r v% ss]Wb 8 r ' ' . i. _ - BY SAN FORD WS BSO~~ M^>BlliIii, TiIURS3) * ' j ;__;_ . 1 MJllOi>L—A •. Sclit.u J‘ t: K A s . Subscription, ten dollars tor tin,- daily | aper. payable in' a I vattc-e, and five dollars fur the country paper naynldc * yearly lit advance by cash or eitv ret* not. e. Permu wishing to discontinue, must give'oue week's iiolirv in writing. Adv kstisino.—Advertisements continued without in terruption, will lie charged Ml the rule nl one dulinr per ■i|iiare for thclirst iuser.iuu, and fifty cents i n-j( h(1|,_ nequftBt one. Semi-weekly and tri-wn k'v ojh» viil |; charged the same as first insertion*. Tv i\<- Hue :.nu, u square. If an adverihiemi at makes less that' n Hqutuv it shall cost as much as a lull one. Advertisements not limited on the manuscript, ns to tlhe uuiuber of insertions, will bn continued p.r two non tits ami so charged, unless previi. i.,|, dirtvtud tube taken out of the paper by u written order.' Advertise.iieiiis not bearing upon (heir faces the names or the persons by whom they are sent, must Ik endorsed bythein. prTse terms for annual advertisers will be *10 lor one ,ir'n and $il.i for each additional square, wUii the priv e ol changing once a week, due in advance, he privilege of aiiuiul advertisers i» limited to their i i immediate buslne* •, and all udvertisuments for the ^Iclll of other persuJ*, as well a* nil legal advertise tiKtils, and advertisements of auction sales, sent by them, must lie paid for at tAe usual rates. All advertisements required by law, will be charged at the lull rates. Annual advertisers who exceed the space for which they contract, will be charged at the usual rates. Arrangement! will be made with those who occupy hall a column or inure continuously for u ye-a*, aeon, agio the nature of the business, ami the frequency of cite change of matter. Advertisements of application for the benefit ol the Insolvent Laws, will not be published in any case, unless paid for previous to insertion, or puyinetU be guaranteed by a responsible person in town. All announcements of candidates for nfilee, will be char ged five dollars for daily insertions during the canvass, payable in all cn rs in advance. Military and Fire Companies, nit J olhersimilur Associa tioix, will bo charged full rates by the insertion, orl'miy dollars per annum if they do not exceed one square each All personal communications, when adnu-sible, will be charged double, and in all cases payment must be t» nde in odvauce. TnTuiiNT coIin \ \ “7 •. ' !>• " *i, ol Jan ry nexty \*nTrustees. JOHN MARSHALL, } Burnt Corn. Sept 2T. - *p21 SOIMft jnl I'N CONFORMITY with the lost Will an 1 Tee -1 lament of Joseph Ruby, deceased, and to carry into effect the provisions of said Will, and in con- j fortuity with the order ol the Orphans Court of Mo- J bile county, granted the 23th day of October, 1341, I will, on Monday, the 8th day of January, 1342, ex pose to public sale, in front of the court house of Mobile, within the legal hour.'of sale, all the personal and real estate of said Joseph Ruby, as follows, viz: the Negroes Willi, Tony, Isaac, Sally and her three children; Household Furniture; as also, a tract of Land lying on Bayou Coden, in Mobile county, cm tuining about 300 acres; also a tract of Laud at Fill ton, containing about 48 acres, being the residence of the late Joseph Ruby. Terms of sale G months credit, with two good se curities JOSEPH KREBS, nov20 82tf Executor. r|ii\i;si o.tiiiii.—ny urine 01 i <-i i:u i A executed to us by Philip McLoskey, bearing date on the 14th day »f March, A. I>. 1841, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of Mobile county, in Hook No. 1, Pages 535 and 536, wo will sell at public auction, in front of the court bouse, on the 5th day of April next—All that parcel of land,situate, lying and being in the county of Mobile, containing oighty-ihrcc 17 100 acres, being a fractional section bounded south by the Orange drove tract of land, commencing at the point of intersection of the northern line of said tract and the western line of the Uiurcnt plantation anil extending westward!)1 on the north line of Or ange drove beyond its termination: .ban tded east In the Laurent plantation, and included within the wes tern line, of sanl Laurent plantation, the northern line of the Orange drove tract, an 1 the -t cti mal liner of various small tracts ol forty acres, laid off by the government of the United States, all of which will more fully appear by reference to thmap of the township manner four of range one we.-. And also,—One Ibrty-c- ;hih part of d. lauds be longing to the Orang ■ drove Co np; ny. ic’ulto.' all ihc l.iirts Inrlniteit In a trust U'T i i ;«T V t»i ;foirls, James Magee and Thos. W. M *,,oy. v.’!»icli have not been b a fore this time laid off and s . 