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UOPtILI] HfcERISTJER AI¥D JOURNAL. i$Y sanfokd & wilson. noniu:. iin Ksnan n»u •*, imi. „ ,, voi, i ^ I E K M S . Subscription, ten dollars tor the daily paper, payable in a I vaiic.e, and live dollars for the country paper, payable yearly in advance by cash or city reference. Persons wishing to discontinue, must give one week's notice in writing. Advkrtisimo.—Advertisements continued without in terruption, will be charged at the rate ot one dollar per square for tlielirsl insertion, and fifty cents for each sub sequent one. Semi-weekly and tri-weekly ones will be charged the same as lirsl insertions. Twelve lines make a square. If an advertisement makes less than a square, it shall cost as much us u full one. Advertisements not limited on the manuscript, as to the uuiuber of insertions, will be continued lor two Doiilh* and so charged, unless previously directed to be taken out of the paper by a written order. Advertisements not bearing upon their fttcea the names of the persons by whom they are sent, must be endorsed b> them. The terms for annual advertisers will be $10 for one square, and $2.1 for each additional square, with the privi lege of changing once a week, due in advance. The privilege of annual advertisers is limited to their own immediate business ; aud all advertisements for the oeiietll of other persons, as well ns all legal advertise ments, and advertisements of auction sales, sent by them, must lie paid for at the usual rates. All advertisements required by law, will be charged at .* the f ill rales. , . . „ Annual advertisers who exceed the space lor which tne> contract, will be charged at the usual rates. Arrangements will be made with those who occupy halt mcolumn or more continuously for a yew, according to _ the nature of the business, aud the frequency ol the eiiauge of matter. _ ,h„ Advertisements of application for the benefit of me Insolvent Laws, will not be published in any case, unless paid for previous to insertion, or payment be guaranteed by a responsible person in town. . . _ All announcements of candidates lor office, will he char ged live dollars for daily insertions during the canvass, parable in all cases in advance. Military mid Fire Companies, and other similar Assooia tious, will be charged full rates by the insertion, or forty dollars per aiiuuin if they do not exceed one square each All personal communications, when admissible, will he charged double, and in all c»ses payment must be made in advance. _ In Chancery—State of Alabama—Mobile County. At Rule*, Oct. 25, 1841. David Ferguson, complainant, 834 vs. Daniel M. Marr, P. P. Biowne, John J. Webster, John O’Cuinmuift, James Hogan, Henry A. Snow, Nancy C. Marr, Franklin C. Heard, and Joseph Holford, defendants. Till IF. bill in this case is filed to enforce an eqtuta J. ble lien upon funds of Marr, Browne & Co. in the hands of Cummins, llogan & Snow, specifically appropriated by Marr, Browne & Co. to the pay ment of n debt due complainant; and to enjoin said funds in the hands of Cummins, Hogan & Snow and Franklin C. Heard. Marr, Browne & Co. being indebted t« complain ant in a large sum of money, gave him ail order on said Cummins, Hogan and Snow, for such amount to be paid out of funds of Marr, Browne & Co. iu the’r bauds, which order was duly presented to ■aid Cuuiiuius, llogan 4* Snow for payment; and upon their refusal to pay, it was duly protested, of all which said Cummins, Hogan & Snow had due no tice. Marr, Browne & Co. are insolvent; but have funds in the hands of Cummins, Hogan 4* Snow, sufficient to pay said order. The appropriation of said funds to complainant was prior to any other ap propriation of same to any other creditor, nml com plainant thereby acquired a claim thereto superior to any other creditor of said firm of Marr, Browne, & ^ And now the complainant comes by his solicitors and applies for an order of publication; and it ap pearing to the satisfaction of the Register of the Court of Olmncery for the First District of the South ern Chancery Division of the State of Alabama, at Mobile, (from an affidavit on file) that the defend ants. J*»lm J. Webster and James Holford, are non residents of this stale, they are ordered to appear at the next term of said Court of Chancery, to lie held at Mobile, on the second Monday of November next, and answer or demur to the bill of complaint; and it is further ordered that this order lx* published once a week for six weeks, in some newspaper printed and published in the city of Mobile; and that a copy of the same lx? posted on the door of the court house of Mobile county, all within fifteen days from this date. . Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said Court of Chancery, at Mobile, this 25th day of Octolier, A. 1). 1841. M.J. McRAF., Register. In Chancery—Slate of Alabama—Mobile County. Sjfrmf 7Vm, *811. The President, T>irectora*«4 Company of the Bank of Norfolk, complainants. 25 vs.. Charles Brown nnd Lucy C. Brown, his wi e, deft’s. PURSUANT to a decree rendered in this cause at the Spring Term, A. D. 1841, of the court of chance ry for the first district of the southern chancery di • jsion of "aid state at Mobile, I shall proceed to sell ,in the order prescribed in said decree) on the first Monday in December next, in front of the court house of Mobile county and between the usual hours of sheriff sales, nil the interest of Charles Brown and wife, in so much of the property described as follows, in a certain deed of mortgage made and executed by said defendants to s nd complainants and bearing date the 29th day of May, A. D. 1828, as may be necessa ry to satisfy said decree, to wit:—Sundry pnreels of real estate situated m tne city of Mobile in the state of Alabama, bounded and described ns follows, viz: one lot of land bounded northwardly on St. Francis street two hundred and fifty-two feet; west wardlv on land of White ninety-eight feet; southwardly on la d of F. & VV. Armstrong about iwo hundred and forty feet more or less; eastwardly on Water street one hundred nnd two feet and a half. One Kit of land bounded northwardly on St. Francis street two hun dre I and twenty feet; westwardly oil Water street one hundred and three feet; southwardly on land of H. Hitchcock, about two hundred and twenty feet; eastwardly on Commerce street one hundred and six feet. Also a certain wharf or water lot with the dock and flits thereto adjoining nnd belonging, bound ed on Commerce stre t about one hundred and six feet; northwardly on the dock about two hundred and eighty-five feet; eastwardly on the channel of Mobile river about one hundred and six feet; south wardly by another dock or flats two hundred and eighty-five feel—together with all the buildings on said several fins of lan^, and also all the rights, priv ileges and appurtenances to the same in any way belonging, moaning and hereby intending to convey all the real estate whatsoever of me the said Brown, within said city of Mobile whether particularly de scribed or not. Terms of sale ensh. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said court of chancery, this the 1st day of November, A D. 1841. Attest, nov2 66tuls M. J. McRAF, Rigis'rr. "7 In'Chancery—State of Alabama—Mobile County. '''Sarah H. Pryor, complt. Spring Term 676 vs. A. D. 1841. George C. Barney, Susan It. Barney his wife and Charles PURSUANT to a Barney, defendants. decree rendered in this cause at the spring term A. D. 1841, of the csurtof chancery for the first district of the southern ehancery ivision of said State at Mobile, I shall proceed to sell,on the first Monday in December next, in front of the court house of Mobile county, and be tween the usual hours of sheriff’s sales, the proper ty described in a certain mortgage made by George C. Barney and Susan R. his wife, to Sarah H. Pryor bear ing date the 12th March, a. d. 1838. as follows: •« All that lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate, lying and lieing in the county of Mobile, and State of Alabama, discribed as follows: bounded on the north l»v Dau phin Way; on the south by Dauphin street extended, oil the west by lands of Ezra Green; and on the east by lands of Charles L. Tew, containing four and three fourths acres.—Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the said George C Barney hy the said Sarah H. Prior, Edward Dunniugand Alan on Knapp and Thadeus Sanford, Trustee by deed bearing date the seventh day of March, a. l>. 1836— recorded in the office of the clerk of the county court, of Mobile county, in deed book Cl, png*-' 80 and 81. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, rights, members, privileges and appurtenances unto the above inentione l described premises belonging or in anv wise appertaining.” Perms of sale cash. Witness Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said court of chancery this 1st day of November, a. d. 1841. * Attest, novl 66ifM. J. McRAE, Reg’r. In Cbaucery—State of Alabama—Mobile County. Spuing Term, A. I). 1841. Roliert L. Walker coropl’l. PURSUANT to a 659 vs. decree iendered in this Jesse G. Thomas, defend’t. cause at the Spring Term A. D. 1841 of the Court of Chancery for the first District of the Southern Chancefy Division of said state, at Mobile, I shall proceed to sell, on the first Monday in December next, in front of the court house of Mobile county, and lietween the usual hours of sheriff *a sides, the property described in the bill of complaint filed ill the cause, as follows: That certain part or parcel of land, situate in the city of Mobile, bounded and descrilied as follows:— On the north side or St. Francis street, having a front of fifty four feet on St. Francis st., and extend ing back the same width half the distance of the square lying between St. Francis and St. Michael MreeU, bounded south by St. Francis street, west by a lot sold by Joshua Kennedy to lacob Baptiste, north by lands now or lately belonging to the said Johsua Kennedy, and east by lands now or lately iMlonging to RobeitL. Walker. Terms made known fl the time of sale. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said Court of Chaneery, this 1st day of November, A. I). 1841. _ novl66tf Attest, M. J. McRAE. Res HITE BEANS—109 bids su^. quality, fo* ■ale at lew prices, by oetS L. SCULL & SON. Iii Chancery Stale of Alaltauin-—Mobile County. Spring Term, A. D. 18-11. . Isaac II. F.rwin, adm*r. of Henry Hitchcock, dec’ll complainant, 449 & 6*1 vs. 'I’lie Mobile Steam Colton Press and Building Co., Charles Cullunt, Edward Harding. President, Di rectors and Co. of the Bank of Mwbilc, the Planters' and Mei*chunts’ Bank of Mobile, Reuben Barnes, James Barnes, defendants. PURSUANT to a decree rendered in this cause, at the spring term A. I) 1841, of the court of chan cery foi the first district of the southern chancery di vision of said state at Mobile; 1 shall proceed to sell, on the first Monday in December next, in front of the court house of Mobile comity, and between the usual hours of Sheriff's sales; the property describ ed in a certain mortgage made and executed by the Mobile Steam Cotton Press and Building Company to Charles Culluin, and Itearing date the 80th day of June, A. D. 1836, as follows : All that certain tract, piece, parcel, or lot of land and premises, situate, ly ing and being in tile city of Mobile and descrilied as follows : commencing at a point «n the cast side of Royal street between Conti and Government streets, at the distance of one hundred and thirty two S-12 feet northwardly from the north east corner of Gov ernment and Iioy«| streets, thence running north wardly on Royal atisixty one feet, thence north seventy four deftre®-thir|v |„inutes, cast one hun .iron feel, m:..' •■h'™ <-a.t i.ixiy seven leet nine in. , 1 8"Utli seventy mix de grees, west to place . ••eginning; bounded on the we?»t l»y Royal street, _**'«; north by property of Charles Culluin, called the Iflafur/U11 House, on the east partly by said Mansion House" premises, and partly by a lot hereinafter conveyed hy the party of the first part to the party of the second part, and* on the south by property of said party of the first part. Also, all that certain other lot or piece of ground adjiiining the lot above conveyed, and to the east thereof described as follows, to wit : commencing at the smith east corner of said lot above conveyed and described, or intended so to lie, thence running north seventy six degrees 30minutes east, and in continu ation of the saute course as the southern boundary line of said lot above conveyed forty one feet eight inches to the north east corner of the premises be longing to said party ol the first pail: thence run ning north seventeen degrees and thirty minutes,west thirty feet; thence westwardly to the eastern boun dary line of said lot above conveyed to a point twen l\ six fe *t northwardly from the place of beginning; thence south sixteen degrees east along Maid eastern boundary line twenty six feet to place of beginning; said last described lot, bounded on the west by said ot first almvc conveyed on the north and east by said Mansion House premises of which it has here tofore formed a part, and on the south by property of said party of the lust part. Also, the property deserilied in a corJuin deed of mortgage, made and executed on the 20th day of November, A. 1). 1837, by the Mobile Steam Cot ton Press and Building Company to Henry Hitch cock, as follows : All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the city ol Mobile, at the north east corner of Government and Royal streets, having a front on Government street of one hundred and forty seven feet, by a depth fronting on Royal street of one hundred and ninety feet, the said premises hereby conveyed, being die entire lot upon which the large hotel is now being erected by the said Mobile Steam Colton Press and Buil ling Com pany—together w ith all and singular the tenements, here litaments, rights, members, privileges and ap purtenances unto the altove mentioned and described premises,lielongiug or in any wise appertaining.— Perms made known at the time of sale. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of the said court of clianoery, this 1st day arf November, a, d. 1841. ' Attest—M. J. Me RAF nnv2 66tf In Onaucery—State of Alalm u—Mobile County. Spring Term, A. I). 