Newspaper Page Text
-M GIS A \ It JOUKWAL, BY'SANFORD & VVI , . UOBIIE, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, 1X41.""' __ voll 15 -- -_ . ■■ ------ —-—-— _ ____ _ ___ — — — I u .1 <la. Suuscriptiou, ten dollars fm the daily piper, p.tynbh i: ilvunce, aud live dollars for the country paper, payai t. yearly in advance by cash or city r.-r. ren. p .no; wishing to Uiscontinne, must give oau week’s notice u writing. Anvkkrisi>o.— Advertisements continued without in terruption, will he chu/ged ut the rate of one dollar i < square for thetirst insertion, and Ili'ty cents for e • It sul' sequent one. Semi-weekly and tn-weekly ones will in charged tile same as first insertion*. Twelve lines m.ik* a square. If uu advertisement makes less ih.m a sqa.o it shall cost as niuelt as a fail one. Advertisements nut limited on the manuscript, as n the number of insertions, will he continued fur twi noiiths and so Charged, unless previously directed loin taken out of the paper by a written order. Advertisements not bearing upon their faces the * of the persons by whom they are sent, must be endi imt by them. The terms for annual advertisers will In* *' ) for nut square, and for each additional square, with the priv lege of changing once a week, due in advance. The privilege of annual advertisers is limited to lluui own immediate business; and all advertisements for tin oeneflt of other persons, as well as all legal udvt: menu, and advertisements of ttuctioii sales, senthy the.a. must lie paid for at the usual rales. All advertisements required by law, will be charged at the lull rates. Annual advertisers who exceed the space for which they contract, will be charged at the osuul rates. Arrangements will bn made with those who occupy hall % column or more continuously for a yrr. according to the nature of the business, and the fa-queuey ol t'u change of mutter. Advertisements of application for the hnirfli of the Insolvent Laws, will not he published in a.iy case, unit paid for previous to insertion, or payment l»e guaranteed by a responsible person in town. All announcements of candidates for oilier, will be char ged live dollars for daily insertions during the* cativu. . parable in nil coses in advance. Military and Fire Companies, and other similar Af*n ; • lions, will be charged full rates by the insertion, orfoity dollars per nuuuiu if they do not exceed one aqtiure each week. All personal communications, when mlmH-iliic, " 'll 1 e charged double, and in all cases payment must be made ia advance. mKUST SALE.—My vfituo of n Dee I of Trust JL executed to its by Philip McLuskey, bearing !-■»«• on the 1 l;li day «f March, A. D. 18 U, an I rec >nl'*d in the Clerk’s office of Mobile county, in !‘. .U A«». , 1, Pages 535 and 538, we will sell at public .t»n*j i.»n, in front of the court house. <»»• «!»«• 5 * ‘v «.! \i,ir —.t *it laao,'’, lyl'HI ■"* 1 iii theeoani-. of Mobile, c .'it.iint • - . Ii.i7 10il acres, lie ing a s,*riio In. : i l.- l -mith by the Orange Grove tract of land, commencing at the point of intersection of die northern lin • of said tract ami the western line of the Laurent plantation and extending westivurdly on the north line of Or ange Grove beyond its termination: bounded cist by the Laurent plantation, mid included w ithin the wes tern line of su'd Laurent plantation, the northern liuc of thu Orange Grove tract, mid the sectional lines i f various email tracts ul forty acres, laid off by the government of the United .Slates, all of which will more fully appear by reference to the map of the township number four of range one west. And also,—One forty-eighth pail of the lands be longing to the Ora ige Grove Company, including all the lands included in a trust deed to Calvin Norris, James Magee and Tims. W. McCoy, which have not been before this time laid offatid sold by the said Trustees or by the company prior to the said tired; and the said undivided interest hereby conveyed i<> be subject to the uses and trusts of the said deed, mid a ^ right, title, interest and claim in the one forty-eighth part of all the lands in the Orange Grove tract and • the Laurent plantation, excepting the I »ts of laud so disposed of which said tracts «f land lie on tin- north side of the city of Mobile, one containing 207 71-100 acres, the other 355 39-100 acres; an I a full Inty eighth interest in the lands held by said company be tween the said plantation and the river. Terms of sale cash. JOHN A. CAMPBELL, DAN’L CHANDLER, dec4 41|ids SAM’L M. OGDEN IN CONFORMITY with this last \V;I, a lament of Joseph Raby, deceased, un i l-. carry into effect the provisions of said W ill, and in c*»n foimity with the order ol the Orphans ('mirt «>l Mo bile county, granted the 23th day of <)i tober, 1841, I will, on Monday, the 8th day of January, 1842, \ pose to public sale, in front of tbe court It ms.- « i Mobile, within the legal hour <uf sale, all tbepoi’s .cal real estate ol said Joseph Raby, a.- follows, vi/.: tiie Negroes Willi, 'Pony, Isaac, So My au.l 1: v litres .children; Household Furniture; as also, a tiact «•: Land lying oil Mayott Coden, in Mobile roiciiv, taining about 300 a< res; also a tract ol' Lau I at Fal ton, containing about 48 acres, being tie.* icsid'iic" of tlu* lute Joseph Raby. 'Perms of sale 6 months credit, vvrth two g o.l sc curities JOSEPH KREBS, nov20 82tf Executor. ISSOLU PION OF COI'-V ii PM dC H! Notice is hereby given to ail i cod. • the copartnership in the Iron Fmi i y ii >: r Mobile, known under the name of .1 ms C: Co., has been this day dissolved. AH par«ena hav- : ing claims ngainst said firm on nccou of ?!i bile Foundry, will please present them t'rr ment. [oct29 65tf .1 AMES CIJRRY. EDICAL AND CORIN'A RV;Te i l MST( Gates’* Drug Store, 108 Dauphin street—S.i^e, Thyme, Maine, Catnip, Pennyroyal, ll'irc-hound, Peppermint,Spearmint, Motherwort, Lif: l’.\<• last ing, Comfrcy Rout, Sweet Majorum, Mark, Saffron. Marshin.illovVs, mid various other domestic Herbs, Marks, Riots, &c. for sale at nov27 GATES’S Phannaey, 108 Dauphin at. rjplMACCO AND ClGOH! -fiOO b ix T.ilmc JL cn, various brands; 10m Cigars, Cnnoue**; 20 vt Cigars, flannel A moles; 20 At Cigars, American; in •tore and for sale bv dec 10 THOS. P. MILLER & CO. IV E W A 3 1) SR ASSIGNABLE i> i Y (i-UJl) -, M MILLINERY, etc.—Just received per lot* arrivals, fVom France, (via New Yorn ami N*w.Or leans) a splendid assortment of rich water’d mi l pi da Silk Velvet ami Plush Bonnets, unsurpassed in beau ty of style and quality of textures; u large assort ment of Artificial Flowers; Fancy Caps; children Hood8; Leghorn Hats; Dunstable ami Oriental do; 10-4 rich Shawls and Mantillas deep ring'd ; Satin stipd’d Challies; plain and plaid Mouse <le l-nim French Pruts, col’s guaranteed ; ladies and gm .. Kid Gloves; bl'k Bombazine; heavy and rich Chun tilla Veils, Ac. Ate. O’ The Milliueiy department will be conducted by Mrs. Cullen. Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. J. A. »Ml III, successor to nSStf_p.rrru'x.n,< FOIt SALE.—A family of \ nhiuble N Ell ROES, —consisting of—BRANCH, aged 40; good Gardner, Ostler and general servant GEORGE, aged 6; bis sod BRANCH, “ 20; first rale Steward and Waiter ^ JOE, “ 19; Dray man The above negroes have been raised in this city, and are of good character, and first rate servants in every res|>ect, and only sold to Hose a concern. They can be seen by applying at the corner of Conti an I Commerce street, up stairs. nnv20 EW EMBROIDERIES—HEN IIV & STUD DART, corner of Water and Conti sts., have imported and are now opening, a splendid assortment of Embroideries and Thread Laces, consisting of-— Capes, Cancxons, Collars, Collarettf, Petit Collars, Chemeyettes, Stomachers, Infant’s Robee Waists and Capes, Muslin Rolers, (some of which are richly embroi dered, suitable for Wedding Dresses,) Embroidered Shawls, Mourning Collars in great variety, &c, A large assortment of Thread Laces, Edgings and Inserting.*!, real Valenrennes Edgings, Also—Linens, Table Linen, Towelling, Diapers, 12-4 Barnsley Sheetings, Spool Colton, Scotch Ginghams, &<•. &«., Figured and plain China Silks, blk Satin and Satin Turk, Muslin deLaine, &c. All of which they offer at wholesale or retail cheap cash. dee 1 EWARK FURNITURE WAREHOUSibU D. B. CRANE & CO, Manufacturers from Newark, N. J., invite the attention of their friends and the public, to their splendid stock of Furniture, such as Sofas, Sideboard, Centre, Pier, and tnon Tables, Wardrobes, &c. &<*., which are offm.*.l at Manufacturer's prices, at 87 Water st. next door , — »uo,«ac Ob on s lirtig More. dee I j BACON.—casks Uwm uni Siles, land from steamer Alabama direct from Cincinnati, for sale by [dec5] W M. II. BU \ N ELL & Ct >. ¥ ETI’ER PAPER.—3J renin* lujjw'rior English Linen Letter Paper, on co isigmaent and for •ale hy GUSTAVUS BEAL & CO., _^ec2Hagan’s buildings, Conti-st. CROCKERY.—3 boxes containing each a Din ner an 1 l’ea sett complete, of white octagonal ware, fitted to family use, f„r sale low by G. DAVENPORT k CO, «ec 2_ m Oi>*n. st. THE UNDERSIGNED has instore and recelv ing per recent arrivals— 121) tons Swedes Iron, well assorted 10 tons German, Cast, Crowley, Shear and blis tered Steel 15 tons Hollow-ware; 500 kegs Cut Nails 200 Ploughs, Chains, Hoes Fan Mills, Corn Slieelers, Straw Cotters, Grind ■tones an 1 a general assurtm.aii of Shelf Hardware and Cutlery which he offers fn sale on favorable erms. [doc.9] O. MAZANGE,43 C mi. st. TOBACCO—76 boxes various qualities. f,r Hn!<* by .[dJO] JOHN O’RKILY. LANDING froinhng China Had for Kale <m wliuTf or in ptore—150 boxos Codfish, 20 eases y,||„ and half galls ‘Underwoods Pickles, 23 case* Under wood *■ Lemon Syrup, for sale by dec7 P. McCASKlLL, 13 CoinnKrce-8*. (1 .1 . |.1 iiHtj Ui , 7J bags ptiui J Lnyaiiru, 11)0 i»'i »* prime wli UciVf‘1 uaieit Jan Or sale by | -V] JOHN O’KLILEY. *y ^ 1 L.>S bids prime i’.uK “*r(j * HARRIS & ROSS. ! OJ’RL SLLRM oil..—2) ca.-l.s pirn Spen j V. i.ii r Siiaiiu- ; Oil. l.uii.iu^ aa.l l .iMil» l>v M. il. 1H NM1LL Jr. t o. 3Yi > ■'?.! • bay», I m ling from "tempi 8.6/ ; f ,i it|t for j,v G. WESTFELDT & BRO. O' - *' IHiSil \\ HfSKEY.—2d 2 gallon rlemi i Inis nl‘s.|»1 Mail, 12 \ears, this is a superi:. ■ • ' ■' rate by £drt7] J. < CRLILKY. I i \ '. I r • 1 | I ; , | ' 11 - . 1 -E>- dee7 JOHN O’JlFJLEY. I * T i ■ T!~R i-TRAlNKl) SI'KRM OI L—T-a *al. YY ; 7 i>\ John < >•;:LILLY. O \!Si.\S.—1m !, .x,- l:L 0< I i 6 ic V. M. II. BUNNELL k t < >. I o V;..i.iir,'iioi':: & fwixf:.—tv-t.M-. ... - * iis lii|::.| atl!u! I"'* -t rate* aa I ini aenninn:. I iaiiii:' terms, hy [ Oc7J JOHN O’BLILEY. IIAin .1 - j . i JOHN O’REILEY. Hi • 2 pip*** well rtaunt*il, fot sain by [ I,-7] JOHN O'BLILEV. BO.‘ON SlULfb—10 cask.; landing and fur *a!e «lfi 7 by IK WJ V. ater-at. j^DET WIN*'. — i ;i- .-a '■ s 11 !*!i oli | i'.ut, 2 >ra s > sdu, f.r - lie Ly tlm-7] J. O’REILT.Y. i 0 OAI’ .•LiiAil.—2*) li .xcs Wuulst's'n L .uf, lur J J Mile liy [Iit7.] JOHN O’REILLY. V3 A I): .LI A.—.i qr «.i •.> iJIandy’* London par j iY 1 i ir.nSar, fur sale I*v ! dci-7 ' JOHN O’REILLY. I? \V\i\ii. casks'S' .r\ mf l SfomT •14 & i'-rs Cincinnati sniukud B.i u::, 200 euck.s Salt, I fur .sals at low »*• it vn la ? .. *. rill i i ?oim i • ■- •. ^ Y y jh ;; i fr-yb t •*> : • ' ' I, . , ■ I < N IU I i ;—1 7 l«: 1 iisHmY Jnudkig j ,,i;i barque lb ("on i, i : -ale bv I iliitS Yx d. il. iiL.X.XLLL & CO. if I '*1 ■{.— 50 bids : nperfine landing from uclir. II K formic In dccll ' IARSH ALL & ROWE. B* AW D V .—ID li: ii pipe# champagne aad Seig •>ft!e, |". . sale by .1. IL TOLI.MIN, <hc! I I". 83 . !itIih<]•«(, . i.i ,'s SHOT.-l'hi bags a * iIt • -i. .. 3 onln’.s Shid, just remixed and for salt? by 'I'-clO \* . Ei) d< ).\"I) 6c Co.,96 Coinmerce-st. d 'ANDLLS.-209 boxes Sperm; 50 do extra Sperm, fir rah* by <H0 9< J. IL TQULMtN,35St. M5c•hacl-st. ; ERM OIL.—4 ciiskt winter strained bleached, for by J. R. TOD I ..MIN, 1 85 St. Miciiat l-*t. Ni 8.—In gallon and halt gallun jar,just re ceived and for.'ale bv CLN.MXCilAM & CALDWELL, - 60 1 >.t.«!>liin--1. J J* A t;<, I V •; K.M'L cS* T WIN E.—100 pr« heavy '■ P Kentucky lla j.'iiig, 1')^ coils Kentucky Rope, 600His Kentucky Twin**, fur sale low bv Cl RODE & Vx HITE, <h*r3 corner Commerce and Ihuiuhin-st.s tp • ■ • I i ‘ ; ;.. . nail lot td : eat I’m i 1 a id “ Wed Rot *iii Emu it art.*, landing fnmi brig China li'.mi ilustoa, for salt* l>\ C. DAVENPORT k CO., *!" s 29 St. Michael-st. C .*. « ( ■.. — ; 1 :• i-.. Rio, 100 sacks (invalid, 8.0 .-aeks St. ik.:*ni.ig.», 50 sacks (L.v’t Java, for . de by J IL’int'LMlN, * ; 85 S . tficbael-st. kVl • * ■ - * • • L 1: tv > Isng.r, I'o ale bv RRQ. *,yJ L* I *1 lor sail*; a;j|dx to ^ I51 1 > 1 ;s • I‘ > N * T A V U)Il Sr M 3 KRS. t&Tifl KS.—200 (sixes .-1. Julian, *m I, Mus V ▼ eat, oil eoosig ,:*n? and I n salt* by til.*'!' .VI S RE \L 6c V()., Hagan Rmldinus. Cnnti-M. • • 4 ken on if ! »u rales, at tin* store on Conti .-ireet wharf. : 1 j by J. H. RIVERS, f AA k is I ■ yd 1 .. . 1 11. < ,lin. ■■■ 1 r -I'm-.l itit.l t'.ir bv b.Tl iiU.VI'l.\GTL>\ r CI.EVia.ANn. e. O V it iliirs'K Ml!!, „• in C5 l.'i lO c I \,\IMill.A M k col.UI'.l.l,. COSH E X HCTTEW,—Just landing B- li . a barque Reform and for sale bv dm.9 i I NMXtiilA v, & COLWELL. jl| A ItKINfJ I \ a . - bbis I ik, fot marking Cot lV-a. ion Rales, just receixe I a t.I by R. I.. W A PixLX’S & t..*0. Druggists, ocl20 corner \\ aiei an I St. Lraneis-tfs. ^ »*Ei* d t-A .X DLLS. -1:<0 boxes favurile brands in stole and for sale b. DESHSO.X, TAYLOR & DYERS, nox-12 e •ru«r Conti and Coniiiierce-xts. SO. r. —2,8 K) sack mi b MM* I shiji Bl ike from from Liverpool, for salt; bv L VliU) 4c LITTLrjOI-IiV, fox 22 83U l St, FraDcis-i 1. ^pOUAI 1 <) v 8ECIARS —59 boxen Virgintu T<* ■ l»a 1; 30 a Reg ilia, I'rabueo an I I'rinri pe Se ,'ars, f.r sale by ( IRODE k Will I E, nov23 r.or. Con. 6c Dauphin sts. WINTER SPERM OIL—A lew casks White Strain**'! Lam.lx Sperm Oil, received and for sal: by i. C. Du ROSE 4c ( O. Druggistn, nix) kite DuRo.