Albuquerque Citizen "WED GET THE NEWS FIRST" TRAIN ARRIVALS No. I 7 45 P- m No 4 543 ? m- . No. 7 io.$S P- m. No. 8 6.40 p. m. No. 9 1 1 45 p. m. WEATHER rORECAa? Cecftr. Cola., kg, 2Lecaf show irs tonight or Saturday. VOLUME 23. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21. 1908. NUMBER 201 GOVERNMENT FILES PETITION IN FAMOUS STAND.VD OIL CASE Demand for Rehearing of ye Suit in Which Judge Landis Impo" d Fine of $29,000,000, the Largest i History, and Which was Reversed by Appelate Court, is Made in of Appeals at Chicago by Attorney General Bonaparte, Assisted By Frank Kellogg and Others. IT IS THE ADMINISTRATION'S ATTEMPT TO SAVE ELKINS ACT AND INTERSTATE LAW Rehearing Is Demanded on the Ground that the Decision of the Appelate Judges Was an Injustice to the Trial Judge; That the Decision Is Contrary to the Statutes and That It Was Given Through Misconception of the Record In the Case -Attorney General and Government Attorneys Will Make Hard Fight to Have Decision Reversed and Save Government's Position. Chicago, Aug. 21. The govern ment's petition tor re-hearing by the United States court of appeals of the case against tne Standard OH com pany of Indiana was filed today, and represents, it is authoritatively stated, the administration's attempt to save the Elklns' act and the in terstate commerce law from becom ing futile. The tiling of the petition marked the appearance of Attorney ueneri umiwri(. m.nyiwwk.H,, tnt tho Ignorance was tbe well as Freak B. Kellogg, who ! result 'of neglect on the part of tha unAruj aHisLdnt to tna attorney kvu- 1 eral. Besies these two names the petition Is signed by Edwln W. Sims, I United States district attorney at ! Chicago, and special assistant, James H. WUkerson, both of whom present ed the government's side of the case In the original hearing before Judge Landis, who administered the fa mous tine of $29,210,01)0 against the defendant. Although not specifically stated la petition It was agreed by counsel for the government in their conference at Lenox, Mass., following a reversal by the appellate court of Judge Lan dis' decision, that If the Interpreta tion of the law given . by Judges Grosscup. Seaman and Maker was al lowed to stand successful prosecution of rebate cases against corporations would be impossible in the future. A synoposis of the government's petition for rehearing Is as follows: The government presents its peti tion in accordance with the rule of the court. The indictment in the case was for a violation of the Elkina act of Feb ruary 19th, 1903, making It a crime to accept a concession whereby any property is transported in interstate commerce at less than the published end tiled raU It was proved at the trial that the Chicago & Alton Railway company transported to East St. Louis. 111., and St. Louis, Mo., 1492 carloads ofi oil. In all the dealing between shipper and carrier each carload was treated as a distinct transaction and han dle, as a dist net piece of business. The published anj filed rates on this business were eighteen cents rer one hundred pounds to East St. Louis ami nineteen and a half cents to St. Louis. The Standard Oil company actually settled on the basis of six cents to K:i.t St. Louis and seven and a half cents to St. Louis. These facta were admitted. The Standard Oil company Inter posed the claim In defense that the Elkina act was unconstitutional; that the tariffs had not been posted ln two public places at the stations, and Interposed many technical defenses. On tut a angle point Involved In the trial up to the return of the ver dict of guilty are the rulings of tne trial Judtte criticized by the court of appeals. In all other particulars his rulings are sustained. . TK point on which the trial Judge A Tsed by the court of appeals rela. rull; i ;tn evidence and his cl.vv 'i?j:ury with refer ence t i . ' 'i On the rart of the . Stand ir.. J' "pany of the lawful ratf as a IfAise. The court of appeals In Its opinion has not correctly stated how the Judge ruled on th's subject. It Is laid In tb opinion that he re fused to admit ev'icnce to the effect that the Standard OH company did not know what the lawful rate was. The fact Is. and the record o shows, that all evi lenee tending to show Ig norance on the part of the Standard O'l company was admitted for the consideration of the Jury. This evidence was largely that of the traffic manager of the Standard OH company, Bogardus, who swore to a conversation with Hollands, the United States Court FROM BECOMING OF NO AVAIL rate clerk of the Alton, In which be said Hollands told him that the rate had been filed. The government met this testimony by a great array of circumstances which tended to dis prove It and the jury found In favor of the government. The trial judge