OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1905-1907, July 25, 1907, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020615/1907-07-25/ed-1/seq-7/

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breaking in
Classified Advertisements!
nnnKn.w. jvix z mi.
Arizona and Nevada Miners
Are Busy Taking
Out Ore.
Mayer. Arix., July 23. Many cop
per properties Jn this vicinity are
showing Immense activity, among
them betnK the Sunset and Copper
Creek group of mines. Machinery
for the former Is on the ground
ready for Installation and is of the
Very best type obtainable.
At tJoiriflclcl, Nov.
One of the most active of the
voting leasers in this camp is the
Kansas Clty-Goldfleld Mining compa
ny, owning a two-block lease on the
Goldfleld C. O. D. property and a
two-block lease on the UoldAfld Vel
vet property. Shafts are being put
down with all possible speed on both
properties, both shafts being thor
oughly modern, well timbered and
two-compartment. 25-horse power
gasoline hoists are Installed at both
shafts. The C. O. D. shaft Is near
the 300-foot level and the shaft on
the Velvet lease is about 275 feet
deep. Some good ledges have been
out and the indications for a rich
producer are good.
Stocks in all mines In this section
are showing remarkable strength,
both locally and in outside markets.
New York is setting the pace and
though there are some favorites no
particular stock is the market lead
er. The largely Increased produc
tion, throughout the district. Is re
sponsible for the strong upward tone
of the market, and the sentiment is
that any Goldfleld stock Is good
At Mansfield. Aria.
Like many other mining districts,
greater activity is the rule in this vl
clnitty. The Black Cap shaft has cut
through ore all the way down and
the quantity and grade seem to Im
prove with every foot of depth gain
ed. Sinking on the A. C. Sweet will
be resumed as soon as the Installa
tion of a new air compressor, re
cently placed on the ground, is ac
complished. The claims mentioned
are a part of the Mansfield Copper
company's property, and with the
showing generally found, it is
thought that a large concentration
plant will be soon necessary.
A valuable Jersey cow. owned by
R. W. Shea. 1415 West Central ave
nue, was accidentally shot yesterday
afternoon by boys shooting with
rifles. The cow was in Hunlng's pas
ture. Yesterday several boys were
hunting In that vicinity and a stray
bullet shot by them wounded the
cow. It is thought that by timely
treatment the cow will recover from
the wound. The animal is a three-year-old
thoroughbred and valued at
$100. The police are on .the lookout
for juvenile offenders who go hunting
on the outskirts of the dty and un
less the shooting Is stopped some
drastic measures will be taken.
Get a free nam pre of Dr. Shoop's
. "Health Coffee" at our store. If real
coffee disturbs your Stomach, your
Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever
Coffee Imitation. Dr. Shoop has
closely matched Old Java and Mocha
Coffee In flavor and taste, yet it has
not a single grain of real Coffee In It.
Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation
Is made from pure toasted grains or
cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made
in a minute. No tedious wait. You
will surely like it. by C. U.
The Biggest Hind of a Change
that Ever Happened to Any Magazine
Has Happened This Month to
THE SCRAP COOK for July Is Issued In two sections fwo complete mngattnea, each
lth Ha own cover and Ma own fable of contents. One of these sections la an ALL
ILLVSTfiartO manazinet the other la an ALL-FICTION magazine. Each la a mammoth maga
line In Itself. The one presents an overwhelming array of human Interest articlea anil
Illustrations the other an enormous tonnage of fiction 1 GO pages of absorbing stories.
Ten yean ago I created a new type of magazine the ALL-FICTION magazine. Now I am creating another
distinct typj the ALL-ILI.L'STKA I'ED magazine. This it the age of specialization. The conventional magazine,
with it smiti.-ring of illustritions and its smattering of fiction and its smattering of ipecial articles, doesn't contain
rnoug'.i of anyone thing to make it satisfy ing. The ALL-FICTION magazine and the ALI.-ILLUS'l RATLD
magazine, joined together ai a unit, strengthen each other, sad make something really Ug and forceful and convincing.
The Only Way to Know a Thing is to Try It
The two-section magazine idea is brand-new to the world. It is not quite new with me, however, as I have
given it, st odd time, four or five years of thought It first came into my mind in response to a desire to couple, in
some nay, the strength of the all fiction magazine with the illustrated features of the conventional magazine. It has
been a difficult problem to work out. Now that the idea is perfected, I wish to see what there is in it. It looks to
roe to be very good, but the only way to know a thing is to try it.
