Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. -HE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, S. A6E THREe) CERTIFICATE REEXTENDING CHARTER. Treasury Department, OfBce of Comptroller of the Cur rency. Washington, D. C, Dec. 2, 1910. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA FE. I located in the City of Santa Fe, in the County of Santa Fe and Territory of New Mexico, has complied with all the provisions of the Act of Con gress "to enable National Banking As sociatlons to extend their corporate existence, and for other purposes,'' approved July 12, 18S2, as amended by the act, approved April 12, 1902; NOW, THEREFORE, I, LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Cur rency, do hereby certify that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA FE, located in the City of Santa Fe, in the County of Santa Fe, and Terri tory of New Mexico, is authorized to have succession for the period speci fied in its amended articles of associa tion; namely, until close of business on December 2, 1930. IN TESTIM0N7 WHEREOF wit ness my hand and Seal of office tbii second day of December, 1910. LAWRENCE 0. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Currency. (Seal) Charter No. 1750. Extension No. 1767. STATEHOOD FORCES MARCHING 01 Non-Partisan Whirlwind Cam j paign in Bernalillo j County VOTE Chaves, Eddy, Roosevelt, and Curry Counties Will Give Majorities. Attorney K. D. Tittman, one of the twenty-nine Democratic delegates in j the constitutional convention declares ( that Sierra county will give a majori-; ty for the constitution provided that ; the vote is gotten out. especially iu rr : . -. ...... . 1 i -. t f 3 ; , " ' . : - r i ' .. ,.: V "'.'. ' .. - : .: ; '!' ' ' n, ' back with us to tin- haiuiso: school l-o:is which has Just !. structed and there we w. by 100 or more ! and ; U, HON. K. C BURSUM. Territorial Chairman. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. December 14, 1910. J Notice la hereby given that Pascual Vlanueva, of Galisteo, N. M., who on August 4, 1905, made homestead en try. No. 8439-06904, for NW 1-4 NE 1-4, and SE 1-4 NW 1-4 of section 15, township 13 N., range 9 E., N. M. P. j meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before register or receiver U. S. land office, at Santa Fe, N. M., on the 8th day of February, 1911 Claimant nam-s as witness: Bentura Anaya, Juan Vianueva, Cruz Archuleta, .11 of Galisteo, N. M., and Julio Montoya, of Palma, N. M. MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. 4 r - iJ i - Ml IS1' ,A..l"J 1 Hon. E. D. Tittman of Hillsboro. the river precincts. where there is no opposition but a vast amount of indifference. Air. Tittman left for home last evening. Bursum is Confident. Albuquerque, N. M., Jan. G. "Ninety-five out of a hundred people, on the average are in favor of the con stitution after they read it, said j and advantage above statehood for New Mexico. They are kickers iron j bled with political dyspepsia, like a ! man who finds fault with the board ling house bill of fare bci-ais.- he doesn't take any exercise and doesn't i digest his food, j Meeting at Deming Tonight, i "In Cram, county the constitution will get a majority of from inn to .'on. ! Friday night there will he a Luna ! county meeting at Dentine at whh-h H. M Dougherty of Socorro, will j speak under the auspices of the Non partisan Statehood League. In Luna county the issue is statehood versus Uncle Jimmy I'pton winning his $lo00 bet. Uncle Jimmy is naturally working hard to save his $:,n but it, looks as if he would lose as senti ment, for statehood is growing. It. is simply a question as to whellur the people will get the most benefit from statehood or from Cm-le Jimmy's winning his $1500. The result of the trip through the southern counties is most encouraging and as I said before, everywhere the constitution is proving iis own best argument." Dona Ana County Is Safe. Albuquerque, N. M., .Tan. (I. Ac cording to Hon. Nestor Montoya, the (opposition to state-hood in Dona Ana i county is confined to two or three people whose combined influence will have but, little effect on the vote. "The statement that Dona Ana ! county will go against, the constitu- A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE. Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th St., Easton, Pa., states: "Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad coughs and colds by the , CnuirmaI1 H 0 iJursllI11 0f tuo terri- tion or that there is any consider- use of Foley s Honey ana lar ana i am never without a bottle in the house. It soothes and relieves the ir ritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. I have always found it a re- j A Uriaiolo and Xegtor Monlova liable cough cure." soia ai ayiun lleW !' ; eon- j ' :! d I t '1 his :--ri- than ' e;:i,:; at j Sa;sif'- for j ran load- .-: l!al:',es j ' ami all .rty ac-i-'all and : 'lie biS- I'ractic i -i tn-t. at- no ''on to :--;!it. io d all h" tiie tt.ajor- n-)i.,rts i'n.iies in most til th" peo irtance ff i major u suffici lighting southern tliey are Pharmacy. it uiiirui unuiiuiu lorial Republican central committee last night. Mr. Bursum as a result of his extended trip over the south ern counties with Governor .Mills, O. is in a good position to say how things are going and he is highly optimistic over the outcome on January 21. Mr. Bursum leaves this morning for San- ita Fe. j "The way people are coming around ' is most encouraging," said Mr. Bur sum. "Communities in Socorro coun ty which four weeks ago were ninety- ! are now practically unanimous for it able opposition there, is absurd," said Mr. Montoya yesterday morning at II ill For Best Laundry Worki haeU-or. Wv,s Monday Tuesdav ! nve l,er cwlt against the, constitution "B"ulua xuuiouajr j ,-egardless of party. Such well known AfiENOY at O. K. Barber Shot) l Democrats as Luciano Chavez and Mrs. F O. BROWN Agent Phone No. 23 Red La Salle Restaurant CHAS. GANN, Prop Two lJoora below K. An cfStcu-e' REGULAR MEALS 25c SHORT ORDERS AT ALL H0JRS BOARD BY THE WEEK $5 00 French Noodle order 20c. dish. New York Chop Suey 20c. dish. ; lienjamin hanchez and others are : strongly supporting statehood. The speeches of the governor, Mr. Lar i razolo and Mr. Montoya have done in ; estimable good and the effects are I everywhere apparent. The people are . finding out what is in the constitution, j and when they do that they are ; practically certain to vote for it. "In Dona Ana county, I think now , the chances are that the constitution I will receive close to a thousand ma jority. The, town of Dona Ana will go ! practically solid for it. Mesilla, a Democratic precinct will give a vote ' of eighty per cent for the constitution. ! Las Cruces will give a good majority the opposition there being con- fined entirely to a rew persons dis ' gruntled with the county organiza tion who place personal preferment i I L" .I . ti i 'i" i-'it: -vr,:v: was on Tuesday mortiiiss. ."liit pt-ople at tc-iul- d ih': Mc-siila, all of tht :u enth the constitution. The v; ers of the distriet, men w are historic,, were all in -in favor of the com titnti' "Tuesday af'nioon the compani. d by .Indue A. ! Mr. Albert Kounl a in. visi' tunc old town of Inma Ai. ally every citi.eti of the , ;.'iid(-d the meeting and tl. ".uestion of their, rieternti vote for the constitution. "In a word. Dona Ana. for statehood, first, last t time, and will help to swei hy in a substantial way. '; - e received from other southern New Mexico wei. i enraging. The fact is tu ple are aroused to the in::, giving our constitution a ity. The opposition has In cntly bitter to arouse, tie blood of the ppople in tin Part, of the new state an- going to get. the vote out "On the way south we In id an early morning meeting at San .Man-ial. It was a holiday and the people, includ ing many railway employe.-, attended the meeting. Their enthusiasm was on a par with that which we met as we continued south. "I have now covered a considerable part of the territory. Tin only dan ger which lias ever thr. iteiied our constitution has been indifference re sulting from the assurance most of the people have felt that this consti tution would carry without effort. This indifference is rapidly disap pearing and by election day our peo ple as a matter of pride and of loyal citizenship will be out in force at the polls. "Governor Mills is to participate in a statehood meeting at Las Vegas Friday night. The governor, Mr. P.ur sum, Mr. Larrazolo and myself will go into Rio Arriba county next week. Former Governor