Newspaper Page Text
_PATKMT Wt’WCI a EH. DR.TAYLOR’S BALSAM OK LIVERWOTII for Consulttptions and Liver t’onqlaint, Oughs, Colds* A si lima, Difficulty of Breathing, Pains in ihe Side and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Catarrhs,, Palj i t ation of tlie Heart, Oppression and Soreness of Uie Cheat, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Hectic Fever, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration, and all other Affections of the Ch;st, Lungs, and Fever. This article ia prepared according to n rece/|ie pro cured from very old eminent physician, tlie late Dr. Holyoke, who preserved hia own lifo liy Us efiicacv. although of a consumptive constitution*, to the ast nishing age ;f on< nundred and two years: until the age ut aeon-seven, ne wasergaged in verv extensive pra t tea, requiring much exertion and exposure, Hun dre.s are now living in good health, that consumption seemed to have mailtod for an early grave, who owe their preservation to the use of (hi* invaluable medicine The virtues of the herb*‘LiVKRworth,’*arc in this vegetable, preparation so powerful and efi'ecUial ly concentrated, as to render it a most superior and harmless medicine for all disorders of the Liver and Lungs, and it is now considered by all |>ersons fami liar w ivli its effects, superior in merit to any other medical preparation for these prevalent complaints. It lias proven s» astonishing lieneficial for Consump tions, Coughs, Colds, spitting of Blood, &r, that many of of our physicians daily employ it in their practice, and esteem it a superior and valuable medi cine. All persons alllicted with consumption or any other disease of the Lungs, are recommended to make immediate use of this Balsam, as it has not oiriy prov ed effectual in removing such symptoms as threaten consumption, but lias performed effectual cures ot even this formidable disease, where all hopes of reco very were relinquished by the most learned and expe rienced men. This medicine facilitates expectoration, reduces fo yer, restores strength, and may l>e considered as a ve ry superior preparation for the cure and prevention ol all diseases of the chest and lungs, and should l*c re ported to, even after these diseases have resisted the usual remedies. In the practice of this old and very respectable physician, this Balsam of Liverworth has acquired an enviable reputation for its virtues, as su perior to that of the abundant nostroms of the day, us was the character and probity of it* inventor ami ori ginal proprietor, to that of quacks and empirics. The result of long observation and close study re- ! specting diseases ol Uie died, this ni<"!icmc, war ranted pure vegetable, has the additional recommen dation of having been used for seven year* by tin public, and also by physicians of eminent tnlent, *.? it li mit a single instance of failure in effecting an inure diate beneficial result.. To persons of disordered nervous system, or those who are unable to rest well at night, this medicine is most emphatically Yccmnineinkd. The inestimable value of tins celebrated medicine has been rightly tested, and found not warning. The Proprietor is daily receiving flatterjug accounts of its success; and it is truly gratifying to say, this is einpliathicallv the medicine of the PEOPLE! It is used by the Medi cal Faculty, supported by the Medical Faculty, sup ported by the Ckrgy, advocated by the whole New Vork Press, and is in the houses of most of our ci tizens. A ful! and fresh supply, just received and for sale by I. L\ DUBOSE & CO. mn30 193th Agent for the Slate. JOHN R. ROWANDS & CO. with great confi dence call public attention to ROWAND’S AL TERATIVE, or compound spirituous extinct of Sar saparilla, entirely devoid of Mercury .in any form whatever, for Chronic. Diseases, or complaints of long standing.—An “alterative medicine” is one which ef fects an entire change in the system, without manifest ing any sensible mode of action. It is to lie resorted to in almost all Chronic or long standing complaints, with a view of subverting the long-accustomed diseas ed action, and substituting for it, the new and pecu, liar influence of the medicine itself, which must lie made to harmonize with th« operations of nature in health, so that after the use of the medicine for a peri od longer or shorter, according to the duration of the disease and prospects of recovery, it may be laid aside and the health gradually become completely re-estab lished. After a long and cautious consideration of the de signs to tie fulfilled in the treatment of the following o fleet ions, (some of which are regarded as the most fearful ills of existence,) we have at length prepared the “Alterative Extract,” and earnestly advise it to •• • |8 expressly intended, as ?les that can lie leases which yield Imse of a Chronic :ne impuritv of the vil; Syphilis, and Diseases, brought ry; Consumption; : ; Cake; Rheuina > -Iciuns of the skin, 'd-I lead, Itch, Pirn , e is more eflecient i >■ ! i - iote recovery aftei nent ingredient in f tin; most populai - g into the compo icine; and is alike * • fuet'l— 'Plwiu. tin. in the employment , so far, indeed, dial is inert and wholly 1 - its effects may be which have :,tU „ ' ■ - *1 i: • i iwuernes* j t'i to assure the pub .... the preparation us . _ r . -i. “Alterative” con les of tlie ordinary ,,.f- This single fact tensive ami saluta nown.—Justrecei aud tbr .♦wiaV*. icnsary Chemist, 5 GovcJiuueut st. Jriusinfalll *■ destroying and ex min infesting public garrets, stores and ■■>0 <*s and plants—such ill bugs, mosquitoes, liars, hornets, mites, - it 'ES'fii Pharmacy. i at k s has now re - it >8 in his line for fa in: articles the follow \ jp, ‘ llapice, Black Pnp Kr, Chbbl. , , .. *r, Cayenne Pepper., ■Jjtlard, Wh. Mustard, Jautuica Ginger, Ann is Seed, Coriander Seed, Fennel Seed, (/anaway Seed, Race Ginger. Also—Pear lash, Sal Bratus, Isinglass, Pearl Bar ley, Sago, Tapioca, Arrow root, Starch, Indigo, Rotten Stone, Polishing Powder, Silesian polish, Ssouring Bricks, Whiting, British Lustre. nov27 EWS’ NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT.— This article is offered to the public as a never failing cure for the Rheumatism, and it has for a num ber of years sustained its reputation, und accomplish ed sures which have defied the power of every other article. In acute and recent cases, the reliuf is inva riable, after one or two applications of the Liniment, and in Chronic Rheumatism, the cases of cure are nu merous. It is truly a remedy that leaches the hervk AID bore, with the most hsppv effect. Sold by I. C. DuBOSE & CO, ian21 104s and the other Druggists in Mu' ! ENGLISH CALOMEL; do Blue Mass; do Ex tract Color C.; do Patent Lint. Also, Trusses, Morphine, Quinine, Camphor, Lu nar Caustic, kc. kc. landing from Ada hliza, anJ for sale Hv MOSELY k CO. tnav24'206tr cor. Dauphin tfc Royal bis, CAUTION CIRCULAR.