Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAS, SANTA FE, N. M. PAGE FIVE 4. V .UNITED STATES BANK & TRUST CO. CAPITAL 50,000.00 Dees a General Banking Business srcw;rrHx:aB RCDPnMM MCMTIflM B the adoption of iln; ii-inl:.!i- constitu tion tKe bos! thing to io K;.vr.y is Ycur Patronage Solicited S. B. LAUGHLIN, President H. F. STEPHENS, Cashier, W. E. GRif FIN, Asst. Caseier Real Estate I For Rent Surety Bonds N8URANCE FURNISHED AND UN.FDR N I S II E D, MODERN RESIDENCES AND STORE BUILDINGS, For Sale CITY LOTS AND IMPROVED PRO. PF.RTY, FRUIT AND ALFALFA R IN CHES AND LARGE UN-IMPROVED TRACTS, ALSO AN A I STOCK RANCH IN THE PECOS VALLEY. O C- WATSON &. CO?. PA NY (C. A BISHOP.) 19 San Francisco St. Phone. Red Ho. 189 of i Don't Overlook New Year at the ,.. FURNITURE STORE! Give a Sensible, Useful Present, and not one that the Recipient will ask "What Is IT For?" A Full Line of Useful Gifts Such as CHIN AWARE, FINE RUGS, ROCKERS, DESS, And other furniture Presents that lust, and prove a joy for years Akers-Wagner Furniture Co. EXPERT EM B ALMERS & FUNERAL DIRECTORS A. B. RENEHAN President, GEO. M. K1XSKLL, Vice-President. E, P. DAVIS. Sec'y-Treas J. B. HAYWARD Manager. SANTA FE ABSTRACT. REALTY & INSURANCE AGENCY. We prepare ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. We write. FIRE, TORNADO, PLATE GLASS. LIFE & AC CIDENT INSURANCE. We draw LEGAL PAPERS, attend to RENTS & COLLECTIONS, LOAN and PLACE MONEY for clients. We can secure a desirable TENANT or PUR CHASER for your property. We respectfully solicit your business, - JOSEPH B. HAYWARD, Manager, Room ly Catron Block Santa Fe, N, M Tel Black 76 MULLIGAN & RISING Funerai Directors & Licensed Embalmers Attorney Charles R from Estancia. M. It. Summers of Albuviorque, a visitor in town. Attorney A. I!. McMillni from Albuquerque. C. J. Dav.e, a grocery , Denver, is at the Palace. A. Ii. Woodman, a dnu' of Denver, is at the Palaoe. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. .M.-fun Taos, are visitors at the I'lilin-f. J. J. IHiriiP, a traveling n; from i Lamar, Colo., is at the PaUice. M. O'Neill, the well-know n mining man from Cerrillos, is at. i'k; Claire. Mrs. T. Mc-varaani ot nsco corro county, is a visitor at th Mon tezuma hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Martinez of I'a'sa Springs, Colorado, are visitors wt the Coronado hotel. George Fischer, a shoe salesman of St. Louis, is calling on the trade. He is at the Palace. D. C. McElhinney, representing a twine manufacturing company of Den ver, is at the Palace. Attorney M. E. -Mickey of Alhumi'-r-que, is here on legal business and is at the Palace hotel. Dr. J. W. Cutler of Milwaukee, is at the Montezuma hotel. He is on his way to the coast. Mr. and Mrs T. H. Eall of Pomiac, Mich., are sightseers registered a. the Montezuma hotel. Mounted Policeman J. W arrived from Estancia last night, and ; is at the Claire hotel. ! C. P. Spader, merchant at Iierna j lillo, Sandoval county, came to the i capital yesterday from IsU ta, Herna- ' lillo county. i Engineer E. E. Meier in charge of j I the Arroyo Hondo project has Ju3t j j returned from Chicago and is at the ' Palace hotel. Dr. Ada M. Chamberlin of Alba- j querque, and who recently returned J from a trip to Japan, is registered at : the Palace hotel. j Miss Madeline Mills is out again after three months' siege with fever j She is looking very well and was a i caller today at the governor's office, i Former District Attorney George I S. Klock of Albuquerque, arrived In j the city last night on legal business. He is at the Montezuma hotel. E. H. Dodge, a few years ago city editor of tho New Mexican, has re signed as editor of the Warsaw Dally X7nion. at Warsaw, Indiana, and has ; I gone into the real estate and insur- j ance business. "Miss Helen Papen is expected to ' otnr, mni-mni frnm fiantn nnfl i Bernalillo where she has been visit- i ing friends since last week. She ; will resume her work in the public j schools Monday." Las Vegas Optic, j Hon. H. O. Bursum, mayor of So-! corro and chairman of the territorial Republican central committee arrived in the capital this forenoon after a vigorous campaign tour of the south ern counties. Tomorrow he expects to leave for Rio Arriba county with District Attorney Alexander Read and Hon. Nestor Montoya to campaign the ' circntrstances. I lino o: the large property e payi is, the people vl; up i shoulder the addition jany i here be. are In is tie;,. i 1 find most o;' the here -come from those who fected by the tonstiu. who have not read it. i their dope" from gar: i in either i;:r.otaht or : 'oman i representations of oil" 'opposition because th of docs net in express ' , provision of the cons under the t nearly all ;.s and tax :!! have to burdens, if "O .on.