Newspaper Page Text
31—FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES MESSXER* ATCHLES V ACHINE kj 1 Ford touring: $ 250 1 1918 Apperson S-cylinder .... 650 1 1920 Dodge truck 600 1 1919 Oakland 600 1 1918 Chandler 660 l G-M-C lti-ton truck 2000 1 1920 Chandler 1000 1 1919 Dodge commercial truck . <550 1 1919 Ford speedster 250 1 1917 Dodge 600 These cars can be bought for a ■mall payment down. Also several used trailers. Cal Messner Fourth Avenue and Adame Phones 4218—6386 It 1919 Reo Coupe $650 Just taken from paint shop; tires, engine, upholstering and general ap* pearance excellent; taxes and license paid; easy monthly payments. Babbitts’ Fifth and Washington It R arret s •«« B* 1919 Essex Touring Good Condition Priced Right M. P. Barret, Inc. 125 N. Ist St. It Dodge Brothers Touring Here is a car that has had a thor ough inspection and every part show ing wear has been renewed; good tires, seat covers; refinished. ASK TO SEE USED CAR NO. 1925. McArthur Brothers Used Car Dept. Phone 4321 It _ WE GUARANTEE to stop oil leaks in any make of car. with a 35c ring. Earl C. Johnston's Garage, First Ave. and Madison. It FORDS overhauled for $lB. All work guaranteed. Earl C. Johnston’s Garage, corner First Ave. and Madi son. ft DODGE BROS, panel delivery car, in A-l condition; good tires; shock absorbers. Phone 6344, bb _ 1919 MODEL Maxwell touring, run less than 12,000 miles; 5 good tires, new battery, new top; looks good, runs good and is the best buy in town. Must sell before July 1. S3OO cash. Butte Oarage. Temne. Ariz. do Don’t Scratch Disease infections come by scratch- BEARS PRICKEY HEAT REMEDY Relieves every time You can use it on the baby Safe and speedy in results 50c; worth more THE BEAR DRUG STORE “Every Bottle Guaranteed" It FORD touring, needs few minor repairs, but a good buy for $125; can arrange terms. 310 No. Center. It Reliable Auto Parts AT THE LEADING PARTS HOUSE Ariz. Auto Parts Co. 432-40 w. Adams St.; Phone 6197 ts " $195; FORD touring, new top and seat covers, good rubber, 1920 motor. 310 No. Center. It STUDEBAKER Light Six. Run 3000 miles; extra tire; spring bump ers. Phone 8746. dn Truck A new light truck for half price. Taken in on account of bill. A bar bain. Collings Vehicle & Harness Co. ts 1918 Ford touring $125 1921 Ford speedster, with starter Overland sedan S4OO Buick “6” S4OO 1920 Ford roadster, starter, de mountable rims S3OO 1921 Nash touring 750 1917 Dodge touring 225 PHOENIX AUTO EXCHANGE 217 W. Jefferson Phone 4327 It — BUICK six, late model; this car good as new, excellent condition throughout. Look this over. 310 No. Center. It OVERLAND BARGAINS ALWAYS BEST 1 FORD TOURING, EXCEL LENT CONDITION S2OO 1 1919 CHEVROLET 300 1 1920 DODGE. 2 NEW TIRES.. 500 1 FORD SPEEDSTER, DISC IV HEELS 225 1 FORD SPEEDSTER. DISC WHEELS 275 1 DORT CLUB ROADSTER 225 1 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING.S 75 1 MODEL “4" OVERLAND S4OO 1 PAIGE TOURING, 6 WIRE WHEELS 450 1 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY... .$175 1 MONROE TOURING 250 1 OVERLAND 85- * TOURING.. 100 1 CHEVROLET TOURING 200 1 WILLYS 89-6 200 1 MODEL 4 OVERLAND 450 CASH OR TERMS Overland Arizona Company . Fourth Ave. and Washington tl | 31—FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES MAXWELL touring, good condi tion; quick sale, SIOO. Ford roadster. A-l condition; take it for $l5O. Phone 6651, Goodman. Hudson Six Touring IN FINE SHAPE NEW RUBBER—LOTS OF PEP SEEK IT AT 133 E. JEFFERSON It A Million Auto Parts Any part for any car. new or used. Steinberg Auto Parts Co. 223-33 N Central Ave. Phone 4292 ts Ready To Go EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CARS READY FOR YOU TO STEP LN AND DRIVE AWAY. Mercer touring $1250 Paige touring 750 Paige touring 650 Hudson touring 500 Buick touring tr>o Oakland roadster 5,70 Overland touring 825 Maxwell touring 275 Chevrolet Baby Grand 300 Hupmobile touring 200 Easy terms Watson Brothers Paige and Jewett Distribtours 636-38 W. Washington St. Phone 4947 dm FORD touring, starter, 1921....5350 Ford touring, 1920 185 Ford touring 1917 175 Ford touring, 1915 115 Ford roadster, T7. slip on body JBS Ford roadster, *l7 165 Ford ton truck ... 350 Cash, trade or terms HUDSON roadster, good paint, top and tires, motor perfect; will consider old car as part payment. 