OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1907-1909, May 29, 1908, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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nilftAV, MAY , l0.
i t tili.ltlii.iii nlfl'LNT
f rAene six.
r. Business Man
r"1 1 1 7i
. , 5,
will i , C3Li&- i.. if I &v ?VVm&,Jl I
Mines and Mining j
Banin. Wyo., May 29. It Is unJ.T-
stood amiHit? mining mm familiar
with the facts that the placer proper,
ties at the headquarters of Hie Little
Big Horn river will carry values run
ning well alM)ve $1 per euble yard in
free gold; and It Is figured that from
ti to $ per cubic yard can be re
covered by the cyanide process. These
values have evidently been brought
' down into the basin from the sur
rounding mountains by rains and
melting snows during ages past. The
result Is a veritable lake of gold
bear ng graveia. which are said to
nhnw n decided increase In value
down to a depth of several dozen
yards. The Gold Standard Mining.
Milling and Improvement company
has undertaken to operate about 600
aores of these rich placer fields, and
active preparations for the work are
now going forward.
Breckenrldge, Colo., May 29.
Summit county operators have been
.assured that the government survey
is to make a careful study of this
section, beginning about June 1. The
publication of the results is likely to
be little short of surprising as indi
cating the Immense resources of the
county In unmined mineral wealth.
As an Instance of what the govern
ment experts are likely to run across,
1t is stated that Just the other day
on the well-known Oro vein, Just
across the gulch from the Welling
ton estate near this place, ore was
encountered that assayed $80 to the
ton In gold and copper. The same
vein Is being exploited by the Wel
lington Mines company by tunnel and
drift. This company Is Just making
a test shipment of carbonate gold.
Some very high assays of this ore
have already been reported.
Montezuma. Colo., May 29. Kvi
den es of an extraordinarily active
tninMit; season for the Montezuma,
district are coming forward daily.
Not the lea.st of these is the testimony
of Investors and brokers who come t
be shown and who go away con
vinced. Mr. Thoma.1 L. Williams, the
well-known Missouri banker ami cat
tle breeder, is one of these. After
going through the mines and exain
In'ng the ore veins, Mr. Williams
suys: "Hy sentiment and experience
1 am conservative. I came out to
Montezuma to see and to be shown.
I im convinced that there is wealth
untold beneath these mountains sim
ply waiting the hand of man to take
it out. In my Judgment the distribu
tion of the seen and unseen wealth
of Montezuma becomes simply a
question of management." Mr. Wil
liams Is vice president of the South
western Investment company of Kan
sas City, one of the largest brokerage
houses In the west.
Cripple Creek, Colo., May !9. It
is the stated policy of the Stratton
estate to save all ores carrying values
under $10 per ton; and a mill will
probably be erectef at an early date
for the treatment of these ores. The
statement Is freely made that trie fu
ture of this camp Is brighter than at
any previous time in Its history.
There is still an immense acreage
here that has never been even pros
pected. Among the Stratton proper
ties the Pelmonlco now seems likely
to take a very prominent place.
Shaft sinking has been pushed rapid
ly toward the level of established
values, and important results are an
Boise. Idaho, May 29. The Hasln
gold district la likely to spring some
surprises In the way of production
figures, accord ng to the opinion ex
pressed hy Mr C. A. Uennarker of
Kansaf City, who was in Boise the
ther il.iy In the Interest of the McKln
ley f ;'.! M iles company. Regarding
the minerali.e.l leiiges m juioki
mountain Mr. It. nnacker says; "The
lB.-.s are very prominent anil pienn
ful. There is a great deal or
being done in the district by
uultal. To see this property
believe in It
' ii ii i if
JJ u f VV
No hot and blisterim
air to sap vitality anc
make cooking intoler- 1
able when work is done
on the safe, economical and comfortable New Per
fection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Using
it, your kitchen is not a room to rly from, but a place
where all the necessary household work is done in
restful coolness it doesn 't heat the kitchen. The
Wick Blue Flame 00 Cook-Stove
is convenient and handy for every purpose of a cooking stove. It
saves money and time makes a clean kitchen and contented cook.
Three sizes of "New Perfection" stove. If not with your dealer
write our nearest agency.
U to
He a'so states that the
cutting of the Blacksmith vein by the
MeKinley tunnel should result in
opening up some cnorinou.i uic uii
the preseii if which is indent ny
extensive surface .showings. A very
active season of tunnel boring is be
ing planned for.
4 Colorado.
Montezuma, Colo., May 29. The
urn xpecltM does not fall to happen in
the Montezuma mines. This time it
conies In the shape of gold and cop
per in tin? H lver Wave mine on I oi
lier mountain. As a result of drift
ing in the fourth level a new vein
has been opened up and the very flrsi
test .showed nearly 5 per cent In cop
per with good additional values in
gold and silver. The same vein is
begin worked in a near-by property
and the values obtained have aver-
tged better than $100 per ton. The
chief values In the Silver Wave were
supposed to be in lead and silver, so
that these high assays In gold and
copper come as a welcome surprise
to the management.