1m, the said Trustees or by the company prior to the said deed; and the said undivided interest hereby uveyed lobe subject to the uses and trusts of the said deed, and a right, title, interest and claim in the one forty-eighth part of all the lands in the Orange drove tract and the Laurent plantation, excepting the I *ts of laud so disposed of which said tracts *f land lie on the north side of the city of Mobile, one containing 267 71-100 acres, the other 355 39-100 acres; and a lull forty- I eighth interest in the lands held by said company be tween the said plantation and the river. Terms of sale cash. JOHN A. CAMPBELL, DAN’L CHANDLER, deed 41|idsSAM’L M. OGDEN. NEGROES.—The subscriber has on hand and will be constantly receiving from Chat lestou and Baltimore, NEGROES of every description, which will be disposed of at moderate prices, lie will also make liberal advances on Negroes put in bis hands for sale, at his place on Jackson, between Dauphin and J*>1. Francis streets. oct22 62t uprl *42 JAMES E. ZUNTZ. RAYS, WAGGONS, CARTS, &c.—8 first rate Drays; 2 Carts; 1 two horse Cart; 2 Waggons without bodies; 1 Waggon with body, complete lots heavy and light waggon, dray and carl wheels, for sale by decl6 JOHN O’REJLEY. EW AND SEASONABLE DRY GOUDS, MILLINERY, etc.—Just received per lute arrivals, from France, (via New York ami Ncw-Or leans) a splendid assortment of rich water'd and pl ain Silk Velvet and Flush Bonnets, unsurpassed in beau ty of style and quality of textures; a large assort ment of Artificial Flowers; Fancy Caps; childrens’ Hoods; Leghorn Hats; Dunstable ami Oriental do; 10-4 rich .Shawls and Mantillas deep Iring’d ; Satin stipd’d Challies; plain and plaid Mouse ae Luines ; French Pr nts. col’s guaranteed; ladies and gents Kid Gloves; bl’k Bombazine ; heavy and rich Chan tilla Veils, Ae. Ac. OCT* The Millinery deportment will be conducted Iv^Mrs. Cullen. Ladies are respectfully iuvited to ct^pnd examine for themselves. J. A. SMI i'll, successor to n25 tf P.CULLEN, Gl Dauphin-st. RECEIVED per brig Georgian a new style ol French and Manchester Ginghams of choice patterns; damask and double damask Table Cloths and Napkins; 10-4 Flemish Linen Sheeting; 10-4 and 12-4 Irish do; Rose Blankets and Marseilles and j Imperial Bed Spreads. J. A. SMITH, successor toP. Cullen, decl5 61 l)auphin-fit. j NOTICE.—The subscriber having purchased the entire stock and trade of Messrs. J. Halt. 4* Co. begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he designs keeping a constant and well assorted supply of IllON, NAILS, CASTINGS, EDGE TOOLS AND FANCY HARDWARE, at the old stand, corner Water & Hitchcock's Alley. He hopes by unremilted attention to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to his predecessors. OVIDE MAZANGE. nov5 69tf FOR SALE.—A family of valuable NEGROES, —consisting of—BRANCH, aged 40; good Gardner, Ostler and general servant GEORGE, aged 6; his sod BRANCH, “ 20; first rate Steward and Waiter JOE, “ 19; Dray in an The above negroes have been raised in this city, and are of good character, and first rale servants in every respect, and only sold to close a concern. They enff^e seen by applying at the corner of Conti and Commerce street, up stairs. »<>y20 1VEVVARK FURNITURE VVAKEHOUSE D. B. CRANE & CO, Manufacturers from Newark, N. J., invite the attention of their friends and the public, to their splendid stock of Furniture, such as Sofas, Sideboard, Centre, Pier, and Com mon Tubles, Wardrobes, which are offered at Manufacturer’s prices, at 37 Water st, next door to DuBose & Co’s Drug Store. *h’c 4_ GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received and for sale wholesale and retail at the new Drug Store No. 30 Royal street, the following GARDEN SEEDS: Fall Marrowfat Peas, Early Frame Peas, Carletou Peas, Extra Early Peas, Green Imperial Pens, Blue Prussian l'eas, Early Bush Beans, Clunker Beans, Horticultural Beaus, Speckled Valentine Beans, Large Lima Beans, Extra Early Corn, China Tree Corn, Tree Onions, Assorted Flower Seeds, and a urge and general assortment of all kinds used in this country. Said seeds are warranted the growth of j 1811, and areas good as Laudreths or tiny other, decll. J- H. WOODCOCK. B" A CON —21 casks Hams and Sides, landing from steamer Alabama direct from Cincinnati, for sale by [dcc5] WM. H. BUNNELL & CO. I 'Ll’ "> FLOAT.—15 )l> fi.:( Ns l>l. : I. f.»i * d, ^ 22 bv I). WHEELF.fi, S Wator-af. Bu \MA \.N I) ul s —1‘) pifM m I! IM f (.Mi; 25 half pipes Jamaica Brandy; ii'J hbU do; -10 iiali IfbiiS do, (nr sale !>v dis !’.ii( m :us 1 . * k sacks Havana Colfoe; 5 do Sugar, for sale I»v declB I! I (IRIS RO*fl. PI)HK IN i> \ 1!K1 .Lb.—25bklsmdssamiprimfe; also M. O. and F. O., f.,r sab by 22 l>. WHEKlER,8 W it. WHEELER, 8 W:ter-st. EW SUtIA RS.—50 hhds piime new Sugar, for 11 sale by [dec-22] T. P. MILLER & t (). / *1 OFF EE,—70 sacks prime Green IIhvi na, laud VV ing from sclir. Atlantic and foe sale by <121 W., F.DMO.ND & C’O.,.96 Commerce-8t. H\V AND POTATOES.—800 bales prime eastern Hay, 800 bids prime eastern Potatoes, for sale b; j • J. II. Ul\ El PEACH ORCHARD COAL, in casks, l5g g Sisd and Screened, lor sale by doe.n _ JOHN O’REILEY. SOFAS, Divans, Couches, Ottomans, Preach ( aairs and L » iking Blasses, fur sale by D. i’,. « :; ■ ter-st. PRIME PORK.—90 barrels in good order, for fe'do by [dec!7] D. W11EKLKR, 8 Wateiwai. J^AtON blDES.—10casks, a good article, for . WMFF.LF.lt, 8 Water-st. jy VwG.no ;n ;;<>i-k -i,m> k . uky A3 15 iu,'.iir-<- - . l!)Qc ..-k . .t.-i *, .".j s :- 7 *r. W’^LFR, 8 U i- r si. Beef . s i [k - ■1 i . ■ 15 id I’.irk, landing from schr-Omninprrml, for sale dec 14 by WM. H. BUNNELL & CO. Hii « k\\ he a r. —2'H . i, v 10

