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BY SAINI'OliO & WIliSOiY I I . li .VI ■*< . Subscription, ten dollars for tin* dally | nper, payable in a Iv-nice, and live* fur the cnuiilrv paper, pa> ible yearly in itdvntice by ca-li or city rtslcrcacc. Person wishing to dlituniiinue, must give one week's notice in writing. AuvcttTlsJNii.—Advertisements continued without in terruption, will bo charged ut lac rate of one dollar per ■qtl.ire lor the lirsl iiiHC.'i ion, and lilts cents lor each sub ■4* pieul one. Semi-weekly uud tri weekly one* will be charged the same as lirsl iuserllons. Twelve lines mnke n mi|ii ire. If ail advertisement makes less than a square, Il shall cos! .a* iiiiicU :i r a lull one. Advertisements iu»l liunied on (lie manuscript, us t<< the number t»l* insertions, will be continued lor two ii.mills ami so charge.!, unless previously directed in b< tukcil out of Hie paper l»v it Written order. Advertisements uni l».*:u,ing upon their laces the names of the persons by vvuom they are sent, must bo endorsed b> them. The terms for annual ad vcriiscr.s will he &10 for otic ■i|iiare, and $ -» for •■ueli .i.ldiutui il .sijuar.-, wdli llir pri' lege ol' changing oner- a week,iltic in a.lvamv. Tin* privilege in >11111**0! advertisers 1* limited lo their ovvu iiilmudmtu biisiiu’- i i ainl all inlvriai aetiicni ■ I01 ihc OeindU of other persons, 1- well a ail le ' d advert menu, and advertisement* of ancliou mile , south) tltciii, iinisi In* ji.iid for nl tin usual laics. All advertisements required by law, will he charged ut tin* mil titles. A iiuiial ml vortiser* who exceed ihesp.a'v for which they contract, will bo charge*! at Hit* usual rates. ArrniigooiBiita will he made with ilioat* who occupy hull ac.dnutii or more continuous]) lor a veer, according to the nature of the laisiiie.-m, mid llio frequency id the change of muUcr. Advertisemeiils of application for the benefit of llic Ins ilvcni l-avv-s, will not to* published in any case, unless paid for previous 10 insert iou, or paynieiit be gunraiitcci! by a responsible person in town. AII luilioitMCcoicuts of •• 1 u.1 idates for udi<*e. will be char ged live dollars for dmlv iusei lions during I lie canv.i"-. pnvable in all eases in advance. Military and I'Ve i '«»*n j *ri 11! v a mi oilier slmllnr As-oeio tinlis, will he charged foil r.i*.e by the in rH hi, or I'orl v dollars per mill urn il they do imiexece I »m . <i iai'e eacli Week. i All personal rniuimiiiic at ions, when admissible, will hr charged double, nud in all cases pay until must In* 111.ole in r oilviiuee. fillttHT SALE.—I'.y virtu:* of a Deed .d'T.usl J. executed to unity Philip IWeLoskev, bearing date on the I till day *f March, \. I). ISM, and recorded in llio Clerk's oilier i»l' Mobile county, in Hunk No. 1, Pages 535 nail 5 If!, we will sell at public tut-lion, in front of llte court house, on the day of April next—All that parcel of laud, rincite, lying and being in the county oi* Middle*, containing eighty-lltreo 17 100 acres, being a fractional seelioti liounded sotitli by (In* Orange Drove trael of land, commencing :H the point of intersectiott of 1 lie northern line ol said trad an I 1 he western lino of the Laurent planialiou nn.I extending west wardly on the north line ol Or ange Grave beyond its termination: liounded east by the Laurent plantation, and included witlun llte wes tern line of gmd Laurent plantation, the northern lino of the Orange Grove tract, ami the .sectional lines ol various small tracts ot forty acres, laid oil by the government of the United States, all ol which will more fully nppcnr by reference to the map ot llio township milliner four of range one west. And also,—One forty-eighth part of the lands be longing to the Orange Grove (’omnnny, including all the lauds included in n trust deed to (Julvin Norris, James Magee and Tlios. \V. Mef'oy, nud which have not been before this lime laid ofi aud cold by tin* said Trustees or by the company prior to I lie said deed; and the said undivided interest hereby conveyed lobe ( subject to the uses nud trusts of the said deed, mid n | right, title, intercut and claim in the* one forty-eighth part of all tin* lands in the Orange Grove tract am! the Laurent plantation, excepting the lots of land so disposed of which said tracts sfland lie on the north side of llte city of Mol ilt*, one containing 2t»7 71-100 acres, the other 355 acres; and a lull lorlv eiglitli interest in the lands held by sttid company be tween the Said plantation and the river. Terms nl sale cash. JOHN A. (WMIT.ELL, DAN’L CHANDLER, deed 4||ltls SAM’L M. OGDEN. Burnt corn auaim'iBU.— me mm ses sion of thin School w ill open on the first Monday ofjnn’ry next, tinder the rare of J no. lb Clause i., where will be (aught, in addition to theusuul branch es of an English Education, Latin, Greek, tho Math ematics, &c. Mr. ClaUHel is a native of Virginia, where lie graduated; ami the subscribers atv proud in offering to tlut public so ripe a scholar, imbued so thoroughly with southern feelings and so justly appre ciating southern interests. The site of the Academy is remarkably healthy, and remote from those pests ol the voung, drinking shops, stores and other places ol , public, resort. Terms.—For Latin, Greek, Mathematic?, &c. ' $20 per session, or $1 a month for a shorter period; for Geography, Arithmetic, English Grummet*, &e., $15 per session, and for tho primary branches $9 per session. Board may be had in the neighborhood for $8 per month. JOHN WATKINS, ) JOHN GREEN, >Trustees. JOHN MARSHALL, > Burnt Corn, Sept. 21. scp24 5Uirirtjnl 1~~N CONFORMITY w ith the TaTiTviII and Tes" lament of Joseph Raby, deceased. and to t arry into effect the provisions of said Will, ami in con formity with the order ol the Orphans Court of Mo bile county, granted tlu.* 23tli day of October, 18-11, I will, on Monday, the 8th tiny of January, IS 12, ex pose to public sale, in trout of the court house ol Middle, within the legal hours of sale, all the personal and real estate of said Joseph Rally, an follows, vi/.: the Negroes Willi, Tuny, Isaac, Sally and Iter three children; Household Furniture; as also, u tract ol Land lying on Bayou Gotten, in Mobile county, con tabling about ;J00 at res ; also a tract of Land at I ni ton, containing about -18 acres, being the residence of tile late Joseph Raby. Terms of sale 6 months credit, with two good se curities. JOSEPH KREBS, nov20 82tf Executor. D~ I88OLUTIDN OF_ COI'ARTN*KRSI 11V.— Notice is hereby given to all concerned, tha,, the copartnership in the Iron Fomulry business at Mobile, known under the name of .l imes Gerry & Co., has been this day dissolved. All persons hav ing claims against suit! firm on account ol the Mo bile Foundry, will please present them for rett’.e mentt [ocfsIOStf JAMES Cl KUV. Medical and ci mn ary herbs.