Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX -3 AJiA FB KlTn MEXICAN, SANTA FE, H.L THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907. GO J) -4 ; Santa Fe Central Rail way Company TIlE TABLE Effective Sunday, August 11, 1907. South Bound North Bound No 1 Ml Statlont. Alt! I No 2 1 40 p 2 4! p 3 a6 p 4 9 p 4 2 P 5 4U p 7 50 pi .Am Lv.... Santa Fa.. " Ktmuedy.. " Stanley . " Morlarty . " .....Melutoiu. " Kilanoia.. Wlllard.. Arr....lorrauot..Lve 7,000 fl.OW 8,370 8,250 8,175; 6,140 8 f. 6 28 4 28 3 36 3 00 1 35 2 13 12 41 11 15 Freight, Passenger and Steamship business. Pullman berths secured by wire. Connections: At Santa Fe, with Denver & Rio Orande Railroad, and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail way. At Kennedy, with Atchison, To peka & Santa Fe Railway. At Tor rance with Bl Paso & South wester? tystem. S. I. GRIMSHAWi General Frefght and Passenger Ark HOTEL ARRIVALS Palace. Q. B. Cole, George Saxon, Alamosa; B. 0. Curtis, Chicago. Claire. William Woolf, St. Louis; w. F. Starr and wife, Miss Irene Dodds, Miss Alice Livingston, Chicago, Mrs. Ack er, Colorado Springs; W. A. Williams, Lamy; John Stinefeldt, Hanover, Kansas; W. D. MIeran, Newton, Kan sas; B. B. Spencer, East View; A. R. Brlgden, Ream's Canon, Arizona; J. Landen, Trinidad, Colorado; H. C. Haynes, E. H. Bickford, Lake Valley; W. F. Fish, Chicago. Normandle. Frank Gallup, Denver; O. M. Glem- ing, Minnesota; Mrs. B. R, Voss, Mrs. M. S. Miller, Daniel Depoz, Oscar Ful ler, Newkirk, Oklahoma; Gregorio Chavez, Lucia Olguln, Pedro Ortiz y Pino, Francisco Chavez, Emlterco Chavez, Galisteo; W. H. Tice, Chica go; Juan R. Fernandez, Albuquerque. Coronado. Llberato Vigil, Espanola; Henry Hall, Embudo; Ernest Graham, Den ver; George Klahn, Albert Abbott, G. W. McDaniel, Rock Rapids, Iowa; Roy Hendershot, Harrisonville, luissourl; Bernardo Olguln, Albuquerque; James Brown, Gallup. is Rock? It k Piiic Mi c a yuan vilify i SCHEDULE PASSENGER In Effect September 1, 1907. No. 81 Auto . Monday Car 1 Wed. Dully Dally Friday. Ex. Sun. 7 00 ft. m 4 00 p. m. 7 2S a. m 4 23 p. in. 7 50 a. m 4 43 p m 20a. m S 00 p.m. 5 10 p. m. 9 10 a m I5 Wp. m. t 10 a. m 5') p m. 9 A3 a. m 6 T p. m. 10 20 a, m 6 30 p. m. It 30 a m. 7 00 a. m 20 p.m. 177 45 a. m Miles from Raton 0 7 13 20 23 33 41 47 60 STATIONS Leaves RATON, N. M Arrivog CLIFTON HOUSE PREST'N KOKHLEK. JUNCTION KOliHLER VERMEJO CERROSOSO Lv I uiaiaua-in Af At !UTE PARK lv Ar...) ...r Lv TlV. Ur, i Lv, No. 2 Dally 12 15 p. m. 11 57 a. m. It 40 a. m. 1 00 a. m 11 10a. m. t id 25 a. m. 10 In a. m 9 53 a. m 9 35 a. m Auto Car Dally Ex. Sua. 5 55 p. m, 1f5 10 p m Good Cough Medicine For Children The season for coughs and colds In now at hand and too much care can not be used to protetc the children. A child Is much more likely to con tract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamber' Iain's Cough Remedy is the sole re llance of many mothers and few of those who have tried it are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W. Va., says: "I have never used anything other than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for my children and it has always given good satisfac tion." This remedy contains no opium or other naroctlc and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by all druggist-. No3C Monday Wednesday Friday 85 p. m, 05 p. m 4s p. m 20 p. m 10 p. m, 05 p. m 05 p. bi 45 p. m 15 d. m 40 p. in No. 21 Tuesday Thursday aaturday II roa. m. 1 40a. m. 12 2"i p. di. 12 40 p. m. I 11 p. m. 1 50 p. m. 2 OOp. m. 2 zup. m. Miles from Dea Moines 0 11 22 25 31 42 42 49 STATIONS Leave DESM'INES. N M Arrive CAl'ULIN VEGAS VIGIL THOMPSON CUNNINGHAM Arrive) CLIFTON HOUSE JUNCTION j Leave La e. CLIFTON