Newspaper Page Text
PATENT MEDICI*EH. Dr.Taylor’S Balsam of liveuyvotii for Consumptions *ntl Li'or CompiniiA, ConjpWi Cold.' Aithimi, Difficulty of llremhinK. I’ains in tlio 8 id* mnd Breast, Spitting nf Blood, Catarrhs,, Palpi tation of the Heart, Oppression ami Soreness ol the CUest. Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Hectic Fever, IV ight Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoiat ion, and all other Affections of the Chest, Lungs, and fever. This article is prepared according to a rcceijK* pro cured from very old eminent physician, the late Dr. Holyoke, who preserved his own life hy Us eftica^v. although of a consumptive constitution*, to the a*t • nisli a: age pf one hundred and two years: until I he age ol siMoa-seven, lie WR* erguged in very extensive practice, requiring much exertion ami exposure, Hun drei.s are now liv big in good health, that consumption seemed to have marked for an early grave, wlmowe their preservation to tlie use «f this invaluable medicine The virtues of the herb “Liverwouth,”are in this vegetable, preparation so powerful and effectual ly concentrated, as to render it a most superior and harmless medicine for all disorder* of the Liver and Lung*, and it is now considered hy all persons fami liar w itli it* effort*, superior »« to n«y nilwjr medical preparation for these prevalent complaints. It has proven »*♦ astonishing beneficial fur Consump tions, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of Blood, &c, that many cf of our physicians daily employ it in their practice, and esteem it a superior and valuable medi cine. All persons afflicted with consumption or any other disease oftlio Lungs, are recommended to make immediate use of this Balsam, as it ha* not oidy prov ed effectual in removing such symptoms as threaten consumption, but has performed effectual cures 01 even this formidable disease, where all hopes of reco very' were relinquished by the most learned and exjve ricnced men. This medicine facilitates expectoration, reduces fe ver, restores strength, and may lie considered as a ve ry’ superior preparation for the cure and prevention of nil diseases of the client and lungs, ami should lie re sorted to, even after these diseases'have resisted tlie usual remedies. In the practice of this old and very respectable physician, this Balsam cf Liverworth has acquired an enviable reputation for its virtues, as su perior to that of' the abundant nostrum* of the day, as was the character and probity of its inventor ami ori ginal proprietor, to that of quarks and empirics. The result of long observation and close study rc *1 verting diseases of the client, this medicine, war ranted pure vegetable, has the additional recommen dation of having hern used for seven years hy tlie public, and also hy physicians of eminent talent, with out a single instance of failure in effecting an imme diate beneficial result.. To persons of disordered nervous system, or I hove who are unable to rest well at night, this medicine is most emphatically recommended. The inestimable value of this celebrated inndiciiv; has been rightly tested, and found not wanting. The Proprietor is daily receiving flattering accounts of its success; and it is truly gratifying to say, this is einplmthicaliy the medicine of the PEOPLE! It is used by the M**di eul Faculty, supported by lire Medical Faculty, sup ported by the Clergy, advocated by tlie whole New York Press, and is in the houses of most of our c» A full and fresh supply, just received and for I. C. DUBOSE fit CO. mn30 I93tli Agent for tins Stale. JOHN R. ROWANDS & CO. with great confi dence call public attention to ROWAN D’S AL TERATIVE, or cutii|>ouiid spirituous extinct of Sar ■aparilln, entirely devoid of Momiry kin any form whatever, for Chronic Diseases, or complaints of long standing.—An “alterative medicine” is one which ef fects an entire change in the system, without manifest ing any sensible mode of action. It is to be resorted to in almost all Chrouto or long standing complaint*, with a view of subverting the long-accustomed diseas ed action, and substituting for it, the new and jieru, liar influence of the medicine itself, which must be made to harmonize with the operations of nature in health, so that after the use of the medicine for a peri od longer or shorter, according to the duration of the disease and prospects of recovery, it may be laid aside and the health gradually become completely re-esta!> lislied. After a long and cautious consideration of tho de signs to be fulfilled in the treatment of the following effect ions, (some of which are regarded us the most fearful ills of existence,) we have at length prepared ' the “Alterative Extract,” and earnestly advise it to such invalids for whom it is expressly intended, us |losses sing nil the curative principles (hut can l>e placed within their reach. The diseases which yield to the “altorative” treatment, are those of a Chronic form, and such ns depend upon the impurity of the blood—us Scorfula, or King’s Evil; Syphilis, and all Veneruel Diseases; Mercurial Diseases, brought on by tho improper use of Mercury; Consumption; Liver Complaint; Jaundice; Ague Cake; Rheuma tism; Gout; Scurvy! Cancer; Afletc.ions of tlie skin, as Tetter, Biles, Ring Worinn, Scald-head,Itch, Dim ples on the Face, &c. No medicine is more effccient us a “Spring Durifier,” and to promote recovery after an attack of acute disease. Sarsaparilla constitutes the prominent ingredient in the above preparation—being one of the most popular articles of the present day—entering into tint compo sition of almost every purifying medicine; and is alike so in professional and in domestic practice. There ha* much disapppointinent experienced in the employment of Sarsaparilla, by many persons—so far, indeed, that there are some who denounce it as inert mid wholly useless. This precariousness in its effects may be ascribed to the improper methods which have lw>**i» made use of to extract its active piwpcrues* J. It. R* & Co., do not hesitate to assure tho pub lic that from tlie peculiar mode of the preparation as referred to above, one bottle of the “Alterative” con tains the essence of four to six bottles of the ordinary preparation of the {Sarsaparilla! This single fart guarantees for the Alterative an extensive anti saluta ry influence wherever it becomes known.—Just recei ved and for sale by R. NORTH Disjieusary Chemist, iuly 13 36tf 33 Govujnment st. BROWN’S TETTER QINTMENT.—The pro prietor of this ointment, well aware of this fact, and also of the many useless and dangerous nostrums ao often palmed upon the public as remedies, that ure mere deceptions, and which have deservedly received the censure of the faculty, begs leave to exempt it from that class of Medicines, and unhesitatingly otters it to the public as one of the safest, speediest and most ef fectual remedies ever before used in the treament of Tetters, Ringworms and cutaneous eruptions general ly, and he is confirmed in so doing by the good cha racter this medicine has received from all who have used it (which lie is confident it will maintain,) and from the fact that of the numerous cuses, wherein it has been used for several years past, lie is not aware of its having failed in a single instance to effect u ra dical cure. Simple in its composition, it is attended with no danger whatever in its applications. It will in all cases prove active and efficient in eradicating the disease bom the system. For sale by R. NORTH & Co. Dispensary Chemists, f.Mft Iftltf Wo. 3ft Hews* nerve and bone liniment.— This article is offered to the public us a never tailing cure for the Rheumatism, aud it has for a num ber of years sustained its reputation, aud accomplish ed cures which have defied the power of every other article. In acute and recent cases, the relief is inva riable, after one or two applications of the Liniment, and in Chronic Rheumatism, the cases of cure are nu merous. It is truly a remedy that readies the N K it v Ji ANl> bonk, with the most happy effect. Sold by 1. C. DuBOSE & CO, ian21 164* and the oilier Draggivts in Mobile^ ENGLISH CALOMEL-, do Blue Manila Ex tract Color C.; do Patent Lint. Also, Trusses, Morphine, Quinine,. Camphor, Lu nar Caustic, 3tc. Itc. landing from. Ada Eliza, auJ for sale by MOSELY & CO. *«wv24 266tf cor. Dauphin & Royal hi*, ACTION ClJtCULA rT—0O“To Druggists and Country Merchants.