ruled that Ignor ance on the part of a shipper of what the lawful rate waa could be Inter posed as a defense, but that It would not constitute a defense If It ap shipper or ok wTlful rallure on the part of the shipper to resort to the sources of Information which were available. The government contends that this Is the correct construction of the statute on this subject. The court of appeals lays down the rule that it Is necessary tor the gov eminent to show beyond a reasonable doubt, as a part of Its case that the shipper actually knew what the law ful published and filed rate was. The government contends that this is an Impossible rule; that it la con trary to the purpose of the Klklns ct; that it Is contrary to the general -ule applicable In criminal cases; that put into effect it would make of the Interstate commerce act "a mere will-o'-the-wisp of legislation. a phantom statute, destitute of strength or substance." The government contends in tho petition that the court of appeals has misstated not only the record as to what evidence was admitted, but has also misstated the construction which the trial judge placed upon the statute and that for this reason there should be a thorough reargument upon the only proposition as to which the rul ing of the trial Judge up to the ver dict of gudty, is reversed. The government contends that an examination of the record will show that the court did not rule out the testimony tending to show want of knowledge, but that on the contrary all proper evidence tending to show that the defendant was ignorant of the facts with reference to the legal rate was admitted for the considera tion of the Jury, and that there was ample evidence to show that the de fendant did know what the legal rate w as. Jn other words, the government contends vigorously and with refer ences to the record that the reversal of the case, so far as the ruling of the trial Judge Is concerned. Is based upon a misstatement by the court of the record in the case as to the admission of the evidence and to a misunderstanding by the court of what the trial Judge ruled with ref erence to the admission of evidence and how lie really charged the Jury. The government strenuously con tends that the effect of the construc tion of the statute announced by the court of appeals Is to nullify the In terstate Commerce act so far as shippers are concerned; to make Its enforcement Impossible, and to plunge the country again into the de plorable condition of railroad dis criminations and favoritism which existed prior to Its passage. The government contends that the court of appeals has no rght to place this construction upon the statute In thu face of the fact that the very question involved in this case has been expressly left open by the Su preme court In the Armour Packing company case, recently decided by that court. The precise question In volved In th's case was stated by the supreme court In that case. It was not decided by the supreme court. J however, because It was not Involved but was left open. The government Insists that before laying down this harsh rule and practically nullifying the law tha court of appeala should certify In accordance with the statute this ques tion to the supreme court for Its a- ciston; that no court short of the sit-j preme court should undertake prac tically to wipe the Interstate Com merce' act from the statutes. The petition states "before the gov. ernment is required to try th's case1 under the rigid rule of construction j laid down by this court, is it not manifestly fair and r ght in the inter est not only of Justice in this case, but in the interest of a final and defi cits construction of this Important statute, that Judgment oe taken of the highest tribunal of the nation?" The government contends that the court of appeals ln its opinion, has laid down an erroneous rule for de termining the number of offenses. The government contend that each shipment la the basis of a dis tinct offense; and that in this case each carload was a separate ship ment. The circuit court of appeals has held that there Is but on offense for each settlement for freight. The government cites against this the olnion of Presiding Judge Gross cup In the case of United States vs. Hanley, 71 Fed. Rep., 671, 75, In which that Judge laid down an ex actly contrary rule to the one which he laid down in the Standard Oil case. The government contends that, the rule laid down by the court of ap peals Is contrary to the principles of the Elkins act, and leaves A to the shipper and carrier to elect for how many offenses they will fce prosecut ed and how much they snail be fined. The government contends ln the petition that the couiVof appeals has done a great injustice to trial juuge Landis In misstating