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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1913. PAGE TWO SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. I TRY THESE --THEY WILL PLEASE Y00 FRESH OYSTERS, COVE OYSTERS, rsmrort nlT" ill C A I 1"C m UY5 1 DK WUN I ail onuwt;, 4 SWEET RED PIJW1ENTOES, WALKER'S RED HAT IUMAiUfc, DYER'S BAKED BEANS, ORTEGA'S PEELED GREEN CHILI AND NEW COMB HONEY. IF CONSTIPATED OR BILIOUS "CASCARETS" INTER GROCERY GO. 1 PH01TE40. t ! For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels They Work While You Sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Take a Cnroaret tonight to cleanso your I.iver, Stomach and Bowels, ane you will surely feel great by mornhiK. You men and women who have head ache, coated tongue, can t Ble.'p. lire bilious, nervous, upset, bothered wltU a sick, gassy, disorderol stomach, or have backache and feel ujl worn (Ait. Are you keeping your I owels cIj.m; with Cascarets or mm?iy forcing a passageway every few d cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food nn.'l foul gass; take the excess bit" from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. Remember, a Carscaret tonig'.r will slraichten you out by morning A WANTED; A HOUSE! NOT A SMELTER SAYSJWNCE PRESIDENT OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY DOES NOT TAKE KINDLY TO SUG GESTION TO HAVE MINERAL COL LECTION MELTED LDOWN; SAYS ITS VALUE IS ITS MASSIVENESS. WRITES OF THE "ADVERSE INFLUENCES IN SENATE" The Joy Of Coming Motherhood A Wonderful Remedy That is a Natural Aid and Relieves the Tension. f, in, ,.,, Pripnd. n famous extornal rom- rdr. la the onlv fine known that Is. all' to i rt'ich nil the different parts Involved. It Declaring that his appeal to number of commerce was for the pur- in nt w'tvnm ilmireist means i Dose of having the mineral collection healthy bowel action; a clear head I housed and exhibited; emphasizing and cheerfulness for months. Don't (that the value of this collection is due CAPITAL COAL YARD Goal AND SWASTIKA LUMP CERRILLOS LUMP STEAM COAL ANTHRACITE COAL, PHONE 85 MAIN. WHOLESALE A)aA RETAIL W WWW FACTORY WOOD SAWED WOOD CORD WOOD ALL SIZES. Montezuma Avenue, near A., T & S. F. Railroad Depot. ! forget the children. to its niassiveness and calling atten tion to the "adverse influences in the j senate," which prevented granting an lanDronriation for the building of a IMPORTANT CASE i AT Af AMAfiARnO'room to take care of the mineral dis- HI HLt1lJUUUrUU former Gf)Vernor u 1,,-adford j - ! Prince today replies to the report Alamogordo, X. M., Nov. 4. The waiie bv a special committee appoint ! grand jury made its report to the j d , ,ook lut0 (1)e nmtter. j This committee was composed of H S. Kaune, George Y. Pilchard and Dr. .r. H. Sloan, and was named by Presi dent Oorman following an eloquent sneech made the chamber of com- Is a penetrating application afier the for. mula of a noted family doetor, and lubri cates every muscle, nerve, tissue or tendon affected. It goes dlreitly to the strained nortlons and irently hut surely relieves all I tendency to soreness or strain. I By Its daily use there will be no pain, no I distress, no nausea, no danger of laceration r other accident, and the period will he one c supreme comfort and joyful anticipation. ' To all young women Slother's Friend Is i .ne of the greatest 01 an neipiui juum-unn, ; fur It robs childbirth of all Its agonies and the i ilaniters, dispels nil the douht and dread, a'l sense of fear, ana inus enaoies me iu body to await the greatest event in a v.- .man's life with untrammeled gladness. Mother's Friend is a most cherished remedy In thousands of homes, and Is of p ich peculiar merit and value as to make It scntlally one to be recommended by all v. i :nen. Veil will find it on sole at all drug stores al 1.00 a bottle, or the druggist will gladly get it for you If you insist upon It. Moth er's Friend Is prepared only by the Brad field flcRiilator Co.. 137 Lamar Bldg., At lanta, (ia., who will send you by mail, sealed, a very Instructive book to expectant mothers. Write for it to-day. EGG PRODUCERS Green Cut Bone and Meat, $3.50 per cwt. Oyster Shells $2.50 " " Meat Scraps, '. . . . $.05 " lb. Ground Charcoal, ... $ .03 " 44 Poultry and Stock FoodComposed ) ffl n; -P rw4 of Corn, Bran, Oats and Alfalfa, 1 p" GORMLEY'S GENERAL STORE PHONE 19 "W . THE denver & rio grande railroad co. Missouri-pacific railway co. " yst. louis, iron mountain & southern co. western pacific railway co.'j .. SHORTEST LINE TO DrNVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO, Where Direct Connections are Made FOR ALL EASTERN AND SOUTHERN POINTS TRAVELERS TO THE EAST will find every want anticipated in the modern high-class service provided by the