H' 'USE JUNCTION Arrive Arrive RATON, N. M Leaves No. 20 Tuesday Thur-day Saturday 1000 a. m. 9 25 a. ra. 8 45 a. m 8 30 a. m. 8 05 a. m. 7 30 a. m 7 20 a. ra. 7 00 a. ra. T Connect with M Paso Southwest i nKy. train 124. arriving hi Dawson, N. M,, at 6:10 p. m. Connects with El Paso & Southwestern Ky. train 12R, leuvlng Dawson, N. M. at 10:05 a. a Stage for Van houten, N M.,mt trains at Preston. N M. V rUimiMitji with StH?B to and from Taos and Elizabethtown, N. M. t.i, QotiAn u,ik a t a s v T?v st. T?tf)n and Prfistnn. with C- & S. Ev. at Dcg Moinoe, and E. P. & 8. W at Vermelo. N. M. , , , . , V M tc Aannt tnr fn!lnu;lnir atotlnna In Ttf. M ' Coatfl. Ponll Park. RaV8dO &Dd Red LaK68, Ute Park, N. M., Is depot for following stations In N. M.: Arroo Seco, Aurora, Baldj, Black Lakes, Cerro, Elizabeth wn, Lobo, Queeta, Ranchos de Taos, Red River City, Talpa, Taos, Twlntng and Valdez. J. DEDMAN, J. VAN HOUTEN, W. A. GORMAN, Superintendent. Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Gen. Passetifter Agt, RATON, N. M. RATON, N. M. RATON, N. M ONLY PERFECT RESULTS ARE OBTAINED. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES AND COLUMBIA RECORDS. ! y Our Cylinder Records Fit Any Cylinder lachinc X. P. Cylinder Records 25 cents each. $3.00 per dozen. HALF FOOT CYLINDER RECORDS 50c Each. $5.00 Per Dozen Cylinder Machines. Range In Price from r.50 ib $125.00 kttMMkP . OUR DISC ECCfDS FIT AJiY DISC A. CljlflE 10-lnch Disc Records 60 cents each. $7.20 per Dozen. 12-inch Disc Records $1 each. $10 per Dozen." Disc Machines range in price from $12.50 to $100.00. ALL MACHINES GUARANTEED. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 505-507 16th Street, Denver, Colo. Mall Order Departments. ES3RSESESS8SS COminc BACK ? BEFORE STARTING PURCHASE ROUND TRIP TICKET BETWEEN SANTA FE STATIONS FOR LOCAL TRIPS AND SAVE TEN CENTS ON THE DOLLAR If you contemplate a trip this Fall E'ast, West, North or Scuth, let us name yOU Rates. For Particulars call on or Address Q. H. DONART, AQT. "r-J - -Lag Legal bianaa both English and Spanish for sale by the New Mexican Printing Company. ' 'V :, ssssissssss mswissm ill BubBcrlbe for the Dally Ne Me can and get the newa Kennedy's Laxative Cougn Syrup causes a free yet gentle action of the bowels through which cold is forced out of the system. Contains no opiates nor narcotics. Sold by Ine Ireland Pharmacy. CHRISTMA3 AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAY RATES. For the Christmas and New Year holidays, round trip tickets will be sold from Santa Fe to points in New Mexico, Colorado and Texas (El Paso Line) as follows: To points in New Mexico and to El Paso, the fare will be one and one- third for the round trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 and January 1st with final limit of January 6th, 1j08. Tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, will be one fare for the round trip. On Bale December 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1st, 1908. Final return limit January 6th, 1908. Below you will find the round trip rates to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo as follows: ; Denver $15.80; Colorado Springs $ld.60, and to Pueblo $12.25. For rates to other points please call on or 'phone 42 or 78 who will be glad to furnish you information desired, v O. H. DONART, Agent, A., T. and 8. F. R. R., City De Witt's Carbortzefl Witch HazeJ Ireland Pharmacy. TO AND FROM ROSWELL. Connection maae with Automobile Lin" at Torrance for Roswell dally. Automobile leaves Torrance for Ros well at 4 a. m., and arrives at Roswell at 12 noon. Automobile leave" Ros well for Torrance at 1 p. m., and ar rives at Torrance at 10 p. m. The fare between Santa Fe and