MONDAY, ut; ANUARY 22, 1906.
Toiring Car Races Have Been
Eleminwed With a
Sinrfe Exception.
(Kit Drivcrs'Are Gathered
to Take a Part in
the Races.
Daitona, Fla., Jan. 22. Never were
the etpectatlons of the thousands who
congiegated here to witness the great
trials of speed between the swiftest
autoriobiles of the world pitched
higher than now, at the opening ot
the famous Orniond-Daytona beach
autoooblle races. Several thousand
autoirobillsts from all parts of the
world are here, besides several thous
and vho are not automobltists but
greaty Interested In tbe fine sport
which the races promise. The races
are fceld. as in former years, under
the aispicea of the Florida East Coast
Automobile association and they prom
ise to surpass all previous race meet
ings In the breaking of records.
Thpre are 1n all twenty-two entries
by individuals, with a total entry of
166 for the various events of the meet
ing. The touring car races which fig
ured hi last winters tournamnet. have
been eliminated with the exception of
one single event. It was the opinion
of ma-ny who attended the races last
January that the running of stocK cat
races was uninteresting, and that the
big powered racing machines furnished
much more excitement. The Florida
Automobile association gave due con
sideration to the wishes of the car
patrons and eliminated nil but one of
the touring car races.
In horsepower the entries this year
fihow an Increase of more than 25 per
cent, and for the first time In the his
tory of automobile racing two cars,
one of 250 and the other of 200 horse
power will be seen In competition. Of
these the 250 horsepower car Is at
tracting the greatest interest, as it
was built in this country and was or
dered specially for this race meeting
by Alfred O. Vandel'.illt. The machine
is a wonderful piece of mechanical
art and will be piloted by Paul Sartorl.
one of the most famous chauffeurs In
the world. The 200 horsepower car is
a Barracq and will be driven by Hem-ery,-another
famous racing chauffeur,
who won the last Vanderbilt cup race.
Another car which Is attracting con
siderable interest and which Is likely
to be prominent In t'he races is the
105 horsepower machine entered by
Henry Ford. It is a singular fact that
the foreign machines are in the major
ity among the entries. Most of the
American racing enthusiasts who will
be represented In the various race3.
have pinned their faith to machines of
foreign make.
There is quite a falling cff In the
number of amateur drivers, which is
quite natural considering the dangers
connected with the tremendous speed
of the automobiles. It requires a thor
ough knowledge of the machines, an
iron nerve and a cool head to guide a
machine with safety at a clln of one
or more miles a minute. William K.
Vanderbilt, Jr., p. R. Thomas and Wil
liam Wallace, whose driving aroused
muc'n interest last year, will not be
seen at the wheel this year. In the
Corinthian championship end the Cor
inthian "handicap of ten miles the only
entry is A. L. Guineas, the young Eng
lish sportsman, who will drive a
s French machine.
Of the foreign drivers Vlncenzo
lancia, of Turin, Italy, who will drive
a 110 howsepower Fiat car, is consid
ered the most skillful driver. He seem
ingly had the last Vanderbilt eup race
won by miles, when an accident,
through no fault of his, lost hlin the
honor Walter Clifford Earp, one of the
best English drivers, will handle a
Napier car in the races. William Hll
Hard will also drive a six-cylinder Na
pier car. He won the Mount Wash
lngton climbing contest Inst July.
I There are three 110 horsepower Fiat
cars entered In the two-mile-a-minute
races. Two of these have been entered
by Hollander and Tangeman and will
be driven by Lancin and Cedrino. The
other is the machine entered by
George W. Young and will be oiierated
by Fletcher. The other entries are
Alfred G. Vanderbllt's 250 'horsepower
car, to be driven by Sartori; the 200
horsepower Darracq, with Memory at
the wheel; Henry Ford's 105 horse
power Ford: Walter Christie's 100
horsepower Christie; C. A. Copy's 80
horsepower Thomas, a Stanley
steamer, and A. L. Gulness in a
French car.
