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fGE TWO HE !sA5TA FE NEW MEXICAN, S4STA FE, N. Si. -g FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. terms in Her 5 v stem Every Woman Should Read this Advice and the Gen erous Offer that Goes With It marriage license was liny at. .Mbiii'i'.--ii! t ran and Jose l'or!:lio :rc la IntMr.ns. Marriage License. ' .use whs iivamed ;:t ictnrjana Oriesia 21 issued yest finadalui'C .lojola. lie i man-japs I -as VtV.-..-- Ciiiipcrito. ; T! w inter urocery to. Southern Corner Plaza. Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. W K G I VK CASE) K FGlfel J KTllKrlt WITH ALL CAbH I I Ulii r n'cii!ii'V belifvc Ullli (lis A is a ANEW LINE of and Boys & 8 I h $ m$n Fine Shoes Mb SHOES that gives a dressey appearance SHOES that wear. See our Window Display John Pfleuger Shoe Specialist. i;u in in r ol iJisi iises :ieu is such Unit we tills space wuuid bardiy euiitain mere mention of tlieir names, ii is a fact that most of these eases are of a catarrhal nature, woman cannot lie well if there trace of ea'arrh in her system. ; Some women think there is no help ; for them. We positively declare this j to bo a mistaken idea. We are so' sure of this that we offer to supply j medicine absolutely free of all cost j in every instance w here it fails to give satistaction, or aoea not suumuh tiate our claims. With this under standing, no woman should liesitati to believe our honesty of purpose, or hesitate to put our claims to a test. There is only one way to overcome catarrh. That way is through the j blood. You may use all the snuffs, i douches or like remedies for years J without netting more than lemporay relief at b. si. Catarrh in general is a diseased condition of the system that shows locally most frequently in I discharges from mucous membranes. Local treatment, should In; assisted by internal treatment for the general dis eased condition it a complete cure i :.. ... ...... ;..i....i...i fT.a..t. ! tu; j In tO UIJ ILdVliai, 1 lilH iHlllUUl : I ment should be scientifically devised : i and faithfully administered, i Rexall Mucu-Tone is scientifically ! I prepared from the prescription of : an eminent physician who for thirty ; years made catarrh his specialty, i This remedy is admirably adapted to ' the treatment of the catarrhal ail ment of women. It purifies and en riches the blood, tends to stop mu cons discharges, aids in removing impurities from the system, soothes, vdro lilea, 2"), Springer. Seventy-two Nimrods. Last, iTil:in Clerk Lorenzo Iu!gi!o Han Miguel county, issued sev two licenses. A. M. Tliurlow is o'dest man in 'hat county who riod a gun and followed a dog year. He is 7S years of age. V.' Hooker is the tallest, man who : Ik ed the trial of large and small i'e. The top of his head is removed om the soles of his feet by six fee; uid two inches of bone and muscle. Care Koogler is the shortest person old ing a hunting license. He is jus live feet tall with his shoes on. Wr :nd Kooeler is the vouncest Bosses.-'r of a license to shoot wild animal: He is 13 years of age. His brother, j hire, is just one year his senior. No Race Suicide in "an Miriel. The births in San Miguel com; last year numbered 224 and the .a-aths Las Vegas Wants to Watch Weath er. "While in Santa Fe i-: "'day, President Frank H. H. Robei"; of ths Xew Mexico Normal I'nlver:- y and John C. Baker, professor oi .ience in that institution, will call r .m C . R Linnev. the United States father j observer, and endeavor to i. ike ar rangements with him for ili'Mg the i weather flaes from the Norr.. 1 build- Recently the Normal the officials volunteer obsi Las Vegas and vicinity. T!i flags that were used by Dr. 1'iaily, the former observer, have not been transferred f' mal. An effort may be r. to secure some addition;;: ments, such as wind gaiif' Vegas Optic. ,r DANDRUFF AND ITCH ING SCALP YIELD TO ! THIS TREATMENT ' j Why experin.eiit trying to drive the ; nandniif genii from underneath the ! ; skin with greasy lotions or fancy hair- dressing whea The Capital Pharmacy r twill guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO ('. SOAP to entirely rid the scalp of the J .--! germ life that causes the trouble. :ei ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be j .r-i obtained in any city or town in! st j America and are recognized the best I ua)and most economical treatment for Established 1856. Incorporated 1902 all affections of tihe skin or scalp whether on infant or grown person. One shampoo with ZEMO SOAP and application of ZEMO will stop itching ! and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and j scurf. We invite you to try ZEMO and I ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely 1 satisfied we will refund your money. started to run but had Mr. Rhea onj top of him after he slipped and fell I at the corner. Mr. Rhea is a little i out of practice but in pretty fair con dition and although it took lively work he held his man until assistance arrived and he was taken to the coun- ' ty. jail. The man had evidently pre pared for the theft for he had his shoes carefully muffled in cloth to prevent making any noise. He will have a hearing tomorrow. 