OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1907-1909, February 19, 1909, Image 1

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No. i 7.45 P- m.
No 4 5.50 p. m.
No. 710.35 p. m.
No. 8 6.40 p. m.
No. 9 M.45 p. m-
Denver, Colo., Feb. 1 9. -Fair tonight
and Saturday
NUMB Eli 34
- -qMwng-j - - vnem - i pi
She Graves Only a Home
To Marry English Heiress
BHIto Create a County Intro
31 duced in the House
Again This
House Committee Reports
Sundry Civil Bill and
Ro ports an Old
Places KestMctlen on the Govern
ment Agents by Cutting
Down Fund-Panama
CjiiuI Gels Big
Wutshil'.&t.'ti. F' b., 1 Tivn more
disputes belv.ocn tin- president anl
Congress wen i-'-vi v-1 today when
the House (i nim Itci- on appropria
tion reported the sundry civil appr
prlati.m bill. Cm.' wa in regard to
the limitation if t.ie secret service of
the treasury department. The other
was the appropriation for the exam
ination of accounts of railroads under
section 20 of the Hepburn rate law.
The bill, the largest of all the general
supply bill, carries an appropriation
of $137,022,007 or J26.OOU.OU0 less
than the estimate.
The committee Incorporated In the
bill the same limitation on the use of
the secret service operatives as was
included in the bill which became a
law Inst winter. It was this limitation
that drew forth the severe criticism
of the pre.sld.-ut in his annual mes
sage last December. The committee
defended its recommendation a yeur
ago of $50,000 for the enforcement
of section SO of the Hepburn rate
law, out re-appropriatiug $223, (ton of
the $350,000 appropriated in the cur
rent sundiy civil bill for this pur
pose. The sum of $225,000 was add
The mm in' -CXftO.OOQ was voted
year ago only after the president had
written to the speaker and hud called
several members to the White House
to consult on the subject. Testimony
taken bv the committee shows that
ilnrinir the seven months of the pres
ent year only $41,000 of tUe fund had
been expended and in this amount
wa included the ealarv of 13 exam
iners for whose maintenance was sug
gested by the committee a year ago
from another fund.
In the bill, the resident is author
ized. w ith the consent of Culm, to In-
vile uronosals removig the wrecked
battleship Maine from Havana har.
bor and to communicate with Con'
rreau ur soon muv be practicable
estimates based upon the proposals
received thereunder.
The hill carries authority for the
construction of a building at Wash
ington at a cost of $2,500,000 to uc
comodate the geological survey, tin
reels, mution service, the general land
oiriee and the Indian bureau. It is to
be erected under the supervision of
the superintendent of the capitol and
to be under the direction of the sec
letsrv of the Interior.
The lareest item in the bill is for
the continuation of work on the Pan
ama canal For this purpose $33,
6.18.000 is appropriated, or $4,000,-
nnn more than is carried in the sun
dry civil appropriation bill for that
expenditure. There will be a defi
ciency this vear. however of about
The second latest item $1';.
754.S14 for rivers and harbirs col.
si ruction, work authorized by law.
Another large item Is $18 tilS.'M
for the construction of public build
ings. For the cost of maintaining
public buildings already erected tli-re.
is appropriated $ 1.520, uou tor ,-usi
dians and ianltors. The bill also rec
ommends lit the urgent reque-j'. of he
niarv of the interior, the AM.IO-
priation of $1,000,000 for the" protec
Hon of the nubile domain art 1 the ;n
v.-siiuation of entries of public land
with a view of determining thei- vali
Olty. This amount was increjsJ at
Ilia. lust session f TO 111 $250,000 l
Turing the heal ings of the I ill
investigation '-.as made of the ..ost
lo the government of granting hrl
da vs. half holidays and leaves of a'J
s, nee to irove n:lent employer I i tha
District of C:uir.bia. Frm data
which was funii'hed by thj public
nrinter it m estmated by he com
mittee that this amounts to $3,500.-
000 annually. .' the $5.88'! 010 ai
iti nm- iate.i for tainting and bindiu.