Two Magazines for a Quarter Easy Money
The price of this two-part magazine is twenty-five cents, which ia equal to twelve
sad one-balf cents a magazine. Most magazines whicii were selling at ten cents
have been advanced to fifteen cents. THE SCRAP HOOK in two parts means two
magazines for twenty-five cents against thirty cents for two fifteen cent magazines.
Now Ready on all News-stands
New Owners of Famed Gib
son Properties Remain
Globe, Aril., July 25. Wide Inter
est has been attracted by th re
ported Side of the Gibson mine on
Pinto creek, near Globe, and there
has been much speculation as to the
Identity of the purchasers, who, as
yt't, refuse to make themselves
The story of the Gibson mine Is as
Interesting and romantic as that of
the BomuiEa days In California. The
Gibson claims were located some
years ago by Sam Gibson, Hender
son and several others, forming the
Gibson Copper company, with a cap
ital of $90. All but Handerson and
Gibson drew out, but these two went
down on a streak of talc until their
$90 gave out. Then they went to
Globe to search for work.
Started With $600.
In Globe they met an acquaintance
a laborer, who had laboriously saved
about $600. When he heard their
story he gave them his money and
they returned to their prospect hole.
When they had dug down ninety feet
they reached rich bornite ore, and
started shipping it at once.
With the first of their profits they
purchased a business in Globe for
$1,500 and presented It to their bene
factor. At present forty teams are on the
road hauling ore from the Gibson
mine. They have another mine on
the other side of the mountain, from
which they pack the ore on burros.
Several weeks ago. while the stock
was being sold at $15 per share, an
offer of $1,000,000 was made by an
eastern syndicate, and refused. It is
not known whether the same syndi
cate finally purchased the mine, but
It Is a fact that It wins sold for $3.
000.000 or $30 per share, there being
Santa. Fe, X. M.. July 25. The
following have been appointed notar
ies public bv Acting Governor J. W.
Haynolds: K. L. Medler, of Albu
querque, Bernalillo county; Howard
H. Betts, of Silver City, Grant coun
ty. C. D. Miller, of Las Crucea, Dona
Ana county; Herman Goodman, of
Hoy, Mora county; William H. War
ing, of Tierru Amarilla, Hio Arriba
Articles of Incorporation.
The following articles of incorpor
ation have been tiled in the office of
Territorial Secretary J. W. Haynolds:
Alamo Real Estate, Loan and In
surance company. Principal place of
business nt Alamogordo, Otero coun
ty. Territorial agent, Albert P. Men
ger at Alamogordo. Capital stock,
$10,000, divided Into one hundred
shares of the par value of $100 each.
bject. real estate, loan and lnsur
nnce business. Period of existence,
25 years. Incorporators. John Q.
Grant, Chauncey S. Paust and Albert
F. Mengel, all of Alamogordo.
Take a Postmaster's Word for It.
Mr. M. F. Hia.'.on, postmaster at
Cherryvale, Ind., keeps also a stock
of general merchandise and patent
medicines. He says: "Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy Is standard here in Its .inc. It
never falls to give satisfaction and
we could hardly afTord to be with
out it." For sale by all druggists.
Finds That New York Owners
Are Not Paying
Santa Fe. X. M July 25. District
Attorney Hubert C. Gortner recently
addressed a letter to District Attor
ney William T. Jerome of New York
City In order to ascertain the amount
of personal property returned by
Bird S. Coler, Klverton H: Chapman
and L. S. Uile. of New Yjrk City,
holders of Santa Pe county bonds and
I coupons, in order to ascertain if these
owners of these bonds and coupons
returned these securities as taxable
property to the city of New York and
paid taxes thereon. In answer be re
ceived a letter from Herman A. Meta,
comptroller of the city of New York,
which discloses the fact that these
financiers have not returned these
bonds and coupons for assessment,
and pay no taxes on them. It appears
that since 1900 the property returns
of Bird S. Coler showed on personal
property valuations of $5,000; the tax
returns of Klverton R. Chapman on
personal property for several years
showed $7,500 and for the years 1905
and 1906 the sum of $10,000. There
were no assessments for L. S. Hole
until the year 1905 and In that year
the assessment amou lied to JS.000
and In the year 1906, $4,500.
