Newspaper Page Text
REGISTER AND JOURNAL. BY SANFORD & WILSON,* MOBILE, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 9, 1841. VOL. l.INO. 8. —— iiim i mi im i m i ■ u ibii i i in i mu ii' n i ■ ~~~i—mi. i- ,, —r-m-TTra- ^aun — ■iinniiin ■- ■ i« mi ———*>«■»»> * nnwi twnw^n. miv .<mv i iw tti m i ■■! ■ — i—mm*i1 i n ■ tm » ■ ■■ ■ i——r >■ —11 nn i ■ 11—■nj————».a—ewr———— T K IJ M u . Subscription, ten >!oHarx lor tlie daily papr?.', payable ir advance, and live uolJ.irs for live country paper, payabb yearly iu advance by cash or city reference. wishing to discontinue, must gtvo one tveto,'* notice it writing. Advertisixq.—Advertisements continued without In terruption, will l»e charged ill tire rate of one dollar r«*' square lor the lirst insertion, nud titty cents for eaeli sub sequent ono. Scun-weekly and trl-weckly ones will Ik charged the s.imu ua first insertion*. Twelve lines nnki a square. If an advertise.neat makes less than a square, it sFiall coat u» uiitclt n* a full one. Advertisements not limited on the nv.’uiscript, ns to the number of m*ertions, wiil bo continued b-r two nonihs and so charged, unless previously directed to be tuken out of the paper by a written order. Advertisements not b ..dug upon their laces the names of the persons by whom they are sent, must endorsed by them. The terms for annual advertisers will be $10 for one square, nud S-d tor each additional square, with the priv lege of changing once a wu k, duo in advance. The privilege of annual udvertis ;rs i* limited to their own immediate business; nud all advertisements for the oeuefit of oilier persons, as well ns all legal advertise ments, and advertisements of auction sales, sen thy them, must be paid for at the usual rates. All advertisements required by law, will be charged ut the lull rates. Anuui! advertisers who exceed the space for which they contract, will bo charged at the usual rates. Arrangements will lie made \ ith those who occupy hull a column or more continuously for a yew, according to the nature of the business, and the frequency of the change of mutter. Advertisement* of application for the benefit of the Ins ilvcut Laws, will not be published in any case, unless paid for previous to insert!.hi, or paymuut be guaranteed by a responsible person ill town. All announcements of catftlidnlcs for office, will be char ged live dollars for daily insertions during the canvass, payable in nil case* in advance. Military and Fire Companies, and other similar Assocm tions, will lie charged full rat vs by the insertion, or bat;, dollars per annum if they donotetceed one square each week. All personal communications, when admissible, will ho charged double, and in all cases payment must be made in oiivunee._ __ DU. it. GATES, Dauphin si., inform* i j public that he* Iras now on hand, and wili hr real ter keep, in addition to his Flock of Drugs, Medicines, See., a genera! assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, among which are— Asparagus; long blood, early turnip, French Sugar and other Beets; white kidney and Lima Bernini Long pod, red and In own speckled Valentine, Chi* im white and yellow Beans; Scotch and Ger. Kale; Early York, LundretlPs large York, enrlv Battersrn, Inrgo drumhead, flat Dutch, green curled and drum noad Savoy, red Dutch and green German Cabbage, early horn ami long orange Carrots; curled Crew; Early Cauliflower; while and red solid Celery; Early frame and long green prickly Cucumbers;— Large purple Egg riant; curled Endive; large flag leafed Leek : Cayenne I’erper; early, brown Dutch, large curled Indiaand early cabbage Lettuce; Span ish and Cairo Watermelon; Nutmeg and citron Muskmetbn; Okrn, Tomato; Salsify; Rhubarb; — a great variety of Peas, Turnips, Radishes, St|iins!i es, Onions, Pot and sweet herbs. Terms cash. All these seeds warranted. uov27 r*lHE VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM-, i the most valuable remedy, recently discovered, for consumptions, coughs, colds, asthma, spilling of blood, whooping cough, and pulmonary affections of every kind—price 50 cents. Particular caution—Each genuine bottle is enclos ed in a blue wripper, on which is a yellow label sign ed “ Sampson Reed.” Nuns other can he genuine. The great celebrity of the genuine pulmonary bal sam has been the cause of attempts to introduce spu rious articles, which, by partially assuming the name of the genuine, are calculated to mislead and deceive the public. Amnim these mixtures, are the Ameri can Pulmonary hidsam, Vegetable Pulmonary bal sam, balsamic Syrup, and others. Purchasers should inquire for the article by its whole name, the Veget able pulmonary Balsam; and see that it hears the marks and signature of the genuine. Each bottle and seal is stamped Vegetable Pulmo nary Balsam. S. Reed. One more counterfeit besides the American Pul monary Balsam, and the others above alluded to!-— The latest attempt to deceive the public by a spuri ous mixture, falsely called genuine pulmonary bal sam, prepared by Samuel Andrews and Jos. A. Vca xio. To avoid the imposition of this spin ions arti cle, wo again refer the public to the written signa ture of Sampson Reed, on the outside wrapper of each bottle. Boston, July 1, 1841. Lowe & Rkf.d. A fresh and large supply of the above now receiv ed and for sale, wholesale or retail, by nov29 I I. GATES, Dauphin street. A1 NT HR’S D1A MON D ('K M ENT—An inva luable discovery for joining broken glass, china, earthen ware, cabinet work-, and fancy articles ot ev ery des *ription. 'Phis cement i« acknowledged to he superio • to any thing of the kind eve. offered to th • public. Its extreme strength is reiiia*kable, as also the variety of purposes to which it may Ire applied. It resists wet—will stand an ordinary degree of heat, and its hardness, when set, is truly astonishing.— The great facility of using it, e> mixing or prepara tion being required, is a ttiong recommendation in its favor. In fact, it requires only to he known, to be found in use in every Amily. For mending broke* glass, china, &c. it succeeds wonderfully, as the bints show but lime. Many ar ticles of this kind, mat but for this discovery would be entirely useless may he securely and firmly unit ed, and become us useful ns when new. The leaves of books, past<hoard, fancy articles in tortoise shell or cabinet w«i*k, may be neatly mended with it. To prevent imitations, w hich would disappoint the purchases »nd bring into disrepute* the genuine arti cle, the public are requested to observe the signature of tbo proprietor, “ VV. B. Pain rr.n,” written on the wtipper of each bottle. grid iu bottles at 25 and 50 cents each, by the Pr*pairtor, VV. IL Painter, No. 23, 3d Avenue, N. York ; also, by his appointment, by no\29 H. GATES, Druggist, Mobile, Ain. WHARF NOTICE—Whereas, much inconven ience and great loss is experienced by the pro prietors of the wharves, from the present mode ot shipping upward freight, notice is hereby given that from and after the first day of November next, no dray will he permitted to enter uprn any of the wharves with merchandise for shipment, without the drayman first delivering to the wharfinger—who will attend for that purpose—a written acknow ledgment from a responsible shipper, resilient in the city, of liability for the wharfage, or payment of the same made in cash. *epl3 46 tljan A. J. JUDE, Wharfinger. NOTICE.