Torrance is $5.80 and between Torrance and Ros well $10. Reserve seats oi autoro bile by wire. J. W. STOCKARD, Manager Automobile Line Passed Examination Successfully. James Donahue. New British, Conn., writes: "I tried several kidney rem edles, and was treated by our best physician for diabetes, but did not lm prove until I took Foley's Kidney Cure ftAer the second bottle I showed im provement and five bottles cured me completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for life insurance." Foley's Kidney Cure cures back-ache and all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. For sale by The Ireland Pharmacy. is A DELICIOUS BEVERIDQE. Dr. Laurltzen's Health Table Malt, a moBt delicious beverage. It may be drunk freely at any time, by man woman or child. It builds up tired weak bodies and shattered nerves. H. 6. KAUNE & CO. CITY BOTTLING WORKS, Phone 3a ffiEKcursloiis mailt, feh... Mt$L.Jt' To Loa Angeles and San Francisco. California and return. Regular six month ticket on sale dally year round, to T.ns Anceles and return. $56.90 to San Francisco, and return $06.90, 30 days west bound transit limit on the above tickets. Mexico City, Mex., and Return. Reeular nine months' ticket on Bale dally to City of Mexico and return, from Santa Fe S63.95 verv low rates for side trips to different points In Old Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Geological So ciety or America, Albuquerque, N. M., December 30, 1907 Janu ary First, 1908. For the above occasion the Santa I Fe will sell tickets to Albuquerque and return for $5.45. On sale December 26, 27 and 28, final return limit thirty days from date of sale. Side Trip to the Grand Canyon of Ari zona. In connection with the above meet ing side trip tickets will be sold to the grand canyon and return January 1, 2 and 3 rate of $18.95, limit 30 days, with stop overs In either direction. This will enable passengers to stop at Adamana, Arizona for side trip to pet rified forests. Q. H. DONART, Agent. For That Dull Feeling Atfer Eeatlng. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time and can testify that they have done il more good than any tablets I have ev er used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and Improve the digestion. They also regulate the liver and bowels. They are far super tor to pills but cost no more. Get a tree sample at all druggists and see what a splendid medlclnj it is. For sale by an druggists. HOT TAMALES. Hot Tamales, Chile Verde, Chile Colorado, Pozole with Cueritos, Me audo and Chicken Temole are among the Mexican and Spanish dishes which are being served nightly at the up-to-date short order house, The Bon Ton Restaurant. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. MASONIC. Montezuma Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M. Regu lar communication first Monday of eacn month at Masonic Hall at 7:80 p. m. R. H. HANNA. W. M. kLAN R. McCORD, Sec'y. Santa Fe Chapter, No. 1. R. A. M. Regu lar convocation second Monday of each month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. 8. 8PITZ, H. P. ARTHUR SELIGMAN, 8ec'y. Sant . Fe Commmdery No. , K. T. Regular conclave second Saturday In each month at Masonic Hal! . C. J. CRANDALL, e. c. H. F. STEPHENS, Recorder. Santa Fe Lodge of Perfection No. 1, 14th degree. Ancient and Accepted Pcottish Rite of Free Musonry meets on the third Saturday of each month t 7:30 o'clock In the evening in Masonic Hall, south side of Plaza. Halting Scottish Rite Masons are cor illally invited to attend. CHARLES A. WHEELON, 32, Venerable Master. HENRY F. STEPHENS, 14, 8ec. 7:80 p. m. I. O. O. F. Santa Fe Lodge. No. Z. I. O. O. F.. meets every Thursday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall, San