1841. Charles W. Gnzzam, compl t. 569 va. Oliv*r A. Pitfield a°d Audley U. Guzz .m, defts. PURSUANT to a decree rendered in this cause at the SpringTerm, A. D. 1841 of the court of chance ry for the first district of the southern chancery di vision of said state at Mobile, 1 sliaj! proceed to sell on the first Monday in November next, in front ot the court house of Mobile county and between the usual hours of sheriff sales, the property described in a certain deed of mortgage made by said Ol v« r A. Pitfield to smd Audley H. Gazzaru and hearing date the 8th day of July, A. D. lSJfi, as follows:—All that certain tract, piece, parcel, or lot of hmd and premises situate, lying and beuig within the corporate limits of the city of Mobile, being part of the tract of land known and described as the Favre tract; sa d lot ol land herebyconvuyad or intended so to be is the same lot of land conveyed by the party of the se cotni part to the party of he first part by deed bear ing even date wiih these presents and bound'*! and described as follows: commencing at a stake mark ed A. H. G. on the west side of Conception street about two hundred feel aouth of Maine street, and running north along said west boundary of Concep tion street fifty teet, i*nd extending buck west wnrdly in depth one hundred and ten feet, being fifty feet front on Conception street, one hundred and ten feet o». the somh line, fifty feet on the west line, and one hundred ami ten feet on (lie north line: together with all and singular, the tenements, hereditaments, rights, members, privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. Terms of sale cash. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said court of chancery, this the first day of Ooober, A. D. 1841. Attest, octl 73ttds M. J. McRAE, Regs ter. The above property was sold on tile first Monday of this present month and the purchaser having failed to comply with the terms ol his purchase, it will !>e re-sold on the first Monday in December next, on account and risk of whom it may concern. ii*»vG 70tf M. J. McRAE, Register. Iii Chancery—State of Alabama—Mobile County. Spring Term, A. ])., 1841. George W. Barney, conipl’t, ) PURSUANT to a 797 vs. >decree rendered in Joseph B. Earle, defendant, j this case at the Spring Term A. I). 1841 of the court of chancery for the first district of the southern chancery division of said state at Mobile, I shall proceed to sell on the first Monday in Deeendier next, in front of the court house of Mobile county, aad between the usnl hours of sher iff sales, the property described in a certain deed of mortgage made by Jouepli B. Earle to George \V. Barney and bearing date the 10th day of February, A. 1). 1839,11s follows:—The following tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying and lining in the comi ty of Marengo in the State f Alabama, viz: the east half anil north west quarter of section one of town ship twelve of range one west containing four hundred and eighty acres; also the west half of section two oftownship twelve of range one west, containing three bundled and twenty acres. Also, the east half of sectionthree of township twelve of range one west, containing three hundred and twentv acres. Also, the east half and north west quarter of section thirty four of township thirteen and range one west, con tabling four hundred and eighty acres. Also, section thirty-five of township thirteen of range one w est con taining six hundred and forty acres. Also, the south east quarter of section twenty-eight of townxhip thir teen of range one west containing one hundred and sixty acres. Also, the south west quarter of section twelve of township twelve of range one west, contain ing one hundred and sixty acre.. Also, the west hull of section thirty-six of township thirteen of range one west containing three hundred and twenty acres. Also, the following tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying and ls*ing in the county of Washington in the Stnte of Alabama, on the west side of the Toinl*eck bee river, viz: the fraction of section sixteen of town ship twelve of range one west, containing six acres ami thirty-two hundredths of an acre. Also, the fraction of section seventeen of township twelve of range one west containing seven acres ami Imly-fwo hundredths of an acre; also, the fraction •»!' section twenty of township twelve of range one west, containing twenty three acres ami sixty two hun dredths of an acre; also, the fraction of section twenty one, of township twelve, of range oue west, containing two hundred and ninety-two acres ami ninety hundredths of an acre; also, the fraction of section twenty eight, of township twelve, of ratine one west, containing fifty seven acres and fif teen hundredths of an acre; also the fraction of section twenty eight of township twelve of range one west, containing »wo hundred and seventy six acres ami seventy hundredths of an acre; also, the fraction of section twentv seven of township twelve of range ene west, containing fifty seven acres and forty hundredths of an acre; also, the fraction of section twenty nine of township twelve, of range one west, containing ninety four acres; also, the north west quarter of section thirty of township twelve, of range one west, containing one hundred and sixty-| one acres, this last quarter «.f section thirty lying in the countv of Clarke, in the state of Alabama, ami mi the east side of tile river Tombeckbee; also, all the grain anil cotton which may have been cultivated or raised, or produced on any and all of the afore said land daring the year one thousand eight hundred and forty one, or which may be growing thereupon; and also, the following negro slaves, to wit: Amy, Patience Annis and child, Solomon Maria, and all her children Tom Hapell Peter Quaco, i«»rry, Hamlet, Tamer ami child Eden, Ji»e Howrott, Ag gv, Washington, Sam, Melvina, Jeff, Hick Joe Popleston, Joe Mixon Sail, Harriet, Jack Esther Maria, John, M tinier, Squire, Jinny, Sarah, Bill, Wilson Judah and child Rachel and’child, Mack Fortune, Judah John, Jiin, Harriet Fuehy Tom, West, Hannah, George Mann, John Bond Joe liiiibus and Hick. Terms made known ul the liiue of sale. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of the Court of Chancery ai Mobile, this 28th day of November, 1841. novltf Attest, M. J. McRAE,Register. h r n i n k s s «Anns. , f I j 111’, si BSCR1BER having »• -111 * I • Aed hituseii 1- in this cilv for tin* pit-pose of conducting a FAC TORAGE 4: GENERAL COMMISSION HU J SIN ESS, would respectfully solicit the putrnnageol ; l»is friend9. OFFICE—No. G9 Commerce-si.» cast side a few doors above Conti street. nuv 11 74||if SAMCEL ROBINSON. REFERENCE. John Robinson, Esq., Charleston, S. Carolina. W.w. Rohinson, Esq. Linden, Marengo Co. Ala. Col. E. M. Lidf, Richmond, Dallas Co. Ala. MeOINNEY & ROBINSON, C () M M l S SION M E R C H A N T S, N«. G, Cumineire-st.Mobile. JACOB OBF.R, GROCER Y S TO R F , No. 21, (iovcrmnent-Rtreet,.Mobile. J*. M. \\ U H L Its A. CO C o M MI SSIU N M E RCH A N T S, MOBILE, Ala. Office—No. 7, Sr. Francis-strekt, Over the D> y Goods at >rc of' VI ilkinsun, IJupkins 4* Co. REFERENCEn. St. John, Powers A L’o. Mobile. A. B. Wvnu, } __ J. D«vW,«n, \ Mail. J. Forney. I n . ('ul. J. I). Hoke, { B,‘uU,n J. Uonoley A Co, Selins. R. (J. Huntley, Lowndes.—[Tus. Fit.*. oot4 *i4twmo. J. 1. ANDREWS & BROTHKRS, Commission Merchants, Nsw- Yo rk. ANDREWS & BROTHERS, Commission Merchants, New-Orlean* E. L. ANDREWS & CO., Commission Merchants, Resilience of Partners— Mobile, Ala. J. I. Andrews, New-York. Z. Andrews, New-Orlenns. E. I.. Andrews, Mobile. tJ Liberal advances made on Consignments to either of the above houses. inn 16 MOSELEY & CO.