OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque daily citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1895-1903, July 25, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020613/1898-07-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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HWJmuUaHJJ !1U' !lJllL!UHiMl.lfl"li.l.l.lWWft""F
I due not only to the originality and
implicit; of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it U
manufactured by scientific proccssca
known to the California Fio Brnrr
Co. only, and we wish to Impreaa upon
all the Importance of purrhaslna; the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Pyrnp of Kirra Is itiantifactrtrecl
by the CAt.iroH!iiA Kin Htrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
aaniat one in avoiding the worthiest
imitat ions manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fin Htkvp Co. with the mell
cal profession, and the sntlxfsctioo
which the genuine Syrvp of Figs has
friren to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It U
far In advance of all other laxatives,
as It acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
AM rKANl'ISOa, Cat,
MirtsTiM.r, tT xrw touk.
Tirnl f anbaerlptloa.
flslly, by mill, one year
isily, by mntl, eti mnntha ...
pally, by mail, three mnntha
Daily, by -mail, one month
Pally, by carrier, one month
Weekle. bv mall. Drr vear
. 00
,. 00
,. 1 tvo
,. AO
I 00
Tub Daii.v Citizkn will be delivered In
the rliy al Die low rate trl SO centa per week,
or lor 76 centa per month, when paid monthly.
Theee rate are ieaa than those ot any other
oaliy paper lo the territory.
A DVKKT1SINU KATK9 made known 00
iw. application at the office ot publication
THK CIT17.KN fob office la one of the beat
In the aouthweat, and all klnda ol ob print
n la eaecutrd with neatness and at lowest
THK BINPKRY, Inst added, la enmptets
and well tilted to do any kind of binding.
THK C1TIZKN will be handled at the office
ritiherrlptlona will be collected by H. II
Tilton, or can be paid at the orHce.
XT OTIC K la herebv alven that orders slven
by employes upon Thb Citizss will not
b (honored uuleaa pravloualy endorsed by th
THK CITI7.KN la on aala at the foil owl n
plaree In the city I 8. K. Newcomer, 813
Kallroad avenue; ilawley'a Newa Depot, Month
Hecnnd street; O. A. Malaon Cue, No. Hue
Kallmad avenue, and Harvey's Rating llouae
st the depot.
THK KKKK LIST The free Hat of Tag
( itiisn embraces Nottcea of Hlrtha, Mat
rinses, eunerale, I eathe. Church Hervlceaand
Antertalntnentswhere noartmissinn lernarged,
hdltoraand Publiahere.
Ths moat fascinating Invert,
, tlon ol tlie age. Always reany
to entertain. It reiiulrea no
i akin lnoiHrst It sod repro
duce ins nnisie tl isumi., nr.
KhMtnu. vneallita or Initru-
menial eniouia. m iners is
nnthins Ilka U for sn even-
Ine'a entertainment st homo or In the social gnth
erlnr. You can sing or talk lo It and It will
rcprodnrs Immediately snd si often ss desired.
only records of cut snd dried iul.Jwts, aia-elally
tuner po-cnnco lauauin huh .,-,-...
Jrcsm-1 111 s lanorautrT ; euv ine iitoimkh-m,.,., m
v : but the (nti.notiion
Hot limited toaueh rfnrmsnees. on l neural"
hnne) mi cun easily makeand Instantly reprodi
recordanl the voice, or any sound. Thus It o
fnrmaneee. On iheUrsprufc
nv aouml. Ihiialteon-
liintly nwakenaiicw tnteraat snd luielmrm Ucver
Ire.Il. '1 lie reproductions ere cieor auu unman..
flrnnfinnnnnnn nr finTrl fnr!ftn4
eidUHUUHUHoaaiGouiii iuiTiu up
Hiinnfftiir, irtuVr th patent of Tnlntr,
FHlsv-ti mxl Jlni'itititili. 4 Mir rpiMlilial.nierit tl It
jMMi-trr f Iht rl fr lulkinu ftiatjitrtr
'JsUkii.ki Aisultiuc Hui.ilK-a. Writ t or cAUal.tgu.
720-722 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Nsw Yomk
ST. l.ouis,
Pahs, Chicaoo,
Washington, Hi'FrAio
TUmn PtmpTi-j, frwfwit
i aBVI
nr hM
i, furiry IheHlnod.
tMtlrhsUtd lkpwpsip
tl. ThI B.ltbOT CTtn Dofni'l.n. l'l.Mia.
vtaea fa, will mail aaapl. fr-, r foil bnl t9
iss, sWld Uj Ss. sWWISKO GO. rkMa. Pa.
SI'AIN" In. Iiidins battles on sea and
land. Colitaltla all about attniea, navlea, forts
and watahlpa of both nation, and arnhhl
atoty of the Kteat victory of the gallant f)eey
tella evervtlilna atniul Sampaoii. Schley. Kits
hnsh Lee and leading coniniandera. by Hon
Jiimea Kankin Ynunif. the InlteDld leader fol
Cnha libra In the fialla of Coutfrcae. 1'he
freateat war bHik puuli.hed: 6U0 latwe page
oo aiH'etb illu.tfHtutna. many In rich coloi
I Ihs latue colored mapa. hiugeat book, high
eat coniintaslona. loseat puce; ouly $1.76.
