Newspaper Page Text
PATENT MKDICIJlEH, DR.TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF UVEKWoTH | for CoMfiHrtptinn* nml I.-iver Complaint. Coughs# V Colds* Asthma, Difficulty «f Breathing, Pains in **»• j Side and Breast, Spitting of UU*od»C»tar»h*„ Fulpy • t at ion of th# Heart, Oppression and Soreness «fr)c i Chest, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Hectic F'Vr* i N ipl»t Sweats, Difficult or Profuse tixpcctnrati.ijf'***1 all other Affections of the Cb ?st, Lungs, and Er*1 • This article is prepared according to a rccorc P*J£“ ( cured from very old eminent physician, th« / l!f * ‘ * \ llolyoke, who preserved his own life by W V™*'r v although of a consumptive constitutions/’ the ast o nishing age sf on« nundred and two yg*F ' 0,11 i age of sevan-seven, tie was engaged iu v« ,ve pr»«..*.iec, requiring much exertion and < > ■ ',rt'0’ 1 V"‘ dre.s are now living in good health it* >n*ump '**'*> se-iuied to have marked for nn enrtv <% " ,".‘\'ve their preservation totlie use rftlnstnv.n*»‘bic medicine The virtues of the herb “Ltr r.Kvv-m ,f» 511 c * this vegetable, preparation so powerf'1 n,ul c . ctu * ly concentrated, as to render it a <superior and bunnies* medicine for ah disorder* '*£ *br Liter an lamp, And it >• now wn.ivlcr.Hl I #H I***"* '»»»; liar vvtill ill eflWcu, input-ir m icr|l , mW pr^au-ati..., for thorn | ™>r ll l...|irovo4 .. a.loni.lnrig Vl It i lion., Coufli., CoU., Spiuin- of ni.™l, p, that many of of our plly.iciaui ,.ily rinplov It m Ihc.r ■metic* and evteem it u .itp rnir mid vnhiahlo cine. HI ftenon, aflUctt-J ■> i‘>i connnaplii-n or u.iv oil*, imtum of tint Untps »ro reoon.iiion<!o.l tuintiho ia-ndiM* n.e of till. |h,|tun,a« it bus nut only pr. v- , ,<! offirctmil iii removing such .ymptniua ns threaten | oonsumptiou, but has lerformcu effectual cures t*i oven this formidable di-ease, where all hopes «>t rcco- j ' very were by the most burned and expe- j rionred men. t This medicine faciitates expectoration, reduwiB fi - ver, restores strengni, and may he considered as a u— I ry superior prcfJaretion for the cure and prevention of all diseases of the chest and lungs, and should Ixj re sorted to, iron after these diseases have resisted the usual remedies. In the practice of this old and very respectable physician, this Balsam ef I.ivcrworth has ac<|uir«<l an enviable reputation for its virtues, as su ucriorto that ot the abundant nostro ins of the day, as *:•,* fie c hr? raster and probity of its inventor and ori gin.'proprietor, to that of quacks and empirics. The result of long observation and close study re specting disease* of the cheat, tills ijjedicine, war nnted pure vegetable, has i lie additional renommen intion of having boon used for seven years hy the public, and also by physician* of eminent talent, ’.vith i out u single instance of failure in effecting an imme diate bcneffcial result.. j To person* «»f disordered nervou* system, or those who are unable to rest well at night, this medicine is i most emphatically recommended. The inestimable value of this celebrated medicine has been rightly tested, and found not wanting. The Proprietor is daily receiving flattering accounts of its success; find it i* truly gratifying to sav, this is eraphathicaily thr medicine of the PEOPLE! It is used by the Aledi cal Faculty, supported by the Medical Faculty, sup ported by the Clergy, advocated *by the whole New York Press, and is in the bouses of most of our ci tizens. A full and fresh supply, just received uud for sale by I. C. DUBOSE & CO. mu30 193th Agent for the State. JOHN R. ROWAN DS & CO. with great confi dence call public attention to ROWAN D’S AL TERATIVE, or compound spirituous extract of Sar saparilla, entirely devoid of Mercury in any form whatever, for Chronic Diseases, or complaints of long standing.—An *‘alter«tive medicine** is one which ef fects an entire change in die system, without manifest ing any sensible mode of action. It is to be resorted to in almost all Chronic or long standing complaints, with n view of subverting the long-accustomed diseas ed action, and substituting for it, the new and pecu, liar influence of the medicine itself, which must be made to harmonize with the operations of nature in health, so that after the ubc of the medicine for a peri od longer or shorter, according to the duration of the disease and prospects of recover}1, it may lie laid aside and the health gradually become completely re-estab lished. After a long and cautious consideration of the de signs to be fulfilled in the treatment of tlie following oflectionw, (some of which are regarded us the most fearful ills of existence,) we have at length prepared tlie “Alterative Extract,” ami earnestly advise it to such invalids for whom it is expressly intended, as posses sing all the curative principles that ran lie placed within their reach. The diseases which yield to the “alterative” treatment, are those of a Chronic form, and such as depend upon tlie impurity of the blood—us Scorfula, or King’s Evil; Syphilis, and all Venerael Diseases; Mercurial Diseases, brought on by the improper use of Mercury; Consumption; Lifer Complaint; Jaundice; Ague Cuke; Rheuma tism; Gout; Scurvy! Cancer; Afletcions of the skin, as Tetter, Biles, Ring Wormn, Scald-head, Itch, Pim ples on the Face, &c. No me die Lite is more efteejent as a “Spring Purifier,” aud to promote recovery after an attack of acute disease. Sarsaparilla constitutes the prominent ingredient in U»e above preparation—being one of the most |>opular articles of the preseul day—entering into the compo sition of almost every purifying medicine; and is alike so in professional and in domestic practice. There has much disappointmentex|ierieuced in the employment oCSarsapanlla, by many persons—so far, iuaeed, timt there are some who denounce it us inert and wholly useless. This precariousness in it** c fleets may be ascribed to the improper methods which have I***hh made use of to extract its m.uve |n weenies* J. R. R* & Co., do not hesitate to assure the pub lic that from the peculiar mode of the preparation as referred to above, one bottle of tlie “Alterative” con taius the essence of four to six bottles of tlie ordinal} preparation of the Sarsaparilla! This single fact guarantees for die Alterative un extensive and saluta ry influence wherever it becomes known.—Just recei ved and for sale by K. NORTH Dispensary Chemist, iuly IS S6tf 3 > GoveJiiment st. OCTOR FEUTCHWll ANGER’S INFALLL BLE POISONS for killing, destroying anil ex terminating every species of vermin infesting public and private houses, bedrooms, garrets, stores and store houses, gardens, fields, trees and plants—such ns rats, mice, cockroaches, bed bugs, musquitoes, fleas, flies, ants, moths, cattcrpillars, hornets, initcs, Ice.,just received and for sale at nov!7 GATES’S Pharmacy. . FAMILY SPICKS.—Dr. Gates has now re ceived a full supply of articles in his line for fa mily use, embracing among other articles the follow ing spices of the best kind:— Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Allspice, Black Pep mymCassia Buds, Mace, Ginger, Cayenne Pepper, Mflghrd, Wli. Mustard, Jamaica Ginger, Annis Seed, Coriander Seed, Fennel Seed, Carruway Seed, Race Gingor. Also—Pearlash, SalEratus, Isinglass, Pearl Bar ley, Sago, Tapioca, Arrow root, Starch, Indigo, Rotten Stone, Polishing Powder, Silesian polish, Ssouring Bricks, Whiting, British Lustre. nov27 EWS’ NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT.— This article is offered to the public as a never failing core for the Rheumatism, and it has for a num ber of years sustained its reputation, and accomplish ed cures which have defied the power of every other article. In acute and recent cases, the reliof is inva riable, after one or two applications of the Linimeut, and in Chrouic Rheumatism, Uie cases of cure are nu merous. It is truly a remedy that reaches the w E rvk aid boms, with the most hapt/y effect. Sold by I. C. DuBOSE & CO, inn21 164s and the other Druggists in Mobile. ENGLISH CALOMEL; do Blue Mass; do Ex tract Color C.; do Patent Lint. Also, Trusses, Morphine, Quinine, Camphor, Lu sar Caustic. 4tc. &c. landing from Ada Eliza, and for sale by MOSEEY & CO. >nnv24 266tf cor. Dauphin & Royal sts, CAUTION CIRCULAR.—OO-To Druggists and Country Merchants.