Newspaper Page Text
F< >il LI V ERPOOL.—Passage only. The A. I. Am. lUm ehip Dk'.l (' U.ION, SfSSfe (3. W. Allen, master, has splendid accom modation and will sail about liic lull in*l. For passage, apply to Capt. Alton, at the Mansion House, or to WM. MILLIGAN & CO., dec 11 31 St. Miclmel-st. FOR LIV ERPOOL. The first class Bahint>rc ship POVVHAT :.„fL AN, Capt. Briggs, lias a large part of her cargo engaged and will meet witli despatch. For freight or passage, apply to dct:8 GEO. CLEVELAND, Jn. l oll LIVERPOOL. The fine coppered and copper fastened barque BLARE, Gardiner master, Ims a large portion of her cargo engaged, and will have espaudi. For freight apply to LAIRl) & LITTLEJOHN, dec 6 31, St Francis at. FOR Ll VERl'OOL.—Pa«s-«*«■ only.— J'lie A. 1- Aiu. ship TA ltdUIN’, Thomas G. Hib-r, master, has splendid accommodations and will sail about the 15tli inst. For passage, apply to Capt. Hiler at the Mansion House, or to WM. MILLIGAN k CO., dec6 34 St. Michael-st. FOR GLASGOW. The first class American ship ARNO, Capt. Srnia.. Dixey, wants about 100 bales cotton to com plete her cargo. For freight of which, apvlv to g§d**rl7 J AS. REID & CO., 10 Si Mirc4>u»l.*t. FOR NEWGYORK. The A 1 packet ship HECTOR, Spencer, xv&uhL master, wants 500 bales cut ton to complete her cargo. For freight of which, if applied for im mediately, will be taken at *1 50 per hale. Apply to dl4 F. SHAW k CO., 80 Commerce-st. For MTW VdlTiv The regular packet REFORM, V.Tilynu, master, will have despatch for th*» ubnve port. For freight or passage, apply on hoard at font of Church street, or to JOHN t'. RYAN, dcel3 corner Conti mid Water sis. For’new yorkT The packet ship MARY PHILLIPS. Pratt, master, is now ready to receive cargo and will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage, apply to HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND, deed 36 St. Michael-st. FOR N BW-YOHKt *^,e D. NOYES, Ashby, master,car ries about 350 bales. For fretght,apply to Ii29 WHITAKER A SAMPSON, 21 8t. Francis st. FOR HAVANA. &£& The sclir PLUTARCH, Capt. Pendleton, fflrll,il1 have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply to dl5 VV. EDMOND k CO. 06 Comniei ce-st FREIGHT FOR IJ A VUlT The first class ship COTTON PLAN 'PER, Duane, master, will have despatch. For freight, apply in CH. DRU1N & J. LKSF.SNE, dee16 28 St. Fntnris-st. FOR FREIGHT OH ' ittARTEJt.— Ships, Barques, Brigs, Schooners and Light ers can always he had at current rates. Also.— Passages engaged for New York, Boston mid Ha vana, on application to decl lif J. H. RIVERS. FOR FREIGHT.—The ship WAVER 3w3S&LY, J. I). Snow, master, burthen 1400 bales of compressed cotton, is now ready t<» receive freight. Apply to noylS E, C. CENTER & CO. WAXI'l'l).—A Vr~s I i<> tarry ffojOOO MW. feet Lumber to H .'amt, apply to novI9 G. WESTFELDT & BRO. SCHOONER W’ANTJSDi—TUe under $£&&*'<igncd 'Visiles to Charter one or two schoon ers to carry brick from the vicinity of this place to llarntaria oct20-61 M. J. McRAE N E W V() K K. PACKETS CITY LINK. 03-To load at the Wharf and sail every 10 days.I 0 M 0 0.0 The following vessels built express I v for the trade, will hereafter compose this line, viz: Ship MARY FRANCIS, Pkrcival, master, LEWIS CASS, A. IIawlky, Barque REFORM, Til you, “ Biig SELMA, M. Smith, “ LINDEN, J. Livkrmohk, “ ALABAMA, F. W. Williams, “ MOBILE, W. Jonf.s, “ SARAH BROWN, J.M. Non-row, * The above vessels all have cabins on deck, hand somely fitted up with St.ite rooms for the accommoda tion of passengers. Freight will be taken at the lowest current rates aid every exertion made to despatch the \essels p o nplly as advertised. All cotton or other freight intended to be shipped by this line and consigned to t'te subscriber at this place, or to S i u rc, ks & Clk a lt M AN, (the Agents in New York,) will be forwarded as directed, free of charge for commission. JON. C. RYAN, Agent, octl5 59lf corner Conti and Water-sts. FOR MONTGOMERY 1 F* Kf*0 F* The steamboat WM. ROB1N SON, Jr. Bryan, master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings,on SATUR DAY' next, at 5 o’clock p. in. For freight or pass age apply on board or to ncclfi RIVES, BATTLE & CO. • FOR COLUMBUS, (MissT) ^ C!®** .f* The steamer SOUTHERNOR, F. Wghlnj'^iT1 C. Swain, master, will leave for (lie above and intermediate landings, on Tuesday the 20th inst. at 5 o’clock p. hi. For freight or passage apply onboard or to TOOMER, GAY & CO . dec13 12 Commerce-st. MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY l*ACKE f. iv The good, substaill ini and fast run n’nK Steamer JEFFERSON, S. C. Bur rill master, having umtergone a t borough repair, will commence her regular trips so soon as the river will permit; leaving Mobile every Saturday at 5 o’clock P M. and Montgomery every Tuesday at 10 o’clock a. M . For freight or passage apply on board, or to n2 B. H. FRY. MOBILE fy COLUMBUS, (Af/«.) PM'RET. f* Tie steamer DU CIUESNE, J. ■Vyfrwvicrn’ryrEl-. Irwin, master, (having Evans* pn tent snfely guard) will ply between the above ports nnd intermediate landings, tlie ensuing season. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to E. L. ANDREWS & CO., nov20 corner Com. and Dnnphin-sts. javjui.ijv^y iMi/ii x \T\Jjjiiuix X O) rvr.AUlrU IVS1 WEEKLY PACKET. * j^jo The wo|| known ami fast running Tirilfl77Tii* . , n GEN’L GAINES, J. W. Pollock, master, will leave Mobile every Thursday evening, at 5 o’clock, p. m., arrive at Montgomery on Saturday nt 12 o’clock m., and Wctumpka at 3 p.m. Will leave Wetumpka ouSunday morning at A a. nt. and Montgomery at 11 a; in. and arrive m Mobile Tuesday morning in time for the N. Orleans Line Packets. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to E. L. ANDREWS & CO., novl6 63tf cor. Commerce and Danphin-sts. N. B.—The Gaines has been thoroughly repaired, and is now in every respect equal to any boat in the trade GRAPES.—10 kegs Malaga Grapes, for sale by dec 15 TIIOS. P. MILLER & CO. ' 0/4 packages Glass Ware suitable for Physicians Gt: and Druggist, landing from ship Floridian, for sale by MOSEL Y CO. decl6 corner Dauphin and Royal st. NEW PORK AM) BEEF.— 80 bbls f:.IU i.> spected mess Pork, 15 bbls .VI. O. Pork, 10 bbls fully inspected mess Beef, 10 bbls prime Beef, land ing from sclir. Swan and Commercial and for sale by FRANKLIN W. McCOY, decl6 81 and S3 Commerce-ft. RECEIVED pe* wig Gborgiun front York, a beautiful assortnicnl of Thread Laces, Edg ings and Inserting*; Swiss and Jaconet Muslin do do; Children’s Mohair Caps; Ladies and Gents Ho siery; Misses do, for sale cheap for cash. J. A. SMITH, successor to P. Odilon, decl5 Cl Dauphin, one door above Royal-sts. OWAND’S TUNIC MIXTURE—A fewdo zen, just landed from schooner Oscar and for ■ale by W. D. WILSON, dec 15 corner Water and St. Francis-sts. HAVANA S6GAR3—A constant supply of Im perial, Regalias, Trubueos, Canones, Cas«a dores, and oilier descriptions of the celebrated “ La AxUiriana” brand, for sale by dl5 W. ED MON D & CO. Manufacturer’s Agents HITE PINE BUCKETS—85nests with co vers, for sale by d5 VV. EDMOND & CO. 96 Commerce-sl SALT AFLOAT.