-t.itu position to be least af By those have taken sources and i tiov.fd mis- RHEUMffSM PAINFUL a BAKSET.Cr- ' United States. 1 liav. ! dent of . naves count ! placing himself on ret to the constitution, an; as a candidate for a 0"j highly remunerative o ated by the constitute. : the voters will RECA he gets past, the first p i The const ittn ion e : States has been pro:;, pean juris's as the i mental law ever com mind of men, ami il rt ad eonteinporaiU'Oi;; will find that it v.; the personal in'liui:; Washington himself gates who framed t! ' reluctantly signed if. tion was a compromir constitution now befor . New Mexico is a com; ; every constitution t state was a cotnpromi -e. The federal ; constitution was :i leioi in the dark j Rheumatism is h;c to a c:i-..u. ; condition i the A:, c-.:!!'j a:; ! e puscles, brought about l.y a;i c.v , of uric acid iti the c irculation. It is not only a very fair.!'1. .1 e.i.-ci c Lui a;i extremely (lanerous tr-li!c. T!: briny, acrid y f the blood pr.uhi ally forms a exit::::; over the- tin: ck.;, and lv dcrKisitin ' a evisttat like sub- ind stanct. ;n Ule j,, f,, ,;,.,.,;,. tenni- nates fatal ly, or leaves its victim a hopeless cripple. It is natural to "doctor " the spot that hurts, and it is quite right to '..;-e !,n intents, , . nrr.ui cations, etc., to ett tnniior.try reiiei from a pain fid joint c- svu":!'-n tendon; but Rheumatism is rot a skin d; :e:ise. THE VERY LATEST STYLES IN Mens Clothing otistitution ; ;..:; nullify a :'"'ion cf the .".tid one r-si-. v. !;,, while i'i as opposed o i 1 1 t s himself ; '. shoasihk and to be cre ;:. I opine that 'A. before itvt primi'tw. the I'litrU need by Euro- '-at. st govern i s e . i by the ;' ki rs will history, they only through e of George ;h,at the dele it constitution That' eonsiitu i', just as the the people of M-omise, just as lamed by anj and such thin! alone make ore wnen depended on the d . v v.i 1 ease ts a fntier he.M on the b'ood. S. S. S. cures the '';--ease bee ruise it is the greatest A a':! blood purifiers. It poes into tin; c:r eula'.ion, and rc rioves every parttdj of t::a ir-:Uiititr uric acid, builds up the blood, makes it rich and oily, and in this way pre pares it for the proper nourishment of ail joints, , muscles, nerves and bones. If you I Or .jliejSKi. A , it'- t , - -ij? ' i is -f" ! f f " ' Si 1' ' "G. A. Richardson went to Artesia DAY & NIGHT PHONE 130 BED 125 PICTURE FRAitniftG TASTEFULLY AMD SATISFACTORILY DONE PALAOH, AVE if i northern precincts. 'j i Tuesday morning to address a const! J j tutional meeting there last night. Mr. ft McClure was called there on other ffl i business, also." Roswell Daily Rec- f I ord. Mrs. Josephine Digneo, wife of the j proprietor of the Claire hotel, has Dr. J. H. Sloan has been quite ill with what is thought to have been ptomaine poisoning, is able to be out have Rheumatism, pet the uric acid out of the blood by taking S. S. S., a purely vegetable medicine, and enjoy freedom from its misery. Book ca T?llt-limntism rind nnv Tm.tiVnl nrU-io Collier 'they had no precedents to follow. The j free to alUvho write delegates at. hanta i-e had the consti-1 IHE SWIFT HPEOlrio 00 Atlant 0& tution ot all the otner states to make. i i excerpts from. If our football breth-l "" " ( ren will read those other constitu- j tisan Statehood League which has in-, tions they will find that our consti- j augurated a vigorous telling county-' wide campaign for a rousing big ma jority for the constitution on elec-; ; tion day. j I I I Business Men Take Hand. ! I Headed by Colonel M. L. Stern,- , and backed by an enthusiastic deter- j imination to get out every vote in Al- j buquerque on the constitutional elec tion day, the