-t 6c Ilofl, 3D \V ater-st. Vl/HIls|\EY & FLOG11.—50 baiTcl* Rectified V * \Y liiskcv, 65 bbls s i|if*r.'ini* Flour, tor sale bv >; um-25 I’. .Met \SKILL, IS Com. st. 3 U IO COFFEE, N.”<). Sagar an I Flour, landing ■ %/fiom sclir Mobil.*, mi l for sale liv tmv23 JAS. HAGAN, S4 Water st. POTATOF,S,—3<)0 barrels Northern Potatoes, in good order, for lie hv nov24 GA ItDNF.K & SAGF.R, 69 Com. su \\T ITALY &. ROSE ill A \ RETS.—500 tair TT very siipci ior, M/' s from.8-4 to 14-4, for sale d l hy L4Tti \M HULL & SON* ajlANO FOR I’Ed— An eleg nt article,ii* ■ *- low by l>. B. CRANK & CO, dec 4 37 Water st. OLD PALE SHERRY*—.\ i. w i!mce» stipefiot old Pale Sherry YY ine, in store wmi foe sale by FRANKLIN YV. ataUUY, ftov 12 63 Cmmiierre-st. RA1L ROAl> Hi<)\ - 12 ions 1 t uf 'loml Iron for sale hy McGRAN & NOONAN, f»ct22 No. 6 St. Mieb.iel-st. pYTOitillEUN BAGGING.—Ink) pieces instore, for sale hy [d.-r7] i>. WHEELER. P” OTA TOES & ONIONS^-209 hnilef* be ; Maine Potatoes, 19.) bills I>• • st Maine White On ions, on eoiisignment and far «ab by deel Itf .1. II. RIVERS. Fl^OBACCO.—50 kegs Virginia Lump, Rope— i 50 coils Kentucky, ibr salt- bv <:■ HB \ ,jM KIN til V. \y • ,t. [V All/'. — 330 4 cut • ■ i I t » B0J of -1 »• 1 N rior <|nality, for sale by d- r6 O ilV’.N RHOTHERS. 13 1) OP 1 i. 11 U'lll ' I « i it! It 1,1 , Og It \JUi AIC.IUI ■ w er Alabamian I for sal. bv __dmA_ \VM. i 1. BUNNELL fy CO. ^ lORAGK—In tir'* iirool \Varelionse and Shells ^ ror.i.M- Water and M Miihacl si., on arc mnilo lniiig ternn l»t (dec 2) .1. O’REILLY. ;^A i 11 l.RS—A article of li\e Geese 1' eatlievs, Ibr sale Lav by ‘|p<*4 jtf j). Ii. CRANE & CO. VV ^ ^ * ^'0,—A good Man Servant, who under V ▼ stands h-iu-e work an I waiting, wanted by dot 3 HA RDNF.R & SAGER. tjd LDl. R,—19J bids superfine, on consignment, Ibr S «l« by C. A. GILBERT, iin\23 5) Cominerce-st. f_B EM OVAL.— Hie undersigned lux removed bo u ■ w/ 48 Daujihiti to Si. Fiiin* street, where lie itfers lor sale -m HCrrom.ii (dating terms, a large us lorr.unnt of FI RNI I'UUE. Entrance 32 Water and J6 Sf. Francis xtrcel. ' s‘” J. C GW INN. «N SETTri CO A ci I ’ 11A RN ESS, made of the lies! materials, for sale by daf8 WM. 1L BUNNELL & CO. ►J PERM C \ V! >L S~-~800 buds New Bedford ^ Candle*, for sale hv OG '''n fmoTITERg, id \’ at CG>i- s.—293 -ark.-* priniQ white, Mu ling from f e* *-t«n»-r Lady of the Lake and for sale hy * dm-li) I.. HULL ii SON. M iNILLA AN I> RUSS1A H E dT IrTpH— in store and for s di- bv dec-SKw FRANKLIN W. McCOY. liE SIN F NS 4 A II 08. ’ n.nIA &HOB1NHON, C n M M J S .S' 1 U -V M JC R C 11A N T St . No. 6, Camrocive-st.Mobile. JACOSf 4)T; Eit, ' G n o v i: r v s r a n /•:, No. 21, Government-street,.Mobile. .1. M. Wi I II 15 & t •<». C O M M1 &> s 1 o A M /; RC If A N T S, MOLII.F., Ala. Office—No. 7,Sr. Francis-strklt, Over the Dty Gowls stare of Wilkinson, Jffapktns Qr Co. r.EFEiJSKCES: j St.John, Powers A- Co. Mobile. Dr. John Mnrnwi, . V iiu'lnt & Turiwr, } T““"I,k“" T. W. Itrevard, / ,, I. w. 11,; m-, > Montgomery. A. H. Wynu, I v J, Ua.Ulion, JMaren:"' .1. l>. Hoke, j BtnIon' J. i ouoley A ( o, Seims. 11.(1. Huntley, Lowndes.—[Til*. FL.g. nct4 felfMmo. \SS £ BJU>THEftS, Cow mission Mkkch ants, iY r tv - To r Ar. ANDREWS & BROTHERS, Co 51M l S SI ON M E RC IIA N I S , IS'itt'-Orlean* 1.. I.. ANDREWS & CO., C O JU 51 IS S I o N M K K t II X s T 8 , Resido-noe of Partners— Mobile, Ala. .1. 1. A no hews, New-York. Z. Anihilv,:. New-Orleaaa. F.. L. Andufaw, Mobile. | i Liberal advances made ou Consignments to cither or the above, houses. inn 16 M( >SEEK1 CO.-—DRI GGISTS, At the Comer of Dauphin and R»ynl Street.*. Are now receiving a l.litii.nal supplies of fresh Driios and Meihcin ks, | of the first quality, which they oiler foi sale in quan titieit„i4i suit pnrrhasns ;it moderate price*. JOHN C. RYAN, .. o „ (J'.":lrS, T’iA ant, inil6 Mo rile Ala. ROBERTSON Sc t <>., COMMISSI O N .M i: II C II A N T S , • Wm. Ii. Robertson, J Mobile, Ala. . Henry M/eru, > j Jos. II. Murrell. ) iunlG J \ i >. W. fOULMI N , C O M MISSION M IJRCHANT, iuulG 37 St. Michatl st.—Mmiii.r. OGDEN BROTHER®, COMMISSION M ERG II ANTS, ianlb Mobile, Ala. Me GRAN & NOONAN7 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN IRON, Ac. innl6 No. 6 St. Michael at.—Mobile. 7v7~batr£ kCLL, Commission Merchants, No. 70 Commerce street.—MOBILE. ]r Adviuirt-s unde mi Cotton shipped to their friend* in Europe mid (lie United Slate*. ianlti i;. c7ce.\tf.r~& CO., Commission Mlkch ants, ianl6 MOB11E GARDNER k SAGER, Commission M k k c n a n t s , MOBIL E. [t7 Advances made on Cotton. ianlG JF. siiaw cx>7, Commission M e u c h ants, MOBILE, ALA. Franklin Shaw. Gustnvus Horton. LAIRD & LITTLEJOHN, General Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. Wm. Laird. J. Littlejohn. HOLCOMBE, BROTHER & CO., Factors and Commission Me rchants, ucilli A >. 39 Fruit 4* Commerce sin.—Mobile. FRANKLIN W. McCOY, C o m mission Merchant, imitfi Mobile. ~ Cl RODE & WHITE, PRODUCE, G ROC t. IIY vV CoMMIS5ION M euchants Corner C >mmercc awl Dauphin streets, ianlti J MO BILL, Ala. JOiiN SIMP,SON tt>., Factors & Commission Merchants, Mobile , Ala. John Simpson. Henry G. t.’uufield. ROBERT HARWELL, Factor and Commission Mi »nmr, iaul6 23 (Commerce st.—M oh 11 e . LATHAM HI LL <t BONJ Auction and Commission Mi kciiati, Ao . 22 \Y ut er Street, Mobile, Ala. J_y Liberal advance* made on consignments. JEREMIAH REA, Aucion and Commission Merchant, corner Water ami St. Michatl streets, i.iilti M obi fe. IIAR1U8 ^ ROB Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, rui m 37 Water street—M o b i I e . DEdlioN, TAYLOR & MYEIW, ~ oni.N; E u s and s hip uianu l k ii s , No. 80 Commsrt est.-— Mobile. AUSTIN & TARDY, ~ (1 ROC K R S AND Shi 1* C HAND L K R 8 , ('orner Commerce and Conti streets, U. H. Austin, / MOBILE. IL Tardy, 5 D. e. LOW BER, \\ li o 1 e s a I e and Retail Dealers i n GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, ianlC 59 Commerce si.—M o n i l f. . JOSEPii HALL & CO7 W I) o 1 e s a i e & Retail Dealers in Hard Wake, Iron, N ails, Hollow Ware,&c Coiner Commerce and Dauphi.i sts. iunlfi MOBILE. K. NORTH, Family Medicine Stork, No. 35 Government sti e.U, inn I'• opposite ilie M irlvct.—Mobile. R. L. WATKINS & CO.. Corner Water and St. Francis sts.—MOBILE W li o I e h a I e Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS AND inn 16 Window Glass. ~ 1. C. DUBOSE & CO., ( Late Du Bose £/’ lLtff.) Wholesale Diido gists, ian16 No. 39 Water at.—MOBILE. ’ THOMAS 8. BATES, iVo. 60 Wuter street—M on ilk. Wholesaled Retal Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. ~JOI1N K. RAN DALL~ Seller and Statkjnfr. No. 44 Water street.—M <> h i I e . A B.mkbindr; is iliacdied to the establishment. BUI B I. E D A \ S E X KS , Wholesale *V Detail Dealer* in BOOKS A N I) STATJOKER V, Pocket Cutlery, Music, Fancy Article*, kc. No. 50 Dauphin st.—MOBILE. HT Merchants, Teachers and other*, purchasing in qtu.'i titles, Ihmislied on the most liberal terms. ianlG "HOUSEHI• L1) FURNITURE„ DESKS,&c.“ A £tiicrnl assortment of the a I o s t s t y • * a by J. C. GW IN, 32 Water and 48 Daitpkin streets, inn!6 _ _Mobile^ flTsTGRFGORA'& CO., EXCHANGE O FF I C E , ianlfi No. 54 Rat/,list.—Mobile. MOBILE REGISTER BOOK A NO JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 53 Ro y a l S t re et, Card*, Circulars, Hand Dills, Steamboat Dills, Dili* Lading, Justice, Notary, Lawyer*, Custom House, Shipping blank*, Ac. Neatly aurl E x d e d i t i o u a I v Executed NEGROES FORSALE—William, a first rate drayman; Mary, and her son, three years old, first rate cook, washer and ironer; Bill, eighteen years old, good ostler and house servant. Apply to n»v24 W EDMOND & CO., 96 Cum. at. 17IOR HIRE.—A mgro Boy 12 or 14 year* old, 1 apply to (nov 26) SMITH fy DABNEY. rnjYVNNBJRS OIL.—20 bids barrels Tanaers Oil, 1- jast received and for sale by R. L. WATKINS & Co,Druggists, in v8 cor Water and Sts. Frnncis-st*. X(TkERELT—25bids No. I—25 hfTbids N^Tl 15 quarters; 25 kits, landing from ship Tar quia, for sale by DfcSHON.TAYI.OR* MYERS, mw.2 fine. Coin, At Conti ate. VIYEGAR—54 l.liU oidet Vinegar, for Mile by i mv.T*__HA RKIS & ROSS. 3 'RA WHEELS of every description, for sale Mli <!« o2_l»y J. O’KEILEY. E \'l SFOOT OIL—1’ure N cat.foot Oil, by the ll ,jall.ii t or butile, fir sale by I. C. DbilOSR cV CO. IWriets, no; 10 late Dubose & IL iff, No. 38 Water st. KENT UUKY B VOllIWl.—WW pifet* 44 inch large pieces, lauding nod in store, for side bv derlT D. WHEELER, 8 Water-*; PI Hi H iaolJSKH. M i n \\\ UOl ii.i j« ,w -iemf open, and •' adv t«» reerive company ns usual. Every < xertion on the lint of the subset tlier ‘•hall he sod in please those who may favor him with their patronage. J AMES PKNNOYKK. J. I*. formerly commanded the steamboat Neptune, nov 30 90Kino < on n srul n_ A CARD.—Recent events have made it neressary that I should leave Natchez, ami 1 have therefore selected this city ana place of residence, in hope* of obtaining tint hi ppnrt which was closed n gninst me there in con*et,'»eace of losses L\ tin- and tornado. I have taken and opened ilit- house on Conti street, known us ike CO.YIT STKKKT HOTEL, | now the property of-Mr. McCarty,the same that wits owned by Mr. .folia Richardson, and which under his management gained considerable irputntion. I promise to make this In use all it should be—a j home fa" all those who uniy patronize the establish ment. 1 have bee i thirty oda yearn in the *»uih, twenty three of which I have K en occupied in ke« ping a public house in the city of Natchez. The Conti-street Hotel has I icon neatly fitted up, and furnished anew. The servants are the Haiuc that I had in the Natchez Southern Exbhangc, and , are well accustomed to theii business. The Hotel ' is now ready to receive hoarders, autl the undersign- | cd w ill be thanklnl for al! patronage that a generous public may think proper to bestow. WILLIAM PARKER. New l><leany, Not. 15th, iv:! 1. u \2881Km. Negroes.—The .-ni.-TukT ha« <m hand .m i will bn constantly receiving from Charleston and Baltimore, NEGROES of every description, which will he disposed of at moderate prices, lie will also make liberal advances on Negroes put in j his hands for sale, at hi* place on Jackson, between Dauphin and Wt. Frimciy streets. oct22 G2t upi 1 ’42 JAMES E. 55UNTZ. i NOTICE.—The suhserilier having pun based the entire stock and traile of Mensr*. J. Hall A* Co. Iieg* leave to infer"* Ms-iV-L - *•* .1 . . . . Keeping n constant and well assorted supply of IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, EDGE TOOLS AND FANCY HARDWARE, at the old stand, corner Water &. Hit’dicockK Alley. He hopes by unreiiiitted attention to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to his predecessors. OVIDE MAZANGE. nov 5 69tf mill*, undersigned having sold their Mtuek of Iron 1 and Hardware to Mr. O. MAZANGE.hegleave to solicit for him a continiihnra of the patronage 01 I customers. 0CJ“Thc otiire of the subscrilier is re moved to Church street, first door west of Royal at* where all those indebted w ill please call and pay, and all demands presented for settlement. Bond flOtr Josi.i ii HALL *00. PAINTER’S DIAMOND CEMENT In inva 1 lualile discovery fir joining broken glass, china, earthenware, cabinet vv»rk, and fancy articles of ev ery description. This foment i° ack 116wlodged to be superior to any thing of the kind eve. offered to the public. Its extreme stripgili is remarkable, as also the variety of purposes t> which it may be applied. It resists wet—will stand m ordinary degree of heat, and its hardness, when sit, is truly astonishing.— The great facility of using *t, no mixing or prepara tion being required, is a strong recommendation in its favor. In tact, it requires only to be known, to be found in use in every family. For mending broken glass, china, &c. it succeeds wonderfully, as the joints show but little. Many ar ticles of this kind, that but lor this discovery would be entirely useless, mnv In? securely and firmly unit ed, and become as nselul as when new. The leaves of books, pasteboard, fancy articles in tortoiseshell or cabinet work, mnv lie neatly mended with it. To prevent imitations, which vrmd.l disappoint the purchases and bring into disrepute the genuine arti cle, the public arc requested to observe the signature of the proprietor, “ W. D. Painter,’* written on the w rapper of each bottle. Hold in bottles at 25 and 50 c»nts each, by the Propairtor, \V. B. Painter, No. 2'., 3d Avenue, N. York; also, by his appointment, by no\29 il GATEH, Druggist, Mobile, Ala. H A K1 \\< > I iri:~ \\ hereto, much iiicouveii * T ifnee and great loss is expciienccd by the pro prietors of the wharves, from iho. present mode ul shipping upward freight , notice is hereby given that from and after the first day of Ncycudwr next, no dray will be permitted to enter 11.rn any of the wharves with merchandise for sliipmcot, without the drayman first delivering to the wharfinger—who will attend for that purpose—a written ucknowledgmeut Irom a responsible shipper, resident in the city, of liability for the wharfage, or payment of tiic same made in cash. srpl346lljan A. J. JUDE, Wliaifinger. LINSEED OIL*—2 pipes purs Eirjli.