—These valuable articles, Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair, and Hay’s Linimeut for the Piles, &c., have been extensively oounterfeited. Those wanting these preparations, will please always write, when ordering from any other house, for Comstock's article*. The true articles bare that name or signature always on the wrapper, m Bflrf r~nrt— rr11 well to remember that, when rj ordering, as the iinitatious are so exposed in nearly / all the newspapers throughout this country, lliut they ) could not be sold, should limy be so uuforlunute as to get them. Our friends throughout the Union are requested to give us immediate notice, by letter, should any of the counterfeits appear iu their resiiective places. Respectfully. COMS i'OCK & CO. Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fletcher st. New York. Sold by I. C. DuBOSE it CO. Agents, anil by Drs. Maynard, Hammond and Gates, Mobile. HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Va.-—-Oil hand a few dozen of the celebrated Water from the White Sulphur Springs, Va. To persons acquainted with the character of these Springs eulogy is unnecessary. But to those who are not, it will be sufficient to inform them that iunll diseases of the Bowels, Liver, Kidneys or Skin the Water will be found a most eligible remedy, being not only an active and ellicient medicine, but a pleas ant, and to some u delightful beverage. Perhaps at ,,.,^50 season is its use more imperatively indicated than {hfe-egming season and the summer ounntlis, when those wrtnr are unacclimaled arc exposed to a deadly disease and to the old residents subject to Hepatic obstructions. For sale by the dozen or single lioUle by KICii’D NORTil, Druggist it Chemist, mar4 No. 85 Gov’t mid 45 Commerce si FRESH DRUGS—The undersigned are now re ceiving per ships E. Dennison, Unoas, lloltin ffter, and other recent arrivals, their spring slock of 'resh Mediciues, Puiute, Oils, Window Glass, &c. making up an assortment in quality and extent w'cli worth the attention of Merchants and Physicians.— Purchasers will fiud our prices moderate and every facility will be affored which the state of the times l. will psrmit. I. C. DUBOSE & CO. Lute DuBcue & Hull, Druggiau, I warm ’■ No 89 Water atroel. * ' i?-i C / i’vtPyt' t:s. 7 .V* »'i t So PA> • I YR. JOH»NStt%, OtV . 29, St IT:i:r s*r<*ct, I, i’(vttfiiui> Iti.-* im:* * i . (l, in-ninuMit of \ cm* cnl Disease, in nil it ' ‘ m-m| fnriite. : l)r. Johnson, from * tcsidrttce of many yeor-'.’m I Hospitals in Euro| o, . (.n .D.i the tientment •<’ '<■- ’ *t*»erd Dbcnsei, ami t - uj i* c-cut extensive |tmr- j lie® in that particular brapn: «.f the profession, goar mtees a safe, speedy, and lierntal cure to such per arc troubled w ilrany id' the following disea ses, viz : (iounrileea,Olevts, Stricture®, Chancres, Bnlto*-. Scmiiml Weakness, At ecttons of tin* Bladder, kid ii' vs. Loins, Urethra. Pr--unto (Hand, Swelled Tes ticles, Eruptions on the Sum, Sore Throat, Bains in tin* Joints, and the nuuifi'Mis symptoms which gener ally follow this diseace. Recent cases cured in two or three days without the use of Mercury, interruption front business,or al teration in the mode of living. A medicine to prevent Venereal Disease chn be ob tained of Dr. Johnson. It m from the recipe of the Baron Larry, a celebrated French Surgeon, and was used by him during ll* several campaigns in which he served us Surgeon funeral in the French Army. Sold by Dr. Johnson, nt his office. Thpsc persons having any a flection vf Venereal Disease, and about taking sea voyages, in* removing to the count i y, would do well by giving Dr ’^,1>ok..ii a call, as propel* medi cines for their cure iiiTue rtest time can l>e put up w ith, written directio/is ti i iliair use. Office open from //in the morning, until 10 o’clock at night. - ABKRNETIIYS DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. I)r. Abernetliy, liu* greatest of English Surgeons, was of opinion that jiinc-tentlw of the diseases that affect mankind origiMh- in the stomach. This Elix ir was used by him vith (he most unprecedented suc cess in hi* private anjl public practice for upvv ;i of forty years, for the rcifiovnl of the following diseases: Loss of appetite. Flatulency, Di-tension of the Sto mach, Pain in the sith.. I loin mess of the Head and inclination to (deep- fti*» gtdariiy of the Bowels, and in all cases where lefSrestiou or a costive habit is found to exist. i This medicine nf .: l>e numbered among the host of i|uaek nostrum/..’^--t^fora the public, as if is the sole invention of/JK • f and most scientific. sur geon EuropeAttnJ the m^ret of prepa ring it was porch/ - ‘.^fgent for y very large sum. Itisa"r*' j' jant to the tit-tc, acts us n mild nperien/ ’ ■- ..y the I towels free, im parts vigor nod/ . > . ' rytem, and cheerful ness to the nipt v'. ‘ removes the most confirmed '*£ fevijo.i, and pre vent. o rt mra ni vVl® d ‘■•u • '* Nkw York, 17ot\Jug. 1838, 35 Madison st.^ Stu :—In consequence of Lading a sedentary life, I have been troubled, more or less, with Indigestion forittu yours ; for the last three years my sufferings have been insupportable. I have tried several physi cians and e mnobor o* quack medicine;*, without de riving any benefit. I despaired of ever obtaining any permanent relief, and resigned myself to tl|o most hopeless despair. I was persuade*! by many friends to trv Abernetliy*s Dyspeptic Elixir. I have now finished the fourth bottle, and know not how to express my admiration id* its wonderful virtues and the miracle it has performed in restoring me to that health which I thought lost forever. Send ine half a dozen bottles more, and accept my thanks for the bles sings you have conferred by restoring me to |>crfcct health. 1 remain yours, JACOB MONROE. The agent has in his possessionsevernl hundred tes timonials similar to the above, of the extraordinary virtue of this medicine. Sold by appointment, at Dr. Johnson’s, 29 St Francis strict, dec 28 127lf rONSUMPTION i LIVER COMPLAINT. —DU. JOHNSON’S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT.—Has been used successfully for eight years in the cure of these diseases. QC/’ Remember! the original and genuine m made only at 375 Bowery, N. V., all others are spin iotia and unauthorised! Consumption and Inver Complaint.—As a general remedy for these disease*, I aui fully satisfied, Irom long experience, there is no medicine equal to Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. Being purely veget able, it can he used with tin* utmost safety by all per sons in every condition. It demises the lungs by ex pectoration, relieves difficult breathing, and seems to heal the chest. There can be no question, but this medicine is a certain cure for chronic coughs and colds. I have used it four yearn in my practice, an alwavs with success. A. I’. ROGERS, M. M. (Xi“ Consumption!—The following remarks wore taken from the last number of tiui Medical Magazine: “The surprising effect produced by Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We have so long believed this disease (consumption) incurable, that if is difficult to credit our senses when we see persons evidently consump tive, restored to health. \ et this is a fact of daily occurrence; how then can we question the virtue of the above medicine ! In out* next, we shall be more explicit; meantime wo hope physicians will make trial of this medicine and report iis effect to us.” Note.—The original and genuine Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort is made and sold at 375 Bowery. To Fnnales.— -The number of females in delicate health m this city is truly surprising. Weakness, loss of appetite, liver complaint and many other dis eases prey upon them, making diem pule and lean of fiesh. All this can lie remedied by the use of strengthening medicine, that will assist nature in all Iter movements, restore tones to the nerves and mus cular organs. Of this ki«fW*'fh*. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, which being mild and purely vegetable, answers females admirably. If all wilf use it, we are confident an elastic step, good appetite, ami rud dy cheeks will follow Gave more remember, the original and genuine i made at 375 Bowery. (X^* Spitting of Blood.—This disease consists of a discharge of blood, often frothy, from the mouth, brought up by hawking and coughing, and is usually accompanied with difficulty of breathing, and some pain in the chest. Sometimes it is preceded by an oppression at the chest, a dry tickling cough and tdigh shooting pujnft, Thin d. ease is always more ar less dangerous Tho gn at danger is, that those symptoms may terminate in consumption, and imme diate remedies can alone save this end. But Dr. Tay lor’s Balsam of Liverwort is a sure reraecy, and to show its unparalleled success, certificates of cures Irom 121 citizens, and many physicians, will lie pub lished in a few days. QCfNcrwus Diseases and Weakness.