. WHISKEY.—75 barrels Rectified, landing tins day from steamer Laclv o the Luke and for sale by ' (dec!7) L. HULL & SON. CIOUNTING HOUSE DESKS of various qual ' itics, Ibr sale by d cl7 I). B. CRANE t I 37 Water-st. STARCH, SOAP AM) CANALES.—>25bow i Colgate Starch, 100boxes NewBedford Candles, 100 boxes No. J Soup, for sale !>v der!7 P. McCASKILL, IS Commercr-st. ClINt I N > A1 11 SIDES—6) casks, or sale to i arrive by dec 16 ' LATHAM HULL & SON. CIORN—100 sacks prime Wi t , for sale to arrive • by [decl6] LATH ■*. M LULL & SON. OWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE.—A fi zen, just landed from schooner Oscar and for sale by W. D. WIISON, dec 15 corner Water uni St. Frnucis-sts. 4 CASKS CLAllF/r, 2 years ol (.superior, 20 cases do, do do tlo, 20 do assorted Cordials, 20 do Muscat Wine, i or ?ale bv dec 17 li \ RRB . Jj | | BOXES Brandy Clierr'i..- , n;\v, I '* 100 do Claret Wine, 50 do do do, ('bateau Lnfitte, Floridian, for salt* Ily >• 'T.LY <$* CO. duclfj corner Danpbm and Royal st. ■VFAV PORK AND 1*11. *> Id.!- tel! in 1 •-•..! . , Bek. I ON t*». ’..VM 1 - I lul.y in.-pet tea mess Be< (, 10 Mils prune Beef, land ing from srlir. Swan and (a I .r sale by FRANKLIN W. McCOY, dec!6 81 anil s » (annmerce-Ht. jflliEAP GOODS.—Jftst ret.-ived and for ale, vT eases uf Domestic Prints, m 8. 9, 10 and 12J;\ per yard—together with a well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Frauds Bonnets and Millinerv articles. JNO. A. SMITH, 61 Daupliin-st., decl7 first store from R (smith side.) Havan i seuaiis—a i peristl, Regalias, Trab-icos, Citmmcs, Cassn dores, and oilier descriptions of the celebrated “ La Asturiuua” brand, far sale by dl6 W. EDMOND Sc CO. Manufacture?** Agents HITE PINE BUCKETS—86nests with co vers, for sale by da W. EDMOND & CO. 96 Comin^rce-si 4^1 ALT AFLOAT.—3014 sacks Liverpool coarse L5 half bleached sacks, for sale by declfl D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. WELSH SLATE.- -100,000 variou i sixes, oi board ship Columbus, for .-ale by declO I). WHEELER,8Water-st. CIORN.—2058 sacks superior white, on board f brig Dante, for sale to arrive by deelS C. A. GILBERT,50Coinmerce-st. BRAN.—300 barrels, for sale by deelS C. A. GILBERT, 50 Cominerce-st. AN I'lEB\s. MANTILLAS.—DAN I ELS £ 1TJL BRADY, 83 Daupliin st., (immediately oppo site the Public, Square) have just receivedjper barque Reform, a sjdendid lot of Plush, Clime, Velvet and Silk Mantillas, of the newest mid most fa-liionalilc description. dec 14 DRAYS.—Two Drays, landing ex ship Vermont from Philadelphia, fur sale bv deelS GARDNER &. SAGER,Conti-st. C1LARET WINE, &e.—-25 casks superior Bor 1 dcaux Claret, 50 do Marseilles do, 300 boxes do very qualities; 100 baskets Damotte Champagne, for sale by OGDEN BROTHERS, decl8 • 12 Water-st. NEW GOODS.—Just received a fresh supply of Boots, Shoes, Hals and Clothing, which w ill he sold at the lowest prices for Cash, please call and examine for yourselves, at Robinson &. Stuart's cheap variety store, corner of Government and Water sts., opp site the Market. [decl6] CASES COLORED SHIRTS; 10 bales Cov entry Shirtings, for sale by dec 13 ‘ W M. H. B U N N ELL & CO. rflOBACCO.—300 boxes Viginia manufactured A. Tobacco, for sale by dcclS OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Wnter-st. TVTOLASSES.—CO l-arrcis prime Altakapas, land 1Y.I ing Iroin sc'lir. Ocean, for sale Irani the wharf. dec9 by ELLIS & GREEN. Medical and culinary herbs.—At Gates’s Drug Store, 106 Dauphin street—Sago, Thyme, Baltic, Catnip, Pennyroyal, Horehotiud, Peppermint,Spearmint, Motherwort, Life Everlast ing, Comfrey Root, Sweet Majoram, Popiat Bark, Satl'ron. Marshmallows, ami various other domestic Herbs, Barks, Roots, &C. for salt; at iiov27 GATES’S Pharnwny, 106 Daupldn «l. milE undersigned having sold then »*t *cK Jroa JL and Hardware to Mr. O. MAZANGE, beg leave to solicit for linn a continuance of the patronage ot customers. GO-r lie office of the subscriber is re moved to Church street, first door west of Royal st. where all those indebted will please call and pay, and alt demands presented for settlement. oou5 69tf JOSEPH HALL & CO. STATE OF ALABAMA—WILCOX COUNTY. Orphans' Court, Nov. Term, being the ) 15Ui day of tlio month, 1811. 5 E-tate of i T N this case on application Thos. Evans, doc'd. y A of theadm.iiirlraior of said estate, it is ordered by the court* the same be con tinued to the 3rd Monday in February next, and tint forty t!KE SPERM OIL.—20 casks pure Sperm -I- Winter Strained Oil, landing and f >r sale by decG \VM. 11. BUNNELL & CO. Rio COFFEE.-—890 bags, landing from barque Reform, for sale bv decS G. WESTFELDT k BRO. Raisins.—ioo boxes m\t~ YVsale by dec8 W.M. II. Bl NNELL* & CO. POUT WJ rich old Port, 26ca sea do, for sale by [dec7] J. O’REILLY. Li *.