Newspaper Page Text
l-lbralrn of Cona-eM. . f VOL. 47 SANTA FE, Xi;W MEXICO. RMDAY, IAMTAliV , liUI ,"0. 27 ORTALES -CO. BLACK HftNDERS DULUTH WOOL GROWERS iPROTEGTIG.N FOR MAGGOT S DISSOLVED Mi AREjRGBESSIVE j SHEEP INOUSTRYj IS Ifipiil Militant Organization to Fight i It Receives Only One Half Suit Under Sherman Anti- NewTMexico Notified Fraternal Insurance Troubles of Two Young Italians Go to Their Death in Clinton Prison, N. Y. Three Sacks of Registered Mail Disappear on Way to Oakland Daring Hold-up of Ho t e 1 Clerk and Early Morning Street Car Reduction of Protective Tariff It Should De Given Trust Law to Dissolve the Combination Under Lav EXECUTED KILL GOVERNOR 15 IN LAS VEGAS Territorial Board of Equalization Meets in Santa Fe Monday. Governor Mills left this morning for Las Vega3 to take an active part in the statehood campaign. Insurance Matters. The Territorial Insurance depart ment has received an application from the Sam Houston Life Insur ance Company of Dallas, Texas, to enter the territory to do business. The department has also received an interesting memorandum from the insurance department of the state of New York in the matter of the appli cation of T. Barber for the cancella tion of the license to do business in New York, fourth class, of the Insur ance Department of the supreme Lodge of Knights of Pythias. Bar ber's complaint was that his insur ance dues were raised from $3.20 to $24.70 per month, and he declares that in the fourth class mortuary fund of this society there was on De cember 31, 1909 but SSO0.S7G where as the reserve to meet outstanding certificates in such class should have been about SS.OiW.OOU. The applicant now is 75 years of age. The application was denied how ever, with the remark that the appli cant had been "getting bis insur ance too cheap as had his dead breth ren." The department adds however, "lie may with propriety complain that the state has not protected him as it should have done. Adequate laws regulative of fraternal insur ance have for years been urged by the National Convention of Insurance Commissioners, but not until this year have the representatives of the fraternal societies conceded with suf ficient unanimity that such laws are necessary. Without the co-operation of such societies, the passage of such laws has been found to he indeed prob ably is impossible. The member therefor who complains because the state has not interefered in his be half will find the reasons for such want of interference -within the soci eties themselves. The department further adds: "No citizens should be more anxious for such a regulative law than the mem bers of such societies themselves, who like the present applicant are of advanced ages uninsurable else where, and brought face to face with the basic folly of fraternal insurance as it was, the abandonment of which and thus the lifting of the system it self to a higher plane of safety, will be the certain result of the legisla tion now suggested in New York state." Bulletin No. 7. There is a big demand for bulletin No. 7 issued by the New Mexico In surance department, the demand coming from Arizona and Colorado. ( To Build Road. Territorial Engineer Charles D. Miller has returned from Las Vegas where he made arrangements for the establishment of a convict amp of fifty convicts to be located in the small canon 'between Sapello and Ce bolla River where work will soon commence on the Las Vegas-Mora road. This road i3 thirty miles long and the work is quite rough. January 13 and 14. Through an error it was stated in the New Mexican that the examina tion of teachers seeking certificates will he held January 6 and 7. The dates are Just a week later, January 13 and 14, thus giving ample time. Consent to Dissolution. The Portales Concrete Building Block and Cement company, with of fice at Portales, Roosevelt count, has applied to the territorial secre tary for permission to dfs solve incor poration. W. E. Lindsey is the pres ident, Fred Crosby the secretary ;:nd the board of directors is compose! of Fred Crosby, Armita Crosby, Deane H. Lindsey and W. E. Lindsey. Act ing Secertary Edwin P. Coard issued a certificate of assent. The territorial secretary has been notified that a certificate of dissolu tion has been issued to the C. H. Sharp