Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT 8AJSTA FK KjffiW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, .JL THUR80AY,- DECEMBER 19, 1907. CART WRIGHT. DAVIS CO. N: 250 San Francisco Street Grocery Telephone No. 4. Meat Market. Tele phone No. 49. GOCES, BAHEfS, BUTCHERS ! SHELLED NUTS. New stock of shelled nuts for salt ing, making candy, etc. Per Pound Shelled walnuts 60 Shelled almonds GO Shelled pecans 75 Shelled filberts 40 Shelled Cashews 40 Shelled pignollas 40 Suited pistachios 80 Salted peanuts 25 NEW NUTS. Extra fancy walnuts 25 California' almonds 25 Imported chestnuts 20 Imported filberts 20 Fancy polished pecans 20 Brazil nuts 20 Peanuts, roasted fresh 15 Pinion nuts 20 Black walnuts, 3 lbs. for 25 Large hickory nuts, 3 lbs. for 25 CANDY. All kinds angel food taffy 25 Ordinary taffy, assorted 15 Large variety candy, good la Fancy chocolate cream3 40 Fancy boxes, 5c to $1-50 Pop corn bricks and crisplets 05 XMAS ORNAMENTS. Nice lino of Xmas. ornaments. We will receive other shipments before Xmas. XMAS CANDLES. 30 Christmas candles 15 FISH AND SHELL FISH. Blue Point Oysters, both sealshlpt and in the shell. California crabs and eastern fresh fish. TURKEYS. Order your turkeys for the holidays now. We will have extra fancy stock, but the quantity will be limited. Will fill all orders that we accept. Heads and feet will bo off. MEAT MARKET. We can fix you up a beef tenderloin or a crown roast of lamb, or French chops, etc., that- will be a revelation to you. We have a new larding out fit that enables us to lard tender loin roasts, etc., much more effective ly than by the old methods. COLORADO APPLES. We have just unloaded a car of fancy Colorado apples that we are of fering at from $2.75 to $3.25 per box. Ben Davis and Ganos, per box $2.75. Jonatons, wlnesays, etc $3.25 These are large fine apples. Strict ly fancy and worth much more than the ordinary pack of apples. Califor nia Hoover apples, $2.75. ORANGES. California navels are much earlier this year than usual. Already nicely colored and well flavored. CHRISTMAS DESSERT. Plum pudding, .20 to .75, according to size and quality. Mincemeat, 31bs. Ferndell, 75c, Dibs. $1.15. Fruit cake our own make 25c and 40c. Almerla grapes, fancy layer rais ins, bananas, etc. 10NTEN IE FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS .Ml Kinds of Picture Framing DUDROW'S OFFICE BUILDING. DAY 'PHONE 35 esidence, 102 Lincoln Avenue.) Nfght and Sundays. Telephone, No. 142. Cerrllloi Lump, Monero Lump, Anthracite Mixed. Anthracite Furnace, Smithing Coal, Sawed Wood and Kindling CAPITAL COAL YARD. Phone No. 85. Office Garfield Avenue, near A., T. and 8. F. Depot. 35S2232E3ISES5 PI OTTO RETSCH, Proprietor. FALSTAFF BOTTLED BEEE. ANY QUANTITY FROM A PINT UiV Fine Wines. Liquors and cigars. WEST SIDE OF PLAZA tit SANTA PE, N.M Minor City Topics PRETrY Romance v VB I ENDS IN MARRIAGE (ContiniMxi from Page rive.) 'A. R. Brigden, of Keam'a Canon, Arh A marriage license was Issued today I Weuds M,h g"en eAIa"dr Teacher in Indian 8chool. -IF YOU ARE LOOKING FfiR- A CHRISTMAS PRESENT To send to Home Folks or Friends in the East that will be appreciated, buy something in the line of Filigree Jewelry, Mexican Drawn Work, Unmounted or Mounted Turquoise or best of all, a Navajo Blanket. .We have a great variety of nice things appropriate as gifts. v . FOR EVERYBODY As a special inducement to Santa Fe people we are of fering Iloliday Goods of all kinds in stock at cost or great ly reduced prices. While they last we are selling Chimayo pillow tops at 50 cents each, Mexican Drawn Work Collars of turn-over pattern, at 10 cents each, and Souvenir Post al Cards of Cty at 1 cent each. There are other bargains for holiday shoppers. AT CflNDFL RIP'S CURIO STORE J. $ .Candelario, Prop. 301-303 San Francisco Street, Free souvenirs will be given to the ladies during the week between Christmas and New Year's. ' - ' - - to MIsa Maria G. Garduno, aged 20, and Jose Onrmfil Trnlilln asraA . n both of El Quemado. ' I An acquaintance which was formed Mrs. H. W. Warner resumed her wnue lfley were ieacners wgeiner in duties today as manager of the local 1 Indlaa chof,ls,cJn the Wh,t? office of the Postal Telegraph com- VT' ln1M10nnewa culml" pany after an Illness of several days of nated ln the weddlng la Santa Fe today la grippe Miss Ellen Alexander, a