Newspaper Page Text
omplefG ;r, mas * . I I IN, ! icjs-at. SSIE, Ire i £ 111 ' M d-Ft. UL. 1 . Lcildi, «er tar EE. bri.liG, i ready , . For > fMAT n f ivr . For 'Jr. stened has a •I have 3 Pi. I>UC , w ill dea or L S, Al mtcli. HlVlMj* plj t" ts. lulclt. V, J • ufl,cr port, aiotla aste/ vi \ • Ft. >ds, ?t. *_•_ HJ. — *' bt ,— l.i 1)0 ; ■,*.,{*! -•v t 'T •. - ■ F & -IK >. •7^ ii to h . *•! u», ! .ml ay _ on , I UC, ] W* ■ « ! r, Li H 1- ' '• ♦ * ' , • ’ ■? n1 k*-1 - • -* -• • -v , * * * i *, 4* * I • •• i. - • ' Hil da te* ml* uht in Bod ■ to. I r ... ft •"? : to to m Wll t*. *-* » J * _ __ _ I ^4 FoiriihiN J\—Tl*e Office lately eetrepe-: I by the .Manual Printing €»!;*: *•, c a me “I \\ u I lei an I St. ’ I min'd streets—«•' ' •'■ »*ta»d b*r ■ any busim*:*. It will be rented low i;.l 1 i \«t ; Mk «t this ,■••■'._ _ de<S2 I Jrr\ FOilRE.V T.—J ll«u.«o, with three act-s of ground attached, with good kiteiieu, and sta !•■. order, a desirable residence. Hunted unUn ernineinst., one mile ^i'ooi the nui.\et house. A House at Sun^mrviHe, corner uf .Spring llil. j road and Center A»onue. A House on thp Avenue adjoining the above. To good tenants th* abo\e bouses will be rented yery [ law. For term*, apply to E. C. CENTER & CO. ~ INT, - V i’he Pwelliiig House near Ashton's and j Cluik’sShip Yards and the Saw Mill—a good ' 1 .si.11 1 !\ra common boarding house i ltracery. . ' dee.7 W. EP ■ • . O. TMjr 0WELLINQ WANTED—A eowforta- • itf.‘'3l>de dwelling lor a small family, within tivu or . i<*ji minutes walk of our store, i< wiwtted by T. P. MILLER & CO. K . Count -li-d^erlv in the occupancy of the subscribers, at Mo. i (id, v ommeren street. n»v20 82if GARDNER & S\GKU. TO REN J'—'Hie House in (J »\eniment *t foituerly occupied by T. \V. M Cov, l.scj. nun at present l;y the subscribers being one of the most desirable locations in tlie city, too well known to require anv description. Apply to LATHAM HULL & SON. Also, f.,r sale, a Light Carriage, nearly new, with dou!He harness, for one or two horses , a northern Cow, been here two summers and acclimated. m»v1$ L. HULL & SON. \ FOR RENT.—Several stores and offices , j; in tlie new buildings on Conii-st., between > \Y liter and Royal streets. Apply to nqvlO 78tf ‘ .1 LMES !i ill\N, 84 Wit sr-st. _ OFFICES TQ llENT.—'Three Ri inn »vcr Nos. Sau l 1>) Cmummee-t. Apply to i IQS. I'. M1LLE1 1 jL FOR !T . large fire proof Ware U I house on St. J .,-ph street, eapabU- ol conta.n f,.Jj roSM-ssimi given on the l«t A Dwelling House on the north east corner of Si. j Joseph an l St. Louis street.-,. | A Dwelling House on the south side of Si.Anthony I street, the first next west of St. Joseph street. l’os- I ; session gi\en immediately. i ,\ coawifb’tU Dwelling House, with n large lot on I Jackson street, opposite the Uni tar iau Church. 1’os scssioa given inunciliately. For term*, apply to ,,/4 JOHN B. TOt’I.MIM i \ FI '/*’ RENT—A store and office ft .^•ift-the wharf, near Dauphin street. Apply to 0.1I8 60tf E. L. ANDREWS 5: CO. /;-'V FOR REN /'—Fr- hi Ike First Nivember— Jfi'hffL-in office on the 2; Hoar of the building corner ot Conti and Commerce ;;t« Apply to octlo E. C. CENTER & CO. J• \ OFFICE 1,1 RENT,—A large Room now Jd -i^-orcuii'ied bv Dr. McNally, at tire corner of Dau pltin a id Royal streets. Apply to oct6 * M OS ELY & CO. \ FOR REN 1’.—Three stores on Whiter street Jh. Tljetwecri Hitchcock’s alley, an I Dauphin street Apply to [*ep20] ROBERTSON & CO. A TO RENT.—Those two 2 story new brick Dwelling Houses, situated on the smith side of St. Michael street, between Claiborne and Frank lin streets, having live rooms, pantries, closets and cell hi—together with kitchen, ironing rooms and servant’s rooms. They will be. ready for occupancy by the 15th October ami will be rented low to good tenants. Apply to I. C. DUIlOSK & CO., 1'5!5 T .h'l Wat- i. / \ ‘ ' "yn ■ '' Ulii . I II.II i.l - X " Oh two rooms attached, over Nos. 8 and 10 Commerce si., is for rent. Applv to l 10 T. P. MILLER & CO. POTATOES AND HAY.--180 Xbla prime white Potatoes, (>■) bids prime Chenango do,ICO bales prime Maine Hay, will be landed to-morrow an I for sale from the wharf, by dec7 ’ Jr FI. RIVERS. 4 '1 L ASS WAKE.—500 dozen hall pint Tumblers, vJT Star bottoms No. 1; 500 do/, half pint tavern To.alders, polished but toms, No. 4; 500 uo/ half pint , Chry-ml Glass Tumblers, polished bottoms No. 5; 50 dozen Cut, Hat plated bottoms, No. 7, instore and fur sale by COATES & LAX,.Agents, (I 4 2 l< 35 St. Michnel-st. a 3 CLASSES.—30 bbls prime new Molasses, in ±1 d. express bills, for salt! by CIRODE & WHITE, dcc2i corner Commerce and Dauphin-sta. rglO THE PLANTERS .OF ALABAMA .—Tim ! w subscribers are authorised to contract fur the de livery in Mobile, of the best quality of Petit Onil* I i Se.Hil. i.m iho iivfct moderate terms, and will make it the interest of Planter* i.. *»..:«!• into tins ar rangement. CIRO!)E & WHITE, di'.e23 corner Commerce and Diupliin-sts. R andles and soap.—100 boxes Kendall; Co’a Composition Candles, 10!) hxs Sperm mJles, 50 boxes No. 1 Soap, in store and for sale . * by WHITAKER & SAMPSON. dec23 24 St. Franeis-st. (~N UEKuY BOINGE AND WINE BITTERS. —20 half bids Cherry Bounce, 20 bxs Axnes’ celebrated Wine Bitters, on consignment, fur sale by ALEX. PRATT. 4 1 xl. I N ED PLASTEIL-^50 bbU freah Cal eined Plaster, Ian ling from brig Patriot and for sale by W. EDMOND & CO., dec23 90 Commerce-st. COFFEE—300 bags prime new crop Havann, Rio, Java und St. Domingo Coffee, i ir sale low by CiUi >j)E & WHITE, dee corner Commerce and Dnu|»lij||.<ni{, CIO UN.—5i* t*ags white, lauding from steamer * T.Sahnoml, to."1 Hjile by deeft* WM. tt lUiNNELL & CO. ISKEi AND t00 * bbls superfine western Flour, 100 bbls western Whiskey, 50 bbls Rochester and Babimoie Flour, 10 half bid- best Rye Flour, 50 hlf, qr. an ! 1-8 bbls Buckwheat Flour, 30 hhls and half hhls old Muiion gahtJa Whiskey, 200 sacks Java, Rio, Lnguira and Havana Coffee, in store and for sale bv ALEX. PRATT. EAMER MERCHANT.