committee of the Non-; j Partisan Statehood League started out yesterday afternoon to secure the I members of a committee of fifty1 who will volunteer . their services as1 ; workers on election day, to aid in get-1 ting out the vote. The committee is i going after business men, and prop-; erty owners. The bigger the business , land the more the property holdings.! the more anxious is the committee to; place tho citizen on the working! force. ! From the success they met with; yesterday the committee is likely to, make it a committee of one hundred,1 instead of fifty. Every member of j this committee on election day will i be decorated with a large white rib-1 bon. and on the ribbon will appear a j other!' egenu caicuiaieu 10 matce inc voier j sit up and take notice. The com-j mittee will be organized into squads : who will take turns about working j at the polls or hustling out tardy j voters. The committee from the league also proposes to organize an automo bile brigade and a horse and carriage brigade so that while there will be llijili Grade Materials, expert tailoring anj finish, the best and latest weaves. VveareiNjW showing a line of fall and winter weight suits of uncoualed qualitj. i he product cf one of the best known makers who employ cutters and tailors of long eminence and best skill. We Know We Can Fit You. The handsome shoulder cffn.t and the graceful lapels of the coat is all the most critical could ask. The trousers and est are cut aiun the most approved iines. The coats are made by a method which insures that lapels and shoulders ; will retain their shape. ; REMEMBER the knobbiest and latest fabrics are represented in our line. Come in and See the Magnificent Suits we are showing at 3 1 4 lA L .' ! . , I I - ' ' f H 1" ."- i $10.00 $15.00 and $20.00. W. N. Townsend & Co HON. H. M. DOUGHERTY. Who Spe?ks at Deming Tonight. Whenever you want an easy shave As good as barbers ever crave, Just call on me at my salon At morn or eve or busr noon I'll curl and di-rtss the halrwltU graces I'll suit tbe contour your face, My razor sharp and c,sorskeen, f My shop Is neat and ,owelsare clean And everything 1 think you'll find i To suit the taste and please the mind. FIRST CLASS BATH ROOM T. . ROBERT S O. K. BARBER SHOP 247 San Francisco StSanta Fe.N M WOOD'iS HACK LINE Prom BARRANCA TO TAOS Meets Both North South Bounds Trains. Leaves Barranca on the arrival ot the north bound train and arrives at Taos at 7 p. m. Ten miles shorter than any other way. Good covered hack and good teams. Emy 'TlilXLg dtcaaato alc .3g-wX Gcxazoxtable. FARE gTd $5.00 "if you want anything on earoi try New Mexican Want Ad. i mmm? i if-MiJ. Mm 2? Siw. :!i5:. czr Tjk - v?s - American Druggists Syndicate Premium remedies are not patent me dicines, every premium remedy guar anteed as represented or your money back. A, D. S. cough remedy and cold tablets are unexcelled, get them now, they cost no more than the inferior kind. Sold only by the Ca pital Pharmacy. THE CAPITAL PHARMACY j Successors to Stripling-Burrows ft CoJ If you w. at anything on earth try a New Mexican "Want Ad. tution makers improved their oppor tunity and got many of the best fea tures of the organic laws of states. Admitting the constitution is) not satisfactory to any one voter in New Mexico a strong reason for be lieving that it is a pretty good docu ment and the people turn it 'down, what, will the delegates who reassem ble to frame another constitution have to work upon? What will they insert, and what will they prune out? What would we have if all the demands of1 no hired conveyances the voter who the objectors were inserted in our or- j is disinclined to walk to the polls gnnic law? Just, imagine the mass of I ''an ride in style just the same as if con::artictory clauses, unbridled 11-; collection of candidates was foot ceme and Alkorantc restrictions, sat ! "g the bill. This same committee urn;. Ma and sanctification! j is now Panning to issue a statehood W'aen pushed to a corner some of;1'"'"" fnd to decorate every man in our kickers will declare that they the county with one who favors thf wouU rather live in a territory for-: constitution. The idea will be to ever than accept a constitution that ! show thp opponents of