—Rt»T«\ Druggists and Country Merchant*.—Those valuable articles, Oidridge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair, and Hay’s Liuiment for the Piles, kc., have been extensively •ounterfeiled. Those wanting these preparations, will please always write, when ordering from uny Other house, for Comstock's articles. The true articles have that name or signature always on the wrapper, and venders will do well to remember that, when orderiug, as the imitations are so exposed in nearly all the newspajiers throughout this country, that they could not be sold, should they l»e so unfortunate as to get them, .... , Our friends throughout the Union are requested to give us immediate uotice, by letter, should any of the counterfeits appear iu their respective places. Respectfully. COMSTOCK k CO. Wholesale Druggists, 2 Fletcher si. New York. Sold by 1. C. DuBOSE k CO. Agents, and by Drs. Maynard, Hammond and Gates, Mobile. HITE "SULPHUR SPRINGS, Va.—On hand a few dozen of the celebrated Water from the White Sulphur Springs, Va. To persons acijuaiuted with the character of these Springs eulogy is unnecessary. But to those who are not, it will be sufficient to inform them that iu all diseases of the Bowels, Liver, Kidneys or Skin the Water will be fouud a most eligible remedy, being not only an active and efficient medicine, but a pleas ant, and to some a delightful beverage. Perhaps at no season is its use more imperatively indicated than the coming seasou and the summer mouths, when those who are unacclimated are exposed to a deadly disease and to the old residents subject to Hepatic obstructions. For sale by the dozen or single bottle by KJCH’D NORTH, Druggist k Chemist, maj-4 No. 85 Gov’t and 45 Commerce st FRESH DRUGS—The undersigned are now re ceiving per ships E. Dennison, Uuoas, Hottin gaer, and ether receut arrivals, their spring stock of FreHl Medicines, Painlc, Oils, Window Glass, kc. making Up an assortment in quality and extent well worthlheattention of Merchants and Physicians.— Purchasers will find our prices moderate and every ticilitv will be aflbred winch the stale of the limes will permit. I. 0. DUBOSE k CO. Late DuBose k Rolf, Druggists, ■nrtfi 217tf No 88 Water street. I)_m; NO CURE NOHAY. | I ^R. JOHNSON, Office, 29, Si Francis street I confines Iris practice t.i tin- treatment of Venc , real Disense, in all its different forms. Dr- Johnson, from a residence of many years ii ]Iospitul* in Europe, devoted to the treatment *4' Ve nereal Diseases, and from his present extensive |*ac lice in that particular branch of the profession, glim antees a safe, speedy, and effectual cure to such per sons as are troubled with any of the following discu ses, \iz : Gonorrhoea,Gleets, Strictures, Chancres, Balms Seminal Weakness, Affections of the Bladder, Kill nevs, Loins, Urethra, Prostrate Gland, Swelled Tes tides, Eruptions outlie Skin, Sore Throat, Pains ii the Joints, and the numerous symptoms which genet ally follow this disease. Recent cuhcj cured in two or three days w itltoo the use of Mercury, interruption from business, or al t.•ration in the mode of living. A medicine to prevent Venereal Disease ran lie ob tained of Dr. Johnson. It is from the recipe of the Baron Larry, a celebrated French Surgeon, and wai used by him during the several campaigns in which Ik sei vedas Surgeon General in the French Army. Sold by Dr. Johnson, at his office. Those person* having any affection if Venereal Disease, and ulxnn taking sea voyages, or removing to the country, weak do well by giving Dr. Johnson a call, as proper modi | cines for their cure in the shortest time cun lie put ii^ with written directions for their use. ! Office open from Tin the morning, until 10 o’clock at night. - ARERNETHY’S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. Dr. Abernethy, the greatest of English Surgeons, ! was of opinion that nine-tenths of the diseases that affect mankind originate in the stomach. This Elix ir was used l»v him with the most unprecedented suc cess in his private and public practice for upwards of forty years, for the removal of the following diseases: Loss of appetite. Flatulency, Distension of the Sto mach, Pain in the side,Heaviness of the Head and inclination to sleep. Irregularity of the Bowels, and in nil cases where Indigestion or a costive habit is found to exist. This medicine must not be ntimbci'cd among the host of quack nostrums now before the public, as it is the sole invention of the ablest an-l most scientific sur geon Europe ever produced, ami the secret of prepa ring it was purchased by the agent for a very large sum. It is agreeable and pleasant to tile taste,acts as a mild aperient, always Keeps the bowels free, im parts vigor and strength to the system, and cheerful ness to the mind, ami a few bottles removes the most confirmed cases of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, and pre vents a ret urn at any future period. Sin :—In consequence of lending a sedentary life, ( have been troubled, mure or less, with Indigestion for ten years ; for the last three years my sufferings have Im-cii insupportable. 1 have tried several physi cians and a number of quack medicines, without do ming any benefit. I despaired of ever obtaining any permanent relief, anil resigned myself to the most hopeless despair. 1 was persuaded by many friends to try Abernetliy’s Dysjieptic Elixir. I have now finished the fourth bottle, and know not how to express my admiration of its wonderful \ irtues and the miracle it has performed in restoring me to that health which I thought lost forever. Send me half a dozen bottles more, and accept iny thanks for the bles sings you lune conferred by restoring me to perfect health. 1 remain yours, JACOB MONROE. The ngent has in his possession several hundred tes timonials similar to the above, of the extraordinary virtue of this medicine. Sold by appointment, at Dr. Johnson’s, 29 St Francis street. dec28 127tf (iONSUMPTIQN & LIVER COM PLAINT. J —DR. JOHNSON’S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT.—Has been used successfully for eight years in the cure of these diseases. 93- Remember! the original and genuine is made only at 375 Bowery, N. Y.,all others are spin ions and unauthorised! Consumption and Liver Complaint.—As a general remedy for these diseases, I am fully satisfied, from long experience, there is no medicine equul to Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. Being purely veget able, it can be used with the utmost safety by all per sons in every condition. It cleanses the lungs by ex pectoration, relieves dillicult breathing, and seems t< heal the chest. There can be no question, but tills medicine is a certain cure for chronic coughs am colds. 1 have used it four years in mv practice, an always with success. A. F. ROGERS, M. M. BCjh* Consumption!