SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1913. 1 i TRY THESE - THEY WILL PLEASE YOU FRESH OYSTERS, COVE OYSTERS, OYSTER COCKTAIL SAUCE, SWEET RED PIMIENTOES, WALKER'S RED HAT TOMATOES, DYER'S BAKED BEANS, ORTEGA'S PEELED GREEN CHILI AND NEW COMB HONEY. WINTER GROCERY CO. PHONE 40. If Costive, Headachy, Bilious, Stomach Sour, Breath Bad Clean Your Liver and Bowels. CAPITAL COAL YARD PHONE 85 MAIN. 1 WHOLESALE A)aa1 II AND RETAIL WWWQ SWASTIKA LUMP CERR1LLOS LUMP STEAM COAL ANTHRACITE COAL, FACTORY WOOD SAWED WOOD CORD WOOD ALL SIZES. Montezuma Avenue, near A., T, & S. F. Railroad Depot. Get a 10-cent box now. Vou men and women who can't get feeling right who have headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have headache and feel worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean iiWith Cascarels. or merely forcing a passageway every few days witn salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. A Oascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 11-cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels reg ular, and head clear for months. Don't forget the children. They ,love Casca- rests because they taste good never gripe or sicken. "MAN FROM INDIA" AT ELKS' THEATRE ON NOV. 19 SCREAMING FARCE-COMEDY WHICH WAS THE RAGE IN LONDON WILL BE PRESENTED NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT BY TALENTED SANTA FEANS DIRECTED BY W. M. CALOWELL. PROCEEDS FOR WOMAN'S CLUB MUSIC FUND DANDRUFEAND FALLING HAIR Preventedby 7 m a MM STORY OF NAVAJO WRATH IN SAN JUAN THE DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD CO. MISSOURI-PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN CO, WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. SHORTEST LINE TO DFNVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO, Where Direct Connections are Made FOR ALL EASTERN AND SOUTHERN POINTS TRAVELERS TO THE EAST will find every want anticipated in the modern high-class service provided by the through sleeping car routes to St, Louis over the Missouri-Pacific-Iron Mountain. THROUGH LINE To Salt Lake City and Pacific Coast Points Denver & Rio Grande Western Pacific Railwav-The Roval Gorge-Feather River Route, acknowledged to be the Scenic Line rAK tALLLLLNLE of all America. FOR INFORMATION AS TO RATES, ETC., CALL 0P . M. SCOTT, T. F. & P. A., 244 San Francisco Street, Santa Fe,N. M. jWM L A. HUGHES, President. C. L. POLLARD, Secretary. R. J. CRICHTON, Manager Treasurer. Lumber and Transfer Co. (INCORPORATED) HEADQUARTERS FOR LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Shingles, Cement, Plaster, Roofing and Build ing Materials of Every Description. AGENTS fthe FAMOUS DAWSON COAL GENERAL TRANSFER BUSINESS AND STORAGE USTYour Business Solicited." Phone 100 and 35 W. Foot of Montezuma Ave. NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE M ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. Tbe West Point of the Southwest. Ranked as "Distinguished Institution " by the U S. War Department. Located In the beunfu! Pecoi VUey,8,70O feet above sea level, iunshine every day. Ooen lr work throughout the entire see don. Conditions for physical tod mental development are IDEAL such as cannot be found elsewhere In America. Four teen officers and instructors, all f radiates from standard East ern colleges. Ten buildings, modern in every respect. Re tents : E. A. C A HOOK, President. J. E. RHEA, Vice-President J, P. WHITE. Treasurer. JOHN W. POB, Seeretary. W. A. F1NLAY. e For particulars and illustrated cats ague, address, COL.JAS.W.WILLSON,Snpt. Farmington, Nov. 11. ProbaWy what was the greatest Navajo Indian uprising scare experienced in ban Juan county for many years, was created Monday of last week when Superintendent W. T. Shelton of the Indian agency and government school at Shiprock, some thirty-five miles be low Farming-ton, telephoned up to this place asking that a body of citizens be armed and in readiness to move at once if called to the agency, as he was expecting a band of Indians to de scend on the school with the intention of doing violence. Over a month ago several of the so-called "bad" Indians of the reser vation, among them being several of the influential medicine men, were apprehended for their misdoings. They made their escape from the res ervation officers but the Indian police men brought in several of their plural wives, who were placed In jail pend ing the capture of the outlaw red men. Shortly after this Superintendent Shelton had occasion to be in Farm ington and Durango. During his ab sence a small band of the outlaw In dians "and their friends rode into the agency grounds, held the men In charge at the point of guns, and re leased the prisoners and rode away, threatening to come back, it is said, in a short time and seek revenge and do harm to the agency people should they be further pursued and an at- tempt be made to bring them to jus tice. Since that time there have been oc casional rumors to the effect that many of the Xavajos were preparing toi' !? attack- but these reports were given little credence, as so many of them were wild and far-fetched. However, about two weeks ago, the wife of one of the traders on the reservation came to town, bringing with her, her child. She told several that she was afraid to longer stay out at the post, as quite a number of In dians had been gathering in about the nearby hills, and appeared to be some what wrought up over something. Even