Kach auhwrilter receives grand tl premium
Itee. Ifeuiand enormoua; harveat liw agents
U0 days' credit; freight paid; oiittlt free, w rite
to-day. Atlilteaa I he National hook Concern,
lep t. 15, ttob llesrborn street, Chicago.
iieuuly Is Illood lleep.
C li in 1 limd menus s rlenn akin. N
leiiuty tviuiotit it. t'utcurcta, I unity t'atlm
lie l ledll your blood Ulul keep It cleilll, I
atiiriiig up the l,i liter ami driving all in
purities lioiii the hotly. Jlegm tu-ihiv t
ImiiihIi iiiulea, lioiU, I, I, ,( !,,, Iilni klieaila.
nn i iimi an kiy tiinoiia coniplcMon livlakim
i amareia, l.enuty for ten centa. All dru..
giaia, sttiuuaciioii guarsntceti, iuc, X',dfc,
Kstas to Umsha,
The round trip, good for thirty day,
cohIh (4H.70. Tlie round trio good to re
turn until November 15 cohIh (. Kor
further particulars Inquire at the ticket
Ollll'e. VV. o. 1KLLL, AgeUl,
i.verrtMHly Ssys So.
CiKcure'a ( sn.lv CaUiHrtic, the mntt woo
derlul meilli'ul (Imcov el'V of the site, pleas.
snt and reti-caliing to the tsale, set gently
ttiul poai Lively oh kiiluets, llvel and liowels,
cleRuairih? the entire avalem, dlail colda,
cure hea'tuulie, fever, habitual conatipstlon
snd biliouatieaa. Plesse buy snd try a box
of (.'. V. i). Ue.lav; 10, Ml cents, buld
gusruuUx d lo cum by sll druggists.
l'sy Your Toll Tss.
All psrtleH who have uot paid their
poll tux for 1 HI'S pleaxe rail and settle
fur name at llawley'son the Corner, and
save expedite of huh.
Koy McDonald, Clerk.
fry ssiUlar Bast task as4 ksldBa
Mo-To-ttse for rirty tests.
GusratiteMl iolMUHX) bsoit cure, tnskea weak
luao atroug, biuud purs. sue. II. Ad druggist
ttariuaa and gpsniah.
Kor lerMous to tliHHe lauguagrg
at 10H south Third street.
You may hunt the world over sail yon
will uot uud another medicine eiiual to
Chamberlaiu'e Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Ueuiedy fur bowel complainU. It
U pleatiunt, safe aud reliable. For sale
by all druggisu.
Blggeet sale that has ever tuken place
at the biggest store. Prices mails that
you never heard of. Ouly at the (iolden
Dry liocda compauy.
Have JUHt received another lot of crash
hat. They are very neat and only cost
75 cents. Simon Stem the Hull road
Avenue Clothier.
wHirrLB hakracxs.
The Very Lsteit lie mi From tb Volga
teen In Arizona.
Special Correapondenre.
Whipple Bsrrsxks, Arltina, July 2X
Kight hundrsxl are going about with
their left arms baudagsd. It will be
ipiendid sinus to escspe duty for few
days. Vaccination.
Heveral kegs of beer hars been con
tributed by kind friends and tumbled off
the train at the barracks platform for
the last two evenings. It quickly dis
appeared In the barren soil ot the volun
teers' stomarhs.
"When do we get wayV' Is the query
asked each day. The only consolation is
that the revolution In far off Manilla Is
on to stay.
The discipline ot the barracks Is ex
cel lent, with now and then a trival
Contemplating marriage: Bonis of the
Albuquerque boys are already In corres
pondence with effete Boston girls In ease
they survive the war. W ho said beans?
Is It divine service that two of our
nnn-comniissioned o dicers attend, or .
Well, they wear button-hole boqueta txv
The volunteer assigned as second cook,
who asked for butter In which to fry
bacon Is now doing guard duty.
The soldiers ot Albuquerque company
appreciate the kindness) of the Ladies'
Aid society and citizen In the liberal
contributions toward their comfort, for
L'ncle 8am has as yet only provided the
bars necessities of living just the food
and shelter no blankets or clothing.
If all the quarters faced the parade
ground, with the seven companies having
a full complement of men. It would be
the fluent brigade of Infantry assembled
since the Indian wars In the west to the
early "70's.
It Is the general opinion that Whipple
Barracks will be abandoned as soon aa
the volunteers are transferred to the
"There la no rest for the weary," said
a tenderfoot recruit the other day, "for It
la one continuous ronnd of pleasure
drilling and doing fatigue duty."
Captain Borradalle has Inaugurated a
eode of original signal In company
skirmish drill, which the war depart
ment should adopt tor their signal corps.