The events of this race meeting in
clude the 100 mile international race
for the Minneapolis $2,000 trophy; the
one-mile international race for the Sir
Thomas R. Dewar tropfay; the two
miie-a-mmute race; a nve-mnc open
championship race; a ten-mile open
championship race; a fifteen-mile
open championship race; a one-mile
heavyweight championship race; a
me-mile middleweight chain plousbip
race for gasoline cars; a five-mile mid
dleweight championship race for gaso
line cars; a ten-mile middleweight
championship race for all kinds of
cars; a ten-mile open handicap; a fif
teen-mile open handicap for American
touring cars and a thirty-mile free-for-
all championship for American cars
f any make.
Naturally the two-mlle-a-mlnute race
is attracting the greatest interest and
' here are many conservative automo
tdlists who look forward to the event
with considerable anticipation. They
, U-?.r hat it will be practically impos
Mlde to ulcer the cars with sufficient
necuney at so terrific a speed to avoid
accidents. The result of a collision
or een of a minor accident to one
of tin machines going at such fearful
speed would, naturally, he disastrous
and it. is clear that everyone or tne
drivi is is taking t'he most desperate
hain-es. The Florida Eat Coast Au
'onioMIe association has arranced
r serial attractive feature. After the
i;reat '.wo-mile-a-mintite race the driver
wui) made the greatest speed, will be
rowed with the "speed crown" by
the prettiest girl in Florida. The cere
mony will take place In front of the
i!ra''':1.-li!i' -11 I"'l wew HI 1 lie niiiii
unil j vf kih (' ;i-nr. I he value .1 til
i-roA-n wh:i'h is Comio!--ed of gold, tl-l
ver and enamel, is about $1.m(m).
The course ia in perfect condition
and everw prH,'i tr-f-n ta'.u,
i ti-veui accidents at the races
through bouja defect In the track.
Secure an Option
For February 1st
Opportunity strikes ataman's
door but seldom this is your
Only 65 Lots t Sell and 130
Buyers to Buy
The handsomest "close in" Ad
dition ever platted in the city of
65 Lots on
opposite St. Vincent's Academy,
only two blocks from 4th Ward
Public School. Perfectly level,
rich soil, complete abstract of
title with every deed. Positively
no sales wiH be made until the
morning of February 1st.
4 Office Surety Investment Company )i
J D, B. K. SELLERS, Agent
lowing-named claimant has rued no
County Superintendent of Schools tice of his Intention to make final
Stroup 'ha planned a unique contest proof in support of his claim under
for the twenty-sisr school districts in sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
Bernalillo county. Only boys under 3, 1891 (26 Stats., S54), as amended
17 years of age are ?b compete.' The by tue act of February 21, 1893, (27
conditions are that every competitor stats., 470), and that said proof will
will start growing corn. In the fall, be made before U. S. Court Commis
at a date to be decided upon later, the sioner at Albuquerque, N. M on the
students will come to this city with 8th day of February, 1906, Via:
their products. For the best ears Triridad Jaramlllo y Maxwell, for the
three cash prizes will be awarded. It Small Holding Claim No. 1076, In
required of every boy to do his own Sees. 9 and 10, T. 6 N., R. 2 E.
farming and to explain how it was ; He names the following witnesses
done, for instance, whether manure to prove his actual continuous ad
was used, and how much, whet'her ir-! vers possession of said tract for
rigatlon was necessary, etc. Of
course there will be boys bearing lar
ger corn ars than others. The raiser
of the small ear will hence learn how
the larger one was grown. The ob
ject is to produce farmers along sci
entific lines.
Superintendent Stroup spent th
week in the mountains calling upon ,
the districts there. He found from a
foot to two and a K feet of snow
to wade through. he six districts
vitdrp,! am all ilolnz well. The tenn:Proor should not be allowed win De
this year will be four months instead
of three, as observed last year.
Thn nimiU aro verv much ntpreatert
in their work and are much enthused
over the corn growing contest.
Always Increases the Strength.
A reasonable amount of food thor
oughly digested and properly assimi
lated will always Increase the
strength. If your stomach la a "little
off Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest
what you eat and enable the digestive
organs to assimlllate and transform
a,ll food into tlssue-Duiiaing diooq.