No Schedules Filed.
No schedules are filed Indicating In
any maner the character or nature
of personal property for which as
sessments are made. District Attor
ney Gortner therefore assumes that
no taxes are paid on the bonds and
coupons of Santa Fe county refunded
Issues of 1891 and 1892 held by these
parties and proposes to push the col
lection of the tax assessments levied
by the board of county commission
ers of th.s county on the coupons for
which these paities have obtained
Judgments and which now, with com
pound Interest, amount to about
$170,000. The original Judgment bas
ed upon coupons now on file with the
clerk of the first Judicial district court
of this county, amount to $138,000.
IliS $200,000 FEES
Tucson. Ariz.. July 25. To fight
for $1.2"il.("l(. of which $200,000 will
be his fee, Attorney Tom Fitch will
go to San Francisco in October to
appear in the federal circuit court of
Hp pea Is in behalf of several wealthy
Importers of "saka," the most pop
ular Japanese beverage.
For five years these Importers have
been In the courts, trying to force the
government to refund to them duties
aggregating $1,200,000, which they
allege were collected without warrant
under the duty laws since 1901.
Fitch has appeared for the import
ers In four courts, once in New York,
St. Louis, Cincinnati and Honolulu,
and In each of these the presiding
Judges have decided against the gov
ernment and in his favor.
Hy agreement the decision that
will be rendered by the circuit court
In San Francisco will be final, the
customs officials having agreed to
abide by whatever is done in the
If Fitch wins it means that the
government must pay back 40 cents
on every gallon Imported. He esti
mated that about 3.000,000 gallons
have been imported by his clients.
A cleansing, clean, cooling, sooth
ing, healing household remedy Is De
Witt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve.
Sold by J. H. O'Rlelly & Co.
Phoenix. Aria., has a bootblncklng
trust. One bootblack has secured
control of all the stands In that town.
Eight Russians without proper pa
pers were cwpturert at Douglas, Ariz.,
Wednesday and taken to Nogales.
Phoenix, Ariz., had one of the
worst storms In its history Tuesday
night, much damage being done by
lightning, rain and wind.
Harry Bowen was seriously hurt
Wednesday while at work on an ar
tesian well drilling outfit. His gloves
caught In h moving chain and he
was badly bruised, his forearm being
broken In two places.
Mrs. J. Paxton of Globe, Ariz.,
suffered serious results from the
sting of a scorpion Tuesday evening.
The marked symptoms were partial
paralysis, blindness and seml-uncon-sclousness
and the extreme effects of
the poison were felt for seven hours.
Friday was a great day in Wlcken
burg. Ariz. For the first time In its
history the town was supplied by Ice
locally manufactured. The Wlcken
burg Ice plant was at last In opera
tion and the frozen blocks of water
were turned out in profusion.
Last week Oliver M. Iee sold his
Dog Canyon ranch near Alamogordo,
to Messrs. A. M. Jackley, F. Corp and
Geo. T. Klmple, Kansas capitalists,
who will make a great farm out of
the whole ranch, consisting of 320
acres, utilizing the waters from Iog
canyon. The price paid was up
wards of $20,00.
The Wool Growers' association of
Arizona has been notified that the
rule has been made authorizing the
Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix rail
rond and the Prescott and Eastern
railroad, as well as the main line of
the Santa Pe road, to charge double
deck rate on two single deck cars
where the double deck cars cannot
be furnished to Chicago and Mis
souri river points.
John T. Thyslng. the veteran In
dian trader, who was found dead in
his store nenr Kenms, Ariz., Saturday
was murdered. His wife left him in
good health Friday, for a visit In
Kenms. On her return Saturday she
met an Indian who told her that her
husband was dead in his store. Hur
rying on. she found Thyslng sitting
upright in a chair, a heavy blanket
wrapped tightly around hls head and
shoulders. The money drawer was
open and quite empty.
Tuesday night's storm damaged the
Phoenix Iron Works, at Phoenix, Ari
zona, to the extent of approximately
$3,000. O. H. Wllllscraft. the proprie;
or. believes that it must have ben
struck by lightning. He lives a hort
distance away and happening to
glance townrd the works, row the
lightning playing all about it. There
was a blinding flash. and then dark
ness. When there ; another Hash,
lighting up the pic. he saw .that
the south wall rL the structure had
fallen inward-, " a part of the front
wall had caved outward, and that
the roof was tumbling down among
the ruins.