« i .• • GAR; 20 I■ Woolsey*s I. sale by [dec7 ] JOHN O’REILEY. MADEIRA.—5 qi indy’s London par ticular, fur sale by dnc7 JOHN O’REILLY. BUJ ON & SALT.—HU casks Suit's ann Shoul ders Cincinnati smoked Bacon, 200 sacks Salt, for sale al low ju i« cs by tlec7 P. McCASKILL, 18 Commerce-st. "MTHITE LEAD.—200 kegs No. l [a store and m for sale by dec8 WM, H. B1 KNELL & CO. Cl OSHEN BUT rr.il.—17 firkins ohoibe,' landing A from barque Reform, for salt! by de&8 WM. II. BUNNELL ('(). I71LOUR.—50 bbls super tine landing from schr. A’ Roane, for sale by lei II M \ !1 • 11AI,!. & ROWE. \JOULE’S SHOT.-200 bags assorted sixes - Youle’s Shot, just receitcil and ft>r sale, by dcclO W. El)M OND k Co.,96 Conninerce-at. ^AUGAIl—200 bbls Boston Leaf crushed and pow r3tlcred sugar, for salt; by O. \\ ESTFELDT & BRO. : I ECIE f ir Sub ; applj to >3 novSO pi SH(> s. Y \ . !/)R M '» ERS. 1AA KEGS POWDER, 10 cases 1 lb Canis .1. \r t*.r do, just received and for Mile by decl HUNTINGTON .$• CLEVELAND. : . T.U. V ;* i !" s • N CO, Druggists, oct20 comer \Va:ci and St. Francis-st*. ^jlPEiiM CANDLES. -100 boxes favorite brand* M io store and for sale bv D Erf HSON, PA VIA> U & M Y E US, novl2 corner Conii andCmninerce-sts. V*T INTER SPERM Olp—A few casks W into v v Strained Family Sperm Oil, received and for sale by 1. C. DuBOSE & CO. Druggists, of0 Lite Du Rose & Rolf, 39 w nter-st. Well c ! L5 bbls superfine Flour, for sale by iioy25 P. McCASKILL, 18 Com. st. I | It) COlT’EE,N. O. Sugar and Flour, lauding AVfion) schr Mobile, and for sale by nov23 JAS. HAGAN, 84 Water st. LETTER PAPER.—800 reams, for sulc hr novlS L VTilA M HULL ii SON. | nA BARRELS Whiskey; 20 cusps Bacon l " lauding from schr Elvira, and for salt* by del 16 J> REA. lJALT.—Thu cargo of the ship Jessie, for salt? by dcclO WM. MILLIGAN & CO. I n CASKS CINCINNATI BACOJf SIDES, 1.1 * landing from steamer Merchant and fo sale by nt.v20 JEREMIAH REA. SIDES.—31 casks Cincinnati smoked. Corn— 100 sucks prime* white. Flour—75 bbls fine Molasses—25 bbls a superior article in Cyprus bbls for sale to arrive per steamer Hugh L. White, bv decl7 LATHAM HULL & SON. H1TNEY & ROSE BUANKETU—500pair very superior, sizes from 8-4 to 14-4, for side dec4 by LATHAM HULL k SON. aJfIA.NO FORTES—An elegant article, for sale 1 low by D. B. CRANE & CO, dec. 4 37 Water st. npOBACCO.—50 kegs Virginia Lump. Rope— A 50 coils Kentucky, Ibr sale by dec6 A. dcKlNSTRV, 8Water-st. NAILS.—350 kegs cut Nails, 4d to 20d of aupe" rior quality, for sale by dt:c6 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water st. Kwi l'i.—ii coihdju; rvupr, landing iroui steam er Alabama and for sale by deed \VM. H. BUNNELL CO. C rUHAGK—In fire iiroof Witreliouse anil Sheds corner Water and St Michael si., on accommo dating term* by (dec 2) J. O’REILKY. I^EATilERS.—A prime article of live Geese Feathers, lor sale low by I I in D. B. CRANE & CO. W’ ANTED, —A good Man Sei van!, who under stand* house work and waiting, wanted by dec3_ GARDNER & SAGER. 171RESH BUCKWHEAT FLOUR in quarter . and eighth barrels, for sale by CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL, dec9 75 Dauphin-tit. WHISKEY.—200 barrels hourly expected fer schrs. Swan and Elvira, and for sale by dec7 JEREMIAH REA. NEW liA.MS—Just received and for sale by did CUNNINGH AM 4* CuLWELL. WHISKEY.—110 barrels, for Mbbv decl 1 SMITH & DABNEY. ^MOKI.NG TOBACCO.—10 barrel* Lorriilard’s very tine, for sale by decH SMITH & DABNEY. WHITE LEA D.—An additional supply of while Lead, now in store, at GATES’S Pharmacy, dccll 136 Dauphin-st., Mobile. G1 RAPES—In small jars, just received and for Y sale by CUNNINGI1 AM & COLWELL. C1 iG AUS.—30m different brands, for sale by t declO W. EDMOND & Co., 96 Com. st. S~~ IX SETTS COACH HARNESS, made of the best materials, for sale !>y dee® WM. 11. BUNNELL & CO. PERM CANDLi-S.-—3W boxes New Bedford Candies, for sale by dectf OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st C11IEE9E—56 boxes lauding from barque Reform / and for sale by [dlO] JOHN O’REILY. HAMS.—A choice lot of fresh N York Hams small size, for sale by dcclO W. EDMUND & Co , 96 Com. at. BAGGING AND ROPE.—400pieces Kentucky Bagging, 230 coils do Rope, lauding ex schr. Maria, for sale by dec 18 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st ! nr ■ nit % ¥ t lie l ' Br .kf-m a* 'I i P Bos i« I Bo.i •• Din I1 lie ffivi sen fam sod pair* 111! o sellei ceiva Annu T“ tonal Bi*itit ni'ti k. r< Fir Art, i W. & and H Gci highly iltoiiiri lustration* in verse, by the • unite.?