through sleeping car routes to St. Louis over the Missouri-Pacific-Iron Mountain. To Salt Lake City and Pacific Coast Points Denver "& Rio Urande Wntem PacificRailwav-The Royal Gorge-Feather River Route, acknowledged to be the Scenic Line PAR EXCELLENCE, of all America. THROUGH LINE FOR INFORMATION AS TO RATES, ETC., CALL ON WM. M. SCOTT, T. F. & P. A.. 244 San Francisco Street, Santa Fe,'N. M. L. A. HUGHES, President. C. L. POLLARD, Secretary. R. J. CRICHTON, Manager & Treasurer. Lumber and Transfer Co. (INCORPORATED) HEADQUARTERS FOR LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Shingles, Cement, Plaster, Roofing and Build ing Materials of Every Description. AGENTS he FAMOUS DAWSON COAL GENERAL TRANSFER BUSINESS AND STORAGE fyVour Business Solicited." Phone 100 and 35 W. :-: Foot of Montezuma Ave. NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. urn u 'Tbe West Point of the Southwest. Ranked as "Distinguished Institution " by the U S. War Department. Locoed In the beautiful Peoot Valley. 1,700 feet above ses level, euoohlne every day. Opea ilr work throughout the entire Ion. Conditions lor physical and mental development are IDEAL such a cannot be found elsewhere la America. Four teen otBeers and Instructors, all gradaates from standard East ern colleges- Ten bulldlnn. modem is every respect. stent : E. A. CABOOSf . President. J. E. RHEA, Vice-President J. P. WHITE, Treasurer. JOHN W. FOB, Secretary. W. A. FINLAY. r far particulars and Illustrated osta eruc, address, COLJAS.W.WILLS0.N,Sopt. court Saturday night and at 10 o'clock was discharged by the presiding judge, Hon. E. L. Medler. The grand jury was in session Jive days and in vestigated 3S cases, returning 19 true WESTGARD SAYS HE IS DELIGHTED Deining, X. M., Nov. 4. A. L. West- TleghtI bills and 12 no true bills, after having j merce bv Governor Prince asking thai gara' 01 iNe "'V'1 vlce Pul , , .. o. i nierce nj governor rnuce an.uii, na f . vt onal TTiehwav association and director of transcontinental high- j ways, accompanied by Mrs. Westgard i and R. J. Orr, driver, left for the east j over the Borderland Saturday morning j very much pleased with the condition i of the highways in this locality. Mr. ! Westgard has been nine times across I examined 'J2 witnesses, beveral ot the . hnmhpr nf fflmmerce offer a solu caseB investigated were reported to jtjon o the proWem. "What Is to be the court in the form of resolutions done wi(n t,,e minerai collection now and special recommendations. V. N. iexpose(i n the old patio of the Palace Fleck, of Orograude, was the foreman ;of tl)e governors." of this grand jury which transacted so mmmif(w ,pnorted to the cham her at Its meeting October 21 its recommendations, which were to tnc much business in such a short time. Judge Medler, in discharging grand jury, expressed the thanks of effect that pjrt of the mlnerai Col the court for the diligent and ef ficient work. The Major Case, The case of the state versus Hal H. Major, under an Indictment alleging the murder of his daughter, H. Eudora Major, will not be tried at this term of court. The defense announced its readiness to proceed to trial when the arraignment was made, but the state is not ready for trial, and probably lection the the continent in 13 different automo- pan or iae , .... . bieg four premlerSj tne car ne was massive parts-should westgard is part shoulii visit a smelter; another be sent to the Socorro Mines, and some good specimens, weighing pounds instead of tons, should be kept here for exhibition. The reading of the report of the com mittee was puncutated with staccato notes of laughter. That Governor Prince Is not over whelmed with delight at the suggest- will not be ready for several weeks iong ot tne committee is perhaps seen yet. It is likely that the trial will be hn tne following letter, which is self conducted at an adjourned session as , explanatory: I soon as the state is ready,, probably Mr. Prince's Letter. I some time in December. Motion has Flushing. N. Y., Oct. 29, 1913. been made by counsel for the defense' G u, van Stone, Secretary Chamber of Commerce. My Dear Sir I am just in receipt of yonr favor of October 24th, enclosing conv of the report of the special for bail, but the court has not yet ruled on this motion. Judge Edward A Mann, of Albuquerque, is chief of counsel for the defense. There Is no reasonable ground for j COmmittee on the locating and exhibi the statement that a second indict-1 ti0n of the mineral collection belong inent against Hal H. Major has beenijng t0 the Historical Society, which returned. The grand jury did not re-1 wa appointed at my request a few port to the court until 10 o'clock Sat- Kveeks ago. We are certainly obliged urday night, and no arraignments 1 10 the chamber of commerce and its were made at that time, court adjourn- j cpmmittee for the attention which ing immediately after the discharge j they have kindly given to the subject, of the grand jury. The indictments .This collection, as I supposed was which were reported at that time were j weii known, is the property of the not made public' ! Historical Society, having been con- The trial of this case, which likely j veyed to it by the directors of the Ter will be commenced about the middle ! tio-Milennial celebration in 1883. The of December, must necessarily attract document transferring the collection the most wide-spread attention, by was printed In full In the New Mexi reason of the prominence of the de- can last winter, and provided that the fendant and the extraordinary nature collection should be kept on public ex- of the charges, in the discussion of sveh cases, rumors and suspicions fre quently are repeated as facts, and sometimes these rumors and suspic ions get into the public prints as facts. The defendant was arrested at his hime on Sunday night, October 2i. The arrest was made upon a bench warrant which issued upon informa tion sworn to by Fred Pomoff, captain of the New Mexico mounted police, and approved by H. B. Hamilton, dis trict attorney. Immediately after the arrest was made, statements which are not borne out by the facts, were made in the newspapers. One of these statements was that the daughter, H. Eudora, whose death is the basis of the Indictment, died enly three months after the death of her mother. Christine. It is a matter of record that the mother, Christine, died on April 9, 1912, and the death of the daughter, H. Eudora, did not oc cur until December 15, 1912. It was reported that Dr. E. B. Rogers, of El Paso, had conducted a postmortem examination and that before a grand jury he had reported the finding of evidence of poison in the body. Be tween, December 15, 1912, and October 26, 1913, the latter, ttie date the arrest was made, there was no grand jury In session in Otero county. More recently, the statement has been published that suicide would be the defense. There has not been the ti'ghtest intimation from any reliable source as to what will be the line of defense of counsel for the defense. Your correspondent has talked with Edward A. Mann, chief of counsel and with Mitchell Major, son of the de fendant, and neither of them would in dicate the course to be pursued by the defense. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co., Testimonial free. Sold by druggists. Price 7ac per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti hibition. The Historical society yarn about $400 for the expense of moving it at that time, and faithfully fulfilled its trust .of keeping it on exhibition until it was removed, without their de sire, among the changes made in the Palace a year ago. The cases for its exhibition, which have fortunately been preserved to a great extent, are the best arranged and at the same time the most tasteful that I have seen in any mineral exhibition. The appeal which I made to the chamber of commerce was for some proper and adequate place for the ex hibition of the collection in Santa Fe, in order to avoid the possibility of its being removed from the city; and I was In hopes that some accommoda tions might be found for that purpose which at least would protect it tem porarily until the erection of a city hall or a chamber of commerce build ing would afford a permanent location. The value and practical effect of this collection is In Its massiveness, which gives an Idea of the mineral re sources of the southweBt that has im pressed thousands of visitors during the last thirty years and is an Import ant asset of Santa Fe. There are plenty of collections of mineral speci mens of small size all over the coun try, but so far as I know there is but one other mineral exhiDit in me iana which shows such massiveness of ore and thereby attracts attention to the mineral value of the locality. It in no fault of the Historical So ciety that this collection is now un boused and unexhiblted. The society used its best endeavors during the last legislature to have proper accommo dations provided. The house of rep resentatives, under the leadership of Speaker Baca, responded nobly to the call, and by a unanimous vote passed a bill near the middle of the session granting the use of one of the build ings in the rear1 of the Palace for that purpose, and when that failed to ob tain the concurrence of the senate, made an appropriation in the general appropriation act for the erection of a suitable room as a wing to the Palace on Lincoln avenue, uniorcunaieiy this was defeated by the same ad verse influences In the senate. The society has had formal applica tions from two pf the territorial Insti tutions for this! collection, but I still hope fhat means may Be found to re tain it in Santa.; Fe, in all its entirety and massivenes as one of the import ant assets of tine city. It would seem unfortunate, when we are endeavor to add new attractions, that we should i 1.1 1 njh.U .-in nnA ..iIV. If School o!. .....j .i nugeiy. uuvemui nivuvimiu ann State Engineer French had planned to make the trip through -New Mexica with the Westgard party, but the mine disaster at Dawson prevented. Mrs. Westgard was given some minerals and gem souvenirs at the chamber of commerce to add to her collection, and expressed herself as very much de lighted with the New Mexico brand of climate. Mr. Westgard was deeply in terested in our method of pumping for irrigation. The last batch of racers from the west passed through Deming Saturday j morning and will be in readiness for j the big contest next ruesaay. iney are much pleased with the New Mex ico roads, and are figuring on some mighty fast running. Arthur Flynn, of Montreal, Canada, is investigating conditions In the Mimbres valley for himself and a bunch of friends. Mrs. May Rush has returned from an extended visit with friends io Texas, IN THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH ODS, Electricity plays a most impor tant part. The grandfather would be amazed at the radiance of the mod ern home and why all this light? To make the home more homelike to make the home the most pleasant spot on earth for father, mother and children. Oood light that is easy on the eyes is very much to be desired. POWER NOTHING IS QUITE SO CONVEN IENT as to touch the button and your stove Is ready to cook your Iron ready to use, your toasted ready for the hurried breakfast, your vacu um cleaner ready for the fray, your washer ready to cleanse, fan ready to cool the heat ed rooms. Electricity will do every thing for you. We furnish it at reasonable rates, day and night' Estimates and full Infor mation cheeerfully given. SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. ARTHUR STAAB MAY TRY TO BREAK WILL That an effort will be made to break the will of the late Judge Staab by Arthur A. Staab, of Okla homa, was indicated this morning at the session of the probate court, Judge John Baron Burg presiding, by Neill B. Field, counsel for Arthur Staab, says yesterday's Albuquerque Herald. No action of any kind was takep but it is understood a deter mined attempt will be made to se cure part of the estate for Arthur Staab as one of the heirs-at-law. Judge Staab's will left $5000 to Lawrence Ilfeld and $3000 each to Ruth and Beatrice Ilfeld, all children of Iiuis Ilfeld; of the remainder of the estate, one-half was left to Ed ward A. Staab, the remainder being divided among the three sisters, Anna Ilfeld, Delia Baer and Bertha Nord haus. The two brothers, Arthur and Paul Staab, were not mentioned in the will. The court today appointed George W. Prichard guardian ad li tem of Paul Staab of Santa Fe and Isaac Barth guardian ad litem of Ruth and Beatrice Ilfeld. The hear ing was continued to November C at 9:30 a. m. lose one been co ant aire 3 many years has the most import- uly, ORD PRINCE. Coffee Schilling's l3ost gives you the service you think you ought to have or de clines to take your money. That's the new-era bus iness creed. Moncyback at your grocer's. Preserved in its aroma In Mb, 21b and 2 1-2-lb aroma tight cans; 40c a lb. 1ULLIGAN & RISING, FUNERAL DIRECTORS License Noabzrs, 47. Day or Nijbt Phone, 130 Main. . Next Door to Postoff ice. ') CORRICK LIVERY BARN NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY Buggies and Saddlers a Specialty. Hacks and Bag-gage Transfer. Prompt Attention and the Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. 104 DON QA5PER ST. Telephone 9 W ASK FOR TICKETS -SHIP YOUR FREIGHT FROM SANTA FE To EI Paso, Bisbee, Douglass and all points in New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico and to the Pacific Goast, via NEW MEXICO CENTRAL to Torrance thence. The yyV East Best WttRSWfWWMM or For Rates and Full Information, Address EUGENE FOX, G. F. & P. Agt, El Paso, Texas. I Majestic Cafe I THE SANITARY REGULAR MEALS. Open Day and Night. Best Equipped, Most Modern. Special Dinner Parties. ROMULO LOPEZ, PROP. SANTA FK, NEW MEXICO. -saHENRY KRICK&- DISTRIBUTOR OP LEMP'S KEG and BOTTLE BEER BUDWEISER IN BOTTLES SSanafsclsrer of a!! kinds of Sods Waters made from Pare Distilled water. Af eat for Maniton Spring Mineral Water. TELEPHONE 35 J Santa Fe, New Me. THE STAR BARN W. A. WILLIAMS, - - PROPRIETOR. GENERAL LIVERY Hack and Baggage Lines. Entire Stable Re stocked. Best Rigs you can get. SADDLE PONIES. TWO AND FOUR BOISE OUTFITS. PROMPT SEIVICE. Phone 139. 310 San Francisco St pation. .