306 X. Second St. dn GOOD VALUES 1919 HUDSON TOURING AT $1175 You would rather buy a car that you know the history of. we feel sure, and this one comes in that class. We traded for this one a new Hudson, which shows how well satisfied the owner was with the Hudson car. It has six exceptionally good cord tires, four of them new; it is attractive in appearance and very consistent in performance, it has had but one owner, and he a very reasonable driver, who used it in the valley. It is very important that the buyer of a used car be satisfied as w’ell as ourselves. We transact all our business on that basis. ESPECIALLY GOOD VALUES IN OUR USED CAR LIST ARE A FORD SEDAN AT $550 AND A STUDEBAKER LIGHT 6 AT $975. Open evenings We handle the sale of dependable used cars. If your car is for sale, see US p ULMAGB & pxjNBAR Central Ave and Madison St. Phone 4008 It Chevrolet 4-90 New' top and seat covers, just painted, has good tires, runs and looks like a new car; let us demon strate this car to your satisfaction. Snow & Tufts 305 North Central Ave. Phone 62 53 dp 35 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS 1000 SHARES of Southwestern Oil and Dev. Co. stock; state price. Box 10. T. Republican. dr PIANOS —PIANOS KNABE, BEHR. BROS.. AMFICOS, UPRIGHTS AND GRANDS. USED PIANO AND PLAYER BARGAINS EASY TERMS. 222-224 W. WASH. ST. PHONE 6569. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME ON “BLIND" ADS. BUY OR SELL YOUR PIANO FROM THE OLD RELIABLE REDEWILL’S tf FOR SALE—Good used piano and organ for sale, 315 N. Second St. *f FOR SALE —.401-cal. Winchester automatic rifle, $25. Call 316 E. Polk street. dh DRY MESQUITE wood.” $5750 and cottonwood. Kelly. Phone 5-J-11. ts WE BUY, sell and exchange every thing. O. K. Exchange, 14th St. and Van Bnren. Phone 8029. ts McDaniel Produce Wholesale and retail. 129 W. Jeff. ts FOR SALE —Man’s or boy’s bi cycle, $5. 1655 E. Moreland. dp FOR SALE —Large truck in good condition. 323 K. Polk St. dp MOLINE tractor mower, sulky and buck rakes, alfalfa cultivators, hay mowers, grain grinder, ensilage cut ter. garden cultivator, border discs, concrete mixer, tractor plow, team and harness. $100; hay forks, 75c. Will M. Johnson. Phone 215J3. 5 miles N. E. dr MAN’S bicycle, ready for use; cheap. 1708 W Roosevelt. dp FOR SALE—I go* stove. Reliable, white enamel doors, 1 ivory dresser, extra large mirror, retails at $120: lots of dining tables and chairs; 1 Sellers kitchen cabinet, porcelain top; one porch swing complete; fire less cookers. 1-hole and 2-holes; one graphonola. cabinet style, complete with records; 3-burner Perfection oil stove, guaranteed, $4.50: one 75- lb. Leonard porcelain lined refrig erator. Mare Island Furniture Co., 822 S. Tenter, Phone 8133, It SILVER mounted stock saddle to trade for big work mare and pigs; take or pay difference; value S6O. Box 7J, Republican. It BABY BUGGY— Large Lloyd’s fi ber; dark blue; reversible; cost S6O, sell S3O. Phone 6456. ts PIANOS, PIANOS EMERSON, LINDEMAN. CHASE BROS., IVERS & POND PLAYER PIANOS, PIANOS. MUSIC ROLLS AND PHONOGRAPHS. CASH OR TERMS. FROM FACTORY TO YOU. 805 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 8973. J. W. DAWSON U TRUNKS—New and second hand. $4 up. Special price on new ward robe trunk, $32.60. Morden’s Furni ture Co. 401 E. Wash dn THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, TUESDAY MORNING, .rUNE 27, 1922. 1 35—FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS 6-FOOT solid oak dining table. Sixth house west Glendale car line on Highland Ave. db LEATHER go-cart, $5.50. 3819 N. Central. 12 ARMY GOODS— Campers’ supplies. Outing. clothing, etc. Mail orders filled. Army and Navy Store. 34 W. Washington St., opposite Rialto the ater. ** FOR SALE—Some high grade fur niture. low prices; some extra good gas ranges and refrigerators. Calif. Furniture Co., 338 E. Wash. ts BEAUTIFUL New Angllron Gas range. 1151 E. Culver. tt FIRE WORKS. Seventy varieties; wholesale and retail. Goodwin Nov elty Store, 514 Mill ave., Tempe, Ari zona. I± WHEN in need of a suitcase Or traveling hag come to a real leather goods house. Higher quality and lower prices. Glad to show you our line. N. PORTER SADDLE & HAR NESS CO. ils ~ for SALE 5 wooden shutter porch shades, one small one; excel lent condition; cheap. Phone 5247. gs FIREWORKS—A complete stock, at 400 Grocery. First store south of river on Central Ave. BEES—2OO colonies in good condi tion; good equipment. Cash or terms. Keith Ranch, 3 miles south of Higley. 