Otero, Judge Prit chard and George V. Annijo. are al ready in Taos county and within the next ten days' campaign parties, com posed of men of both political faiths will have been in every county in New Mexico. The majorities for the constitution are going to grow with every day. The non-partisan organi- , i 11 zation lormea in mis county m- probably result in similar organiza tions elsewhere and an organized, systematic campaign to see that ev ery vote is cast." Work of Non-Partisan League. Albuquerque, N. M.. Jan. . Re ports received today at, the headquar ters of the Non-Partisan League from all counties of the ter ritory show that everywhere the sen- in stiifiM,'. , majority i: illation of - CM. S'ltlltil o ; ipest Solid. l:o Is the opposition will have so duindi as to be ptai-'italv n jriif.;We. Tl bisr omen o! a bu majority is t: (T.thu.-bstic d- man. who fa-'ors 'he eon , . ft ,. very ,- , Mora County I'eivoernts as Weil as '; publicans ill .Mora county will support the con stitution, aecordinu to Histrict Afor ney t'ha.ri s V. ;. Ward v. l.o retai n ed last c-'.eniir; f.oui a several days' bttsitiess visit, to tiu-,t county. Mr. Ward says the constitution will lie given a big majority in Mora county. The people there saow a great inti r tst ill lii - document. Mr. Ward made several addresses on the docu ment in Mora and the smaller set'ie mcnts near that ci... Mora is prepar ing, says Mr. Waul, to turn out a large crowd to the sta'ehood meeting that will he held (here Saturday ev ening, flovi i nor Mills, O A. Larra zolo. ( hai ies ,oiess.. Lotus ('. I!:e!ti and lairhs A .soiess. Lotus ( . he present anil andress the audience. On Sundav owning the same speak ers will eddress a big meeting at Wagon Mound. Idas Sanchez, super- top. -, pot!,-. proof SfClio Notice for Publication. (01:5840 Coal Jcmez Forest) partmcnt of the Interior, .'nited States Land Office. Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 14, lulu, (liepubiicatiun.) e is hereby given that tne ' named claimant Las fi!e: j possession of said tract for twenty j years next preceding the survey ol ; the township, viz.: Ramon Casados, Luciano Gonzales, : Cristobal Casados, Eusebio Trujiilci. ' aii of Cuba, N. j Any person who fibres to protest against the allowance of said proof. of his intention to make final tor who knows of any substantial rc-a-i:i s ipport of his claim under son under the laws and repulsac.-.g of i K a;, i 17 of the act of March the, Interior Department why 1 -': :-;:;.ts., 854), as a:nndei prcof should not be silov.-c-d will he act of February 21, ls!;3 (2 given an opportunity at the aoo.e- " ti saia prooi wu menuor.ea lime ana p;aci to cross examine the witnesses of said claim ant, and to otter evidence in rot-sttat I of that submitted by claimant !. Sandoval, r M , on Febru o Sandoval, of , by the ! States., 1 be made before .Juan t ; S. Ct. Corar., Cul a, . ' ary 10. lit 11, viz: Cd; j Cuba, N. M., for th? ; Sees. IfS and 23. T. in i M. P. M. j Pie names the foKowing witnesses j to prove hl3 actual continucus auverse i i ciaim 4-13 n., a. i w. in t N MANUEL R. OTKRO Rftgistes If you want anyrorng on eartn try a New Mexican Want Ad. "-7r Iff.-"" Tl 1 r i ' 5 s. I , r ,-.,, . - ku. J?.. ,LUi, ? r V ; We Have Built Up I THE PACE FOR 1911 tj j will surely be set by our livery sta j ble, as we have rigs to let as good aa ! private ones. If you ENJOY A GOOD DRIVE i or you have an engagement where a carriage is necessary or proper, send us word and we will see that you are well cared for. We guarantee you'll be pleased with our service and prices. WILLIAMS 4 RISBG 310 San Francisco St. 'Phone 139 Re. HON. SOLGtVION lUNA. National Committeeman. New Mexico Military Institute ROSWELL, MEW MEXICO, "The West Point of the Southwest," Army Officers Detailed by War Department Army Inspectors BANS SCHOOL IN CLASS "A." Through Academic course, preparing young men for college or for business life. Great amount of opon air work. Healthiest location of any Military School In the Union. Located on the beautiful Pecos Valley the garden spot of the West ui d elevation of 3,700 feet above sea level, sunshine every day, but 'Hie rain or snow during session. Rleven Officers and Instructors, all gradu ates from stardard eamern colleges. Ten