—100bbls Flour bh is prime Sugar, 25 casks Bacon Sides, mess Pork, for sale t»v T. P. MILLER & CO. i '— 1UU hhls m I Keoliheu Whiskey, . to arrive per schooner Swallow, for >»m the wharf, by CIItODE & WHITE, . corner Commerce and Dauphin st*. new Mess Pork, for sale by 9L, CIItODE & WHITE, nSorncr Com nerce and ! >;iiiphin Fts. --yy— witiier sir.mien , .*» f Nmv Bedford fcjper m Can siu l for sale by HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND. ET MALAGA WINE.—20 qr casks land ing from brig Mobile ami for sale by dec27_JOHN O’REILEY. 4 Wamr-st. : AGGING AND RoEE.—300 pieces lienvi 44 to 45 incites Kentucky Bagging, 350 coils liut tv Kentucky Rope, in store and for sale by \ \27 ELLIS & GREEN,68 Commerce-st, LES AND RAISINS.—40 boxes half gid- i tickles. 200 boxes M. R. Bunch liaising, in MAsalc by ELLIS & GREEN, (iS Commerce-fit. | Nl> MOLASSES—211 khds Louib •, 52 ubU M iI;vsbob, (cypres* bids) in ELLIS & (SKEEN, 03 Oommeree-Bt. Nos. 1 and 2 brown Soap, te perfumed- do, ELLIS fy GIVF.EN, 68 Com. 6t. boxes beat New Bedford _J gallons winter ntruined jria! and Voting Hyson Ten, ' inpagne, Brandies, Wanes EA1, & CO.,, ! »l SU|)UI IUI , in cv* L & CO. 22 Conti nt. $ FORI842; Ao4 for sale !»y S. W. ALLR.V. white, landing/rum r wale by 50 Commerce-^ 15 firkins Oraii§i o Cheese, landiu A SY, 4 Waier-st. LitusTTco 5TT »:rl for sale 1 Waler-»t. a and pint*, 1 Water-st. V'vT.KH, \Co nti-sts. 1 ii i J *1 i. It, J J . List o;ie of DAN MARULE uni HF.HR ( the:« ilie -\. 1SS family nod La Petit* • •. < ; .. . /y.’T -.n* i r/xY/.Y./, /'/ c. u. lsh, \\ .j lit* .lit-,I Hit* ki,?t ■ xu i <-t Tin: G \ML « OLk OF THE UALl F.nip.-mn llarJIie-'.'!......Mi. I i Mat hie After which, II EL It i LINE will «*<• i i»r:-u.«.!» his ti'iriw.lle 1 prriF -nance mi the ’1 iijht Ite. Vft ?» il - Myth I tfirnl, Aquatic Bovletto uf I a Petite tV. line will dunce La t . -huea. \ Vulir followed hv lb drama called UYJ^Ni; i t IE’ LABORER. Philip sailor).Ml. IE 1 'a!'. Tin: whole in r.« • n if w iill the r- i > |..lalmiiiiiie ul THE I'AlliY'N FESTIVAL. Harlequin, ^ Cl ,ivu ... >.h) tb*J Swiss Family Pantal-ma. S Ntipul .a T.o Grand . . .I.a Petr Cline I^XCilANGE ON NEW YORK at short sight _.i ami CO dins right, for r.dn by , ; , F. SHAW h CO.,^1 tnmi • so t. i-* XCH AN . ON N EU YORK i.n sight, lA f..r sale by JOS. AUZK tv SON, d<u’23 3* St. Francis-nf. I^XUHANGE ON— ill NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, nu I NEW OuLEA VS, —for Kilo by CEO. CLKVKL \ Nl>, Jr., dec23 * 20 St. Fiaiifis-st. «i X H A N GE.—Bills on Now Y rk at 60 duy*> jlIj far sale hv tied7 ' JAMES MAGEE. ‘g^Xi HANGL ox'new YORK ;.i 60 day* -G A sight, for sale In Cil. DRUIN' 5; J. I.KCESNE, 7 28 Sf. Francin-st. _ mis |<Vn? 5*;unTlO days sight, for sale In . i | ' E. L. ANDREWS & CO. JA \( IiANUE on L idon, Now Y’urk and New ■ A O; leans, for sale hv deoil M. I>. ESLAVA & CO. ]p XCH INGE on New i or!. at i•» days sight, lor :j .leby WM. MILLIGAN' & CO., ducll ’ 34 &. Mibhtfobst. ]* A XCH AXGEon New York, at :20 days sight, for a. A sale by GARDNER A SAGER, dec8 Comi-street. ]P Xc'li AN(i 11 t>N N K W ORLEANS at 30days A sight, for sale by - 1 i>. WHEELER,8 Water-st. IlIIANGE ON LONDON & NEW YORK, FJ dec 6 M. 1) ESLAVA «$• CO. EGXCIIANE ON BALTIMORE & PHILA DELPHIA, for sale by GEO. CLEVELAND, Jn., dec3 2d St. Fmncis-st. IBERAL AD4 i\(T.s on coiisignm “ A Cotton lo our friend.; in New Yolk, Boston and Havre, made In deed# HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND. IP Xt ii 4NGE u.i N w York ;ii 3 days sight, for FA<ale by WM. MI LUG \.\ & Co., "•>v26 31 St. Michael st. 2 A XCiiANGE on New Y.*rk and Boston, for sale SA by fuSQj F. SIIAW A.C0..84 B/t XCH A NGE on Ne-.v York, at short sight, fur fl J sale by Cil. D RUIN' .V J. I. EC ESN 15, ii-T 28 £ t. Francis st. S XCHANG13 on New Orleans, at one day's sight -t-J for sale by n27 .STEVENSON FORBES,31 St. Frarris-st Ip XCIIANGE on New York, at 3 dais sight, for ~A sale by W. MILLIGAN dr CO. • i St, Michael ttreet, S I YCIT \ Mr« «.• . .. vf.I“T v I i ■ u 'A udi I'LL IS <Jc GH HEN, US Commerre-st. a^xciiANUi: on intovumNcE aira.^ S .J paviil.le in l'roviilemenr New Vm k, for .ole bv "J 1 wai 1 AIU ■ SA IPs is. « Pr.noi.-tt J.1XCIIANGi: ON NEW Otti'EANsS-Ulicck. .B_ J ut sight for sale by «6 ^ D* WHEELER, 8 Water-st. R A XCIIANGR on Baltimore at GO days sight,for by « A ill If. A. SCHROEDER. iiS St. Francis-st. SPERLING EXCHANGE at 60 d.tys sight, for sale by PATTERSON &MALCOMSON, decl8 t’oiomercc-Bt. CIG1IT CHECK S~0 YY~ i. W (• ill J f Yns, for ►3 sale by [decll] E. L. AP & CO. C1ERTLIICATES OP DEPOSI PE on Bank at t Tuscaloosa, for £2,550, fur sale bv Me GRAN & NOONAN, deeStl O rtt. aii- liieS-Ht. (1 H ECKS ON PHILADELPHIA] for $2580, J *001)0, $H2G 46, $h;oj, for sale by ii‘3 W1JITAK ICR A SAMl’St/N. 21 St. Francis-st C'I HECKS on Philadelphia, lor sale by J WH1TA K E R A S AMP SON, novl9 No 21 .-t. Fraud i street C1 ERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE on Moutgo J mery and Tuscaloosa, purchased by nO G. W. TAHLKTON, 72 Commerce st. ^ jSOiULE DAXJi STOCK—lOShmes for ;deby Cfu iil() G. W. TARLETON, 72 Comineice *t j|jONTGO VIERY DANK Certificates of Depo S site Wanted, bv mo23 * E. L. ANDREWS & CO. A r < ‘N TGOMICRY OERTlFIOATES OF DE . V POSITE wanted by nMf i: i YES, BA1 Tl E A G< *. Tj IHEKAL ADVANCES will be made by the Q_i subscribers on Cotton consigned to their fi iends in Liverpool, Gla.-g nv and New-York. Go«lG J AS. REID & CO , lOSt.Miohael-st. y^L DVA.NCES ON COTTON.—The subscriber J lL xx id make advances on Cotton consigned to his « orr^spoi|(je|,(8 j(| Liverpool, Havre and New York. ARCH’D URACIL, _,-->,,ner Co iti an I 'onttnerc gig. Advances on c5ti'on,J-ti» »nb,mbor will make advances on cotton consigned to his friends in Liverpool, Glasgow, Ncvf York and Dos ton. t!K.e71 D. WHEELER, 8 Water-st. AOVANCES 6v I.IITI'OJ,—We will maker liberal Advance* on Cotton con.;(,QC(| to „„ f(„. sale in this market, or for Shipment to our m« ,vu in Liverpool, Havre, New York, Boston or New Or leans. E. L. ANDREWS & CO. oct27 61'trno Cor Commerce & Dauphin-*!*. 4 I) VAN OS UN COTTON.—Liberal advan cos made on consignments of Cotton to my friends in Liverpool. doc7__JAMES HAGAN, 24 Conti-st. 4 DVANCES (IN COTTON.