Newspaper Page Text
I Mobile (Commercial Register, ESTAtLISIIED, DECEMBER 10, 1821 . Merchants anb JJlantero Jonrnal, BSTABLISHSD. HOVEMRCR 15,1838. Cbe Mobile fiefliater anb Jonrnal, UNITED, DECEMBEB 1 . 1841. T. sanfoSdTs. r. wilson, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. TERMS. Daily Paper, per annum, in advance...........$19 00 “ “ for six months ** .. 6 00 Country Paper, (weekly) per annum, in advance 5 00 “ *• “ lor alt months, “ ... 3 00 No eabacriptlon discontinued until arrearages are paid, aalesa at the option of the proprietor. XT Advertising, at regular charge, will be One Dollar • square of 18 lines for the first. and Fifty Cents for each subsequent insertion, when published dally. If inserted weekly, semi-weekly, or tri- weekly, onednllar each time. XT Advertiser* by the year, will be contracted with on the loilowlng terms,—it being expressly understood that an agreement with a house in business, or with any Individual, ahull be applicable only to the immediate and legitimate busineas in which they or he may be engaged; and that all notices relating to other and distinct busi ness, legal notices, administrator's notices or sales, noti ces of the Individual partners of a house, dec., will be held and considered distinct from the yearly angagemeut, and charged at regular prices. One square, (twelve lines or leas) with e privi- I Q() lege ef changing or renewing twice a week... y 9 Do de(wlih like privileges) for 6 business months.. 30 00 Two squares (with privilege of change) one year.. 65 00 XT Standing advertisements fo<> Patent Medicines, Books, die., occupying a large apa*.a. and requiring no al lar.ulona, will he published hy the year on very low terma. XT Business Cards of a few linea, inserted eonn|flcu onsly, 6 inooiha for $10, in advance—and If continued during the year for $15, In advance. XT Fife Companies will be contracted with at $20 per unn, each—payable semi-annual I y in advance. XT Candidate nominations to be paid for in advance, Five Dollara for the canvass. All advertisements required by law will be charged full rues. No gratuitous advertising for Societies or Companies. Payment will he required of yearly advertisers aemi nuually ia advance. HAY-600 bales Portsmouth Huy, |excellent quality, for sale by dec25 J. H. RIVERS * CO^ PRESERVES—160 dozen boxes Marmalade, and Guava, received per Galveston from Ha vana by Tdec26] C- Lf.BARON. HOICE WINES-100 baskets Montii>elIo Champagne, 26 case* old Mndeira, for sale hy dec25 BEERS fc SMITH. LARD OIL—5 bbls winter strained Lard Oil, just received and for sale by dee26 HAVILAND, CLARK * CO. BLANKETS—8 bales heavy twill Blankets, just received and for sale by dec24_ JAMES SANDS * CO. ^ of all qualities and for sale by dec24 JAMES SANDS k CO. WOOL HATS—20 cases, for sale law by JOHN PHILLIPS, dee24 corner Conti and Wafer-sts. SHELLED ALMONDS—20 boxes just received and for sale low hy dec24_ THOS. H. CHEEVER, 40 Com, st. UMBRETTLaS—26 cases of all qualities, just re ceived and for sale low by 4ec2i JAMES SANDS & CO. &ACE CHAINS—1000 pair bright, in store and for sale hy dec24 MARSHALL. ROWE A CO. KERSEYS AND LINSEYS—lOcases just re ceived and tor aale by der.24JAMES SANDS & CO. QA M. Regalia Segars of favorite brands, land U ing from brig Galveston and for sale by dec24 G. WESTFELDT k BRO. SAL'Y—2000 bleached sucks, 600 hampers Irish Potatoes, direct from Belfast, for sale by ec24 GARDNER k SAGER, St Michael st fT/Y KEGS Buckwheat. 20 kegs Goshen Butter, tJvl landing and for sale by dec24 T. H. CHEEVER, 40 Commerce-st. AA KEG^ McCullough's Bar Lead, landing from ship Celia, fur sale by dec24 T. II. CHEEVER, 40 Comiuerce-st. GOSHEN BUTTER—50 firkins first quality Orange county Butter, for sale by dcc24 JNO. C. RYAN, 10 St Michael-st RIO COFFEE—1.000 bass new crop, of very superior quality, in double bags, for sale by dec24 JNO. C. RYAN, 18 St Michael-st ^iHEESE—200 boxes just received in store and v/ for sale by dec24 BEERS k 8MITH 22 St. Michael-st. BUTTER—60 kegs prime dairy Bulier, just re ceived and for sale by dect4 BEERS k SMITH. CHOICE SUGAR—60 hhds strictly choice Su gar, in store and for sale by dec24JAMES SANDS & CO. FOR SALE—Salt in bleached bags in the bay or on the wharf by dec23 JNO. GIBSON, 30 St. Michael st. LIVE OIL—150 baskets and boxes fresh, in ■tore and for sale by dec23 G. WESTFELDT & BROTHER. SEGARS—I 00m various brands, for sale by JOHN PHILLIPS, dec2S corner Conti and Water sts SUGAR—24 boxes white Havana, landing and for sale by dec23 C. LiBARON, 86 Cmmerce-st. AA/i BBLS Loaf, Crashed and Powdertd Sugar, for aale by dec23 G. WESTFELDT k BRO. ©FIRM CA'NDLEd —100 boxes in store and for O sate low by dee2S THOS. H. CHEEVER, 40 Coro. at. WHISKEY,’ Rc—100 bbls Rectified, 100 do ■ f Fleur, landing ex mail line, for sale by dec23 _MARSHALL, ROWE k CO. WHISKEY—75 bbls Rectified Whiskey, in ■tore aud landing, for sale by 4ec?8 JAMES SANDS & CO. Ini LOUR—50 bbls Missouri mills Flour, 50 do f Ohio do do, for sale bv dec2S JAMES SANDS k CO. FEINTING PAPER—100 roams 26 by 87, now landing and fer sale by JOHN PHILIPPS, dec21 corner of Conti and Water-sts. SUNDRIES—Alum, Brimstone, Borax and Sul mratus, in boxes, for sale by doc21 T. P. MILLER k CO. SOAP—Variegated Castile and Blown of the best qualities, for sale by M. ROBINSON, dec2l corner Dauphin and St Eiuanuel-streets SvtiAK—ite onus,a pi line article, lanuiug irom steamer James L, Duv and for sale by decll MARSHALL, ROWE fc CO. HAY—100 bales prime Eastern, landing this day and for sale by decll FOSDICK fcCHARLOCK, ?8 Com-st HAY—lW bsles best eastern Timothy auit Cle ver, for sale by doc21 C. A. GILBERT » BRO , BO Com-st MACKEREL—20 quarter l>hls new, just receiv ed per bark Montpelier, a fresh article, for dealt mile by S I fc I I JONES. BRAN— 600 sacks of best quality, in store und landing, for sale low by decll C. A. GILBERT fc BRO., 60 Com-st f¥ ANDKERCHIEFS—10 cases of Cotton, Ma H druse und Pongee, various qualities, for sale by dacll _ _ 8 I fc I I JONES. jjPHDER— 60 boxes Champagne in quarts and pints 1 > landing and for sale by JOHN PHILIPS, dec2t corner of Conti and Water-sts. LEMONS—A supply nn hand, for sale by THOMAS CARMELICHI, decll corner Dauphin and Sc. Emnnue|-sts PORTER, Ale und East India Beer, received per John Munn Irom Liverpool and for sale by ■f deell GEO. MARTIN. SALT—The cargo of ship Crown, in blenched sacks, for sale in the bay or on the wharf by q—an WM. MILLIGAN t CO. 84 St Michael-et ALT—The cargo of British ship Dumfrieshire for sale ia the Tmy or on the wharf by deelO JOHN GIBSON. SOSt Michael s! FRUIT—100 hoses Raisins, 26 half boxes do 26 drums Figs, 6 cases Prunes. For sale by dec20 T P. MILLER fc CO. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—In quarter andeighth bble, for sale by declO J.C. RYAN, 18 St Michael st XARD—Just received 7 l»t (Scbooly fc Sou’s) Rj new family Lard, for sale by _ M. ROBINSON. fXlEA— 20 packages Pouchong, 100 do Imperial ' 1 and Gunpowder, in store and far sale low by doom T. H. CHEEVER, 40 Commerce si X'XANDLES—60 boxes Sperm, just received and V he sale by ! ' ifagH* JAB. A. HOOPER. 