6 FOR SALE—6-foot soda fountain, good shape, SSO. O. K. Exchange, 14th St. and Van Bnren. ts FOR SALE—4 folding cots, good as new, cheap. Phone 4849. dn HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale— Player piano, refrigerator, good as new, and many other articles. Roy Bird, 1024 K. Filmore. Phone 2145. dn MAKE me an offer on 12 shares SIOO par Glendale Ice Co. Box S2H Republican . IF IOU can’t see where we can save you money compare prices and quality. For this week, new linoleum, 72c per square yard; 12x18 wagon cover, $7.55; new tent, $15.50; 10-lb. Toledo computing scale, $25; 45-lb. mattress, $8; two Ford cars at a big saving. You can trade at the O. K. and buy Ice cream with savings. Phone 5029. O. K. Exchange. 14th St. and Van Buren. ft 36 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— MISCELLANEOUS , TO TRADE—Late model Paige touring car; want city lots or con tracts. Phone 4947, dr WILL exciiange automobile tor first mortgage or sales contract. Phone 3770 after 5. It FOR SALE OR TRADE—Five shares Commercial National Bank stock. Box 85-H, Republican. dn FOR TRADE Fords on Tractor, plow and disk, for horses and tools. Phone 100R2. 7-b 37 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—I car to 500 tons of No. 1 alfalfa. Phone 4324. ts WANTED—At once: Furniture. Phone 4779. I Pay More. 7-k I WANT YOUR FURNITURE—I want that liar who reports “Ford is not buying." I’ll pay $125 for proof. It is probably the same villain who has said “He was Ford's Buyer." Look out for him. ts COTTON Wanted—Cotton; all grades. Room 105 Monihon Building. ts FURNITURE, stoves, tools, guns, men’s colthing wanted. We pay ab solutely highest prices. Arizona Sup ply Co, 341 E. Washington. Phone 6476. ts WANTED—Good used piano; cash. Box 73F Republican, or Tel. 8973. ts WANTED —Empty grain sacks. Phoenix Seed and Feed Co., 133 East Jefferson st. ts FURNITURE bought; spot cash. Phone 8133, ts WANTED —100 bales low grade cotton—loc to 20c advanced on con signments. commission. Ham mels and Son. 213 W. Monroe. Phone 5992. ; ts MEN’S used clothing, hats and shoes wanted- 407 E. Washington. Phone 4776. ts WANTED—Used fans. Phone A. Schreck. ts 38— LIVESTOCK WANTED—2OO head calves, from 6 weeks to 6 months old; flesh makes no difference. Phone 2765, Phoenix. Will call to see small number or buy them in one lot. g 5 YOUNG family Jersey cows. High testers. Call 7R5. 7-b FOR SALE—IO first class dairy cows; will sell one or ten; cheap. Phone 26R2. 7-b FOR SALE 25 head of steers. Phone 26R2. dn WANTED—To buy 40 ton barley or alfalfa hay baled. Will pay mar ket m ice. Phone 5556. dn ONE WORK team and harness and 3-year-old mare, to trade for Ford car. First house east of Center on Northern Ave, dr GOOD young work mare and fine mule colt.. Will sell at your price. Address Mr. Rainey, Box 85, Tempe. dn WANTED—To buy good milk cows. Price must be reasonable, also horses and mules bought and sold. Cowboy Corral. Phone 3397. It FOR SALE —First class jersey milk cow; also house for rent. Call 2109 W. Jefferson. ts WANTED—AII kinds of fat live stock. Burge Doyje Wholesale Meat Co., Phone 4060. ts WANTED—AII kinds of fat live stock. Will call for them anywhere. Wetzler’s Basketeria Meat Market. 127 N. First Ave. Phone 4134. ts WANTED—Fat cows, hogs, calves. Will come and get them. California Meat Market. 129 N. First Ave. Phone 4141. ts TEAMS, mules and single horses boarded; reasonable. Cowboy Cor ral at Five Points. b HAULING; grain," fertilizer or any thing; reasonable rates. Call 8554 or 4203. 7-p 39 PET STOCK HHH AIRDALE puppies for sale or trade They are fine and ready to take now. Also have one two-year-old Fox Ter rier female. IV. H. O’BARR Room 4 Central Bldg., PE. corner Central and Monroe, or Vi mile north of Scottsdale. REGISTERED stud Airdale dog for sale. Box 871, Mesa, dn ORANGE Persian stud for service. Kittens for sale. 16th St., % mile north of McDowell. Phone 218J2. dn AIREDALE puppies for sale, cheap; registered stock. Phone 3049. dn PURE bred Pointed pups, extra well marked: $~ Phone 2468, ts 40— EGGS AND POULTRY FOR SALE—IOO Barred Rock and R. I. red hens, $1.50; broilers and fryers: S2O turkeys. Phone 113J5. do HIGHEST market price for fresh eggs, hens and fryers. Cut Rate Meat Market. 622 West Van Buren. 7-bl DON’T GIVE your fat hens away. Call 6061. 310 S. 2nd Ave. dn FOR SALE: Thoroughbred Cornish Game eockrels. Apply 842 N. 7th Avenue. _rin WE PAY highest market prices for eggs and poultry. Our truck will call. Let us hoganize your flock. Ketcham Poultry House. Phones 20 and 68, Glendale ts 40— EGGS AND POULTRY DON’T give away your hens and fryers. Call 6061. 