Newspaper Page Text
R AN IS JOURNAL. BY~SASFoTiD^ WILSON. ' MORI LK, MONDAY EVRNjNaJ)ECEM»ER 30, 1*41. ' VOL. I, NO. 17. I K H M S . Subscription, ten dn'l’irs f<*r the daily I «p*T, ptyjiMi* in a I.- in.v, hi i live dollars for the countrv paper, p r. :d*h yearly ia advance l»y en.di or city reference. I‘ i'««'ii wishing to diricoutUitie, must give o.*n week’* notice in writing. Auvmt risiNt;,—Advertisement* continued without in tcrriiptiuti, will be charged ul the rate of one dollar pei square for thetlrst iuseriinu, and tilty cents for e.i h sub an jin nl one. Semi-weekly und tri-weekly one* will In charged the same as llrst insertions. TwVtvc line., maki n aqii oi). It ait udvcrthicmeul makes less than 11 square, it shall cost ns much tts n fail one. Advertisement* not limited on the manuscript, ns to the ii.tmluii of insertions, will be eoiiiluued tor two II oil ill* so Charged, ui»le*< previously directed Io be taken out of the paper by a written ord. r. Advttrtisemenis not hearing upon their f ices tile nnmns of the persons by whom they urc sent, must he endorsed by them. The terms for unituui mlverliners will be >>!.» for otic •qiture, and for eiteh iddiiiotinl square, with the priv lege of changing once u week, due In tidvnmv. The privilege of iinnual advertisers ,* limited to theii own i lit tiled uile business ; mid nil ailverti.-.-ao-uls forth*' Benefit of other persons, as well as all legal nilverlise nn uts, nud advertisements of nii tTon sales,-cut by them, uni*! be paid form the usu.d rates. All advertisement* required by law, will be charged ill till*lull rates. .Annual advertisers who exceed the space for which they contract, will be charged at the usiml rates. Arrangement* will be made with those who occupy bull * column or more continuously fora \r..c, according to the nature of the business, and the frequency of the change of matter. Advertisement* of application for the benefit of the Insolvent, will not bn published in any ca-n, unless paid for previous to insert toil, or payment be guaranteed by a responsible person in town. All announcement s of candidates for oilic.e, will Imm bar ged live dollars for dull*.* insertions during the canvass, pa/alde in all case* in advance. Military and 1*1.-e t 'nmpaiiHr*. and ortier similar Asstwia lions, will be charged tail rates by the. insertion, or loin dollars par annum if they do imt exceed onesqu.oe cucli week. All personal communications, when idmi*.-ib!e, will he charged double, and in alt cases pay nictit must be made in nilvaucu. I N CONFORMITY with the Iasi Will and Tea tum.’iit of Joseph Ruby, deix,:i.ti*.l, and to carry into effect tli!* provisions of *.utd \V ill, and in cm- j fonuity with the order ol tile Orphan* ol Mo bile county, granted the 2Sih day of Oit' her. 1841, ! 1 will, on Monday, the Hih day of January, 1812, ex- j pose to public sole, in front of the court bouse of ! Mobile, within the legal Inmr.iof sale, all the personal j and real estate ol said Joseph Ruby, as follows, viz: | the Negroes Willi, Tony, Isaac, Sally and her three | children; Household Furniture; ns also, a tract ol j Land lying on Bayou Coden, in Mobile county, eon ! tabling about •>.)() at res; also a tract ol Land at Ful ton, containing about 48 acres, being the residence of the late Joseph Ruby. Terms of sale G months credit, with two good se curities. JOSEPH KREBS, nov20 82tf Executor. ISSOLUTI3N tic- C'OPAU i VERS Mi P. M-J Notice is hereby given to all concerned, tl a„ tin? copartnership in the Iron Foundry bu.- a-.s* at Mobile, known under the name of Junto* Curry & Co., lias been this dav dissolved. All person* hav ing claims against said firm on account ol the Mo bile Foundry, will please present them for settle ment. [<>rt2b (>•>. i JAMEt < • RUY. MEDIC \i. and c: ei.\ Vp HERBS—At • Gates’s Drug Store, 10G Dauphin street—Sage, 1 Thyme, Baltic, Catnip, Pennyroyal, Ilorehomid, Peppermint,Spearmint, Motherwort, Life Everlast ing, ComlVey Root, Sweet Majnram, Poplai Burk, S.iffrou. Marshmallow*, and various oilier domestic Herbs, Barks, Roots, &c. for sale at no\27 GATES'S Pharmacy, 10G Dauphin gt,. npOBAOOO AND < IGARH *500 boxen TobtiO X co, various brands; 10m Cigars, Cnnoncs; 20m Cigar*, Manuel A mores; 24m Cigars, American; in store and for salo by dee 10 Til OS. P. MILLER & CO. ~ rej EW AND SEASON A Lib;: DRY GOOD:', In MILLINERY, etc.—Just received per late arrivals, from France, (via New York and New-Or leans) a splendid assortment of rich water’d and plain Silk Velvet and Plush Bonnets, unsurpassed in beau ty of style and quality of textures; a large assort ment of Artificial Flowers; t- nncy Caps ; childrens’ Hoods; Leghorn Hats; Dunstable an.I Oriental do; lo-l ricii Shawls and Mantillas deep (ring’d ; Satin stipd’d Challies; plain and plaid Mouse de I nines; French Pr'nts, col's guaranteed'; Indies and gents Kid Gloves; bl'k Bombazine; heavy and rich Chan tilln Veils, Ac. Ac. (Lj3 The Millinery department will be conducted by Mrs. Cullen, Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. J. A. SMITH, successor to n05 tf I*. CULLEN, 61 Dsuphin-st. I NOR SVEE. A lb,ml; ofvnhinlde NEGROES', —consisting of-—BRANCH, aged 40; good Gardner, Ostler and general servant GEORGE, aged G; bis sod BRANCH, “ 20; first rale Steward and Waiter JOE, “19; Drayman The above negroes have been raised in this city, and are of good character, and first rate servants in every res|>ecl, and only sold to close a concern. They can lx; seen by applying at the corner of Conti and Commerce street, up stairs. no\2l) NEW \ Kk FURN 1 PURE WAREUtfi HE.— 1). B. CRANE & CO, Manufacturers from Newark, N. J., invito the attention of their friends no l the public, to their splendid stock of Furniture, •ucii as Sofas, .Sideboard, Centre, Pier, and Com mon Tables, Wardrobes, See. &c., which are offered ' at Manufacturer’s prices, at 37 Water 6t, next door to Du Bose &. (do’s Drug Store. dec 4 COMMITTED to the Jail of Marengo county, a negro man calling his name JACK and says he IX!longs to Ricliurd Lane of Lnnderdulc or Yazoo county, Mississippi. Said boy has a scar on the front part of his ielt hand caused !>v Iwing run over by a wagon wheel, is live feet eight or nine inches high, full face, of n common black color, and says he will lie thirty years old next April. The owner of said Imy is requested to come forward and prove property, pay charges and take him away within the time prescribed by law or he will lie disposed of ac cording to the statute in such cases provided. Linden,Dec. 4, 1841. J. P. BLASS, Jailor. The Mobile Register, Montgomery Advertiser, Tuscaloosn Flag and Huntsville Democrat, will each publish the above once a mouth lor six months unless otlterwisc directed, and forward their account to this office for payment. dec9 8 once ino 6mo STATE OF ALABAMA—WlLCOX«CdUNTY~ OurtiANs’ Codkt, Nov. Term, being the ) 15th dav of the month, 1841. } Estate of ) T.N this case on application Thos. Evans, dec’d. > X of the admin if tralor of said estate, it is ordered by the court, the same be con tinued to the 8rd Monday in February next, and that forty days notice thereof be given in the Mobile Re gister and Patriot, requiring all persons interested in said estate to appear if they choose so to do. By order of the Court, declS 1 Ilf W. C. GILMORE. Clerk. GARDEN SLEDS.