40 St Michael si e i XX UTTER—20 keg, of very superior quality el • XX Goshen Butter, just landed and for sale by dealt_ B, 1. 111.I.JONES. £$PEKM OIL—A pure article in hhds and tierces t 0 dealt fareeleby S.I- fc 1.1. JONES. v.; . f ' • '* ■. ■ •. ' VJ , I BUSINESS CARDS. n. HARWELL. A UCT10N AND COMMISSION M ERCHA NT, Montgomery. Alai .am*. References— Messrs. Harris, Clayton & Co | w7™n"kM«v!'0n’ I MOBILE, declltft) C. Gascoigne, Esq. J THOMAS H* CHEEVER, COMMISSION MERCHANT. declO No. 40 Commerce-street JAME8 A. HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, not26 No. 40 St. Michael-st—MOBILE, Ala. BENJ. M.' BRADFORD. JAMES E. SAUNDERS. BRADFORD & 8AUNDER8, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Have removed to No. 7 St. Michael-st.—MOBILE. nov21 241 tf HAM’L B. HOWE, WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTH, HHOEH AMD BROGANS, No. 15 Dauphin Street, Mobile. nov4 2tf ALEX. CAM PBELL.l J. G. OWEN. I J. II. BOS WORTH M'wM.lM M* ti Mi KjMj, OWJKJTSc CO. STEAM-BOAT AGENTS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 72 Front and 75 Commerce Street. All Goods will be Received and Forwarded free of Charge. sept 16 205tf JOHN PHfLLIP8. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AGENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF COTTON, References— Mobile, Alabama. Hon. Benj. Gorham, "J Hon. Abbott Lawrence, j James Vila, Esq. } Boston, Mass. William Davis,jr. Esq.) Messts. S no fiord, Tileston & Co., New-York. Charles W. Storey, Esti-, Havana. nov27 J. II. RIVER8~ CHARLES H. CHURCH. J. H. RIVERH iL CO. Auction. CoininisHion & Forwardinit Merchants, Comer of Commerce and Conti-sts.—MOBILE. 03-Will make lilteral advances on all Goods con signed to them for sale; also will make very libe ral advances on Cotton and Staves consigned to their friends in Boston. " dec.4 ~~ GEORGE-G. HENRY, FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. jan8 No. 67 Commerce Street. Mobile. a*~gTjaudenI COMMISSION MERCHANT, Reference— New-York, Eslava. Murrell & Co., Mobile. jan9 C. W TDORR AN CET (Successorto J. Rea) Will continue to do an Auction and Commission bu siness at the old stand. No. 16 Water-st. mh7 811 “W. B. GALE, AUCTION OFFICE in Royal street—opposite the Mansion House, 03“ Is prepared to give his lime and Attention to all business in his line. nov2 222lf 1*. B. TVIiOH, AUCTIONEER—No. 4, Hagan’. Building., Conti strkft—MOBILE. Respectfully renew ■ tender of hie services to hie former patron* and the public, for he sale of Stocks, Real Estate, Damaged Cotton, Furniture, dec., with so Assurance of giving prompt attention to any bus iness confided to hie cure. nov4 223tf NMITH, DABNEY &. CO “ WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commerce-street, Mobile, Ala. James Smith, } Joo M. Dalmey, } Wm. A. Smith, ) j 156tf WABR * CUE9BROIIGH. “ GROCERY MERCHANTS, No. 4 Commerce-street, Mobile, Alabama. Edward M. Ware, > Aaron C. Chesbrough, $ j3 27tf NEGROF.N~FOR SALE. fry THE SUBSCRIBER having located him self permanently in Mobile and Baltimore, now of fers for sale a lot of likely young Negroes, compri sing field hands, house servants, etc. Among them is a good smith and excellent seamstress. He will also be receiving shipments of Negroes from Balti more during the season. City reference given as to title, etc. QO* Lafayette House, corner of Royal and S(. Michael streets. nov7 229cmo* WALTER L. CAMPBELL. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. R W. ANDREWS & CO., No. 8 St. Michael-st., two doors above Commerce-st. Have constantly on hand a complete assortment of DRY HOODS, embracing Blankets of every variety, Lowel, Vir ginia, Alabama and other Oenahurgs, Lowel Linseys, Kerseys and all kinds of Negro Cloths, together with a full stock of Staple and Fancy articles, suitable for Planters use. Also, Russell Brogans, Mud Boots, and a general assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. Brussels, Ingrain and Venitian Carpets. Matting and other Floor Cloths. novl9 239tf NO MONOPOLY. DEGRUSHE &. MARSH, BlTCEEEiBS, stEOBEJLE£ JtM-fEBELESV, STALLS 33 AND 35. SHIPS, Steamboats and Families supplied on the most reasonable terms.—Clubs, Families, Pur lies and others supplied with Came of all kinds, and the best Meats the market affords at the shortest notice. nov9uy HAY AA A C Hi IK 8 AND CONFECTIONARY. Corner Conti and Royal Streets, Opposite the Mansion House. THE subscriber thankful for past favors, and soli citous for a continuance of the same, begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has just received direct from Havana, a large as sortment of Cigars of the best quality, in connexion with a large quantity of Confectionary of his own mannfucture, from the best materials. All which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms for cash —wholesale and retail. Also—On hand as usual, a plentiful supply of IIo Coffee and Pies, at all hours. GEO. SCHUMACHER N. B.—Cakes for Parties or Weddings made to order. my5132tf OMMLSSION BUSINESS'.—The subscriber offers his services to the Planters and Merchants of Alabama and Mississippi, for the sale of Cotton, and the purchase of their family necessaries. Con signments of other produce and merchandise, will he also promptly and carefully attended to. nov8 22titf GEORGE O. HENRY. HAY—8S0 bales, for sale by oct26 222 A. KREBS, 76 Com st. LINEN SHIRTS—One case just received and for sale by [det-28] SIAM JONES MADEIRA WINE—6 qr casks of a fair article* fur sale by [d23] S I A 1 I JONES. WHISKEY—80 bbls rectified,landing and for dec24 sn le by JAMES SANDS A CO. CORN —700 sacks prime white, for sale low by dec28 C^ A. GILBERT A BRO. SIDES, SHOULDERS AND BAMS—for tel* dec28 by JAMES SANDS A CO. SIDES—26 casks fins Ciu instore and for sale dec23 by MARSHALL. ROWE A CO. GRAPES—Malaga Grapes in fine order, for sale dec20 by J. O’REILLY A CO. MOLASSES—100 bbls in store and for sale by dec20 JAS. SANDS A CO. FLOUR—25 bbla selected, for family use, for dec20sale by J. O’RF.ILLV A CO, BEEF—10 half barrels Fulton Market, for sale by dec21JOHN C. RYAN. ALMONDS—In whole, hf and qr bids, for sale by dec2l T. P. MILLER A CO. Cl ORN MEAL—20 sacks lies! silted, for sale by > dec21 C. A. GILBERT A BRO., 60 Com-.t BEES WAX—6000 foe, for eale by decll J. GANDOLFO, 70 Commerce s! jfTASTiLE SOAP—10 boxes in store, for sale by Vj derl8 FOSDICK A CHARLOCK, 88 Com-st CLARET—6 casks Bordeaux, in store and for aale by fdecU C. LxBARON. COFFEE—TO bags Jam, for aale by tlec!7 T. H.CHEEVER, 40 Commerce-.! PLOUR—60 bbla Missouri Mills snnerfine, fot «leel7 aale by JAS. SANDSACO. SUGAR AND MOLASSES consinnily ea hand and for aale by [decl7j J. SANDS 4 CO. LARD—26 kegt extra quality new, for sale hy dec20J. O’REILLY A CO PRINTS—Two cates new style, for sale by decl9 8 1 A I I JONES, f AMD OIL—11 bbla Lafd Oil in store nndfor Li dacio