—At Gates’s Drug Store, 100 Dauphin street—Sage, Thyme, Baltic, Catnip, Pennyroyal, Ilorehou'rnl, Peppermint, Spearmint, Motherwort, Life Everlast ing, Comfrey Root, Sweet Majoram, Poplat Bark, Saffron, Marshmallows, and various other domestic Herbs, Barks, Roots, &c. for sale tit uov27 GATES’S Pharmacy, 100 Dauphin st. mOBACCO AND CIGARS.—500 boxesTobae -L co, various brands; 10m Cigars, Canones; 20m Cigars, Manuel Ainores; 20m Cigars, American; in * store and for sale by dec 10 TIIOS. r. MILLER & CO. la MILLINERY, etc.—Just received per late arrivals, from France, (via New-York nnd New-Or Icans) a splendid assortment of rich water'd and plain Silk Velvet and Plush Bonnets, unsurpassed in beau ty of style anil quality of textures; a large assort ment of Artificial Flowers ; Fancy Caps ; childrens’ Hoods ; Leghorn Hals; Dunstable and Oriental do; 10 4 rich Shawls and Mantillas deep fring'd ; Satin stipd’d Challies; plain and plaid Mouse do Laines; French Pr'nis, col’s guaranteed; ladies nnd gents Kid Gloves; bl’k Bombazine; heavy and rich Chau tilln Veils, Ace. Ace. lO* The Millinery department will be conducted by Mrs. Cullen. Ladies are respectfully invited to cull and examine for themselves. J. A. SMITH, successor to lltStf I’. C TI.LF.N, til D iupliin-gl. For silLE.—A family of vuluablc NEGROES. —consisting of—-HRA INCH, aged 40; good Gardner, Ostler and general servant GEORGE, aged (i; bin nml BRANCH, “ 20; first rale Steward and Waiter JOE, “ 19; Drayman The above negroes have been raised in this city, nnd arc of good diameter, and first rate servants m every respect, und only sold to close a concern. They can lie seen by applying at the corner of Conti nnd Commerce street, up stairs. nov20 EWARK FURNITURE WAREHOUSE.— D. B. CRANE & CO, Manufacturers from Newark, N. J., invite the attention of their friends and the public, to their splendid stock of Furniture, such an Sofas, Sideboard, Centre, Pier, and Com mon Tables, Wardrobes, &o. &c., which are offered at Manufacturer's prices, at 37 Water st, next door to DuRosc k Co’s Drug Store. dee -I GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received and for sale wholesale nml retail at the new Drug Store No. 30 Royal street, the following GARDEN SEEDS: Fall Marrowfat Peas, Early Frame Pens, Carlcton Teas, Extra Early Peas, lire oil Imperial Peas, Blue Prussian Peas, Early B«««h Beans, (looker Beans, Horticultural Beans, Speckled Valentino Beans, Large Lima Beans, Extra Early Corn, China Tree Corn, Tree Onions, Assorted Flower Seeds, and a urge ami general assortment of all kinds used in this Qouutry. Said seeds are warranted the growth of 1811, and areas good as JLnmlrethg or anv other, dec 14. J. II. WOODCOCK. BACON.—21 casks Hams ami Sides, landing from steamer Al.dmma direct from Cincinnati, for* do by [dec5] W M. II. BUN ,\ ELL & t <). SUGARS. —10fchd«« a choice article of nil cn-p Louisiana; 100 bids prime N O new crop, land iui from Creole and for sale by dec 11 MARSHALL & ROWE. ASPI.ENDiDPIA.NO FORTE, mam»lkcture*l bv Chickerin* & Mak iy uf Boston, for sale low by DOUBLEDAY k SEARS, dec8 3ft Daitphin-st. t fTlABLE SALT.—A lew boxes just received and J. for sale by dccW CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL. I •) *T RBI.S MKSt) PORK, :»(> Mds prime I'oiU t for salt* I>v d©c6 ' HARRIS k ROvSSk IJI RK SPERM Oil . 20 casks , me Sperm 3 \\ inter Siraiucfl Oil, lam ling ami f n'snle l»v tfeffi W.M. H. Ill NNI;1.1. & CO. 1(1 COFFEE.—.100 l»ag!*, lati.bug from Imiijiu k/ Reform, fur sale l»v dec8 G. WESTFF.LPT & 11RO. Oi,l) IRISH WHISKEY.—20 2 gallon demi johns of idil Mali, 12 years, libs is a superior article, fur sale By [de« 7] J. O’REILLY. HI.\s Fi \ j . PoVI I)ICR I.., . JOHN «PkKtLF.V. wtinter sm mined >1*1:1; u oil r.u H dec? l y JOHN CPHEILEY. 8 > \ IS INS. 100 li.xer. MR. for « - !«• I.v « ■ dCiS Will. II. BUNNELL'& CO. 3 }ORT U I \E.—ft ip* casks rieli <• t<I Purl, *.k>oa * es du, for sale By |dec7| .1. 0* . g OAF S! GAR. 2*1 boxes U I i . ■ ' Halo by |.i. . 7 j JOHN D’REILFA . M ADEIUA—ft «jr casks Rlamly's London pat - I** tieiilar, for sale by dec7 ' JOHN O’RF, I LEY. Bit ’ON &. S V I ?r.~:«d casks Sides nnifSImtif def; Ciiicimmli smoked Bacon, 200 sacks Sail, fur Hah? at low pl iers by dt*c7 P. MeOAHKILL, l1-’ Coniiwiw*st. TAfHri'lil I !■!•>.- 2tt0kegs No. * In store and » * Ini' sole by decS ' WiM. II. BUNNELL & CO. (t ISllKN I"• l ' I’idi. 17lirkin clxiice,Inndtit A iiout li.inptf Reforii)t for i :tie bv decS W.M. h t:i;M\rt.I. St t o. 8jN1,01 I!. 50 I.Id- srtfterlfiie lauding fi "u . . It: . Roane, for Hale by' deell ' 111 \RST?ALL & ROWE. \n>( liK’S Si RUT. .'no btifft natoiliid si/.Cft Ynule’s Shot, ju.-t received and for sale by deelO M . KB.llONI) Co., f)t> Conoiieree-sl. UBAR--Jim bid- Boston I/cnf crashed ttnd poyr* k^.lered sugar, for sale by nov2M g. Vvkstff.i.dt 4^ rro. CJI*FOIE fu* Hide; apply to *3 oov.10 HFSIlON, TAYLOR ,S- MYERS. WINE^.—200 Ik»xos Hi. Julicn, . Mo - ral, on consign,,ip,n and for sale bv GUSTAVES BEAL & CO., dcc2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conii-Ft. OT(*II \i •' i. All I . .a of goods taken on Stem k? al low rales, at the store on Conti street wharf, decl Ilf by J. H. RIVERS. I im KEGS R1 w d::k. id ch es 1 ii» Cauia * ® **/ Or do, just received and for sale, by duel HUNTINGTON CLEVELAND. Marking ink.—\ hbisiiiiufoi murk mg Cot* ton Bales, just received and for sale by R. L. WATKINS & CO, Druggists, oct20 corner Water and St. Francis-sls. SPERM CANDLES.—100 boxes favorite brand. in slum ami for sale bv DESHSON, TAYLOR Sc MYERS, nnyl2 corner Conti and Commerce-alp. nr INTER SPERM OIL—A fe w cask* W mte » * Strained Family Sperm Oil, received and for side by 1. C. Do ROSE & CO. Druggislrf, nl 0 lute Du Bose & Ko0, 89 VVator-st. n III.vie I IJVMJH—«.r ■I.IIII IO Iiwimni Whiskey, (i5 bids superfine Flour, for sale by nuv25 l*. McCASKILL, IS Com. si. I MO COFFEE, iY. O. Sugar and Flour, lauding M wfroin schr Mobile, and for sale by nnv23 JAS. HAGAN, 8-1 Waters!. POTATOES.—300 barrels Nor the in Potatoes, ia good order, for sale by nov2S <■ ittPNER 0c SAGER, (if) Com. t WHITNEY .v ROSE BLANK KTS.- -.5im*,...,, very superior, sixes from 8-4 to 14-4, for sale de*4 bv LATHAM HULL k SON. J 04A NO FORTES—An ologant article, for «i• low by 1). B. CRANK & CO, dec 4 37 Water si. 01.1* PALE SHERRY.—A few d.. superior old Pale Sherry Wine, in store and tor sale by FRANKLIN W. MeCOY, nod2 (if) Commerce-st. j AIL ROAD IKON - 12 tons Rail Road Iron, for sale by McGKAN&NOOY AN, oct22 No. 6 St. Michacl-st. NORTHERN HAGHINGU-IOO pieces m i-.n . for sale by f«lec7] D. WHEELER. POTATOES & ONIONS.-200 barrels lies! Maine Potatoes, 100 bills liest Maine White On ions, on consignment and for sale bv dicl hi j‘. H. RIVERS. TOBACCO.—50 lx.1: Virginia Lump. Ro|ie— .0. 50 coils Kentw.kv , lor sale bv _A. MeKINSTRY, 3 Watt NUl.s, 350 k ga cut Nails, 4d to 2i>d < i rior «|uality, for sale by dcc6 OGDEN HliOTHERS, 12 Water-*). | >l*ri;.