—'! lie sulisct(her xm. will make advances on Coltou shipped to his friends in Liverpool or New York. «lec7 GEO. MARTIN, 15 Water-st. 4 DVANL’ES ON Cl)TTON consigned to J -^ 4- Hdfoii & C Liverpool, will be made by d«c6 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st. ADVANCES ON ClTl’TON.—The subsorilreis will make liberal advances on Cotton consigned to their friends in Liverpool and New York. dee l_McGRAN & NOONAN. rjlEN I .«.IVi; GEESE FEYTHEKS.— I- A first rate article, for sale by doc 17 D. 11. CRANE & CO , 37 Water-st. f\L7lE OIL AND MUSCAT.—150 baidcTu ^ • Olvive Oil, 100 boxes Muscat Wine, lauding ex Nlbot, for sale by ' J OCjPEN BROTHERS, 12 Water-st. C1U.4VipA(iNE — 20 baskets Anchor brand, a ve / rv superior wine, for sale by *le<-21 JOHN C. RYAN. 1^1 LOUR.—100 bids superfine western; 50 bids and half bbbls northern Family Flour, for sale by Cl RODE & WHITE, dor2l corner Commerce and Dauphin-sts. IRISH POTATOES—100 hampers genuine Irish Potatoes, a prime article, fur sale by d“c 23 T. 1*. MILLER & CO. DO Hl-.S 11‘> —50 txjhv S. C. Osnaburgs, No. 1; 3t) bales S. C. Shirting*, 3-4; HO bales l> israh Drillings, 3 4 and 7*8; 10 rases Blued do, for sale by McGRAN U NOONAN, \ dye22 0 St. Micbael-st. YN DIES.—50 boxes assorted Candies, from v-* Stewart’s Steam Iletissryj 5 b oxes II »ck Can dy. \ sale by [dcc23] T. MILLER & CO. ftuOKd—SO qf casks Ancricau Brandy ftO kiVf’an l qr pipes old Cifn ;c Brandy 1 PVe. pttro Holland Gin 10 bSL \| >n<,i)2diet* Whiskey, <>n consignment, tor Kilo vatVc|le;ip by CUODEfc WHITE, d2-l _ , corner Commerce ;«id Dauphin-sts. LOAE .SlT&.ms.—30 l>l.t. It ...HI No. I I, «’ iiiiJ Cru.lwd, Jo lihl. N (> I,uf Swar, f,ir .ale I *w bv uritoDE & ware, V21 c.rnafytoiumi.rue a»ul l.<ppbm-.t.. |S; Ffit—2i lir&u. (jo.iiuu Dairy tjuuuf, un ! yi.ignioeiit, fur u.', |ow |,y <-!K )1JE & WIIITf., _corner <%„» norce and Duuphki-sts. ! OIL—20 b,| , imn b end, in dm or ! -*-* dR» ^c«iv#d per briiM diile, and for sab by WhITAKIr & SAMPSON, ‘ ^WC *'* 2 ft, St Francis st. . K \ v i .it v/ Fi m i: c ckv ■ 21! IE M A \ \ i .tT- -f this s, 1< i.d.d AnqT-itk :i -*■ or, . t!Vi itu-.r Miij'iii .ii:i.«! r.^t of alt actions i m t!i- |1 it run a i the ;-:!<!•••, lug to assure them t'lai th • sit ictcitt Mi tuiny ispiiid to the rharmtcr and >n of tin- amusements they present with the it in endive nil i beautiful STUD OF llUR^tH, and a very ruuer<.e.> company of highly popular K^Oes 'HtiAN A Kits is, i;i'-|n,invg situli a eointHoatioii ol ■ ■(, as liashevi r I t- ne.i a urnicr oe.citsi n offered. 'I i - entm tu nunc.Us v. hie!; they will bring forward will b tnui'Ue.I hv V.1 Rlr r 1 ; NO YF.LTY AND &P LFNDOR ! And they douht m.t I»• itheir exertions to cuter for t‘! t“d \ Y wdl insure to them that patronage and sup ! ‘it equal : -^t! i:mncn*u outlay they have b-cn at ! r liu* i . ;.cing every thing with the Fxtrnrrfliu'iryJ^^&tot r.-nrf Uy.nnai.tic I'-.its by Messrs. S. T. 8TICKNEV, G. \Y. SERGE A.XT, G. ii. JOHNSON, A. LEVI, W. SMITH, J. EVERS ALL, II. LONG, J. DELVAN, II. 1)1 KICK, E. BROWNLEE, W.EMMENS, O. YEACY. And the Petite Female Equestrian, Mia# ROSA LI \ 1C ST I. K N ICY. Also,—The ri Icbrntcd Clovvt JOE BLACKBURN, whose whimsicalities have been the admii.ition of thousawls ol *q>* ctators! FRIDA Y N VFNING, RFuTTn, IS 11, Tue Arena Spoils will commence with A GRAND M A U:\1ADUK E PARADE! el richly mounted warriors on their lieauliful chargers, Tlie Trick Poiiey, Young Nerval, will be intro duced by ii. Long, and perlbr n the port of a Domes tic, concluding w ith a Flying Leap through a Balloon, Mr. A. Levi will appear ia a dating Leaping Act. Miss Uofaiinc StieUm 4 dl appear in her beautiful xoenc of the R< c M.» w’ Air. J. Kvcmill iii tiv of ;he Sailor’s Return, I- ifiiM-n minutes i- ti'riuissiu-i, for the uccomuioda tiuii ol those may want r«freshmcnls. Second part will open with a grand display o 'Somerset* ing. j'i» bu 1..Ji<•««< ■! h%- cite* n>lflbintii(l if<>r*o Champion iutrodm .-d by Nlr. Stieki y, who will perform main astonishing feats. u\ iwn,...JOE BLAC KBURN Mr. G. W. Sergeant as the Mour in defence of his Flag. Mr.dl. B. Jthnson on the Cord Volatile. Mr. Liptuan a* the Wild Indian of the West. .Mr. S. E. Stirkiiey, will bring forward his unri valled Horsemanship mi two Horses. To conclude w ith the laughable afterpiece of J ER E MIA i I BA CKST1TCI I. Sir Win. Cabbage.Mr. II. Long Jeremiah.A. Levi Mr. Calender.Smith • | HIE SUUSCK.BER haviii;r established himsei u- in this city for tie pu pose of conducting u FAC 'IO RAUF G FA FRA R COMMISSION 1IU A7A F!SSt would reqieeilully solicit the patronage of his friend-*. OFFICE—No. CDCominerce-st., cast side a few doors above C'outi strict. novll 7-1 Iftf SAMUEL ROBINSON. REFERENCE. JoHN Robinson, ..sq., ('hurl, ton, S. Carolina. vV.M. Rohinson, Exq. Laid, n, Marengo Co. Ala. (Nil. E..M. I.IDF., Uirhinmvl, Dallas Co. Ala. In Chancery—butte of Alabama—Mobile County— Ai Rule*— Dec. 13th, 1841. State Rank at Elizabeth,complainant. 840 tv. William Kitchen, Ilenry 1*. Norris, Henry Parrish and Daniel I’an isb, LeR \ W. Wiley, Calvin Nor ris, David btodder, John Hall, Joseph 1 lull, Charles Hall an 1 J. Hamilton Mastic, defendants. rfllHE bill hi this case sets forth that on the 13th a. day of April, 1S40., \V m. Kitchen was indebted to Edwin and Francis Robinson in the sum of $1926 65-100, and that to secure the payment of that sum, said Kitchen executed his certain indenture of mort gage to said H. & F. Robinson of certain real estate in the city of Mobile, situated in Stalest., between Water and Commerce sts. The bill farther sets forth that the said deed of mortgage was subject to certain conditi ms by the poilbrmtiuee of which the said mort gage would be defraud, that those conditions have not been performed, nml that the mortgage and notes have been assigned and transferred to the complain ant. The bill fnrth r alleges that the other defendants above named have or pretend to have some title to the mortgaged premises, and prays that the mortgaged property may lie sold and the equities of all the de ten lams be foreclosed. And now the complainant comes by its"* solicitor, and applies for an order of publication, undpl appear ing to the Register, from an affidavit on file, ^»at the the defendants Henry P. Norris, Henry Parrish and Daniel Parrish, are residents of the City and Stale of New York, and that the defendant Leltoy M. W i ley is a resident of Charleston in the State of Sontb Carolina, they are ordered to appear at the next term of the court of chancery for the first district of tie southern clllncery ilivixion ol' Die Miaio <»i'ALib-»to!i at Mobile, to be held on the second Monday of May next, nml answer or demur to the said complainant? bill of complaint. It is further ordered that this or der be publi.