—'Phase valuable articles, Oldridge's Balm of Columbia for the Hair, and Huy's Liniment for die Piles, &c., have been extensively counterfeited. Those want tug these preparations, will please always write, when ordering from any other house, for Comstock'* at licit*. The true urt icier* | have that name or signature always on the wrapper*. J and venders wijl dp. well to remember that, when: j ordering, as the imitations are so exposed in nearly ojl ilie newspapers throughout this country, that duty j could not be sold, should they be so unfortunate a* to ; get them. Our friend* throughout the Union arc requaetod u* i give us immediate notice, by letter, should any of die I counterfeits appear in their respective places. ■ Respectfully. COMSTOCK & CO. j Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fletcher at.. New York. j Sold by f. C. DuBOSE & CO.. Agents, j and by Drs. Maynard, Hammond and Gates, Mobile. * HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Va.—On i band a few dozen of die celebrated Water from the White Sulphur Springs, Va. To persons acquainted with the character of these " Springs eulogy is unnecussury. But to those wlu> t are not, it will be sufficient to inform them that in alt i. diseases of the Bow^l?, Liver, Kidney* or Skin the Water will be found a most eligible remedy, being ; not only an active aud efficient medicine, but a pica*- * ant, and to some a delightful beverage. Perhaps at “ ■o season is its use more imperatively indicated them the coining season aud the summer mouths, when. " those who are unacclimuted are exposed to a deadly '• disease and to die old residents subject to Hepatic- 1 obstructions. For sale by the dozen or single bottle-- b by RiCH’D NORTH, Druggist & Chemist, | mar4 No. 35 Gov't aud 46 Commerce st ? FRESH DRUGS—The undersigned are now re- j waiving per ships E. Dennison, Unoas, Hottin- j guer, and other recent arrivals, their spring sto«k of * Freeh Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window Glare, 4tc. , making up an assortment in quality and extent well l worth the attention of Merchants and Physiciaus.- i Purchasers will find our price* moderate and eveiy » facility will be affored which the state of the time* 5 will permit. 1. C. DUBOSE & CO. * Late DuBose it Reft, Druggist §. t MM» 2l7tf No 86 Water sire. ,t. | .■- ■■■■ ■».I I'ATKNT MKPICIWKH. NO CURE NO PAY. R. JOHNSON, Office, 29, Si Francis street, run tines his practice to the treatment of Vene real Disease, ill all its difi'erem forms. Dr. Johnson, from a residence of many years in Hospitals in Europe, devoted to the treatment Ve ! uerenl Diseases, and from his present extensive prac tice in that partietditr branch of the profession, guar antees a »afe, speedy, and effectual cure to such per sons ns arc troubled with any «,t live foiloxring disen- i ses.vir : Gonorrhea,Gleets, Strictures, Chancres, Palms, Seminal Weakness, Affection* of the Bladder, K id - nevs, Loins, Urethra, Prostrate Gland, Swelled Tes ticles, Eruptions on tltc Skin, Sore Throat, Pains in the Joints, and the numerous symptoms which gener ally follow this disease. Recent eases cured in two nr three days without the use of Mercury, interruption from business, or al teration in the mode of living. A medicine to prevent Venereal Disease can he ob tained of Dr. Johnson. It is from the recipe of the Baron Larry, u celebrated French Surgeon, mid was used by him during the several campaigns in which he stiM-nas mirgeon licneralin the French Army. Sold by Dr. Johnson, at his office. Those poisons having any affection of Venereal Disease, and almut taking sea voyages, or removing to the country, would do well by giving Dr. Johnson n call, ns proper medi cines lor their cure in the shortest time can Ik* put tip with written directions for tluir use. Office open from 7 in the morning, until 10 o’clock 1 at night. - ABERXETIIY’S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. Dr. Abernethv, the greatest of English Surgeons, was of opinion that nine-tenths of the diseases that affect mankind originate in tltc stomach. This Elix ir was used l»y him with the most unprecedented suc cess in his private and public practice for upwards of forty years, fol the removal of the follow ingdiseases: Loss of uppclitc, Flatulency, Distension of the Sto mach, Pain in the side. Heaviness of the Head and inclination to sleep, Irregularity of the Bowels, and in all eases where Indigestion or a costive habit is found tu exist. This medicine must not he numbered among the host of quark nostrums now before the public, as it is the sole invention of the ablest and most scientific sur geon Europe ever produced, and the secret of prepa ring it was purchased by the agent fora very large sum. It is agreeable and planum t to the taste, acts as a mild aperient, always keeps the bowels free, im parts vigor and strength to tin* system, and cheerful ness to the mind, and a few* bottles removes the most confirmed castes of Dysjxrpsitor Indigestion, and pre vents a return at any future jxn iod. New York, 17lli Aug. 1838, 35 Madison st. Sir :—In consequence uf leading a sedentary life, 1 have lieen troubled, more or less, with Indigestion for ten years ; for the last three years my sufferings have Ih*pii insupportable. I have tried several physi cians ami u number of quack medicines, without de riviug any benefit. I des|Niired of ever obtaining any |>erin;uieiit relief, and resigned myself -to the most hopeless despair. 1 was persuaded by many friends to try Abcrnetliy's Dyspeptic Elixir. I have now finislied the fourth bottle, and know not how In express my admiration of its wonderful virtues and the miracle it has |>orfurmed in restoring me to that health which 1 thought lost forever. Send me half u bottles more, and accept my thanks for the bles «h»oa von have ennforred hy restoring .me to |>erfcct JACOB MONROE. I lie agent lias in his possession several hundred tes timonials similar to the above, of the extraordinary virtue of this medicine. Sold by ap|H>intm&nt, at Dr. Johnson’s, 2!)St Francis!street. dec28 127tf OWLAND’S TONIC MIXTURE, which is now so universally popular as the only permanent cure for tlie FEVER AN1) AGUE. The eagerness with which Rowland’s Tonic Mixture has been sought for, from the first moment that it was sent forth to the genera! use of the community, affords the most une quivocal assurance of its surpassing excellence and , importance. It is now regarded by those who have had opporuhilies to decide upon its merits, as an incs I tunable public blessing ; and indispensable to the health comfort, and even the loeal prosperity, of the inhabitants of many portions of our country. In prom of which, the proprietor can exhibit communications from various newly settled territorries and colonies, signed by numbers of the citizens, entreating that they may be supplied betimesJuud in (piantities adequate to their necessities. Without an exception, in any age or country, no medicine has spread with such rapidity, and gained such distinguished reputation, within the lieriod of the seven years that it has been used in the treamont of Fever and Ague or Intermittent Fever, Nervous Weaknesses, General Debility, Remittent Fever, Dyspepsia, Had Appetite, Heart Burn, Water llrash, Flatulency, Jaundice, Dysentery, Diareha, ! Ague Cake, Costiveness, Bilious Fever, and all other | complaints urising from disorder of the stomach and ! bowels. Just received and for sale by it. NORTH & CO, Dispensary Chemists, I july21 43tf No. 35 Govenunejit si. DR. M‘MUNN’8 elixir of OPIUM.-A preparation that sUuvds deservedly high with the medical profession ns combining all the useful proper ties of that drug without any of those that are consi dered deleterious. The following testimonials speak for themselves. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. John B. McMumi having made known to me the process by which he prepares his “ELIXIR OF OPIUM,** und wishing me to state my opinion con cerning it, I therefore say, that the process is in ac cordance with well known chemical laws, and that the preparation must contain all the valuable principles of Opium, without those which are considered as del eterious and useless. J. R. CHILTON, M. D., Operative Chemist, &c. New-York, December 25), 1836. Dr. J. B. Munn— Dear Sir,— 1 have made repeated trials of your “Ei.ixir ok Oi iUm” in the City and Marine Hos pitals, and find it to possess the anodyne and sedative powers of tiie ordinary preparation of Opium, with ont producing the excitement, headache, nausea,con stipation, which in many cases render those prepara tions objectionable. Its effects are more permanent and uniform than those of Morphia. Yours, &c. C. L. MITCHELL, M. I)., Resident Physician, N. York Hospital. New-York, February 8tli. **37. Belle** j, N. Y. ) February, 19th, 1837. } This is to certify, that Dr. J. B. M ’Munn’s Elixir ok Opium has been used in several cases, at the Bellevue Hospital, with the most satisfactory effect*, when the usual preparation* of Opium would have proved injurious. The undersigned nre fully con vinced, that it possesses the sedative projiei ties of the fatter, without producing constipation of the bowels, or any symptoms. HENRY VAN UOE VENBERGH, Resident Physician. GEORGE F. ALLEN, Astfistant Physician, Bellevue Hospital. Having witnessed the effects of Dr. J. B. M’Miiim’h Elixir of Opium, we are of opinion that it is a valua ble iwepuration, and recommend it to the patronage of the profession. F. U. JOHNSON, M. D. Physician to the City and Marine Hospital. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. Late Prof, of Midwifery in the College of Phys. and Surgeons, New-Yoik. JOHN C. CHEESEMAN, M. D. Surgeon to the N. Y. City Hospital. RICHARD K. HOFFMAN, M. D. Surgeon to the City Hospital, N. Y. and late Surgeon in the U. S. N. JAMES WEBSTER, M. D. Prof, of Anat. and Physiology in the Geneva Medical College, N. Y. Neiv-York, Februury 18th, 1837. A supply of tile genttii*! preparation just received and lor sale at the drug store <8* ianlStf 1. C. DUBOSE & CO. 39 Water-st. MURRAY’S FLUID MAGNESIA.—The great advantages of this elegant preparation are, that |m**es8ingull the properties of Magnesia in general use it is not liable like that, to form concretions in the bowels. It corrects acidity and relieves heart-burn effec tually, without injuring the coats of the stomach. It prevents the food of infants turning sour upon the stomach: it is uspful in all complaints of the bladder; it tends to regulate the action of the bowels, and is peculiarly adapted for families. Sir lium;Ju<y Davy testified, that this solution forms a soluble combination w ith uric acid salts |in cases of Gout anJGravel, thereby iNiintei acting their injurious tendency when other alkalies andeten Mag nesia itself iiutj failed. In tlie seventh report of the Medical Section of the British Association, it is set forth by Sir James 1Mur ray, l\u>l the majority of fuuineous diseases arise from acid and saline impregnations in the fluids of the body, which are neulrutixed by Mb Fluid Magne sia; and that the Neurulgu, Spasms, Nervous Pains, and Irritation*, as well as Cronic Rheumatism and Gout, are frequently owing to Chrystuline irritants, deposited on the nervous membranes, which suliue particles this ant-acid Solution effectually dissolves. This article was introduced into this market by the undersigned in June last, since which time, it has been extensively used, nnd we believe, in every in stance, with most decided approbation, for sale by 1. C. DUBOSE 4 f?0, lute Dubose and Itoff, 39 Wuter street. GREY’S INVALUABLE OINTMENT, for the cure of Whit®*., tilings, scorfulous and other tu mors, ulcers, sort tig*, old and fresh wounds sprains, bruises, swellings and iiidniuatioiif, scald head wo man’s sore breasts, rlieumatic pains, tetters, sump tions, chilblains, whitlows, biles, piles, corns, snake bites, kc. for sale wholesale or retail by WOODRUFF fc WATKINS, fell 22 lG2lf No. 39 Water st. OULD UAHDLES.—200 boxes, for •ate'by dec W JOSEPH WOOD Ji CO. PATENT MHDICINEN. \rERBENA cream. —AnEmollient SOAP, which affords real pleasure in shaving; produc ing a rich, fragrant, permanent, lather, and from the delightful smooth sensation experienced after shavin^, leaving no heating, itching, smarting or redness, is fast superseding all other ( reparations; ami from the public and private eulogies in favor of the \ erlvna Cream, it derives to lie ia the dressing-case of all. From the Ni «• York Press. “The New Soap.—We feel a double disposit ion to depart from ait establish.-d rule in this office, ia no ticing tlie advertisement of Mr. Ring’s \ erliena Cream, lie has really invented the best shaving soap, as we do verily U-lieve, that has ever been used. We speuk from experience*, and we s|»cnk also from the more nrofuuionnl know ledge of our lienefactor and friend James Grant, 4 Ann street, who says it is ahead of anything yet found out in this dc|utrtu>cnt of “modem improvement.** It is not only an emolfSeui-, Imt some thing more. In short, vve believe it is the bo*t shav ing soap in tlie world.”—A*. I . Star. “The want of a universal shaving soap has been for many years severely felt, paiticnlurly by gentlemen who shave themselves ; and therefore it is with no Huh- (.»> ^ «>ull (iitblie attention to the celebra ted Verliena Crenm prepared bv ftlr. Chailes King 644 Broadway. From self-experience of its merits vve cheerfully add our meed ol praise, having never IK-‘fore shaved with so much easts or comfort. Wv l>c fore stated the Verliena Cream to be worth a train!— we have tried it and can confidently recommend it ” ih id. “ Vcibenn Cream.—We arc much obliged to Mr. Chns. II. Ring of644 Broadway, for a not of his Vcr beua IVenni, which affords an unusual degree of com fort ia shaving.** From experience wo cheerfully re commend it to universal use.**—Times. “The Verliena Cream, for shaving, prepared and sold by C. II. Ring. 64 I Broadway, is destined to su|ier*cdc all other kinds of shaving soap. It is re ally tine—just tlie thing. We have determined that henceforth no other shaving compound shall he ap plied to our fare.”—Sunday Atlas. The Verbena Cream is a most delightful article for shaving, just invented and but lately introduced to the public, who, by a unanimous approval, have pronoun ced it unrivalled as a rich and emollient preparation, promotion# in the greatest possible degree, ease com fort and luxury in shaving. A supply may be had at the Drug store of dec27s ' I'. C. DUBOSE & Co. 39 Water st. BRANDRETHna BILLS.—A vegetable and Uni versal Medicine, proved by tin? experience of thoumndfl to lie’ when properly persevered with, a certain cure in ev ery form of the Oni.y on k uisk a 9F,all having the same origin, and invariably arise from the UN I VERSA L ROOT of all diseases,'na:or Iv IMPURITY or IMPERFECT circulation of the BLOOD. In a period of little more than three years in the States, they have restored to a state of health and enjoyment over ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND persons, who \ve.ic given over as uiicurahlc by physicians of the first rank and standing, and in ma ny cases when every other remedy lias been resorted to in vain. DOUBLDDAY & SEARS, 50 Dauphin st. are the authorised agents for the sale of Dr. Benjamin Braudrcth’s Pills in Alabama Price 25 Cejits. feb7 14.9if ROWLAND’S MACASSAR OIL.-—-A flush simply just received per ship Lewis Cans, ami for'Kate by I. C. DUBOSE &. CO. Qcj* New Label.—In conseqnemic of the great variety of counterfeit wrappers of “Rowland’s Ma cassar Oil,” now in circulation, all which so near ly resemble the original as frequently to deceive the unwary—die proprietors, acting under a sense of du ty to the public, have employed those celebrated ar tists, Messrs, l'erkins and Macon, who have succeed ed in producing at great cost a new Label, from steel, of extreme difficulty of execution, and of so complica ted a nature as to amount to an impossibility of imita tion, and to lie considered by connoisseurs a master piece in the art of engraving. The label is a combi nation of beautiful designs—a portion encircling a bust of Her Majesty “the Queen” which surmounts 1 he words in two lines The ground work C 3 elaborate and the most C 3 oflace-woik. under which are the signature and address of the pro prietors, in red, A. HOWI.A.MH 1* SON. 9ff H'.ittnu f •nrden.T.melon. Counter signed, ALEX. ltO\Y LAND. The label is backed by a design so exquisite and minute as to defy competetion, it comprises the words “Rowland's Macassar Oil," written nearly 1,500 times, and containing 29,028 letters. 20, Hatton Garden, Koudon, Jan 1,1810. innl3 ^RPENTERS COMPOUNDTkRATE T)F COPA1VA, A valuable Application in Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Ulcerations, at; d Sores of various kinds. It has long been a desideratum to obtain a preparation of the above character, for the use of families—a convenient application which can always be at bund when accidents occur, and which will afford immediate relief G. W. Carpenter is placed to announce the introduc tion of the nhove preparation, as possessing all the qualities here described, aud with much pleasure re commends it to the fuculty and public, as a safe, pleasant, and soothing application for all external irritable wounds, nr iullamed surfaces. It lias l>ecn fullv tested in private practice, and the result lias been of die most satisfactory and buncficial character. In burns, scalds wounds ulcerations, and sores of various kinds, nu application has been productive of so much benfit; and it is confidently recommended to the public as an article upon whose virtues (hey can entirely rely. Mild, soothing, and gentle in its effect, it is particularly applicable to burns: it allays the heat and irritation of the parts in a short time, aud quickly induces the healthy process. Every family in the city and country should supply themselves with this preparation} it is superior to most of the ointments which are obtruded upon the public, and may be advantageously employed in all cases where a mild and stimulating application is required. The following letter has just been received from Dr. Alexander C. Draper, of this city. Dear Sir,—I have for some time past adopted in ray practice, vour Compound Cerate of Cnpaiv»,nnd have been much pleased with its effects. In burns, ulcera tions, and anthrax, 1 have derived, in almost every instance, the most decided lienefft; and in these affec tions I know of no application equal to itin poweraml efficacy. It is in burns unquestionably superior to the Kentish or Turpentine Ointment, and in general, it will be found to speedily accomplish the purpose for which it is designed, While physician in the Southern Dispensatory and Moyamensing Almshouse, I employ ed the Cerate of Copaiva in a largo number of cases, and I recollect of no instance in which it Ims disappoin ted me in inv expectations. 