—Dr. Taylor’ i Bal Isain of Liver worth, made at 375 Bowery, is as suredly an excellent remedy for these diseases. My wife has lieen more or less ill for ten years. She was extremely nervous, und at times so weak that she could not attend to her domestic duties. But bv the ise of this medicine, her strength is wholly restored, md she is as healthy as I can wish her to be- My iddresH is at Dr. Taylor’s office. Cure of Consumption.—Mrs.Martin, a worthy mein >cr of my congregation, was taken ill some time unce with a cold, pain in the breast and some diffi Jultj of breathing, and in a fcw.days thereafter she lad a violent cough and violent pains in the sides, ivhich no medicine would relieve. Kite continued in his way for a long time under the medical care of Dr.Rea', but finally became consumptive, and was jvideutly near the end of her earthly sufferings, when ler brother persuaded Iter to try Dr. Taylor’s Bal itjtm of Liverwort. When she commenced’this medi :ine, it did not seem to agree with her fora few days, mt by lessening the dose, she found it answer admi ■able; it releived hor rough and her difficulty of ireuthing instanter: and we had the pleasure of wit lcssing her rapid recovery to health. Rev. WILLIAM SMYRHE. CO“ OBSERVE! Buy only that which is made at lie Old Office 375 Bowery N. Y. aud which is sold >y the regular agents. J. C. DuBOSE & CO, Agents, (late DuBose 4* Roll) 8.9 Water st. mr!5 208tf Mobile. MURRAY’S FLUID MAGNESIA.—The great, advantages of this elegant preparation are, that possessingall the properties of Magnesia in general use it is not liable like that, to form concretions in the bowels. It corrects acidity and relieves heart-burn effectually, without injuring the coats of the stomach. It prevents the food of infants turning sour upon the stomach: it is useful in all complaints of the bladder; it tends to regulate the action of the bowels, and is peculiarly adapted for Sir jfumphrey <fcat this solution forms • • salts 401 cases of Gout an ,('i mutci their injurious tendency . lies and even Mag nesia itself hns{ failed In the seventh rept*' ,, " Medical Section of the British Association, it v forth by Sir James Mur ray, that the majority*.#- cutaneous diseases arise from ucid ami saline inf,' guations in the fluids of the body, which are nei uized by the Fluid Magne sia; and that the Neural . , Spasms, Nervous Fains, and Irritations, as well as Cronic Rheumatism and Gout, are frequently owing to Chrystaiine irritants, deposited on the nervous membrane,., whirl) saline particles this ant-acid Solution effectually dissolves. This article was introduced into this market by the undersigned in June .last, since which time, it lm* been extensively used, ami we believe, in every iW Blanco, with most decided approbation, for sale by 1. C. DUBOSE $ ,70, late Dubose and Koff, jan!6 39 Water street. KEY’S INVALUABLE OINTMENT, for the cure of White Swellings, scorfulous and oilier tu mors, ulcers, sore legs, old amt IVesh wounds sprains, ,raises, swellings and iud.tmutions, scald head wo man’s sore breasts, rlieuwT.itic pains, tetters, eurup lions, chilblains, whitlows, biles, piles, corns, snake dies, &c. for sale wholesale or retail by WOODRUFF & WATKINS, fob 22 lG2tf No. SO Water st. 'YIOOTIIACHE.—Extractof Galls and Kreosole. JL At length lias been discovered an infalliale Cure or this distressing malady. The above preparation, t is positnelv asserted, will cure any case whereir t can lie applied, in twenty minutes. A supply jtu 'J eoeived and for sale by I. C. DuBOSE tfc CO.. j«iil6tf late DuBose & Koff, 39 Water it) I’ATKN'rjn EDICIXES. ERBENA CREAM. -■ An Emollient SOAP, y whir*!i ivrttinb r- ’l pleasure in shaving; produc nig a i i. li, fmgi om eiinniieut, lather, nml from the •delightful -mouth snusutiun experii need after shaving, leaving no h aling. ;Hiing, smarting dr redness, is 1a-i superseding all *.ih t preparation*; and from the public and private eulogies in favor of the Veilx*na ('roam, it deserve* in he in the dressing-case of all. J-mm the Yew York Press. ‘•Tin- New Heap.— We feci a double disposition to deport from an established rule in this office, in no ticing the advertisement of Mr. Ring's Veibena Cream, lie has really invented tlie I test shaving soup, as vve do vet ily In hove, that Ims ever been used. We speak from experience, nml vve speak also from the more nrofis*i',u<.l knowledge of our benefactor and friend James Grant, 4 Ann street, who says it is ahead of no*, tiling yet found out in this department of “modern improvement.” It is not only an emollient, but some thing more. In slim', we believe it is the best shav ing snap in the world.”—JV. Y. St ir. “The want of n universal shaving soap has been for many years severely felt, particularly by gentlemen wh > shave thctnselvi s ; and therefore it is with no little pleasure we call public attention to the celebra ted Verlxna Cream prepared by Mr. Charles Ring 644 Broadway* IV*on self-experience of it* merits we cheerfully add our meed of praise, having never l*ofore shaved wit!]iso much ease or comfort. We be fore stated the VflfHDm Cream to bo worth a traial— vve have tried it mqfcmi confidently recommend it ” ibid. “ Verbena Cream.—We arc much obliged to Mr. Chav. II. Ring of614 Broadway, fora pot ofliis Ver | benn Cream, which affords an unusual degree of com fort in shav ing.” Prom experience vve cheerfully re commend it to universal use.”—Times. ‘•The Verbena Cream, for shaving, prepared und sold by C. II. King, (if f Broadway, is destined to supersede all other kinds of shaving snap. It is re ally line—just the thing. We have determined that henceforth no oilier shaving compound shall be ap plied to our face.”—Sunday Atlas, The Verbena Cream is n most delightful article for shaving, just invented and but lately introduced to the public, who, by a unanimous approval, have prouotm eed it unrivalled as a rich mid emollient preparation, promotinng in the greatest possible degree, case com fort and luxury in shaving. A supply may lx* had at the Drug store of doe27s I. C. DUBOSE At Co. 89 Water st. BRANDRETH’S PILLS.—a vegetable and Uni versal Medicine, proved by the experience of thourands to be’ winy properly persevered with, a certain cure in %erv form Osi.y «'*• ,r»c '■*. ‘ sk, nil having the u. . origin, and invariably arise from l he UNIVERSAL ROOT of all diseases, name ly JM PURITV or 1MPERFECT circulation of the Blood. Iii a period of little more than three years in the Unitod States, they have restored to a state of health and enjoyment over ONE HUNDRED TIIOU S \ ND persons, who given over as uncurable by pliy.dcnns of the first rank and standing, and in ma il) eases when every oilier |*eiijedy lias been resorted to in vain. DOUBLDDAY & SEARS, 50 Dauphin st. are j the authorised agents for the sale of Dr. Benjauiiu Brnmlretli’s Pills in Alabama Price 25 Con ts. feb7 149tf ROWLAND’S MACASSAR OIL-—-Afresh supply just received per ship Lewis Cu«£,and for sale by I. C. DUBOSE & CO. flC$“ New Lahf.l.—In conseqiiemle of the greut variety of counterfeit wrappers of “Rowland’s Ma cassar Oil,” now in circulation, nil which so near ly resemble the original as frequently to deceive the li/iwarv—the proprietors, acting under a sense of du ty to tlie public, have employed those celebrated ar tists, Mtssrs. Perkins ami Macon, w ho have succeed ed in producing at great cost a new Label, I’oau sled, of extreme difficulty of execution, and «*f «*11:pIii*u I led a nature as t> amount to an impossibility of imita tion, and to be considered by connoisseurs a master piece in the art of engraving. The label is a combi nation of beautiful designs—a portion encircling a i bust of Her Majesty “the Queen” which surmounts I the words in two lines ?’l,e ..»otkA rowi.and'i ? P,h,‘“ralc„ a,,d •* .. the most ( ) of lace-work, under which arc the signature and address of die pro prietors, in red, A. ROWLAND & SON, 20HattouGarden,London. Counter signed, ALEX. ROWLAND. The label is backed by a iiesign so exquisite and minute as f » defy compotetion, it comprises the words “Rowland's Macassar Oil" written nearly 1,500 times, and containing 20,028 letters. 