—3014 sacks Liverp ml cu,u - half bleached sacks, for sale by ded6 D. WHEELER,8Wntei-st. WELSH SLATE.—100,000 various sizes, on board ship Columbus, for sale by decl6 1). WHEELER, 8 Watcr-st. WESTPHALIA HAMS, CHEESE, PRE SERVED MEATS AND SOAP, landing from the ship Cob mbits direct from Liverpool, for sale by DESHON, TAYLOR & MYERS, declC corner Com. and Cor.ti-sts. HITE HAVANA St GaK — 9 boxes good quality, for sale by dccie I). WHEELER, 8 Watrr-st. FOR SALE.—994 sucks Salt, 5S6 hampers Po tatoes, 1000 English Ridge Tiles, 15 kills Her rings, 1 puncheon Irish Whiskey, the cargo of ship Jo-mpha from Belfast, apply to decl6 JAMES MAGEE. rim rent. _____ / \ FOR RENT.—A Honwvwith three acres ul Ji»'l8L ground attached, vv itli good kitchen,mid sial ic, gouu older, a desirable residence, situated on Guv erumcuist., one mile from the market lu.nse. A House at Summervilie, corner of Spring Hill road and Center Avenue. A House on the Avenue adjoining tin? above. To good tenants the above houses will lie rented wry low. For terms, apply to tied5 ' R. c. CfeNTER & CO. roi RteNt, MA handsome Room on the ground tloor of the new building on Conti street, next east of the—runs the entire dc| tli, with two fire places. A!i*o,—A Room mi the second floor, suitable for an office, with fire-place. Apply af tins office, ded 1 FOR RENT, ^ The Dwelling Hou*c near Ashton’s and Clark’s Ship Yards and the Saw Mill—a good stand font common boarding house nod Grocery. \v. EDMOND v'x CO. FOR RENT.—The House corner of Si. An Jpili-my and Jackson strict, apply to decM A. BATRE ^ CO.,76CoinnierPc-s t. MPH ELLING \\ A J'H11— \ (Mini.i: ta ble dwelling for a small family, within five or I'm minutes walk of our store, is wanted by nqvgg T. P. MILLER fejPO. .A-lj, /''DA* KENT.—The Counting Room foiin jl'gjfccrly in the occupancy of the snhscritiers, at No. 69, Commerce street. nov20 82tf GARDNER & SAGER. MTU KENT-—The House in Government st formerly occupied by T. W. M’Coy. Esq.aim hi present by the subscribers being one of the moat desirable locations in I lie city, too well known to require any description. Apply to LATHAM HULL & SON. Also, for sale, a Light Carriage, nearly new, with double harness, for one or two horses, a northern Cow, been here two summers and acclimated, not ft$ L HULL A SON. el'OR RENT.—Several si<ire* and offices iu the new buildings on Couti-sl., between • and Royal streets. Apply to » ivID 73if ' JAMES II VG A Watnr-*t. M OFFICES TO REm\—Throe Rooms over Nos. 8 and 10 Commerce st. Apply to iniv j THUS. P. MILLF.R & Co. EuR m:.\ l'.—A Ittrge fire'proof Ware J»l|>MJiousc on Si. Joseph street, capable of contain ing 3000 bales cotton. Possession given on the 1st December next. A Dwelling House on the north east corner of St. Joseph and St. Louis streets. A Dwelling House on the south side of Si.Anthony stieet, the first next west of St. Joseph street. Pos session given immediately. A convenient Dwelling House, with a large lot on Jackson street, opposite the Unitarian Church. Pos session given immediately. For terms, apply to nov4 JOHN B. TOULMIN Mi '/ii ni/" i .— » n J iji ii. i\ u » v m ii” e m i lit? row in St. Anthony, between Jackson and Claiimrne p(«. [on 39) A. BATRE & Co. FOR RENT-—From the 1st November, the X'lireL frame dwelling on St. Francis st., between St. Joseph ami Conception streets, now occupied by Mr. Chat les Smith. Also—Possession given immediately, a brick tene ment on the north east corner of St. Francis mid Claiborne streets. Also—a brick tenement on St. Michael st. (south side) between Claiborne and Jackson streets. Also—two Rooms immediately over the office of the subscribers, suitable for sleeping rooms. And—a large Lot under fence, opposite Burden’s row, and being part of the square bounded by St. Francis, St. Michael, Dearlmrii and Wilkinson sts. For terms, apply to »ot20 flltf BARNEWALL& WAN ROY. /•‘‘A FOR RENT—A store and office fronting -U^M.the wharf, near Dauphin street. Apply to •Mils tj«),f E. |(. ANDREWS &CO. /hsrA FOR R E.\ 7’—Fnm thi First JNovembt— Ji»j»IiLaii office on the 2.1 floor of the building corner ol Conti and Commerce st. Apply to oetl5 F. C. CEN TER & CO. ^?dL OFFICE TO I'E.X'J'.—.A large Room now X-'-IhL K’cunied by l)r. McNally, at the corner of D;«n phiu and Royal streets. Apply to oct6 ‘ MOSELY A CO. FOR REN T.—Thrms stores on Water street jgfl^helweeii Hitchcock's alley, and Dauphin street Apply to [aep29] ROflERT8QN A CO. MFOR RENT—Possession given l.v# Nor. The four brick tenements on St. Anthony,be tween Jackson and Claiborne streets. 'The three brick tenements in State street, corner oft Conception street. The dwelling in Conception street, between St. Anthony and State street, now occupied by J. Simp son, Esqr. 'The dwelling immediately opposite the last, now occupied by Mr. C. J. Roth. The dwelling in St. Anllionv street, between Jack son and Claiborne, adjoining the brick house of U. L. Walker, Esq. Also—Two houses at Spring Hill, for the winter will be rented low to careful tenants. For terms, apply to Qep22 19] A. B.VTRfc & Co. MTO RENT.—Those two 2 storv new brick Dwelling Houses, situated on the south side of St. Michael street, bet ween Claiborne and Frank lin streets, having live rooms, pantries, closets and cellars—together with kitchen, ironing rooms and servant’s rooms. 'They will be ready for occupancy l»y the 15th October ana will be rented low to good tenants. Apply to I. C. DUBOSE & CO., sepld r>if 19 Wat.M-sl. AsA OFFICE TO LET.—That convenient of fine with two rooms attached, over Nos. Sand 10 Commerce st., is for rent. Apply to sept 10 T. 1\ MILLER & CO. OTATOE8 AND HAV — lu;to |,;lrreis boat: Chenango and white Potatoes; 800 bales best. Portland ami North River Hay, in store and afloat. :>n consignment and fur sale by dec 15_ J. H. RIVERS. t'UAR AND MOLASSES.—97 liluis Louisiana. 1^ Sugar,52 bbla Molasses, landing from ulo rinda, for sale low from the wharf, by deel.j ELLIS & GREEN, 68 Conmicree-st. ^UGAR AND M(‘LASSES—36 hluls Prime La.. Sugar, 43 bills Molasses, landing from schooner llpinc, for sale from the wharf, by d 15_ ELLIS & GREEN. tiwr v cjvj.—nags ureen Havana i;onee, tnini ' ing per sclirs. Belle and Plutarch, for sale by decH THOS. P. MILLER & CO. IVI EVV GOODS.—The subscriber bus received', b ’ per ship Talbot from New York on consign** nent: 130 packages containing I)iy Goods, Clothing: Jutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and l’a;»«y Articles, which are now oitcning at No. 48 Daupfiiai itrect, near Royal, and will he sold at public and |?