—The following remarks were taken from the last number of the Medical Magazine: “The surprising effect produced by Dr. Taylor*i Balsam of Liverwort, in consumptive cases, cannoi fail exciting a deep ami thrilling interest throughout the world. We have so long believed this disease (consumption) incurable, that it is difficult to credit our senses when we see |wrsons evidently consump tive, restored to health. Yet this is a fact of daily occurrence; how then can we question the virtue ol the above medicine 1 In our next, we shall lie more explicit; meantime we hope physicians will make trial of this medicine ami report its effect to us.” Note.—The original ami genuine Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort is made and sold at 375 Bowery. To Females.— The nuiulicr of females in delicate tiearui in inis city is truly surprising. Weakness, loss of appetite, liver complaints, and many other dis eases prey upon them, making them pale ami lean of flesh. All this can l>e remedied by the use of streiigtltcuing medicine, that will assist nature in all her movements, restore tones to the nerves and mus cular organs. Of this kivd is Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, which being mild and purely vegetable, answers females admirably. If all wilf use it, we are confident an elastic step, good ap|>etite, and rud dy cheeks will follow Once more remember, the original and genuine i made at 375 Bowery. 0CJ- Spitting of Blood.—This disease consists of a discharge of blood, often frotliv, from the mouth, brought up by hawking and coughing, and is usually accompanied with difficulty of' breathing, and some pain in the chest. Sometimes it is preceded by an oppression at the chest, a dry tickling cough and sligli shouting pains. This disease is always more or less dangerous The great danger is. that those symptoms may terminate in consumption, and imme diate remedies can alone save this end. But Dr. Tay lor’s Balsam of Liverwort is a sure remecy, and to show its unparalleled success, certificates of cures from 121 citizens, and many physicians, will be pub ftCF*Nervous Diseases and Weakness.—Dr. Tayloi *i Balsam of Livcrworth, made at 375 Bowery, is as suredly :ui excellent remedy for these diseases. My wife has lieen more or less ill for ten years. She was extremely nervous, and at times so weak that she could not attend to her domestic duties. But by the use of this medicine, her strength is wholly restored, and she is us healthy us 1 can wish her to be. My •■ddress is at Dr. Taylor’s office. Cure of Consumption.—Mrs.Mart in, a worthy mem ber of my congregation, was taken ill some time since with a cold, pain in the breast and some diffi culty of breathing, and in a few days thereafter she had a violent cough and violent pains in the sides, which no medicine would relieve. She continued in thi« way for a long time under the medical care of Dr.Hca, hut finally became consumptive, and was evidently near the end of her earthly sufferings, when her brother persuaded her to try Dr. Taylor’s Bal sam of Liverwort. When she commenced this medi cine, it did not seem to agree with her fora few days, hut by lessening the dose, she found it answer admi rable; it releived her cough and her difficulty of breathing instanter: and we had the pleasure of wit nessing her rapid recovery to health. Rev. WILLIAM SMYRIIE. 00* OBSERVE! Buy only that which is made at the Old Office 375 Bowery N. Y. and which is sold by tlie regular agents. J. C. DuBOSE & CO, Agents, (late DuBose Sr Roff) 39 Water st. mrlo 208tf _Mobile. MURRAY'S FLUID M AG N ESIA .—The great advantages of this elegant preparation are, that possessingall the properties of Magnesia in general use it is not liable like that, to form concretions in the liowels. It corrects acidity and relieves heart-burn effectually, without injuring the coats of the stomach. It prevents the food of infants turning sour upon the stomach: it is useful in all complaints of the bladder; it tends to regulate the action of the bowels, and is |>eculiuiiy adapted for families. Sir Humpfuey Davy testified, that this solution forms a soluble combination with uric acid salts £in cases of Gout anIGravel, thereby counteracting their injurious tendency when other alkalies and even Mag nesia itself has; failed. In the seventh report of the Medical Section of the British Association, it is set forth by Sir James Mur ray, that the majority of cutaneous diseases arise from acid und saline impregnations in the thuds of the body, which are neutralized by the Fluid Magne sia; and that the Nenralga, Spasms, Nervous Pains, and Irritations, as well as Cronic Rheumatism and Gout, are frequently owing to Chrystaline irritants, deposited on the nervous membrane*,, which saline particles this ant-acid Solution effectually dissolves. This article was introduced into this market by the undersigned in June last, since which time, it has been extensively used, and wo believe, in every in stance, with most decided approliation, for sale by 1. C. DUBOSE 4 O, lute DiiImisc and lloff,]6 39 Water street. BEY'S LN VALUABLE OINTMENT, for tin cure of White Swellings, scorfulous and other tu mors, ulcers, sore legs, old und fresh wounds sprains bruises, swellings and inllainations, scald head wo lean’s sore breasts, rheumatic pains, tetters, eurup lions, chilblains, whitlows, biles, piles, corns, suaki bites, &c. for sale wholesale or retail by WOODRUEE Ac WATKINS, feb 22 162if_No. 30 Water st. FflOOTH ACHE.—Extract of Galls and Kreosote I At length lias been discovered an iiilklliale Gun for this distressing malady. The above preparation it is positively asserted, will cure uuy case where »i it can be applied, ia twenty minutes. A supply ju» received and for sale by I. C. DuBOSE & CO j«oI6tf late DuBose 4c Roil, 39 Water *4 PATENT MEDIC INE8. \/TERRENA CREAM.-An Emollient SOAP, which affords real pleasure in shaving; produc ing a ric'h, fragrant, permanent, lather, and from the delightful smooth sensation experienced after shaving, leaving no heating, itching, smarting or redness, is fast superseding all other preparations; and from the public, and private eulogies in favor of the Ycrljona Ci cam, it deserves to he in the dressi ig-case of all. From the Nt «• i* rk Press. “The New Soap.—We feel a double disposition to depart from an establish 'd rule in this office, in no ticing the advertisement of Mr. Ring's Vcibena Cream, lie has really invented the best aim ring soap, as we do verily believe, lliat has ever been used. We speak from experience, anil we speak also from the more moirasional knowledge of our Iwitefactor and friend James Grant, 4 Ann street, v.’m says it is ahead of anything yet found out in this department of “modern improvement.” It is not only an emollient, blit some thing more. In short, we believe it is the l>c«t shav ing soap in the world.”