—The undersigned, (successor* to J.St W. A. Smith) have this day formed a co-part, nership under the name and style of Smith 4* Dabney for the purpose of transacting a general grocery bu sines*. They solicit a continuance of the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon the late linn and die public generally. JAMES SMITH, octl 53tf JOHN M. DABNEY. NOTICE—All those indebted to the subscriber, either by note, or by accounts made in the y oft is of 1839—*40, arc requested to make payment by the ast of January, 1842, as I ain determined to sue all who do not settle by that lime. nov57 88||Ew* * JOHN GALLAGHER. BACON & PORK.—20 Cincinnati smoked Sides and Shoulders, 24 bids mess Pork, re ceived on consigmncet per steamer Southerner and for sale by CIRODE &■ WHITE, dec3 corner Com. and Dauphin-sts. NE DEARBORN CARRIAGE k CARRY^ ALL, square body waggon. Also, a light trotting Buggy Waggon,landing from brigOeiep, for sale by ]nov24 85ul] JOHN O’RETLEY. TOBACCO.—50 boxes various brands, for sale dec4 by LATHAM HULL U SON. FRESH TEAS.—Landing from ship Alabamian —100 131b boxes Imperial 100 01b boxes Imperial, 30 61b boxes Hyson, for snle by GUSTAV US BEAL fe CO., dec2 H agan’s Buildings, Conti-st. LEAD &. SHOT.—20 kegs McCullough** Bar Lead, 500 bags Buck and Drop Shut, of all si xes, for snle by doc2 THOSE P. MILLER & CO. CARRIAGES—10 carriages and Buggy Wagons for sale by (nov30) HARRIS & ROSS. BBLS ALE, landing from ship Alabamian ^t\3 and for sale by (nov 80) J. REA. FLOOR—ZOO bill# s. f. Western Flour nn\30 HARRIS L ROSS. 1 n(Vk CASKS SWEDES IRON NAILS, of .■ Ol/U all siren, for sale by nov29 89m OF, FORREST, MORRIS h CO. COFFEE—75 bugs new crop Green Rio 20 do old government Juvn, for sale lry [nov29] J AO. C. RV AN■ LA RET—20 Clinks Table Claret, for sale by nov29 G. WESTFELDT Si BRO. fT|A BRLS MESS FORK, just received anil fur 'OU sale by (nov 30) I■ REA. ANDLES—150 bxs NrwIMfWd, for sole by nov30 HARRIS & ROSsL_ 1 AO CORDS OAK. WOOD,for side at *j4 pe Jr Vri/coril, in lots to snit pnrclmscrs. bv no'30 I). C. LOWBER t CO., 59 Corn. et. OAA PIECES KENTUCKY RAGGINU, coils Kenlttcky Rope, for sale bv novg 70tf JAMES HAGAN,84Water-st. Tobacco & cigars.-—so boxes drawing Tobacco, 10« Spaninh Cigar', for sale by povl3 76tf P. McCASKlLL, 18 Corn, st. ORK.—20 bbL Mess for sale by oct 22 62tf SMITH k DABNEY. Dissuli nu.\ ui copartnership.— Notice is hereby given to all ronconved, tha ilie copartnership in the Iron Foundry holiness ni Mobile, known under the name of Jutuce Curry & f'o., has been this day dissolved. All pflffeoiiJ hav ing claims against said firm cm account of tho Mo< bile Foundry, will please present them for settle inent. [nct29 6Stf .! A MES CURRY. fTALU AMI A: On TON LAND 1N St )UTH * ALABAMA, FOR SALE.—The subscriber, administrator of the estate of William Smith, de ceased, offers for sale* two large and valuable Planta tions, on the A al aula river, about 12 miles above .Selma, and 25 miles below .Montginnery. One ol them is in the county of Autauga, containing eigh teen hundred acres,of which from seven tw eight hmi Ircd acies are in cultivation, bountifully supplied with water foi plantation purposes, and for stock, by a never failing stream, running entirely through the plantation. That portion of the tract which, is not under cultivation, is well timbered and principally cotton land, of the very best quality for the culture of cotton and corn. The other tract is situated in the county of P* ill as, in the bend of the Alabama river, generally known by Durand's fiend—containing about fourteen hun dred acres, nine h.nndrcd of which are in cultivation. This tract is a Isa well supplied with timber and wa ter, and in of the; Irest qua I i ty of cotton land. Both these plantations are bounded, and divided from each other* by the Alabama l iver; they are now in a state of high cultivation, with comfortable dwel lings, gin-honscs mid other necessary Imiklings on each, fit for immediate use. The quality of the soil, tho easy across to mark* t by the Alabama river, the southern latitude,and the* character of the popu lation in the two counties of Dallas and Autauga, af ford great inducements to capitalist!* desirous of en gaging in the culture of the great staple of the south. The crops this year, it is supposed, w ill produce 450 to 500 bales of 500 poueds each, cultivated by sixty three hands. The stock of corn, fodder anil oats, now on the plantations, the hogs and cattle, bucksinith’s tools and farming utensils, are nlse ottered for sale, Pos session given at the cud of the year. Persons wishing to purchase, can apply to Mr. R. fi. Gaston, at the landing on the river, adjoining the Autauga plantation, who will show tho premises; or to me at my residence in Huntsville during the sum mer, and at New Orleans during the w inter. The terms, for either or both of the plantations, will he quite advantageous. MEREDITH CALHOUN. nov27 Pr. fee $80 The Charleston Courier, Richmond Enquirer and Huntsville Advocate will insert the above once n week for eight weeks, and forward their accounts to the Democrat Office, Huntsville, for payment. VINEGAR—50 bbls cider Vinegar, for sale by nov3*) HARRIS & ROSS. 1/1 XTItA WHEELS of every description, for sale MlA dec 2 By J. O’REILEY. POTATOES.—200 bbls white English Potatoes, 100 bbls Chenango Potatoes, 50 bills Mercer do, for sale by [ I.’) TIK » 3. I'. MILLER .v CO. NE \ 'i SI OO'I OIL—Pure .Neatjloot ( >i!, Ii_\ (lie “ulloii or bottle, for sale by I. C. DuBOSE <$• CO. Druggists, novlO late Dubose & R>(f, Np. 3s Water st. LINSEED OIL—2 pipes pure English Linseed Oil, in store and for sale by 1. C. Du HOSE »$• CO. Druggists, tilO lute DuBose & Rot)', S9\Vater-st. K‘ ENTUOKY BAGGING-130 pieces Mays" i ille, 85 to 93 v.L each ami 45 inches wide, for sale by *OUDEN B1U>T11EliS, novlO 12 Water-st WINDOW GLASS—250 boxes assorted sizes, of beet American brands, in store and for sale by I. C. DuBOSK fy (JO. Druggists, fcfcnovlO late DuBose & Rolf, No.SS Wnter-stJ FLOUR.—50 bills superfine western, in store ami fur sale bv DESil'ON, TAYLOR & MYERS, novl2 corner Commerce an I Cunti-sts. f JMtjJiACiJO.—100 boxes'assorted qualities, for Jl sale by [novISKtno] JOHN O’REILEY. (Lt HEET1NGS—20 bales 4-4 Sheetings for sale by UY nov30 HARRIS & ROSS. I ORAGE will be taken in the fin* proof brick ►3 store on Water st, near Eslava st, at very low rates. Apply on the premises, or to nov 30 ' E. C. CENTER & CO. >)j i'T'ACkAHKS Slfttes 4‘ BOOTS, direct •3* f\9 from the manufacturers. novl2_LATHAM HULL & SON. Cl HEESE—75 b \ > ( lieese; 0 casks do forsale J by [nov29] T. P. MILLER <& CO. INDUS k RAISINS.