what he did in connection with the lmpositon of the tine on the Standard O'l company. The circuit court of appeals In Its opinion charges that Judge Landis assumed to fine the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, and impos ed the large fine for the reason that he was satisfied that khe Standard OH Company of New Jersey was not a "virgin offender." The government shows ln Its peti tion that Judge Landis never referred to the Standard Oil Company ot New Jersey in this connection and that the language used was used In con rectlon with the Standard Oil Com pany ot Indiana, and that nowhere were the proceedings directed or pre' tended to be directed against the Standard Oil company of New Jer sey, The government takes Issue with the court of appeals that Judge an dis' proceeding ln this case "amount ed to a strange doctrine In Anglo Saxon jurisprudence," and ays that the proceedings of Judge Landis are ln accordance with the rule of pro-1 cedure pointed out by Mr. liisnop in his work on criminal law as one of the elementary principles of that Ju- rlsprudence recognized from the carl-1 iest days. The government takes issue wltn the circuit court of appeals as to its proposition that a defendant cannot be lined more than the value of the property which he possesses anai stales that this rule is an Innovation in criminal law and If applied would destroy the enforcement ot most statutes. The government claims that the facts before the court ot appeals jus tify the Imposition ot the penally ln lt. cted by the trial Judge. It appears from the record In the circuit court of appeals that the net profit of the business of the Stand ard Oil Company of Indiana, the cor poration that Judge Landis fined, for ihe years during which the violations of the law for which it was convicted were committed and including the year In which It was Indicted amount, ed to $33,683,208.80. On this point the petition states: "We respectfully can me aueimim of the court to the ftatement of the i Hon w u Anurew8( Alouquerque. Standard Oil Company ot Indiana on, M Hie ln this case, referred to by the I TjearSlr It gives mo great pleas c .iurt ln Its opinion and treated as i ure t0 wrlte nni tnank you for your proper for consideration in determln- kndnesa t0 me ln securing my pen ing whether or not the penalty wasHjon for mBt My claIm wal fUed ) excessive. the pension ofilce at Washington on That statement shows, w ith refer-1 July 2, 1908. Tho agent ln whoso ence to the assets and liabilities and l nallja j piaced my claim seemed to profits of the Standard Oil Company, do u ne coui,i to get It allowed but of Indiana, the following: : jifj not succeed. "Standard Oil Company. (Indiana.). When In January, 1908, I wrote and Veur isaa: gross assets, 1 15,15.-, ae-j y0u to assist me and at on:e 408.16; liabilities, 5,00.831.05; prof, received a reply that you would take its. $1,195,750.64. I it up and atti nd to it for me, and Year I'JOO: groag assets., $18,077,- withln three months my pension and 018. L'4; liabil.ties, $2,735,695.09; prof. au back pay waa an0wed, Including Its. $1,981,571.04. Year 1901: gross assets. $16,435. 21... 71; liabilities. $2,963,417.01; prof its, $5,379 948.55. Year 1902: gross assets. $19,794, G73.94; liabilities, $3,306,620.64; prof, its. $7,615,906.60. Year 1903: gross assets, $21,277. 6i9.70; liabilities. $4,635,206.12; prof its, $3.753 410.28. Year 1904: grosg assets, $20,087, 700.64; liabilities, $3.052 497.82; prof it. $7,792,039.24. Year 1905: gross assets, $20,743 -261.97 ; liabilities. $2,436,957.62; prof, its. $6 621,676.53. Year 1906: gross assets, $27,502, 089.86: liabilities. $3,178,152.76; prof. Its. $10,516,082.76." The punishment therefore is no more severe than that is lnllicted up on a letter carrier who steals a letter and is sent to the penitentiary for three years, thereby depriving him of his earning capacity for that time. is not nearly so severe as the min imum penalty of five years ln the penitentiary imposed upon a banker who misapplies the funds of his bank. The government claims that on ac count of the size of the fine alone, there la no necessity for a retrial of the case; that the circuit court ot appeals may. Itself, name the fine which should be Imposed and calls upon the court to do so ln cae It adheres to the view that Judge I.nn rlls abused his discretion In Imposing so lirge a tine. The petition concludes: "It is therefore respectfully sub mitted: i That the opinion of this court Is based upon a misconception of the record with reference to the rulings if the trial judge as to the admission of evidence tending to show want of knowledge, and with reference to his construction of the statute on that subject, and the theory on which the case was tried; that the