20, Hatton Garden, Kondon, Jan 1,1810. ianl3 C\ Alt IT. NTER’H COMPOUND CEftATE OP 1 COP A1VA, A valuable Application in Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Ulcer at inns, and Sores of various kinds. It has long been a desideratum to obtain a preparation j of the above character, for the use of families—a convenient application which can always be at hand when accidents occur, and which will allord iminodiute relief G. W. Carpenter is placed to announce the introduc tion of the above preparation, ns possessing all the qualities here described, and with much pleasure re commends it to the faculty and public, as a safe, pleasant, and soothing application for all external irritable wounds, or inllaincd surfaces. It has been fully tested in private practice, mid the result has lieen of the most satisfactory mid huneficial chanicter. In burns, scab Is wounds ulcerations, and sores of various kinds, no application has been productive of so much hentit; and it is confidently recommended to the public as an article upon whose virtues they can entirely rely. Mild, soothing, and gentle in its effect, it in particularly applicable to bums: it allays the heat and irritation of the parts in a short time, and quickly induces the healthy process. Every family in the city and country should supply themselves with this preparation) it is superior to most of the ointments which are obtruded upon the public, ami muy l>e advantageously employed in all cases where a mild and stimulating application is required. The following letter lias just been received from Dr. Alexander C. Draper, of this city. Dear Sir,—I have for some time past adopted in my practice, your Compound Cerate of Copaiva,and have ueen much pleased with its effects. In burns, ulcera tions, and anthrax, 1 have derived, in almost every Distance,the most decided benefit; and in these affec tions 1 know of no application eqisil to it in pow'erand efficacy. It is in burns unquestionably superior to the Kentish or Turpentine Ointment, and in general, it will be found to speedily accomplish the purpose for which it is designed, While physician in the Southern Dispensatory and Moyainensing Almshouse, I employ ed the Cerate of Copaiva in a large number of cases, and I recollect of no instance in which it has disappoin ted me in iny expectations. I cheerfully add my testimony to this Compound, and think it an important and valuable addition to our re medial agents in those affections for which you recom mend it. Vonr obedient servant, ALEXANDER C. DRAPER, M. D. To Mr. Geo. w. Carpenter. Philadelphia, April 29, 1834. ^ A supply just received from tlie Proprietor and for sale by J. C. DtiBOSE & CO. jan 16 late DuBose & Itoff—No. 39 Water-st. VAILE’S FRENCH PILL. — $300 CHAL LENGE.—The genuine French Pills against nil the Quack Nostrums of the age, for the cure of * * * The French Pills arc applicable in all cases for ei ther sex, (warranted free from Mercury) and posses ses great advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and con sequently de not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage, they never dis agree with the stomach, and in the first stuges of the disease, they usually c(lect a cure in a few days with little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that the proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal ccrtuinty, under a forfeiture of Tree Hundred dollars. L C. DUBOSE & CO. janl2 89 Water street. dSplVice $2 per box, w ith full directions. MURRAY'S* PLUJO MAafiOMIA.—Prepar ed under the < sanction <>f the discover er, SIR JAMES MURRAY—The mild, safe and elegant Anti-acid aud Aporiaut possesses all the pro perties of the Magnesia in general use, without being liable like it, to form dangerous concretions in the bowels; it corrects acidity and effectually cures heart burn, without injuring the coats of the stomach, as Soda, Potash, ami their earoonates are known to do; it prevents the food of infants from turning sour and in idl cases acts as a pleasing aperient, peculiarly adnpted lor families. It lias long been known that the most serious con semiencc have frequently resulted from the use of so lid Magnesia, which have been proved by Mr. Brande, und many other eminent Chemists, to form concre tions in die bowels, endangering and in some instances destroying lite. This preparation is free from all objections and in all respect a more desirable article. It comes to us recommended by many of the most em inent Chemists and Medical men of the day. Among whom are Dr. Duncan, Dr. Hope and Dr. Gregoiy, of Edinburgh, Dr. James John, Sir Astley Cooper, Sir. James Clarke, and others. A supply of the ge nuine article with a more detailed account of it, may be had on application at the Drug Store of jnnelft 14tf I. C. DUBOSE fy CO,39 Water-st. COMPOUND FLUID EXT. WORM SEED— The most effectual and safe worm destroying me dicine ever used. The great objection heretofore urged against the worm sued is its cxcedingly disa greeable and nauseous taste and smell, so much so llrnt it is with difficulty that children can be made to Lake it. All difficulty is obviated in this medicine as diildren take it with pleasure. For sale by RICHARD NORTH, 85 Gov’t si., novl7 _op|>osite tlie market. RAISINS.—300 iKixes fresh Raisins, for sale bf jan 20 OGDEN BROTHERS,12 Water sf «qpy ..ii j.i —■ i«ji , use less and injurious nm r». already before the pub lic, il is difficult to remove the prejudice existing in th« minds ofiutelligoix uud enlightened individuals against any articla iunA.ucol through the means of an advertisement, nc nutter how gTcut its merits may be, or high the founder may stand us a m;dicol man. Ntthing but the iuterpt»iii«n of Providence ran save the lives of those per urns vho day after day tamper with the poisonous and deadly compoui da blazoned forth to the world through lie public p ess by i-mor ant men who have abanduied gome other calling, and assumed tho title of iLctor, without having re ceived tho least medical nstruction. I know tlie difficulty I have in persuading the pubbe thnt an ad vertising doctor is or can be a regular Physician, but ns 1 address myjelf o tlyuothe respecttble and iutel* ligent portion of the emhmunity, tlie following teati menials of my medical attainments will be deemed sufficient to convince »hfi meat skeptical. I received tho degrtfc of Doctor of medicine ana Su geoti in the Collcgi of Phyisians and Surgeons New York—am meinler of the New York State Medical Society—Felfcw of the Massarhsetts Med ical Soiit tv, and Lincettiato of the medical Board of the State of Louisiana, aid for the last eighteen .years a general practitioner aJ Medicine. My compound Extnrt of Sarsaparilla, Liverwort, Pleurisy Hoot and Liyfium Vita is the result of this long experience, and *>t the medicine of m hour’s consideration, merely jpt up for humbug or deception. Upon the respectability «i my medical testimonials my great success as a imdical practitioner, and the sal utary and beneficial ejects of my medicine, 1 stand or fall. I seek not tode< eive the public with an ar ticle of whose component parts they are ignorant.— What do the public klow of the poisonous and de structive ingredients contained in the various pills and panaceas advertised throughout the Union ? The pro firielors of such mediches known too well if the pub ic were aware, that out of every ten pills ihev have swallowed, eight of diem are Mercury, their trade was at an end. I bas e analyzed most of tlie pil)g| and other medicines advertised throughout tho Union and found them to CQnjnln, either corrosive sublimate or Calomel. The reassn is then obvious why thfse base impostors w ill not tell tho component parts ot their medicines. They prttend that they have dis covered tlie philosopher's iU»ne, and that you tnny live through counties* ages if you but swallow their medicine. I practice no such deception. My medi cine hus stood the test of years—it i* recominenfieJ by* the most eminent of the medical fact^l y, and what i* of more imoortance than all. I nnnli».IK- «.„i t,....»...i.. * v.u.... .» ...j 1'iuue ot It "H"' ,7 , wunner, auu amaze im-nt of my medical brethren, the astonishing cures performed in eases that were considered not within the power of medical aid. The whole mystery consisted in my using this medicine, and this alone to the exclusion of all others, and ot the correct principles upon which diseases ought td be treated, It will not however be a metier of sutyrlim that such wonder * if l s pecans should follow the use of this medicine, when I state the principle* upon which I acted. The human body corials of solids and fluids.— The former or long structure is about one fifth.— The latter or soft part five sixths. Man is linked to gether by a number of organs so beautifully nvi ung ei| H3t« rqjrm a |>fir(e».^chti|i iu the animal economy. One link of which when ititof order is sufficient to destroy the harmony of the whole. These organs are'furnished with inn: merable blond vessels culled arteries and veins, which kave a common centre.