—50 drums fresh qunlit) J- Figs, 200 whole, half and qr boxes Bunch Rai sins, for sale liv dec2 TIIOS. P. MILLER & CO. fllOBACCO k CIGARS.—75 boxes Chewing JL Tobacco, 50m ('ignis, forsale by nov25 P. Mi CAS KILL, 18 Coinmerce-st. POTA'l'OES.—300 barrels Northern Potatoes, in good order, for sale bv iiov24 GARDN ER & SAGER, 60 Com. st. U1TNEY & ROSE BEANKETS.—5»o pair very superior, sizes from 8-4 to 14-4, forsale dec4 by LATHAM HULL k SON. A ANO FORTES—An elegant article, for sale ^ low by 1). B. CRANE k CO, dec 4 37 Water st. OLD PALE SHERRY.—A few dozen superior old Pale Sherry W ine, in store and for sale by FRANKLIN W. McCOY, »ovl2 69 Coinmerce-st. AIL ROAD IRON.—12 tons Kail Hoad Iron, for sale by McGRAN & NOONAN, «ct22 N«». 6 St. Michael-st. 11 IS KEY k FLOUR.—50 barrels Rectified v V Whiskey, 63 bbls superfine Flour, for sale by nov25 P. McCASKILL, 18 Com. si. RIO COFFEE, N. O. Sugar and Flour, lauding from sclir Mobile, and for sale by nov23 JAS. il HiAN, sf Water st. WINTER SPERM OIL—A few casks Winter Strained Family Sperm Oil, received and for sale by I. C. Du BOSE k CO. Druggists, nlO late DuBose & Roff, 39 Water-st. 1HSKY AND FLOUR—50 bbls old rec tilled Whiskey; 100 do superfine western Flour, just receivcil per sclir Butler, ami for sale by Cl RODE & WHITE, noi27 cor. Com. and Dauphin sts. C 1ANDLES k SOAP—100 boxes Hcarjtnly > pressed Sperm Candles. 2C0 boxes Kendall & Co’s Candles, 100 do Colgate’s No 1 Soap, 100 do Slurtevants Boston < o For sale Ivy nov 27 T. P. MILLER k CO. FIIOBACCO & SEGARS—60 boxes VirginiarI'«j JL bacco; 30 m Regalia, Trnbuco and Principe Se ga rs , for sale by C1RODE & WHITE, nov23 cor. Com. & Dauphin sts. TMTARKING INK.—4 bbls Ink, for marking Coi XYJ. ton Bales, just received anil for sale by R. L. WATKINS & CO, Druggists, oct20 corner Water ami St. Fnincis-sts. SPERM CAN DLLS.—100 boxes favorite brands in store anil for sale bv DESHSON,TAYLOR *MYERS, novl2 corner Conti and Comincrcc-sla. i SALT.—2,800 sacks on board ship Blake flow 1 from Liverpool, for sale by LAIRD k LITTLEJOHN, nov22 83tf 34 St. FrancU-st. I7IOR SALE.—A family of valuable NEGROES, —consisting of—BRANCH, aged 40; good Ganlner, Ostler and general servant GEORGE, ngetl 6; his sod BRANCH, “ 20; first rale Steward and Waiter JOE, " 19; Drayman The above negroes have been raised in this city, I and are of good character, and first rate servants in ^ every respect* and only sobl to close a concern. They can be seen by applying ut (lie corner of Conti and Commerce street, up stairs. nov20 SUGAR—240 bids Boston Leal crushed and pow dered sugar, for sale by nov29 _G. VVESTFELDT & BRO. ^I'fcClE for sale; apply to >3 novso desiion,Taylors myers. TOEW EMBROIDEU1ES.—HENRY & STOD 1* DART, corner of Water anti Conti sts., have imported and are now opening, a splendid assortment of Embroideries and Thread Lace*, consisting of— Capos, Canczons, Collar*, Collared*, Petit Collars, Cltemeyeltea, Stomacher*, Infant’s Roliee Waists and Capes, Muslin Holers, (some of which are richly embroi dered, suitable for Wedding Dresses,) Embroidered Shawls, Mourning Collar* in great variety, &c, A large assortment of Thread Laces, Edgings and Inserting*, real Valcnrenue* Etlgings, Also—Linens, Table Linen, Towelling, Diapers, 12-4 Barnsley Sheeting*, Spool Cotton, Scotch Gingham*, lie. &c., Figured and plain China Silks, blk Satin and Satin Turk, Muslin de Lame, &e. All of which they offer at wholesale or retail cheap cash. dec I WINES.—200boxes St. Julien,I00 boxes Mus cat, oil consignment and for sale by GLSTAVUS BEAL it CO., dec2 Hagan’s Building*, Conti-st. Ii IS I N i: s S 1 A CDS. MclilNNEY & ROB1 \>o.\, C 0 M MI s S I 0 N M E RC HA A'T S, No. 6, Coinmei'ce-sf.Mu vile. j A con oberT G R 0 V E R r .V T ORE , No. 21, Government-.*!uect,.Mobile. .1. M. WITHERS fc CO. C f) M MIS SIO A M E R C IIA N T S, MOltll.F, Ala. Office—No. 7, St. Francis-stukkt, Over the Dry Goods store of ]\ilkins'mt H<>pkms Co. REFER ILVCKS; St. John, Powers & Co. Mobile. Mnjl. 4. Forney,) •> Coi..!. i). llokr, ) B"”on’ J. CouoIe\ iv Co, Selina. R.fl. Huntley, Lowndes.—ITus. Flag. ort4 Mf'tmo. j. I. ANDREWS & BROTHERS^ Commission Merchant*, A*ew - Vo r k . A N I) RE W S & B RO T II E RS, Commission Merchants, jVtU'-Orleans E. L. ANDREWS fc CO., Commission Merchants, Residence of Partners— Mobile, Ala. J. I. Andrews, New-York. Z. Andrews, New-Orleims. E. 1.. Andrews, Mobile. XT Liberal advances made on Consignments to either of the above houses. ianlti MOSELEY k CO.—DRUGGISTS, At the Corner of Dauphin and Royal Streets, Are now receiving additional supplies of fresh Drugs and Mkdicinf.s, of the liest quality, which they offer for snlein (plan tilies to suit pHir.liart rs at moderate pi ire.-. .1 OIL'S in AN, (L ite (VConner 8f Ryan,) COMMISSION MERCHANT, ianlG Mobile Ala. ~ ROBERTSON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Win. II. Robertson,) Mobile, Ala. Henr> Myers, > Jos. E. Murrell. )_ IanlG jnoT b. toui.mix, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ianlG 37 St. M- h tel «<.—ftfOBlLI* OGDEN BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ianlG Mobile, Ala. McGRAX & NOONAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A N i> DEALERS IN IRON, Ac. innlG No. G St. Michael ft.—MOBILE. A7BATUE & CO., Commission Merchants, No. 70 Commerce street.—MOBILE. JO" Advances made on Cotton whipped to their friends In Europe and tho United States._innlG E. C. CENTER & CO., Commission Merchants, ianlG MOBILE. GARDNER fc SAGER, Commission Merchants, MOBILE. (CT Advances made on Cotton. ianlG F\ SHAW & CO., Commission Merchants, MOBILE, ALA. Franklin Shaw. Gustftvtts Ilorton. LAIRD & LITTLEJOHN, General Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. Win. Laird. J. Littlejohn. HOLCOMBE, BKOTIIKR & C()., Factors and Commission Mkkchakts, octlG No. 39 Front ty Commerce sts.—Mobile. FRANKLIN W. McCOY, Commission M k k t ii a s r , innlG Mobile. Cl RODE & WHITE, Produce,Grocery Jt Commission Merchants Corner Commerce and Dauphin struts, ianlG MOI1ILE, Ala. JOHN SIMPSON fe CUm Factors &, Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. John Simpson. Hem ;. fJ. Canfield. ROBERT HARWELL, Factor and Commission Mkwohant, ianlG 23 Commerce at.—Mobile. LATHAM HULL & SOX, Auction and Commission Mbkciiats, No. 22 W utcr Street, Mobile, Ala. (]~T Liberal advances ttiude on consignments. JEREMJAII REA, Aucion and Commission Merchant, comer Water and St. Michuil streets, ianlG Mobile. HARRIS & ROSS,' AUCTIOMIRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lanitr 37 Water street—A1 o b i 1 e . DESHOX, TAYLOR St MYERS, GROCERS ani> S U I P CHANDLERS, iy.s 15 No. 80 Commercest.—MO B l LE. AUSTIN & TARDY, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, Corner Commerce and Conti streets, C. H. Austin,) MOBILE. U. Tardy, > D. C. LOW HER, ~ Wholesale and R e t a i l Dealers in GROCERIES ani> PROVISIONS, ianlG 59 Commerce st.