OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1907-1909, January 21, 1909, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

Till ItKOAY. JAMAltV 21, 1009.
They Reach More People Daily Than You Can See In a Month
W1MM T buy old feather beds
ana ilKwB. (aood prices paid,
hk-na postal; will call. M. 1 anger,
13 feut 11iTl Btrect.
WAN'TEft Clean rags at the Citizen
WA.NTEi Energetic agent with
some ssare time to exploit big sel
ling f reposition; also popular west
era Itssks. P. O. Box 400, El Paso,
WANT Permanent position by
marrisa man; am an expert book
kr and accountant; eleven
years experience; gilt edge bank
and mercantile references. . Ad
trass J. T. N., care Citizen,
WANTED A reliable, practical
farmsr to cultivate land on shares,
oloe to Albuquerque. Good land,
mnder ditch. Room 9, N. T. Armljo
W ANTHD Local young man of good
apsaaranca to solicit advertise
ments for good advertising scheme.
Goad money for live young man.
Adarssa A. K. a.. Citizen.
WANTE3D Information regarding
farm or business for sale; not par
ticular a'jout location; wlsi to hear
from twner only, who will sell di
rect to buyer; give price, descrip
tion, and state when possession can
be had. Address L. Darbyshlre,
Be 230, Rochester, N. Y.
WXftTMioTlie & LeBreton at 1U
Wert Gold avenue, will pay the
highest price for second hand
rooms. Phone 4zz.
SVANTHHD Success Mafaxine requires
the services of man In Albuquer
que to look after expiring subscrip
tions and to secure new business by
means of special methods unusual
ly effective; position permanent;
prefer one with experience, bat
would consider any applicant with
good natural Qualifications; salary
11.10 per day, with commission op
tlen. Address, with references, R.
C. Peacock, room 112, Success
Magazine Bldg.. New York.
Furnished Rooms
FOR MNT One furnished
f Nerth Fourth street.
FOR RENT Three nice large sunny
rooms for light housekeeping. Low
,rent. Apply at rear .524 West Cen
tral are.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; close busi
ness center; low rent. Jno. M.
Moore Realty Co., 219 W. Copper.
WAiNAJiD Capable salesman to cover
New Mexico with staple line. High
csmmisslens, with $100 monthly
advance. Permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., De
troit, Mich.
SALESMEN Experienced In any. line
to sell general trade In the south
west An unexcelled specialty prop
erties. Commissions with $36
weekly advance for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland,
a AL Ed MEN interested in Post Card
side line, write for our new offer.
Free sample outfit, highest com
missions. We manufacture com
plete line of albums, stands, cards,
views. Continental Art Co., 336 W.
Monroe St., Chicago.
SALESMAN WANTED lor li09 who
has had experience in any line, to
sell general trade In New Mexico
an unexcelled specialty proposition.
Commissions with $35 weekly ad
vance for expenses. Our season
pens January 4th. The Continental
Jewelry Co.. Cleveland, Ohio
WANTED 600 experienced salesmen
of good address at once to sell
Mexican lands; big commissions;
our best men are making $500 to
$1,000 a month; everybody buys
land. Mexican West Coast Com
pany, Kansas City, Mo.
WANTED Honest, energetic- sales
men to sell a general line of high
grade food products, to hotels, res.
taurants, farmers, ranchers and
other large consumers. Experience
unnecessary; we teach you the
business: exc'iusive territory. Our
goods are guaranteed full weight.
full measure and in every way
meet the reuirements of all pure
food laws. Exceptional opportun
Itv: write today for particular
John Sexton & company, Whole
sale Gravers, Lake & Franklin sts..