teacher In Carloto C. de Baca, aged C3 years thc local U' S- Indlan echo01' and A died December 18th at La Clenega R- BrISen of Keams Canon, Arizona, from blood poisoning. The remains who has just reslSned as Industrial were buried in the parish cemetery teachor at the u- s- Indian school tliere. there. They were married at 3:30 Train report at 3:30 p. m.: The 'clock thIs afternoon Rev. J. W. branch train will leave for Lamy at fdl, pastor of the First Presby- 5 o'clock to make connections with lcllttU tuultu. at le rresoyienan east and west bound Santa Fe trains, f . , which are from 1 to 3 hours late to- nu r. cngaen as night. The Santa Fe Central and the BWU . m" eacn .iner w1ue Denver and Rio Grande are reported empioyea as ieacners ontne on time White Earth reservation, the former tlme 'at that time being stationed at Pine nnn,i Ioa mnvtmr woatw ia "int. ana the latter at White Earth. nn,i nvir,r h nnat fam ,iowe lA Miss Alexander was transferred to the if it rnntr.M ttit. w. local government institution a few large crop of natural ice will have , , wu"e lviir; "r'sa,en: aD0,u been harvested insuring a plentiful 1 t inausmiu supply of the congealed commodicy next summer. In Santa Fe the tern peraturo at 6 o'clock this morning school at Keams Canon. Only the required number of wit nesses and a few Intimate friends of was 10 degrees and the lowest during the bride were present at the manse tJ tt-Vi nn n a mnitntnaA n rirs- rrir mnti last night 11 degrees. The maximum "u , -7" " " v- temperature yesterday was 34 de grees at 3:10 p. m., and the minimum temperature was 11 degrees at 1 a Crandall of the U. S. Indian School here, gave the bride away. The newly m., the mean temperature for the day oMf f 1 , L T being 22 degrees. The relative hum- Braw'ey', Caliraia , the, vlcin ty of idity yesterday was 72 per cent at 6 Mch place they will make their fu- o a n f of c tv.n ture home. En route there they will a. m. and 64 per cent at 6 p. m., the . . . Phoenix average for the twelve hours being 7.p 011 I0.r. a r et. vlslt al "oenix, G3 per cent Arizona. Mr. Brigden will engage In m, n t.' a. 'ult raising In southern California. orating the First Presbyterian church rha f te crtlht Purchase of for the Dougherty-Castle wedding last f ct.0 la"d of f"ty a"e already evening and received many compli- ffdlirrI5frtl0nta"d ha3 mado a de3 ments last night and today over its rt Ia"d entry f 32t uPn which Evergreen vwuwuv'v "wi" Aia vu Brawley is a new settlement about along the walls, and the choir i1! beautiful appearance. ropes several hundred feet in length were festooned from the rafters and was almost entirely hidden by a mass Is an experienced and accomplished f rri, ,o horticulturist and fruit grower, hav ng of greenery. The whole effect was ar- . j , ,1 , v entering the Indian service. He bears tions at the cuurch and the Haynes - " . record while In the service Is first tistic in the extreme. Holly, mistle toe, and smllax used In the decora The kind that grows with your library that will fit practically any space that can be moved one unit at a time by one person without disturbing the books that Is practical, artistic, and the only perfect sectional bookcase made. Fitted with non-binding, roller bearing doors; base units furnished with or without drawers; and all made In a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundings. Call and see them or send for catalog f05 with Interior views showing arranfifimeoi m Jiorary panor, eic. New Mexican Printing Company local agents, Santa Fe, New Mexico. m&wwTtfm tf mMm ir II 1'infiff 1H1 reception where the reception was held came from various parts of the country, the smilax being shipped from California and the holly from Oklahoma. class. He Is active, energetic and re liable. Mrs. Brigden who has been connect ed with the Indian service for a num , ber of years as a teacher Is an accom plished young woman of pre-possess- Ing appearance who eave very srood HITCHCOCK DENIES nu a n.T ncnici ava i tv satisfaction in the performance of her vnnivucur vul.j itui 1 duties, and who Is very well liked bv . , t " the officials and co-employes at the First Assistant Postmaster General several Indian schools at which she Says Cortelyou's Statement Sets Him Aright.. served as a teacher. FAMOUS RIGHT OF WAY CASE DECIDED Washington, Dec. 19. A brief