OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque daily citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1895-1903, April 12, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020613/1898-04-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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"T t CnK,ett
JOB Pni5T15G f I! 1
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f I all fa earn 4 atoana
r hnaAm mnif Son
Committees of Congress Debating
War Resolutions
Washington, iprtl It Tns anat
eommltto on foreign relation rmatuod
IU IUIdk tbtt mornlnf , ail th mmtr
bvlDf prmot tioopt Daniel. Tb ernn
mitt Immediately took op tb task of
formnlalliif a relation dtOoIng IU IdM
ot tb mar to b paraaod to tb present
eompllratloo with Spain, lfaojr minor
difference developed, bat not of neb a
character m to dispel tb bop of weor
iuf a Anal agreement.
Tb eommltt la bopafol at being
able to report to day, bat tba report may
be delayed as at to afford an opportunity
to bear Lea.
lodtcatlona at the beginning of to
day eeaelon were tbat tber would be a
return to oompromlee propoeltloo mad
prior to the receipt of th meaaag. All
tba republican members of tbuaiuillt
eieeptForakraraatdto be willing to
report on thee line. It la believed tor
th aka of party harmony, tbat
ba may be Induced to Join bta col
league. Ttala eompromla Involved th
llmlnatlon of th eeond of hi
declaration recognising th "republic of
Cuba a th trn and lawful government
of that Uland," and th retention of bl
flint promt declaring that th people of
Cab "of right ought to ba fr and In
dependent" If tha majority agre ppon the com
promise br outlined, tber probably
will b a minority report providing for
th recognition of th prnt Cuban
government, whlcb will ba mad by the
democratic member, wltb th probable
exception of Gray.
Th commute adjourned until 130 to
hear Contul General Lee. A formal rot
wa not takan, but tha commute knew
what it report would b when It ad
journed at noon. Tba best Information
obtainable la that It will be a declaration
for Immediate Intervention by th UnlUd
State, and that no action on tha part of
Spain kbortof vaeuatlon ot th Uland by
th Spanish for o wiU aatUty tbU coun
try. Unless tb commute change ltd
eUlon, th following, In addition to pr
aubl. are the resolution whlcb will b
- tvported by th committee:
First That tba people of Cuba ar and
of right ought to b fr. and Indepen
dent. Second That tb war whlcb Spain la
waging agalnet Cuba I ao destructive of
tb commercial and property Inter
est ot tba United State, and ao eraal,
barbarooa and inhuman In character
aa to make It th duty ot tb Cnlted
Bute to demand, and th government of
th CnlteBUte hereby dot demand,
that ib at anc withdraw bar land and
naval force tom Cuba and Cuban water.
Third Tbat tba president b and b
U hereby authorised, empowered aud di
rected to use, If necessary, tba ntlr
land and naval force ot tba United Bute
to carry these resolution Into effect
Haas faralca SWIatlaaa CmIUm Ot
vtdt IpHM QHMtlOt,
Washington, April 12 Tb republi
cans of th bona foreign affair commit
tee are unabl to agree. No resolution U
likely to-day.
It being apparent after tb committee
had been In session bait an hour tbat no
action could b agreed upon, tba demo
crats with Mr. Newlanda, sliver republi
can, withdrew toglv th republicans an
other opportunity of uniting. Tha agree
ment when th committee separated wa
that they should com together again at
11:45. There U a good deal ot Ulk of tb
republican meeting In caucus, deter
mining tha nature of th resolution up
on which they shall voU and Instructing
their members of tb commute on for
eign flairs to report such a resolution.
The republican of tb bona who bar
Joined In a movement for aggreesiv ac
tion met In the hall of tb old library of
eon great at 1 1 JO to-day.
Uul.l M Madrid.
Madrid. April IX CompleU tranquil
ity prevails here. There were patriotic
demonstrations yesterday evening at Va
lencia aud Barcelona, bnt no dis
turbances. CONSUL LIC
H. Waal, a Ooaa Crw BVabla Blai
Balara la Emu..