—DRUGGISTS, At the Corner of Dauphin and Royal Streets. Are now receiving additional supplies of fresh Drugs and Medicines, of the Is-st quality, which they idler for sale in quan tities to suit purchasers at moderate prices. JOHN C. RYAN, ( Late 0’Connor 8p Ryan,) COMMISSION MERCHANT, ianlti MoRii.r. At.a. 7u )BERTSo7& CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Win, II. Robertson, i Mobile, Ala. Henry Myers, > Jos. E. Murrell. ) ianlG J NO. B. TOULM1N, COMMISSION M E R C II A N T, ianlti 37 St. Michael st.—Mobile. (HiDEN BROTHERS^ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ianlti Mobile, Ala. McGKAN & NOONAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN IRON, At:, ianlti No. 6 St. Michael st.-—Mobile. A. BATHi£ & CO.7 Commission Merchants, No. 70 Commerce street.—MOBILE. O’ Advances made on Cotton shipped to their friends iu Europe und the United Slates. ianlG E. C. CENTER & CO., Commission Merchants, ianlti MOBILE. < i A KDN KK .V SAGER, ~ Commission Merchants, MOBILE. O' Advances made on •otton. ian!6 F. SHAW & CO., Commission Merchants, MOBILE, ALA. Frank!!* Shaw. Gustavus llorttHi. I.A1 HU k Lhri'LiuoSS; General Uummuiiun RkRcuiNTi, Mobile, Ala. Wm. Laird. J. Littlejohn. HOLCOMBE, BROTHER & CO., Factors and Com mission Merchants, uctlti No, 39 Front tip Commerce st*.—Middle. FRANKLIN W. McCOY, Commission Merchant, ianlti Mobile. Cl RODE it \VH1Te7 Produck,Grocery a Commission Merchants Corner Commerce and Dauphin streets, f*n!6_ MU BILL, Ala. JOHN SIMPSON co7 Factors & Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. John Simpson. Heury G. Caufleld. ROBERT HARWELL, Factor and Com mission Menchant, mu lti 23 Commerce st.—M o I) 11 e . LATHAM HULL 7 SON , Auction and Com mission Mekchats, No . 22 VV ut e r Street, Mobile, Ala. ITT Liberal advances made on consignments. JEREMIAH REA, Aucion and Commission Merchant, corner Water and St. Michael streets, ianlti Mobile. HARRIS & 77ufcS, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, mil lO 37 Water street—M o b i I e . T)ESHOiN, TAYLOR & MYERS, ' CROGEH6 and SHIP CHAN DLL US, ittiiio No. 80 Commerce st.—MCHILE. AUSTIN 6l TARDY, G 11 O C E R S AND SHIH CHANDLERS, Comer Commerce and Conti streets, C. II. Austiu, t MOBILE. B. Tardy, > D. C. LOW HER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GKOCEU1ES and PROVISIONS, ianlti 69 Couwnerce si.—A1 ohii. e. JOSEPH HALL & CO., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Hard Ware, Iron, N ails, Hollow W are,&c Corner Commerce und Duupht.i sts. ianlti MOBILE. R. NORTH, Family Medicine Store, No. 36 Cavernmcut street, inn 16 opposite the Market.—Mobile. U. L. WATKINS *L CO., Corner Water und St. Francis at*.—MOBILE Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND ianl6 Window Glass. ~ 1. C. DUBOSE fc CO., ( Late Dubose 8f Ruff.) W H O L E S A L E DkUOUISTS, ianl« No. 39 Water nt.—MOBILE. THOMAS S. BATES, No. 60 Water street—Mobile. Wholesale kt Beta I Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dhy Goods. JOHN K. RANDALL, Bowk Seller and Stationer, No. 44 Water street.—M obi le . 09“ A Bookbindrv is attached to the establishment. DO U BLEDAY & SEARS, Wholesale A Retail Dealers in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Pocket Cutlery, Music, Fancy Articles, &c. No. 50 /fnupkinst.—MOBILE. (Ti* Merchants, Teachers and others, purchasing in | quantities, tUrnisheil on the most liberal terms. Ian 16 HOUS EHOLD FURNITURE, D ESKS, $v. A (fueral assort meat of the n t e s t s t v t e s by J. C. GW IN, 32 Water and 48 Dauphin streets, ianl6 Mobile. D. 8*. GREGORY & CO., EXCHANGE OFFICE, ianl6 No. 54 Royal st.—Mobile. MOBILE REGISTER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 53 Royal S t re et , Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Steamboat Bills, Bills Ladiag, Justice, Notary, Lawyers, Custom House, Shipping Blanks, Ac. N e a | I v and Expeditiously Executed j BAGGING AND ROPE—Kentucky, India, and i Dundee Bagging, and Kentucky ami Northern j Rone, in store and for sale by E. L. ANDREWS & CO., iioyS Corner Commerce and Dauphin sts. FLOUR.— too barrels sii|HM'tine western; 60 bills und half Mils northern family Flour, in store and 1 arriving, for sale by Cl RODE WHITE, nnvl7 corner Coin, and Dauphin-sis. A FEW bales of heavy Cotton and Woollen goods suitable for negro clothing—for sain very low to close u consignment. E. L. ANDREWS & CO. no\17 cor. Com. & Dauphin sts. CHOICE CIGARS.—One case containing Ceres Regalia, Jaques Regnliu, Imjierial Rcgalil and Imperial Tiabuco, for §ale by novl7 D. WHEELER, 8 Water st. I * ITHI 1C HOICKS._ CONTI STREET HOTEL. ie-'Ha, A OARO.—Recent events have ninth* ii leeessarv that I should leave Natchez, anti I have therefore selected this city asn place of residence, in hopes of obtaining that support which was closed a 1 piinst me there in consequence of losses by tire and lornndo. I have taken and orened the h mse on Conti street, known as the CONTI STREET HOTEL, now the property of Mr. McCarty, the same that was ownedhx Mr. John Richardson, and which under his management gained considerable reputation. I promise to make this house all it should be—a home fo- all those xvlio may patronize the establish ment. I have lieen thirty odd years in the rivuih, twenty three of which I laive lieen occupied iu keeping a public house in the city "f Nntchc»| The Conti-street Hotel has Ih*c* neatly fitted up, and furnished anew. 'I he sei imt* are the same that I had in the Natchez Suuthefh Exl hange, and are well accustomed to their busiii ss. The Hotel is mixv ready t«* receive l*m*rder«, aXd the undersign ed will l»* thank tnl for all patmnngi i .» nervals public may think proper to bestow. WILIJ New Orleans, Nov. 15th, l$4l. f \ MRS. A. BREW TRIVATE BOA Win*!.: Conti street, betxveen Water and Commerce streets, Mobile—u few doors east of the Mansion House. (lentlc.inen will find this house c uvenient, rmired and commodious, li i» very central, being within three hundred yards of the New Orleans steamboat landing and only a fexv s,eps from the Blakely land ing, four doors west of Commerce-st. Boarding and Lodging hy the day or month, reasonable terms. nov22 88tt NEGROES.—The subscriber ha* on hand and will be constantly receiving loin Charleston and Baltimore, NEGROES of every description, which will tie disposed of at moderate prices. He will also make liberal advances on Negroes put in bis bands Ibr sale, at bis place on Jackson, between Dauphin and £t. Francis streets. oct‘22 62t aprl '42 J A MES E. ZENTZ. NOTICE.—The subscriber having purchased tlije entire stock and trade of .Means. J. IIaI.i. 4* ('o. Iiegs leave to inform his friends stud the public, that he designs keeping n constant and well assorted supply of IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, EDGE TOOLS AND FANCY HARDWARE, at the old stand, Corner Water & Hitchcock's Alley. He hopes by unremitted attention to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore iwtended to his predecessors. OVIDE MAZANGE. novB 69tf riYHE undersigned having sold lh#ir stock of /r<n X and Hardware tn Mr. O. M AZANGE, beg loave to solicit for bun a continuance of !he patronage 01 customers. (jCj'The office of the itibseriber is re moved to Chart h street, first door west of Royal st. where all those indebted will pleaserall anil pay,and all demands presented for settlement. SpnouS 69tf JOSEl’H HALL & CO. I^NOR SALE.