—-JV. lr. Star. “The w ant of a universal shaving snap has been for many venra severely felt, particularly bv gentlemen who shave themselves ; and therefore it is with no little pleasure we call public attention to the celebra ted Verbena Cream prepared by Mr. Charles Ring 644 Broadway. From self-experience of its merits u c cheerfully add our meed of praine, having never l»ef »re shaved w ith so much ease or comfort. We be fore stnted the Verbena Cream to Ire worth a traial— we have tried it and can coutidciitiv recommend it ” ibid. “ Verbena Cream.—We are much obliged to Mr. Chns. 11. Ring of644 Rroadway, fora pot ofhia Ver bena Cream, which affords an unusual degree of com fort in shaving.” From exfierienre we cheerfully re commend it to universal use.”—Times. “The Verbena Cream, for shaving, prepared ami sold by-C. if. Ring, 644 Broadway, is destined to supersede all Other kinds of shaving soup. It is re ally fine—-just tlic thing. We have determined that henceforth uo other shaving compound shall be ap plied to our face.”—Sunday Atlas. The Verbena Cream is a most delightful article for shaving, just invented and but lately introduced to the public, who, by a unanimous approval, have pronoun ced it unrivalled us a rich and emollient preparation, iromotiong in the greatest possible degree, ease com bit and luxury in shoving. a A supply may lie had at tlm Drug store of dec27s I. C. DI ROSE & Co. .‘19 Water st. BRANPRETH’S PILLS.—A vegetable and Uni versal Medicine, proved by the experience of thourands to be* when properly persevered with, a certain cure in every form of the Only on e disk a SE,all having the same origin, and invariably arise | from the UNIVERSAL ROOT of all diseases, nnme lv IMPURITY or IMPERFECT circulation of the BLOOD. In a period of little more than three years in the Unitod States, they have restored to a state of health and enjoyment over ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND persons, who were given over as uncuruble by physicians of the first rank and standing, and in ma ny cases when every other remedy has been resorted to in vain. DOUBLDDAY & SEARS, 50 Dauphin st. nrc flic authorised agents for the sale of Dr. Benjamiu Bramlreth’s Pills in Alabama Price 25 Ccjits. fcb7 149* f OWLAND’S MACASSAR OIL.--Afresh supply just received per ship Lewis Cass, and for sale by I. C. DUBOSE & CO. New La ret..—In consequende of the great variety of counterfeit wrap|>ors of “ d’s M a cassar Oil,” now in circulation,all which so near ly resemble the original as frequently to deceive the unwary—the proprietors, acting under a sense of du ty to tin* public, have employed those celebrated ar tists, Messrs. Perkins and Macon, who have succeed ed in producing at great cost a new Label, from steel, of extreme difficulty of execution, and of so complica ted a nature as to amount to an impossibility of imita tion, and to Ik* considered by connoisseurs a master piece in the art of engraving. The label is a combi nation of beautiful designs—a portion encircling a bust of Her Majesty “the Queen” which surmounts the words in two lines The ground work ( nnwr . VI,»a ) elaborate ami “ A O.i.fe 1^""* the most ( J of lace-work, under which arc the signature and address of the pro prietors, in red, A. ROWLAND & SON,20HattouGarden,London. Counter signed, ILEX. ROWLAND. The label is backed by a design so exquisite and minute as to defy compete!ion, it comprises the words “Rowland's Macassar Oil,** written nearly 1,500 times, and containing 20,028 letters. 20, Hatton Garden, Kotidon, Jan 1,1840. ianlS I^I^RPENTER’S COMPOUND CERATE OF (*Ol*AI VA, A valuable Application in Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Ulcerations, and Sores of various kinds. It has long been a desideratum to obtain a preparation of the above character, for the use of families—a convenient application which can always be at hand when accidents occur, and which willaflord immediate relief (J. W. Carpenter is placed toannounce the introduc tion of the above preparation, as possessing all the qualities here described, and with much pleasure re commends it to the faculty and public, as n safe, pleasant, and soothing application for all external irritable wounds, or inllumed surfaces. It lias been fully tested in private practice, and the result has been of the most satisfactory and beneficial character. In burns, scalds wounds ulcerations, and sores of various kinds, no application has been productive of so much henfit; and it is confidently recommended to the public us an article upon whose virtues they can entirely rely. Mild, soothing, and gentle in its effect, it is particularly applicable to burns: it allays the heat and irritation of the parts in a short time, and quickly induces the healthy process. Every family in the city and country should supply themselves with this preparation j it is superior to most of the ointments which are obtruded upon the public, and may lie advantageously employed in all cases where a mild and stimulating application is required. The following letter lias just been received from Dr. Alexander C. Draper, of this city. Dear Sir,—I have for some time past adopted in my practice, your Compound Cerate of Co pa iv a, and have been much pleased with its effects. In burns, ulcera tions, and anthrax, 1 have derived, in almost every instance, the most decided lieiiefit; and in these affec tions I know of no application equal to it in power and efficacy. It is in burns unquestionably superior to the Kentish or Turpentine Ointment, and in general, it will be found to speedily accomplish the purpose for which it is designed, While physician in the Southern Dispensatory and Moynmensing A linsliousc, 1 employ ed ine Cerate of Copaiva in a large number of case's, and I recollect of no instance in which it lias disappoin ted me in my expectations. 1 cheerfully udd my testimony to this Compound, and think it an important and valuable addition to our re medial agents in those affections for which you recom mend it , Your obedient servant, ALEXANDER A u RARER, M.D. To Mr. G eo. vv. Ca a5 r Kk. pw.nietpmu, April 29, 1884, A supply just received from the Prqnri**** ®**d for Bale by * J. T* & CO. jan 16 late DoBose at Roff-—No. 39 Water-st. VAILE’S FRENCH PILL. — JjfJJOO CHAL LENGE.