Constructing Company of Kan sas, which was qualified to do busi ness in New Mexico. Sending Out Constitutions. The territorial secretary's office force is still .busy sending out copies of the constitution, for while all the voters have been -supplied, packages of 100 cpies each are sent to the hundred members of the constitu tional convention. The work of reading the proof on the, journal of the convention, which will soon be is sued In pamphlet form, continues. Miss Virginia Bean has been appoint ed to assist in the proof-reading which is a strenuous task. Board Meets Monday. The territorial board of Equaliza tion will meet here Monday, January 9. Traveler Auditor Charles V. Saf- Continue on Page Eight. ONE OF THEM CONFESSED Other Maintaind His Innocenc Had Murdered Rent Collector. Danneraora, N. Y., Jan. C Donii nick Ferrera and Vincente Leonardo, young Italians from, Albany, who murdered a rent collector at the be hest of the Black Hand, went to the electric chair in Clinton prison this morning. Just before he was strapped in his chair, Leonardo con fessed. Ferrera maintained his in nocence to the last. SOMETHING IN LETTER MADE HIM JUMP. Major Fritz Muller Who Loves a Joke Could See No Joke About This However. Major Fred Muler. receiver of the Santa Fe land office received a lelter yesterday morning that literally and suddenly made him "sit up and take notice." Some say that it made him rush over to a physician to get vac cinated but that report is likely an exaggeration. Major Muller loves a joke. He gives remarkable cigars to his friends but always to but one friend so that others may remain to have the ex plosion. He opened his mail as usual yester day morning and received a long let ter from a homesteader on land mat ters. The letter was legibly written in pencil and it was right, to the point without a chemical trace of verbosity. Towards the end of the epistle, however, the writer said that the rea son he had not been to call at the land office to prove up or go through certain formalities was that, he was kept indoors with Small Pox. And now the question arises, should one fumigate letters before reading or should not some precautions be taken to-keep small pox patients from the use of the mails until they are thoroughly well? GIRL SHIPPED FROM RIO ARRIBA COUNTY TO MONTANA. Denver, Colorado, January 6. "Esther Schafner, in care of E. ,A. Ransom, state capitol, Denver. From J. L. Krenz, Luraberton, N. M., to Mrs. Mamie Barnett, Billings, Mont." Bearing a tag with this inscription on a string around her neck, Esther Schafner, an 11-year-old girl, arrived at the union depot this morning. Hu mane Officer Ransom was notified promptly and took charge of the child. The girl explained that she was on her way from Lumberton to Billings. She had been visiting Mrs. Krenz for the past nine months and was now en route to join Mrs. Bar nett, her mother. Ransom placed her under the care of the police matron and this evening will put her aboard a train bound for Billings. STANDARD OIL COMPANY WINS COMMERCIAL VICTORY. Austro-Hungarian Concerns Fail to Crowd It Out of That Empire. Washington, Jan. 6 Standard Oil company has won a long and hard fought victory in Austro-Hungary. The state department today was noti fied that satisfactory agreement had been reached between the Vacuum Oil Company, a standard oil auxili ary, and the Austro-Hungarian minis ter of finance in controversy between that company and the oil concerns controlled by Austro-Hungarian cap ital. The agreement provides for the removal within eight days of all re pressive measures affecting, the American company. The dispute was Initiated, it is said by the local Austrian-Hungarian refiners who employ antiquated methods and machinery. A similar controversy is threatened in Roumania. NO RACE SUICIDE IN SANTA FE COUNTY. Probate Clerk Has Figures Showing Births Exceeded Deaths for Past Three Years. " There is no race suicide in Santa Fe county, nor has there been a sign of it for the past three years, ac cording to records obtained by Pro bate Clerk George V. Armijo. Mr. Armijo has not yet arranged the birth and death register totals for each year but from April 8, 1907, to January 1, 1911, there have been just 750 deaths compared with 923 births. This would