—Just received and for sale wholesale and retail at the new Drug Store No. 30 Royal street, the following GARDEN SEEDS: Full Marrowfat Peas, Early Frame Pens, Carleton Peas, Extra Early Pens, Green Imperial Pens, Blue Prussian Peas, Early Bush Beans, Quaker Beaus, Ilortieidtnral Beans, Speckled Valentine Beans* Large Lima Beans, Extra Early Corn, China Tree Corn, Tree Onions, Assorted Flower Seeds, and n large and general assortment of all kinds used in this country. Said semis are warranted the growth of 1811, and areas good as Lnndretlis or any other. derl4. J. it. W<M)iM'< VK. BACON.—21 casks Haim and Sides, landing from steamer Alabama direct from Cincinnati, for sale by [dofc5] WM.U.BUNNELL fc Co. SI'G A liS. —10 hit is, n choice article «f ol l crop Louisiana; 100 bbls prime N (4 new crop, land ing 6*0111 Creole and for sale by d ell MARSHALL & ROWE. A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE, manufactured by Chickeriug St Mak ly wf Boston, for sale low by DOUBLE DAY St SEARS, dcc8 • 3t> Dauphin-st. HAY—For sale by dec 13 ' M. l>. ESL \YA St CO. FRESH BUCKWHEAT FLOUR in qualter and eighth barrels, for sale bv CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL, deed 75 Dunphin-st. WHISKEY.—200 barrels hourly expected »er schrs. Swan and Elvira, and for sale by dec7 JEREMIAH RF.A. NEW HAMS—Just received nud I'.u* L* bv dlS CUN VINGH \ M .V <'I LL. WHISKEY . —140 barrels| I n saS by deell SMITH & D \ BNEY. SMOKING TOBACCO—10liarreiTt^riUnid’s very fine, for sale by deell _SMITH fc DABNEY. WHITE LEAD.—An additional supply of white Lead, Dow in store, at GATES’S Pharmacy, dccll 136 Dauphin-st., Mobile. GRAPES—III small jars, just received ami for sal * by CUNNINGHAM St COLWELL. FpOBACUO.—24 wh ile boxes Robinson’s Honey JL Dew A. No. 1; 18 half bxs lUiiiiMH’i Honey Dew A. No. 1; 100 whole boxes common pound lump, lor sale by J. B, TOULM1N, declO 9c 3$ St. MicimeUt. ». ^"tlGARS.—30m different brands, for sale by Vy declO W. EDMOND L Co., f)6 Com. st. BEEF—50 half bids Mess Family Beef fur sale, to arrive per sclir Helen, bv dlO HARRIS & ROSS. CIOLLI L.— 1 idling' pi uni' l»i", iJ I) i s'i pi iuiu J Lag.lira, 100 bnc* pi inn* w|,l (J.aei najent .lava, i»rn.vli’ iiy t«l«-.*T| JOHN O’KK.lLtH. OfT IHU.S MLSS PORK, 30 Mils'prime I’uik, U talc I>> •lcc(? * II Aim IS & ROSS. Pi llB Sl’KItM i >11..- 20 casks pun Sperm \S inter Strained Oil, lam ling and fit sal. l»\ de.G \YM. il. HUNM.LL & < O. S5 lO COFI* i:i;.- r.itO ilags, landing 11• mu baiipi** Reform, for sale hv l< ■ 8 «■. VVF.STFF.LDT .v BRO. OLD HUSH W illsk l-.\ . 20 2 ill.. joint* of ■ .1.1 Malt, 12 year*, litis is a superior article,.lor sale by [doe 7 1 .1. O’RC.II LY. Ol. \STIiNci PONY I > Fit— f.n svlo la 6 > <!cc7 JOHN "’UMfl.rY. ■usri\ ill jstrainf.d ^rkiiM olL—bo siTip VY r|.-7 by JOHN 0*11 LILLY. 8) iiSINS.— it»it boxes ,•! i*. for sale I>v t decs \YM. il. IU NNKLL &. CO. BAtililNti, ROPK At T\\ i.\L..—Km tors or ders (illc I atllte lowest rates nail on accmatim ifating terms, by [iec7] JOHN O’RI’.II.l’A . S 'i \lsi\s.- 200 Ijoketi Hwttch, fursal* by -V dee7 JOHN O’ HOLLAND <il \.—2 ividl tiavoje l, for . sale by [doc7J JOHN O’KFJI.K.Y. B\CO\ SIDLS.— 10 casks landing and lor sale d • 7 In 1>. WHELLFUL 8 Wat> r*t. PORT \\ ! \ L. - .jr n - k> rje.ltold Port, 25ca ses dn, for sale bt | lee? j J. «>*R KILL V. 2 OAK SCHAR.-20 Ih*x<*s Woolso\’d Loaf. Ii<r 5 A ba!e by [dec71 JOHN <)*RE1LK\. mk {j ADLIRA.—!j ijr casks Ukuidy’s La.Ion par l»t? tieular, for sale bv dec.7 * JOHN O’REILEY. \CON SALT.—:*0 casks Sides and Slimd" S P ders Cincinnati Btnoked llama, 200 sacks Suit, for salts at low pt i« es by dee.7 l\ Met'ASKII .L, 18 C.'oimneive-st. W/ > *• I l. l.liAU.—299 kegs No. 1 in store ami VV for sale by il.rS ' WAT. H. BUNNELL & CO. Gf OMifKN BI I mi.- 17 fLrkin choice, landing f from|uc Reform, for sale l)V dec8 WM. II. BUNN I'Ll. & CO. 17*1 LOUR.—50 l»l»l? superfine landing from sclir. Roane, for sale by dee 11 MARSHAL!. & ROWE. \rOULE*8 SHOT.-200 lings nsiorted size? Youle’s .Shot, just received and for sale by dee 10 W. EDMQNJ1 Cu.,0flOoitiinerce-Bt» 1NDU S. -200 boxes Spertu; 60 do extra J Sperm, for sale by dIO 9C J. Ik TOULMI N,3")St. M . lmel-st. SPERM OIL.—1 casks wrater strained bleached, for sale by J. 13. TOUI.MIN, declO 9c 35 St. Miehacl-st. PRUNES.—In gallon and ball gallon jar,just re ceived and for sale l»v CUNNINGHAM & CALDWELL, dec7 50 Dauphin-st. I GAR—200 bids I’m is ton Leal crushed and pow* ►^tiered sugar, for sale bv uov2» Q. WESTFELPT & PRO. Si i .< 'IK fi r sale ; apply | > nov») DESUON, TAYLORMYERS. W! NES.—209 iuixe j So Julien.IOO boxes Mus cat, oil consignment and for Male by GUSTAVUS BEAL & LX)., dec2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. ^STORAGE.—Alik . i ofg kkIb lak n on Storage at low rates, at the store; on Conti street wharf. docl Ilf . Uy .1. II. IIP. ERS. I At | KEGS POWDER, 10 rases 1 lb Cams A \r\/ twr do, just received ami for sale by dec! lit NTINGT<>N * Cl.EVELAND. HUB* A RK1NH lK.— l id >U Ink, for marking Out* l" A ton Hales, just received and for sale by R. 1.. WATK I XS & CO, Druggists, oct20 corner Water ami St. Franeis-sts. PERM CANDLES—100 boxes favorite brands in store and for sale bv DESHSON, TAYLOR & MYERS, nov12 corner Conti and t'omni»*rce-sts. Air INTER SPERfi oil—\ fevv casks VVlnie * ▼ Strained Family S|x»rm Gil, received and for sale by I. C. Du BOSE CO. Druggists, nil) late DnDose & Rolf, 39 Waler-st. WHISKF.V it FLO UR.—50 barrels Rectified \\ liiskcy, C5 bids superfine Flour, for sale by nuv2ft P. McCAKKILL, 18 Cam. m. IY lO COFFEE, N. O. Su*jar ami Flour, landing wfrnm sclir Mobile, and for sale by uo\23 J AS. II ALiAN, 84 Water st. POTATOES.—300 barrel* Northern Potatoes, in good order, for sale by nov24 GARDNER &. S AGER, 09 Com. st. WolTNEY .V ROSE 51 VNKET8.—600 pair very superior, sixes fr«»m 8-4 to 14—1, lor sale I ' by LATH \ M HULL & SC IN. P >IANO FpRTES—An elegaut article, fo»* salu ft low by 1). 1L < RANK it CO, dec t 37 Water st. OLD PALE SHERR5 . — A few dozen superior old Pule Sherry Wine, in stoic ami for sale by FRANKLIX W. MrCOY, nov!2 (!9 t'ommercc-st. RA1I. ROAD ikon. —12 ton* Kai! Ro*id Iron, for salt) l>y McCJRAN & N()0\ AN, oc.t22 No. 6 Si. Micbucl-sl. Northern ragging.—100 pieces matore, for sale by [docT] I). WHEELER. t^OTATOL.S m'o.sIO.VS.-:>.)