— II coils Bale Rope, landing froin -iciim 0 A/ or Alabama and for sale by dec! \VM. II. BUNNELL «$* CO. ^TOItAGE—In lire nruof Warehouse and Sheds KY corner Watet and St Michael st., on accoimuo filing term.* by (dec 2) J. O'REILEY. I'jATIIERM.—A prime urlitle of live Gecso Feathers, for enle low by dec! 4tf l>. B, CRANE & 00. U^ANTEl),— A goutl Man Senam, whoumlci Htandti work and wailing, wanted bv <i A RUN ER SAGER. IjlftBSH Bl CKWHEAT FLOUR ... quarter and eighth barrels, for sale l>v CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL, dec!) 75 Dnuphin-ff. 117H1SKEV.— 200 Impels hourly exnected per Y ▼ schra. Swan and Elvira, and f*»r sale by dec7 JEREMIAH itEA. NEW 11 A.MS—Just received and for sale bv dll CUNNINGHAM frCOLWELL. WHISKEY. -MO barrels, (hr sale l.V dec!I SMITH &. DABNEY. ^4 MOK1NG TOBACCO.—10 barrels Lombard's ^ very line*, for sale by dec 11 SMITH & DABNEY. WHITE LB \ l>.—Ao additional supply of tyhlto Lead , now in store, at GATES'S Pharmacy, decll 136 Dauphin-at., .’Mobile. 1 1 RAPES—in small jars, just received and lor \Jf sale by CUNNINGHAM & COLWT.i E. (\ IHAI18.—BO;vi dilPcronl brands, lor sale by J dec 10 W. EDMOND & Co., 96 Coin. si. ^IX SETTS POACH HARNESS, made of the best materials, for sale by decS WM. II. BUNNELL k CO. PERM CANPLi.8.—300 boxes New Beillbrd Candles, for sale By deefi OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Wnter-st CIORN.—200 sacks prime white, landing from / steamer Lady of llie Lake and for sale by doc 10 L. HULL & SON. rpOBACCO.—50 l>oxes various Brands, for sale J. dec 1 By LATHAM HULL & SON. ("iROCKERY.—S Boxes coiitaiaing^oach a Din J ner and Tea sett complete, of white octagonal ware, lilted to family use, tor sale low By G. DAVENPORT & CO, dec 2 81 Com. st. fYNHE UNDERSIGNED lias instore and recelv X ing |>er recent arrivals— 120 tons Swedes Iron, well assorted 10 tons German, Cast, Crowley, Shear and blis tered Steel 15 tons Hollow-ware; 500 kegs Cut Nuils 200 Ploughs, Chains, lines Fan Mills, Corn Sheelers, Straw Cutters, Grind stones and a general assortment of Sliclf Hardware and Cutlery w hich lie oilers for sale on favorable erms. [dor?)] O. MAZANGE, 48 Coin. st. rpOBACCO—75 boxes various qualities, for sale X by fdlO] JOHN O’REILY. 1ANDING from ling China ami lor sale on tvhurf -A or in store—150 Imxes Codfish, 20 cases galls naif half galls Un lcrwo«» Pickles, 25 cases Under wood’s Lemon Syrup, tor sale by dec7 1*. McCASKH.L, IS Commvrre-st. KENTUCKY ROPE.—130 coi|* superior qual ity, for Bale By iioc.7 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-al. RICE.—20 tierces prime new Rice, for sale by declO THOM. P. MILLER fc CO. CHEESE—56 Boxes landing trout Barque Kruniu and for sale By [dlO] JOHN O’REILY. SACKS SALT in bleached sarks, for -®t)UU sale By SMITH & DABNEY, dec! 1 22 and 24 Commerce-*!. LON D( >N ASS 11 RANGE.—A few copies of the above Popular Play, jnsl received and for sale bv DOtJBLEDAV & SEARS, decll 86 Daiipbiu-st. HAY—Fur Bale by dec!3 M. D. ESLAVA & CO. It V 8 I N K 8 8 l A B I) 8 . M. <0\ M.\ & UOBlNBON, c O If M I S sin i\ M E E t' IJ A X T S, iN»*. ti, Coiniuerre-st.ftloKlt.r. JACOB ODER, a HOC EH V STOHE, No. 21, (loveniment-Alrcel,.Momi.r. .!. M. u ITIiEUB & < <>. r a m M i s s / o i\ m /: h cii a x t s, MOItll.K, Ala. Office—No. 7, S r. Fit \Nets -svh k *■ r. Over thr thy f#\Wv store of' IV'Mt-ix M, II "phi u > fy Co RKFFi:; \( i:«; Si. John, Powers A Co. Mobile. Pr. John Mornixl, ) , I usenloiwn. \ oiniia A 1 lintel, > .. i-J.'j. ii. ii..:,) 1 .1. Coiioley A Co, Selma. K.C2. Hum ley, l.cwmln. —(Tils. Flag. nrt4 Mtvnin. •'.I. \ \ Diil.w 'ii BROTHERS, Commission M iikciia n r$, XI Ml - York. A N D R K W S fc B R OT I! F IIS , Commission Mlkciianis, Xcic-Orleane F. 1.. ANDREWS & CO., Commission M k u t Hants, Residence of 1'arlner*— Mobile t Ala. J. I. Am>kfw5, Netv-York. /. Amiiii'W i, N« xx Oilimns. I’.. I.. A \ nn i:\v , Mobile. T Liberal owes mrule on Consignments to either of llie above lionneM. imlG M , i ■. V CHi ; ti : I •:«• IS I's . .1/ the Corner nt Dauphin ollil Roll'd Struts, Are now i eeei\ iilg ttcl«ti(stipplm* o! fresh l>iti'tis amt Mr.niciNF.s, of the lies I ipialily, which they oiler for stile in »pian lilies lo soil pme.liAMMH ill moilemle pliers. JOHN C. R\ AN, ( Late ft'Conner A* /Cyan,) COMMISSION M UKI H AN’T, iaulli MOBILE At.a. ROBEU l .'' ’N i CO., COMMISSION M H11 C II A N T 8 , Win. II. Robertson, i Mobile, Ala. Ilenrv Mvers, k Joh. E. Murrell. S i»n!6 J .NO. B. TOUI.MTN, COMMISSION M I) U ( II A NT, itinlfi SI St. Michael st.—Momi.r.. < KH1EN BROTHERS, COMMISSION M E R C II A NTS, ianlG Mobile, Ai.a. mTcTTiAN & JiNO()N \N, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A N P DEALERS IN IRON, Ac. ianlfi No. (1 St. Michael st.—Monti.F. A. BATHE & CO., Com mission M k n c Hants, No. 70 Commerce street,—MOBILE. !F7" Advance* made on Collett shipped to their friends in Europe and the Ditiletl Slnltyt. innlG E. c. <*i.\ ri.j: & CO., Commission M l k c h a n t s , iaulli MOBILE. r. \kh.\kk i SAGER, Commission IM f. n c Hants, MOBILE. OTT Advance* innde on Colton. Inn Hi Commission Merchants, MOBILE, ALA. Franklin Shaw. Gustaviis Horton. LAIKD &'LITTLEJOHN’’’ General Commission M r ncu ants, Mobile, Ain. Win. I.airtl. J. Littlejohn. HOLCOMBE,'BROTHER & CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, oetlG No. 39 Emu' 4* Commerce sis.—Mobile. FRANKLIN’ W. McCOV, Commissi o n Mekuiaii r , ianlG Mobile. ('H<T)|Tk V WlIITE, Produo k,G roc eu y .v Com mission M k iu iiants Corner Commerce ami l)auphm sheets, ianlG MOUILR, Ala. JOHN SiMPSON & C07 Factors & Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala. John Simpson. Henry G. Canfield. ROBERT IIARWKLL, Factor and Commission Merchant, laiilli 23 Commerce st>-—M o b i le . LATHAM HULL7c SON, * Auction and Commission Mrrciiats, No. 22 Water Street, Mohii.f, Ala. dnr Liberal advance* made on consignments. JEREMIAH REA, Aucion ani> Commission Merchant, corner Water and St. Michael struts, iaiilC) M o b i I e . II ARK is 77 LOSS, Auctioneers and Com mission Merchants, ianl« 37 Water street—M o b i I c . in, TAILOR .'v M\ eks, G U O C K K H AMI 8 H I 1» ( H A N 1) L K ll S , ia:.15 No. SO Commerce st.—Mo BILE. A qBTIN fc TARDY 7~ Grocers and S h i p Chandlers, Corner Commerce und Conti streets, C. II. Amlin, l MOBILE. B. Tardy, * 1777;. loW BEli, Wholesale a ml Retail Dealers in GROCERIES anii PROVISIONS, ianlG 59 Comsmrcest.—Monil.E. JOSEPH NALL & C<»7, W It o I e s a I e & Retail Dealers i n Haro War k, 1 ron, N ails, Hollow Ware, &c Comer Commerce and Dauphin sts. ianlG _ MOBILE. ~ ~ iL northT Family Medicine Store, No. 3d Government street, innIG opposite the Market.—Mobile. It. L. VVATKI NS & CO., Corner Water and St. Francis sts.—MOBILE Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND ianlG Window Glass. 1.7’. I>IIBOSE & 7(77~ ( Liite Dii Bose 4* Rbjf.) Wholesale Druggists, ianlG No. 89 Water st.—MOBILE. I I It Jill AS S. I»A 1 No. (H) Water street—!