OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1907-1909, July 30, 1908, Image 2

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nillXSDAY, JILT 80, 108. 1
By the Citizen Publishing Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
st nscKimoN iiates.
One ytmr by null In silvan en
Om mtnitli by mnll
One month br carrier wrtliln city limit
liinrwl m scoonrt-olnwt matter at the PiwUffloe of Albuquerque, N. M.,
mmier Act of Congrcua of March S, 187ft.
Tlx only Illustrated daily newsiwiicr in New Mexico and the be ad
fdlMnf mcallura of Uic boiilhwei-t.
The leading- Hctmbllcan dally and weekly neusimper of the, Southwest,
The advocate of Itr-publican principles and Hie "Square IH-al."
The Uncut rqntpiM-d Job department In Nov Meslco.
Tlie latent reports by Asaouiated Press and Auxiliary News Service.
We favor the Immediate admission of the territories of New Mexico and
Arizona an separate states In the Union. Republican National Platform.
eJAe Bryan Ken, Roost
Who broke the lock on the hon house door?
Once again Bryan comes to the front with the statement that his policies
Dave been stolen.
This time he accuses Taft of an attempt to get away with the entire
Democratic platform, and cites Taffs speech of acceptance as proof thereof.
It Is still fresh in the public mind that Bryan acused Roosevelt of steal
ing his policies and putting some of them Into effect.
Prior to that during a campaign, he accused the entire Republican party
Of stealing his thunder.
Words can not express the sympathy due Bryan upon this occasion. Aft
er years of thinking, which has produced a bald spot on his crown and a
growing circulation for the Commoner, Bryan says he has evolved a set of
policies which have been bodily carried away by his political opponents,
leaving him nothing on which to stand.
Nothing better illustrates the absolute weakness of the Nebraskan In
Attempting to pick holes In the Republican platform and In the policies
which Mr. Tatt has outlined in his speech of acceptance than this statement
that the Bryan policies have again been stolen.
Bryan should by all means devote a little of his gray matter to working
vp some syntem whereby his policies can be protected. He might have
trtem copyrighted, he might employ a detective to carry them for him; he
might put them In the refrigerator with the cold ham and the milk bottle, or
lie might Bew them up in the lining of his undershirt. But by all means,
those policies ought to be protected.
This makes at least the third occasion upon which they have been boldly
tolen, according to Mr. Bryan, and the time Is ripe for action.
Once was bad enough, twice was worse, but the third time is really un
bearable. However. Mr. Brvan Is ciulte adept In Inventing policies, so it Is likely
that he will not suffer severely nor long, from his present beggared position.
Very probably he still has a few old ones left about the house some
where. True they may be somewhat ragged and fruyed, but with a little
burnishing they might be made to do.
Take for instance that good old sixteen to one. The Citiaen Is not sure
tut It believes at last reports that policy was still In Mr. Bryan's possession.
While assuredly it is not ail that it should be for the present emergency,
till It would be absolutely safe from theft and Mr. Bryan might use It for
the time being.
It is quite distinctive, very good as an advertising medium and leaves
considerable room for oratory.
Whatever policies Mr. Bryan might have would not materially change
the result of the November election, so it can matter little in the long run to
the Nebraskan.
By the time the next four years roll around, there is no doubt but that
the versatility of Mr. Bryan will .have produced another unique set of poli
cies and It is then that the hen house door should be securely locked and
some one employed to mount guard with a shotgun.
Hut under present conditions, there seems to be no remedy at hand and
Mr. Brvan will Just have to make the best of it.
However, as a suggestion, Mr.
injured feelings and snoop about a bit.
Mayhap he might be able to swipe something from Brother Taft whicj
would be of material benetit to him.
At aU events it could do him no harm to get out into the open and nnrf
out what the American public really wants and embody those needs In his
platform and speech of acceptance.
In that event, there would be no danger of any one robbing the hen
roost and he might stand some show of being president some day.
Perhaps Taft may be naughty but the public Just now is of the opinion
that he will do, which is more, much more, than it accedes to William J.
n.i.. t-iv.,,.,1- w r,if.e in imm
-iifnnt to Conitress at the head of our
lieve that is the right thing to do now
n,i loei.al action of not
Jority) of the delegates to the territorial Republican convention in August
-in .ii ... m Ue-n It there bv his renomination. We have plenty of other
good reasons for our action, at present we only say as one of the greatest
statesman once said: "It's a bad policy to swap A GOOD HOUSE when cross.
Ing a stream," (the caps are ours) with all it applies, and .f there ever was
time In the history of New Mexico,
i,.,.i hr. rtiUio in Conirrexs that
the next two years.