aale by O. 1AL DORRANCE. FISH—60 boxes Codfish.lbr sale by declO JAS. A. HOOPER, 40 Hi. O ICE- 10 tierce* nhw, for eale by XV declO C. W. DORRANCE. Kew uMtl Inabionublr CUlbiaf. HENRY k STODDART, corner of Water and Conti streets, have now on hand llie largest and most valuable assortment of Gent’s Clothing, they have yet offered in the city of Mobile; to which they invite 'he attention of their friends and the public Their stock comprises, Extra and superfine French and English Cloth Dress and Frock Coats; English Pilot and Beaver Cloth Over and k rock do; Busi ness and Hunting Coats of Scotch Tweed and a variety of new fabrics, as well as Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, &c., (fee. Pantaloons and Vests, in great variety and of llie most fashionable styles. Scotch l^unhs Woo) Shirts and Drawers Linen and Cambric Shirts of newest styles Beaver and Silk Hats, together with every article suitable for gentleman's wear. A great portion of the material used in their Clothing Manufactory in New-York, is selected in England an 1 Franceby one of the partners, from the most celebrated manufactories, so that (he public taay rely ou obtain ing tile best of Clothing at the lowest prices. N. B.—H. & S. would particularly call the atten tion of their friends and the public to the article ol Fashionable Black Dress and rr*H k Coats made from BiuHey & Files'celebrated extra stq>ertine Belgium Cloths, su|>erior finish and warranted last colors. [Jj’One price only and Jar caeh. dec 17 HOICK FAM ILYljROCEKIKS—At whole J sale and retail, consisting «f— TEAS—Poiichong, Hyson. Voting Hyson, Impe rial and Gunpowder WINES—Blackburn’s Madeira and other brands. Sicily, London Particular, Pule and Brown Sherry, old Port in wood ami bottle. Cham pagne in quarts and pints, Claret in whole - and half casks and bottles, etc LIQUORS—Choice brands Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Swan Gin, old Jamaica Rum, etc PRESERVES—Cordials, S meet meats in great variety PICKLES—Underwood’s of all kinds SPICES—Whole and ground FRUIT—Raisins in whole, half and quarter box es, Malaga Giapes, Figs, Prunes. Filberts. English Walnuts, etc OAT MEAL—Buckwheat Flour, Pearl Barley, Crackers and Biscuit PROVISIONS—Fulton Market Beef, Pork and Hams, Western sugar cured Hams, Beef Tongues, etc SPERM OIL and Candles SOAP, &c—Colgate's Brown, Yellow and Fancy Pearl Starch in small and large boxes DEMIJOHNS of all sizes LONDON PORTER and Scotch Ale in pints and quarts BROOMS, Brushes of all kinds, Pails and Tubs SUGARS—Crushed, Powdered and Clarified OILS—D Lynchy's best Florence, Marseilles do CHEESE. Butter, Cranberries FISH—Mackerel in whole, half and querler bar rels and kits, Salmon, smoked and in kits Together with many other articles in the line, all of which is offered for sale by JOHN O’REILLY k CO., dec!8 north emit corner Conti and Water-sis F STEWART, at 41 Dauphin street, has on • hand and for sale at the lowest market rates a good assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part of— Heavy Wool Kerseys, Lowell Plains, Linseys English twilled and heavy American Blankets Kentucky Jeans, heavy twilled Osuahuigs Blue and black Cloths and Caasinierea Lowell and Virginia Osnaburgs Browu and bleached Domestics and Drillings Apron and Furniture Checks,Tickings Prints of all descriptions and prices Mouseline de Laines, Cashmeres, Bombuzines Black and figured Alpuccas, Hosiery Bavarian Cloths, Eoliennes Figured and plain black Silks Silk, worsted and wool Shawls Gimp Ti iminings, Fringes, etc etc. Also—A good stock of Russet and Kip Rrogans heavy Boots, Wool and Fur Hats. declO HOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE—iVo. 16 Dauphin-street—The subscriber has in store of fresh and seasonable goods, direct from the manu factories, the largest and liest assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES A^D BROGANS, ever offered in this market, consisting in part of 10,000 pairs Men’s Russet Broganf 10,000 do do Kip do 6,000 do do Calf aod Seal do 1,000 do do thick inud Bools 1,000 do do Kip do 600 do do Call Boots, sewed and pegged. Together with a large stock of boy's, youth’s, children’s, women’s and misses’ Shoes of almost every variety, all of which will be sold by the pack age or dozen, for cash or approved credit, as low as can be bought in this market. dec25 SAM’L B. HOWE. JAMES GANDOLFO, 70 Commerce street, has in store and offers for sale at the Ipwest prices— 10 bales Lowell No 1 Cotton 25 baleslndian Sheeting, 25 do Appleton do 25 bales Cabal A Sheeting, 20 do Checapee do 20 bales Boston Sheeting, 20 do Nashua do 20 hales Drillings, 10 pieces Carpets 2k) bales 7 8 Dwight Shirtings 25 pieces Colton Carpet, 40 rases Prints 10 bales A C A Redticks, 10 do A do 10 cases Linen,different qualities 5 cases Colton Flannels, 10 cases Kerseys 2 cases Pongee Hdkfs, 2 cases Biaad Cloths 4 cases Mouseline de Laines 4 cases Cotton Hdkfs. 2 do Cassiinere. nov80 MOSF.LY & TUCKER, corner Dauphin and Royal streets, have recently received and in store, a choice selection of fine Perfumery, Fancy Arlilcs, etc., viz: Lubin’s and Monpelas’ Soups Pomatums of every perfume, Pomades Ox Marrow, Antique Oil, Sacketsd’Odeur Shaving Soaps, Elixir Odontine, Odonline Odeur Boxes, rose wood and ebony Portable. Dressing Cases complete Rich cut glass Toilet Buttles French and German Colognes, etc., which they offer for sale at the lowest prices. dec.24 Sundries—io buds prime sugar 60 bbls superfine Flour 20 do Molasses, 20 do Whiskey 60 sacks Laguira Coffee 20 do Maracaibo do 100 de Rio do 20 do Java do 60 kegs new Leaf Lard 100 pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging 100 coils Rope. In store and lor sale by dec 17 WARE * CHESBROUGH, 4 Com-st CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, &c— Superfine black French Broudcloths Do do do Doe-skin Cassiinere Do fancy and col'd French do Do black English Satins for Vesting Do hluck silk Serge Do black Worsted do Fine Red Padding, Canvass Wiggans Silesian, Sewing Silks, Twist, Buttons, Jtc For sale at low prices by dec21 R. W. ANDREWS fe CO, 8St Micliael-si SUGAR AND MOLASSES—Daily expected per schooners Atlantic, Sarah anti Mary, Ann Stille and Choctaw— 250 lihds Sugar, 300 hbls Molasses 60 hall'hbls Molasses —which 1 will offer at very low prices from the wharf wheu landing. dec24 WM. HALL. 69 Commerce-st. ffA DOZEN men’s drab Wool Hals, round crown 50 dozen men's black wool do, square do 40 do do hair seal Caps 40 do bo> '• do do do —just received per ship Cotton Planter gnd bark Ann Welsh and for sale low by W. H. & H. F. CRAWFORD, dec24 uw 17 Daaphin*st. JUST RECEIVED from ship Colton Planter, barks Ann Welsh and Marsellois— India Rubber Overshoes, a large supply 4000 pairs Russel Brogans Also, a good assortment of almost every kind of Boots, and Siloes, suited to the season. dec25* DAN'L. TILLOTSON. ESTERN PRODUCE—50 bids s. f Flour 56 hbls Rectified Whiskey 300 bags Oats, 20 libds prime Sugar 20 