this did not arouse much com ment on the part of the local people as such scares have not been unheard of in this vicinity. Since the first excitement last month, an occasional rumor was heard to the effect that the Navajos were steadily buying up all the rifles and ammunition they could secure in the town. But as with the other wild stories that were heard upon the slightest provocation, little or no at tention was paid to them. Not until the message came up from the agency Monday morning did the people really begin to realize that there was anything of a serious nature brewing, and even then many folks were Inclined to take the call some what .lightly. It was not until It was generally learned that Mr. Shelton had received wire from an agent in the Black mountains that a number of In dians after gathering together for several days in the mountains nearby, had left with the avowed intention of marching to the Shiprock agency to release several prisoners and to cause trouble should they be met with re sistance to their plans. As soon as this became known there was a scurrying about to secure arms, but it was discovered that hardly a gun, and but little ammunition was to be had at the Btores. which verified the first report of several weeks ago. that the Indians had been buying up all the guns and shells. This added more excitement and many of the peo ple were very much worked up over the probable outcome of the trouble. At the present writing quite a num ber of local people are in readiness to leave for the scene of the expected dis turbance as soon as asked. An un confirmed report stating that troops have been ordered has not yet been verified. It seems that the nearest troops available at the present time are in Kansas, and It would take them some time to reach here after receiv ing a call. It Is hoped that hostilities will not develop, and that the matter will be disposed of in an amicable manner. So much rumor is afloat that is en tirely unfounded, that the real extent and seriousness of the trouble Is quite difficult to ascertain, at this time, but that the situation holds many possibili ties to attain a serious condition, can not be denied. "The Mau from India," is tbe title of the farce-comedy which is to be presented by Santa 'Feans at the Elks theatre Wednesday night, November 19. The play is to be a benefit perform ance to help pay for the handsome piano purchased by the Santa Fe worn- Inn'o finh Wvprv effort will be made to pack the threatre and several hours of fun are promised. The actors and actresses are being . drilled by William Mackaye Caldwell j who plays the title role and who Is ' said to be an authority on the proper presentation of this farce which ' scored so many successes in London. : Mr. Caldwell is faithfully drilling the ; company and ail of the players are en- j thusiastic about his and their work. A rehearsal was held in Assembly hall at the Old Palace last night and it Is said that there can be no question of the success of the affair Wednesday night week. Apart from the pleasure of seeing Santa Feans on the stage there will Treatment with CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. Next morning shampoo with Cuti cura Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally sufficient for this special treatment for women's hair. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 82-p. hook. Address "Cuticura." Dept. 6B, Boston. ttr-Men who shave and shampoo with Cuticura Bosp wul find It host for skin and scalp EGG PRODUCERS Green Cut Bone and Meat, $3.50 per cwt. Oyster Shells, .... $2.50 " " Meat Scraps, '....$ .05 " lb. Ground Charcoal, . . . $ .03 " " Poultry and Stock Food Com posed fft ng n. .,.,,4 of Corn, Bran, Oats and Alfalfa, I ?) pu LWl. GORMLEY'S GENERAL STORE PHONE 19"W. degrees at Estancia on the 25th. Precipitation. The average for the state, as deter mined from the records of 153 sta tions, was 0.63 Inch, or 0.46 inch be low the normal, and 0.19 inch below the nirmth nf Ontnlwi 1 fll 9. Thp be added zest to the per ormance in test month, amount wag 3 the local hits which w.ll make the nd)es near Mora c Md theatre rock with amusement. , leMt none ftt n 8tationS( wnile Here's The Cast. j nearly as many more had but a trace The cast is as follows: of precipitation. The greatest amount Senator TJnderboId. .Wm. 'si. Caldwell Charles Underhold A. T. Koch Mr. Tweedle Jesse Nusbaum Tom Valentine Clarence Pierce The Rev. James Tweedle (a Mis sionary Harry Bowman Jbnnings, a Butler Frank Keefe Flnnerty George H. Van Stone Marian Hayste ..Mrs. W. G. Hoover Gertie linderhold ..Mrs, S, G. Morley Beatrice Underhold Mrs. W. M. Caldwell Mrs. Beekman Street . . , Mrs. E, C. Abbott Tilly, German Maid Mrs. J. W. March WEATHER (N NEW MEXICO FOR THE PQST MONTH A cough medicine for children must help their coughs and colds without bad effects on their little stomachs and bowels. Foley's Honey and Tar exactly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomach, no constipation roi lows Its use. Stuffy colds, wheezy breathing, coughs and croup and all quickly helped. The Capital Pharmacy. The month of October, 113, averag ed below the normal both in temper ature and precipitation, the latter fall ing far below the normal amount. The deficiency in temperature was general, greatest, however, in the north and northeast counties, where many sta tions averaged 4 degrees or more a day below the normal. A few scat tering stations did