* ol Ulessincton. Heath’* Keepsake, edited »y the Countess of Bles si nylon, with beautiful emldiishmcnts by Cox, E. Corhould, Keeling, Poole, Uvswick, Liversagc, Sec. and Thirteen Aerograph ic lunettes, elegantly bound in crimson silk. Heath’s Book of Beaut}, vith beautifully finished engraving* on steel, from (rawing* by the first ar tists: edited by the Counties of blessing ton. Heath's Picturesque Amual—a history and de scription of Paris, by Mis. (li re, with twenty-one highly finished engraving, IroDi drawings by Thos. Allom, Esq. elegantly hound. Heath’s Historical Aimti; I; or, The Great Civil War of Charles I. and The larliauu-nt, by the Rev. Uichnrd Cattcrmolc, B. I>. vith fifteen highly finish ed engravings, from drawing? by George Cutterniole, Em|. Album des Salons, or Fidiev’s Drawing Room Scrap Book, Containing thirty-six splendid engrav ings, with poetical illusii itio.it, by Mary Howitt,el egantly bound in 1 vol. 4to. The Juvenile Scrap Hook, fdited by Mrs. Ellis, with sixteen beautiful steel allies. Forget Me Not; a Christmas, New Years and Birth-day present, edited by Fivderick Shubcrl, with eleven beautiful illustrations. Friendship’s Offering, a literary album and annual remembrance, for 1842. “ This is affliction's tribute, Friendship’# offering, Whose ?ilcnl sloquviun, mom rich limn words, Tells of the giver’s taitli aixleulti in absence, Amt says—Forget ni" not!" The (sift—with eight splendid steel plates. This is the most beautiful American Annual published fur 1842. 'I'lit* Token and Atlantic Smvenir, an offering lor Christinas and New Year. The Gem for 18 12, a beautiful volume, with seven j handsome illustrations. The Rose; wr Affection’ii Gift for 1S42, edited by Emilv Marshall; illustiatcd will: ten highly finished steel engravings The Gift for .VII Seasons, edited by Win. Ander son, Esq. author of‘-Landscape Lyrics,” etc. The Violet for 1812; a beautiful juvenile annua). The Youth's Keepsake; a gilt for young people. The C abinet of Modern Art; edited by Alarick A. Walls, with twenty-four fine line engravings. The Poets of America; illustrated by one of her painters; edited by John Kccse. The Gems of Art: a token of remembrance; illus trated by twenty-three superb line engravings, beau tifully bound in one volume. In addition to th•• b-.uitijul annuals, we have ;» r-*- " —T j—1|', ^ I !«l»lO,llllil', r...rn, . .121 tSFeW EllBROIDEU11 iRY It 3TOD Ix DART, corner of Watei and Conti sts., have imported ami arc now o|»miiig, splendid assortment of Einhroidcriea and Tkre.iu Laces, consisting of-— Capes, Cunezous, Collirs, Collaretts, Petit Collars, ('iipiueyettcs, Stomachers, Infant’s Roliee Wuiats and Capes, Muslin Rulers, (someof which are richly embroi dered, suitable for Wedding Dresses,) Embroidered Shawls, Mourning Collars tn great variety, fee, A large assortment of Thread Laces, Edgings and Inserting*, real V alencein. * lodgings, Also—Linens, Table Lin n, Towelling, Diapers, 12-4 Barnsley Sheetings, 8pool Colton, Scotch Gin'.''name, Sec. Figured and plain China jilks, blk Satin and Satin Turk, Muslin de Raimi, Sec. All of which they offer at ybolesulenr retail cheap cash. dec 1 ritlll, SI RSrillHKit lt:'u just i* -ive Dauphin-st. AY—For sale l>y dec 13 ‘ M. I). ESLAVA & CO. Herrings and e!Hptybarrels — urn empty Inrrels, 900 boxes Herrings, lauding from ship Science and for sale by decl A G. DAVikNPORT & CO. 171 OR SALE—Landing ex schr Belle, Havana, 100 1 bags Prime Green Coffee. Apply to dl3 JOHN GIBSON, 30 Si. Mjctiael-st £4 ALT—The cargo of the slip Lanark, for sale.— ►5 Apply to VVM. If ILLIGAN & CO. dl3 34 St. Michkel-st. HARD WOOD.—53 cbrjL good Oak Wood, lauding this day and for sale in lots to suit pur chasers, at $4 per cord. Apply to dec22 l). C. LOWBEj & CO., 59 Com, st. FOR SALE.—bo bags pripie Green Co Hue, laud ing ex brig Flora from Mtturreas. Applv to decl4 JOHN GIBSON, 30 St. Miciiaul-st. I ! j -- IV *, 111 l Ci, dec3 corner Coin, and Danphin-sts. REMOVAL.—The subscribers have removed to ■ Mr. Hogan's new buildings in Conti street— Office second floor. iiov27 88tf GARDNER & SAGER. TYTOTJCE.—All persons indebted to the suhscri ll her for goods sold on commission, or ns agent, whose accounts have been standing sixty days, will [dense make payment on or before the 10th iust. deel 111 ' J. II. RIVERS. URE WINTER SPERM OIL.—15 tierces and bills in store, for sale by dec8 WM. H. BUNNELL k CO. C1IUARS.—30m Regalias, IOm Canones, on con J signment and for sale bv GUSTAV US REA I. & CO., dec2 Hagan's Buildings, Conti-st. TAGUIRA COFFEE. —-70 bags, landing from A Hchr .Mandarin from Baltimore, and for sale by dec 2 J. O'RKILEY. PA'IT. DE IIEGNAI LD.— V pleasant and ef fectual relief for coughs, colds, hoarseness, &c. Received and for sale by I. C. Du ROSE &. Co, nov 20 late UuBosc & Rolf, 30 Water st. CM YMPAGNg .y R MSI \s. 20 botes of the well known Anchor brand, boxes bunch Mus catel Raisins, landing from ship Alabamian, for sale by GUSTAV'US REAL k CO., dcc2 I lagan’s Buildings, Conti-st. INLOUR k WHISKEY.—800 bbls Flour, a su perior article; 100 bbls old IMnnongaludu Whis key; 100 bbls old Rectified Whiskey, landing from steamboat Alabama and for sale by dec8 ELLIS & GREEN,68 Commerce-at. GIOMBO SASSAFRAS.—A supply of Gumbo, Fprepared with the greatest caru, just received and tor snlc in quantities to suit purchasers, at ao\26 GATES’S Ding Store. Buckwheat.—70 nncM 5s in i-8 and 1-4 bbls made fmc new Wheat, for sale by deell JOHN O’RKILEY. Ml PERM CANDLES ANF> SOAP.—100 boxes ™ New Bedford Sperm Candles; 150 boxes No. 1 Soap, for sale by fdeel3] JNO. C. RYAN. SADDLES.—A consignment of abont (> dost o, i"i sale at very low prices bv decll ' JOHN O'RKILEY. SPANISH INDKiO—600 lbs finest Spanish ln art fi»r Half l»y 1. C. l)uBOSL c» t. I >i uggists, ul0 late DuBose k Hull*, 30 Water-st. | J ALE’S TOBACCO—160 boxes and Imlf do .1 J. I (ale’s superior Tobacco, and oilier brands, jus received per schr John A. Lancaster, on consign ment, and for sale on libeinlterms by nov22 W. EDMOND k < <>., 1>6 Com. st. ITlOR SALE,—A drat rate Family Horse, with t» . single Baroiiebe and Harness. Also, a neat Buggy Waggon new, with harness complete, nov iti W. EDMOND & Co., 96( 'ommorce -st A SPA RAG T s ROOTS.—A few hundred of Die finest Giant Asparagus Roots, far sale low. 1. C. DUBOSE k CO., Druggists, Hovt3 31) Water-st. «)HH SACKS SALT—fur sal.• by -WiFU F. SHAW & CO. octS 56tf 68 Coininerce-st. WIN PER STRAINED SPERM OTL, of su perior quality, just received and for sale hy dee 10 MOSTLY A. CO. fitpE9.—10 casks best Cincinnati, now landing 1^ nnd for sale bv GOIUIAM DAVENPORT & CO., dectS 2!» St* Michael-*t. PORTSMOUTH NAY AM) POTATOES.— 250 bales beat quality Portfinoutli II»y, 230 bids liest quality PoriHiunutli Potatoes, landi'g from ship Venice and for sale by dec»___ J. H. RIVERS. PRINTS—30 cases of Pull River Prints of a va riety of patterns ami quality, just received and for sali hv [d.S | .1. B. TOULAlIN, 33 St. Michael-st Wi I I I I'. LEAD^lOO k«s. N.I. 1 l’Uiluilel|iiiia Wli. Lou.l, for »ali- by CIItOlIE fc WHITE, d0 corner Commerce and Dauphin sts IETTER PAPER.—50 reams superior English -J Linen Letter Paper, on consignment and for sale by GUSTAVUS REAL & CO., decs Hagan’s buildings, Conti-*t. Cl RES 11 TEAS.—Landing from slii|) Alabamian J? —100 13lb boxes Imperial 100 61b boxes Imperial, 30 61b boxes Hyson, for sale by GUSTAVUS HEAL & CO., dcc2 Hagan’* Buildings, Conti-st. Cl OFF EE—75 bags new crop Green Rio J 20 do old government Java, for sale by [nov29] JNO. C. RYAN. | Afj CORDS OAK WOOD, for sale at #4 pe 1 V/Ucord, in lot* to suit purchaser*, by nov30 1). C. LOWBER & CO., 59 Com. st. PIECES KENTUCKY BAGGING, /‘Wv/V/ coils Kentucky Rope, for sale bv nov6 70tf J A MES II AG A N, 81 Wuter-st. LCOliOL, &o.—10bids Alcohol, 200 tl »z Suljdi Quinine, Cn^tinti Calomel in lb bottles; Spir it* Turpentine and Chrome Green, now landing, for sale by fdeclO] AlOSELY & (JO. BACON & PORK.—20 hlnl* Cincinnati smoked Sides and Shoulders, 24 bids mess Pork, re ceived on consigmnect per *teauier Southerner and for sale by CIRODE & WHITE, dec3 corner Corn, nnd Duuphin-st*. lUACCARONI & VERMICELLI.—20 boxen 1TJL Maccuroni and 20 bxs Vermicelli, in store and for sale by DESHON, TAYLOR & MYERS, novl2 corner Corninercc and Conti-st** NE\V~MESS PORK—50 bids New Mess Pork, inspected; 50 do Old do. to arrive per schooner, for sale low by CIRODE & WHITE, d9 corner Commerce and Dauphin sts| LADIES SHOES.—-50 boxes ladies line slips. tic*, and walking Shoes; 20 bxs ladies low priced kid *lip|>ers, received and for sale bv decl3_ (i. (J. JOHNSON. STORAGE—For two thousand barrel* can be bad in the fire proof warehouse, No. 87 Commerce street. Apply to tied# F. SHAW & co. FOR SALE.—094 «ack*Salt, 586 hampers Po tatoes, 1000 English Ridge Tile*, 15 kilts Her rings, 1 puncheon Irish Whiskey, the cargo of ship Josephs! from Belfast, apply to dec!6 JAMES MAGEE. ^UOARS.—40 hhd«, a choice article of old crop ^ Louisiana; 100 bbi* prime N O new crop, laud ing from Creole and for sale by decll MARSHALL & ROWF.. 11 ABLE SALT.—A few buxe* just received am . for »u!u by dec 10 CUNNINGHAM & COLWELL. POTATOES ^ ONIONS.-200 barrel* liesi Maine Potatoes, 100 hbl* l>cst Maine White On ions, on consignment and for sale by dccl ltf J. II. RIVERS. '■ 41 .jrr-, O. J? BV wpi-.if . ■fWr, .. u in j " r , * < ; fc h »... f. 1 4! . i . •• l»nt£ywni ( -i . uiM) , i e i» in tin • ily, » 5m. far . t1 f the a-.. * v ,\ . R i . 1. 'HI5. \\ i.arf" ril CAKMEL1CH CON FHOT ION A RY—The JL • subscriber lias the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Mobile that lie has now on bund ami will constantly keep a full supply of every kind ol CoNFKCflTlONAKlKS, FRUITS, CANTIIKS AND CAKKS of the best quality and of his own manufacture, such as he has heretofore hud the pleasure to furrish them; ali of which he will sell at wholesale or retail, for the lowest prices for cash. He also lias a large assortment of Real Havana Cigars ,of the most approved brands, which will give delight to the lovers o'a good article. Country Dealers suoplied on the most moderate Terms. * T. CAKMELICH, S. E. corner of Dauphin and St Emanuel sts RAGS BLACK PEPPER-10bags Suice, OU 20 bags Race Ginger, just received and for sale by R. L. WATKINS & Co. Druggists, novo cor Water nml St. Francis-sts. AMS.—10 casks, a good article, received to day per steamer W W. Fry, for suit* by dee2 MARSHALL k ROWE. C10RPORATION 01IDERS —-$5000 in Corpo / l ilt loll Orders* in sums to suit purchasers, for sale by sept!7 47tf_J. K. COLLINS. (1li7\N”BEIlRIE8 iS* MACKEREL.—15 half & ✓ ip-Nils Cranberries 30 half and qr bbla No. 1 Mac kerel. for sale by nnvlS 76tf P. McCASKILL. 