Socorro Chieftain: Socorro now his in process of construction a fifteen
thousand dollar dormitoiy at the School of Mines, the best electric light and
power plant in the southwest, and a hundred-to n smelter. The cost of
these Improvements mounts up well toward the one hundred thousand d -liar
........ .i ..i .ho .i ....... a v. In tin. territory of New Mexico ran
niarK. v liui ociitr til; .'i nit ...v
make as good a showing m thai!
San Marclal Standard: Lirrazolo.
. . . ... r.. :n.. .v... ..i
ana An.irews. line i-iuup ii- m,
mosthenes poured out his eloquence on
. .
organized his army and s-.vo.q.e i amn
History will probai.ly repeat iisen in
That W. H. Andrews Is the only
..... . ... v.a.. ur .lei.i.-.nillnii
county. Alt.uquerque and Bernalillo
man who does things" can get results.
.. . ..i ...... ..!...,...
prejudices and encni;tles, the restoration
ti .. i I
In this county can ue acconipiisnru.
One hundred and sixty thousand
explains on of the reasons iiernaniio
Karrnsolo ought really to Issue a
There are hardly any of the Democratic
With that San Miguel ounty delegation Instructed for him, C. A. Spiess
mill now try to make a noise line a cj:iui.iai-.
Has the Journal-Democrat really
tions for Mr. Larraiolo
W. H. Andrews Is the choice of
gress against the field.
t...... .50
Bryan might temporarily disguise his
of Hon. William H. Andrews for
paper. We do this because we be
and we also believe the good com-
only a majority (but an unanimous ma
past or present wnen n neeus uu
"does things," she will need it during
.. - - -
Ike IK-mosthenes was. is an orator
r.f M 1 cH , n '. ii ; is a general. !'
- - ..v.,,,..
the Creeks to rally them while Phnlp
.... .u nQT.i,.)...., u.tll talklnir fill.
mi ....... - - - -
me i. i
logical man for delegate to Congress at
statehood 1 proven conclusively to this
county have absolute proof that "The
,i ih., lnvlnz asi.le of all personal
of harmony in the Kepuhllcan ranks
... ..a oil n'lirlf In IV.B, Ar.il
i. u .
dollar from one session of Congress
..Ill liwlriw-l for & n it r u u. ti
roumj -
treatise on how to spell his name.
papers k-ui..b .v ........
lost track of those enthusiastic recep
Jiernalillo county for delegate to Con
Mr. Best, of Cnion county, who hag
been ill, is reported a little better.
The Cimarron baseball tram has
dUdinndcd for the season because It
couldn't arrange games with teams
from other towns.
A vein of coal which Is 14 Inches
wide at a depth of six feet and grow
ing wider with depth has been found
near Alamognrdo.
Clayton his passed an ordinance re
quiring agents for sewing machines
to pay an annual license of $10 much.
The agents will comply because, after
all, it isn't sew much.
A Las Vegas man who bought a
tract of land, held it three or four
days and sold it at a profit of $18,000,
announces that he Intends to retire
from business. He has a right to.
Corn is growing so fast In the
cstancia vaney inese uays mai nv
farmer who drove to town in tne
morning returned at night and drove
right past his place without recogniz
ing it.
Speaking of a dance held there re
cently the Grady Record says: "At
8 o'clock the dance began and joy
could be seen In every face as they
softly glided over the floor, fervently
embracing each other." Geel
Two men were fined $25 each for
merely giving a drink of whisky to
another man at Artesla. What did
they do to the man who drank it T
Mtaa Fannie TV Willlnmji in fl rnndl-
date for county superintendent of'
Quay county. She ha taught school
German Aeronaut Gets Blg
Sum American Will Receive
Only S6.750
Washington, July 30. If Captain
Thomas S. Baldwin succeeds In ful
filling the requirements of the gov
ernment in the trial fights of his mil
itary dirigible at Fort Myer he will
receive $6,750. Count Zeppelin will
receive one lutlf million dollars from
the German government if "all the
requirements ore fulfilled by his air
ship. The latter machine is twenty
five times as large as Captain Bald
win's dirigible.
Vet Captain Baldwin contends that
in the aeronaut which he has built
for the army he has Incorporated new
ideas which will be eventually adopt
ed by other nations in the construc
tion of dirigibles. These new fea
tures are embodied in the ags envel
oep of Captain Baldwin's machine.
which differs widely from the Zeppe
lin, the Republlque, the French d.r'g
lble, und tile Null! Secundus, the
lirltish military dirigible.
By his own process of vulcanizing
lubber, Cuptain Baldwin asserts, he
has made a material Unit will stand '
a strain of ninety-five pounds to the
inch strip and Is not uffected by eith
er heat or cold. In addition, there
is practically no elasticity to a gas
bag made of this material, thus mak
ing a rigid balloon without the use of
a frame. The rubber skin is lined on
both sides with the best Japanese silk
adding considerably to the strength
of the envelope.