() kmrls k-i Maine Potatoes, 100 bids best Maine White On ion*, on consignment and for sale by rieol Itf J! Hi RIVERS. ritPQACUa—50 keg# Virginia4Lump. feopi■ — X 50 coils Kentucky, lor eble by dec6 A. McKINS'ntY, 8 Wnter-st. NAILS.—350 kegs cut Nails, 4.1 to 20 1 of supe rior quality, for sale by drc6 OGDEN BROTHERS,12 Waters. ROPE. — ll coil* Bale Rope, landing from steam er Alabama and for sale by dcc4 WM. II. BUNNELL CO. STORAGE—In fire nr oof Warehouse and Sheds earner Water and St Michael si., on accommo dating lennj by (dec 2) J. O'REILEY. 171EATI1ERS.—A prime article of live Geese Feathers, for sale low by dec l 4tf D. B. r\\ WE & CO. 4X7" AN LED,—A good Mns Hi i vunt, w ho under 1 v stand* house work und waiting, wanted l»v GARDNER &. SAG&K. ] 71LOUR.—10 ) bid* superfine, on consignment,for . sale by C. A. GILBERT, nov2.'I 50 Cummercc-st. SIX SETTS COACH HARNESS, made of the land material*, for sale by WM. H. BUNNELL fit < o. ^ PERM CAN l/br.S.-—300 boxes New Bedford Candles, for sale bv il«i*6 OGDEN ft ROT 11ERS, 12 Wnter-st d 10RN.—200 suck* prime while, lauding frmu Steamer Lady of the Lake and for sale by declO ' L. HULL & SON. rilOBACCO.—50 i).»xi*H various bruuiis, t»r sale X tied by LATH A M HULL & SON. J’N ROCKERY.-«-8 boxes «• -mtuining ouch a Din nor and Tea suit complete, of white octagonal ware, fitted to family use, for sale low by G. DAVENPORT & CO, dec 2 81 Corn. st. fBlUE UNDERSIGNED lias instore and receiv X mg per recent arrivals— 120 tons Swtdcs Iron, well assorted 10 tons German, Cast, Crowley, Shear and blis tered Steel 15 tons Hollow-ware; 500 kegs Cut Nails 2\H) Plough*, Chains, lines Fan Mill*, Corn Slieelers, Straw Cutters, Grind stones and a general assortment of Shelf Hardware and Cutlery which he idlers for sale on favorubk erm;. [JecO] (). M \ZANGE,4S Com. »t. f HIOIIACCO—75 boxes various qualities, for sak X by [ Ilh] JOHN OTtEILY. £\ NDING from ling China nml for sale on wliar J or ia store—150 boxes Codfish, 20 case* gall and half galls Underwoods Pickles, 23 cases Under wood's Lemon .Syrup, lor ■tiln.hy doc7 P. McCASKILL, 18 CnmiaviTe-st.^ ENTUCKY ROPE.—-130 c^iH superior quil ity, fur sale by doc?_I). WHEELER.8 Water s!. RICE.—20 tierces prime new Rice, for sale bi 1 loci0 THUS. P. MILLER & CO. (N IIEESE—56 luxe* landing from barque Kelorr J and for sale by [110] JOHN O’REILY. SACKS SALT in bleached sacks, fo &*J\y\J sale by SMITH & DABNEY, dec II 22 and 24 Commerce-si. I ONI tONASS UK A N CE^Afew' copies of’th J above Popular Plnv, jr»»t received ami for sale b DOUBLED AY k SEARS, dccll 36 Dauphin-st,, i; U S i N S' S S f A U O S . is \r.\ ic HU HI VKON, (’ll M MI .V .S' I O A 3; A* A* < • // -1 .Y T 6*, No. 1*, CiHiimeivf-^t.Mouill. jacou t ••!i!: u, a nor /•: a* r *v toH k, No. 21. (i.*voinuH*i»i-#irfei,.Mofii.f,. .1. \i. V. I V ii i;.' ft ck c0 M .1/ / a mu a 3/ /•; A r 11 a x r st MIH’.ll.n, Ai a. Orni' k—No. 7, S r. Fh a \i-is-stu i i r, Uvtr tin 0: y iiovds st irr of *1 i/n.'iMf'M) Ifcplhts /J* C«. I. I’.FK |! eM-*>: St. John, Power# *K Co. Mithlle. 1 *r. Joint Marriist, )... . ,, , , ... , > I uei’.iloo^u \ ui'jlni & t m in r. S t.l;,jl. .l. I ’III. .1. !). Hoke, i J. Conol.’v \ I'k, Selma. II. tl. Huntley, l.owtitle#. --(Tus. F!j.£. net I Mlvmn. .1. 1. wn,:i:\\ s i iji»riltittri, Commission iYi riu:ii a nt.% l\e to- York . AND It i: \V S & D HOT 11 i: It S , Commission M kkchan 1 %' Ni w-Orlenn* E. I.. ANDREWS & CO., Commission M k u chants, Re s i donee of Parltiers— Ahd’dt, Ala. J. I. Anphi.w*. New-York. '/. Amiiu.wn, New-Orleans. E. I.. AN'DltKlva, Mole1,*. T Libera! advances made on (’onsiffnmeni# to either of the above houses. inn 16 MOSEI.EY k Co7- DIM (RilSPS, At (hr ('‘inter >f Ihmjdvn and Royal Stents, Are now receiving addiiiioual supplies »*| fresh Drugs and M 1 dicin » s, of ilu*»l>esl quality, which they otter I'm sale in quan lilies in suit purchaser* nt moderate prices. JOHN C. RYAN, (Lite (Pfir R*/'h,) COMMISSI O N M i: IK !! \ N T , ianlG Mobile Ai.a. llOlifellTSON & CO,, COMMISSION MKRC1IANTS, Win. II. Hubertson, i Modii.k, Ala. llenn Mmts, > Jon, & Murrell. > toilO JNO. 1 > • TOULMIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ismlG 37 St. Mi chat l st.—Mobile. OCiDKN BROTHER^ C OMM IS S 10 N M ERCII ANT8, innlG Mobile, Ala. TiTv.RAN & NOONAN, GENKIU1. commission merchants, AND DEALERS IN IRON, Are. ianlG No. G St. Michael st.—Monil.F.. A. BATltfi & CO., Commission Merchants, No, 70 Commerce street.—MOBILE. (f;r Advances made on Cotton whipped to their friends in Europe and the Failed States. Inn 10 L. CENTER k CO*, Commission Merchants, ianlG MOBILE. OARlhSiER k HAUER, C o m m i s s i o n Merchants, MOBILE. (t7* Advance# made on Cotton. InnlG W >11 VW .V ( < Commission M k iichamts, MOBILE, ALA. Franklin Shaw. Gustavos Horton. LA I r7T"& LlTTLEJOIIN, (Ienkral Com mis sioti Merchants, Mobile, Ala. _ Win. Laird. J. Liulcjuhn. HOLCOMBE,"BROTHER & CO., Factors ani> Commission Merchants, octlG A’1. 3!) Front fif Commerce sis.—Mobile. FRANKLIN W. McCOY, (J O M At i $ S I O N MkIUIIAS T , ianlG Mobile. ClIiODE & Wlll'I'K, Produce,(• r o c l k v a Com mission M krchants Corner Commerce a ml Dauj'hin streets, inn 16 MOBILE, Ala. ~~ JOHN SIMPSON ic CO., Factor.! &. Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. John Simpson. Henry G. Cnulicld. ROBERT HARWELL, Factor and Commission Merchant, ianlG 23 Commerce st.—M o b 11 e . LATHAM HULL * BON, Auction and Commission Mkhdiati, No. 22 Water .Street, Mobile, Ala. <\ r Lilieral advance* made mi cou#i"utuunlM, JEREMIAH k:;\, Aucion and Commission Merchant, comer Water anti St. Michael strata, ianlG _Mobile. li \LKIS & !UISW, AUCTION KKRS AND ( •*; M M IS SION MERCHANTS, iunit} 37 Water street—JVI o b i I c . DESHON, TAYLOR k MYF.KS, G R CO E US AN I) S HIP CHAN D L E B 8 , iiisii) No. 80 Commerce at.—Mobile. At SUN * TAR in . Cl n o c k r s a s u Ship Chan d l e u s , Cornrr Co in. Here e and Conti streets, ; ('. II. Austin, \ MOBILE. JS* Tardy, ) I). C. LOWBKR, W h o 1 e s a 1 c and Retail Deal e r » i n GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, iaiilli 59 Commerce si.—MoniLF. jdsr.i’ll iiAll & 7777 Wholesale & Retail Dealer a in Hard Wark.Iron, N ails,Hollow Waue,&c Coiner Commerce and Dan phi a xlx. ianlG MOBILE. K. NORTH, Family Mkuicine Store, No. 35 Govcm mcut street, ianlG opposite Lit** .Market.—Monti.K. “ R. L. WATKINS & CO., Corner Water and St. Franns sis.—MOBILE Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS AND ianlG Window Glass. L C. IHJBOS E’ & Ct7~ (Late DuBose fy Hoff.) Wholesale Druggists, innIG Nt. 39 Wate/at.—MOBILE. riio.MAs s. baTls, * No. GO Wntrr street—Morii.K. Wholesale & Rota I Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. JOHN K. RANDALL, Bo«k Seller and Stationer, N>. 4 4 Water street.—M o it i l e . $3* A Rnokhindry is attached to the establishment i 1)0 irB L K D AY & S R A RS , Wholesale Ac Retail Dealer* in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, PocLot Cutlery, Music, Fancy Articles, &r. Nt. 50 Dauphin xt.