Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMBER M, 1907. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. SANTA FE, N;EL PAttl SEVEN Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. p Located on Belen Cat-off of Santa Fc R'y Bclen is 31 miles south of Albuquerque, N. M., at the junction of the Main Line of the Santa Fe System lead ing East and West from Chicago, Kansas City, Galveston and points East to San Francisco, Los Angeles, El Paso and Old Mexico. 1,000 business and residence lots, also 25x145 feet laid out with broad 80 and 70-foot streets, with alleys 20 feet wide, with beautiful lake and public park and grand old shade trees; public school house, costing $16,000; church es; large mercantile establishments; the Belen Patent Roller Mill, capacity 150 barrels daily; large winery; three hotels, Commercial Club; a population of 1,500 people; several restaurants, etc. Belen is the largest shipping point for wood, flour, wheat, wine, beans and hay in Central New Mexico. Its importance as a great commercial railroad city in the near future cannot be estimated. The Belen own and mproveirs Company are owners of the BELEN TOWJIS! JOHN BECKER, President WM. M. BERGER, Secretary. ALL FAST LIMITED EXPRESS, MAIL AND FREIGHT TRAINS OF TIIE SANTA FE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH TO BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. The lots offered are in the center of the city, well graded (many of them improved by cultivation) ; no sand or grav el. We need a first-class bakery, tailor shop, shoe housejew eler, plumbing shop, planing mill, coal and wood yard, drug store, harness shop etc. etc. ; also a first-class modern hotel. Our prices of lots are low and terms on easy payments;; title perfect; warranty deeds. One-third purchase money, cash. Two-thirds may remain on note, with mortgage as se curity, for one year, with 8 per cent interest thereon. Apply at once for map and prices if you wish to secure the choicest lota. The Belen Towa and Improvement Company CUT-OFF TAPS .a. CContlnued from Page Three) . the "Hermano Mayor." He la editor of the La Lande Times and also U. S. court commissioner. In company with W. E. Lindsay of Portales, he is the chief owner of the townsite. E. D. Stoner Is the postmaster, and here in keeping with all of the stations of the new railroad is to be seen a real ly beautiful concrete depot building. The population of La Lande is about four hundred. The Pretty Town of Melrose. Passing the town of Taiban which is nearly as large as La Lande, and which has surrounding it some fine farming country where about a thou sand filings have been made on home steads in the past year one comes to the pretty little town of Melrose. ThiB is a town which refused to be killed. It was originally meant to be the division point of the railway and the Santa Fe Land and Improvement company spent a great deal of money in improving a townsite, and a local company also sold many lots. The railroad here started to build the identical round houses and machine shops which it is now constructing at Clovis, but after doing an immense amount of grading and expending on its depot and round house upwards of ?GO,000 the company changed its mind and took up all its buildings and ma terial except the splendid depot and transported everything to Clovis. Mel rose la easily the most important town west of Clovis and has now a popula tion of nearly one thousand people, B. J. Norby, is president of the Com mercial Club and S. A. Jones is secre tary. B. T. James is president of the Enterprise Publishing company, and he is also presiding elder of the Methodist church. R. C. Edgell is business manager of the Melrose En terprise which Is published by this company. Ciovis, tne Magic City. From Melrose, one passes through St. Vrain and Blacktower and then cornea the magic city of Clovis which because the Santa Fe railway has touched it with its wand has sprung into a city In less than a year. This is the division point and also the Junc tion point with the Pecos Valley branch of the Santa Fe railway and is to be also the terminal of the long talked of Brownwood extension which will unite New Mexico with Texas with a direct line and will give the territory an outlet to the gulf. The survey for this road has but lately been completed and will strike the town of Texico 9 miles east and will run into Clovis as the end of the di vision. A magnificent concrete, mis sion style depot, a sixty thousand dol lar Harvey hotel, a thirty thousand dollar reading room, an eighteen double stall round house and a con crete coaling station with machine shops to accommodate a thousand miles of railroad and the rolling stock , which go with It are something the Santa Fe is doing for Clovis. And the citizens are not behind in their enterprise in making a town. It is in common with all the other towns within a Radius of fifty miles In one of the best farming belts of the whole southwest. Here could have , been seen. growing the. .past. season corn, wheat, millet, melons,-in fact every thing in the greatest abundance. The population of the town is now about twelve hundred and here- one finds something of the conveniences of a city. R. C. Reld has put in a fine system of water works. The Roose velt county Telephone company has a good telephone plant An electric light company has been organized and the streets axe lined with good ce- ment walks. ;There are two banks The First National and the Clovis Na tional. There are two newspapers, the Clovis News and Chronicle the first of which Arthur E. Curren is edi tor and proprietor and the last pub lished by V. II. Palmer and S. i. Paradise. Texico, the Eastern Gateway. Texico, nine miles further on, and the eastern gate of New Mexico is a twin city with Farwell, Texas, Just across the line, the two cities making in fact, one place. The combined pop ulation is about 1,500. Texico has long been handicapped by the uncer tainty of its land titles which has; forbidden