— The heart for propelling through them the blood or nutritive fluid to all parts of the system,—be ing furnished with valve* which are all in one di rection, the hi >o i can only flow in a cqrrqr.jriding course. '{’bus ij is turped by the heart into the arte ries. and after jjioincniuSf most minute fibres, it is received by the veins uni brought again to the heart, ami performs again the round of the body, and so on in succession. The use of the blood is tp receive from the alimentary equal ffip akin, lungs, suefy mat icrs a * is imepasary for the nourishment bfmaii. and to cqnvqy jt to every pqrt tfthe body for the purpose ot repining its waste, ant increasing its growth. Hut if anv effect pouanotji qr foreign matter is car ried into the blood aeveralhrgait8 are provided as the liver, kidneys. skin and lutes through whichthi» poi son is discharged from the blood in the form of bile, urine,perapiraiumand pulniniaryexhalation. From this brief sketcItofmau'Miormatiiii,the intelligentreudercau easily understand, haw fevdr mid inflammation is pro duced by suppression of pdspiration, for jfperspira tion bo a. tested in ooi.s'-.phm o of cold, the jieispira ble matter will mix with lie blood and give rise to inflammation, fa like iiiantpr, ifthq discharge ofhilp be'arrested in its flow from, the ljver. it [g jakeo into the circulation and gives rile tojaundice, yellow fe vor, Ac. All d'seaaes theinnre have one common origin, ( not impurity of bhbd, for that is only an ef fect,) but in the obstruction of one or other of those three groat ouletsor comtnhi sewers of the body the bowels, skin and kidnien. Header, did you but know how fearfully and won derfully you arc constructed—how beautifully the Cre tor of the universe lias prnrided for your preserva tion and existence, independent of your will, then in deed would your adiniruuoi of the perfection of his ' mighty hand work never cc*|e, During sleep, when your mental faculties arc inauive, and your soul ap pears to be in a state of repos*, then is the wise pro vision and fore-knowledge of the author of nature made maifest. The heart oo*tin>iea to pour its vital stream to every part of the body—the lungs perform their office—respiration is continued and the hloou decarbonized—the skin pours out from its myriads of pores the poisonous matter of the blood—dices tiuti continues, and the nutritive particles of our food are carried into the blood for Hie renovation of man. Were all the organs of the bkly therefore under the control of the will, when wuslept, the heart would cease to pulsate, death woild us a necessary conse auence follow—the lungs Vould cease to perform leir office—suffocation and death be the consequence or perspiration ordigeation ke interrupted, the effects of which would be perpetual disease. Reader, you now know perhaps better than you ever knew before, the vast importance of keeping these organs so necessary o lile in a healthy state You will also place less reliance on the pretensions of ignorant and uneducatel men, especially when they attempt tc meddle withdiseases they know noth ing of. You will likewise q.preciate the services of the skilful medical practitioier, who has labored for 18 years in the study of a icience through all its mi nuties, and who now offers hr your benefit the result of his long and arduous labirs. I ask if you possessed a watch effivc dollars «alu*,and it was out of repair, would you take it to a tinko to have it set in order ? No; you would surely carr* it to a good watchmaker. How much more difficult tlen is the putting in order of the humun body when oa of rdpair. A watch may stop, it can be set going a fain—if man’s maclrnery once stops, it stops forever. No human power can ever again set it iu motion. You may alway expect fever and ill-health to fol low the stoppage of any of he secretions. If we ex cept, says Van Swieton, thorn who perish by a violent death, and such as are extinguished by old ago, all the rest die of Inflammation, caused by suppression of one or other of the secretions. Pliny describes the terror the Romans had of this disease, and of their supplica tions in the Temple of Fanira for the removal of all obstructions to the natural nutlets of the body. Sick n»a«l li«rpl'nrp r-ntinnt < K»i*nr liilt’DR nne nr nl hf»r. f t It moo outlets are obstructed, exrejt it be a disease depend ant upon a specific contagion, such as small pox, mea sles, venerial, dec. and thesi diseases are only cured by increasing the natural seiretions. When you labor undfp matter ofvliat nature, whether ma lignant or otherwise, and yiu take Calomel from a Physician, does he not alwa;s ask you, are your bow els free—is perspiration free-is the secre’ion of urine abundant—or, if you have pun? what, I ask you, are those inquiries, but bgpsiy o ascertain if the secre tions are duly performed. Itthey are well performed, then your doctor is puzsledas to the nature of your disease. If they are not <luy performed, he then re moves any obstruction. Thii is the great secret of our profession, and thus we defiie 8 reputation when we only assist nature tn restorbg the natural secretions. The great difficulty in the practice of medicine was the proper application of a combination of medical ar tides calculated to remove dbstructions, and actattne same time upon all the seemions. There are many valuable articles in the inaeria medica that will act upon the liver administered alonev but when combin ed with others to act upon the kidneys, they become neutralised. The concentrated extract of Sarsaparil la. Liverwort, Pleurisy Rootand Lignum Vita as pre pared by me is the only one combination ever yet dis covered that possesses this inestimable quality, which has been testified to by inosiof the medical men in England. Fora full account a the properties of these plants, 1 must refer the rcadir to iny Prize Essay of 40 pages, published in the Ndv England Medical and Surgical Recorder. I will tiuinerate a few only of the diseases in which this medicine shewed its mirac ulous powers—Consumption! arising from cold, or where a hereditary dispositun existed, liver com plaint, yellow fever, jaundice! ii digestion, torpid or inactive stale of the bowels, palpitation of the heart, pleurisy, scrofula, mcrcuriai/erupiious or cutaneous disease arising from auyenust, secondary or constitu tional effects, arising from th* venerial disease, such as blotches on the skin, sore throat, ulcerated nose, and painful affections of the bbnes, termed nodes. In fact, the whole family of distase are attributable to the one great cause, obstruction of the natural outlets of the body. My Conceitruitd ExtractofSarsaparil la, Liverwort, Pleurisy Rootand Lignum Vita removes all obstructions, cleanses the system from all poison ous matter, and aliimtlatts the organs to a healthy ac tion : It is therefore evident that this is the sovereign so long sought after. Itcan be taken by persons of every age and sex, and is admissible under all cir cumstances, and in every variety and stage of disease. There are four powerful reasons for using this tned icine, in preference to all tthsrs: 1st I am regularly educated to the practice of me dicine, and committed Licentiate oi the Medical Board of the State of Louisi.iia, which can be ascer tained on inquiry in New Oreane. 2d. My medicine is pureUvegeiabie, and is com posed of Sarsaprilla, Liverwort, Pleurisy Root and Lignum Vita and other article. 3d. 1 honestly confess what my medicine is, and do not attempt deception by kcedng its name secret. 4th. I have been 18 years a iraciitionerof medicine, and during that long periodVtins* made extensive use of this medicine, and fouM in every instance, tha PATKKT MCPIClNkw, removed oil obstruction* by the hasty acuon'tr^, lie Livei tttnmach, "B'Wels, Bkiri, Kidneys mat , * Lungs (0"F<»rsnlo wholesale nr.d retail at ‘!9 S* Francis •'trcet, Mobile, and a: iny oflice 7 Duane St. New Vork. Price 6‘J per bottle, one quart. fell Iv Cio.MPOUNi) .sYiii p'or u\ uiwoiit, J (Ifepotica Trilnba.)— For the cure of Pulmona ry and Hepatic affection*, Cough-*, Colds, Consump tion, Spitting of Blood, tyc, The reputation wliic tliis article (Liverwort) has obtained in the frontmen if Consumptions, Spittixg of Blood, Liver Coin [tlaints, Coughs, ^*c. and the great uncertainty liter must always lx: in the preparntion of decoctions tli node in which this plant has been usually ndimiii* .rrod, by persons ignorant of l'lmrnmceitical Maitr julatitills, has led us to make a concentrated Com pound Syrup of a uniform strength. MEREDITH, HENDERSON & Co. N. 11.