— MOBILE.. Ij" Merchants, Teacher* and others, purchasing h quantities, flirniahed on the most liberal terms. inn 10 HOUSEHOLD FURNrtURE, DESKS, frc. A ir en era I as* or tine lit of the n t e« t h t y l«s bj I. C. GWIN, 32 Water and 4S JJaufihin streets, iaalG_ _ _ Mobil*. “ D—sTTTftEc.onVS co., EXCHANGE OFFICE, ianlG No. 34 Royal st.—Mobile. MOBILE REGISTER ROOK AXD JOB FRIXTtXU OFFICE, No. 53 Royal Street, Cards, Circulars, Hand Hills, Steumhonl Hills, Dills Luding, Justice, Notary, Lawyers, Custom House, .Shipping Blanks, A c. Neatly and Expeditiously Executed NEGROES FOR SALE—William, a first rati drayman; Mary, and her sua, three years old first rate coaw, washer and ironer; Bill, eighteen years old, good ostler and house servant. Apply to ' nov24 W EDMOND & CO., 96 Com, st. I NOR DIRE.—A negro Bov 12 or 14 years old 1 apply to (nov2ti) SMITH » DABNEY. flVANNERS OIL.—20 bbls barrels Tanners Oi) JL just received and fur salt* by R. L. WATKINS & Co, Druggists, nm8 cor Water and Sts. Fraticis-sl# m¥7lC KEREL.—2oi>l»l7N7. 1—25 hf. bids No. : ItJL 15 quarters; 25 kits, landing from ship Tar inim, for sale l»v DfcSHON, TAYLOR $• MYERS, iqyS cor. Coin. St Conti its. VINEGAR—50 bbU cider Vinegar, for sale by nov30 HARRIS & ROSS. i Jp/i XTR V WHEELS of every defteriptimt, for *ak Hi dec 2by J. 0*11 El LEY. NEATS FOOT OIL—Pure Neat-foot Oil, by Ui •j.illouoi bottle, for sale bv 1. C. DuBOStl ip CO. Druaffitf*, novlO late Duliose &. Rolf, No. C8 \X ater si ENTUtKY BA GOING.—150 piece* 44 me large nicnes, landing and in store, for sale I dc--7 D. WHEELER,8 Water s. pi :<i .( mn:xK«. _| \v AYfUili% KK NOTH 1 . Aiw Jit'twiu, f fe 1HII'ropriet r dr .inn;# of emitriliuting to ll»r ft emal; it and convenience of l lie Innduca# eonimu i: 11 x in (mih| din me with die wishes of a I u??*’ major - 11v ul lii.i italome, will on the 20th last., iulioifuce i!»«• f dlouiug arrangement, viz: Itteakfii.-l at 7 o'clock until lt>i o'clock. Himier “ 1 “ “6 “ Tea “ « “ “ « l,idi<-» Ordinary. Breakfast at 8 o'clock. Dii aer at 3 “ 'i’ea Ht it “ Rates ott Board as follow'#: Beard ami Budging jut rl«V. 2 GO “ “ 00 ** “ •* 44 niontli.tiO 00 44 44 44 3 i i mi ire maiitlis at.GO 00 Bonn! without I/nlging per week. 0 00 44 “ ** •* moi’tli.30 00 Hintieispor month...20 00 I’m lies of tieiuiemon, Societies, flubs, tic. can be served wdh dinner- i -uppers, at any lime bv giving a few In nits notice. A munhci of rooms re serve ! and a ladies ordinary |rrepiirod expressly for families visiting the fily. din'll 12k mo MlilTAW I MU SI! j-TItia Hotel is now open, and irady to rr ertve company as ttsital. Kvcry exertion on tUr’parl of Ale subset iIrr sh ill lie sod to please those ft ho tnav favor him with their pai.,.n:ige. JAMES PKNNOYER. J. formerly commanded the steamboat Neptune, nev 30 JIOk hin ) jtsk. ooivri sriii.r.i iiuiix. A CARD.—Remit events Imve made it necessary that i .‘-hoiilil |i*jive Natchez, an-l I have therefore selected this city as a place of residence, in Ii<>|h s of obtaining tli,.t aiijipm t u hi eh was closed a gaim-t me there in consequente of losses liy lire and tornado, i have taken and opened the house mi Conti • ireel, known us the CONTI STREET HOTKE, now the propei iv of Mr. McCarty, the same that was owned hy Mr. John Richardson, and which under his management gained considerable repiitaliou. I promise to make this house all it should he—a home (o' all those who may patronize the cstublish I lie lit . I have been thirty odd years in the south, twenty* three of whull 1 have been occupied in keeping a public house in the city of Natchez. Tin* Conti-street Hotel has lieen neatly fitted up, anil furnished anew. The servants are the same that I had in the Natchez Southern Kxbhauge, and are well accustomed to their business. The Motel is now ready to receive hoarders, and the undersign ed w ill be thankful for all patronage ilut a generous public may think proper to bestow. WILLIAM PARKER. New Orleans, Nov. 15lh, 1811. nm23 84Km, NEGROES.—The subscriber has on hand and will he consrantlv receiving from Charleston ami HaUimore, NEGROES of every description, which will Ik: disposed of at moderate prices, lie will also make liberal advances on Negroes put in his lmnds for sale, at his place on Jackson, between Dauphin and Ml. Francis streets. oct28 12 JAMES E. ZfINTZ. fVT OTICE.—The subsc.rilter having purchased the IN entire stock and trade of Messrs. J. IIai.i. 4* Co. begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that la: designs keeping a constant and well assorted supply of IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, EDGE TOOLS AND FANCY HARDWARE, at the old stand, corner Water & Hitchcock** Alley. lie hopes by unrnnifted attention to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to his predecessors. OVIDE MAZANGE. iiovS 09 if r IN III'. undersigned hav ing sold their stock of Iron JL un<t Hardware to Mr. O. MAZANGE, hpglrnve to solicit for Imn a continuance of the patronage oi customers. QtJ“Thc office of the suhserilier is re moved to Church street, first door west of Royal st. where all those indebted will please call and pay, and all demands presented for settlement. nou5 C9tf JOSEPH HALL & CO. •«x RUNAWAY from the subnet il»cr residing in Perry County, Ala., about the 1st October last, JACOB, a negro man about twenty-two _to three years old, about live feet 7 or 8 inch es high, quite black and likely, rather slow in his on.lions, hut speaks quick when sp«.k. a to—ho for merly belonged to T. White of Dallas Co., and w as by him traded oil'in Mobile '.vie. re Jocob work ed ror Eome time io St tle Steam Press. HACK or HERCULES, a negro man about 25 or six year* old—rather small of stature, say 5 feet I to t> inches, and will weigh about 120 to 301b?., rather black nm! quite intelligent ami sprightly, and will tell a very plausible tale should he Is* apprehended, lie is well acquainted in Montgomery ( «». where he once Iwlonged—and also at Mobile where he worked once in the Cotton Press. The above described negroes are believed to he together and may hare made their way for Mobile. A lilieral reward will lie puii for their apprehension and delively to me at my re silience in Perry Co. Ala., or if lodged in some Jail so that I get them. <114 Ct—lawtf L. Q. C. de YAM PERT. COMMITTED to the juil of the county of Decalli, AlaUmia, on the 1 DtIt July* 1841, one negro man as a runaway slave who calls JSbjL. his name Sam, and says he belongs to Dr. Eimucl Puckett, who he says is living in Rankin county Mississippi, he is above twenty four or live years old, yellow complexion, has long hair and two sears oil Ids lore-heal, about live feel live inches high, rather stout, his front teeth above are wide a pait. 'I’he owner is requested to coma forward prove property, pay charges and take him away, or lie w ill ho disposed of as the law directs. JOHN M. LANKFORD, n»v2 fifitf Sheriff ol Deculb County. .