-h Linseed Oil, in store and for sale by 1. O. DijBOSE «?,* CO. Drucgists, nlO late DuBnre it Rolf, 39Water-st. Kentucky bagging—iso nieces May rille, S5 to 95 yds each and 45 incites wide, for sale by OGDEN BROTHERS, non Id 12 Water-at WIMiilV. -■!. i. . h I at sea, of best American brands, in store and for sale liy I. C. Du BOH E A* CO. Druggists, novlQ late DuBose & linff, No. 38 Wuler-st SECOND HAND CARR! AGf W sale well adapted for family u-e. A|jplv to oct27 * JOSEPH II ALL k CO. flMlE SUBSCRIBER has just received— J. 50 cases European and French Prints 100 “ and bales Cotton OsualMirgs Brown and bleached Sheeting and Shirting 25 cases while St grey super Welsh Plains Kerseys, Limeys, Denims, Ticking, kc. 15 bales Blankets, in which are super, both rib- , bon bound Whitney, mid Mackinaw for beds; Cradle and coarse Dullil and Twilled do —ALSO— 100 cases Kip and Negro Brogans and Boots 175 dozen fur and water-proof wool Hats 50 do women and children’s Palm Leaia Hoods Oriental (new style) Florence plain ami English Straw' ladies ami misses Bonnets, newest shapes nil of which, w ith a great variety of other articles in the DRY GOOD wiiy, making an unusual and very ex tensive assortment, which lie oilers at wholesale or retail low for Cash or o\\short time. Orders of com mission houses, and the custom of purchasers from the country and city is respectfully' solicited. hoy23 GEORGE G. HENRY. SPANISH INDIGO—BOO lbs finest Spanish In digo, landing ex ship Edu ina, for sale by I. C. DuBOSE & CO. Druggists, nlO late DuBose & Roff, 39 Water-at. HSlili O -IUU ICICI llilll III) Hale’s superior Tobacco, and other brands,jus received per schr John A. Lancaster, on consign ment, and for sale on lihcralterms by nov22 W. EDMUND & CO., 96 Com. st. BACON & PORK.—20 Idids Cincinnati smoked Sides and Shoulders, 24 bids mess Pork, re ceived on consignment per steamer Sontliernor and for sale by C1RODE & WHITE, dec3 coiner Com and Dauphin-sf*. NE DEARBORN CARRIAGE fc CARRY~ ALIi, Sf|uare body waggon. Also, a light trolling Buggy Waggon,landing from brig Ccios, for sale by ]nn»24 85ur,] JOHN O’R'EILKY. rilOBACCO.—60 boxes various brands, for sale J dcc.4 by LATHAM HULL & SON. FRESH TEAS.—Landing from ship Alabamian —100 131b boxes Imperial 100 61b boxes Imperial, 30 61b boxes Hyson, for sale by UUSTAVUS BEAL & CO.,' dec2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. BAITk SHOT.—20 keg* McCufimigh’71iar Lead, 500 bags Buck and Drop Shot, of all si zes, for sale by dec-2 TIIOS. P. MIJLLER & CO. CARRIAGES—10 carriage* and Buggy Wagons for sale by (nnv80) HARRIS Ac ROSS. DA BBLS ALE, landing from ship Alabamian and for sale by (nov 30) J. REA. PI LOUR—200 bills s. f. Western Flour n«mJf) HARRIS k ROSft. 1 AfUl CASKS SWEDES IKON"NAILS, of I v/\/vF nil sizes, for sale by uo\29 89m DE FORREST, MORRIS k CO. (4 OFF EE—75 bags new crop Green Kin J 20 do old government Java, for sale by [,iov29J J NO. V. RY AN. |7vh CORDS OAK WOOpV fpmalq at pe 1 vFvfcard, i» lots to suit pnreliasm s, by novSO p. C. LOIVBEK & CO.. 59 Coin. at. AAA PfEdRS KENTUCKY HAGGJNO, coils Kentucky Rope, for snle by nov6 70tf JAMES HAGAN-,84 Wnter-st. rilOBACCO & CIGARS.r-50 boxes Chewing JL Tobacco, 10m Spanish Cigars, for xale by novl3 76if P. WeCASKILL. lg (foifi. *L ItlSKY A NDPLO U4t-—60 bids 7ci reel itiJd Whiskey; 100 do superfine western Flour, just received per schr Butler, and for sale l»v Cl RODE & WHITE, nov27 cor. Com. and Dauphin sts. ALCOHOL, jam.—10 bills Aleoh d, 20 )dn/ Sulpb Quinine; English Calomel in lb bottle* j Spir it) Turpentine and Chrome Green, now landing, for sale by [dfclOJ MOSELY & CO. WINTER STRAIN ED SPERM OIL, nf *u. peHor uuality, just received ami forinle by declO MOHKLY k CO. flUl-OKS.— 1 ptinckeon old limit Whiskey, 5 ^ hull pipes lleunessce Brandy, a prime article f» hall pipes oil J J Ihtptiy Braudv. a prime article S “ “ ItiMineniot't & K. Becker, " «• 4 “ «« lvllvoiaon *« “ 2 pipes Swan tiin, «« «« 15 qr casks old Cognac Brandy 8(1 bbL Amerrrun Brandy, 25 hbls Am. Gin 20 liids Boston Hum, 10 qr casks Madeira 10 qr casks Canary, 10 qr casks Tengri flu 5 “ old Port, very sujierior 5 “ " (’icily Madeira 10 “ “ Sweet Malaga 40 bids and 25 hail bills old Mi 'ioiig.ilicla Whiskey 5 bb|o Apple Brand’., 10 do Peach do Champagne, See. fin sale h\ SMITH & DABNF.Y, dec 11 22 ami 24 Comnwrc ON CON8KINNENT and imv lauding—.S00 Iwtrels prime Potatoes 600 bales prime Eastern Hay 150 bills N«>’s 1,2 and 3 Mackerel 200 boxes best bin ltd Sperm Candles 100 sacks best old Java Co flee 700 casks TIiMitniston Lime 175 casks white lump Lime 20m pi ime Northern Bricks 2f)M sawed While Pine Laths 80m “ “ “ Shingles 20m clear “ “ Lumber, 1 and 2 inch 2000 Inndiels Plastering Hair 200 lioxes prime Codfish 100 buxes prime smoked Herring 28 bids prime Newark Cider 50 bbl.s ** “ Apples 2r> “ “ pickled Codfish 100 kilts prime Tongues and Sounds 25 half bids llnlhlmt Fins 10 halt pipes llolliiml Gin 10 qr “ “ •* 25 “ “ American Gin and Brandy 100m best Spanish Cigars, Sic. for sale in lots to suit purchases, by dccll J. H. RIVERS. BKANDY, GIN, RUM AND WHISKEY — S(1 —-i— iii.ignuu.', reiieiAotiin, ami American Brandy 2 pipes I loliami, and 10 bills American Gin 20 bids New England Rum 5) do old Rectified Whiskey 10 do old Monmiguhclii Rye Whiskey, in store and fur sale very low, by Cl RODE & WHITE, <*3 corner Commerec ami Dauphin sts. 13BINTS, CLOTHING, &r.—15 cases Madder ■ Prints, 8 cases couonade, kersey and deny pan taloons; kersey juekels; white, fancy and striped Shi-tx; druses riblied and plain Kerseys; 4 bales whitney mid fancy end Ulaukets; 20 bales*3-4 and 4-4 brown Shilling; 5 cases bleached 4-4 do; 2 cases Shirting Stripe**; lease Ladies white Hose, for sale dec8 by WM. H. BUNNELL fc CO. DACON.—22 casks Sides and Shoulders. M« lasses—23 bbls in tine order. Sugar—10 hlids a prime article, landing from Lady of the Lake and j Cr sale by l<leel0] L. ill LL & SON. NEGROES FOR sale.—A Negro Woman end Iter two male children, one ahmit 4 years, and the other about 2 years old, sold for no fault. The woman is a first rate cook, washer and ironcr. For terms, apply to CIRODE &. WHITE, dec 3 corner Com. anti Dauphin-stx. REMOVAL.—The subscribers have removed to ’ Mr. Hogan's new buildings in Conti street— Olliee second Hour. u"\ 27 KStf GARDNER & SAGER. l%TOTICE.—All persons indebted to the subscri i ’I l»er for goods sold on commission, or ns agent, whose accounts have been standing sixty days, will please make payment on or before the lftih iast. <lecl ltf J. II. RIVERS. PURE WINTER SPERM OIL.—15 tu-rces and bills in store, for sale by det s WM. N. BUNNELL & CO. d A 1GARS.—30>i Regalias, 10m Cuiiunes, on cou signment nnd for sale by GUSTAV US BEAL & CO., dcc2 Hagan's Buildings, Conti-st. I\(.l lit A GOFFER.—70 bugs, landing from -4 sc hr Mandarin Irma Baliimore, and for sale by dec 2 J. O'RKILEV. PA TE Di: KEGNAULD.—a pleasant and ef fectual relief for roughs, colds, hoarseness, &e. Received and for sale by I. t'. DuBOSE A Co, imv 20 late Du Bose & Rolf, 3!) Water st. Cll VMlwt.NE «S‘ RAISINS.—20 boxes of the well known Anclmr brand, boxes bunch Mus catel Raisins, landing from ship Alabamian, for sale by GUST AVIS BEAL & CO., dcc2 * lingua's Bud.lings, Conti-st. BJlLUUR k VV1118KF.Y.