—The genuine French Pills against nil the Quack Nostrums of the age, for the cure of* * *> The French Pills are applicable mail cases for ei ther sex, (warranted free from Mercury) ami nosses ges great advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and con sequently dc not affect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage, they never dis agree with the stomach, and in tlie first stages of the disease, they usually eftect a cure iu a few days with little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of tile disease, they are equally certain, having cured many alter e»" other remedy had failed. In short, they k*v' ’ universally successful, that the proprie* any one to produce a remedy ofeo a forfeiture of Tree Hundred v ■, janl2 QOhPrice #2 per box, URRAY’S FLU. ed under the exclui er, SIR JAMES MURi elegant Anti-acid and Apei ponies of the Magnesia in 8 liable like it, to form dang, > (towels; it corrects acidity Ubdei burn, without injuring the coats Soda, Potash, and tlpcir caroonate it prevents the food of infants fron in id I cases acts as u pleasing ap J • I’ ' 11' ^ adapted for families. It has long been known that the m sentience have frequently resulted fron lid Magnesia, which have been proved 1 • and many oilier eminent Chemists, to J < > '" I tions in the bowels, endangering and in soi - w • •• destroying life. This preparation is ;ree objections and iu all respect a more desirable It comes to us recommended by many of the m 11 “ iuent Chemists and Medical men of the «tyy. A whom are Dr. Duncan, Dr. Hope and Dr. (ire,, o of Edinburgh, Dr. James John, Sir AstleyCoopu, Sir. James Clarke, and others. A supply of (he miine article with a more detailed account of it, m lie had on application at the Drug Store of junclS l itf E C. DUBOSE CQ, 32 W ator-St COMPOUND FLUID EXT. WORM The most effectual and safe worm destroying me dian-’ ever used. The great objection heretofore urged against the worm seed is its excedingly dlift'’ mveuble and nauseous taste and smell, so much so That it is with difficulty that children can l>e made to take it. All difficulty is obv iated in this medicine as children take it with pleasure. For sale by RICHARD NORTH, 33 Gov t St., } J)(>v17 opjHisitc the market. HAISINS.—300 boxes fresh Raisins, lor sale bf jin 20 OGDEN BROTHERS, 12 Water* _ PATENT MEDICINES."" nUCT it J < »H SON* S OONC IS TR AT ED, FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, LIVERWORT, PLEURISY ROOT AND LIG NUM VITA.— As there are many Me.licinesof a useless and injurious nuiuro already before the pub lic, it is difficult to remove the prejudice existing in the minds of intelligent hnd enlightened individuals against any article introduced through the means of ! an advertisement, nc matter how great its merits may be, or high the founder may stand us a raidienl man. Ncthingbut the interposition of Providence can save the lives of those permits who day alter day tamper with the poisonous and deadly compoui da blazoned forth to the world through the public p ms by ignor ant men who have abandoned imgr other calling, and assumed the title of doctoi^F^m having re ceived the least medical^I know the difficulty 1 have in perthe public thut on ad vertising doctor is or can be u regular Physician, but as I address my lelf o sly to the respeett hie and int»*l ligent portion of the community, the following tesli monials of my medical attainments will he deemed sufficient to convince .be most skeptical. I received the degrt-e of Doctor of medicine ana Su geon in.the College of Phvisians and Surgeons New York—am member of the New York State Medical Society—-Fellow of the Massnchsetts Med ical So:i* tv, and Lincentiate of the medical Board of the State of Louisiana, and lor the last eighteen ^esrs a general practitioner of Medicine. My compound Extinct of Sarsaparilla, Liverwort, Pleurisy Root and Lignum Vila is the result of this long experience, and t >t the medicine of in hour’s consideration, merely-g >t up for humbug or deception. Upon the respectably ot my medical testimonials my great success as a medical practitioner, and the sal utary and beneficial c feels of my medicine, I stand or fall. I seek not to deceive the public with an ar ticle of whose compoii nt parts they are ignorant!_ What do the public know of the poisonous and de structive incredienise itained in the various pillsand panaceas advertised throughout the Union J The pro prietors of such medF -ies known too well if the pub lic were aware, that out of every ten pills they have swallowed, eight ofAi-ii are Mercury, their trade was at an end. I ha™ analyzed mo«t of the pills, and other medicines advertised throughout the Union and found them to contain, either corrosive sublimate or Calomel. The reason is then obvious why the se base impostors will not tell the component parts of their medicines. They pretend that they have dis XJVernt rtifT philosopher's strtTie, nnrt that you mnv ive through countless ages, if you but swallow their medicine. I practice no such deception. My medi cine has stood the test of years—It is recommended by the most eminent of the medical facul y, and what is* of more impo .lance than candidly ami honestly confess that my medicine is a combination of Sarsap arilla, Liverwort, Pleurisy Hoot, Lignum Vita, and one or two other ingredient!. The only originality 1 claim is in my peculiar nude of preparation. It is true, it has often been the winder, and ainazi me nt of my medical brethren, the aaimishing cures performed in rases that were considered not within the power of medical aid. The whole mystery consisted in my using this medicine, and this alone to the exclusion of oil others, and n! the correct principles upon which diseases ought to be treated. It will not nowever ne n maun oi surprise that such wonder ful success should follow the use of this medicine, when I state the principles upon which 1 acted. The human body cosijts of .solids and fluids._ The former or long structure is about one tilth.— The latter or soft part five sixths. Man is linked to gether by a number of organs so betfhtifully arrang ed as to Ibnna perfect chpin in the unimul economy. One link of which whepoutof order is sufficient to destroy the harmony of the whole. These organs are furnished with inm merable blood vessels called arteries and veins, which have a common centre.— The heart for p-opelling through them the blood or nutritive fluid to all parts of the system,—be ing furnished with valves which are all in one di rection,the bloo I can only flow in a corresponding course. Thus it is forced by the heart into the arte ries, and after moistening the most minute fibres, it is received by the veins and brought again to the heart, and performs again the round of the body, and so on in succession. The use of the blood is to receive from the the skin, lungs, such mat ters as is necessary for the nourishment of man. and to convey it to every part of the body for the purpose of reputing its waste, and increasing its growth. Hut if any effect poisonous or foreign matter is car ried into the blood several organs are provided as the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs through which this poi son is discharged from the blood in the form of bile, uriue.perspiratiouandpuiuiounryeximiatiou. From this brie (‘sketch of mnu'slormution, the intelligent reader can easily understand, how fever and inflammation is pro duced by suppression of perspiration, for if perspira tion be a. tested in consequence of cold, the perspira ble matter will mix witli the blood and give rise to inflammation. In like manner, if the discharge of bile be arrested in