lihds fair Sugar —in store and for sale by dec25_MARSHALL, ROWE & CO. FISH—Salmon in kills and cans Mackerel in whole, half and qr bbls, Nos.1,2, 3 Sardines in w hole and half boxes Tongues and Sounds in kilts 100 boxes Herrings, 100 do Codfish, for sale by dec21T. P. MILLER fc CO. SPICES—20 bags Black Pepper 10 do Allspice, 50 mats Cassia 20 do Race Ginger, I bbl Cloves 3 do Ground Ginger, 1 do Nutmegs Just received and for sale by decl9 HAVILAND, CLARK fc CO. INSEYS—20 bales Rising Sun Mills, lod 1 ana manufactory, an article of very superior quality, for sale at the verv lowest market prices by dec.14 MARSHALL, ROWE * CO. IRON and SPIKES—160 tons Juniata rolled Iron 60 kegs wrought Spikes For sale by decl4 W. H. BLACK.LEK, 6 Water-street. WHISKEY—100 bbl. Dealer., Kudin, and lor aale on the wharf by , decSO F. W. McCOY fc CO, 86 Cemawree-au. SCHOOL HOOKS. To Parents, tiiiiriiimiN anil Teachers of Alabama and Mississippi. THE undersigned would respectfully call your at* tent ion to t lie following list of School Books, universally adopted and highly recommended by all who are inierestod in the cause of education: Alabama Series of Readers—*No 1. The Primary Primer, new edition; No 2, The Child’s Reader, new edition; No 3. Exercises in Reading, new edi tion; No 4. Porter’s Rhetorical Reader, new edi tion; websier’s Elementary Speller; Metrical Sto ries in Chemistry and Philosophy; Olney’s Geogra phy and Allas; Olney’s Introduction to Geography ; The Book of Commerce; Walt’s Improvement u (lie Mind; Bullion’s English Graramer; Bullion’s Greek Grainmer; Olmstesd’s Natural Philosophy; Comstock’s Natural Philosophy; Comstock’s Chem istry; Coinstock’s Physiology; Preston’s Book Keeping; The Scholar's Companion; The Scholar’s Companion; The Scholar’s Reference Book; Weo sfer's School Dictionary; Abercrombie’s Moral Feelings; Goodrich’s Ecclesiastical History; Lin coln’s Botany. Barrett’s Geography of the Heav ens ; A lexamler's Evidences ot ('hrislianity; Slone’s Rhetorical Speaker; Hodge's Logic; Willaid’s His tory of L. S. 8 vo; Willard’a History of U. S. abridged; Willard's Universal Gi„|oryj Parley’s Natural Theology; Bible; Newman's Rhetoric; Newman’s Political Economy; Butler’s Analogy; Kame’s Elements of Criticism; Davies’ first Les sons in Arithmetic; Davies' “tic; Davies’ Key to Arithmetic; Davie’s , .a; Davies’ Key to Algebra; Davies’ Elementary Geometry; Davies Bourdon's Algebra; Davies’ Legendre’s Geometry; Davies' Surveying; Davies’A uilylical Geometry ; Davies’ Descriptive Geometry! Davies’ Calculus; Davies Shades and Shadows; Anthon’* Latin Les sons; Anthon’s Latin Prose Composition; Ambon’* Latin Prosody; Anthon’s Cicero; Anthon’s Ceesar; Anthon’s Sallust; Anthon’s Horace; Anthon’s Greek Lessons; Anthon’s Greek Prose Composition; An thon’s Greek Prosody; Ambon's Jacob’* Greek Reading; Aiiihon's Greek Grsminai ; Anthon’s Dic tionary of Antiquities; Anthon’* Classical Diction ary ; Andrews’ and Stoddard's Latin Grammar; An drews’ Question to Latin Grammar; Andrews' First Lessons in Latin; Andrews’ Larin Reader; An drews Viri Rotate; Andrews’ BhIIhsi ; Andrew s La tin Exercises ; Andrews’ Kei to Laiin Exercises; Doiinegau’s Greek Lexicaiv; Greek Testament; Ainsworth's Latin Dictionniy; Cooper’s Virgil; Homeri litas; French Guide; Bolinat’* Leviznc’s French Grammar; Vie de Gfeorge Washington; Be etle il Dramatique; Recreations, Ins. at Finusautes; Adventures of Telemaque; Boyer’s French Diction ary; The Young Choir; The School Singer; Bur rows’ Pianoforte Pi inter; Meineke’s Instructor; Hunten’s Instructor. 1 have also constantly an hand a large and well selected stock of Blank Books and Stationary; Law, Medical, Theological and Miscidlaneous Books , and will fill all orders with promptness at very low pri ces. At 2S Dauphin street, opposite the large Green Hat. (octl8 219cmo) IS. W. ALLEN. IV EW BOOKS—Anastasia or the doctrine o the Resurrection of the Body, rationally and fcripturullv considered, by G^irgs Bush, Professor of Hebrew . New York Umvelsity, 1 vol. 12mo. Revolutionary Orders of G^i. Washington, issued during the year 1778, ’80, ’81a»d '82, selected from , the MSS of John Whiting, lieutenant and Adjutant , of the 2nd Regiment, Massaiiusetts Line, ahd edit ed by his son Henry Whili/g, Lieutenant Col. U. Slates Army, 1 vol. 8vo. The American House CJpenter: a treatise upon Architecture, Cornices an^ Mouldings, Framing, Doors, Windows and Stair/, together with the most important principles of Practical Geometry, by R. G. Hatfield, Architect; illustrated by more than 300 engravings. i the drawing-room, by f airline Oilman— “The enthusiast Synl there divinely taught, Writes on loose foli/ge inspiration** thought. She sings the fates,and in her frantic fils, The notes and nauVs inscribed to leaves coin Elegantly bound in silk ; gilt edges. |mits.**] Elements of Logic, together with an Introductory View of Philosophy in general, and a preliminary View of the Reasou. By Henry T. Tappan—1 vo. 12rao. Praed’s Poems—The Poetical Works of Win throp Mack worth Praed, now fir9t collected by Ru fus \V. Griswold, I vol. 12 mo. For sale by J. M. SUM WALT & CO., dec#0 Booksellers, 86 Dauphin-street. AS PLEN DID 1BOOK—The PflgrimVTPnigress", Ly John Bunvau, *ith explanatoiy notes by Thomas Scott, I>. iV. And a life of the Author, by Co..A»r, Esq. Embellished with 25 hue en gravings, 1 volume, royal octavo, elegantly (round in superior extra Turkey morocco, do in super splendid velvet. Notices of the Press.—When we sav that the best style of Souvenir printing and decorations has been adopted for the*work, we give some idea of the book, but there seMns to have been a desire to excel—to make this (lie l>ook of the American press; its engravings vie)with the very best produc tions of ilm English burin.—[U. 8. Gazette. This book, taken altogether, is the most splendid volume ever issued fruit the American press.— [Pennsylvanian. In all respects, this Volume is one of the most beautiful issued from the^American press.—[North American. This is the most elegaiit edition of the Pilgrim's Prftgress which we huvd ever seen.—[New York Observer. Tim clearness and singular beauty of the typogra phy, the exquisite taste »f the engravings, and the splendid style in which it is bound, are surpassed by nothing which we have! seen from ihe American press. — [Christian Observer For sale by decSO S. W. ILLEN. 28 Dunphin-sl l\rEW GOOD TCHES. JEWELRY. 11 HOUSE KEEPINi AK1ICLEE, ETC.