leave the comfortable margin of 173 births more than deaths or 57 and two-thirds each year. CATHOLICS FORBIDDEN TO READ REPUBLICAN PAPERS. Archbishop of Lyons, France, Issues Decree Forbidding it and De claring it Sin. Lyon, France, Jan. 6. Archbishop of. Lyons today issued a diocesan de cree forbidding Catholics from read ing the four Republican newspapers published ia the diocese and declar ing the reading of the papers a sin. Hll LATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Also Money Orders and Currency to Close Year's Ac counts. octu nauuKu, -jau. u. mice uurs of registered mail with contents val - ued at $50,000 have been stolen the last few days in San Francisco or on the way across the harbor to Oak land, according to the Call. The pa per says that the stolen sacks con tained late Christmas shipments and money orders, drafts, checks ami cur rency forwarded by local banks to close the year's accounts in the East and Northwest PALS OF DENNIS HART HAVE BEEN ARRESTED. All Three Have Served Terms in the Territorial Penitentiary at Santa Fe. The two ex-convicts, who according to his confession, are implicated with ex-Convict Dennis Hart, in the rob bery of the John Becker store at Belen, recently, have been arrested at Ogden, Utah, and brought to Albu querque. The three men have all served terms in the Santa Fe penitentiary Grimes was sent up for seven years for robbing a safe at Magdalena, pre viously having robbed the safe at the Santa Fe station iu Waldo, though he never was tried for the latter crime. During his term at the peni tentiary Grimes made his escape by concealing himself in a carload of brick. After enjoying several months of liberty he was captured in Kansas by Mounted Policeman Captain Forn olf, brought back and served the re mainder of his sentence. He was re leased last. June. Miller was a highway robber. He was caught in Raton, convicted ana served a three year sentence at Santa Fe, being released several months ago. Hart, the third man of the trio, was convicted of burglarizing a store at Las Vegas. He was sentenced to three years, which he served, being released last summer. Hart was cap tured at Las Vegas several days after the Belon -robbery.- - He 'had a large bundle of money which he could not account for, though he strenuously insisted that he became possessed of it honestly. But later he confessed and gave a detailed account of the robbery. HIGH-TONED PRISONERS IN FEDERAL PENITENTIARY. Taft Denies Commutation to South ern Lumber King Gaynor and Greene Soon Released. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 6. By good be havior in the federal penitentiary here, Benjamin D. Greene and John F. Gaynor, convicted in the noted Savannah harbor government contract , plying nourishment to the babies of frauds for which Captain Oberlin Car- strikers will be exhausted tomorrow ter served a term in the penitentiary, j and the ct mmittee of which Mrs. Jo have cut down their sentence to three j seph T. Bowen is chairman, is at loss years and one month, under the good j for ways and means of continuing the behavior rule. They have only one!suppiy widen, has saved the lives of month longer to serve. , j hundreds f infants during the labor No Pardon for Harlan. . struggles. Only $41.25 was received Washington, Jan. 6. President j trom the public as the result of the Taft today denied the application for lagt appe:il or funds tor the babies. commutation of sentence of W. S. I Harlan, manager of the Great lumber I YOAKUM WILL TRY " and turpentine company, doing busi-j GROWING OF ORANGES. ness in Florida and Alabama, who was convicted on a charge of peonage in Florida. Harlan must serve a term j of eighteen months imprisonment and pay a $ne of $5,000. i VINEGAR AND CIDER TAKE PLACE OF WHISKY. Topers in Dry Counties of Texas Have Found a Substitute for Customary Booze. San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 6. At a banquet in this city by a vinegar manufacturing concern, it was main tained by the attorney for the com pany that local option now in force in many counties in Texas had large - ly increased the sale of vinegar and ha'rd cider. The attorney declared that those of bibulous habits, having been deprived of drinks containing more alcohol, have taken to