$100,000 Is to cover the holidays
granted to the 4.000 employes m the
Eoverninent printing office; $100,000
to cover the half holidays ea:n week
durinir Ju v AuEUBt ana ep:emoei
and 1325.000 to cover the annua!
leave which Is granted to employes
iin the recommendation of the -Jo.
lu.riincni of commerce and labor the
permanent appropriation including
the head tan collected on every Im-
miurant Is abandoned ana & specinc
appropriation for this service 's
inude. During the present fiscal year
i he nermanent appropriation has
been exhausted and the department
Is fared with a deficit of $500,000.
f- -.. Jr?.l.;.. .. a.. ,!,.,- - " ,i i ,e, 4 !
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Pittsburg. Fell. 19. Mrs. Ceorge Westtnghouse and her son. (leorse
Weytinghouse, Jr., have sailed for Liverpool, en route to Irton hall, fumber-
laml county. Kimhind. the home of Sir
ter. Miss Violet Ethel Flrocklebank, Is
The couple were to have been married
postponed on account of the illness of
li." w estinghouses and the Brocklebanks have been friends for four
score years. Wr Thomas is a great
of similar ideas In business, he and
became fust friends.
The daughter of the one and the
courtship when they were toddlers and
joining or me great westinghouse and
the richest families In the world.
A Boston Man Warns Us Tha
We Will Become a Na
tion of High
Chicago, Feb. Is. "If we don't
watch out ve are going to become
a nation of high sopranos, though at
present we have only reached the
point of expressing all our sentiments
ethical, emotional and Intellectual
In a voice that screams."
The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chat-
held-Taylor last night learned of this
hitherto unsuspected national pitfall
from Oeoige rtlddp of lloston.
"Mental breakdowns," hi said, "are
traced In some instances to our high
pitched voices. A man of business
broke down not long ago because he
talked so much and so loud that he
fatigued his temples. That fatigue in
his temples affected his brain.
"Pretty soon this fatigued brain
produced Imperfect thought anil indis
tinct speech."
Kven our countenances are getting
polled" in our excited effort to be
emphatic, according to Mr. Kiddie.
n Indian C.lrl Slays Parent lWiaose
He' Thrt'MU'in-d K Kill His Two
Young Son.
Winnipeg, Fell. 1 !l. A weird tale
of a young Indian girl slaying her
father to sav,- hij soul from perdi
tion has been brought in from the
Lake Niplgon country. The Indian
had killed his best friend and it so
preyed upon his mind that he came
to believe the only way to save his
soul was to give up his own life.
Ifjs friends refused his request to
kill him so he placed an ax In his
daughter's hands an, commanded her
to do so. She at first declined, but
when her father told her he would
commit more murders unless she did.
she consented. She ordered her par
ent to stand w ith his back to her, and
swinging the ax with all her strength,
she severed his head from his body.
It Is held by the police Investigating
the case that the killing was in self
defense as the father had threatened
to take the lives of his two young
hum if his daughter did not kill him.
Thomus Hrocklebank. whose daush-
th Hancee of young Westinghouse.
last December, but the nuptials were
the prospective bridegroom.
manufacturer in Pingland, and because
George Westinghouse muny years ago
son of the bther, began a boy and elrl
it has been kept up ever since. The
Hrocklebank houses will create one of
Death of Valldmlr Revives the
Story That He Was to
Establish Reg
St. Petersburg. Feb. 19. A sensa
tional story of a reactionary plot to
dethrone Kmperor Nicholas and pro
claim a regenecy In Itussia under
cirand Duke Validmir is being re
lated here today in connection with
the death recently of the grand duke,
the einpeior's oldest uncle.
How far the duke a.s cognizant of
the scheme Is not set forth but the
high Judicial official who is authority
for the story nuld today that a search
of document in Valldmir's pula"e
was about to be undertaken when
the grand duke died. This put an
end to the project.
Tile police of Kiga have seized an
automobile containing complete
equipment for printing revolutionary
literature. Si men connected with
the plan have been arrested.
The preliminary examination in th
ease o former director of the polic
l.uiHikine. on tile charge thnt he is
a member of a revolutionary organi
zation, endi d today and the prose
cutor determined that there is ample
evidence to Justify an indictment. The
penalty is eight years hard labor or
exile to Liberia.
