA ROSE The Best Flour Made in Arizona Don't Let Chance Spoil Your Baking-It's Too Easy To Insure Success When baking pies or biscuits use a flour made especially for the purpose. Arizona Rose Flour is made from Arizona soft wheat for the express purpose of making pastry. For bread always use our PRIDE OF KANSAS hard wheat flour. All well stocked grocery stores carry our flours SOUTHWEST FLOUR & FEED CO. TEMPE PHOENIX GLENDALE r