—1 Eleven shares of the New Theatre Stock (all paid in) for Cash. Persons purchas ing this stock can purchase either Season Tickets or Boxes, twenty per cent lower than for cash. Apply at GREGORY'S Exchange, 54 Hoyal-nt. N. B.—The above will be sold in single shares if wanted. nov6:70tf ON INNEY (XfcTH —120 IWIIs 45 in. 2lhs to the R yartl, landing from Brig \v dtuupka. This ar ticle is well worth tin* attention of planters and fac tors, lieing made e\|M essly for ibis market, for sale by novlHkmo JOHN O'REILEY. JUST RECEIVED and for sale 30 half and qr barrels No. 1 Markeiel 30 half and qr bbls Cranberne* 15 tlxY Imperial, ll\son aud Guapowder Tea 35 l»oxes Soap, 20 do Sperm Candles 50 lioees and half Ikixcs Raisins 30m Canones, Colorado nn<t Briucipe Cigars 50 bags Shot, 45 boxes Chl*w-„g Tobacco ^pieces Kentucky and lnalia fagging 8<*»r.> its KcittuQkv Rope I iiW pq>es old Ofard & J J* Dupy Brandy Holla*;* Gin; Jamaica Rum; I)<fu»estic Liquors, Ac. nov 18 by I*. McCASKIl.L, 18Commerce at. BAGGING.—80 piece* 44 U»rh wide, 11 pds per yard; “Jas. Gilroy," oiaitnfaciore Bagging. 100pieces 44 inch w ide 11 pdsper yd ; “J Mitchell" imperial Hemp Bagging. 70 pieces 11 inch w ioe, 11 pd» per yd ; dark color ed imperial Hemp Bagging. 40 pieces 44 inch wide, 11 pds |ier yd; Ja* Gilroy, ; imitation In4ia Bagging. 158 roll* 44 inch wide, 1J pda per yd; “Baxter” manufacture Bagging. 200 coils Rope—for sale on accommodating terms n..v is E.C, CENTER &CO. RICE.—20 tierces new, for sale bv SMITH it DABNEY, nov 16 22 ami 24 Cnmmerce-sl. Whiskey', b5\\dy, uinvf k <,i\. 100 barrels old Rectified Whir-key 50 barrels New Y ork Brandy 30 barrels Now England Rum 10 bbls N. Y'. Ciii—in store and arriving, for Bale by CIRODE k WHITE, novl7 corner Commerce and Datiphin-sts. C1IGAKS.—20,000 'J'rabucos, just received ami J for sale by mo\16 TlfOS. I\ MILLER & CO. £>( \ BBLS. AMERICAN BRANDY, 20 bbls American (Jin, 20 bbls Northern Rum, in store aj^ for sale by \V. EDMOND & Co., noviV 96 Coumierce-xt. BAGGING & KOBE.-150 pieces superior Kentucky Bagging, 150coils superior Kentucky Rope, for sale by nov 17 ‘ D. YVIIEELER, 8 Water-st. 11 AN I LK GRAPES.-A fine assortment of A."-*- Mantle Giates ia store and tor sale by nov 12 JNO. R TOULMIN.358t. Michael-st. ICTOll SALE.—A first late Family Horse, with a single Barouche and Harness. Also, a neat Buggy Waggon new, with harness complete. nov 16 W. EDMOND &Co.,96 ( 'mmiifi re -st POCKET CUTLERY.-Douhli:liay fy Hkaks No. 86 Dauphin street, liave this day removed an assortment of splendid Penknives, manufactured by “Joseph Rogers Jt, Sous” and ‘‘George Worateu lioliu.” Also, Desk Knives and Eraser*. novl9 THE History of the French Revolution, hy M. A, Thiers, late Prime M mister of France.-— Trail*-* Intcd with notes and illusti sit ions from tlm most au thentic sources, by Frederick Shnherl; second Ame rican edition, complete in four volumes, with steel en gravings. 'Pile works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England,a new edition; with the life of the Author hy ILuil Montague, Esquire, in three volumes Roy al $vo. * Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature, edited by George Ripley, Jr. eleven volumes. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers, hv Henry Ros coe, Esij. Barrister at Law, m two volumes, Grcville: or, A Season in Paris, by Mr« Corn, Authoress of the “The Dowager,” “The Peeress,,’ &c. iir.two volumes, 'Pile Miser: or The Convicts of Ltsnnmona, by William Carleton, utbor of “Neal Malone,” “Fu ther Butler,” &c. Mrs. Marcel’s Book of Stories for young children. A Treatise on the Diseases and Inquiries of the Luuynx and Traohte; by Frederick liytand. Ele ments of the Pathology of the Homan Mind,by 'Pirns. Mayo, M. 1). F. K. S. both works complete in one volume. 'I he Sanative influence of Climates, with an ac count of rile best places of resort for invalids in Eng land/Phe South of Europe, &c. by Sir James ('lark, Bait. m. i>. r. k. s. The above new publications, together w ith many valuable standard works, just received and for sale by DOUBLEDAY & SEARS. nov25 36 Dauphin st. SERVANT FOR HIRE.—A good Laborer will lie hired till 1st June at !ff’20 per month. Apply to_(imv 24) THUS. P. MILLER & CO. EXTRA REGALIA CIGARS, “ Brittannla” brand; also Trabucos, landing from schooner Belle, from Havana, and for sale for cash only, hy nov25 86 J. G. MICHAELOFF8KY,89 Royal st. SADDLES.—2 cases for sale u| vi iy low prices, nox2l R5ku 1>v JGlIN O’REILEY. NEGROES FORSALE—William,a first rate drayman; Mary, and her sou, three years old, first rate cook, washer and ironer; Bill, pightfgn years old, good ostler and house servant. Apply tn nov24 VV EDMOND & CO., 96Com. st. PERM OIL.—1000 gallons bleached Winlio Oil, in casks ami hhls, lauding from brig J. I). Naves, for sale by n..\24 JOHN O’REILEV. T1ANNERS OIL.—20 bids barrels Tniiuers Oil, just received and for sale by R. L. WATKINH & Co, Druggists, nov8 cor Water and 81*. Frnncis-sts. EM1JOHNH, 4*c.—800 DemijohnTi, 2.8 and 5 galls; 100 1 and 2 gallon Jugs, for sale hv novlG TilOS. P. MILLER <fc CO. O COTTON PRKSSE8.—100 wirlheni Bagging, will Ik: s*dd low to dove a consignment, nov 17 by D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. 1 > UKiNT ( OKN ACADEMY.—The thud I ^siouof this School will open on liie first Monday d'Jan’ry next, under the care of J no. B. Cl a U*KL, w here w ill he taught, in addition lu the usual branch es of an English Education, Latin, Greek, tltr Math ruiatu s, Sic. Mr. Clausel is a native of Virginia, where he graduated; and the subscribers are prou<’ in offering to the public so ripe a scholar, imbued su thoroughly w ith southern feelings and so justly appre ciating southern interests. The site of die Academy is remarkably healthy, and remote from those |»estw ol the voting, drinking shops, stores and other places ol public resort. Tkkms.—For Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Ur. *20 pel session, or .^4 a month for a shorter period; for Geography, Arithmetic, English Grammer, &c., jj*-15 per session, and for the pi imary brandies $9 per session. Board may be had in the neighborhood for $8 per mouth. ' JOHN WATKINS, ) JOHN GREEN, > Trustees. JOHN MARSHAIX, 5 Burnt Corn. Sept 21. tep24 501T1Tt jnl Circuit Court, Mat Term, A. I)., 1841. Lai kin Collins, 3 Attachment for • 287 38, in the > Circuit Court ft»r the Comity ol ' . 5 4 Roberts. ?Jasperintlie Stale of Miosi.'sippi fpHlS PAY, to wit: Hay 13th, 1841, earns the JL piaiuLLtf by^tformey into court, and it ap|MHM ii»g I or On- nuTT-C” *i<3* tU e**wt U»*n Uta <U-f«mh*nt in tins ease is a non-resident of this State, and lives and resides without the limits ol this State; it* is there fore ordered in. tne court, that unless the said defen dant do appear here, on or before the first day of the next term ot this court, give special bail and plead, judgment will be entered and the etfecis alta/died will b« condemned and applied to the satisfaction of the plaintiff’s demand: and it is further ordered by the court, that a copy of this order la* published in the Mobile Commercial Register, a new spaper published in the city of Mobile, in the State of Alalauua I’m six successive months. In testimony that thaforegoing contains a copy of tli« order of said cuitrt in the ease therein stated, 1, Larkin Collins, ChaCthe reof do hereto put my name and the seal court, this 28(li day ol June A. P., 1811. LARKIN COLLINS, julvti 15 monthly c mos Clerk said Court. IN OR SALE,—That valuable lot of land, bar tag a front on Royal-si. of 100 feet by a depth of 125 feet, situated opposite the State Tress. Tt RMS.