BIG MOls'EY made selling our line
of Gasoline Lighting Systems which
la the most extensive, mod rn and
up-to-date manufactured under one
roof. Our latest inverted light U
a wonder: 800 candle power; gen
erated and lighted from the floor;
oau be turned down to a very lo
pitch: will stand any draught;
suitable for the store or home; ow
ing to Its patentable features ws
we can protect you frtra oipe4
Mon. A five year guarantee t Ita
each system: a proven success; d
mand enormous; quick seller; big
money maker; exclusive territory,
Knleht Llrht Co.. 0-100 Illinois
St., Chicago, 111.
lALEdMAN Experienced, to sell our
line cakes and candy specialties to
the retail grocery trade In Albu
querque and adjoining territory.
Lowest prices; highest quality; lib
eral commission contract; exclusive
territory. The Roser-Runkle Com
pany, Keaton, Ohio.
Chicago mail order house, to dis
tribute catalogues, advertise, etc,
$25 a week; 160 expense allowance
tlrst month; no experience required.
Manager, Dept, 501, 385 Wabash
avenue. Chicago.
MEN Take orders for the largest
portrait house. Some of our men
are making $300 a month, so can
you. Address. National Art and
Crayon Cr., Dept. 447, Chicago.
FOR RENT Typewriters, ail kleda.
Albuquerque Typewriter Exchange,
215 West Central.
FOR RENT Twj first class rooms,
furnished for light housekeeping,
517 South Hroadway.
FOR RENT Housed. 3 to 8 rooms;
6-roorn furnished. W. H. McMillion,
real estate broker, 211 W. Gold.
FOR RENT Portion ol good ware
house; easy of access for drays c
livering or hauling goods. Innuire
"B" this office.
FOR SALE 11,550, at a great bar
gain, a nice cottage home In good
repair; garden, shade, lawn and
barns. Call at 408 North Arno.
FOR SALE A modern 7 room brick
residence, Lowlands. J. Borradalle,
Third and Gold.
FOR SALE A fine 50 acre strip of
alfalfa land, 4 miles out. J. Bor
radaile. Third and Gold.
FOR SALE Or will exchange for Al
buquerque real estate, eight fine
residence lots at Long Beach, Cal.
Apply at Citizen office, tf
FOR SALE The Lusted ranch, one
and a quarter miles north of city.
Price, $7,000; two thousand cash;
balance 1, 2, 3 years. For further
particulars write ft. D. Lusted 412
S. Lures ave. Los Angeles, OaliX.
FOR SALE A fine Hardman piano,
good as new, beautiful tone. A
chance te possess an Instrument of
unexcelled make at just half what
It Is worth. On exhibit at Whit
son's Music store, 124 South Sec
ond street. Albuquerque.
FOR SALE Extracted honey, 10
pounds for $1.00: 60-lb. can for
$5.00. Order by postal of W. P.
Allen, P. O. box 202, Albuquerque,
N. M.
make all kinds of money selling
my Pongee Swiss Embroidered
Waist Patterns and Silk Shawls.
Big money for you. Catalogue
mailed on request. Joseph Gluck,
621 Broadway, N. Y. city.
WANTED Agents to sell newly pat
ented rapid selling household spe
cialty for manufacturers; great de
mand with large profits. Address
Manufacturer, P. O. Box 1708,
Pittsburg, Pa.
WRITE and we will explain how we
pay any man $85 per month and all
traveling expenses to take orders
for portraits. Experience unneces
sary. This offer made by the great
est portrait house in the world.
Write now before it is too late.
R. D. Martel. Dept. H20, Chicago.
AGENTS Opportunity, ot lifetime,
no experience necessary, big cash
profits dally and one agent made
$21 in one hour; every one will
buy; we Issue more accident and
sickness policies than any other
similar company In the world; we
give the most popular and cheap
est Insurance written; new plan, $1
a year for $100 policy; no assess
ments or dues; other amounts In
proportion; death benefit, weekly
Indemnity, free medical attendance,
original popular features, either
sex; all claims promptly and lib-
erally settled; Insurance assets,
$500,000; reliable representatives
wanted everywhere, exclusive ter
ritory; liberal, permanent Income
increasing each year, absolutely
sure. Address International Cor
poratlon, 231 Broadway, department
63, New York.