buildings, thoroughly furnished, heated, light ed and modem In all respects REGENTS E. A. Cahoon, President; W (i, Hamilton. Vice President; J. Phelps White, Treasurer; Vv M. Atkinson Secretary, and W A Flnlay For particulars nn-5 .Illustrated catalogue address. COL. JA3. W. WILLSON. Superintendent. RIDE IN THE MOON 30 H. P. $1,500 We repair and care for all makes GASOLINE .AND SUPPLIES. S 1NTA FE GARAGE Palace Ave. the headquart rs of the Statehood league. "Not only is the opposition slight, but it. is fading away very rapidly and by election day I believe it will have almost entirely disappear ed. I know that we can count on not less than 50f majority from the coun ty and if the enthusiasm continues the majority may be bigger. Gover nor Mills, Mr. Bursum, Mr. Larrazolo and myself arrived in Las Cruces Monday evening and received the most enthusiastic reception I have ever seen accorded to a party of speakers in New Mexico on a cam paign duty. The meeting there lelt nothing lo be desired either in the way of attendance or enthusiasm. The fact is, the people of Las Cruces want statehood. There is no ques tion how they are going to vote, and they are going to see that every vo ter gets out. Democratic Chairman for Constitu tion. "If any further evidence were need ed as to how' his county will stand, it was furnished by Mr. Numa Fren ger, chairman of the Democratic county committee. Mr. Frenger has been an opponent of the constitution and had not. declared himsojf for it up to the time of our meeting. When the meeting opened, however, he was elected chairman and in opening tne meeting declared himself uncondi tionally for the constitution. He said that up to the time he talked with Mr. Larrazolo he had not given the constitution careful reading, but that he had now done so and was satis fied that it was to the best interest of every citizen of New Mexico re gardless of political consideration, to vote for the constitution and for im mediate statehood. Mr. Frenger urged on the people that our first duty is to insure Immediate admis sion and that party supremacy can well afford to wait until afterward to be decided. Our reception at Las Cruces and the attention and ap plause accorded each speaker as well aB our private talk with the people convinced us absolutely that Las Cru ces is practically solid for the consti tution. Mesilla Turns Out en Masse. "We had been led to expect soma opposition to the constitution among the Spanisii-speaking people. No such opposition exists. As we ap proached the town of Mesilla we were met by 150 men otk horseback and aa many more on foot. They marched I i Statehood ' litiient for the constitution is grow-j ing i ntlmsiastic in supplanting indif ference and the determined cam paign in l he few count i'-s where op position has been serious is vapidly bringing results. Chaves county, the i'ocos valley Democratic strong hold, it is believed, wi.i give live hun dred majority for statehood: Roose velt and Curry counties, considered debatable ground, it is now almost certain will furnish big majorities for statehood The campaign started by the Non Partisan Statehood League hers is proving one of the most vigorous and pietures! io ever begun in New Mex ico, A .' ries of whirlwind meetings are to b ) held in every precinct iu the conn y; fences and rocks and barns ar. to be plastered with glaring tvne appealing for a big vote for statehood; and a committee of one hundred of the most prominent citi zens of both parties has been formed to work at the polls on election day. A canvass is being taken of every HON. CHARLES A. SPIESS. Who Will Gpeak at Mora. iiiti iicii lit of the Mora, county scltoo's. has charge of I In- arrange- no tits for the men. big in that town. Tlif speakf.