evidence of Dogardus which it Is claimed show ed want of knowledge was admitted, that it was overcome, however, by the facts and circumstances of the case, and that the evidence as an en tirety as sufficient to show actual knowledge, or what ln law was its equivalent; "That the Interpretation of the statute by this court, imposing no duty on the shipper ana permitting a defense ot Ignorance to be made without regard to the negligence ot the shipper. Is contrary to the lan guage of the statute and to Its pur pose, and seriously Impairs the effic iency of the act; "That the ruling stated In the opin ion an to the basts for determining the number of offenses Involves an erroneous construction of the statute and falls to take Into consideration that the thing which Is prohibited by the act Is the transportation ot prop erty at the unlawful rae; "That the criticism f the trlsl Judge for abuse of discretion rests upon a wrong assumption ot what the trial judge actually did and as sumes that he attempted to try and punish the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, when In fact, a appears from the record, the entire proceed ings were directed against the de fendant the Standard OH Company of Indiana; "That the ruling stated In the opinion to the effect that a fine Is excessive when It exceeds in amount the ability of the defendant to pay Is an innovation In criminal law and If generally applied would prevent the practical enforcement of most crim inal statutes; "That, In short, the opinion as It stands erroneously states material portions of the record; does Injustice to the trial Judge; leaves doubtful in a new trial the rule vr law to be applied, both as to knowledge on the part of the shipper and as to the number of offenses; at pears to be In' conflict with the language of the su- growers reansea mis me moment me preme court and with the previous' proposition to ship to Denver waa language of the pushing J;idge f j made and aa far as can be learned this court and with the great weight Ith6 Denver market la without New of legal authority; and, If permitted' Mexico sheep, at least. It Is under to remain unmodified, will tend to I too(1 t"at the growers of Arlsona re encouraee disobedience to law. to'a,lzed th conditions, also, and they, impede the enforcement of salutary statutes and largely to defeat their purpose, For the reasons stated we respect fully request that a reargument of tms case be granted." I The petition Is signed CHARLES J. RONA PARTE, Attorney General. FRANK B. KELLOOO, Special Assistant to the Attorney General EDWIN W. SIMS. United States Attorney. JAMES H. WILKERSON, Special Assistant United States At torney. veiekanYwT' thanksjhe delegate Ho Secured IViihIoii for Her Wit lion t Ijohn of Time After Slio Had Been Vainly Trying to Get It for Two Years. Alhiiniirnu.. X M.. Am K. ion pension duo my husband at the time of his death. I am sorry that my recent afflic tion prevents me from coming and thanking you ln person. May Old bless you Is the prayer of one you have befriended. Yours In gratitude, MRS. ZANEY ANV McAULIFFE. ONE WAS KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT M4iliie Tumul Turtlo and Uio Oc cuMUitfi Were Hurled tciicalU It. Ij Angeles, Cal., Au?. 21. Joseph Ilobbs. chauffeur, was killed, and two women and two men Injured early to. day when a wheel on a sixty-horse power automobile gave way and the machine turned turtle, pinning the occupants under the tonneau. An explosion followed, setting lire to the machine and making the rescue of the living occupants difficult. The In jured are Mrs. Francis Wilson, Mrs. tiladys Price, U M. Ford and Charles Keen. FEEDERS COMBINE TO FORCE GROWERS TOJOSE Proposes That Sheep Raisers Send Their StocK to Den ver Markets to be Sold CAUSES PRESENT DULL MARKET It b Argued That Complying Will This Proposition Would Cause Growers to Lose Heavily and They Intend to 'Stand Against It The eheep feeders ot Colorado and eastern states, who usually buy lambs and feeders In New Mexico und Ari zona for feeding purposes, have come forward to the sheep growers ot the two territories with a proposition that sounds very much like the proposi tion the spider made the fly when he said, "Come into my parlor aud wo will eat some, you aud 1." The grow ers wore wary of the proposition and have failed to bite up to date. The proposition is that the growers ship their sheep to Denver to be sold by stock brokers to the feeders on commission and to bo sold by weight. The proposition shows on the face ot It that a combination has been made between the feeders and the brokers against the growers. The shipping ot unscleeted stock to Denver would place the growers wholly at the mercy of the parlies to the, combination. The feeders would select