its flow from the liver, it is taken into the circulation and gives rise to jaundice, yellow fe ver, Ac. All diseases therefore have one common origin, ( not impurity of blood, for that is only an ef fect,) but in the obstruction of one or other of those three great ouletsor common sewers of the body the bowels, skin and kidnien. Reader, did you but know how fearfully ami won derfully you are constructed—how beautifully the C re tor of the universe has provided for your preserva tion and existence, independent of your will, then in deed would your admiration of the perfection of his miglur launct work n***r CQUAO. Duiing sleep, nlirn your mental faculties are inactive, and your soul ap pears to be in a state ot repose, then is the wise pro vision and fore-knowledge of the author of nature made maifest. The heart continues to pour its vital stream to every part of the body—the lungs perforin their office—respiration is continued and the blood decarbonized—tlie skin pours out from its myriads ofpoiesthe poisonous mutter of the blood—diges tion continues, and the nutritive t articles of our food are carried into the blood for the renovation of man. Were all the orguns of the body therefore under the control of the will, when we slept, the heart would cease to pulsate, death would as a necessary conse quence follow—the lungs would cease to perform then office—suffocation and death be the consequence or perspiration or digestion be interrupted, the effects of whicn would be perpetual disease. Header, you now Know pernaps better tlian you ever knew before, the vast importance of keeping these organs so necessary to life in a healthy state You will also place less reliance on the pretensions of ignorant mid uneducated men, especially when they attempt tc meddle with diseases they know noth ing of. You will likewise appreciate the services of the skilful medical practitioner, who has labored for 18 years in the study of a science through all its mi nutitn, and who now offers for your benefit the result of his long and arduous labors. I ask if you possessed a watch af five dollars »’alue,and it was out of repair, would you take it to a tinker to have it set in order 7 No; you would surely carry it to a good watchmaker. How much more difficult then is the putting in order of the human body when out of repair. A watch may 1 atop, it can be set going again—if man'* vnactrnery once slops, it stops forever. No human power can ever again set it in mot’«m You may always expect fever and ill-health to fol low the stoppage of any of the secretions. If*** «»** cept, says Van Swieton, those whonw-hoy a violent death, and such as are e*********1)®” “y °«» affet l*,e rest die of InfliM-eHrtldh, caused by suppression ol one ,,r a^«r Of the secretions. Pliny describes the terror the Homans had of this disease, and of their supplica tion^ in the Temple of Fanutn for the removal of all obstructions to the natural outlets of the body. Sick ness therefore caunot occur unless one or other f those outlets are obstructed, except it be a disease depend ant upon a specific contagion, such as small pox, mea sles, venerial, &c. and these diseases are only cured by increasing tho natural secretions. When you labor under disease, no matter of what nature, whether ma lignant or otherwise, and you take Calomel from a Physician, does he not always ask you, are your bow els free—is perspiration free—is the secre’ion of urine abundant—or, it you have pain 7 what, I ask you, are those inquiries, but barely to ascertain if the secre lions are duly performed. If they are well performed, then your doctor is puzzled as to the nature of your disease. If they are not duly performed, he then re move* any obstruction. This is the great secret ofour »*- ion, and thus we define t reputation when ve '»t nature in restoring the natural secretions, t difficulty in .h: practice of medicine was application of a combination of medical ar ’ated to remove obstructions, and actattne >on aU the aesretions. There are many los in the materia meijica that will act vlministeiad alone, but whet) cojjjbiii > act upon the .kidneys, they become \ cor.ceafr»**d extract oraarSHparil irisy Root and Lignum Vitaaspre onfy one combination ever yetdis , a es this inestimable quality, which by uiost of the medical inen in count of the properties of these . reader to mv Prize Essay of " <..•< ; e New England Modiculaud 'll enumeiate a few only of . medicine shewed its inirac w : • tv .’on arising from cold, or .<*#*-• 7 'ition existed, liver com tii tc r '0, it digestion, torpid or *• th > palpitation of the heart, .t; y kcv- m, nr < -u1 eruptions or cutaneous ,e.i ■ s:-i*it..."ou» itcondary or constitu te . . i ar . Mierial disease, such c.. >ich x of- >. •’ • 'at, ulcerated ndse, painful termed nodes. In the whole fa. *e attributable to ^ natural outlets ■ • 'tofSarsaparil . Vita removes i . m all poison , in- healthy ac isovereign persons of ... iJl i- " ' 'r all cir 'disease. r'. « • 'ismed f me j; ~ 'ical 1 • ”7 “ A ! i • ,1 . i*" u ?#'cit«'', * . J e.’ba | k I_PATENT MEDICINES. removed all obstructions by the basiv union upon | the Livei Stomach, Bowels, Skin, Kidneys und I I,ungs (CPFor sale wholesale and retail nt 29 S Francis Street, Mobile, and at my office 7 Duane Si. New Y"i k. Price 02 per bottle, or.e quart. Ml l v CCOMPOUND SYKuF <»r LIVERWORT*, * (Hepotica Trilni i.)—For the cure t.f I'lilmontt ry and Hepatic a fleet ions, Cougl/H, Cnl-'s, Consump tion, Spitting <f lllooil, 4*c- Thet<\on whir tliis article (Liverwort) lias obtained^ f fv tcalmcn ol Consumptions, Spitti-g of Com plaints, Couchs, 4*c. and the g^Wmcertainty tlier mua! always Ihj in tlu* preparation of decoctions th mode in which this plant lias been usually ndmini* to red, by persons ignorant of I’harmaceiticul Mam pulations, has led us to make a concentrated Com pound Sirup of a uniform strength. MEREDITH, HENDERSON & Co. . N. B.—None are genuine without our written signature. CCP For sale by the single bottle or dozen by RICUAKD NORTH, 33 Government, . ond ^ Coinineree-sts. W IDE'S WORM n i l CONDITION POW ▼ ▼ *)F. ns—These powders arc prepared in u man ner pf uliar to any others, being the result of an ox perier..e of 37 years successful practice, and have never been known to fail. They urc recommended to all owners of horses—as superior. Cattle arc so im proved in appearance and health, that double the la bor mav be obtained from them, without any risk. N. II.—These powders used when horses c. me olT a journey, or are wet and cold, or excessively futijm i ed, will ba found in the highest degree beneficial. ’ To bo had in packages of one dozen each for > 5 or a single paper for 60 cents. They are administered in the food, without requiring relaxation from labor. For sale wholesale and retail hv RICHARD NORTH, •M^"3_ 3^ Government and -!.