Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1905. PAGE THREC MISS ROOSEVELT'S ENGAGEMENT TO NICHOLAS LONGWORTH NOW -REGARDED AS A CERTAINTY Dame Fortune Knocks at Your Door and Shouts AUiU 3UEKQPE EVKN1NG CITIZEN. San Francisco Woman SaH to Have Letter Announcing Betrothal With Injunction to Keep It a Secirt. Sn Francisco, Cal., Nov. fi. Since Miss Alice Roosevelt's rptvirn from the far past on t ho liner Siberian which reached ibis pert Monday morning (Oct. i;:1, i, nil; of t lie encasement be tween i 'c iirre.-STiiRii Nicholas wotth iir.i l he president's daughter has i-volw.i Mint a mere rumor Into a generally accepted fact. "Prince. i Alien. " as MisS Roosevelt has recently been dubbed, was asked a good many questions when the re porters boarded the Si'.eria. She showed the fame cordial attitude to ward the press which has always char acterize d her and talked freely on all subject. saie one. When asked If there was any truth in the report of her betrothal to Longworth, pile blush- tfa Ml i I I I 1 -- "-. '..-. : ((... 'fit h:CUC4,44 LON&WCVT1 Wsrute-is Tinner, Hi ri .1. ... r t .if iv i 1 J s I r : t SS I t ed which Is a thing the self possess- Congressman Longworth duplicated ed little lady seldom does In public her words, when questioned, and very and replied, hurriedly, that she had quickly changed the subject, without nothing to say. replying, when asked If he was will ing to deny the rumor specifically. russensers on the Siberian say that Longworth was unusually attentive to Miss Roosevelt on the voyage from Yokohama and that they were much toget her. which has never been said of "Princess Alice" and any other man. A local society leader, who enjoys Miss Roosevelt's confidence to a great er extent than most of her friends, is said to have a letter from the lat ter saying that she and Longworth are to be married, but that no dennlte date is set for the wedding and that the engagement Is to be kept secret for some time. Miss Roosevelt, like all women, enjoys "keeping people guessing," as she herself Is said to have put it, and does not Intend to give her secret to the public before she Is quite ready. BIG MAN-KILLING IN CHILE TRIFLING WRITES AMBASSADOR MARTINEZ MINISTER TO THE UNITED STATES SAYS THE PEOPLE OF SANTI AGO WERE INCENSED OVER A TAX OF $5 A HEAD ON BEEVES. SOLDIERS WERE ABSENT, BUT THE POLICE TURNED IN AND KILLED FIFTY AND INJURED HUNDREDS. (Startling news in the cable dispatches a few days ago said that 50 people had hern killed and hundreds Injured in riots in Santiago de Chile. The following exclusive article by the Chilean ambassador to the United States explains the trouble. Editor.) ill f-"4 MPtpt&tk 1, - The disturbance in Santiago was the outgrowth of a meeting held to protest against the high tariffs on meat. There was no immediate oc casion for such a protest as the duty on cattle Is the same that It has been for five or six years, namely about j a head. But some people are always discon tented, and while they are very glad to have a duty on manufactured goods and such things they want the duty taken off the Argentine cattle. The only reason why there was temporary uneasiness over this out break was that the soldiery were ab sent from the city, attending the an nual maneuvers. The city has a no lice force of about 2,0on, and they Bhowed themselves quite capable of dealing with the trouble. In recog nition of thir services I am informed the citizens raised a fund of $100,000 to reward them. The army maneuvers which took the soldiers away occur every year at this season. It Is spring In South Amer ica and the spring months find the regular army engaged In the large field practice maneuvers. The trouble mentioned in the dls patches . was merely a local and trifling outbreak, and my Information is that everything is quiet and no fur ther trouble is anticipated. oevirkaHtt 190i D ... cToB.cuirv BY St NOR DON JOAQUIN WALKER-MARTINEZ. Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Pleniiotentiary for Chile. We have labor unions, strikes and occasional street disturbances In our, country, Just as you have them In Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and other cities of the United States. Hut a street fight should not be mis taken for the beginning of a revolu tion. There Is a rather unfortunate idea in the United States that every time there Is in South America what here would be called a breaca of the peace Is a start for a revolution. It is much like the notion that every touch of malaria or fever in the troll ies is yellow fever. When the cable n.