610 S. 2nd Ave. tf P OR SALE—S young geese, about grown, $2.50 a piece. Phone 137J3. _ dm PRICES reduced: Wyandotte baby chicks, hatching eggs and a few ex tra fine breeding cockerels and pul lets at half price. Opportunity to secure finest thoroughbred, prize winning stock or eggs almost as cheap as common varieties this month only. Orders filled in turn as received. Clark Wyandotte Ranch, Box E-534. Riverside. Calif. ts 41— FRUITS AND PRODUCE APRICOTS, 2 and 3 cents. Phone 12.14, We deliver. g Don’t Scratch Disease infections come by scratch ing. BEARS PRICKLY HEAT REMEDY Relieves every time You can use it on the baby Safe and speedy in results 50c; worth more THE BEAR DRUG STORE “Every Bottle Guaranteed" It FOR SALE—Plums. J. H. Cobb, 1 mile west one-half mile south Glen dale on Lateral 19. dr ROYAL apricots and choice plums at the Bonnie Briar Ranch. Phone 2QJ3. 7d NICE Royal apricots, 2c a lb. on tree. Will deliver in 251 b. lots. Half mile west of Seventh Ave. on Glen dale car line. Phone 49J12. dr FOR SALE —Apricots. Clay Tice Flower & Plant Co. Tel. 102,13. dn APRICOTS—2O3B West Van Buren. dn LARGE Royal apricots, 2Vic picked. East of Center St. on McDowell to. Four Mile Road, Vi north. Landrigan Bros, Phone 15R3. 7-g ROYAL apricots—7 miles north and Vi mile east of fair grounds. Will deliver in 25 lb. lots or more. Come to the red. white and blue water tank. Phone 2807, ts FOR SALE—Apricots. Miller or chard, East Maryland Ave. Phone 211R5. dr APRICOTS for sale, 2c at ranch, picked. Phone 137.13. dn ROYAL apricots, picked 2c„ on trees le. About 6 miles North Cen ter. half mile east on Maryland Ave. Phone 211.T2. ts ROY AL apricots delivered, 2 and 3 cents. Phone 3287. ts FOR SALE—Apricots, delivered. Wolf’s Poultry Farm, phone 205J3. dn PLUMS, PLUMS Good jelly plums, 3 cents at the ranch; 2Vi by the hundred. Phone 124R2. Hall Bros. dn FOR SALE Jelly and canning plums. 22nd Ave. and Lower Buck eye Road, Phone 125R5. dn 45 WANTED SITUATION—MALE IF Y'OU WANT a carpenter, phone 8671. dp EX-SERVICE MEN SEEK JOBS— When you want help give the first chance to ex-service men. A number of men who have served their coun try now are looking for position here. Phone American Legion headquarters, 4938, and we may be able to fill your needs ts WELL drilling wan d: all work guaranteed. Phone 4514. Can handle your work for less than any other outfit in Salt River valley, ts PAINTING; tinting. Smythe, 215 E. Polk. Phone 3520. 7-b FIRST CLASS carpenter work. Repairing—reasonable. Phone 3960. dn 46 WANTED SITUATION FE- MALE COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER desires position. Phone 3604. dp UNINCUMBERED lady wishes to give her services part of time, for her exepenses, in a comfortable home with two adults; no washing. Box 4T. Republican, It WANTED. Half day’s work, housework or ironing. Call 611 South First Ave. dp FOR undergraduate nurse call 4531. dr FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY; rea sonahle. Phone 2667, It FAMILY LAUNDRY—Rough. 40c; finished, sl. We deliver. Phone 4744 BOYDS LAUNDRY. Rough dry; finish; all work guaranteed. Phone 5582, It FAMILY LAUNDRY— Finished $1.25. We call for. 317 N. 12th St. Phone 3336, ts DRESSMAKING by the day. Phone 33 J 5. ts 47 WANTED SALESMEN AND AGENTS $75 WEEKLY' or more! New style ladles’ bag. For many purposes, patent-leather. Sells on sight. Get free particulars quick. Vogue Novel ty Co- Mfgrs., Cincinnati. Ohio. dn 49—WANTED HELP—MALE WANTED —Several men for easy outside work for few days. Should make $lO a day. Box 11J, Republi can dp WANTED —Barber. $25 guaran teed; married man preferred. Fur nished house to the right man free of rent. Thad. Elliott, Chandler, Ariz, dr WANTED—A good tinner. Apply O. N. Owen Sheet Metal Works, at 505 E. Washington ts .SAUSAGE MAKER, thoroughly familiar with work, to go to Flag staff. See Mr. Quinlan, Babbitt’s Fifth Ave. and Washington. b WANTED Some plowing and seeding done. Weaver. 5761, dr WA N TED—Clerk and also sten ographer clerk by large mining com pany. Make your application com plete as possible, giving age, experi ence, education, references, salary ex pected and other information of in terest. Box B.T, Bemiblican. dp SINGLE MAN on poultry' Phone 205J3. Wolf's Poultry Farm. dn CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 15 WALL St. PHONE 4668 ts “ GET AUTO Repairing Experience this summer. Y.M.C.A. Auto School —Los Angeles. gs AUTO MEN WANTED NOW— Easy to learn. Jobs guaranteed to earn room and board while learning. Big 72-page Illustrated catalog ex plains everything. Sent FREE Con tains scores of photos auto construc tion and repair. Tells of good lobs open for NATIONAL trained men. Write TODAY. J. A. ROSEN KRANZ. President NATIONAL AU TOMOTIVE. 