«< CATCH - HOPE it lurk JhA** iug about the city, offering to hire himself to some *toaml>onts, Cotton press or as dray \man. I will pay a reasonable reward to any one who will return him to me. He is rather slender built, a little b.»w legged, very black, has a ln»g* nose, wears light mixed pants and either n lilac frock coal or roundabout. fdeelO Otf] H. GATES. ]\re wkmb rouTe kiks.—henry & STUD IO DART, cor lien-f Water und Conti st*., have imported anil are now opening, a splendid assortment of Embroideries and Thread Laces, coii.ti.uiug of— Cape*, Cane/.ons, Collars, Collaretts, I’clit Collars, Cheineyeltes, Stomachers, Infant’s Roliee Waists and Ca|>cs, Muslin Riders, (some of which are richly embroi dered, suitable for Wedding Dresses,) Embroidered Shawls, Mourning Collars m great variety, Ike, A large assortment of Thread Laces, Edgings and Inserting*, real Valenrrmtes Edgings, Also—Linens, Table Linen, Towelling, Diapers, P2-4 Barnsley Sliuctitig*, Spool Colton, Scotch Ginghams, &c. &c., Figured and plain China Silks, blk Satin ami Satin Turk, Muslin de Laine, &c. All of wliieli they oiler at wholesale or retail cheap cash. dec I rjTHE SUBSCRIBE I Mias just received— X 50 cases European and French Prints 100 “ and bales Cotton Osnaburgs Brown and bleached Sheeting and Shirting 25 cases white k grey super Welsh Plains Kersevs, Linseys, Denims, Ticking, &e. 15 hales Blankets, in which nre sh|hm\ both rib bon bound Whitney, and Mackinaw for lieds; Cradle and coarse I fulfil mid Twilled do —ALSO— 100 casc9 Kip nml Negro Brogans and Boots 175 dozen fur and water-proof wool Hats (50 do women mid rhil Irni’s Palm Lenin Hoods Oriental (new' style) Florence plain nnd English Straw ladies nnd misses Rom ltd*, newest shapes all of which, with a great variety of other articles in the DRY GOOD why, making an unusual nnd very ex tensive assortment, which he offers at wholesale or retail low for Cash or onnhort time. Orders of com mission houses, and the custom of purchasers from the country and city is respectfully solicited. nov23 __ GEORGE G. HENRY. ^ BACON & PORK.—20 liluls Cincinnati smoked Sides and Shoulders, 24 bids mess Pork, re ceived on consigiuneet per steamer Southerner and for sale by CiltODE & WHITE, tlcc3 corner Com. and Dauphin-sts. NE DEARBORN CARRIAGE & CARRY ALL, square liody waggon. Also, a light trotting Buggy Waggon,landing from brig Ceies, for sale by ]nov21 Moui.J JOHN O’REILEY. LETTER PAPER.—50 reams superior English Li.icn Letter Paper, on consignment and for sale by GUSTAV US BEAL k CO., <Jee2 Hagan’s buildings, Conti-st. FRESH 'PEAS.—Landing from ship Alabamian — UK) 131b boxes Imperial 100 61b boxes ltn|M*ri d, 80 61b hose* Jlyson. for mile by GUSTAVUS BEAL & CO., dcc2 Hagan’s Building*, Oonti-*t. Cl OFFER—75 bags new crop Green Rio / 20 do old government Java, for sale by [nov29]_JNO. C. RYAN. |7w| CORDS OAK Wood, for sale at £4 p< lUUcOrd, in bus to suit purchasers, by nov3 > D. CL liOWBBll & Ct)., 50 Coin. st. QOA PIKI’KS Kl'.M'l'CK V“|IAC!C!ING, coils Kentucky Rope, Ibr sale by n<>\6 701 f J4MEH If AG AN, 84 Wnter-st. Alcohol, &c.—lOhM* AU*.oiud,2t>odo*Suipi IRuinine; English Calomel in |h bottles; Spir y its Tlirpetitius and Chrome Green, now iandiug, fo sale by [declOJ MOSELY k CO. ON CONSKKVM1.NT n.i.l m.w Imidiug—1**0 bum-1# prime Potatoes bQO bales prime Fasteni llav 151) Mils N'n's 1,2 an.l II Mackerel 200 boxes lies! brand Sjierm Cnililli'* 100 sacks Ih-sI old Java Collets 700 casks Thoiimston Lime 175 ranks while lump l.intr 20\i piimc Northern Bricks 25m sawed While Pine l.aibs :10m “ “ “ Shingles 20m clear “ “ LuuiIh-i , 1 aaJ 2 inch £000 biolods Plastering Hair 200 boxes prime Coiliish 100 Imxes prime smoked Hertiug 28 I>bls prime Newark Cider 60 Mils “ “ Apples 25 “ “ pickled (’odlish 100 kills prime Tongues and Sounds 25 bull'Mils llullibni Finn ID hall'pipes Holland (• in 10 qr “ “ “ 25 “ ** American <iiu and Brandy 100m best Spanish Cigars, &e. for sale ill lots to suit putsliasc*, by ilee 11 ' J. II. KIYF.RS. Bii \M*Y. GIN, UTJS \ \!> \\ DISK Ft 50 quarter rusk* Srignelte, PeiletYoisiu* ami American Brandy 2 pi|s>s Holland, and 10 bid* A merit an Gin 20 Mils New Fug hind Rum 50 do old Rectified Whiskey 10 do old Mftitongnhclu Rye Whisker, in store am! for sale very low,In CIRODF & WIllTH, t!9 c tinier (Commerce and Dacphin sts. PRINTS, CLOTHING, ist.—1:5 eases Madder Prints, Scases cottoimdc, kersey ami deny j>un t a loons; k-.-rsev j-.ickcls; white, fancy and striped Shi is; 4 cases ribhtrd and plain Kerseys; 4 bales whitney and fancy end Blankets; 20 Milt's 3-4 and 4*4 brown Slutting; 5 cases bleached 4-1 do; 2 cast's Shirting Stripes; lease Ladies white Hose, for sale ifacS by WM. II. HI N \ 1 LL & CO. Bacon.--*2-* eitnk* Side* ami fthmihlers Mo lasses—23 Mils in line order. Sugar—10 lilids a prime article, landing from Lady of the Lake und for sale by [decIO] L. liI LL & SON. IIJKOllOES FOJ* SALF, A Ncgt > Woman and It her two male children, one about 4 years, and the other about 2 years nhl, »old fbr no fault. The woman is a lirst rate cook, washer and ironer. For terms, apply to CIRODF & WHITE, dec3 corner Cum. runl Daupliin-sts. ■ M i.t ii lie MinHc nix iii ua\e removen 10 IV Mr. Hogan’s new buildings in Conti street— Office second Hour. urn27 SS,f (; \KDNER A S \GER. NOTICE.—All persons indebted to tlio subsrri ber for goods sold oil commission, or as agent, whose accounts have been standing sixty days, will please make payment on or before the IOth im»t. dec 1 111 ‘ J. II. RIVERS. P! RE WINTER SPERM OIL*—15 tiercel and hbls in store, for sale by decS WM. II. BUNNELL & CO. ('IIGAKS.—30m Regalias, 10m Cuiioiics, on con J signineal and for sale by UU8TAVUS REAL & CO., dec2 Hagan’s Ibiildings, Conti-it. 1 A (ill IRA COFtfEE- 70 iiitgi, landing from .J schr Mandarin from Ilaltimorc, nnd for sain by ike a J. O’RKILEY. PATE P® REONAULIl^A plemmnt *nd ef fectual relief for coughs, colds, hoarseness, &c. Received ami for sale by I. C. DuBOSE & Co, nov 20 lute DuBosn & Rolf, 3f) Water st. Ctl VMPAGNE .V K.VLSI\s. i*o (Mixes of tbs well known Anchor brand, boxes bunch Mus catel Raisins, landing from ship Alabamian, for sale by GUSTAV US BEAL & CO., dec2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-sl. IJILpUR fc WH1SKEV.—800 bbls Flour, ii su ‘ perior article; 100 bbls old Monongaliclu Whis key; 100 bids old Rcetdicd Whiskey, luudiag from steamboat Alabama and for sale by dur3 ELLIS & GREEN, 68 Commerce-at. IE’ITER PAPER.—800 reams, for sale by 1 novlS I.VniAM HI LL .V SON. B\QGiNa, ROTE 4* I \\ I M . 