—Mobile. JOSEPH HALL & CO~ \V It o le s a I o & Retail Dealers in Hard Ware,Iron,Nails,Hollow Wark,&c Comer Commerce and Dauphin sts. ianlG MOBILE. It. NORTH, Family Medicine.Store, No. 35 Government street, innl6 opposite the Market.—Mobile. R. L. WATKINS it UO.“ Comer W'attr and St. Francis sts.—MOBILE Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND ianlG Window Glass. L C. DUBOSE & COm ( Late DuDoae fy Roff.) Wholesale Druooists, ianlG No. 89 Water st.—MOBILE. THOMAS S. BATES, No. GO Water street—MOBILE. Wholesale & Retal Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. JOHN K. RANDALX, Book Seller and Stationer, No. 41 Water street.—M o b i I e . OCj* A Bookbindry is attaclied to the establishment. DOUBLED A Y "HISK A tt S , Wholesale &. Retail Dealers in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Pocket Cutlery, Music, Fancy Articles, &c. No. 50 Dauphin st.—MOBILE. U* Merchant*, Tcnchern and others, purchasing in quantities, furnished on the most liberal terms. ianlG HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, DESKS, fyc.~ A general assortment of the atest styles by J. C. GW1N, 32 Water and 48 Dauphin streets, ianlG Mobile. - I). 8. GREGORY & CO., EXCHANGE OFFICE, ianl6 jVo. 54 Royal et,—Mobile. REGISTER BOOK ASD JOB PHINTINU OFFICE, jN o. 53 Royal Street, Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Steamboat Bills, Bills Lulling, Justice, Notary, Lawyers, Custom House, Shipping Blanks, Ac. Neatly nnd Expeditiously Executed NEGROES FOR SALE—William, a first rale drayman; Make, nnd Iter son, three years olj, first ralii cook, washer nnd ironer; Bill, eighteen years old, good ostler nnd house servant. Apply to nov24 W. EDMOND A CO., 96 Com. st. SADDLES.—2 cases for side at very low prices, _not 24 85X11l.y JOHN O'REILEY. riWN.NERS OIL.—20 bbls barrels Tanners Oil, Jl just received anil for sale by R. L. WATKINS & Co, Druggists, nov8 cor Water and Sts. Fraucis-sti. ACKER EL?—25 bills nTi. 1—25 Itf. Iihls No. I 15 quarters; 23‘ kin, landing from ship Tar quin, for sale hv DESHON, TAYLOR MYERS, nov2 cor. Com. & Conti sts. HOLLAND GIN—9 pipe* fine Holland Gin, lan ding from ship Alabamian, and for sale by nov29 J. C. RYAN. PAINTS, OILS, Itc^lO boxes Fig Bine, 40 kegs While Lead in Oil, 32 and 43 lb each, 20 do Dry do 80,81 and 84 do, 23 do Chrome Green, 25 lbs each, 25 do Yellow Paint, 25 do Ho, 32 tin canes Black, 7, 8 and 14 each, 2 case* Yellow Ochre, 4 kegr Lithernge, 22 bbl* pure Sperm Oil, 2 casks do do. For sale by (nov 27) E. C. CEWTER & CO. PUBLIC HO! SMS. M' !'l TAW HOUSE.—Thi* H. h i is now iu'M, open, anil lemly to receive company as usual. Kvi iy exertion on the part of tho#uli*.rribrr shall l»o se<l lo please those who may favor him with ilieir . patroi.age. JAMES PENNOYER. I J. P. formerly comm.*.titled thesteamboatNeptune, nov 30 00unto u-icssarv tltat I should leave Natchez, and 1 have ’herefore selected this city as.a place of residence, in hopes of obtaining that support which was closed a gainst me there in consequence of losses by fire and tornado. I have taken and opened the house on Conti street, known ns the CONTI STREET HOTEL, now the property of Mr. McCarty, the same that was owned by Mr. John Richardson, and which under his management gained considerable reputation. I pi utilise to make this hoove all it should be—a home for all those who may patronize the establish ment. ! have been thirty odn years in the smith, twenty three of which i have been occupied in keeping a public house in the city of Natchez. The Conti-street Hotel has been neatly fitted up, and furnished anew. The servants are the same that I had ia tlie Natchez Southern Kxblutnge, and are well accustomed to their business. The Hotel is now ready to receive boarders, and the undersign ed w ill be thankful for all patronage that a generous public may think proper to bestow. WILLIAM PARKER. New Orleans, Nov. 15th, 1841. nov28 84kin, MRS. A. BREWSTER'S PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, No. 9, Conti street, between Water and Commerce streets, Mobile—a few doors east of the Mansion House. Gentlemen will find this house convenient, retired and commodious. It is very central, being within three hundred yards of the New Orleans steamboat landing and only a few s,eps from the Blakely land ing, four doors west of Coininerce-st. Boarding and Lodging by the day or month, on reasonable terms. nov22 88lf TIT EG ROES.—The subscriber has on hand and 11 will lie constantly receiving from Charleston and Baltimore, NEGROES of every description, which will lie disposed of at moderate prices. He will also make liberal advances on Negroes put in his hands for sale, at his place on Jackson, between Dauphin and h'l. Francis streets. oct*2 (>2t ttprl *42 .1A M ES E» ZUNTZ. NOTICE.—'I'he subscriber having purchased the entire stock and trade of Messrs. J. Ham. 4* Co. Iiegs leave to inform his friends ami the public, that he designs keening a constant and well assorted supply of IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, gEDGE TOOLS AND FANCY HARDWARE, at the old stand, corner Water & Hitchcock’s Alloy. He hopes by unreinitted attention to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to his predecessors. OV1DE MAZANGE. nov5 69tf rllHE undersigned having sold their stock of Iran JL and Hardware to Mr. O. MAZANGE, beg leave to solicit for him a continuance of the patronage oi customers. QCf-The office of the subscriber is re moved to Church street, first door west of Royal st. where all those indebted will please call and pay, and all demands presented for settlement. nou5 69if JOSEPH HALL & CO. r|i C ARM ELICH CON F EC T ION Alt Y—T lie X • subscriber bus the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Mobile that he has now on hand and will constantly keep a full supply of every kind ot Confectionaries, Fruits, Candies and Cakes of the best quality and of his own manufacture, such as he has heretofore had the pleasure to furnish them; all of which he will sell at wholesale or retail, for the lowest prices for cash. He also has a large assortment of Real Havana Cigars ,of the most approved brands, which will give delight to the lovers of a good article. Country Dealers supplied on the most moderate Terms. T. CARMELICH, octl 8. E. corner of Dauphin and St Emanuel sts FOR SALE.—Eleven shares of the New 'JTkeetrt Stock (all paid in) for Cush. Persons purchas ing this stock can purchase either Season Tickets or Boxes, twenty per cent lower than for cash. Apply at GREGORY’S Exchange, 54 lioyal-st. N. B.—The above will be sold in single shares if wanted. nov6:70tf G’ iftNEY CLOTH—120 lb.11s c> Mbs to the yard, lauding from Brig Wetumpka. 'Phis ar ticle is well worth the attention of planters and fac tors, being made expressly for this market, for sale by novlSxmn JOHN O’UF.ILKY. ‘ FOR SALE.