— I have just returned fron New York after selecting a new and excellent assortment of the above articles, of the best and latest fashions, such as fine Gold Watches of every style; hold Fob, Guard and Vest Chains; Bracelets; Necklaces; Broaches, Rings, with Oriental, Topaz, Amitliyst, Garnet, Opal, Torquoise, Gold, Stone, ,'ameo and Pearl setts, all of the real stone; Gold* and Pens; Lockets; Thimbles; Miniature CaiF>s; Keys; Spectacles; Sil | ver Tea Setts; HairChsis; Spoons; Forks; Cups; J Tumblers; Ladels; Grav Spoons; Fruit and Desert Knives; Marrow Spoons Solar Lamps; Fine Plat ed Castors; Candleshc s; Salt Stands; Snuffers and Travs; Waiters in tells; Japaned Waiters, a rich article; Military (nods, consisting of every thing an officer wishes to quip himself with; Whale Bone, Malaca, Hickory,Pa'ridge, Ebony and Span ish Wood Canes, with a(d without gold and silver mountings; Fine Accortians, from 10 to 20 keys; Flutes from I to 8 keys; Fine Double Barrel G"oa, Dimuscus wire and twist; warranted to be real and the best assortment in tils city; Revolving Pistols; Percussion Caps, Walkef’s and T. B’s. best; many other fancy articles too lumerous to mention, and will lie sold at a fair and Moderate profit. My friends snd the public will pleusqaccept my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me; and I shall endeavour to merit it. VAME8 CONNING, No. 12 Dauphin nreet, below Water st. N. B.—Clocks and Watches repaired and war ranted. Chronometers rated. Cash or trade given for old gold and silver. novl8 MUnll-jri YAH*1—on Water & Kov al streets, adjoining E. C. CENTER $• CO* S Cotton Sheds. Peach Orchard Coll, loose and inhhds.con taining half ton. Red and White Ash Coal, loose and in hhds, containing half ton. Cashel Coal, loose md in hhds, containing half ton. Liverpool OrrellCoal, in hhds, containing half ton. Lxhioh Coal, for Foundry use. Pittsburgh and Virginia Coal, for Black smith's use. The Anthracite and Bituminous Coals are of the best quality, selected for the use of families, and w ill be delivered to consumers by the ton or half ton nnd hhd, (free of drayage) at the lowrest market prices. 0^ A box for the reception of orders i* placed at the Register and Journal Office and George Wood ward's Arcade. Orders deposited iu either place will receive immediate attention. Orders received as heretofore at the Yard, and at lire office of E. C. CENTER & CO, corner ol Conti and Commerce streets. decll NEW BOOKS-The Pvlpit Cyclopaedia and Christian Minister's Companion, containing three hundred and sixty sketches and sketches of sermons, and eighty-two essays on biblical learning, theological studies and the composition and delivery of sermons, in one large 8vo. volume. Narrative of a Visit to «l« Syrian (Jacobite) Cliuich of Mesopotamia, with statements and reflec tions upon the present state of Christianity in Tur key and the character and prospects of the Eastern Churcces, by tbe Rev. Horatio Southgate, M. A., 1 vol. 12mo. Incidents of Social Life amid the European Alps, translated from the German of J. Heinrich D. Louis Strack,l vol. 12ino.,for sale by dec28 S. W. ALLEN, 28 Dauphin-«t NOTICE—J.J. Butler’s Writing and Marking 'ink and superior paste Blacking, in store and for salt[declflj C. W. PORRANCE. COAL—Peach Oichard, Red and While Ash 800 hhds, for sale by dec25 E. C. CENTER * CO. POTATOES—500 bbls New Hampshire PoU toes, in floe order and fer tale by tWrlfi J. H. RIVERS k CO Classification of sie*mboi.u by u.« in •urance Companies ol Mobile;— FIRST Cl.ASS. Montgomery New YV or id Dallas Lowndes Eliza New F.ia Carolina James Hewitt Sam Dale Marengo SPOON'D CLASS. Gen. Ilaliison Jolm Duikhii Factor Belle Roulle l|ueen of the South Marquette Viola Ahibania • Noxubee Bourlion Ruhy Minerva , Victoria. Mobile Insurance Company, TIIOM IS S KING, Secretary. Firemen** Irtsuranre Company, ,, J. T. FRANK LI ft, Secretary. Merchant* Insurance Couqtauv, THOMAS YV. McCOY, Secret? Alalmma Life Ins. and Trust Co , itov20 N. O. J TISDALE, Seocetar Agrney of tlie Protection Insurance 4 k Apary of Hartford, i'oun. In Mobil f COMMISSION often per cent will be ah »wed on all premiums paid to lliuf office on ,rolic*-rt issued n» id a'ter this day. Fire .er and Marine risks will 1>e taken at tho lowest ntoic.nry rates of premium, and persons doing business.-1 with this company mu rely on a prompt settlement of any claim ror loss they may have, as the agent has authority to nettle and pay all l<nset tint may occur without the delay ol referring the claim to the office in Hartford. iiov25 JOHN C. RYAN, Agent, 18 St. Michael st. Office Ala. Life Ins.,and Trust to. ) Mobile, November 26'h, 1844. y THE following Resolution was this day adopted by the Trustees of this institution: That on and after this date thin company will re turn ten pkr cant upon all premiums ior insur mice, and that this return will be allowed on all open Colton policies now running, front the commence ment of the season. nov27 246tl N. O. J TISDALE, Secretary Of f ic* Mobile Insi k vm e company, > Mobile, November 23, 1844. S A3' A MEETING of the Board of Directors this day, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That from and after the 23d instant, a commission of ten pel cent will be allowed on all premiums paid to this company, and that this resolu tion shall be applicable to all cotton policies now open. [no\26Kino] THOS. S. KING,Sec’y. Office Firemen's Insurance Co , j Mobile. November 23d, 1844. ^ THE following Resolution was this day adopted by the Dnedors of this institution: That this office w ith the view f l placing il.s cus tomers oil an equality with those doing business with the Mutual Insurance Office*, will, lioiu this date, al low all persons doing business at this office a com mission of Tt .\ percent on the amount of a I premiums paid by them, and shall extend to all Cot ton policies now open. nov25 JAS. T. FRANKLIN, Secretary. Office ok the Merchants Ins. Co. ) Mobile, 22d November. 1844. $ AT a meeting of the Board of Directors, the tol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted, viz. That this office, for the purpose of giving to its customers advantages similar to those offered by the Mutual Insurance plan, will grant to all parlies doing business at their office, from thi# date, a commis sion of ten per CENT, on the amount of premi ums paid bv them, and that this commission situII be allowed on all Cotton policies now open nov23 THOS. YV. McCOV, Secretary. To the Consignrea of Goods arriving at Mobile, in sured in New-York. THE Underwriters in New-York have suffered very much by the improper sacrifice of goods, sold at auction in Mobile, on account of sea damage. The policies require in case of partial loss by sen damage to Dry Goods, Cutlery or other Hardware, that the loss shall be ascertained by a separation and sale of that portion only of the contents of the pack ages which are damaged, and not otherwise, and that the same principle shall be observed as to ull other merchandize, a* far as practicable—the rules also requite that the damaged parts of a cargo Ire sold in small lo‘s to suit the convenience of purchasers. Whole packages destined for places in the interior have frequently been sold at Mobile, in a lot without the knowledge of the owner, bv the consignee there, and by that mean* dopriritig tht? owner of port of packages of sound goods, and causing heavy losses to some one; but for which, hereafter, the Mobile consignee will be held responsible. The multiplication of protests is not needed; an original, or at most an original and duplicate pro test forwarded to the agent of the vessel in New York, is sufficient for all the New-York Under]} writers. ABR. OGDEN, President Mutual Insuaauce C'n. WALTER R JONES, President Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. L. GREGORY, President Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co. THOMAS HALE, Vice President Alliance Mutual Ins. Co. PHILLIP HONE, President American Mutual Insurance Co. ; S. BALDWIN, President Jackson Marine Insurance Co. ZEB. COOK, Jr., President Mutual Safety Insurance Co. T. B. SATTERTH W A ITE, President New-York Insurance Co. WM. NEIL80N, President Merchants' Mutual Ins. Co. A. B. NEILSON, President Suit Mutual Insurance Co. dec13 11 Kino DISSOLUTION.