Midway between the ends of the gas
bag, which is slightly more than 90
feet long, is a balloon net twenty-five
feet long, into which air can be
pumped to counterbalance the altera
tions in bulk due to changes in at
mosphere pressure or contraction of
the gas due to heat or cold. A "wid
ow" permits the aeronnut to look
within the gas envelope.
The car or framework of Captain
Baldwin's airship is suspended from
the envelope hy nienns of a squnre
mesh netting which Is the creation of
Captnin Baldwin. The Nulll Secundus.
the British army dirigible, has a can
vas casing to which the car Is sus
pended, while Count Zeppelin hns an
aluminum envelope entirely sur
rounding the numerous balloons
which gave buoyancy to his ship.
Although the capacity of Ciptaln
Mul ! :n's gas bag Is 1-ss than one
f"litti thai of the British dirigible,
ts iiftiiii; capacity Is nearly as great.
"There are many things that should
he on my dirigible which I have not
been able to usP because of the speci
fications an.l the low cost at which
the ship was necessarily constructed."
sail Captain Baldwin while working
upon the assembling of his machine at
Fort Myer. Among the attachments
lacking. Captain Baldln pointed nut
are the Immovable blades or fins at-
tiched to the envelope, which add
much to the equilibrium of the air
ship. Two mechanics have arrived from
the Ci. H. Curtis works at Hammonds
port and are assisting Captain Bald
win In preparing the machine for Its
initial flight, which probably will take
place next Saturday.
Ve. York. July SO. Substantiation
was riven today to the report that K.
H. Harrlman Is about to fceeome affil
iated with the. Gould rsllroad Interests
when It was learned hs waa In confer
ence with George J. Gould and repre
sentatives of Kuhn, Loeb & Co ana
Waif & Co.
In five states and one territory, has
written and published several songs
and now has a volume of poems on
the prew. Besides all that shs Is a
The Clayton eouncllmen have or
dered .residents to clean up the
Btreets, on the ground that old bird
cages, tin cans, potato peelings, etc.,
do not Impress strangers as being the
best for decorative purposes. What
Clayton needs s a bunch of common
or alley variety of goats.
The school directors in the Estan
cla district in Torrance county have
called a special meeting of the voters
to be held on August 15. to vote on
the question f issuing bonds In the
sum of $C.oou. by the sale of which It
Is proposed to raise the amount neces
sary to erect a new school building.
Roswell business men art: subscrib
ing liberally to the bonus for the
proposed Altus. Ruswell & El Paso
raiiroad. in the neighborhood of
$.-.11,000 of the $100,000 required has
been secdred within a few days and
the remainder Is expected to be forth
coming In ten days, one man do
nated $10,000.
From the Moriarty Messenger: "It
Is hoped the Boonevllle, Mo., young
lady, who has Just married Mr. Goode
Hook, may find him Interesting to the
end An Indiana woman is in
court prosecuting her eighteenth di
vorce suit. What a fine collection of
engagement and wedding rings she
must be accumulating The
right man for the right place is quite
numerous, but, alas! so many of the
right places are filled by the wrong
men that the right ones are crowded
By Stuart B. t'tone,
A dozen engine bells ding-donged
ill the great shed.
In the last of the crowd came
Arthur Windom, the clubman, and
lltt.e Minna Bell of the h.ll country,
.uiiiiirt had a very pretty pink in her
cheeks und the glint of her hair and
eyes were big brown things that seem
iil always afraid. It was the pink
and the glint and the look of fright
that had captured Arthur Windom.
The naturalness of the Minna of the
hiils had done whut the powder and
the rouge of the ladica of the town
had never done for the clubman. And
now ho held her close as they brushed
through the throng of bankers and
married women and tramps, past the
lnqu.riiig gateman and to the warm
gloomy precincts of the qur Genevra
of the Yellow Meteor on track 2S.
Here they stowed their wonder pack
ages from the 8-cent counters und
Minna of the hiils uighed long and
deep. For the iron prow of No. Sas
there in the 10-acre shed pointed
homeward to the cool, green hills and
the cows and the corn.
The city v,a not to the liking of
the hill girl. The lights were pretty
and of many pleasing colors, but
there were too many of them. The
buildings were grand and colossal,
but Minna cured more for a weather
bourded place she knew in the Kosh
Konongd. The tow n was a glare and
a glitter and a dazzle, of course, but
there was too much of it all, and Min
na nlghed again for the click of the
reaper in the fields of waving wheat.
Alone umong the things of the tow n
the man by lur side had really ap
pealed to her. Ho had appreciated
her, hud made her feel sure of her
self. And she hud thought that with
him she might in time care for the
jangling mess of wheels and bells and
The Meteor flew past a labyrinth
of gas tanks and smokestacks into
the greenness of the suburbs and Ar
thur Windom leaned over, whisper
ing: "You will be very happy when
you return to me. We will be mar
ried In Grace church and 1 wi.l make
you a queen."