-s 'a ii! '.' live beri S.itir day iu an automobile." Las Vegas Optic. Lucius Dills Scores His Brethren. Kdilor Register-Tribune: 1 note thai, my article in regard to the con stitution has received far more atten tion i ban I cxpectul or thought war ranted, . onsidei ing its hasty prepa ration. linv. iii't- Mullano of the Carlsbad Current takes me to task tor submit ting anything to a Republican paper. I might retort, that, bad 1 desired to suppn ss its publicity I would have sent i to the Cum-nt, but I won't. lirolher Wood of the Luke-wood Pro gress sees only straight. Republican doctrine in it. The enabling act spe cified that the constitution should tie Republican in form; the constitution is Republican in just, the same sense " ."7; l- - - x.:v ' - v :;yV4 V J - !Jf 1 .. . iixii fajVwiii WE HANDLE LUMBER in large quantities and have every modern facility for furnishing the very best rough or dressed Lumber of every description. We are thus enabled to make the very best prices for Lumber of such high grada. We will be pleased to figure on your contracts. Charles W. Dudrow f tliat. the Congress intended and my I article was Republicnn in the same! Sense. In fact everybody in this coun-j try is a Republican in that same! sense except anarchists and those j who have been patronizing the politi-j cal spectacle factory at Lincoln. Neb. I have taken some pains to discuss the constitution locally with those in opposition to its adoption and the more I investigate the more I am at a loss to understand where the dele gates will be "at." in the event the present, constitution is rejected and' they assemble to draft another. One man objects because certain things are embodied in the organic law; an other objects because certain things are left, out; the third opposes be- t ,1, - ,'l , v If , . ..r,"V- i --' ( ''- . ' -, ' , t J1 vV ."A " - ' ' - a - u w A . a r -y- yr 1 ? - f ' l&f f :A : A The kind that grows with your library- Ihat will fit practically any space that can be moved one unit at a time by one person without disturbing the books that is practical, artistic, and the only perfect sectional bookcase made. Fitted with non-binding, roiier bearing doors; base units furnished with or without drawers; and a!i made in a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundings. Ca!l and see them or send for. catalog 105 with interior views showing arniuiasmeot injibrary ..parlor, etc. New Mexican Printing Company Sole Agents, Sun" F, New Mexico. Rtsbbes. St WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF WRITING THE 8AME THING FREQUENTLY IN THE COURSE OF YOUR BUSINESS, RE MEMBER A RUBBER 8TAMP WILL SAVE YOU A GREAT DEAL OF TIME. BUSY PEOPLE ARE USING RUBBER 6TAMPS MORE NOW THAN EVER BEFORE BECAUSE THEY SAVE TIME, AND TIME 18 MONEY THESE DAYS PRICE-LIST DISTRICT ATTORNEY CHARLES W. G. WARD, Who Has Campaigned Mora County for the Constitution t man in the city who will be asked if he approves the constitution and if not why not. In this manner, the league will get an accurate list of all persons opposed and personal work it is believed will make the vote for statehood in this city and county nearly unanimous. There Is no mistaking the growth of the sentiment throughout New Mexi co. There is every reason to believe that by election day on January 21, cause other things entirely different from No. 2 are not in it; and so it goes. There has been no concert of action and no general agreement as to what the constitution should con tain or not contain. I suppose that if the one hundred strongest kickers against the pending constitution were sent to Santa Fe to draft an organic law that the famous convention of (Continued on Page Five.) One-line Stamp, not over 2 1-2 Inchet ong 15 Each additional line on tame stamp, 10c. One-line Stamp, over 2 1-2 and not over 3 1-2 inchei long 2tc. Each additional line on stamp, 15 Or.r-line Stamp, over 3 1-2 and not over 5 Inches long 25e- Each additional line on same stamp, 20c One-line Stamp, over 5 Inches long, ?er Inch to. Each additional line, same price. (Curved lintj on Stamp count as two lines.) Borders of all shapes, under 3 inches long way, 25c extra. Larger sizes at proportionate prices. Where type used is over one-half Inch Inch In sir., we charge for one line for each one-half Inch or fraction. DATES, ETC. Local Dater any town and date for 1-2-Inch K Ledger Dater month, day and year in 1-3-Inch 59 Regular line Dater 35 Deflnance Model Band Cs::r 1.59 Fac-Smile Signature, Rubber Stamp and Wood Cut 1.50 Pearl Check Protector 1M SELF-INKING STAMP PADS, t 1-2x2 1-2. 10 cents; 2x3 14, 15 cento; 2 1-4x3 1-2, 25 cents; 2 1-4x4 M, 15 cents; 3 14x6 14, 50 cents; 4 12x 1-2, 75 cents. FOR 1YPE SPECIMEN ADDKESS JJEW EXICAp PRINTING CO. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO.