Newspaper Page Text
/ For i.tvKm*:** »t. SM ifntcS nf Auitnn dr.- w.mlcj t, cTnpl.! / MSsal the qM((o of haig it-1 '■! ■ IKK, ti, m.i ter. For freight of whn-h, m-ply to LAIRD .'J I.i l l LF.JOHN, t-'.r-h _ :M Si. Framia-el FOIl LIVEtl ’OOL. ^SfiFk The fine non r.,ppi-r<-.l hurqi!.- JESSIE ATroiiw has two thirds .,f h. r rarg’i ion lv n-nl -.dni on b mril, will have intrne li.tte d,>-;mt.-h. ’ Fur fi,-i i "pplyto WM. 'ULLIGA & CO., _ dec2.S _ 34 St. Mtohael-»l. FOIt LIVERPOOL. "~ Jgfi& The firstcinss abip JOSEI'lf A,-Lt it.-.’ SfeiaS mister, wants SJO bnh s to coutpl 'k ! ' go. For freight, apply tu , . ,,rr, tlec2:i JAMFF *"•*• ‘*‘ " Ttili LIVEltl-t;-?" n . . .. £5*. Tim fine barque I-NARK.tubri.l*-. Skit master, has ti.m-1’!!"1"' "f'T' and going on board.--'1 ’J'.'Vi'iT-t v E!",'?; '' freight, apply to ”M. MILLI * V.\ «.(.<>., tlecZS ' 34 Si. Michuct-st. FOR LIVE 111*001,. The first class Bahinmi ship POW1LAT ('apt. Briggs, lr-.s a large part of her cargo engaged ami will mod with despatch. For freight or passage, apply •*» dec8 LEO. CLEVELAND, Jr. FOR ERPOOL. Bfino cowicrrd and copper fastened BLAKE, (Jardincr master, has a f her mrgn engaged, and will Imvc • fi-eight apply l>* LAIRD & LITTLEJOHN, 31, St Francis st. -OH MARSEILLES. ~ first cliisM American barque DUO LEANS, Hood leas, master, will (patch. For freight of 100 baL-o nr ; title acpoiimindatinns, apply t > . DRL1.N & J. LECESNE, 28 Si. FrancM-st. l <1R Havre: i. I. fast sailing ship NORMAN, M onrick, muster, will have despatch. 30 links cotton or p is -age, bavin:: ntions fir a few ptw.-rngors, apply to JOS. ALZE .Sc SO.\, dec28 freilTit for it vvui;. J&Sffk 'n,ff first class ‘h p COTTON ! LAN r ■ * - or freigfA, apply , , ,. j, dee 13 1 go™,1 .Jit_packet ship 5IARY l'HIl.I.II'S, lie »g still detained bv bail weather, can stceoin in0(|;i - a few more passengers, and will g<> to sea the fir»t fair wind. Applv to jci-2J) HUNTIN' TON Sc CLEVF.L VXD. ‘ FOR NEW VOUIL k TIio A. 1 American ship WAVERLY.J. I D. Snow, master, h iving a great part of her B cargo eng;igcil will have despatch fm* the above port. ^LT'ur freight or passage, having excellent aecommuda Beltons, apply to E. C. CENTER fic CO., W~ dec24 corner Conti aad ('iminerr e-sts. ~ FOR NEW YORK. The packet barque REFORM, X. Tilyoii, master, will have early despatch for the above port and can take 300 bales cotton. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN RYAN, dec21 corner Conti and Water-st*. * FOR NEW Y<VRlv. The A. I. ship EDWIN A, West, master. $£«££ For freight, npplv to WHITAKER Sc SAMPSON, dec20 24 St. Francis-Bt. W FOR BO.TTOnT The new barque ABBY RAKER, Pratt, v3ri:^gT master, will meet with despatch. For freight or passage, apply to deo2‘> J. II. RIVERS. FOR BOSTON. The new brig IIO ME It, A. Watts, master, will have immediate despatch. For freight , or passage, apply on hoard at Conti street wharf, or _dec2I to J. II. RIVERS. FOR BOSTON. The brig CERES, Blanchard, master.— For freight, npplv to WHITAKER & S \MPSON, ' F()R MATAGORDA, (Texas.) The packet sell.-. AN < II I .1N 11, Wm. Jo line, master, will sail lor the above port on Thursday the 30th inst. Fwr light fn-iglit or passage, npplv to fdec2T3 I • H. r- FOR "PENSAt7)!- \7 *** The sloop AMANDA, will sail on the !50th. SiSsS* For height or passage, apply !*• dec28 VV. EDMOND & CO., 96 Coin. st. * Foil"FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The line new packet brig CANTON, E. Pentingill, mailer, is now leady t*» receive ■ freight—burthen about 850 bale and first class ves I scl. Apply on board at Mathew's wharf, or to ’ dec.2I -1 H. FUR Fit ElUtU' O ' 77.1 A I'lTii. _Ship*, llaisp^, .'•» I. »■■•; " S and Light ens can always be had at rate.-. Also.— Passages engaged for New York, Boston and Ha vana, on application to dec! Hf J. H. RIVERS. WASTED.—A Vess I to carry 50,000 gRjle t Lumber to Havana, anplv to novitf (J. WEST! ILDT & BflQ. ^777 ,:HOC)NEli WANTED. —The under* JjJgKsiged wishes to Charter in? < r two schoon ers to brick from tlic vicinity of this nlare to Baratariyv oct20-61 M. J. McllAE._ YORK PACKET S . {fc*.7» . CITYLINE. _ JjJZndj at the WharJ and sail rvery 10 — ^Tie following vessels Imiit expir .dy 1 »r the trade, L hereafter compose this lino, \ ix: hip MARY FRANCKS, Pi rcival, master, LEWIS CASS, A. HA wlk v , " FQarnue REFORM, Tilyoo, “ Brig SELMA, M. Smith, 44 Linden, j. livkhmork, 44 ALABAMA, F. W. Williams, 44 MOBILE, W. Jonls, “ « SARAH BROWN,J.\I.Norton," PSThe above vessel* all have cabins on deck, hnnd aoinely fitted np with Slate rooms for the accommoda tion of passenger*. Fieight will l>e taken at the lowest current rates every exertion made to di spatch tin? teasels ff^Eromplly as advertised. All cotton or other freight §||H tended to lie shipped In this line and coin-igncd to H ", subscriber at th: place, or to S ru ho f.s&Cli-:ar |||l N,(thc Agei’is in New York.) will he forwarded H * directed, lice of charge for commission. §11 J ON. C. R Y A N, A gent, H ort15 59tf corner Conti and Water-sts. «m •‘KtilLAR WEEKLY I’Y M- i' t o:; \lo.\ f. ■ ~ GOMERY AND WEI'UMI’KA. V . to The fine last running a learner GEN. ■ -3=3=^ G A INES. J. W. Pollock, master, ■ will -avc f"r die above ports and intermediate land || ,..f, every Monday during the sea.- on—commencing mpfycr regular trips on Monday the 27th inst., at 5o’clock ^ p. in. For freight or pas-age, apply on hoard, or to E. L. ANDREWS CO., dec23 corner Coin, and Dauphin sts. MOBILE AND MONTtJUMBRY PACKET. >#**#«*** t>. The good. Bubstar.t ial and fast run l_lk<-rJfeftw^ ning Steamer JEFFERSON, S. C. master, having undergone a t norough repair, will commence her regular trips so aoon as the river will permit; leaving Mobile every Saturday at 3 o'clock p M. and Montgomery every Tuesday at 10 o’clock a. m . For freight or passage apply on board, or to n2 B. H. FRY. MOBILE COLUMBUS, (.if?™.) PACKET. t* C®* Tie steamer 1)U (iUESNE, J. jTM&TriiBr Irwin, master, (having Evans’ pa tern safety guard) will ply between the above ports and intermediate landings, tlio oiisuing season. For freight «r passage, apply on board, or to E. L. ANDREWS & CO., corner Com. mid Dauphin-sts. Wo.vr ;(IME!l K~V \Y ETUMPKA WEEKLY PACKET, fa The well known and fast running jL. steamer GEN’L GAINES. J. W. , master, will leave Mobile every Thursday g,at 5 o'clock, p.arrive at. Montgomery on Jay at 12 o'clock hi., and VVettunpka at 3 p. in. m'icuvc VVettunpka on Sunday morning at 1 a. hi. ^ ; Montgomery at 11 a. in. and arrive in Mobile Tuesday morning in time for tin; N. Orleans Line Pdbkets For freight or passage, apply on board, or to E. L. ANDREWS ^ CO., novlG 63tf cor. Commerce and Dauphin-sts. N. B.—The Gaines has been thoroughly repaired, and is now in every respect equal to any boat in the trade AUTICAL ALMANACS FOrTi842; Ameri can Ahnuuacs for 1812, for sale by dcc27 S. W- ALLEN. FOR SAL1F-13.) boxes beet New Bedford Sperm Candle*, 1003 gallon* winter drained Sperm Oil, 100 bxa Imperial and Young Hyaon Tea, 50 baskets Anchor Champagne, Brandies, Wine* and Cigars, for sale by <124 GF.Vl’WfS BEAL *c CO., 22 Oonti-st. 1NSEED ()IL—20 bids, iron bound, in fine or der, received per brig Mobile, and for sale by WHITAKER & SAMPSON, •c 24 21, St Francis st. CLASSES—50 bbls of superior quality , in cy press bhl*. for sale by 1 GUSTAV US BEAL & CO. 22 Conti st. _ i Kot« Von iti'M’.—VIV !"-k,"'nv.! •£!il liv ilte J.'in Hi !Wf olli,;:-,a:' i'T %li , ‘ ml l-i J.,1 any business. It win cc ten Apply at this nfiirc. -- “Nj i.. •iv^'A w «tli ihr«u acres of • <.’% 1 L * 1 :-i,wiili goodkit- hrvi,and •• a‘ lo, 1 ^ '’I11-H.c-.-ii:,hl • rcsidonee, sHunu .1 on Gov i | f-.Mii the umk. l house, j eminent^, ;l» . uiU*, corner of Spring IIiH | _ '} and Center Avenue. 1 A 11•»«• -1 on lh- Av .:ac adjoining i!ic above. To | goad tenants tin* abmc houses will be rented very | loiv. For terms, to 15 E. t\ CENTER k CO. i'u:r j;i;.\t7 JWk The Dwelling House near Ashton's and .Je-i !jL Clmk's Sliijj A .nils and the Haw Mill—a good sian ' fora common boarding house and Grocery. \\r. EDMOND & CO. j > Tw 1) WEL LISrr )VA NTED—A enmforta j 't-V a.Mc dwelling lor a .mimll family, within five oi ten minutes walk of our store, is wanted by T. P. MILLER & CO. >^?v FOU RE N’T.—The Counting Honm fnita | «£L:*iLf>tin the occiijirncy of the subscribers, at No. • O'J, i ontuierce street. I I2tf GARDNER SAGER. ..-‘•-V / > 11K \ i—The Hon p in Govorntnr i -i • J, formerly occupied by T. W. M’Cov, Esq.ann at present by the subscribers being one of the most desirable locations ia tiie city, too well known t • require any description. Anply to I. VTIIAM Ill'l l *r. SON. Also, for rale, a Light Carriage, nearly new, with double harness,for oue or two horses, a uortliem j Oow, iieen here two summers and acclimated, n a 13 L. Ill 'LL <fc SON. „/* \ FOR RENT.—Several stores and office* in the new buildings mi Conti-st., lie tween Water and Koval streets. AppU to I 110 7-hf ‘ I \M«:S 11 \GAN, SI Wall i -t. \ OFFH . ■> TO /. EAT. —Three R ouis . b- l-ovcf Nos. 8 <nd 10 Commerce >t. Apply to nm5 THOS. P. MILLER .V Co. / A FOR RENT.—A huge fire proof \Vare Ji'vijLhousnon St. Joscjih street, capable of contain ing niiOO hales cotton. Possession given on the 1st December in xt. A Dwelling I lou.-i* on the north east corner of St. .!«. -pli un ! r?t. Louis i-treets. A Dwelling House on the; south side of St .Anthony street, the first next west of Si. Joseph street. Pos session given immediately. A convenient DwellingHouse, with a largo lot on Jackson street, opposite the Unitarian Church. Pos session given immediately. Foi terms, apply to ttov4 JOHN n. TOULMIN y‘ \ FOR RENT— A store and oiliee fronting T-.'-lLthc wharf, near Dauphin street. Apply to oct18 60tf i . L. K VDREU 8 & CQ. ^ FOli F F. N'T—From Ike First November— Ji»*.JLan office on the 2d four of the building corner of Conti and Commerce -t. Apply to 1,. t!5 %. C. CENTER & CO. JifUjM-'Wcuniotl by Dr. McNally* at the corner of Dau phin and Royal streets. .. plv to net6 ‘ MOSF.LY & CO. FOR Kb.N’T.—Tliteo stores on Water street jb ^between 11 itHicuck’s illev,nnd Dauphin street Apj-iyto lsop2:>] ROBEiiTSO.N & CO. V TO 11EJS T.—Tlufce two 2 slory new brick Dwelling ILmisch, mmated on the south side of til. Michael street, between Claiborne ami Frank Iiii streets, having five roo ts, pantries, closets nnd cellars—together with kitcien, ironing rooms and servant’s rooms. They c iUlm ready l *r occupancy by the loth October asm ivil be rented low to good tenants. Apply to I. C. DCBO.S E & CO., sep!3 43tf 89 Wnter-flt. OFF 11 IE F*) LET. Fliat 1 :.JL fice with two rooms attached, over Nos. Sand li) Commerce st., is fir root. Apply to sept 10 T. 1\ MILLER & CO. P( >TATOES A ND HA\ . - 180 I his prime while Potatoes, CD bids prime Chenango do, lbO bales prime Maine Hay, will be landed to-morrow and for sale from the w harf, by <lcc7 J. 11. RIVERS. STOP THE THIEF!—Came to our Stable on Thursday the 23rd iust., a man cvlling himself WILLIAM II. JONES, and hired u horse, for the purpose of ruling to Spring Hill, saying lie ha l some business with a gentleman living there, ami that lie would li possible be back the same evening, if not on the next morning, his basi n**s being such that it might detain him until themm day. Jones,or what ever his name may be, is a man 5 feet 2 inches or near that in height—in appearance about 21 years of age. H • had on nt th * lime a grey frock coal, a fine fur cap,and black pantaloons. The Horse is a large grev about Hi hands high, nark mane and tail ami carries himself finely. Any person either detaining or giving such information as w ill enable us to obtain possession of the I lorse ami Jones or either will bn suitably lewarded by apply Waters & BnT’ord, at the corner of Church a * I *E ! is. <iec27k waters BUFonn. ( T L ASS W \ RE.--5M0 <! a half pint Tumblers, Jf Star bottoms No. 1; tXK) d.-z half pint tavern Tumblers, polished bottoms, No. 1; 500 doz half pint Ohrystn! Glass Tumblers, polished bottoms No. 5; 50 dozen Cut, fiat plated bottom;, No. 7, instore and for sale by COATES ic LAX, Agents, dcc2tc J »Ht. Mtchat 1-st. Notice.—with a view to paying my debts, 1 oiler for sale a valuable plantation adjoining llm Greene Springs, in Greene c.unity, containing three hundred acres—the most of which is rich bottom land, and one hundred nnd fifty acres in a fine state of cultivation. This hind is a part of the Greene Springs tract, nod I would sell the whole Establish ment, including the furniture, crops of corn, stock, &c., on nccotnmpduting terms. I will insure, a profitable investment to any capitalist, who is dis posed to lake charge of the Hotel and Springs. It the above property is not disposed of by the first tiny of February next, I shall continue the improvements ami will lie amply prepared to accommodate visitors the next season. Any person wishing to purchase can muko application before that time to the sub scriber, at the Springs, or t<> Jr. Ige W. F. Fierce, af F.utaw, when tile Terms will Im* made known, dec. 2)22 WM. M. LVELL. 'Flic Tuscaloosa Monitor nnd Mobile Register will insert 6 times, and forward account to \V. M. L. Eutaw Advertiser. ill. cypress bbls, for side by CIRODE & WHITE, dcr21 corner Commerce And Dauphin-Os. rcpO MILLWRIGHTS.—Wanted a Millwright t« M. put up Spiral vent wheel for a Saw Mill,one who has been accustomed to the construction of such whccels upon the principles of those constructed in New Hampshire, will (iad immediate employment on application to ,lec23c DESHA. SHEPPARD & CO. f JAOTHE PLANTERS OF ALA HA MA.—The JL subscrihcrs are authorised to contract for the de livery in Mobile, of the best quality of Petit Gulf Cotton Seed, on the most moderate terms, and will make it the interest of Planters to enter into this ar rangement. CIRODE & WHITE, dec23 corner Commerce and Dauphin-ats. ANGLES AND SOAP.—100 Imxes Kendall &, Co’s Composition Candles, 100 bxs Sperm Candles, 50 boxes No. 1 Soap, in store and for sale by WHITAKER & SAMPSON, dec23 24 St. Franciw-st. C*~ 1 HKKKY BOUNCE AND WINE HITTERS. " —20 half bbls Cherry Bounce, 20 bxs Axnea’ celebrated Wine Bitters, on consignment, lor sale 20 by ALEX. PRATT. ALCLN ED BLASTER.—50 Mils fresh Cal cined Plaster, landing from brig Patriot and for sale by \V. EDMOND k CO., dcc23 9fi Coinmerce-st. COFFEE—300 bags prime new crop Havana, Rio, Java and St. Dmping'i Coffee, Ibr sale low |)y CIRODE & WHITE, dec corner Commerce and Dauphin-sts. C1 ORN.—548 bag* white, lauding from steamer J T. Saliuoiul, tor sale by «!cc23 \VM. II. BUNNELL & CO. FI LOUR, WHISKEY AND COFFEE.—190 bids superfine western Flour, lib) bbls western Whiskey, 50 Mils Rochester mi l Baltimore Flour, 10 half bbls best Rye Flour, 50 hlf, qr. and 1-8 bbls Buckwheat Flour, 80 bbls ami half bills old Rlonon g; the la Whiskey, 200 sucks Java, Rio, Laguiru and Havana Coffee, in store and for sale by de.-2 : ALEX. PRATT. PER 8TEAM ER M ERCH A NT.—100 bbls Flour 10 lihds prime Sugar, 25 casks Bacon Sides, 50 bbls Qew uicss Pork, for sale by dec23 T. P. MILLER & CO. WHISKEY—100 bbls old Rectified Whiskey, full proof, to arrive per schooner Swallow, for sale very low from the wharf, by CIRODE & WHITE. d23 corner Commerce and Dauphin st*. PORK—20 bbU new Mess l’<nk, fur sale by CIRODE & WHITE, il23 corner Commerce and Dauphin sts. OH. & CANDLES—12 casks winter strained Sperm Oil, dtljbuxcs New Bedford Sperm Can di •*, just Ian led and fir sale by .It;;'24 HUNTINGTON'S: CLEVELAND. 7Vr«>PI(.;H.—The Aubecriber# to rhe New York 11 Albion, can receive the plates of Windsor Cas I tie. by applying to D. C. LOWBER Sc CO., | dec27M 59 Coininerce-at. Y ii !<: A Tii R, ftp Jit i'll ! MEL I. l LINK, an,i Iasi ap|»’‘;uat.. ■; , ; u’i "lie . -i ■ In* b t-engaged his Grandma Iter j.» a -»i>; Imii i .'r* Ela-jii t lord. Mr. D.t 1 M;:ihi.:* Viilunicered his aid. Saif's Family us».! l/i Petite I’arliae appear. Fit st appeal liner- iu this Theatre, of the popular ! favotit ■, Mrs. Juli-i TTil , I IF EVE SING, Pi.C. 3a. 1841, i ll*' 1‘iitei l.iiinneiu of the evening w ill Commence ! with Herr Cline in his wonderful ASCENSION, 1 from the Stage t<> she Gallery, propelling a Wheul ■ barrow, in a novel manner, never performed l.y mty | person but himself. After which will In? jH'rfjvmed the play of THE STRANGER. The Stranger.Mr. Barton ! Solomon.John Greene Mrs. Haller,.Mm. JohuGreeno To be f. liow t d l»v the drama of THE YANKEE IN TIME. Jacob Jowsh.trp.Mr. Da i Marble Emify Clermont.Miss Hamblin l.a Petite (airline w ill dance a Fancy !>.; ice. After which, Herr (’line and his Grandin thrr will execute a Comic Pas <lt* Deux. Tito old lady is the only person living \\Iu» can rival Herr Cline, she having been his ent li'est preceptress. To cowhide with the Superb Tableaux of THE DEATH OF ABEL. Characters.Ity the Swiss Fatnih IN XCHANGE ON NEW YORK at start fight -d a oil tip da)* .-.ipht, for sale by .27 E. SI! ANY & CO.,6S Coinnu rce-*t. 171 XCHANGE ON NEW YORK*at •tan sight, U for sale by JOS. AUZE & SON, ,|ei 23 3# St. Fraiu i'-st. 17XCHANGE ON — Jd NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, and NEW ORLEANS, —far sale by GEO. Cl EVELAND, Jr., iicc23 20 St. Francis-fit. EX \ ' ■ - Bills on New York at (i'i days, for sale by dec 17 ' JAMES MAGEE. |7XCHANGE un NEW YORK at 60 days Hi wight, for sale by CD. DRUIN' & J. LF.CESNE, I it 28 gf. Francl»f*t» ITfXt HANGE ON NEW YORK, BOS l’ON, H d Philailclphia and Baltimore, at 60 and 90 days sight; Nashville, one dav’s sight, for sale by JNO. B. TOLLMiN, dec 16c 37 St. Michaol-st. 2 EXCHANGE ON ENGL AN D, for sale by Jjd dccl i BARN EW ALL fe WANROY, J7XCHANGE ON NEW ORLEANS. -Bill* _d at 5 and 10 days sight, for sale by Heell E. L. ANDREWS & CO. J.1 AV 11."II I. "I""", * wi r» uii'i inn lA Orleans, for sale bv decll M• I*. E8LAVK k CO. O XCH INGE on New York at lb days eight, for M2A .sale bv WM. MILLIGAN & CO., decll ’ 84 8t. Michncbst. « .* XCIIANGE on New York, at 30 days sight, for j £ i sale by GARDNER A SAGEIi, dec8 Conti-street. riXCilANGl ON NEW l)RLEAN8 at 80dny* .1 'i sight, for sale by dee7 l). WHEELER, 8 Wnter-st. 171 XCH ANG f"ON LONDON & NEW YORK. Vi M . !> E8LA.\ V $• C <>. TN XCHANGE ON N. YORK—at 60 dn jL.J for sale by GAItDN Ell & SAOlsR, uct 11 * No. 6!) Commnrce-st. { a GXCHANE ON BALTIMORE & PllILA 1A DELPHI A, for sale by GEO. CLEVELAND, Ju., dt»c3 20 St. Francis-st. IIBERAL A1 >\ A N<5ES <"» «• ignm nl «<i -A Cotton t«> our friends in New York, Boston and Havre, made by dcc23 HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND. J71 XCH INGE on New York at 8 days sight, foj llsale by WM. MILLIGAN & Co., iiov2G 34 St. Michael st. SAXCiiANGE on New York and Boston, for sale lil.y | n2'Jj F. SHAW A CO.. 84 Com. at. ITiXCHANGli on Nc.v York, at short si?.lit, for sale by CH. DRU1N A J. LECKSNE, uS7 26 St. Francis st. i EXCHANGE on New Orleans, at one day’s sight JS_i for sale by 11-37 STEVENSON FORBES,31 St. Fra rcis-st BA XCHANGE on New York. at 3 days sight, for Hi sale by W. MILLIGAN A CO. n27 31 St. Michael street. 071XCHANG *•'. on Now York, for snle by fr’J n26 ELLIS & GREEN, 68 Commerco-st. BA XCHANGE ON PROVIDENCE at 60 days] I 'A paya) le in Providence or New York, for sale by nl3 WHITAKER A. SAMPSON. 24 Franeis-st (71 XCHANG E"ON .*;\V ORLEANS—Checks 5^4 ut Jsialit fur cab- by nii 1). WII 1-jELER, 8 Wnter-st. If 71 XCHANGE on Ih.bimore at60days.sight,for by Q A nl H. A. SCIIUOEDER. 28 St. Fr-mcis at. STERLING EXCHANGE at 60 days sight, for sale by PATTERSON & MALCO.MSON, decl8 ’ Coinmerce-sl. SIGHT CHECKS ()N NEW ORLEANS, for sale by [decll] E. L. ANDREWS & CO. /CHECKS ON PHILADELPHIA, for •9320, Kj $2090, $1826 46, SI600, for sale by n23 WHITAKER A SAMPSON. 21 St. Franc is-st Cl HECKS on Philadelphia, for sale l»y / WHITAKER A SAMPSON, novlO No 21 St. Francis street. (CERTIFICATES OF DE POSIT E on Motttgo J mery and Tuscaloosa, purchased by ii6 * G. W. TARLETON, 72Commerce st. \ BOBILE BANK STOCK—10Shares fur sale by .Ttl nil) G. W. TARLETON,72 Cmnineice-st TUTONTGOMERY BANK Certificates of Depo ifX site Wanted, by E. L. ANDREWS It CO. lioNTGOMERY CERTIFICATES OF DE Jl POS1TE wanted by n.’.tf RIVES, BATTLE & CO. IBERAL ADVANCES will be made by the -A subscribers on Cotton consigned to their friends in Liverpool, Glasgow and New-York. dec 16 J AS. REID & CO., 10 St. Michael-st. ADVANCES ON COTTON.—The subscriber will in'tke advances on Colton consigned to his correspondents in Liverpool, Havre and NewYork. ARCH’D GRAC1E, decll corner Conti and Coinmerc st*. Advances on cotton.—The suiwcniwr will make advances on cotton consigned to his friends in Liverpool, Glasgow, Now York und Bos ton. * [ilec7] D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. 1)VANCES ON COTTON.-We will make liberal Advances on Cotton consigned to us for sale in this market, or for Shipment to oar friends in Liverpool, Havre, New Yolk, Boston or New Or leans. E. L. ANDREWS & CO. oct27 (Mviino cor Commerce & Dauphin-sis. ADVANCES ON COTTON^Liberal advan ces made on consignments of Cotton to my friends in Liverpool. dec.7 JAMES HAGAN, 24 Conti-st. DVANCES ON COTTC>N~—The subscriber will make advances on Colton shipped to his friends in Liverpool or New York. dcc.7 GEO. MARTIN, 15 Watcr-st. A DVANCES ON COTTON consigned to J jflL Ilolford St Co., Liverpool, will l»e made by dec8 OUDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st. Advances on'cotton.—ti»p oUu«rii>ers will make liberal advances on Colton consigned to their friends in Liver|v>ol and New York, dio 1 McGRAN ^ NOONAN. mENSTESSEE LIVE GEESE FEATHERS.— L A first rate article, for sale l»y decl7 1>. B. CRANE & CO., 37 Water-st. LIVE OIL .AND W CSCAf.—150 baskets Olvive Oil, 100 boxes Muscat Wine, landing ek Tallsit, for sale by dec 18 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st. C* HA MPAGNE.—20 baskets Asehur brand,u ve / ry superior wine, for sale bv dec2l JOHN C. RYAN. N CONSIGNMENT—I Woes, Hay, Mackcr el, Codfish, Herrings, Pickt-d Fish, Candles, Coffee, Gin, Brandy, &c., will Iw soli low from the wharf, by [dec 24J J. H. RIVERS. ItUSII POTATOES—100 lumpers genuine Irish Potatoes, a prime article, for sale by d<‘c 23 T. P. M.1LLER k CO. DOMKST1CS.—50 bales S. JU. Osnaburj|S, No. 1; 30 bales 3. C. Shillings, 3-4; 30 bales Bosrah Drillings, 31 and 7-8; 10 eases Blued do, for sale by McGRAN k NOONAN, d«c22 | St. JMinbael-st. fNRUITS.—200 whole, half and qr. boxes Rai sins, 25 drums Smyrna Fiat, 10 keg* White Grapes, 10 kegs Currants, 25 fibls Dried Apples, for sale by doc22 THOS. P. MILLER & CO. (1ANU1KS.—50 boxes nssoted Candies, from J Stewart’s Steam Refinery; 5 boxes Rock Can dy, fn sale by [dec23] T. P MILLER & CO. FODDER.—30 bales land ng from steamer Ca lm wba, for sale by dec23 C. A. GILDER'’, 50 Commerce-9t. j I .Vtifstifi > |i lif.uVv t. I* J nut -a* mg to Ida j If gam tally. tn. t ti* ifuriv.-u u .. . j ( 1 >-'!Pil'i T :«:• I ' the An-ri •,>»» 'J'hrntrr, New Orleans, will | '' 1 '■ k vv i i n in this city, com mencing on It . ■< * V fcviniftt neat. Tills coinj.u* I ny i urkiK'w l.*.|r it.* !>.; -nperh.w iu point of talent, to tiny which hav vU '•* I tin smithcm country for urn* j nv venrs, and ii ; < cs (h:ti wonderful l» »y, Master ; 11 & ns a M>i-/, v .'•• a performances excite the most lively interest w! m .< r ho appears At u very gni » xpense, the Managers have cn 1 caged Mr. i\ >hth, universally acknowledged I to be the greater Hi ler in the world, who will per form a few night* oily, previous to his departure for Havana. Patticblais in Bills.__dee!7 NOTIOK.—Tin- Copartnership Ii. setulcieexisting between the ndtcriliers at Mobile, Ala., undei the tinn of U. STEilllNS & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual c *n-mt;—either party is aoth.uis* 1 ed to use tin name Mthf* lat • firm in liquidation. SAMUEL ST I'd »i I.VS will continue bnsiuers in | hi} own name ami i-r nis individual account. Ii. STEP HI NS, JOHN baouwer, ♦ SAM’L STEBbl.NS. \ u-\ork N ft I 11- 48? S§« NOTICE.—The diiMJiiition of the firm ROB ERTSON & Cf., took pi t''.* • n the 7tli inst., l-v mult .1 consent. WM. H. ROBERTSON, HENRY MYERS, dec.0 JOS. E. MURRELL, in ISSOZ.l I !<> -file connecti hi in business • > iicrei d *rc e\w <; between the tin-E rsigne l as publishers of ih- Me Jk,antr and Planters Journal, is dissolved from an I JTr this date. C. A. STl’AK'P,. HaIuiic charged with tile settle ment of tin; outsta-thogbusiness, to whom all per sons indebted wik ) . ne make immediate payment, and those holding r|al>u- against the concern, are re quested to hand ilium ia at their earliest convenience. S. F. WILSON, n it 80 Mtf C. A. STI IR V. NO riCE—I’hqco-partnership heretofore existing lietwoen the inhscribers, under the name and . linn of Thompso' Shkf.v f, was by mutual con sent dissolved on tin 1st day of November, 1S4I. l)r S. Monlnca* has charge of the settlement of the business of the jroheern, who alone (or his agent) is authorised to rosts^Hfr debts due th i firm. Per sons hiving ' -• 'J” U ** ** *****v" ** prwseut them to him An settlement. DRURY THOMPSON, nov29 C.S. SIIREVE. Geo. Conway is autlinrU-d to receipt for debt* due to Thompson & fihreve, ami to attend to the set tlement of their accounts generally, nov29 is ii s. MORDECAI. COPARTNERSHIP — M. I > ESLA\ \ having t taken Mr. LOUIS E. MONTANDON into partnership on the 1st inst., the business will here after lie conducted under the linn of M. D. ESLAVA & CO. deel ltf ti ui \ It I I!, l to 111 r.— I lie undersigned nave as 1 seriated themse ves in the General Commission Busincss, iiiuler ilie (inn of GlkSTAVUS BEAL & CO., am! have taken the oilier in Hagan's buildings, Co.ui-st. GUSTAVOS BEAL, dec2 \. II. IVELLOWB. DISSOLI TIONr—The copartnership of Daven port & Sewall,expired hv its own limitation on the 1st day of October Inst. («. Davenport fet tles the business of tit* concern. GOKilAM DAVENPORT, dei 2 r.r. vi *MIN C. SEWA1 L. Dissolution of copartnership.— Notice is hereby fivon to all concerned, tha^ the copartnership in tue Iron Foundry business at Mobile, known under the name of James Curry & Co., has been this (I.ivdissolved. Al! persons hiv ing claims against snii! (inn on account of the Mo bile Foundry, will pletse present I hem for settle ment. [oct2965tf JAMES CURRV. REMOVAL.—Thei let igiwdhai removed from 48 Dauphin to Bt. Francis street, where he offers for sale on acconmodating terms, a large as sortment of FURNITl RE. Entrance 32 Water and 23 St. Francis street. nov2P i J. C GW INN. FI EMOVaL.—Tin ; bscribers have removed u* w the corner ol Counmrce and St. Michael-sts. octl5 SMITH it DABNEY. REM()\ AL.—The undersigned have removed to (irst store in the new block of buildings, oppo site their late office. F. SIIAVV & CO. novS 71 Commerce-st. EM Ol K L.—VOtfa&EDAY & SEA lis\ Booksellers U Station k h, have removed to the store formerly -cupied by John Stephenson & Co. No. 3(» Dauphin sireet. nov8 I A Rl).—>100 k« me Leaf Lard, for salebi J J* >: \ - riir.H.EV, t w.n, ,-ft. St\VE K'FTfAL UU WINE.—20 tjr casks land ing from brig Moptic ami for sale hv dec.27 JOHN O’REILEY, 4 Water-st. ,k(Hk BBLS. POTATOES, in good order,-by HI dec27 I! 1RKIS it BOSS. B\ t i (i I N' * 1N D R PI DO p cb henry 11 to lb inches Kentucky Bagging, 330 coils lirsl quality Kentucky Ruie, m store and for sale by dcc27 ELLIS & i RE EN, 68 Commerce-st. PICKLES AND U1SINS.- tO boxes half giil loti Pickles, 200L>xes M. R. Bunch Raisins, in store, for sale by ELLIS & GREEN, dec27 68 Commcrcc-at. SUGAR \M> MOLASSES_211 hhd. Loulf ianu Sugar, 52 b'.dt Molasses, (cypress bids) in store, for sale by ELLIS &. GREEN, dec27 68 Commerce-st. SILT—1500 sacks Liverpool Salt, (bleached sacks,) for sale by: ELLIS & GREEN, dec 27 G8 Com. st. SOAP—30 boxes Mjs. 1 and 2 brown Soap, 25 do whit* perfumed do. In store, for sale by ELLIS GREEN, <!« i' 27 68 <Sam, tt. IpKAS.—Landing film brig Mobile and for sale 1 decay by JOHfl O'REILEV, I Water-st. riuMDn " w—ion dovc .iuu nan mixes manuiur J- lured Tobacco, nsairted qualities and approved brands. In store, fir sip.- by dee 27 El.LI a & G REEN, 68 Coin. st. A CON AND MESS PORK.—25 casks Cin cinnnti Sides and shoulders; 50 bbls mess (in spected) Pork, for sale By dec22 P. McCASKILL, 18 Commerce-at. F'BLOCK AND WHlVKEY.—40 Imi.oU How ard-st. Flour, 35 bhl* western Flour, 50 bills I Rectified Whiskey, for shle liy dec22 P. MeCApKlLL, 18 Commerce-st.f WANTED—To | unliase or hire by the month, a good Horse, Dmy and Harness; also, to hire a smart Drayman. Apply to | dec2l ALEX. PkATT, 30 Commerce-st. WFDFS I ROM, 3ti:el, naTls, &c.-— Swedes Iron of all sites; Steel of all kinds; Cut Nails of Swedes Iron; Sheet, BanJ and Hop Igon; (iiu Castings; Iiollow-vfire; Horse Shoe Iron and Nails and 10 tons Rail Ity-id Iron, lor sale by McGiAN St NOONAN, dec22 i 6 St. Micliael-sl. Al L, KOAl) I lUlSt .In l.y ^ M. D.FdLAVA & CO., decl8 70 Commerce-st. DEN PARK Mill is GUN POWDER.—I WM. H. BUNNELL & CO., Agents for the sale of this celebrated Border, have recently receiv ed a full supply of FFF U and FF G, in, halt kegs and canisters. (lee 18 WHITE &. SSoWff HAVANA si A .AKS,— landing from Bchr. ltlautic mid for sale by dec21 W. EDHQND^t OQt, 96 Comincrce-st. C BOUGHS! COl.DV!—H\n excellent Cough Mix y lure prepared aad for tale cheap at No. 30 Roy al street, Mobile. dec21 SMALL LOT SUPERIOR RIFLES, of ’IVy oa & Co's celebr.itedmanufacture, for sale by WM. D. WILSON, dec2I corner St Francis and Water-sts RAISINS.—50 boxeahmi half boxes bunch Rai sins, for sale by dec-21 JOHN C. RYAN. HUTTER.—25 liikini choice Goshen Butter, for sale by [der2-Q JNO. C. RYAN. w CB HESTER COUNTt TnAILs7—5(»0 kqgs J Chester County Nails, assortnd 4 to 20d, just received, for sale by E. ('. CENTER & CO., dec22 corner Conti and Coinincrce-sts. HITE LEAD, SHOT, Ate..—400 kegs while Lead, No. 2. B and extra; 500 bags Drop Shot, all sizes; 150 boxes Colgate £t Co’s No. 1 Soap; 50 bbis canvassed Hauit, of superior quality, for sale by dec22 Me GRAN & NOONAN. Bagging, rope and wine.—ioo piece# Kentucy Bagging; 10!) c<jils Kentucky Rope; 500lbs very suiierior Twine, for sale by CIRODE «; WHITE, de<-24 corner CoinnieYee and I>uupliiu-st*. ORDAG E, N A V A I. STORES, &c—120 coils Hemp and Manilla Cur^ige, assorted 30 bids Tar, Pitch and Rosin 20 bundle.* Oakum 20 dozen Ship ami Draw Basket.;, landing from brig Patriot aad for sale by <123 W. EDMOfr!) & CO., 90 Com, st. LltlUOKS—30 qr cusksjAmcrican Brandy 10 hall ami qr pipes ohiCogu ,c Biandy 1 pipe pure Holland tiin 10 bids Moaongahela Vhiskey.on consignment, lor sale very cheap by Cl (ODE & WHITE, d23 corner CoAinmc and Daupliin-sta. iting the city i" »ii • . . I’liE 1IRY GOODS. The whole it which has j been purchased or In tiled from l’.uru|»eaii packets withia a f**w week* an 1 will !«e f und to contain a i most varied and desirable ti.-*01, at such re- ' 'unrkullu law pri >•, as must ensure entire sutisfac- : ti.m to even piirrluser* The f liming articles will j be found in the as -itment. Silks—Heavy Bux lie (Jrn* Je Naps Rich plain Putdte ilc Sni do striped and figured CJioj d'umttre Richest rep* with elegant satin strii>es Splendid mnbre,glace nu t rlnoc Silks, latest sl\ les Hlk and f'loe-hlk silks; do do and c**lM Satina M.ujchnJ Delaines—A new xssoi tment auiull Gg ures, for children'* wear Rich plaid, French manufacture, ail wood InM quality, mode colors, with satin stripes super!) C’hine delaines, very I i-lii : table do Nnzxuriue bide groan I dr Inane Calicoes—10 case* American Prints, all qualities G cases English, latest *•;.!«■*; 4 do splendid do 5 do Farwitutt! 1’t " > price; 3 do do English J-iucits—S eases 4*1 S> .unis, (truss Ideach 3 eases bird’s-eye l>'* ; 3 bales Russia do G. 7. 8. and 10-4 tabl do and Damasks 5, 8 and 10*4 Linen Sheeting, cheapest ever oft’et e 1 in this city. Brown and white Damask Table Cloths. i Linen Cambric Handkerchief* Plain, hem-stitched, and a riviere do Linen (’ambries and Lawns, all qualities Shawls, Multilists aw! Scarfs— Splendid Velvet, Flush Chine and Silk Mantilla Rich silk, satin and cashmere Shawls Taglmnc, Rob Roy ami woollen Slmvvls French Wool Shawls, a new and desirable nr Chine Scarfs, silk ami satin liandkis Velvet Points and Ladies Cravats Mousseline tie La inn and Chally Shawls Flannels and Blankets—3 bis extra line Saxony 6 bis medium quality, white and red Flannel: 3 do real Welsh warranted not to shrink in washing. 6 Ids low price Blankets; 3 do large and he* 3 do largest Whitney, libbon-hound G do Negro Blankets, the whole of these vvi' sold unusually l"vv. Hosiery—Pure! *•* 1 * # nis establi* a Coalpit to a.-soWiueii m Tm* best tlcscrq English llosi -ry. 200 do*. white, blue and black Cotton Hose l'K) do gray, slate and unbleached tin 200 do white Merino and Lambs-wonl do 200 do blk ('ashinere, Molmir ami Worsted do 40 tit) heavy Raw Silk 40 do do white ami hlk Eng, Silk Hosiery A full assortment of children's Hosiery Cents Metino and La mbs-wool half-hose do do Shirts ami Drawers Cloak Stuff's—English Merino, tilde width A new style Alpacen Lustre; blk Saxony Cloths Drum ami hlk Bombazines; Cuslinieriim*, Domestics.—A full assortment of brown ami bleach ed Domestics, Shirting, Stripes, Drillings, Deimims, Osnaburgs, Negro Kerseys, &c. at manufacturers prices, together with a variety of other articles, such as—Kentucky Jenna Plain ami plaid Linaeyg, Cnssiincres, Satinetts 'Puscaii and Sinvvv Bonnets, Furniture Calicoes Furniture Dimity, Apron and Funiturc Checks L.ulies and Gents black and rul'd Kill Gloves Silk and cotton Umbrellas, Tickings Burlaps, Crapes, Pins, Needles, Tape Spool Cotton, Corsets, Head llundkfs Paper Muslins, Linen Cambrics Juflprt, Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook Mtt*lins Stripes and Plaids, Muslin Edgings, Inserting* and Laces, Infant Robes and Frock Bodices Damask Moreens ami Window Mullins The whole ol which will ho sold cheap for cash on ly. _ dec28 f\] If,\V CON I' KLTH) A A E i r.S I A 111.Ir5ll - Lx MENT.—J. M<GlNJS18t respectfully informs h» friends and the public in general, that in addition to bis BAKEEV,be lias commenced the CONFEC TIONARY BUSINESS, in all its branches. Hav ing engaged experienced workmen lie hopes tu give entire satisfaction to families, honoring him with orders. * Balls and Parties supplied with rich ornamented Cakes, Pyramids, Pastries, &c. on the shortest no tice. Wedding Cakes made to order and handsomely ornamented. Country dealers will please observe that bis stock is entirely new made of the best materials, and lie is ready to supply them by wholesale with every arti cle in the Confectionary line und no extra charge made for packing and shipping. d‘2()K mo 1(H» Dauphin street, Mobile, Ala. ION DON PORTER, RAISIN8 & CHEESE, -A —Landing from brig Mobile— 59 casks London Porter, superior bund, in qts and pints; 50 bxs Goshen Cheese 100 boxes Bunch Raisins, for sale by dec23 ALEX. PRATT, 30 Comincrce-sf. CUIRlSTMAS PRESENTS—Heath's Book (d J Beauty; Heath's Picturesque Annual Heath's Keepsake F fie in-sbip’M Offering Tim Gift, nu American Annual The Violet, a Juvenile Annual The Poets of America, edited by John Koose —And n large variety of Juvenile Books suitable for the season. f»lec2l] S. W. ALLEN. S‘IDES.—30 ca k Ciin imilli cure I. Wliiskey 10S bbls Rectified, a superior article Flour—109 bbls superfine inspected Sugar—50 lilids prime New Orleans Pork—80 bbls prime Beef—40 half bbls mess Beef Sperm Candles—50 Ikixcs New Bedford, a supe rior article. Pepper—25 bags.—The above goods are for sale to arrive per steamer Southernor, dec24 by LATH\M HULL & SON. FLOCK.—loo bbls snperflne western; fiObbli and half bbbls northern Family Flour, for sale by CIRODE & WHITE, dee2l corner Commerce and Dauphin-sts. LOAF SUGARS.—50 bbls Boston No. 1 Lon and Crushed, 30 bbls N O Loaf Sugar, for sale low by CIRODE & WHITE, deci24 earner Commerce and Dauphin-sts. |»U 1 1 bn.—28 iirkius uoslien Dairy nutter, oil *3 consignment, for sale low by Cl RODE & WHITE, dec24 corner Commerce and Daupliin-sts. OS HEN BUTTER AND CH E ES1 —17 lir 3 kins Butler, 138 boxes Cheese, landing from brig Mobile, for sale by dec.23 WM. H. BUNNELL & CO. ■71 URN ITU RE FOR SALE.—A lot of second I-1 baiuk Furniture, generally ns good us new, com prising Sofa, Centre Table, Mahogany, Chairs, &c. Apply to JOHN O’REILEY, dec21 19cw 4 Water st. Will1T E AND CHEN A NCR FT'OTATO Es7— 401) bbls white and Chenango Potatoes, in ex cellent order, for sulc by de«:22 J. If. RIVERS. P" <)RTSMOUTH AND PORTLAND HAY.— 325 bales prime Portsmouth uml Porland Hay, best quality, for sale by d«c22 J. II. RIVERS. WHTT1: 1UV A N A SUGAR”—10 boxes, in good order, for sale by dec22 I). WHEELER, 8 Water-st. WATER CRACKERS.—80 half bbls in fine order, for salt* by dec22 I). WHEELER, 8 Water-st. Aits eTlles7madei RA a wo PORT WINE —50qr casks Marseilles Madeira; 30 do Port Wine, for sale by dig OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Watarget. fiiwivM V SEVEN thousand CIGARS, X just received from Havana, and for sale on rea sonable terms. They are Canon**, La I’loi Itcgu lias, and Trahucos, of the la-st quality. dec22 I’. I'. HARRIS. ACKEREL.—100 l»rrel«N«. 1,2 and 8 Mack erel, 20 b:ilf bhU NV« 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, fur sale very law to consignments, bv dec22 _ J. II. RIVERS. C1HOICE CIGARS.—Regalia, Canones, and / Ceres Millar, for sale by dct‘22 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. WINTER STRAINED SPERM OIL.—1000 gallons pure Winter Strained S|»erui Oil, just received tier ship Floridian a verv suporior article, fur sale by GUSTAVUS BEAL & CO., ill <18 Hagan's new buildings, Conti-st. JUST RECEIVED Irom Havana, n largeussort inent of Cigars of the following brands—Impc riales, Regalias, Uanones, Trahucos, Senndos, Dos llcrmanoes, anil for sale wholesale and retail, at Royal-street 48 and 50 at JO. CALCINA'S Barlier Shop, who imports them direct from the l»cst manu factures in Havana, dee?l l^ORTElt AND ALE, just landed from ship Co X lumbtis from Liverpool, for sale by der.20 _ I). WHEELER, 8 Water-st. SALT AFLOAT and on the wharf, for sale by dec20 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. AIRRANK’8 PATEN T PLATFORM of all sizes, for sale hy dec22 McGRAN & NOONAN. | BOXES ami half boxes Honey Dew Gobi 3 til/ L< af Tobacco, for sale by WM. D. WILSON, dec21 corner St. Francis and Water-sts. Of|Q KEGS CHESTER COUNTY NAILS OVM3 assorted sizes, daily expected, for sale t< arrive by WM. D. WILSON, 1 dcc21 corner Water and St, Francis-sls. ( U V 1 l s s / u.l .i lr t. if I S, dS8 • tin 88 Si• M hntl st. i i U A V. A CO,, Wholesale Ueah is in every description of HA TS, V >07 -V AND SHOES, «leol I Xn. 27 Dauphin-st.,—Mouii.k. j * \:. _ < H R!VERS, GOMMJS 70.V MERCHANT, MoRtt.K. Will give particular ullention to the *alo of all kinds of NORTHERN l’RODVCE. ti. ii. Johnson. SHOES. BOOTS, /.'ATS, DON.WETS, DOMESTIC COTTONS, KEB9EYS, Sc., at wholesale, atf 49 Water street, up stairs. J \ v i ji HOS. OON1 S, IMPORTER OF BRANDY AND ITINES, nl7 31 8t. MiehaeJ-aueet, Mobile. ROlflN m' A - ! L \IM'. MERCHANT T IffoRS AND CLOTHIERS. AT TilK CM VARIETY STORE; nl7 C »rner < \ ernu ent and Wa er-streeta. D BALL* C O M M I S S I - s M i: R 11CHAN T. fnbile. [sept27 6m J V y v'O.N'NKLL . 4 O.MT/'INK, Ow.MUissiuM MfltCli J--S, Liptrjotn. rmin. Vi 1 P' u », it. Turk. J to ad i V. ndia and 100 do Dundee CANDLES—200 bxs \V. U. Rodman * in Cn miles RO|*E—600 cods Russia, 100 do Kentucky DOMESTICS—20 bales No. 1 Osnahurg* 20 bales Blown Drills & 20 do brown .Shirtings COFFEE—300 jacks Havana, 200 do Rio 350 do St. Domingo and 50 do old Gov’t Java TO BA' 'CO—200 h\s various brands, pound lumps TVN INF.—8 bales 3 ply baling Twine CEMENT—264 bids Hydraulic & 300 bis Roman NAILS—100 kegs Parker &. Son’s best BRANDY—5 halfpipes Champagne 5 pipes Sviguctte and 6 pipes American UMBRELLAS—40 dozen cotton Umbrellas, a good article WINES—17 cases choice old Port 10 casks choice Moselle 10 qr ranks very choice old Sherry 3 “ “ “ ** “ Madeira PRINTS—30cases new style Full Ri\er Prints IRON—12 toiu assorted Iron SUGAR.—28 bids No. 1 powdered and crushed Sugar HOLLAND GIN—4 pipes very superior SI IEET1NG9—7 cases5-4 &6-4blc’d Walshams WHITE LEAD—13,000 extra in kegs of 25lbs, 50IIh to SOOIbs • 26,00011)9 No. 1 in kfg.s of 2511)9,501bs to 5001bs OILS—50 baskets Bordeaux Oil 5 casks winter strained Sperm Oil dec28ltltlO Otlice, 35 St Michncl-st. ti ARGO OP FRI I I', WINES, kc. DIRECT f EROM MALAGA.—The subscribers offer for sale to the tradi on liberal terms, the cargo of the Spanish Faluca “Mistico del Carmen,” just in from Malaga, consisting of the following— Bags soft shelled Almonds; bags Fillierts Boxes Muscatel Raisins; boxes L .nous Half do do do; half bxs Lemons Or do do do; kegs wliitu Figs Boxes white Figs; kegs Olives Bags Salouzas; boxes Grapes Jars Grapes; bids Espcraiizn Almonds Bags Walnuts; casks Claret The above cargo lias lieen particularly selected ami will bo sold on the wharf at prices as low as the ar ticles can be had front the northern markets, war ranted to be in lino order and of superior quality. Uec28 M. 1). E8LAVA k CO. Bagging, rope and twine.—aoo pcs East India (iiinnv Cloth, 46in. 2Jlh|)cr yd; 500 do imitation do 44 and 46in 2 and 2Jlb per yard 300 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 44 and 46in 300 do Alabama Bagging 300 do Dundee do, 44in. and heavy 300 coiL ItrtKSflH'-pc.lB strands 200 do Kentucky Rope 400 do Russia Hemp Repo 50 do Bombay Rope SOOCIbs superior 3 ply Twine—for talo on ac commodating terms, by dec22 McGRAN & NOONAN. * LOOK A TTHIS l! " NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA DRY GOOD STORE, No. HI Dauphin .street, on the Square.— DltUCKER & PINCUS, beg leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen, that they have just opened the above named store with a splendid assortment of FANCY DRY GOODS, amongst which will be found a large assortment of French Goods, from the celebrated manufactures of B. Lu pin and A. Colliard & Co. consisting of— Superior black and live Beach Bombazine Rich figured Bombazine, a quite new article Splendid embroidered Muslin do Laino Black and blue black Grog de Grain Figured and colored do do Faany Elssler Cloaks, a superior quality, just from Parifc Silk Shawls of every description and the newest styles A variety of Chine, Satin and Plush Points at 50 to 75 cents An assortment of Silk Scarfs of the newest styles, amongst which are some Velvet Scarfs at $15, a beautiful article Super black Clmuilla Veils, from &2 to $25. Silk Hose and ball Hose; worsted do and half do Cotton Hose of every description Silk Gloves, worsted do, Hoskin do, Kid do Best Vienna Thread Lace, Vienna Edging Super Needlework Edging Super Inscrtings A very extensive assortment of French, Swiss and Scotch Collars and Pellerines; also, plain nnd ruf fled mourning Collars, which will be sold very cheap. Abo, for (imtlemen. Super west of England Cloth Extra Cassimerc, plain and figured Extra super plain and Umlered Silk Vestings Best black Satin and Velvets Super Silk Shirts, extra Merino do Merino Drawers, Hose and half Hoso Silk Gum Elastic Suspenders Beaver, Silk ami Kid Gloves Linen and Silk Handkfs, black and Italian Cravats Gentlemen’s Scurfs and Prince de Joinville Cravats and a great assr.uiiout of other goods too numerous to detail. DRUCKER & PINCUS respectfully announce that having made the purchases perHonally, out of New York and Philadelphia at the lowest cash prices, do not hesitate in saying, that they new offer their extensive stock of Fancy Dry Good', wholesale and retail at such prices which must secure them a liberal xlmre of patronage—they invite the public to call ami examine their goods amljEbi! then* that they will exert all their cm rgie^jjj^KMdeaeo them. d20 For Ill-own, Ha vana, 245 bags pMpR|^Vn Coflee, 43 m Cigars, of' varioui Urnnds, and nil of best quality. Apply to JOHN GIBSON, dec 24 ‘30, St Michael si. -aX #50 REWARD.-vrRan uway from the yAsubscriber on the iiioriiing of the 19th insl., V^l negro boy GEORGE, about 5 feet 6 or 8 ^ inches high, aged 24 yeurs, complexion near a full black—front teeth good—jaw teeth bad. The subscriber has owned him hut a short time, and learns since he took his leave, that George is an old offender in this way. He was purchased from Mr. Zuntz, who brought him from Charleston, S. C. d^21 _THOS. HOLLAND. A CHEAP VARIETY STORE, HATS! The subtler liters have just received per Floridian, a fresh supply of Silk and Fur Hats, assorted quali ties, which they will sell cheap as the cliea|)est Ibr cash. ROBINSON & STCJART, corner Gov't and Water sir., dccl7 Sign of the Mninmnth Boot. NOTICE.—The subscribers take this method to inform their friends aad the public in general that they have opened the large and convenient STA BLE on Royal street, 150 yards south of the Man sion House, where tlu*v cun ueemmuodate 100 Horses. Drovers can rent stalls and feed their own horses, or have them stalled and fed by the proprietors, with as lunch care tuid at as moderato prices as any estab lishment, in the city. Horses and Carriages to let at all times. P. WATERS, Uccl3 11k mo THOS. BUFORD. IThXeMBN’S INSURANCE CO.OF MORII.F, N\ .'12 St. Francis-street, continues to take Ma rine, l.’Ver ami Fire Risks. The oflice is open all day. Applications lor Fire Risks requested to he lua le l\fore 12 o’clock M ; and for Marine Risks at any houYduring the day. CHARLES WHITE, President O.y. IIASWELL, Vice President’ DIRECTORS John F.P^los, Charles Aure, 13r. Tardy. \ Charles White. John K. CollW Wm. A. Ferrell, J. C. Ch.miheAain, Cits. Cu'.Ium, O.P. HaswellX Jos. Hall, • I. H. Erwin, Geo.Cl. Prentrhr, U. W. Allen, Wm. H.Chid;ey, Rich'Xu. Redwood. JAS. 7. FRANKLIN, Secretary Thomas Longfikld,Inspector. nOv5 *. IOtobIlb INSURANM omimNV N I*I. Ojfict X*o. 34 St. Francis street. Insures against Fire, Marine aud River Risl •». DIRECTORS. Jonathan Emanuel, John Sinpaon. II A.Schroeder, Tho». W. McCov, J. Blood good, H. O. Brever, Ales. Pope, B. F. MarsUjl, # R Desha, J. A. M. P»«r ie, U. V. Montague, H. Barney, J. FMANUEL, hesUmt. Thos. 8. King, Secy. hurt Merchants’ insi’iiancE compYny of MontLE—Capital. $250,000 paid in am\ secur ed agreeably to the requirements of its charted. This Company continues to make insurance agiins t loss or damage o.? River or Marine Risks, and acamat (Ire on brick buildings and merchandise in the city. The public may rely on a prompt adjustment nflot aes. Direct# xs. H. B.Gwathmey John B. Toulmin. J. J.V. Wanroy, Joseph E. Sheffield Charles Gascoigne Wm. H- Pratt. James G. Whitaker, Newton St. John. Win. Jones Jr. J. U. Sehill, Hindman Barney, Latham Mitchei:, Wm. P. Molett. H. B. GWATHMEY, President. It. S. Burker,Secretary. jnn24 M FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. FIT 11E undersigned, appointed agent for the PRO JL TECTION INSURANCE CO. of Hartford Connecticut, is now prepared !• take risks against fire on Stores and Dwellings (of brick or wooif) and their contents,- a!se Marine er river risks on cottou and merchandize of any description. The rates ef premium charged will be ns low as any other office, and claims for loss or dapmge sus tained promptly adjusted JNO. C. RYAN, Agent, cor8 57lf cor. Conti & Water sts. 1N8UR «CE—Hazard A Fowler, scents for the Hartford Insurance Ce. are now inking risks against Fire, mi (Jetton in Presses, end on Merchan dize. and Brick Buildings in the city of Mobile, nil IIWPBEWEItZBSt A«;i:\< Y. NOTICE.—The uadersigned hereby gives notice of bis having been appointed Underwriters Agent for the following earned Insurance Companies of Philadelphia, viz : North American Insurance Company. Insurance Co. ok the State or Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Insurance Company. Union Insurance Company. United States Insurance Company. Marine Insurance Company. Atlantic Insurance Company. Washington Insurance Company. Delaware Insurance Company. American Insurance Company. Phucnix Insurance Company. Delaware Count y Insurance Company. Ilia WM. H. BUNNELL. Advertisement—Thai subsortburs hereby give notice that they have been appointed Un derwriters Agents by and for the following named In surance Offices of New York, ri* i American Insurance Company, New York Atlantic do do d Jackson Marine do do New York do do do Ocean do do do Union do do do Wash’gt’uMarinado do do Safety «lo do do Triton do do do MerchautsMarinedo do do Neptune do do do dao3 HAZARD A FOWLER riio shipper* mrroiTants, and i.;a 1 DERS IN GENERAL.—The above are re rpectfully informed that they can be supplied by the undersigned with the following Goode received and receiving at oil times from the inane factories of Tho mas Vyee, London and Florence— English Bonnets, Hats end Plait, plain and fancy of every decrintion Plain and fancy Tucan Plait, Pedal Plait, Rolio Cords, Bands and Tassels, Straw Buttons, Ros ettes, Edging*, Ac. Likewise constantly receiving by vessels direct from Leghorn, ladies’, men’s, boys’, girls’and infant’s Hats, of every variety. And the following description of Silks, likewise receiving by the steamers and packets •— Ladie*' Dresses, gentlemen’s Scat Is and Cravats, Bandannas. Remain, Paris and Fancy Bandan nas. ITALIAN LUSTRINGS AND CRAVATS, from every manufactory of celebrity. In addition to the above, Rags, Oil and Paper, con stantly on hand, from the different Italian suites. A consignment of Silk Velvets and Sewing Silks, shortly expected. Orders received on commission for merchandise or productions of England and Italy. WILLIAM VYSE, No. 172 Pearl-street, New-York, and ti!5 2ms No.32 North Front-street Philadelpha. t)f W k boxes Window Glass ass’d sixes from 8x1 iWlIU to 28x36. 200 galls Dutch Linseed Oil I 250 kegs White Lead nss'd, Pure Ne 1 and No 2 500 lbs Black Paint (in £• lbs. kegs) 20 boxes Chrome Green 180 do Brunswick Greta, just received per brig Ceres, and for sale by n30 FA IRES A TODD, 2# Commerce st. ICH SILKS and EMBROIDERIES—Chen* •Silks, plaiu and satin striped; watered and changeable do; a preat variety of black and blue-black Italian Lustrings; needle-worked Peleriucs and Col lars; mourning do; plain, figured, and 2d mourning Muslin de Laine; Silk Fringes; Daisy Huttons; clii ncllc Cords and Tassels; plaid, striped und dotted Swiss Muslins; Bishop Lawn; embroidered Drapery Muslins, very rich; Turkey red Curtain Goods; French Corsets; hair Underdresves; 12—1 Bobbinet; 6-4 blenched Cotton Sheetings; ladies Umbrellas and Silk Shades; hem-stitched ami revere lawn llhdkfs; Revere Lawus and Linen Cambrics; Lisle Thread Laces and Edgings; Cainbrie and Swiss Muslin lu sertiugs; elegant Broclii; heavy silk and embroider ed Muslin de Laine Shawls, Ac. For sale low by dll) GEORGE G. HENRY, 41 Dnuphin-st. CZ(\ QR. AND EIGHTH CHESTS TEA; 10 hints old Sugar, a choice article ; 50 bags La guira Coffee; 20do old Java do; 15 bbls Boston No. 1 Loaf Sugar; 15 do crushed do; 80 boxes chewing Tobacco; 75 boxes No. 1 Soap; 60 oxs New Bed ford Candles, for sale by ilwuia P. Mci;ASKILL 18 Coininerce-st. DR. H. GATES, the only Agent in Mobile, lor the sale of D. Laudrctlrs vor* superior Garden Seeds, is now receiving from the Vermont a new sup ply, embracing all the varieties suitable for this sea son. QO“ These Seed ere all warranted to be the crofofl841. dec 11 10k mo NEW GOODS.—The subscriber has received per ship Talbot from New York on consign ment: 150 packages containing Dry Goods, Clothing Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy Articles, which nre now opening at No. 48 Dauphin street, near Royal, and will be sold at public and pri vate sale in lots to suit purchasers, who are invited to cnll and examine the same, dec 15 J. H. RIVERS, Auct. SILK SHAWLS AND SCARFS.—DANIELS A BRADY, 83 Duupliin-st. invite the attention of the Judies of Mobile, to their stock of Silk Shawls, Muutulas ami Scarfs of the newest and most fashion able styles, the whole of which will be sold at unpre cedented low prices. decI I POTATOES AND HAY.—1000 burrels 1*7 Chenango and white Potatoes; 800 bales liest Portland and North River Hay, in store and udoat on consignment and for sale by declftJ. II. RIVERS. 1 O CASKS Bacon Sides and Shoulders ; 100 JL kegs Lard lauding from Steamer Creole, and for sale by [decl6[ J. REA. ARD AND WHISKEY— 60kegTchoice new Leaf Lard ; 21 half bills Rect. Whiskey, landing and for sale by decl5 G. DAVENPORT A CO. WHITE HAVANA SUGAR.—0 boxes good quality, for sale by deul6 D. WHEELER. 8 HECK BOOKS, fo» the *•*■>* nf Mobile, of convenient site, *» »»« « dl0 *»d Journal Office. dc“a