National l.eugiio.
Iloston at Chicago.
ISrooklyn at St. Louis.
New York at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Pittsburg.
American tongue.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Washington.
Detroit at Iloston.
Cleveland at New York.
National League.
Won. Lost Pel,
Chicago 62 22 .T3S
New Vork tit 31 .e 1 3
Pittsburg 49 32 .605
Philadelphia 45 34 .570
Hrouklyu 39 46 .403
Huston 34 4,j 45
Cincinnati 33 50 ',35)8
St. Louis 19 69 .Jlti
American Ixtigiie.
Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 63 32 ,6J0
Cleveland 60 34 ..r.:i5
Detroit 47 33 .OSS
Philadelphia 46 35 .663
New York 40 42 .4SS
St. Louis 34 60 .405
Boston 32 49 .3J5
Washington 26 63 .329
Western lciiguc.
Won. Lost. Pc.
Omaha 56 36 .603
Lincoln 51 38 .573
Dos Moines 45 40 .523
Denver 40 43 .482
Sioux City 35 43 .Slid
Pueblo 33 60 .3'JS
Yi:sTi:ni v s uamix.
National Icagiir,
At New York: R. II. E.
Cleveland 6 6 3
New York 7 12 5
Hatlerles Joss, Bernard, Llebhardl
and Clarke; Chesbro and Klienow.
At Huston: H. H. K.
Iloston 4 10 1
Detroit 3 6 3
Hatterles Tannehill and Criger;
Donovan and Payne
At Washington: II. II. E.
Washington 6 11 1
S:. LouU 6 8 2
ratunes Patten and Warner;
Morgan and Stephens.
At Philadelphia: R. H. E.
Chicago 1 4 1
Philadelphia 3 1
l(Hllf it Patterson and Sullivan;
Waddi-li and be h reck.
Western Ivcugue.
At De.iMr: P.. II. E.
Denver 3 6 6
Omaha K 13 4
Batteries Olmsti-ad and McDon
ough; McN'e.-l mid Gonding.
At Sioux City: P.. H. E.
Sioux City 6 8 0
Lincoln 7 11 6
i'.attviies Williams and Shcuhun;
Mi Kay ami Zinran.
At Pueblo: P. H, E.
Pueblo 8 13 5
De Moines 16 10 1
Hatterles Fitzgerald, Jordan- and
Dnii; fjorer ana xeager.
American Asmm-IuIIoh.
At Kansas City: Kansas City 6; To
ledo 3.
At Minneapolis: Minneapolis 0; In.
diariaixdm 4.
At Milwaukee: Milwaukee 1; Louls-
villa i.
FEE'S (.(Mil), ( tn.n noor PEE
HELP WANTED If that Is your
crying need, a want ad in The
Evening Citizen's want column will
assure you of plenty of employes.
WANTED Gunny sacks, all kinds.
E. W. Pee, 602 South First street.
WANTED Immediately, a white
camp cook. Apply Horabln-Mc-
WAITED A man to take care of.
and drive, team. Apply Superior
Planing Mill.
WANTED To .borrow $?00 on first
mortgage, ample security. Ad-
dress Hox 403, city
WANTED Car carpenters, car re
pairers, laborers, needed at Albu
querque shops. Confer with Master
Mechanic for details.
WANTED Position as cook In small
hotel or camp; colored. Address,
X. Y. Z. Citizen olllce.
WANTED First class cook at Allen
hotel. Must furnish reference. $50
per month. J. M. Allen, Magda-
lena. N. M.
VANTED People who want some
thing, to advertise In The Citizen's
want column. A few lines cost but
a few cents but bring returns an
hundred fold.
WANTED Ladles who wish stylish
dressmaking. Also apprentice. Cp.il
on Miss C. P. Crane, 612 Noth
Second street. Millinery at ..naif
WANTED At once, woman :Jo 3o
housework; small- family, good
wages. Inquire Mrs. F. E.' Sturges,
4 2S North Second street.,'
WANTED An experienced book
keeper. Address in own writing,
stating experience, etc. S. J.
Hrack. manager Hio Grande Lum
ber company, city.