Chicago. Feb. 18.- Samuel M. Fel
tdii, president of the Mexican Cen
tral railroad and former president of
the I'hieago & Alton, has returned
from the City of Mexico to Chicago to
live. He explained that he would re
main president of the Central, but
that the active management and
operation is under the Jurisdiction of
the National Hallways company of
Mexico, of which K. .. Drown is pies
Topeka, Feb. 19. The .Senate to
ciay concurred in the House amend
ment l i the absolute prohibition bill.
It will become a law when signed by
'.he governor, who Is known to favor
It. It is the most drastic law aver
suggested as It provides that physi
cians tannot prerciibe liquor and that
druggists cannot sell it for any pur
pott whatever.
Trie Senate Committee Wants
to Discus the Bill and
That Means Long
Nelson Points to Oklahoma" Doc
ument as bample of What
Might be Done In New
Mexico and
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, D. C, Feb. 19. The
requirement that Congress, instead of
the president, shall approve the con
stitution of a new state was urged by
Senator Nelson today when the New-
Mexico and Arizona statehood bill
was taken up by the Senate commu
te on territories.
As a basis for the suggestion, Sen
ator Nelson criticised the Oklahoma
constitution, which resulted In a gen
eral discussion of the subject.
Another meeting of the committee
w ill be held Tuesday next. All the
members of the committee declared
that the bill shall have thorough con
sideration, which makes It certain
that no action can be had at the pres
ent session of Congress,
An KdiuiMor at Turrvo" Says It Cbms
- mI Iciln of Stir and 1 VurH.
for l"lc. ' ..
Torreon, Mexico, Feb. 19, In how
great a degree has bull fighting to do
with the decline of Spain as a world
power? This question Is raised by
ondres Osuna, director of public ed
ucation, who has asked the state gov;
eminent of t'oahuila to enact an or
der prohibiting school teachers and
children, from attending bull tights.
Henor Osuna contends that wit
nessing such brutal exhibitions tends
to harden the minds of school chil
dren und make them unlit for. citi
zenship. The bull ring, contends Os
una. has been responsible for the de
cline of Spain us a world power, Just
us gluditorial contests and similar
tloody exhibitions caused the decline
f the Roman empire.
Whatever action may be taken by
the xtate government it is a fact that
the sentiment against hull fighting is
gradually growing among the best el
ement In Mexico.
Cliiiiainaii lUt'Uiiu' Kxeltcd When In
formed Thai If ewro Didn't Ap
pear He Would Have lo Pay.
I.ee Wong. the proprietor of a
Chinese restaurant on North Third
street, became greatly agitated and
eniitt-'d a number of high tenor
Chinese vocal expressions this morn
ing when he was told that he would ,
have to pay the court $250 If one
Joseph Walsh, a negro, should not ap
pear before tin next grand Jury to
bin-wer to a rliiHKe of nourishing a
deadly weapon.
Walsh was bound over to the grand
Jury yesterday in Judge Craig's court,
and Ie pcrmii'ed his name to be
. laced on h!s lend. lie -aid that lie
did not know hat the signing of
the bond mciini yesterday, but he
said "yes," when Judge Craig asked
him If he signed it. This morning
w hen he s t"M that lie would have
to give up the money If Wal.-h should
skip, he had a lit. and to make mat
ters worse. Walsh failed to show up
for work. He i". been a waiter foi
Ie. I
The i 'tin aiinm hunted up a police
mar ar l WaM' whs routed out of
his bed en Soiit'l Third street and
i placed !n jail until another honds
I man could be found.
Sacramento. Feb. 19. c inventor
Oillett today s.gned the anti-race
track Rambling bill. which is the
death of pool s. lling and rac ing In
Cullfornia. The law takes effect sixty
days from dat' and provides pun
ishment by Imprisonment fnmi thirty
days to one ,.ir for violation..
Honolulu, Feb. 19. Two bills di
rected against Japanese fishing- In the
Hawaiian water have becu lntr
duoed in lip- territorial legislature.
if C.t:&U
San Francisco, Feb. 19. It Is expected that as soon as Margaret Illing
ton Frohman recovers sufficiently from her present illness she will begin the
active prosecution of her suit for divorce from Daniel Frohman, well known
theatrical manager. In an Interview, here she declared that the only reason
she is suing for a divorce Is because she wanted n home and her huxlmnd.