Emporia, Va, April 12.-Gsneral Le
arose her at 8 o'clock. Be said: "I feel
like a different man. If I only bad a good
crowd behind m I could turn back tor
HU special train U expected to reaob
Washington at I o'clock tbU afternoon.
Taaacaa Truak.
8t LouU. Mo., April 18. It U reported
that a deal ba beeu consummated where
by th Drummond Tobacco company, of
tbl city, aald to b th largest plug to
Money to Burn.
Do yon want a new Watch? Unless you bav money to burn write us for
on. W are selling Hamilton Watchea, 17 Jewele. at U2.50.
Elg'n Watehae, 31 Jawele, at $28.00. Thee ar tb very best
Railroad Watchoa mad. Tbey are adjusted and rated tn three posi
tions, and wt wlU refund your money U they fall to pass Inspection.
ZE3 ST IES ESS 31 m? I2F
Landing Jawaler, R. R. At.. Albuquarqua. N. M.
Watch Inspector for SanU F Ballroad. W mak a specialty of Watch for Ball
road Barrio.
Against Spain.
bacco mannfaoturtng concern In tb
world, hss passed Into th control of tb
American Tobacco Company.
paalah are rUaaaaU
Havana, April )!. Tn newsDanera re.
gard McKlnley'a message a favorabU to
lb continuance of BpaoUu aorcretgnty
In Cuba. They aay tbat suspension of
bostllltle rs moras all pretext for Inter
vention by the Cnlted Bute.
Jfatklag rrtm Waaft.
Washington, April 12 BeereUrv Lona
eald that no movement of th fleet wa In
eontempUtlon and nothing bad been re
ceived from Minister Wood fori -
sr-Aut is aaTissiiD.
Tha OeaBtry Coaad.at f Sfalatalalaa
ha rta mm Cab.
New York, April 12. From mtnUUrt
downward, wltb few axoeptlona, the
Spaniard ar convinced that tba main
tenance of 8 panlsh sovereignty In Cuba
la assured now, say a Madrid correspond
ent of th World. They believe that the
cessation of bostllltle must necessarily
lead, through the assistance of Xuropean
power to a aettlement aatlnfactorv to
tbelr bonor and dignity, which mean
tb retention of Cub and Porto Blco,
wa aari-BLicAM.
Tke Damaa That Cab Shall Ba tr
a4 Iaaadaat.
Washington, April IX Th steering
commute of th bona republican has
authorised a canvas of th hone on a
resolution drafted by Representative Wil
liam A. Smith, of Michigan, a follow:
'Reolvd. That th war now existing
between Spain and Cuba baa been con
ducted by Spain In flagrant violation of
tha law ot elvlllaed warfar to snob an
eitent as to shock tba moral asns of th
nation of tb world, and to creaU a con
dition which. In th language of th
president ha be com Insufferable' by the
United Bute; tbat all diplomatic
efforU to terminate thl condition
have failed; tbat tb people of th Uland
ot Cuba ar and ot right ought to ba tre
and Independent and that tba president
b and ba U hereby empowered and di
rected to forthwith terminate bostllltle
1p Cuba aud Insure to tb people of tbat
Island a tlabl and Independent republi
can government; and tbat ha b and I
hereby anthorlted aud directed to us th
Und and naval force ot th United HUte
for th purpose of carrying thl joint res
olution Into effect"
Tb resolution eeemed fully accrpUble
generally to tb republican member of
th commute, but when submitted to
Senator DavU of tba foreign relation
committee of tha atnate b pointed out
tbat congress bad no power to delegate
to tb president authority to "secure to
tha people of Cuba a atabl and Inde
pendent and republican government."
It wa agreed to change the latter por
tion of tba resolution Into a declar
ation that such a form of govern
ment should xUt In th Uland.
Oeasal Lee Mty Tall Haw ike Mala Was
fllam-a Ca.