Kodol relieves Sour Stomach, ueicn
ing. Heart-Burn and all forma of Iidl
ecstion. Palatable and strengthening.
Sold by all druggists.
By Benjamin Fiske Barrett.
(383 pp.,
5Vx7 inches;
fine cloth.)
large type;
For a limited period this book is of
fered at trade rates, 50 cents, with
9 cents postage for mailing.
The Origin of Angels The Essen
tial Nature of Heaven Character of
tho Angels Testimony of Scripture
The Sure Way to Heaven Practical
Tendency of This Disclosure En
vironment in Heaven, and What De-ti-rminps
It Societies in Heaven A
on Houses and Homes In Heaven
Garments in Heaven Children In
Heaven Sex and Marriage in Heav
en Work in Heaven Thro Three
Heavens and How Related Eternal
Progress In Heavfcn Consociation of
Angels With Men.
42 West Coulter Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. ,
January 23
Jaui.aiy j
oU--Geo. Samuels'
I tractions.
January 81 "Ole Oleson.
Heaven for the Nonhplst Ian Wor - - -,de the",a"ws and "regulat on
Hrf w Interior Department why such
,n l B, 1, ll'rof.1 should not be allowed will be
nlUon of Friends in tho Hereafter-, , opportunity at the above-
Personal Appearance of tie Angel--, ,onp(, me and )are tQ CT0
Rejuvenescence and Growth In Heav-i . . .. of BaM ,,.
Uorth 5th and
(Small Holding Claim No. 1076.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N
M., Dec. 29, 1905.
Notice la hereby given that the fol-
twenty years next preceding the sur-
vey of the township, viz:
Leopoldo Jaramlllo, of Tome, N. M.;
Pedro Gallegos, of Tome, N. M.; Jose
Aragon y Bernal, of Tome. N. M.;
Manuel Salazar y Otero, of Albuquer
que, N. M.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance or said proor, or
who knows oi any substantial reason
against tne laws and regulations oi
he Interior Department why such
Riven an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to cross-ex
lu wuuesscs oi earn ciaunnui,
and to offer evidence In rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
(Small Holding Claim No. 661.)
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M.,
Dec. 28, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
claimant has filed no
tice of his Intention to make final
proof in support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3, 1891 (26 Stats., 854), as amended by
the act of February 21, 1893 (27 Stata.,
470), and that paid proof will be made
before the U. S. Court Commissioner
at Albquerque, N. M., on the 7th day
of February, 1006. viz: Pedro Galle
gos y Gonzales, for the small holding
claim No. 661 in Sees. 3, 10 and 11,
T. 6 N.. R. 2 E.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous adverse
possession of said tract for twenty
years next preceding the survey of
the township, viz:
Jose Aragon y Bernal, of Tome, N.
M.; Francisco Torres, of Tome, f. M.;
Manuel Gallegos, of Tome, N. M.; Ber
nardo Gallegos, of Tome, N. M.
Any person who deaires to protest
agx'nat the allowance of said proof,
ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal
of that submitted by claimant.
MANUEL R. OTERO, Register.
Perfection Attained.
Perfection tan only be attained in the
physical by allow. ng Nature to appro
priate and not dissipate her own re
sources. Cathartics ni'lpe, weaken
dissipate, while Dt-Witt's Little Eearly
Lb its siiiijily exp ! a!l putrid matter
and blie. tlms allowing the liver to as
sume normal activity, Good for the ,,V '" '' ''' i'....-i;.Ji,
'lex., .--ays: "For years 1 have used
Little Early Riser pills in my family
No lettc pl'l cm be used for consti
pailon." So'.J by all drugg'-sts.
e i
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 a
New York
(Small Holding Claim No. 6G2.)
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M.,
January 17, 1906. ,
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named claimant bus filed no
tice of His intention to make final
proof In support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3, 1891 (26 Stats., 854), as amended
by the net of February 21, 1893 (27
Stats., 470), and that said proof will
be made before United States com
missioner at Albuquerque, N. M., on
February 27. 1906. viz Federlco San
chez y Montoya, for the Small Hold
ing Claim No. 662, situated In Sec.
24, T. 7 N., U. 2 E.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous ad
verse possession of said tract for
twenty years next preceding the sur
vey of the township, viz:
Meliton S. Otero, of Peralta. N. M.;
Juan Apodaca, of Valencia, N. M.;
Benito Armljo, of Valencia, N. M.;
Estanlslas Garley, of Peralta, N. M.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of said proof,
or who knows of any substantial rea
son under the laws and regulations
of the Interior department why such
proof should not be allowed will be
given an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to cross
examine the witnesses of said claim
ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted bv claimant.
MANUEL R. OTERO, Register.
(Small Holding Claim No. 700.)
Department- of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M.,
Dec. 28, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing-named claimant has filed no
tice of his Intention to make final
proof In support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3, 1891 (26 Stats.. 8541, as amended by
the act of February 21. 1893 (27 Stats.,
470), and that said proof will be made
before the U. S. Court Commissioner
at Albquerque, N. M.. on the 7th day
of February, 1906. viz: Jnnn Apodaca,
for the lot 1, sees. 23 and 24, and lot
2, sec. 23, T. 7 N.. R. 2 E.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous adverse
possession of said tract for twenty
years next preceding the survey of
the townshinp, viz:
Benito Armijo, of Valencia, N. M.;
Jesus Garcia, of Valencia. N. M ; Ca
nuto Apodaca, of Valencia, N. M.;
Tomas Martinez, of YnVncia, N. M.
Any person who iV-.res to protest
against the allowance of said proof,
r who knows of any s itstantlal rea
son under the laws and regulations
of the Interior Department why such
proof 3hould not be allowed will be
gtveii an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to cross
examine tho witnesses of said claim
ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal
of that submitted bv claimant.
MANUEL R. OTERO, Register.
A Modern Miracle.
"Truly miraculous .v'emed the re
covery of Mrs. Molii Holt of this
place," writes J. O. H. Hooper, Wood
ford, Tenn., "she was sox wasted by
coughing up puss from her lungs.
Doctors declared In r (id so near that
tlio family had watched by her bed
siue forty-elKht houi-
when, at myi
urgent rennet ti,- Kmii New Tiis
coveiv was eiven her. with the aston
ishing result that impr .vement began,
ami continued until sbft finallv com
r.iot, '.. r.--,v, i-t.,t. am. Is a healthy
v (.map todav." Guaranteed cure f r
r'"igtis and colds. r.u- and 11.00 at all
druggists. Trial little free.
Try a Citizen want ad.
Mountain Road
4 "r
3 I
(Small Holding Claim No. 445.) (Small Holding Claim No. 1054.)
Department of the Interior, United Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M., States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M.,
January 8, 1906. January 9, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that the fol- Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named claimant has filed no- lowing named claimant has filed no
tice of his Intention to make final-
proof in support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3. 18H1. (26 Stats., 854), as amended
by the act of February 21, 1893, (27
States., 470), and that said proof will
be made before the United States
court commissioner at Albuquerque,
N. M., on February 15. 1906.. viz..
Heatris C. de Sanchez, widow of
Jesus H. Sanchez, deceased, for the
s. 11. C. No. 445, situated In Sec. 25, K. 2 K., and Sees. 18 and 19, T. 7
T. 7 N., R. 2 E., and Sec. 30, T. 7 N.,jN., R. 3 E.
R. 3 E. He names the following witnesses
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous adverse
possession of said tract for twenty
years next preceding the survey of ,
the township, viz.:
Manuel Maes, of Valencia, N. M.; ! Jesus Garcia, of Valencia, N. M.; Mell
Mariano Perea, of Valencia, N. M.;;'n 8. Otero, of Peralta, N. M.; Hlg-
Joso O. Chavez, of Valencia, N. M.; !
Miguel SUva, of Valencia, N. M. 1 Any person who desires to protest
Any person who desires to protest ' against tho allowance of said proof
against the allowance of said proof or who knows of any substantial rea
or who knows of any substantial rea- Bon under the laws and regulations of
son under the laws nnd regulations of the Interior department why such
the Interior department why such proof should not be allowed, will be
proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above
given an opportunity at the above- mentioned time and place to cross
mentioned time and place to croBs- examine the witnesses of said claim
examine the witnesses of said claim- ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal
ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted bv claimant.