statehood how does not exactly suit them. j ver' lonesome they are. Mr. Editor, after an experience of, a o:arter of a. century of territorial; jf you want anytninc on earth trv again, but he is still very weak. Hon. Charles A. Spiess, president I bomiage, I would be willing to accept L Kcw Mexican Want Ad. of the constitutional convention, ar-the nook of Mormon as 0ur organic! : . . nvea to attend we session ot tne su- aw- preme court. , t would then at least, have a sa as to who would manage our state a STATEHOOD FORCES I fairs, and I need not avail myself of MARCHING ON. the opportunity to assume any more - " ! connubial TAfirmnsibiliHes. ' Yours for statehood. LUCIUS DILLS. Campaign Schedule In Bernalillo County. Padillas At school house, Thurs- J..,. T- -, n Kancnoa de Albuquerque At scnooi (Continued from Page Three) cats at Kilkenny would look like a Sunday school picnic in comparison. One feature of the opposition strikes me as peculiar. I find that the old residents of New Mexico, those ! who have been here long enough toinnllse Thursday. January 12. really appreciate (?) the beauties and I Pajarito At school house. Friday, conveniences of the paternalistic gov- j ,7rary 13 ernment which obtains in our terri- nrtep-no At school Tiourp Frldav. tory, are almost to a man in favor of j January 13. j Atriscc At school house, Monday, I Terrible Train of Troubles January ie. j Martinez At J. A. Perea s nail, Vonday, January 16. Duranes At school house, day, January 17. I Ranchos de Atrisco At ELKS' THEATRE January, 1 1 191 1 The Russian Countess Thamara Tues- school Lake Charles, La. Mrs. E. Four- nier, 616 Kirby street, says: "The month before I took Cardui, I could ! hardly walk. I had backache, head ache pain in my legs, chills fainting )i0lI8ei TuesdaVi Tanuary mieua, Bic ecumacu, u.aBBiuB ; Del Rio At school house, Wednes- ings, and no patience or courage. : ,(a january g Since taking Cardui I have no more 'gan j0BeAt'Armljo hall, Wednes pains, can walk as iar as I want to, (jay jam,ary is. and feel good all the time." Take Barelas At school house, Thurs Cardul and be benefited by the pe- !iay jalmary 19. culiar herb ingredients which have old Albuquerque At court house, been found so efficient for womanly Thursday, January 19. ills. Cardui wil relieve that back- The foregoing is a schedule of the ache, headache, and all the misery meetings to be held throughout Ber from which you suffer, just as it has nalillo county in the interest of state done for others. Try Cardui. hood, by speakers for the Non-Par- de Swirsky Interpretive Dancer and Dramatic Pianist Seats $1.50, $1.00 and 75c. Box Seats $2.00 On Sale at Fischer Drug Store A ion. Jan. 9. INVICSTM KNTS. An ideal form of investment is a CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT in THE First National, Bank OF SANTA WE. These certificates are issued for deposits of 550. and upwards. They bear interest at the rate of foup pes' "CENT per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, are negotiable; good as collateral security, and can be renewed at interest periods. Call on us or write for further information. The First National Bank of Santa Fe. 't J. President. I. B. i?i:,M), Cashier, S.r.u Fe. New Mexico, December 2. 1910. . Z? and we still have line in the City of Toys and Fancy Goods FOR NEW YEAR PRESENTS 1 Everything at bottom prices. Everybody is invited to call and examine them. ADOLF SELIGMAN DRY GOODS CO -K-f -B-MBM rt--IM your odors .slivered Ik Moving ??td to the thirsty m mamMiig eooi and inTitijiy GMtttSa MLS, Wtt-D CHERRY, LEMON SODA, mm WKW, ROOT BEER, K-OMDIXE FIZZ, COCO COLA, TABLE MINERAL WATERS, SANTA FE BOTTLirSG WORKS. a j i ., j, mia-i m a u. -wmdv irofcfMr - 3irrtxxo CI AKFNDON fruit now VUSVl-llvi CTJT flowEKS, WEDDING GARDEN BOUQUETS, and FUNERAL R V. BOYtiH Mr. DESIGNS. CLiRED0H POJLTRY YARDS freHLAii,goB,w,m., Pure bred barred Plymouth Rocks and White "Wyandottes. Cblckeus are yai led In the orehaid under tlie trees and ft-d on clean wholesome ood only. No chance of Tuberculosis Rei ms nor Ptomaine poisoning. A FKY.' FAT HKNS FOR KATINU. our c ectnc ervice WIRE, UP THOSE DARK PLACES BAY and We ae Agetits liL? "nd'wash Tbs!' Call themZ Operation ; Water AND Light Company