Instead of providing It, wanted her to continue on the stage and become
even a greater star than she is.
"I crave a home and children." suld Mrs. Frohman. "Even darning
socks would be better than the life I lead. U Is abnormal and I want to lead
a normal life. It Is for that reason 1 am suing for divorce."
House Committee Makes Re
port of Investigation
of the Paper
Washington, Feb. 19. A reduction
in the duty- on news print paper from
$! a ton to $L a ton, the placing of
ground wood on the free llt and the
establishment of a duty of one
twelfth cent a pound on mechanic
ally ground wood pulp are the rec
ommendations of the select cominii
tee nit pulp und paper luvestigatiaii
which reported lo the House today.
The report states that It presents th
unanimous report of the entire com
mittee. Tlte committee report says It would
mem that the production of news
print paper or the other cheap grades
of paper are today dependent upon
the continuation of cheap ground
wood produced. from spruce trees and
that that condition is likely to prevail
In the future. The am lunt of spru;:e
consumed In the United States In
1907 according- to the report was
about l.L'OO.OOO cords for ground
wood, about l.tUO.UOU cords for sul
phite fibre and about .1.450.(1(10 cor Is
for lumber. The amount of standing
-piucc Is variously estimated but is
roughly guessed to be about Ta.oOO.-
oio cords east uf the Hoekies.
An appeal Is made for the conser
vation of the forests, the e nnmitte
urging that an organized fire depart
ment should be maintained to tight
ll'-e in every considerable forest In
tin country and that young trees
.-lionld lie exempted bv the various
st.it. s in the ordinary rate of taxation.
It is iils.i suggested that the national
government start large trjcH of
young spruce trees.
The paragraph recommended for
insertion in the tariff bill placing a
duty of one-twelfth cent per pound
on mechanically ground wood pu'p
provides that thirl article shall be ad
mitted free .f duty from any country
dependency, or otin r sub-division of
a government which does not forbid
or restrict the exportation or does not
impose an export duty or charge upon
mechanically ground wood or pulp
for u In tile manufacture of wood
pulp. Duties recommended for print
paper are: One print paper valued
at not over 2 and one quarter cents
per pound, one cent a pound; and on
paper valued at over 2 and one quar
ter a pound, one cent a pound; and
on paper valued at over two and one
quarter cents a pound and not over
two and one-half cents a pound two
tenths of a cent per pound.
Forty-five Nations Are to be
Asked to Participate
in the Discus
Washington, Feb. 19. President
Uousevelt announced today that he
would Issue at once a call for a
world's conference on the conserva
tion of natural resources to bo held
at The Hague next September. The
forty-five nations represented at The
Hague will be invited to participate.
Washington, Feb. 19. With only
two days in which to deliberate ami
reach some definite conclusion re
garding what steps should be taken
to conserve the natural resources .'f
the three participants, Canada, Mex
ico and tin; I'nlted .State, the com
missioners representing these coun
trltJi at the North American confer
ence, which Is being held at the statJ
department, undertook their work
with energy today.
The conditions of the farts prob
li m in the United .states and Mexico
wile dwell upon at yesterday's con
ference and at this morning's ses
sion a statement concerning thissub-
Ject a.s affecting C iinada was made by
I'ldmy Fisher chairman of the dele
gation from Canada. The. wild ani
mal game phases of the
were presi lited by W. T.
director of the New York
. hi logical
di:spi:uatk nc.iir WITH thikp.
New York, Feb. 19. Gerald Dirm
Ingham, a clerk at the Hotel (iaila
(iii, fought a desperate battle with a
liurglar on n fire escape three stories
up last night. A mis-step would have
si nt either to his death. After a brief
struggle the burglar stunned the clerk
with a blow and forcing bun back
through the window, escaped, ltirm
Ingham grappled with the man after
having been summoned by a woman
patron of the hotel, who saw the
buiL-lur ascending tile lire scnpe.