*> Connnerce-st. TPgDENFISTS—Doct.H. Gates,Agent m Mo Jr, V .f,,r ,lln 81*,e «f Stockton** improved Mineral I c-L li, has just e full supply, ciobiacing ..II the varieties used by Dentist.-. I.uct. Uaio. Iihh' uIhd „ fir,, rate nrtirle »f Den Nns. fi, 7 r,„l 8. Orders from any part ol llur bouthern pr.....,,iLr i. . . J . Address GATES’S rlutrmncv, nov25) 106 Dauphin st. Mobile. HAVE YOU A COUGH?—Do v.ot neglect it: — Thousands have met a premature death for the want of a little attention to a common cold. Have you a cough?—Rev. l)r. Bartholomew's Ex pectorant Syrup, a safe medical prescription, con taining no poisouuus drugs, and used in an exten sive practice for several years, will most positively afford relief, and save you IVoiii that awful disease pulmonary consumption, which usually sweep* into the grave, hundred of the young, the old, the fair, the lovely and the gay! Have you a cough ?—Be persuaded to purchase a bottle of this Expectorant Syri p to day ! !—Tomorrow may lie too late. Have you u cough? Bartholomew's Expectorant Syrup is the only remedy you should lake to ctireyou. For this plain reason:—That in no one of the thousand cases where it lias I een used, has it failed to relieve. For sale by I. C. DoBO.SE & Co, jan21 16-is and by the other Druggists in Mobile WHITE SULPHUR WATER.—Water IVesli from the While Sulphur Springs, Va. To those persons acquainted with the character ot these Springs, eulogy is unnecessary. Hut to those who are not, it will be sufficient to inform them that in all diseases of the Rowels, Liver, Kidneys or Skin, the Water will be found a most eligible remedy, be ing not only an active and efficient medicine, but a pleasant, and to some a delightful beverage. Per liaps at no season is its use mute imperatively indi cated than the coining season and the summer months, when those who are unacclimated are exposed to a deadly disease, ami to the old residents subject to Hepatic obstructions. For sale bv the dozen or sin gle bottle or gallon by RICHARD NORTH, Druggist & Chemist. may27 2f»9tf 35 Goverme it & 45 Coin sis. OCTOR HALL’S CELERRATED Si'F/Cl F1C.—The celebrated specific for the rhre ol (louorh'fa, &c. can with safety be recommended as being certain in effects and containing no mercury.— This medicine has su|>eiseded most of the prepara tions sold for the cure of this disease and has been sold for sometime in New Orleans, as well as various other sections of the Union. From the high charac ter and standing of Dr. Hull and the large quantities sold (3800 bottles in three months) at the north,there can be no doubt of its superior value in curing tills dis ease. None genuine unless signed by Dr. Hall, M. For sale only by ft. NORTH, Dispensary Chemist, fel>5 148s No. 35 Government-st. MJT AlYkSMJ 1 N'l ’ M ENT FOR Til 1-f CM JRE 6 F PILES.-—The inventer of this valuable reme dy, liegs leave to offer to the attention of those who are subject to the Piles, a remedy the efficacy ol which has aeon tested by the experience of years, mill tlx tllHil) i.f whirl! Il;in ill no IflslUllCU llt'Cll till tmired from failure to relieve. To those who have ueen subjected to this disease, it will prove, if applied when re-attacked, a sure preventative to its continu ance without the least pain; indeed many have pro nounced it the most agreeable remedy ever applied. There can be no danger in its use, as its component parts are of harmless vegetable matter. For sale only by P. MOSELY, nov30 92tl Druggist, Mobile MOSELY <k CO., Druggists, at the corner ol Royal and Dauphin streets, having rcceixcd ;i large supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Garden Seeds, &c., which they offer for sale in quantities to suit purchasers at very moderate prices and on a reasonable credit. nov29 TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT.— A fresh supply of this invaluable medicine recei ved per brig Saratoga, direct from the original pro pi ietur, Dr. Geo. Taylor, 375 Boxvery, Ncxv \ ork Purchasers are desired to obserxe that every bi ’ *•' tin- genuine medicine lias the written signature Geo. Taylor, 375 Boxvery, on the directions the bottle. Beware of I. W. Burrett’s imitatic L. C. DUBOSE & 39 Water st., sole Agent* *hr this Oti^N’S RHEHwS’TC embrouat Thji ren**Jy» *° celebrated for the < chronic snd inlammiitory rheimmtism, sprain.' ^Ings of tie joints, from the improper or injt use of mercury, lumbago, &c. is now A*r the fii offered to the people of **•« South, although known und in?1’' certificates testify, ai its success has been greatly marve and unrivalled. Those afflicted with the above plaints, will find immediate relief on trial of Embrocation. For sale by the Agent march 5 1. C. DUBOSE L O No 39 Water st. SHERWOOD’S ELECTRO MAGNETIC mf.dies for Chronic diseases. These invali remedies are founded on true pathological princi readily demonstrable; and that their affinity m tion has a direct and absolute tendency to eradl chronic morbific influence from the system, it is ami thoroughly established. If reliance can lie pi on human testimony, they are of nil remedies most valuable, safe, sure und salutary remedy, p i cularlv for the permnnent cure of Dyspepsia, C nie Disease of the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidu Uterus and Spine; together xvith white sxvelli Scald Head, king's Evil, or any of the form Scrofula; even Tubercular Consnmntion, under I specific influence, has lost most of its horrors,, copt in cases neglected till the last stage. For sale in Mobile by MOSELY & < Q, juaelfl _PHjM1 AGGING, ROPE, &c,— / 293 pieces Kentucky Bagging, / 168 “ Alabama *' / 183 “ Schayhticoke “ J 156 " Dundee « i;ib yard, 245 •« Dumi*’.’ Gwv ciy, 1 »» P‘>r y> aao ** heavy “ «« 2|‘b “ 1458 “ East India Bag^ng, 2J hi. 2.flb • 250 •• heavy Bundle litiup, do willing to 1J per yard, 200 coils Russia I mp R >pe, 50 « Bomba. •• V 200 ** Keutucl . ‘ 20 cases B a Icing 1 *ine, 50 pieces Salt Smoking, 72 obis Kentm yHams, 20 lihds '* “ 200 tons Swede* Iron, comprising all si*«, 10 tons ttnmlk and Sheet Iron, compr»in; general aijfortincnt, 500 kegs Wbftc Lead. The above will be sold low, and on ncco,,m°dnf terms, apply to McGRAN & NOONAN nov® 7itf j 6 9' Michael i ~ FLOUR; so |,hr Whiskey lotoses 10 Idna Sugar Bacon sides 15.7* Shoulders f Lard lOOoags Havana c« s Rio Coffee 50nxs Sperm Cai7 i Soap 50“ Compositing* Tobacco,—For sale by 7 CALVIN KlyrfH Ben & fiklB seeds.— is have this <Wy received from Voi following Seeds,jiue groxvth of 1841An^ of t fest quality— f / Radishes. 4 kirn* 8»Snn«w». Salsify/*! i .rt. V M mid* S/ iff .>!• ;< Pjm iViaa... »- * G ’ ^V’v'30 / ' -1' i*1 1. .5 VAILEH'S FRENCH PIl.LBi—$800 CHAL EFNGE.