—The firm of Thomas j. Hill h. Co., was this day dissolved, by mu tual consent. Thomas J. Hill, is alone the author ised agent to settle the business of the concern. THOMAS J. HILL, GEORGE W. HILL, GREEN B. MDBLY, The undersigned will continue the Factorage and Commission Busmeson hs own account,ann respect fully solicits the patronage heretofore extended to Thos. J. Hill Ic Co. THOMAS J. HILL. CO" The Eutaw Whig, Pickensville Register, Gainesville Pilot, and Tuscaloosa Monitor, will please give the almve three insertions and forward heir accounts to this office for collection. ie9rt l%TOT!CE—The subscribers having put chased the la well known Drug establishment of Mr. George F. Marine vill continue the business in all its branches .t the old stand, south east corner of Dauphin Water-streets. Mobile, July 1st. 1844. BLAIR & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED having disposed ol his stock of Drugs, Medicines, to Messrs| Blair & Co., takes this opportunity ol returning his thanks to his friends and the public, lor their lib eral patronage, and would solicit a continuation of that patronage for his successors, Messrs. Blair & Co. jylO I78cino GEO. F. MARLOW. OPAKTNERSHIP—Thom as Anderson, of Marengo county* and S. H. N Dickson, of Mobile, have associated themselves together in the Cotton Factorage and Commission Business, under the firm of Anderson * Dickson. All business entrusted to their care, by their friends and the pob lie, will receive due attention. Office at No. 69 Commerce si. THOS- AN DERSON, novSOKmo 3. H. N. DICKSON. THE Subscribers having formed a Copartnership for the transaction ol a Factorage and Commis sion Business in the city of Mobile, under the style and firm of WALKER & HOLMES, would respect fully solicit the patronage of thoir friends and the public generally. ROBT. L. WALKER, my 80 154xy ’ co be p BUR WELL HOLMES. OPAKTNERSHIP-The undersigned have formed a Copartnership and will continue the Commission and Factorage Business in the city of Mobile, under the style and linn ol HORTON & CLOCK. All business entrusted to ns will be promptly attended to. GUSTAVUS HORTON, n.yl7143tf D. CLOCK._ COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE—On the 1st „ May next, George R. Clayton, of Colum bus, Misaissippi, becomes a partner in the house of P. T. Harris dk Co., of this city. The Commis sion Business will, from that day, lie conducted un der the firm of Harris, Clayton dk Co. ap29xy NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the General Commission business, under the firm of “Westfkldt & Brother.** GF.O. WESTFELDT. octSO _RAIN HOLD WESTFELDT. 11TOT1CE—Mr. Thomas McKinstry is authorised 11 to act for ine, in all matters touching the es tale of my late husband, John Joiner. novl_MARY JOINER, Adm*x. pOKTKR and ALK—l(id casks in pints and mT quarts, landing from ship John Munn from Liv erpool, for sale at very low prices by dec2l MARSHALL, ROWE & CO. RIO COFFEE—1,000 bags of superior qualiiyi new crop, in store and lor sa le by dec!7 JNO. C. RVAN, 18 St Michael »l. LINSEED OIL—5 l»bki best quality, received and for sale low bv the bbl or otherwise. dec2d MOHELY fc TUCKER, Druggists. FLOUR—60 bbls superfine, lauding and for sals dec24 by JAMES SANDS It CO. Philadelphia *-aiitllery iV nreliun t, UHOhKHAU; AM) l:*• TAIL, j .\o. 2 Lt(iup/iin sti-rt, 2d d<*sr ab-j ie Cunt muter stn't, ' mc i* iiri • Riiru icBjircinnij N call* u»p am m ion of coumi s mei Rrhinf*, plant* i ‘ and saddfpr* t«. I the larifp and *i-l| rtMuried niock II of Saddler) iud Saddlery Hurd ail ware, w Inch l>«* i« now ojieninf' d tad which In- offer* for mile at r pi’ii • !•> till iIm* tiiiw. ’Ph** ilia ‘p up work in all in »n tif.irtnrpd in th«? cilv ol I* III lade I plna, of the best material*, and Ike Saddlery liaid ware i* of direct importation. The following compi ioe* in pai l the assortment • Saddle* afid Bridles, of every variety of style. Bri dle Fillings, Martingale*. Sadille Bags of all kinds. Whips, Couch, Gig. Dearborn Wagon and Dray Harness, Skirting, 11 • rutes, lb i«!J • and Bund Leatii• er, G in Bands, a-* *i fed * t/.> . H.-igli Hi idles, (’«>! lars, Humes, Trunks, Top Mi.’ ■*, Motnrno, Calf a d Hog ^kius, Curb ami S mi the Bits, Spurs, Buckles, Saddle Trees, of nil kinds, Varnish, Corn It Trim tilings, Ac., $*c. A laige assoiirnent of Saddler’s Tools. He invites purchasers to call and examine uud com pare his goods and prices with those of other estab lishments, lielore purchasing elsewhere. nov?8 248cmo s, BOD* LEM I.T. II DOTH, Mid I,h a Af> BIOG A NS. fc^*j J in: .SUBSCRIBERS have jus V ' received di'.ji In m the mnnufac A" uriftff torv ol DewiJj and Fdiottfid?, per bark Bn! ie afsd miter lice arrival* the follow ingjgnods which lltev w il sell at the lowest market m ink foi\e*f»h: 5000 paits superior )’«id's* Sole Oak Russets 5000 do ‘lo Si t jte. do do do 10000 do do Hem do do do 5000 do do Kip Brogans of all sixes. 1000 do do Men’- Thick Bools, 6 lo 10 500 do do do do do 7 to I I 600 do do do do do H to 12 300 do do do do do 10 to 14 In addition to the above, the subscribers have on Hand a splendid assortment of laejies* and Gentle men’s fine work of every description. Any one wish ing to put dune good* in the above line vv ill find it for their interest to cull ami examine. No trouble to show goridf. DEWIN’G, KDMANDS & FIELD, mul l 235 No 9 St Francis street. ann roots” shoes ani>10:0 GAN’S—The undersigned have on hand and are receiving per »hl|> ||k Cotton l’luiitei and haique Ami Welsh, from New-York, a large and well selected stock of the above named article*, cons is >ing in purl of Ladies’fine Gaite.r Boots, Bus kins, French Ties, Kid Slippers, hr.; Gentlemen’s fine call water proof Boot*, do fine single sole dress Bools, do single and double soled Brogans. To gether with a large stock of Men’s and Roy’* Russets, kip Brrgana, and Mud Bools, which we offer whole sale and retail at very low price*. Commission, Country Merchants and Haulers are particularly iu vi'ed tc call and examine out stock before purchasing elsewhere. YV. H. dr. H. F. CRAWFORD. dee24 22 u w 17 ltauphin-st BOOTH, SHOES AND BROGAN'S. THE SUBSCRIBERS have now W I (»u hand, ami are constantly teceiv big at their tdd itaml, a large a a sortinent of Lndie.