—A first rate Family Horse, with a single Barouche nnd Harness. Also, a neat Buggy Waggon new, with harness complete. novl6 W. EDMOND & Co.,96Commerce-lit POCKET CUTLERY .-Doubled a v Sears No. 36 Dauphin street, have this day received an assortment of splendid Penknives, manufactured by “Joseph Rogers & Sons’* and “George Worsten hohn.” Also, Desk Knives and Erasers. novl9 11HK History of the French Revolution, by M. A, Thiers, late Prime Minister of France.—Trans lated with notes and illustrations from the most au thentic sources, by Frederick Shoberl; second Ame rican edition, complete in four volumes, with steel en gravings. The works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England,a new edition; with the life of the Author hy Buzil Montague, Esquire, in three volumes Roy al 8vo. P Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature, edited hy George Ripley, Jr. eleven volumes. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers, by Henry Ros coe, Esq. Barrister at Law, in two volumes. Greville: or, A Season in Paris, by Mrs. Gore, Authoress of the “The Dowager,” “The Peeress,,* &c. in two volumes, The Miser: or Tim Convicts of Lisnnmona, by William Curleton, author of “Naiil Maloue,” “Fa ther Butler,” &c. Mrs. Marcel’s Book of Stories for young children. A Treatise on the Diseases and Inquiries of the Lunynx and Traclnr; by Frederick Kyland. Ele ments of the Pathology of the Human Mind,by Thus. Mayo, M. D. F. R. S. both works complete in one volume. 1 he Sanative influence of Climates, with an ac count of rbe best places of resort for invalids in Eng land, The South of Europe, &c. by Sir James Clark, Bart. M. d. f. u. s. The above new publications, together with many valuable standard works, just received and for sale by DOUBLEDAY & SEARS. nov25 36 Dauphin st. UGAR AN1) FLOUR—12 lilids prime old Su gar; 65bbls s. f. Flour, for sale by nov29 P. McCASKILL, 1* Cm. stj| SPERM OIL.—1000 gallons bleached Winter Oil, in casks and bbls, landing from brig J. D. Noves, for sale by nov24 JOHN Q’REILEY. XTRA REGALIA CIGARS, 1“ Brittannia” brand; also Trabncos, landing from schooner Belle, from Havana, and for sale for cash only, by nov25 86 J. G, M1CHAELOFFBKY, 89 Royal st. rA BARRELS FLOUR; 50 libs Whiskey t/U 50 Lbs Molasses 10 lilids Sugar 10 lilids Bacon sides 15 “ Shoulders 20 kegs Lard 100 bags Havana coffee 60 bags Rio Coffee 50 oxs Sperin Candles 60 bxs Soap 50 “ Composition “ 100“ Tobacco,—For sale by oct8 57tf CALVIN KEITH. Landing from ship ceres.—Linseed Oil in barrels, 2 bnles Bottle corks, 10 boxes Chrome Green, 20 half barrels Copperas, Roll Brimstone, Sulphur, Alum, &c. fur sale by nov25 MOSELY & CO. Druggist. SECOND HAND CARRIAGE for sale weft adapted for family use. Apply to oct27 _Joseph Hall & co. IIS STORE AND FOR SALE.—50 61b and 13 lb boxes Teas 80 bbls No. 1 Loaf and crushed Sugar 60 bags Cuba, Lnguirn and Java Coflee 10 hhds old Sugar, superior quality 60 bbls superfine Flour, 50 do Whiskey 30 boxes Sperm Candles,75 do Soap 80 boxes Chewing Tobacco, various qualities 10 casks Sides, Shoulders mid Hams 250 sacks Salt, Mess Fork, &c. icc. by dec2 P. Me.CASKILL, PEASE'S CANDY.—A fresh supply of Pease' celebrated clarified essence of llorehound Can dy, just received and for sale by 1. C. DuBOSE & CO, nov 30 late DuBose & Roll, 30 Water st. OTTO N A iTrr&Tsf Hi P ES— J 20 cases New Yoifi Cottonade 10 do do Stripes 10 do do Cottonade Punts, for sale by nov30 HARRIS & ROSS. ON CONSIGNMENT and now landing—138 tmles prime Hay 100 boxes New Bedford Candles 150 bbls Maine Chenango Potatoes 50 “ New York Pippin Apples 100 (( white Onions 100 “ No's 1 and 2 Mackerel 50* tt <« « a << 1000 casks Thomaston Lime 10m clear white pine Plank 30m “ “ •« Shingles 60m “ «• “ Laths —and for sale by [dcc8] J. H. RIVERS. UHLS. FINE I LOUR, landing ami for Milo nov20 _by JEREMIAH REA. | |W| BBLS. W IUTE LEANS, jn-t revived I */* / and for sale by nov 20 JF.REMIA REA. SALT.—3000 nar ks in beautiful order, f.»r sale in lots to suit purchasers, hv nov 17 SMITH it DA 1;NEY,22 d 1 ffEESE.—206 boxen, for sale h\ V' nov 15 JOHN O’REILEY. rilHE subscribers are now receiving per Hogarth JL from Liverpool, an invoice of Perfumery and Brushes, which they offer for sale at reasonable prices Tnov25] MOSELY it CO. Druggist. C10ALS.——100 tone Orrell, on board ship Blakt > from Liverpool, in quantities to suit purchasers, for sale by LAIRD it LITTLEJOHN, no\22 83tf 31 St. Francis-at. rKTTHR PAPER.—300 reams, for side by -A nov 13 LATHAM HULL it SON. BRIGG’s lagging.—130 places Will be sold low to close a consignment, by nov4 D. WHEELER, 8 Water st. BALE ROPE—150eoils Kentucky Ro|>e, 150 coils Bombay and Cordilla Rope, for snle nov 10 by OGDEN BROTHERS,12 Water-st. HAY.—175 balcn Northern Hay, daily ax pected, for sale to arrive by novlO J. O. RYAN,cor. Conti it Water-sts. Ba<;g lN<fAN1 > ROPE— 50 pieces Kentucky Bagging 50 mils Kentuckv Rope, for sale by nov 23 Cl RODE & WHITE, cor. Crm it Dnu. stn O TO RAGE—The bulk of 560 bbls cun be stored V3on reasonable terms in a tire proof warehouse.— Apply to nov22 J. R. TOULMIN, 35 St Michael st. SALT.—230 sacks, in store and for snle by uov-25 P. McCASKILL, 18 Cf HOT .N NAILS.—50 bags Shot, 45 kegs Nails, for sale by 1*. McCASKILL, iiov25 18 Commcrce-st. S’" A LlVcK LARS & COFF EE .—1000"sacks Salt, 125 qr boxes Cigars, 60 bags Rio Coffee, For sale by F. SHAW 4« CO, nov 25 84 Commerce st. NOW LANDING from the Wetumpka, and for sale at Gates’s Pharmacy, Linseed Oil, Copper as, Whiting, Sash Tools, Gold Leaf, Alcohol, itc nov 26 HOPS—A fresh article, now in store. nev26 II. GATES. SAL ERATI S—15 kegs Sul Liaiu-. 10011m each, for salo low at [nov26] GATES'S Pharmacy. CIOFFEE—50 hags Green Havana, landing from -'sebr Joseph Brown, and for sale by nov26 E. C. CENTER it CO. HA V .—-100* tins t1:i\ landing, lor sale by nov 12 C. A. GILBERT, 50 Com’ce-st Kentucky bagging.—200 pieces super ior quality, pnrl in large pieces of 86 yards, lauding this day and for sale by D. WHEELER, nov4 8 Water st. KENTUCKY ROPE.—215 coils superior Bale Rope, Innding this day and for sale by nav i D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. MADDER-Prime Dutch, Ouibrii ami French FFF Madders, landing and for sale by 1. C. l)rBOSE it CO. Druggists, 1110 laic DuBosc & Rolf, 39 Water-st. MACCAUt > N1 it VERMICELLI.-—20 Muccaroni and 20 h*s Vermicelli, in store and for sale by DESHON, TAYLOR it MYERS, nov 12 corner Commerce and Conti-sts. TV AILS.—595 kegs first quulite Nails assorted, 4 1 1 to 20d, for sak: at a low price, apply t«» nov20 E. C. CENTER it CO. Albany ale—20 m>u for sale i>> novSO HARRIS ff ROSS. Cl OMBO SASSAFRAS.—A supply of Gombo, 8"prepared with the greatest care, just received i\ml fur sale in quantities to suit purchasers, at aovStt (iATKS'S I hap'Store. C10EFEK.—100 sacks Havana Cofl'ee, J 100 do Rio do, 75 do Java do. Forsulcby nov 26 SMITH & DABNEY. RAISINS.—200 boxes M. R. Raisins, 100 hf do do do, 100 qr do do do. For *nl*» by MOV 26 SMITH & DABNEY. 