838 S. Figueroa. Los An geles 6gs “"LONG’S Employment Agency ship ping laborers Santa Fe R. R. Co., work Kingman, 40 Wall SL Tel. 5024. ts PHOENIX EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1.11 S- First St. Phone 4988. ts f.IVE WIRE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 3 Cactus Way. Phone 5093. ts WA NTED—Experienced salesmen in men’s furnishings and shoe de partment; must speak Spanish. The Reliable Dry Goods Store. 214 East Washington. dn A SERVICE FOR REPUBLICAN READERS The BUSINESS DIRECTORY of the ARIZONA REPUBLICAN is pub lished daily to help readers find reliable concerns in every line of business. Often trade leaves Phoenix and Arizona because the person who has a want can’t find the profession or concern that is anxious to fill it. Make reference to The Republican'e Want Columns and the Business Directory. If you fail to find listed there the agency you are seeking send in the adjoining coupon and the Want Ad Dept, will gladly find the firm or profession to fill your needs. There is no charge for this service. Use it freely. To get information use this Coupon AUTO PAINTING APACHE AUTO PAINT SHOP. Now 1233 E. Van Buren. Plone 4264. ts DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 613 S. Central Ave. Phone 4677 ts AUTO TOPS PHOENiX AUTO TOP CO. 407 N. First St. Phone 6816. ts ARCHITECTS AND VAL. ENGINEERS V. O. WALLINGFORD. 310 Heard Building. BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTS. 25c. 26 S. 2nd Ave. ts BRUSHES FULLER BRUSHES—4O3 National Bank of Arizona Building. Phone 3829. ts CAFES White House Case. Home cook lng. 435 West Washington. tt CARPENTER FOR."CARPENTER call 8885. 6dn CARPET CLEANERS Your rugs and carpets cleaned like new; remaking, sizing and laying done by an expert. Phone 6133. Works 618 S. Center. ts CLEANERS DAVIS CLEANERS—Phone 5946. 330 W. Washington. ts Gwyn’s Cleanitorium. Basement Hotel Adams. Phone 6325. ts CHIROPRACTOR ~ MARICOPA CO. CHIROPRACTORS’ ASSOCIATION J. L. AND IMOGENE ANDERSON 386 N. Ist Ave. Phone 3470 HESS & ATCHISON 9-11 Central Bldg. Phone 5939 KERSHAW & NIELSON 225 West Adams. Phone 4123 E. E. HELFRICH 809 N. let SL Phone 4949 ts CHIROPODIST CHißOPODY—Bunions, corns, cal louses removed, painless and blood less, 50 cents each; moles, warts, etc., removed by electricity. 29-31 East Adams. Frank Shirley. Phone 6704. tf COLLECTIONS LEGAL WORK, collections of any description, anywhere. Phone 4368. F, E. Daly. 319 Heard Bldg. 7b Slo,/ accounts collected. Notary. Credit Ratings. 212 Fleming Bldg. Phone 6866. SHEDD. ts CORSETIERES SPIRELLA CORSETS. Mrs. Kuhl wllm, 706 W. Madison. Phone 6442. ts Spirella Corsets. Nora Smith, 1014 E. Taylor. Phone 8169. ts DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING By day or at home. Phone 5663. Mrs. Atkinson. tf DRESS AND SHIRT MAKING DRESSMAKING. TAILORING AND ART NEEDLEWORK Miss Smith. Room 31. Annex Hotel ts UP-TO-DATE dressmaking; dis tinctive altering; satisfaction guar anteed. Phone 8137: 1302 North Eleventh st. ts DRESSMAKING —Price is reason able. Phone 4683. 7bp 49 — WANTED HELP—MALE WANTED —Man with team to do plowing. Phone 16-R-2. dm WANTED —Baker’s helper. Must have had some experience. Vienna Bakery. Tempe dp 50— WANTED HELP—FEMALE WOMAN for housework; children in family; no washing; agreeable family. Phone during noon hour, 3048. U GIRL wanted to help servo Ki wanis luncheon; experience not nec essary; Ho_tel Adams dining room. __ It WANTED 2 girls for fountain work; go north; S6O and room. LIVE WIRE EMPLOYMENT AGCY. _lt WANTED —Two waitresses for out of town. See John Alsap at Dono frio’s, dn WANTED—SchooI girl living near capitol to work in home each morn ing and after <> p. m. Phone 3637. ts SHORT li AND and typewriting— Enroll now for our mid-summer term. We secure positions for our graduates. Gregg Shorthand School. •'For girls only.” 26 S. Third Ave. dn WOMAN for "general housework, family of tw'o. Must be good cook. 34U West Portland. Phone 6192. dn 51— WANTED HELP—MALE AND FEMALE WANTED —15,000 men and wom en to help eat up our good sand wiches; any kind; coldest drink in town; Rainier or draught; bar at Johnson pool hall, 16 E. Washington. C. Willard and Jack Elliot. i*rop. ts CIVIL service examinations July. Vacancies. $l2O monthly. Men. wom en, 18 upward. Experience unneces sary. For free list positions now open, write J. Leonard former Civil Service examiner. 