-dicd once a week for four weeks, in soini newspaper published in Mobile; that a copy be post ed on the door of the court house of Mobile county and thuta copy be forwarded to each of the said non resident defendants, by mail, at t’teir respective pla ces of resilience, all within fifteen days from thi: date. Witness, Malcolm, J. McRae, Register of sail court of chancery, this fourteenth day of Dec. 1S41 Attest, * M. J.’MeRAE, decl4 ft: Register. iii Chancery—Stale of Alabama Mobile Count] At Rules—Dm. Of A, 1841. William Austin, complainant, 403 vs. Jonas Richardson, Pieire F. Sandoz, Jr.,and others defendants. P|!IIE original bill in this cause was filed for the -I. purpose of foreclosing a mortgage made by Jonas Richardson nnd Pierre F. Sandoz, Jr., on or about the 31st day of August A. I). 1835, to the complain ant, of certain property in the city of Mobile, mere paricularly described in the said bill nnd mortgage. The bill of revivor and supplement acts forth that the defendant Jonas Richardson lias deceased since the filing of the original bill, and tlmt Charles M. Rich* ardson is his only heir at law, and prays that the said Charles may bo made a defendant, mid for the same relief against him as should have been awarded against the anid Jonas, h id lie continued—and now the complaiiiaui comes by ill's solicitor and ap plies for mi order of publication, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Register of the court of cluan cor\ t'-.i-ihe, first district of the southern cliaucncy division oflheGtutn «f Alabama ut Mobile, from an affidavit on tile, tlnu the Aofo..,|aill Charles M. Ric h ardson resides out of the limits of OioWttUe of Alaba ma—he is ordered to appear on or lx*fore the Oi .|.,v of the next term of t*»e court of chancery ulbr said, to lx.* field on the second Monday of May next, and an swer or demur to the said original and supplemental bills of complaint, and it is further ordered that this order be published once a week for four weeks in some newspaper printed and published in the city of Mobile, and tha. a copy of the same he posted on the eeor of the court house of Mobile county within fif teen days from this date;—and it further appearing that said defendant Charles M. Richardson, resides in Salem, Massachusetts. It is ordered that a copy of this order lx; forwarded to him at his said place of residence, by mail, also within fifteen days. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said court of chancery, this bill day of December, A. D 1841. Attest M. J. McRAE, _dee 7 CfK_ Register._ In Chancery—.State of Alabama—Mobile Count/— At Rules, Dec. 6, 1841. Wm. J. Alexander and others, Complainants, 803 vs. Archibald II. Caldwell and others, infant »cir« of Mrs. F. Caldwell, deceased, defendant*. rpHW Hill is fil- d In obtain a decree for the sale ■ ;%e 4*1' u’*4iy ided third part of the real elate held by the late lliclm.l H. Al.xaiulci In ttopirtimrahip with Janies Martin. The hill stales tha Mr. Alex ander died intestate as respects his real (state, wi'li out ever having married—that Mrs. F. 4. Caldwell was his sister, who is dead, leaving m. following children and heirs; Archibald II. Caldndl, Elizabeth Caldwell, Richard Caldwell, Julius Caldwell, and Frances Culdse!), all of whom are .nJer the age of twenty-one years, residing in the Stte of North Ca rolina, of whom David F. Caldwells the father, who also resides in North Carolina. And now tl> • complainants coie liy their Solicitor, nnd apply for an order of publintimi; un i It appear ing to the satisfaction of the Rgistor, from an affida vit on file, that the defendants* relit bald II. Caldwell, Elizabeth Caldwell, Rir.liar ‘Caldwell, Julias Cald well, and Frances CaMw.A reside out of the limits ol the State of Alabama, ley are ordered to appout oil or before the first da of tile next term of the court of chancery for tlio/sl district of the southern chancery division of snii^tate, at Mobile, to be held on the second Monday / May next, and answer or demur to the bill of coplaiat. It is further ordered that this order be plashed once a week for six weeks, iii some new^per printed and published iii the city of Mobile; ujl that a copy of tho same be posted on the door oaie court hmisd of Mobile coun ty, within fifteen ik* from this date, l Witness, Mule<‘* J. McRae, Register of said j court ot cha cry, this sixth day of December, r A. D. 1941.Attest, 1 dec 7 Cfc M. J. McRAE, R gister. , PRUlTS.wOO whole, half and «jr. boxes Rai sins, 25 «ii«s Smyrna Figs, 1(1 keg* White Grapes, 10 Currants, 25 bbls Dried Apples, fur sale by dnc22 TH03. i\ MILLER & CO. 5 il. I the President, Dir* iturauitd Company *>1 th.-Pnnh of Nonnlk, eoinj'lHiU itus. I '5 vs. ; Charles IVovvn and T.uey Brown. h;« wl e, deft’s, j PUUSIW N't’ to n decree rt:*red in this cause ut | Hit Spring fi rm A. D. 18ll, u t soc.-i.rt cl chaiice 1 i> fur the first : ol il*u s iu:lurn chancery <:i- j j •.— on * ; ce.5 i •inr * naiob.le, I -iiall proceed It) sell I i (n the order prescribed in sa d decnc) on the first j j Monday in November next, tit front o* the court | 1 house ol Mohiie county and b* tvv.\ n the usual hours ! ! Mierii] sales, all the inter* st ol Charles Brown and j j wile, ins imudi of the property described ns follows, ■ m \ ee-teio deed of mortgage unde an *, executed by ! saidd fendnnts tos:idcoinplosnnnts and Keaiirig daio j j the 29lit d *y ot,Msy, A. 1). 