\1omi.f. Wholesale & Retal Dealer in Fancy and Starlk Dry Goods. ~ JOHN K RANDALL, ' Book Sj.i.lkk and Stationer, No. 44 Water street.—M o l> i I e . GO* A Bonkldndry is attached to the establishment. D () l i It L K DAY U S E A U S , Wholesale A: Relall Dealers in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Pocket Cutlery, Music, Fancy Articles, &c. No. 50 Dauphin xt.—MOBILE. [FT Merchants, Teachers ami others, purchasing in quantities, tarnished on the most liberal terms. Inn 16 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, DESKS, &c. A general assortment of ttie a t c » t h i y 1 e s by J. C. G WIN, 32 Water and 48 Dauphin street*, innlG Mobile. “ D. S. GREGORY & CO., E X C II A N Cl E OFFICE. innlG No. 54 Jbtyalst.—MoniLE. MOBILE REGISTER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 63 Royal Street, Cards, Circulars, Hand Illlls, Steamboat Hills, Dills Lading, Justice, Notary, Lawyers, Custom House, Shipping (Hunks, Ac. Neatly and E x t»« d i t i o u p I v Executed TW EG ROES FOR SALE—William, a first rate 1 i drayman; Mary, and her Hon, three years old, first rate cook, washer and ironcr; Bill, eighteen years old, good ostler and house servant. Apply to nov24 W. EDMOND & CO., 96 Com. st. BEEF—5l) ball'bids Mess Family Beef for sale, to arrive per tchr Helen, by dlO HARRIS & ROSS. r|BANNERS OIL.- 20 bids barrels 'fanners Oil, .1 just received and lor sale by R. L. WATKINS k Co,Druggists, nov8 cor Water ami Sts. Francis-sts. Mackerel.—25bbi» No. t<-<25 bf. hhu N0.1 15quarters; 25( kits, landing from ship Tar* (piin, for sale l»v D&8IION, TAYI.OR fy MYF.US, nov2 nor. (Join. & Conti at*. VINEGAR—50 bid* cider Vinegar, for sail by nov39 HARRIS & R<)SS. I jN XTllA WHEELS of every description, for sale Hi dec 2 % j. O’HEILEY. EATS FOOT OIL—Pure NeaUout Oil, by "Ac . gallon or bottle, for sale by 1. C. Du BOS E fy CO. Druggists, novlO late Dubose & Roll'. No. 38 Water st. Kentucky bagging.—150pieces 41 inch large pieces, landing and iq storc^br sale by 4q:7 U. WHEELER, 8 Watcr-st. I’l'ili 1C HOI SK8._ W A YFI5I.Y HOliSK MUTOR, A»W A nrtn Zrmrnt-— Jhirrx Ufdttcwf. rJAllK Broprietor dcsirottn nl rnutrilxitiug to the 5 riitiiiot'l am! rtiiivcnifiirr of the ImrhicKs comma* nily in compliance with the wi<ln - of a large major ity of his patroiAs, w ill oil tin* 20th msl., infriNltirt the followim; arrangement, viz: Breakfast at 7 oYI u-k until 10$ o'clock. Dinner “ 1 “ ** 5 “ Ten «* 6 “ “ 8 “ Lortirs Ordinary Breakfast nt 8 o'clock. Dimer at 8 •« Tea " at (> ** Rates on as follows: Bottl'd ao<l Lodging per ilnv. ? W* “ “ “ “ week ... 10 tH) “ “ “ “ nmntli.00 00 “ “ “ S or more months at.50 00 Boanl without Lodging per week...0 00 “ “ “ “ mouth.80 00 Dinners per month.20(H) Part ies of Gentlemen, Societies, Clubs, Kv. fail In* served with dinners or sup|N*rs, at any time In giving a few hours notice. A nmnlirt of rooms re served anil a ladies ordinary prepared expressly for families visiting the city. tier 1-1 12k mo JIL FI TAW HOI sli.-Ti.e ftWf •' now ,pSW, Open, and teady to receive company as usual. Every exertion on the part of the 'ulwi’iiln't shall lie ged to please those who may favor him with thgir patronage. JAiilEN BF.NNOA F.K. J. I’, formerly comm.*,tided the " unhoat Neptune, nnv i'll .00 Kmn tnyil STKKF.S * * • I • * r!L‘,‘igL A ('ARIL—Recent event * ave made it necessary that I Imul.l leave Nat. » . ami I hav. therefore selected this city as a place »*t residence, in Ihrpctt of elliiliuillg that support which Was ritfgen u gai»i; t me there in coimeinience of losses by fire and tornado. I have taken and opened the house on Conti street, known as the CONTI ISTHKKI' HOTEL, now the property of Mr. McCarty, tin? same that was owned by Mr. .loll it Richard son, and which under his management gained considerable reputation. I promise to make this house nil it should he—a home for all those who may patronize the establish ment. 1 have been thirty othl years in thc»«ulh, twenty three of which I have I icon occupied in keeping n public house in the city of Natchez. The Conn-street Hotel has been neatly lilted up, nud fmiiiidied anew. Tlu* servant.** are the same that 1 had in the Natchez Southern Ksbhange, and arc well accustomed to their hiisinf***. The Hotel is now ready to receive boarders, and the undersign ed will l»c llianklul for till jmlronnge that a geneimis public may think proper to bestow. WILLIAM BARKER. New Orleans, Nov. 15th, 18-11. imv23 8lKin, NEGROES.—The subscriber Ins on hand ami will be constantly receiving from Charleston and Baltimore, NEGROES of etery description, which will bo disposed of nt moderate priors. He will also make liberal advances on Negroes put in his hands for side, at his place on Jtcksou, between Dauphin and Ml. Francis streets. oct22 62» opt i Td JAMES fb ZUNTZ. NOTICE.—The subm*.rilirr having purchased the entire stork and trade of Meters. J. Hai.i. Co. U'gs leave to inform his friends tml the public, llint he designs keeping a eousiaiil and well assorted supply of IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, EDGE 'BOOLS AND FANCY HARDWARE, at the old stand, coiner Water Hitrhcock*& Alley* lie hopes by tinremittcd attention to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to his predecessors. OVIDK MAZANGE. nov5 COtf r ■ ii i n imiivi .-iuiicu n.i'iii- .'din iui ii riui i\ in X nnd Hardware in Mr. O. MAZA [\'(»E, beg leave to solicit for linn a continuance of tin* patronage 01 customers. 0Cj>'The ollioe of the sohscrilier is re moved to Church street, first door west of Royal st. where all those indebted will please call and pay, and all demand* presented for settlement. non.) (tttf JOS El'll HALL & CO. rax R(INAWAY from the subscriber residing spv in Pcrrv County, Ala.,abont the iBlOcloltcr, JACOB,a nc'gio mail about twenty-two i<> three years old, about five feet 7 or 8 inch es high, quite, black and likely, rather slow in hi* motions, but speaks quirk when spoken to—he for merly belonged In T. C. Wtiite of Dallas Co., and was by him traded oil’in Mobile \Uicre Joeob work ed for some time in Slate Steam Press. HACK or HERCULES, a negro man uIkmU 25 or six years old—rather small of stature, say 5 feet 1 to (»inches, and will weigh about 120 to 30 lbs., rather black and quite intelligent and .sprightly, and will tell a very plausible tide should he Ik? apprehended. He is vvcll.urqtinintod in Montgomery Co. where he once belonged—and also at i\|ol»i!o when*lie worked oner in the Cotton Press. TIu? above described negroes are believed to be together and may have made their way for Mobile. A liberal reward will Ik? paid for their apprehension and delivery to me at my re sidence in Perry Co. Ala., or if lodged in some Jail so that 1 get them. HI l Ot—lavvtf L. Q. C, do YAMPERT. E( OMMITTED to the jail of the county of Derail), Alabama, on tin- 19th July, 1811, one negro man a* a runaway slave who calls „ his name Sam, and say* In* belongs to Dr. Uuinucl Puckett, who In? save is living in Rankm county Mississippi, he is above twenty four or five years old, yellow complexion, lias long hair and two nears on bis Ibrc-head, about live feet Jive inches high, rather stout, his front teeth above are wide u pnrt. The owner is requested to come forward prove pro|M?rty, pay charges and lake him away, or lie will be disposed of a* the law directs. JOHN M. LANKFORD, nov2 66tf Sheriff of Decalb County. CATCH DIM.