the tops of the shipments and the growers wou'.J have to take whatever they were of fered for the culls or else ship them back to the range, which could not be don without great loss. The sheep too, have refused to ship any sheep to Denver. This condition of affairs Is the cause for the present stagnation in the movement of sh,eep, and It tho growers hold out It Is believed that feeders will soon appear ready to take the stock oft the range. The feeder have the feed and they will not go without the stock. The leading sheep growers of the territory say that If the Denver com bination can be broken In Its Infancy they believe they will not have any more trouble with It. but If once tho growers begin to ship to Denver on consignment they may have to keep It up for all time. The details of the combination hivo been well circulated among the growers of New Mexico and the Indications are now that they will stand pat on Insisting that the feeders take the sheep off the range. START TO REORGANIZE ONE OF GOULD ROADS Terminal Company Will Do riiu-txl on I U l'cci Ayalu Boon. New York, Aug. 21. The first mortgage bondholders of tho Wabash i'itttihurg Terminal, one of the first Gould roads to go Into the hands of receivers, have taken tho Im portant steps toward a reorganization of the company by liiKtructitii; I lie Mercantile Trust company, trustee under tho mortgage, to be tin ljre closure proceedings. The Wabash railroad owns all the stock of the Terminal company, and the Terminal company owns a con trolling interest ln the stocx of tho Wheeling and Lake E-le. which re cently parsed into the con ful of IS. 11. Harrlmn. The action th is has n Important relation to the recent Gould-IIiirlman understanding. Tne loreclosure pj said to mean thj parly reorganization of the Whrfo'riig & Lke Erie and Wabash-PltUba: j Ter minal under Harrlman aus oloes. MARTIAL LAW ENDS Trui Witlulraw lYoiu Springfield and Civil Authorities W1U Pre. servo Order. Springfield, Aug. 21. Military rule in Springfield ceased today, the mill tary force being reduced to one regl merit and the task of preserving or der turned over to the civil au thorities. Sheriff Werner has increa ed li s force ot deputies on duty and the city police force Is also rein forced by a few special policemen. Uxcept f"r closed saloons and ruined homes and business houses In some streets there Is nothing to Indicate that a week ago the city waa n the hands ot an uncontrolled mob. IS FAVORED BY THE PRESIDENT Conference Held Yesterday at Sagamore Hill Results In Belief That He Will Win Will PUT uTlD 10 All OPPOSITION It Is the Consensus of Opinion That His Candidacy Is Broad er Than the Questions Involved In the State Politics Nlew York, Aug. 21. James S. Sherman, Republican candidate for vice president, today made announce ment that at yesterday's conference held between himself. Chairman Hitchcock and President Roosevelt at Sagamore Hill It was developed that thu concensus of opinion was favor able for the nomination of Governor Hughes as tho candidate to succeed himself. This belief -waa based on the fact that the Hughes candidacy was broader than the questions in volved ln New York state politics. Chairman Frank Hitchcock waa present when Sherman stated the re sults of the conference and assented to all the vice presidential nominee said. Tho statement made today Un questionably will put an end to the oraginsed opposition to the candidacy ot Governor Hughes, though It possible Individuals will continue to voice - protests. - Sherman would not say what President Roosevelt' views had been or what he said In regard to the matter. Will IRY TO WITH HELP OF GOD Xcw-Hiwnor Man Announces Candidacy l or Governor of Texas. Houston, Texas, Aug. II. Texas has a new candidate tor governor In the person of Scuddy Richardson, who served reporter on many southern papers. Richardson has is sued a formal announcement of hli candidacy In an altogether unique platform. "With the help of Ood I Intend to be a governor," says he. "I enter the race seemingly handicapped cut off from the great political parties that have ruled the land, but I shall win as Ood is with me and I stand for what Is right," Richardson opposes prohibition. "PEOPLE RULE THROUGH REPUBLICAN PARTY" Tlila Is Tuft's Answer to I Aryan's iu-ry, "SI in II tlio People Rule?" Hot Springs. Aug. 21. "The peo ple have ruled through the Republi can party." This Is Taft's answer to Uryan's challenge "Shall the People Rule?" The answer was made In an ad dress by the Republican candidate today before a gathering of several thousand Virginia Republicans who came from the mountains to see and hear him. Proceeding Taft, Congress man C. S. Slemp also discussed Bry an s question and said that under ex isting laws in Virginia CO