—None are genuine without our written signature. QCF* For sale bv the single bottle or dozen bv RICHARD NORTH, 33Government, febl9 and 45 Commerce-st*. WADE’S WORM and (JONDITION row - DF.RS—These powders are prepared in a man ner peculiar to any others, being the result of an ex perience of 37 years successful practice, and have never been known to fail. They are recommended to all owners of horse*—as superior. Cattle are so im proved in appearance and health, that double the la bor may be obtained from them, without any risk. N. il.—These powders used when horses come off a tourney, or are wet and cold, or excessively fatigu ed, will on found in the highest degree hem-final. To bo bad in packages of one dozen each for *6 or a single paper for GO cents. They are administered m the food, without requiring relaxation from labor. For sale wholesale and retail by RICHARD NORTH, jan3 35 Government and 45 Commerce-st. mo DENTISTS—Doct. II. Gates, Agent in Mo i bile for the sale of Stockton’s improved Mineral Teeth, has just received n full supply, embracing all the varieties used by Dentists. Doct. Gates has also a first rate article of Den tists’ Gold Foil, Nos. 6, 7 usd 8. Orders from any part of the Southern Slates promptly attended to. Address GATES’S i’hurmucv, n w|Q 106 I hmphia at. mobile. HAVE YOU A COUGH !—Do vot neglect it:— Thousand* have met a premature death for the want of a little attention to u r-omiuon cold. Havo «t cough l—Rev. Dr. Bartholomew** Ex peclorunt Syrup, a safe medical prescription, con taining nopoisonous drug*, and used in an exten sive practice for several years, will most positively afford reliof, and save you from that awful disease pulmonary consumption, which usually sweeps into the grave, hundred of the young, the old, the fair, the lovely and the gay! Have you a rough 1—Be persuaded to purchase a bottle of this Expectorant Myrrp today ! !—Tomorrow may he too )aiO. Have you a coughl Bartholomew's Expectorant Syrup is the only remedy you should take to cureyou. For this plain reason:—That in no uno of the thousand cases where it has been used, lias it failed to relievo. For *ale by I. C. DuBOHE & Co, jan2l 164s and by the other Druggists in Mobile WHITE SULPHUR WATER.—Water fresh from the White Sulphur Springs, Vu. To those persons acquainted with the character o! these Springs, eulogy is unnecessary. Hut to these who are not, it will fie sufficient to inform them that in all diseases of tin? Uowels, Liver, Kidneys or Skin, the Water will be found a most eligdde remedy, be ing not only an active and efficient medicine,'hut a pleasant, and to some a delightful beverage. Per haps at no season id iis use moie imperatively indi cated than the coming season and the summer mouths, when those vyho are unacclimalod are exposed to a deadly disease, ami to the old residents subject to Hepatic obstructions. For sale bv the dozen or sin gle bottle or gallon by RICllAHD NORTH, Druggist & Chemist. m:\y2T 209(f 35 (iaverment & -15 Com sts. OCTOll HALL’S CKU;|-.IIATi:1) Sl'KCl FIC.—The celebrated specific for the cure of (louorhrea, &c. can with safety Ik? recommended as being certain in effects and containing no mercury.— This medicine i,ay superseded most of the prepara tion? sold for flic cure of this disease and (ms been sold for sometime in New Orleans, us well as various other sections of tbo Union, From the high charac ter and standing of Dr. Hail and the large quantities sold (3300 bottles in three months) at the north,there can Ik? no doubt of its superior value in curing this dis ease. None genuine unless signed by Dr. Hull, M. For sale only by R. NORTH, Dispensary Chemist, feb5 148s No. 33 Governuu?nt-st. ARKS'* OINTMENT FOR TiFE CURE OF PILES.—The inventer id* this valuable reme dy, begs leave to offer to the Attention of those who are suuject to the Piles, a remedy the efficacy of which has aeen tested by the experience of years, and the utility of whice has in no instance been im paired from failure to relieve. To those who have been subjected to this disease, it will prove, if applied when re-attacked, a sure preventative to its continu ance without the least pain; indeed many have pro nounced it the most agreeable remedy ever applied. There can l»r no danger in its use, a* its component parts are of harmless vegetable matter. For sale only by P. MOSELY, novoO 92tf* Druggist, Mobile MOSELY & CO., Druggists, at the corner of Royal and Dauphin streets, having received a large supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Garden Seeds, fee., which they offer for sale in quantities to suit purchasers at very inodorato prices and on a reasonable credit. nov29 TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT— A fresh supply of this invaluable medicine recei ved per brig Saratoga, direct from the original pro prietor, Dr. Geo. Taylor, 375 Bowery, New York Purchasers are desired to observe that every bottle of the genuine medicine has the written signature of Dr. Geo. Taylor, 375 Bowery, on the directions around the bottle. %* Beware of I, W. Burrett’s imitation. L. C. DUBOSE & CO., 39 Water si., sole Agents for this city. COHEN’S RHEUMATIC EMBROCATION— This remedy, so celebrated for the cure of chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, sprains, svvell ings of the joints, from the improper or injudicious use of mercury, lumbago, &c. is now for the first time offered to (lie people of the South, although long known and used, as the certificates testify, at the North, where its success has been greatly marvellous and unrivalled. Those afflicted with the above com plaints, wU1 find immediate relief on trial of the Embrocatiu i. For salo by the Agent march 5 i. C. DUBOSE Sc CO. No 89 Water st. SHERWOOD’S ELECTRO MAGNETIC RE mf.dies for Chronic diseases. These invaluable remedies are founded on true pathological principles, readily demonstrable; and that their affinity of ac tion lias a direct and absolute tendency to eradicate chronic morbific influence from the system, it is well and thoroughly established. If reliance can be placed on human testimony, they arc of all remedies the most valuable, safe, sure and salutary remedy, parti cularly for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia, Chro nic Disease of the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Uterus and Spine; together with white swellings, Scald Head, King’s Evil, or any of the forms ot Scrofula; even Tubercular Consumption, under their specific influence, has lost most of its honors, ex cept in cases neglected till the last stage. For sale in Mobile by MOSELY & CO, jtinelf Druggists. Bagging, rope, hc.— 293 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 168 “ Alabama “ 188 ** Schayhticoke “ 196 “ Dundee •* l^lb per yard, 249 •* Dundee Gunny Cloth, l|!b per yard, 250 “ heavy “ “ 2$ lb “ 1458 «* East India Bugging, 2] to 241b “ 250 “ heavy Dundee hemp, do weighing u to 1| per yard, 200 ceils Russia Hemp Hope, 50 “ Bombay “ “ 200 ** Kentucky “ 20 cases Baling Twine, 50 nieces Salt Sacking, 72 bbis IventiK'.ky Hams, 20 lihds * *< 200 tons Swedes Iron, comprising all sizes, 10 tons Bnml)e and Sheet Iron, comprising a general assortment, 500 kegs Whifcv.Lead. The above will be s^d low, and on accommodating terms, apply to McGRAN & NOONAN, nov9 71tf 6 St Michael st. BARRELS FLOURS 90 bbs Whiskey Gv 50 bbs Molassct 10 hhde Sugar 10 hhde Bacon a des fb “ Shoulders 20 kegs Lard 100l>ags Havana coffee 60 bags Rio Cotye 60 oxs Sperm.Candles 60 bxa Soap 50 “ Composition ** 100 ** Tobaccsy*—For sale by oct8 57tf CALVIN KEITH. Garden 8c fiku| seeds.—The subsori hers have this day received from New York* the follqwiog Seeds, tlw growth of 1841, and of the finest ipmlity— Radishes, 4 kinds, Spillage, Salsify, Parsnips, Beets, 3 do, Ctftoi, Cucumber, Turnip, Cabbages, 1 do, Tomato, Parsnip, Cress, Lattices, 3 do, Mustud, Sorrel, Cauliflower, Melon, Peas, Benns, llerds-Grass, Blue-Grass, Orchard-Grass, Clover,&c. For sale in quanti ties lo mi4 purchasers. [ nor 27 MOSELY & CO LBANY ALE—20 bfla Tor mi In l» uovSt) HARRIS ROSS. V/’AIl^K’^ jT.KiNf’n FILLS — £300 CIIAL | " Ll.iV4»E. --'j |, genuine French Fills against alI i •vi ul’ tin* age, liir tlie cure of * * * 1 i ihcr'St,’™"'1' i'111' <»•• ■ i I 1,11 '■"«•» f' >' " ^ ,iV!i,'*a,"f I l e** from Mercury) find possess- i iimtii'ines, ijv^S’ 1 " r ll"' uu.l nil li.,ni.l . -cm.iitU do'n.,1 sWr""'1' .; r"1"1 »"«• II, an«l . tin: I..iliiliiv .* l"<-'euint« U«-Hi.(.