but Important contribution to current po litical movement was made last nignt by Frank H. Hitchcock, - first assist- Court Rules In Favor of Arizona and ant postmaster general. j Colorado Railroad and Against In breaking the silence he has Denver and Rio Grande. maintained for several weeks, re-1 . specting statements concerning him' Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 19. The that have, been mado from time to celebrated action of the Arizona and time, Mr. Hitchcock says the state- Colorado railroad company to enjoin uiuut 01 secretary uorteiyou puoiisned the Denver and Rio Grande rall- jesteruay, disposes of charge that he road company from building over cer has ever been disloyal in any manner tain rights of way in San Juan coun to President Roosevelt. He declares ty. and which has ' been hefor t.h that any such charge Is absolutely court for the cast two venrs wna Ap, false and that the President knows it cided by Judge Ira A. Abbott in the to be, having told him so. Mr. Hitch- district court here yesterday after an cock's statement follows: extended argument In which the Ari- "I have read Secretary Cortelyou's zona and Colorado was represented by statement as published in the morn- A. B. Renehan and T. B. Catron, of ing papers. I am sure that the pub- Santa Fe, and H. B. Fergusson, of Al lic will accept it as a truthful dec- buquerque. W. B. Childers appeared laration of a thoroughly sincere man. for 'the Denver and Rio Grande. It disposes of the charge that I have The argument was on the finding been in any manner disloyal to the of fact and the court held that the President. That charge is absolutely Arizona and Colorado by complying false and the President knows it to with the law governing the surveying be, having told me so. 0f rights of way, had acquired a prior "I do not care to discuss the mat- right to the land, and an equity there ter further. I should not say even in at the point of conflict, and that this were it not for the apprehension the Denver and Rio Grande unlawfully that some people who are unfamiliar sought possession, ' the decision sus with the facts may be misled by the , talnlng the contention of the Arizona statements circulated." j and Colorado in practlcany all points. The arguments proceeded today on tho matter ol the framing of the decree. DIGNEO & NAPOLEON FHONE. NO. 6 Wholesale Liquor Dealers Retail AGENTS 101 FAMOUS UM BLUE RIBBON BEER- Just received carload of California l&ines Special price by the galllort. IN BULK Port Sherry Angelica Muscatel Blackberry IN CASES Malaga Naidera Tokay Narsale White Port tticalirig White wine Claret .Zinfandel Burgundy ISSUE APPEAL TO LABORING MEN Western Federation of Miners Ask Members of Union to Rally to Its Support. NEGOTIATING FOR PEACE AT GOLDFIELD Representatives of Miners Union and Operators Hold Conference and Attempt to Settle Strike. Goldfleld, Dec. 19. O. A. Hilton, of Denver, general counsel for the In dustrial Workers of the World, and special counsel for the Western Fed eration of Miners, has arrived In Gold field empowered by president Moyer, of the Western Federation, to make terms of peace with the mine owners of Goldfleld. Just what the terms on which peace may be secured Attorney Hilton refuses to say, but he states that they are such that if they are refused by the Goldfleld. Mine Own ers' Association that body will be put on the defensive by the .Western Federation. Today Attorney Hilton met the ex ecutive committee of the local min ers', union and went over details of terms to be submitted to the mine owners, and later fn the day a meet ing between the Western Federation attorney and the executive commltee of the Mine Owners' Association was held. ; . . The officers of the Mine Owners' As sociation say that they can not say whether" the offer of the Western Federation to present peace terms win be accepted or not until after a meeting of the executive committee can be held. LONE HIGHWAYMAN HOLDS UP SALOON Taos Scene of Bold Robbery Last Night Bandit Secured $70 From 8afe. Special to the New Mexican. Taos, N. M., via Taos Telephone Company to Tres Piedras, Dec. 19. One lone highwayman and burglar had it all his own way last night in Bralnard's saloon In this town at the witching hour, of 10 o'clock. He did It with his mask and his little pistol. About ten men were in