600 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 400 coils Kentucky Rope, 2 boxes Kentucky Twine, landing and for sale by dec6 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Waier-sl. VY'IM-.s AND COFFER. -4he subscribersof t v fer for sale the following invoice of goods se lected by nu experienced individual expressly for tins market— 4 quarter casks Mnde’ua Wine I pipe Sicily Madeira Wine. 4 quarter casks Port Wine 1 do do do do Page A Co 4 do do Pule Sherry Wine, W T) Gordon S do do do do do Litpouiide 80 bugs Government Java Coffee him; WHITAKER A SAMPSON,81 St Francls-st C1LARET.— U) casks Lnlour, 76 boxes I'uuillac, J 90 boxes Ludon, 80 boxes Modoc, 20 I sixes St. Kftluphc, 25 boxes Chateau Maigeuux, 25 boxes Chateau Lutitte, for sale l»y dueG OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Wnter-st. BRANDY.—2 half pipes old Henncssce, 2 half pines 1806 Cognac, 1-4 cask 1805 superior od, 5 halfpipes J. J. Dupuv A Co. do, on consignment anil for sale by (iUS'l’AVUS BEAL Ik Co., dec2 ’ Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. NOW LANDING from the Wetumpka, and for sale at Gates’s Pharmacy, Linseed Oil, Copper as, Whiting, Sash Tools, Gold Leaf, Alcohol, &c nov 26 ENTUCKY ROPE.—215 coils superior Bale Rope, landing this duv and for sale by nav4 D. WHEELER, 8 Wnter-st. MADDER-Prime Dutch, Ombro and French FFF Madders, landing and for sale by i. C. DuBOSE & CO. Druggists, nlO late DuBose Ik Rolf, 39 Wuter-st. jlTACCARONI & VERMfCLLLl.—20 boxes 11M. Maccaroni and 20 bxs Vermicelli, in store and for sale by DESIION, TAYLOR & MYERS, novl2 corner Commerce and Cnnti-st*. SASSAFRAS.—A supply of Guiulio, I"prepared with the greatest care, just received and for sale in (pianlilios to suit purchasers, at aov26 GATES’S Ding Store. Cl OF FEE.—UK) sacks lluvmia Cotlee, / 100 ilo Rio do, 75 do Java do. For safe by nov 26 SMITH & IUllNEY. C'lOFFRE.—100 bags new crop Green Rio Coffee; «/|30 bags old government Java do., f.r sale by nov2 J- C. RYAN, cor Conti & Water-st*. OHh SA OKS SALT—for safe by 4UU F. SHAW & CO. oct8 56tf 68 Commerce-st. KENTUCKY ROPE.—100 coils superior quul ty, for sale by D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT in >wO\Jv.Fcil sacks, for snle in hits to suit purchas ers by SMITH & DABNEY , ort’4 54 42 Commerce-at. OWDF.R & SHOT.-200 Bags Shot; UK Kegs Powder; 1000 lbs Lead For sale by oc«8 57tf) CALVIN KEITH. C1PANI8H INDHiO—600 lbs fineal Spanish la H digo, lauding ex ship Edwina, for sale by 1. C. DuBOSE & CO. Druggists, nlO lata DuBose & RuiT, 39 Water-st. HALE’S TOBACCO—160 Iw.xcs and half d< Hale’s superior Tobacco,nnd other brands, jus received per sclir John A. Lancaster, on consign ment, nnd for sale on liheraltenns by iiov22 W. EDM ON I) & CO., 96 Com. st._ FOR SALE.—A first rate Family Horse, with i single Barouche and Harness. Also, a uen Buggv Waggon new, with harness complete. n<*\16 YV. EDMOND & Co., 96 Commerce-* AS PAR A GU S ROOTS .—A fe w hundred of tlil finest Giant Asparagus Roots, far safe low. I. C. DUBOSE Sc CO., Druggists, env!3 39 Water-st. TKTEW FANCY GOODS.—An assortment color* lx ami Black Silks, Black and tolM Mmishne do Lancs, French Prints Fancy Handkerchiefs nnd Shawls, Kid and Fillet Gloves & Mitts, Linen Camb.Hdkf Silk Hosiery, Icc. just received and for snle by THOS. S. BATES, oct!3 58tf No. 60 Wnter-st. tiMTER STRAINED SPERM oil/ of SU perior quality, just received ami for sale by dcclO MOSELY & C0. |/| CASKS CINCINNATI BACON BIDES IV lauding froiu steamer Merchant bhU fo mile b u.,v20 JEREMIAH REA. 1 PORTSMOUTH HAY AND POTATOES - 230 bales l*e*t quality Portsmouth Hey, 230 bbl best quality Portsmouth Potatoes, landing from sbi Venice and for sule by de.9_J. II. RIVERS. PRINTS—80 eases of Fall River Prints of a vti riety of pattern* and quality, just received and fe sale by [d8] J. B. TOULMlN,3oHt. Micbael-. W~ HITE LEA D—TOO keg* No. 1 Phihdclplii Wh. Lead, for sale by CIRODE & WHIT! 119 corner Commerce nnd Dauphin si Demijohns.—100 each of i, 2,3 audio gaii lor sale by [decll] JOHN O’REILEY. ran iT., PH^SSEH, INK, kc.—The und**i>ign 1- oil. Agents fur Messrs Win. ilugar & (‘o’s old established Type and Stereotype Foundry, are pre I ared to receive orders for all description* of Ty| e, plain and ornamental; Presses, Ink, anti all other materials used in printing. Hperiiuen Books, comprising a large variety of new Type and Ornaments, can l*e seen nl the store, earner of Water and Conn streets. ri«e9 W.'l. II. I'd NNELL k CO. □A I NTFIt’S HI A MON I> CEMENT—An inva Itinble discovery Ibr joining broken glass, china, earthenware, cabinet work, and fancy articles of ev ery description. This cement i«* acknowledged to I* superior to any thing of the kind eve, oftrred to the public. ItsexlieiiH’ strength is nMiiaikabtc, a* also the variety of purpose* to which it may lie applied. It resists vvft—will stand an ordinary degree of In at. and it* hardness, vvlien set, ih truly astonishing.— Tile great facility of using it, m» mixing or prepara tion lieing required, is a strong recommendation in its favor. In tact, it reipitie* only to lie known, to Is- found in use in every family. For mending broken glass, china, &c. it sneered* wonderfully, a< the joints show but little. Many ar ticles of tlii* kind, that but for this diseovi :y Would be entirely useless, mav be securely and f|nidv unit ed, and become a* usolul as when **Cw "he leave of bonk*, pasteboard, fancy art Wes in tort owe shell or cabinet work, may l* neatly momfed with it. To prevent imitations, which would disappoint the purchase* and bring into disrepute the genuine arti cle, the public are ie.(nested to observe the signature of the proprietor, “ VV. B. P AIKTKK,*’ written on the bottle. Sold in bottles at 23 and 50 cent* each, by the Projmirlor, W. P>. Painter, No. 23, 3d Avenue, N. Ym k ; also, by his appointment, by II. (I VTES, Druggist, Mobile, Ala. MAllF NOTH I W la n a.', nun'll inwoven ienec and great loss is experienced by tlu pro pi irtors of tie* wharves, from the present inode ol shipping upward freight, notice is hereby given that from and after the first day of November next, no dray will be permitted to enter uprn anv ol the wharves with merchandise for shipment, without the drayman first delivering to the wharfinger—who will attend for that pnrpoM*—a written acknowledgment Irom a responsible ship|»cr, resident in the city, ol liability for the wharfage, or |M»yincut ol the hunie made in cash. sep!3 1C t Ijan \.J. JI'DK, Wharfinger. F|1 CAKMKEICH I'ONP KUl U 'IN AKl —rue I • subscriber Ins die honor to inform die Ladies and Gentlemen of Mobile that he lias now on hand nml will constantly keep a full supply of every kind ol CoX FKCT ION AKl KS, FllUITS, CANMKS AND CaKI S of the best quality and uflii* own manufacture, such as lie lias heretofore hud the pleasure to furrish them; nil of which he will sell at wholesale or retail, for die lowest prices Ibr cash. He also lias a large assortment of Real Havana Cigars ,of die most approved brands, wliioh will give delight to the lovers of a good article. Country Dealers supplied on the most moderate Terms. * T. CAKMBLICH, R. E. corner of Dauphin and Rt Emanuel »ts *)A BAGS BLACK PEPPER-10begs Spice, ' 20 bugs Race Ginger, just received and for sale bv U. L. WATKINS & CV Druggists, novo cor Water and St. Finnc'is-sts. H A MS.