vinegar and hard cider to quench their thirst. The increased sales of those products Is what .is known as "dry" territory form the basis for the statement. The additional fact was also brought out that San Antonio is the largest vine gar and cider market south of Louis ville, Ky. BE SURE AND REG ISTER TOMORROW. The places of registration will be open all day. In Pre cinct No. 17, Delgado's Meat Market on San Francisco street is the. place of registra tion, and in Precinct No. .18, the home of R. L. Baca on East Palace avenue. In Precinct 3 at the home of Luis Moya on Canon Road, and Precinct 4 at the office of Justice of the Peace Ricardo Alarid on De Vargas street. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX iffiSTEO M THEM ESCAPED Posses and Private Citizens Automobiles on the Man Hunt. in Dunlin, .iiuiii., jiin. o. i'u anneu i j lundits entered a Suporior-Duluth street ear near the interstate- bridge in Duluth early this moriii: -nty j held up passengers and en w. Police man Chesmore, on his way to work, boarded the car, not knowing that the handits were at work, shot, and instantly killed, bers escaped. Mere Boys. Duluth. Jan. fi. William and Algo Johnson, bell toy porter of the Hotel -McKay years old, early today held and The was rob- Muzzary and night , each 10 up, rob- bed and shot at the night clerk and escaped with fifty dollars belonging to the hotel. They were arrested and placed on a street car after a sharp chase, and. while being taken ,back to the city asked that, they might bo allowed to go inside the car. The re quest was granted and one of the youthful bandits pulled a revolver that had escaped the attention of Police man Chesmore who made the arrest, opened Ore on the officer and killed him. The robbers then hold up the pass ngers and crew of the si rest car and escaped over the North- rn Pacif ic railroad bridge. A number of possts in automobiles and a largo crowd of ci'.izcus are engaged in the man hunt. El Paso Hotel Robbed. Fl Paso, Tex., Jan. C Two masked ba mii's entered the ofa(- of the Angelas hotel at 4 o'clock yesterday morning and robbed the sale of about $.",i'H"i in cash and Jewelry. The clerk and porter were forced into ihe base ment, at the point of revolvers. Thir teen safety deposit, boxes were ex tracted and carried away. SI CHICAGO ES STARV1H8 A IVlilk Fund for Supplying Nourishment Is Almost Exhausted SliFFEilG JUK STRIKERS Public Is Slow to Respond to Appeals for Funds to Save Children. Chicago, Jan. 6. Five thousand "strike babies,'' children of striking garment workers, are in danger of starvation. The milk fund for sup- Experiment to Be Made in His Kings ville Orchard, Southern Texas. Austin, Yoakum, directors railroads. Texas, Jan. 0. Col. B. F. chairman of the board of of the Frisco system of who has spent some time in the Kingsville section investigat ing orange growing, has decided that the profits and promises of the indus try are constantly growing. He was so favorably inpressed with Texas hav ing the climate and soil conditions that n ake the cultivation of this fruit 1 profit, ole, that he placed an order j for several hundred orange trees to I be added to his already large orchard I in the Kingsville country. He dis played a fine collection of orang3S he was taking from his orchards to his h ime. These included satsumas, navels and tangerines. CAPTAIN ROBERT PEARY IS A GOOD WALKER. I He Covered Fifty-Five Miles in Three Days During Recent regula tion Test. Washington, Jan. 6. The official re port of Captain Robert Peary's recent walking test as prescribed by naval regulations, just made public, is in the opinion of his friends in the navy the strongest possible refutation of the arguments of critics who have questioned the time the explorer cap tain made over the ice on his return from the north pole. Captain Peary took the test on December 18, 19 and 20. The first day he walked twenty- five miles in 6 hours, 45 minutes, the second day twenty-five miles in 7 hours, 26 minutes, the third day flvej miles in 1 hour 28 minutes. MICTION PLAN OF SELLING It Is Advocated in Address De livered by Secretary Bal'&ntyne. rortiana, 'ire., ,i;in. t,. todays before the Wool Growers" tlonal association is to formulate a basis of agreement between the man- ufacturers and wool growers with a i view of combating a revision of the t tariff. The delegates to the conven tion almost to a unit. declare that a I reduction of the tariff would ruin the shecp industry in the United States, j " ' ctpiai looting anu at tne same i soive tne ?o-cai..