1911 : NEW YEAR : 191 SEUGfllANBROSCO. Extend the Season's Compliments and Best Wishes for a Happy & Prosperous EUGENIO ROMERO LUMBER & COAL YARD heals and strengthens the mucous tis sues, and brings about a feeling of health and strength We want you to try Rexall Mueu Tone on our guarantee. If you are not benefited, or for any reason THIEF CAUGHT IN ACT OF STEALING WATER COMPANY ORDERS FORTY CARS OF MAINS. San Antonio. Jan. 6. The San An- made : tonio Water Company has just, made an order for forty carloads of mains, ranging in size from four to ten inches. This material is for the pur pose of increasing the system and e Nor- i keeping up the rapid suburban growth e too, !and mcr easing demand for water sup-instru-! ply in al! Parts of the city. It is es " Las i timate(i Tnat tlle growth of the city wit tun the last year, when completely supplied with water service, will re quire three-fourths of the mains in cluded in this order. cr for .voather W. C. :ovever: FOR HALF A CCNTURY THE LEADING DRV GOODS HOUSE IM THE CITY . P. O. Bex 219 Phone 39 Manager of Harness Store at Albu querque Captures After a Chase. Albuquerque, X. M., Jan. 6. There was about fifteen minutes of as not satisified, simply tell us and we .classy an Impromptu wrosoing matcn will hand back your money, uexauinb one .u isu Uu set- lining of the Eustachian Tube. When Mucti-Tone comes in two sizes, r0 ' morning shortly after 8 oMoek at the, Ube Jg inamed you have a rum. cents and $1.00. Remember, you ob-,eorner of Fourth and Cemral avenue . W1 80und or irapertect hearingi andi DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED : by local applications, as they cannot :, reach the diseased portion of the! ear. There is only one way to cure! deafness, and that Is by constitution-! al remedies. Deafness is caused by j an inflamed condition of the mucous I I" II V" .r''" U ,if 'i ... ";;"!;;) '"t'.iviw pur; tain Rexall Remedies only at Rexall Store Fischer Drug. Co. The : near Schutts candy store Rhea of the Thomas F. Iv ess store succeeded in lan bad burglar and holding I' hen B. W. leher ham- Lumber and all kinds of building material Lump, nut and mine run coal YARD ON HICKOX STREET, KEAR NEW; MEXICO CENTRAL DEPOT. Phone Red 100 Phone Red 100 TH0MS R DELGAD0, Mgr. aiaui,,.---.- police assistance arrived. fm nuiY mm hp 9 I ill. uiiiui luiuiiu w i ji on central avenue near t d the store he corner when he noticed a suspidous looking man with his face pressed against the window looking into the store. i Mr. Rhea sat quiet in ihe office and i awaited developments-. Presently, the intruder opened the door careful- further : Irrigation and Farm : Work made easy by using FILLER & JOHNSON ps?Zamp FRANK F. GORMLEY Agent. Wholesale & Retail FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN POTATOES and , SALT. Sole Agents For IMERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GRAIN HOUSE IN SANTA FE- K145 LEO HERSCH EI 45 A YUJrtt, That tf,e ew Year we are ius entering may be lllir Wlll for each and every one, a Happy New Year; a V UI T ! IOH year fu of Health and prosperity: With thanks for all favors shown us and hoping your New Year Resolution will be I Will Trade With II. C. Yontz J San Francisco St. EXALTATION. (Alter the French ot Victor Hugo.) i Alone by the waves, on a starlight-. night, INO mibt on ute tas, nut a t-muu iu , . , , , or,, .,.,n!irotlv sat isfied that, no one was in. went over than behind the counter and commenced stuffing a lot of leather block material and other stuff under his overroat Mr. Rhea waited until the visitor was pretty well loaded down and then jumped for him, just its he was going out the door. There was an explo sive mixup with leather flying in all sight, My eyes pierced earth's desires; And nature all nature, and the woods, The waves of the seas heavenly fires. the hills and the when it is entirely closed, Deafness IP. the result nnd nnloQa tho iiiflfimmo. ling a bold j t-on can bg taken ou(. an(J th.g tuhe him until restore(j to its norraai condition, hear ing will be caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by i Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F1. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Said by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. r x &oTp FOB THE rHlLDREN And the infinite legion of golden stars Replied in a chant of harmonious ! directions, bars, J While with scintillant crowns they seemed earthward to nod; The man got away and PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. I PAZO OINTMENT 1s eenranteed to pure And the waves, which no puissance any case of itching, isliml. Bleeding or Pro- can rule or arrest, Made answer, while curbing the foam of each crest: It is God! It is God! It is God! Florence Earls Coates, in Harper's Weekly. trurlliiK Piles in 6 to l tda.vs or money funded, 50e. Killed Eight Wolves L. W. Nichols a rancher in the San Andres moun tains, northern Dona Ana county, killed eight wolves and three coyotes on his ranch. Fetty Thieves at Silver City A gang of thieves the past few days committed three burglaries at Silver City. They entered three stores but secured booty at only two and that in very small amounts. Whelan Retires as Editor James D. Whelan has retired as editor of the Artesia, Eddy county, Advocate, his interests having been acquired by Gayle Talbot, William Crandall, S. O. Higgins and George U. McCrary. Suffering From Cold. At Las Cru ces, the water supply of the town was cut off by the freezing weather this week. El Paso experienced sim ilar trouble and the public schools had to close down on account of the intense cold. j Wallet with $179 Recovered. The accidental dropping of a $500 bill at El Paso led to the arrest of Pedro Rodriguez and the recovery of a wal let containing $1,790 in bills of large denominations as well as jewelry valued at $11,000, owned by N. B. Cummings, a racehorse man. Fined and Jailed. Daniel Marti nez was fined $10 at Albuquerque with option of ten days in jail for disturbing the peace. Abel Ivers drew half that sentence on a similar ! charge. ! Fined for Furnishing Whiskey. ! Carlos Banda was fined $25 and costs ' at Roswell for furnishing whiskey to ' a countryman. Store Robbers Caught. The two men who robbed the Koury store at i Albuquerque of $400 merchandise, ' have been caught at Gallup. i Marriage License for Indians. A PROF. GEO. W. VICTOR CELEBRATED PALMIST Claivoyant & Spirit Medium BE SURE and call upon this marvelous man. Rarely do you have tlie OPORTUMTY of consulting with as gifted a person as this Prof. VICTOR. He Tells You ail you wish to know. Tells you about your business affairs, love, divorces, diseases, se parations, wills, deed, mortgages, etc, He reunites the separated, restores lost affections, teaches you how you may win the one you love,, even though miles away. REMEMBER He gives names, dates, facts and figures. FEES 50c & $1.00. FEES AH Business Confidential HOUR 9 to 9 HOUR Prof. GEO. W. VICTOR. North West Corner of Lincoln & Palace On Pressing Occasions its mam Why, the HARDWARE STORE is just the place to buy sensible, useful Christmas gifts. Silverware, Carving Sets, Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Ranges and a thousand and one otherthings will make presents your fami ly or your friends will like. Don't throw your money away buying some trashy present, but come to us and buy a sensible gift. If it's Hardware WJJJS We have it. when you need your clothing, or any part of it, cleaned and pressed don't be foolish enough to try and accom plish it yourself because you will lose both time and temper and probably ruin the garments. Better bring them to us and we will give you a profes sional job that will thoroughly satisfy you In promptness, excellence anu reasonable price. Julius Muralter, Tailor. Cor. Palace and Washington Avenues. The Straggle, for Statehood A HISTORY OF 60 YEARS OF EFFORT. HyHon.Ii. B, PRINC'K The Book of the Time If you would discuss the subject intelligently. Mailed on tl OH receipt of PWU NKW MEXICAN PRINTING Oo, Santa Fe, N. M "KER R'S PLAZA BARBERSHOP For i9 years the only first class tonsorial parlor in Santa Fe. OUR NEW PITCH TREATMENT is guaranteed to cure, (not only relieve, Dandruff, falling hair & other scalp irritations. We also carry a complete line of all the popular hair and facial tonics. HERPICIDE, DE LUXE QUINE & FITCH BATHS BATHS BATHS WHOLESALE Aft D RETAIL creened RATON YANKEE CERR1LLOS wood Lump Anthracite Coal all Sizes, Smithirg Ccal. Steam Coal. Sawed Wood and Kindling. Cear AZt! f7 Jjepo? CAPITAL COAL YARD. Telephone 85 Telephone 85 Your ffew Year Greeting Should be accompanied w th some little remembrance, we still have a fine assortment of attractive, lew pied novelties suitable for the purpose. To help entertain your callers on New Year Dny, we have the ' "Edison," the sweetest sounding phonograph made Come in and enjoy some of this music, and look to our attractive display of goods. Santa Fe Trail Curio Company Agents HUBBS LAUNDRY Phone us, wewillbegladtocallforyour aundry n Mondays and Tuesdays and deliver on Thursdays and Fridays All work is guaranteed; your socks are mended and buttons sewed on you shirts, without extra charge. PHONE BED 122. PHONB RED 112. Fine Rigs, Reliable Horses, Single Buggies, Surries, Saddle Horses Call up 'Phone 9 When In Need of Anything in the Livery Line. Drivers Furnished RATES RIGHT. In 6isFr Anna CHAS. CLOSSO! i IStop u 1 By Taking ZOOK'S White Pine and Tar Expectorant. We Guarantee to relieve the Cough or money back. 3 Pharmacy SlfBTi Phone 213 acy