*i rate sale in lots to suit purchasers, who are inv tied o call and examine the same, dec. 15 J. H. RIVERS, Auc :. CURINGS AND EMPTY BARRELS.—1 000 empty barrels, 900 boxes Herrings, lambing j oin ship Science and for sale by dec 15 G. DAVENPORT & C( >. I^NOR SALE—Landing ex vclir Belle, Havana, 100 bags Prime Green Coffee. Apply to dl3 JOHN GIBSON, 30 St. Michael-?! 0(1 Kegs and hull kegs of Dupont's Gun I\»w d( r, landing from schr. Oscar, for sale by tied I 12m G WLSTFKLDT & BRO. \ £4 ALT—The cargo of the ship Lanark, for sale.— >3 Apply to WM. MILLIGAN & CO. dl3 34 St. Mii-dt-.i*•!->•. FjHRE BRICK—80m Pensacola Fire Bri^uK, Bonuifan's brand, for sale by d!3 E. C. CENTER & CO.. ONEY DEW TOBACCO.—52buses landing: from (lie barque II. Shelton, for sale low, {by dec 14 MARSHALL & ROWE. I^jlOR SALE.—05 bag* prime Green,Codec, land ing ex brig Flora from Matanzas. Appl\ to dec 14 JOHN GIBSON, 30 St. Michael-st. BEEF AND PORK — 50 bids Beef and 5 <li* Pork, landing from schr Commercial, for sailc elect4 by WM. il. BUNNELL & CO. UCKW I1EAT.--20 half b^U, 40 t^r bble tytd 40* eighlli bbls, landing from ship Floridian, forsake tied4 by WM. II. BUNNELL & CO. PINE APPLE CHEESE.—27 cases lauding: from brig Georgia, for sale by duel4 WM. H. BUNNELL <& CO. 17ALOUR.—100 lib Is l»«st Hows trd street, received per ship Alexander from Baltimore, for tale by GEO. CLEVELAND, Jh.. dec 13 20 St. Fruncis-HL. WHISKEY.—300 barrels a choice article o Rectified direct from Cincinnati per *tcamri'»‘ Express, Mail and Merchant, for sale to arrive hy duel I MARSHALL & ROWE.. DOMESTICS.—21 bales 7-S Osnabnrgs, 20 do* Brown Drillings, ;0 do 3-4 Brown ShectirgjK, just lauding and for sale by dll 10c J.B. TOULMIN, 35St. MichaeUi: COFFEE.—59 sacks Rio Coffee, new crop, laud ing from Merchant and for wale by FRANKLIN W. McCOY, declSKw 81 and 83 Coininercp-st;. MOLASSES—ISO barrels new Molasses*, land ing and for sale by deela THOS. P. MILLER & CO. T II E A T R E . Last night hut two of Mr. ilACKETT. , SATURDAY E YJ'MAG, DEC 18, 18II, Will \tc pcifoimed the romantic drama of , RlI* VAN WINKLE. Hip Van Winkle.Mr. Hackelt Alice.Mis# Blanche Kemble To conclude with the popular drama of TilK KENTUCKIAN. Col. Nimrod Wildfire.; . .Mr. Ilackctl jury..Miss Rbirtclie K< iul l< J^X CHANGE ON NEW YORK—Checks m -J short sight and Bill# at GO day# sight, for sale by JOS. AUZK& SON, i dec-16 38 St. Prancis-si. !4n iiangi: on new York, boston. -A Philadelphia and Baltimore, at 60 and 90 days ! sight; Nashville, one day’s sight. f*r sale hv J NO. it. TOL LMlN, docl6c 37 St. Michael-st. IiVXCIIANGK ON NEW YORK at ft and 60 J dnjs sight, for sale l»v dec 15 ' A. BATRE & CO. liNXCHANUE ON NEW ORLEANS nt Sight, 1 Hi -for sale hy JOS. AI AY. A SON, • duel 1 30 Si. l-’rao is-st. IA \ cu v \ (;l; . »\ ENGLAND, f«ir m\i hv li elect i i; \ KNEW ALL & WAN ROY. I4V\< liAN(iK ON NEW ORLEANS at 1 day -i sight, for sale by de 12kw \\ M. ALPER3QN, 105 Roynl-st. I^tTxCHANUE ON NEW ORLEANS.—Bill# A at 5 and 10 days sight, for sale b> tied 1 ' E. L. ANDREWS & CO. I XCIIANGK on London, New Yotk and New 1 Orleans, for sale bv | decll M. D. ESLAVA & CO. ITtXCH \NGK <ni New ^ «>i lx at to day# sight, for li sale by Will. MILLIGAN A CO., decll 84 8t. Michnehst. S.^XCH \N’CEon New York, at 30 dnys sight, for J sale by GARDNER A SAGER. de<-8 Conti-street. XCTl ANGE ON N EW ORLEANS at 30days -A sight, /or sale i»v dcc7 i». WHEELER,8 Water-ft. J Exchange on London a new York. li dec G M. D ESLAVA $• CO. 171XCHANGE ON N. YORK—nt 00 day# sight :a for sale by GARDNER & SAGER, octll ' No. 69 < ’otnmerce-st. If GXCIIANC ON BALTIMORE X PU1LA M2A DELPHI A, for sale bv GEO. CLEVELAND, Jr., dec3 20 St. Franc is-Ft. If XCHANGE ON NEW YORK, at 60 days li sight. A. BATHE & CO., dec3 70 Commerce-st. LIBERAL ADVANCES on eunatanmenta *»i Cotton to our friends in New York, Bouton and Havre, made hv dec23 HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND. ff XCHANGE on New York at 3 days sight, foj Jli,ale by WM. MILLIGAN X Co., unv26 34 St. Michael ut. If XCHANGE on New York and Boston, for sale li Ly |n29) F. SHAW X GO.,84 Com.Bt. TTH XCHANGE on New York, ut short sfolu, for Jli sale by C H. DRU1N X J. LEC ESN E, n*27 28 St. Franc it si. If XCHANGE on New Orleans,at one day’s sight li for sale bv n27 STEVENSON FORBES,34 St. Frarciu-st Jf XCHANGE on New York, at 3 days sight, for li sale by W. MILLIGAN X-CO. n‘27 34 Sf. Michael street. If XCHANGE on New York, for sale by _J n2G ELLIS X GREEN, 88 Coiuinercc-st. Sf XCHANGE ON PROVIDENCE ut til) da* vs, 1A pavable in Providence or New York, for sale bv ii 13 ‘WHITAKER X SAMPSON. 24 Francis-st If XCHANGE ON NEW ORLEANS—Checks ”i at sight for sale bv ml ' D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. Ef XCHANGE on Baltimore at 80(layssight,for by Jli nl II. A. SCHROEDKR. 28 St. Francis si. £UGHT CHECKS ON NEW ORLEANS, for ►3 sale l-.v [decll] E. L. AN DREWS & CO. (1 HECKS ON PHILADELPHIA, for $2520, .) $2000, $1828 4ii, Si 000, lor sale by ..on VVHITAKKU .V SAMPSON. 21 _S» Cl HECKS on Philadelphia, for sale by j WH1TAKEIt X S AMPSON, novlO No 21 St. Francis street. Ci ERT1FICATES OF DEPOSITS on Montgo J mery and Tuscaloosa, purchased by ii<* (4. W. TARLETON, 72('ontinerco it. % * OBILIC BANK STOCK—10 Shares for sulo by ItH nil* G. W. TARLETON, 72 Counueice st WOmOMERY BANK Certificates of Depo 1*J. site Wanted, bv nov23 E. L. ANDREWS k CO, Montgomery certificates of db if I POSITE wanted by n5tf_ RIVES, BATTLE X CO. C1ORPO RATION COUPONS—for mile by f <lec2 I. HELL, Jr. St. Fraucit) Ft. ADVANCES ON COTTON.—The subscriber will make advances on Cotton consigned to his correspondent* in Liverpool, Havre and New York. ARCH’D GRACIE, decll corner Conti and Cominercfit*. Advances on cotton.—The Bub»oni>er . will make advances on cotton consigned to bin friends in Liverpool, Glasgow, New York and Bos ton. [dec?] D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. Advances on cotton.—We will make - liberal Advances on Cotton consigned to us for sale in this market, or for Shipment to our friends in Liverpool, Havre, New York. Boston or New Or leans. E. L. ANDREWS & CO. oct27 64\lino cur Commerce & Dauphiii-slu. ADVANCES ON COTTON —Liberal advan ces made on consignments of Cotton to my friends in Liverpool. d« < 7 JAMES HAGAN, 24 Conti-fit. ADVANCES ON COTTON.—The subscriber will make advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in Liverpool m; New York. dec7 GEO. MARTIN, IB Water-st. DVANCEs'onT’OTTON coituigiicd~io J J.M. Holford & Co., Liverpool, will be made by <lec.6_nupEN BKo r 11ERS, 12 Water-st. ADV INCF.S ON COTTON.