—Ili.' genuine French Fills against nil j Quack NoRtiurns 1,1 ihc age, fur the cine of * * * v 'I he French Fills me applicable in all cases for tiler sex, (warranted IhHVoiii Mercury) and possess es great advantage# or. , tl1. Balsams uud all liquid medicines, by being eniui k free from smell, and con sequently do not aftect the reatli, thereby preventing the pos-ibiliiy of discovery ' bile using them. Besides thin important ndv. ntnge, they never disa groe with the stomach, mid in the first stages of the disease, they usually eUcct a c< in a fciv dars with little regard to diet or exposure. la the most obstinate serges i t th« disease, they are equally certain, haring cured many ufler every other remedy had failed. fn»l„.l t. they have been universally successful that the pi ; riitnr challenges any one to produce n remedy of e<p hertainty, under a forfeiture «.f Three Hundred Doll ,.-*. ianl2 (. C. DUBOSE & ft>.,*.?9Water st. (jCf- Price, $2 per box, with full directions. DOt rOR JOHNSON’S Concent ted ( nnd Fluid Extinct of Surouparilhi, Littnvon, 2Jlt wi ny Rant and Lignum Vitae. The great cause of all our ills is proved to be a suppression of one or other of the secretories, pro ducing an abstraction in the great outlets, or com mon servers of the body, ami thereby rendering |hr fluids of a disease! quality, and unfit for nutrition; and these obstructions can only be removed by res- j toring the natural secretions, without which we must labor under perpetual disease. This splendid and invaluable combination of the most healthy uml salutary articles in the vegetable kingdom, is considered the greatest discovery that ever was made since the dawn of medicine, as pos sessing the long sought for and inestimable quality of exciting at ike same time the healthy action of the stomach, lungs, bowels, liver, kidneys and skin, and wlmt is of great may he always ta ken with advantage in every vuiiety and stage of dis ease, without npprchendihg danger. The following ure !l f‘-'v, out of countless diseases, in which it has shown iis wonderful virtue:—incipient consumption, chronic enlargement of the liver and spleen, r•hee.nti ti.-m, dropsy of every kind, dyspepsia, palpitation ot the heart, of breuthmg, cougli, raising ol blood, mercurial 'disease, eruptions on the skin, painful swelling* i„ (lieJoints and legs, sore.4hn at, af'cfTsJnse. In these an I* alToTiier Ji-rosesTf fiftyqfoL ver been oqwilled. In fact, it is the result of a long and laborious practice of 18 year.-. Ii has also re ceive^ the well merited sanction of the whole medic al faculty, and is supported by the testimony of nu merous persons ho have liecn cured of disease s that were considered beyond the reach of human inven tion. The following is one, out of many, that have been lately received. (in i:napa, Miss., Jtmt2 1841. Dr. Johnson—Dear Sir—In vain I hav p j(.,| ||,0 best medical skill, and all (he remedies lliayoouhl be devised, to cine me of a complicated disease-|,.|f rtj* fected my liver, stomach and lungs. In fact,Lv SUf ferings became so great, that I gave up all hopsrf recovery, when I happily saw your ndvertiseuvf an*! got six bottles ol your valuable medicine. I ha' noiv finished the fifth bottle, which, with imspeakil hie joy, lias restored me to till the vigor of youth. It is indue f a wonderful medicine, and I would es teem it a i act oi ingratitude to you, mid injustice to the public, if I kept this fact secret from you. You are, therefore, at liberty to make w hat use of it you will. Yours, with much esteem, D. II. RHODES. For sale at 29 St. Francis st.; price $2 per bat tie. novlO r | Vi i e veg eta hi .i: pu i.\i on a h v i\a i .s a ivi, ■ the most valuable remedy recently discovered, Ibr consumptions, couligs, colds,, asthma, spitting of blood, whooping cough, and pulmonary affections of every kind—price 50 cents Particular cautim—Each genuine bottle is enclos ed in a blue w upper, on which is a yellow label sign ed “ Sami <*oii Heed.** None other can he genuine. The great celebrity of the genuine pulmonary bal sam has been the cause of attempts to introduce spu rious articles, which, by partially assuming the name of the genuine, are calculated to mislead and deceive the public. Among these mixtures, me the Ameri can Pulmonary balsam, Vegetable Pulmonary bal sam, balsamic Syrup, and others. Purchasers should inquire for the article by its whole name, the Vegct ub'e p dmoimry Balsam; and sec llmt it bears the marks and signature of the genuine. Each bottle and seal is stamped Vegetable Pulmo nary Balsam. S. Rf.ed. One more counterfeit besides the American Pul monary Balsam, uml the others above alluded to!— The latest attempt to deceive the public by a spuri ous mixture, falsely called genuine pulmonary bal sam, prepared by .Samuel Andrews and Jos. A. Vea zic. To avoid the imposition of this spurious arti cle, we again refer the public to the written signa ture of Sampson Reed, on the outside wrapper of each bottle. Boston, July 1, 1841. Lowe & Ri:ei>. A fresh and large supply of the above now receiv ed and for sale, wholesale or retail, by no\29 H. GATES, Dauphin street. Cl UPPER, WIRE, SHEET IRON, TIN t PLATE. &r. Brazilks Copper—30x60 inches 10,11,13and 24x60 pound Sheets. Sheathing Copper—14 and 16 ox Sheet Ikon—250 bundles English Iron, Noi 10 70 27 Wire—50 bundles Iron Wire, Nos 7 No 17. Riv ets—50 thousand Tinned Rivets; 40 thousand Black do. Tinned Plates—250 boxes Jx Crown and Pont pool brands. 20 boxes 100 Plate Tin. Leaded Plate—150 boxes Leaded Plate fur roofing. Banca Tin—20 pigs Buncn Tin, best quality. N ails- -500 kegs Nails assorted, 4d to 20 I. A supply of the above articles constantly on hand, and tor sale by E. C. CENTER & CO., aug7 corner of Conti and Comnicrce-st Drays, waggons, carts, wheels, &c.—An tmnnt of Drays mid Waggons with and without bodies; light and Aeuvy Carts; ex. I »- • <.••••.. ...7... wl>—I- ui_I 1 -u ‘ •• • • * ' • J It Ntcfu I !lV ■l ' tn.-Vf.V (»;■ ' i 4 eel <•.!:*i ifitu* • uf Hor* mu Cm- | , it i-fi ’v*-,: ii i lot «Ib ■ t 1. r iU’IH'"f! ft < 0, / v > hi. i >»*! >s & r; CVWMIUS Ai i» Uo * * i A- . S 125 1 ixe* Sp ' ?:>;» “ ■' ... I(,; j rtov 27 1> Utter ~V nov2'i f" iVEKi’ooi Ur -A Pendr O" 1 *.’• K.. ..uyit «#fe bv Br.v .. *.t i - a*, if 2 - H*»*n.u>tiey lliatwljr 1 ‘ .1 1 I>.t|uy Bran<ly 2 pi| lid! »•»«] lit*, oa l bn •*!* v \ <>V TA T, OR . "t K r (J c:.,!i*r C&m', an«l C"i | fodu,Ak ^;’:: oof l J stuulancMiii the Filter at.y moinef uliected b| never tlwi *>i wtfy* length of t *' • (ration rap - • , jien> i«»n; ■ named by . tide* lukstui h . • t FlLT» » | T , i i : . ■ ; tain siiSi.c » '■ sain b’ in.i*J TjVNCii}? •/<, .. . * I'd full) t » i., has locat< JBfHIHiH NO. Where Copper IJ oils Inane business, IW I’ •audios ot H » inj cards| ii* hr; ''1 ' I 1 rr- ; Tl\, 11 1 M, A I,, /' ST RTF. .Mobile, 1 i ■ place, an collate, I- - i ■’ made to | price am Tbef, beautiful j^r:: in ( and Cllit tains ; I \ '•ian«ln . . IVu Csi! < ' Paper ’ r f i All ki tins tern Cabin iidelphif - ■ . fell 4 A All . \\ r».n.— VVmiti •oiler, - 1 ' ' a l-i nr four i-.wi W el beni 1.1 . . : "idifli t , J^\u» R. ■ M'l 1 i - C. ANlffttfWS Ctt. i : ‘ itL 1" I I -‘lA ' ka • -■ • ) ';■■■. !’ -• i n >u i ' -r - • • •• mi i I