New York, April 12. A dispatch to the
World from Washington says: Th sen
sation of tha week may follow Lee' ap
pearance before th senate foreign rela
tions committee on Wednesday or Thurs
day. There U an extremely Interesting
but anvenned story In beat Informed dr
cle her tbat Lee baa been able to trace
th sbor and harbor batterlea wblcb oon
trolled th 600-pound sub marine mine
planted by tb SpanUb government under
tb Maine.
aoaii on ait.
Baaakllsaa. Leave the Pra.ld.al sad Will
fa. or War.
Washington. April 12. Tb republi
can of tb bona foreign affairs com
mute and tb steering commute ot tb
bone republican have decided on a res
olution for Immediate Intervention
backed by tba army and navy.
Va.or ladapeadaaee far Cab.
Washington, April IX Th damocraU
of tba bona foreign affair committee
have agreed on a resolution tor Indepen
dence ot Cuba and Immediate armed In
tervention. Tb republican ar divided
tllL No report to-day. Tb eommttte
took a reoes till I p. m.
lkbj AT W ASH 1 BOTOX.
laaauaae Crawd Oraat the Oallaal Cool a)
eaeral at tha Capital.
Washington. April IX Le arrived at
2:80 p. m and waa driven to tba sute
department Tba enthusiasm through
out tba building wa tremendous.
Le remained in th building only a
few minute, quickly departing, accom
panied by Seoretery Sherman and Assist-
ant SecrUry Day, for th White nous.
Th sUts department telephoned to th
senate to arrange for Lee's appearance
before tb foreign relations committee.
Th ovation was repeated a Le went
over from tb (tat department to the
Whit House.
At the railroad station tb crowd waa
Immense end exceedingly enthusiastic.
Cablaat .tine,
Washington, April IX Th cabinet
meeting to day was nnlmporUnt Nsarly
tba ntlr session waa consumed In con
versation concerning tba reception of
tb president' message. It U sUted tbat
IU receptino generally throughout tb
country I very satisfactory.
era ax kssoictioms.
earal aaatar latradaee Kaaotatlaa.
Dauadla( lad.aaadaaaeaf tha I.laad.
Washington, April IX In tb senate,
Llnir, of Kentucky, started th Cuban
resolution with oue declaring that the
United Bute should eo operate wltb Gen.
Gomec In any military operation In
Wilson (Washington) followed with a
declaration anthorlilng th president to
use th army and navy to end bostllltle
and secure a republican government lo
Then earn Allen (Neb.) with another,
declaring a sUt of war to exist between
Spain aud tha United States, and recog
nising tha Independence of tb republic
of Cuba.
Psttns (Alabama; tuad a legal arga
ment regarding th authority to daclar
and prosecute war.
Then Mason (Illinois) mad a speech
In favor of war and recognition of th
Insurgent government of Cuba.
Caeaal to Caaa Qlrea a Araad Waktoaia
at ai.hBMiad.
Richmond. Va., April IX Consul Gen
ral FlUbugb Le arrived bar at 11
o'clock, and th train remained about teo
minute. Tber were at least 10,000 peo
ple at th depot Including th governor
and Uff and the Richmond Light Infan
try Blue. Th governor welcomed the
consul general, who mad a brief
peeoh. He ald the time for Ulk wa
over, and tba time for action had coma.
Ceas;raM will Dadaabtadlr Daalare War
Agala.l Spala Ta-Morraw.
Washington, April 12 The house reso
lution will provide for Immediate Inter
vention, backed by the full army and navy
forces, to aecur the formation of a free
and independent form ot government In
An agreement wa reached at first on
tha resolution reading for "fre govern-
meuCbut Representative H'llllani Alden
Smith held out for tb addition, "and in
dependent" to which the republican ma
jority Anally agreed.
Uulat la tha Haaaa.
Washington. April IX Th hone was
very quiet to-day, and after a brief refer
ence to Cuba by KepreeenUtiv Bailey,
of Texas, considered tba District of
Columbia bill.
Washington, April IX-Mlsa Emma A.
Teller, daughter ot Senator Teller, aud
George K. Tyler, of Denver, Colo., were
married to-day at the residence ot Sen
ator and Mrs. Teller.