exceed the normal. There were, however, mostly high al titude stations, such as Cloudcroft, Fort Stanton, Winsor's Ranch and Mountainair, although two stations In the lower Rio Grande valley were above the normal, and one or two in the southwest counties. Rather high temperatures prevailed at the beginning of the month, a sec ond warm period occurred from the 12th to 14th and a third from the 22d to 25th. The 14th was probably the warmest day of the month. On the other hand, cool periods prevailed from the 4th or 5th to the 11th, from the 16th to 21st, and 26th to the close of the month. The 26th was probably the coldest day of the month. Severe frosts touched all parts of the state by the 27th or 29th, having visited north and central counties at various earlier dates. The precipitation of the month averaged a little more than one-half the normal amount. It was very local in character. A few localities In the eastern counties, and also in the ex treme western, exceeded the normal rainfall, but as a rule the deficiency was general and marked. There was but one well defined rain period, and it occurred from the 1st to 3d; scattered showers also occurred from the 13th to 16th, and over the northern coun ties some snow fell on the 25th or 2fith. It was light, however, and quickly disappeared. The sunshine of the month was large, many localities not having a cloudy day, and for the state, as a whole, there were but 3, with 8 partly cloudy and 20 clear days. At Santa Fe there was 81 per cent of the total possible sunshine, and at Roswell 67 per cent. The humidity was low, at the Agri cultural college It averaged 38 per cent, at Roswell 57 per cent and at Santa Fe 49 per cent. The winds of the month were prevailing southwest erly, and light, as a rule, although a number of gales occurred. The 1st was a windy day, also the 7th, 10th, 17th, 21st, 27th an 29th. Temperature. The mean temperature for the state, as determined from the records of 91 stations, having a mean altitude of about 6000 feet was 52.0 degrees, or 1 degree below the normal, and but one-tenth of a degree above the month of October, 1912. The highest month ly mean was 62.1 degrees at Carls bad; the lowest, 38.6 degrees at Eliza bethtown. The highest recorded tem perature, 93 degrees, at Glorleta ranch on the 1st, and the lowest 6 degrees at Vermijo Park on the 26th. The great est local monthly range of tempera ture was 74 degrees at Logan, and the least 46 degrees at Cloudcroft, while the greatest local daily range was 63 in any 24 hours was 3.42 inches at Mills on the 1st, between the hours of 1:45 a. in. and 4:28 p. m. There was an average of but 2 days with 0.01 inch or more rainfall. The district averages were as follows: No. 7, 0.74 inch; No. 8, 0.52 inch; No. 9, 0.78 inch. CHARLES E. LINNEY, Section Director. Wff Every Woman (a Interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel sr" tsoucne AskroBrdrusrsfatfor ft. If no cannot sup ply the .MARVEL. accept DO oilier, uui send stamp for book. Manet Co- 44 E. 23d St.. M. j Majestic Cafe I ia I THE SANITARY J I SHORT OBDER BESTflUBflHT I I REGULAR MEALS. I Open Day and Night. I Best Equipped, Most Modern. I Special Dinner Parties. f I ROMULO LOPEZ, PROP. SANTA FE. - - - NEW MEXICO. if 5l (S qjvnvaaruuiiruinuumrtivriuuurinfl 5 FRESH NEW YORK; BUCKWHEAT FLOUR THE REAL ARTICLE! NO COMPOUND! ALSO A full line of Pure Maple Syrup and Cane Syrup to spread on the Delicious Cakes it makes! WARNER'S HOME-MADE BREAD, PASTRY, CAKES, ETC., are handled exclusively by us GET THE HABIT! THE fLIGHTl IN THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH ODS, Electricity plays a most impor tant part. The grandfather would be amazed at the radiance of the mod ern home and why all this light? To make the home more homelike to make the borne the most pleasant spot on earth for father, mother and children. Good light that Is easy on the eyea is very much to be desired. POWER NOTHING IS QUITE SO CONVEN IENT as to touch the button and your stove is ready to cook your iron ready to use, your toasted ready for the hurried breakfast, your vacu um cleaner ready for the fray, your washer ready to cleanse, fan ready to cool the heat ed rooms. Electricity will do every thing tor you. We furnish It at reasonable rates, day and night' Estimates and full infor mation cheeer fully given, SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. MULLIGAN A RISING, FUNERAL DIRECTORS License Numbers, 66-67. Day or Night Phone, 130 Main. Next Door to Postoffice. CORRICK LIVERY BARN NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY Buggies and Saddlers a Specialty. Hacks and Baggage Transfer. Prompt Attention and the Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. 104 DON OASPER ST. Telephone 9 W ASK FOR TICKETSSHIP YOUR FREIGHT FROM SANTA FE To El Paso, Bisbee, Douglass and all points In New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico and to the Pacific Coast, via NEW MEXICO CENTRAL to Torrance thence. The .Y East Best (USpor Route West For Rates and Full Information, Address EUGENE FOX, G. F. & P. Agt., El Paso, Texas. rn erocery i jvirtAJWuuuvuinivuuiftAfin . NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO. "Elastic" Bookcase and Desk combine! A Dob Unit with few et many Book Units as desired. The only perfect comHnirifsa desk and bookcase cm made Roomy, convenient attrac tive W want to show yo its mdvantage ond possi- bilitJo. Qii,wiMpnoar St. 1,1 ma