966 Equitable Bldg. Washington. D, C. dr 52 EDUCATIONAL FOR SALE Course in modern business, by Alexander Hamilton In stitute; 24 volumes, leather bound; sacrifice for quick sale. Box 3-J, Republican. dp 56—BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED —Two or 3 passengers to Los Angeles in car. Must have references. Apply to Bookkeeper, Bawwitz ? ipnr ( f> - A Rare Chance Insufficient capital to increase business. Want a partner, active or silent, in a good paying business; will stand rigid investigation. Box 9J. Republican. dp FOR SALE OR TRADE—Good milk route. 1142 E. Garfield. dn WILL exchange half interest in 3-chair barber shop for Ford car. Address Wall Street Barber Shop, Phoenix. dr ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ELECTRIC Washers and Vacuums; various styles and prices. Vacuums for rent. Electric Appliance Agency. 15 E. Pierce. Phone 8430. ts ELECTRICAL DEAIiERS ELECTRIC wiring, motor wind ing. electrical fixtures and supplies. Hoeppner Electric & Mach. Co, 16 S. Center. Phone 6199. ts FANS 9-inch. $23; 12-inch. S3O; 16-inch, $35. Rent, buy or sell. Electric wir ing and Fixture Co., new location, S2l W. Washington. Phone 6498. t£ FENDERS ROLLED BODIES AND RADIATORS repaired. 225 North First St.; phone 6737. ts FURNITURE REPAIRING ~ Refinishing and Upholstering Pecking bv Exnert Packers DORRIS-HEYMAN FURNITURE COMPANY ts FURNITURE STORED AND PACKED Furniture stored; rates reasonable. For further information see Ford- Levy Furniture Co, 116 West Adams St. Phone 4328. ts Standard Furniture Co, 237-39 W. Washington. Phone 6551. ts GARAGE—AUTO REPAIRING Cactus Garage Rest mechanics in state. 126-134 S. First St. Phone 6134. ts GAS BURNERS Oxo gas burners, save fuel; a bur ner for every need. 330 W. Adams. ts GENERAL CONTRACTOR IT’S STRICTLY up to you. There’s one sure way of getting a real lob that is a satisfaction and not a re gret. Employ a qualified contractor. W. D. NORTHEN COMPANY, Gen eral Contractors and Builders. Phoe nix, Ariz. ts GRINDING~& BARBER SUPPLIES Grinding of all kinds. Mall orders solicited. 211 N. Central. 7-D GENERAL REPAIRING Anything repaired, sharpened. The Motorcycle Co.. 37 N. 2nd St. Phone 6754. ts HAND LAUNDRY ~ 120 East Monroe. Low price. ts HAIR DRESSING THE DE MARVEL Hair and Toilet Shop. Phone 6926. 133 N. Central ts THE RAE SHOP 31 S. 3rd Ave. Phone 3260. ts HEMSTITCHING THE HEMSTITCH SHOP—Hem stitcing, picotlng, pleating, buttons and button holes. 301 N. First Ave. Phone 644 L ts WORK called for and delivered; mail orders solicited. Mrs. J. W. Bo land. 331 W. Washington. Phone 6249. -56 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE —A small clean stock of groceries, with fixtures. 1005 E. Pierce. dr Cotton Crop One-half interest in 40 acres good clean cotton. 4 head dairy cows, price S6OO. See this at once, owner must sell. Paul Realty Company, Phone 148, Glendale. An FOR SALE—Grocery store, iee cream and soft drinks. Price $b00; S4OO cash. Apply at corner Fourth Ave. and Jefferson. A bargain for some one. ‘* r RESTAURANT— Bargain for cash. Best location. Box 2051, Miami. Ari- E GARAGE. 75 miles from Phoenix on Main highway; doing good busi ness. Machine shop, complete weld ing outfits. Terms to responsible parties. Box 73H, Republican. b FOR SALE—3-chair barber shop, bath connections; reduced rent. Call 122 N. First for further information. dn 57 WANTED—MONEY LOANS WANTED—I have several A-l loam to be covered at once at going rat-‘x. See N. A. Morford, 112 N First St WANTED—To borrow SBOO on $4500 business investment for one year’s time. Will pay 10 per cent. Box 6.T, Republican. dr 58— MONEY TO LOAN SISOO, S2OOO TO LOAN on city property. Phone 6027. Southwest Realtv, 8 N. Second Ave. It MONEY TO LOAN —$3000 to loan on first-class city property. Money now ready. Jones & Early, 302 Heard Bldg. Phone 5970. dp MONEY TO LOAN on good income property. See Mr. Taylor. 130 W. Adams. dn .MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gage on Phoenix or Salt River valley real estate. E. A. Marshall. 5 West Adams. If WE HAVE THE MONEY CHATTEL LOANS—Easy to get in sums up to S3OO at lawful rates on your furniture, piano, automobile, live stock, implements, etc. Repay in email monthly installments If deeired; ample funds, Just and courteous treatment; strictly confidentlaL Peo ple's Loan and Investment Co.. 23 E. Washington St. Phone 6396 ts REAL ESTATE LOANS Herbert S. Prince Co., 110 North Central Ave. If MONEY TO LOAN on well im proved city property. E. E. PASCOE, 136 N. Central Ave. tt MONEY TO - LOAN First mortgages on Salt River Val ley ranch lands. DWIGHT B. HEARD CO. Realtors Phone 6631. Heard Bid*:. ts ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. WANT AD OEPT. PHOENIX, ARIZ. 1 am seeking the names of reliable agencies in the following profess ions or lines of business. Will you please furnish such names and ad dresses. 