1828. ns may be necessa ry to satisfy said decree, to vvn: —Sundry parcels ut ti alesuto situated in the city of Mobile in the Plate of Alabama, bounded and de- crib'I nr follows, viz: one lot of land bounded northwardly on 8t. Francis Mrc t two hundred and fifty-two loot; west war*! I v on 1 o'. I of White ninety-eigut fee', southwardly on land o F. & W. Arm-tirong about two hundred and forty feet more or less; enatwatdly on Water-street one hundred and two loci and a half. One lot of land bounded northwardly on St. Francis street two hun dred nnd twenty f« :t; weatwardly on Water street one hundred nud three f**et; southwardly on land of H. Hitchcock, about two hundred and twenty leer; eastwardly on Commerce street one hundred and six feet- Also a certain wharf or water Sot with the dock and flats thereto adjoining and belonging, bound •I on Commerce sire t about one hundred and six le t; northwardly on the dock about two hundred and eighty-five teet; castwardly on the channel of Mobile river about on • hundred nnd six feet; south wardly by number d-.-ck or fiats two hundred and eighty-five f et—together with all the buildings on said several hits uf Ian ', and also nil the rights, priv ileged nnd appurtenances lo the same in any way belonging, meaning and hereby intending to convey nil the real estate whatsoever of me the said Brown, within said city ol Mobile whether particularly de scribed or not. Terms ul sale cash. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Regis’crofsaid c um of chancery, this the 1st day of November, A.D. 1841. At teat, nnv2 66+tds M. J. McRAK, Register. The sale of the pruperly above described is postponed till the first Monday of January next. dec 7 M. J. Me RAJS, Register. In Chancery—The first District of the Southern Chancery Division of the .*8*at« of Alilmuiu. At Hubs, Dec. 13th, 1811. John llngtiu, J.mip - Magee, tin: Girard Bank of the city of Fh'ludelphia, James tS«diott, William D. Lew is, and John K. Kune, complainants. 84! vs. Jonathan Hunt, Otis Dyer, George Starr, Robert G. Gordon, John A. Fainnbell, Daniel Chandler, iainut I M. Ogden, Philip Mel. oskev, the Branch ofihe Bank of lilt; Slate of Alabama at Mobile, the Branch of the Bank of the Statu of Alabama ut Decatur,John Blood good, Henry Bright, George Poe, Jr., John W.Lane, Bdwin D. Whitehead, Joseph B. Baric, Adam IJol liuger, th*‘ President, Directors and Company of tin* Bank of the JJ. Stales, John Bacon, Alexander Sy mington, Thomas Robins, Thomas W. McCoy, and (Calvin Norris,defendants. IN' this case the hill is filed by complainants to ob tain a partition of certain tracts of land situated in the city of Mobile, known as the Poplar or Orange Grove lands ami Laurent Plantation, now held joint ly by complainants and defendants; the hill prays a partition, and that James Magee, t'alviu Norris and J Thomas \V. McCoy, to whom the estates were con veyed on 1st May, 1833, in trust to make sales and confirmation ol the Register s r< |>ot l and the allot ment in severalty of the respective portions set apart, to make the requisite conveyances of such portions to the parties respectively entitled thereto; and now the complainants l»y their solicitor apply Ibr un order of puhiirution, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Register by an affidavit on tile, that the defendants Jonathan 11 tint, (ten. Starr, llenry Blight, Geo. Poe, Jr., John \Y.Lane, the President, Directors and Com pany of the Bank of the United States, John Bacon, Alexander Symington and Titos. Robin-. r side out of the limits of the fcftnteof Alabama, they are hereby or dered to appear on or before the first day of the next term of the court of chain ery aforesaid, to tie held on the second Monday of May next and answer or de mur to the said bill of complaint; and it is further or dered, that this order be published once a week for six week* i i some newspaper printed and published in*the city of Mobile, nnu that a copy of the same be posted on thedooi of the court house of Mobile coun ty within fifteen days from this date; and it fuilher appearing that the said Jonathan Hunt is a resident of the city and stale of New York, the said Geo. Starr a resident of the city and stale of New York, j the said Henry Bright a resident of Cambridge in the State of Masrachusetts, the said George Poe, Jr. a resident of the city of Baltimore in the State of Maryland, the said John \V. Lane u resident of New Orleans in the state of Louisiana, the said President. Directors and Company of the Bunk of the U. States, ami John Bacon, Alexander Symington, and Thus. Rubin#, are residents of Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania: it is further ordered, that a copy of this ordei be forwarded to each of the auiJdefendants at their respective placed of residence, by mail, with in fifteen days from this date. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said court of cllHiicei y, this thir-iwunib day of Decem ber, A. D. 1811. Attest, dt 1 1 f,: M. J. .'b:\AL, Register In Chancery—State of Alabama—Mobile County. Fall Term, A. D. 1841. Rufus R. Belknap, coinplainaM 738 ^ vs. Ann Edridge, adm'x of Wm. Edridge, dec’d, and Mary, William and John G. Edridge, children ol said Wm. Edridge, dec'd, defendants. PURSUANT t» a decree rendered in this case at the Fall 'Perm, A. D. 1341, of the court of chan cery for the first district of the southern chancery di vision of said slate at Mobile, 1 shall proceed to sell on the first Monday of January next, in front of the court house of Mobile county, and between the usual hours of sheriff sales, the properly described in a cer tain deed of conveyance from William Blair and Philip V. Vedder to Rufus R. Belknap and William Edridge, bearing dale the first day of November, A. I). 1836, as follows:—All that certain lot of ground and the tenements thereon, situated in the city of Mobile, on the north side of Su Francis street be tween Hamilton and Lawrence streets, having a front of fifty-five feet on St. Francis street and running back half the distance between St. Francis ami St. Michael streets, with the same breadth of fifty-five l.