e saloon some playing cards and some more or less convivial inclined when this masked robber walked in and at the point of his pistol kept them all at bay and compelled the proprietor to open the safe in which there were about $70 which this modern Dick Turpin appropriated. After this pro ceeding he politely withdrew. So far there Is no clew to the whereabouts or the Identity of this bold bandit. ARREST DEM1NG MAN FOR FORGERY T. B. on I The New Mexican PrlatlnR Com any la hendo'iarters for enaraved cards de viste In New Mexico. Get 'our work done here and you will be pleased ln every particular. ( Kelly Taken Into Custody Serious Charge Taken By Mounted Police. A telegram was received today by Captain Fred Fornoff of the Territorial Mounted Police advising him of the ar rest at Doming of one T. B. Kelly who was taken into custody on a charge of forgery. Kelly was arrested by Mount ed Policeman John A. Beal. Denver, Dec. 19. In an address is sued by the executive board of the Western Federation of Miners, labor ing men are urged to rally to the aid of the offlers and members of the Western Federation of Miners, charg ed with the murder of Governor Steun enberg, of Idaho, and other crimes.and of the Goldfleld miners, who are 011 a strike. The address says that the financial stringency was caused by "frenzied financiers" and Is being taken advant age of to shut down mines in order to destroy miners' 'unions. Governor Sparks is referred to as a "puppet" of the mine owners, and the president as the "pliant tool of the capitalistic in terest in its attempt to crush organiz ed labor." "The mine owners," the address continues "are determined to re-enact the bloody scenes of Colorado in Ne vada, and it Is our duty to do all ln our power to prevent the accomplish ment of their hellish de igns." President Charles H. Moyer, of the Federation, and George A. Pettibone, now on trial at Boise, are declared in the address to be "marked out" for slaughter by the cruel, despotic rule of capitalism whose only aim is to crush the Federation that the mine owners may ride triumphantly over an outrag ed, humiliated humanity; that labor may be bound hand and foot and the last vestiges of American liberty may be summarily annihilated." MARKET REPORT. WOOL MARKET. f St. Louis, Dec. 19. Wool steady and unchanged. . , LIVE STOCK Kansas City, Dec. 19. Cattle Re ceipts 4,000. Market Bteady. Southern steers ?3.504.25; southern cows 'i 3.10; stockers and feeders f34.3; bulls $2.403.80; calves $3.506.j50; western steers $3.60 5; western eows $2.50g3.80. 1 :' Sheep Receipts 3,000. Market steady. Muttons $44.60-ia"mbs $5.25 &5.90j range,w(etber'?3.756.90; fed ewes $3.254'.75. Chicago, Dec. 19. Cattle Receipts 8,000. Market steady; beeves $3.40 6.10; cows and heifers $1.15 4.60; Texans $3.10 3.85; calves $57.25; western $3.204.50; stockers and feeders $2.304.25, Sheep Receipts 18,000. Market steady; Western $24.35; lambs $3.75 6.20; western $3.756.10. W. SflNlTflEIUm inn BIG DELEGATION OF HOMESEEKERS Equipped for the treatment of medi cal, surgical and obstetrical cases. Approved methods of diagnosis and therapy. Rooms steam heated and electric lighted. No patient with contagious disease accepted. Open A. .11 1 ! I i!At iu ctn licensed practitioners. Dr. J. M. Diaz, Pres. J. A. Rolls, Secy. Twenty-Four Immigrants Go to Es tancia Valley Points Today via San ta Fe Central Railway. A delegation of twenty-four home seekers arrived at Torrance today ov er the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, going from there to points In the Estancla valley via the Santa Fe Central railroad. Of this number nine went to Moriarty, six to Estancla, six to Moriarty and three to Mcintosh. A dozen or more prospective settlers also arrived here last night over the Santa Fe railroad en route to the Es tancla valley. TUNNEL UNDER HUDSON v RIVER NEARLY FINISHED. New York, Dec. 19. The first train will be 1 run through Mcidoo tunnel under the Hudson River today. It Is expected that the tunnel will be open ed for traffic late in January. for ail purposes. The estimable quality and condition' of all th-j Lumber we sell has already gained for us an extensive list of satisfied customers. Large or small orders promptly filled. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. ' Nowwhere willyou find Lumber or prices to cvaal ours.