1 .......... 2 I understand that you furnish this service without charge or obli gation. NAME ( ADDRESS’ HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED STRAWS. Panamas. Milana a spe cialty. Phoenix Hat Mfg. Co, 24 N. Second street. Phone 4456. ts HOUSE MOVING Williams Housemoving and Wreck ing Co. Estimates cheerfully given. Room 9. 82 North Center 6738. ts HEMSTITCHING MRS. J. K. FINK. 606 S. Ist Ave! Phone 8394. Work called for and de livered. ts KEYS DUPLICATED ~ KING BROTHERS 110 E. ADAMS. PHONE 6365 ts LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED WILL CALL for anc deliver! King Bros, 110 E. Adams. Phone 6365. ts MILLINERY SUPPLIES, hats remodeled. 115 E. Roosevelt. ts MILKING MACHINE THE SHARPLES, new and second hand, pipe line and electric models. 321 Wes’ Washington. ts NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC. 20 W PAINT SUPPLIES MATHEWS PAINT C0,"'128 S. FIRST AVE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES. BRUSHES. ETC. PHONE 6259. PROMPT DE LIVERY. tt Chicago Paint Store. Wall paper, paints, varnishes, etc. 336 E. Wash ington street. Phone 3496. Picture framing ts PHOTOGRAPHERS KUNSELMAN-HARPE CO. COMMERCIAL THOTOGRAPHERS. PHONE 8252. 206-207 HEARD BLDG. tf RING STUDIO—23 W. Jefferson. Portraits of quality. Kodak finish - ing. ts PHONOGRAPHS Victroia agency, Brunswick agency: Phonographs repaired CASS REDEWILL CO_ 226 W Washington St Phone 6344 ts PIANO TUNING S L HAMILTON —Home Sent. 1. ts PLASTERING Plastering by contract or other wise. Large or ■mall jobs. Phone 7.T2 _ ts PRINTING Business cards, $3 per 1000. Hack ler, P, O- Box 637. Phone 5271, ts Commercial work, pamphlets, book lets, handbills, etc. Arizona Repub lican Print Shop. Phone 4331. ts RADIATORS REPAIRED Radiator repairing. New cores. Plate giasa. $3.50 and up. 18 East Monro", ts Radiators repaired and rebuilt and new cores Installed. Arizona Radiator Works. 307 N. Central Ave. Phone 5009. RE-GRINDING AND MACHINE WORK DODGE reground, complete, $45. 606 W. Washington. ts 59—PERSONALS Don’t Scratch Disease infections come by scratch ing. BEARS PRICKLY HEAT REMEDY Relieves every time You can use it on the baby Safe and speedy in results 50c; worth more THE BEAR DRUG STORE “Every Bottle Guaranteed" tt BACK TO OLDEN TIMES Remember the “old American store” with its FREE DELIVERY? IT IS BACK HOME. Don’t wear out 40c worth of TIRES to run to the store to save 39c. Just call BAKER & BAY LESS. 6362, and have your order brought to your door. FREE DE LIVERY ANY AMOUNT ANY WHERE. QUALITY” GROCERIES AND MEATS YOU CAN EAT. Phone 6363. 506 N. Central BAKER & BAYLESS ts ENGRAt ED invitations, announce ments and calling cards; initial or monogram personal stationery, em bossed or in colors. Republican Job Office. ts MUNDY'S LUNCHES speak for themselves. Try them. 107 N. 2nd Ave. *2 YOUNG man, going to coast July 1. will take extra passenger for com panionship and small compensation. Box SJ. Republican. u Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizoria proposes to build a State Armory building at Phoenix, Arizona, and that contractors desir ing to submit proposals on construc tion of said building may secure plans, specifications and bid forms from Fitzhugh and Byron, architects, 206 Home Builders building. Phoenix. Arizona, and the return of said plans and specifications must be guaran teed by a deposit of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, which deposit will be returned upon the return of said plans and specifications in good con dition. Every proposal must be accompa nied by a certified check in the amount of five (6) per cent of the amount of the bid, such check to act as a guarantee by the contractor that he will, upon demand, enter into a contract with the State of Arizona to construct said building in accoro-, ance with said plans and specifica tions, or as liquidated damages in the event of failure or refusal on the part of the contractor to enter into con tract as above named. Such certified checks will be returned to the con tractors whose proposals are not ac cepted, and to the contractor to whom the work is awarded, upon the execu tion of a contract and bond, satis- PAGE ELEVEN REFRIGERATINC machinery MONTEITH ENG. CO. 32 North Central Ave Phone 6110. ts SADDLE HORSES; CATTLE MOVED Starr Corrall, 2nd Ave. & Madison, ts EXCELLENT riding horses for rent. Phone 3397. Cowboy Corral, at Five Points. b ~~ S A N IT ARVu MS Phoenix Sanatorium. Phone 4169. tf S E WIN G MA Ci-Ti NE S PHOENIX SEWING MACH. EXCEL THE WHITE AGENCY Machines rented repaired, crated and shipped. 