A burro brigade frequently Invades
the parade gtound at night and raw
sentinel has been known to challenge
The reservoir of e barrack Is situ
ated far above It, and pickets stationed
there call It an astronomical observatory,
on account of the numerous couples
caught op there star-gating
There are numerous vixltor to the
barracks at retreat, and the seven
oompaulee make a very Importing ap
pearance In Hue.
No matter how warm the days, cool,
pleasant Ideal nights always refresh the
tired and foot-eore volunteer.
The Tucson aud Phoenix companies
are making rapid progress In their drill
A feather appeared In the cap of the
CJok the other evening and the boy
anticipated chicken dinner the next
day, but npou Investigation It was found
that the mascot eagle "Bampsori was
minus tall feathers. C. A W.
Convened at Santa Fe Tbli Morning
Local Paragraphs,
Hon. Frank W. Parker, of the Third
Judicial district, passed up the road last
Saturday night, aud is attending the tor
rltorlal supreme court at Santa Fe to
day, he being one ot the popular asso
ciate Justices.
Judge A. A. Freeman, of Socorro, an
ex-associate Justice ot the territorial hu
preme court, passed np the road for Situta
Fe last night.
A. B. Fitch, ex-presldent of the New
Mexico bar association and a prominent
attorney of Socorro, waa a passenger for
the territorial capital last night.
Judge 8. B. Newcomb, one of the best
known attorney ot Las Cruces, I In
Santa F to-day, passlug np the road lust
Hon. H. M. Dougherty, the ex district
attorney of the Fifth Judicial district.
came In from Socorro last night, and is
in Santa Fa today attending the terri
torial supreme court.
Hon. F. W. Clancy, Albuquerque' pop
ulur mayor, accompanied bv his esti
mable wife, left night for Santa Fe,
where Mr. Claucy has some Important
business before the territorial supreme
Judge J. W. Crumpacker, of this Ju
dicial district, left last night to attend
the July term ot the territorial supreme
court. lie I an associate justice of that
Hon. W. B. Childer. the United States
attorney for New Mexico; Hon. Nelll B
Field, Uortou Moore aud A. J. Mitchell,
all well-kuowa attorney of this city
left last night for Santa Fe. They have
Important cases before the territorial
supreme court now in aetwion at the
Judge II. L. Warren, of the law Arm of
Warren X Fergusson, has been in Sauta
Fe since last Saturday ulght. He was
joined this morning by Mr. Ferginwon
who was a passenger for the territorial
capital last ulght.
Chief JuHtice Mills, who was back In
New Haven on a visit to his old home
returned to Las Vegas yesterday aud is
at Sauta Fe to day, attending the terri
torial supreme court.
Associate Justice of the territorial
supreme court, Hon. J. R. McKie. with
hi family came in from Sauta Fe last
Saturday night and continued to Los
Cruces yeaterday morning. The judge I
In charge of ths First Judicial district,
aud will come up from the south this
evening on hi return to Santa Fe.
Thomas U. Sai(nl's Untimely Death.
The following account of the death of
Thomas H. Sarguut, which occurred on
July 14, hits been received from bis home
at Kl Kito says the New Mexican:
Mr. Bargeut attended the celebration
at ChauiiU on the Uth and the next
morning left that place for home, going
alone, it is supposed mat wheu withiu
about seven miles ol Kl Kito a storm
came up, and the horse he was riding be
came frightened at the lightning or rain
and became unmanageable, jumping
over a baiiB more man twenty feet iiiuii
in the fall air. hamenis neck was
broken, his client crunlied in, and several
other injuries received; the liorse was
also killed. Hie body remained at the
foot of the bluff from the 14th to the
17th. ills absence caused no uneaNiiiees
for ths reason that on leaving home for
Chamlta he staled that he would prob
ably visit Santa Fe before return iug. On
Suuday the body was discovered by some
psopls living about a mil distant, and
taken to Kl Kito. The scene of tlie sc
cfilent was some little way from the
public Mad and the corpse Ity in a posi
tion where it could not tie seen by per
sons on the road.
The deceased wss a son of Mr. Mairile
Sargent, and was born In Wiconiii on
November m. IS7I. In 1KT8 he came to
New Mexico with his mother and three
brothers, settling at Kl Kito. He was a
nephew of Hon. T. P. Burns and John H.
Burns, two prominent cltixna of New
Mexico, living at Tlerra Amarllla. Kor
some years pa-t he hail been engaged
with his brothers In a mercantile, cattle
and sheep business. Mr. Hargent was
one of ths most popular young men in
the territory, and In his death New Mex
ico loses one nf her anbatsntial, generous
hearted, upright citizen.
Kotined tha tlrava.
A startling Incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the sub
ject. Is narrated by htm as follows: "I
wss in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, ejes sunken.
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker lsv by day. Three physic
ians had given nis tip. Kortnnately a
friend atlvMd tfylng 'Kleetrtc Bitters;'
and to my great joy and surprise, the
first bottle mails a decided improvement.
I continued their ne for three weeks.
and am now a well man. I know thev
saved my life and robhel the grave of
another victim." No one should fall to
try thera. Only BO cents per bottle, at
a. O Kellly to. drug store.
Special Correspondence. .