on the old townsite any very expensive Improvements. It has been from its inception one of the bus iest places in the west and though handicapped by the fact that its neighbor town of Clovis is to be the favorite of the Santa Fe Railway Its enterprising citizen's are far from discouraged and are hard at work building up the interests of their place. The Santa Fe has built a fine deDOt on the New Mexico side of the line and will begin soon the construc tion of a depot on the Texas side in Farwell, the building of which has been ordered by the Texas Railway commission. The business interests of this town are so well represented that space forbid3 their mention. There are two newspapers, two na tional banks and several wholesale stores. On this whole trip barring the dis tance from Vaughn to the Pecos Riv er one is impressed with the magnifi cent possibilities of this newly open ed country. The fact that it is a farming country is now no longer in doubt and agriculturally it is no long er an exuerlment. Every quarter section has its homesteader, and buildings are going up as fast as lumber yards can supply the material. Thfl class of settlers are, from the looks of their buildings and fine stock and teams higher than the average. The correspondent ended his sojourn at Texico with the feeling that the territory is greater in ita resources and personnel than he had ever dronmed. The Doople have to tnans the Santa Fe railway for another gift of splendid domain which, In opening up by this line, it nas pracucany i-dlscovered. Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protratc , u : Dtmnet port din to end In chronic catarrh, from which few per sons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention It deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure a cumi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy? It is highly reoemmended. Mrs. M. White of Butler, Tenn., says: "Several years ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Someone told me of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I began using it and It relieved me at once. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." For Bale oy an urussiow. v. innnaBa nvAr tieiore the public by advertising In your home paper. A good advertiser always hag success In auy honest enterprise. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. ai,nnn Racine. Wis. These tests are Ijuuv ) . ' proving to the people without a pen ny's cost the great vaiue oi miB sci entific prescription known to , drug gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Ca tarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. The New Mexican Printing Com pany If hp-d quarters for engraved cards de viste in Now . Mexico. Get our work done here and you will be pleased In every particular. Mllions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar have been sold without any person ever having experienced any other than beneficial results from Its use for coughs, colds and lung trou bles. This is because the genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar In the yellow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. WILL GET LINE ON STATEHOOD Conference at Albuquerque Yesterday Decided to Send Small Delegation to Washington First. As was stated last night In a brief special dispatch to the New Mexican from Albuquerque, it was decided at a conference held there yesterday to first send a small delegation to the National Capital immediately upon the re-convening of Congress after the holiday recess, to ascertain New Mex ico's immediate chances for statehood and if the outlook was favorable for the passage of an enabling act at the present session, then to send a larger delegation as was at first proposed. Those wuj participated In the con ference yesterday were Governor Curry, President Hopewell, of the Territorial Statehood League, Chair man H. O. Bursum, of the Territorial Republican Central Committee; Na tional Committeeman Solomon Luna and other prominent citizens. The advance delegation Is to be headed by Governor Curry and be sides the executive will consist of six prominent citizens, irrespective of politics. The party will leave for Washington on January 1 or soon thereafter. The following communi cation was drawn up at yesterday's conference and given to the press fo' publication: "To the People of the Territory of New Mexico: "Governor Curry and a number of other prominent citizens of the ter ritory, who will co-operate with him, will leave for Washington about Jan uary 1 to determine the status of the Btatehood situation, and the best measure they deem it advisable to pursue. Upon ascertaining this, the chairman of the New Mexico State hood League will be notified and at that timo a large representative non partisan delegation will be selected to go to Washington to assist and promote the statehood issue. Any citizen in sympathy with the move ment will be gladly welcomed as a member of the delegation and the as sistance of any New Mexican, who may visit Washington now or at any time is -earnestly solicited. "In the event that the statehood bill should fail to pass this winter, great masses of the people in the eastern states will be enlightened as to New Mexico's conditions through their many representatives who will attend the National Irrigation Con gress, to be held in Albuquerque next October. V ,. . "Many public men of the United States will attend as delegates or as visitors and New Mexico should do everything In her power to enlighten A imnrftBft UDOT1 OUr OU v miiui a eastern opponents the justice oi qui claims. " , . . "Everybody should put their shoul der to the wheel and boost for state hood and the irrigation congress. "W. S. HOPEWELL, "Chairman. "E. C. BURKE, "Secretary." A tickling cough from any cause, is quickly Btopped- by Dr. Snoop Cough Cure. And It is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give It with out hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green