—1-5 cash, the bulaace in three equal an nual payments, with interest from date at 8 per cent, per annum. Notes to lie secured by mortgage on the premises. Also,—Will lie sold on the same terms, all other Real Estate lH*lq,ngiiig to the Bank. Purchasers to pay all expenses lor Peeds, &c. Proposals w ill lie received in writing addressed to the Cashier of the Branch Bank of the State uf Alabama, apll 25b 11 H. GA YLE, Cashier D RAGES BALSAMKALES «>f Balsam Cupailia and Cubebs by Charles Weldenou—jHst receiv ed a fresh supply ot the above valuable medicine, for sale wholesale and retail, by RICtlARl) NORTH, mar27 No 35 Govermn’t and 45 Comce sts. STARCH, LEMON SYKt I', 23 Ixixi-k Poland Starch, 25 boxes Lemon ami assarted Syrups, 15 boxes Rock Candy, 10 kegs fresh Tama rinds, 3 groce RowamPs Tonic Mixture, just landed and for sale by ap2ti MOSELY & CO., Druggists. SAPP1NGTON PILLS.—A few dozen of the a hove Pills for Fever and Ague, just received and for sale by RICHARD NORTH, may28 No 35 Government and 45 Commerce-st. |i j Coiis Russia Hemp Rope; 120 kegs aw* M " Swede Iron Nails, lundiug from brig Lia dea, and for sale by MeGRAN & NOONAN, june.30 13ft 6 St Michael st. CHOPPER, IRON, PINNED PLATE, &c. J Braziers Copper 3(i\G0, 10 pound sheets Do. “ “ 13 “ Do. “ “ 25 “ «• SHEA THING COPPER—14 to lCounccs, SHEE T IRON—HObuadles hea\v& light Eng. Iron WIRE—10 bundles assorted nuniWrs, RIVETS—5(>m Tinned, 40m Black Rivets BANCA 'TIN—20 pigs “ Banca” Tin, best quality, TINNED PLATES—100 bxs Tin Plates l-3x LEADED PLA TES—150 boxes Leaded Plates for Rooting. Lauding and for sale by EDW. C. CENTER & CO., mr24 narmvr Com. ami isutii sts. Window glass—sso boxes most approve*! brands, of all the sizes in general use, in store and for sale low by I. C. DuBOSE & CO. marl3 Late Diillose & Roll’, 39 Water street. FOR SALE—A fire!rata Refrigerator,large an*l made expressly for family use. DESHON, TAV'LOR & MYERS, juue2 ltf Cor Commerce and Coati-sts. IOOkOirr FOR sun ALLS ! L—For the pro J lection of merchandise landing on the wharves from the sudden rain squalls so common at this sea son, 1 have ready for hire twenty tarpaulins, each co vering a space of 39 by 40. augS A. H. MOMF.R, Commerce st. 11)11 KEGS White Lead No l and ftxtra, iliSt 1. \J Vf received and for sale wholesale or retail by 11. L. WATKINS At Co. Druggists, June 9 cor Water and St Francis sts. riAHE ARP OF DRESS; or, Guide r« the JL Toil XT—with directions for adapting the vari ous parts of the female costume to tliu complexion and figure; Hints on Cosmetics, &r. eiuliellislied with Engravings from desiensbv Frank Howard, Esq. for sale by DOUBLEDA Y At SEARS, may 13 50 Dauph in-st. CIOR.N.—300 sacks prune while Corn. Sugar— t 10 hkds prime N O Simar. Bacon—10 hhd* Hams, Sides and Shoulders, lauding from steamer Echo from New Orleans, fir sale bv umvlft LATHAM HULL k SON. EULOGY H|miii tile public and private virtues of VVm. IIkNHY II IRK ISON, delivered on the 97th «»f April, a i> 1841, at the Presbyterian Church, by Joseph W. Losesne—for sale bv mav20 DOUBLEDAY k SEARS. ONDON PORTER.—30 rasks London Porter, a superior article, received direct and lor sale by DESHON, TAYLOR & MYERS, inavll c«»rnpr Commerce and Coati-sts. CIHAMPAGNE.—25 b’kets. Grape Brand Chain f paglie. SEOAIIS.—140 thousaud, “Manual Amore,,Tra buco Sugars, for sale by fc. C. CENTER & CO. ap22 cor. Conti & C*un. sts. SOAP—100 boxes Colgate No. I Simp; 100 do Winchester do. for sale by novl3 T. P. MILLER k CO. FULTON MARKET BEEF_20 half barrel* Fulton Market Beef, received from ship Uncas for sale I y DESHON,TAYLOR & MYERS, ortM 57if cor. Com. & Conti st*. C1 EMENT.—50 bids Hydraulic Cement; 25 bids / Calcined Plaster, just rec’4 and for sale by nov2 E. C. CENTER k CO. POTATOES.—100 barrels Northern, for sale low from the wharf, apply* to n»v2 J NO. V. RYAN, cor Conil 0* Water-st. BIJ T'TER.—25 firkin* very choice Goshen Butter, for sale by JOilN C. RYAN, nov2 corner Cnnti and Watcr-st*. FINE WINES.—50 baskets Grape Champagne, pint* and iinarts; 25 do Glass do., pts 4* qt*. ; 25 cases Cliateaii Margunx Claret 25 “ Chateau Lufitte do 6 “ each 24 bottles, Steinnein Wine 5 “ “36 “ Branneberger Mosel do, —lor sale by foct41 E. C CEN'I ER & Co. 'd "lOFEEE.—100 bags new crop Green Rio Collet*; j30 bags old government Java do., f -r sale by nov2 J- C. RYAN, cor Conti k Water-st*. UCK WHEAT AND FLOUR.—15 bf. barrel* New Buckwheat; 75 qr. bbls do. 75 kegs do 35hnn*«ls Northern Canal Flour, 25 lif. “ “ “ “ landing and in store, for sale by n*>v2 thus. p. Miller & co. Boxes Fresh Lemons, hourly expected ami wvU for sale to arrive bv play 18 ROBERTSON k CO. HAY.—89 bale* North River Hay; 150 bids Potatoes, lauding Horn ship Waverley, for sale by [nov 1]E. C. CENTER k CO IRON SAFE.—Just received from Philadelphia* one superior Asltestos safe, (J* Scott manufactu rer,) for sale nmft J. B. TOULMIN. rpiN PLATE.—102 boxes Tinn’d Plate, JL 100 boxes Leaded Plate, lamling ami for sale by [*.ci8] E. C. CENTER k CO. SACKS SALT—for sale by «UU F. SHAW & CO. oct8 56if 68 Cominerce-st.' RKNTTjCKY ROPE.—1(kTcolls superior quuf ty, for sale by well IK WHEELER, 8 Water**!. OWDER k SHOT.-200 BstgiT Shut; 100 Keg* Powder; 1000 lb* Lend For sale by (oct8 57tf) ('ALVIN KHfTH.l SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT in Ideuch* *®Ul/Ued sacks, for sale in lot* to suit purchas ers by SMITH k DABNEY, oct4 51 * 42 Coimuerce-st. Barton institute.—imui> dmaki M»ur—William Hill, Pi in* ipal; Lk t. Smyth, Amelia An dm, Assistants. Tin depai tmei.t oltli«* Institute in imvv in sncctrsful ojm aii"n, embra* iug in it* course of study every brunch ol ui uuuiental ami practical education. The tciuis in regular studies are from f 5 to $7pet lo.'iith. Tuitions in Trench, Painting and Drawing Mid on the Piapo.furte, llaip or Guitar aieextra. Persons desirous of patronising '.hit department ran have an i iturvigw with the IVim-ipal at any time, be tween the In ms of 8 A. M. ami b P. M. at the In stitute. Among the Principal** patron* reference may be made to the Hon. Ex-Guv. Gayle ; lion. Jno. K. Ev erett! Gen. Tlieo. L. Toulmin; Gen W. Taylor; Daniel Chandler, A. C, Hollinger, David Files, J. i. Lyon, aud Richard Redwood, l »qrs. nuv 4 lOtf ^SPEECHES OF HFNRV ,LORI) EhoT UHAfti Upon '|uestions relating to Public Rights, Duties and Intercuts, with historical intthdaetiuns, 2 vula 8 vo. • +j Hist try of the IVnr in the Pnrn.'dL >nd in the South of Fiance, from the year 1003 W|lHKi**r 1814 by W. F. P. Napier, C. fl.. Col. H H- M. Forty third rigi««*4Mit, tuemlwrtif tbe Royal Gwedls Aca 'h'lny ol lVlilU*M-v Sciences, complete »a 4 vols. with mum-1 u* eugravl.