per cent of the whites and 80 per cent of the colored population have been disfran chised and want to know If Bryan called this a rule of the people. MANY VILl HEAR BRYAN TARIFF TALK The Commoner Arrlvrs at Ies Molnea And Id Mot by an EutliuaiastiO Crowd. Des Koines, Aug. 21. Hosts have come from all parts of Iowa to meet Mr. Bryan and fully 6,000 people from out of town are expected to attend the two big meetings this evening when Bryan enters actually Into the campaign delivering his speech on tariff. Bryan arrived at 9:30 this morning and was met at the train by a crowd of more than a thousand people. He was escorted to the Savery hotel and there forced to hold an Impromptu reception. KIMiED BY LIVE WHUi Chicago, Aug. 21. Wesley Ru dolph, five years old, and hi sister Adele were playing ln the yard of their home ln Batavla. A live wire was blown Into the yard by a storm. The little girl picked It up and waa Irudantly killed by a current ot 1,200 volts. REVOLUTIONISTS TAKE VENGEANCE ON A FAMILY Russian Agitators Attack tho Home of Jewish Family Who Gave Information to Officers. PARENTS AND TWO CHILDREN KILLED Not Content With Throwing Bomb and Shooting Into House the Agitators Attack Hospital and Kill Wouaoed There St. Petersburg, Aug. 21. News has reached this city of the terrible ven geance taken by revolutionists of Ytt rievka, in the Ye-kuterlnealav prov ince, upon a Jewish family named Kdelsteln, who were accused of giv ing Information to the authorities re garding the activities ot agitators against the government, . The revolutionists went to the KJ- elsteln home at midnight, threw two bombs through the windows of th house and then opened fire on tba occupants with revolvers. The father, a daughter, a woman guest and her child were killed by the revolver fir and the mother, a son, a son-in-law and two grandsons were wounded. The revolutionists then retired and tho wounded were removed to a hos pital. Later a well armed band ot about forty or fifty men entered the hospital, overpowered the nurses and. guards and shot to death the mother and son a they lay woundod ln their beds. They then left the hospital and made good their escape. SANTA fe mm . - RACES -WITH DEATH Slio Lands From siohiimt and tAm-lie Train lu Thirteen Mlnutca. New York, Aug. 21. Mrs. M. S. Eylar of Santu Ke, N. M., received a message while In London that her mother was dying In Santa Fe and took the first steamship from South ampton and sailed for this port, Ph arrived yesterday within fifteen min utes of the time the next train for Santa Fe was scheduled to leave. Having explained her haste to (JoL Bishop of the port surveyors staff har trunks were runhed through and aha was on the Sunta Fe train In 13 min utes from landing. JAPAN NOT A PARTY TO UlillUlNU SKA TREAT!" Tokio, Aug. 21. The report that Japan has opened negotiations fr participaton ln the American-Ruar-lan Behring tm treaty is prematura. This country may, however, consent to be a party lo the agreement it overtures to that effect are made. The authorities here ridicule th alleged proposal for an alliance be tween America and China, and de clare that busybodles are trying lo sow discord between Japan and China. A.v i;irron is arrester. Seoul, Aug. 21. The British con sul general today unconditionally sur rendered to the Korean authorities the editor of the vernacular edition of the Dally News, who escaped from the police August 13, and sought ref uge ln the home of B. T. Bethel, Eng lish proprietor ot the paper. Tha trial of the editor will shortly take pUce on the charge of being connect ed with the mlsupprorlatlon ot part ot the Korean national loan redemp tion fund. F.NTERT.WXINO THE SAILORS. Syndey, Aug. 21. Following the official landing of American visitors today and the public reception, tha city, harbor and shipping were bril liantly Illuminated this evening. Tha governor ot New South Wales. Sir Harry Rawson, gave an official din ner in honor ot the American officials and the commonwealth government entertained tha officers, sailors and marines. COMMERCIAL CLUR VISITORS. The following registered at th Commercial club In this city yester day, stopping here for the day on their way to their respective homes aftor attending the convention at San ta Fe: W. H. Medowan, Denver; Robert Kellahln. R. F. Barnett. L. Martini Manctnl. L. O. Fuilen, C. W. Freest and J. C. Hamilton, all of Ros well, N. M.; J. Hunsaker, Everett, Wash., and Jerry Haggard, Bristol. Tenn. In addition to the above wer-t: Geo. Lee Ferguson, Plalnvlew, T i ; F. M. Morton, Hajfkcll, Tei ; T. O. Woffard, Van Horn, Texas. Th party was In the city and recent'y purchased rarge tracts of land In this vicinity. They were much pleased with the prospects of farming In this section of the country. o