1 cheei fully udd my testimony to this Compound, and think it an important and valuable addition to our re medial agents in those affections for which you recom mend it. Your obedient servant, ALEXANDERC. DRAPER, M.D. To Mr. Geo. w. Carpenter. Philadelphia, Api il 29, 1834. A supply just received from the Proprietor and for sale by J. C. Du ROSE & CO. jan *16 lat« DuRose & Roll'—No. 39 Wnter-st. VAILES FRENCH 1 ILL.-*300 CHAL LENGE.—Tho genuine French Pills against nil the Quack Nostrums of tile age, for the cure of * * * The French Pills arc applicable in all cases for ei ther sex, (warranted free from Mercury) and posses ses grunt advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and con sequently de not efleet the'breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important ml vantage, they never <Us nereewith the stomach, and in the first stages of the disease, they usually effect a cure in a few days with little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have lieen so universally successful, that the proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture ofTree Hundred dollars. 1. C. DUBOSE & CO. janl2 39 Water street. Price $>2 per box, with full direction*, MURRAY’S FLUID MAGNESIA.—Prejwr ed under tile exclusive sanction of the discover er, SIR JAMES MURRAY.—The mild, safe and elegant Anti-acid and Aperient possesses all the pro perties of the Magnesia in general use, without being liable like it, to form dangerous concretions in the bowels; it corrects acidity and effectually cures heart bora, without injuring the coats of the stomach, as Soda, Potash, and their caroonates are known to do; it prevents the food of infants from turning sour and in all eases acts as u pieusing aperient, peculiarly adapted lor families. It has long been known that the most serious con senueuce have frequently resulted from the use of so lid Magnesia, which have been proved by Mr. Brande, and many oilier eminent Chemists, to form concre tions in the bowels, endangering and iu some instances destroying life. This preparation is free from all objections and in all respect a more desirable article. It comes to us recommended by many of the most em inent Chemists and Medicul men of the day. Among whom are Dr. Duncan, Dr. Hope and Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh, Dr. Jamefe John, Sir Astlcy Cooper, Sir. James Clarke, and others. A supply of the ge nuine article with a more detailed account of it, may be bad on application at the Drug Store of junclo 14tf I. C. DUBOSE fr CO,39 Water-st. COMPOUND FLUID EXT. WORM SEED.— The most effectual and safe worm destroying me dicine ever used. 'Hie great objection lieretofore urged against the worm seed is its excediugly disa greeable and nauseous taste and smell, so much so that ilia with difficulty that children can be made to take it. All difficulty is obviated in this medicine as children take it with pleasure. For sale by RICHARD NORTH, 36 Gov’t at., hoy 17 . opposite the market. RAISINS.—300 boxes fresh Raisins, for sale hy jan 20 OGDEN BROTHERS. 12 WatersI ... ' """11—" PATENT BTEDICltEB. CVONSUMmoN & .OMI'I.AINT. J —1)11. JOHNSON'S IIAI.S.A1 or I.IVK.U WOHT.—11: i. I if. ■ 11 used successful' for eight years I in the cure of those (licenses. QCj Remember! the original ami genuine is made only a 375 Bmvcry, N. Y.,all others arc spin ions and unnthorised! Consumption am! hirer ('<nnplnit.—As a general remedy for these discuses, 1 am fitly satisfied, Irom long experience, there is no m 'difne equal to Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. B*og purely veget able, it can lx* used with the turnon safely by all per sons in every condition. It cle u..-•<.> the lungs liyex peetorulioii, relieves difficult Imaging, and seems to lieal the chest. There cun be noquestion, hut this medicine is n rertnin cure far clfoitic coughs and col ls. 1 have used it four wars it inv practice, jui always with success. A. F. ROOl'dbS, M. ill. (](£• Consum/rtion!—Tile fldlow ag remarks were taken from the last iiiiiiibcr of the Medical Magazine: “The surprising effuet produced hy Dr. Taylor’s Ba lea in of Liverwort, in cnfisiiumiivc cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We have so long believed this disease (consumption) incurable, thpt it is difficult to credit our kciui’ii vvlieu we s c jx i nis evidently consump tive, restored to health. Yet this is a tact of daily occurrcaee; how then can we question the virtue of the alxivc medicine? In our not, wo shall he more explicit; meantime we hope plr.: ieiatis will make trial of this medicine nud report its eff.-t to us.” Note.—The original and gruvinc Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort is made and sold *t 375 Bowery. To Females.— -The number #f females in delicate health in this city is truly surprising. Weakness, loss of appetite, liver romp/aiuts,und many other dis eases prey upon them, making llitm pale ami lean of flesh. All this can be rented ifd by the use of strengthening medicine, that willnssisl nature in all her movements, restore tones to tl|e nerves and mus cular organs. Of this ki.d is Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, which being mildunjl purely vegetable, answers females admirably. If fill will use it, we are confident an elastic step, good appetite, and rud dy checks will follow. Once mire reinemlier, the original aiul genuine is made at 3[5 Bowery. Spitting of Wood.—This consists of a discharge of blood, often frothy, from the mouth, brought up by hawking and r iuglmg, and is usually accompanied with difficulty of Ueathing, and some pain in the chest. Sometimes it is preceded hi an oppression at the chest, a dry tickling cough and tdigh shooting pains. ’I’his disease is always more or lesa dangerous The darner is, that those symptoms may terminate in coiiHfinplion, and imme diate remedies ean alone save this jnd. But Dr. Tay lor’s Balsam of Liverwort is a sjitv remecy, and to show its unparalleled success, civirficntes of cure# from 121 citizens, and many physicians, will lx* pub lished in a few days. Off-Nervous Disease* anil Wr/iAak**.—Dr. Ta\lo»*i Balsam of Livei'worth, made at 3T5 Bowery, is as suredly an excellent remedy for fltesediseases M\ wife has been more or less ill for I*a years. She was extremely nervous, and at time* so weak that she could not attend to her domestic duties. But by the use of fit is medicine, her strength |s wholly restored, and she is as healthy as 1 can uiJi her to be. My address is at Dr. Taylor’s oltifce. Cure of Consumption.—Mrs. Malt in, a worthy mem ber of inv congregation, wiu taken ill some time since with a cold, pain in the brJast and some diffi culty of breathing, and in a lew d|iys thereafter she had a v iolent cough and vi>.lent pirns in the sides, which no medicine would relieve. She continued in this way for a long time r.v.'ur tty* medical cure of Dr.Rea, but finally became Consumptive, and was evidently near the cud of her eaiillv sufferings, when her brother persuaded her to fry Dr. Taylor’s Bal sam <>t Liverwort. \\ hen she commenced (his medi cine, it did not seem to agree with her fora few days, but by lesseutiig the dose, she found it answer admi rable; it rrlcivcd her rough kind her difficulty of breathing installin': and we has (lie pleasure of wit nessing her rapid recovery to hudth. Rev. VVILRI AM KMYRHE. Of/* OBSERVE! Buy uuly'iljni which is made at the Old Office 375 Bowery i\. V, and which is sold by tile regular agents. J. <’. DuBOSE t’. (’O, Agents, (late Du Bose Sr goff) 39 Water st. mr15 208tf Mobile. KHEUM.V1 IS3A1.