Thraa Coavlow Du( Oat of tha Arlioaa
Yuma, Arli, April IX Three prison
ers escaped from the territorial prison
aud appear to have made good their
flight One U a 20 year man. Frank Ar-
nett, leader lu the robbery of a Southern
Pacific train near Maricopa four yeare
ago. He barely escaped the death pen
aiiyoouiai. six monina ago ba wa
discovered In a tuouel he bad dug nearly
to the outer walls of the prison and bad
since oeen unner Close watcn. Tha sec
ond was William Arnett sent In 1HV6
from FlagHtsff for murder, wltb a Itfs
sentence. The third was Charted Smith,
a three-year felon, whose term had near
ly expired. A score of Indian trailers
are among the pursuer.
Sllrar aad I n.
New fork, April 12. Silver, 65V;
Lead, 3 60.
New York, April IX Copper, HVc
brnwaad la a Hog.
Last Saturday night near Colmor, ten
miles south of Springer, a man acoom
panlog a herd ot cattle to Texas, was
drowned while assisting three steer out
ot a bog lu which waa twenty iuchu of
water. Sunday morning he waa missed,
aud in looking rouud bl companlou
found him lu the water, dead. HI nam
Could not be learned.
It U stated authorlutlvely that W. K.
Harper, the general southwestern ageut
of the Mutual Life Insurance company,
ba left the city for good, and will con
nect himself agalu with the company In
the eat Mrs. Harper I still here, but
will probably go to New York In a few
day. Tha. office of the company here 1
now In charge of W. L. Hathaway, th
uperinteudeut ot agenciea.
Charles H. Fowler, special guard of tha
Wells, Fargo Express c impauy, returned
from th west last night, after a twelv
days' pursuit of the Graut's train rob
bers. "For th tluis beiiig," said Mr.
Fowler, "the baudlte have left tlieoountry
west of this city, aud I think the rail
road will have no trouble from this gang
for some time to come."
W. N. i'arkhurst, the general mausgnr
of New Mexico aud Arixioa of the Kcjul
Uble Life AiMur&uc society, ba re
turned to th city from a very successful
trip to tha northern town.
This week's special sals at Golden Rule
Dry Goods company Is silks, drees goods,
embroideries, Oxford shoes and percales.
The Quest Hue of "Monarch" aad high
grade faucy colored shlrU In tha city.
Our price, (1 and 11.26. IlMd Brut.
Infantry Regiments to bs Con
ceotratcd at Cbickamanga.
Cubai Iainrrent Prepirlof U an
tack Spanish li Hmiia.
' a.
Tb Pruldtnt Will Mak a Pinal Attempt
I Sccart Pic.
tiiu.ni n rmiTTmi ulaics. -
New lork, April 18 A special to tha
Herald from Washington aaya: Bboold
tha reeommendatlona ot Major General
Miles be approved by Secretary Alger,
all tha Uuitvd State Infantry east of
th Rocky mountain will b massed at
Cblckamauga national park before the
eud ot thU week.
General Mile and all th army officers
regard tha situation aa serious In th
xtrm and war Imminent.
t-LAN or tnk raasiDBNT.
Ha Will Mahe a riaal Oaataad aa Bpala
Italora rraaaadlag to War.
New lork, April IX A special to the
Herald from Washington says: Should
the president ba elothed wltb authority
to us th mlllUry and naval forces tc
Intervene solely for th purpose of eUb
llsblng pc and order la Cuba, he will
deliver an ultimatum to Spain before
making a naval demonstration, In tb
hop tbat Spain may at tba last moment
consent to th concession ot tb Inde
pendence of the Island, upon indemnity,
or om other basis, wblcb may ba satis
factory to all parties Involved.
A (Ignlfloanl sign of peee U tbat dip
lomatic relation between th United
CUte and Spain bava not been evered.
Oaaarala' Uarela aad Onmaa aald to ha
arahlag Toward Havaaa.
Jacksonville. Fla. Amil lX-Ths Cu
ban Junta baa received an Important let
ter from General Gomea via Key West.