-d "Tobacco trust" President Gooding and others declare I ,ime beneficial to wool growers, j was instituted in l."i; in the circuit that the best result of the convention jTnis f'mnge and its accruing bene- I court of the Vuit.; States for the will be the incorporation of the Wool ' fi,s- Mr- Blume believes, could be I southern district of N.-w York. The Growers' association into a militant j brought about by assessing liie tariff i proceeding was brought, by the de defensive body. on clean wool instead of on wool in I pai'tmciit of justice ag..ii,si more than Protection vs. Pinchot. the grease, and by placing class ll!six,v corporations and a number of Portland, Ore.. Jan. (',. In his ad dress before the association hist night Peter G. Johnson of Blackfuot. Idaho, said in his judgment the sheep indus try and the western country in gen eral would have been millions of dol lars lietter off if the Payne-Aldrich tariff law had been destroyed by the President's veto. 'We were getting along pretty wen in lore its enactment and needless to say we had a mighty t herd timji sincp The iiii-rc:iel ost of production is such that we are en- titled to protection. Mr. Johnson saysi th:' cost, of production had inert ased ! to eleven cents a pound the last ten years. Ho asked that the tariff com mission, in its investigations: "Inves tigate this business and literally camp on the grounds, sleep and eat in sheep wagons and thus ascertain the cost of production today, and. 1 have not the slightest fear of 'he wool grower's case, if an honest report of actual conditions is to bo the basis of tariff revision." He strongly advo cated a powerful organization as it means the cure and defense against the "Pinchot rule and regulation plague." , DEATH CAME SWIFTLY TO BRAZILIAN REBELS. Deep Significance in Cablegram That States Forty-Five Died Rather Sudde'nly. Ttin .Inntaipn Tnti It Awnrrlinir fn i today's Journal Comraercio, Joan Candido, the leader in the recent re volt in the navy and forty-four other mutineers have met rather sudden deaths. Candido succumbed to gan grene while in prison, twenty-six of his associates died from sunstroke while engaged in repairing the fortress on Cobras Island, and eigh teen others were suffocated in their ceils in the prison on the Villegainon Island. INSURGENTS IN MEXICO CAPTURE SEVERAL TOWNS. Retain Same Civil Officials But Tear Up Old and Issue New Commissions. Kl Paso, Jan. (J. According to a self possession and determination of Guaymas, Sonora, the insurrectos have appeared in the Sahuaripa and Mayor Ttiver districts of that state, but have not interfered with mining or other industries. They have cap tured Yocera and Trinidad and a few smaller towns, but have retained the same civil officials merely tearing up the old commissions from Diaz and issuing new ones from Madero. jTWO RANCH HANDS I CREMATED NEAR CHEYENNE Home of Billy Todd in Wyoming De troyed by Fire During His Absence. Cheyenne, Jan. 6. Ths ranch home of "Billy" Todd, eight miles south of here at Pinedale, was burn ed to the ground last night. Two ranch hands, Charles Neeton and John McCune, were cremated in the ruins. The origin of the fire is un known. The men were in charge of the ranch during the absence of Todd. OTHER CITIES HAVE THEIR TROUBLES TOO -An explosion tho Mt idP Minneapolis, Jan. 6. early today wrecked power plant of the Minneapolis Gen - eral Electric Company. Two men were seriously injured. The city was left temporarily without electric cur rent. & GRAND RALLY RATIFICA- X TION. IS A mass meeting, without X reference to party affiliation, ' is hereby called for every one X to listen to the discussing of X X the subject of the adoption of X X the constitution. Everybody from all parts of the county X is requested to attend at the X court house in Santa Fe, on X Monday, January 9th, at 7:30 X X P. m. X ARTHUR SELIGMAN. T. B. CATRON. X XXXXXXJtXXXXXXXXXX DUTY iABSGLUTELY ESSENTIAL It 111 Behooves Any Wool Grower to Oppose High Tariff. cortlantl. Ore.. Jan fi