*et and j arid lei with Lawrence street:—hounded on the south by St. Francis street, east by lands now or lately be I nigiug to Thomas O’Brien, and on the north and west by lands now or lately belonging to Joshua Kennedy:—together with all ami singular the tene ments, hereditaments, rights, incmln rs, privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. Term* made known at time of ! sale. Witness, Malcolm J. McRae, Register of said court of chaiiRerv, at ofliee, this 1st day of De cember, A. D. 1811. Attest, <lccl ltao.1,. M. J. MoAE, Krgisttnr. In Uiuucery—State o! A Mobile County f At Rules—6th 1811. j Robert D. James, complainant. 811 vs. Isa ic H. Erwin, nchnY., Anne llitclicock. Caroline llitclicock, Henry llitclicock, Andrew llithcock mid Ethan A. llitclicock, defendants. rjllIE hill in this case is filed to foreclose a mort * gage executed by Henry Hitchcock to the complainant f.r scptaic no. 18 of the Favre tract of luiid, situated in ihe city of Mobile. And now the complainant comes by bis solicitor and applies for an order of publication, and it appear ing t»(lie satisfaction of the Register from an affidavit on file, that the clefts Anne Hitchcock, Caroline, Henry, Andrew and Ethan A. llitclicock are non-re sidents of the state of Alabama, that Anne Hitchcock resides at or near Lexington in the stnte of Kentucky, and that the others of the said'noii-resideiit clefts, arc all infants and reside with their mother tlm said Anne,] I lie said non-resident clefts aro ordered to appear on or before the first day of the next term of the court of chancery for the first district of the southern chan cery division of tho state of Alabama at Mobile to lie held on the second Mondey of May next, and answer or demur to the hill of complaint. It is further or dered, that this order he published once a week for """W" printed .ml publi.bed ll,e 1 "y ,uf Mobile, thnt a ropy a tin, a.tme lie post til on the door ot the cour t Inline of Mobil, ouunly and tlmt two copies bo forwarded by mail to the rai l Anne llitclicock at li;r alore.aid plaoo of residence, one for herself, and one for her said infant children, all within fifteen days from this date. Witness .Malcolm J. McRae, register of die said court of chancery, this sixth day of Dec. u 1811. . A«e«*» M. J. McRAE, dee 7 Of K _ __Register. {TDIJRNT CORN ACADEMV.—The thi^T^7- 1 ^-^sion of this School will open on the first Monday id Jan ry next, under the care of J wo. If. Claus k l, I where will be taught, in edaitiou to tin?usual hntncli 2s of an English Education, Latin, Greek, tlie Matli BiDatiCS, &e. Mr. Clausel is a native of Virginia, a hero he graduated; and tin* subscribers are proud in offering to the public so, fipe a scholar, imbued so Jiorougnly with southern feelings and so justly appre •utmg sqmlieri^mtcrests. The site of the Academy s reiuarku.ijy healthy, and remote from those pests of ae young, drinking shops, stores ami other places of mhlic resort. rxisMs. For Latin, Greek, Mathematics, &c. J*er **•" 454 m mouth for a shorter period • ar Geography, Arithmetic, English Crammer, &<•., • 1j per session, an J for the primary branches .'-,9 er session. r Hoard may Ik* Iw! in the neigjihurhood for $8 per 1 ninth. JO*IN UrATKL\S, > J JOHN GREEN, >Trustees. n JOHN MARSHALL, ) Burnt Com, Sept 21. *ep24 60f1Ttjtil ( >00 BHLS. POTATOES, io good order, i>y C >1«?7 HA It Kiri & ROriri. „ 0 BUSINESS CARDS. i>. B. UR W I*. & i o., CAB!NET MAKERS and UPHOLSTERERS, b7 Water-nth ekt. Old Furniture nuJ Mat traces neatly repaired. Ele gant Furniture constantly on hand. dorSO _ __* FI I.IN Sc GREEN, COMMIS SION MERC HA NTS, dec27 Mobile, Ala. (OATES & LAX, C O M M1S SI O N A (i E X T S, d28 cmo 86 St. Michael si. John brag aw IT < T67, Wholesale Dealers in exorv description of IIATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, fled-4 No. 27 Duuphin-st.,— Mobile. ~~JAMES H. HIVEUS^ COMMISSION MERCHANT, Mobile. Will gixe partienlnr attention to the snlcofall kinds of NORTHERN PRODUCE. G. (i. JOHNSON. SHOES, FOOTS, HATS, BONNETS, DOMESTIC COTTONS, KERSEYS. Ac., at wholesale, ni4 19 Watei street, up stairs. .1 wh s THOS. JONES, IMPORTER OF BRANDY AND WINKS, n!7 31 St. Mich nr 1 -street, Mobile. "ilOBlNSONlk STUART, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, AT Till: CItKAK VAUIKTY STORK, nl7 Cornei Governmeat and Wirer-streets. l>. s. B \I.I . COMMISSION M E It II CHAN T. Mobile. [tept97 6m] AM ^CONNELL & FONTAINE’ CoMiiissloa 1*8 Merchants, LiverjnHt'%. James McConnell. ) John T. Fontaine. ) The undersigned will make liberal Advances or Cotton shipped to McConnell & Fontaine, Liverpool. jan 5 B B. FONTAINE. II !iER At AI ’ • A N(5 Ms will ii<- made on < 'ottos Jk consigned to their friends in New York, Havre, Marseilles and Trieste, by CH. DRUIN’ A* J. LECESNE, 30 St. Francis st. Reference. Messrs. Pillot «St LoBarbier, Ncw-York. " J. Cohens (c. Co.‘ do. " Collomh \ Isr*!in, do. “ Deltham A Moore. do. nih8 \DVANCE - ON ( offoW, consigned to J . Ilolforil & I'n., Liverpool, will be made bv n!3 11GDEN BROTHERS. 18 Water L VDV VNCES ON COTTON—Consigned to Messrs Hicks A Co. New Fork, will be mad by |nl3] GEO. MARTIN. SEL EOT A CA /) EMY, GOVERNME XT-ST. JAMES 1>. BOYLAN, Principal. IN announcing to the public that the duties of his Academy have been resumed, Mr. Hoy Inn takes leave, being til the close of the year, to oiler his grate ful thanks to his benefactors and the public generally, for the very liberal support with which he has been favored since the formation of his institution. Undeserving public patronage, should he justly deem himself, if not stimulated by such fluttering en couragement, to enter on the duties of the new year, xvitli such additional zeal and devotednesa to the im provement of his pupils, as may render him deserving a continuance of it, from a generous and discerning nulilir. T«» parent* and guardian* imbued with correct ideas of bringing up their children or wards accord ing to the strict la .vs of morality aa<l virtue, which of all duties i* the most paramount, aa impropriety, must npprnr, in having both sexes instructed in the fiiino establishment. But Mr. B. Ihuters himself, that he ha* made tnirh arrangements