While th conUnU bav been anardsd
carefully, yet It U ascertained that It
bring new that Gomea U preparing to
co-operate with tba Untied SUtea force
In cas of war In an atuck upon Havana.
Calixto Garcia and Gome with 18.000
troop ar marching westward toward
Havana. Tb InsurgeuU ara recruiting
In all sections. Go met promise to bav
46.000 to 80.000 troops behind Havana to
aid In reducing It
Chl.ase Mtaaa mmkt.
Chicago, April IX Cattle heeelnU
X0U0; market steady.
Beeves tiJO&a&.lil: COWS and heifers.
1X2604.60; Texas teera, 13.60(24.00;
stocker and feeders, $3.70(24.65.
Sheep Receipts, 9,0(0; market fteady.
Native. I3.n0c44.60: westerns. 3 .fffl.4
4.76; Uuiba.fl.DiM6.0O
K.ballloa la tha fhllipplas I.laad..
Madrid. April 12. Advices from the
Philippine islands report that tha rebel
lion there U luoreaslug. Ten thousand
rebels ara under arms.
B.lBf CUwalr Pnraaad b South. ra I's-
elB. Oataotl.aa.
Gernnlmo, Aril., April X Bronco Bill
and bis band of outlaws ar believed to
have been ree)onslbl for th Ute hold
up on th SanU F Paclllo near Grants
stutlon and ar being chased from thts
point. Detective Thin ker, ot Wells, Fargo
& Co.; J. D. Milton, or the Southern Pa
cific detectives and five others ar uow In
th bills, with the expectation of run
ning on the fugitive near American
valley. Several posse are In pursuit
from th north and th officer believe the
robbers will be surrounded In few days.
Ranu. t-'Hy Marhat.
Kansas City. April IX Cattle Re
ceipts, 8,000. Best grade ateady, others
Texas steers. 13.2664 66; Texaa cows,
3 0Oi,44.06; native steers, Il.OtVJS 20;
oallva cow aud belfera, t3.7oa4.SO;
4 lockers and feeders, 135J5.B3; bulls,
Sheep ReoeipU, 4.000; market steady.
Lamba, 4.W)8.60; mutton. 3.76a
4 66.
Chlaaaa tiraia Marhat.
Chicago, April li -Wheat Mav. (1 07:
July. 86Sft8oio. Corn April. !Hc:
July 30J,e31c Oats April, 2oVc;
July, aac
Stoa.r Mmrumu
NewTork, April IX Money on call,
firm at 8 per oeut Prime mercantile
paper 609.
Iblaamaa Shol.
Last Sunday afternoon about 2:30
o'clock, a Chinaman cook at the section
bone. Yucca, waa shot and badly
wounded by one George Thomas. Th
section men had gone oot ou the road
in th morning aud took with them
For Every Foot
t , ; ....
aaaana-ai Si i n. I
nuLititxiijia aaon raa avxaxaxs..
Eloutli Booond Stroot
their lunches. About t o'clock Harvey
Karly, Motion foreman, and George
Thomas, on of th suit lores, returned
and a-ked tb cook to get them ro
dinner. Tbe cook refuted and th two
men proceeded to giv blin a beatlug.
Flnaliy Ihe rook secured a carving knife
nd ran th man from tb boo. Karly
and Tlomai went lo their bunkhou,
secured a revolver and returned to th
ookbons and Immediately opened fir
on th Chinaman. Th lint snot struck
tb ec"k In th finger and another (truck
him In th Jaw, pasting Into tb mouth
making tn ugly wound. Tb Injured
maa was brought to Kingman, and U
getting along fairly well. Tha two men
were arrested by Deputle Coheuoor and
Harrta, of th sheriff's offle aad bmogbt
to Kingman. Thursday th grand liu
Indirt -d Thomas and Karly on a ehargt
or asssnu lo.murder. Kingman Miner.
Tha toiall Slot, af Oarsnara Bra. , aa
Third atrsat, Vlctlralird.