*’ and Gentle men’s BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, which they «dh i to their friends and customers at greatly i educed prices, at whole sale ami retail. miv23 LATON A CO , 42 YVaier-elieet . —ps—w | j & H F L«R A W ford, No 17 Dauphin street, have on hand and receiving pci ship Jolton Planter aud haik Ann Welch li ni New Y oik, a Urge and com plete slock ofme ah ivc aimed articles, consisting in |>aii at Gentlemen’s extra superfine Beaver, Nu tria. Moleskin, Cassiniere, Castor and plain Brush Hals. Also, a large assortment of Gentlemen’s, Roy’s and Youth’s Cans. Also, a beautiful article of Infant's embroidered Silk Y’elvet Caps of the la test New York fall style and fashion. d«c23Uw CHEAP VARIETY .STORE. Ao. 62 Commerce t evert. MR ISRAEL LEAVITT most respectfully in forms the Citizens of Mobile and vicinity, that he has removed from YV titer .street to 62 Commerce street, wlteiecan la* found Dry Goods, Groceries, Bools, Shoes. Hals, Hardware,and a general furnish ing store, which would lie loo numerous to mention, lie oiiviers ail in want of {*ooda tu call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. He has a large lot of Flannels and 12 4 Blankets, which he w ill sell very cheap. The highest price paid for dry cow hides. no\26 245m mo Hardware luiil Mitp 4 luuiulrr)’. 11 HE •(ihscriber* give notice that I»y vntne ofa ileed of conveyance and trust, executed l»v the late John Bartlett, Jr., deceased, for certain lives and purposes therein meulimed, and duly recoidc4 in »lie office of the Clerk ol the County Court ol Mobile county, (bey will for tlie prevent, continue the Inisi* ness of tile said Bartlett, on Com me fee and Front streets, and they invite the customers of said estab lishment to purchase as heretofore, their supplies during the present season. Mr. Archibald Whitrky is their agent and is fully authorised to collect and receipt lor all moneys due for goods, wares and nierchand ■ *, upon the books of said Bartlett. MOSES W AKING. decl2 IOkiiio S W. AlXE*. Direct Importation ol' Wines, Fruit, Ar fllHE*cargo ol the Spanish Mis tin* Caimeu, daily X expected from Barcelona, consisting in part ol the following: 60 casks of Claret 176 oagn soft shelled Almonds 10 half pipes Annisette Biaudy 10 hbls. shelled Almonds 150 boxes Figs 100 kegs Grapes 50 jars do 25 boxes Leiuonv 26 do Vermicelli 10 qr casks Sweet Malaga Wine 10 do do Dry do do 50 kegs Olives 50 jars Sweet Oil And sundry other articles, which will be sold low on the wharf, by dec 14 ESI.AYA, MUKRLLI. & CO. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA.-Tim supetmr pre paration of Sarsaparilla hits gamed a reputa tion unequalled liitliertnhy any other medicine of its class. 'File m.'S. eminent plusufansof the union have given high testimonial* in its favor, and con stantly use it in their practice. For the erne of Scro fula, diseases of the Skin, Eruplione, el*-.. Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Chronic di-eases of the Lung*, to counteract the destructive effi-rts of mercury, Can cerous Affections, and nil diseases arising fiotu an impure stale ol the blood, no other medicine can be given with more advauingeon* results. A fresh supply of the above excellent preparation just received and for vale bv 11AVII.AN D, Cl ARK & CO., dec27c 46 and 47 W ater-street American patent plate~window GLASS—In point of smoothness of surface, weight ofme'al, thickness and strength, ibis Glass ! is much superior to the French «»r any oilier Glass in u*e. Builderj mid others desitous of having splendid Glasses at comparatively low prices are respectfully invited to oil. and examine ibis article. A lull asaortmenl of sizes just received and tor sale dec25 by 1C. DuBOSF. 4 CO., 39 Water st. AI.AMAN DLK SAFES—The subscribe!, agent k^ of the Manufacturers for the sale of the above Fire Proof Saf*s, is prepared to furnish them of any ni<re suitable for offices or steamboats. X^ose wish ing t) purchase, are requested to examine them, with the certificates, from those win* have tested them JOHN PH 11.LI PS, dec25 corner Conti and Water-streets. Fresh drugs—\ou > * m »g at the ri»**<r* Drug iSlort, tin rxttnnve assortment of (Huge and Medicine*, Chemicals, Perfumery, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc , comprising every article in the line that can l*e called for, of the liesl quali ties, and at the lowest prices. Otf » ign of the Blue Mortar. BLAIR & CO., southeast d«cl7 corner ol Dauphin and Water-streets WINES—The subscrilier has teceivcd a con signment from Messrs. Banker A Co. New* York, a choice assortment ol old Madeira Wine iu cases of one dozen each. These w ines arc ottered for sale with a full guareutv of 'heir genuineness aud quality. ROBERT S BUNKER. decl8 corner of Royal and St Francis-streels TO THE PUBLIC—The subscriber would in form his fi ieuds and the public generally, that ha has on k ind and will be constantly receiving from the northern cities, a constant supply of articles hi his line of business, which he offers at low prices. dec!8u w T. WALSH. DrnggDt, »6 Koyal-si N. B.—Prescriptions prepared with care. Fresh garden uvEn-uaiiy expected ship Celia oui customary fall -apply of Fresh Garden ami Field Seeds, embracing a grea variety, which we warrant to lie of the beet quality and of this year’s growth, dec 16 ■ MOSI’I.Y ATUi'Kr.K. Druggists HAY—200 bales best North K ver, landing am for sale very low frein the wharf, 150 bales Eastern Timothy and Clover, in store and fur sale k dec25 C A. GILBERT & BKO., 50Com-s UCQUOT CHAMPAGNE—A fall su^yo this delicious Champagne, iuvt received am dec 18 lor suit by ROBERT 8. BUNKER. . • NEWVO^PACEblS Zv fgNME I'ULf owl \(J VL>SL1.S W Jl.i PUH Ji the trade mi i hereafter rumple .Id. line, »,*. i Shift MaKY hRANt^FS.A Hubbui d, n aster Buk VKR.VMV. 1 . H„kKIH)UM. Hrig SILVIA, VI. Sntiili. uiH.f.r, j lint. LINPF.Vi. F. W Williaiit,. inR.ter . C>ii! iiAUAH BROW N, J. M, iSuitrm, nuuter. ' Brig MOB ILL. Brig VVI .TL VIBKA, J. Fntt W, iim.icr. Brig ALABAMA, Dudley, inaqirr. I he i.b'ive \r-aeln Ir.t ve Ii.ii.cImiuic a#:i oir mode I ion a for pa- in;«r- and will sail punctually as advertis ed. Ail freight consigned to die Agent in Mobile, or io S i I K(d' S hr ( I i.Al(i\lAiN, the Agent* m New \ A, will be forwarded aa directed tree of a charge for coininicfiioii. JOHN C. RYAN, Agent, deetl_ No 18 Si Mi< !<.!•■ I-• i. • * ‘ LAK H EKLY l .< M.'i 1'ur u, Vtmon, ftevport and Grave*' Landing, The Me.nuei LOW*N»»ES, H H. J°!|iiboii muster. 'Jlu* new light iK* ft draught, last running double cngu.e sii an i w ill ii ake we# kly trips Ireiween Mo bile iii;il points above mentioned Hating ilie reason, !* •' «*•« Mobile every ri I EM>4\ , 5 pm. and aiii vingni t.iiivca’ I.miwi icg 'I ] 11 < |.,** 1 >A \ momingv; I '.ivt-s fbttves* I.niul:ne on TI1URSDA VS at 12 M. and Iinive in Mobile early M NDAV morn in^v. !