in his Arude my, as will entirely obviate any impropriety, an I pre clude the possibility of any undue communication to exist between the male and female departments; and lie respectfully invites parents and such as may feel interested, to visit the Academy and judge for them selves. iUm-2S C1 OATES LAX, igents., offer for sale— t BAGGING—400bolts Kentucky, 250 do India and 100 do Dundee CANDLES—200 bxs\V. U. llodiuan’s Sperm Candles UOIM’—*600 ends Russia, 150 do Kentucky DOMESTICS—20 bales No. 1 0*naburg* 20 bales Brown Drill* & 20 do brown Shirting* COFFEE—300 racks Havana, 200 do Rio 350 do St. Domingo and 50 do old Gov’t Java TOBA CCO—200 hxs various brands, pound lumps TWIN E—8 bales 3 ply baling Twine CEMENT—204 bids Hydraulic & 300 Ida Roman NAILS—100 keg* Parker & Son’s best BRANDY—5 halfpipes (Miampngne 5 pipes Seigoette ami 6 pipes American UMBRELLAS—40 dozen cotton Umbrellas, a good article WINES—17 cases choice old Port 10 casks choice Moselle 10 qr casks very choice old Sherry 3 “ “ “ “ “ Madeira PRINTS—80 eases new stjle Fall River Prints IRON—12 ton* assorted Iron SUGAR—28 bbls No. 1 powdered and crushoJ bug a r HOLLAND GIN—4 pipes very superior SHEETINGS—7 rases5-4 &6-4blc’J Walslmm* WHITE LEAD—13,000 extra in kege of 261b*, 501ha to 5001b* 26,0001b* No. 1 in krgs of 25lbs,601bs to 600lbs OILS—50 ba*kets Bordeaux Oil 5 casks winter strained Sperm Oil decittmao Ollire, 23 St M ichael-st. r /V \ it, UftUI.’in.Oi .1 run a% nu 1' AMJ X DRY GOODS. Daniels & brady, S3 dau ph in-st., tmme <Hatch/ opposite the Public Square, invite the at tention of the citizens of Mobile, and stranger* vis iting the city to their stock of FANCY and STA PLE DRY GOODS. 'The whole of which has Ixren purchase I or lauded from European packets within a few weeks and will l>c found to contain a most varied and desirable assortment, at hocIi re markably low priors, us most ensure entire satisfac tion to every purchaser. The fallowing articles will he found in the assortment. Silks—Heavy Broclie Gro* Jo Nups Rich plain Pouite de Hoi do striped and figured (Jros d’amnre Richest reps with elegant satin stripes Splendid ombre, glace uud chine Silks, latest styles IBk and hlue-hik silk*; do do and col’d Satins I Mouselins Delaines—A new assortment small fig. uros, for children’s wear Rich plaid, French nmmifaclure, all wood best finality, mode colors, with satin stripes superb Chine delaines, very fashionable do Nu/.znriue bale grnniid fie Inane Calicoes—10 coses American Prints, all qualities G cn*o* English, latest styles; 4 do splendid do 5 do Furniture Prints, low price; 3 do do English Linens—6 cases 4-4 Irish Linens, Gruss bleach 3 case* bird’s-eye Diapers; 3 hale* Russia do 6. 7. 8. and 10-4 table do and Dauiuska 5, 8 and 10-4 Linen Sheeting, cheapen* ever offer ed in this city. Brown ami white Damask Table Clothe. Linen Cambric Handkerchief* Plain, hem-st it died, and a riviero do l inen Cambrics and Lawns, all qualities Shawls, Mantillas and Scarfs— Splendid Velvet, Flush Chine and Silk Muntillus Rich nilk, satin and cashmere Shawl* 1 uglione, Rob Roy and woollen Shawls French Wool Sliuwls, a new anil desirable article 1 Clriue Scarfs, silk and satin iiandkfs Velvet Point* and Ladie* Cravats 'Moussclinn de Luineaud Cliully Shawl* | Flannels end Blankets—3 hi* extra fine Saxony 6 hi* medium quality, white and red Flannels • 3 do real Welsh warranted not to shrink in the washing. 6 Id* low' price Blankets; 3 do large and heavy, 3 ih) largest Whitnev, ribhon-h.mud 6 do Negro Blankets, the whole of these will be sold uauHimlly low. Hosiery—Purchaser* will find, at thi* establishment, a complete assortment of the best description of English Hosiery. 200 doz. white, blue and black Cotton I fuse 100 do gray, slate and unbleached do 2iM) do white Merino ami Laiuhs-wool do 200 do hlk Cashmere, Mohair uud Worsted do 40 do heavy Raw Silk 40 do do white and hlk Eng, Silk Hosiery A full assortment of children’s Hosiery Gent* Met ino and Lumbs-wool half-huso do do Shiit* and Drawers Cloak Stuffs—English Merino,tilde width A new style Alpaeea Lustre; hlk Saxony Cloths Bruu and hlk Boiuhnzine*; Caslunerinos, Domestics.—\ full assortment of hnnvu and bleach •d Domostius, Shirting, Stripes, Drillings, Iteiininis, Jsiitthiug*, Negro Kerseys, &c. at manufacturers irioos, tugetlier with a variety of other articles, such at—Kentucky Jeans Plain ami plaid Lin*ey*, Cusxiincres, Sntinetls i usciin and Straw Bonnet*, Furniture Calicoes 1 r urniture Dimity, Apron and Fimiture Check* f Ladies and Gent* black and ced’d Kid Gloves I Silk and cotton Umbrellas, Ticking* I Burlaps, Crapes, Pins, Needles, 1 ape * Spool Cvtton, Corsets, Head Iiandkfs I l’a|>er Mu-line, Linen Cambrics Jaconut, Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook Muslins Stripe* and Plaids, Muslin Edgings, Inserting* and Laces, Infant Rohe* and Frock Bodice* i Damask Moreen* and Window Muslins The whole ol which will be sold cheap for cash on 1__ dee28 * G30DDER—80 bile* landing from steamer Ct^ J L hawha, lor sale by » <l<!<‘dii_c. A. (ar.MKKT, 50 Commerce-.1. IN l K NT—1‘olMr,^ i|»y, Macker- i •I* 9udfi*h, H.mog., Pickled Ki*h, Caudle., , o.ree C.IO, Brandy, fcc, will be .old low frmn the „ liirf.hy [dec 2d] i. H. RIVERS. IREMENDS INSURANCE CO.OF MOBILE, No. 32 Sr. Frnncis-atreet, continues to tnke Ma rine. River and Fire Risks. The office is open all day. Applications for Fira Risks me requested to be in.tde before 12 o'clock M j and for Marine Risks at any honrdurine the dav. CHARLES WHITE,President O. P. HARWELL, Vice President J DIRECTORS' John F.Paglea, Charles Auze, Br. Tardy. Charles White . John K. Collins, Wm. A. Ferrell, J. C. Chamberlain, Chs.Cullum, 0. P. Hasweil, Jos. Hall, 1. H. Erwin, fJeo.G. Prentice, U. W. Allen, Wm. H. Chidsey, Rich’d IT. Redwood. JAS. T. FRANKLIN. Secretary Thomas Lungfield, Inspector. nov3 MOBILE INSUftAtfCB COMPANY— Office So. 34 St. Francis street. Iusures against Fire. Marine and River Rial s. Dirfctoks. Jonathan Emaneel, John Simpson. H A. Schroeder, Thoa. W. McCoy, J. Bloodgood, II. O. Brewer, Alex. Pope, B. F. Marshall, R Desha, J. A. M. Battle, R. V. Montague, H. Barney