Lt nlaht. between 10 o'clock and thla
morslng. th store et Garironra Rma . in
h Albright building on north Third
.ireev wa enierea ay a thler or thieve,
tod on of th proprietor Inform thl
paper that between 1160 and 117S worth
of Jewelry, tnrquola (tones and silk
Handkerchief wer nolen.
On Snndav nlaht th rnar dmr af the
.tor was tempered with and soma of tha
putty removed from around tb pan of
giae. Th intruder wer nndoubtedlv
oared away, as they did not ntr tb
ttor mat night
Last night however, tbev acoomnllshed
thtr design, by removing om mor
putty aud then breaking tba pane ot
glad la two. On aettlna Inalda. thai
scaled th wooden partition between th
tor proper and th small rear room, and
neipea themselves, leaving thtorbT
th way they antered.
On of th proprietor U certain that
tb thieve wer familiar with tha iters
aud th location ot th goods, for tbey ex
perienced no trouble whatever in finding
where th best articles war kept.
Tb pollc bay been notified, and they
ar working on evral clue.
Aa Old Tataraa ar tha Mary a Raata to
Jobit M. Leader, aa aged naval fighter,
Is In the city, arriving last night from
tb Soldiers' bom near SanU Monica,
Mr, Leader U about 64 year of ago,
and In answer to a letter from SecreUry
of th Nrvy Long and John AddUon Por
ter, prlvt aecreUry ot President Me-
aiuiey, he U now on bia way to Washing
tou to agalu enter th navy aa an anal
nsor or quartermaster on on of th big
battleship, aud, to a Citiexn representa
tive thl morning, thla old veteran stated
that he would prove a good a fighter aa
h did wltb Farragut when tba ship Va
runa waa rammed and suuk near Fort
Jackson, below New Orleans, during th
civil war.
"W hen thl great atilfa between Amer
icana waa Ucled." aald Mr. Leader "I
quit the employ of th navy, and slue
aiay i, ihuu, bav been off and on an in
mate ot tha Santa Monica noma for ni
Mr. Leader will remain her nutll th
train with Midler from Fort Apaobe
rescues tba olty eometlin to night or to
morrow and continue east with tbsm.
Away rraat Halo a Ha fur. Th.y
Oal Ma.h.
Tha Raton poatoffic waa roblted last
Saturday night. Kutrano waa effected
from the rear. Tweuty-slght dollar lu
cash aud a number of Ump were Uken
from th money drawer. It Uavldeut
that tba thieve wer scared off lu tb
midst of their operations, aa thsy could
have secured ten or tweuty time th
amouut taken.
Ja.a Lajaa aiabfcad aad K Iliad.
Juan Lujan was stabbed and killed bv
Jos Rodrlgue In a drunken quarrel
near Clifton. Arlxona. Tha murderer ea-
enped and I believed to have fled to Max-
loo, Lujan waa born in New Mexico,
aud baa relative tn Bernalillo county.
O. A. B,
Kegntar meeting this. Tuesday, even-
lug at 7 o'clock. J. M. Moobi, P. C.
Lktihitt 1L Clabki, Adjt
Far K.ac
A three. rnfini rnrtilMhoil hnnu f.. ,.nh
aleo a houHe of four rooms and bath. J.'
SI. Moore, Uraot building.
The Catholic Klrnils was well attended
last night, and th various booths, wher
many nice thing ar ou sale, wer liber
ally patronized. This paper ba already
published th name of thos In ehargt
of the booth, and they ar working nice
ly together to mak th Klrml a big ue-
ees financially.
Wanted A dUhwasher Immediately at
Mrs. Bummell's dlulng parlor on west
Gold aveuue.
W. T. Harward, tha old mluer, U re
ported to be serlouuly 111.
There l the right (hoc. Your (hoe la
here. We make a point of fitting people.
Any one can sell (hoc ONCE. We U
thoct over and over to the tame people.
Steady trade is the tut of a (hoe store.