■ or freight 01 passage, having superior ac commodation*, api |j b,iltTlj , r lo < UHPBF 1 1 OH FN K CQ,? 1 mi >b 1 l 1 .1 i\j) ga Ii\l t Yule pat a ft" ft ELIZA —1 lie new and f.iet rnn '"K <*nK»nc sleainboat ELI- # ^A, W H. KgBert* master, will mu dm mg the etiftiieg reason ns a ngolnr wetkly packet, leaving Mobile every 'JT’ESL.AY evening, at 5 o'clock, i .w.. Mud Onii.evvijfe every TULLS DAY.ui 12 o’clock M. ’I he E.b/a was I mil expressly lor this trade, has superior at. nmim Hal u>us, her Indies* Cabin ard Stale Hii«iiih me verv laigp and fitted up with dco ble U,#'.-r# iit!* cxpt#sslv for I;.milieu, and lor comfort and vpot d has no supeiior. Eor height or passage, apply un beard or to >8E8 WARING, Agent. Klhul l.AL W I i iil V RACKET BETWEEN MOBILE AND COLUMBUS. fcr /**■£**'•-*--A* I be tine fast running Steamer £><,1 ^v(iF.\. HARRISON, Jo II. Fsieu, <*3 Matter, w ill run as n packet in the sib-.w Iran ll«* coming reason, commencing her 1 tips will) 1 he. licet rise of water. Leaking Mobile every VV EDN Es I>A \ at 6 o’clock pm , and Co luintaiB evi iy SATURDAY'. For freight or par sage, buying superior ncoomtnodatuinu, apply o« board nr to CAMPBF.uL, OWEN it CO. or 130 Ageutd. I MOBILE, GAINER* ILLK AND WARSAW Regular Weekly Packet. ft J* The new and sjdcndid douh!c-en 4-r /-[-.v15=x. :1f?' **'*,|*m***er» J A M E8 HEY* ITT, Yi.Quat-rier master,will toH int nre her regular trips on the lirsi rile of the water, leaving Miibii.k, every SATURDAY evening ut 6 o’clock, and YV a us aw every MONDAY ut 12 o'clock. For height or pasb.igc, having superior uccomn.o* daiiuns, apply on laiaid or tn CAMPBELL. OYVEN & CO. Agents net21 220tf 75 Comtnerce ami 72 Front streets, KuVcoiTCTvIH(7*7 PLYHOimi AND YVA VERLY. The steamer QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, Cupt.S. S. Maes ie, (hav _n* ing been thoroughly overlianied in tiie ^t Louis Dry Dock and repaired under the di rection of the inspector for Insurance Companies there, and to the snlislurtiun of the offices in this city,) will run regularly in the above trade the pres ent season. Any business confided to this boat will be sit icily attended to. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to nnv2U MOSES WAKING. MOBILE AM) 'MONTGOMERY REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET. nj * The new and splendid double en gitie strainer *AM HALE, F. M. jj^aaMETlir^,4*V & Johnson master,w ill leave forMone gonicy eveiy \\ EDNESDAY at 5 o'clock PM. and arrive Friday morning. Leave Montgomery every FBI DAY at 4 o'clock pm, and arrive in Mobile .Monday morning. Foi freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply on board or tn d*c3 ('YMLBELL. OWEN &VO. Agents. FOR M« >\TG< i.MERY—'Weekly PacEetT" b. ry****-\b% The fi n* passenger steamer NEYV 1./-^ '^7 ^YY~ORLD, J. Bryan muster, will irun as a regular weekly packet ihroitghoui the .season for the above and all interme diate landings 'raving Mobile every SATURDAY eve-i ng at 5 o'clock, and Montgomery every MON DAY morning i.t 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board. oct28 MOBILE ft MONTGOMERY wekki.v paikkt. b- »| • The stentnef MONTGOMERY, **B• Bullard master, will tun during season as 9 regular weekly picket, leaving Mobile every SATURDAY, at 5 o’clock pm., and Montgomery -every MONDAY’, ut 10 o'clock a M. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to oct30 Muses" Waring, Agent. PICKENSVII.LE WEEKLY PACKET, br ^ 'Pile st' iimci CAROLINA, Peter rd d ■ Ca troll master,will tun as a regular fta^rrr. l,iw'k el the ensuing season In-tween Mobile ami Ln Kcusvdie; leaving Mobile every WEDNESDAY evening at 6 o'ulnrk PM. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to oct» M. WARING. FOR'i :olTM BUS aND ABERD EEN.~ The steamer MINERVA, Capt. A Burgess, will run regularly during the season to the aliove and all intermediate ports. For freight or passage applv on bnJiil or t<> ABERT & PRENTICE, * n-v2*i Commerce-iit. v» l.thL 1 l',U hfcj run GAINESVILLE. **k The steamboat NEW KKA, J . W kyl*** hipster, will ply during the /ire. wuShUa£U. *nt reason,as n regular weekly park, i »*l between Mobile mid Gainesville, leaving Mobile •■very SATL RDAY EVENING, nt 5 AVIock. I •. bl ight or patsaye, having 9U|»M ioi'accommo dation-, aj>pl\ on iioard or to tm%» MOSES WARING, Ay nt. S8 From-m. MRS. GEORGES BOARDING AND DAY j -SCHOOL, (Vo. 88 GovcrumrtU «/rrci.— Hr*. G. : «dl lesmue the duties ot her school on the 1*1 of I Noveinlier rmxt. The course of ibairuction embrace* 1 all the hrnticlicB of the Eugli-li and Freuch langua ges, proper fur a female education. Term* ol iunion—j>o. Sb and £7 per mouth. Board and ttiiuoa—*20 and *25 per month. Parents to fiirnieli Bed, Bedding, Towel* and Napkin King Mimic rtanged separately. octlb 2lStf SCHOOL NOTICE—Notice is hereby given that the School Committee of the Ho-«rd of School Commissi an n* will receive application for the ad mission of 15 poor scholars, to the school kept by Mr. Selim lei Clarke in the Barton Accademy Pa rents and guardian* desirous to avail themselves of thin notice, %vill be pleased to die their application in writing with the imdei signed, on or lie fore the third day of jitnuarv next. dec4U2 JOS W. I.ESESNE, Chairman. 1AVV No PICE—John T. Tailor rtr»«T~E. D. J Boli.'TK have funned ti pminerJiip in the Piiiclice oft lie Law under the name and style of 'Pa ¥ lor & Bui lock. They will practice in all the Court* of Mobile county, and will attend regularly the Circuit and County Court- of Walking urn, Clarke, Monroe, Coue-mli mid Baldwin. Other—On «:»**t side of Royal street, four door* north of Dauphin street. * dec6 OKniu Law NOTICl.—J*bat \\ ooDWARosad Tho. mas Woodward have associated in the prac tice of the l aw, and w ill practice in the Courts of Law and Equity in the -folio wing counties, vix: — Macon, Russell, Lafayette, Rand nlpli, Ta!lap<> .-a, Benton and Talladega ; also, in the supreme Court at Tuscaloosa. QtJ-OUicH at Talladega, Ala. dec9sy Law noth e—j. w. lesesnb tMlwnf lire I.ah in the count ies of Mobile, Baldwin, Washington, Clarke and Munrue, aad attena reflu arly the sessions of the Circuit Court* held in those counties. \ Messrs. Campbell and Chanih.i:k will attend to the issuing of writ* lor me during my presett’ ab sence on the Circuit. -mw 229+tl J. W. LF.SE5NE. Cl ■JpAiiG — B V\ . MILLER tespecially lender*his thunks in his patrons him! cnstomeis f«j the pa tronnge hitherto bellowed on himsei!, as well as the late linn ofW’M. Pool & Co., and be would hereby inform them that lie has removedRo the store o* Mr. DANIEL TILLOTSON, uud wouh solicit for him the lame patronage. ilrcfl Uf HITE LEAD—The undersigned will be con stantly tapplied with the above, from (he well . known mnnufantory ol Messrs. A. 8. & E. Roberts fc Co., Philadelphia, which they offer lew to tho trade lor cash ur on tin*. nm2:i JAMES SANDS & CO. Bagging .mdiOPE— ?. 350 pieces Hn*giug, in 100 and 58*d. pieces 250 coils dope, of die well ktywn Maysvdla hi mi l, landing t" in sir ‘i n Fashion avid Crania