MEN WANTED Somewhere every
day. If you r.re looking for a Job
put a want r.d In The Evening Citi
zen' want column and It will do
the rest.
for nErrr.
FOR UENT Room with board at
618 East Central avenue.
FOP. RENT Pleasant, well furnlsh
od front rooms, near business cen
ter; rates reasonable. Corner
Sixth and Railroad, Apply at rear.
Full RENT Two nice large pleasant
furnished rooms, for light house
keeping or sleeping rooms. En
quire 6 17 South Hroadway.
FOR RENT A few nicely furnished
rooms, with use of bath, very rea
sonable; no Invalids. Hotel Cralge,
Silver avenue, between First and
Second streets.
FOR RENT Several small cottages.
all nicely furnished for housekeep
ing. J. B. Block, Jemez Hot
Springs, N. M.
EMPLOYMENT If you need work
The Citizen s want column will rur-
nish you a quick and ready means
of securing It at a minimum ex
penditure. Put a want ad In The
Citizen today and be at work tomor
row. :xu SALIW
ASN'AP The best payinfThotel busi
ness in New Mexico for $1,800 cash.
See 11. L. Schutt, 219 South Second
FOR SALE Fine young Jersey bull.
Inquire mornings, at 611 North
First street. Geo. A. Blake.
FOR SALE Half Interest In estab
lished poultry business. Bred-to-Lay
Poultry Yards. J. T. Harger,
prop., 12th street and Mountain
FOR SALE Entire stock of chick
ens, two bone cutters, horse power;
two alfalfa cutters, etc. Also
household .furniture. Corner Will
lam street' and Southern avenue.
Molltor's Poultry Ranch.
FOUND Through trie want column
of The Evening Citizen, Just what
you have been looking for. An
advertising source sure to bring re
turns for small expenditure. Try a
want ad and be convlnceu.
Alal"gellne ofbrass, bronzed and
Iron beds, small refrigerators, car
pets, linoleum, window shades, cur
tain poles, stair pads, mattresses,
utoves and ranges, baby Iron
Futrelle Furniture Co.
Try a Ieggett & Piatt, patented
steel spring, and you will want no
other; every one guaranteed 10 years;
no sag. always comfortable. We will
give you one on 30 days' approval,
what more can you ask, and will
take your old spring in part payment,
telephone 376. Sold only by the Fu
trello Furniture Co., west end via
I 'our room adobe Iioum
and alHiut an aero of
lino garden land, W.
Central avenuo 9 800
Tlirco room Iioum. four
lots, North Fourth
street 1,000
Tlirco room house ami
an aero of land, three
miloH north of town.. 400
Tlirw room lionsc, fur
nished complex-, two
good liorH, hiiln
wagon and one aero
or land S00
Six room house. West
Now York uvcniie... 2,500
Sl room Iiiiiim', West
MurqiicttP avenue . . . 1,800
Six room lirlek house,
liatli, cellar, Fourth
ward 920.00
Apartments in lloH5 Hats,
two to si rooms, mod
em conveniences, 910 to 20.00
I 'our room brick house,
hath, eellur, Fourth uurtl S3. 00
Sesen room luiek house,
modern, furnished or un
furnished, close in.
Three rooms for lighthouse-
keeping, closo in l.VOU
I'lve room Iioiim-, South
Second street 15.00
I'lo room fnimo, First
wurd 20.00
A. Montoya
2(5 Wfst Gold Ave.
On Furnltura, Piano, Organ
Hortea, Wagon and othr Chattel
HOUSE RECEIPTS, a low a 11$
and a high a $200, Loan are
quickly mad and ttrlctly private
Tim: On month to on year given
Good remain In your possession
Our rate are reasonabl. Call an
e us befor borrowing.
Steamship ticket to and from ai
part of the world.
Room I and 4, Grant Bldg.
803 H West Railroad Ave.
Open Erenlnfa.
Ira M- Bond.
N. W., Washington, D. C. Pension
tana patents, copyrights, caveats
letter patent, trad mark, claim
B- W. D. Ilryan.
ATTORNS r AT LAW. Alhnnn.r
que. N. M. Offlc. Pirrt NaUona
uank building.
E. W. Dobson.
Cromwell block, Albuquerque, N. 21
Dental Surgeon.
Rooms I and . Barnett bulldlti
over O'Rielly' drug tor. Phon.
No. 744. Appointment mad by mat.