—My Imy HOPE i* imk ‘nR the city, offering t# hire himself to some steamboats, cotton press or as dray , man. I will pay a reasonable reward to any one who will return him to me. He is rather slender built, a little bow legged, very black, lias a large nose, wears light mixed pants and either a blucfrm k mat or roundabout. [dcelO 9lf) II. OATES. LWTTm BRO IDEK I F.S .-IIEN K V & STOD DART, corner of Water and Conti sts.,lmve imported and are now opening, a splendid assortment of Embroideries and Thread Ibices, consisting of— Capes, Caaezons, Collars, Collarette, Petit Collars, Chemeyettcs, Stomachers, Infant’s Kolx?e Waists and Capes, Muslin Rolers, (some of which are richly embroi dered, suitable for Wedding Dresses,) Embroidered .Shawls, Mourning Collars in groat variety, Ate, A large assortment of Thread Laces, Edgings and lusertings, real Valencoiincs Edging*, Also—Linens, Table Linen, Towelling, Diapers, 12-4 Barnsley .Sheeting*, Spool Cotton, Scotch flingnams, Ate. Ate., Figured and plain China Silks, Idk Satin and Satin Turk, Muslin do Lainc, Ate. All of which they offer at wholesale or retail cheap cash. dec 1 f ■ ’ 11 ij otu^iunriH hum just receiven— A. GO case* European and French Print* 100 “ and Imle* Cotton Osnnburgfl Brown nnd bleaelicd Sheeting nnd Shirting 25 cases while & grey super Welsh Plains Kerseys, Linoeys, Denim*, 'Picking, be. 15 I rains Blanket*, in which are super. Kith rib bon hound Whitney, and Mackinaiv for beds; Cradle and coarse I lull’d and Twilled do —ALSO— 100 ease* Kip nnd Negro Brogans and Boot* 175 far and water-proof wool flat* 50 do women and children's Palm Learn Hood* Oriental (now style) Florence plain and English Straw ladies nnd misses Bonnets, newest shapes nil of which, with a "rent variety of other articles in the DRY GOOD way, making an unusual and very ex tensive assortment, which he oilers at wholesale or retail low for Cash nr on ntvrrt timr. Orders of com mission houses, and the custom of purchasers from the country and city is respectfully solicited. hoy23 GEORGE G. HENRY. BACON & PORK.—20 hlids Cincinnati smoked Sides ami Shoulders, 24 bids mess Pork, re ceived on consignincet per steamer Southornor and for sale by Cl RODE & WHITE, dec8 corner Com. and Daupliin-stf. NE DEARBORN CARRIAGE fc CARRY ALL, si pin re body waggon. Also, a light trotting Buggy Waggon,lauding from brig Cotes, for sale by ]uov24 85it.) JOHN O’ltElLEY. IETTER PAPER.—50 reams superior English J Linen Letter Paj>cr, oa consignment and for sale by GU3TAVU8 BEAL & CO., dec2 Hagan’s buildings, Conti-st. FRESH TEAS.—Landing from slop Alabamian —100 13lb Ihixcs Imperial 100 Gib boxes Imperial, 30 Bib lioxe* Hyson, for sale by GUSTAVU8 BEAL b CO.,’ dec2 Hagan's Buildings, Conti-at. COFFEE—75 bag : now crop Green Rio 20 do old government Jaya, fur sale by [no\29] JNO. C. RYAN. 1 | M l CORO# <>AK WOOD, for sale at $-1 |»e E Ul/oordf in lots to suit ptirclmsers, by uovSO D. C. LOW BEK & CO., 59 Com. st. iSl m I,IkT:KS_KKNTI/CkY BAGGING, coils Kentucky Rope, for sale by nnv6 70tf JAMES 11 AG AN, 84 'Water-»t. ALCOHOL, &c.-10bids Alcohol,200dux Suljih lluiiiiiao; English Calomel in lb Kittles; Spir its Turpentine and Chrome Green, now landing, for 'tile by IdcciOJ M03ELV & CO. ON CONSIGN MEN l nuil ut»w landing— SOU barrels prime Potatoes MW) hales prime Eastern Ifnv 150 I4>ls No's 1.2 uuil 3 MaVkercl 200 boxes liesl brand Sfierm <'amlles 100 sacks best ok! Jav a Coffee 700 casks Thomnstun Lime 175 casks while lump l.ime 20 M pi ime Norfhern Rucks 25 w sawed While Pine Each* 30 a “ “ “ Shingles 20 w clear “ “ l.uml ter, 1 and 2 inch 2000 bushel j Plastering Hail 200 Imxes prime OihIIhIi 100 boxes prime smoked Herring 2S bids prime Newark Cider 50 bills “ “ Apples 25 “ “ piekled Ci.,|foh HKi kills prime Tongue. and Sound* 25 halfbbis ll.dlibut Fin* 10 halfpipes Holland Gin 10 qr “ “ 2:5 “ “ American Gin and Brandy lOOlf lies* SpuniiJi Cigars, Jfcc. for side in Inis to suil purshasvs, bv deoil * _ J. II. RIVERS. n RANDY. GfN, RUM ANI) WIHSKEV — 50 quarter casks Scignelte, Pellervuisin, and American llnihl} 2 pi|M’s Holland, and 10 bids American Gin 20 bbl* New England Rum 50 do old Rectified Whiskey 10 do old Monongdieln Rye Whisker, in -tore and for sale very low, bv Cl RODE k WHITE, d9 corner Commerce and Daopbiu *t*. PRINTS, CLOTHING, &c.—15 rases Mad,In Trims, Senses eotlottade, kersey and deny pan laloons; kersey jurkefs; .white, fancy and striped Shi is; lenses riHsdhm! plain K o l hides whiiii 'v and fancy end Illenkoi* ; ’X)' nW1 ;A <i ! - brown Shirting;" 5 cases Ideueli'cr-f^i <tff; .frHf v Shirting Stri|»e*; lease Ladies white Hose, for sale doc8 by WM. H. BUNNELL A (X). BA( ON. 22 casks Side* and jjluwililcri. Mo lasses—23 bbl* in line order. Sugar—10 hhd* a prim:: article, landing from Lady of the Lake and for .-.dc hy fdflclOj L. HULL & SON. MJKtiKOElf FUR s\l.u. A Negro Woman ami 1 s her two male children, one ulmnt 4 years, and the other alvout 2 years old, sold for no fault. The woman is a first rate conk, washer and irouer. Fur tonne, apply to CIRODE & WHITE, decS corner Com. and Dauphin-sts. IE F.MO\ AL.—The Hiihscrilieis have removed to ■ » Mr. Hogan's new buildings in Conti street— Office second floor. nov27 88tf G A RDNER & S AGER. IVOTICK.—All persons indebted to the snhsrri i-l her for goods sold on commission, or as agent, whose accounts have been standing sixty days, will please make payment on or Ixtfore the 10th hist, tied ltf J. II. RIVERS. PITRE WINTER Hl'ERM OIL.—1ft tierces and bids in store, for sale bv dec8 WM. If. BUNNELL & CO. (TIGARS.—30m Regalias, 10m CunOMCS, nit eon* J siguincnl and for sale by GUSTAVUS REAL & CO., der2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. |\'<i IRA COFFEE. - To bags, lauding frorn 1 schr iMniidarin from Baltimore, and for sale by dec 2 i. TPRKiLBY. I^p» i Ij nr, it ijt fix a t in.—a pleasant amt ot fcctual .cliff lb.- roughs, colds, liouisnuess, &e. Received and for sale by I. C. DullOSIl & Co, nov 20 late uuBom Sc RofF, :»?> Water at, C1HAMPAGNK 4r RAISINS.* SO Ixixos ,,i Om y well known Anchor brand, boxes bunch Mus cutel Raisins, landing from ship Alabamian, for sale by GUSTAVUS BF.A1, & CO., dce2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. 171 LOUR ^ WHISKEY.-800 bid* Flour, a su JL prrior article; 100 bbls old Monongahela Whis key; 100 bids old Rectified Whiskey, landing from steamboat Alabama and for sale by dead ELliifi & GREEN,68 Coiuounrca<#t fETTRR BA1*ER.