Man in l'eiiileiulary for Killing tiov
i iiior oi Kentucky Aluy lie Ko
louscU by lioveriior.
i.Vunkfo.1 Kv.. Mav 2b. Streams
of letters, from ail over the country
..i.. iiourini in on Uovernor Willsoi:
d.n.y, urging him to grant full and
i rue pardons to Caleb rowers anu
James Howard, and every possible
procure ts being biougiit to bear on
i he iroveinor to have
. both men. The onicals, county and
( state, of many southern states, nearly
' nil .,r whom are Democrats,
written to Governor Willson and
iskcl that he uurdon the men ac-
cused of the murder of William Uoe
, .id. During the last few days most
of the letters whlcii have been turn-
' lug have been from tin otitn.
All this has its effect on Governor
I wills, hi. ulthouifh it Us said by hU
secretary, McKenzie Todd, no man
knows how he will decide the cases
and he will try not to be influenced
by the ph-as which have been pourea
upon him. The governor will decide
Hi.! cases according to the facts as
shown by the record, it is stated by
him, and he will not let outside lnflu
dices control him, but it U an lnv
possibility for him not to be influ
enced in. a measure by the constant
pleas which are being made for the
. j . . . ii ,ki . I rf.,..t rtf
Goldfield, Nev May 29. Cutting . f"'"'
through a twelve-foot ledge of quartz s.i,. a .u
Is no uncommon occurrence at Oold-
Let us present a few facts on the subject
of advertising for your consideration
Next to having goods of merit to sell is the importance of letting the
public know that you have them. Here is where careful thought should
enter into the proposition. Much money is wasted by the thoughtless
choice of advertising mediums. In every city is the clever solicitor for
programs, calendars, handbills, and all sorts of schemes in which your ad
may look pretty, but where it is not read, and consequently brings no
returns. When you buy newspaper space you are sure that your advertise
ment will go into the homes of the subscribers and will be read by them,
and, if you have what they want, they will come to your store and buy.
The same good judgment should govern in your choice of newspapers.
We maintain that the evening paper is the better medium, because it goes
to the home at a time when" the entire family has time to read it and plan
a shopping trip for next day
The Albuquerque Citizen
Goes into the home in the evening and is read there where the whole fam
ily has a chance to see it. A morning paper is often carried to the office
by the man of the house, who does not have time to read the ads, but only
skims over the news headings.
We have a large number of letters giving the opinions of big advertis
ers who use evening papers almost exclusively. We will publish these
letters from day to day. Their views are valuable.
field, but It Is profitable business,
nevertheless, and gives encourage
ment to operators nnd leasers to keep
at work. The ledge recently cut on
the MlO-foot level of the Kansas City
Velvet lease measured Just twelve
feet and makes a splendid showing.
In tho C. O. D. lease of the same
company rapid progress Is reported In
the work of cross-cutting and drift
ing. The latest strike on the 600-foot
level of the Mohawk continues to at
tract a large share of attention.
rawon, Yukon Ter., May 29. The
coming season promises to be an un
usually busy one on the Stewart river
placer fields. As a single evidence of
this fact it Is stated that a shipment
of 110,000 feet of lumber recently left
Vancouver Intended for the construe
tlon of the hull of the Yukon lia-sin
'.old Dredging company's flrt dredg
designed for operation along the
Stewart. Tho machinery for this
dredge has been received from San
Francisco and la now being assem
bled at Whltehorse. Thousands of
shares of this company' stock have
been sold right here in Dawson,
where former Governor William Ogll
vie and other large backers of the
new enterprise are widely and favor
ably known. T'aetlcal mining men
who are familiar with the Stewart
river placers and have panned the
rich gravel beds that constitute the
properly are said to be among the
heaviest Investors.
Laramie, Wyo., May 29. A pur
chase of forty cars and one and one-
half miles of track was recently re
ported as made by the American Gold
Placer company for the equipment of
its placer property along Douglas
creek In Albany counlv. Dredging
operations on an extensive scale are
expected to be commenced at an early
Kansas City. Mo.
"We consider the evening paper
the best medium for a department
store advertisement, although such
departments as men's clothing and
furnishings seem to get very goods
results from a morning paper. The
Kansas City Star (evening) and the,
Kansas City Times (morning) are
both delivered to the homes at the
one subscription price. One Is as good
as the other from a newspaper stand
point, but by observation I find that
the majority of men carry off th
morning edition to read on the car
when going to business, while on the
other hand the nimble housewife ha
plenty of time to read the evening
paper, and will thoroughly digest
department store ad."
Adv. Mgr.
the best advertising medium, as the
average woman does not take time
to read her paper until her day's
work is done."
H. Grsenblatt, Adv. Mgr.
"We believe the evening papers
are more thoroughly read In the
homes. We use them most."
R. D. Jones, Adv. Mgr.
"Is this city the evening papers
have srought beat results."
C. H. Kroegner.
'We consider the evening
New Haven.