18 Coro, it. INRESH WARRANTED GARDEN REEDS. 1 —The subscribers are now in receipt of their an nual supply of Garden Seeds, embracing every variety in general use. They will warrant evety Seed sold by them to be fresh, will matured, and of the first selection. I C. DUBOSE A CO., Druggists, novl3 lute DuBose tc Rolf. qa M. SUPERIOR REGALIA CIGARS cwl * for sale by novt G. WE3TFEI.PT & PRO. IN LOW ER ROOTS.—MOSELY & CO, Drug ’ gists, at the corner of Dmiphiti and Royal sts., have received by the Mary Silshy, a small collection of BuIImmis Roots, consisting of Dahlias, T ulips, Hyacinths, Crown Imperials, Anemones, Iris, C roars Ranunculus, Lilies, PoUanllms, Narcissus, and dou ble J HIM III I li ._Whl H POTATOES.—100 barrels Northern) for sale low from the wharf, apply to nov2 JNO. C. RYAN , « ur Conti Wuter-st. W' INES) CORDIAL: &c.-30 casks Bor deaux Claret; 375 easy* do do 10 bid* uliitc wii< 12 raises nmorted 5 il.. AUj utho 10 eases lino Esleplu y-.hrcl 23 baskets Anisette *' 10 cases fine St. J alien Claret 7 cases SwcefmmG, Imuling and for sale by d iol8 w ' H. BI N NELL It CO. /inks AND COFFK! -I ho subscribers of fer for sale the following invoice id’ goods se lected by nn experienced individual expressly lor this inarke t— •1 quarter casks Madciia Wine 1 pipe Sicily Madeira Wine 4 quarter casks Port Wino 1 do do do do Page 9c Co 4 do do Pule Sherry Wine, W D Gordon y do do do do do Laponiide 20 bags Government Java ('olive nS6 willTAKER A BAMPSONL81 StFrancia-st. ClARRlAGESj BUGGY WAGONS, ke.—8 J liaiidsoinc well finished city built Buggy* 1 handsome spuare lop Carriage 1 handsome Barouche 2 second baud Carriages 1 light Trotting Wagon, 0 set Harness, for sale derl 1 JOHN U’REILKY. WE have on hand a supply of COOKING STOVES worthy of .attention, on account of ecouomy—convenience and cumlort CUMMINS, HOGAN A SNOT/. n27 20 Commerce struct, BONNETS.- A large assortment,amongst which are ladies and misses American and English plain Straw and Tuscan, English Willow, Cyprus, Oriental Leghorn, Modena and Silk Bonnets; whits and colored Palm Leaf Hoods, &c. lor sale by ded7 GEO. A. ARNOLD,48 Water-st. French artificial flowers.—a dozen very superior French Flowers, lor sale by dec7 GEO. A. ARNOLD, 53 Water-st. ORANGES, PINl-V.APPLES fit BANANAS.— 10m Oranges, 100 Pine Apples, 100 buuchci Bananas, lauding from brig Canton from Matanzai and for sale by [decl ltf] J. H. RIVERS. BOXES BORDEAUX CLARET, (K &&VJ hints N O Sugar, for sale by dec9 JAMES HAGAN, 26 Conti-st. ALMONDS AND RAISINS—Just received am for sale by dec7 CUNNINGHAM & CALDWELL. HERRING.—No. 1 fresh, just received and foi sale by dcc7 CUNNINGHAM & CALDWELL. LIME.—500 casks 'l’iiomaston Lime, this da; landing from brig Hoiner mid for sale by dec7 J- H. RIVERS. OLLAND*U1N, &c.—10 qr pipes best Hoi land Gin; 4 qr pipes FisMAj Brandy, this da; landing and for sale low from ^BSlmrfhy dec7 ^’11. RIVERS. 7/IA COILS PiOKTHEltN KOI'K, maiiul'.ic 4 VlvF Hired from Russia liemp; 250 pieces Ala bama Bagging: 103 pieces Briggs Bagging, fur salt by W. I). WILSON, dec. 13 ' corner Water and St. Francis-sts. CIOFFEE.—100 sacks Havana Collee, J 100 do Rio do, 75 do Java do. For sale bi nov 26 SMITH fit DABNEY. ' CIOFFEE.—100 bags new crap Green Rio Collre J J&tt bags old government Java do., f.«r sale by nov2 J. C. RYAN, eor Conti fit Water-sts. T\ EMI JOHNS.—100 each of 1, 2, 8 a.idf6 gii Us MJm snlf by [«lecl 1 ] JOHN O'REILEY FIRE BRICK—50m Pensacola Fire Brick, M Bonnifan's brand, for Hale by ail _E. C. CENTER & CO. CLARET.—40 casks Latum . 75 boxes Pauillar 90 Ihjxc* Ludon, 80 boxes .Medoc, 20 Imxes St. Estephe, 25 boxes Chateau Mmguaux, 25 lioxci Chateau Lafitte, for sale by der6 • OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water st. BRANDY.—2 half pipes oUl Hennessee, 2 lutli pipes 1806 Cognac, 1-4 cask 1805 superior *>d 5 half pipes J. J. Duptiv It Co. do, on conxignuieii and for sale by GUSvTAVUS BEAL fit Co., dec2 Hagan's Buildings, Couti-st. NOW LANDING from the Wetuinpka, and foi sole at Gates's Pharmacy, Linseed Oil, ('upper ns, Whiling, Sash Tools, Gold Leaf, Alcohol, &c nov 26 MADDER-Prime Dutch, Onibro and Frencl FFF Madders, landing and for sale by 1. C. Do BOSE fit CO. Druggists, nlO late Du Bose It Rolf, 39 Water-st. ATER CRACKERS.-80 ha If bands, 7ui sale by D. WHEELER, dei 17 8 Walcr-st. u 111 thm city mi Tnursdny, £1 at October "TlREafitut of the Kkt. 8. R. W right an l ie building iiuOtivriiiinent street, formerly v Mr. Kemble. tber of pupils will be limited to forty, and .'ircutnsinuces will there be a departure ule. No efforts will be wauling to make on an elevated school of intellectual dis* nd learning and moral culture, avd nt the to furnish the best facilities for an orna polite education. Lessons will be given .r, piano and harp by Mrs. Wright, and in 'nuches of the ornamental department by has been for several years u highly nj>* her iu the celebrated Troy female semi isic w ill be taught to the school according m of Mr. Lowell Mason, of Bosiou, with* a! charge. etnic will consist of two consecutive sen lus