Kort Logsn, Colo., July 31. It give
me great pleasure to send yon the follow
ing Items of the thirty second battalion
of the sixth Infantry:
Major Brlnkerhoff, third Infantry, hat
been relieved from command of com
panies I, K, L and M, and second Lieu
tenant Ueo. Mcl). Weeks, fifteenth in
fantry, I placed In command ot I and L
companies, and second Lieutenant J. W.
Scale In command ot K and M corn-
pan lee. The men of the battalion whom
have served with Major Brlnkerhoff see
hlin leave with regret, for he waa a just
officer and a trne gentlemen.
The strength of the third battalion is
dally augmented by the arrival of from
ten to fifteen recruits, all Colorado men.
from Denver and adjacent cities, and all
the old band hop that we will soon be
Oiled so that we may get back Into New
Mexico and Arizona where the people at
least give regular soldier credit for be
ing white men.
A very painful accident happened at
this post this morning. Mr. Kink ot
company I waa painfully it not fatally
Injured by being struck by the mail
train. He was standing on the track
and either did not hear the train or did
not want to and was struck and dragged
ome distance before the tralu could be
stopped. He refused to talk after being
taken to the hospital and only seemed
anxious to get some letter that were la
his coat pocket. The theory ot suicide
has been advanced by some because he
had been very despondent for several
days, but this I refuted by the first ser
geant of hi company, who aaya that be
had received several thousand dollar by
the death ot a relative and was talking of
going to Otuana to the exposition It he
oould get leave, and now the men deeply
regret the accident or whatever It wag,
tor he was very popular with them.
Corporal Joseph Welsh ot company L
ha been detailed on recruiting service In
Denver, Colo., and Lance Corporal Smith
and Private Conroy and Stirling of com
pany A, Ufth, have been appointed cor
porals. Foht Luuan.
"Last summer one of our grandchildren
was sick with a severe bowel trouble,"
says Mrs. K. i. (Jregory, of Fredericks
town, Mo. Our doctor's remedy had failed;
theu we tried Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera
aud lliarrhwa Keiuedy, which gave very
speedy relief." For sale by all druggists.
Juan Blicarra Sbot and Killed Ij A. A.
News has reached Demlng of a killing
at Santa Klta Monday eveuing In which
Juan Ulscarra, formerly a resldeut of
this town, was shot and killed by A. A.
The trouble occurred In the saloon
owned by Hamilton, tnscarra was
drunk and had become Involved in a
quarrel with a man named Jack Clark.
Blscarra had drawn a knife and wai
following Clark Into the saloon, wher
Clark had gone for the purpose ot secur
ing his stxshooter in order that he might
defend himself If necessary. Clark waa
behind the bar In the act ot picking np
hi gun, aud Biscarra was about the
middle of the floor, when Hamilton, who
was standing by, fired and almost in'
stautly killed the Mexican. At least,
this is the story of the trouble as told
by persous who claim to know the facta,
The bullet struck Biscarra near the
Hamilton was given a preliminary
hearing the same evening before Justice
of the Peace Con. MoCarty and waa dis
charged upou the ground that the killing
was justluable.
Biscarra was the Mexican who was
supposed to be implicated in the work of
the Bob Lewi gang of border thieves
some mouth ago, and is quite well
known In lemlng. Demlng Headlight.
A Child Injoya.
Ths pleasant flavor, gentle action, aud
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when In
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results fullow its nse; so that
It Is the bent fuiully remedy Kuown and
every family should have a bottle.
Mauufacttired by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
R. C. Cptegrove, Helen; K. Marcus, Io
Angeles; C. M. Bluir, Chicago; C. K. Mc
Coy, Kansas City; F. W. Brass, Needles;
l-eonanl Hkiuner, ('tiilill,Jolin I). Wilson,
St. Louis; W. H. Sebastian, San Fran
cisco; J. M. McLelsh, Chicago; W. J.
Macauley, (ieo. T. Williams, Denver;
C. C. HolltngHhaad, New Vork; A. F.
Fowler, Chicago; M. Skeef, Yucca,
Arizona; Geo. W. Miles, Log Cruces; A.
W. W hitter, Burlington, Iowa; M.
Harold, Denver; J. W. LlghtboUy, St.
Joseph, Mo.
T. C. Bowie. San Francisco; F.T. John
son, Denver; li. D. Boyd, George Carson,
Las Vegas.
T. R. Cowen, Chicago; J. A. Sanipsou,
Kansas City; li. 11. Traoher, F. J. Lultins,
Aurora III.; Miss Kiuiiia Heed, Alameda;
I Mrs. Hiulth, San lioruadluo, Cal
(Jabrlel, bernalillo,
Dealers In Remington typewriters, the
standard typewriters of the world. Can
supply bUHiuess offices with experienced
stenographers to till permanent and tern-
Kirary positions, at short notice. Halm
Reign Rider" the Cream at the Amy
Wbat Oar Royt Need.