LOST Sunday afternoon a child's
red coat on E. Central avenue. Ite-
turn. 114 West Copper.
Lost Scotch Collie dug, with collar
Return to Citizen office and receive
U ST OH STRAY ED A large yellow
Tom Cat. Answers to the name of
Mitze. Reward if n turned to 714 E.
Iron ave.
Business Opportunities
WANTED Man with small capital.
Take charge of territory for mer
chandising business; write for par
ticulars. Pope Automatic Mer
chandislng Company, Corn Ex
change Bank Building, Chicago.
Send for Our Select List of
whereby you can insert dls-
play ads In all papers for
The Duke Advertising Agency,
427 S. Main St. 12 Greary St
Los Anfreles, Cal. Pan Francises.
J. M. Sollle of the firm of Sollle &
Le Breton, 117 West Gold avenue,
hag obtained an auctioneer's license
for the purpose of serving tha public
in that capacity as well as doing an
auction business at their own store
on Thursday of ach meek, at 2:30
and 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Sollle has
had broad experience In the auction
business In his younger days. With
Bis close attention to business and the
polite and easy way in which he can
address the people, will assure him
success as in other days. The peo
ple of Albuquerque can make no
mistake In giving Mr. Sollle their
Office Phone 7.
Residence 006 West Tljeras.
Hours: 10 A. M. to 13 A. M.; 2 to 4
r. M.s 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays
0:30 to 10:30 A. M.
.WAXTER w. smith, m. d.
10-18 Grand Building.
Tliird and Central.
Practice limited, Hernias, Diseases
of Women, Diseases of the Rectum,
Genlto-Urlnary diseases.
Albuquerque, N. M.
Physician aad Sorgeoa.
Residence, 610 So. Walter St, Pliouc
1030. orrieo, 0 Harnett Bldg.
Phone, 617.
Hoaseopathlo Physlalana ami gargeoM
Over V aim's Drag Btowe
Of Bee 624; Restdenae
Practice limited to Tuberculosis.
Honrs 10 ta 12 and 9 to 4.
Telephone MS.
Rooms , 0 and 10, State National
Bank Block.
Dental gmrgcry.
Rooms 9 and S, BarneU BaUdta
Over O'RieMy's Drag Beam
Appointments made) by MaJL
Phone 7 is.
Room 12,
N. T. Armljo Building.
Office boors, t a. nt. to 1J:S0 p. a.
l:st to ft p. m.
Appointments made by mall
Si J West Central Avenue. Phone 401
Attemey at Law
ONce Firs JUtlotial Bank Bsdldte
Albnqasrqne, New Mexico.
Attorney at Law.
Of ace, OomweO Block.
Alanqiierqne, K. M.
Attorney at ..
Penaoas, land Patent Covrwrlghe.
Caveats, Letter Paten , Trade
Marks, Claims.
16 F Street, N. W Wa.nmgtoa. D. C
Atorney at Law.
Oface 117 West Gold Ave.
1211 Sou fab Walter Stret. Pboae U6
Insurance, Real Estate, Notary
FHas 12 aud 14, Oomw mock.
llteeaerane, N. M. Pboae 16
stavy Matwtl Building
Uf JTkmt Cuatrai
IS . I I
a - - " ' - - i
' &&s :j
m irfii-ijf"r y-' 11"""' , ' ,f"lVl
Agricultural Instructor Issues
Advice to Farmers of
New Aiexlco
There yet remains In New Mexico
a large area of virgin eoll to be brok
en, and of this the greater part is
what Is generally called sod land
although much of It bears at most a
very light sod. For many years to
count! there will be a largo amjunt
of this virgin land to be broken each
year, and for this reason the hand
ling of sod land Is a matter of much
Importance. For centuries the. hod
land In New Mexico has been beaten
and compacted by dashing rains, and
for many years, has been trampled by
cattle, sheep, and horses with tho re
sult that the surface na.4 been pack
ed so firmly that It la now almost
water .proof, as is shown by the large
amount of water running off after
tho rains. This compact surface is
also very favorable to evaporation,
so that tho land rapidly loses the lit
tle moUturo that it absorbs. Bo
cause tho water penetrates slowly,
and evaporates quickly, sod land us
ually contains much lss moisture
than land which has been cultivated.