Francisco Street Visiting brothers welcome. MAX KALTER, N. G. LEO HERSCH, V. O. DAVID L MILLER, Sec'y. Take DeWict's Kidney and Bladder Pills; they are for weak back. Inflam mation of the bladder, backache and weak kidneys. Sold by The Ireland Pharmacy. The seals and record books for no taries public for sale by the New Mex ican Printing Company at very reason able rates. Seals for incorporated companies are also handled. Call at or address tbA New Mexican Printing Company, San Fe. New Mexico. Orlno Laxative Fruit. Sruptthe new Laxative, stimulates, bui does not Ir ritate. It L the best Laxative. Guaran teed or your money back. Sold by The Ireland Pharmacy. B. P. O. E. Santa Fe Lodge, No. 460, B. P. O. E holds its regular session on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting brothers are Invited and wel come. R. H. HANNA, E. R. J. D. 8ENA, Sec'y. FRATERNAL UNION. Santa Fe Lodge, No. 259, Fraternal Union of America. Regular meetings rat and third Mondays In each month at 8 o'clock p. m., Odd Fellows' Hall, San FranclBCO Street Visiting Frat ers welcome. '. " M. E. ORTIZ, Fraternal Master. GREGORIO RAEL, Treat. OAVID GONZALES, 8ec'y. "BOOTH'S OY8TERS." The very finest in the land have just been received at the Bon Ton Restaurant. TheBe are the very first of the season and can be found only at this place where they are up-to-date in everything. A trial will convince you. 1 Danger In Asking Advice. When you have a cough or cold do not ask someone what is good for it, as there Is danger of taking some un known preparation. Folye's Honey and Tar cures coughs, colds and pre vents pneumonia. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For sale by the Ireland Pharmacy. The New Mexican can do pvinting equal to that done in any of the large cities. Our solicitor: Every piece of work we turn out Try our work once and you will certainly come again. We have all the facilities for turning out every class of work, including one of the best binderies in tne west. When the 8iomach, Heart, or Kid ney nerves get weak, tfren these or gans always fall. Don't drug the stomach, nor stimulate the heart or kidneys. That is simply a makeshift, Get a prescription known to Drug gists everywhere as Dr. Suoop's Res torative. The Restorative Is prepared expressly for these weak Inside nerves. (Strengthen these nerves build them up with Dr. Shoop's Resto rativetablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by all dealers. The New Mexican Printing Com pany Is prepared to furnish cards de vlslte for lacMes or remtlemen on short notice, in first class style at reasonable prices, either engraved or printed. Call on the New Mexico n Printlni Compajy, Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend It as a safe remedy for children and adults. For sale by The- Ireland Pharmacy. DIRECT ROUTE TO The Mining Camps of Colorado, Utah and Nevada; To Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo is Via the Denver & Rio Grande Railway Through the fertile San Luis valley; also to the San Juan country of Colorado, For information as to rates, train service, des criptive literature, etc; call on or address 8. K. HOOPER, G. P. A T. A. Denver, Colo. F. H- MolRIDE, Agent Santa Fe, N. M. 1 INCORPORATED 1 H. B. Cartwright & Bo., WHOLESALE GROCERS Grain. Flour and Potatoes. Stationery, Patent Medicine and Grocers' Sundries. PRQMPT ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS SANTA FE, N. M. The New Mexican Printing Com- Salve. Get DeWltt's. Sold by The J pany will do your Job work with t neatness o4 dispatch in need of any- V thins' on Earth ttv a . kirur iipvtt s tt in s n A rv - new mjutiwuvvYvm ais, It will positively brino results.