8ov. Otero on Thursday laet received a
letter from ( apt. W. II. II Llewellyn, of
Troop 0, First I'nlted State volunteer
cavalry. The letter Is not dated, but was
evidently written after the battle ot La
(Jna-iina, which occurred June 24, and
Just before the desperate charge made np
San Jnan heights on July I. It I as fol
"In Camp at Hicacas, Cuba, lour miles
east, and In plain eight ot Santiago de
Cuba.--A I wrote you on the 24th of
June we bad an engagement with the
Spaniards, and the First United States
regular cavalry, the First I'nlted States
volunteer cavalry and the Tenth I'nlted
Slate regular cavalry won the fight and
ran the beggar out of their strongly for
tified position. I tell you It was a hot
time. Ilafner, from Gallup, was the only
New Mexico boy killed. The other In
my troop who were shot were from other
states. Our wounded are doing well and
are all back at Jnragua.
This Is a beautiful mountain country;
fine a silk, and the scenery Is simply
All the New Mexico boy are well and
anxlon to give the tellows another whirl.
We feel pretty big. since 16 troop of
General Voting's brigade, numbering
WW men, ran off 4,000 Spaniards from
their chosen and strongly fortified posl
tlon and out of ambush.
Pleaae tell the folk to send the boy
some smoking tobacco -I am one of the
boys. I have a knife that was carried
by Held and which was shot while In Ms
pocket, and some other relic ot the fight
for you, which should be placed In the
Historical society' room.
Our brigade la the cream of the army.
The loth cavalry fought like devils, and
we all feel as flue as fiddler. Our trouble
will be over soon. Will be killed,
wounded or safe In Santiago before this
reaches you. The Spaniards say we are
American devils; that we violate the
rule of warfare. When they Ore volley
after volley at u, Instead of retreating
a we ought, our trumpeter aound the
Noland, a cowboy from Demlng, who
waa one of my orderlies In the flght and
who waa shot while standing at my Bide,
has so far recovered from hi wound as
to desert the hospital aud return to the
troop. He saw a boot sticking out of a
tree, fired at It, brought down a Spaniard
and shot him again before he struck the
ground, killing him.
The people of New Mexico should send
email package containing stout thread,
large needles, shaving soap, small scis
sor and other small article tor camp
use. I am writing uuder a tree Captain
Muller, Captain Max Luna, Keyea and
other all send regard. Ralph McFle
and the other New Mexloo boy are all
well, and all spoiling for another whack
at the Spanish.
The young fellows from Sauta Fe
Ralph McFle, Arthur Hudson, Will.
Schnepple, Will. Hogle, aud so on, ate
making excellent soldiers. They are
brave, obedient and "niuy vivo" on the
Held ot battle a well aa in camp. They
are all right.
Prom the Uptlc.
Kddie Sporleder haa written bl father
aud mother from Whipple berracks, giv
ing the most pleasing account ot the con
dition ot the boys. Grub is good; the
Las Vega company is the bsst drilled;
all are well, and are eagerly looking for
ward to a movement to the trout.
The Klka, In regular aesslou Thursday
evening, contributed 100 to the Normal
school fund, their donation being espe
cially for the fund for equipping the
school with furniture and apparatus.
The Klka are the youngest secret order In
the city, yet they have given f loo for thla
enterprise, In which the entire city is
vitally interested.
A request having been sent to Judge
Thomas Smith for his picture by the sec
retary of the local Mawnlc lodge, the
Judge sent in reply a very One cabinet
picture, taken apparently In the Judicial
chair. A better picture la seldom to be
seen. Thursday night It was presented
to Chapman lodge by Secretary Sporleder,
the responstve speech belug made by
Judge Louis Sulzhacher. The entire ex
ercises were remarkably Interesting.
Major R. C. Rankin has received from
ths Lakevlew Flying club, of Chicago,
nine homing pigeons, which he 1 asked
to set at liberty. This he did from the
office of the Wells, Fargo 3c Co.' express
ou Sunday morning at N:30. It will be
Lremembered that this club sent seven
birds to the Optic office about one year
ago, which were set at liberty. Two re
turned to Chicago, the first arriving
twenty two day after leaving Las Vegas.
To Cure tuti.tliialoiit rorever.
TjV-e Cii-cutnt- ('.iti'lv t 'at lii.M li Incf.rSSo.
if tl : C fall to cure. drutvihiH nfuud moauy
The clearing sale at the Golden Rule
Dry Goods company Is tha mint wonder
fill sais that has ever taken place In this
city. Yon can buy muslin at 3'.c.
yard, India linen al 3c, lace curtains at
3ac a pair.
Have you seen the new military button
Dell at ths Kiwnomlsl'
Crockery and glassware. W hitney Co
Use only one heap
ing teaspoonful of
Schilling s Best Bak
ing Powder to a
quart of flour.
Tu nat mm law eaipeifuli of other baking powacf.
Paii cr Ron Mr
aatr-la.sV JkaVaTJ1" afca
Condensed milk.
Takc No SubstituTC for Th c "EAGLE BRAND"
Thousands or mothers Testify to its Superiority.
fttAUH 51HT tHtC.
t yJaaayOTaya aSl lis laj t
"These w
I eava Behind.