Jeayes and v tender stone of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the cura tive properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cur. It calms the cough and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial mem branes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh to Injure or suppress. nlant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Span iards call this shrub which the Doc tor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. For sale by a!; dealers. Advertising pay. Trj It and see. FOR SALE. Typewriter, cash or In stallment, or for rent. J. B. Sloan. " I I II .11 FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms with modern conveniences. Apply this office. WANTED For U. S. Army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write En glish. P'or Information apply to recruit ing officer, Laughlln Block, Santa Fe. New Mexico. WHO USE8 HYOMEI? The Best People In Santa Fe Say the Ireland's Pharmacy Guaranteed In Catarrhal Troubles. No other remedy or treatment for catarrh has ever been as popular or made so many remarkable cure3 in Santa Fo as Hyomei. The best people attest its curative virtues, say the the Ireland's Pharma cy who are the local agents. The fair way In which Hyomei was sold, to re fund the money unless it gave satis fatcoin, was the best proof when it was introduced that it posssessed un usual curative powers. The Ireland's Pharmacy took all the risk of the treatment giving satisfaction, and left it to the purchasers to be the Judge. Later, when Hyomei was used and recommended by our well-known phy sicians and business men and their wives as a treatment that absolutely cured catarrh, no matter how serious or long standing, the sales rapidly grew and today there Is no other rem edy in The Ireland's Pharmacy stock that has such a large and staple sale. The first breath of Hyomei's healing air kills all catarrhal poison. Try Hyomei today on The Ireland's Pharmacy offer, to refund the money if the treatment does not give you satisfaction. Wells Fargo & Company xpress General Exaress Forwarders -TO- All Parts of the World. by Purchasing Wells Farge DOMESTIC MONEY ORDERS, TRAVELERS' MONEY ORDERS, FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS. Payable Throughout the United States. Canada, Mexic and all Foreign Countries. REMITTANCES SENT BY TELEGRAPH. J. D. BARNES, Agent Roswell Automobile Co. PEDAGOGUES COMING IN FULL FORCE Mall and Passenger Line between Roswell, N. M., and Torrance, N. M., dally, Sunday Included, connection with all trains on the Rock Island and Santa Fe Central Railways. Roswell at 1 p. m. Leave Torrance on arrival of Rock Agents for the Bulck Automobiles, Machines for all p Two of the best known and bes market Address all communication Island train, due at 2 a. m. Running time between the two points five hours, meals furnished at Camp Needmore, free of charge. Excursion parties accommodated by notifying the company two days fcr advance. one of the best Known art! Bett urpotee on the market. t machines for all purposes Ok the s and inquiries to the Roswell Automobile Co Roswell, New Mezic, Bernalillo County Will Be Well Rep resented at Educational Meeting Here Next Week. Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 19. Sixty teachers from the public schools In Albuquerque and Bernalillo county, accompanied by the High School Glee club, will attend the annual meeting of the New Mexico Educational As sociation in Santa Pe, December 26-28. -The entire Darty. Including the irloo lnh will nnmhor ahnnt. filchtv-l '""l " I five, and will leave here on the morning of December 26 for Santa Fe. The glee club is on the program at. the educational meeting for several j selections. Ten school districts were quick to! respond to County Superintendent; Strbup's recommendation that the( board of directors in each school dis-j trlct pay their teachers' expenses. The following districts wjll pay. their teachers way to the education- al meeting: 1. 4. 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 22, 47, and 48. The Albuquerque board or education continued their teachers pay through the holidays as an equlv-; alent to paying their expenses to tne meeting. More than twenty teachers from the county, schools are expected to attend the meeting and almost tne full quota of teachers from Albu querque will attend. Many New Mex ico university instructors will also be present at the Santa Fe gathering. For Eczema Tetter and Salt Rheum. The intense Itching, characteristic of these ailments is almost Instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by It. For sale by all druggists. Rttbbe? Stamps 1 WHEN YOU FIND YOUBSELP WRITING THE SAME THING FREQUENTLY IN THE COURSE OF YOUR BUSINESS, REMEMBER A RUBBER STAMP WILL SAVE YOU A GREAT DEAL OF TIME. BUSY PEOPLE ARE USING RUBBER STAMPS MORE NOW THAN EVER BEFORE BECAUSE THEY SAVE TIME, AND TIME IS MONEY THESE DAYS PRICE-LIST One-line Stamp, not over 2$ inches long 15e Each additional line on same stamp, 10c. One-line Stamp, over 2 and not over 3 J inches long. .80c Each additional line on same stamp, 15c. One-line Stamp, over 3J and not over 5 inches long. . .ifc Each additional line on same stamp, 20c. . One-line Stamp, over 5 inches long, per inch 38c Each additional line, same price. . (Curved lines on Stamp count as two lines.) Borders of all shapes, under 3 inches long way, 25c extra. Larger sizes at proportionate prices. Where type used is over one-half inch in size, w charge for one line for each one-half inch or fraction, DATES, ETC. Local Dater any town and date for ten years. .... .$1.00 Ledger Dater month, day and year in 1-inch .50 Regular line Dater. .81 Defiance Model Band Dater 1.80 Fac-Simile Signatures, Rubber Stamp and Wood Cat 1.80 Pearl Check Protector. , . 1.00 SELF-INKING STAMP PADS. 1Ji2, 10c j 2i3i, 15e; 2ix3J, 25c; 35c; 3ixi, 50c; 41x71, 75e. FOR TYPE SPECIMENS ADDRESS pr EXICAJJ PRIJITIJIG CO. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 9