—300 bids Flour,a su perior article ; 100 bids old Monongalielii \\ his key ; 100 bbls old Reel died W hiskey,landing fiom steamboat Alabama and for sale by dcc3 ELLIS & GREF.N/fiS Commerce-st. IEli’ER PAPER.—300 reams, for sate by _J no\ 13 LATHA M HULL & SON. Bagging, rope Jr twine.—mjoummm KtmUKiUy hugging, 404) oils Kentucky 2 boxes Kentucky Twine, landing and for sale by deefi OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-*!. mmnNKS AND CJOFfEK. he subscribersnf t ▼ fer for sale the following invoice of goods se lected t»v nn experienced individual expressly for this market— 4 quarter casks Mndeiia Wine I pipe Sicily Madeira Winu 4 quarter enskn Port Wine 1 do do do do Page A Co 4 do do Pole Sherry Wine, W D Gordon ‘2 do do do do do Lnpouiide 20 bags Government Java Coflee q26 WHITAKER A SAMPSON,21 8t.Frsnr.lg st CLARET.—14) casks Latour, 75 boxes Panillac, 94) boxes Ludon, 80 boxes Medoc, 20 boxes St. E*iephe, 25 boxes Chateau Maigeaux, 25 boxes Chateau Lafittr, for talc by (loCO OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st. K pipes 1800 Cognac, 1-4 cask 1805 superior od, 5 half pipes J. J. Dupuv & Co. do, on consignment and for sale by GUSTAVU8 BEAL & Co., doc2 llngnti’* Buildings, Conti-at. HAY.—175 bales Northern Hay,daily expected, for anli* to arrive by novlO J. C. RYAN,cor. Conti & Water*!*. SALT. — 250 sacks, in Htorc and for sale by nov25 P. MeCASKlLL, 18 Commerce-st. £SHOT fc NA1LS.—50 bags Shot, 45~kegs Nails, for salu by P. MeCASKlLL, nov25 18 Commerce-st. NOW LANDING from the Weliimpka, and for sale at Gates’* Pharmacy, Linseed Oil, Cooper as, Whiting, Sash Tools, Gold Leaf, Alcohol, olc not 26 KK.\Tli('KV ROPE.—215 coils’superior Buie Rope, landing this dav and for sale l»v m»v4 I). WHEELER, 8 Wnter-st. |%TADDER-Prime Dutch, Ombro and French lv-M. FFF Bladders, landing and for sale by 1. C. OuBOSE k CO. Druggists, nlO late Du Bose? & Roff, 39 \Vaier-st. MACCA RONT&VERMICELLT.—20 boxes Maccuroni and 20 bxs Vermicelli, in store and for sale by flESHON, TAYLOR & MYERS, nov 12 corner Commerce and Conti*!*. GOMBO SASSAFRAS.—A supply of Gumbo, prepared with the greatest rare, just received and for sale in quantities to suit purchaser*, at uov26 GATES’S Drug Store. (1 OFF EE.—100 sack* Havana Coffee, J 100 do Rio do, 75 do Java do. For sale by nov 26 SMITH k DABNEY. CIOFFEE.—100 hags new crop Green Rio Coffee; J^30 b ig* old government Java do., f.r sale by nov2 J- C. RYAN, oor Conti It Water-sts. ;)Oa S ACKS SALT—for sale by F. SHAW k CO. oct8 56if 68 Commerce-st. KENTUCKY ROPE.—loo coils superior qtial tv, for sale by oetl" 1). WHEELER, 8 Water-st. WTh SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT in bleach srOvved sack*, for sale in lots to suit purchas ers by SMITH k DABNEY, uct4 51 42 Commerce-st. ! poWDEll k SHO P.--200 Bags Shot; 100 ■- Kegs Powder; 1000 lbs Lead For sale by ec«8 57tf) CALVIN KEITH. REMOVAL.—The subscribers have removed tv the corner o! Commerce and St. Michacl-st*. oetl5 SMITH k DABNEY. 171 OR SALE.—A first rate Family Horse, with a single Barouche and Harness. Also, a nent Buggy Waggon new, with harness complete, uov 16 W. EDMOND k Co., 96 Commerce-st SPA RAGES ROOTS.—A few hundred of ills finest Giant Asparagus Roots, far sale low. 1. C. DUBOSE k CO.,Druggists, rtn*»l3 39 Wnter-st. TVT EW FANCY (iOODS.—An assortment colored X v mid liluckSilks, Black and rul’d Moiisbne do Lancs, French Prints Fancy Handkerchief* and Slmwls, Kid and Fillet Gloves & Mitts, Linen Cainb.Hdkfi Silk Hosiery, kc. just received and for sale by THUS. ». BATES, oetl* 58tf No. 60 Water*!. f|VU l\ l*Ki Win. Ilapir k tV» old A ed, Agents for i. ’’*eiO»»hf*e Foundry, are prc established Ty pe and ^ 'H tfvKniption* of Type, pared to receive orders lor i. Ink. nod all othci plain and ornamental; Presses, materials used in printing. ** variety ol Specimen lb ok?, comprising a lar^ *b# store, oe« Type and Ornaments, ran lie seen ai . Corner of Water and Conn street?. v. M. U. BUNNELL k CO. rilHE History of the Pfwn h Revolution, by >i. \. A Thiers, late Prime Minister of France.—-Trans - lated with note? and illustrations from the most au thentic sources, bv Frederick Rboberl; second Ame rican edition, complete in four volumes, with steel en gntrings. The works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England, a new edition; with the life of the Author hy Basil Montague, Esquire, in three volumes Roy al 8vo. Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature, edited by George Ripley, Jr. eleven volumes. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers, hy Henry Ros coe. Esn. Barrister at Law, in two volumes. Greviile: or, A Season in Paris, bv Mrs. Gore, Authoress of the “The Dowager,** “The Peeress,,’ See. in two volumes, Thu Miser: or The Convicts of Lisnamona, hy William Cat leton, >uthor of “Neal Malone,” “Fa ther Butler,” &c. Mrs. Marcel’s Book of Stories for young children. A Treatise on the Disease? and Inquiries of the Lanynx and Trader; hy Frederick Ryland. Ele ments of the Pathology of the Human Mind,by Thus. Mayo, M. D. F. R. 5$. both work* complete in one volume. T he Sanative influence of Climates, with an ac count of rhe best [daces of resort for in, lid* in Eng land, The South of Europe, &.c. hy Si. •.j* ('lark, Burt. M. U. r. K. ?. The above new publication*, together ^ith many valuable standard works, just received and for sale by nol & sears. imv25 ^ Dauphin it. rgi (• ai; m ' ' i' G <'< >s7\.t A • subscriber has the honor in inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Mobile he lias now on hand and will constantly keep a lull supply of every kind ol Confection a ut ks, Kuuits, Candif.s and Cakes of the best quality and ol’his own manufacture, such as he has heretofore had the pleasure to furrish them; all of which lie will sell ut wholesale or retail, for the lowest price* for cash. He also has a large assortment of RSAf. Havana Cigars ,of the most approved brands, which will give delight to the lovers of a good article. Country Dealers supplied on the uiovi moderate Terms. * T. CAUMELICH, S. E. corner of Dauphin and SSt Einanuel sts DRAG ES BALSA MIQL ES ol Balsam Copailia and Cubebs by Charles Weldenou—just receiv ed a fresh supply of the above valuable medicine, for sale wholesale and retail, by RICHARD NORTH, mar27 No 35 Govcrnm’l and 45 Comcests. POTATOES.—100 barrels Northern, for sale low from the wharf, apply to nov2 JNO. C. RY A N, cor Conti Water-si. QA BAGS BLACK PEPPER—lObofa Snitt, Ol* 20 bags Race Ginger, just received and for sale by R. L. WATKINS & Co. Druggists, novo cor Water and St. Francis-sts. fltKAS.—A large assortment of all qualities, for J. sale b- [nov 15] JOHN O’RElLEY'. H AMS.—10 casks, a good article, received to . day per steamer W. W. Fry, for sale by dec2 ’ MARSHALL & ROWE. , C~ 10RP0RAT10N ORl)ERS.-^t6000 in C»r,»o~ j J ration Orders1 in sums to suit purchasers, for | sain by septl7 47lf J. K. COLLINS. C1 RAN BERRIES $• MACKEREL.