—10 casks, a good article, received to . day per steamer W. W. Fry, for sale by drc2 ' U \KSIl W.l. k ROWE, CIORPORATION orders.- - rout) m CorpQ t ration Orders* in sums to suit purchasers, for sale by *eptl7 47lf J. K. COLLINS. IRAN BERRIES & M A C K E11 El ..—15 half & - qr bids Crunberries, 30 half and cjt* bbls No. 1 Mai herd, for sale by not 18 7«tf P. McCASKILL, 18 Com. st. 171 RESII WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS. 1 —Tile subscribers arc now in receipt of their an nual supply of Garden Seeds, embracing every variety in genera ruse. They will warrant eveiy Seed sold by 'hem to l>c fresh, well matured, and of the hrat selection. 1. C. DUBOSE & CO., Druggists, nnvlft late DuRose & Roll'. a m. superior regaTJa cigars— for sale by ttovi G. WESTFLI.DT k BRO. FI4I.N PLATE.-51 boxes Tin PhtHUyf various 1 brands, for sale bv 1.1x15 7711 II. L. REYNOLDS,f»b Walcr-st. |AA I ■ 11 ;t ES At A \ S v ILLE BAGGING 1 1.*/" / 75coils Rope,—just received and for sale by [oot8 57] CALVIN KEITH. TalLoWER ut kits.—MOSELY it co, Drug JL’ giils, at the corner of Dauphin and Royal Mu., have received by tlm Mary Silsby, a small collection of Bulbous Roots, consisting of Dahlias, Tulips, Hyacinths, Crown Imperials, Anemones, Iris, Clours ' Ranunculus, Lilies, Polyanthus, Narcissus, and dou ble Jonnuills. mov 27 171 XTRA~ REGALIA CIGARS, BritUinniii” .Jbrand; also Trabucos, landing from .schooner Belle, from Havana, and for sale for cash only, by ito\25 S(» J. G. MICllAELOFFWK Y, 39 Royal st. POTATOES.—100 barrels Northern, for sale low from the wlmrf, apply to nov2 JNO. C. RYAN, cor Conti 4* Water-st. BROOMS.—50 dozen asmutod, for sale l»v dec4 4tf D. it. CRANE & CO. C1IGARH.—A lot of superior quality, just receiv f eeived mid for sale by dfcl8 M. I>. ESLAYA & CO. B( < 'KWIIKAT.- 70 paiikages in 1-s and 1-4 bids made fine new Wheat, for sale by decl 1 JOHN O’KEILEV. 17411 ESI I HAMS—Just received and for sale by 1 til3 CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL, <C4 PE KM CAN DLES AN D SOAP.—100 boxes ^ New Bedford Sperm Candies; 150 boxns No. 1 Soap, for suleby [dec13] JNO. C. RYAN. SADDLES.—A consignment of about 6 doxen, for sale at very low pi ices bv decll JOHN O’REILEY. W~" INEST CORDIALS, &c.-30 casks Bor deaux Claret; 375 cases do do 10 Mils white wine Vinegar 12 cases assorted Cordials, 5 do Absynllio 10 cases Gne Eslephu Claret 25 basket* Anisette 10 cases line St. J alien Claret 7 cases Sweetmeats* landing and for sale hy dec 13 WM. H. BUNNELL & CO. (TARRIAGES, BUGGY WAGONS, kc—6 J handsome well finished city built Buggys 1 handsome stature top Cnrringe 1 handsome Barouche 2 second hand Carriage* 1 light Trotting Wagon, 8 set Harness, for sale dec 11 JOHN O'REILEY. WE have on hand * supply of COOKING STOVES worthy of attention, on account of economy—convenience and cumlort. CUMMINS, HOGAN A SNOW. n27 80 Commerce street, BONNETS.- A large assortment,amongst which are ladies and misses American ami English plain Straw and Tuscan, English Willow, Cyprus, Oriental Leghorn, Modena and Silk Bonnets; white and colored Palm Leaf Hoods, kc. for sale by dml7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 43 Water-st. RENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS.—A few doxen very superior French Flowers, for sale hy dec7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 53 Water-st. ESS AND"PRIME PORK --30 barrels in fine order, for sale by dec7 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. ON DON M US rAR D.- 30 boxes in small bot* ties, far sale by dec7 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. WANTED,—A secondhand Counter lYnm 20to 30 feet long, w itli or without drawers. Apply nl 48 Dauphin Street, to dec? J. H. RIVERS. 0“ RANGES, PINElAPPLES It BANANAS.— 10m Oranges, 100 Pine Apples, 100 bundles Bananas, landing from la-ig Canton from Malanias and for sale by [decl Itf] J. II. RIVERS. BOXES BORDEAUX CLARET, CO I J hhds 5| O Sugar, for sale by dec!) JAMES HAGAN, 26 Conii-sr. ALMONDS AND RAISINS—Just received and for sale by 1 dec.7 CUNNINGHAM fc CALDWELL. HERRING.—No. 1 fresh, Just received and for sale by d«c7 CUNNINGHAM k CALDWELL. LIME.—500 casks Thoioftston Lime, this day landing from brig Homer and for sale by der7 J. If. RlVfcRM. f ®UGAR AND FLOUR-12 hhds prime old Su. ►3gwr, 65 bid* s. f. Flour, for sale hy n?>\29 P. McCASKILL, 18 Cm. st. * ^tUGAIi AND MOLASSES.—45 hhds uew Su * ^ gar, 50 bids new Molasses, for side by dec 10 TilOS. P. MILLER It CO. HOLLAND JOIN, fcc.—lO.qr pipes best Hot laud Gin; 4 qr pipes Frendi Brandy, this daj r landing and for sate low from the w harf by t dec7 J- H. RIVERS. ™ *ynA COILS NORTHERN ROPE, maanfar |UU tured from Russia Hemp; 250 pieces AM " bama Bagging; 103 pieces Briggs Bagging, for sak ,, by W. D. WILSON, decl3 corner Water and St. Franctwts. SELECT hCHuOL—A Select School will be opened in this cjtv on Thursday, Plat October in *t. under the cure of ibe K*r. 8. It. Wright ami Lady, ia iLe Luildiug ou Government street, formerly oi*c is pied by Mr. Keiuble. The lumber or pupils will be limited to forty, and underlie rircuuivtaut-es will there be a departure iri ut this rule. Nu shutts will he wanting to uuiku the institution an elevated school of rutollectual dis cipline, sound learning and mural culture, aid at the saiuo time to furuirb the best facilities lor an ortta menial atid pqlito education. Lessons will be given on the guitar, piuuo and burp by Mrs. Wright, ami in the other branches of tho ornamental department by a ludy who has been for several veara a highly ap proved teacher ia tho celebrated ’frrwy female semi unrv. Vocal music w ill bo taHght to the school according to the system of Mr. Lowell Masou, u4’ Boston, with mil uddilional charge. The ncadcruio will consist of two ooasecative am * toot, oial tlies utiurd on opportuuity to the pupils to !>« nbseot from the city «lurine tho sickly summer mouths, without iuioruption to thoir course of stu ly. No scholar will be received who cauuot read wuli —and those aumewhat advanced will be greatly pre ferred. Hate* of tuition made known a) the ojua. ntuiceuii ut of tho sckool. . . ^ n-v. w. t. HuMiTiw'" **’ Messrs. Harrison A Blair K,v.8. S. L,*i, . m.bilk. Hutt.T. P. Harm Messrs. T. A J. Sanford Wni. Sayre. Esq. Hev. T.S. Witherspoon, CnRlNSJtoRo. Hev. Hubert Nall, Marion. Mobile, Oct 20. 