(Small Holding Claim No. 655.) ..
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Banta Fe, N
M.. Dec. 29. 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the fol-lowing-named
claimant, has filed no
tice of his Intention to make final
proof In support of his claim under
Sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3, 1S!U (26 Stats., 854), as amended
by the act of February 21, 1893, (27
Stats., 470), and that said proof will
be made before U. S. Court Commis
sioner at Albuquerque, N. M on the
Sth day of February, 1906, Vis:
Roniulo Aragon y Baca, agent of Ter
esa Haca y Garcia de Aragon, for the
Small Holding Claim No. 055, Sec. 25,
T. 7 N., R. 2 E., and Sec. 30, T. 7 N.,
R. 3 K.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous ad
verse possession , of said trat for
twenty years next preceding the sur
vey of the township, viz:
Rafael Gurtile, of Peralta. N. M.;
Antonio Jose Aragon, of Valencia, N.
M.; Gregorio Aragon, of Valencia, N.
M l Francisco Aragon y Baca, o
Valencia. N. M.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of said proof, or
w!m knows of any substantial reason
agadnst the laws and regulations of
the Interior Department why such
proof should nor. be allowed will be
giv.-n an opportunity at the above
11 entioned time and place to cross-ex
amine the witnesses of said claimant
and to offer evidence In rebuttal of
itha' vutmit"-d l,v claimant.
- Half trie woria wonoi-
- lliow the ether half lives. Those who
use HU
k'.-ns Arnica halve never
i, ,, .. c,.t? mts. V-,V,u:(!,,
ll.nn.-. Son- and all Skin Erii'Mons:
ihev .now it w iH. Mrs. Oranf Shy.
U.'M I". Kevnotila street. Sprint. field,
II! says "1 r"gard It one of th- ab
solute n' ' v.-itip of housekeeping "
Gu?ranu-eJ hy all druggist, 25c
Key 'to.
Only $ 1 0 Down, Balance $5 per Month
Block 1.
Lot 1 215
Lot 2 190
Lot 3, 4 and 5, each 165
Lot 15 s200
Lot 14 175
Lot 10, 11, 12 and 13, each 150
Block 2.
Lot 1 $200
Lot 2 175
Lots 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8, each.,.. 150
Lot 19 225
Lot 18 200
Lota 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17,
each 175
Block 3.
Lot 1 and 12, each $215
If you will fill out the following blank and mail
or hand same in to our office, we will number your
option and reserve such lots as you may select
(not to exceed four) until 0 o'clock p. m., February
1st, providing no one else has selected the same
lots prior to your option number. Positively no
sales made until 8 o'clock the morningof Feb'y 1.
Name x
Office Surety Investment Company
"ce of his Intention to make final
proof in support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3, 1891, (26 Stats., 854), as amended
by the act of February 21, 1893, (27
states., 47(1). and that said proof will
be made before the United Spates
court commissioner at Albuquerque,
N- M., on the 19th day of February.
1908. viz., Abel Romero, for the S. H.
C. No. 1054 In Sees. 13 and 24, T. 7
to prove his actual continuous adverse
possession of said tract for twenty
years next preceding the survey of
the township, viz.:
Eracllo Garcia, of Peralta, N. M.;
'n'o Chavez, of Peralta, N. M.
of that submitted by claimant.
(Small Holding Claim No. C17.1
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M.,
January 9, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named claimant has filed no
tice of his Intention V - make final
proof In support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17 of the act of March
3, 1891, (26 Stats.. 854), as amended
by the act of February 21, 1893, (27
States.. 470), and that said proof will
be made before the United' States
court commissioner at Albuquerque,
N. M., on February 17, 1906, viz., Te
odora Sanchez de Vigil, for the S. H.