—15 half A , - qr bids Cranberries, 30 half olid qr bids No. 1 Mm kerel. for sale by novlS 76lf I*. McCASKILL, 19 Com. st. Fresh warranted garden seeds, —The subscribers are now in receipt of their an- ( nnal supply of Garden Seeds, embracing every variety ; in general use. They will warrant eveiy Heed sold by Mien* to be fresh, well matured, and of the first , selection. 1 C. DUBOSE & CO., Druggists, novl3 late DuBose & Rolf. ('IANl)LES—600 bxs Sperm mid Compost lor J sale by [uov26] G. WESTFF.LDT & BIU). BAGGING AND ROPE—200 pieces Kentucky Bagging; 200 coils do Rope, for sale by nov26 G. WESTFFLDT & BRO. AA M. SUPERIOR "KEG A LI A tit iAKS— /W* f fur sale by nov6 G. WESTFF.LDT A BRO. \ 1‘I.ATL. al liu\< > Tin Plate <d van nn M. brands, for sale by - novl5 77tf II. L. REYNOLDS,66 Wnter-si. k>| || | BOXES STARCH, of superior quality— M " landing from barque Hebron and for sale by octlS J. REA. ' Hill PH5CRB MAYSVILLK BAGGING; J 75 coils Rope,—-just received and for sub* by I nr IS 67] CALVy KEITH. J AMMNt. FROM SHIP CERES—Liii«eo4 JL Oil in barrels, 2 bales Bottle corks, 10 boxes Cl i is me Green, 20 hall barrels Copperas, Roll Brimstone, Sulphur, Alum, Ac. for sale hv nov25 MOSELY & CO. Druggist. LOW E R ROOTS.—M OS ELY A CoT Drug gists, at the corner of Dauphin ami Royal sir-., luve received by the Mary Silsla, a small collection of Bulbous Roots, consisting of Dahlias, Tulips, Hyacinths, Crown Iin|>erials, Anemones,Iris, ('roars Ranunculus, Lilies, Polyanthus, Narcissus, and dou ble Jomiuillx. nov 27 IjNXTRA REGALIA CIGARS,V* Brittannia" .Jbrand; also Trubucos, landing from schooner Belle, from Havana, and for sale for cash only, by n»v25 86 J. O. MICIIAELOFFSKY,89 Royal st. OP PE It, "WIRE, SHEET IRON, TIN PLATE. Ac. Bn v/.i krs Copper—30x60 inches 10,11,13und 2-1x60 pound Sheets. Sheathing Copper—14 and 16 ox Sheet Iron—250 bundles English Iron, Nos 10 70 27 Wire—50 bundles Iron Wire, Nos 7 No 17. Riv ets—50 thousand Tinned Rivets; 40 thousand Black do. Tinned Plates—250 boxes $x Crown and Pont pool brands. 20 boxes 100 Plate Tin. Leaded Plate—150 boxes Leaded Plate for rooting. -»-.w Banc a Tin—20 pigs Bunco Tin, best quality. Nails—500 kegs Nails assorted, 4d to 20d. A supply of the above articles constantly on hand, and for sale by E. C. CENTER & CO., uug7 corner of Conti and Coinmerce-st BOOTS ! BOOTS! Major Boots—and Minor Boots Ladies' slippers, and Gents pumps ; a prime new set, Boots that fit Misses, and that never mis-fit ! “Bet Boots”—nr hoots for pretty Bets ! Bootees for she's—and ancle ties for pets. GENTS' water proof, eork soles, or light hrogans ! Light dress, or pump Iroots—we’ve always on hands. Ladiks' silk gailei hoots that fit their pretty feet, And walking shots with bows, that beaux delight to meet. Kid slip|>«rs anti morocco too, to suit the neatest foot, In short we've 9tock to shat them all, and ckil'lrm t<> boot. Boots! Rmotk! Boots ! ut NICIIOLLS, ADAMS & CO., dec 28 146tf 53, Dauphin #t. PANAMA & LEG HORN HATS— HENl RY & 8TODDART, corner of Water and Couti streets, have this day received a large assortment of the ulrove (of the latest fashion and su perior quality) or gentlemen’s summer wear, mar 8 188tf D~ raysT Waggons, carts, wheels, tic.—An assortment of Drays and Waggons with mid without bodies; light and heavy Carts; ex tra dray, cart and waggon wheels. Plantation wheels, earth, wood nnd wheelbarrows, always on bund, made bv John Wood, of Philadelphia, of the best seaso'' xl materials and workmanship, for sale nov 15 ii Minos by JOHN O’REII.EY. REMOVAL.—The undersigned have removed to first store in tlie new block of buildings, oppo site their lute office. F. SHAW & CO. «ov8 71 Commerce-st. E M O V A L. DOUBLED A y «- SEARS, Booksellers 41 Stationer,have removed to the store formerly occupied by John Hteplienson k Co. No. 30 Dauphin street. nov8 Ci IGA RS—20 m Regalias; 40 do Cunones; 60 d( ^Trabucos, fur sale by nov30 HARRIS k. ROSS. SAL ERATCS—15 ksgaSal E rates, IOONm each for sale low at [nov20) GATES’S Pharmacy. II OPS—A fresh article, now in store. Jtl. n«v26 II. GATES. A the most valuable remedy, recently (Us cute red, foe con snmpt ions, cuaghs, cnlde, asthma, spitting of blood, whooping cough, and polmonurv aflections of ever) kind— price 5B cents. i'urtM ulur csntmji—Each genuine botlle ia enclos ed ib a blur, wrapper, on whkh is a yellow hthel sign ed “ Sampson need.** Norte other can l>e genuine. The great cekbrity of the genuine pulmonary bal sam Ims (>een the cause of attempts to introduce spu rious at licks, which, by partially assuming the name '•he genuine, are calculated to mislead and deceive oi ’die. Among thesa mixtures, ate the Aineri the p». 'fMwy Iwlsnat, Vegetable Pulmonary bl* can Pulin Byrop, aud others. Purchasers should sain, iNtbaiuu Jh> if? whole name, the Vcget i non ire for the mi mb"; end see that it bears (be able pulmonary BaU. *V# ftpuine. marks and eignnture ol mped Vegetable Ptilmo* Each bottle and seal is su. B, Reid. nary Balsam. < he American Pal One morn counterfeit besides i. « alluded to!_ monary Balsam, and the others abm by R SpUri. The latest attempt to deceive the public n*ry bal ous mixture, falsely called genuine pulmo. yta. >am,prepared by Samuel Andrews and Jos. A. rl;„ xie. To avoid the imposition of this spurious a clc, we again refer the public to the written signa ture of Sampson Reed, on the outside wrapper ot each botlle. Boston, July 1,1841. Lowe k R*ep. A fresh mid large supply of the above now receiv ed and for sale, wholesale or retail, by novtt H. GATES, Dauphin street. Foil SALE.—Eleven shares of the Acw fhtafrv Stock (ail paid in) for Cash. Persons purchas ing this slock can purchase either Season Tickets or Boxes, twenty per cent lower than for cash. Apply at GREGORY’S Exchange, 5-1 Rnvul-st. N. B.—The above w ill be sold in single shares if wanted. novtf:70tf Cl INNEYULOTH—1 ZO Rnils 45 in' 2lbslo"the yard, landing from Brig Wetumpka. This ar ticle is well worth the attention id- planters and fac tors, being made expressly for this market, for sale by -—,a-. JOHN O’REILEY. DR. II. GATES, Dauphin »t., informs the public that he has now on hand, and will hereafter keep, in addition to his stock of Drugs, Medicines, &r., a general assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, . among which are— Asparagus; long blood, early turnip, r reach Sugar and other Reels; white kidney and Lima Beans Long pod, red and brown speckled Valentine, Chi na white and yellow Beans; Scotch and (ier. Kale; Early York, Lnndrelh’a large York, earlvBattersea, large drumhead, flat Dutch, green culled and drum noad Savoy, red Dutch and green Herman Cabbage, early horn and long orange Carrots; curled Cress; Early Cauliflower; white and red solid Celery; Early frame and long green prickly Cucumbers;— large purple Egg Plant; curled Endive; la rue flag leafed Leek : Cayenne Pepper; early, brown Dutch, large curled India and early cabbage Lettuce; Span ish