1 #41. _ _ j%fOT1C1C—The Missus OUANDIN respectfully 11 inform thecUiscnsof Mobile, that they will open u BOAKDING and DAY SCHOOL.on tho 15th inat. in the dwelling ouc dour weal oi the Bat ton Academy. [juvcrnimmt-hi, in which thuy pro tier to ull who may UU placed under their oat c, u thorough and systematic rsJucatiou in the solid branches; uud from their long jxperience in t his employmant. they Batter themselves hey shall enjoy a liberal patronage. The year will je divided into two session* of four month* each, after A'hiclt, it the sea sou uontiuaes healthy, two months sill be devoted to the oruumeatal branches. English Dcp.irimeut #20. Ft ouch upou the moat approved dun #:iQ. Music with singing #40. UKPKRKNCK—Kev. T U. Capers; James Menbury, Rsq. old j%TK. BOYLAN lakes Inara to inform sack as are It I not great proficients iu Penmanship.that ha will [ive iustructioas ia ibis art, at bit Academy, Govoru ■unit street, betweeu tbe boar# of 7 aud y o’clock, Ive nights iu each week. And bo uuhesimingly 'll gages to ckauge. iu a course of Tmlie Leuons, the tiost still’, cramped, deformed or irregular scrawl, nto a style at mice bold, free, euay aud elegant. Ladies wishing to take a course of lessons, bet iuding it inconvenient to call at tbe Academy, will >e stteuded at their residences. Terms moderate, n4 Two convenient Dwellings, having eacli four nanus, and kitebeu room, on the norm aide of Joi.ti street,botweoa Royal aud St. Kuiuuueiats. Also—'Three rooms suitable for offices or sleeping apartments, iu ilia buidiug adjoining the above dwell ing. Hunt moderate. Apply to n< J. KMANUEL. AnA Fuit HUNT—Three Stores, No. l.r(, 17, 1 !> B»iM on east side of Water street. They will be rented separately, or together, and ia a desirable loca tion for any business. Also—* The Store No. 10, on west side of Water street, late in tbe occupation of Obear A Phillips. Also—An Office over the store ot‘ D. Wheeler, No H Water street. The above premises will he rented si very low rents. Apply to [nti] J. EMANUEL. ./eA FOR KENT.—That desirable country reai IjoTlI deuce at Summerville, formerly iu (he occu pancy of N. F. Williams, Esq. aud possession given on 1st November. Apply at the Merchant*’ limn ranee Co’s. Office, St. Kruucts si. [i»80. AeA f'Git RENT’—That desirable Office or Store Ii’idB on the lowei floor of ilm build tug west aide of Royal, near Conti street—lately occupied by Cuihbvri A Stanley. Alan A brirlt Warehouse on St. Micba nl street, oppo site J. B. Touluim, capable of storing 1000 hah\s of cotton. Also a store on St. Michael street, now occupied by Jn G. Davis A Co., with two large offices ou the second floor. Also two three story building* on Water street ad Joining the Merchants and iMuntera Journal Office— with counting rooms in the second floor. Apply to octll J. EMANUEL. JOHN LliAGAW A OU. 87 Dauphin street, f4» offer fot sale : 10 cusea bro. drab plain Hats 50 do do blick do 50 do do roi um do 85 do fashionable fur do 85 do do silk de Jest received per brig Mobile. Also daily expe- ted in store by barque Hebron and brig Alabama: 100 cases Russet Brogans; 50do Kip do 85 do thick Boots; 80 do Hue de 40 do Wemeu’s fine Shoes; 80 do Men’s do 15 do Children’s do do octfl IIATS ANU BON NKTS—Tli. Tuli.cril.or ^j4Ef is now receiving a largo assortment of Hats ami straw goods, amongst which, nre as follows : 50 cases Men’s lush. Beaver aud plain blk. Huts. 85 " 14 wide brim *• " " 85 11 44 •' *' 14 drab 4< 10 14 44 41 I'ashiouablj silk *• 150 dot Palm Leaf Hoods, with a great variety of ladies' uud misses Leghorn and plain alraw Bonnets; shell, horn and ivory Combs; baud boxes, artificial flowers, storks, Ac. For sale cheap fur cash or good paper, hv [ofl9| GKO. A» ARNOLD. 43 Water-a i 4 AT K. KOllBINSON’b CllKAP' VAR 1 E TY BTORK—Just received per ship Hwctor, a Urge assortment of fashionable and low crowned broad brimmed Black and While Gentle men’s HATS.— Fine Russia Beaver, and low priced Hats. Likewise, received per barque He bron, mi assortment »r fiuo uud coarse While Linen •uni (Jniton Shirts; do Flannel Shirts; which will be sold very luw for cash, at the sign of the Mammoth Boot,comer of Water and Government streets. otlSB. Cl HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.—New Coeds— J Just received at ROBINSON A STUART’S Cheap Variety Store, corner of Government and Wa rer-streets, • general assortment of 0f*l Ready inode CLOTHING, HATS, W1 I m B O O T S , S H O H S, ami - Jt DRY GOODS, direct from L die manufactories, and for 0^^^ sale at the lowest prices for «««*. Please call and ex amine, at the sign of the Mammoth Boot. nlti COTTON OSN ABKllGS'AND MIlfUTINCS^ 73 halea Petersburg manufactory, received* John A. Lancaster, at low prices, by nft9 G. G. JOHNSON, 49 Water-*. PRINTERS' PAPER, Ac-We have Paper to7 Printers, of all the usual sizes ; also just received “ Superfine Packet Post, blue,” fer Pricea-Gurrent, Bills, and Bills of Lading, plain ; also,a supply of the same kind, ruled, for invoices, bills, Ac. ul5 MINGE A RUSSELL. 13 Water-st. TOBACCO—100 bxs SuuudeiV Tobacco, v a nous qualities, embracing a lot se:d to be the finest 0ver shipped to this market; for sale by nit) RIVES BATTLE 3 CO. C1HOICE CIGARS—Ceres Regalias, Jerque* J Regalias,Imperial Regalias. Imperial Trabucos, for sale ny |u*J0j D. WHEELKK, 8 Water st. f}BASC CANDY.—A supply of Pease celebra I. ted, Clarified Essence oJf Hear bound Caady, just received and for sale by I. C. DU BOSS A CO.. t»3# late Du Bote A K«f. No. 19 Water-at. BON N ETS—30 cases asserted jBounets, just re ceived par barque Abb'* Lord, and fer sale by nl5 JO IN BRAGAW A CO. 97_Dauphin at. BACON.—5 barrels Mayhard’s Canvassed Hems 3 do unearfvasaed do Cincinnati Bides—fut sale by novl8 M. A. VAN HOOK, 4 Commerce st DWELL OSNAUKKGS A COTTON ADKS — 189 bales Lowell Cottons, on band and expected daily per brig New Rutland from Boston, direct from the manufacturers and embracing— Nos. 1, 9, 3. 7 Osuabergt; heavy Cottouades; S eases Fancy Cot touades. The atleutinn of the etyr and country roer ehanta is called to these goods, of which s Urge sup ply will be kept on hand at all time* and sold at fac tory prices and expenses, for cask er approved city paper. n98 tf C. DBLLINOBR. 76 Commerce-!*. LINSEED OIL— 13 cask* lor s<dp, to arrive per ship Alabamian. Apply to o98 WIUTKK& A RAMPBON. 31 8t. Framds-st. DOME STIC A—43 Wales 4 4 Bkonungs, far tala by WHITAKER* SAMPSON, nils 91 »l. Frenosnoit. JO. CALCINA gives to every body that like* n good Cigur, that he has the very licet,at his Bar ber Shop ou ll*»y a I street of all varieties. I!e would puff them himself, but who ever tastes them will think any oilier putting insipid! Coma aad try «*Yon next” deed SWEET M A LA (M W INC. — Jt tp casks, hand ing and for sale by «Lc4 WW. H. BUNNELL It CO. LON DON POUTER,—Landing ex ship Hogarth from Liverpool, for sale »*y nut 30 J A .M ES HAGAN, P4 Water-at. JJL0UGH9—W* have just received a supply of I Palmer A MHlormick’s Ploughs, from lbs Kuril mond manufactory, Nos. 1, A and d. n99 MINOR A UCSSEI.L. 11 Water-at. BKOGAN3 A?rn BOOTfe—4U Ki|. hi“ gans ; 40 do Ruaaeit do; 93 do thick Boots, for sale low by G. O. JOHNSON. 42 Water-st, up »,airs.