Men are care
lc about their
lives f(r their
0vn ankea, hut
a kind and
tender man
VionM think
of other ; he
ahnuld think if
he ahotiid die
of thoae tit
leavra behind
to rrl've and
sorrow and
a l r n s ( I e on
without him.
For this reason
alone, if for no
other, every
man ahonld re
gratd his health
as a preciotia
treasure not to
be thrown away of spent and acattered
in vain.
If any man's health is m-eakened of
wasted, or running- down, he should take
the ritrht means to build himself up stronf
and well, ao th-it he cm both live and care
for those he loves He should investigate
the virtues of thai arret remedy, the
tiohlen Medical IMsroverv' originated
by Or. R. V. Puree, clii'f consulting- phy
sician of the Im and' Hotel and Surirical
Institute, of Ptillalo. N. Y. It is a remedy
that makee a man thoroughly well by g-iv.
ing power and nipactly to Hie digestive and
assimilative orgnns It makes hrallhy in-vig-oratitig
blood out of the food he cat!
It gives bint strrngth and energy to rut
into his daily task. It builds up hard mus
cular flesh and nerve fiU-r, rrvitnhrra ths
tissues of the tlirimt and lungs, heals in
flammation, ptitgra the blood of billon
tMilsona and makes a man. atrottg. vigoroua
and hanlv.
Mv hiislsind hart been sl.-k a leng time.'
writes Mis. J W llrillln of Clinton. I'i will Co.,
JM. iBoa 4s V "hinl i,-l-,re. with hemr ehv-
atrtana and rves went to t htenvo and eonsiillrd
a dortfr there hut without o-.,tvlng anv hrlp.
He went Id tha hospl.tl and wss oprrHted on
and atlrr three niontlt, ,- mie lu.mc o die Ms the
d.s-tors hrre thought), lit! ufli-t awtitlr he mm.
netl. ei lo Iske v. sir wi.s.t, , (hi nt edit me. the
tit'lrn Mrfli. al liincov, tv ' and mm, thanks to
rrsir nii"t srlnmir tiH-'llrttir, he ess eat any.
lung he wsnta and l auuin a well man "
No remedy rclii ves constipation ao
quickly and effectively aa Ir. Pierce's
'leant I'elleta. I to y never f ripe.
Dipping tanks. Whitney Co.
Fire. fJre, fire sals at "The Fair 8tore."
Plumbing and gas fitting. W hitney Co.
Fruit Jars and jelly glaese. W hltney
New alfalfa, BA cent per 100 pounds.
at A. Lombardo'a.
Catron I xe the Kconotnlat sale ot wash
good ot all kinds.
Attend the sal of drummers' sample
at the Kconomist,
Forty cents seven feet cloth shale with
fringe at Futrelle'.
New potatoes, fifteen pounds tor 26
cents, at A. Lombardo'a,
New line of white Umpire fan Just re
ceived at the Kconomist.
Pure ground chile, 12 cent per
pound, at A. Lomltardo'.
Highest prices paid for fenta' clothlna
at Hart', 117 Gold avenue.
Attend the special sale of shirt waist
at tlie Kconomist thl week.
Latest novelties In pompadour aud aide
oouib. Kosenwald Brothers.
Cider or wine vinegar, pure and strong.
25 cents per gallou, at A. lxmbardo'.
A complete line of potted meats and
delicacies for luncheons and ploulos, at
If you want anything: in ths binding
or Job printing Hue, call at Thi Citizen
Th best ffrocerlos and Quest Honors
for family use at the lowest prices, at A.
iomnaruo a.
The freshest stock of staple and fancy
groceries are to be found at Bell A Co.',
Second street.
None but the best artist employed at
Hahu's barber shop, N. T. Armtjo build
ing. Bath 25o.
New organdies, lawns, dimities, etc..
In all the uew effects, ou sale thl week,
at the Koonouiuit.
Slightly damaged by fire, flood of
fered cheap on the bargain counters at
The Kalr Btore."
Look Into Kleluwnrt' market on north
Third street. He baa the nicest fresh
mi at In the oltv.
Fresh vegetables, fruits In season,
poultry aud staple groceries, at Bell &
Co.'s, Second street.
Best Old Kye or Bourbon whisky for
medicinal purpose, ouly 75 cents per
quart, at A. Lombardo'.
Hot chile eon came served every night
at the Paradise. Do not nils It. Bacbe-
clil ih (Jioinl, proprietor.
An experience of year enable J. L
Bell A Co. to furnish Just what their cus
tomers waut- Orders solicited; free de
J. U Bell St Co , the grocers, successors
to K. f . 1 rotter, are prepared to furnish
everything In their Hue at the 1 1 went
Purchase your tickets tor a trip to the
famous Sulphur hot springs from W. L.
Trimble Ac Co.'. 'I hey will give you all
The best place for good. Juicy ateak
aud roast and all kinds ot ineatH, kept
In a first class market, at Kleluwort a.
north Third street.
Save money aud buy from the stock of
drummers' samples at the Kctiuomlst a
little of everything among the lot; oue-
thtrd on regular prices.