and Cairo Watermelon; Nutmeg and citron Muskmelan; Okra, Tomato; Salsify; Rhubarb;— a great variety of Peas, Turnips, Radishes, Squash es, Onions, Pot and sweet herbs. Terms cash. All these seeds warranted. no\27 D~OLTOR JOHNSON’S Concentrat'd Compound Fluid Exit act of Saroaparilla, Liveruort, Pleuri sy Rost and Lignum Vitae. The great cause of all eur ills is proved to be a suppression of one or other of the secretaries, pro ducing an abstraction in the great outlets, or com mon sewers of the body, and thereby rendering )hc fluids of a diseased quality, and unfit for nutrition; and these obstructions can only be removed by res toring tbe natural secretions, without which we must In I an- under perpetual disease. This splendid nnd invaluable combination of the most healthy and salutary articles in the vegetable kingdom, is’ considered the greatest discovery that ever was made since the dawn of medicine, as |>os sessing (he long sought for and inestimable quality of exciting at the same time tbe healthy action of the stomach, lungs, bowels, liver, kidneys and skin, and wluit is of great may lie always ta ken with advantage in every vaiiety and Stage of dis ense, without ttpprchendihg dunger. The following are a few, out of countless diseases, in which it has shown its wonderful virtue:—incipient consumption, chronic enlargement of the liver and spleen, rheuma tism, dropsy of every kind, dyspepsia, palpitation ol the heart, difficulty of breathing, cough, raising of blood, mercurial disease, eruptions on the skin, painful swellings in tlur joints and legs, sore throut, nose, and constitutional debility, arising from veneri al disease. In these and nil other diseases it has ne ver been equalled. In fart, it is the result of a long and laborious practice of 18 years. It has also re ceived the well merited sanction of the whole medic al faculty, and is supported by the testimony of nu merous persons bo muf been cured of diseases that were considered lu-vond the teach of hirninn inven tion. The following is one, out of many , that have lieen lately received. Ohknada, Miss., June 2, 1841. Dr. Johnson—Dear Sir—In vain 1 have tried the l»est medical skill, and all the remedies that could lie devised, to cure me of a complicated disease that af fccied my liver, stomach and lungs. In I'uct, my suf fcl ings betaine s« great, that I gave up all hopes <•( recovery, when I happily saw your advertjseiiieol, an4 got six lioftlcs ot your valuable medicine. 1 hav now finished the fifth Lottie, which, with untqieuku lile joy, has restored me to all the vigor of youth. It is indee t a wonderful medicine, mud 1 would ns teem it a.i net ot ingratitude to you, and injustice to the public, if 1 kept this fact secret from you. You are, therefore, at liberty to make what use of it you will. Yours, with much esteem, D. H. RHODES. For sale at 29 St. Franeia at.; price $2 per but tie. novlO RICH Aim NORTH, No. 36, Government . and 45, Commerce street, near 8t. Francis— Importer of French nnd Knglish Drugs, Chemistry, am! Perfumery, nnd Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs,Paints, Medicines, Oils, Glass, and Dye Stulls, No. 36, Government, near Royal, and 46, Commerce, near St. Francis street, informs his friends and the public generally, that lie hastuken the store No. 46, Common street, (two doors from Ht. Francis,) cust side, where in connexion with his store No. 35, Government, he intends keeping an extensive assortment of all articles in his line of bu siness. He does not expect, much less hope, for more encouragement and support tlian he has hither to received, without claiming for himself the meed of merit, lie will at all times use his best endeav ors to render satisfaction to all who may favor his establishment with their patronage. As he is well aware how highly important it ia tor Physicians and families to obtain medicines in their pure state, the public may rest assured in obtaining pure and fresh medicines. He is receiving, and will continue to re ceive, by ihe latest arrivals, a huge, fresh, and su perior assortment of American, English, and French Sfedicines, selected with the greatest care. Tha assortment of drugs and family medicines, compris ing every article <4* the choisest and freshest select tion in tne line, are from the best European and A merican manufactures. He also will keep on hand a select assortment a fresh Garden anp Field Seeds, Keens and Peas. N. K. Orders from the country filled al ike short est notice. feb 1 TaiCer-s French p11XA.-Mm criAL LI-'.NGE.—The genuine French Pills* ngainst al I Quark Nostrums of the age, for the cure of • • • * The French Pills are applicable in all cases for i ; (her sex, (warranted free from Mercury) and possess es great advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from meU, and con sequently do not affect the breath, tligreby preventing the possibility of discovery while uah>K them. Besides this important advantage, they never disa gree with the stomach, and ia the first stages of the rtisense, they usually effect a curt ia a few days with * little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, bavins cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been universally successful that the proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. h»ul2 I. C. DUBOSE k CO., 89 Water st. (0* Price, $8 per box, w ith full directions. L'DGE PATTERSON.—Rod Um foil.,win, from Judge Patterson, for thirty years the first Judge of the county in which he lives. Miikilktowk, N. J., March 12,1840. Messrs. Comstock It Co., Gentlemeu—You are at liberty to ssake sash use of the follow ing certificate as you deem will bast sub serve the purposes for which it Is intended. [CKRTiriCATE or Jvdoi Patti, at on.] *1 hereby certify, that my daughter has bee* afflict ed with sick headache for tne spare of about 2U I years—the attack occurring once ia about two wee# ^ frequently tasting 24 hours, during which ’Jam paroxysms lmvr Viren so severe, as apparently soon to deprive her of life. And after having triad almost all other remedies in vain, I have been induct 1 as a last resort to try 8pohu's Headache Re mad) 4s sold by you; and to Ihe great disappointment ani joy of herself and all her friends, found Tory material relie from the first dose of the medicine. She has follow ed up the directions with the article, and in every case when an stuck was threatened has found ini tne diate relief, until she is sear permanently eared — The attacks are now very seldom, and disappear I * most immediately after taking tha quantity directed, A hope that others may be beuefitted by the taae of this truly invaluable inedicise, has induced me to sea yon the aliove, and remain your obedient servant, JEI1U PATTERSON, Jfwtnuftto Court of C F COMSTOCK k CO WhokMk Dni,|i.u, 2 FWwW u. N.w T<wk. HolJby I. C. DaBOSC k OO, Ifn, uul bjr IV.. M»,a»nl, O—wl, —JO—. M«>iV juttin