Crops planted on sod land do not
have a supply of moisture stored In
the soil to draw on, so must depend
on tho moisture that falls during
their growing season. For this rea
son crops on sod lands are uncertain,
and one should not bo discouraged
when the yields are poor.
Metluxl-I of lli-euklnjr Sod.
There, are so many methods of
treating sod land that it is difilcult
to say which Is the best, especially
as so much depends on the teams
and machinery at the disposal of the
farmer. The subject may be roughly
divided under two heads: early break
ing and late breaking.
Under this head will be classed
all breaking that Is dono several
months before the ground Is to be
planted. The best time for the early
breaking is during the Hummer as the
grass and other vegetation will be
full or moisture and this, with the
combined influence of the heat and
moisture In tho soil, will cause the
sod to rot most rapidly. Tho loosen
ing of the soil at this time, will also
allow the rain to soak into the soil
instead of running off. Tho loosened
surface, provided that it Is properly
fined, will act as a mulch and retain
the moisture. Tho early loosening of
.the soil and the rapid decay of tho
vegetable matter favor changes, in
the soil which increase Its fertility.
1-I of Plowing;.
When land is broken early, it Is
At the Closs of Business January 4, J 909
l ans and Dim ..uiils
lfonds arid other Securities
Heal Kstate
Furniture and Fixtunw
Cash and Line fvm !.. r H-inks.
Capital I'ald t'p $ 150.000.00
Surplus and l'rollts 0,01fi.30
Deposit.) Siilij. it to Check 6St;,'.iS'J.93
T nwi (Vrtiiicat-s uf Deposit 434,5.37
II, 331, 062 (6
Territory of New M xii ,
County of Ji.Tii.uillo. ms.
I. W. S. Striikler, Vice President and Cashier f the above
named bank, ! .solemnly swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowle.lg and belief.
W. f. STRIPKtiKIl,
Vic? President and Cashier.
A. D. 1 1 0 :.
ind .-'.vui n .
Correct Attest:
No Better Range Made
for Any Money
$35 Up
Wo also have tlo following
well known ranges: Rouquett,
Wonder, The Cliamplon, for
Conl or Gasj The Chief, Irlnce
ton, and Cheaper Ranges $15
and up.
safe to plow deeper than when It Is
broken late, because the soil will have
ltlme to settlo firmly back against
the bottom of the furrow and to es
tabllsh capillary connection with the
lower part of the soil, beforo the time
of nlantlns. The farmer need not
fear that ho will turn up unproduc
tlve soil by deep plowing for as a
rule there Is no marked difference
In the productiveness of the upper
and lower layers in the soils of New
Mexico. There are practically no
subsoils In New Mexico, using the
term subsoil In the Bense that Is gen
orally applied to It In tho humid reg
Ions. Plow as deeply as possible.
Twelve Inches would not be too deep
on tight land If It could be done. Six
to eight lnche3 Is as shallow as It
should bo done to call It deep break
ing. Deep breaking Is one of the secrets
of success in dry farming. It opens
up a volume of soil sufficiently thick
to catch and hold tho heavy showers,
and also provides room for tho de
velopment of plant roots.
It Is very Important that the land
bo thoroughly turned, and the sod
thrown to the bottom of the furrow.
When the land Is plowed, the surface
should be partly lined. It should not
bo worked down as fine as for a seed
bed, but the larger clods should be
broken up. If the surface were
made too fine the land would crust,
and also might not be sufficiently un
even to catch drifting snows. The
partial fining of the surface should
be done at once, the best rule Is to
work down what has been plowed In
the morning .before going to dinner,
and the afternoon plowing before
going to supper. Never turn land
and leave It rough to bo fined when
breaking has Ibeen finished or to be
weathered as in the humid region.