J. FMANUEL, President. Thos. S. King, Sect/. janfl MF.KCHANTS7lNsri;ANr E ( * >M IAN V OF MiTUt.K—Capital. $250.Oft) paid in and sccur ed agt eekLly to the requirements of its charter. This Company continues t<>make insurant- apains lossor damage a" Riveror Marine Risks, and opainst firo on brick buiJings end merchandise in the city. The public may rely ou a prompt adjustment oflng sea. Dikkctots. II. B.flwnthmey John B. Toulmin. J. J.V. Wnnroy, Joseph E. Sheffield Charles Gas-'nigne Wm. H- Pratr. James G. Whitaker, Newton St. John. W’tn. Jones Jr. J. U. Schilt, Hindman Barney, Latham Mitchell, Wm. P. Molett. IT. B. GWATHMEY, President. R. S. BtJNKKR.Secretary. jnn24 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. rilUK undersigned, appointed agent for the PRO X TECTION INSURANCE CO. of Hartford Connecticut, is now prepared le tnke risks against lire on Stores and Dwellings (of brick or wood) and their contents, a!se Marine er river risks on cotton and merchandize of any description. The rate* ef premium charged will be ns low ne any other office, and claims for losa or damage suk lamed promptly adjusted JNO. C. RYAN, Agent, corS 57tf cor. Conti & Water sts. INSURANCE—Hazard A Fowlkk, agents for the Hartford insurance Ce. are now taking risks njjninst Fire, en (Jetton in I’res*es, and on Merman end Brick Buildings in the city of Mobile, nil UlfBBIIWBimi AOB1VC1. NOTICE.—The undersigned hereby gives notice of his buying been appointed Underwriters Apent for the following named Insurance Companies of Philadelphia, viz : North American Insurance Company. Insurance Co. of the State or Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Insurance Company. Union Insurance Company United States Insurance Company. Marine Insurance Company. Atlantic Insurance Company. Washington Insurance Company. Delaware Insurant: Company. American Insurance Cumpant. Pikknix Insiranci^Company. Delaware County Insurance Company. «I3 WM. H. BUNN ELL. ADVERTISEMENT—The subscribe berTEe give notice that they have been appointed Un derwriters Agents by and for the following nnmedjr. Aurunce Offices of New York, vii : American Insurance Company, New York Atlantic do do d Jackson Marine do de New York do ue do Ocean do uo do Union do do do Wash'gt’u Marina do do do Safety do do do Triten do do do MerchntitsMarinedo do do Neptune do do do dec3_itAZABD & FOWLER fill) tflfrPPKRS,' MKlIi'llANTS,’ A SI) VUA I DEHS IN GENERAL.—The above are re *»n*ntfuUy informed that they can be supplied by the undersigned wl»h tha following Goods received and ^ recei ving at all times train the uiaoufuatRitaft ©f Tho mas V yse, London and Florence— f lingli,\ Bonnet., Hit, .ml, p^{in BBd f>BCV of every dccrimion Plain and fancy Tucan Plait, Plait, Rolio Cora., B.nrl. and T..1.U, straw Buu»n»,Ro«. eues, Edging*, Ac. LlkewiM constantly receiving ky ve„.|, .lirect Iroin Leghorn, ladies', meu’s.boytf, girls’ an<l infant's Hats, of every variety. And the following‘description of Silks, likewise receiving by the steamers and packets •— La lies’ Dresses, gentlemeifs Scarfs and Cravats, Bnndiumns Romals/Paris and Fa,„ y Bandan nas. ITALIAN LUSTRINGS AND CRAVATS, from every manufactory of celebrity* In addition to the above, Rags, Oil &nd papr , <-on stantly on hand, from dye different Italian states. A consignment of Silk Velvr.., and dewing Silks, shortly expected. Orders received on commission for merchandise or productions of l.hgland and Italy. \VILLIAM VY.SE, No. 172 Pearl-street, New-York, and "IS 2ms No.32 North! Front-street Philndelpha. •200 box, Glass ass'd sizes from 8x1 200 galls Dutch Linseed Oil 250 kegs White Lead ass'd, Pure No 1 mud No 2 500 lbs Black Paint (in SI lbs. kegs) 20 boxes Chrome Green 180 do Brunswick Green, jost received per brig Ceres, ski for sale by _**30_ FAIRES & TODD, U Commerce st |%] EW CONFECTIONARY # ESTABLISH k v MENT.—J. McGINNIS, respectfully informs bin frauds and the public in general, that in addition to bis BAKERY, lie lias commenced the CONFEC TIONARY BUSINESS, in all its brandies. Hav ing engaged ex|>erieuced workmen he hopes to give entire satisfaction to families, honoring him with orders. Hulls and Parties supplied with rich ornamented Cukes, Pyramids, Pastries, &c. on the shortest no tice. Wedding Cakes made to order and handsomely ornamented. Country dealers will please observe that bis stock is entirely new made of the best materials, and he is ready to supply them by wholesale with every arti cle in the Confectionary line und no extra charge made for packing and shipping. d20x mo 166 Dauphin slreet, Mobile, Ala. REWARD.—Ran away from the vA subscriber on the innrniug of the 19th inst., ”egro GEORGE, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, aged 24 years, complexion neur a full Hack—front teeth good—jaw teeth bud. The subscriber has owned him but a short time, and learns since he took his leave, that George is an old of!t nder in this way. He was purchased from Mr. Zimtz, who brought him from Charleston, S. C. TUPS. HOLLAND. ifc CHEAP VARIETY STORE, Jfc IIATS! The subscribers have just reeived per Floridian, \ fresh supply of Silk and FuMlats, assorted quali lics, which they w ill sell cheap ns the cheapest for :a*b. ROBINSON & STUART, corner Gov’t und Water sis., Sign of the Mammoth Boot. NOT I C E .—The subscribe** take this method to inform their friends and the public iu general that they have opened the largo and convenient STA »UE on Royal street, 130 yards south of the Man ion House, where they can accommodate 100 Horses. Irovers can rent stalls and feed their own horses, or avo them stalled and led by the proprietors, with as lach care and at as moderate prices as any cstab slunent in the city. Horses and Carriages to let at all times. P. WATERS, dec 13 111 mo _T1IQ3. HU FORD. 1 ER CRACKERS.—80 half bids in fine f V order, for sal* by ,,et*22P. WHEELER, 8 Watcr-st. LTARSEILLES MADEIRA and PORT WINE TA—60qrcasks Marseilles Madeira; 30 do Port r me, for sale by dl9 OGDEN BROTHERS, It Water-.!. IPG KEGS CHESTER COUNTY NAILS. nu.ri.d iii.ii, daily MU rri.e liy WM. D. .. dectl mrntr Wittraudi