New York. Feb. 19. yuurtcrly di
vidends of 2 per cent on common
stock and 2 percent on. preferred
stock was declared today by the
I'nlon Pacifies railroad company
Tlne dividends ure unchanged from
the last previous quarter. K. S
Iivett was elected vice president o!
the road to succeed late Wm. D. Cor
nihh. A.quurterly dividend of 1U pe:
cent on common stock was declare,
today by the Southern Pacific rai!
road company. This dividend is alburn-hanged
Provides for Completing Executive
Mansion and Capitol ,and
Furnishing trie Man
sion In Good
Santa Fe, X. M Feb. 19. Prepar
atory to adjourning over until Tues
day next, Monday being a legal holi
day, both houses of the legislature
held busy sessions today. The Coun
cil met this morning while the House
was busy both morning and after
noon. The Council committee on finance
reported a . substitute bin for the
House measure carrying an appro
priation for the completion of the ex
tension to the capitol, for furnishing
the executive mansion, etc. The Coun
cil substitute carries an appropria
tion of $31.817.5, of which $10,317.95
Is for the completion of the exten
sion to the capitol and executive man
slnn; $S,000 for furnishing the man
sion, and $3,600 for a corridor to
connect up the addition with the
building proper. The appropriation
of $3,500 In payment fof- necessary
land for the executive mansion
grounds was cut out by the Council,
and cltlxens of Kant a Te will now
have to make up this amount . by
public subscription. The bill was
passed. In addition to the above ap
propriation, a joint resolution carry
ing an appropriation of $H00 to pay
freight on the executive mansion fur
r.p ar -a as u'sn pars' a.
W council " passed seeraf cither -l
Af.v Including one provldinir a meth
od or disbursing territorial funds, an
other enabling the territory' td refund
any of Its bonded Indebtedness at a
lower rate of interest after advertis
ing for bids, a substitute bill amend
ing the drug law, regulating the prac
tice of pharmacy and an act defining
a lawful offense.
Cutron Introduced an Important
bill. It encourages the slaughter of
wild animals, repeals the present wild
animal bounty law and 'provides a
method raising funds for the payment
of bounties. Ilountles are left at the
present rate except those on coyotes,
which are raised $1. The territorial
auditor Is to make a special levy each
year to pay bounties and the new act
also provides for Ihe taking up of all
outstanding wild animal bounty warrant-.
.Muy He a leadlnck.
That members of the House are de
termined to make the Council puss
those measures which have originat
ed In the lower body, was evidenced
this morning when Sanchez re-introduced
the Tuft county bill, killed by
the Council yesterday under the name
of Jaffa county, which new bill pass
ed the House under suspension of
the rules by an almost unanimous
vote. In support Of the bill Sanches
scored the Council for having passed
the Curry county bill aid for defeat
ing the Hent and Taft county meas
ures and told his colleagues It was
time the House took action compell
ing the Council to respect its wishes
in the matter of legislation. It Is
stated that unless the Council comes
to time the House will adopt a res
olution side-tracking all Council bills
on the calendar and giving prefer
ence to House measures, thus forcing
a dead-lock and making the Council
sue for pence by asking for a Joint
conference to settle the trouble. It Is
understood the Pent county bill Is to
be re-introduced under another name,
but this time no portion is to be
taken from San Miguel county, as
was the case in the original bill.
Representative! Sweesey is the
father of another bill having for its
purpose regulation of the traffic In
intoxicating liquors. The bill is very
stringent in its provisions and pro
vides for the regulation of the traffic
by means of high licenses, these rang
ing from $250 to $1,000 a year. The
bill provides for local option If a ma
jority of voters so decide nt a spe
cial election held upon petitions of
40 per cent of the voters of any In
corporated city or town. The House
passed several bills of minor import
ance at the morning session.
Tlm.nk Hi Press.
The House at a busy session this
afternoon passed numerous bills, In
! eluding Council substitute for the
House bill appropriating money for
completion of the capitol extension
and executive mansion. The latter
measure was concurred In by unan
. imous vote and. now ffoes to the act
ing governor for his signature. It
' vill be signed forthwith, making the
(Continued on Pag Four.)

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