C. No. 617, In lot 1 Sees. 25, 26, 35
and 36; lots 2 and 4, Sec. 26, and lot
3, Sec. 35, T. 7, N., R. 2 E.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous adverse
possession of said tract for twenty
years- next preceding the survey of
the township, viz.:
Juan Apodaca, of Valencia, N. M.;
Benito Armijo, of Valencia, N. M.;
Manuel Alarid, of Valencia, N. M.;
Jesus Garcia, of Valencia, N. M.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of said proof
or who knows of any substantial rea
son under the laws and regulations of
the Interior department why such
proof should nit lie allowed, will be
given an opportunity at the alove
meutioned time and place to cross
examine the witnesses of said claim
ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted bv claimant.
Beats the Music Cure.
"To keep the body in tune," writes
Mrs. Hen Brown. 2D Lafayette Place,
nsle, N. Y., "I take Dr.
New Life Pills. They are the
.-;o. t i"i Ha.-'.- ;:tel i.l.-.nant laxative I
have found." !' st tor the Stomach.
Liver and Rowels Guaranteen by all
druggists. 25.
A Citizen wan: ad will set the busi
ness. Try one.
w a
Lota 2 and 11, each 1t9
Lot 7 tm
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10, each.. MS
Lots 13 and 24, each 235
Lots 14 and each 2TO
Lot 18 275
L.ots 15, 16," 17, 19, 20, 21 and 22,
each 190
Block 4.
Lot 11 $23
Lot 10 210
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
each ,'l90
Block 5.
Lot i $200
Lot 2 200
Lot 3 200
(Small Holding Claim No. 1601.)
Department of the Interior, Unite
States Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M,
December 20, 1905. f .
Notice Is hereby given that tee fol
lowing named claimant has filed no
tice of his Intention, to make final
proof in support of bis claim under
sections 16 and 17. of the act of March
3. 1891, (26 Stats.. 854), as amend
by the act of February 11, 189J, (27
Stats., 470), and that said proof will
be made before the United State
court commissioner at Albuquerque.
N. M., on the I9th day of January.
1906, viz., Meliton S. Otero, for the
S. H. C. No 1601. in section 19, town
ship 7 nortn. range S east, and aeo
tlon 24, township 7 north, range
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous adverse
possession of said tract for twenty
years next preceding the survey of the
township, viz: v
Jesus Salazar y Otero, of Peralta,
N. M.; Placldo Salazar y Otero, of Al
buquerque, N. M.; Jesus Sanches y
Alarid, of Valencia, N. M.; Deslderlo
Gurule, of Peralta, N. M.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of said proof,
or who knows of any substantial rea
son under the laws and regulations of
the interior department why such
proof should not be allowed, will be
glvea an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to cfoss
examine the witnesses of said claim
ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal
of that submitted by claimant.
(Small Holding Claim No. 36.)
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, SanU F, N. 1I
January 3, 1006.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named claimant has filed no
tice of his Intention to make final
proof in support of his claim under
sections 16 and 17. of the act of March
3, 1891, (26 Stats., 854), as amended
by the act of February 21, 1893, (27
Stats., 470), and that said proof will
be made before the United State ,
court commishioner at San Rafael, N.
M., on February 9, 1906. via.: Barbara
J. de Pino, for the lots 1 and 2, sec
tion 20; lot 3, section 16 and 17, town
ship 10 north, range 7 west.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his actual continuous ad
verse possession of said tract for
twenty years next preceding the aur
vey of the township, viz:
Gorgonio Figueroa, of Cubero, N.
M.; Pablo Lucero, of Cubero, N.
Banlsta Baca, of Cubero, N. M.; Joan
D. Martinez, of Cubero, N. M.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of said proof,
or who knows of any substantial rea
son under the laws and regulations of
the Interior department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will be
given an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to cross
examine the witnesses of said claim
ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal
of that submitted bv claimant.
Indigestion Overcome.
Indigestion Is easily overcome by the
use. of Kdol Dyspepsia Cure, tecaus
this remedy digests what you eat and
gives the stomach a rest allow It to
rcnrwrDtft and grow strong again
Kodol relieves Indigestion. Belching dV
Gas, Sour Stomach. Heart-Burn, etc.,
and enables the digestive organs t.
transform all foods into the kind of
rich red blood that makes health and
btieugth. Suld by all druggists.