State im. Na-jat01. prptl H i;illme of Wvominsr in .n address before the National Wool Growers' Asociation today, advoea - of tax- t' 1 a :ll'iKe in the method ation on wool which, if put efte(;t. would place the worsted manu- facturers and carded woolen men on wool on the same looting as wool of i the first class. Mr. illume charged j that the growers of wool under the j present tariff arrangements, receive only about, half of the amount of pro-; tection which they arc promised un- i dor the law. Mr. Blume said in part: "The sheep industry is on greatest in the United States, and it i . las therefore, b.en r... -(),..iblv in nent-lv looked upon tariff le;;is!a- tion. I have thought that sheepmen it appeared as an to all I enmen- j j tary proposition, that the iiotm pro duct is protected to th.' extent that the law levies a tariff upon imported v. ool. Put I find to my surprise that some doubt the truth of this, ami many seem to be under the iin- i prossion that the tariff benefits them : i nothing. i "The I'nited States produces an- nutilly close to 110 million pounds of' scoured wool. The wool growers receive, on this protection of ap- : proximately (i cents per pound; j making a total protection annually of close toj28 million dollars. Out i of this amount are paid the wages of! thousands of men; the grower of: hay and of alfalfa finds a market; , thousands of acres, otherwise worth-! less, are. by reason of it turned to ! some benefit; and indirectly the bene- fit is distributed to a large extent to the community at large. it ill be- hco- ec a:.y.-vrol -.rower, under tner.e ; circumstances, to turn away from the J principles of protection "It is apparent that a substantial liensfit accrues to the American wool grower frbm the tariff, and it be- hi rhe American Tobacco hooves them, jn view of the agitation j Company, the Continental Tobacco for revision of schedule K, which is j company and the Consolidated Tobac bound to come, to stand united andjeo Company were merged into the use all possible efforts in order to j present American Tobacco Company, retain the protection to which they It. is alleged that in addition to this are entitled. 'organization the American companies "The sheep business east of the Mississippi River seems, even under present protection, to be suffering from decrepitude. The number of sheep from .1S!K! to 1908 decreased from nineteen and one-half million10 "''rar "ntam, except that: the lat- ,.,.1.1 V . - t . 1 T - ., to eleven million, a decline of 43 per!1" "u '' 'acco in tne inn- cent. The frightful losses of last winter tell too plainly the hazardous nature of the business. The number of sheep in the United States, fit for . , .... ,,,.. SUvarillg, Nas ii jtiiuiMij in iwi, in ;'.5 millions in 1S9"; 42 millions in lfio::, and about 40 millions in 190S. These figures tell more plainly than any other facts that, while tinder the present tariff, the sheep industry as a whole, has about kept its own, it has not been overburdened with any unnecessary special benefits. "Protection to the industry is absolutely essential. Put wool upon the free list and the growers of far- off Queensland can land their wool cheaper in Boston than you can from the West. The result would be, as actually happened in the free wool period, that you could not compete with Australia. "So much then, for the necessity of protection. 1 now take a step for ward. I may tread on delicate ground. Xo man, in public life in the West so far as I know, has ventured far into the field of criticism of j Schedule K. But the time has come j i when plain speaking is necessary. j l lie agnation in me r.aoi. m ence to that scneuuie, nas ueeu u vphement and persistent that it is absolutely essential for the wool growers , for their own protection, w ' analyze tne ,ake " P8 " against all discrimination, and take !;l sla,lu .wmuu aule justice to an. wn....w., course, overlook the interests of the manufacturer. These people must be nrotected. because they have to compete with 50 cents a day labor in Germany, and 75 cents a day labor in England. In this protection the wool grower is vitally interested The chief difficulty in the woolen iio in the fact that it is DVIIU'.lv ... based upon an incongruity. Nature has put an insuperable obstacle in the way of a just operation of the present law. Some wool shrinks 80 per cent of each pound: leaving only two-tenths of a clean pound; some wool shrinks only 20 per cent, leaving eight tenths of a clean pound. No person buys wool for the Continue on Page Eight. '-APPEAL TOjKBE GCURT Government's Contentions Had j Been Negatived by Lower Tribunal. 