-nu-ht liie now M'.e til her clay that there had been rioting in Santiago, with a large num ber of people killed or injured, I have no doubt that many people rf the United States at once pictured an overturning of the Chilean govern ment, and a great number of disas trous things. They forget that In certain matters we are quite up to date that we, too, have our labor unions, our labor agi tators, our socialistic propaganda, and even our anarchistic propaganda and speakers. It is not long ago that the anarchistic organizations of Spain were kind enough to send us three or four of their most radical preachers of anarchy, and our police were obli ged to tend them out of the country. Hut we have also the labor union; generally in Chile it is kirown as a ociety. and its nominal object is that of a beneficiary association. They are not as conservative as labor unions in the I'nited States and are inclined to go into the theoretic and the social istic. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H. E. No. 6968. Department of the Interior, Land Of fice at Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oc totier 31, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof, will be made before the pro bate cleric at Albuquerque, New Mex lco, on December 6, 1905, viz., Juan Bautlste Kowemlsneh, of Valencia county, New Mexico, for the SV4 NWU. Ntt SW'4, section 28, township 12 north, range 7 west. He names the following witnesses to prove hts continuous residence upon and cultivation, of said land viz., Gertrudes Heco, Jise Gonzales Bisenta Alonza , and Teodoro Powto, all of Laguna, New Mexico. MANUEL R. OTERO Register. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because Indi gestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had In Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic, con stipation. etc. Guaranteed by all drug gists; 25c. il 1 tr:-v . v jtt-- :. -.-TV-: -r 1 v- i---; Li r"7- r-VUA -rrT-A v.MJ ra ; s HIP SEE THE BEAUTIFUL 50 FOOT LOTS IN THE EASTERN ADDITION, HIGHLANDS $100 to $200 per lot. Only $10 down, balance $1 per week. Excellent drainage and no mud or smoke. Twenty-Four Lots Sold Last. Week SURETY INVESTMENT COMPANY, OWNERS. Office, 110 South Second Street. D. K. B. SELLERS, Manager. -4 X X X X X X X x-x-x-x TERRITORIAL TOPICS t i x x x-x x x x x-x x- X NEW MEXICO CONTRACT AWARDED TO OMAHA FIRM. The secretary of the Interior has awarded a contract to Wood, Ban croft & Doty, of Omaha, for the con struction and completion of the earth embankment In connection with the Hondo irrigation project In New Mex ico. Their bid was $3ti,9os. A VALUABLE GARDEN NEAR DEMING. The Chinese garden, one mile from town, consisting of less than twen'y acres, has netted its owner4 between and $,'.0iMt during the past year, says the Graphic. And there are thousands of acres all around us that can be made to yield equally as well with proper cultivation. LAS VEGAS TEACHER WILL VISIT TOPEKA. Miss Maggie Bucher of Las Vegas, left on No. 2 Saturday for Topeka to visit Mrs. J. E. Hurley, for a short time. She will a'.so visit and make a thorough study of the schools of Chicago, Kansas City, and other cities and return later again to engage in educational work in New Mexico. WORK ON POWER HOUSE PROGRESSING RAPIDLY Work on the' Binoke stack for the Las Vegas Light and Power company's plant is progressing rapidly. The building will soon be completed, as the company wishes to occupy it be fore ' the cold weather sets In. The furnaces and boilers have been install ed. and It will be but a .short time before the entire structure Is finished HEAVY PAY ROLLS AT LAS VEGAS The I-as Vegas Light and Power company had three payrolls Saturday one for the construction gang, one for the track gang, one for the construe tlon gang, and one for the bonding gang, says the Optic. A targe amount of money was paid out. On next Sat urday the company will have four payrolls as the operators of the line are paid every two weeks. ROSWELL COUNTY CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Officers were elected by the Ros well County club, at a recent meet ing of the organization. The follow ing were chosen: W. E. Wiseley, president J. W. Thomas, vice presl dent; J. A. Graham, secretary; J. S Lea, treasurer; E. A. Cahoon, Charles