Competition In prices Impossible.
Ixm't ask how we do It. You do the
picking at the blggeet store. Golden
Rule Dry Goods company.
The Sulphur hot spriugs Is the Ideal
mountain resort within a day' ride of
this city. Call at W . L. Trimble A Co.'s,
on north Second street, for particulars.
Ask our wmpper customers how they
like our goods, iliey will tell you they
are all right aud "awfully cheap." They
are cheaper now than ever, Hoseuwald
Just received a large asslgument of
Que California Grape brandy, spring '12,
which we will sell to saloon keeper at
tit) per gallon. Original package. 0.
Hachechl k G. Glouil.
Our muslin underwear Is manufac
tured by one ot the leading mauufac
turers in the country. Kull cut, well
sewed, aud sold ou their merit, at ex
ceedingly low prices, Hoseuwald Bros.
Niwroaa Cosoissio Hiu Co H Y.
(ret assoaa to o. haparacco)
On Mountain Rad Near the City
A moat delightful resort, whee all klnda of
drinks aud cigars are aerved. plenty of ahadc
for viaitora. tnve lia a trial.
H. H; Warkcntin
Albuquerque Bowling Parlors!
Cornei first St. and Copper Are,
The finest Bowline Alleyiln the ftonlhwact.
Nice place to spend the evening.
Haloon attached.
Tne New Chicago
18 one ot the nicest resorts in the
city, and 1 supplied wltb the
best and Boast liquors,
HEISCH a BETZLER, Proprietors.
Splendid Lodging Room bf tha day,
week or month.
309 Waat Railroad A-anno.
Very Finest Wines,
Liquors and Cigars
TMid Htreel aad ftjera iveaae.
Atlantic Boor lialil
Cool Kac B on draught tha finest Native
Win and tb very ba of Unt-slaa
Liquor, utve as a nil,
atanaoAD Avssna, ALatronaaaoa,
at Doted Plaaa,
Grande A Parent!! frnm them we reap, TJ
all kinds of Liquors, tins and cbeal
Reliable quality we get here. A
to aell pure gooffs la their Idea a
A Iwara cool and sharp, their Heer, O
unite nneaual etl fat of nea a a
Nohie winea. all patrons reeet.
Imported and domestic, a Htorh enmnlat
Delicious Clgara, too, here we gain,
rholreas Savors we
Excellent Rocwia both clean and neat, rp
at toe on Mouth I rat Hire 1
&thn at Albuquerque there arc plenty I
whnfavot (iKAM)K A PAKKNTA
mcitic Coal in use. YArd
opposite Freight Offti
A. J. CRAWFORD, Agent.
New Telephone No.
Old Telephone No 25
Leave ordersTrimblc'i stables
SacreUrj lototl Bnlldlof luoclttlon.
MUM M J. O. ItaMrMa Laaaba TarA.
AU kinds of Freah and Sa
Meats. .. .. ..
Steam Sausage Factory.
Tha good dreaaera of Albuquerque
that a tine line of
Summer Suitings
Await their Impaction at
107 floath First
Near Kallroad
Suits Qeanei for $1 .00.
Low Prkaa and CouHaoua Trcatiauat.
UAHL, A. kMtlr.K,
a TTONNKY-AT-LaW. Room 10, Crom-
wen blot s, Aiuuqueraue, N. at.
v tlon ami Water Huppiy, aiamlnatlnneand
Keporta, Maps, plaua and eatlmatee. Correa-
ponilenre bolleiled. koom Id, Armlio block,
cor, aiu at. auu naiiroau avenue.
a a surgeons Oflire and raeldenca over poet.
ortlce. tJld 1 elephona tu. New Tiiepliona
S to t p. m. rack U. Blabop, hi. D., oflJce
boara, v to 10 a. m.. ana i to s ana 7 to a p.
Take elevator at Whitney a.
Aimi)u building. Corner of kal'road avaoua
and 1 lord alieet. II oar a, V.tO lo 11 a. m. 1
to S p. m. Special atteulloo (Ivao to cnrooui
auo aiaeaaaa of vuuso,
H. U. atOUHOO,
A BCUITKCT-Plana, specifications and
a limatea rurniaiiea lor au ci
ot build-
leg and architectural work, Uttlcal
Uailroad avenue.
ao Waat
BAmcKUAV a amaauit,
fYh 1CK and residence. No. 41S West Uold
.e avenue, Telephone No. a. Oftlca boon
a to 8 a. m. l:ao to :H0 and 7 to 9 p. m,
U. b. Haatetaay, at. u, j. a. aaateraay
, M. D.
w. a. nora, m.
OKKICK llOUHSJ-Untll a a. m. and from
1 :BO to :0 and rroro 7 to p. m. Ulrica
anil residence. f40 Weal Oold ranue, Albu
querque, N, M,
r. J, Al(.r, It. d. a.
Urns', (illi.e hour.; a a. m. to la bu
p. m.i 1 :U0 p. in. to 6 p. m. Auto Tel. No.
itf'4. Appointment, made by mall.