-a thin iiiipuilaiil Sif)"1'' <"“n¥ lhtln gree with the stonuu h, an J in*ftbr0? * • y isa disease, they usually ellect a cure ol *Jl® j little regard to diet ( r exposure. " 1 w,t'' In the most obstinate stages of the discus. are equally certain, having cured many after etV'y other remedy hail failed. In short, they have been universally successful that the - proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. iunl2 I. C. DFBOSE & CO., 89 Wafer st. {JO* l’ricc, £2 per hox, with full directions. DOCTOR JOHNSON'S C<m ehtrated t dh und Fluid'Extract of SaroaparUla, Liverwort, Pleuri sy Ro*t and Lignum Vitae. The great cause of all our ills is proved to he a suppression of one or other of the secretnries, pro* (hieing an abstraction in the great outlets, or com* mon sewers of the body, and thereby rendering ih« fluids of a diseased quality, and unlit lor nutrition; and these obstruct ions can only he removed by res toring the natural secretions, without which we must labor under perpetual disease. This splendid and invaluable combination of the most healthy and salutary articles in the vegetable kingdom, is considered the greatest discovery that ever whs made since the duwn of medicine, ns pos sessing the long sought for nail inestimable quality of exciting at the same time the hcnlthy action of the stomach, lungs, bowel*, liver, kidneys und skin, and wltat is of great may he always ta ken with advantage in every variety and stage of dis ease, without npprelieitdihg danger. The following ate a few, out of countless diseases, in which it has shown its wonderful virtue:—incipient consumption, chronic enlargement of the Jser and spleen, rheuma tism. dropsy of every kind, rjjyspepaiit, palpitation ot the heart, difficulty of hrefthing, cough, raiding of blood, mercurial disease, eruptions on the skin, painful swellings in the joints and legs, sore throat, nose, und constitutional debility, mising from venei i al disease. In these and nitothrr diseases it has ne ver been equalled. In fact, it is the result of a long and laborious practice of 18 years. It has also re ceived the well merited sanction of tin* whole medic al faculty, and is supported by the testimony of nu merous persons Ito have been cured of dwoa«t***s that were considered beyond the reach of human inven tion. The following is one, out of many, tlmt have been lately received. Chi na da. Miss., June 2, 1841. I)r. Johnson—Deaf Sir—lit vain 1 have tiied the best medical skill, ana all the remedies that could ho devised, to cure me ofn complicated disease that af footed my liver, stomacf and lungs, la fact, my so* ferings became so great, tlmt I gave tip all hopes i f recovery, when I happily saw your advertisement, and got sjx bottles of yam* v aluable medicine. 1 buv now finished the tin It bottle, which, with uuspcnku Ido joy, has restored ur. to all the vigor of youth. It is indee * n wonder lit I medicine, and I would ea teem it a \ act of ingralitude to you, and injustice to the public, if 1 kept tU* fact secret front you. You are, therefore, at libcny to make whut tike of it you will. Yours, with ma lt esteem, I). H. RHODES. For sale ui 2il St. Francis st.; price £2 per It »l tic. novlO milK VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM, -1 the most vuluHtle remedy recently discovered, for consumptions, coihg*, colds,, asthma, spitting of blood, whooping coiiih, and pulmonary ulVections of ever}1 kind—price 51/cents Particular oatdwn-f-EacIi genuine bottle is enclos ed in a blue wripperinu which is a yellow label sign ed “ Sampson Reedi” Nona other can Ihj genuine. The great celebriti of the genuine pulmonary bal sam has !>een the enffso of attempts to introduce spu rious articles, which, by partially assuming the name of the genuine, a recalculated to mislead and deceive the public. Ammg these mixtures, ore the Ameri can Pulmonary hilsaut, Vegetable Pulmonary bal sam, balsamic Syrup, and others. Purchasers should inquire for the article by its whole name, the Veget ! ab'c p ilmnnary Balsam; and see that it bears the marks and signature of the genuine. Each bottle and seal is stamped Vegetable Pultnc nary Balsam. S. Ref.d. One more counlerfcit besides the American Pul monary Balsam, ami the others above alluded to!— The lat ft attempt to deceive the public by a spuri ous mixture, falsely culled genuine pulmonary bal sam, prepared by Samuel Andrews and Jos. A. Vca To avoid the imposition of this spurious arti cle, we again refer the public to the written signa ture of Sampson Reed, on the outside wrapper of each bottle, Boston, July 1,1841. Lowe & Reed. A fresh and large supply of the above now receiv ed and for sale, wholesale or retail, by m»\29 11. GATES, Dauphin street. C1 OP PE R, W IR E, SHEET IRON, TIN f PLATE. &c. Braziers Copper—30x60 inches 10,11,13aud 24x60pound Sheets. Sheathing Cua peh—14 uml 16 ox Sheet Ikon—250 bundles English Iron, Nos 10 76 37 Wire—-50 bundles.Iron Wire, No* 7 No 17. Rtv ets—60 tliwu old Tinned Rivets; 40 thousand Black do. Tinned Plates—250 boxes ^x Crown and Pout pool brands. 20 boxes 100 Plate Tin. Leaded Plate—150 boxes Leaded Plate for roofing. Banc a Tin—20 pigs Bitnca Tin, best qualify. Nails—500 kegs Nails assorted, 4d to 20 I. A supply of the above articles constantly on hand, and for sale by E. C. CENTER & CO., aug7 corner of Conti and Coinmorce-st. RAYS, WAGt IONS, CARTS, WH 1E13, &c.—An assortmont of Drays and Waggons with and without bodies; light ami heavy Carts; ex ■ lra dray, curt ami waggon wheels. Plantation wheels, earth, wood and wlieclliarrows, always on | hand, made hv John Wood, of Philadelphia, of I lie 1 best seaso- xl materials and workmanship, for sale novlS r/mnda by JOHN o’REILEY. PEASE’S CANDY.—A fresh supply of Pease celebrated clarified essence of ilorebound Can dy, just received and for sale by 1. C. DuBOSE & CO, nov 80 late DuBose & Roflf, 39 Water st. C" IANDLLS AND SOAP.--For "aallTby ' G. VVESTFELDT & BRO. 125 boxes Sperm Candles, 250 “ Composition do. 150 “ Soap. nov2 66tf ICE & RICE PLOUR.—5 tea new Rice, 25 lif and qr bids fresh Rice Flour, for sale by nov 27 'J* P. MILLER & CO. BUTTER—A few lirkms family Butter, for sale by nov29 JNO. C. RYAN. IVERPOOL ORRELL COAL.— Peach Orchard Coal, Lehigh Coal, Red Ash Schuylkill Coal. Landing and for sale by E. C. CENTER & CO, nov 27 corner Conti and Com. sts. BRANDY & GIN.—-20 qr pipes Otard, Dupuy & Co. Brandy 2 half pipes Hennessey Brandy 1 “ “ J J Dupuy Brandy 2 pipes Holland Gin —instore and for sale by DESHON, TAYLOR & MYERS, nn\12 corner Conti and Commerce-sts. inn A CORDS OAKWUOD—lor sale by~ 1UUU JACOB OBER, octlS Govornment-st. HAVANA CIGARS.—31 boxes brown Havana Cigars, received per sclir Belle, for sale qy nov20 THUS. P. MILLER & CO. OTANIC MEDICINES.—Powdered Buyberry* Bark, Arican Pepper Gum Myrrh, Lobe lift. Seed, Nervine Hemlock Bark, White Pond LiUv Witch Har.le, Unicorn Root, Poplar Bark Golden Seel—all of which are just received and are warranted fresh and genuine. For sale wholesale or retail, by R. L. WATKINS & CO., jan 16 corner Water and St. Francis sts. C11GARS—20 m Regalias; 40 do Canoucs; 50do /Trabucos, for sale by novSO HARRIS & ROSS. SAL ERA'PUS—15 kegs Sal Erattis, lOOIbs each, for sale low at [nov20] GATES’S Pharmacy. HOPS—A fresh article, now in store. n»v26_ II. GATES. DRAGES BALSAMIQUEF of Balsam Copaiba and Cubebs by Charles Weldenou—jHst receiv ed a fresh supply of the above valuable tuediciue, for sale wholesale and retail, by RICHARD NORTH, mar27 No 35 Governing and 45 Comcests. LINSEED OlL—2 pipes pure English Linseed Oil, in store and for salr by 1. C. DuBOSE 4* CO. DrnggisU, nlO late DnBosc & Hoff, 39\\ ater-st. KENTUCKY BAGGING——ISO pieces Mays ville, S5 to 95 yds each and 45 inrlms wide, lor sale by OGDEN BROTHERS, novlO 12 Water-st WINDOW GLASS—250 boxes assorted sizes, of best American brands, in store and for sale by I. C. DuBOSE CO. Druggists, novlO late DuBose & Rolf, No. 38 Water-st A SECOND HAND CARRIAGE for sale well adapted for family use. Apply to oct27_JOSEPH llALL & CO. TEAS.—A large assortment of all qualities, for sale by [novl5] JOHN O’REILEY. iVatFnt mmVTs filteu 9 —Tiiis novel un i useful Invention insure* -uym lantniK'ei. mipplv of Clear Filtered Ink in the X |,o Fi|tcr wliii-lt can be returned into tlna lobstau\* 11,V |||,H,||.|,|, ulu If it is jciucaiHimii ifliwy, umi ilfcclHil 1.1 111., minus} lu re. Tlic Ink ihim |,rntnt< ,\ K-ver thicken* or mould*, and remain* good for any \ . iigth of t ime in nm climate. The proccakof the td rntion cause* the coloring matter to be beat in sus ,C‘ii* ion; hence the treubb and in convenience i limiciHi’y unauitiihfp Ink, Si;licriiHv found in ni’din iry Ink-tin is. mo cuiuplcldv nl.viateil by tilt use (6 Ike Fn.Tii I 1.1 JiSTi .11>. One of miHlemte «iu " ill cun lain iiflicicnt for si\ or tuflvf innntlis writing I or |,. DOUBLEDAY & S.LAKS, 50 lianphin st. K:;%avim;.