—800 renmat for ttnle by J nov 18 LATH A VI Ill’Ll. & SON. Bagging, robe a- twine.—mo pieces Kentucky Bagging, 100 coils Kentucky Rope, 2 boxes Kenluckv Twine, landing and for sale l»v OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-at. WINES AND COFFEE.—'the bubacribersof fer for sale the following invoice of goods se lected ov nn experienced individual expressly for tins market— 4 quarter casks Mndeiin Wine 1 pipe Sicily Madeira Wine’ 4 quarter rusks Port Wine 1 do do do do Page .V Co 4 do do Pale Sherry Wine, W D Gordon 3 do do do do du Lnpomide 20 bags Government Java Coflee t)36 WHITAKER A SAMPSON,21 St I’nnicis-st C 11.ABET.—io cask a f jatoivr, 75 boxes Fauttiae, y 90 boxes l.udoii, 80 lioxes Modoc, 20 boxes St. Estcphe, 25 boxes Chateau Muigcuux, 25 lioxes Chateau Lnlitte, for sale by jfc-efl OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water st. T1UANDY.—2 half pipes old I lennessee, 2 half I 9 pipes 1806 Cognne, 1-4 cask 1805 superior ml, 5 half pipes J. J. Dupiiv Sc Co. do, on consignment and for sale by GUSTAVUS BEAL & Co., dee2 Hagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. NOW I.ANHINti from tin Wetumpka, and for sale at Gates’s Pharmacy, Linseed Oil, Copper as, Whiting, Sash Tools, Gold Leaf, Alcohol, &c I nov2G KHeNTUCKY ROPE.—215 coils suiwiior Bale Rope, lauding this day ami for sale by »av4 D. WHEELER, 8 Wafor-at. MADDER-Prime Dutch, Ombro mid French FFF Madders, landing ami for sale by 1. C. Dt*HOSE & CO. Druggists, nlO late DuBosc & Rolf, 89 Water-st. AOOARONI ft VERill h i . I l l.—20 boxei Macc-aroni ami 20 bxs Vermicelli, in store nod for sale by DEB I ION, TAYLOR & MYERS, nov 12 corner Commerce ami Couti*sts. Gomp.o sassafras.- a ftipp'y df dombo, prepured with the greatest care, just received and for sale in quantities to suit purchasers, at aov2G GATES’S Drag Store. tIOFFEE.—100 sacks Havana Cutlee, • 100 do Rio do, 75 do Java do. For sale by nov 26 SMITH & DABNEY. CiOFFEE.—100 bags new crop Green Rio Coflee; ^J80 bags old goveriuiient Java do., f.r sale by mov2 J- C. RYAN,«or Conti & Water-sts. <•11 W ACKS~SALT—for sale by ~ F. SHAW & CO. not 8 56tf 68 Coininercc-st. KENTUCKY ROPE.—100 corte iuipertorqt»a1 ty, for sale by noil l). WHEELER, 8 Wat«r-st. SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT in bleaelT ^*JvFV/od sacks, for sale in Iota to suit purrhas era by SMITH & DABNEY, oct l 34 ' 42 Commerce-st. OWDER & SHOT.--200 Bags Shot; 100 Kegs Powder; 1000 lbs Lead For sale by eci8 57tf) CALVIN KEITH. 8 PA NISH INUlOfl►—-000 llw finest Spanish lo digo, landing ox ship Edwinn, for sale by I. C. DuBOSE & CO. Druggists, nlO Into DuBose & Rofl', 39 Wuter-st. n ALE’S TOBACCO—160 boxes nnd half do Hale's superior Tultucco,nud other hrtindtsjiis received per schr John A. Lancaster, on consign ment, nini for sale on liherulterms by nov22 W. EDMOND & CO , 9fi Com, st. FOR SALE.—A first rate Family llorso, with a single Barouche nnd Harness. Also, a neat Buggy Waggon new, with harness complete. unvlft W. EDMOND & Co., 96 Commerce-«t ASPAUAGUS ROOTS.—A few hundred of the finest Giant Asparagus Roots, far sale low. I. C. DUBOSE & CO., Druggists, *ovl3 39 Waler-ct. NEW' FANCY GOODS,—An assortment colored nnd Black Silks, Black and colM Mot udine de Lanes, French Prints, Fancy Handkerchief* mid Shawls, Kid and Fillet Gloves & Milts, Linen Oumb.Hdkf* Silk Hosiery, &c. just received mul for sale by THOS S. BATES, octl 3 58if No. 60 W'uier-st. INTER STRAINED SPERM OIL, of sit perior quality, just received and for sale by _decI0' MOSELY k CO. HI CASKS CINCINNATI BACON SIDES, 1. vl landing from steamer Merchant and fit sale by novJJO JEREMIAH REA. Port’s mouth hay and potatoes.— 250 bales best quality Portsmouth Hay, 250 bid* l»est quality Porismoutb Potatoes, landing from ship Venire and fof sale by _dec9__J. H. RIVERS. PRINTS—80 cases of Fall River Print* of a va riety of pattern* mid quality, just reccivud mid for sale by * [d8J J. B. TOULftlN, 35St. Michael-st WIIlfE LEAD—100 krS. A... 1~[‘kTh.TWtiw Wli., lor wile by CIRODK fi WHITE, <l!t rornrr Ctmimeice ami Dauphin .to EM1JOHN8,—100 auoli nr I, 2, a unilir>Tali7, for Hilo by [licclIJ JOHN O’HEILEV. P|A\PE, rttkiSSk^, INK* Ac.—The undei>ign 1 isl, Agents fin Messrs Win. Hagai & (Vi's idd | established Type and Storeotvpo riittndry, are pre p.iioil to receive nnlrt.1 for all iksct iplions of Ty t c, plain and ornamental; Presses, Ink, and all other material*- used in printing. Specimen Ihmks, comprising n large variety* of new Tv|*c and Ornaments, can l*e seen at the store, corner of Water and Conti sirens. dce8 WM. II. WWNRLL k CO. Ij AINTER’S DIAMOND CKMF.NT An inva lu.dde discovery for joining broken glass, china, earthenware,cabinet work, ami fu* \ articles of ev ery description. This cement it acknowledged to In* ftniicrior to any thing of the kind eve, otTcred to the public. Its extreme strength is r -mmkttblc, ns nIso the variety of purposes to which it may l>o applied. It resists wc l—will stand an ordinary degree of heat, and its hardness, xxhrti set, is truly astonishing.— Tlie great facility of using it, iw mixing or prepara tion being required, is a strong ■< lOiuiitendniioii in it: favor. In lad, it requires only to lie known, lo be found in use in every family. For mending broken glass, rbinn, &e. it succeeds wonderful!v, as the joint* show bat little. Many ui ticlcs of tins kiiul, that but (or tins discovery would Ik* entirely useless, nun be securely ami (irmly unit ed, and become as ttselul as when new. The leaves of Imoks, pnstelKiard, fancy articles in tortoiseshell or cabinet work, may lie neatly mended with it. To prevent imitations, which would disappoint the purchases and bring into disrepute the genuine arti cle, the public are requested to observe the signature of the proprietor, “ W. B. Fainter,*' written on the wrapper of each bottle. Sold in bottles at 25 ami 00 cents each, by the Propairtor, W. B. Painter, No. 23,3d Avenue, N. Volk; also, by hi* appointment, by no\2f) II. GATES, Druggist, Mobile, Ala. Yir'iwr .vifnrK—W.. nconven ▼ ▼ Iv-ih e .tmi g.i -r t< • .». ex>« **mcc* y dm pro prietors of the wharves, from the present mode ol shipping upward freight, notice is hereby given that from and after the first day of November next, no dray will lie permitted to enter tiprn any of the wharves with merchandise for shipment, without the drayman first delivering to the wharfinger—who will attend for that purpose—a written acknowledgment from a responsible sUip|>er, resident in the city, of liability for flic wharfage, or payment of tlie same made in cash. ft*p1346tljan A. J» JUDE, Whatfinger. rri CXUMKi.mi (’i»nki!