A TTOKNhY-AT-LAW. Albounerana.
iV M. fiomt't atteiitliin given to all bualneaa
pertaining to the proleaalon. Will practice In
all cuuru of the icrrllury aud belure tha Lulled
state, una caice.
room 1.
V N. T. Armllo ballilln(.
ail the court oj tha territory
Will practice In
ATTOKNKV8-AT LAW. Albuquerque, N.
M. Otlice, room! 6 and a, r list National
Hank building.
K. W. U. mtVAM
i u. Olhce, Hist National bank buUtiing
. ...,uUL S T I A Ul . 1,. . ....
ATTOKNKY AT LAW, room, land 8, N.
T, Aiuiliu building, Albuquerque, N. M.
a. w. ixjimoK,
TTOKNKY AT-LAW. Onice over Hob.
erUHin's gntcery atore, Albuquerque, N. H
I.adieH', MIhmm' and clilliireu'a uiumIIu
ami ( mnlirto umlerwear now on aHMiial
Httle at llolilen Units l'ry OikhIh Coiiiian.
tl i n'.i i.- f t- I" rJ. ' i"i..., i'ii
' 9 ' igZTOrMatiaiajau
AnihoHaral Capita .....500.000 00
Paid np Capital, Borplua
and Profit 1174,000 00
h8 Baiik of CommercQ
""'nr ixtwige Ago uwTjBa irrrm or obuvdi
alle t Aaaata aa Oaten ta Dapeanae, areawy taatlMf
tt. Jlaseei artth rvwartakl aaah'aaj
M . Oraae. President . c. BALoaioaa. Lam bet, W, c, LaocAas, Carttalttt
B. P, Boamrraa. Vlre-Praeldent. A. BiiaaA, Bleamano Broa Wool.
W, I. e-raicBLaa, Caahlar. A. at. BLAcawaix. Uroaa, Blackwell Co, Urooft
B. I. KaaaaoR, Aaaletant Caablat. W. A. Maswbix, Wholesale Drol.
Depository for Atchison, Topeka 4 SanU Fe lUllwt.
this ST.
Finest Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Etc.
ISO Woat Railroad A.. Albvajaarrao.
"The fletropole"
The Best and Finest Liquors and
Served to
Stodant of Dr. Phillip Rteord af Franea
SESvxlxllln a. f3pooialtv''
A etira ffnaranteed In averv ease nndertakan
Kononhoea. leet and atrletnta epeedtly cured
i uninwif nuf coiwi wiiiiiq uisnn UAI9, no vuiinn.i, DaniaLnuuuuib lot
hnallsh, frencb, trecmsn foliah. Unaslsn and
wataalnaataa hsa Correapoedenca aollaltadl
Albuquerque Foundry
Iroa and Braaa Oaatma I Ora, Goal and
Babbit MetaJ i colamna ana iron aronta lor iSautniura i aapaira aa
Mtnlnff and Mill Maehisary a Bpawtalty.
Headquarters for Diamond C Soap. Curtice Bros. Ginned Goods.
Kansas City Baking Powder. Sulphur, Wool Sax, Stoneware
Houses at Albuquerque, East Las Vegas and
G lor Iota, New Mexico.
Imported French and Italian Good. wa
Sola Aganta for San Antonio Lima.
Nw Telephone 24,7. 21 H, 215
S.ialnl Nopi.nui.on
b.v.r.tt y lllpsorU.il.
Haroia I Naundsrttr.ps.
slthCualort. j N.v.r oi.yaa.
V . . w I n U. . r
Livery, Sale, Feed and Transfer Stables
Second St., Detween Kallroad and Copper Avca.
Horaaa and Mnlaa Bought and Bzekaagat
Aganta for Colnmbna Baggy CamfanT.
Tha Baat Tnrnonta In tha City.
Carriagei, Road Carta, Spring Wagona, Victonai
Buggtea, Phaetons, Etc., for Sale, nil
Addresa W. li. TRIMBLE k COm Albnqperqne. New Meilco
(BuooMaora to ITrmuk U. Jonaa.)
Finest Wliisiies, Imported and Domestic Wines and Cegnici
Tie Coolest and Bifhest Grade of Later Serred.
Finest Uilllftrd Hall In the Territory.
Vi b, rsrosrroBT.
Depository lor the Atlsnt'c in
Pacific and the Atchfaoo.
Torek a A SanU Fe
Railroad Co.
II. W. FLODBNOT ....TlePrm1VM)l
A. A. KRklf . . , .Oanhte
rRARK MeEXg. . . . Aaatatent Oaablat
A. A. 8 RANT.
in Albnqnerane, H. H.
oiiuu a . iviaa.
Gg-ars, Imported and Domestle,
All Patrons.
when a enra la nraetleahla anit aoealhle
with r. Hlrord's Krenrh kemeillea. Hecent
Bohemian spoken. Oaaawltalaoa and Ome
auletlv aonfldantlal
and Machine Ms
Lambar Oara i BhafUnf , Pollaya, Oral Bar
216 Railroad Avenue.
IntQUl Telepboot 1(3. llbaqoBrqne, 1. 1.

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