'Id 111 BAGS Cofl'ee received per schr. Joseph Brown, and for sale by nov26 87tf G. WKSTFELDT 6* BRO. I PPLE BRANDY.—10 old Apjilclbandy. For sale by (nov 26) SMITH k DABNEY. Cl ()FFEE.—100 bags new crop Green Rio Cofl'ee; >|30 bags old government Java do., f-r sale by nov2 J. C. RYAN, eor Conti k Water-sis. IRON SAFE.—Just received from Philadelphia, one superior Asbestos safe, (J. Scott niuiiulactu rer,) for sale nov5 J. B. TOULMIN. OnYk SACKS SALT—for sale by -4UU 1\ SlIAW & CO. oct8 56tf 68 Commerce-st.* KENTUCKY ROPE.—100 coils superior quai ty, for sale liy net 1 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. tirzi U\ SACKSLIVERPOOL SALT in bleacli ^oUUed sacks, for sale in lots to suit purchas ers by SMITH & DABNEY, oct4 54 42 Commcrce*st. AGGING AND ROPE—260 ps Ky Bagging, 140 bales East India Bagging, 12 pieces each, 830 pieces Dui.dee Gunny Cloth and Heavy Hemp Bagging, 175 pieces Alabama Bagging, 400 coils Kentucky, Russia and Bombay hetnp Rope, for sale by oc.t20 McGRAN & NOONAN. OWDER & SHOT.——200 Bags Shot; 100 Kegs I’owdor; 1000 lbs Lead For sale by or*8 57tf) (’ALVIN KEITH. FLOUR.—300 bbls superfine New Flour, recei'd per Queen of the South, for sale by TIIOS. P. MILLER & CO. nov 19 8 4* 10 Commerce st. ALE’S TOBACCO—160 boxes mid half do Hale’s superior Tobacco, and other brands, just received per schr John A. Lancaster,on consign ment, and for sale on liberalterms by nov22 W. EDMOND k CO., 96 Com, st. ^•Q PIECES Kentucky Bagging—“Brand’’—86 yards; 76 coils best quality Kentucky Rope, for sale by [nov3] G. W ESTFELDT k BRO. RIED BEEF.—5 bbls Dried Beef] 2 bbls Smoked tongues,'landing from ship Loreuo, for sale by DESHON, TAYLOR & MYERS, no\2 66tf cor. Coin. k Conti sts. DEMIJOHNS.—1, 2, 3 and 5 gallons, for sale by novis - JOHN O’REILEY. El AltTHENWAltE.—50 crates assorted, for sale J by WM. MILLIGAN k CO. novlft 77tf 34 St. Minliael-st. FOR HIRE.—A negro Boy 12 or 14 years old, apply to (nov 26) SMITH fy DABNEY. IN EGA R.—50 bbls Cider Vinegar, 25 hf bbls do do. For snlc by nov 26 _SMITH k DABNEY. fllHE SUBSCRIBER has just received— JL 50 cases European and French Prints 100 “ and bales Cotton Osnaburgs Brown and blenched Sheeting and Shirting 25 cases while & grey super Welsh Plains Kerseys, Limeys, Denims, Ticking, &c. 15 bales Blankets, in which are super, both rib bon bound Whitney, and Mackinaw for beds; Cradle and coarse Duffil and Twilled do —ALSO— 100 cases Kip and Negro Brogans and Boots 175 dozen fur and water-proof wool Hats 50 do women mid children’s Palm Loam Hoods Oriental (new style) Florence plain and English Straw ladies and misses Bonnets, newest hIiu|h»s all of which, with a great variety of other articles in the DRY GOOD way, making an unusual and very ex tensive assortment, which he offers at wholesale or i eta'll low for Cash or on short time. Orders of com mission houses, and the custom of purchasers from the country and city is respectfully solicited, novas_ GEORG EG. HENRY._ FLOWER ROOTS.—MOSELY & CO, Drug gists, at the corner of Dauphin and Royal sis., have received by the Mary Silsby, a small collection of BuIImhis Roots, consisting of Dahlias, Tulips, Hyacinths, Crown Imperials, Anemones, Iris, Croai-s Ranunculus, Lilies, Polyanthus, Narcissus, and dou ble Jonquill*. nov 27 SPANISH INDIGO—600 lbs finest Spanish In digo, landing ex ship Edwinn, for sale by I. C. DuBOSE <fc CO. Druggists, nlO late DuRose & RofT, 39 Water-st. 1%J EW FANCY GOODS.—An assortment colored ll and Black Silks, Black and col'd Mousbne de Lanes, French Prints, Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, Kid and Fillet Gloves & Milts, Linen Cnmh.Hdkft Silk Hosiery, &c. just received and for sale by THOS. 8. BATES, octl8 58tf No. 60 Water-st. Circuit Court, May i»:rm,a. Lai ki:i Collins, 1 Attachment for > 287 38, in I hr vs. > Circuit Coo»1 for the County of Joel A. Roltcrfs. j Jasper intlieStato of M ississippi. rpilLS DAY, lowii: May 15th, 1841, came ihe A plaintiff by uttornev into court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant in this case is a non-resident of this Slate, and lives and resides w ilhoul the limits of this State; it is there fore ordered by the court, that unless the said defen dant do appear here, on or before the first day of the next term of this court, give special boil and plead, : judgment will Im* entered and tile effect* attached will Ik* condemned and applied to the satisfaction of the plaintiff’s demand: and it is further ordered by the court, that a copy of tine order be published inthe Mobile Commercial Register, a new-paper published in the city of Mobile, in the Stale of Alabama for six successive months. In testimony that the foregoing contains a copy of the order of said court in tlie case therein stated, I, Larkin Collins, Clerk thereof do hereto put my name and the seal of said court, this 28th day of June A. D., 1841. LARKIN COLLINS, jul-,6 13 monthly c mos Clerk said Court. 111JR.NT CORN ACADEMY.—The third ses -LBsioir of this School will open on the first Monday ofjnn’ry next, under the care of J no. B.Ci.ausel, where will be taught, in addition to tbr usual branch es of an English Education, Latin, Greek, the Math ematics, &c. Mr. Chattel is a native ol Virginia, j where he graduated; and the subscribers arc proud in offering to the public so ripe ft scholar, imbued so thoroughly with southern feeling-and so justly appre ciating southern interests. The site of the Academy is remarkably healthy, and remote from those pests of the young, drinking shops, stores and other places of public resort. Tf.kms.—For Latin, Greek, Mathematics, &c. $20 per session, or $ 4 a month for a shorter period; for Geography, Arithmetic, English (trammer, &c., $15 per session, and for the primary branches $9 per session. Hoard may be had in the neighborhood for $8 per month. JOHN WATKINS, ) JOHN GREEN, >Trustees. JOHN MARSHALL, 5 Burnt Corn, Sept 21. ncp24 MfTtJtd I71 OR SALE,—That valuable lot of land, tiuvinfn front oil ltoyal-sf. of ltfO feet by a depth of 125 feet, situated opposite the Stale Press. Terms.—1-5 cash, the halascc in three equal an nual payments, with interest from date at 8 per cent, pci annum. Notes to be secured by mortgage on the premises. Also,—Will he sold on the same terms, all other Real Estate belonging to the Hank. Purchasers to pay all expenses for Deeds, &c. Proposals will lw» received in writing addressed to the Cashier of the Branch Rank of the State of Alabama, apt! 258tf II. GAYLE, Cashier D RAGES BALSAM KICKS of Balsam Copaiba and Cubcbs by Charles Weldenou—jHst receiv ed u fresh supply ol the above valuable medicine, for sale wholesale and retail, by RICHARD NORTH, inar27 No 35 Governm't and 45 Comcests. POTATOES.—100 barrels Northern, for sale low from the wharf, apply to nov2 JNO. C. RYAN i cor Conti 4* Wuter-st. Of| BAGS BLACK TEPPER-10 hags Since, O" " 20 bags Race Ginger, just received nnd for sale by R. L. WATKINS & Co. Druggists, novo cor Water and St. Francis-sts. r MIKAS.