We have lots of such advertisements
walking around townthey walk a gocd
deaU the shoes feel so easy, and look
swell. Among the stylish shapes popular
this season are the Pingree St Smith styles
for Man, Woman and Child. These
shoes arc right or your money h:lu We
can please you.
rauKcrs. attktiuj.
Mall Ordera Given
Careful Attention
and Promptly Filled
We Are
To show you the finest, best selected, highest quality, most
stylish and lowest priced line of Dresa Goods, Ladies' and
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Clothing and House Furnish
ing Goods over shown in this city. Call and be convinced.
Now ia the time to buv UnHorrar W.
can show you a full line cf Knit Underwear in
Cotton, Lisle and Silk; long and short ileevei, all
(tylei snd qualities from 40c to $1.7$.
The Int. at VOCU in Paraanla
p H. ML ,wmu4 m w
the L!ii7 S ore. The new OanmakU
Scotch Tlaida, Chiffon trimmed,
auu coiors, 100 numerous to mention.
ana. window DISPLAY.
lust received a new lot nf
uu aiaia. i nc rreuiesi pattern yet ahown;
also beautiful line of Orpaodiea, Mull Dimitiea.
r . ir. r t. 1 1 . .. '
uanua, uik. una lu 10 tct mese.
On and after May 1, 1898, we shall discontinue giving Tickets for
will nlaa.a rail 1. 1 .1 . - - .1 .
7- " wiiai uiey waoi so mat we can oraer rremiuma. rarties
who desire to take advantage of our present plan of giving tickets with
cash purchases will have until May i to do so. '
A word to the wise is sufficient
Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Furniture,
Carpets, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps.
Iron Pipes and Fittings.
Largest Stock of Brass
Goods in Now Mexico.
Minor's and Engineers' Supplies.
Bazaar Patterns.
All PattsnM 10c aa4 1 5c
Last week we had a sale on Cotton Goods and same proved a big
success. This week we will give you special in the following: ;
03 dozen Lad leu' Ribbed Veats, Nicely Tuped Special 5c Each.
During our big sale of last week we have accumulated a big lot of remnants consisting of all
kinds of Cotton Goods, Table Linens, Slightly Soiled Towels from being on display, etc., will be
sold at greatly reduced prices.
miTTi 11
rtnt Ka lnxn1 ..
in white, black
Madras Plnik 1
...Special Notice...
204 Railroad Avnu, Albuquerque,
Special on Summer Corsets
Boo Window Display.
No. 15a Summer Corset. 5 hook, regular 50c value, only 390
No. 156 Summer Corset, 5 or 6 hook, made with fine netting, only. flOo
No. 317 Summer Corset, 4 or 5 hook, made of imported netting, only.f 1.25
No. 667 Summer Corset, 4 or 5 hook, made of imported Batiste. . . 1.25
A new Summer Bicycle waist, made by Ferris Bros., the newest
corset out for summer bicycling and athletic sports 1,25
An Odd Lot of Corsets By Odd Lots we mean a few of various
styles of which we only have a few numbers; all colors, white, drab
and black, corsets worth from $1.00 to $3.00 in the lot. If we have your
site take 'em for 75 CenU
Babies' Hoods and Bonnets from 15o earh up.
Babies' silk, henrietta and cashmere jackets from 50o uj
Babies' long white dresses aud christening robes fron
2 So up.
Babies' short white dresses from 25c and up.
Babies' Lawn Guimps from 50e and up.
Agent, for Itattor
Ick'a 'at terns and
Dr. Jaeger' TJn
Tha finest line of Men'a Dresa and Negligee
Colored Shirts in the city. Soedal sale thi week
of stiff and soft bosom colored shirt that clothing
stores t(k $1.7$ for. Our prires will be $ l.OO.
Have you seen our new line of Shirt Waists?
If you have not you've missed a treat; they are
perfect dreams. Rare values this week. Shirt
Waists from 40o up
Don't forget that we are headquarter tor
Carpets, Curtains, Rugs, Drapery Silk and
everything pertaining to this line. Our prices
are always the lowest.
- Premiums. Those having ticket
1 . .
Filled Same
Day as Received.
N. M.

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