Vli. C. A. ELLEIt,"
N. T. Arm! Jo Building. Phon 869.
Edmund J. Alger, D. D. S.
No. 80S Railroad avenue. Offle
hours, 9 a. m., to 11:30 p. m.; l:Xi
p. m. to 9 p. m. Both phone. Ap
polntmenta mad by malL
W. SI. KllniniiT u 11 ' 1
Homeopathic Iliyalctan and SnrgeoB
Occidental Life Building. Tl
phone 889. Albuquerque, N. M.
UK. R. I., iiitui
Office, 9-8, N. T. Armljo Bld.
Tuberculosis treated with Higt
Frequency Electrical Current and
Germicide. Treatment given acr
day from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Trainer
nurse In attendance. Both phone
Homeopathic Physicians and Snr
goons. Over Yann's Drug Store.
Phone. Oflloe and Residence. 628.
Physician and Surgeon.
Rooms 4 and 6. Barnett bldg. Of
fice hours 8 to 11 and 2 to 5, 7 to 8
p. m.
F. W. Spencer. Room 48-47 Bar
nett building, Albuquerque, N. it
Both phones.
Thos. K. V. Maddlson.
Office with W. B. Chllder.
West Gold avenue.
Department of the Interior, land of
fice at Santa Fe, N. M., June 24,
Notice Is hereby given that Lucas
Gallegos, of San Rafael, N. M., has
filed notice of his intention to make
final five-year proof In support of
nis claim, viz: Homestead entry No.
6!ig made April 22, 1902, for the
WV4 SE, and SVi SWK. section 84,
township 5 N., range 7 W.. and that
said proof will be made before 811
vestre Mlrabal. U. 8. court commis
sioner, at San Rafael, N. M., on Aug
ust 0, 1907.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
Manuel Lucero, Trinidad Sabedra,
Manuel Montoya, Vlctorlno TruJIllo,
all of San Rafael. N. M.
When there Is the slightest Indica
tion of Indigestion, heart burn, flat
ulence or any form of stomach trou
ble take a little Kodol occasionally
and you will get prompt relief. Sold
by J. H. O' Rielly & Co.
For constipation there Is nothing
quite so nice as Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. They always
produce a pleasant movement of the
bowels without any disagreeable ef
fct. Price, 25 cents. Samples free
For sale by all druggists.
IF '! I".. "I T,..'l"1H"mi'r I
tlith thtoot
The flexible sole Red Cms
Shoe is comfortable from
Vie start. .
,The burning and aching
aused bv stiff soles and the
evils of thin soles are ore-
v-ented bv the Red Cross. It
enables a woman to be on her
Feet for hours at a time with
:omfort. '
A stylish
shoe thaCs
N$. Si, RiJ One
FtUnl Colt BJmtitr,
iigh Shoes,
Zet us fit you. 1
121 Railroad Arena
And Principal Eastern Points
On Sale Dally
June 1st to Sept. 30th
Low rates, long limit, ticket ac
cepted on Limited and all other
trains. Call at ticket office and w
will plan your trip back east. W
are all going. Why not you T
T. E. PURDY, Agent
A. T. & S. F. RY.
Room 13 and 14 eromwell Block.
Albuquerque. Telephone No. 18.
Port Bryon, N. T., ha witnessed
one of the most remarkable cases of
healing ever recorded. Amos F. King
of that place says: "Bucklen'a Ar
nica Salve cured a sore on my leg
with which I had suffered over 80
years. I am now eighty-five."
Guaranteed to .cur all sores, by all
dealers, 25c.
New Arrivals for tlie Week.
Seamless tapestry rugs, Ingrain
carpets (large assortment) brass and
Iron beds, linoleums, Hoosler Kitchen
Cabinets, China and glassware. Fu-
treiie urnuure Co.
ano CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
New Discovery
MR roycHS
n. ii m
. v..
OLDS Trial Buttle Free
Snr. wtiliums' Indian PiU
i liotrumit will cure Hiit.d
llltcamn sun ltc'ilu
'tUuyn trie iicliintf at e: , sc"
....,... iuiii.ui in4,
IliMlit l.t,Mii,.r.'.l l.r IIL..,U,..I.
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rlit nt pnev M cent ie f l.wo. WiLlllffe
MN'JfCTU8lsG M . irop. I'l.v.lamt. 6uZ

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