—A largo assortment of all qualities, for JL sale b\ [iiovl5] JOHN O’llElLEY. SUGAR.—15 birds, for Bale by novl6 SMITH & DABNEY. CIORPORATION OlU)E~IlS —$50tKrin'ci)rpT) V ration Orders* in sums to suit purchasers, for sale by septl7 47tf J. K. COLLINS. (CRANBERRIES 4* MACKEREL^U* half & > qr hhls Cranberries, 30 half and «jr bhls No. 1 Mackerel, for sale by m>\ 13 76tf P. McCASKILL, 18 Com. nU Fresh warranted garden seeds. —The subscribers arc now in receipt of their an nual supply of Garden Seeds, embracing every variety in general use. They will warrant every Seed sold by them to bo fresh, well matured, and of the first selection. I. C. DUBOSE & CO., Druggists, novl3 late DuBose & Rolf. (CANDLES—600 bxs Sperm and Coinpost lor y Bale by [nov26] G. WESTFELDT & HRO. AGOING AND ROPE—200 pieces Kentucky Bagging; 200 coils do Ro|re> for sale by nov26 G. WESI'FF.LD1’ & PRO. HO M. SUPERIOR REGALIA CIGARS^ &V9 fur sale by novO G. WESTFELDT & HRO. f|MN PLATE.-51 boxes Tin Plate of van u« JL brands, for sale by ~ irovl5 77tf II. L. REYNOLDS, 66 Water-st. OT|/Y BOXES STARCH, of superior quality— Ovll/ lauding from barque Hebron und for sale by octl8 J. REA. 1 HO PIECKS maysville bXgThng IUU 75 coils Rope,—just received and for sale by [oct8 57] CALVIN KEITH. NAILS.—500 kegs Duncannon Nails, 4d to 20d, uf very superior quality, lauding from Schooner Candid, nnd for sale by OGDEN BROTHERS, OctlS Water street. ASPARAGUS ROOTS.—A few hundred of the finest Giant Asparagus Roots, far sale low. 1. C. DUBOSE & CO., Druggists, aovl3 39 Wuler-st. OPl’ER, WIRE, SHEET IRON,' TIN PLATE. &c. Braziers Copper—30x60 inches 10,11,13 and 24x60 pound Sheets. Shf.athiko Copper—14 and 16 ox Sheet Ikon—250 bundles English Iron, Nes 10 70 27 Wire—50 bundles Iron Wire, Nos 7 No 17. Ri v RTS—60 thttusuml Tinned Rivets; 40 thousand Black do. Tin n ED Plates—250 boxes Jx Crown and Pont pool brands. 20 boxes 100 Plate Tin. Lf.aded Plate—150 boxes Lended Plate for roofing. Banc a Tin—20 pigs Bunco Tin, best quality. Nails—500 kegs Nails assorted, 4d to 20d. A supply of the above articles constantly on hand, ami for sale by E. C. CENTER & CO., aug7 corner of Conti and Commerce-st BOOTS! BOOTS! Major Boots—and Minor Boots Ladies’ slippers, and Gents pumps; it prime new set, Boots that fit Misses,and that never mia-fit ! “Bet Boots”—or boots for pretty Bet* ! Bootee* for site’s—and anelc tie* for pi t*. GENTS’ water proof, cork soles, or light hrogans ! Light dress, or pump hoots—we’ve always on hands. Ladies’ silk gaiter hoots that fit their pretty feet, And walkin/f ahoea with bows, that beaux delight to meet. Kid slippers and morocco too, to suit the neatest foot, In short we’ve stock to ahoe them ail, and children to boot. Root*! B»ot* ! Boots ! at NICIIOLLS, ADAMS k CO., dec 28 146tf 58, Dauphin *t. AAfc, PANAMA & LEO HORN HATS.—HEN jjim KY & 8TODDART, corner of Water ami 1 ^ Conti streets, have this day received a large assortment of the above (of the latest fashion und su perior quality) or gentlemen's summer wear. mar3 lftfltf "NOTICE.—MR FRANCIS A. MYERS k» cam® a partner of the subscriber's on the 1st of July. The firm will in future In; known by the uarae of u. C. Lowlier and Company. au*6 26tf jrni« D. O. LOWBEU. HAYS, WAGGONS, CARTS, WHEELS, lie.—An assortment of I)ravs and Waggons with and without bodies; light and heavy Carts; ex tra dray, cart and waggon wheels. Plantation wheels, earth, wood and wheelbarrows, always on hand, made bv John Wood, of Philadelphia, of the best seaso- id materials aad workmanship, for sale novlfc //Minos by JOHN O’REILEY. SADDLES.—2 cases, far sale very low by novlSJOHN O'REILEY. REMOVAL.—The undersigned have removed to first store in tiie new block of buildings, uppo site their late office. F. 6HAW It CO. nor8 71 Coiumcrce-st. pEMOVA I..-DOUnttUA Y * SBAXs, Booksellers It Stationer, have removed to the store formerly occupied by John Stephenson It Co. No. 36 Dauphin street. nov8 REMOVAL.—The subscribers have removed t» the corner of Commerce and St. Miobnel-sts. octlS SMITH It DABNEY. T ON DON, DtimL, POINT, ROSE AND La WIIITN&Y BLANKETB._M bale, ju.1 re ceived and are now open and for nnle liy uuvl2 LATHAM HULL k SON. uih r..— Whereas in puisuanee of a decreta order tendered at the late term of the GTwncery Comt held in Mobile in a cause tending in raid court wherein Copperthwniie, Cope It Dunlap nnd the President, Directing ami (\.m|*nny of khz Bank of the 'Jsited Slates of Pennsylvania are c< np'ainant* and •saar H. Erwin administrator of Henry Hitchcock and the heirs of said Hitchcock are defendants- tne undersigned has been appointed Rereiver of the es tnte desrt ilied and mentioned in the bills of com plaint in said cause:—-and when ns by the terms of said order the undersigned is authorised and required to collect and receive the rents in nrresir which have accrued since the 8th day of February, 1840, and the growing rents becoming due from the tenants of said pennies and to let and manage said premises. Therefore all persons ow ing or indebted oil account of the use, occupation or leasing of any of said prem ises are cautioned from paying or accounting lor the same to any other person or persons:—and all per sons wishing to lease any of said premises will call on the undersigned who in above authorised to let the same. [june9 4tf] WM. MAGEE, Receiver. DOC'TOH JOHNSON’S Conctutrattd Compound Fluid Extract of Saroaparillat Liverwort, 1Jlrun ty Ro.t and Lignum Vitae. The great rsuuse of all our ills is proved to lie a suppression of one or other of the secretories, pro ducing an attraction in the great outlets, or com mon sewers of the body, uud (hereby rendering )he Howls of n diseased quality, and unlit for nutrition; and these obstructions can only be removed by res toring the natural secretions, without which we must lalu*r under perpetual disease. This splendid nnd invaluable combination of the moht healthy and salutary articles in the vegetable kingdom, is considered the greatest disco,ory that e\rr was made since the dawn of medicine, as pos sessing the long sought for and inestimable quality of exciting at the same time the healthy action of th.e stomach, lungs,bowels, liver, kidneys and skin, nnd w lint is of great importance,it may lie always ta ken with advantage in e very vai iety and stage of dis ease, without opprehendihg danger. The following ate a few, out of countless diseases, in which it has showu its wonderful virtue:—incipient consumption, chronic enlargement of the livfr and spleen, rheuma tism, dropsy of every kind, dyspepsia, palpitation ot the heart, difficulty of breathing,,cough, iuisingof blood, mercurial disease, eruptions on the skin, painful swellings in the joints and legs, sore throat, nose, nmi constitutional debility, arising from veueri al disease. In these and all other diseases it Ims ne ver been equalled. In fart, it is the result of a long and laborious practice of 18 years. It luis also re ceived the well merited sanction of the whole medic al faculty, and is supported by the testimony of nu merous persons ho have been cured of diseases that were considered beyond the reach of human inieu tiou. The follow ing is one, out of many, that have been lately received. (1 itfnana, Miss., June 2,1841. Dr. Johnson—Dear Sir—In vain 1 have tried the best medical skill, and all the remedies that could bo devised, to cure me of a complicated disease dial af fected my liver, stomach and lungs. In fact, my sub feriugs became so great, thnt 1 gave up all hopes of recovery, when I happily saw your advertisement, uud got six bottles ol your valuable medicine. 