( rmxAKY’—The J • subscriber has the honor to inform tlie Ladies and Gentlemen of Mobile tliQt he Inis now on hand and will constantly keep a lulls apply of every kind ol CONFFL’TION AltIKS, FhIMTS, C ANDIKS AND CAKK-S of the best quality and of his own manufacture, such as he has heretofore had the pleasure to furnish them; nli of which he will sell at wholesale or retail, for the lowest prices for cash. lie also has a largo assortment of Hka(. Havana Cigars ,of the most approved brands, which will give delight to tlie lovers of a good article. Country Dealers supplied on the most moderate Term*. T. CARMELICH, S. E. corner of Dauphin and St Kmuuuet sts O A B AGS B1A< dx PEPPER-10 bun Spire, tJx" 20 bags Rare Ginger, just received and for sale by R. I.. WATKINS & Co. Druggists, novo cor Water and St. Franeis-sts. MAM8.*-*10 mukUt tl fond aiticlc, received to* day per steamer W, W. Fry, for sale by dt c2 MARSH ALL & ROWE. M Umi KKA I M»1N UKIMMtn.—^OUW 111 V nipo V' intion Orders* in sums to suit purchasers, for gate by srptl7 47tf J. K. COLLINS. (1 KAN BEKRI till 4* MACKERELT^IS half £ ✓ <Ir bids Crunlieme*, 30 half and qr bids No. 1 Mai kercl. for sale by no>13 76tf 1’. MeCAHKILL, 18 Coin. st. INRE8H WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS. . —The subscribers arc now in receipt of their an nual supply of Garden Heeds, embracing every variety in general tine. They will warrant eveiy Seed sold by them to lie fresh* well matured, and of the ursl selection. I. C. DUBOSE & CO., Druggists, nnv13 late Du Bose & IlnfT. Oi I M. SUPERIOR REGALIA CIGARS—— iw" I for sale by novO ' G. WESTEELDT & BRO. f|MN PLATE.-51 boxes Tin Plate of various I brands* for sale bv novlft 77if II. L. REYNOLDS,fid Watcr-st. | 1h PIECES MAYSVILLE BAGGING, 1II" I 75 coils Rope,—just received and for sale by (oc.t8 57] CALVIN KEITH IN LOWER ROOTS.—MOSEL Y k CO, DHt| gists, at the corner of Daupbin and Royal sts., have received by the Mary Silsby, a small collection of nalboiis Roots, consisting of Daldins, Tulips, Hyacinths,Crown Imperials, Anemones, Iris, Croar* Ramiiiciilus, Lilies, l'olyunlhus, Narcissus, and dou ble Joiuiuitls. nov 27 IN XTRA REGALIA CIGARS, 4“ Brittauniu” -ibrand; also Trnbneos, landing from schooner Belle, from Havana* and for sale for rash only, by novgp st» j. (i. mCHAEMIIFSKY,80 Royal st. POTATOES.*- 100 barrels Northern, f< »r vale low from the wharf, apply to inu2 JNO. RYAN, cor Conti 4'Water-sl. BROOMS.—HOdoMU assorted* for vale lit deed 4tf I>. V. CRANE & CO. C11GAKS.—A lot of superior quality, just reeeiv J ccived and for sale by dee 13__M. 'P. ESLAVA k CO. BUCKWHEAT.—70 packages in 1-M and 1 1 bbU mndc line new Wheal, lor sale by deell JOHN O’RElLEY. IN RES II HAMS—Just received and for sale by 1 d 13 CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL'. S’ Term candles and hoail—100 boxo* New Bedford Siterni Caudles; 150 boxes No. 1 Snap, for sale by [deelS] JNO. C. RYAN. SADDLES.—A consignment of about (» dozen, lor sale at very low prices bv deell JOHN O’RElLEY. WIN’ES7 CORDIALS7 &e-30 cask* Bor^ doaux Claret; 375 cases do do 10 bbD white wine Vinegar 12 eases assorted Cordials* 5 do Absyntlie 10 eases fine Esiephc Claret 25 baskets Anisette 10 eases fine Ht. Jillicit Claret 7 eases Sweetmeats, landing and for sale by deelS VVM. H. BUNNELL & CO. ARRIAGEH, BUGGY WAGONS, &c.—6 handsome well finished city built Buggvs 1 handsome spume top Carriage 1 handsome Ilaroucho 2 second hand Carriages 1 light Trotting Wagon, 6 set Harness, for sale deell JOHN O’RElLEY. WK liuve on liund u supply ot CUUltlJNU STOVES worthy of attention, on account of economy—convenience and cumlort. CUMMINS, HOGAN A SNOW. n27 80 Commerce strset, BONNETS.— A large assortment,amongst which arc holies und misses American and English plain Straw nild Tuscan, English Willow, Cyprus, Oriental Leghorn, Modena and Silk Bonnets; white and colored Palm Leaf Hoods, Ac. for sale by dcd7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 43 Water-st. I^REN'cfl ARTIFICIAL FLOW'ERS.—A fcw . dozen very superior French Flowers, for sale by dec7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 53 Water-st. ESS AND PRIME FORKT^—30 Uirreb in tine order, for stile by dec7 D. wheeler,8 Wnu»r-st. ONDON MUS rAKD.^aO boxes in amaU l>«7t» -2 ties, Ur sale by dec? I>. WHEELER, 8 Wqtcr-st. WANTED,—A second liand Counter frnm 20to 90 feel long, with or without drawers. Apply at 48 Dauphin street, to doc7 J. II. RIVERS. RANGES, PINE. APPLES A HAN AN AS— 10m Oranges, KM) Pine Apples, 100 bundles Bananas, holding from brig Canton from Matanzas and for sale liy [sled Itf] J. II. RIVERS. BOXES ]BORDEA UX CLARET, W " lilids N O Sugar, for sale by dec# JAMES HAGAN, #6 Cotui-st. ALMONDS AND RAISINS—Just received and for sale by dcc7 CUNNINGHAM A CALDW ELL. HERRING.—No. 1 fresh, just received and for sale by dec7 CUNMNC.IIAM A CALDWELL. L|ME.—500 cask* Tliouuiston Lime, ibis day lauding from brig Iloiucr an«l for sale bv dec? J. II. RIVERS. UGAR AND FLOUR—12 birds prime old Su. gar; 65bbla s. f. Flour, for sale by nov29 P. McCAKKlLL, 18 Cm. st. SUGAR AND MOLASSES—45 bids new Su gsir, 50 bbls new Molasses, for sale by decIO TIIOS. P. MILLER A CO. HOLLAND(GIN, Re—lOqr pipes best Hol land Gin ; 4 qr pijies French Brandy, this day landing and for sale low from the wharf by dec7 J. H. RIVERS. WAA COILS NORTHERN ROPE, mam.fac 4 Ull tureil from Riusia Hemp; 2-jO pieces Ala btunu Bagging; 103 pieces Briggs Bagging, for suh by W. D. WILSON, dccl3 corner Wutcr and Si. Fraucu-»ls. SELl.t l' r*« IUNII,—A t**Jeet- brlmol wilt to* opened in this city «m Thursday. 81st tVtober inst. under the care ut ifac Kiev. H. It. Wkioht nod I«ai>Y, it; the building ouGovernment street, formerly occupied by Mr. Kemble. The number of pupils w ill be limited to forty. and under no will there ho a departure from this rule. No efforts will be wnnuitg to make the institution an elevated school of intellectual dis cipline. sound learning and moral culture, ard nl tlm unw time to turnidi the beet fnciliticH for an orna mental and |M>liie education. Lessons will be given on the guitar, piano and hnip by Mrs. Wright, and in the other branches of the ornnmentul department by a lady who has been for several years a highly ap proved ten. her in the celebrated Troy female semi narv. Vocal music will be taught to the school according to the system of Mr. Low ell Mason, of Boston, with out additional charge. The academic will consist of two consecutive sen si«»n >. and thus afford an opportunity to the pupils t-» be ubsent from the city during the sickly summer months, without interuption to their course ofstu !v. No scholar will be received who cannot tend well —and those aomewhut ndvnnce.l will be greatly pre ferred. Hates of tuition made known at ihe com mencement of the school. RKFMRKKCES. Rev. \V. T. Hamilton Messrs. Harrison A. Blair Hev. S. S. Lewis Hon. T. P. Harris Mobile. Messrs. T. St J. Hmiford Wm. Sayre. Esq. Rev. T. S. Witherspoon, Greeksboro. Rev. Robert Nall. MaUIon. Mob le. Oct 20. 1841. NOTICE—The Missis GKANDIN respectfully inform the citizens of Mobile, that they will open a BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, on the ir.thinst. in the dwelling one door west of the Bat ton Academy. Governinent-st, in which they proffer to all who may |.