And .Minna of the hills sighed
with the ba.it little wonderment as
to what Hud Wllkins would think
if he could see her now.
Two hundred miies of town and
country Hashed by and Minna grew
restless. Putnam ville was the next
station and the train might not slop,
or it might not wait for her, or a
thousand direful things might hap
pen. .Minna picked up the bisque doll
she had bought for the baby for the
eleventh time, und when the Meteor
came to u standstill she hardly heard
the low murmuring of Arthur Win
dom: Write to nie every day dear."
For there were Uncle Silas and Aunt
Sophia und the twliuj and the baby
and Bud.
Minna climbed into the rickety
spi.ng wagon and Silos Anderson, Jus
tice of the peace in Purdy township,
sa d: " G.d app. you Baldy!' and
the bay span broke Into a canter. The
twins had invaded their popcorn und
Aunt Sophia was crying and luughing
while 1 ml did nothing but sture at
the Yellow Meteor carrying Arthur
Windom into the boundless weal.
There came the whistle of tf'Jit in the
distance and Minna sighed once more
this time for Arthur Windom, club
man, for h's was the life that seemed
fur away, here in the dust of Milltown
big road.
"tied app, Baldy!" said Esquire
Anderson once more, and they climb
ed the rocky hill on the other side of
It was an hour later that Bud
Wllkins tirst found hl tongue. The
crowd was pealing apples, out Minna
sat without on the low front porch
In revery.
"City's a mighty fine place I reckon,
Minna ," he ventured, with little hope.
Minna shook the gllnt-of-gold head.
" 'Tulnt half as fine as dow n here In
the sticks. Bud."
And Bud handed Minna the biggest
reddest apple of all. It was the token
of the doom of Windom, the clubman.
General Demand
of the Well-Infornieil of the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
voli'e; a laxative whicn physicians could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts are known to them to be
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to tho system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along cthicul lines and relics
on the merits of the laxative for its remark
able success.
That is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is "iven
the preference by the Well-informed.'
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for Bale
by all leading druggista. Price Cfty cent
jor bottle.
With a Little Cultivation and Iiu-
( prowiiM-iit Uic liUinI Is Worth
Tucumcarl, N. M., July 30. (Spe
cial). J. C. Jones, the jeweler, has
sold an interest in his store on the
corner of Second und Center streets
to F. W. Slocum.
Superintendent L. U. Morris of the
Southwestern railway has Just had
finished a beautiful new residence in
the Daub addition. The residence
ready for occupancy will cost upwards
uf 4,OUO.
The automobile line to Amarillo
has been discontinued. The line was
loo long and rugged to be of profit
.Mr. N. 10. Cunningham has gone to
Tonawa, Okla., w here he has obtained
a position in the postoftice,
Mrs. J. E. Mammey waa elected
president of the local W. C. T. U.
v ce Mrs. Elsie McCarty, who had left
the city. The organization Is one of
the stronger in the territory and is
doing good work for temperance in
this cuiiiinuiiiiy.
The Ciuay Tounty Teachers' insti
tute will convene August 17. The
I county superintendent, M. Kudulph,
hits secured the services of Prof. I. h.
McCalanathan of Mesilla Park and
Mrs. W. L. Hart Of Casaus. N. M.. to
conduct the institute.
The Increase In value of the dry
farms of this county Is shown by the
good prices that they bring after a
little cultivation and Improvement is
done. The sale of J. P. Barker's
claim east of town for 13,000 is an
illustration of the values of the home
steads of this county since It has been
proven to be a rew.1 agricultural re
gion. "Generally debilitated for years.
Had sick headaches, lacked ambition,
was worn out and all run down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made a me well
woman." Mrs. Chas. Freltoy, Moos
up, Conn.
Soothes Itching skin. Heals cuts or
burns without a acar. Cures piles, ec
tema, salt rheum, any itching. Doan'a
Ointment. Tour druggist sells it.
Wool Hide and Pelt
Albuquerque an Las
Loins and discounts - $ 965,048.84
Cash md due from other
banks c84.837.78
All other re ources- 26.20n.00
Would do well to consider the good points in the
. jfafci J."
. --r- - - ,0fm - Z Z "
The above gives an idea of style of statement sheet.
Statements always ready for customer. Duplicate copy of statement
retained for reference. No over-time labor "posting" at end o." month.
KliuiiimtihK chance for kicks. Call us up and we will show you further.
Convenience - Comfort - Security
Th telephone makes th
dutlss lighter, th cars leas
and the worries fswsr.
8l Co
& Co,
rapilal, surplus and
profits S73l.247.06
Deposits - - - - 1,097,310.90
Ml other Liabilities. - 52.528.66
5 1,376,086.62
Tbs tiphn yrsssrf
your health, Bretonr yr IU
and protects your hoiss.

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