DeBromond. H. F. Smith, G. A. Rich ardson, E. II. Williams and A. M. Rob ertson, directors MANY ARE INDICTED FOR LAND FRAUDS, A dispatch from Roswell says While no names have as yet been made public, it Is pretty well under stood here that seven or eight indict ments have been returned by the I'nited States grand jury, which l'B just completed a three weeks' session here, for alleged frauds in connection with the filing on Pecos valley lands Warrants have been issued, but none of them have been M ived. J m a. 1 ':l. sparkling ' s J.Malt mops , Regain Health A sure, rapid Recovery from disease increased Strength and healthy Appetite result from the ue of fxWHEUSER-BUSc folk THE BOHEMIAN COLONY PROJECT .Max Kin biiiaii s Bohemian colony project is moving rapidly toward j Mieee-.i ill js-iu, me t llli-Iiaiu I Since Hi.' eiiy round grant) il the op- KJ t bin )n t r 1 - city Ian I- within the So- tjj 1 oiiro grant the i..-1-i's-.ary a gul Ju-u t3 i inents hae bi ) !i -i-.-nei and Mr Ln I l-:ir'hiuan i-i now at work pi rt'i'Ctlng 1 the )! tails of bis p! -in. To all ap rfS 1 pearances S'.corm b .-""ii to be favor VIS W 1 TRAOC MARK. This Perfect tonic builds Flesh and makes Rich Red HI 001 1 It is a Prediested food acceptable to the weakest stomach. At all druggists and grocers. I'rc-parL'l !.y Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louia I . S. Ai fa I ed wit'n a large inen bi'l' )if its ili'MiabV 1 ) in lln- ZI'IIS. NOTICE OF SALE. O0OO C0COO0 ooooox c (First publication October 21, 1905.) By virtue of a decree of the dis trict court of Bernalillo county, New Mexico, made and entered on the 20th ! day of October, 1905, in a certain pro ceeding pending In said court wherein Wiiiiam L. Trimble is plaintiff, and A. A. Trimble, executor of the last will and testament of Lawrence S. Trimble, deceased, and ex-offlcla ad ministrator of the partnersalp assets of W. L. Trimble & company, and the heirs at law and legatees of Lawrence S. Trimble, deceased, are defendants, numbered 6842 on the docket of said court, the undersigned will on Wed nesday, the 15thday of November, 190b, about the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., on the premises hereinafter de scribed, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate situate, lying and being In the city of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo ai d Territory of New Mexico, to-wit: Iots numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4). five (5) and six (6), of block nine (9), of the original lownsite of Albuquerque,- together with the Improvements thereon, con sisting of a frame stable and other structures used by the firm of W. L. Trimble & company In the conduct of the business Of said firm. The sale will be made Bubject to the approval of the said court, and upon confirmation of the Bale, the pur chaser will receive a good and suffi cient deed, and will be let into poa session of the premises, which will be sold as a whole, and without di vision. A. A. TRIMBLE, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Lawrence S. Trimble, de ceased, and ex-offlclo administrator of the partnership assets of W. u. Trimble & company. Lmttmr Mmt$m Correct ;rr;,. , Commercial ZZSZ.' . a Blank Book rrmting ai.. T h c CITIZEN JOB Room, 'Jr.? I ovary thing m - printer know how to do . . oooooooooo eoooo lilian Bales la El Fa Tern ! !0 company, lie came to Demlng five years ago, from Keytesville, Mo., and is held In high esteem by his many Deming friends. The bride is the niece of Mrs. A. J. Clark and J. A. Mahoney, and has been a resident of Demlng about three years, 'coming here from Indiana. She Is a young lady of fine accomplish ments and charming character and is well fitted with all the graces that go to make up a good wife. mu i'iiuie leiuiueu in I'triiiuiK )i 1 . Tuesday nluht and are now at home in ! V the A. J. Clark residence on Silver avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Carskadon have a host of friends In Demlng, who wish them't a nappy ana prosperous journey aiong life s pathway. 