1 Wa.-hipgton, Jan. G The final con- test o' er :',e dissolution of the Amer ican Tobacco corporations began to- ! liav befor, i 1'uited Si; 'he supreme court, of the Story of the Case. i Washington, Jan. 6 The suit un der the Sherman anti-trust law to rtis- individual defendants headed by James H. fluke. The process of orgariz"t'o:; of (he combination alleged to be unlawful spread over many years, ft be;ati in January, 1 x:xi. Then the fir.-f A-uer lean Tobacco Compi.-jiy, was incur- of the1", , . ..... .in, oi tailing over tno Dusm ts o! five iudop.-nd.-nt cig.-ron plants. In 1 SfiVt. the Continental Tobacco Cotn-iany was incorporated 'or the al- I legcil iitii iKKf ot t.iKine ov. , -he nbtir ,,-,,,..,. , , ,, ,. , ... m. .-".." ".n i. w, un- ,- int'iican io- baeeo Company ami the l- 'sim ss of five other Plug tobacco concerns. In ttinu, the Anjerb -an uuflf Com pany w; s incorporated f.r the illoired purpose of faking over the snuff busi ness of the American Tobacco Com pany and of two or three independ ent smt-f manufacturers. ' In tii.- American Cigar Com pany was iiMorporatc-d for the al leged purpose of taking over the ck'ar business oi the American To bacco Company ami an independent manufacturer of cinars. In the same year, the Consolidated Tobacco Company was incorporated for the alleged purpose of taking ov er as a holding company in exchange for its bonds substantial nil of the stock of the American Tobacco Com puny and the Continental Tobacco Company. In 100:1. the American Stogie Com pany was incorporated for the alleged t'. j.'pt i ot .. . 2.Y.. :r business of the American Cigar Com pany, the American Tobacco Com pany, and the Continental Tobacco ; Company in lfii2 entered into a contract with a liritish company, the Imperial To bacco Company, whereby the Ameri can companies were limited in their business to America and the Pritish " l"'s- " wils aiiogea mar tne i-ouipany j as """zed to take over the export f s",Pfs f both hR ' and the American companies. Testimony was presented to prove that the defendants produced 70 per cent of the smoking tobacco made in this country': per cent of the cigar ettes: SI per cent of the plug and twist tobacco; SI per cent of the fine cut tobacco: S9 per cent of the little cigars: 96 per cent of the snuff; 95 per cent of the licorice paste; 75 per cent of the tin foil and most of the i tobacco extracts, boxes and contain ers. Three of the four judges on the circuit bench united in a decree. This decree dismissed the petition as to the Imperial Company and the British-American Company, and the Unit ed Cigar Stores Company, which was claimed to be the retail branch of the organization. This action formed one of the grounds for appeal by the gov ernment to the Supreme Court. The decree adjudged the other de fendants to be parties to an unlaw ful combination, bur said nothing about the monopolizing charges. This failure furnished another ground for appeal by the government. The American Tobacco Trust Company, the American Snuff Company, the Ani(.rj(..ln citjar company. P. Lor'illard , company. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco : r,m'lany, Blackwell's Durham Tobac- ( ,,0 company and the Conley Foil i vU...,.rtu.v e,e aujuugeu , OIU ( suaies in a numoer oi specinea to- j bacco corporations and enjoined them : from acquiring the plants or business j or voting the shares of and from ex- ercising control over these subsidiary companies. The government was dis satisfied because the holding compa nies were not enjoined from collect- I ing dividends from the subsidiary1 companies. The defendants appealed to the supreme court because the pe tition of the government was not dis missed in toto. ALASKA BANK HAS SUSPENDED PAYMENTS. Fairbanks, Alaska, Jan. .6. The Washington-Alaska bank, which has $1,000,000 on deposit, suspended pay ment last night, and V. W. Hawkins was appointed receiver by the federal court today.