314 E. Washington. Phone 5909. ts SH~O~E~REP aT R ING ” ALL KINDS of shoe repairing. 136 S First street T. N. Cordova. 7n Goodyear Shoe Shop 15 S. Ist Ave. Men’s half soles, sl. tf TENNIT RACQUETS RESTRUNG Best quality of gut strings. Expert workmanship. Reasonable prices. The Berryhill Co., 42 E. Washing ton ts TI REHREPAIRING Tailor made tires. You have shoes half soled, why not tires? 330 W. Adams. ts TRANSFER CONSOLIDATED MOTOR TRUCK CO. Daily freight schedule. Globe and Miami night service. Office 18 S. central. Phones 6228-3526, ts TRANS FE R AND^TQRAGE U. S. Govt, bonded fireproof ware houses. Special attention given to packing, crating and shipping of fur niture. ARIZ. STORAGE & DfST. CO. 18 S. Center. Phones 6228-3526 ts Baggage checked to destination. All kinds of hauling. Fireproof storage. Lightning Delivery Co. 42 S. Center. Phone 3094 and 4126. ts TYPEWRITERS = LYMAN BENNETT All makes sold, rented and rebuilt. State agents L. C. Smith & Bros, and Corona typewriters. 35 V 4 N. Ist Ava Phone 6844. ts VETERINARIANS ' R. J. HIGHT, graduate veterinarian. Phones: Phoenix. 6410; Tempe, 95 ts WINDOW CLEANERS PHOENIX MAINTENANCE CO.— Painting, caisomining, window clean ing, house cleaning. White help. Phones 5093 or 5039. ts 'UNO ERTAKERS~&~EM~B A L M E Rif YARWOOD & HOCKREY 334 W. Monroe. Phone 3099 We prepare bodies for shipment to any part of the world. ts THE GEO. F. MERRYMAN CO. Phone 5051. 124 N. 2nd Ave. ts J. T. WHITNEY 134 W, ADAMS ST. PHONE 5078. ts A. H. McLELLAN Undertaker and Funeral Director Phone 4940. 617 N. Central Ave. ts H. M. MAUS 311 N. First Ava Phones 6570 and 6929. ts D A. PARKS Funeral Director 245 W. Adams L O. O. F. Temple Phone 5925 ts A. L. MOORE & SONS Auto ambulance. Phone 6001 ts Legal Advertising factory to the said State of Ari zona. The said State of Arizona reserves the right to reject any and all pro posals and to withhold the award, if for any reason it may so desire. All proposals must be mailed or delivered to W. S. Ingalls, adjutant general of the State of Arizona, at the Capitol building, PMoenix. Ari zona, on or before 10 o’clock a.m., on the 29th day of June, 1922. and such bids will be opened at said time at the office of Fitzhugh and Byron, architects, 206 Home Builders build ing, Phoenix, Arizona, and considered by the officials of the State of Ari zona. Done by order of W. S. Ingalls, adjutant general of the State of Ari-, zona, this Vth day of June, 1922. \V. S, INGALLS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is her«Dy given that the State of Arizona proposes to build a State Armory Building at Mesa, Ari zona, and that contractors desiring to submit proposals on construction of said building may secure plans, specifications and bid forms from Eescher, Kibbey & Mahoney'. Archi tects, Arizona National Bank Build ing, Phoenix, Arizona, and the return of said plans and specifications must be guaranteed by a deposit of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, which deposit will be returned upon the re turn of said plans and specifications in good condition. Every proposal must be accom panied by a certified check in the amount of five (5%) per cent of the amount of the bid; such check to act as a guarantee by the contractor that he will, upon demand, enter into a contract with the State of Arizona,, to construct said building in accord-, ance with said plans and specifica-f tions, or as liquidated damages in event of failure or refusal on the part of the contractor to enter into con-' tract aa above named. Such certified checks will be returned to the con tractors whose proposals are not ac cepted, and to the contractor to whom the work is awarded, upon the execution of a contract and bond, satisfactory to the said State of Ari zona. The said State of Arizona reserves the right to reject any and all pro posals and to withhold the award, if for any reason it may so desire. All proposals must be mailed or delivered to W. S. Ingalls, Adju-’ tant General of the State of Arizona, > at the Capitol Building. Phoenix., Arizona, on or before eleven o’clock A. M.. on the 29th day of June, 1922. and such bids will be opened at said time at the office of Lescher.Kibbey & Mahoney, Architects, Arizona Na tional Bank Building, Phoenix, Ari zona, and considered by the officials of the State of Arizona. Done by order of W. S. Tngalls, Adjutant General of the State of Arizona, this 14th day of June. 1922. lit \V. S. INGALIA