—Uohen’s Klicunmtic Embro cations, Dr. M. IE Culien, proprietor of the universally celebrated lotion lor tlu* cure of Chronic ami Intluiiintory Rheitinulisni, Springs, Eumiiago, Fain* ami Swellings in the joists, &c. known as Cohen’s Rheumatic. Embrocation, begs respectfully to refer all persons suffering fron these diseases to the thousands of cures that his preparation Ims ac complished, and to the numerous strange and highly respectable testimonials which have from tunc to time been published to that effect, in New Yolk and other places. So certain and searhing is this Liniment in its operations even in cases of long standing, and of an obstinate nature, that it Ins never been known to fail. It will be proper that all persons lining the Liniment soe that it is accompanied with the signa ture of the proprietor in hit own hand writing. Since the introduction of this remedy to the public, various empirics have palmed upon the country, nos trums and lotions ami “Infallible Rheumatic Mix tures,” all of which being a compound of ignorant ijuacks, are calculated more or Lrss to injure the sys tem rather than remove any complaint, us well as by the thousands of persons who luve lieen effectually cured of Rheumatism, the subscriber has subjoined letters from a few who aro well and popularly known to the entire society in New Yci'k, ami whose opin ion and professional judgeincits arc universally esteemed. VI. B. COHEN. 272 1-2 Ilidson street, N. Y. Od-Pi ic« *3 per bottle. TO THE PUBLIC.—Be it known dial on this 4th day of March, one thousaid eight hundred and forty-one, I have appointed J. C. Dubose &. Co. sole agents for State of Alabama, for the sale of my Rheu matic Embrocation—a remedy calculated to cure with certainty any Rheumatic complaints, whether of a chroii'c or inffainatory nature. Country merchants can lie supplied wholesale by applying as above. Witness our hand this day and rear aforesaid. M. B. COHEN. The public will remenilter that this iv simply an external application, and free from minerals. Dr. M. If. COHEN’S principal office, No. 2721-2, Hudson street, New York. Each bottle of the Embrocation is accompanied with printed directions for use, and none is genuine unless bearing the signature of M. B. COHEN. Certificates can be seen is pamphlets from the agent, ns to the efficacy of the Liniment from the most eminent physicians ill New York. For sale by J. C. DUBOSE S: CO. Chemist & Dmg’t. mar 6—200muio .‘iff, Water st. LOOKOUT!!—**Cautir>nn i* the Parent oj Safety, An attack of the “Pile*" may be positively pre vented by using (when the premonitory symptom* are felt) the celebrated 11A Y’S LINIMENT. There are more than one hundred people in this city, and in the United States an immense number, who nave suf fered beyond endurance by this dreadful complaint, who keep themselves wholly free from attacks uy ap plying this Liniment when they feel any symptoms ol its approach: of this there is the most perfect proof. Qcj* None Genuine without the name •!’ COM STOCK & CO, writtin on the wrappers. SOLOMON HAYS, Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, N. Y. Sold by J. C. DUBOSE & CO’ Agents and Drs MAYNARD & GATES. MohiM is** DU. TAYLOR’S BALSAM OI’ LIVER WORT.—Ax this highly popular Medicine foi diseases of the Liver nnd Lungs and also for the shortness of breath, debility, pain inside anil loss ol flesh is most exteusivcly counterfeited—the public should lx: very cautions and purchase only of the duly appinted Agents. 00“ My sole Agents in Mobile, are I. C. DUBOSE k CO. Plane remember thii GEO. TAYLOR, M. P., 375 Bowerv, N. Y New York, Feb. 12. 1841—l»2n FROM THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Jan. 10 Weave by an advertisement in another column, that Messrs. Comstock & Co, the American Agents for Oldridgc’s Balm of Columbia, have deputies to sell that article in Boston and elsewhere.—Wo know a lady of this city whose hair was so nearly gone, as to expose entirely her phrenological dcvelopeinciits, which, considering that they Iwtokcned a most amia ble disposition, was not in reullity very unfortunate. Nevertheless, she mourned the loss of loc ks that she liad worn, and after a year’s fruitless resort to mis called restoratives, purchased, some months ago, a bottle or two of Oldridgc’s Balm, and she has now ringlets in rich profusion, glossy, and <>f raven black ness. We are not puffing—none of the commodity has been sent to us, and, indeed, we do not want any, for though we arc obliged to wear a wig a year ago, we have now, through its virtue, hair enough, aud of a passable quality, of our own. PARING FRAUD.—The Balm of Columbia has been imitated by a notorious counterfeiter. Let it never lx? purchased or used unless it have the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the signature of COM STOCK k CO, on a splendid wrapper. This is the only external test that will secure the public from deception. Address. COMSTOCK k CO, Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fletcher *t. New York. Sold by I. C. PuBOSP. & CO, Agents, nnd by I>rs. Mfaynard, Hammond and Gates, Mobile. jan2S 170 __ fllOOTHACHE.—Extract of Galls and Kreosotc* JL At length lias been discovered an infalliale Cut e for this distressing malady. The alxive preparation, it is positively asserted, will cure any case whereip it enn be applied, in twenty minutes. A supply jiu.1 seoeived ami for sale by I. C. DuBOSE A CO., hinltitf late PnBoee A Rolf. 38 Wafer .,4 C~~ IANPLES.AND SOAP.-For sale by * G. WESTFELDT k BUO. 126 boxes Sperm Caudles, 260 “ Composition do. 160 *' Soup. no\2 66U I»ATF NT JWRDIUINI:'*>* UUl’t H JOHNSON'S CONI' .’IN THAT FI), FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPA W1LUA, .1V EH WORT, PLEURISY ROOT AND LIG NUM VITA.—As there ate many Mediriuegof a iseless ami injurious nature already before the puli ir, it is difficult to remove the prejudice existing in he minds of intelligent and enlightened individuals igainst any article introduce ! through tlie means of m advertisement, nc matter how grout its merits may >e, or high the founder may stand ns a man. tiling but the interposition of Pm -idenee enn save he lives of those per »ons who day alter day tampei A'ith the poisonous and deadly compoui ds blazoned brth to the worhl through the public p ess by ignur ml men who have abandoned •nine other calling, ind assumed the title of doctor, without having re* •eived tho least medical instruction. 1 know the liiiiculty 1 have in peruiading the public that an ad vertising doctor is or can be a regular Physician, lmt. is 1 address myielfo ily to t’u«‘ respect: h!e and intel igent portion of the community, the following te.ui nonitiis of my medical attainments will he deemed mffieient to conviuce die most skeptical. * 1 received the degree of Doctor of medicine ant *u genii in the College of Phyisians and Surgeons Nrw Vork—tun memher of the New York State Medical *<ni*iefy—Fellow of tin* MuSsnchsetts Med ical Sori t.v, mid Lineenwite of the Hoard of the State of Louisiana, and for the last eighteen \ekrs a general practitioner of Medicine. My compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, Liverwort, Pleurisy Root and Lignum Vita is the result of this long experience, and not the medicine of in hour's consideration. merely got up for humbug nr deception. Upon the respectability of my medical testimonials my greut success ns a medical practitioner, uud tliesal utnry and benelieial ellecu ol my Hiedicine, I stuud or fall. 1 seek not to deceive the public with uu ur tide of whose component parts they ure ignorant.— What do the public know of the poisonous aud de structive ingrediciitscontuined in the various pillsnnd panaceas advertised throughout the Union ? The pro prietors of such medicines known too well if the pub lic were aware, that out of every ten pills they have swallowed, eight of them nr<* jHcrcunj, their trade was at nii end. I have analyzed must of the pills, and other medicines advertised throughout the Union and found them to contain, either curruHive nubliviate or Citlovtcl. The reason is then obvious why these base impostors will not tell the component parts ot their medicines. They pretend that they have dis covered the philosopher's stone, nud that you muv live through countless ages, if you hut swallow their medicine. I practice no such"deception. My nu*di cine lias stood the test ol years—it is recon^nended by the most eminent of the medical fueul v, and what is of more iiupo .lance ihati ull, 1 candidly and honestly confess that my medicine is a combination of .Sarsap arilla, Liverwort, l*leurisy Root, Lignum Vita, and one or two other ingredients. The only originality 1 claim is in my peculiar mode of preparation. It is true, it has often been the wander, and nmaztmoni of my medical brethren, the astonishing cures performed in eases that were considered not within the power of medical aid. The whole mystery consisted in my using this medicine, and this alone to the exclusion of all others, and ol the correct principles upon which diseases ought to ho treated. It will not however he a matter of surprise that such wonder ful success should follow the use ofthis medicine, when I state the principles upon which 1 acted. The hubiau body cosists of solids and fluids.