afford an opportunity to the pupils u» rom the city during the sickly summer lout interuption to tlieir course of study, ir will he received who cannot rend wen somewhat advanced will be greatly pro les of tuition made known at the com* of the school. REFERENCES. . T. Hamilton "j Harrison Ac Blair r.H.’jju . T. Ac J. Sanford tyre. Esq. S. Witherspoon, GREENSBORO. »bert Nall, Marion. let SO. 1841. —The Misses GRAND1N respectfully the citizens of Mobile, that they will open fG and DAY SCHOOL.on the 1.1th inst. ug one door west of the llaiton Axademj. st, in which they proffer to ail who inny der their care, a thorough and svsieun.tic the solid branches; and from their long i this employment.they flatter themselves toy a liberal PAtjpnagC. The ymi itoiwu mm nwiiilb tir^T » season continues healthy, two months ed to the ornamental branches. English #20. Kteneli upon the most approved lu*i« with singing #40. k—Rev. T. H. Capers; James Seabury, ll 13 l*Ki\ AI ANMIIP. TtTR. BOYLAN takes leave to inform such ns are lfl not groat proficients in Penmanship,that he will give instructions in this art, at his Academy, Govern ment street, between the hours of 7 and 9 o’clock, five nights in each week. And hu unhesitatingly engages to change, iu a course of Tactic* Lemon*, the most stiff, cramped, deformed or irregulur scrawl, into a style at once bold, free, easy and elegant. Ladies wishing to take a course of lessons, Lot finding it inconvenient to call at the Academy, will ho nttended at their residences. Terms moderate. »4 ArA Two convenient Dwellings, having each four rooms, and kitehea room, on the norm side of Coui street,between Royal ami St. Emanuel sis. Also—Three rooms suitable for offices or sleeping apartments, in the buiding adjoining the above dwell ing. Rent moderate. Apply to 116 J. EMANUEL. Avk FOR RENT—Three Stores, No. 15, 17. 19 ,nn eusl side of Water street.. They will be rented separately, or together, and is a desirable loca tion for any business. Also— Tito Store No. 10. on west aide of Water street, late in the occupation of Obear A Phillips. Also—Ait Office over the store of D. Wheeler, No 8 Walerslreet. The above premises will be rented Hf very low rents. Apply to |n0] J. EMANUEL. MFOK RENT.—That desirable flntintry resi dence nt Summerville, formerly in the occu pancy of N. F. Williams, Esq. and possession given on 1st November. Apply at the Merchants’ Instt ranee Co'a. Office, St. Francis at. [o20. JjtrA bOR RENT—That desirable Office or Store on the lowei floor of the building webt side of Royal, near Conti street—lately occupied by Cuthberi [ A Stanley. Also A brick Warehouse on St. Miclta el street, oppo site J. B. Toulmin, capable of storing IOUO bales of cotton. Also a store on 3t. Michael street, now occupied by .Tn G. Davis A Co., with two large offices on the second floor. j Also two throe story buildings on Water street ad joining the Merchants and Planters Journal Office— with counting rooms in the second floor. Apply to on 11__J. EMANUEL. JOHN HR AGAW A CO. 27 Dauphin street, JB offer foi snlo ; ® 50 cases bro. drt?b plain Hals 50 do do black do 50 do do forum do 25 do fashionable (ur do 25 do do silk do Just received per brig Mobile. Also daily expe-ted in store by barque Hebron and brig Alabuirm; 100 cases Russet Brogans; 50do Kip do 25 do thick Boots; 20 do tine do 40 do Women’s tine Shoes; 20 do Men's do 15 do Children's do do octd ^ HATS AND BONNETS—The subscriber is now receiving a large assortment of 11uts and straw goods, unionist which, are as follows: 50 cases Men’s tosh. Beaver and plain blk. Huts. 25 “ “ wide brim “ •* 25.* “ " drab “ 10 " ** “ fashionable silk “ 150 do* Palm Leaf Hoods, with a great variety of ladies’ and misses Leghorn and plain straw Bonnets; shell, horn and ivory Combs; band boxes, artificial flowers, blocks, Ac. For sale cheap for cosh or good paper, by [nS9] GBO A. ARNOLD, 43 Water-at ^ AT E. BOBBIN SON’S CHEAP VARIK AU TY STORK—Just received per ship Hector, a large assortment of fashionable and low crowned broad brimmed Black and White Gentle men's HATS. Also—Fine Russia Beaver, and low priced Hats. Likewise, received per barque He bron, an assortment of fine and coarse White Linen and Cotton Shirts; do Flannel Shirts; which will be sold very low for cash, at the sign of the Mammoth Boot, corner of Water und Government streets. octW. (4 HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.—ifeis <;»»1. II. BUNNELL A CO. LONDON PORTER,—Landing ex ship Hogarth from Liverpool, for sale by no*20 JAMES HAGAN, 84 Wairr-it. | JLOUGHS — We have just received a supply of l Palmer A MHlnriuiek’i Ploughs, from the Rich mond manufactory. Nos. 1,6 and 6. i.22 MINGS A RUSSELL, 13 Water-et. Brogans and BOOT*—so canes Kip Bri gana ; 40 do Russell do; 23 do thick Boots, for sale low by G. G. JOHNSON, 42 Water-st up smirs. SUGAR AND FLOUR—12 hhd* prime old Su. gar; 65 bbi* s. f. Flour, for sale hy »‘»v29_P. McCASKILL, 18 Cm. st. WANTED,—A secondhand Couutei frum 20to 20 fact long, with or withoat drawers. Apply at 48 Dauphin street, to dec7 1. H. RIVERS