^M. /«)» »<"/ i-iwvo v, r,f sWu, I lluslrntinns of L'tpil History and Biography, in 2 vols. Memoir* of Harriet, Duchess of St. idIhati*., by Mrs C. B. Wil*.hi, author of the Life and; correspondence of M. G. Lewis, in two vols. Cecil, or the Adventures of a Cuxcotob, a novel in 2 vols. The Booh of the iSea tons, or the Calendar of Nature, bv Win. liowilt, in 1 vul., just received mill for sale by DOUBLEDAY & SEARS, octl5 50 Dauphin si. KENTUCKY ROPE—117 rases of exeelleni iiuulily for sale by net20 I). WHEELER, 8 Water-st. BALE ROPE. -ISO Coil* CordiUa, Bombay and Russia Hemp Bale Rope, for sale bv net20 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st Kentucky baggIng anTTrope— 100 piece* Bagging, 100 coils Rope, Ibr sale bv oct20 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st. Bagging and rope.—2ho p* Ky Bagging, 110 bale* East India Bagging, 12 pieces eurli, 330 piece* Dundee Gunny Cloth and Heavy Hemp Bagging, 175 pieces Alabama Bagging, 400 coils Kentucky, Russia and Bombay heinp Rope, for sale by is c20 McGRAN & NOON AN. 10 do Castillon, for sale bv JNO. C. RYAN, nov8 rnrner Conti aud Water-*!* Cl LAZED WIN IH)\V SASH AND PANEL W DOOKS.—The following prices w ill be adop ted from this date— For Window Sasli, 8 x 10, 16 cts per lighi, “ “ 1ft x 12, 22 “ “ •« “ 10 x 14, 28 “ “ “ « 12 x 16, 30 " •* •• *• 12 x 18, 45 “ “ •« 12 x 20, 48 “ «« Doors, 3 x 7, $4 25. Window Blinds, $1 124 rents per foot, with hinges and fastenings all com plete A discount of 5 per cent will be made for all sums over $100. aug 13 32tl J. REA. »)| Wt BOXES STARCH, of superior quality— OUv lauding from ban pie llvbrou and for sale by ne.118 J- REA. PIECES M A YSVII.LE BAGGING , Jin®/ 75 coils Rope,—just received and for sale by [ncl8 57] CALVIN KEITH. TV AI I.S.—600 kegs Dmicaiinoii Nails, 4d to 20d, 11 „f very superior quality, landing Irom Schooner Candid, ami fur sale by ' OGDEN BROTHERS, i Octl3 Water stie**K. | BUS BEEPS, just itceived per brig Espa Ovl lift a and for sale by octl8 J. REA. filOBA' t’O AND SEGARS.—100 boxes Left 1 wiclt'a X brand 'Tobacco, 25 boxes I.eftwich’s Honey Dew Tobacco, 20 do S. Terry do. 25 do Pure Oomnoko do. 60 do Wiii. II. Bry*<ui do. 20 do pound himpH, low price do 25 do 16s do do do. 25 do 8s do do do. 25 do Warwick’s pound lumps do. 25 do Douglass’ do do 30 do Grant & Williams’ do. SEGARS—50m Manuel Auiorea Segura, 20m Principe* do. 20 a Regalia* do. 40m common do. ,m i22 TMOS. I* MILLER & Co. K~~ ENTUCKY BAGGING AND ROPE,— 114 pieces Bagging, 114 coil* Rope—just received and for mile by OGDEN BROTHERS, oct4 12 VValer-st. Asparagus roots.—a lew hundred of the tine*! Giant Asparagus Roots, far sale low. I. C. DUBOSE A CO., Druggists, ho* 13 39 VValer-st. AT PRIVATE SALE—25 bb. I*, pi bite N OSugai 175 bags prime Rio Coftee, 2000 bags corn, 325 bbl* superfine tlour, 100 Idd*rectified Whiskey 100 lioxe* Virginia Tobacco, 50 boxes Soap, 50 bbls prime Molasses in fine order, 50 half bid* Pickled Pig Pork, 25 firkins Goshen buthvr, 20 boxes lni|>eriul and Gun Powder Teas, 100 cases Kip and Russet Brogan Shoe*, 100 pieces 42 inch Dundee Bugging at 16 cts, 100 M SegarssoHie very superior, 50 do/. Rush bottom chairs, 10 Bookcase* and Secretaries at $20 each, Ate. ALSO, 15 bales brown Sheetings, 200 pcs calicoes assorted 10 bale* Bleached Sliii ti igs and Sheetings, 300 pack* English and German Pills, 100 pc* Virginia Osuaburgs, 100 dux cotton 4 hone, 20 dux Merino and lierl'ii Shirts and Drawers, 100 dox Madras Ltk’t*, 50 do/ Linen half hose, 50 pc* sniped and plaid Drills for Pantaloons, 250 While and rul’d 9 to 12-4 Counterpane* and Marseille* (iuilts, 100 jm’.h Brown Linen, 20 pcs Erminettr for mens and boys summer wear, 2ft pcs Bedford Ribbed Pantaloon Stuff*, 20 pcs 5-4 while Flannels for summer wear, 100 36 inch Cotton and Silk Umbrellas, 300 reams fine Letter Paper, 200 sett* Knives and Forks, 50 cards Scissor*. All • I' wkiclt will be sold at New York cost and charge*. LATHAM HULL At SON may26 22 Water street. CIOPPEK, WIRE, SHEET IRON, I IN f PLATE, tic. Braziers Copper—30x60 inches 10,11,13and 24x60 (Hiuiid Sheet*. Sheathing Copper—14 and 16 ox Sheet Iron—250 bundle* English Iron, Nos 10 7f» 27 wire—OU ftnmlle* Iron Wire, No* 7 No 17. Riv kts—50 thousand Tinned Rivet*; 40 thousand Blaek do. Tinned Plates—250 boxes }x Crown and Pout pool brand*. 20 boxes 100 Plate Tin. Leaded Plate—150 boxes Leaded Plate for roofing. Banc a Tin—20 pigs Bancn Tin, ln**t quality. Nails--500 kegs Nail* assorted, 4d to 20d. A *uiM>ly of the above article* constantly on band, and for sale by E. C. CENT ER 9i CO., uug7 corner of Coni i and Coiainerce-st. BOOTS! BOOTS! Major Boots—andMinok Hooii lollies’ *lip|>eni, and tienl* pump*; a prime new net, Boots that lit Misses, ami that never mm-fit ! ‘•Bet Boots”—or boots for pretty Bets ! Bootee* for she**— and ani le ties for |iets. CENTS' water proof, cork soles, or light lirogans ! Light dress, or pump I loots—we’ve always on hands. LaIHKS* silk gailei hoot* that lit their pretty feet. And widkin/c shteu with hows, that beaux delight to meet. Kid idi|»perA and morocco too, to suit the neatest foot. In short we've stock to uhoe them all, and chilrirm to b-tol. Boots? B*ots ! Boots! at NICHOLLS, ADAMS k CO., dee 28 14(itf 58, Dauphin st. PANAMA & LEO HORN HATS.—14EN RY k 8TODDART, corner of Water and Conti streets, hnve this day received a large assortment of the above (of the latent fashion and su fierior quality) or gentlemen's summer wear. msu8 l!)8if ~*NOTIi E.—MR. FRANCIS A. MYERS ThT came a partner of tile suliscriher'* mi tlie 1st of July. The firm will in futnre bp known by the name of D. C. Lowber and Company. aug6 D C. LOWBER. M OTIt I..— \\ Ilf Mil- Ill |*IU ' USihre .1 1 s lem'eieil at ill** laU lei ii n li t t I , ■ . i \ m Coin I lii'ld in Mobil** in ii euuse | endii g ii me «< i. I wheieiu ( o| | filliwiiiie, l oj. k. I■ i• *■ li‘| . . il. I’l evident, l>iie*ioisuuil < i ii.puie ol I!•« I hi k *'111 '.'nited Slates « | 1 ctntsyliHiiiii niv eon | Inn ; 1 ? o* I ^ ’sane ll. Ei w in iu mimstrutor • ! liciuy liiul i-iW anil the lieiis • f said Ihtchcock are detent am - oe undei signed lies been tt| pninlec l!m io 1 • I ll. * (ale desei ilied aud menihut d 111 lla* kill* ol mu J plaint in >uid 1 hum1 :—and when as I \ lla tell, s < I #C said 01 del (lie inn lei signed is an I In a im d sii •' 11 < ti *" ed Co eollrci aud iereiu* tin* r*nls in am nr vbi* l la ie acciued sinee lla* £th day ol k'« l iemy, 1>40. : 1 . il ■' \ growing rents lieenmiiig due In in lb*- teeants . I m-id (ireiuises and to let and manage said | n ini.a*. Therefore all persons owing or im el t**<| on neeouot ^ of the use, occupation or leasing of ant • I Mini j ri m i»es are cautioned from paying or a**e. until t* t« 1 the same tu any other person or peisons:—and ail fa 1 sons wishing to lease unv ol said | n iium « v id «♦ I on the uudei signed w ho is iibinc auihi 1 i-ed to h 1 the -ana . |jinn M 411 | W M. \l .U , I 1 . I, . . . 