— The former or long structure is about one fifth.— The latter or soft part five-sixths. Man is linked to gether by a number of organs so beautifully arrang ed as to form a oerfeetchum in the nnim il (•.•onnniv One link of which when outof order is sufficient to destroy the harmony of the whole. These organs are furnished with innv.mernble blood vessels culled arteries and veins, which have a common centre.— The heart for propelling through them the blood or nutritive fluid to all ports of thu system,—be ing furnished with valves which are all m one di rection, the bluoJ rail only flowing coriespouding course. Thus it is forced by the heart into the arte ries, and after moistening the most minute fibres, it is received by the veins and brought again to the heart, and perforins again the round of the body, and so on in succession. The use of the blood is to receive from the alimentary canal the skin, lungs, such mat ters as is necessary for the nourishment of man, and to convey it to every pail oftho body for the purpose of reparing its waste, and increasing its growth. Hut if any ofleet poisonous or foreign matter is car ried into the blood several organs are provided as the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs through which this poi son is discharged from the blood in the form of bile, urine, perspim turn and pulmonaryexlmlalioii. From this brief sketch ofman'gforinution,the iiiLeiligcuireadercuu easily understand, how fever and inflammation is pro uucuit oj suppression of perspiration, mr it perspira tion be a. rested iu consequence of cold, the perspira ble matter will mix with the blood and give rise to inflammation. In like manner, if the discharge of bile be arrested in its flow from the liver, it is taken into the circulation and gives vise to jaundice, yellow fe ver, ike. All diseases therefore have one common origin, ( not impurity of blood, for that is only tin cf fect.) but in the obstruction of one or other of those three great ouletsor common sewers of the body the bowels, skin and kiduien. Header, did you but know how fearfully and won derfully jou are constructed—how bountifully the C re tor of the universe has provided for your preserva tion and existence, independent of your will, then in deed would your admiration of the perfection of his mighty hand work never cease. Dui ing sleep, when your mental faculties are inactive, and your soul ap pears to be in a state of repose, then is the wise pro vision and foreknowledge of the author of nature made maifest. The heart continues to pour its vita; stream to every part of the body—the lungs perform their office—respiration is continued and the blood decarbonized—the skin pours out from its myriad* of pot es the poisonous matter of the blond—diges tion continues, and the nutritive particles of our tood are carried into the blood for the renovation of man, Were all the organs of the body therefore under the control of the will, when we slept, the heart would cease to pulsate, death would us a necessary conse quence follow—the lungs would cease to perform their office—suffocation mid death be the consequent** or perspiration or digestion be interrupted, the effpen of which would be perpetual disease. Header, you now know perhaps better than you ever knew before, the vast importance of keeping these organs so necessary to lile in a healthy state You will also place less reliance on the pretensioni of ignorant and uneducated men, especially wliei they attempt tc meddle with diseases they know noth ing of. You will likewise appreciate the services o the skilful medical practitioner, wire has labored fu 18 years in the study of a science through all its mi uutia^, and who now oilers for your benefit the resul of his longand arduous labors. I ask if you possessei n watch of five dollars "alue,and it was out of repair would you take it to a tinker to have it set in order No; you would surely carry it to a good watchmaker How much more difficult then is the putting in orde of the human body when out of repair. A watch ma; stop, it can be set going again—if man's maclrner once stops, it stops forever. No humnn power eai ever again set it in motion. You may always expect fever and ill-health to fol low' the stoppage of any of the secretions. If we ex eept, says Van Swietou, those who perish by u violen death, and such ns are extinguished by old age, all tin .>1* InAnniinaliilll ■•filial*.I llV DlimirPMlilil nfnm or other of the secretions. Pliny describes the terror the Romans had of this disease, and of their supplica tions in the Temple of Fanutn for the removal of ull obstructions to the natural outlets of the body. Sick ness therefore cannot occur unless one or other f those outlets are obstructed, except it be a disease depend ant upon a specific contagion, such as small pox, mea sles, venorial, &c. and these diseases are only cured by increasing tho natural secretions. When you labor under matter of what nature, whether ma lignant or otherwise, and you take Calomel from a Physician, does lie not always ask v«tt, are your bow els free- ia perspiration free—is the secre ion of urine abundant—or, if you have pain? what, I ask you, ure those inquiries, but barely to ascertain if tins secre lions are duly performed. If they are well performed, then your doctor is puzzled as to the nature of your disease. If they are not duly performed, lie then re moves any obstruction. This is the great secret of bar profession, and thus we define * reputation when *ve only assist nature in restoring the natural secretions. The great difficulty in the practice of medicine was the proper application of u combination of medical ar tides calculated to remove obstructions, nnd act at tne same time upon all the secretions. There are many valuable articles in the materia inedica that will net upon the liver administeted alone, but when combin ed with others to act upon the kidneys, they become neutralized. The concentrated extract of Sarsaparil la, Liverwort, Pleurisy Hoot and Lignum Vila as pre pared by me is the only one combination ever yet dis covered that possesses this inestimable quality, which lias been testified to by most of the medical men in England. For a fullaccount of the properties of these plants, I must refer the reader to ntv Prize Essay of 40 pages, published in the New Etigland Medical and Surgical Recorder. I will enumerate a few only of the diseases in which this medicine shewed its mirac ulous powers—Consumption arising from cold, or where u hereditary disposition existed, liver com plaint, yellow fever, jaundice, it digestion, torpid or inactive state of the bowels, palpitation of the heart, pleurisy, scrofula, mercurial eruptions or cutaneous disease*arising from any cause, secondary or constitu tional efleets, arising from the venerinl disease, such as blotches on the skin, sore throat, ulcerated nose, and painful affections of the bones, termed nodes. In fact, the whole family of disease are attributable to the tine great cause, obstruction of the natural outlets ofiliebody. My Concentrated Extract of 5arsaparil* la, Liverwort, Pleurisy Hoot and Lignum Vita removes all obstructions, cleanses the system from all poison ous matter, and stimulates the organs to a healthy ac tion : It is therefore evident that this is the sovereign so long sought after. It can be taken by persona of every age nnd sex, and is admissible under ull cir cumstances, and in ever^ va-iety and stage of disease. There are four powerful reasons for using this ined icine, in preference to all others: 1st. 1 am regularly educated to the nrnotioe of me dicine, and cot u mi tied Licentiate of* the Medical Board of the State of Louisiana, which can be ascer tained on inquiry in New Orleans. Sd. My medicine is purely vegetable, nnd is com posed of Sarsaprill.t, Liverwort, Pleurisy Root and Lignum Vita and other articles. 3d. I honestly confess what my medicine is, nnd do not attempt deception by keeping its name secret. 4th. I have been 18 years a practitioner of medicine, and during that long period of time made extensive use of this medicine, and found in every instance, that removed all obstruction# by the busty action upon i In* Livei Stomach, Bowel#, Skin, Kidneys and I LllllgB 1 (VJ’For sale wholesrle and ret#ii til 2‘J S' F ranci? i Street, Mobile, nnd ftt my office 7 Duane Si- New I Vork. Price $-J per bottle, one quail. I’el I ly < patent prepared co coa.