—The subscriber* will make liberal advances on Cotton consigned to their friends in Liverpool and New York. dec 1 McQR \N k NOON IN. UGAR ANrD FLOUR—12 Idols prime oltlSu i^gnr; (io bids s. f. Flour, for sale by nov29 P. McCASKILL, 18 Cm. Ft. iYiuLAnatn.—40 unu* new ou gnr, 60 bids new Molnsses, for sale l»v dec 10 THUS. 1*. MILLER* & CO. Holland^* in, &<•.—i0qr pipe* best Hoi lund Gin; 4 (|r pi|»cB F ren*-h lira inly, this day landing ami fur sale low from the wharf hv dec7 J. H. RIVERS. PORTSMOUTH HAY AND POTATOES — 250 Index host quality Portsmouth H«*y, 250 hhls I best quality Portsmouth Potatoes, landing from ship ' Venice and for sale l»y de<9 J. II. RIVERS. PRINTS—30 cases "i Fait River Prints of .< ya riel v of patterns and quality, just received and for snleby ' [dsj J. B. TOULMlN,35St. Michael-st WHITE LEAD—lot) kegs No. 1 PUilailelphin VVii. Lead, for sale by ClltODE & WHITE, di) corner Commerce mid Dauphin sis N~ EW MESS PORK—50 bids New Moss PorlT, inspected; 50 do Old do. to arrive per schooner, for sale low by CIRODE & WHITE, <19 corner Commerce and Dauphin *t* 1XTGLASSES.—00 barrels prime Attukapas, land iTX ing Irom nthr. Ocean, for snle from the wharf <lec« by ELLIS & GREEN. Is”*! LOUR—150 bids Superfine Western Flour in store, for sale by CIRODE & WHITE, <19 corner Coromerco and Dauphin sts. PORTLAND Bay and PO’J’A I'OES.—128 bains prime Portland Hay, 115 bhls prime Port land Potatoes, landing from barque Abby Baker, and for sale by [dec9] J. II. RIVERS. C1GFFEE.—200 sack* Rio Coffee, 150 sacks La > guira Collee,50 sack* Green Havana do, 5) do Java do, for sale by dec 10 THOS. P. MILLER & CO. •FINABLE SALT.—A few btntll just received ami X for sale by declO CUNNINGHAM fc COLWELL. BORDEAUX CLARET.—20 casks, a superior ( article, landing from the barque II. Shelton, : and for sale by I! ' MARSHALL Ip ROWE. CCincinnati sides.—22 casks a £5 article J of Cinciannti cured Meat, landing from schooner Roane end for sale hy dccl 1 MARSAALL fc ROWE. C^ILNcTnNATI SIDES.—76 casks direct from ) Cincinnati per steamers Gen. Pike and Mer chant. a superior, article, for sale hy •hell MARSHALL ff ROWE. (3UGAR AND MOLASSES.—10 hlwls N O Su ^ gar, 15 do do new do, 25 hhls Molasses, for sale der.ll by SMITH & DABNEY. 1 | CASKS CINCINNATI BACON SIDES, JL vF lauding from stcatuar Merchant urtd fo sale by i nov20 JEREMIAH REA. NOTrE.—The dissolution of the firm -.f ROB Ela'SON & < look place* on the 7th inst., j Iiv ttintu;! consent. \VM. II. ROBERTSON, HENRY MYERS, deed JOg. E. MI'KRLLL. E XIS.SIEl I D'N.—Tim connection in business £ ' Iiealofote existing lietween ilie undersigned hs | peblislmij of the Merchant* and Planters Journal, is dissolvetfruin n:u! after this dale. A. STUART is a I-aie charged with the setlle ment i f tj> outstanding business, to whom all per sons indole I will please make immediate payment, and th».seh«ikliii4 claims against the concern, tire re (iuested tiimnd them in at their earliest convenience. S. K. WILSON, nov 30 BOtf P, A. S I I \I!T. NOTH Y,—Th.- ei-purtnei'ship heretofore existing lietweth the subsrribets, under ih«r name and firm of ThIm rsos & Shrkvf, was by mutual con sent dissolxt I on the 1st day of November, 19-11. Dr S. Mirderni has charge of the settlement of the husinesLif the ronrern, who alone (or his agent) is authorise! to receipt for debts due the firm. Per sons having!claim against Thompson Shreve will present liieik to litit for settlement. DRURY THOMPSON, nox29 C. S. SHREVE. Quo. ChiftiVAT i< authorised to receipt for debts due to Thompson & Shreve, and to alien I to the set tlemcnt of their aeeountu generally. 110x291811 w s. MonunoiU. (lopAlt! NERSIHT*.—M. D. ESLAVA having J taken M.. LUI IS E. MON TAN DON into partnership <n the 1st inst., the business will Imre after be comliix'led under the firm of M. D. ESLAVA & CO. dccl It? (lOPA RTNEKS1 111’. —The undersigned Hnv <• a> J sociated themselves in the General Commission Business, under tlm fitm of GUSTAVES BEAL & CO., and have taken the office in Hagan's buildings, Conti-s*. GUSTAV US BEAL, dec2 A. II. BELLOWS. DISSOLI TlON.—The copartnership of Daven port & Bewail, expired bv its oxvn limitation on the 1st ditf of October last. G. Davenport set tles the busitess of the concern. GORHAM DAVENPORT. dec2 BENJAMIN C. SEWAIL. DISSOLP'TK)N.—The copartnership heretofore existing under the name of Kino & Mork HOUSt: was lissolxeil by muiiial consent on the loth inst. All pi'ifmus having demands against tin* late firm will pletso present them for settlement, and those indebted will make payment i mined lately. 'The name of the trm w ill be used in settlement. J. F KING, A. MOREHOUSE. QCi’CA RRI AG " REPAIRING will be carried on as heretofore at the Old Stand, corner St. Lotus and Conception starts, by the subscriber, nox 19 82tmo. ARNAN MOREHOUSE. rj ulK SUJSUItIBER having established himself I- in this city fur the pu. pnse of Conducting a FAC 1 OF AGE GENERAL COMMISSION BU SINESS, voitld respectfully solicit the patronage of his friend*. OFFICE—No. 69 Coinmcrco-st., east side a fetv doors above Conti street. novll 7-l||tf SAMUEL ROBINSON. REFERENCE. John Rojinjon, Esq., Charleston, S. Carolina. Wm. Robinson, Esq. Linden, Marengo Co. Ala. Col. E. M l.ii>i, Richmond, Dallas Co. Ala. REMOVAL.—The undersigned has removed from 43 Daiphin to St. Francis street, where lie offeis f*r sab on accommodntiiig terms, n large as sortment of FURNITURE. Entrance 32 Water and 23 St. Franc * street. nov20 88f_J. C CWl.W. UE810VAL.—-The subscribers have removed tv the coner *1 Commerce nnd St. Miehael-sts. OQtltt SMITH k DABNEY. REMOVAL.—The undersigned have removed to first store in the new block of buildings, oppo site their late otice. F. SHAW & CO. novS 71 Commerce-st. E MO V J L.— DOUBLE DA \ SEA i:s\ Bookst.LFus & Stationkk,have removed to the store fuiincrly occupied l»y John Steplieusoii & Co. No. 36 Dttiphm street. novS (COMMITTED to the Jail <•! Siarrugo county, a J negro non calling his name JACK, and say* he belongs t< Richard Lane of Lauderdale or Yazoo county, Mississippi. Said buy has n scar on the front part ofhis left hand caused bv being run over by a wagon wheel, i« five feet eight or nine iurlies iilifii, full face, of a common black color, and says lie will he thirty years old next April. The owner of said boy is iyqiicsie.1 to (Mine forward and prove property, |ny (charges and take him away w'ithiu the time prescribed by law or lie will be disposed of ac cording to thestaHite in such cases provided. Linden, Dec. 4, 1841. J. I1. BLASS, Jailor. 1)13* The Mobile Register, Montgomery Advertiser, Tuscaloosa FUg and Huntsville Deuiocrul, will each publish the above once a mouth for six months unless otherwise directed, and forward their account to this office for paviueit. dec9 8 once mo 6ino MAM IU.W, MANTILLAS.—DANIELS it BRADY', 83 Dauphin st., (immediately oppo site the Public Squar?) have just reecivcdjner barcpie Reform, a splendid lot of Plush, Chine, Velvet nnd Silk Mantillas, of tic newest and most fashionable description. dec 14 S' ECOND MOUItNINC MOIJSSELLNE DE LAINESj—Just received per barque Reform, and for sale l«»*\ for cash, by dec 14 DANIELS it BRADY, S3 Dauphin st. NEW MUSIC.—DOUBLED AY 8® IRS, 86 Dauphin-*!., have just received nil assortment of j New and Fashionable Songs, Waltzes, Marches, and Pieces. Also,—“Crafnera” and “Hunters” Instruction Book. dec8 N. B.—Perttina wishing Piano Fortes Tuned and Retmired, can have il done by culling on Mr. A. Sakmeister, at ♦nr store. I). & S. WATER CRACKERS—100 half barrels, lor sale by [dc7] l>. WHEELER, 8 Wntei-st. LK SII AWLS AND SCARES.—DANIELS & BRADY, 83 Dauphin-st. invite (lie attention of the ladies of Mobile, to their stock of Silk Shawls, .Mantillas and Scarfs of the newsst and most fashion able styles, the whole of which will he sold at unpre cedented low prices. . decl-I BE \NKET8, Flannels,Marseille* Q^ilts^Sheet ing and Shirting, Linens, French, English and American Calicoes, new style Corsets, Merinos, Bombazine, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbons, Table Cloths, Napkins and Towels—together with a great variety of Millinery and Haberduslierv, articles jiirt received per barque Reform and Floridian and lot sale low for ('ask only, by DANIELS & BRADY,83Dnuphin-st., decl4 immediately opposite the Public Square. ROYVN AM) BLEACHED’ DOMESTICS, Osnabnrgs, Kent. Jeans, Plain and Plaid Lin scys, for sale at Manufacturers prices, by DANIELS & BRADY, decl I. 83 D-Jtiphin st. LAIN BLACK MOUSSES 1NK DELAINK. and plain black Shall).—Just received per 1 barque Floridian,and fur sale low for cash, by dec 14 DANIELS k BRADY,83Dauphin St. NEW STYLE MOUSSELINE DF. LA INKS— Just received per barque Floridian, a new and beautiful assortment of Magarine blue Ground, and Chine DcLaines,{which will be sold at New York prices by DANIELS k BRADY, dec 14 83 Dauphin it. WINES, CORDI ALS, kr.-30 casks Bor deaux Claret; 375 cases do do 10 bills white wine Vinegar 12 cases assorted Cordials, 5 do Absynthe * 10 cases fine Esipphe Claret 25 baskets Anisette 10 cases line St. J alien Claret 7 rases £3wcetM»e»ils, lauding and for sale bv decl.; WN. if. BUNNELL & CO. (CARRIAGES, "BUGGY~W AGo\s, kr.7^6 J handsome well finished city built Buggys 1 handsome s pita re top Carriage 1 handsome Barouche 2 second hand Carriages 1 light Trotting Wagon, (5 set Harness, for sale decl 1 JOHN O'RF.ILET. WE have on Imud a supply of COOKING STOVES worthy of attention, on accouiU. of economy—convenience and cumlort. CUMMINS, HOGAN & 8NOV. n27 20 Commerce sirs ft, BONNETS.— A large assortment,amongst w hich are ladies an I misses American and En {lish plain Straw and Tuscan, English Willow, Cyprus, Oriental Leghorn, Modena and Silk Bonnets; v.diile and colored Palm Leaf Hoods, &c. for sale by d. .l7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 43 YVaier->it. French ARTIFICIAL flowers.—a few dozen very supeiior Frcm h Flowers, for sale by dcc7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 53 Watcr-wt* MESS AND PRIME PORK.--30 barre Is in line order, for sale by d«c7 D. WHEELER, 8 Wafer-st. LONDON MUSTARD.- SO boxes in small l»ot lies, far sale by de«7 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-id. WANTED,—A second hand Counter from 110 to 30 feet long, with or wiLhout drawers. A.aply at 48 Dauphin street, to dec7 J. H. RIVER 3. ORANG E8, PINB{APPLES & BANANA.3.— 10a Oranges, 190 Pine Apples, 109 bun ;hes Bananas, landing from brig Canton from Matanzas auJ fur sale by [decl ltf] J. II. KIVERM. DQA BOXEs lToRDEAUX CILaRET\ ~60 &&\3 hhds N O Sugar, for sale by dec9 JAMES HAGAN, 26 Conti *zt. \ u r u t..— rim K»d»K*i ilie* s lake this method to Inform their friends :uui the public mi general that tlicy have opened the large and convenient STA BLE on Royal •Irert,- 150 yurds south of the Man sion House, where thev cuiiucroinmodaltt UK) llorses. Drovers cun rent stall* and feed their own horses, or have them stalled and led by ilie proprietors, wilh as much cure and at as moderate prices as any estab lishment in the city. Horses aud Carriages to let at all times. I*. WATERS, dcrl3 11K inn TIIOS. BUFORD. ('1 AKIM. \ SEEDS.—Just received and lor sale JT vvh*l?salc and retail at th*»ne\v Drugstore No 30 Royal street, the following GARDEN SLEDS: Fall .Marrow fat Peas, Early Ft sine Peas, Carlelou Peas, Extra Early Peas, Green Imperial Pe;^r, Blue Prussian Peas, Early Bush Beaus, Quaker Beans, Beans, Speckle I Valentins Brans, Large Lima Beans, Extra F.mlv Corn, China Tree Corn, Tree Onions, Ass <rtej Flower Seeds, and a large an.l general assortment .full kind* used in this country. Said seeds are warranted the growth of 1641, and ureas good a* Lamlreths or any other. dcel4. J. H. WOODCCCK. t‘ 1LOTH1NG AiNdTBROGANS.—landing, 12 / cases Liusey Pants: H«r.l .iml plain Shii-t.-', Blanket Coals; Negro Pants, Rod Shirts, and Kip Brogans, for sale by dec 1-1 WM. If. BUNNELL & CO. HAY.—300 bales lauding from ship Isaac Ncw to i and for sale by dee 13 W. EDMOND k CO., 96 Com, at. WINES, BRANDIES AND GINWor sale by W. D. WILSON, decl3 corner Water aud St. Francis-sts. 7nnC()li,s NORTHERN ROPE, mauufhR I vM I cured from Russia Hemp; 250 pieces Ala bama Bagging; 103 pieoes Briggs Bagging, for sale by W. I). WILSON, derl3 corner Water and St. Fninois-*ts. PICKLED HERRING—A few bids in store and for sale by d!6 CUNNINGH \M & COLWELL. TONS Superior Red Ash, Broken and Screen * *x " cd Family Coal, for sale by W. 1). WILSON, dee 13 corner Water and St. Francis-sts. £> CASES COLORED SHIRTS; 10 bale* Cpv« ■W entry Shirtings, for sale by decilS WM. H. BUNNELL CO. 1.4 DIES SHOES.—50 boxes ladies fin© slips, -2 ties, and walking Shoes; 20 bxs ladies low priced kid slippers, received nud for sale bv deeis g. Cm. Johnson. DRAYS.—Two Drays, landing ex ship Vermont from Philadelphia, for sale by dec 13 GARDNER & SAGER, Cwnti-st. STORAGE—For two thousand barrels can l»e had in the fire proof warehouse, No. 87 Commerce street. Apply to decl8 ’_K. SHAW h CO. SALT.— 1500 sacks Salt, ill store and in good or der, lor sale by duel3 F. SHAW & CO. WAGGONS, DRAYS, kc.—1 two horse road Waggon; 1 light Dearborn Waggon; 1 Cot ton Dray; 1 Cart,for sain bv dccl3 ’ JNO. C. RYAN. HAVANA COFFEE.—125 bags, per schooner •Plutarch,’ and for sale bv decl4 12m GEO. MARTIN, 15 Water st. RIO COFFEE.—75 bags new crop, landing from barque Reform, for sale bv dec>8 ’JNO. O. RYAN. SPERM CANDLES AND soap.—100 boxes New Bedford Sperm Candles; 150 boxes No. 1 Sonp, for sale by [declS] JNO. C. RYAN. RAISINS.—100 boxes Hunch Raisins, for sale declS by JNO. RYAN. BACON SIDES.—20 casks Cincinnati smoked, landing from Caroline and lor sale bv FRANKLIN W. MeCOY, deel3Kw 81 and 83 Commerce-st. WINDOW GLASS—Assorted sizes,and White Lead in Oil, for sale bv \V. D. WILSON, declS earner Water and St. Francis-sts. nAVANA COEFEE.—toob..M» t>c^t green, new crop, landing from sebr. Bell, for sale by declS M. D. ESLAVA k'CO. DEMIJOHN'S.—100 each of 1, 2, 3 and 5 gidD, for tale by (deoil] JOHN O’REILEY. ■ BRANDY CHERRIES.—15 boxes, u very au perior article, for sale by deoil SMITH & DABNEY. Ic 11 SILKS a Ni) E MB R( HDE RiES—Cliene Silks, plain and satin striped; watered and changeable do; a pi eat variety of black and blue-black Italian Lustrings; needle-worked Pelerines and Col lars; mourning do; plain, figured, and 2d mourning Muslin dcLaiuc; Silk Fringes; Daisy Buttons; chi nelle Cords and Tassels; plaid, striped and dotted Swiss Muslins; Bishop Lnwn; embroidered Drapery Muslins, very rich; Turkov red Curtain Goods; French Corsets; hair Undordresse*; 12-4 Bobbiuet; 6-4 bleached Cotton Sheetings; ladies Umbrellas and Silk Shades; hem-stitched and revere lawn Hhdkfs; Revere Lawns and Linen Cambrics; Lisle Thread Laces and Edgings; Cambric and Swiss Muslin In serting*; elpganl Broclie; heavy silk and embroider ed Muslin de Lame Shawls, &c. For sale low by dlO GEORGE G. HENRY, 41 Dauphin-st. I N LOUR. —100 barrels Cincinnati Flour, in store i1 ami for sule by dec 13 M. D. ESLAVA & CO. _ WINES.—20 dunk* superior hherry, just land ing and for sale by J. B. TOULMIN, decll 10c 86 Ht. Michael-sl. 171 OR HALE,—A SPLENDID BAR & THREE TEN PIN AI.LEYS.—The subscriber wish ing to change his business, offers for sale a Bai and three Ten Pin Alleys, together with all the necessa ry fixtures, which are of a superior quality. This establishment is as well located for business ns any in the city. To a competent person it would be a pro fitable investment. For particulars, apply at No. 47 Commerce or 48 Frout streets. RICHARD STUART. N. B.—I would prefer exchanging for a house in the city, or for some improved land on the Alabama river. All persons having bills nguinst me will please - present them for payment, and all indebted to me arc respecllullv requested to call and settle tlicir accounts. dcc7 6uw* JUCHAR" STUART. f TV) THE PUBLIC.—A choice lot of Tennessee JL Hogs is offered for sale in this market now at the house of Elam Philips, at the head of Govern ment street. Persons wanting to purchase five hun dred weight will be supplied at 5 cents neatly dress ed. By inking one hog will lie 6 cents, delivered at liinise, steamboat or vessel. Orders left with Miller at his Fruit Store, opposite Kutaw House, Royal-st. near the Livery Stable of Walters It Buford, or with Geo. McLeod, formerly of the Mississippi Hotel, will bo attended to. dec8 HORTON DROVER. DR. H. GATES, the only Agent in Mobile, lor the sale of D. Lamlreth's very superior Garden Seeds, is now receiving from the Vermont a new sup ply, embracing all the varieties suitable for this sea son. GO- These Seed ere all warranted to he the crofofl841. decll 10k ino STATE OF ALABAMA—WILCOX ^COUNTY, Orphans’ Court, Nov. Term, being the ) 15th dav of the month, 1841. $ Estate of > f N this case on application Thos. Evans, dec’d. y -1- of the adminiitrator of said estate, it is ordered by tile court, the sume be son tinned to the 3rd Monday ill February next, and that forty days notioe thereof be given in the Mobile Re gister and Patriot, requiring all persons interested iu said estate to appear if they choose so to do. By order of tlie Court, decl3 llif W. C. GILMORE. Clerk. C1IGARS.—A lot of superior quality, just receiv J reived and for sale by deelS M. D. ESLAVA & CO. Buckwheat.—70 package* in i-h ami 1-4 bids made line new Wheat, for sale hy decll JOHN O’REILEY. FRESH HAMS—Just received and for sale by <113 < ( VMNGIIAM & COLWELL. ALAGA GRAPES—In jars, for sale by <113 CUNNINGHAM St COLWELL. SADDLES.—A consignment of about 6 dozen, for sale at very low prices by decll ' JOHN O’REILEY. SUN DRIES.-*-25 qr casks Cognac Brandy, 20 do N E Rum ; 10 half pi|>es Otard, Dupuy St Co. and J J Dupuy Brandy; 50 bids Reel. Whiskey, 15 hbls Mononguhfda Whiskey, for sale by der.18 P. McCASKILL, 18 Commeree-st. QR. AND EK1HTH CHEHTsi TEAi 10 OU Iduls old Sugar, a choice article: 50 bags L/a guira Coffee; 20 do old Java do; 1ft bids Boston No. 1 Loaf Sugar; 15 do crushed do; 80 boxes chewing Tobacco; 75 boxes No. 1 Soap; 50 oxs New Bed ford Candles, for sale by dec.13 P. McCASKILL 18 Commeree-st. LMONDS AND RAISINS—Just received and for sale by dec7 CUNNINGHAM It CALDWELL. HERRING.—No. 1 fresh, just received uud foi sale by dec7 CUNNINGHAM It CALDWELL. LIME.—500 casks Thoinuston Lime, this day landing from brig Homer and for sale by de«7 J. H. RIVERS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN BRAGAW & LO.f Wlurlrunle Denier* in every description of MAT% DUV'IS AMD SHOE*, deel 4 No. 27 Dauphin-ft*,— Mobile. kivkhTT COMMISSION MERCHANT, Mobile. Will give particular attention to the sate ufull kiuds of NORTHERN PROIMU F. liTo. JOHNS! ).\. SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, BOXXRTS, DOMESTIC OOTTOXi KERSEYS. Ac., at wholesale, nH 49 Water street, up stairs.^ JAMES Til OS. J( iNl.S. IMPORTER OF BRAXDT AX1> MIXES, nt 7 31 St. Michael, street, Mob do. ROBINSON & STUART, ME 11C HA XT TAILORS AX1) CLOTHIERS, AT TIIK CHEAP VARIKTT STORK, n!7 Corner Government uaI Wa erytieef. GEORGE BOW LEND. *J O 31 M I S S lOiV MER C H 4 XT, nlfi tin No. 34} SL Mi* hael-st, Mobile, Ala._ D* S. BALL. COMMISSION MB U ROHAN T. Mobil* fseot97 Aral 11 >CONNELL A FONTAINE, ‘Joailissioh ITS MkIICHANTS, Liverpool. James McConne'.l, ) John T. Fontaine. J The undersigned will rnnke libera: A tvances on Cotton shipped to MwConueil A Fontaine, Liverpool, jnn 5 13 B FONTAINE. r 113EUAL ADVANCES will He made on Onuon _J consienod to thoir friends in New York, Havre, Marseilles and Tiiesie, by CH. DRIJIN A J. LKCESNB, 30 St. Pruncia at. Reference. Messrs, l’illot A I.oRarbier, New-York. “ J. I,aliens A Co. dp. " ColloinhA Iselin, do. M DeKhsm A Moore. do. bAI Advances on cotton,'conVigned to J. Holford A Co., Liverpool, will be made by nt3 OGDEN BROTHERS. 19 Water-at. \1> v a NC F.s ON COTTON—Conirifnedi to Messrs. Hicks A Co. New fork, will bo mad by |nl5j GEO. MARTIN, mo SHIPPERS, MftRcTlANTS, AND TUA 1 DK1I8 IN' GENERAL.—The above are re apect'ully informed that they can bo supplied by the undersigned with the following Goods received and receiving at all times from dm manufactories ©f Tho mas Vvae, London and Florence— English Bonnots, Hal* and Plait, plain and fancy of ©very demotion Plain and fancy Trtcan Plait, Pedal Plait, llolio Cords, Rands and Tassels, Straw Bullous, Ros ettes, Edging*, Ac. Likewise constantly receiving by vessels direct from Leghorn, Ia<t1es . uieu's, boys’, girls'and infant's Hats, of every variety. And the following de a© rip lion of Silks, likewise receiving by the steamers and packets :— Ladius' Dresses, gentlemen's Scarfs and Cravats, Bandannas Koamls, Paris aud t^aucy Bandau nas. ITALIAN LUSTIUNOS ANI) CRAVATS, from every manufactory of celebrity. In addition to the above, Rags, Oil ami Paper, con stantly uu hand, from the different Italian ■ intrs. A consignment of Silk Velvets sad Sewiug Silks, shortly expec:ed. Ordors received on commission for merchandise’or productions of England and Italy. WILLIAM VYSE, No. 172 Pearl-street, New-York, and ul5 2ms No.32 North Front-street l'hiladelpba. , M II I boxes Window Gitas ass’d sixes from dxl 4UU to 28x30. 200 galls Dutch Linseod Oil 2.10 k«*gs White Lead Bas’d, Pure No 1 and No 2 500 Iks Black Paint (in 28 lbs. kegs) 20 boxes Chrome Green 180 do Brunswick Green, just received per brig Ceres, and for sale by n30 FAMES A TODD, 20 Commerce at PLOUGHS—We have just received a supply of Palmer A M'Cormick’s Ploughs, from the Rich mond tnanufactory, Nos. 1, 6 and 8. nltfl NflNGE A RUSSELL, 13 Water st. Brogans and boots-m case* Bp Bro qnns ; 40 do Uussotl do ; 23 do ifcick Boats, for sole low by (J. O. JOHNSON, nOO tc Waioi -lt Up ArA T wo convenient Dwellings, having each four GiTifl rooms, and kiteiwn room, on tho uortn side of Coi.ti street,between Royal and St. Emauuelsts. Also—Tlnee rooms suitable for offices or sleeping apartments, in the buidiug adjoining the above dwell ing. Kent moderate. Apply to nfi J. EMANUEL. JfeA FOR RENT—'Throe Stores, No. 13, 17, 18 JUJJHon east side of Water street. They will bo rented separately, or together, and is a desirable* loca tion for any business. Also—rite Store No. 10. on west side of Water street, late; in the occupation of Obuar A Phillips. Also—An Office over the store of 1). Wheeler, No 8 Water streot. Tho above premises will be re sted at very low rents. Apply to |n6j J. EMANUEL. MFOR lifeNT.—That desirable country resi dence at Summerville, formerly in the occu pancy of N. K. Williams,Esi). and possession given on 1st November. Apply at tlte Merchants’ lotu ranee Co's. Office, St. Francis st. f«»20. AnA FOR RENT—That desirable Office or Store liiiiM on the lowet floor of the buildiu* west side of Royni, near Conti street—lately occupied by Cuthlmrt A Stanley. Also A brick Warehouse on St. Micha el stroet, oppo site J- B. Toulmin, capable of storing 1000 halos of cotton. Also a store on St. Michael street, now occupied by Jn G. Davis A Co., with two largo offices on tlte second floor. Also two three story buildings on Water street ad joining the Merchants ami Planters Journal Office— with coaming rooms in the second floor. Apply to octll _ J. EMANUEL. /fc JOHN Bit AG AW A 0O. 2? Dauphin street, AV offer foi anlo ; 60 cases bro. drnb plain Ilnla 50 «io do black do 50 do do rorum do 25 do fashionable fur do 25 do do silk do Just received per brig Mobile. Alsia daily expened in atdfje by barque Hebron and brig Alabama: 100 cane* Itussei Brogans; 50do Kip do 25 do thick'Boots; 20 do fine do 40 do Women’s fine Shoos; 20 do Men’s drr 15 do Children’s dodo oi*t8 IIATS AN D BONNETS—The subscriber is now receiving a largo assortment of Hats aiul straw goods, amongst which, are B9 follow*: 50 cases Men’s fash. Beaver and plain blk. Haia. 25 “ “ wide brim “ “ 05 i* a •• *• *' drab u 10 “ " *’ fashionable silk <# 150 do* Palm Leaf Hoods, with a great variety- of ladies' and misses Leghorn and plain straw Bouinets; shell, horn and ivory Combs; band buses, nrtilirLd flowers. Htocks, Ac. For sale cheap for cash or gawd paper, by [o89] OEO. A. ARNOLD. 43 Watarat fa AT K. KiHIlHISSiiN'S CI1EA1' VAKIE TY STORE—Just received per shtp Hector, h large assortment of fashionable and low crowned broad brimmed Black ami White Gentle men’s IIATS. Also—Fine Russia Beaver, and low priced Hats. Likewise, received por barque He bron, an assortment of flue and roars* White Linen and Colton Shirts; do FUnnol Shirts; which wilL he sold wary low for rash, at the sign *»f d«° M«muismU» I Boot, corner of Water and Government streets, out 22. _ ' _____ (1HEAP as i nB (JhIapest.—yv«» a**i«— J J Mat received at ROBINSON A STUART’S Cheap Variety Store, corner of Government and Wa ter-alt cets, a general nssortment of Ready-made CLOTH l NO, HATS, w I ^ BOOTS, SHOES, and Aa JR DRY GOODS, direct from the manufactories, and for sale at the loueet priret for eaeh. l*lea»e call and ex amine, at the sign of the Mammoth Boot.^ nW_ COTTON OSN AH ERGS AN I) SHIRT! NGt — 75 bale, Petersburg manufactory, received l,y John A. Lancaster, at low price,, by „*•> G. G. JOHNSON, 43 Water,!. _ PRINTERS’ PAPER, Ac— We iiat. Paper i or Primers, of all tb# usual sizes ; al.o ju.l receif »d ” Supertine Packet Poat, blue," for Pricea-Uurriilt, Bill., nnd Hill, of Lading, plain ; alao.a aupplyofi bo same kinJ, ruled, for invoice., bill., Ac. n!5 MINCE A IHJS8ELL, 13 Waterst. _ rrlOBACOO—10U bas Saunder.' Tobacco, vano ea X qualiliea, embracing a lot aa’d to bo ilia fiiirwt .ver .hipped to tbia market; for ante by 1,10 RIVES BATTLE » CO. _ CHOICE CIGARS—Cere. Regalia., Jacqo M llegaliaa, Imperial Regalias.Imperial Trabuco#, for aale oy |n’JI)I D. WHEELEtt. 8 Water at. PEASI^CANDV.—A supply or Peine oolebi t ted. clarified Essence of Ilearhound Gaud y, just received and for sale by I. C. DU BOBF A CO., nio lata Du fins. A Rnff. No. to Waier-.t. O. CAl.CINA* give, to etory body llmt likn. a good Cigar, that he has tho very I teat, at hi. He r ber Shop on Royal street of all virietie*. He wm Jd pnflT them him.rll, hot who over la.tea them tt ill think any other pulling insipid! Como am! try " V hi next ” _™ _ Brooms!—60dozen *asnricd,r.»-™inby d.*c4 4tfP, II, CRANE k CO. _ WEF/F MALAGA WINE.—SO qr aaaka.lan d ioc and fur side hy dec4 WM. If. PUN NELL k CO. _ ONDON PORTER,—Landing ex Blip Hugo, i from Liverpool, for sale be UO.30 JAMES HAGAN, 84 Wmm. I |i31 KKM EN’S 1N MU K A NCE CO.OFM 6 §ILE, i No. 39 St. Frnncis-atreet, con tin ties to talfe Me rine. River and Fire Risks. The office m opto nil day. Applications for Fire Risks are requested to be mad* before 12 o'clock M ; and for Marine Risks at auy hour during the Ha v. CHARLES W HITE. President O. P. HASWELL, Vice President] Dimerous* John F.Pogles, Charles Auze. Hr. Tardy. Charles White, John K. Collins, Win. A. Ferrell, J. C. Chamberlain, Chs.CuUura, • •i. i» J*#. mnil, I. H. Erwin, Geo.G. Prentice. 9. W. Allen, Wm. H.Ohidsey, UieVd ST. Redwood. JAS. T. FRANKLIN. Secretary Thomas Longfikld. inspector. oov5 mm OBI 1 H IN8URANCE COMPANY— 1f t ,?o. 34 St. Francit street. Insures against Fire. Marine aad River Riel Dirbotgrs. Jonathan Euiaaael, John Simpson. H A. Schroeder. Thne. W. McCoy, J. Blood good, FT. O. Brewer, Alex. Pope, B. F. Marshall. R Desha. J. A. M. Battle, R. V. Montague, H. Barney, J. FMAMUEL, Praaidtnt. Thos. 9. King, Ste’y. ianfi ME RC H A N T S * 1MBV K ANCBC Ohl P ANYO F Mohilk—Capital. $250,000 pai<f"in and secur •d agreeul'y to the requirements of its charter. This Company continue* to make insurance against loss or damage o ' Uiveror Marine Risks, and against fire on brick buildings and merchandise in the city. The public may rel} ou a prompt adjustment oflos sos. Dikucto 18. H. B.Gwutlnney John B. Toulinin. J. J. V. Wanroy, Joseph E. Sheffield Charles Gascoigne Wm. H» Pratt. Jnraes G. Whitaker, NewtonSt. John. Win. Joues Jr. J. U. Schilt. Hindmnu Barney, Lathain Mitche*., Wm. P. Molett. . H. B. GWATHMBY, President. R. 9. Bi/nkkr,Secretary. jan24 Marine and fire iN9Urance~—.kla HAMA Lt FK INSURANCH AND TRUST COMPANY —Capital $J50,000 all paid in. Trustkbs. JAS. iNNERARITY, President. T. Sanford, Ot's Dyer, Jonn. Hunt, Henry Myers, C. a. a. P. Bullard, A. W. tlordoiv Arch. Bronn, F.W. M'Cey, James Dess, V. Havasies, Calvin Nerris. This company uoutiauei te de a general lnaurance business at tbeii office, ooraer of St. Francis and Royal streots, taking risks at the usual rates of insurance against loss or damage bjf Fire te buildings or m«r* chandi to contained therein; as also against the dangers of marine or river navigatian. juoe9 N. O. J. TISDALE. Sec’y pro tem. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. TIME undersigned, appointed agent for the PRO TECTION INSURANCE CO. of Hartford Connecticut, is now prepnrod te tako risks against fire on Stores and Dwellings (of brick or wood) and tlieir contents, also Marino or river risks on cotton and merchandize of any description. Thu rules of premium charged will be as low as any other office, and claims for lues or damage sus tained promptly adjusted JNO. C. RYAN, Agent. cor8 57tf oor. Conti & Water sts. INSURANCE—Hazard A Fowler. ■ gents lor the Hartford Insurance Co. are now taking rinks against Fire, ou Colton ia Presses, and on Merman dice, and Brick Buildings la ike city of Mobile, nil UNDKRWHI'niIIS’ AUK1U V. TWT OT1CR.—The uuderaigued hereby gives notice 11 of u is haring been appointed under writ era Agent for the following named Imuranoe Companies of Philadelphia, via: North American Insurance Company. InsuuanceCo. or thi State op Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Insuranoe Company. Union Insurance Company United States Insurance Company. Marine Insurance Company. Atlantic Insurange Company. Washinoton Insurance Company. Delaware Insurant t Company. American Insurance Company. Piuknix Insurance Company. Delaware County Insurance Oompany. nl9_WM. H. BUNNBLL. D V BKTISBMBNT—-The subscriber a hereby give notice that they hare been appointed Un derwriters Agents by and for the following named Ir« auranee Offices of Now York, ris j American Insurance Company, New York Atlantic do do d Jackson Marine de de New York do do do Ocean do uo do Union do de do Wash'gt'nM stlne do do ,dn Bafety de do do Triten do do do MerchantsMariuedo do do Neptune do do do dec3 HAZARD .v FOWLBR iSLM-T oUHUUL—A Select School will he 1^ opened in thin city on Thursday, gist October inst. under tho care of tho Riv. S. R. \Vrioht and Lady, in the building on Government street, formerly occupied by Mr. Kemble. The number of pupils will bo limited to forty, and under no circumstances will there be a departure from this rule. No efforts will he warning to make the iestitutien an elevated school of intellectual dis cipline, sound learning and moral cuknre, ard at tho same time to famish the heat facilities for an orna mental and polite education. Lessens wifi he given an the guitar, piano and harp by Mae. Wright, and in the other bronchos of the ornamental dopartmeot by a lady who has boon for several years a highly ap proved teacher in the celebrated Troy female semi nary. Vocal music will be taught te the school according to the system of Mj*. Lowell Masse,-ef Boston, with out additional charge. The acadotnis wdlconsist of two conaecative sei aiona, and thna afford an •pporiasity to the pupils t-s be absent from the city during the siokly summer months, without iuioruptioa te tpoir aeurse of study. No scholar will bo received whs cannet read well —and those somewhat advaneed wiR be greatly pre ferred. Hates of tuition made knows at the com mencement of the ackeol. KiriKBKCM. Kev. W. T. Hamilton Messrs. Harrison A Blair Rev. S. 3. Lewis Hon.T. P. Harr in Messrs. T. A J. Stanford Wm.8syre.Bsq. Rev. T.H. Witherspoon Grrirsboro. Kev. Robert Nall, Marion. Mobile, Oct tO. 1841._ I'M OTIC-K—The Missis GR ANDIN respectfully ll inform the oitisens of Mebile, that the; will open a HOARDING and DAY SCHOOL.on tbs 15th inst. iu the dwelling «ma door west of the Hsiton Acidemj. Government *1, iu which they proffer to all who tnny be placed under their care, a thorough and systematic education in the solid branches; and from their long experience in tikis employ meat, they flatter themselves they shall eujoy a liberal palrenagn. The year will be divided ititotwo sessions ef fear months each, after which, if the seasen semisnea beajkhy, two months will be devoted to the ornamental branches. English Department $20. French npgu Vfc« Jmost approved plan $30. Music vnth sinning $40. llxriHKNCl— ReV. *!’ ». Capon; Jamos Sesbury, Esq. nl3 PB^llANIBIP. MR. BOYLAN takes leave la inform such as are not great profiuientain Penmanship,that he will give instructions in this art, at kia Aoadeiny, Govern ment street, between the boars of 7 and 9 o'clock, five nights iu each weok. And he unhesituincly orouges to change, in a coarse af Twelv Lettons, the most stiff, cramped, deformed or irregular scrawl, into a style at once hold, free, easy and elegant. Ladies wishing to take a sourms of lessons, but finding it inconvenient to rail at the Academy, will be attendedatibeir residences. Terms moderate, n t BONNETS—30 cases asserted Bonnets, just re ceived jser barque Abbot Lord, and for sale by ulS JO »N BRAG AW A CO. 97 _Dauphin of. BACON.—-3 barrels May bard’s Canvassed Heme 5 4« nncanvassed do (7Vnc4t*nati SHdrs—toi sale by aovl* M. A. VAN MOOR,^4 j^oimnerce *t I awELLOsVaBERQS ACOTTonades — J 110 bain Lowell hand tad expend daily per hri, New Bugland from Bonlon.directlroni tb« luanufacturere ana emhraaing—Nea. I, ?. 3. 7 Oanaborga; beery Cotleuadee; » eaaea Vnucy Col lonatle.- The attention of the eity and coantry mar. cbatlta ia called te tbeae geeda, er which a large sup ply will be kept ee hand at ell tinea, and told at fao utry prioee and aapee.aa. far aeak er approved ally ,f_C. PBLLINQ8R, 74 Oe^teree IN3BBU OIL—ltaeaka hr arri/epar J .bin Alabamian. Apply «• ,M WmTKBtl dt SAMPtoN O at. Bran^a at. t rhQMB8TWS—ttkaira 4 4 8herring.,far aale by U WHITAKSK h BAMP80N, ,«y fl hFluada ea.