1 > . , Dot TOR JOHNSON’S ( Fluid Fat 1 act <./ Faroapartlla, Lirt>\n.n, 1 un ay Ri»t and Lignum Vitue. The gieutl ‘ “,,r ill* it* proved tu he a suppression « din ing an n 41loli S,-»yf Hu ids of u ill ami these ob Hiring the na labor under | This sj in most health* kingdom, is ever was made niice the dawn of miilii me, .. | • Messing die long sought for and inestimable tpinluy of exciting ill the same tine the healthy muon • I the stomaeh, lungs, bowels, liver, kimny s a> -km, aud what is ofgirut 11 >;i\ l i ulw. \- ta ken w nil athauing •*, evert vai iclt am! stage of dis ease, without ap| are a tew, out ol show u ns wondei chronic enlarge in* tisin, dropsy of the heart, difticu blood, mercurial painful swellings imsc, and const lib ul ill sense. In these ver been equalled. In fact, it i* Hie n>mi >•» .. .. . p and laborious practice uf ISyenis. ii 1ms also i< ceived the well merited sanction of the whole i • ide al faculty, and is supported by the testimony « t nu merous person* ho have been cured of disease* teat were considered beyond the reach ol human iu\ca tion. The following is one, out ol many, that lui\e l>een lately received. (i K in A l> A, Miss., June 2, 11. Dr. Johnson—Dear »Si*—In \aiu 1 have tiled tlie best medical skill, and all ihe remedies that • • eid I o dexisml, lo cme me of a complicated disease that al fueled my liver, stomach and lungs. In luet, my m’I I'erings heomne so great, lliat I gate up all hopes o, recovery, wlien I happily saw your advei iiscmeiil ^ and got six bottles of your valuable medicine. I lui\ now tinishud the lifth bottle, which, with mispeaku hie joy, has restored me to all the vigor ol youth. It is indee a wondertul medicine, and 1 woidu es teem it a.i act ot ingratitude to you, and injustice to the public, if 1 kept this fact secret Iroiu yon. N . n are, therefoie, at libeity to make what use ot it you will. Yours, with much esteem, 1). II. RHODES. For sale at 29 St. Francis st.; price $2 per hot tie. mix 10 RichAiii> nor'ih. Sol ss, govirliuZm»t and 4f>, Coll i mo ice street, near i^t. t iwm i.— Importer of French and 1 ngl.sli I rugs, t Inmi.- ix, and I’erfiunery, and Wholesale and Retail l o n is in Drugs,Paints, Medicines, Oils, Glass, and lye Stulls, ISo. bfjj, Government, mat Royal, and •!.», Commerce, near St. Francis street, inlorms hi* friends and the public gem tally , (hut In I as taken tl e store No. 45, Common street, (two doois Irom Si. Francis,) east side, where in connexion xxnli his Afore No. 85, Government, he intends ket | iug an extensive assortment of all articles in his line ot bu siness. He does not expid, much It ss boj*-? lor more encouragement and support than lie has hilliei u» reeeixed, without cluiming loi himselt the meed of merit. He will at all times use lushest eiioeax ors to render satisfaction to all who may taxor In establishment with their patronage. Asia is well aware how highly important it is tor Rbysicians uml tamilies to olrtaia medicines in their pute state, the public may rest assured in obtaining pure and ln>h medicine*. He is receiving, uml will continue to ic e«ive, by ihe latest urrivals, a huge, fresh, and su perior nssortnient of American, F.nglish, uml lunch Medicines, selected w tilt the greatest eaic. ’Ihe assortment of drugs ami family medicines, compris ing every article of the choicest uml tietdic.-l selec^ lion in tile line, arc from the la st Eumpenu amt A iiierinm imiuutactiires. lie also will keep on hand n select assortment o fresh Garden aap F ield Seeds, Rei ns amt I i a.-. I\, R, Orders from the country tilled at the slimi est notice. leb 1 AI LF.It'M FRENCH PILLS.—$300 t 11*1. LKNUK.—Tin* genuine French Pills against a I Quark Nostrum* of tne nge, lor the cure ol * * * * * The French Pills are applicable in all ca>es |bi ti iher sex, (warranted freedom Mcmuy) and | oss*-ss (m great advantages over the llalsnms and all liqiii I medicines, by being entirely free from smell, ami«on sequent ly do not affect the breath, theieby | icventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Resides this important advantage, they never disa gree with the stomach, and in the first stages of ilie disease, they usually eflect u cure in a lew da\s with little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, bavina cured many utter every other remedy had failed. In short, they haw dim universally successful that the proprietor i hallenges any one to produce a remedy of equalcertuinty, turner a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. Linl2 I. C. DUliOKK & < <)., ;i« W ater st. Price, ^2 per box, with lull diiei tions. Jj DO® PATTERSONRead the folio * ing IVmiii Judge Patterson, for tliiity years the Inst Judge of the county in which lie lives. Mii>i>lktowx, IN. J., March 12 1S40. Messrs. Comstock & Co., tieiitleiiicn—You are at liberty to make t u*li use of the following certificate as you deem will >-Pt sub serve the purposes for which it is intended. [CKHTIKICATK OK JUDUE PAl l KKl l>.| 1 hereby certify, that my daughter has lut 1 itui<* ed with sick headache for the space of lOoui - • years—the attack occurring once in about iv » veer frequently lasting 24 hours, during which mic t i» paroxysms have lieeu so severe, ns appuiee y mm.ii to deprive her of life. Aud lifter liav mg tro 1 allot si all other remedies in vain, 1 have lieeu imlm I ns a liiat resoll to try fSpohn’s Headache Reined' is sold by you; aud to the great disappointment in. joy < I herself and all her liit ads, found very matenal it lie from the first dost* of the meiiicine. She has follow ed up die directions with tin* article, unit in eveiy case when an ultuck was illumi ned has found imna • dime relief, until she is near peiiuauenUy cum - • The attacks are now very seldom, and disiq pem 1 most immediately after taking the. quantity oireried A hope that others may be Imuehued by the use t this truly invaluable meiiicine, has induced me to si n you the above, aud remain your ubvalient servant, 'JKHU PATTERriON, Judge of the Court of C l COMSTOCK At t O Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fie teller si. New Noth, Hold by 1. C. DuUOHE At CO, Ageuis, aad by Drs. Muynard, liamuiouil, and Hates, Mobile jun 28 170 Kitchen s iatent i km aulu COA.—A supply of the above original -ml tm |y valuable preparation of Cocoa long mid fnv<u«hl\ known to the public, is just received direct from the proprietor and for sale by the undersigned. A1110114__ other highly Haltering testimonials of its su| erioi quality and usefulness, arc found the folUw ing. “J. Kitchen lelt with iuc some of his I*. Con a ail on trial I find il a very superior article, and recom mend its adoption for family use.” Dr. Wii.i.iAM Thomas. “I have tried your I*. Cocoa and consider it dt t i deely sii|>eiiur to any 1 have used before in my fami ly-” Dr. Jn0. Cooptk. *‘l concur in tlie foregoing statements.” Dr. I). IIossack **1 have drank of J Kitchen’s l*. CoCca and recom mend it as u superior article of beverage to any piejs* aration of Cocoa extantc—it possesses less ol the oli aginons nature of Clioculate, thereiore less liable to Ispcotnc offensive to the Convalescent and is more suit able fur tlie healthy. D. Hi.osa For sale by I. C. I)CHOSE fit C O., imii14 Intc DnHose fit Kofi', 8!) Water si. CIOMl'OCND SYIHT OF LIVERWORT, / (Ur/Hdtea Tnlnba.)—For the rare of 1‘ulninnH rv and Hepatic ufiections, Cough** Colds, Consimp liun, Spitting of Htood, *c. The reputation whig this article (Liverwort) W obtained in the trealinen of Consumptions, Spitti'g Hlood, L’ver Com plaints, Coughs, fi*r. and the great uarertainly ihcr I inns', always lie in the preparation of decoctions t!i I mode in wWh this plant Ins been usually admi»M, 1'tsiI, liy persons ignorant of Pbarmaceiticul Man ’ pulatimis, lias le I us to make a concentrated 1 o.n pound Syrup of a uniform strength. MEREDITH, HENDERSON & Co. H.—None are geuuine wiihoul our wr.Heit sig'iature. QrJ- Fur sale by the single ls»ttle or dozen by RICHARD NORTH, 33( overniueut, fehl9 and 45 Commerce-sts. T'IOBACCO.—20 Isixc- juat lecerod amt £m by oei20 . J. REA.