—A supply of the above original anil In y vnluuhL* preparation of C'oc-uu long and favorably known to the public, is just received direct fromtlw | iroprictor an«l for sale b) the undersigned. Among >lher highly fluttering testimonials of its superioi anility and usefulness, are foiuul the following. “.I. Kitchen left with inc some of his P. Cocoa and in trial I tint I it a very superior article, and menus* nciid its adoption for family use.” I)r. Wir.t.iAM Thomas. “I have tried your P. Coma and consider it deri lecly superior to any I have used before in my fami ly-” Dr. Jno. Coopkr ‘‘1 concur in the foregoing statements.” Dr. P. Hossack *‘I have drank of J Kitchen’s P.Cocouapd recom mend it as a superior article t.f Itevcinge to nuy piop arut ion of Cocoa extante—it possesses less of the <di agiuous nature of Chorolnlc, therefore less liable to |,r.M„.vo offensive to the convalescent and is more suit able foi the healthy. II. HllUS For sale by ' I. C. DUBOSE & CO., ianl4 late PuBose & Rolf, Ilf) Witter st. CiompchJnd byrup of lIverwort, J (lii na/ini Trihba.)—For the cure of Pulmona ry nmi Hepatic ntlbeiions, Cmifilw, C'okls, Consump tion, Spitting of Blond, <$•<■. The reputation vvhic this article (Livervvoil) has obtained in the trealineii of Consumptions, Spitting of Blood, Liver Com plaints, CoHghs, fi-r. and the great uncertainly thcr must always bo in the preparation of decoctions tb mode in vvliieh this plant lias been usually admini*. tered, by person# ignorant of Pliarmnccitical Mam pulutioits, ha# led iis to make a concentrated Coni pound Syrup of a uniform strength. ' MEREDITH, HEN PERSON fc Co. N. 11.—None are genuine without our written signature. QCj- For sale by the single bottle nr dozen by RICHARD NORTH, I>3 Government, feblf) and 15 Cominerre-sts. | LATENT PERK VAN FILTER INKSTAND. J- —This novel and useful Invention insures an in stantaneous supply of (..'lea r Filtered Ink in the cup ot the Filter which can be returned into the Inkstand at any moment, where it is secured from injury, and not affected bv the atmosphere. The Ink thus protected, Utiver thickens or moulds, and remains good for any length of time i i any elinutte. Tin* process of the fil tration causes the coloring matter to be held in sus pension; hence the trouble and inconvenience occa sioned by unsuitable Ink. generally found in ordinary Inkstni Is, ate completely obviated by the use of the i Inkstand. One of model ate size will con tain sufficient for six or twelve months writing. For salr Ip POUBLEPAV & SEARS, ian‘)« 50 Dauphin st. WIPE'S WORM u id CONDITION FOV\ - '» k Hs—These |Mivvder# nre prepared in a man ner pc -uliar to any others, being the result of nn ex perience of 37 years successful practice, and have never been known to fail. They are recommended to all owners of horses—-us superior. Call In nre so im proved in appearance and health, that double the lu Imrinav Sc olitained from them, without any risk. N. ll.—These powders used when horses come off a journey, or nTe wet and cold, or excessively fatigu ed, will Ik; found in the highest degree beneficial. To bo had in packages of one dozen each for ' 5 or a single paper for 50 cents. They are administered m the food, without, requiring relaxation from ialior. For sale wholesale ami retail by RICHARD NORTH, jan3 35 Government and 45 Coimneree-st. Bagging, hope, &c.— 293 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 168 “ Alabama “ 183 “ Srhayhtieoke “ 156 " Dundee “ ljlb per yard, 215 •* Duntle i Gunny Clntli, 11 H> per yard, 250 “ heavy “ “ 2* lb “ 1159 “ East India Bagging, 2J to 2411) “ 250 “ heavy Dundee hemp, do weighing 1.1 to ljj per yard, 200 coils Russia Hemp Rope, 50 “ Bomhuv “ “ 200 “ Kentucky 20 cases Bnlciug T\\ ine, m» pieces MhI* Sacking, 72 i.blrt Kentucky Ilams, 20 liluls “ “ 200 tons Swedes Iron, comprising all sizes, 10 tons Bundle and Sheet Iron, comprising a general assortment, 500 kegs White Lead. The above will he sold low, ami on accommodating terms, apply to Mi G R AN & NOONAN, n«»\9 7111" 6 St Michael si. TUI BAIUtELS FLOUR; 50 bbs Whiskey v/ 50 lilis Molasses ltl Ithds Sugar 10 lilels Bacon sides 15 Shoulders 20 kegs Lard 100 bags Havana coftoc 60 bags Itio Coffee 50 nxs Sperm GautHes 60 lixs Soap 50 “ Composition “ 100 “ Tobacco,—For sale by oet8 57tf CALVIN KEITH. TMAt) DENTISTS—Doct. II. Gates, Agent in Mo I- bile for the sale of Stockton’s improved Mineral Teeth, has just received a full supply, embracing all the varieties used by Dentists. Doct. Gates has also a first rate article of Den tists* Gold Foil, Nos. 6, 7 n«d 8. Orders from any part of the Southern Stales promptly attended to. Address GATES’S Pharmacy, nov29 106 Dauphin st. Mobile. OCTO 11 K E U PC IIWIIA N G E It’S IN FA IA. 1 - BLE POISONS for killing, destroying and ex terminating every species of vermin infesting public and privale houses, bedrooms, garrets, stores and store houses, gardens, fields, trees and plants—such as rats, mice, cockroaches, bed bugs, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, ants, mollis, cntterpillars, hornets, mites, &c.,just received and for sale at nov27 GATES’S Pharmacy, I^YAMIl.Y SPICES.—Dr. Gatks has now re ceived a full supplv of articles in his line for fa mily use, embracing among other articles the follow ing spices of the best kind:— Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Allspice,Black Pep per, Cassia Buds, Mace, Ginger, Cayenne Pepper. Mustard, Wh. Mustard, Jamaica (linger, Annit Seed, Coriander Seed, Fennel Seed, Carruwn> Seed, Race Ginger. Also—Poarlask, Sal E rat us, Isinglass, Pearl Bar ley, Sago, Tapioca, Arrow root, Starch, Indigo Rotten Stone, Polishing Powder, Silesian polish 1 Scouring Bricks, Whiting, British Lustre. nov27 ARDEN~& FIELD SEE1 >S.—The subscri bers have this clay received from New York the following Seeds, the growth of 1841, and ol the i finest quality— Radishes, 4 kinds, Spinnge, Salsify, Parsnips, Beefs, 3 do, Carrot, Cucunilier, Turnip, Cabl>ages,4 do, Tomato, Parsnip, Cress, I Lettices, 3 do, Mustard, Sorrel, Cauliflower Melon, Peas, Beans, llerds-Grass, Blue-Grass ‘ Orchard-Grass, Clover, &e. For Bale in quanti ties to suit purchasers. nov 27 MOSELY & CO A' I.HANY AI.E—20 bbls for sale bj nnvSO HARRIS j- BOSS. Kll r. Ofc -u irn 25 Ilf ami «ir bbls fresh Rice Flour, for sale by nov 27 T r. HILLER & CO. BUTTElt—A few firkins family Butter, fop sate by nov29 JNO. G. RYAN. ITVERPOt)I . O R RELL GO a”I - — -A Peach Orchard Coal, Lehigh Coal, Red Asli Schuylkill Coal. Landing and for sale by E. 0. CENTER & CO, nov 27 coi ner Conti and Com. sis. cnipERIOR SPOOL THREAD.—HENRY & ^ 8TODDART have received ex ship Hogarth, 19 cases of Clap per ton’s superior six cord sewing Cotton, which they offer by the disc cheap for cash. iiov 27 m BRANDY & GIN.—20 qr Otard, Dnpuy & Co. Brandy 2 halfpipes Hennessey Brandy 1 ** “ J J Duptiy Brandy 2 pipes Holland Gin —instore anti for sale by DESIION, TAYLOR & MYERS, novl2 corner Conti and Commerce-sis. MUSIC.—Just received by Doubleday & Sears, large supply of new Music, amongst which are Ellsler’s popular dances “La Ghana,’* “La Mazur ka,” I>a Cuchuca,” &c. Also the popular songs— “All things love tliee,” “Love is a trifler,” “Leave me dear one,” “I was not to thee,” ami “Beau tiful Dreams,”—together with a great variety of marches, wnltzes, &c. Also sonie fine ruled English music paper. B< )TA NIC M E D1CIN ES.—Powdered Buyberry, Bark, Arican Pepper Gum Mvrrli, Lobelia Seed, Nervine Hemlock Bark, White Pond Lillv Witch llazle, Unicorn Root, Poplar Bark Golden Seel—all of which are just received and arc warranted fresh and genuine. For sale wholesale or retaiI, by ll. L. WATKINS & <'O., jan 16 corner Water and St. I’mncis sts. fjnO PLANTERS, Physicians, and Country Mer X chants—MOSKLY & CO. Druggists, at the corner of Dauphin and Royal streets, have in store a full supply of fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Gardeen Seeds, etc. which they offer for sale at whoUaalc or retail at very |ow prices and on a liberal credit. fcbl UUUi CORDS OAK WOOl)—|i»r sale by lUUU JACOB ODER, ocil3 Gnvornment-st. HAVANA CIGARS.—31 boxes brown Havana Cigars, received per sebr Belle, for sale qy uovSO TliOtf. P. MILLER fc GO. SHERWOOD’S FI.ECTRO MAGNETIC RE ^ mkdiks for Chronic diseases. These invaluable emedies are founded on h ue pathological principles, uadily d«mon*ltnl»le; and flint iheir affinity of nc ion hiifl u direct and absolute loiidoacy to eradicate bionic morbific influence from the system, it i? "ell m<l thoroughly established. If reliance can lie placed ,,, limiinn testimony, they aiu of all remedies the nost valuable, safe, sure and salutary remedy, parti •nlarlv f«»r the pcnnnnent cure of Dyspepsia, Cliro Disease «.f the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidney-, [Items and Spine; together with white swellings, 4r ,|d Head, King’s Evil, or any of the forms ot ■Miofula ; even Tulierealnr Consumption, under their ^ pci lie influence, has lost most of its honors, cx •J.1,1 in eases neglected till tins last stage. I V: sale iu Mobile by MOSELY k CO, june16 . WHI'l E SI LFtU R W ATER. -Water fresh x from the White Sulphur Springs, Vn. To those persons acquainted with die diameter oi these Springs, culoev is unnecessary. But to di*>e uhn are not, it will lie sufficient to inform them that in all diseases of (lie Bow«ls, Liver, Kidncysor Skill, the Water will bo found n most eligible remedy, be ing not only an active and efficient medicine, but a pleasant, nml to some a delightful beverage. **'•' in, 1 hi mo isj it* ii.e mote imperatively' indi cated than the coming reason aiul the summer montIts, when those who are unaceJimated are exposed to a deadly disease, and to tin. oi l residents subject to Hepatic obstructions. For vale by the dozen or sin gle bottle or gallon by RICHARD NORTH. Druggist & Chemist. nm\27 2flfllf 35 fJovernuMt & 4ft Com sis. HAYF. YOU A COUGH l—Do -"t neglect it: — ’Thousands have met a premature death for the want of :i little attention to a common cold. Have you a cough?