-.i. 1 M‘ 'Li.iffnSR,««s|,f . , " ■ i-fb-nns kin friend* and llio pukR'. Bl* k ha* located In,, Mj NO. £0, (’ \ x II F.F.T, New Ob leans, \V here he intends to ^.-rv on the Silver, Q *14 and t opper Plate F.ngrax iug'!».s| Printing, in all itS'^*^ ous branches—and hopes, by tVw stricriMl attention ti> business, to merit asliaro .,f public patronage. Dour Plates, Roll Pulls, Collars, &*. tie.* ' P.d*5 handles of knives, writing desks, worR bir»/i*‘, vp.'*, v* big cards, bill heads, bonds and bank ng^j^ ry seals, engraved in ibe neatest manner. .. . , ino • | N. 11.—Person* visiting New Orleans \\..i pleK- .u call anrl see specimen*, or wanting any ^*ng in th*“‘ ubovo line of engraving, !>v addressing rt»i» * y ? can have their wishes fully satisfied, add"^. patch. p “i C111ARLFIM Me CO K\>, (Late *f i J UPHOLSTERER A XI) P. ’>/ UR, BLOOD GOO ITS NEW h A I., BETW EEN CONTI JA, * STREETS, i esjiectfidly inform* Mobile, that lie lias commenced basin, , place, nod respectfully solicits a fdiar<\ ronage, ami assures them that every exXtu made to please the most fastidious, botlV^, price and workmanship- \ • The following good* v. ill bo made up in y beautifulstyle—Saxony, Brussel*, Ii grain Carpeting, satin and worsted D and Chintz. Bed and Drawing Room tains ; Chamber Sofas, Kusy Chnit V<.f .,n.duh {Seat*, made to order ; Chine.. VoK-rt Dc^iorv,v V \>da i l u u-t a v ME It I (AN IjAB( > It S AVI N \» l Warming Clothes in Soft inV-roX tku.—Directions for use,—I'ou \\ mite Colors.—To each pail of soft wn. \ in the boiler, put one pound of the Soap, which will ;iv "C.r for four boilings,aftet which add a quarter «f *' of snap for each successive boiling. M|H Wit the white clothes in clean cold water, them out, put them into the boiler, according to i condition, then take them out into n basket and v, e h themoitce water, they ready for rinsing—clothes that are very dry ^^^MB be put to soak in cold water over night and v.. quire boiling about three quarters of tin hour. For Washing Calicoes and Flani ->m The water in which the white clothes were, was J it generally strong enough, but sometimes u little extra soap will be required f*»r flannels. Hard water require* about a quarter of a pound more soap to each pail full, than soft water. By following the above instructions, persons using this soap will find that it does not injure the clothes or the hands—that it saves one half the labor . wash ing, that it improves the colors of Calicoes .. texture of Flannels, stud that white clothes • quire to be bleached but seldom. It also obviates i.k necessity of using the Wash Board, by which clothe* are more injured than by ordinary wear. •lust received and for sale by apr7 200tf R. NORTH, S&GuvnTt-st. HOLES ALE & RETAIL IRON STORE. McGRAN & NOONAN, No. 6 .St. Mic’ * street, have now in Store and landing, Swedes Iran of ull sizes and Steel of all kinds; Cut Nails; Axe Bund, Hoop, Rod and Sheet Iron.—They purp <4 by direct importation and otherwise, keeping on lm a constant supply of all articles in this line, to which they ask the attention of purchasers. novl9 EAL ESTATE AT SUMMERVILLE FOR ' SALE.—4 acres of land conveniently site 1 for a summer Residence, being near tile reside... formerly occupied by Mr. Cuthbert, on the road 1 *j iug from Spring Hill road to the Throe Mile Or. adjoining the lands of Major Hogan and Dr. Jas. L< Roberts. For particulars, apply to E. L. ANDREWS & CO., ^ dl9 1 !0tf cor. Com. & Dauphin ala. jVl USIC,—Just received by Doubleday & Sears, ivA large supply of new Music, amongst which are Ellslcr’s popular danced “La Ghana,*’ “La Mazur ka,” La Caehuca,” &c. Also the popular songs— “All things love thee,** “Love is a trilier,” “Leave^ me dear one,” “I was not false to thee,” and “Bonu-J til’ul Dreams,**—together with a great variety ofl marches, waltzes, &c. Also SomeJino ruled English v tiiusic paper. I IK.E PATTKUSIJN—lUad O* from Judge 1’atterson, for thirty years tho fiisi Judge of the county in which lie lives. Middletown, N. J., March 12 1940. Messrs. Comstock &, Co., (tnutlemen—You are ut liberty to male mcH use of-the following certificate as you decm.vill 8I,|). serve the purposes for which it is interned. ,* [C E RTIF ItTATK OF JUDGE I* AT' tHt 35,1 1 hereby certify, that my daughter ha betna^V - ed with sick headache for the spact vf About 2 J years—the attack occurring once in ftbo>. two wee,-, frequently lasting 24 hours, during.»*»*■'■k • o«» paroxysms have been so severe, tw»pl'*re. A to deprive her of life. Anti after !na\vi\{£ _ \ as » all other remedies in vain, I have been }*u*\ vs last resort to try Spuhu’s Headache RcilMaqLj by you; and to the great disappointment an.. "■ herself and all her friends, found very material 1 from the first dose of tile medicine. She ha. ed up flic directions with the article, an . case when an attack was tlneutened Ims fob. diute relief, until she is near permanently cut The attacks are now very seldom, and disappear most immediately alter taking the quantity A hope that others may l»e uenefitted by ll this truly invaluable medicine, has induced ntc t. yon the above, and remain your obedient serve JEHU PATTERSON, Judge of the Court <m »-< a* COMSTOCK & CO Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fletcher si. New YorV Sold by 1. C. DuBOSE & CO, A grata, and by I)rs. Maynard, Haraiioiid. and Gules. M ja» 28 170 if rjno PLANTERS, Physaeu."*, and Country 1 JL chants—MOSELY v& CO. DruggistsB corner of Dauphin and Royal streets’, have inBr fl full supply of fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Patent . ■ c.ines, i'aiiits,.Oils, PerTurnery, Gardeen deeds, which they offer for sale at wlmlsaale or retail at \ ■ ow prices and on a liberal credit. bl B Ul( 11 Alil> NORTH, No. 3ft, Govemuen* I and 45, Commerce street, near St. Finocis— Importer of French and English Drugs, Chei.'#«tryft aaa Perfumery, and Wholesale and Retail DcuSjj in Drugs,Paints, Medicines, Oils, Glass, ami Dy*^ Studs, No. 35, Government, near Royal, and' 4^ Commerce, near Si. Francis street, informs his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the store No. 45, Common street, (two doors from St. Francis,) east toidc, w here in connexion with his store No. 35, Government, he intends keeping an extensive assortment of all articles in his line of bu siness. He does not expect, much less hoiie, for more encouragement ami support than he has hither to received, without claiming for himself the meed of merit. He w ill at all times use his best endcav or* to render satisfaction to all who may favor his establishment with their patronage. Ashe is well aware how highly important it is tor Physiciaus and families to obtain medicines in their pure state, the public may rest assured in obtaining pure and fresh iiicdir.imn.. He is roc. .v ing, and wiJJ continue u» re ceive, by ihe latest arrivals, a mage, fresh, nnd su perior assortment of American, English, and French Medicines, selected with the greatest care. The assortment of drugs and family medic* »rj« ing every article of the choisest and fre tion in the line, are from the best Eure inerican manufactures. He also will keep on band a select as?'’-* fresh Garden anp Field Seeds, Rceus n < N. B. Orders from the country Oiled u. the sho^ est notice. _' feb DR. H. GATES, Dauphin st., inforr Vue pit* ' | that lie has now on hand, and will here, keep, in addition to his stock of Drugs, Medi~ m. &e., a general assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, among w liicli are— Asparagus; long blood, early turnip, French Sugar and other Beets; white kidney and Lima Beans Long pod, red and brown speckled Valentine, Chi na white uiul yellow Brans; Scotch and Ger. Kale; Early York, Landreth’s Inrge York, early Battersea, large drumhead, flat Dutch, green curled and drum nqad Savoy, red Dutch and green German Cabbage, early horn and long orange Carrots; curled Cress; Early Cauliflower; white and red solid Celery; Early frame and long green prickly Cucumbers;-— I arge purple Egg Plant; curled Endive; large flag leafed I.eek: Cayenne Per per; early, brown Dutch, large curled India and early cabbage Lettuce; Span ish and Cairo Watermelon; Nutmeg and citron M os k me Ion; Okra, Tomato; Salsify*, Rlml-»b;— a great variety of Peas, Turnips, V. dishes, S* jIi es, Onions, Pot and sweet Herbs. Terms cash. All these seeds warranted. nov^7 D~ OMEST1C LIQUORS.'-—37 bide Hnn-' Gin, Peach Brandy and Vinegar, lanutiig ,r... steamer Alabama and for sale Lv dec4 WM. H. BUNNELL & CO. A ■ 1