Observations for the past three win
tens on land broken and left rough
have shown quite conclusively that
land so treated was as dry if not drier
In spring than unbroken sod.
In early deep breaking, the subsur
face packer may be run after the
plow but the soli would .probably set
tle without It and Its use is not so
essential as In tho case of late break
ing. The disc Is .probably tho best
tool for the partial fining as it not
only cuts up the clods but also packs
the soil considerably. If a disc Is not
available, the ground should be gone
over with a spike toothed drag har
row or with some form of drag. The
land may bo allowed to stand in this
condition until spring, and then work
ed to a seed bed. The method of
early deep breaking that has been de
scribed requires heavy teams and con
siderable labor but it will pay.
Where deep breaking Is impossible
tho sod may bo turned three inches
or more, and allowed to lie over win
ter. This will bo better than not
breaking at all, provided the sod is
turned flat. Where for any reason it
is impossible to break the land early.
mucn good may be accomplished by
discing tho sod, espeoially if It be
double disced with tho discs set to Ian
onehalf. In many cases this double
discing will do about as much good
as shallow breaking. It partly opens
up tno eurrace to let In water, and
produces a partial mulch.
t 920,071.75
,i 12,000.00
1 . 3 3 1 . 0 C, 2 Kg
before me this 5th day of January,
R. M MRltlllTT.
NtV'-y I'stlic.
They Have Rented a House at Wash
ington nud Will I -fly Siege to
Washington, Jan. 21. The National
American Woman's Suffragette asso
ciation has come to Washington pre
pared to present to Congress tho blK-
ge.st petition it has ever received all
In the cause ot "votes for women."
The association has provided Itself
with a permanent homo at No. 1823
II street In the most fashlonablo sec
tion of the city.
Formal ceremonies of dedication
have not yet been held, but within a
few weeks tho Key. Anna Shaw, pres
ident of the association; Airs. Kach
ael Foster Avery, vice president, and
other officers of the national associa
tion will come over to Washington to
see that tho headquarters aro opened
auspiciously. In tho mean time the
houso Is being furnished, lecture
rooms are being equipped and every
preparation made for occupancy.
Thousands of signatures are being
appended to this greatest of a'.l peti
tions of the suffragettes, and with the
patience of Job the association will
wait to present It to tho next Congress
If the paper cannot bo prepared In
time for this session.
The Houne, which will be the per
manent national home of the suf
frage movement In this country, Is a
spacious one In II street northwest.
with large, airy rooms and smaller
ones to be used as offices by members
of tho national board of association
Arrangements for Its lease and equip
ment were carried on so quietly that
few had any Idea the suffrage bi-e was
buzzing so near the heads of luwmak
rs up on Capital hill.
One of tho conspicuous members
f the local organization is 21 rs. Kath-
erlno Reed Ballantyne, daughter of
tho late Speaker Reed, who is .presi
dent of th local excutlvo committee.
Mrs. Balantyne was In Washington
not long ago to petition Congress to
give Its support to the woman Buff
rago movement, but received little
encouragement from the great num.
ber of men who were associated with
her father during his term as presid
ing officer of the House.
Ceveland, O., Jan. 21. Attorneys
representing creditors of the Cleve
land Railway company and the Muni
cipal Traction company have asked
Judge Taylor of the United States
circuit court to Issue an order direct
ing the receiver of the railway prop
trites to at once begin charging the
rate of fare fixed by the original or
dinance under which the lines are
The motion in effect is that the
rate of 5 cents cash fare or eleven
tickets for 50 cents shall be charged
on the old Cleveland electric lines and
cents on the Municipal Traction
company lines instead ot a flat 3-cent
rate of fare now charged.
It Is charged that since the receiver
took charge a deficit of $125,000 has
Veen created under 3-cent fare be-
ncuse of the efforts of tho receivers
to furnish adquate service to the pub
lic. Judge Taylor has takch the mat
ter under advisement.