—Rev. Dr. Bartholemew’s Ex pectorant Syrup, a safe medical pi exemption, con taining no poisonous drugs* and used in an exten sive practice for several years, will most positively afford relief, and save you from that awful disease pulmonary eonsumirtion, which usually sweeps into the grave, hundred of the young, the old, the fair, the lovely ami the gay! Have you a cough ?—Be persuaded to purchase a buttle of this Expectorant Syn p today!!—Tomorrow may he too late. | lave you a cough? Bartholomew *s Expectorant Syrup is the only remedy you -Intuit) take to cureyou. * For this plain reason:—'I hat iu no one of the thousand cases where it has l ecu used, [ms it tailed t>t relieve. For rale bv I. C. Du ROHE k Co, jllii21 ltils and by the other Druggists in Mobile / 1,1 NORA VING.—J. IMcALLlSTER, respect fully iiilu.uns his friends and the public, that lie has located himself at NO. "!>, CAM I* STREET, Nk\t Obi.kans, Where he intends to carry on the Silver, Gokl and ( i >PI ier Plate Engraving and I’rinting, in all itsvari oiki branches—and hopes, by the strictest attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Dour Plates, Bell Pulls, Collars, &e. furnished handles of knives, vvr.ling desks, work boxes, visit iug cards, bill heads, bonds and bank notes, ami nota ry seals, engraved in die neatest manner. N. B.—Persons visiting New Orleans will please call and see specimens, or wanting any tiling in llit above line of engraving, by addressing me by letter can have their wishes fully satisfied, and with des patch. ’_apr 9 202s /1IIAKLKS McCOKD, (Late of PMmMnhin,) VV UPHOLSTERER AND PAPER HANG ER, BLOGDGOOD'S NEW ROW ON ROY AL, BETWEEN CONTI AND DAUPHIN STREETS, respectfully informs tlio inhabitants of Mobile, that be lias commenced business at the altove place, and respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage, and assures them that every exartion will be # made to please the most fastidious, both ns regards price and workmanship. The following goods v. ill be made up in the in beautiful style—Saxony, Brussels, Imperial ami grain Carpeting, satin ami worsted Damask, ftlor and Chintz Bed and Drawing Room Window C tains ; l 'Immber Sofas, Busy Chairs, Ottoman a Verandah Heats, made to order ; Church work of a •Inscription made, viz Silk Velvet Drapery, Cash ions ami Pulpit Cloths, embroideries in gold or plain Pew Cushions, Htools, Ottoman and Carpets. Paper 1 bulging done in the very West manner. All kinds of Steamboat work done on accommoda ting terms. Cabinet Furniture ami Sofa Seats repaired. <Ioo«le «»r uit> description will lie ordered Irom Pint ndelphin, at a very small advance to cover expenses. feu 4 l itis ___:_ American i«adok saving soap—for . Washing (’i.othks in Soft okHvkpW a ter.—Directions for use,—For Washing White Colors.—-To each pail of soft water in the Imiler, put one pound of the Snftp, which will answer for four boilings,after which add a quarter «! a pound of soap for each successive boiling. Wet the white eluthes in clean cold water, wring them out, put them into the boiler, according to their condition; then take them out into a basket to drain, ami wash them once in warm water, they will then lie ready for rinsing—clothes that are very dry should be put to soak in Cold water over night and will rej quire boiling about three quarters of an hour. For Washing Calicoes anii Flannels.— The water in which the while clothes were washed is generally strong enough, but sometimes a little extra soap will be required ter flannels. Hard water requires about a quarter of a pound more soap to each paii tail, than soft, water. By following the above instructions, persons using , this soap will find that it does not injure the cist lies or the hands—that it saves one half the labor in wash ing, that it improves the colors of Calicoes and the texture of Flannels, and that white clothe? will re quire to be bleached but seldom. It also obviates die necessity of using the Wash Board, by which clothes are more injured limn by ordinary wear. Just received and for sale by apr7 20Atf It. NORTH, 35 GovmW. Wholesale"& retail iron store. AIcGRAN & NOON AN, No. (i St. Mirlmel street, have now in Store and landing, Swedes Iron of all sizes and Steel of all kinds; Cut Nails; Axes; Hand, Hoop, Rod and Sheet Iron.—They purpose by direct importation and otherwise, keening on hand a constant supply of all articles in this line, ta which they ask the attention of purchasers. novl9 Doctor hall’s < i: i. i; 1 irated swaoi F1C.—The celebrated specific for the cure of Gouorhu a, &c. can with safety be recommended as being certain in effects and containing no mercury.— This medicine has superseded most of the prepara tions sold for the cure of this disease and lias been sold for sometime in New Orleans, us well us various other sections of the Union. From the high charac ter and stun ting of Dr. Hall and the large quantities sold (3800 bottles in three months) a4 the north,there can be no doubt of its superior value in curing this dis ease. None genuine unless signed by Dr. Hull, Al. For sale only by R. NORTH, Dispensary Chemist, feb9 149s No. 33 Govcrnment-st. ARKS’ OINTMENT FOR THE CURE OF PILES.-—The inventer of this valuable reme dy, begs leave to offer to the attention of those who are subject to the Piles, a remedy the efficacy of which has aeon tested by the experience of years, and the utility of wliice has in no instance been im paired from failure to relieve. To those who have been subjected to this disease, it will prove, if applied when re-attacked, u sure preventative to its continu ance without the least paint indeed many have pro nounced it the most agreeable roinedy ever applied. There can be no danger in its use, ns its roinpoijonl parts are of liunnlcss vegetable matter. For sale only bv P. AIOSF.LY, nov30 92tf Druggist, Mobile MOSELY & CO., Druggists, nt the corner of Royal and Dauphin streets, having received a large supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Alediei'ies, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Garden Sped*, &<•„ vrhMi they offer for sale in quantities to suit purchasers at very moderate prices and on a reasonable credit, iiov29 nM AY LOU’S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT— 1 A fresh supply of this invaluable medicine recid ved per brig ,Saratoga, direct from the original pro prietor, Dr. Geo. Taylor, 373 Bowery, New York Purchaser* are desired to observe that every bottle of the genuine inediciue has the written signature of Dr. (ieo. Taylor, 373 Bowery, oa the directions around the bottle. Beware of I. W. Burrett’s imitation, L. O. DUBOSE & CO., 39 Water st., sole Agents for this city. EAL ESTATE AT SUMMERVILLE FOR &ALE.—t acres of land conveniently situated for a summer Resilience, being near the residence formerly occupied by Air. Cuthoert, on the road lead ing from Spring Hift road to the Three Alile Creek adjoining the kinds of Major lfogau and Dr. Jas. F Roberts. For particulars, apply to E. L. ANDREWS & CO., H19 1 lOtf cor. Com. & Dnupliin sis. P"~"EASE’S CANDY—A fresh supply of /ease1 celebrated clarified essence of Horeliotind Can dy, just received and for sale by I. C. DuBOSE & CO, nov 30 late DuBose & Hoff, 39 Water st. D<)MKSTIO LIQHORS.--37 bbls Brandy, (■in, Peach Brandy nnd Vinegar, lauding from steamer Alabama and for sale by deed WAI. II. BUNNELL & CO. j'VofiEfCB khku.matIo EHSroOaTiCN— V> This remedy, so celebrated for the cure of chronic nnd inflammatory rheumatism, sprains,swell ings of thejoints, from the improper or injudieioua use of mercury, lumbago, &c. is now for the first time offered to the people of the South, although long known and used, us the certificates testify, at the North, where its success has been greatly marvellous and unrivalled. Those afflicted w ith the above com plaints, will find immediate relief oil Inal of the Embrocation. For sale by the Agent march 5 1. C. DUBOSE k CO. Ns 39 Water it.