0 ACCOUNT MEETING AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS November .14 to 18 Dates of sale November 13, 14 and 15, final limit will be November 25; If desired, an extension of return limit can be obtained by de posit of ticket with Joint agent and payment of fee of 50c, before November 16, limit to be extended' to December 25. Call at ticket office for further particulars. H. 8. LUTZ, Aaent ocaococaoo ccoaoCHKccK Two Daily Trains Each Way VIA El Paso and Southwestern System Rock Island System THE SANITARIUM BUILDER ARRIVES AT LAS VEGAS. It is with more than ordinary satis faction that The Optic announces that Jas. A. Walker, the gentleman who has the contract for building the Ideal por table tent houses to bo used by the National Fraternal sanitarium, has ar rived In Las Vegas with his family and will establish his home there with a view to giving personal supervision to the erection of a large number of cottages for the groat Institution. While it Is not the intentlou of the nanitarliitu management to open the Montezuma intll January 1, a goodly number of tents are to bo ready be fore that time, a-inl the work of put ting them up is to begin just as soon as Mr. Walker gets his factory equipped. -Between- Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Cbalr Cars and Coaches. OAHNETT KINO, Cen. AgL OLD INDIAN FIGHTER D AD AT PHOENIX N'c'Vs has l i ,, received at Silver C'iiy, X. M . )'' ill), ili-ii'h of Isaac Sig gins, at I'hoenix. ArU. Mr. Siggins was one iif tin- old time resident of New Mexico. !! mine to the coun try in the '7'i's and located on a ranch on Dry ("nek, win -re be engaged in 1he cat'le business until a few years ag-, when failing health compelled h::it to dispose ot bi- interests, and sine i- !:. t tin- !. i:v t-n ,nai-.:r.4 us home vi ft i: .- relatives in I'hoe im Innhi'; Indiai times, Mr. Siggin. bad inany thrilling i M' 4ri .ci s. WANTS BUTMAN AND MENTS AT DEMING. Messrs. W. ('. Hutman anil Will' Minis, both gentlemen representing! tae Mm mil I. ile lii-uranee company; of New York, are in Dciuing this week, savs i In- Craphi' tin- dUtrici siri'-riMeii.bnt for west ern New Mexico, with headquarters in Al!niiii'-i)Hi-. Iii'inin-' needs a number ot young, live business men. ami we wish geiit'eipen could t:nd ii to their inicre.-t to remain lu re permanent ly." Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and The Great Southwest Dining Cars meals a la carte. WIDE VESTIBULED THROUGHOUT. THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. The shortest, quickest and best line between the Great Lakes, the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific Coast. EL PASO, TEXAS. V. R. STILES, Gen. Passenger Agt. MRS. MARGARET EARLY DIES AT SANTA FE. Margaret Early, mother of Mrs. .1. (' McConvery. foreman of the press room of the Daily New .Mexisan. died at the sanitarium, Santa Ke, Saturday morning at It o'clock, from the effects of a cancer, together with the natural debility of old aj;e She was seventy seven years of age. A NERYE FOOD Mr Ments is f santa n uentrai itaiiivay system SUNSHINE ROUTE, via TORRANCE GATEWAY. Fast passenger and freight service. Steamship tickets to all parta of the World. Connections at Torrance, N M., with the El Paso & Southwestern, and Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Railways. At Kennedy and Santa Ee, N. M., with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Ke railway. At Santa Fe with the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. Special attention given to handling of passengers and freight. Send your freight via the Chicago, Rock Island & Paclflo rail way, via Torrance, N. M. Your business respectfully solicited. W. H. ANDREWS, S. B. GRIM3HAW, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Asst. to Pres. and Gen. Mgr. FRANK DIBEHT, Asst. Secy, and Treas. J. P. LYNG. A. L. GRIMSHAW, City Frt. and Pass. Agt. Traveling FrL and Past. Ait. GENERAL OFFICES SANTA FE, N. M. YOUNG PEOPLE OF DEMING ARE MARRIED. On last Monday morning, K J. Cars , ka lon and Mi-s K i herine ('lark, ac-j companied by Mr- . J. Clark and J A. Mahoney, boar .''d the train for. Siler City, whee Mr. Carskadon audi Miss Clark were i i :.:- 1 In marriage by Rev. Fat In r Moi;n, says the lH.-mitii: 11) ttdlighi. The gioom is . I1.'-. .. ale, ' :- ; c u 1 1 y , tin I ai ( posiiion i'.h 1. 1 ''m- popular prohaiii :.. recorder r" i h-i'ds a responsible lauer Meii-aiitili IS FOUND IN POSTUM FOOD COFFEE. 'THERE'S A REASON' Alb u q u e r qu e Foundry and Machine Works R. R. HALL, Rropriator Iron and Braes Castings; Ore, Coal and Lumber Cars; Shaftings, Pulleys, Grade Bars, Babbit Metal; Column and Iron Front for buildings. Repair on Mining and Mill Machinery a Specialty Foundry east bl of railroad track. Albuquerque, N. M. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0