1 Imv now finished the fifth bottle, which, with unsponkn bln joy, lias restored me to all the vigor of youiii. It is imlee I a wonderful medicine, umi 1 would es teem it a i act ol ingratitude to you, and injustice to the public, if I kept this fact secret from you. You arc, therefore, at liberty to make what use of it yon will. Yours, with much esteem, D. II. RHODES. For sale at 29 St. Francis »t.; price $2 per hot tie. not 10 RICHARD NORTH, No. 85, Government s. and 45, Commerce street, near St. Francis Importer of French and English Drugs, Chemistry, uul Perfumery, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs,Paints, Medicines, Oils, Glass, and Dye Studs, No. 35, Government, near Ro)ul, and 45, Commerce, near St. Francis street, informs his friends and the public generally, that lie hustaken the itore No. 45, Common stiect, (two doors from St. Francis,) east side, where in connexion with his store No. 35, Government, he intends keeping uu extensive assortment of all articles iu his line of bu siness. He does not expect, much less hope, for more encouragement and support than he has hither to received, without claiming for himself the meed of merit. He will at all times use his best endeav or* to render satisfaction to all who may favor his establishment with their patronage. As lie is well aware how highly important it is tor Physicians and families to obtain medicine! in their pure state, the public may rest assured in obtaining pure and fresh medicines. He is receiving, and w ill continue to re ceive, by ilie latest arrivals, u huge, fresh, and su perior assortment of Ainericun, English, and French selected with the greatest cure. The assortment of drugs and family medicines, compris ing every article of the choicest and freshest selerj tiort in the line, arc from the best European and A mericun manufactures. lie also will kecj) on hand a select assortment o fresh Gurden anp Field Seeds, Boons and Peas. N. B. Orders from the country filled at the short est notice. feb 1 AILKK’H FRENCH PILL8.—£800 ( UAL LENGE.—The genuine French Pills againstall (Black Nostrums of the ago, for the cure of * * * * * The French Pills are applicable in all cases forei tber sex, (warranted free from Mercury) and possess, es great advantages over tho Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and con sequently do not affect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage, they never disa glee with the stomach, ami in the first stages of the disease, they usually effect a cure in a few days w ith little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after every other teincdy hud failed. In short, they have l>ecn universally successful that the proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. iaul2 I. C. DUBOSE & CO., 39 Water st. 0Cfr* Price, $2 per box, with full dii •ectinns. UDGE PATTERSON.—Read the following frsiu Judge Putterson, for thirty years the first Judge of the county ill which lie lives. Midulktown, N. J., March 12, 1810. Messrs. Comstock & Co., Gentlemen—You are at liberty to make each use of the following certificate ns you deem w ill best sub serve the purposes for which it is Intended. [Certikicatk ok Jti do k Pattxrij!.] 1 hereby certify, that my daughter has beta nfilirl ed with sick headache lor the space of ^bout 20 years—the attnek occurring once in about tvowccA ^ frequently lasting 24 hours, during which ..hue. he paroxysms have been so severe, as apparently soon to deprive her of life. And after hav ing trit l almost nil other remedies in vain, I hard been induced as n last resort to try Spohn'tf Headache Reined] ns sold by you’, and to the great disappointment and joy ot herself and all her friends, found very material relie from die first dose of the medicine. She has follow ed up the directions witli the article, and in every case w hen an attack was threatened Ims found imme diate relief, until she is ucar permanently cured — The attacks are now very seldom, and disappear 1 most immediately alter taking the quantity directed# A hope that others may hu Uem lilted by the use of this truly invaluable medicine, Iiua induced me to sou yon the above, ami remain your obedient servant, 1 JEHU PATTERSON, Judge of the Court of C P COMSTOCK fit CO Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fletcher si. New York. Sold by I. C. DuBOSE & CO, Agents, and by Drs. Maynard, Hammond, and Gates. Mobile | jan 28 170 _ KITCHEN’S PATENT PREPARED CO* COA.—A supply of the above original and tru ly valuable prepurutr. il of Cocoa long and fuvnruhly known to the public, is jusl received direct from the proprietor and for sale by the undersigned. Among other highly flattering testimonials of its superior quality and usefulness, are found the following. “J. Kitchen left with uic some of his P. Cocoa and on trial I find it a very superior article, and recom mend its adoption for family use.** Dr. William Thomas. “I have tried your P. Cocoa and consider it dcci decly superior to any I have used before in my fami ly-** Dr. Jwo. Coom. “I concur in the foregoing statements.** Dr. D. Hobsack MI have drank of J Kitchen’s P. Command recom mend it as a superior article of beverage to any prep* aration of Cocoa extante—it possesses less of the oli aginons nature of Chocolate, therefore less liable to Iwcome offensive to the convalescent and is more suit aide for the healthy. D. Rloss For sale by I. C. DUBOSE & CO., ianl4 late DuBose A Kofi', 39 Water st. COMPOUND SYRUP OF LIVERWORT, (Hepatica 3VW*,)—For the cure of Pulmona ry and Hepatic affections, Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Spitting of Blood, $*c. 'llic reputation whic this article (Liverwort) lias obtained iu the treatmen of Consumptions, Spittisg of Blood, Liver Com plaints, Coughs, 4*c. and the great uncertainty tber must always be in the preparation of decoctions th mode in which this plant has been usually ad in ini*, tered, by persons ignorant of Pharmnceiticnl Manr |)iilaiious, lias led us to make a concentrated Com pound Syrup of a uniform strength. MEREDITH, HENDERSON & Co. N. B.—Noue arc genuine without our wriuea signature. 1 For sale by the single bottle or dozen by RICHARD NORTH, S3 Government, febl9 and 46 Commerce-st*. TOBACCO—20 boxes just received and for tala by octSO J. REA;