Let Me Cure You
-I Will Send You
Free Treatment.
'I bnve n standing of
fer In this paper lo
Bend a free treatment
lo any KulTerer from
kidney trouble, blad
der troubleor rheunia
libm whowlll ftend me
their riutno and ad
dress. It you need III
uiKe you to take ml
vnnt.ii.'o of the offer.
These diseuNex aro my
Kiwcialtv. 1 bnve been
Huceessful with old
and younir. Many bed-
wettin? children owe Ihelr present good
health lo mei many old inple who had en
larged prostate and had to vet up as many as
ten limes a ni;ht are now cured of too
frequen desire to urinate; many men and
women no lunger nuffcr f row pain In the back,
terrible rhcuinulisin, eio., since, taking my
If you mtfft'r from uny form of kidney or
bladder trouble or rhrumiuism, do matter
how 'ld you urn or how long and severe yon
have hud it, write me today tlericrltilDtf your
condition urnl Jot me Hend you a freeirout
lueni to h ho w yuu I can cure you In your own
home I want to show you und your neighbor
that I cuo and do cure thene diseases. Addreb
PR. T. FRANK LYII0TT,K-r7 Occidental l!tf., Chicago.
Real Estste Bargains.
l Oll SAI.i; llANOHKS.
t.'i-m re nine h, all under cultiva
tion, well fenced, under good
ditch. I'rlee $3,600, cah.
100 iutcm, very near town, good
fence, under ditch; J6.500.
9-urro liic nearly all In al
falfa, also good mixed orchard,
good adobe houso and barn,
fenced, under ditch, two miles
out. I'rke $2,&00 cash.
(J urn-M, lino garden land, half In
alfalfa, fenced, two miles out.
l'rice 1900.
13 uciv4, h't pnrtliii land in this
vicinity, In high tttato of culti
vation, close to town. Price,
t'rrv ki: u, nsTATi:.
New frame ltousx', on Ho, Walter
wt., a bargain, $1,100.
5-rM)iii frame hour', near shops,
iArgo alU' 1nii.-, 4 lots, corner,
near shops, $1,400.
7- rxin lli-f.ury brick, modern, 3
lots, lino location, $3,800.
8- riii brick, corner, cat front,
hot water heat lawn, trees, etc.,
Several t;' l IiuIim'sw. lot in
North Flriit street, (.let prices.
$50,(100 to loan on liret clasa se
curity. A. MONTOYA
213 CmIiX Ave., Albuquerque, X, M.
Iiecnnso The CMli.cn Is s
home pnper. It is either
delivered by carrier nt
the honse, or Is carried
homo by the business
man when bin day's work
Is done and It STAYS
THERE. A morning pa
per Is usually carried
down town by the head
of the family and hur
riedly read.
The Citizen is not read
harrlcdly, but thorough
ly so that all advertise
ments receive their share
of attention. It presents
the store news a little
ahead, giving the pros
pectivo purchaser time
to plan a shopping tour
for the next morning.
Wise ndvertlscrs patron
ize Tho Citizen because
they know thoir adver
tisements are seen and
read at the homes in the
evening, and If they are
offering something wor
thy of attention, their
ad has accomplished Its
mission. ; j
The Citizen has never
given premiums to sub
scribers butt Is subscribed
to and paid for on Its
news merits, showing
that Its subscribers have
money with which to buy
what they want from
legitimate incrcltants.
These arc the people
The Citizen Invites to
your store.
The Citizen employs a
man wliose business it la
to look after your adver
tising .wants. He will
write your copy If you
wish. If not, he will see
that your ads are "seii
up" to look their best
and he will attend to
them from day to day.
Are you advertising In
The Citizen? Your com
petitors are, and are
profiting by It. Do yon
think conservative busi
ness men are spending
money where they are
not gvtliiisr result? Get
In the swim and watch
your business grow.
Is the Best

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