« 1*t<«e<ul under ilieirCare, n thorough r*»J - -- education in the solid bi-«m„j from their long experience in this»inploy ment, they flatter themselves they shall enjoy a liberal patronage. The year will be divided iuloiwo sessions of fsur months each, alter which, il the season continues healthy, two months will he devoted to the ornamental branches. English Department #20. French upon the most approved plan $30. Music with singing #40. Uki EUKNCK—Rev. T. H. Capers; James Seaburv, EpM-_ n 13' rrifMAWBr, MU. BOY LAN takes leave to inform such astro not great proficients in Penmanship, that he will give instructions in this art, at his Academy, Govern ment street, between the hours of 7 and 9 o’clock, live nights in each week. And he unhcsiutingly engages to change, in a course of Tuvin Leaaana, the moat stiff, cramped, deformed or irregular scrawl, into n style at once bold, frca,«asy and elegant. Ladies wishing to take a course of lessons, but finding it inconvenieut to rail at the Academy, will 1m* attended at their residences. Terms moderate. »4 mi wiinmtfmciii i/weumgs, navingencn rnur rooms, and kitehen room, an the north side of Uuuti street,between Royal and St. Emanuel sts. Also—Three rooms suitable for offices or sleeping apartments, in the buidiug adjoining the above dwell ing. Rent moderate. Apply to nff J. EMANUEL. ' jHfL FUR RENT—Tbrfce fetores, No? IS? 17. 19 JiiWon east side of Water street. They wilt he r Miied separately, or together, and is a desirable loca tion for anv business. Also—The Store No. 10, on west side of Water street, late in the occupation of Obear A Phillips. Also—-An Office over the store of 1). Wheeler, No 8 Water street. The above premises will be rented at very low rents. Apply to fnti] J. EMANUEL. MFOK KENT.—That desirable countly resi dence at Summerville, formerly in the ooru puney of N. F. W illiams, Esq. and possession given on 1st November. Apply at tho Merchants’ lusu ranee Co's. Office, St. Francis at. [o20. FOR lil'NT—That desirable office ... Mom Jl*”M on the lnwut Hour of the building west side of uoyul, near Conti street—lately occupied by Culhheri | A Stanley. Also I A brick Warehouse on St. Micha el street, oppo site J. H. Toulmin, capable of storing 1000 bales of cotton. Also a store on St. Michael street, now occupied by Ju Q. Davis A Co., with two large offices on the second lloor. Also two three story buildings on Water street ad joining the Merchant* and Planters Journal Office — with counting rooms in the second floor. Apply to wtll _J. EMANUEL. JOHN illfAGAW aTco. 2? Dnuphiustreet, offer for sale: 50 cases bro. drab plain Hats 50 do do Idack do 50 do do rorum d» 25 do fashionable fur do 25 do do silk do Just received per brig Mobile. Also duily expected in store by barque Hebron and brig Alabama: 100 cases Russet Brogans; 50do Kip do 25 do thick Boots; 20 do tine do 40 do Women's fine Shootq 20 do Men’s do 15 do Children's do do ocr8 IIA'I'S AND BONNETS—the subscribes is now receiving a largo assortment off fats and straw goods, amongst which, are as follows 1 50 cases Men’s f'nsh. Beaver and plain blk. Huts. 25 “ “ wide brim *• “ *• 25 " " “ “ “ drab 4‘ 10 “ " " fashionahl.t silk *• 150 dor. Palm Leal Hoods, with a great variety of ladies’ and misses Leghorn and plain straw Bonnets; shell, horn and ivory Combs; band boxes, artificial flowers, stocks, Ac. For sale cheap for cash or good puperjjy fo29j OEO. A. ARNOLD. 43 Water s! □ AT E. KOBB1NSON 8 CHEAP VARIE TY STORE*—Just received per ship Hector, a large assortment of fashionable and low crowned broad brimmed Black und White Gentle men’s HATS, A Ls«»—-Fine Russia Beaver, and low priced Huts. Likewise, received per barque He nron, an assortment of tine und coarse White Linen and Cotton Shirts; do Flannel Shirts; which will le sold very low for cash, nt the sign of the Mammoth Hoot, corner of Water and Government streets. 01-122. CHEAP AS THE CIIKAI’KST.—ffcic Just received at ROBINSON A STUART’S Cheap Variety Start, corner of Government and Wa ter-streets, a general assortment of Ueady-made CLOTHING, HATS, OOTS, SHOES, and DRY GOODS, direct from ■ the manufactories, and for sale nt the lowest prices for cask. Please call and ex amine, nt the sign of the Mammoth Boot. niff Ciotton osnabergsXnd'shiktings— J 75 bales Petersburg manufactory, received* * John A. Lancaster, at low prices, by n23 G. O. JOHN80N, 43Water-n. PRINTERS RARER, CM*— W« Have Ra|>0r lor Printer*, of all the usual sizes ; also just received “ Superfine Packet Post, blue," for Pricea-Currcnt, Bills, and Bills of Lading, plain ; also, a supply of ibe Maine kind, ruled, for invoices, bills, Ac. 015 MING K. A RUSSELL, 13 Water it. ri TOBACCO—1UU bxs Suundcrs' T^nhaSSH, VMMUI X qualities, embracing a lot sa*d to be the finest pver shipped to this market; for salehyt nlO RIVES' BATTLE A CO. CHOICE CIGARS—Ceres Kogalias, Jacques Regalias,Imperial Regalias. Imperial Trabuces, for sale by [n30] D. WHEELER, 8 Water st. PEASE CANDY.—A supply of Pease celebra ted. Clarified Essence of Hoarlioutid Candy, just received and for sale by 1. C. DU BOSK A CO., n30 late Du Bose A Roff, Nu. S9 Waters!. BONNETS—30 cases usaorted* Bon nets, just re ceived per barque Abbot Lord, and for sale by iil.T JOHN BRAGAW A CO. 97 DaupbUjt. BACON.—5 barrels May bard's Canvass'd Hams 3 do uucanvnssed do Cincinnati Bides—foi sale by novl8 M. A. VAN HOOK, 4 Oommeree at LOWK LL OSN ABEKGS A COTTON ADRB^ 160 bales Lowell Cottons, on hand and ex pec tod dnily per brig Now England from Boston, direct (row the manufacturers aiuleinbraciug— Noa 1, 9, J, 7 Osutbergs; heavy Cottonades; 5 cases Raney Cot intitules. The attention of the city aswi country mor chsnts is called to these goods, of which a largo sap ply will be kept on hand at all times, sad sold at fau tory prices and expenses, for cash or approved city paper. n96 tf C. DELLINGER. 7f Commerce's!.__ I INSEED OIL—13 casks for sale, to arriso per -A ship A Librarian. Apply to n«3 WHIT KK A A SAMPSON, 91 St. Franc is-st. DOMESTICS—inhales 4 4 Sheetings, for sale by WHITAKER A SAMPSON, n23 21 Si. Franris-at. JO. CAI.OINA gives to every body tliut likes a good Cigar, that ho has tin* very best, at his Ear lier shop on Royal street of all varieties. He would puff them himself, but who ever tastes them will think any oilier puffing insipid! Come and try 44 You next.”___ SWEET MALAGA WINE.—80 qr casks, land ing mid for sale by dee4 WM. II. BUNNELL A CO. |r~ONlH>N PORTER,—Landing ex ship Hogarth Xj from Liverpool for sale by uovSO JAMES HAGAN, 8-1 Water si. PLOUGHS—We have jast received a supply of Palmer A M'Cnriufck's Ploughs, from the Rich mond manufactory, Non. 1, 6 and P. n93 MINOR A RUSSELL. t3 Water st. 1 Brogan8 and Soots—50 eases Kip Bro gan* , 40 do Kussett do ; 93 do thick Boots, for sale low by O. G. JOHNSON. u*A‘ 42 Water-at. up suiizs.