"Consider evening papers better
mediums. More people have lima to
read Items to effect."
M. E. Loo mis, Adv. Mgr.
Newark, N. J.
"We consider evening papers beat
because they are taken home, while
morning papers are taken away from
home, as a rule."
T. S. Fattlnger, Adv. Mgr.
New York City.
"We find evening papers pay bet
J. R. Parcaus, Adv. Mgr.
pardon both men st'll prevails here.
When the decision will be an
nounced Is a problem which no one
can solve, for the governor himseir
does not know. He will not make any
prediction, but it is known tnat he
is nearly through with the records
and that he lias only a few more days
of work before he wtU have read all
the evidence in both cases and oe fa
miliar with all the facts as brought
out at the trials. Mrs. Willson is tak
ing an active Interest In the cases and
wants Howard pardoned, especially. It
was stated here several days ago that
the governor had promised Mrs. Will
son to paction Howard, but this was
denied officially, and it Is said that
even Mrs. Willson does not know how
the cases will be decided.
While he is waiting for the decision
of the governor and is hoping that he
will be pardoned, Howard is doing his
regular work in the penitentiary and
has made a model prlfoner. The war
den says he has no fault to find with
Howard's conduct. Howard himself
Is hopeful and has made his plans for
the future In case he is pardoned. He
will not Bay to anyone what these
plans are, but he says he has no
charges to answer If he Is freed OI
tho sentence for the alleged murder
of oebel.
Traction Park
RstfO LAMP-;
r draft lamp free Irom tli
-- w
a true
faults of other lamps. A perfect artificial liuht.
Handsome and safe. If not with your dealer,
write our nearest aiiency.
Iots numbered 7 and 8 In block 18
In the Eastern addition to the city of
Albuquerque s shown and designated
on the amended and supplemented
map of said addition made by Martin
Rapp. P. K . and filed In the office
of probate clerk and ex-officlo record
er of said county on the 14th day of
October, 1888. This property la on
South Arno street and will be sold.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids for the erection of a dormitory
for the New Mexico School of Mines
at Socorro, New Mexicoaccording to
plans and specifications adopted by
the Board of Trustees of said institu
tion at a regular meeting held on the
20th of May, 1908, will be received
by the undersigned at the office of
the secretary In Socorro up to 4 p. m.
on June 6th; each bid to be accom
panied hv a certified check for
$160.00 as an evidence of good faith.
Ject any and all bids.
A. C. ABEYTIA. President.
Attest: C. T. Brown, Secretary.
Raivf.nn Sandals with heavy sole
and .-oft, dark tan colored uppers.
They are the Ideal foot covering for
hot weather, look neat and wear well.
Price, 5 to 8. $1.00; 9 to 11. $1.15; 12
to 2, $1.2.-,; S to 6, $1.50. C. May's
shoe store, S14 West Central avenue.
TiJ Albuquerque Lumber Co
Lumber, Glass, Cement and Rex Flintkote Roofing
First and Marqaette Albuqtserqoe, New Mexico
Sunday Night
May 31
I Armin Stock Co.
Opening Bill
"Because She
t Loved Him So,
I Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Worki
m. P. MALL, Proprietor
Iron and Brass Casting's; Ore, Ooal and Lumber Cats; Shaft
In ki Pulleys, Grade Bars, Babbit Metal; Columns and Iroa
Fronts for Buildings.
Ropmlro on Mining ana mill Mmonlmory m poololty
Foundry east side of railroad track. AlbuQ.uorg.ue, N. M.
Insist upon OeWitt's Witch Hasel
"..T. It Is especially rood for piles.
Sold hy J it. O'RIelly Co.
Kennedy's Laxative Coug-b Bymj
dors not constltpate, but on the other
hand its laxative principles entl
move the bowels. Children Ilk tl
Sold hy J. H O'Kielly Co.
We have the rtnest assortment o
Iron beds In the city. Prleen the low
est. Kutrells Furniture Co.
High Class Vaudeville
Between the Acts.
Do you know that people are almost fighting
forquarters right here in Albuquerque, and.now?
And .like this
Ilalr IreT and Chiropodist.
Mrs. BamDini, at ner panori
poslte the Alvarado and next door to
Bturg-es' cafe, Is prepared to g'r
thorough scalp treatment, do h.lr
dressing, treat corns, bunions and In
growing nails. She gives masssg
treatment and manicuring. Sirs
Hambinl's own preparation of com
plexion cream builds up the skin and
improves the complexion, and ta
guaranteed not to be injurious. 8h
also prepares, a hair tonic that curd
and prevents dandruff and hair fa.l
Ing out; restores Ilia to dead hair,
removes moles, warts and superfinou
hair. Massage treatment by vlbratoi
machines. For any blemish of tbt
face call and consult Mrs. Bambini
FOR KENT Large, well furnished,
well ventilated front room, modern
and sanitary. OO Blake St.
placed in The Albuquerque Citizen will secure
you a tenant at the small cosfol
3 times for 35c, or 6 times for 50c.

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